Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 323 - We Take Live Calls (Classic Solo)

Episode Date: January 4, 2024

Today we are live streaming the pod and taking live callers from Stokers around the world. If you like this format click the like and say what up in the chat or give us some feedback on socials and re...ddit!#chadandjt #goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast #live  Grab some NEW dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! TIX HERE:http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 he's the top jedi and if he were alive anakin would not have turned to the dark side so qui-gon thank you so much i am sure your force ghost is in the chat. I'm going to talk to you after. Got my compadre JT here. I went almost French with it. Jean Thomas. Oui, oui. I don't know French. That was L'Espérie de Escalier. Nice.
Starting point is 00:00:38 How would you say boom clap in French? Je t'aime, je cours. Wow, dude. Bonjour. We gotake on the sticks what up what up what up dude jay bone uh jay bone we're both taken so jay bone is kind of the lady magnet on the road for us yep he's plowing yeah you love to see it you love to see people just come together flirt it's one of the greatest delights of my life is when i see one of my bros get nervous in front of a gal he likes just a huge op to make your boy look fired too yeah the move is your buddy will say something self-deprecating like yeah but i'm a pussy and then you go no you're not you're a strong guy
Starting point is 00:01:20 you just have discerning judgment you wouldn't jump into something before you have to and then you see the girl be like whoa nice this guy's well respected in his community wow but i've had buddies where i go low on myself and then they don't build me up and i'm like where the fuck were you on the oop dude right they take you lower yeah they're like yeah that's true you do have a chode they're like you do have a small chodey penis and i'm like that's probably jealousy dude yeah some dudes just didn't grow up doing the three-man weave. They were just playing by themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:49 That's a good lesson for people in there that you got to up your bros, especially when they're talking to ladies. Always help your buddy out when there's a girl around. Yeah, it's karma. It's huge. Yeah, it'll pay itself forward because then he'll do the same for you. Dude, I'm switching topics. I shave too quickly. Have you ever shaved too quickly when you're on on the way like razor razor yeah yeah or maybe i know
Starting point is 00:02:11 you trim with the beard thing do you ever do you ever trim too quickly and you're like man i missed a whole patch i miss patches yeah i miss you probably can't see it but i can see it on you well i could see it in the car mirror where Where? On my chin. I got some patches. I think I have some trauma because one time I missed patches and then my brother was like, did you even shave correctly? Right. And I love you, Mark. But, you know, that does still affect me.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I love you too, Mark. Dude, how was your holidays? It was good, man. I'm not a big Christmas guy. I'm a bit of a Grinch. I don't like any day where I'm obligated to a feeling. But overall, it was good man i'm not a big christmas guy i'm a bit of a grinch i don't like any day where i'm obligated to a feeling but um overall it was great i mean first one with the kiddos yeah and it was cool it probably was you know what i'll go even farther and i don't think i'm being
Starting point is 00:02:57 hyperbolic although i am somewhat a prisoner of the moment i think it was my favorite christmas of all time wow that's huge and maybe my favorite New Year's as well. We were together for a part of it at the comedy store. And I very much enjoyed that. What'd you do after? I just hung out there and got bombed. Oh, really? I was probably the last one to leave.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I have a new thing I like to do. On big days, I like to be with people I don't know that well. Like my birthday last year, I was with two guys I kind of know because it's less pressure and there's less history so no one's judging it against other experiences it's all brand new to us so you went in the back you went in that back room I was in the back room I was in the
Starting point is 00:03:36 kitchen area that they got over there Lockwood was holding it down he's a great host and yeah I had fun what about you dude we we hit the show and then we just went back we watched the crown i've been in the i know you crushed the crown last year what season you on two it's good stuff i love it do you love philip i love philip yeah he's hilarious right i love tommy from the first season tommy he's the margaret's boyfriend no not margaret's boyfriend
Starting point is 00:04:02 he's kind of like the uh i wouldn't say like servant but he's sort of like their right hand man he's like their eyes and ears of the crown you know what i'm saying yeah no one remembers him but he's so prominent in the first season let me i was mentioning this to kennedy's family he's like the guy he's like he upholds the um the crown's image basically tommy lasso this yeah yeah wait no isn't that that's not you're right i do like him yeah he is solid dude the thing that gets me is just the the super formal english accent the pageantry of it yeah the pomp and like uppityness of it yeah would you be a prince nah i'd be like a like a rebel prince like i'd try to overthrow i'd go hairy on it yeah dude that's awesome i'd be like a bro prince or edward that he's the one
Starting point is 00:05:01 who abdicated right so he can marry that American divorcee with Nazi ties. I'd do something like that. Yeah. Dude, I'd be a... I was thinking that in the car ride over. No, I'd do Light Us Up. I was thinking that in the car ride over. I'd be a first prince to play beer die.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Whoa. Yeah. The royal die. The table you'd be playing on would be really nice. Yeah. Probably solid marble huge bounce yeah and do an ode to lady die be moved it'd be tough to move it into another room a lot of heavy tables there dude yeah probably need at least nine servants dude i'd have like a
Starting point is 00:05:37 sculptor come and sculpt the royal die table all right have you gotten to that where like churchill gets painted have you done that episode yeah if there's decay it's because there's decay it's disgusting i look weak pathetic who do you like more john lithgow's churchill or gary oldman's church i haven't seen darkest hour you haven't no you guys always tell me to watch it i haven't checked it out yet i like lithgow's for sure yeah i mean oldman's the man so i'm sure i would like that has lithgow been 70 for like 40 years yeah i mean he's from an era where there was no propish so it's like when baldness still existed in hollywood yeah i mean he's you know watching him go toe-to-toe in a fist fight with denzel and ricochet and then sly and in uh what's the one on the mountain this is crazy i don't cliffhanger uh-huh dude
Starting point is 00:06:27 my brain is rotten if i can't remember cliffhanger faster than that i got alzheimer's dude yeah you should do a three-day fast oh nice segue dude how was that good dude three days no food just water i did a three-day water fest yeah yeah it was uh the first day i was pissed i was pissed how could you not be no food that's upsetting yeah i was upset but then try that on a baby they go nuts dude yeah how long can they go more than four hours and it's apocalyptic wow they're ready to tear the whole house down that's crazy yeah you can't really explain to them that they're doing autophagy. Yeah, I'm like, this is going into ketosis, little dude.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, yeah. You know, so your mind's a little bit clearer. You can actually figure out how to walk right now. Yeah, I put both my babies through a three-day water fast. They're looking shredded, total mental clarity. I saw them. Dude, their cheekbones are popping. Yeah, they're taut.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah. Wait, so you did one day. First day was tough. First day was tough, yeah. but then you reached enlightenment by day two i did yeah i felt clear huge um i felt i felt empty but like i was like by 36 hours as i could do this but then the last five hours because i was gonna make myself a steak and um so i was like cruising through that 36 hours and i felt good I felt really clear and you know what's interesting all like anxiety or depression was just like gone I don't really depression but anxiety was just uh you know level I was just so level and then past the last four hours were tough
Starting point is 00:07:58 because I knew I had a stake in coming so yeah no my schizophrenic aunt we didn't let her eat for a week and then she was better dude yeah she died oh yeah wait is that too similar to the bowers pete hums it doesn't matter wait so okay no no anxiety no depression yeah oh yeah did you were you allowed to bust uh you know i tried to bust but my weirdly enough my hog was uh fasting too i just shot blanks cum didn't come out no dude yeah wait it's a weird thing you did like an early throbber yeah it's a weird thing when you uh when you fast you're you're nuts fast too your jizz loads disappear and they're like we're on holiday that's what's up yeah
Starting point is 00:08:48 how fasting impacts dong size and dong vascularity honestly it was like I was taking Adderall man the way your wiener shrinks when you're on Adderall so badass that's what got me addicted yeah i was like how small can i make this guy right like super just it's just like a little
Starting point is 00:09:14 tasty tic tac i remember you're up for five days and like i was like dude are you sure you should go to sleep and you're like oh my god i'm on like tear. My dick has been just a thumbtack for days. I did one time, I was doing like, you know, I was like in a webcam porn back then as a viewer, not a performer. And I showed my doll to a lady and she's like, yeah, it looks small. I was like, well, I'm on Adderall.
