Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 330 - DRAFT - Best Sports of All Time

Episode Date: February 21, 2024

#goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast #comedy #allthingscomedy Today, we are joined by two legends who have helped us in a major way over the years, Mike Bertolina and Aaron Brungardt. Mike is the Preside...nt and CEO of All Things Comedy. Aaron aka Mr. Cream is the Head Producer at ATC and has helped us for many years on the ones and two. These two legends have been a huge part of our podcast since early on so we decided to have them to Draft - The Best Sports Of All Time. Each person will compile a list and give a dank reasoning behind each one. Our new Judge, Jake takes a crack at Crowning the champ.   LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW ON WHO YOU THINK WON!! Check out All Things Comedy Network here: https://www.allthingscomedy.com/ Check out their new movie coming out: https://www.drugstorejune.com/ Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! We just added 20 NEW CITIES!!!! - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Here is the Total Draft Standings: (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 6 wins JT: 6 wins Strider: 6 wins Chris Parr: 6 winsBrad Fuller: 1 Win (The Ultimate Champ)Joe Marrese: 0 Wins (THE PEOPLES CHAMP)Mike Bertolina: Going for First DubAaron Brungardt: Going for First Dub.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, we are back with another draft episode. We got some cool guests on here. The much requested Aaron Brungardt and Mike Bertolino, who runs All Things Comedy Sports Draft. It gets hot and heavy, guys. Do not miss out on it. We know you're going to be stoked. But first, we have some new tour dates.
Starting point is 00:00:18 We're going to be in Brea this weekend. Brea, if you don't know where it is, it's basically kind of inland orange county so if you're in southern california come to the brea improv this friday at 9 45 p.m get your tickets chat jt.com it's me jt strider we got alec al flynn on the show and then uh another guest haven't confirmed yet but it's gonna be a blast get your tickets at chat jt.com we also have a bunch of new tour dates on the website now we haven't done a formal announcement but get in there you'll find
Starting point is 00:00:50 your city i'm sure we're going to boston we're going to sacramento we're going to san francisco we're going to santa cruz we're going to ventura we're going to freaking uh washington dc we're going to Tempe Arizona we have an LA show Netflix is a joke fest and New Jersey Jersey City Atlantic City Seattle guys we got so many shows coming up and we
Starting point is 00:01:18 want to see you all there they've been such a blast shout out to all the stalkers that have come thank you guys so much and yeah get your tickets at Chad and JT.com you guys are all legends and what up let's start the show come here girl what your name is where are you from turn around who you came with is that your ass your mama had reindeer i can't explain but damn sure glad you came here that's a shaky tail feather i was gonna keep going but i was like this is too long uh what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep challenge at podcast i'm here with
Starting point is 00:02:00 my compadre john thomas what up fruit pop oh dude is that new one i've been testing some new ones wow where's that come from um it was actually a gay pejorative that 50 cent called p diddy from shake your tail feather one time oh for real yeah wow all right weird start yeah sorry i wasn't gonna explain it popped into my head. Yeah. Well, this is a very, very exciting draft. We have two sort of emperors of Stoke here. Mike Bertolino. Hello. Head of all things comedy. And then Aaron Brungardt.
Starting point is 00:02:34 You guys all know him. You love him. There's been many a request to have Aaron on the pod. I've not received any of those personally, but. Dude, no, we get a lot. And this is the first time this is the first time you've been on camera on the pod right well since the zoom like the zoom area right yeah there's a few where i just stood stood there and uh watched rob machado talk i think that was a
Starting point is 00:02:57 good one yeah it was a good one yeah and then mike you run atc you were responsible for all for this podcast for many other ones for many of the best stand-up specials uh comedy films that come out year to year but have you been on camera for a podcast um have i i don't i don't know um like i pop in here and there yeah um you run through shows sometimes yeah sometimes i have to talk to aaron and then people are like hey come on in and i jump on for a second yeah but uh yeah i don't know that i think this might be the first where i've actually been a guest wow yeah yeah sick it's an honor uh yeah i mean you're a big guy for us behind the scenes you know we're always talking to you off camera i'm always looking out for you
Starting point is 00:03:40 guys yeah there's a lot that we have that we're cooking and yeah there's a lot of great things we're gonna make let's go and we play golf together dude you and strider play the most yeah but but we'll go out on the links with y'all too a lot of fun you make the best bloody mary hey you know it's all about the experience when you go golfing it's uh you know look i'm not gonna be winning any tournaments so me, it's always just about like, who are you hanging with? How are you hanging with them? Having a good time. Yeah. The vibe is huge.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. Have you guys ever had to play golf with someone that afterwards you were like, I don't want to play golf with that person again? Yeah. Oh, within two holes, we kicked a guy out. Really? Yeah. What'd he do?
