Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 33 - Richie Incognito, Elon Musk, Butthole Eyes

Episode Date: August 29, 2018

Hanna joins us once again on the pod and we dive deep into sexual preferences, hats, Richie Incognito, bullying, Pete Davidson and butthole eyes, and some romance tips.  As always, we have beefs, leg...ends, babes, reviews, and questions. Check out the Going Deep with Chad and JT subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Check out our Patreon for bonus content: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can wear a hat. Should I wear a hat? I have one in my car. Do you have any hats? I feel like JT you have a hat. I got hats, yeah. Should I go get one? No, don't go into my room.
Starting point is 00:00:20 It's a mess. That smells like a horse. I got a hat for Hannah. Yeah. She says it smells like a horse because I got a hat for Hannah. Yeah. She says it smells like a horse because I wore it while riding a horse. Why would you give me this hat? It's my favorite hat.
Starting point is 00:00:33 You're not going to really put a paper towel under your car, are you? Yes, I am because I wash my hair and I don't want to. Dude, my dog. That's like highly disrespectful. Yeah. You really. I betray those times. My dad. Can I wear that?
Starting point is 00:00:42 My dad worked in hair care. My dad made shampoo and conditioner. Then you should understand and respect that I would like to keep my hair smelling good. It's disrespectful of JT's musk. Do you want to smell this hat? A lot of people have told me my musk is actually pretty good. I was actually in Utah this weekend for a fantasy football draft. That's good.
Starting point is 00:01:04 This is playing. You get better. Thank you. She's getting a different. Hannah's wearing a different hat now. Yeah, because I'm trying to fuck. For a less than stellar taco shop. Have you been to Chejo's Taco Shop?
Starting point is 00:01:18 No, I'm just. I really want to go. There's one at the airport. There's one at LAX now. Have you tried it? There's an Earth Cafe there. Oh, fuck yeah. Joe, you're either in or you're out.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Are you doing the pod? I'm just kind of like the guy. Yeah, because I got to go. What up, Stokers? This is Chad Kroger coming in with episode 33. Is that a 33? I think this is 34. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:01:41 34 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What's up, guys? How you doing, Stokers? And we also have Hannah on board again. What up? Hi, what's up? Thanks for having me back.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Thanks for coming back. You know, always. Equally awaited your return. Yeah. A lot of Stokers have reached out and are like, when's Hannah back on the pod? Especially get straddle with Benihana. Yeah, I'm very flattered. And it was really great.
Starting point is 00:02:07 You guys, your guys' fans are great. Or friends, I guess. Right? The Stokers. Bros. The Stokers. A couple guys asked me out. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So it was really nice. Did you go out? No, because they're in college and they do not live in New York City. We also have Joe, Uncle Joe. He's sipping Joe on the couch. Yeah, I got a half decaf, half regular coffee here. Nice.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Right on, brother. What's the point of that? What do you mean, what's the point of that? Why do you get half decaf? Because I want, I don't need, I don't need half decaf.
Starting point is 00:02:36 No one likes half of anything. You know what I mean? You're either hard or you're not. You like the ritual of it. Well, I don't know. I just, I need a little energy. I just want a little bit of a boost. I don't want to go into full gear.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So is there still caffeine in decaf? Yeah. I don't think that's true. No, there's no caffeine in decaf, but if it's half-caf, then there's some caffeine. Is that half-caf? Yeah, I want some. Yeah, I put one scoop of the regular coffee. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I misunderstood. In the morning, do you drink full-caf and get jacked? Well, not at like 3 or 4 o'clock. Do you ever get jacked, Joe? Yeah, look at my eyes. Jacked as fuck. Sometimes I go to the... Yeah, if I don't drink this coffee, it affects me.
Starting point is 00:03:17 But like, do you get jacked? Like, when you drink your first cup, do you like get into it? No, it gives me – this coffee is not that strong, so it just gives me like good energy boost, but it doesn't like – You don't put on like – No, like jitters. You don't put on like Slipknot or anything? No.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Fair enough. All right, guys, let's dive into the topics. Or first, let's catch up. How was everybody's weekend? Pretty wild. What did you get up to man yeah went to a mexican place we did bottomless sangria really went for it 10 a.m and then we went to the beach and uh my friend chloe threw up where i'm saying she threw up um yeah it was like over the balcony
Starting point is 00:04:01 because she's on we at bel air bay club they have these cabanas and then it's like over to the, she was just throwing up on that. Nice. How many gals in total? There were six of us. And just your ride or die girls? Five, five of us. There were five of us. What makes someone like a good member of your crew?
Starting point is 00:04:20 You know, accept us for our flaws and, you know, we all get pretty fucked up and we don't judge each other you know there's no there's none of this passive aggressive well last night you were like pretty fucked up it's like we all were fucked up so we don't talk about it you get stoked on it you know we just accept it yeah and um or like our friend closed throwing up i was not there to help because i honestly did not know what was happening but my friend Kylie got a pretty good picture of it. Yeah, this could be great for the podcast listeners. Yeah, they could just
Starting point is 00:04:51 imagine, you know what I mean? Chad's a huge fan of the butthole. Are you? Do you do anal a lot? I don't do anal a lot, but I watch that category of porn. Anal? Yeah. Why? I don't't know it's just like i love the forbidden i think it's about pushing the envelope yeah but does the come out poopy
Starting point is 00:05:14 no it looks really clean and like a really joyous experience yeah these are good productions they're not like they take care of that they're preemptemptive. Yeah, I think they do. Don't you think that's selling a lot? Probably. Is Mission Impossible selling a lot? I guess because Tom Cruise is pretty short.
Starting point is 00:05:33 He's still a beast. You're going to watch what you say about Tom. Yeah. He might be 5'7", but that helps him on his motorcycle. Yeah, he saved the world
Starting point is 00:05:41 like at least 100 times. Have you seen it? And then there's the movies he's done. Yeah, I saw it twice. What's that? Good call. Do you guys want to see Crazy Rich Asians?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Great movie. You saw it? Are we going to talk about it now? Let's talk about it now. I thought it was good, but I was like, it's like any other rom-com. It's not like, whoa. No, it's not groundbreaking in terms of the story. Yeah, but I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Did you read the book? No. It was cool that it was an all-Asian cast. What did you think about the materialism? I didn't... Okay, so I read the book. I didn't see the movie. But it definitely made me want to marry an Asian, for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah, it made me want to go to Singapore and, like, do the same thing. But it is interesting that Americans are known for greed. And then it's like the distribution of wealth. Everyone says in America is so bad. And then you read something like this and you're like, oh, that's insane. They have money that like no one. It's unreal the amount of money. Yeah, there's no poor people in the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It did. It did. I did get some waterworks going at the end. You cried? Yeah, a little bit. I was on a date, so I was holding it together so I could the end. You cried? Yeah. A little bit. I was on a date, so I was holding it together so I could, you know, embrace my masculinity. Did she see you cry?
