Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 326 - Joe "King Hog" Marrese

Episode Date: January 25, 2024

Today we are joined by the Legend himself, Joe Marrese. He is celebrating a huge milestone this week so we wanted to bring him on the pod to ask how he is feeling about it! We take calls from all acro...ss the world and Joe uses his communication skills to get a one way flight to Alabama. Grateful to spend time with King Hog! Joe said he would read every comment so......you know what to do stokers HAHAHA.  Check out Joe's Pod - Joe Codehttps://www.youtube.com/@joecodepodcast6834 Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! FLORDIA (Tampa, Orlando, Dania Beach UP NEXT) - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us or text, leave a 60 sec summary with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 is it worth it let me work it i put my thing down flip it and reverse it what's up stokers of stoke nation this is i can't do the i didn't realize she says the words in reverse actually did you know that oh no way yeah I didn't realize she says the words in reverse, actually. Did you know that? Oh, no way. I didn't know that. I just read it and I was like, is this Spanish? I was like, oh, it's the words in reverse. So she says flip it down and reverse it and then she says the words
Starting point is 00:00:36 in reverse? Yeah. Which actually makes me think even more highly of her. That makes me like the song more. Which I already really liked it, but I didn't know it was clever. Yeah. I thought it was good. I didn't know that at all.
Starting point is 00:00:48 That's really cool. It is cool. Sounds good the way that comes off. Yeah. I think we need a Missy Elliott resurgence. Well, guys, welcome to the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Boom, clap, stokas. I'm here with the man, the big hog, Joe Morisi. Hey, guys. Great to be back here at the new studio downtown Los Angeles, a new low. No, it's a great little studio. I just am not a fan of downtowns anymore. You know what I mean? Yeah, we had a buddy who used to live down here, Greg Warner.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah, I like to be out of the downtown areas. And even I would run into Joe, and I'd be like, he'd be like, what'd you get up to last night? I'm like, oh, I hung out with Greg Warner. He's like, where? In downtown? Yeah. Yeah, no thanks.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And you'd never come out. We'd go out to Seven Grand around here. You would never make the trip. Yeah, I didn't want it i mean i here and there i would but this isn't my cup of tea is it la downtown or is it all downtowns i think it's all now in general like even when i'm back in chicago i'd barely ever go downtown chicago downtown is pretty sick though yeah it is it's just you get to a certain point where it's enough. Well, what are the... Too much riffraff now.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, so would you say it's the congestion? Riffraff meaning crime. Smash and grabs. Stick-ups. And you've been a victim of one of those. Well, yeah, and that was here. That was in Hollywood. Sure was. Have you told that story? story yeah i've told it many times i'm not telling it again what i will say is just you
Starting point is 00:02:33 gotta always be aware of your surroundings do you mind if i tell and i've been aware uh ever since i just got mugged um no big deal dude you were funny about it though the guy stole your iphone it was like an old model that was always a funny thing you said oh yeah i made yeah i made a comedy uh i made a bit out of it but i was i saw you talking about it on stage a couple days afterwards on ovino and uh you'd get you had you'd gone to the hospital because you had like a little panic attack afterwards i mean a guy put a gun on you it's very yeah i was with uh comedian michael blaustein he uh took me to the hospital because i thought i was having a heart attack but it was just a panic attack because i was i don't know i was
Starting point is 00:03:11 going through some trauma but so you were on stage talking about you go yeah i had to go to the hospital after getting robbed yeah because i had a gun pointed at me because i had a panic attack and then you took a beating go because i'm a pussy i did not call myself a pussy you did you said that like dude in a cool way it was like self-deprecation no one thought you were that we were all like you know i thought it was very brave of you to talk about all of it in full so soon after it happened i was i was inspired by it true thanks yeah and it was also very i know it's very traumatic time for you you also, it was just very sweet how much you didn't want to be alone. If that meant you're like, can you go there with me?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Can you walk with me? I just don't want to be alone. I don't remember that. I remember. And then you would call me crying. Oh, whatever. No. Come over and hold me.
Starting point is 00:03:57 No, I didn't. No, you cry. I don't cry, man. I do cry more than you for sure, bro. Bro, I cry way more than you. What's the most you've ever cried in a day uh i don't know when was i a baby almost 40 years ago almost cried in a day yeah like have you cried more than once in a day recently no i don't think ever i've cried like five times in a day like yesterday dude i mean i don't really get that i get the like five times in a day like yesterday, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I mean, I don't really get that. I get once a day if there's a moment of like- But you love it when I feel things. Breaking down, but then you, that's supposed to like let out- It's cathartic. You get out all the stuff. But then to have it happen again in the same- I'm a crier, brother. 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Dude, I'll write. I'll write, sorry. I'll write stuff. No no i wasn't saying anything and i'll make myself cry with what i write wow that's profound like stand-up stuff no not bits if i'm writing like a script and like a mom and a son like reconcile i can make myself cry from like my own version of thoughts wow do you which is very narcissistic or a solipsistic or whatever but i it's it feels great do you let your tears hit the laptop to give it and they punch the next keys yeah yeah and you know what it comes out to lay it down flip it and reverse it
Starting point is 00:05:14 and dude remember when you had me hold your hand as i walk you to pink taco yeah fine when was that 20 uh what did years thanks for coming on the pod i mean that was almost eight years ago now so yeah sorry but i'm over it dude i had residual panic attacks after i had my drug meltdown and uh and webcam porn meltdown for like just a bunch of crazy shit happened to me in a couple months i had panic attacks from that for two years afterwards my brain was still putting itself back together yeah yeah i haven't had panic attacks anymore that for me that was just a phase uh me too i have three years i haven't had one because then my body except for when the show came out next day i had one that day my body but i haven't a while just do the football at my brother. Oh, nice. What happened? Like, your brain knows what it is if it's coming.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So, like, I knew how to handle it. Because I remember I had some, and then when one or two would come, then just my brain threw it out. What's that incoming feeling that your brain what that your brain recognizes impending doom hmm does your throat close up mine used to close oh yeah yeah throat closed you feel like you can't breathe you start going really and then i would you would feel like a pulse in your muscle so like you think you're having a heart attack um right it sounds like it's like bullet time and like a video game you know when you go on bullet and like max pain I've gone bullet time it's no that
Starting point is 00:06:50 means I've had that I have that when I edit for too long oh yeah my brain will go into this weird slut and everything sounds like yeah it's really I know it I've had that since I was a kid though interesting I don't know what it is I've never really heard anyone talk about it. But sometimes if I'm taking a test, if I'm very deep in a single task, I'll go in this weird slowdown. Does that make you work faster?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Or is it more of like a... No, it doesn't help things. It's just kind of disorienting. There's no like... Maybe it would be like wanted if I let it take me over. And then I could find a way out of it that was freaking sick.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah. All right, let's get down to business here. Are you guys coming to my birthday party on Friday? Absolutely. Yeah, I'll be there. Good. Yeah, Stokers. Turning 40.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Stokers, wish Joe a happy birthday. Happy birthday, Joe. Happy birthday this week. Let's go, baby. 40 years old. It's wild. You know what's crazy? You look 40.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I don't, but i feel it i i mean i wish you feel it i don't look it i know that people well that's what people say i don't know if they're just being nice they don't have to kiss my ass i don't need people kissing my ass but they say you don't look and i don't because i'm you know i have a young spirit you have a young spirit but an old soul i mean i just uh i mean that's true that's true i know what you mean i don't know what i mean but how do you how do you feel 40 though like in your joints well just in uh you know like i've been through a lot kind of a thing where it's like, yeah, it has been a,
Starting point is 00:08:29 you know, like, I feel like life is half over kind of a thing. Oh, wow. That's kind of, well, cause I was born in 1984.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I mean, it's not amazing. That's wild. Yeah. It is wild. I was thinking about like, if you wrote something and you said it in like 2007 as like a nostalgia piece that would be the same thing as when we were in high school
Starting point is 00:08:49 setting something in the 80s like doing something about guns and roses oh wow yeah it's it's weird because whatever era you grow up and you always think the 80s now are like 15 years ago but it's like no it's 40 years yeah yeah it's weird yeah it's very odd yeah it's just generational yeah the 90s is a lot long time ago now but i'm i'm a big fan of this incoming wave of like early 2000s 90s nostalgia have you noticed that where people are like there's like instagram accounts there's like uh oh 90s kids 90s kids that one's good it's so good i like to i like to like batman cartoon it had to have like violence yeah nickelodeon was huge because i had so much tea as a seven-year-old for us
Starting point is 00:09:30 dude scooby-doo as a kid best i watched that a little bit i would i would get i would watch scooby-doo and i would have peanut butter and fluff sandwiches marshmallow fluff marshmallow yeah that was good those are okay and then i played golden eye my friend's mom called those she called him nutter butters it was tom hall my good buddy who's a tank but uh he put up uh he put up a story of him b-hole sunning but with like a criticism of oppenheimer i loved it it's so funny i dm'd him yesterday and i was like this made me so happy yeah yeah it's so funny i think his critique of Oppenheimer is amazing. Yeah. That they should just lose the whole Robert Downey Jr. section.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, totally. He's really smart. He's so smart. Yeah. I love that guy. He's always listening to Linkin Park and working out when he's not doing doctorly duties. He is an ER doctor, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Oh, he works in the ER? Yeah. That's good. You know, I haven't called him as much lately but i when i was especially during covid when i was in my neuroses man i would call him all the time yeah i'm like my temperature's 99.8 what should i do yeah and he'd be like well listen man you know in the hospital unless you're over 100.4 we don't even consider it a fever so yeah you might have something low grade but at this point i don't think it's worth you know any sort of panic dude you're good you're healthy how's your neuroses now
Starting point is 00:10:49 because the other day we didn't do the podcast because i think i i believe it was reported as a sore throat i didn't want to get you guys sick yeah that was my mom's in town so i uh didn't want to get her yeah i didn't want to get chad Yeah, I didn't want to get Chad's mom sick. Alright. Because I was texting and I was conscious of Joe. He's going to think this is so pussy. Really? I don't care if you have a sore throat. You think it's pussy to not go somewhere because you don't want to get other people sick?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, I think we're kind of past that now. I mean, let's get real. Dude, you're so tough. no you you're fine now apparently i mean it couldn't have been anything that drastic if two days my girlfriend got sick she's a little uh you know bedded up it sucks the baby's got a little sick i had babies do you know that yeah let's watch out for the babies that's true oh they got sick they got a little but they have such good immune systems i think their body is all white blood cells they bounce back quick that's good all right yeah let's get some calls in here yeah should we call some