Starting point is 00:09:37 She's like, well, it makes it smaller. Should we hop into a call? I'm ready. So we put out the, we lit up the bat signal we want stokers to call and i gotta give credit to tyler frank the legend he's from san clemente i met him at a show in man beach he was like you should have stokers talk about beefs maybe mediate beefs between each other so uh we put the bat signal on instagram have people call in with beefs so we're gonna have some stokers call in um and uh and then guys if you have any beefs or beefs with
Starting point is 00:10:13 each other like squad beefs or like schmoll beefs you know we can help mediate that people want my thoughts real quick on david tepper i think that's the carolina panthers owner who got caught throwing his drink from the box on a jacksonville jaguars fan um people want him to be suspended i'm sure he he needs to get punished but honestly i think we're being harder on him because he's a super rich dude so it seems bitchier when he acts that way he's like like throws his drink like what a bitch fuck that guy and that's all valid but at the same time i'm like it's a human thing to do right i wasn't that mad at will smith when he slapped chris rock i gotta be equal i think sometimes we're too hard on um people of high profile when they make mistakes that i can relate
Starting point is 00:10:53 to so i'm pro i'm not pro tepper but i'm pro forgiveness nice all right but he has to get punished but then you know he has to live with it that's enough let's go we gotta find 300k yeah 300k yeah that's rock solid that's perfect let's call this first guy ian uh he has a beef about a ski resort let's do it what does the nfl do with that three hundred thousand dollars do they donate it to like cleaning stuff up because that's kind of like the opposite he made more of a mess or did they just like hold on to it and like help pay for like halftime shows curious good question yeah that is a good question he oh tepper keeps a pair of brass testicles in a prominent spot on his desk he rubs him for luck for the trading day that's amazing that's very
Starting point is 00:11:41 glengarry glen ross when baldwin drops the two testes i'm i'm all down for over displays of uh you know masculinity and fortitude i think that builds you up you gotta i mean you love balls yeah i do i've yeah i've eaten them oh yeah yeah you guys want to keep chatting and let me figure this out for a second? Yeah. Kieslem has a beef that started yesterday. You want to type in your beef? Yeah, give it to us in text form and we can respond, Kieslem, too. Was I toe surfing Porto?
Starting point is 00:12:23 I wish. I went to County Line and got thrashed wait weren't the waves piping like 30 feet at certain spots over the past couple weeks it was huge i mean up north in pacifica where i learned to surf they're like 30 40 feet which is like unheard of when's the last time the swell got that big i don't know i mean i feel like last year we had some big so i feel like it got that big last year but maybe i'm wrong but this was one of the biggest swells in recent years is heavy i remember in 08 salt creek got to like 20 25 feet during like a huge swell but uh i was more plugged in then yeah uh. I mean, there's footage of San Diego, Blacks Beach. It looked incredible.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And then Mavericks, people were towing into Mavericks. Blacks gets really big, right? Blacks gets big. And then Blacks is an underground canyon, so it's really heavy. So it's just the way the, you know, because usually like El Porto, it's like a sandbar. So the way the way it breaks, I guess because the sandbar, maybe it's like a sandbar so the way the way it breaks it it i guess because the sand maybe it's like a this is my understanding but like it's like a softer impact whereas underground canyon that it's like a harder impact so it's faster and so it throws more and so there's more water moving and it's uh heavy if i'm wrong let me know surfers are very i like how uh like careful you are about
Starting point is 00:13:48 that because you definitely probably know more than anyone listening right now but if there is one surfer he's gonna be like no dude i don't study like you talked to like moscow everybody met moscow they're like they study the winds and the buoys and stuff i'm like i don't i'll just look at the report and if it says like fair i'm out there i like that yeah that's you're just taking it for what it is and also sometimes i don't think like the more you study something it could be the less you understand it that's dumb but i believe it yeah i believe a lot of dumb things but they're all pretty smart what are the best pants um dude you know i'm i'm in a bit of a pants flux right now uh you know i was a skinny jean guy for the better part of 15 years shout out fallout boy um
Starting point is 00:14:35 but now i'm rocking cargos i really dig the cargos i'm kind of hitting the gen z vibe a little bit so these are from PacSun. Someone asked us if we're into feet. No, not particularly. I'll suck a toe, but it's not like I'm not thinking about it until it's in front of me. I've tried sucking a toe once in high school. It was salty. I didn't like it. I like doing it.
Starting point is 00:15:02 A lot of people I've encountered, it's not their favorite. A lot of people don't like their own feet. Why do you like doing it uh a lot of people i've encountered it's not their favorite a lot of people don't like their own feet why do you like doing it you just like feet no i just like everything it's just like uh there's probably not a part of the body i wouldn't suck so when i get the and you know what i think it's because they're hidden all the time i think anything that's like it almost correlates to why i like boobs it's like okay this is something we kind of sheath all day so when it gets unsheathed, it feels like a, a,
Starting point is 00:15:27 a surprise. It feels like I'm lucky to be seeing it. Right. And I think there's just something about getting like very into whatever you're doing where you're like, Oh, this is like something that people think is gross, but I'm so horny for you right now.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Everything that should be gross is actually very, uh, like, uh, is a turn on for me right now. Hmm. Nice. I like that.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Did you ever hear anything about the dude in Detroit that wanted to fight? Yeah, that guy came up on stage and wanted to sock me. He gave me that very aggressive handshake. I watched the footage. What did you think? Yeah, it was awkward. It was very awkward. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 He was very kind of, like, it's just, like, because he wanted it to be, was very kind of like it's just like because he wanted to be like kind of exciting but it was just kind of like he was like i don't know it's like he wanted to fight but it was like there's something yeah i couldn't really make heads or tails of it he just was so upset because i asked his girlfriend to be quiet a couple times and then he finally he stood up for her which i totally understand but i wasn't like berating her i was just like hey can you be quiet and then he got upset that i had like kind of asked her to be quiet a couple times and then he's like she's funnier than you and then he came up on stage which is not usual and then he jammed out his hand like to shake it and then he shook the hell
Starting point is 00:16:39 out of my hand yeah and then uh and then another guy in the audience tried to fight him another girl was like sit down bitch and he's like you're a bitch yeah and then two guys started fighting but then the girlfriend was already almost out the door and she's like jeremy we're leaving and it goes all right all right and then he left yeah it was all a spectacle that i'm glad to have gone through and i'll remember it probably fondly but it didn't really work as a piece of art yeah unfortunately usually that usually went like if they're if they're really rowdy it can be kind of exciting but it was is the tent it was just tent it was tension and i'm glad it didn't work yeah because i was like i don't i don't think
Starting point is 00:17:16 when i got into stand-up i was like oh yeah i'll put up clips of guys trying to almost fight me while i'm doing a bit like i didn't uh i didn't see the uh i didn't i didn't feel good about myself as like a performer in that moment where i was like good job yeah almost getting socked thoughts on the new dave chappelle special dude i think he's like the greatest orator of our time but i am uh he's just like a moaner right he's like moaning all the time yeah people don't want me to be myself. And I'm like, who's who? What do you? It's all an argument you're having kind of with yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And yes, a lot of people get upset at him. But at this point, I'm like, I don't know. I don't find it. I didn't like love it as a piece of stand up. Right, right. I enjoyed a lot of his. I enjoyed his stories. I enjoyed his story about um
Starting point is 00:18:07 uh the hbo half hour i didn't watch i didn't get that far i turned it off after like 15 oh dude yeah like because he kind of his story about the hbo have just the way he tells his stories the hbo half hour and then um the Nas X thing, he does an impression of, he's like little Nas X appears at the party. He looks like C3PO. The way he walks. And then he's like, he walks up to me,
Starting point is 00:18:36 you know, the way he walked, his act out is so funny. And he's like, he's like, yeah, I wanted you in my video. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:18:42 what video? You know, which video? That's a little Nas X. Yeah. Yeah. He's he's very dude he's the best like talker ever but i just uh yeah i don't love the uh the attitude on it yeah uh doing molly in your 30s cool or not cool i haven't done it um nor have i i think if it's a i think if it's the right occasion and you have a proper uh recovery thoughts on bradley cooper hero of mine i love bradley cooper i think uh his work ethic and his ambition is incredible i do think in this latest movie it was kind of a
Starting point is 00:19:19 misfire because you could see how bad he wants it he was trying too hard and doing too much like it was too much of a maximalist approach to the visuals and even the sound design. And then he's conducting, and he's feeling, and then he's dancing. Once he got to the dancing, I was like, it's too much, B-coops. Tone it down.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I need you at half speed. I'm guilty of it, too. You don't want to see someone want it too much. You want to feel like they're trying, but not trying at the same time. And he tilted too far into the trying. Do you watch the whole movie? Three-fourths of it. Three-fourths?
Starting point is 00:19:54 I just have no interest. It is kind of like, I keep critiquing these things I haven't finished. It's a, I agree with you. It's like weird subject matter. It's Leonard Bernstein, right? I just like, I don't care about conduction. That whole world, I agree with you. It's like weird subject matter. Like, it's Leonard Bernstein, right? Mm-hmm. I just like, I don't care about conduction. That whole world, I have no interest.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But I respect, because I saw that he spent like eight years or something, like learning music. Something crazy. Learning music, whatever it is. The intensity of like the conducting and stuff is incredible. You're like, this dude works his ass off. Right. like the conducting and stuff yeah is incredible you're like this dude works his ass off right like i think the makeup looked good but yeah overall i just wasn't
Starting point is 00:20:30 in emotionally engaged with it yeah yeah i do think he's an honorable dude works his butt off he does i heard he does calls with his agent like 7 a.m every morning yeah he's been like crying in podcasts i cried to the smart list guys and then he was talking to spike lee and spike lee was like hey man you really did it and then by the cooper's like let me take a moment and just appreciate this in real time and he got kind of choked up yeah it's almost hard to watch someone be that sincere he cried on actor studio too when he was like a new a recent one no in like 2014 2013 yeah he's a he's an in touch guy olivia rodrigo i mean i heard she's a devil worshiper someone told me that that's a that's
Starting point is 00:21:13 a popular thing now right to like say that people worship hasn't that been going on forever like didn't metallica used to put like devil iconography in their stuff i don't know is what's the what's like the pentagram no like there was like a video where they had like a literal devil with like horns and stuff oh really yeah and they were like what have you chosen me yeah um i uh i guess with olivia rodrigo actually i don't know why they call her that but i was watching i was watching snl i wasn't watching snl but it was like on the tv and someone's like yeah everyone thinks she's a devil worshiper. What?