Starting point is 00:06:51 No, I didn't show that. You need to keep that sexual polarity. Did you close the deal? Uh, what? Did you have sex with a girl? No, we just sucked face. That's perfect. I like crying in front of girls.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, well, that's... That's because you're a master of your passionate emotions. I just like crying in front of people, period. I know. I think it makes people want to be closer to you. I don't... I've never seen you cry and want to get closer to you. Physically. What did you get up to this weekend, Chad?
Starting point is 00:07:27 I hung out with our dog, Andrew K. Beast. We ripped up some dance floors. It was a good time. We went to some funky places. And then we bonded over some za late night. Dude, that sounds like a killer night yeah it was fun
Starting point is 00:07:46 fuck yeah who's Andrew K uh our dog our dog is he hot yeah he's a good looking guy is he single
Starting point is 00:07:53 he yeah every time I talk to him he seems very like he talks to him and he's like this dude is very capable that's what I think
Starting point is 00:08:00 do you think he has a huge dick probably isn't that capable that's what big dick energy is it's being capable. Yeah, probably. Probably. That's a nice way to frame it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah. I meant more with, like, phone calls, but... Like, he knows how to make a phone call? No, he just sounds competent when you talk to him. Yeah. Oh, cool. What do you guys think about these new straws? There's new straws now in the world because there was, like, a movement to stop straws because they're destroying the environment. And now there's these new paper straws there's new straws now in the world because there was like a movement to stop straws because they're destroying the environment and now there's these new paper
Starting point is 00:08:29 straws dude they're uh i'm i'm all for them but they do get soggy quickly yeah they're not easy to drink you gotta chug you gotta you know but i am a chugger that's why i get drunk so fast it's because i just like unknowingly chug. Yeah. Look at this green drink. I'm already, you know, chowing it down. What's your take on the green drink? I'm a little upset that you went to Irwan and didn't get the peanut butter balls that we normally steal. Oh, I should have done that. Yeah, you should have done that.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Yeah, it is hard not to chug while you're drinking because you're, like, to, like, sip it. Unless you're, like, with, like, parents, it's just, like, kind of, like, why would i not just take down this vodka soda immediately just let it hit you yeah it sucks that we like kind of dated when you're on a budget you know like i never got one meal out of that no we had to go halfsies when we went to wood ranch yeah we did and it still haunts me to this day that's intense did you try to say that we dated and i was like you didn't pay for one meal how could we have ever dated i carried your bags through an airport yeah but like you did no not through an airport to the fucking door oh wait no you did never mind i had my mom carry me till i was like eight dude i i uh i slept in my brother's bed till i was 13 yeah my mom would carry me at disneyland i'd be like huge and i'd
Starting point is 00:09:45 be like you know just bonding was she still milking at that point as well probably we have a good bond my older siblings be so pissed how come chad gets to be carried still and i'm like because i'm the youngest you know i'm a prince my mom still kind of carries me she scratches my back i love back tickles my mom will back tickle me for hours i love back tickles, dude. Sounds like a weird one. My mom will back tickle me for hours. I love back tickles. Yeah, I get back scratches in it. Yes. They're the best. Does your mom tickle your back?
Starting point is 00:10:11 No. I'm a fucking adult. She doesn't tickle your back? That's such a bummer. No. Do you miss back tickles? I'm not like a real big toucher. You know, I'm not like a big hugger.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Like, my family, we don't really do that. Really? I still remember the interaction with them. Like, I'm going to go ride scooters with your daughter. Your dad's like, is that what you call them? Pounding these days.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah. I told my dad we're dating. Oh, nice. I'm just kidding. It all started with the scooter ride. It all started with the scooter ride. I've been scooting a lot since I've been in LA.
Starting point is 00:10:41 In NYC? Oh, in LA? Yeah. Do they have them in NYC? Not really. It's too crowded on the street you can't really do it yeah city bikes are now electric though which is very
Starting point is 00:10:49 interesting because they go so fast dude in uh san francisco they have mopeds like full-on mopeds like that that you can just rent yeah i love where technology is taking us we're going to be in a real utopia of travel pretty soon yeah i do see the birds being problematic though whoa what i mean of course they're problematic but i mean we'll learn to adjust to them yeah i don't think so hannah um chad and i are huge advocates for uh i understand that but i'm telling you as someone who's ridden that bird immunity yeah well you know it's pretty hard to crash a scooter into a building and cause destruction. So how about that? There's been a lot of terrorist attacks recently in trucks and buses and stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And with scooters, I don't foresee it being much of an issue. Yeah, it's going to be hard for terrorists to create atrocities with scooters. It is a terrifying image, though. It's a good way to look at it. It is a terrifying image, though, good way to look at it it is a terrifying image though to imagine like a terrorist like strapped with c4 just riding a bird scooter straight into a crowd but you wouldn't have much you'd see him coming from far away and he'd be weighed down and and who knows or she and plus they probably have to take like they probably
Starting point is 00:11:59 have to work for like day probably like years on their hand-eye coordination to like be able to pull something like that off yeah and depending on where the terrorist is from, if it's rougher terrain, not to generalize about terrorists, it's going to be a little difficult to practice on a scooter there. I imagine if the terrorists are from, unless they're from SoCal, then from other parts of the world, I mean, people don't really, it's going to take them a long time to learn how to ride the scooters.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Imagining a terrorist who's born in SoCal kind of boggles the mind because you're born into sunshine and bliss yeah that's not typically fertile recruiting grounds for uh people who want to hurt innocence that that's someone who's really evil you know because like if you were born here and you're still evil then you really just want to see things you guys up. I think you guys are being, you know, regionist. Ethnocentric? Yeah. I've been accused of that.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I think the thing with SoCal dudes is, like, the way we hurt people is more on accident. Like, we're raging so hard that we kind of lose track of, like, how we're impacting other people. Like, you know, like, you're moshing too hard, and then you accidentally, like, catch a friendly dude who's not familiar with it in the temple or something. Yeah, i'm sure you guys have done something on your scoots you just didn't even realize you know you're going too fast if you knock someone or shit i hope not and if that
Starting point is 00:13:17 person's listening uh i'm really sorry i was just trying to get from point a to point b in style just trying to do s turns on the way to the pokey shop. I think you guys should wear helmets. What? Some other people should definitely wear helmets. I'll wear a helmet if it's like a Mountain Dew helmet. I remember watching the X Games, and I was super anti just helmets in general. Then some guy rolled up with a Mountain Dew helmet, and I'm like, that looks fucking...
Starting point is 00:13:41 His head looks like a water... I'm going to get a Domino's cover for my helmet. Domino's? Have you ever seen a Domino's liver dude with those sick helmets no no oh that's sick trying to i tried to order one offline but i couldn't find it dude that's probably the best business decision they've made in years the domino's app is fire though the way you can watch your pizza get made step by step seamless you can figure it out they give you a track oh really that's another place that's doing well they don't have like the bar but yeah i like the bar because the meter fills i got
Starting point is 00:14:10 dominoes last night we got pretty high with becky becky came over we ordered 40 for the pizza but she had the fucking worst types of pizza what'd she get she got one that was hawaiian but then added jalapenos and the other one was banana peppers and olives. Banana peppers and olives? I like Hawaiian. I kind of like those, but what about pepperoni? You gotta get pepperoni.