Starting point is 00:11:53 people yeah let's get some uh calls right they're gonna actually be on the phone yeah live that's a cool power move if they don't answer hey what's what's up, man? What's up, man? It's JT, Chad, and Joe Maurice. What up, dudes? Hey, what's up? How you living? Pretty chilling right now, man. How about you guys?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Good. What's your name? Or do you want to stay in Anon? I'll probably stay in Anon. All right, we'll call you Anon then. Anon, what's ailing you? dude so funny story dude i was uh i was crushing your pod last week with strider nice and i was at like the part where the one dude called in and he was saying like feeling bad about being horny and stuff and then uh strider was like talking about how
Starting point is 00:12:47 horniness could build like bridges in america and stuff and then i got into a gnarly accident whoa like right at that point what kind of accident like a car accident wow damn how fast were you going uh not too fast i don't want to say too much but like it was pretty bad like my like you know face is all bloody and shit dude and like the horn was stuck on for whatever reason the volume got turned all the way up so it was just strider saying how like horning this builds america and like the firefighters were coming to like unplug the horn and stuff wow dude we have photos of it here um so we can see yeah you got banged up pretty good man i'm sorry you recovering well yeah man how did it occur was it t-bone did you hit like how did it go down yeah i don't want to say too much right now you're gonna get into some like legal stuff probably yeah do you blame the
Starting point is 00:13:47 podcast no actually dude that was like the thing that made me feel the best after it happened i was like oh man that was hilarious whose fault was the accident let's go after the insurance company yeah i don't know dude all right you seem like a pretty nice dude though i can imagine if you were in an accident you might even say it was 50 50 even if it was the other person's fault is that a government vehicle you don't have to say and so did uh so the other person you were in the accident with did they recognize strider's voice as well and were they or the firefighters were they like is that strider dude i think like they were probably i think one dude was like yo what like what were you listening to nice did you tell him it was about strider talking about horniness yeah i was like yeah dude it was a my boys podcast
Starting point is 00:14:46 dude listen to him every week that's really nice yeah even when you're in a moment of difficulty you still found a way to come through so then were you stroking it when you crashed is that what happened no dude no i was thinking about it though yeah yeah i guess that'll but my question to you dudes is how especially chad how do you stay stoked if you can't surf oh yeah are you out of the water for a bit probably for a little while yeah um man i i feel for you it's been raining here um i'd say you know when i didn't have a girlfriend my cure was to do hot yoga and look at butts that sounds nice word
Starting point is 00:15:32 are you able to do physical activity is all exercise off the table no not all i'm trying to you know some some aches and pains you know try to do some yogas in the morning. Nice. Yeah, dude, go to hot yoga and do the cat-cow position behind a... But respectfully. Respectfully, for sure. Yeah. But
Starting point is 00:15:59 that's my suggestion. Also, watch some cool movies to get you amped up for when you can surf again. It doesn't have to be surfing movies. It could, like, if you want to go surfing movies, I would go Quicksilver Young Guns 3, a nice little throwback, 2009. The Bruce movie, 2004. Or you could go a little bit, you know, more current.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Like the Andy Irons dog? The Andy Irons dog. The Fly in the Awayment? Yeah. Or, no, that's him and kelly slater's rivalry and then um touched by god i think is like the one about yeah it's a little have you seen it it's a little heavy is it posthumous it's after he left i've seen bits and pieces yeah it's it's it's sick and andy was sick but it's also a bit heavy dad pretty dark yeah but i mean if that's your thing like you know if you're more jt style jt gets stoked on a little bit more of the the deep
Starting point is 00:16:53 yeah i like the dark stuff yeah that's yeah i was thinking about maybe trying to put on uh max keeble's big move oh okay nice look you got you're a cinephile i remember that movie max he was big move dude blank check yeah this movie was pretty good the kid who played keebler you believed he could concoct a plan to get even with everybody in his life evil he had evil yeah he had that his eyes kind of had that intelligence 2001 i feel like he had people yeah he had that his eyes kind of had that intelligence 2001 i feel like he had everybody in his back pocket for sure he's a little bit of ferris bueller a little bit younger but a little bit also more justice oriented which i think is just so valuable yeah it's true um dude i watched a clip of uh i think it was
Starting point is 00:17:44 was it spy kids or something where paul giamatti plays a hollywood producer that'd be a good movie yeah yeah i think uh agent cody banks is a very good film that's what it was you know it's espionage it's a it's it's action but it's relatable because he's 12. Did he work for the CIA? How old are you? 23. This might be before your time, but the Disney channel back when people would watch more cable,
Starting point is 00:18:15 they put out a lot of great made-for-TV movies. One of my favorites is called Brink. Oh, yeah, dude. I've seen that movie. Maybe watch that again too Yeah dude for sure Jake it's all pervy Everything I'm seeing on the image
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah Jake why are you pulling that off Jake was just pulling up Hilary Duff's butt Jake's just pulling up Like what are we doing Yeah Jake who even asked for that Yeah we're trying to But I mean yeah if you're to but i mean you know yeah if you're you know in jake's lane you could pull up just hillary duff and do a nice google search
Starting point is 00:18:50 you could look at hot girls all day that's not bad either honestly yeah i just you know we want this to be four quadratus jack's guy with her in that picture let's kick his ass that looks like uh the guy from the bachelor oh that's uh oh i thought that was jesse palmer all right man well all right oh i got one more i think while you're while you're in this zone i think i would do the rundown with the rock oh nice peter berg directed that did he really that's like when he went more serious as a director the rundown little sean william scott action oh yeah dude you know what's cool about that movie? The action. They make really strong choices.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I think The Rock punches through a pillar at one point. Yeah, dude. Because it's South American. Nice. Well, dude, you're a friggin' solid dude. Stay stoked. Find your stoke again and heal up well. Thanks, bros.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And if you need someone to testify for insurance, we'll let them know that horniness is a good defense. Yeah, for sure. Appreciate it, boys. Yeah, heal up, man. Good luck, brother. Dude, actually, before we jump into the next call, this is a pretty serious issue that a lot of dudes
Starting point is 00:20:06 deal with and um i saw someone who's famous that i look up to because he was a powerful athlete and he spoke on it and i wanted you guys to see the clip because i think it's like it'll be really i don't know comforting for a lot of people hey i'm telling you if you got that oo-wee, I'm Mr. TNB. Touching butts. I'm sorry. What does he mean? It's your fault. It's your fault. Be mad at yourself because you got that scunion. Be mad at yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Oh, you're going to end up in the If you got that oo-wee, I'm TNB. Touching butts. That's pretty good. He calls it a scunion. don't know what yeah what is that he's like you got that scunion dude he's amazing he's like uh are you gonna end up in the group chat they're so funny man i watch their clips all day they're both just brilliant do they have a
Starting point is 00:21:03 podcast they do a podcast they do a podcast together oh they do it's mostly them talking about stuff like that and they're so funny shan sharp ocho cinco yeah they have a bunch of clips like there's one about chad ocho cinco said he could beat up francis and ganu there's them arguing about who has better hands um they have great stuff about them talking about uh dating because they're both just uh wild and hilarious and uh shannon sharp he had cat on his pot that's the dude i think shannon sharp's making a run is like the new media charles barkley wow like they're kind of from the same era yeah i think barkley's a maybe five ten years older but um but shannon sharp is just so good on the mic he feels like
Starting point is 00:21:46 he's unafraid to say anything but he can also be pretty cerebral um so yeah i really love watching he's hilarious you got that ooey it's tnb i'm touching bust touching bust yeah yeah that's good i had the touch and bust one time i've talked about this before i did no fat for like 30 days and then i did the tmb she's like did you just she didn't say bust but i was like yeah i'll see you later and that's why i'm like hearing shannon sharpe and then chad johnson will talk about he's always like i take them blue diamonds talking about viagra i feel like so many dudes probably have insecurities around that stuff and then you see chad and uh you see ocho and shannon sharp talking about you like oh cool man yeah i'm in
Starting point is 00:22:34 good company you get that uh should we do another call yeah yeah what's up just Just chilling, man. It's Chad JT and Joe Morisi. Yo, the whole wolf pack, bro. Yeah, what's up? Dude, no way, bro. Wait. This is the most important phone call of my life. Whoa. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Dude. What's your name, friend? Or do you want to stay a non? Seadog, bro. This is Seadog. Hell yeah. Seadog, what up? Dude, so I stay a non sea dog bro it's a sea dog hell yeah sea dog what up that dude so i got a weird situation bro get into it so my friend who i grew up with for 30 fucking years out of nowhere wants me to white stallion his wife as he cuckolds
Starting point is 00:23:32 wow as he cuckolds wow white stallion how did how did he bring it up dude it was real out of the blue man everything was normal like yo has been that everything's chilling dog i was like i told him in a while you know i got my i got my girl she's about to have a baby in a few months uh oh so you are you married too not quite but very soon my dog yeah you're not gonna be uh doing that well hold on no no wait that but he he just he just brought it up dude he was just like yo like i want i want you to fuck my wife wow did you have any inkling from him earlier that he might be into that? And do you know why he picked you? I don't know why he picked me. But yeah, he asked me a few years ago when I was single.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I was like, yeah, dog. I was like, his wife's fucking hot, dude. And I was like, yeah, dude, I'll fucking do it. But see, the weird thing is, I don't think she knows about it, dude. That's the weird thing. Oh, that'd be weird. Super fucking weird dude and you know he started sending some weird texts bro and i just told him like dude chill the fuck out it was like
Starting point is 00:24:32 nine o'clock in the morning dude i was like what is this oh so he's making is he making you a bit uncomfortable because he's coming on so strong dude yes bro like super uncomfortable dude like i'm gonna hang glider cock into my wife's pussy and all this shit and i'm like no i'm not gonna do that he said that verbatim he fucking said that verbatim bro i'll send you a screenshot of the text dude it's fucking weird dude yeah so he's really been thinking about it are you the only guy he's asked i don't know dude i don't know, dude. I don't know. It's so weird. Would you be hurt if he'd asked other bros? Oh, I... No, I wouldn't be. But I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Like, you know, like a year ago, like before I had my girl and stuff, he was like, hey, man, would you be down to like do this? And I was like, shit, I'll fuck your wife. But like, I don't want to do it when he's in the room. Right. He wants to watch.
Starting point is 00:25:22 He has to cuckold thing. I don't want to do that, dude. It makes me uncomfortable. I've heard that that's the issue in a lot of cuckold things is that it's tough to find a guy who wants to have sex in front of the cuck like most guys are like yeah i'll do the the gal but i don't want you there and then even one of our friends who's a comic he he a dude had reached out to him and he's like dude have your girl reach out to me i don't want to talk to you about it like but i think this happens too where it's always the guy's idea and then they take the front they they take the asking job and then that's what shuts it down yeah so so you
Starting point is 00:25:56 he asked you before you were dating your girl and you said yes but what happened a year ago and so you said yeah i'll bang your wife but so what happened after that so he told me like hey dog i'm not he's like he's like she's down she's super down would you mind if we pop over this is like a year ago a year and a half ago i said yeah dude that's cool he said i'm gonna grab some stella's i'm gonna bring some chicken like okay dude so he fucking shows up there ding dong open the door no dude where Where she at? He was like, oh, dude, she wasn't feeling good. And I was like, I thought... I wasn't...