Starting point is 00:21:48 She's spreading cake all over her face, but I don't think that's devilish. People are real obsessed with thinking celebrities are devil worshipers right now. I think people want to think that they sold their soul to get to where they're at. Maybe it's because they look like their lives are so good that they had to do something terrible to get to that spot i think they're just weird and bored and i and they probably have sold out but not in a way where it's like dark morality like hurting kids or something i think it's just like yeah they'll just do something for a buck and it could go against their own taste. But they're like, yeah, it might sell well.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Right. Yeah, I don't know about all this. I follow Hold the Line, the Christian account. They're pretty hilarious. Oh, is that the guys we saw? Yeah, the Sean Foote guy or whatever. Yeah. What do they do?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Are they music? Yeah, he does music and then he'll just do a lot of stuff where like he'll call out like celebrities for um not being down with god which i like christianity too it's nice yeah whatever makes you happy let's try one more time if it doesn't work then we'll just do it on the next pod okay cool i headed to the gym about to fire your glutes good job al, Alberta. I love that. Yeah, so I keep posting this guy. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Is it the buff sales guy? Yeah, dude. Yeah, he's popular. Dude, yeah. I mean, Strider loves him too. Yeah. I love these sales guys. They're like, how much are you willing to give to sell 40 cars?
Starting point is 00:23:20 Would you put your family on the line? If your family was on the line, could you sell 40 cars? And the guy's like, yeah, I think I could. I don't think you could. I don't think you could. But my family's on the line. I'm selling 50 cars. He's the one who says you have to have a six-pack to sell for him. Oh, really? I think so.
Starting point is 00:23:38 He'll make his salesmen take their shirts off. But he just gets a tank. Dude, I'll get, okay, so from Strider, I'll get, like, Life Coaches videos, and then from brooks i'll get really jack guys and speedos just air humping shout to them there's nothing that makes me laugh more than like a hyped up sales coach or a guy with speedo just air humping in a jacu yeah there's some buff dudes out there tell us what's up yeah eun's in chat says he's Yeah, there's some buff dudes out there. Tell us what's up.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Ian's in chat. Says he's here, but he's not getting any calls. You're not getting calls. It's weird because it's ringing now, so you'd think that, you know. Yeah. Just keep trying them. Try them again? Just try them again.
Starting point is 00:24:17 All right, let's try them one more time. Sorry about the ringing, guys. I'll lower the volume. In the future, though, we'll have this all worked out. Jake's feet are just bouncing over there. Theoretically, how many of you would it take, no weapons,
Starting point is 00:24:40 just manpower and integrity, to take down a raging rhinoceros in a field? Please leave your message 60 60 dudes i think so they just seem so impenetrable i don't even know how you'd hurt or impervious i don't know how you'd hurt it right like if there was 60 of me literally me i think maybe we could all gang up on like one limb and then knock it over and then just try to break that limb yeah because it's like you need you need the weight to pin it right but then once you pin it you can't like punch a rhino no i don't think the punches are going to do anything even an aggregate yeah he could poke his eyes out i think
Starting point is 00:25:22 you got to do like mass jujitsu where you all work together to create like a fulcrum and a lever and then snap something right but there's their limbs even seem like so stout that like i don't even know how you you know it's not like a giraffe it's gonna be tough yeah and you're gonna have to get behind it so if it's like already on the war path and it knows that you guys are fighting it'd be tough to contain it. Yeah. How often do giraffes snap their legs? Like their own legs? Yeah. I don't know. Jake, can you pull up giraffe snapping legs?
Starting point is 00:25:55 That'd be interesting. Like breaking its leg? Dude, I've never been able to do the pull-up before. This is sweet. Oh, good idea by taco um nacho he was saying you want to get on top of the rhino and break it like a mare so ride it until it becomes a domesticated animal oh like break it in like a bronco i think that's the move dude break it in bronco yeah that's a good idea yes um so ian did call and it says it's coming through.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But we're on Do Not Disturb so people don't blow up the number during the live. So it's not letting us hear him. Is he not getting our calls? Let's try Lion. This guy says he's in chat. He says he's available. Sorry about all this, guys. What's the last music video to get you bricked up?
Starting point is 00:26:41 Sorry about all this, guys. This is a... What's the last music video to get you bricked up? The last one, I'm not sure, but that Eric Pridz video always gives me a very joyful erection where I feel like I just want to dance with a boner. JT, how are... Hey, we got somebody. All right. Holy cow, we're off to the races.
Starting point is 00:27:01 My dogs, dude. Lion. Hey, man. Lion. Lion. Woo! hey lion quick shout out just a quick shout out to uh jake freaking legend he is huge oh you guys can't see him on camera but he looks good and ladies if you're watching he's single that's right lion what's going on man how you living dude you know what you were just talking about the surf that's all i'm worried about these uh last couple days man yeah uh living up here in washington and just getting it done while the surf's hitting so i'm feeling good dude how thick is your wetsuit up there you You know what? I forget, man.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I bought it a long time ago, but it works for me. Nice. I'm going to guess 5'4". You're a what? 5'4". Hell yeah, dude. I'm freaking completely clueless. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It's awesome. But dude, I got beef. Yeah yeah hit us with it i got real beef all right freaking my boy my boy eli he's been watching a little bit too much of that um that freaking guy uh andrew tate dude and it's really bringing down the vibes. Gary, to be around him. And, yeah, that's my worry right now is there's too much Andrew Tate going on in the world. We need more of you guys. Oh, that's kind of.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah, dude. So when you say that it's bringing down the vibe, is it because he's, like, what does that does that mean like is he acting it out too much like and when you guys are hanging mainly i would say that it has to do with the uh the mentality that he's bringing to the the vibes in the sense that like he's always talking about like i'm the top dog i'm the top guy you know, you don't fuck with this crew going around to the bars or whatever. You know, it's kind of like he's too afraid to speak to women, but he's saying that he wants to, that he's the best with women because he ignores them. And I'm like, bro, let's, let's have some fun with these girls. They're not objects or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So, yeah, these are, these are my issues that I'm dealing with right now. let's let's have some fun with these uh girls they're not uh objects or whatever so yeah these are these are my issues that i'm dealing with right now freaking i'm done with the andrew tate i want more jocko welling i want things of that i want you guys i want some good people yeah that's my that's my beef right now i think that's a common thing with the andrew tate stuff because i've known people who've gone into it too and it's like they get very serious where they're like life is war, life is a battle. And I don't share that same view and I think you're right. It does ruin the hang where you're like, you know, well, I think life should be fun. Me personally, I think you should have fun personally i think you should have fun i think you
Starting point is 00:30:06 should have fun with your friends i think you know you should have fun talking to girls and stuff and shouldn't be this sort of you know alpha um dominating kind of like i do like the alpha but yeah but like that alpha like i need to dominate every situation that's just no fun to be around and yeah yeah like it like it's fun to watch like that jack salesman i get just as much of that jack salesman in my algorithm as you do chad right and uh i'm i'm loving it but it doesn't mean i bring it into the real world exactly yeah and i think too there's there's there's certain things that he preaches that you know like hard work or you know just uh powering through life, uh, and not,
Starting point is 00:30:47 not getting too kind of bogged down and, you know, I don't know, BS, but I do think it's like one guy said, tell Eli to chill and just be a, be himself. Yeah. I think that's exactly it. Just enjoy yourself. Yeah, dude. I know that i know that that down in there is is the core of of a sweet and loving guy that that uh just wants to be with his bros and and be top dog and you know what i'll be top dog with you too man no doubt how old how old are you uh 23 22 23 nice yeah yeah dude has a has eli had a girlfriend have i had a girlfriend or eli uh uh i don't believe that he has um
Starting point is 00:31:39 we we live out in the middle of the boonies, so it's mostly hogs out here. Like the animal or wiener? Wiener. Ah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, unfortunately. I was fortunate.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I had one in middle school. It was awesome. So are you thinking he needs to get a girlfriend? No, just curious what the context is. Yeah. It was awesome. So are you thinking he needs to get a girlfriend? No. Just curious what the context is. Yeah. Yeah. No. We're working on it, but there's about three or four chicks that circulate around
Starting point is 00:32:16 in this town. I'm not really interested. They actually were my friends back in the day. So mainly I'm just concerned for the vibes of the masculine types around here. Make sure that everybody's safe. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Like, what do you mean? Oh, no, dude. Just freaking. We got one bar in this town. Oh, that's awesome, one bar for service? One bar that stays open. Oh one bar, I thought you meant one bar for cell phone. Dude that's how I'm into phones.