Starting point is 00:14:35 We're all pretty, like, just messed up. Yeah, the banana peppers is weird. I like olives a lot. I'm really stoked on olives. I don't like olives. I want to, but I just don't. Too salty. Guys, we're using a uh a new sound system right now uh so we also wanted to discuss today a very serious subject and something that's very dear to all of our hearts um which is uh it's about bullying because um a famous football player who's kind of known for bullying, Richie Incognito, he was kicked out of like two colleges.
Starting point is 00:15:09 He made it to the NFL because he was so good at football that he couldn't be denied. And when he was playing for the Miami Dolphins like five years ago, he actually got suspended for the season for bullying another guy on the team, Jonathan Martin, so bad. Jonathan Martin ended up washing out of the league, I think because he got a stigma for being a tattletale, which is worse than being a bully in the NFL. And then Richie Incognito went to the Buffalo Bills, was a captain for a couple years.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So his teammates always respected him, and most of them took his side in the bullying scandal. But just recently, he's been having a bunch of mental breakdowns. He had to go to a mental hospital to get his brain right. And then his dad died, and he snapped even more and went to the funeral home and was punching caskets. Pretty wild. Yeah, it's crazy. Do you think? Well, I just think it's very sad.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The whole thing's very sad. Yeah, I would agree. I mean, it illegitimizes all his bullying. You're like, well, he bullied me, but he's also punching caskets. Yeah, like hurt people hurt people. Yeah. Which is something that I've always found. Were you a bully?
Starting point is 00:16:15 I was, but I also got bullied a lot too. Yeah, I could see that. It cut both ways. Yeah. Yeah. It's hard to – you go too far sometimes i remember this one kid alex lee i would always like in college i would throw a vacuum in his room while he was sleeping because it was hilarious and he chased me around campus with like an umbrella with like the pointy ones
Starting point is 00:16:37 to like try and stab me and um i still think it was hilarious but I see why he was pissed. In college, I lived with this girl, Blair, and she didn't, like, she was just, she did not like me, but we just didn't talk ever. And she would always go to bed early, and then one night I got in trouble for being too loud and drinking, and the RA came up to the room, and she was, like, asleep in her bed, and I had washed my face, and I wasn't that drunk, you know, like, I had, I got ready for bed, so when they knocked on the door, they were, like, uh, yeah, we hear, I answered the door,
Starting point is 00:17:15 and they're, like, yeah, we hear your roommate was very drunk, and loud, and destructive in the lobby, and I was, like, uh-huh, yeah, she, she was so drunk when she got back and they're like okay i was like she's passed out though i put her on our side she's fine and they were like okay well we need her keys and her we need her id to report her i was like oh she was so fucked up she lost it so she doesn't have her id wow quick cover they were like okay well we need to come in and make sure she's breathing because she was really fucked up and I was like no I think she's okay they're like no we need to like check I was like okay so they walk in and they put two fingers under her nose to like check her breathing and they like look she has like
Starting point is 00:17:56 basketball sheets like she's just a very like innocent looking person and then they look at me and they're like it was you you're the drunk girl so i think that's the most bully i've ever done with showing my roommate in trouble but she didn't even know she never woke up to this day she has no idea that happened because i admitted to it and i said you're right so i got in trouble yeah you tried to frame an innocent yeah but i didn't i wasn't gonna actually get her in trouble i was just because they don't know what she looks like i wouldn't consider that bullying i consider consider it evil, but not bullying. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:18:26 They didn't know what she looked like, and she wasn't going to get in trouble. It was like, I was just trying to get it off my back. Right. But I think that's like. You thought it was a victimless move. Yeah, because I didn't, at the end, it's not like I handed over her keys. They were right there. I just said that she didn't have them.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Right. I don't know. Maybe that was pretty mean. Yeah, it would be interesting if it had gone through and she's just oh god see that whole thing play out and they're like like blair you fucked up she's like i've been studying all night yeah i mean i wouldn't have let her get in trouble for it but i was definitely hoping to not get in trouble for it so when it came to bullying i think i always was able to diffuse it because i would just laugh you know what i mean so my older brothers they would just like you know they would like play bag tag with me or whatever and i'd just
Starting point is 00:19:15 be like oh that's hilarious you know and so like in college i remember one time this my dog taylor um he was a little bit older than me he he was just, you know, we were just roughhousing. And somehow or another, I ended up naked, and he threw me in the hallway naked. And our, like, dorm, like, teacher was there, and he saw me naked, and I just laughed it off. He's like, you were just bullied. And I'm like, dude, it was pretty hilarious. I just showed him my balls. Also, I feel like you have a sizable dick, right?
Starting point is 00:19:44 So it's not that big of a mean move. Yeah, I think so. You know, like, it'd be mean if you were, like, I don't know. Why are you staring at me? But, dude, circling back to the casket thing, I think it just goes to show, yeah, this guy probably, he just, things get in his path. There's, you know, he's got things going on in his mind.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And he's going to start throwing bows or punches and stuff and this you know before it was players on the team but now it's caskets you know it's just like he's used to hitting things yeah it makes me feel sorry for the dude you know i just and i feel sorry for whatever is in his path yeah like in the jonathan martin richie incognito situation like none of the teammates were on Jonathan Martin's side. Well, did you see – this is a side thing, but did you see Black Klansman? No, no, yeah. I really want to see it. I did too.
Starting point is 00:20:33 But I was watching this thing and they were saying Topher Grace, who plays the guy who's head of the white supremacist thing, the thing about him is that he was so likable and just had this charm about him. So I do think bullies, they attract people, but they're so deeply troubled that they can use charm. It's a weird thing of having this charm and then using it to fuck over people. You can still be a charming person and a likable person, but have a fucked up life and have a fucked up like be you yeah there is something about too like a bully there is something in i feel like
Starting point is 00:21:13 in human nature where you're like i want this guy to like me still for some weird reason you know what i mean right or you're just like even if even though even though the guy's like in like high school especially if the dude's like an asshole or whatever you're like you're like well i still kind of i still kind of would be stoked if that guy was that's how i am with dudes in general like yeah i fucked a dude named vance for five years because he was so mean to me but it was just something about like him hating me that like got me going but it's sick looking back i was like wow i was like really sad at that time it made you feel really bad it made me feel terrible yeah and even now like looking back when i like think about it it makes me feel terrible
Starting point is 00:21:56 it was bad like there's no way that i would ever want to be. I would never, like, right now, I would never even, like, he's just disgusting to me. What do you guys think about all this Elon Musk stuff? Dude, so I heard, so at first I was like, man, Elon, like, the jig is up, dude, you're a fraud. That's what, from all these stories. But then I heard another perspective that, like, he was trying to make the company private again.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So now the board members are, like conspiring to sort of make him. No, he's a fraud. I think he's on a lot of drugs. But what about these board members putting out stories? What if it's all bull? Well, did you hear the thing about Grimes and Eliza Banks? Azalea Banks? Eliza Banks.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, what was that again? So Azalea Banks said they called her over for a threesome. And she gets there. And so, I guess Elon Musk was on LSD and, like, tripping out. So, Azealia Banks was like, what the fuck is happening? But stayed all weekend. And she didn't really say what happened, but she said Elon Musk is, like, losing his mind. He's on a ton of drugs.