Starting point is 00:26:29 And to be honest, I was never really thinking about doing it. I just was more fucking with him because he was sending me pics, bro. He was sending me tons of pics, dude. Of what? Of his fucking wife naked, dude. Oh, how was that? It's nice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Are we at all... Hey hey you better watch it are we at all worried that the wife's not aware of any of this i don't think she is dude she's from a different country bro and i think she married him for his money because he's real rich his mom's real rich yeah but dude i'm not into that like like where i grow up bro like we don't mess with our friends man we don't mess with chicks even exes bro exes are off limits yeah i i do that too it's like it once your friend was with somebody especially for like more than a year or two it's like nah that chick's off limits off the fuck yeah so have you interacted with her since that initial approval? Have you interacted with her at all?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Has it been awkward? Like, has there been any disgust? I mean, dude, we've hung out, like, multiple times. I'm like, just chillin', partying, listening to music, drinking some whiskey. Like, nothing weird, dude. He just came out of the fuckin' left field, bro, with this super weird text, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And I'm like, what is this? Is she cool? fucking cool is he into you no i don't think so i think we i think he this guy i think your buddy and look sexuality has a lot of permutations. It would seem to me, and I'm not a doctor, but it seems like he just has some bisexual impulses. Dude, I think he's full-fledged, bro, into it. Yeah, clearly. He wants to hang light. Or he just likes humiliating himself.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He likes reaching out to you and saying that he wants to grab your cock, when really, maybe he doesn't he wants to grab your cock when really maybe he doesn't even want to grab your cock he just wants to say that to you and frick with the dynamic a little bit i don't know dude it's so weird dude when he came over that first time without his wife did he still bring stella and chicken he brought the, he brought the fucking goods, bro. Did you eat it with him? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:47 we just chilled, bro. We just, we just chilled. Stella and chicken. That's hard to turn down. Are you ever tough to like hang out with? Like if he wants to hang out,
Starting point is 00:28:55 are you always down to hang out or, or is it kind of tough to get you guys in the same place? Um, yeah, I mean, I work a lot. It's, it's tough to hang out with,
Starting point is 00:29:04 but do you think any part of this is that he doesn't know how else to hang out with you other than offering you sex through his wife oh like some sort of like offering like he's like look if I just invite C-Dawg to Dave and Buster's he's not coming but if I tell him
Starting point is 00:29:21 he can have sex with my wife he'll show oh wow I don't know dude so weird man he's weirded out by the whole deal but okay he disappeared he disappeared for a whole year and his phone was turned off he everybody's numbers blocked he befriended everybody from facebook this guy's amazing okay can we call him no dude we can't yeah that makes sense um oh yeah that was that was part of the stipulation she was like bro keep this between us and i was like dude should i call him on the pod about this and i was like fuck yeah nobody listens to y'all over here have you have you told your yeah yeah yeah fuck you guys have you told your
Starting point is 00:30:00 wife about the or your girlfriend rather have you told your girlfriend that you've been asked this? Oh, hell no, dude. She's in the other room. She could be listening to me right now. I don't care. No, I wouldn't. No, I'm not going to tell her that, dude. Do you feel cool that he asked you?
Starting point is 00:30:14 No, I feel weird. Totally fucking weirded out, dude. Oh. Do you have. That's a bummer, man. I'm sorry. Do you have a reputation like Joe? Are you known for having a big hog?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, maybe it's that. Yeah, dude. Yeah, dude. The word's out on the street, bro. Oh, are you known for having a big hog? Yeah, maybe it's that. Yeah, dude. Yeah, dude. Word's out on the street, bro. Oh, there you go. Oh, you do? You have a big dick?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, dude. Oh, nice. Sorry. I don't want to small-dong shame you guys, man. I know Joe's got a hog. No, there's no shame in being honest. Yeah. That's awesome. We're proud of you.
Starting point is 00:30:40 That's cool. I'll fuck her. Hell yeah, dude. He'd probably be fucking into that for sure no that's that's probably healthier too to do it with someone that you don't have as much uh personal connection with yeah i think that's the thing just like it's like it's got to be somebody you know dude so are you cool with him continuing to ask you or to talk to you about these things or would you rather him shut it down i shut it down i told him to stop texting me that shit like three days ago after i'm after i've messaged in i wanted to call about you and talk
Starting point is 00:31:08 about on the pod yeah i messaged him like bro you gotta stop this shit how did he respond to that uh he didn't say anything that day then like yesterday today i think it was today yeah dude what's up bro just see if you want to hang out because they want to meet my girl i haven't met my girl yet so i was like i really respect this other guy's ability to keep it moving yeah dude he's already crossed the fucking rubicon i can't go back dude i can't look at him the same way ever again man yeah but he asked you a year ago and you were okay with it because i was single but so you think it's crossing the rubicon that he asked you when you were in a relation like yeah after i explained like hey i got a girl now we're having a baby we're getting married all that and it was just like yeah he said he told me it wouldn't be cheating i'm like yeah dude definitely cheating i'm not doing
Starting point is 00:31:52 that you're an honorable guy can you give us some more examples of the texts he was sending uh yeah i gotta pull yeah just weird shit like fuck dude gonna hang hang glide your your cock in my wife's pussy shit like that do you have other ones does that mean he's gonna ride it into your his wife i don't want him fucking looking at her fucking no dude i don't have any contact with a man that way but i think he has got i think he's got like bigger plans like i think he's like gonna try to do some really weird shit i don't know i don't know what it is i bet he is what's a bigger plan example i'll show you i think i don't know
Starting point is 00:32:40 dude like maybe like try to like roofie me or something dude i don't fucking know so you're questioning his character altogether yeah dude you might need to take space from the dude especially if you're gonna have a kid do you want this guy around your baby fuck no dude oh man yeah that's the thing it's like uh it's all fun until you're raising another human and then you worry about the moral implications i know dude it's all fun until you're raising another human and then you worry about the moral implications i know dude it's crazy i know you're a new dad congrats bro thank you man you too congrats it'll be very exciting well all right man or do you have another one oh i guess are you looking for advice from us on how to move forward yeah yeah what would y'all do if y'all were me just
Starting point is 00:33:23 shut it down just keep doing what i'm doing just slowly spend less time with them yeah i think that or put him on a group chat with joe see if joe can take your spot oh dude that's the move that's way cooler it's like just find someone to take your spot because that's that's i think in the jewish tradition when you apologize to someone you make it up to them with something yeah i get someone to cover for you yeah so you got to be like hey man i can't do it but here's a photo of joe maurice's cock and i think this guy you know he travels he'll come that's the play bro joe how do you feel about that uh yeah i mean let's uh see if maybe they could fly me out uh we'll see yeah maybe you could do like a swap like you could take a shift
Starting point is 00:34:06 at the comedy store while he he banks this guy's wife yeah dude let me tell it down yeah let me tell it down dude sweet man
Starting point is 00:34:13 then I have to fly to Cali so I'd have to take some time off work I can't swing that where are you located I'm in Alabama oh nice I'll come down there
Starting point is 00:34:20 I haven't been there yeah dude I wish I could have got up with y'all at Talladega man that would have been lit dude that was fun. What a culture. Yeah, dude. It was different.
Starting point is 00:34:30 People were awesome. You seem like a cool dude, man. C-Dawg, I love you. I love y'all too, man. I didn't know I was getting the whole wolf pack, dude. Oh my god. It kind of scared me. Hey, you're in the wolf pack. Good talking with you, C-Dawg. Good luck with all that. Yeah, for sure. Happy birthday, Joe.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Hey, thanks. Appreciate that. All right. All right. That was fire. Jake, can I get a coffee or is it too late? Here, have some of mine. Yeah, I'll get a coffee right now.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I'm not having some of yours. I'll make you one. Let's do the call and then while we're doing that, if you don't mind, man, that's awesome. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, let's go. if you don't mind man that's awesome yeah yeah that's cool we are going back on the road and we're coming hot to florida orlando tampa and dania beach february 14th orlando 15th tampa 16th dania beach we will be there get your tickets at challenge.com we will have strider there as well we also have new dates coming in hot so keep your eyes peeled as of now we got
Starting point is 00:35:25 fort worth coming up i believe the dates on the website will be changing i think it's april 12th through the 14th somewhere in that area then we'll be at the tempe improv april 18th and uh we got a lot of dates coming in so check out chad and jt.com for tickets and also we've been loving the calls so stoked on everyone that's called in if you want to call in you got a beef or something uh life quandary that you want to get solved call the number 323-418-2019 let us know what you want to talk about you can also text that number and um we'd love to hear from you guys Guys, so stoked to have you on board. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:36:08 What's up? What up? How's it going? Hey, going great. What's up with you guys? What's up, Joe? Hey, what's up? Great to talk with you.
Starting point is 00:36:18 What's your name? I'm Haley. Haley. What up? What ails you? What up? Dude, everything. everything in life but at the moment uh it's uh it's my roommate so i live with two dudes oh shit and yeah yeah uh two good friends mine great friends met in grad school um one of them, though, we had a nice little on-again, off-again
Starting point is 00:36:46 situation ship going on. And still live together. And here's the kicker. We work together, too. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah. So it's fun, great time, hell awesome. Actually, the two of us came to your show in Charlotte a little bit ago.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Hell yeah. That was kind of funny. But yeah, our lease is up in June. And I guess my question is, we don't ever talk about it. What's going on between us? Once we move out, do we try and still keep this going? Are you guys still getting
Starting point is 00:37:23 intimate with one another? Yeah, his room is literally 20 feet from mine oh how often you know how often how what how often pretty pretty pretty often yeah well what do you what do you want to happen well it's complicated i mean you know he's my best friend so like that's good though that's a good start yeah but he doesn't talk about like anytime you ask him something he's like oh i don't know i don't know so it sounds like you really like him but you want him to take a little more initiative yeah i don't know how to like get him to do that i don't i don't know if if he wasn't i don't want to force anything if he wasn't able to do it but he would do it if he forced it would you be able to force it
Starting point is 00:38:16 so we also we dated for a couple months like we tried dating last year and like it was great it was fine but then he was like uh like i don't know if i see a future blah blah and i was like okay cool we agree just stay friends and then you know living together and working together kind of makes it a little bit more than friends so he just doesn't like to talk dude what do you like about him um i mean we both have the same type of humor um he's got a great dog that's i call mine um but i i don't know we just like we banter off each other um we like we do things for each other we've talked about like our languages and stuff but i don't know it's just i feel like he's fighting it but again i don't want to force anything how old are you guys uh I'm 25 and he's 28 yeah I mean I think it's a little disappointing
Starting point is 00:39:14 that he hasn't taken a bit more initiative I feel like he is malleable enough where if you told him like hey we're gonna be together and we're gonna go get a place he might give you some friction but i feel like your personality would win the day and you could get him to be in a full relationship but it sounds like that won't set your heart on fire and it won't make you feel fulfilled so i think the best thing you could do is get some distance from him make him feel the loss of you and then see if he steps up and goes after you yeah it's good yeah I agree with that because right now it's all seems a little bit too convenient for him yeah he doesn't have to do no right yeah it's happening he's like you're living in the same place you guys are hooking up he doesn't really have to
Starting point is 00:40:00 put in the work right now and maybe he like yeah showing him what he's missing will be like okay now you have to actually work for it and and and cultivate this thing as opposed to just you know um taking it for granted taking it for granted yeah he's taking it for granted right now and and i think the thing is too it's probably tough for you because you're probably like do you try to like have some distance from him But how do you do that when you work together and you live five feet from each other? Yeah. I mean, I've got good friends at work and stuff, so occasionally I'll go and hang out with them.