Starting point is 00:32:55 One bar, that's cool, so you have like one watering hole, three to four chicks. How many dudes? Yeah, dudes, so many, I can't even count. Wow, yeah that ratio is off. Yeah, that's why I can't even count wow that yeah that ratio is off yeah that's why i'm not even i don't even compete well i can see i don't even compete i can i can kind of see if that's if that's like if there's only three to four girls and there's you know 500 dudes i could see where he probably has that competitive spirit in him he's, I need to dominate everyone so I can get Teresa. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Or dominate the bros. I mean, I don't want to be dominated, man. I want to be normal. I want to be what's egalitarian about this freaking chick situation and just bro situation. Yeah, so when you're approaching
Starting point is 00:33:46 something you're thinking what's best for the group and you're trying to be as collectivist as possible about it yeah dog so um that's huge yeah i'd like i'd like to work it together but um it's just the this whole uh this whole andrew kate issue is really starting to get on my nerves i mean i i've had those instances too where i've been like because i had low confidence growing up i didn't understand confidence as like a a thing and people like you need to be confident i'm like what the hell does that mean i just don't understand so anyways but i i would get caught up in the like you know because i was always really nice and a pleaser and i was like oh i need to be an alpha i need to fucking i had that in me where i'm like i need to dominate a little bit i never really acted out on it but i
Starting point is 00:34:33 would watch videos and get fired up in my dome um i think uh i think i mean i think just letting him know that it's a bummer to be around you know because i think what he wants is probably acceptance and you know tell him hey man just be yourself let's have fun like you don't need to put me in an arm bar every time you see me but I even think like trying to like but I even think
Starting point is 00:34:55 coming at it like oh be more yourself he's like trying to figure out who is himself is right and then it sounds like I that's almost like dominating went away where it's like no there's another way to be be like me i think you just got to be more like you dude are you talking are you talking to me lying lying yes on that tell him to be more like himself i think the more lion is himself the more eli will be himself right dude my dog
Starting point is 00:35:32 you're so right dude why am i worried about this dude i don't know i gotta be myself dude yeah you're you hit it right on the head dude because. Because, dude, I love my bro. I love my bro no matter what. I might get on my nerves a little bit, but you know what? It's like you got to be the change that you want to see in the world, dude. Yeah, battle of wills over what the psychology will be of the group. It's hard to win that battle one at a time. Louie says hit up the closest Buffalo Wild Wings with the boys and
Starting point is 00:36:06 give your boy Eli a group hug. What do you think about that, Lion? Dude, unfortunately there's no Buffalo Wild Wings but there's a taco truck down the road so that's where we'll do it. Nice, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, that's about all we got down here. Someone said make the dude a punchline make him look in the mirror with satire for sure dude lion is that your first name for real dude i was named that yeah that's awesome that's awesome what's your middle name tiger dude my middle name, I have two middle names. It's Christian Sherman. So Lion Christian Sherman. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah, dog. It's freaking sick. Did your parents say why they picked Lion? Dude, you know who Laird Hamilton is? Yeah, of course. Yeah, so my mom grew up with Laird Hamilton. Wow. Back in the day.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And she wanted to name me after him because of how dope he is. But my dad didn't like the name, so I was named after his brother. Yeah, Lion Hamilton. Lion Hamilton, that's right. He's a legend, dude. I love Lion Hamilton. He's in the Bruce movie, one of my favorite surf movies. Dude, let's go.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah, dude. I run into people sometimes. They'll tell me they're like, oh, I knew a guy named that. And I'm like, was it in Hawaii or whatever? And yeah, no doubt. I'm named after the Hamilton brothers. Nice, dude. Yeah, dog. If the whole group makes fun of him enough, he'll eventually change.
Starting point is 00:37:44 That's true that's what that's actually been the um that's been the main um whatever you call it the the primary solution for the squad so far it's just uh yeah ribbing them about it and uh calling ourselves top dog and things of that nature to piss them off into anything with the tape. Sweet. Yeah. Alright, sweet, man. Well, Lion, it was nice talking
Starting point is 00:38:16 to you, man. We're going to keep it moving, but we love you, dude. Thank you for the call. Keep us updated. Dude, appreciate it. And every time you come out to Seattle, I'm at your show because I fucking love you guys man Aw thank you man Appreciate it Love you Lion
Starting point is 00:38:28 Peace guys Thank you for having me on the show Yeah of course Thank you for being on That was great Alright should we try one more? Yeah Ian says he's in
Starting point is 00:38:39 He's here now Ian Let's give him a call That was awesome I like Lion a lot he is a good guy hello oh ian what's up dude we got you man um i was nervous you nervous you nervous hello you there hello oh i hear you you're nervous oh i was nervous that i wasn't going to be able to go through because i was watching and i didn't
Starting point is 00:39:18 get any calls oh gotcha well dude it's good to hear your voice man you too um you want to hit us with your beef yeah i it's i guess it's tis the season for this beef uh now that it's winter but i it's really been on my mind i feel like skiers in general are kind of ruining the vibes on the mountain and i i don't know i've been a snowboarder since i was shredding the placenta and the womb and the skiers kind of feel like it it seems like they think they own the mountain and they think they're better than us and my biggest problem is that here in utah where i live right now there's ski only resorts but i've yet to find a snowboard only joint and I think that's an issue
Starting point is 00:40:05 and so I'm wondering what you guys think is this call for a movement of solidarity with the snowboarders that are facing this persecution JT do you have thoughts on this? yeah so Deer Valley in Utah is only skiing yeah that's kind of
Starting point is 00:40:29 effed I'm a skier aww yeah aww is right dude but you know what dude here's the thing
Starting point is 00:40:44 I ski but I feel like I get dogged on as a skier But you know what, dude? Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I ski, but I feel like I get dogged on as a skier online nonstop. So, you know, I don't know. I usually ski some valleys. Maybe I'll go to Tahoe a little bit. But I feel like whenever I'm on the mountain, I don't feel that tension. And I feel like snowboarders, they just have a way bigger plank. And so they just move around more snow.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And so they're naturally more dominant. And I feel like I get dogged on as a skier online. Like, you know, I just told you I was a skier now and you had a, you know, visceral reaction to it. Yeah, honestly, it's kind of devastating news i'm sorry dude but but see like so you feel persecuted on by skiers but then you instinctively i persecute back right i. I feel persecuted. Aw. Yeah, aw is right, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And so it kind of like, like when Ronald Reagan said how quick we'd all link up as nations if we were attacked by aliens, I think we have to zoom out a bit. And you see the same thing in water sports where like surfers and bodyboarders feel like they have to battle for their little fiefdom.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And then you're like, but to the rest of the world, you guys are exactly the same. You're only different to each other because you're similar. Whoa. Do you think maybe... Oh, go ahead, dude. Oh, I was just going to say,
Starting point is 00:42:23 I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong, and that's pretty enlightening to me, and it feels good to say that, to call me out for persecuting you right back. And you thought Chad was a snowboarder. Honestly, I saw the video you guys did going into Denver, and I think Chad was wearing a snowboard. I was, dude. That was Jake's snowboard.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Oh, the promo. Yeah. Well, dude, sometimes you're just limited by what's in the condo. That was also actually, not to ruin anything, but that was actually an AI drawing. So you guys weren't actually wearing. That wasn't real? No.
Starting point is 00:43:06 That's how topsy-turvy our world is. But I think it's good evidence for not judging a book by its cover that most people think Chad's a snowboarder and when they find out he's a prep skier, they're surprised. Sorry through prepping there. Chad, do you go by Tom when you
Starting point is 00:43:22 ski? I do go by Tom when I ski, yeah. I go by my, you ski? I do go by Tom when I ski. Yeah. I go by my, you know, more preppy name. Are you trying to be cheeky, bitch? Yeah, Ian, you know, you came in here with good vibes. You wanted to air out a beat. I know. And you're just dogging on me. You're telling everyone my real name.
Starting point is 00:43:41 You know, you're not. Same with the Andrew Tate guy. I was like, my buddy's into Andrew Tate. Why is he such a bitch? I'm like like you just want to tate him dude yeah i want to find stuff we have in common like i was just thinking coming up to this the one thing that's for sure in common is that skiing and snowboarding is too expensive you know oh for sure good call dude way to bring it to the plight of all of us the economics of this thing are totally boned yeah what's a day pass now like
Starting point is 00:44:12 150 bucks that's a lot dude more than that you gotta you go to some valley it's like 200 you see they want us to fight about maybe maybe that's the movement the people who own the mountains they want us to fight with each other yeah's the movement. The people who own the mountains, they want us to fight with each other. Yeah. And then they'll just keep jacking up the prices. Yeah. When really, it's not skier versus snowboarder, it's rider versus owner.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Oh. We need to unify, Ian. You and me. Two planks versus one. And we need to bash these owners in the face doesn't like isn't there like two companies that own all the mountains and all the country now yeah i think the uh that's crazy i think it's mcdonald's big veil wants us to fight amen tyler owen in the chat i'm tired of fighting with my brothers and sisters dude
Starting point is 00:45:06 you know what here's the thing too snowboarding hurts my feet yeah so we need to get mr burton on the phone and get better boots basic burton bullshit do you remember that video don't do it in the park just don't do it in the park it's like classic youtube oh yeah yeah just don't basic burton bullshit all right so who owns the new york stock exchange owns it veil resorts owns everything look it's on the new york stock it's big snow dude big snow yeah so ian this is our call to action we need to unite against big snow oh wait we go up to vale resort too do they own deer valley where everything's separated no who owns deer valley where it's skiers uh up there up there go up altera there altera dude they're the ones who are benefiting from the divisiveness wow okay so Okay. So Altera, Deer Valley.