Starting point is 00:22:59 But Azealia Banks also has a track record of being insane, right? Yes, exactly. However, they tracked her phone and she was at his house all weekend so whatever she's making up it's she was there but is she on the board she probably has a ton of money that he pushed to her because he said he never met her but then she had all this information that only i don't know she's insane but it's a weird thing to i bet she i bet she exaggerated the situation but also like how is she there all weekend but i unless she hid in the bushes if she's on the
Starting point is 00:23:32 board of tesla though then i don't trust her i get so mad too when people are like he's a psychopath i'm like yeah he's not a psychopath where he's like i'm sure he's nice to his friends he's a psychopath where he wants to be super successful like you're gonna break a few eggs when you're doing that stuff and i'm not even saying i want that for myself but i've known people like that they're not bad people they're just focused and i i uh i sort of think it's sort of like the kanye thing you know like kanye was isn't saying but if you listen to him in interviews he sounds like pretty he makes good points And his art is brilliant. Don't let the media tell you what's what, Hannah.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Kimmel? Listen to the full interviews. Don't listen to the bites that these clickbait motherfuckers post. I think both of you are insane. I think... No, I appreciate insanity. Did you see when he... When Elon Musk brought the little, like, to taiwan to help the what did he
Starting point is 00:24:25 call some guy like a pedophile or something no so he tried to bring like a single like submarine for these kids to like get in yeah and they would it would be completely black it was like the most insane thing and they were like no we're not going to use a submarine like these kids are going to suffocate and freak out pretty much we're not gonna have a one person submarine but he tried yeah he put the effort in but then he got pissed when they didn't want it of course he's a baby but like i'm saying like like like everyone picks on like sean penn you know what i mean like after hurricane katrina he went down there like to rescue people which is like an insane thing to do and then he brought a photographer with him to like photograph all of it but also he could just be doing that to spread awareness and then people
Starting point is 00:25:09 were like oh his boat started flooding he couldn't even help anybody i'm like where the fuck were you dude like you were at home and you're judging sean penn and then he met this huge drug dealer everyone's like the article he wrote about it sucked i'm like he's the only person to get an interview with this huge drug dealer so whatever you want to say about his writing like his prose it doesn't matter like he's fucking making waves out there that's true i mean it's the the tall poppy seed effect so it's called high poppy seed that's the one that gets judged yeah because it's very easy to sit back and judge even like i mean not to bring it back to myself but let's do it um even people on YouTube, the shit people say about me is, like, so mean. And I'm like, how do you even fucking know me?
Starting point is 00:25:50 You're boring. I seem pretty specific. It's like. That's because they have time to. That's why, like, that's why, like, similar to, like, the media, they have time to dissect what these people do and, like, make it, you know, as bad as they want. And then, you know, with, like, and then you know with like the youtube thing they have all the time in the world to like make a comment can you debate if i have a fat ass you know what i mean you have a great ass you have a great ass no no no i'm not i'm not asking us to i'm saying
Starting point is 00:26:15 can that be a debate not on comments yeah i know that's ridiculous i was looking at this porn star i like kisha gray and she has a gap in her teeth and all these guys were like she has a photo where she's fine she's gorgeous and all these guys were leaving comments like dude i can't handle the gap like dude please the gap is killing me like first of all if you don't have something nice to say don't say it at all also they don't have to watch her porn and well this was just a photo of her on instagram but yeah i agree but i will say that even like i mean the porn star is one thing because i feel like she's putting her body out there. That's her job. But like, certain things is like, certain people, a woman will always be judged on her looks. Whereas a guy, no matter what she's doing, you know, like even if she's giving a fucking TED talk, it's like, damn, this bitch is ugly.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I can't listen to her speak. No, it's true too. And I'm like, I'm like objectively uglier than you. I know you agree with that. And like like nobody really comments on my looks in any of the videos and stuff yeah it's it's annoying but then it's just a par for the course but i i don't think there's a way to change it i think men are attracted to looks and women are attracted to i don't even know but it is a weird what we like subconsciously like guy i and it annoyed me for so long that men just are obsessed with looks.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But now I'm like, well, I think on some level they can't help it. You know, to quote Hamilton, I'm looking for a mind at work. What are we talking about? Mike? I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:27:38 I don't know. Oh, looks. How do we get to like the looks thing? I think porn stars. Time out. Oh, Sean Penn. Oh, criticize. Elon Musk. Yeah. how do we get to like the looks thing i think porn stars time out video oh sean penn oh critic elon musk yeah is elon musk a ridiculous person but even then no one comments about how he now has hair he was losing his hair and now he has hair whatever makes you happy john travolta
Starting point is 00:27:59 was he ugly no but his hair oh did he was he losing it? Oh, yeah, he's got a full toupee. He has a toupee? Yeah. My friend once hooked up with a guy with a toupee, and it fell off. Ew. Isn't that crazy? I always think, like, fake hair is so weird to me. Dude, if Chad had a toupee, I'd probably drive off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Will you do your joke about Logan Paul? What? What kind of guy he seems like oh yeah no logan paul seems like the type of guy who as he's wiping off the cum off your back asking you how you're getting home thanks for joining the low gang now how are you getting home yeah he gives you a pair of his fucking maverick sweatpants but he's like yeah can you dry clean those and get those back to me man that was a big load why don't you take this low gang maverick sock you know so did you like the green drink it's okay i would have preferred a cocktail but we can't all have our ways um should we get into it yeah first i want to give a shout out um
Starting point is 00:29:01 so these uh these dudes hit me up they thought i was in westchester this past weekend so like dude come hang out and i was like oh sorry man i was there last weekend um so but i was like i was like but i'll give you a shout out on the pod so mike mason jeff and joe from westchester what up uh thanks for reaching out dudes next time in westchester um we'll play squash or something dude can i shout out some uh stokers too yeah um this is for david and matine uh you guys are legends thank you for uh for uh the nice messages on instagram it was nice and they wanted to go to benihana's and visit strider but i told him you couldn't do that because i don't want to yeah and there's also been a lot of issues with robert yeah i think he's because some stokers left some shit on dog
Starting point is 00:29:51 shit on his porch which like it's cool but you know you gotta maintain integrity and a dog shit on lawns or on front porches unfortunately dings your to make a shift what i don't even i'm not a numbers guy like a thousand dollars or something two thousand dollars try to get him out of benihana that's that's great money because and the hibachi grill is delicious because you can't kick it anymore and because we don't we don't live to work we work to live yeah okay yeah so he's working to live pretty good life but he's having a really sick life before. I mean, we're all for open discourse, but to challenge us on the podcast about these things that are... I'm sorry, I'm overreacting. You have a right to these opinions, please.