Starting point is 00:40:32 But again, we work together, so we're friends with the same people. So yeah, the separation's hard. So that's why I'm kind of excited to move out. But I think that will be the real test. Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. Are you happy otherwise
Starting point is 00:40:46 everything good yeah you know life is uh life's rough work is hard but we're out here grinding it and uh hey i'm talking to you guys so life's great and charlotte's a cool town yeah yeah i'm not from charlotte i moved here three years ago for grad school where are you from but i'm out now and now now i just live here and it's awesome where are you from i'm from pennsylvania lancaster pennsylvania home of the amish oh nice close to yeah you guys got great sandwiches yeah no yeah yeah it's awesome except for the horse and buggies you know they do they get a lot sometimes they haul ass yeah they're moving i didn't realize that yeah they fucking they're going dude they're going like 40 miles per hour at least you ever see uh ishmael
Starting point is 00:41:36 ishmael yeah he's uh from kingpin 10 frames that's for quakers randy is uh probably before your time was a classic uh comedy film okay yeah i i i i agree with you t i think it's i think and i think your instinct is right moving out putting this guy to the test you know and and and i think coming at it with a an attitude of like being okay with whatever happens um and just sort of uh having a healthy kind of separation and um yeah making him step up to be the guy that you deserve and the guy he could be but if but you know he's got to be wanting to do it you don't want to drag him into it yeah but you could you could drag him into it but that's just a choice you got gotta make yeah I'd rather
Starting point is 00:42:26 try and you know see how it goes naturally so I think that's better I think it'll be a test yeah and it's cool to hear y'all's take on it cause you know boys don't talk so it's cool to hear you guys talk yeah this guy should talk he should open up more yeah he should talk a little bit
Starting point is 00:42:41 I mean you guys have known each other for years you dated like he there's gotta be more than just the banter see is he just like sort of like a macho is he have like a macho kind of attitude definitely he's macho yeah is he riding horses like uh you know I can kind of get anybody type of thing. Oh! I had a different vibe about him. I thought he was more of like a shy, sort of autistic type. No, he's quirky.
Starting point is 00:43:17 He's definitely quirky. So I think he relies on his quirks at times. Yeah, he knows what works for him. Yeah, yeah. But I knows what works for him. Yeah, yeah. But I feel like I know him better than anyone. Like he says, I know him better than his family at times. So I feel like some of it's for show.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah. Guys say a lot of stuff. It's all about right action. I've got an idea for you. So I think you should go to the gym, start lifting weights, find a hot guy to spot you on bench, take a video of it, post it, and then move out. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:58 That's honestly a great idea. That is a great, because I'm telling you, guys are competitive too, especially this macho fella. He'll feel another lion in his territory and he'll start roaring. Yeah. Wait, so do you guys hook up with other people? No. So he's only hooking up with you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. Well, you guys are, you know, you're in the red zone. Yeah. You're pretty much together. It's just, I just i think yeah but what's the touchdown percentage oh yeah we don't know what kind of offense we're running yet but we're definitely but here's what i know about her she is not settling for a field goal yeah yes exactly no i want i want the touchdown i want to go all the way baby i just i bet you do you know oh you know me so well sorry hayley go ahead i just trying to bring some comedy in
Starting point is 00:44:58 yeah you should uh fly joe out and have joe spot you yeah do squats or joe come on i i mean i run i run hills so yeah it's hard for people to keep up with me i have a very strong lower body all right we'll put the two of you up against each other and see who wins i'd love to watch that all right well thank you so much, Haley. Good luck. Good luck, Haley. Keep us updated. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Thanks, guys. Bye. Have a good one. Man, everyone's so cool. They're awesome. Yeah, it's fun. They're all good folk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:37 You know, I, like, trust all of them. Yeah. Like, if I was going out of town and I was like, I need someone to house sit, watch the door, I'd be like, all these people would be rock solid for me. It's really, it's really inspiring. It's sort of like when we go on the road and I'm like, man,
Starting point is 00:45:49 everyone here is just awesome. Yeah. It's always fun. Always fun. Stoker. You guys are the best. It's awesome. She goes,
Starting point is 00:45:55 they'll start saying a problem and you're like, Oh, this is going to go dark. And then at the end, it's always like, how do I be a better person? You're like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:00 okay. Like you're coming at everything from such a aspirational view it's like yeah hello hey how's it going good how are you doing well you're here with the chad jt and joe maurice awesome hey what's going on hey guys how are you what's your name we're doing well oh you're sorry you're our second female caller we all get nervous i'm so nervous oh no no it's we're all nervous what's up i just like admire you guys so much so i was like oh my god i can't believe i'm like actually getting to be on like getting to talk to you guys oh that's so nice thank you
Starting point is 00:46:45 yeah we're honored to have you on that puts us at ease thanks so what's ailing um well what is ailing me um so like i'm i'm 27 years old and i don't know how to date in the wild i don't rock with dating apps um i feel like they mess with my mental health and so like i just want to know what you guys like any advice you could give for a lady on dating just like in the wild well so why do you think the dating apps mess with your mental health um well i have never had a good experience with anybody that I've met on a dating app. I had Bumble. The last date I went on was probably like a year ago. And the guy was a total D-bag.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Also really creepy. Really what? Crazy. He was just like really creepy. Oh. And then on top of that, like I feel like Hinge, that one I've had a little bit more success with. But you'll go back and forth a little bit and then someone goes someone. And it's usually me getting ghosted because I love talking.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So it's never me ending the conversation. So do you open up pretty quick and start giving the full breakdown of your day on message four? No, no, no, no. I try to to keep it big try to keep it sexy you know that's my sister's motto so i'm like i like it but hinge is usually a bit better um ever since we've deleted it too i feel like so much better about myself it too i feel like so much better about myself yes i noticed is is it a lot of like i i like the dating apps but but for me i could disconnect from it and be like oh it's like a numbers game but for you were you getting like did it feel like too much like comparison kind of stuff with like the quality of the person you were being connected yeah yes and like the people who were
Starting point is 00:48:43 most compatible and like how because like i would read compatible, I'm like, how? Because I would read their profile, I'm like, I don't think these are most compatible. Yeah, I always disagree with that as well on my end of Hinge. Yeah, I don't mind Hinge. Hinge I think is pretty decent. It's probably the best one out there as opposed to Bumble. But you want to meet someone in RL. It's probably the best one out there as opposed to Bumble. But you want to meet someone in RL.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yes. I mean, like, I know people who have had great success with pins. And I mean, congrats to you, JP. But I myself have just like not been lucky. And I'd rather meet somebody in real life more organically. It is sexier. Do you go to bars or anything yes yeah i also i'm an east coast girl and everybody is a lot meaner here so i feel like that it's i don't know it's a tougher world in the new york new jersey area like the dudes like the dudes do like the disinterested kind of shit
Starting point is 00:49:41 talking stuff pretty quick yeah like mostly and a lot of guys are can i i don't know can i do an impression of the guy and like we'll be on a date if it's new york you gotta grab your crotch too hey so what's up um hi oh how are you i'm good why'd you ask is it like that yeah wait wait so are you going out a lot um are you social i am pretty social um like mostly at least like once a weekend i try to go out not since the holidays but like dry january also yeah dry january it kind of sucks but like um just with and it's also brutally cold out so leaving my apartment is tough yeah yeah i go out like to bars once a weekend you're doing everything right then do you have like uh
Starting point is 00:50:44 activities you like to do that would connect you with people like some kind of like uh recreational sport or you know rock climbing or something something in that field uh i just started to run a little bit i i do like a workout class but it's mostly girls so yeah uh that's you know orange theory is like a big girl workout there's no guys doing that i did is that what do you get you get a spark if you hit a certain number oh you get a flat point why'd you look at me um because like i don't know should i be shooting my thought or like wait for guys to come up to me i don't know you can i'm not desperately trying to be but like i i think like introduce the idea you know more in 2024 because like i am getting older and
Starting point is 00:51:38 you're you're still very young yeah i'm yeah i'm gonna be 40 in two days i mean we all feel we're getting i'm getting older i i i think both i think i think i mean i think with dating i feel like you got to listen to your intuition if there's if there's a moment where you meet someone and you feel something shoot your shot if someone approaches you and it feels right take that i think i think it's i think with dating nowadays it's like with the dating apps and all that kind of stuff it's like maybe we feel like well there's the too many options kind of problem but also maybe it feels like we're forcing it a little bit where we're like matching on an app we're like okay we should match we should date you know whereas if there's nothing playful about it because you're both there with a very direct intention yeah but if you're if you're kind of yeah this is all kind of like
Starting point is 00:52:31 you know but in a way that's better because it's like yeah you know i mean because then you're there on the dating apps because you know you're looking for something if you meet out in real life then you're like i don't know i i think the thing is like dating is always going to be bad for your mental health it was bad for mine it's bad for everybody's it never feels good to get rejected it doesn't feel good to reject someone else but i really do think it comes down to like how much can you tolerate like you got to just keep pushing through it's okay to delete the apps it's okay to stop going out but you just you can't lose the will to keep going all together like because because that's what it's going to
Starting point is 00:53:10 take you just got to be out there trying and and you're going to get hurt and it's it's going to suck and uh and it's easy for me to say because it really does suck but you gotta do it to get that connection yeah and also i would i would lose the um i'm getting too old or i'm getting older mentality because that's gonna put you in like a state of desperation where you're like i need to find someone fast and then you settle you've got so much time you got plenty of time i mean yeah you have all the time in the world yeah 30 is the new 10 so you, it's like we're all – so I would take your time, be patient, be open, and just have the intention of trying to find a partner.