Starting point is 00:46:06 They own Mammoth. Expensive. Palisades, Tahoe. They changed the name from Squaw. Bear Mountain. Wow, dude. Stratton? Wait, they went from Squaw to Palisades, Tahoe?
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah. It's offensive. I think it was offensive. Oh, okay. Uh-oh. I'm out. I got to say, though not knowing the the history of it the deeper history squad to me sounds more like uh for everybody and palisades tahoe sounds
Starting point is 00:46:38 preppy ski it sounds like a reality show about douches oh whoa in a way like you're saying preppy wow that's a good call um what's your background my background yeah oh i'm from san diego so i grew up surfing and doing that and we would go to big bear which is kind of bad but now in utah the pow is way different it's a lot more fun but i i just feel like this calls for squatting up and storming the the mountain yeah yeah storm the lift dude um january 6th but take it to the snow that's it's the right time you guys could stay at my place if you want to come up in three days dude yeah i'll be over there with a viking cap we'll see you soon i'll
Starting point is 00:47:31 wear a bear oh dude i love the way you say all yeah i learned that from you oh you did is that why you use it honestly it's like my favorite thing that you do. It's my favorite thing that you do, dude. Dude, that's sick. Are you serious right now? Yeah, dude. I'm for real, man. Ski douches would be a great reality show. All right. Let's keep.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Aw, dude. Dude, Ian. Ian, I love you. I love you guys. You're good guys. You make my life happier. Thanks, man. You too. you too alright should we get this last guy cause it's got a good
Starting point is 00:48:10 it's got a good uh like tagline I love all these dudes man yeah they're rock solid alright this is marcus well marcus may have blocked us let me try one more time blocked us whoa he blocked us it's just instantly going to voicemail so maybe his phone's off too but should i just text him no don't don't give him your number i don't care let's try what's he oh is he that's an la number yeah it's just going straight to voicemail so here i'll call him real real quick tell him to fix it
Starting point is 00:49:13 Wow I think you got let me double check his number in the DM real quick so yeah basically like even these days at Big bear it's like 170 for a day pass but my plan is to get a weekly pass which means you can go during the middle of the week and it's like 400 for the whole year i mean yeah there there's really good ways to get around it it's like david busters if you go during the week it's free is it really yeah daytime play most games you don't have to play for wow so i'll just be in there on a wednesday just time crisis did people want to know especially barry mccauchan or how big your muscles are how big my bicep is i don't know i don't i don't work out arms because my arms are the i have have a smaller torso and my arms beef up,
Starting point is 00:50:06 so it looks kind of goofy. Right. So I don't really do arms. Have you been working out lately? I have. I'm just doing straight hypertrophy training and then some jujitsu and Pilates. I stopped doing the CrossFit explosive lifting
Starting point is 00:50:18 because it was just... I didn't even get hurt. It was just too hard, honestly. What's hypertrophy that's like uh normal weight lifting where you do like three to four sets eight to twelve reps you're trying to build muscle and it's uh you know like a chest day a back day an arm day right more straightforward stuff interesting so this was actually my fault i entered the wrong number so we will call again real quick all right marcus nice well
Starting point is 00:50:46 glad we found out what was going down you know yeah and if this doesn't work out another guy rodney called in and just said leave give me a call i'm ready now so i i trust rodney shot like that you know it's on especially if he goes by rod dude honestly too it felt really good just to talk about my workout routine there for a second so i want to thank the guys for being interested because it felt like i was getting something heavy off my chest nice that that felt good like therapy good that you don't do crossfit yeah just to be like hey i'm doing hypertrophy i'm not doing crossfit anymore it wasn't even that it was like a confession i was just like glad somebody cared i was like thanks yeah that feels good right all right let's uh let's, let's call Marcus here again.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Dude, Rodney Malibu says Puzio could still take you. That might be the Rodney who called in. In a fight? So. I don't know about that. He might want to start some people. Let's try Marcus real quick.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah, Rodney wants to, I think Rodney wants to come on and talk shit, which could be very electric. wants to i think ronnie wants to come on and talk shit which could be very electric i wonder if there's anyone taking it never mind yeah i don't while listening yeah you said it i've been lately people have been calling have been on the crapper calling you?
Starting point is 00:52:07 how do you know? I hear the flush what up? oh dude Marcus what's going on Doug? not much man how you doing? chilling no pun intended there
Starting point is 00:52:21 are you Canadian? no I'm from Boston. Oh, there we go. What up? Is that an accent? Yeah, dude. Yeah, so I'm just calling you boys because I got a bit of beef with my homie. Hit us with it.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So around this time last year, you know, my buddyits they uh they put his dog down and you know you know sad childhood dog but uh we get where you know we're together he gets a call from his parents and he's like dude my dog just fucking kicked and the delivery of it you know we all started kind of you know laughing giggling and shit you know it's pretty funny and then we were asking him you know how you doing how you handling it and shit and he was like you know whatever it's life it happens and then my boy Aiden was like well at least you'll have like a nice centerpiece on your mantle now talking about like the vase he started dying laughing saying like our boy spits you know he's got like a mantle dog you know like it can't do tricks it sits really well we joke about like snorting his dog's
Starting point is 00:53:25 ashes and shit but um you know the other day you know it's been almost a year now and the other day he was like god wicked pissed at us he was like you know dude that's my fucking dog like you know all this shit but you know he was cool with the jokes until then so you know what you know, he was cool with the jokes. And so then, so, you know, what, you know, we make the jokes a fair amount now and they're kind of iconic to the squad. So, you know, we don't want to ruin our relationship with our boy, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:53:53 like we're not trying to miss out on a pretty classic joke we got going on. So, you know, what should we do here? Grieving's a complicated process. I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:05 you for sure want to be edgy when you're in the comfort of your friend group and you want to push the envelope. And sometimes you even want to agitate your friend a bit. I just think you got to know when to hold him and when to fold him. Like you can get him a little raw, but once you see that he's raw, take your foot off the gas. You don't have to keep going. Like let him have his, uh, upsetness and, and, and then, and then you just take your foot off the gas a little bit yeah for sure you want you just want to keep nailing him i mean it's just
Starting point is 00:54:34 it's it's almost become removed from his dog and it's just like now it's just like a squad joke it's not even like shots at spades but you know dog dies in a movie you know start chuckling like spits his dog you know it's it's meaningless at this point we say it so much but my buddy's his like surrogate grandma died and uh he was hilarious at the funeral he was like on his phone while we were carrying the casket and then he did like a one-hour eulogy and talked about her dumping uh like her pants one time um all rock solid stuff but then i remember i remember like eight months later i made it because he used to play the guitar a lot i was like you ripping solos for your dead ajima in heaven and he got pissed yeah and uh yeah you never know you know i mean it's it's his it's their grief
Starting point is 00:55:22 you know they're dealing with it their way they can joke and then you know you cross the line pretty quick you know you just you know we felt bad but at the same time it's like you know it's classic dude so you're asking like can you make it a staple joke of the crew against his wishes I gotta say nah yeah I mean very fair marcus i think you guys should get some duncan uh get him some donuts fucking duncacino dude dude duncacino maybe put a zinacino in offer him a zinacino take him to zimbabwe and um i don't know i mean i you, I love my dog so much. If my dog died and people were ripping on my dog, I would get very upset. You're scared, dude. Now, if you take that a year, take it a year.
Starting point is 00:56:16 These are East Coast guys, though, too. Right. They're different. They're different. They like... Yeah, it's all like headbutt. They like ribbon. They're headbutting. Yeah. all like You know headbutt They like ribbon They're headbutt
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah Yeah we rip it hard And shit Wow dude Are you really from I got an idea That this dude's like From Burbank
Starting point is 00:56:33 Dude I swear to god bro No no no Look it up Are you a cop Dude I'm not a fucking cop Wait where are you I'm not a Yo good idea Wait hold on Where Wait, where are you... Yo, good idea, right?
Starting point is 00:56:46 Hold on, where are you... Dude, hold on, where are you from in Boston? Alright, bro, like, it's not technically Boston, but, like, I'm right south of it, dude. Dedham, first town out. Oh, okay, I'm buying that. That sounded like a real answer. Right? Fair, right?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Wait, you're Marcus. Wait, why is... So, what's your area code in Dedham? Bro, what're marketing. Wait, why is it? So what's your area code in denim? Bro, what are you going to send me, a package? What's your area code? Bro, is this shot in JT or am I getting doxxed right now? Nah, dude. It's 02026, bro.