Starting point is 00:30:35 You know, if you're going to come in here and be a contrarian to our core beliefs, you should have disclosed that before. Yeah, Chad, who is your beef of the week all right um this one's been going on since i was probably like eight years old my beef of the week is with fluctuating t-shirt sizes probably the biggest struggle of my life is finding the right t-shirt size you know i have probably like three shirts i can name right now where I'm stoked on the size. You know, what is it? Why do they have to fluctuate so much? You know, like just pick one so I can, you know, or be more just have more specific so I can find out what's my exact size that I like. Because the way I like it is I like it.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I like a larger fit, a little bit looser, but a little bit snug around like the arms and like it is I like it I like a larger fit a little bit looser but a little bit snug around like the arms and like the top region but a little bit longer you know what I mean and it's hard to find that you know because shirts don't like say because like clothing companies don't say outright they're like yeah this is our fit they'll be like yeah we have large medium I'm like well you know what like it could be a what? Like, it could be a big-ass large, or it could be a small-ass medium. You know what I mean? And then you get the shirt, and then it's just a bunch of, you know, washers, dry cleaners.
Starting point is 00:31:53 They all, you know, do their thing with it. And then you're like, I don't even know what the size is anymore. And then after a few wears, you're like, damn, the size just really effed up. And now I just feel like a freaking douche because now I have like a muscle shirt on that's not what I intended alright my beat for the week is with shame I don't think shame
Starting point is 00:32:14 helps anybody like you feel it and it keeps you from being honest and it just makes you feel locked in a prison of your own decisions and bad thoughts and there's a genius comedian named Maria Bamford who has a great joke It just makes you feel locked in a prison of your own decisions and bad thoughts. And there's a genius comedian named Maria Bamford who has a great joke about it where she says, like, whatever you're being hard on yourself about or whatever you have shame about, there's someone else in the world who's done, like, something 100 times worse who's, like, enjoying their day like nothing ever happened, who's, like, really enjoying their brunch. Dude, shame, man.
Starting point is 00:32:44 It's a silent killer you know because it's like the thing you the things you don't want to talk about so it's so hard to talk about them yeah another genius community mike verbiglia said you're only as dark as your secrets yeah yeah i think one of the things i'm most shameful about is like people will say that blonde hair but like honestly it's more brown. Thank you, Chad. Hannah, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is probably United Airlines because that's where I flew out here. And I want to go to the USC game on Saturday, and I want to just get crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Who are they playing? I have no idea. Nice. I have no idea, but I want to go tailgating, and I can't because I have a flight and um back so i can't get to you know if i go i'd get too drunk and i probably miss my flight so i tried to book change my flight and i couldn't do it so now i'm i have to stay sober on saturday and not fight on usc all right chad who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Dr. Rhonda Patrick.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh. She's a nutritionist. She's been on the Joe Rogan podcast a number of times. She's just a monster, just a wizard when it comes to nutrition. And I just, I always go to her. How old is she? Mid-30s, late-30s. Nice.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I always go to her for my nutrition advice ronda you are a beast uh she's a proponent of ketogenics and uh she's just so knowledgeable you know and i just really you know and plus not to mention she's a pretty good looking lady so she's you know sorry to go back to the looks she's She's a smart nutrition babe. Who's your babe of the week, Hannah? My Ariana Grande. My babe of the week. My Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:34:30 My babe of the week is Ariana Grande. Dude. She's hot. Good babe of the week. So hot. And she's tough, man. To go through that thing in Manchester with the terrorist attack and then come back singing full strength.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Have you heard her new album, Sweetener? No. Is it good? It's so good. She has so many hits. But I will say, it does kill me if she dates pete davidson whoa he has butthole eyes he has butthole eyes why did she say it butthole eyes i'm like only women get critiqued and then poor pete davidson has butthole eyes but to be fair he's dating so far out of his league but dude and then it's like it's an article in new york post
Starting point is 00:35:06 it's like a new york post like a person who went to like it's like a six-year vet of like writing journalism yeah well here we go well the article because ariana grande came out in his defense so that she's like y'all do know that he has an autoimmune disease, right? Y'all know this when you say stuff like this? He has an autoimmune disease? And the New York Post came out with an article. They're like, Crohn's disease does not cause butthole eyes. So that came out in the New York Post.
Starting point is 00:35:38 But Ariana Grande, she's good at those impressions. She's so hot. Her body is amazing. Her hair is amazing. She's on point. Her her album so good oh i like have masturbated to an album so many times this week i had a girl in high school asked me if i masturbated to music and i was like dude girls and guys are different yeah my babe of the week is uh barry bonds oh fuck yeah legendary baseball player still not in the hall of fame because even though he never failed a steroid test we're pretty much sure he did take
Starting point is 00:36:11 steroids at the time i judged him a lot for it and i was very disappointed that he artificially got himself to a place where he's breaking all these records but now looking back on it it was all fun it was great entertainment it's like i entertainment. It's like, I used to hate Shaq because he was mean to me when I was a kid. But then when I saw him at a Laker game like a year ago, I was like, dude, I love Shaq because he was a big part of my life. And he gave me more than, he gave me so much.
Starting point is 00:36:36 You know what I mean? And like watching Barry Bonds in his prime, all juiced out, wearing armor on his arm so he could crowd the plate and just like mashing bombs into McCovey Cove. Like it was spectacular to witness. And he suffered for that steroid use.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I mean, he's probably got enlarged organs and, you know, skin problems and he has this massive head now. And, um, he was a babe and I got to watch him be a babe and it was great. Dude, I love that because, you know, a lot of people, it's easy for people to sit back and be like, he took steroids and write them off. But I'm like, but you weren't in the same situation. So how do you know you went through differently?
Starting point is 00:37:15 Dude, he gave a great talk one time at a press conference exactly along those lines where he was like, he was like, they were asking him questions about stuff and he looked at all the journalists. He's like, every one of you has lied. He's like, every one of you has lied. He's like, every one of you here has, like, printed something that you knew probably that you knew might not be true or has, like, boosted your resume or done something like that. So he's like, go clean out your closet before you come after mine. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And even as a kid, I was like, dude, yes. It's so much more common than – Than people – oh, yeah, like actors. It's just people get caught, you know? Like, Jake Gyllenhaal's on steroids in The Prince of Persia. Like, did you see how swole he got? He was, like, 230. They just didn't get caught, you know? Like, Jake Gyllenhaal's on steroids in The Prince of Persia. Like, did you see how swole he got? He was, like, 230. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He looked like freaking Bill Romanowski. Yeah. Yeah, I just, because he's a beast, man. And just because he took those roids doesn't mean, like, to be able to hit that ball is hard as fuck. When was the last time you showered? Uh, last night. Oh. Why do you smell so bad?