Starting point is 00:53:53 But not, you know, just living your life, enjoying your life. And I think when you do that, then the right person will come into your life. I kind of disagree, though. I think people say that. I think actually it happens when you're going for it. I mean, not for me. When I let my guard down, I was like,
Starting point is 00:54:15 I'm going to stop doing the dating apps, and I'm just going to actually wait and be patient yeah then i met kennedy yeah you guys got into a pretty or something when we met we got into it fast but for that month before i like got off the apps and like um was uh uh more set on doing less dates and more set on finding a partner right give yourself a break yeah because i i don't think when you're just going on i don't know when you're going on a bunch of different dates i i did that for like a summer it didn't seem to That's very unfulfilling. It's definitely unfulfilling. I have a couple of girlfriends who they just constantly are going on dates and constantly just being upset that nothing works out. And so I'm trying to learn from their mistakes,
Starting point is 00:55:22 but also I was like, I'd like to see what a guy's perspective on all of this is. My brother's not helpful on that kind of stuff, and I don't even like talking to him about that stuff. But that's why I kind of was just like, oh, let me get their opinion. There's so many ways up the mountain, and you never even know how long you get to stay at the top of the mountain. I think the's so many ways up the mountain and you never even know how long you get to stay at the top of the mountain.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I think the biggest thing here is, is to not get impatient and to not feel like you're losing time. Well, yeah, you did. Cause the thing that, that is so true about that too, is you just don't want to settle for someone.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah. You don't want to end up with someone you don't really like. Cause that would be the worst thing. Well, thank you for the advice. God bless you luck out there yeah good luck you'll meet a good one you seem cool you'll be all right yeah you got this thank you so much you guys i also just want to say like i hope you guys come back out to new york again i was at your last show when you guys were out here and it was fantastic oh thank you we'll be back we're coming to jersey city soon if you're near there oh yeah i'm excited to go to jersey we never done that in atlantic city come dude we have so many good guys at our show yeah come to the show
Starting point is 00:56:37 and in a subtle way we won't make a big deal of it. Oh my God. We can facilitate. I would love that. Oh, great. Perfect. Nice. Perfect. You guys can be my wingmen. Hell yeah. Done and done.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Well, thank you so much. Have a great one. I spilled coffee on my sweater. It's unbelievable. I mean, I don't want to get ahead of myself but jake i i'm down but uh jake talking to you did you see this thing about zins yeah i did see it what's going on with zin now chuck schumer i think the you know famous democratic leader um is saying that they're gonna do a a push to get rid of zins what yeah he basically is just saying that it's like uh being pushed to teens
Starting point is 00:57:35 i don't trust this fucking dude this is big tobacco trying to oh whoa this is big tobacco trying to uh crack down the vape and the zins and i don't appreciate it you gotta let people want to do zins they want to do zins yeah let people alone quit trying to be our fucking dads it's also there's so many unhealthy things it's always hard to pinpoint which one is yeah like all the biggest problem maker yeah and also there's so many different interests at play i don't i don't i don't trust these people as far as i could throw them yeah and then uh what else dudes do i have a question sure sure have you seen any ghosts at the comedy store oh no i haven't but do i talked to alex hannah because
Starting point is 00:58:26 what did he say you know candy's in the all that stuff and i was like i was so surprised because this was new year's eve i was like i was like dude have you seen any ghosts here and he's like yeah he's like yeah he had all these stories about the piano playing by itself and shit really yeah yeah see i don't have that like i've gone in some of the rooms, too, when they're, like, all dark and the shows are over because I wanted to see. But not there, but, I mean, I feel like I've made contact with my mom before a few times. Wow. Oh, that's beautiful. Like, I felt her, you know, when I was, like, really in a dark place mentally,
Starting point is 00:59:05 like a year ago or so, I would have a lot of vivid dreams and she would be there and we would hug and I would feel it. That's really beautiful. I'd like wake up and, you know, you'd feel it there. Yeah. So, I mean, I believe in the like spirits and the you know ghosts and stuff but yeah man i'd love to see some at the comedy store but i don't know a lot of times i feel like it's
Starting point is 00:59:34 just like wind or like it's an old building so like stuff will fall for i don't know well alex's story is that he uh yeah what's his he was outside the main room he heard the piano it was like 3 a.m he heard the piano playing by itself sometimes the security guards go in the back there's a piano backstage behind the main room uh backstage that security guards will go and play but go ahead but this is his so so he heard it like he heard it playing and he said no one was in the main room he heard it playing about like 3 a.m he opened the door stopped playing closed the door started playing again and didn't the uh piano player from the store recently pass away uh yeah jeff scott he uh man we miss him he was fantastic yeah he's an institution over there
Starting point is 01:00:28 the other people are good but he just had like a special touch to it he um yeah he passed away during the covid like did he probably about three years ago i i don't know exactly he he might have been sick possibly hiv i don't know wow you know dude i was talking to uh this uh comedian historian cliff nesteroff and he was saying that he was a canadian comedian before he got into writing about comedy and he had heard that norm mcdonald actually got a cancer diagnosis in the 80s oh wow originally covered from it well yeah usually it starts early i mean like yeah like my mom she got first had breast cancer in her like mid 30s and yeah that's usually how it goes you get it when you're young and then it goes away and comes back.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And so I'm not surprised at that. So with Norm, he had it, but he recovered. It was in remission. I think he made a full recovery and then it came back in like the early aughts or something. What kind of cancer did he have? I don't know if he ever said, but it kind of made sense to me with like that kind of devil may care attitude that
Starting point is 01:01:45 norm had yeah it kind of put it together a little bit for me yeah um joe what do you think the bears should do in the off season with the number one pick stop bears you want me to answer that answer that yeah uh i mean it it's a very unique situation that they're in um it's just i don't know it's very difficult to decide what to do because it's like it seems like there's a big risk because you have the number one overall pick two years in a row, which is a rare thing to have. And if Caleb Williams turns out to be a great player, then it's, I don't know. But but at the same time i feel like building the roster and because justin fields is very well liked i guess it comes up with the team and i think
Starting point is 01:02:58 with the right team around him you guys could win a super bowl with fields yes that that's the thing it's like you look at some of these teams that are in it right now. Like, look at the 49ers. They're front seven on defense. It's like, are you kidding me? Yeah, Bosa, Young, Warren. Yeah, I forgot that they had Chase Young and Nick Bosa. Are there two edge rushers?
Starting point is 01:03:18 It's like their linebackers are probably the best in the league. So it's like you build up the team and things can happen. Eric Armstead's good, yeah. I mean, here's the thing. I want Fields to stay. I want them to get a haul, build the roster. I want to get Marvin Harrison Jr.,
Starting point is 01:03:39 DJ Moore, and Justin Fields. To me, that trio's more appealing to me than Caleb Williams, DJ Moore, and Roma Dunze. Dunze is good. Are you talking about the Washington kid? Yeah, but I don't know. It's tough. I mean, these guys better make the right decisions.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Yeah, and you never know how it's going to be. It's true. Because people's jobs are on the line. But you're always very loyal to your Chicago quarterbacks. Well, it all depends i i mean because you had trubisky's back when most had uh jumped ship you know it's just the thing is with these number one overall quarterbacks it's a lot of them don't pan out what did you guys think of can we pull up caleb we haven't talked about
Starting point is 01:04:25 this on the pod and it actually kind of circles back to the beginning when i was talking about crying so much and maybe actually and then with caleb williams uh you know he got drafted to the bears or i was gonna say last year like people talk about cj stroud i mean he kind of came out of nowhere yeah justin field started over him at ohio state by the way so um can we pull up caleb williams crying yeah why was he crying they lost a game and his mom was in the stands was it the ucla game because i was seeing something where he wouldn't talk to the media and people like oh how is he gonna handle the pressure uh yeah and then there's been rumors that he wants part ownership and whatever team drafts him i don't know that's not gonna happen in chicago talk to the mccaskey family though they're not gonna give you a shit
Starting point is 01:05:10 what do you think of this you know i don't mind i mean whatever he's a kid yeah maybe it's because i cry so much i didn't like it how do you know he's crying a little you can't go like into the locker room or yeah that was my thing you gotta do it in public and i and i'm all four men showing their emotions but uh you know in balance i guess there was just something about that moment i did like there was another moment similar that one's not as this other one i'm bringing up was i hate to say worse but to me would have been more alarming if i was a team that was drafting him was when um oh man i'm forgetting his name adam morrison at gonzaga was like people thought he might be the next larry bird and they were in the ncaa tournament in their final game against UCLA. And he started crying, but the game wasn't over.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Oh, right. They were down by one. And I think they were going to get the ball back. And he was the best player on the team. Him and JJ Redick were the two best players in the country. And he got so overwhelmed with emotion. He started bawling. I think I have all the facts, right?
Starting point is 01:06:19 With like 15 seconds left. And I was like, I was like 15 when this all happened. But I remember being like, oh man. And I love emotion. But I was like, I think you 15 when this all happened, but I remember being like, oh man, I, and I love emotion, but I was like, I think you got to save that for after the game. Yeah. Did he ever have a career?
Starting point is 01:06:32 He made it to the NBA. He just ended up not being a good enough athlete. He just kind of got torched on defense and he wasn't a good enough three point shooter. Some guys are really good in college and then their game just doesn't translate. But, but he was amazing in college. Yeah. game just doesn't translate yeah but uh but he
Starting point is 01:06:45 was amazing in college yeah he had a great look right what do you think uh what do you think he's doing now i'd be curious you know what's that i'm working to basketball oh clean shaven short hair wow oh it looks good oh he's doing games for gonzaga all right that's awesome basketball analyst for gonzaga yeah Is that a good job? Yeah, they're a good team. They're pretty incredible because they're like a mid-major, but they're like perennially in the top five. The coach is a beast, Mark Few.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Where's Gonzaga? Is that Spokane? Yeah, Spokane, Washington. A little Jesuit school. Basketball powerhouse. Dude, I come from a Jesuit school. Didn't you guys do comedy there? Yeah. Yeah? It was fun. Yeah, I bet it was. a powerhouse yeah i come from a jesuit school didn't you guys do comedy there yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 01:07:25 fun yeah i bet it was dude i was like i'm trying to uh sorry i keep mentioning it but it's just because i'm in it but i was i'm trying to write something during like civil war time so i'm like looking up a bunch of things i had no idea that like priests had slaves back in the day well i mean yeah a lot of religious people had slaves back in the day yeah i shouldn't laugh but i was like uh just the the blatant in the moment hypocrisy of it was just insane to me you know i saw somebody message in about comparing me to like saying i look like dak prescott that's funny because my my cousin's son was saying that to me. See that? What up, Stoke Lords
Starting point is 01:08:07 and value brand Dak Prescott? You do look like Dakie. Yeah, my cousin's son was saying that at Christmas. You both got great strong heads. Thanks. Should we take this call? Or is that just a
Starting point is 01:08:23 question? Yeah, let's cook or is that just a question yeah let's cook this is just a proposition but we can call i have a few more people uh this guy just wants to know if on the next episode of joe code if you can just take a a whole spoonful of peanut butter he just wants to see if you or his golden retriever handle it better that's actually really who's that from can we all do that oh will yeah will uh will started the brackets on oh nice he was the first guy to send in a bracket give him a producer a lot of fun i do have some peanut butter here if you want to rip it but yeah can i do that yeah sure it sounds really good it's always i love watching a dog work i've started to go with uh i i do almond butter now i don't eat peanut butter
Starting point is 01:09:13 why because uh it's healthier yeah peanut butter's uh got canola oil in it are you rogan's going carnivore are you doing that nah that's disgusting. No. Oh, you're asking him. Yeah, he showed his meal this morning. What are you doing? Carnivore month, January?