Starting point is 00:57:22 02026? Wait, for your area code oh I'm thinking isn't that a zip code quit dodging us are you a cop dude I'm not good idea though we sit down
Starting point is 00:57:37 right he's right that is the zip for dead I actually believe you're who you say you are again dude sorry dude that was like not the That is the zip for denim. I actually believe you're who you say you are again. Dude. Sorry, dude. That was not the bro move by me to question if you're real, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm sorry. I used to do that all the time on dating apps. I'd be talking to a girl, I'd be like, you're catfishing me. And a lot of times they weren't even catfishing me. I'm just paranoid sometimes. But you'd rather be safe than sorry, dude. You know what I'm saying? That's the thing. I just don't want to look like a fool, dude. I don't want to think I have a Boston bro even catfishing me i'm just paranoid sometimes but you'd rather be safe than sorry dude you know
Starting point is 00:58:05 what i'm saying that's the thing is like i just don't want to look like a fool dude i don't want to think i have a boston bro and it turns out he's from burbank like that would hurt bro you'd get clowned heavy probably clowned worse than spitz when it's you know when his dog well so what's the deal with spitz is spitz like a guy who like deserves it nah bro like you know we got a pretty tight crew, bro. You guys give us heavy props, you know, the four of us. And, you know, like, Spitz deserves it as much
Starting point is 00:58:32 as, you know, we all deserve it. You know, we're throwing shade, shitting on each other. But it's classic, you know? At the end of the day, bro, you know, you sit back, put on a fucking Ben Affleck movie and fucking, you know, just chill. A couple of cord lights.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Sam Adams. Yeah, I think you guys have some Sam Adams, some Duncan. And then you let him rib you guys for like an hour. And just let him dish it back to you guys. You know what they say? Laughter is the best medicine. What kind of dog was it i honestly don't i honestly i don't know i've only ever seen it in ash form you know it's gray powdery how did how did the dog die
Starting point is 00:59:21 they put it down dude right. Right, right, right. Which also, to be fair, like, their choice, you know? Right. A lot of tragedy happens. Dude, good call. It's tricky, dude. Do you have a pet? Nah.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Had a couple fish back in the day. Are they in ash form? Nah, I just flushed them. Probably by now. Nah. Had a couple fish back in the day. Are they in ash form? Nah, he just flushed them. Probably by now. They're probably in no form at all. CO2 and shit, probably. I don't know. CO2 and shit. Dude, I mean, hearing these jokes in person, hearing these jokes when you're just throwing them in there, they're hilarious.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I'm kind of on your side now. That's what I'm saying bro it's like that you know i'm saying we're all geeking and spit sometimes geeks but it's when he doesn't keep when we take a major hit and we're like damn what's that fucking boy no there is a you want to flirt with that line and there's a lot of joy in it but but you know it's like uh it's almost like being in a polyamorous relationship like it's fun sometimes and other times you're just risking getting cut wide open. Dude, that, you know, that is, I didn't think of it that way. Because the last thing you want, bro, is, you know, to get cucked, bro. Especially by your boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah, you guys are like death cucking him. Oh my God. Are we death cucking him? Probably. Are we fucking death cucking our boy a little bit dude what's death cucking it's where you're like like instead of being like oh i fucked your like girl it's like it's like oh someone you love died oh death cucking oh yeah yeah i'm still doing spray tans do you do one recently i did one like a week ago. How'd it go? My second one in like a month. I like it. It's just like,
Starting point is 01:01:07 it's bad for your skin a little bit. Like I'm breaking out a little bit on my forehead. Does it look obvious? Nice, good. So it's clogging the pores? It clogs the pores a little bit. You got to let yourself reset. Do the pores, kid?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Do the pores. You're clogging the pores. I got to tell you, dude, it was such an absolute rush to get a spray tan. You just go in there. The lady working there is just way too tan, looking like a catcher's mitt she's like you'll be fine you're like i don't know yeah and you're just risking it you're like dude i could be way too tan after this yeah and uh
Starting point is 01:01:33 and then you come out okay and it's it's just a rush marcus do you hit the you hit the spray tan you hit the booth bro dude honestly never in my life bro but hearing you guys talk about it right now like what the fuck am I missing out on Bro that's the thing Don't let anybody tell you how to get excited I don't yuck yums unless it doesn't taste good And then I do Now hear me out
Starting point is 01:01:55 It spits yuck in my yum I'm saying I can't fucking make jokes about it Whoa that's an interesting debate Cause it's like a chicken or an egg thing Like who has priority over the yum? Is it his yum or is it your yum? And my thing is, whose yum is making more people say yummy?
Starting point is 01:02:14 And it sounds like yours is. Whoa. Because who's getting a yummy out of protecting this death close to him? Nobody. He's the only one who feels good about that yummy. Your yummy picking on him for grieving his dead pup? Everybody's getting yummy out of that.
Starting point is 01:02:31 That's feeding the entire neighborhood. So tell me if I'm misconstruing what you're spitting here. Pretty much, you can do a bad thing as long as more people agree with you. That's all I need to hear. If the bad thing is making more people feel good, then the person who's got to wear the bad thing needs to do it for the community.
Starting point is 01:02:49 That is absolutely 100% what I'm saying. Let's call Spitz right now, and let's tell him, oh, my dog died. Yo, yo, yo, let me give you Spitz's fucking number. Yeah, give him Spitz's number. Yeah, let's call Spitz.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Spitz down by the dead core. Yeah, let's call one of the Boston Burbank boys. Don't ask us, Spitz. Hey, Marcus, make sure you could text it to the number that I called you from, but don't. Yeah, I'm not going to. Yeah, I'm not going to. No, yeah, don't put it in the group chat. That would be horrible.
Starting point is 01:03:20 That would be horrible if we all knew Spitz's number and the whole world was being like, nice dog. Psych. That'd be fucking if we all knew Spitz's number And the whole world was being like Nice dog, psych That'd be fucking heinous, dude My favorite Part in podcast history When we doxed Kevin's number We accidentally gave Kevin's number That was a true accident
Starting point is 01:03:37 I forgot to edit out Kevin's number We got calls from He got like 30 voicemails being like, Schmoll, Schmoll. And guys, I did not know that shit up.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Someone said, cut Spitz a break, pal. Look, I appreciate both sides. We're on Spitz's side as well. Capisce. Well, that's the thing too. Do you love... It's a fine line.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Do you have Spitz's back when it really comes down to it? Dude, I'd fucking kill for that motherfucker. Do you have a fine line? What do you have spits his back when it really comes down to it? dude I'd fucking kill for that motherfucker But would you let but would you let someone live for that motherfucker? Do it all I'm saying is if fucking someone killed spits when he was an undercover cop I'd go to his apartment and I'd shoot him with a silenced pistol and a sweatsuit with fucking shit over my shoes. Like Mark Wahlberg does
Starting point is 01:04:28 at the end of the day. You don't have to tell me. I know what you're talking about. I know right away what you mean. I know, but there's a lot of schmoes probably listening who don't know their Boston history. They don't know the departed? And that is history. Put a hockey mask on. The departed? Alright, well, Marcus, we're gonna let you keep existing.
Starting point is 01:04:44 We'll talk to you soon, man. Put a hockey mask on. Right, bro? What's up? You said keep existing. I was like, I'm like Spitz's dog. Oh, dude. You know, these jokes rip.
Starting point is 01:04:58 These jokes rip. So I'm going to go. I'm not on Spitz's side. I'm on Marcus's side. I mean, we're going to be wrestling with this one for a while, unlike Spitz with the dog. Tough one, dude. Bro, you got it.
Starting point is 01:05:13 You got it. It's so hard when it's right there. That's what I'm seeing. You know, dude, you're going to taunt it in front of me, bro. Yeah, I'm going to take it. It's like waving a treat in front of me bro Yeah I'm gonna take it Yeah dude It's like waving a treat In front of a dog
Starting point is 01:05:28 Dude You could say Yeah It's endless We could go all night Boys we could go all night I know you could brother Love you Marcus
Starting point is 01:05:35 I'll be right there with you I'd die Love you man Marcus I'm gonna make you a detective But you will never be a state trooper In the Massachusetts state police.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You hear me? Practice deception, not self-deception. You ain't no fucking cop. I'm going to be your best fucking friend in the world. And then he was.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And then he really was. What's the, um, he's like, and I wouldn't be, have to be Lottie fucking Dott to get a fucking answer. Now they go to project.
Starting point is 01:06:09 What is that? Heartthorn? And he says, whatever. Fuck it. And then Mark Wahlberg goes. Is that marriage is a good way of getting ahead. Let's people know your clock still works. How's your mother?
Starting point is 01:06:24 Good. She's tired from fucking my father. Costello has the rat. All right. Later, Costello. I love that guy. Dude, all three callers are fucking legends. Do you want to take a risk on one more of someone I didn't screen?
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yeah, let's roll the dice. Let's see what else can happen. All right. This guy's name is Tyler. He said he's from Seattle, social worker, would love to be on the pod. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, let's get him. Dude, it's going to be hard to break that Boston accent.