Starting point is 00:38:02 I just forgot to put on deodorant. Oh. Oh, I showered today after the show. You just so bad? I just forgot to put on deodorant. I don't know, I showered today after the gym. You just smell bad? Yeah. It's hot in here. So, before we get into Legends, let's get into our review of the week from A1. What up, A1?
Starting point is 00:38:19 A1's review, straight sauce. Thank you, A1. I want to do an ad for UCI baseball and my dog, Danny Babona. I was with him this weekend for our fantasy football draft. And not only is he a wonderful baseball coach, but he has one of the tightest rigs I've ever seen. His body is shredded from head to toe. And it's nice to have a coach who's that hot. So if you're a young baseball player, go to UCI. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there have a coach who's that hot. So if you're a young baseball player, go to UCI. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there, my friends.
Starting point is 00:38:48 What up, Danny Babona? You're a beast. And we're also going to take some time to give a shout-out to our sponsor, Helix Beerbongs. Helix Beerbongs, what up? Thank you guys for providing just, you know, we were talking about science earlier, and these guys have science up the wazoo you know they have this crazy valve technology that makes it so smooth you just twist and it just flows
Starting point is 00:39:14 through and you don't even have to think about you know the times when you try to beer bong and you're like trying to get it down it takes a while with helix beer bongs you flip that lever and it just flows into your belly and you get muffed up. And it's awesome. And they have big, swirling technology and great tubes. Yeah, for sure. We'll throw you one. I'll do a beer bong right now.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Thank you, Helix beer bong. I appreciate that. You're always down to rage. That's what's up. Yeah. All right. Who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is going to be Pete Davidson. I'm going to go the opposite. Yeah. Yeah. You know? All right. Who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week
Starting point is 00:39:45 is going to be Pete Davidson. I'm going to go the opposite. Nice. I got to give him props for having butthole eyes and just owning them. That's what's up. Respect.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. I love that. Yeah. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is our dog, Jay Farney.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yes, dude. Jay. Huge legend. Long overdue. Yeah. Big time legend. One of the biggest legends ever. Who is this? Huge legend. Long overdue. Yeah, big time legend. One of the biggest legends ever. Who is this?
Starting point is 00:40:08 All right. Who is this? He helps us with our videos. He edits and directs and conceptualizes a lot of our ideas, and he's just a brilliant artist and a better man. Yeah. So, yeah, he basically summed it up right there. I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I jumped on your shit. Yeah. My dog. Jay, shut the fuck up. Dude, Jay, first off, I know you're listening, dude. You're a genius. You're just a wizard when it comes to editing and just art and just conceptualizing and graphics and just all of the above.
Starting point is 00:40:38 You're a frigging Picasso. And then on top of that, solid guy. The best guy ever. Very entertaining to be around very passionate oh he's so spirited there's one thing i could say about jay it's that he's fiery yeah fiery with passion and i love it you know i think it's very charming he's always you know there's always something he wants to talk about you know he's not just like you come over and you're like hey jay how's it going he's like oh pretty good pretty good you know it's like how's it going
Starting point is 00:41:03 it's like how's it going well let me dive into Oh, pretty good. Pretty good. You know, it's like, how's it going? He's like, how's it going? Well, let me dive into the subject. And I just, I drove with him to the beach a few times to like, you know, he was like, we were hanging out and we were just talking and talking. I'm like, this is just, you know, it's a good time and good conversation and just very, it makes life much more fruitful. I think he opened up that portal within him to like, let that fire out. And I want some tips on how to, you know, keep that fire going.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Cause it's always running. And like, he, he, he comes up with stuff. That's so great. Like in the edit, like when we went to,
Starting point is 00:41:37 uh, when we made that mistake and went to, uh, RuPaul's drag race, and we thought it was an actual drag race. He put together that footage. And at the beginning, we didn't even notice we had on camera this moment where a uh a little girl falls and
Starting point is 00:41:51 hits the ground yeah and jay found that in the you know hours of edit and put that at the beginning and that was the best moment of the video yeah jay you're a legend legend of the week legend of the year fuck yeah my legend of the week is my dog ross dude what up ross dude ross is um the quintessential alpha male he comes from a dad who was in the military and then was a great entrepreneur and from a strong intelligent vibrant mother and uh his younger brother's best friends with my younger brother. And they're, you know, they're both beasts in their own right and legends. And I think I've given them legend of the week already too. But Ross is a football player.
Starting point is 00:42:31 He played at USC. He's super jacked. He's afraid of nothing except for the fear that lives inside of him. And he addresses that often. And I spent the weekend with him at the fantasy football draft. And just the way he keeps all of us in check. Like if you bitch out in front of Ross, he'll just call you out. He'll be like, dude, you're being a bitch. Now step up and do what you're supposed to. And it sounds ag, but you can feel his heart and you can feel that he's right when he administers that verbal
Starting point is 00:43:02 aggression. And I just want to thank you, Ross, because you always demand the best for me. And I think you bring it out of me and you do it for all of us boys. And he sets the fucking tempo. When we go out, you might be like, no, I have something to do tomorrow. I don't want to party. He's like, fuck you. You're going to fucking party. And he makes you party and you need that guy. And he's very charismatic. He's very intelligent. And he's just always got his head on a swivel. And sometimes when you disagree with him, he'll just look at you like i'm gonna kill you he's like am i gonna kill this person and he doesn't and i really like that you don't kill me thank you ross for letting me live dog this is your boy i love this guy and then um a couple quick stories one time me chad
Starting point is 00:43:39 and the boys drove out to asu to party and we all took turns driving this rv that we rented and strider didn't want to drive because he was just being a punk. He's like, I don't want to drive. And we're like, it's your turn to drive. And he wouldn't listen to any of us. We're all like Strider, you have to drive. And he looked at like all 10 of us and he was like, I'm not driving.
Starting point is 00:43:53 And finally, Ross just rubbed his temples. He looked up at Strider and he said, I will literally beat the fuck out of you. And then Strider looked at him, knew he was serious. And he's like, I'll drive. And we're all like, yes, Ross. Thank you, dude. Thank you for being so strong that you can get people to do what's right.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And it's just a really cool thing that he could do that way. Ross sounds like the bully, to be honest. He's turned all that energy into positive development in himself. And he loves everything he does. He loves football, and now he's in real estate. I'm like, how do you like it? He's like, I love it. I've created an environment at the office where we're all committed
Starting point is 00:44:26 to doing the best we can and we have fun on top of it. And he has the kind of charisma to make that happen. So I do think he's a, he's just a legend and he's someone who I've like, I know understands me. It's weird, but like sometimes you just know someone understands you and that, that means more than anything. All right, here we go. Question time. Chad and JT just know someone understands you and that, that means more than anything. All right, here we go. Question time. Chat and JT just wanted to give you two a shout out and thank you for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I've been dealing with a breakup from a girl I hadn't been dating for three years and it really has killed my vibe and stoked to a point where I could, couldn't find a way to get back to feeling like my normal self again. We were engaged in planning on getting married within the next couple of years, but long story short, I found out she was cheating on me for all three years. I'm sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What was really kicking the balls was that it was to a 50-year-old man. As you can imagine, that can really be a downer to a guy in his mid to late 20s losing out to a fat old guy. I found him on Instagram. I became very insecure. Stoke levels went to an all-time low. Really wound up in a place that it was hard for me to cope with what happened. A friend of mine recommended I listen to your podcast just for the comedic humor of it but what i found listening to is so much more the upbeat vibes witty humor and advice in the podcast has really
Starting point is 00:45:31 brought me up again oh thank you so much man thanks man appreciate the kind words uh it's from dean um she has issues that she's working out trust, as someone who's fucked a fat old guy, I wasn't in a good place. She's not in a good place. Yeah, it's not on you, man. Not at all. It's not on you. It's not a compare-contrast thing.