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, he had bacon, an elk burger, and elk liver. Yeah. I got to tell you, it might even work. I don't know. But when you see a carnivore diet being photographed, it's kind of grotesque. It's disgusting. I would never do it i mean doing every meal is like you got i mean i understand that you gotta you gotta say steaks for
Starting point is 01:09:55 you know more on occasion i need fiber in my diet yeah and it's like it just i guess it makes sense in theory according to that science but it's like i don't you know you gotta eat some fruit is there any kind of like visual diet where it's just like does it all look right together on a plate because to me mediterranean and balance if you have mediterranean plates look they got the greens they got some rice and then they got a meat you're like that looks like what a meal is supposed to look like yeah mediterranean i think mediterranean is where it's at they are one of those blue zones right where they live to be like 110 or something but i was thinking about that because they talk about that and they're like
Starting point is 01:10:32 the mediterranean diet's best but also the food in like italy is so pure it doesn't have pesticides and all the shit that we have on it so i think that's a huge i think the big thing is real food and we're just eating you know roundup all right watch this uh listeners i'm about to swallow some peanut butter and try to be on the podcast after that it's a good chunk right yeah he's taking a nice hearty spoonful of jif it's not that hard no we can work with the way that right quick i don't want it you're up dude no i'm good dude hey you want to be part of this podcast you got to eat some fucking peanut butter i don't want it hey bro you want to be one of the boys eat some fucking peanut butter no no excuse my language hey pussy he does hey jeez dude are they i'm sorry i picked on caleb williams it's it's nice i'm just
Starting point is 01:11:30 yes so i do have a couple more callers here when shack picks up is anything catching your eye from here below there is a guy a fan of joe code that wants to speak yeah sky god he's the man uh it sounds like it's his friend Malone. Hello. Hello. Hello. How's it going? Good. Who are we speaking with? This is Mike. Who's this? Mike, this is Chad, JT, and Joe Morisi.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Oh, no way. Hey, what's up, Mike? Joe, what's up, buddy? Yeah, what's going on? It's good to hear your beautiful voice yeah what what can uh what can we do for you okay well uh i am calling because my boy sky god you know oh yeah i know him very well great guy one of my uh best Yeah, he's the best. But yeah, his dank fiance is having a baby in April. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:34 And basically, we came to this, well, we were having this discussion, and we don't know if he should be cut or uncut, you know? Yeah. Circumcised or not why oh what's uh why why are you guys holding back i mean i don't know i mean times are changing it seemed like circumcised used to be the way to go yeah but i mean opinions are shifting these days and we wanted to know what you guys what your guys opinion on it was do you think his son should be cut or uncut i mean i think it's up to every parent but um yeah the more i've looked into it like the history of it
Starting point is 01:13:20 it does seem like it was born out of religious practice and and then it got conflated into like a medical issue and it does at its root if i can disconnect from my social conditioning feel a bit barbaric yeah you should always disconnect from your social conditioning um but yeah i mean that's up to you i mean i it look it looks better i mean if uh you know if you get a nice circumcision you'll have a nice pretty penis i mean you know i don't know it's hard and it's hard to keep it you got to clean it you know you there's like dick cheese or whatever so is is the dick cheese is there that much of it or is that just more of like something to pick on people about you know if i if i may chime in
Starting point is 01:14:14 i'm a bit of a jake don't cool it i may have some expertise on this but um that's a myth yeah the dick cheese is that cheese but you, it's not cheese, but you get... Yeah, shmegma. There's stuff under there. I think that was just kind of... Like how you would get in your belly button type of thing. Unless you're a 130 son of a bitch, that's never going to happen. Are you speaking from experience?
Starting point is 01:14:39 It's going to be all good. Are you speaking from experience? Oh, yeah, yeah. I am uncut. Whoa. It's going to be all good. Are you speaking from experience? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm uncut. Whoa. I'm not live out on the air. I'm uncut. I mean, I think whatever Sky got and his lady decide,
Starting point is 01:14:55 either way, you're fine. Whatever they want to do. I think this is medically true. You lose nerve endings when you get circumcised. So you're literally slightly handicapping the pleasure that your someday adult son might feel. Yeah, to delve a bit deeper on that, that may be true because, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:19 when I'm in the sack with my lady, I bust, like, immediately. Oh, nice. Oh, you do tnb what touch and bust because if your wife got that ooh we we know you tnb i get it i you know i didn't really understand what you just said there they got they're getting that from shannon sharp you touch and bust. You touch and then you bust. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:47 That's me. Maybe if I was circumcised, I'd be able to last a little longer. Yeah, you would. I think, too, it's tough to say. Look, my friends who were uncircumcised, they caught some flack for it when junior high, high school. After that, no one cares. And honestly, I think that's a big motivating reason for a lot of people
Starting point is 01:16:11 is just to want their kid to feel same and look same as everybody else. So it's also how much do you want to protect them from that? But we don't know where the puck's going. Maybe uncircumcised becomes the thing and then it's not as much of an outlier you know when you're in the showers yeah maybe the uh circumcised fellas will be looked will be frowned down upon yeah we'll shift in the culture maybe yeah i mean i guess what it comes down to is does he want his son to be a quick buster or does he want his son to be a quick buster
Starting point is 01:16:45 or does he want his son to be able to last and pleasure the ladies? I think that's an unfair binary that you've created. I think there's some... Look at Manuel Ferrara, the male porn star. He's uncut. That guy fucks for hours. Oh, yeah, okay. i'm not familiar with work but it might have taken him longer to get there but then that mental work was worth it in the end
Starting point is 01:17:12 because he because he got himself strong and tough gogging stuff yeah we don't know who that is mr webcam uh you you've never you've never seen i know you've never seen his scene with angela white i i know who he is ill you know who he is yeah so that was a trap i just trapped joe dude joe do you watch porn no joe watches porn dude i don't like it it'll pop up from time to time bro roast him dude i'll get these ads on my phone and they'll tell me well i'll show you what does pop up oh boner off guys what do you think you should name his son because he doesn't know what to name him either uh any good suggestions yeah let's let's go with a classic name. Enough with the Prestons and the Spencer kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Let's just Matt. Something like that. Yeah, Matt's good. Joe. What? Yeah, his name's Matt. Yeah. Why not Junior? Mike. Joe. Joe. I like Matt too. Jim. And then, get this, everyone can call him Matty.
Starting point is 01:18:25 No. What's wrong with Matty? I don't know. If you're a junior, you got to have some kind of spin on the name. Right. Okay. Isn't your brother a junior? No.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Is there no juniors in your house? No. My dad's Mike. My brother's Louis. I'm Joe. So there's no juniors. Dick. lewis i'm joe so there's no juniors dick i did um this isn't classic but rider i think rider's a sick name i mean if you go with rider i mean you know that kid's gonna be radical but it's gotta be r y d r rider he's gonna be a
Starting point is 01:19:02 lifty dude yeah a lifty with an uncut dick. Dude, honestly, it sounds like he's going to be grinding butt on cock, which is sick, but that's just what it gives me. Yeah. Oh, Ryder, you think sexual, huh? I think, yeah. Yeah, I mean, he could be riding pow or riding ass. It's up to him.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah. I would name him, I think to make it more like, you know, hetero beef, I think I'd name him Pusher. Ooh. Pusher. Pusher, yeah. That sounds like a prison name. What about Filler? Dude.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Sounds like my prison name. Filler, dude. Yeah. No, not like my presentation. Filler, dude. Yeah, no, not like jaw filler. Dude, I know you should name him Pounder. Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. What about Mike, but then middle name Drop? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:00 That'd be sick, yeah. Mike Drop. That'd be good. Please. dude that'd be sick yeah mic drop um please not the greatest suggestion is not gonna lie but uh and it's real that's that's you know he stood tall there and i respect it um what about ethan you know i could get him on the call we could we could ask him yeah let's do that let's get him on the call. We could ask him. Yeah, let's do that. Let's get him on. Can you three-way call him real quick? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Yeah, I would love to talk to Sky God. Yeah, let's get Sky God on. It's been a long time coming. I think I'm going to... What are you doing in your pocket, sir? You don't know me. They don't know me, son. Dude, have you guys heard of this guy,id goggins no who is he oh dude he's so badass for real what does he do he just runs
Starting point is 01:20:52 all day he's like forrest gump whoa fooling through just run just doesn't care and if like he's like if forrest gump like same thing military background runs all day but if like forrest gump thought everyone on earth was a bitch wow that's sick hello hello sky sky god sky god oh what up what up dude bro so we're all in agreement don't touch the kid let him make up his own mind let the kid make up his own mind because you can always circumc. You can't uncircumcise. Right, but when you do it later, isn't it horrible? No, it's just like a basic procedure, taking some skin off. I've had surgery.
Starting point is 01:21:34 I had my tonsils out. That wasn't that bad. Hey, Sky God, are you there? Yeah, this is me. Hey, what's up? Sky God. Yeah, Joe here. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:21:43 Good, man. Great to talk with you. Yeah yeah good to talk to you too yeah so i was thinking earlier the whole thing was there's a lot of pressure on me to make this decision because i wish he could and then i thought what you guys just said that i can let him if i just wait amen brother yes yeah and it is it is a lot of pressure because it does fall to the man most of the time yeah my wife told me it's my decision so that's your dick it made it worse why do they pin it on the guy because we got the peace wow and we live with peace and they better be prepared for us to make more decisions too this guy god can i get personal can i ask you a cue yeah sure are you cut brother dude i'm cut
Starting point is 01:22:28 i'm cut and i'm proud of it are you so you enjoy being cut yeah i i you know what i think it my dong looks nice so yeah i have a nice one myself we all know joe the biggest i'm not just talking about size i'm talking about looks. Oh, you got it. It's aesthetically pleasing, too. That's what I've been told. We undersell that part of it. Yeah, I think that's important because women are like, there's no nice dicks. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Yeah, there is. There is nice dick. If you see a nice plumpy Polish or Italian sausage, you're like, this looks yummy. Do you have vascularity? What is that again? Veins? Yeah, I mean, everyone has veins. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:23:07 One second, one second. Joe, do they admire it when they see it? Yeah, I've gotten admiration. Sure. Thanks for asking. I just want to make a note. You know, with the uncircumcised wiener, you can actually just roll the skin back,
Starting point is 01:23:27 and it looks exactly the same as a circumcised wiener. Totally. That male porn star that Joe's always talking about, Manuel Ferrari, he does that all the time. No, I don't talk about the guys. Yeah, dude. You could have best of both worlds. All right, let's pivot quick.
Starting point is 01:23:43 What name do we think? Oh, yeah, yeah. I need pivot quick. What name do we think? Oh, yeah. I need some suggestions. Just name Matthew like yours. Your name. We were thinking pusher, rider, or filler. I like filler.