Starting point is 01:07:00 It's tough, man. It's very addicting. Oh. It's tough man, it's very addicting Yo, I'm here Hang on, let me turn off my shit real quick So I don't break the chat. No worries. Dude. Dude. What's up, man?
Starting point is 01:07:36 Ty. Dude, how we doing, y'all? Good, legend. How you doing? I just took a fat fucking bong rip and a massive dump of chino fellas it was great thanks for calling me you know actually i submitted you a question about a week ago how about i just ask that question perfect oh dude but first i gotta say shout out y'all and shout out your seattle show i was at one of them and jt i popped you a question about like when you're at
Starting point is 01:08:04 your lowest as an artist. And you told me that you're at your lowest not when you thought you were down, but you said it was when you wanted to prove to everyone the most that you were right about it and that you could do this shit. And that's where I'm at right now as an artist. So you inspired me, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Oh, I'm glad, man. Yeah, my day job is a social worker. I'm a case manager for formerly homeless seniors at a permanent supportive housing site in Seattle. It's pretty tough shit, but it's a lot of fun, too. The folks are great. You learn that homeless people are just people, too.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I've been doing this work for about three years and listening to you guys the whole time, and y'all have been keeping me stoked. So really appreciate it. Well, that gets us stoked, man. It's nice to know you're doing really important work and that we can all help get you through the day while you're doing it.
Starting point is 01:08:49 So thank you for what you're doing, brother. It's good stuff. You bet. Happy to do it, y'all. So my dream is to be a musician, and I started a band with my sister called Star Farts, and I wrote a song called Peg Me. As you guessed, it's about getting pegged.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Nice. Have you been... How do you think about it? Have I been pegged? Yeah. Oh, several times, yes. Whoa. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:09:15 By different gals or all the same gal? Only the same gal. My most recent girlfriend. Shout out, Amy. She was cool. She sounds very cool. Yeah. No one else yet, yet though i've been trying
Starting point is 01:09:26 i forgot to buy loot for like two months so you know that happened how did you know how did you know you were into pegging or did you just like always have like kind of a curiosity i didn't always know honestly i'm i'm 23 now i didn't figure it out until i was about uh 21 that's pretty and there was one time when i was jerking off and I was like you know what fuck it I'm going to put a finger in my butt too and I was like whoa holy shit there's a fun button up here oh my god and yeah I busted a fat nut and I was like
Starting point is 01:09:53 okay this is cool but you know got to keep it kind of low key you know I don't know how people are going to feel about this kind of thing do you kiss while you're getting pegged I mean yeah kind of you can get you can get pegged missionary you can get pegged missionary what's, yeah, kind of. You can get pegged missionary. You can get pegged missionary. What's your favorite position?
Starting point is 01:10:08 Or which one do you think works the best anatomically and psychologically? Man, that's a really good question. I would honestly say I haven't been pegged enough to say. But let's see here. I would say missionary is pretty sick. Yeah, that seems like it'd be the most fun because you're on your back.
Starting point is 01:10:26 She's in kind of a traditional. No, actually, cowgirl, where you're on top. I would not have guessed that. Yeah, no, most definitely. And I will also say, one thing that I have learned about getting pegged is whenever I see chicks come, right, which is like all the time. I believe it. So, just a second here. I lost my train of thought.
Starting point is 01:10:47 I'm stoned now. When I see chicks coming, they come all crazy, right? And they shake and shit. It's like, whoa. I'm like, that looks sick. When I get pegged, I come like that. It's crazy. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:59 So you would say the scale of orgasm from getting pegged exceeds one from like a dick rub? Let's see here. If I were to describe it, it is like exponential. So by like a magnitude of what? Would you say you're 10xing a normal orgasm? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like if you're doing it for long enough, oh yeah, 10xing definitely. And like at least doubling the nut load. do you know i literally not more oh that's awesome
Starting point is 01:11:30 and was was uh did amy get off on it did she really enjoy doing it i think she she liked it because i liked it oh so you like she was really chill like that like she wasn't like into it at first or not even like at first right it's like pitch it was like yo i think i might like this you want to do it and she's like oh yeah fuck it is there any corresponding verbal component like does she say things like you like that or take it or is it more just like is it uh is it disconnected from her quiet in the sheets so i would say somebody in another position probably would. She personally didn't. But in a position like that, I would think that'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I would probably enjoy that. And then would you guys have normal sex before she pegged you? Or did you guys just jump straight to the peg? Normally, we would do other stuff first. We'd have a normal warm-up. And then it was like, you want to get pegged tonight? I was like, yeah. But it was like, will you peg me tonight?
Starting point is 01:12:26 It was like, yeah. Oh, she sounds cool, man. It sounds like you guys had good communication, too. We had phenomenal communication. She was super cool. It just didn't work out between us. We just weren't the right people for each other. You know, all was well that ends well.
Starting point is 01:12:39 We're homies now. We still haven't hung out yet, but we text every now and then. That makes sense. It all sounds relatively healthy. Yeah. Ty, I got to ask, how far did your finger go until you found the button? You can get there with your pointer finger. With your pointer finger?
Starting point is 01:12:54 Because I've tried to put my finger in there, but I don't even know what I'm looking for. So, think of it this way. Like, when you're fingering a chick and you're trying to make her squirt or whatnot, and you do, like, that stroke that stroke like the coming out of your fingers like that kind of thing yeah like do that to yourself right and then but also you know it could be that that my fun button is lower than yours um so sometimes you got you got to go deep as these guys challenge at say um sometimes you've got to go deep right maybe i subconsciously chose that instagram handle because i know i need to go deep to reach my
Starting point is 01:13:31 prostate sometimes would you say it's is it a deal breaker for your partner not to be into pegging well the last chick that i was with took some convincing it never happened because we ended up breaking things off which i found out was for the right reasons what are the right reasons um well i'm in social work and i'm like i studied psychology at udub go fucking dogs by the way yeah michael penix is that guy dude he's slinging it he's got the deep touch he's putting it through tight windows i mean you just really gotta like the way he's seeing the field dude dude penix is something else like my penix hurts every time i watch him play and then okay so not a deal so maybe a deal but it sounds like you're still making up your mind
Starting point is 01:14:21 on that how does your sister feel about singing songs about you getting pegged? Well, she wouldn't be singing. It's me singing. So, you know, it's, what do you say here? She loves me for who I am. And I'm a non-binary queer person. And yeah. Does your dad know?
Starting point is 01:14:42 Are you open with your dad about it? Oh, yeah. I'm open with my whole fam. That's awesome. Wow. That's really nice. Yeah, no, it's really, I'm very, I'm very blessed. I'm very blessed.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I'm not super open with like my like distant, like Jesus family. Like I ain't told my Jesus grandma yet, but you know, maybe we'll get there. I hear you. I mean, look, I don't think most people tell their grandma what they're up to sexually. So that seems part and parcel of just how it goes yeah but my mom is definitely like the biggest one on my hype crew like she's seen it before i did like she like she asked me if i was bi like two years ago and i was like no i don't think so and then like six months ago i was like actually yeah you know what you were right has your dad
Starting point is 01:15:18 been pegged i doubt it i should ask him though i'll probably ask him after i drop the song like a conversation piece to try to break the ice. I think it's gonna be pretty awkward. Is that a big part of the song for you? Is you kind of declaring to the world what you like? So that's what I wanted to ask you fellas about. So the song is obviously pretty gruesome, pretty bare, puts it all out there. The biggest reason i want to put it out there is i personally feel like there's a huge stigma against dudes finding their fun button and i want to help break that stigma like i think it's ridiculous that we um sexualize assholes and we like oh you can do anal with a chick it's totally cool but like if you're a dude getting anal like that's weird like
Starting point is 01:16:01 i didn't realize assholes had genders yeah it's funny right like we we apply and also it's like uh i've i've known a lot of uh guys who are super straight who like butthole play so i don't know why it gets designated a a certain orientation if you like that hole um when it's probably just anatomical it's just how your body's designed i love it yeah you like the butt you've been and you've been exploring more lately yeah i've i've been like that hole when it's probably just anatomical. It's just how your body's designed. I love it. Yeah, you like the body. And you've been exploring more lately on it. Yeah, I've been trying with myself, but, I mean, Ty, you've been getting me fired up on this.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I'm kind of wondering what size dildo you use. I use a little one. I started small. I was like, I don't know what I'm getting myself into here, man. I better take it easy. I better take it slow. I better go for something that looks like my dong. So, you know, I picked the know what I'm getting myself into here, man. I better take it easy. I better take it slow. I better go for something that looks like my dong. So I picked the smallest one I could find.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And it worked out. It worked out perfectly. I've had it for about a year now. Probably about time to upgrade, but yeah. And really what it's at the core of what we're talking about is, do you really want to go through your life being scared of liking what you like? If you like something and you get one life, don't you want to be doing that thing? So if your butthole is what sets you off, you owe it as an honest person treating yourself
Starting point is 01:17:16 right to hit that butthole. Dude, amen. Amen. Like you are assuring yourself of pleasure. Like you said earlier, don't let anybody tell you how to have fun. But is there, is there any upside in not doing what feels good just to play devil's advocate to myself? Uh, well, yeah, absolutely. You can say that you've never done it before. Um, I mean, I think a lot of people are scared to be honest,
Starting point is 01:17:41 um, especially when it comes to sexual partners. Actually, I was just on a date with a dude last night who told me his last girlfriend was super uncomfortable with the fact that he had hooked up with dudes before and acted super weird after that and ended up like they broke up. But she had made out with a chick and he was like, oh yeah, no, that's totally cool. Nothing weird about that. And it's just kind of a double standard, you know?