Starting point is 00:45:53 There's no way she's looking at that saggy dong and thinking about yours and being like, oh, this one's better. She's just in not a good place, and she ventured out probably to someone. It's way better it's this old dude than someone who kind of looks like you or a friend but it's like a little bit hotter yeah or just like a different like someone in your age group because she's clearly
Starting point is 00:46:14 by going with this fat old dude she's clearly reaching out and trying to she's she's lost so she's going to something so different because she's not in a good place and she doesn't know what she wants. But if it had been like a close friend or someone like you, then it probably would have been more you, honestly. You're going to bounce back with huge pecs and just dominate the scene. She's going to come back. This girl's going to come back.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And you're not going to be there. You're going to be moved on. Yeah, you can have the pleasure of being like, sorry, I'm busy. Dude, my friend Ross, I was talking to him about problems that I've been having because I'm going through a breakup. And he said, dude, no matter what happens, just understand that this is just a stage of life that you're going through. And that there's going to be a series of stages afterwards. But it's all part of the process of living a life. And that really got me fucking amped.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah, that's cool. Sick. What up, Stokers? I absolutely love the pod and it refills my stoke tank every time the episode come dude legends i'd rather stay anonymous because the homies watch the pod so you can refer to me as fridge due to my raging too hard with the boys and winning a boxing match with my mom's stainless steel fridge uh me and another bro were stumped on a situation involving the both of us double teaming this slam piece double teaming a slam
Starting point is 00:47:22 piece is the epitome of bonding and broing. And I want to reach a whole new level of broing with this bro. We don't know how to approach the problem. We need your help. Wait, he wants to fuck his friend? Him and his friend want to have sex with a girl together. Does the girl know about it? Yeah, I'm not quite sure what the problem is.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Sounds like a gangbang situation. I don't know if they found the girl. Is that the question? All right. So what would be your advice to him to getting this three-way happening? Craigslist? Yeah. Is he in college? Is this guy in college?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Sounds like it. And you know what, dude? The most important part of this is that I love how much you love your friend. You guys are trying to have every experience possible together. It's not like you should just fuck his friend. No, but they don't want to do that. They want to have a girl in there so it's less gay. Which I'm not judging. Either way. Sounds like an want to do that. They want to have a girl in there so it's less gay, which I'm not judging either way.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Sounds like an obstacle to get to the root of the issue, which it sounds like they want to fuck each other. And just really treat this girl right. Like celebrate her for helping you guys have this union. Watch me. Oh, you know what I would do? There's no way to treat a girl right in a threesome. Yeah. Watch it to my mom.
Starting point is 00:48:20 If you let the girl lead the way and she makes the decision as to how everything goes, then you do. I'm not saying it's easy. And I'm saying in most cases, it probably has a tinge of not caring about the female as much as you should. You should study abroad. That's how you should do it. Watch you too, my friend. There's a lot of good advice there on how to bond with your bro and how to have a three-way. end, my friend. There's a lot of good advice there on how to bond with your bro and how to have a three-way. Chatting JT, listen to your podcast fills my stoke tank and my cute monkey job. Keep
Starting point is 00:48:53 up the good work, dogs. I have a question for you wise bros from someone who doesn't get to enjoy that warm weather year round. As the days march on, the summer comes to an end in Boston. My girlfriend's stoke tank is starting to lower by the day, thinking about the cold weather approaching. How can I keep my GF stoke tank high this winter even though we won't have warm weather? Keep up the good work, fellas.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I appreciate any sage advice you can give. Dude, maybe come in with some unexpected romance. You know, maybe go salsa dancing or like do something to enrich your lives.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Bring those flames even though they won't come from Apollo. They'll come from Dionysus. Yeah, or from your bod. The other Greek legend gods. Yeah, so maybe do salsa dancing or start gaming together or some shit.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah, what are your ideas for him to raise his stoke tank? Bowling. I like bowling. Hey, dude, I love Chad's idea to go dancing with her. And another thing I would do is maybe one day decorate your apartment like a summer beach. And then she can come home to summer vibes. Yeah, dude, put sand in your apartment. Yeah, dude, make like a beach in your apartment with sand and like a tiki torch and then like an umbrella. And then she comes in.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You got to clean it the next day. So it's going to be a lot of legwork. But then she like lays down on a blanket that you have on the sand. You guys like make out and roll around in the sand. And she's like, this is the best summer day of my life and you're like i think the worst part of the beach is the sand yeah but it's kind of like a necessary it's like part of the motif though yo what up this is uni nut from slc i was just out there my dog if you're wondering about that name it's because i only got one nut and it's so big that it throws my dick placement out of proportion. Legend. This brings me to my question.
Starting point is 00:50:25 My dick is really curved and I'm not entirely sure how to fix it or if I even can fix it. It kind of reminds me of a deformed zucchini. I've looked up dick straighteners, but I feel like there are scams that pop up on porn sites and I'm too afraid to buy one. I don't know of any stores that I could go buy one at either. I've had one instance of intercourse and when I whipped out my extension cord, she was immediately tripping about my dick. So then we didn't have sex and she just left my penis on read.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Ever since then, the only action my dick has seen is my right hand, aka Jennifer Aniston with some Aveeno lotion. So my question is, how do I fix my damn dick? What about, you know how when plants grow, you tie it to a stick and then you tie it to the stick so that it grows straight? Yeah. Oh, like a plank, you know? a stick and then you each you tie it to the stick so they grow straight yeah oh like a plank you know yeah yeah oh like a splint a splint for your dong piece yeah yeah you think i like splint or dude i'd even hit up a uh urologist dr jovic is a beast and
Starting point is 00:51:20 he'd probably give you some tips on how to straighten your dong yeah dude i'd stop going through stores and i'd go through you know an official medicine person and find out if it's possible that way and if it's not there's a girl out there with a curved vagina that your dick is gonna fit perfectly into yeah i think it's just he's got to find his angle you know when he's plowing chicks that's good too he's gotta just just figure out how to get it up in there. Yeah, maybe use it to his advantage to be like, look, it's curved. That means I can hit the G spot way better. And then she's like,
Starting point is 00:51:52 you gotta fuck this guy. His dick is like, it's perfect. Yeah, then he'll be like the king. Yeah. Like, oh, curved dick, whatever his name is. Curved dick Danny. Hit my G spot. And he's like, alright, we'll get in line. Instead of Casanova, it's Curve-anova. Oh right, we'll get in line. Instead of Casanova, it's Curvanova. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It's aerodynamic. Instead of Don Juan, it's Curve Juan. This one's straight up for Chad right here. Ketosis conundrum. What up, Sto Kings? You bros are absolute savage philosophers who I trust 100% with any issue. We will not let you down. That being said, I don't know how to express my resentment towards Jimmy Johns.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I'm trying to cut carbs out of my life and live the rest of my life in ketosis. However, when I ordered from Jimmy Johns, I specifically asked for the lettuce wrap sandwich instead of the bread. The lady brought my food and I was so super stoked because of the freaky fast delivery. Anyways, I ended up tipping her a fuckload. And when I opened up my bag, would you believe this illiterate twat brought me a fucking carbo loaded sandwich? I was not so stoked. Anyways, I'm extremely asked her to tell you, bros, I had a carb relapse and felt shitty about it the whole time. How do I get that same burning in my bosom for ketosis?