Starting point is 01:24:00 With an F or a PH. I think P-H-I-L-L-l-u-r oh that's not bad the u-r yeah it looks cool that's not bad oh wait and what is filler it's a town it's a town and municipal council where in india oh okay and you guys live in canada so the French might think it looks like it's something cool. Oh, yeah, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Do you like Indian food? I love Indian food. Filler, naan, whatever your last name is. Yeah, it's out in Punjab. That's the name of the state. Well, there's that great joke from
Starting point is 01:24:46 a bend it like beckham sounds like a derogatory statement but kira knightley's mom thinks that her indian friend is a gay and she goes she comes up to a house party she goes he freaking lesbian and then whenever indian family member goes she no lebanese she punjabi She's not Lebanese. She's Punjabi. That's hilarious. Yeah, so it sounds like Filler's going to have an uncut dick. Yeah. Going to have a little turtleneck. And you know what? As a cut man, I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Sick, dude. Because you know what? I don't discriminate Dom. Yeah. I love it, man. It takes all kinds. Whatever you decide, go with it. And that's his God made him. Or whatever you believe,
Starting point is 01:25:29 whether it's, or the Big Bang got us there through our smaller bangs. I believe aliens created us. Oh, you do? Can you explain that? Do you think aliens designed the foreskin?
Starting point is 01:25:46 Or did it just come that way? god i see to you guys what do you guys think i don't know it's it's a tough question i don't know it's just a lot of thought going into cocks yeah maybe we've hit our limit on dick all right well it was nice talking to you guys hey good luck with the name we know he's going to be a rock solid kid you guys are rock solid dudes appreciate the advice guys hey great to talk to you guys thanks man thanks man yeah later love you guys love you guys man um that was good stuff so so stoked for filler filler filler yeah that was a lot of dick talk yeah that's how you alienate the uh women that's usually how my podcast goes well i think we had a good mix where we started off with two female callers talking about dating yeah that was good
Starting point is 01:26:39 and then you know usually you know you stick around for dicks i also think you know the the dick talk wasn't juvenile yeah at least initially we were talking about something that's a real conversation we're we're maturing we're evolving we're our dick talk you know it still occurs but it's it's evolved it's oriented around real human issue yeah but just so we don't go too far that way penis penis penis penis right cock cock am i supposed to say words yeah say like schlong or something yeah schlong dick yeah dick dick prick prick fucking prick prick's a good one i feel like prick you can call your friend a prick and it right sizes them pretty quick yeah i i um oh no i i tried to call my brother cocky when i
Starting point is 01:27:35 was younger i didn't know what it meant but i was like he was like beating me up or something i was like you're a cocky little shit i didn't know what it meant but think it worked. I think I did call him a prick one time, too. I'm right back. I got a prick. And people were like, don't call your brother that. Cocky little shit's a good one. It is good, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:52 That's like, that's big brother attitude, too, is kind of cocky little shit. Yeah, dude. I think he was like spitting in my mouth or something. That is little brother attitude, too, cocky little shit. Yeah. It's also dad attitude. Oh, yeah. Dad would totally say that. i mean i'll say that
Starting point is 01:28:07 to my dad oh flippy nice you think your son will say that to you yeah dude my son's gonna give me so much shit i look at them sometimes i'm like you're gonna go to therapy one day and complain about me that's funny my fucking dad it's just inevitable um it's funny too he just has too much energy and it just uh my my girlfriend will just always be like he's just like you and i'm like yeah it's cute though but but i know they're both gonna be we've been my girlfriend got hit hard with that too she's been watching pen 15 which is such a beautiful show but it's like you've said it yourself right it's painful to watch yeah and she's like it's bringing up all this stuff from her like junior high years and like how challenging that can be and then she's like oh our girl she's gonna go through all that
Starting point is 01:28:52 stuff and the only consolation i have is that like well maybe she'll be the hammer and not the nail right like maybe we'll be like hey you need to chill out on other people not vice versa that that'd be nice it's kind of better that way right that feels like more you just don't want them to be at the mercy of harsh kids no and it's like it's uh even having nieces and nephews the idea of them being bullied is heartbreaking it's really tough um but you know it's something everyone goes through it's something you kind of this character development you kind of need it i was bullied i was i bullied a lot and i was bullied a lot yeah and i think that happens to a lot of people yeah i was talking to my mom about this last night where i was like because i went to boarding school i was just sort of like you know it was privileged but you are just thrust into
Starting point is 01:29:40 a sense of independence and it's like sort of just like putting a kid out there and just being like you know you kind of gotta figure it out you have to self-define totally it it it did a lot for me it kind of sucked like i wasn't the happiest at high school um but now i'm so grateful for it because it gave me like a sense of independence and like the ability to like even like going not to like you know boost myself up but um but like to be in like college and be able to regulate where it's like i would party hard but have the ability to regulate to where i could get through school well but also and also reign it in when i was partying too hard it's like having this sense of uh discipline i think from having that independence that makes a lot of sense yeah because you didn't have parents to wake you up in the morning but like get to class and stuff like yeah and i was
Starting point is 01:30:33 so i was yeah i took advantage of that dude i was so spoiled i get in like eighth grade my mom would like turn the shower on for me and uh i'd just be late all the time that's so sweet and uh it was really sweet i was late all the time too i's so sweet. And it was really sweet. I was late all the time too. My parents were lazy and were like, you just got to find rides to high school. So I would just always make friends with older kids and get lifts. Oh, that's awesome. But I liked that too.
Starting point is 01:30:54 It made me resourceful. Yeah. They'd drop me off at the movies and be like, find a way home. And I would do it. That's lazy. But I was such a piece of shit. I used to take baths in the morning before school. Oh, that's hilarious. And my buddy trent who
Starting point is 01:31:05 drove me finally got to the point where he would just come into my room and bang on the door and be like hustle so we were late to school like 30 times then i got kicked out of school my brother replaced me in carpool they were never late once yeah they were all hilarious yeah hey if i could uh so i was just in the bathroom if i could make a comment jake about the uh bathroom there um so with the shower you have the the shower curtain liner only but there's just so you know there's supposed to be an actual curtain in front of that i joe i i live alone well i'm just saying i want to you got it we got to see something in there all right next time you come we have liner, and then we have the curtain. I'll put a curtain on.
Starting point is 01:31:47 That way you can take a deuce while I shower. I mean, if women come over, they're not going to like that. They don't want to see through to the bathtub. They want it closed up. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I appreciate the advice. Yeah, you're welcome. How are we doing?
Starting point is 01:32:03 What do you guys think? Maybe end with one more call and then we'll call it yeah let's do uh let's do one more you guys do the beefs and shit still um we have it but if you have one let it rip i mean it's up to you dude i have a babe i found a sandwich place in in a woodland hills oh i'd love to hear about called sam's the best sandwich i've ever had did you go yesterday? I went on Saturday. What are you doing up there? This is my new thing.
Starting point is 01:32:26 I get sandwiches all the time. What are you doing in Woodland Hills? Maybe it was called Dave's. I might be an idiot, bro. Yeah, I don't think it's Sam's. I think I would have heard of that because people tell me about these. Dave's Super Sub. Dave's Super Sub.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Dave's Super Sub. Best sandwich I've had in the la area whoa the best yeah it's so good he doesn't know the name super so it's like dance is that it does it have like amazing reviews yeah 4.7 yeah that's it that place is amazing it's unbelievable all right best sandwich it's so good good look at this look at that thing yeah it looks good what's on that everything okay all right should we call this person hello whoa hello what's up gentlemen who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Or do you want to stand on?
Starting point is 01:33:31 This is, sorry, I'm sneaking out of my work. This is Dan. Dan. Hey, Dan. Super sub. What's up, guys? Super sub. I'm so stoked to be talking to you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:42 You guys are pretty awesome. Oh, thanks, man. Thanks, man. Thanks. Well, what ails you, brother thanks man thanks well what ails you brother dude so what ails me lately has been my goddamn older brother whoo do tell yeah i mean i love him to death he's an amazing older brother you know he's always been there for me but uh problem is he can be a little bit of a dink when i don't call him back yeah like i'll uh like i work a lot you know i work like 10 to 12 hour days
Starting point is 01:34:16 and it gets pretty busy and i'm always on the phone with people and you know i'll miss like three calls from him in a day and usually you know if you miss one call it's like oh maybe you know give him time he'll call you back yeah but and then i just get like a voicemail that's just super pissed off and then i'll be like and he works hard too you know he's got a hard job so i'll be like dude i was working he's like oh that guy's not as hard as me things like yeah where i'm like, dude, why are we getting aggressive? I mean, dude, that's classic older brother stuff.
Starting point is 01:34:51 My older brother, I think they just, I think, and maybe JT, you can attest to this, I think older brothers, if they feel like you're not connecting with them, or you're not trying hard enough to connect with them they get really hurt or um you know if they feel like you're not you seem like
Starting point is 01:35:14 you're feeling off maybe like depressed or anxious or something they want to fix it that's been my experience and so like there's been times with my brother where I'd go and visit him. We'd be in the car, no conversation happening. And he'd be like, why aren't you making conversation? This is our time together. And I'm like, well, it's a two-way street. Yeah. No, totally. Yeah, it just gets me sometimes just because it's like, you know, I'm a pretty positive person.
Starting point is 01:35:40 And I like, you know, spread and stoke like you gentlemen do. And I just don't know how to, like, calm him down when he gets like, you know, spread and stoke like you gentlemen do. And I just don't know how to like calm down when he gets there, you know, because it's like he'll just be going off on his rocker. And I'm like, dude, you know, I'm talking to you now. Like and, you know, we live like there's like a three hour time gap. You know, I live in I live in San Diego. He lives in Maryland. Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. So like that doesn't help by the way what up joe hey what's up as well yeah thanks but yeah that makes it difficult like if you if he calls you at like 6 p.m his time and you can't get back to him for a few hours he's probably already in bed or whatever it's like
Starting point is 01:36:19 yeah well also too you know like this is also another thing to what chad was saying because like you know he like kind of has been drinking a little too much too so like he gets a little booze power and that doesn't help his mood because like you know we like we had our older brother and uh unfortunately he passed away we're all like a trio damn yeah thanks guys but uh and then once you know like we lost him it was kind of just like like a weird thing going on where like you know the triangle needs to be completed yeah um yeah and that makes sense too that your your older brother's like kind of filling in a role and he might be he might be adjusting to that and not know exactly how to do it and and i i do think like for most big brothers we always worry that our younger brother's not aggro enough for the world
Starting point is 01:37:13 that they're like too passive and that the world's gonna like hurt them or bully them or or that and they won't be ready for it and so it comes from a place of like wanting them to thrive and wanting to protect them that you're like hey you got to be like more on top of it you got to like call and you got to be you got to say how you feel and you got to be direct and it's like dude i'm good like i feel like i'm happier than you are you are so why are you telling me how to like behave but it's it's a it's hard for big brothers we we uh we we've we, I think it's coming from a good place, but especially if there's alcohol and some healing going on, it can come out too much.