Starting point is 01:18:04 Is it fun going out with a guy and getting to complain about women together and then boning afterwards potentially no it's actually more fun to go out with women and complain about men oh that checks out well so in your experience since you've partied with both is there more and and look i know it's broad and i know it's specific to you and i'm sorry to fall into like kind of just lazy grouping but have you found that dudes are a bit more difficult to date than women um yeah yeah personally i mean i just like it's more like i've always felt like more like a chick person like an emotional person um but there's a lot of things that like dudes have to offer i think uh like for
Starting point is 01:18:46 example i was just in cabo i was in cabo three weeks ago and just hooked up with a dude like and dated a dude for honestly i'd say like the real first time um it was great i had no idea that i like a dude so much uh my he came to my dj set like it was super fun um and i came back and was like okay you know what like i could date a dude but it would like like seriously like boyfriend girlfriend kind of day you know i'm saying like partnership date if it was the right person sure but i have found that that person is harder to find yeah it's tough man to really have a soul connection with someone is so rare no and uh i've dated a lot of women um and i have found that i don't know i think i just rush into things so i'm trying to
Starting point is 01:19:32 do new things figure out what i actually like like potentially exploring some polyamory as you mentioned earlier lately i don't know how i've been feeling about it because like you said you could always just get stabbed in the back and that shit would really suck not get broken up with once or twice but like three times at once man that'd be brutal you'd make some fire songs though that's true no I dropped my best seat when I'm sad yeah yeah did you find that do you find you're kind of living to feel a bit I've been finding that out lately yeah especially like this last weekend I it weekend. I partied really fucking crazy. I tried Molly for the first time.
Starting point is 01:20:08 It was pretty cool. Also, to the dude who said, should I take Molly at 30? I think taking Molly at 30 is way better than in your 20s. Your brain is way more ready for it. But the recovery is brutes, dude. Yeah, well, I also didn't take that much Molly. I took a bunch of mushrooms, too.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It was like drinking and smoking weed. It's hard to know exactly how it felt but have you found it all that you're like feelings as you're being so exploratory and as you're trying things and you're and you're uh both like romantically but also just like experience wise um has it gotten in front of you where you're like you know i don't know if i can handle all this it might be too much for my brain to organize. Mmm, um, actually JT I want to share this with you too. I am also a bipolar individual And I went through a pretty fat manic episode in college where like I realized I wanted to do this music thing But it take over took over my whole life It took over my whole brain like I couldn't shut up about it
Starting point is 01:21:04 Like I was obnoxious about it. And further yet, I wasn't actually doing anything about it. I wasn't practicing. I wasn't getting better. I wasn't really working on stuff. I would just work on it a little bit and then talk it up a whole bunch. Yeah, you were being expansive, but was it able, could you, it was hard to contain it all.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Exactly. I just had all this energy, as I'm sure you get. I just had all this energy of I knew and I get, like I've had all this energy of, I knew and I was so sure that this is what was going to happen, but that like, it just kind of came all crumbling down before me. Like I lost a bunch of close friends. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:36 I was the vice president of my frat and I had to resign. Um, which honestly was for the best because then COVID happened. Um, and it literally COVID can have happened for a perfect time for me personally because it just pulled me out of my world and made me sit back at home and have to talk to my dad about all this stuff and learn to realize, I'm like, yo, dude, you got to chill.
Starting point is 01:21:57 You got to chill. I hear you. I went through something similar a couple times in my 20s. It's like, to put it romantically, you're touched by fire, but you've got to keep the fire contained. Amen. And that is the challenge of what I'm working to learn. But you've got a lot of life in you, brother.
Starting point is 01:22:15 You've got life in you. Amen. But your demeanor and your calmness has shown me a lot. I mean, even just through a one-way relationship through a screen, I just appreciate you a lot, brother. Yeah, I love you, man. Love you, too, brother. Love y'all, too. Y'all are fucking awesome, and I hope y'all ladies are great.
Starting point is 01:22:31 And JT, congrats on the kids, bro. I hope that's going amazing. It's been fun. You got your buff-ass dad bod going on. Good for you, brother. Thanks, man. Tyler, thanks for calling in. So, before I go, the last question I had about the pegging song was um how do you guys handle the exuberant things the small dong marches with your family
Starting point is 01:22:55 or even just people in public who come up to you and say hey i think you're ridiculous and i think that this is dumb and i think that you should go die in a hole or something like how do y'all handle that um i'd say having a tv show helps um definitely uh i'd say uh when my dad when i first when we first started doing the the uh our like videos and stuff my dad yeah i was testing it out i was like trying to figure it stuff, my dad, yeah, I was testing it out. I was trying to figure it out. And my dad was like, he's like, this is not what I had in mind when I said you should go do acting. And I was just like, you know what, dad, just trust me. Give me six more months.
Starting point is 01:23:39 I will figure it out. And it will work. So I don't know if that really answers your question. But that's what happened in my personal experience and then um when my girlfriend's uh family asked me about the small dong stuff um i'm just like i just laugh and i think i think i think i just laugh and and uh that's all i can really do because you know i'm basically telling the world i have a small dong and i'm like you know i love your
Starting point is 01:24:11 daughter and i have a small dong and uh i hope you can expect accept both of those things and i'm now interested in pegging oh well you know what that tells me that if i ever meet someone and they're like yo you're the peg me guy and you're gonna date my daughter i'm just like yes i love your daughter or son or person and i love getting pegged and smile with two thumbs up i think i think you could also say and sir you know who you're dealing with because there's a lot of people out there everyone has things that are different about them. And sometimes they, they don't lead with them and sometimes they don't share them at all. And so I'm more trusting of someone who tells me what they've been through
Starting point is 01:24:50 and what they like right away. Cause I don't feel like there's anything that's going to surprise me down the road. I think there's integrity in that. Amen. So y'all want to hear a snippet of the song? Can you just tell, maybe tell us some of the lyrics?
Starting point is 01:25:06 Okay. I met a girl named Stacy at a bar downtown listening to Steve Lacey. We had ourselves a couple rounds. I told her a secret of mine that I normally keep to myself. I wanted her to F me from behind while she choked me with a belt. And at first she was confused, and I thought she wasn't budged, but I told her, girl, I'm serious. I want you to pack my fudge.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Wow, dude. Then I got a strap on at home and that'll make me moan. Then it goes on, yeah. I think that's going to be an anthem. It's a banger for an arena. Last question before you go do you uh do you bust loads when you're on all fours like do you just bust a lot on the floor hmm you know when you're getting pegged from behind i haven't i haven't been in that situation
Starting point is 01:26:00 and in that situation i would either a bust on the B, perhaps have a condom on to catch that, or C, think ahead and lay a towel down to bust on the towel so I don't have to clean up the floor later. Right. Smart. All right, buddy. Appreciate it, fellas. Starfarts is the name. IDWDS just dropped two days ago. Check it out, fellas. Star Farts is the name. IDWDS just dropped two days ago. Check it out, fellas.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Later. I love Call of Duty. This is so much fun. That was great. I think that's actually a good place to end it. We've been going for a while. This was a great episode. Had a lot of fun. I feel great. I feel like we really opened
Starting point is 01:26:41 up new parts of this whole thing. We've got to do this again. We're trying stuff, man. That's very exciting. very exciting it's always fun yeah i think this is a good format and i think we can implement other things maybe potentially like a zoom get people on a call that shows their face um but if you guys want to get in on this on the next episode the phone number is here below you can text call um leave your message of what your beef your legend what you want to talk to the dudes about and uh we'll get back to you in the future for the next episode and guys comment on how much of a legend jake is he's a great guy it's a great guy let the world know the world needs to know i'm trying did we talk about did we talk about jake taking a nap
Starting point is 01:27:20 in the galley we haven't no all right we can if you want, but everything came back fine. I'm good. Basically, I passed out on a plane, scared JT to death. Well, yeah, because afterwards you were like, dude, I'm good. Let's rock. I was like, dude, maybe chill and drink a bottle of water. Well, then, dude, he's like not feeling good, doesn't want to drink water. We get to the lobby of the hotel he just chugs a mountain dew
Starting point is 01:27:45 yeah dude yeah mountain dew's the savior bro that's what saved me animal bro animal guys thank you for tuning in remember to stay stoked keep spreading the good word jt oh that was awesome thanks guys if you need advice these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have the girls beside you. Are you going deep? Going deep? Let's get deep. I'm going deep. I'm getting deep.

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