Starting point is 00:52:48 And what can I do to Jimmy Johns for putting me to the ketosis conundrum and ruining my stoke? Please give me a fucking fire pep talk to get through this low point. Thanks much love bros. Dude, you tripped up. It happens to all of us. This happens to all of us, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Big carb is out there and they're ready to, you know, screw up your ketosis quest. And it's pretty whack. And, you know, you're going to have trip ups because you're, we're constantly dodging booby traps, you know. Jimmy John's, they say they have a keto option, but then they come in with the cheese bread and you're like fuck i can't resist that but you know what you just gotta stay on the path you know think about the benefits you know think about the possibility of
Starting point is 00:53:36 just being so toned that people don't know what to do about having such good cognition that people are like whoa you're thinking like like way faster than anyone has ever thought take a picture of yourself naked take a picture of yourself naked you know think about watch some videos watch joe rogan talk about how bad carbs are you know um i tripped up on saturday i had some pizza but i was actually proud of it because i was bonding um so you know it happens to all of us but you just gotta stay on the path and you know what you gotta do when you eat carbs you gotta say you know what i had carbs that time but now i'm gonna make 10 10 eggs and a whole thing of bacon i'm gonna crush that that's like really bad for you as far as look at them no you look amazing yeah cholesterol watch
Starting point is 00:54:22 your cholesterol dude my dad went on atkins and he was a doctor and the doctor was like you have to get off yeah cholesterol is not people are realizing that it's it can be higher you know it fluctuates so you shouldn't have high cholesterol dude that's all getting debunked all right what up dude so i'm a high school senior my girlfriend broke up with me a couple of months ago sort of it's been a big shit show but that's not what i'm writing in for i'm being sort of flirty with a freshman big shit show, but that's not what I'm writing in for. I'm being sort of flirty with a freshman in my freshman P class that I'm taking so I can graduate.
Starting point is 00:54:50 She seems pretty cool and stuff, but also she's a fucking freshman. What should I do? My dudes chase them, Taylor uphold the senior name. Thanks for keeping it cool. Brofrigerators. Dude,
Starting point is 00:54:58 I think, I think the best thing you can do is just be the cool senior guy in the class. And you know what makes you the coolest senior guy is not hooking up with this girl. You don't want to bang a freshman. Dude, when you're a freshman dude and you see senior guys doing that you can see straight through that senior guy
Starting point is 00:55:11 and you're like this guy doesn't have the confidence to like fight in his own weight class so he's coming down three weight classes and like basically like. I just think there might be a legal issue. Well yeah that's the deeper level too yeah or the more shallow level, yeah. Being the other Sid from Drew.
Starting point is 00:55:34 What's up, dudes? Hope you're having a most magnificent morning. I recently discovered your pod and have been listening through all the episodes. You guys are dope, and I thank you for being dedicated to going deep in both mine and Muff. For sure, dawg. My question is for Chad, as I feel he might be able to relate to my sitch. My sister is a dope-ass engineer who currently works for the Musk Man
Starting point is 00:55:48 on his self-landing rockets. Badass West Point grad, worked in Obama's White House, and finished grad school at Hopkins. Damn, dude. All while being in the Army. Damn. Not to mention she's objectively model status.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Sib love. Dude, I love how much you hype your sister. Oh, I hype her every chance I get, Avi, because she's humble as shit and deserves all the support in the world. But a small part of me feels like I'm living in her shadow. I feel like in order to give her max support, my public image should more or less be in line with hers. I feel constrained at times and unable to be as publicly independent as I feel I could be.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I love my sister a ton, but I don't want to restrict my own ambition for the sake of public image. Sorry if this is confusing. Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, my dudes. Dude, thank you for writing in. You sound like a beast, dude. I love how much he loves his sister yeah it's so pure a loving guy but dude why why do you feel like you have to fall in line with her public image you know yeah that feels like pressure that he's putting on himself like you're totally putting that on
Starting point is 00:56:39 yourself i don't think your sister's doing all this stuff with like, all right, my younger brother Drew better do all this shit too. Do what you want to do because ultimately that's what you're going to be most successful at. If you're just trying to please your sister and follow in her line, you're going to be unhappy. And I think she's going to be unhappy too that you're trying to do what she's doing when it's not what you really want to do. You've got to find your path. And this really reminds me of Ashley Simpson. You know, Jessica Simpson was her big sister, and she was like the more ostensibly hot and successful one.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And then Ashley Simpson came out with her debut album, which had the banger pieces of me off the top. But the real hit of the album was the song Shadow about her relationship with Jessica. And she said, living in the shadow of someone else's dream. And I think you should listen to that song and really cathartically feel all of those emotions. And once you get them out, get on your fucking shit and do your own thing. And I think Ashley Simpson was better. I liked Ashley Simpson.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And dude, when I told my siblings I wanted to be an activist, they were stoked for me. Maybe they were a little bit apprehensive at first but then once i started to you know make some headway and activate um they were like whoa like i'm really happy that you picked this path because it's awesome it's awesome to look from my perspective so she's gonna be stoked for you whatever you want to do dude just you know live your truth, my dog. All right, guys. That'll be it for... Are you sure it's 34?
Starting point is 00:58:09 It's 33. That'll be it for episode 33 of the Gone Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys for writing in, for being stokers, and just for, you know, dominating whatever it is you want to dominate, whether it be science or a steak. Keep writing in. Keep writing reviews. Hannah, you want to say anything?
Starting point is 00:58:34 Thanks so much for having me on, guys. I love you guys so much. I love you, too. Check out Patreon. Patreon.com. We got to do a movie review soon. Good night, Stokers. Let's review that movie. We'll move you.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Running Scared? Oh, good call. Later, Stokers. You just blew my nose. Are you gonna have that? If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 00:59:03 You wanna know What to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you There's the half-naked road beside you Go in deep Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep Go Deep Bustin' Goin' deep
Starting point is 00:59:29 Tryin' to Take a deep

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