Starting point is 01:37:54 And I think it's okay for you to tell your brother that too. Yeah. Like, I guess I just don't know how to word it to him. Cause every time I get like, you know, one of, cause like when he pushes me to this point, I get mad. And then that's the last thing i want to do is be angry with him because he's just trying to reach out you know so to me it seems like you know the fact that you lost your other brother maybe he i was just a guess that he has so much anxiety about losing you maybe and he wants to maintain that relationship and he's he wants to he wants to like really have that that brother-to-brother relationship and have a strong one and so to me i think you should meet him with lots of love where if he's yelling at you
Starting point is 01:38:42 just like hey brother i love you i was busy but i i think i i don't think because like you said getting mad doesn't seems to make it worse i think i think meeting him with a lot of love seems to be the best uh route yeah wait but does have you gotten mad at him before yeah and it just doesn't help because like you know i'll get because like i have one i'm one of those people that have a really long fuse you know but then once it finally goes off it's really hard for me to kind of like separate my anger from what i actually want to say and like but i never say anything that would really like actively try and hurt his feelings you know it's just it's coming
Starting point is 01:39:18 from anger i'm just like dude like he'll be like he'll call me for the third time and i'm like dude i'm fucking busy like i'll call you back and then it's like you know be like, he'll call me for the third time. And I'm like, dude, I'm fucking busy. Like, I'll call you back. And then it's like, you know, just like me not picking up the phone three times, I feel like should let him know, like, and he knows that I work all these hours. And like, it just like, he like, the amount of angry voicemails I have from him is insane. And it's just like, dude, like, so do you feel like if you got angry at him, that would be insensitive because of what he's going through? Yeah, I mean, I guess it's just one of those things where it's like, I don't know how to approach the situation because I've tried it from multiple angles.
Starting point is 01:39:53 And it's like, you know, he just like, like it gets to the point where, you know, like I'm like, I'm happily married, you know, I'm like, I'm 28 years old. I'm fricking slaying it at work. And like, I'm pretty happy with where I'm freaking slaying it at work. Have you tried this? Have you tried calling him back? Yeah, no, I call him back a good amount. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Like I said, with the time, it's not like I'm avoiding him at all. I always reach out when he calls. It's just like I can't pick up every three calls out of every day. Is he married? Yeah, he is. Dude, I'm Latin, so it's different for us like i was yeah you're latin i i did therapy yesterday with a family member and we got really mad at each other during it but it was and i was i was pissed and they were pissed and we kind of yelled at each other you did a joint session yeah and it was and i like having
Starting point is 01:40:44 a therapist there because it's like a referee. But it got a lot of feelings out and feelings that I needed to get out. And I think sometimes we can feel hostage to our family sensitivities, but they don't feel hostage to ours sometimes. And I don't think it's altogether wrong, even if it's coming from anger. I think you're a sensitive dude. I don't think you're going to tell him he's a bad guy but like even what you just said like dude i'm fucking busy i'll call you back when i can i don't think you should feel bad for saying that like that's that's not a bad
Starting point is 01:41:13 thing to say um yeah you're you're defending yourself in a way that in in a way that feels right to you i don't know i i mean it. Look, my emotions can get in front of me, and it's not always helpful. But I don't think it's always wrong to let someone know that you're feeling that, especially if you're a pretty sensitive person. Yeah, I mean, I think you're right, because I just, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:41:39 it's just been like a while of this. And my brother, he's an amazing dude. He's awesome. He works hard. I look up to him in a lot of ways and like my brother he's an amazing dude he's awesome he like works hard you know i look up to him in a lot of ways but and that's just sometimes these moments happen where i'm like okay dude like and i just hate like kind of like getting treated like i'm like super young you know where it's like like i said like i'm 28 years old i have my whole life i'm doing pretty good and it's just like you know like it just seems like when i don't call him back it's just
Starting point is 01:42:04 like you go with that older brother dynamic where i'm just like you know like super young to him and i need to listen to everything he says and it's like you know dude give me a break kind of yeah i think he'll get over that at some point it's like me and my brother used to go back and forth quite a bit but now that we're 42 and 40 we don't we don't do the ribbing anymore we're just chill and shit you know what i mean no i feel so i think you guys will get past it it's probably just a little thing right now i think he'll chill out i mean i i've had moments where i was like feeling bullied by my brother and i would, I really get mad, but I would get mad. I would just basically be like,
Starting point is 01:42:47 fuck off. Yeah, that's what I've been doing kind of. And he, but, and he backed off. Um, so I guess it seems like he just keeps coming,
Starting point is 01:42:57 coming back with it. Yeah. He just, I don't know. He just doesn't quit and I appreciate it, you know, but I've told him times where you can call me and like you know i'll definitely pick up or it's like but it just turns into like i don't know i just hate dealing with like the negativity that sometimes it brings
Starting point is 01:43:14 for me just being like hey i'm busy and him being like everybody's busy well no it's the worst it's the worst part of life is you can try to enforce perfect boundaries and they will still get transgressed especially by family and the worst part about life is that the people you love make your life harder and frustrate the fuck out of you all the time i also have five other sisters too whoa but they're all chill as hell he's like bro i've got chicks around me all the time. This sucks. Is he like that with your sisters?
Starting point is 01:43:51 Or is it just you because you're the brother? I mean, I think it's because my sisters are all a lot younger. So, like, they kind of get it where, like, you know, it's like we talk when we can. But it's like, you know, I'm the only one that lives this far away from my family. And, like, you know, obviously it makes me feel bad that I can't get to see them as much as they get to see each other. But like at the same time, it's like, you know, I have my whole life out here. I can't just be like on the phone 24-7. Like if I wanted to talk to them all the time, I'd stay there, you know?
Starting point is 01:44:19 Yeah. And indeed, it's the best part of life too. You got a brother who really cares about you. Yeah, exactly. That's why I feel like an asshole for kind of complaining about it what else are you gonna complain about this is the stuff that happens it's real bro yeah yeah that's true getting mad at your brother is the worst feeling i hate it because i got mad my brother i felt so bad he's like he's like he's like i'm running two miles a day so are you and i'm like i have shit to do and he's like you're a bitch, so are you. And I'm like, I have shit to do. And he's like, you're a bitch.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah, you are a bitch. And thanks. And I was like, you know, when I get mad at Soto, I was like, fuck you. It was all in the text. I'm like, you're an asshole. And then I felt bad and then I ran the two miles and I like sent him the thing. I don't know. How did your brother respond when you got mad at him he backed off he backed he felt bad uh because he was trying to david
Starting point is 01:45:09 goggins me i think with my brother the times i've had my best luck getting him to see where i'm coming from is when i drop the aggro but sometimes for him to get through to me i need a little bit of the aggro yeah but the thing that's tough is like i know it comes from like the deep deep caring and i'm sure you feel the same way where it's like, there's, it's just such a strong love. And I don't know. But you guys, but I think younger brothers like feel bad sometimes. Yeah. And kids feel bad with their parents.
Starting point is 01:45:35 But I think, you know, younger brothers love their older brothers just as much. Look out for us too. Yeah. So, it's like, I don't think you should ever like feel bad about being angry because someone loves you. Because like, I know you love them too yeah yeah yeah that's a good point just because i don't know it's just been like confusing you know what i mean it's like a lot of like confusing emotions of me just being like because obviously i want to talk to him you know i love talking with him and i love hanging out with him and you know like i said he's an amazing older
Starting point is 01:46:03 brother but just at some point where i'm like, dude, I need a little bit more space. I mean, like, granted, but I can't say that because I live so far away. Like, it just sounds bad. You have space. What if you guys plan like a, what if you put like a brother trip on the books? Would that give you some reprieve, you think? And would that be something you wanted to do? No, that's definitely something I would do.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Because, like, me and him hanging out, we have we have so much fun like just being him on a personal level you know but then it's like sometimes when he calls too it's like all he wants to do is like bitch about things and like complain about things also i do that to you i call my brother for 30 minutes yesterday just running through ideas he's a champ champ of champs dude maybe plan a fishing trip yeah yeah or what y'all are into canoeing or any other river yeah yeah you guys canoeing i mean hey we could put it on the books i mean i'm a fan of i just gotta find myself a canoe but that's the easy part kayak maybe is better kayak yeah i mean like we both love like going to shows we love like i mean because like he would come out and visit me like all the time and he still
Starting point is 01:47:11 does you know but like obviously it's kind of just like the shift with my family dynamic just kind of switched up and then kind of just everybody's acclimating in different ways i guess dude i've got it go to a coldplay concert yeah that's good oh my god fix you comes on oh dude you and your brother just shooting in love with chris martin chris martin can mend any brotherly discord i have one more idea i think you should call him at weird hours and get mad at him for not calling. What the fuck? You didn't call me back, bro? I actually really like that idea.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Yeah. Dish it out to him. Yeah. But here's the thing, though. I've called him on like pretty late times to me and he still picks up. What's up, bro? Thanks for calling. Dude, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:48:00 I know. Because he's not being a hypocrite. He does step up and be there for you. He does. That's why it, I know. Because he's not being a hypocrite. He does step up and be there for you. He does. That's why it's so hard, you know? I call him like 12 o'clock my time, and he's like, hey, what's up, man? It's a beautiful thing. And how are you doing overall, man?
Starting point is 01:48:17 You good? Me? Yeah. Yeah, I'm doing good, you know? You sound good. I got newly married, you know you know actually just recently moved out here to san diego so i've been loving it so it's been pretty awesome you sound like you got a san diego like lightness to you a lot yeah i mean i i don't know where i picked that up from but
Starting point is 01:48:40 maybe just from listening to you guys so much i I kicked up the California vibe. Nice, dude. Nice. What was your name, man? I've got to come see you guys, too. My name's Dan. Dan. The super sub. Dan, it was nice talking to you, man. Well, yeah, we'll be in San Diego soon, man.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Hit us up. Absolutely, my guys. And hey, thank you for the help. You guys actually have really helped me. And I appreciate everything that you guys do. Big shout out to Joe, too. You guys are freaking legends. Thanks, Dan.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Thanks, man. Take it easy, man. You're a legend. All right. Later, guys. Just a good guy. I mean, brother love is the best thing in the world. It's the best.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Yeah. 100%. That's the truth. So I think they'll figure it out. It's so deep. Yeah. It's pretty funny what calls brother what's up man what's it yeah yeah my brother will not pick up after like 8 30 9 o'clock his time
Starting point is 01:49:35 they're yeah same with my sister my sister goes to bed so early how many kids your brother got uh just two same with my sister they just have two each but yeah they go to bed so early so i go to bed late i'm a late to bed yeah oh you go to bed the latest i go to bed very late three four i go to sleep probably about four or five a.m wow that's wild yeah well you're a pure night owl thanks i talked to julie the other day she was helping me with the tanning drops what is tanning drops like you put them on your skin to get a tan oh there's also uh isle of paradise is the best you know what else you know what else you could use for that is the uh the sun yeah have you heard about the sun?
Starting point is 01:50:26 Yeah, I know all about it. Okay. Yeah. I got some of that yesterday, actually. Oh, man. Yeah, I think that's good. That was awesome. That'll send me out good. Yeah, Stokers, lights will guide you home
Starting point is 01:50:41 to more Stoke. Yeah. You know what's cool about being downtown i was watching this funny shout out uh corn i was watching the got the life video today and it was uh the opening scene is uh that famous bridge i think it's sixth street yeah you know what i'm talking about yeah oh cool dude yeah good song yeah i love Korn Yeah I do too Awesome Joe Thanks for Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:08 Topping in Good to see you Great to see you guys Love you doggie Love you guys Love you If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:51:20 You wanna know What to do Where to go

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