Starting point is 00:04:20 The first thing he did when he drove up, it was Father's Day. I'd just lost my dad. And so I'm with another guy who we're buddies. And then he just like, can I play with you guys? And we're like, sure. And then he makes a racist joke about Koreans. Whoa. And we're just like, that's not, we're not.
Starting point is 00:04:40 So we just didn't talk to him. And then like two holes later, he's like, I can see you guys don't really want to play with me. And we're like, yeah. Wow, that's actually pretty awesome. I respect the play with me. And we're like, yeah. Wow. That's actually pretty awesome. I respect the hell out of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just don't like guys that sap the fun out of the game. Like they take it so seriously. And for me, like I'm competing against myself when I'm playing golf and I'm cheering for everybody else. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Typically. I mean, even when I'm like, like I played with Verzi this past weekend and we were playing, you know, putting money on every hole that we played i was still cheering for him even though like i was down you know that i've got one guy who i love to death but like it's hard to play golf with him because it's just he's way too serious he wants it too bad yeah and he starts like nitpicking on like little rules that you're like we're not over the line i will pick up a ball at a moment i i don't care if second stroke i'm picking this one up i'm done guys let's go to the next one that's what my dad always said he's like doesn't matter how you play
Starting point is 00:05:36 just be pleasant yeah that's right that's the most important thing and like for me like i'm not good but i'm not slow so like yes being slow i won't hurt the team yeah i'm not gonna take 10 practice strokes before i go off oh yeah i don't take any practice strokes in case that ball goes wide i'm like that's the shambos problem right he's up there for a while and it's bugging the other guys on the tour play yeah well it's good we're talking about golf right now because that's actually the theme of this draft episode we've done a lot of sports drafts top 50 golfers but have we ever drafted that'd be tough yes i'm trying to think who's number 50 so for this one we're going to draft not the best athletes from a particular sport but what is the best sport
Starting point is 00:06:19 oh it's tough this is a tough one yeah i mean how many even are there there's like four majors in the u.s maybe five six but then there's yeah how international are you yeah are we talking we're talking professional sports we're talking about just sports that people just play and love to play a lot of difference there my list there's a there's technicality pure athleticism yeah there's artistry artist Artistry. Absolutely. How fun it is to watch. Yes. Different seasons.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah. Do you want to be in the sun or do you want to be playing on other surfaces? Yeah. Don't get too much. Oh. All right. So should we, do you guys, do you guys know how to play odds or evens? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It's like Rochambeau, but it's one or two. Yeah, you just hide your hand and then you throw out a one or two and if you're the odd man out you go last one two three shoot fuck last you get back to back season i know all right one i want to drop time one two three shoot oh i'm three oh i said now we do okay okay so we do rock paper scissors shoot okay ready fuck all right wow you animal don't mind if i do beast oh all right so pick one um all right so when i'm looking at these sports, I'm thinking widespread global appeal. I'm thinking competition, drama, excitement. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And then just like, well, okay. So for this first one, it's a tricky one. It's my personal favorite sport. Aaron's going to fucking hate me for this but it is america's pastime i want to draft high i am going with baseball whoa damn it so and let me just say like i i recognize that there are other sports that have passed it and sort of general popularity in the u.s that said it is a global sport huge in latin america huge huge in asia and australia is coming up big now there's people in tibet playing or something like that wow and i tell you i know that it's a long game it's a paced game but i have never been more
Starting point is 00:08:40 excited watching a game than i have a baseball game when the stakes are on the line and when it's like you get into those later innings and there's just so much strategy so much gamesmanship absolutely love it it is my number one and that is why it's the number one pick today and has the best sports movie of all time moneyball i'm not reopening this wound so this is what sucks now i have to wait for pick eight you're sitting still oh it's gonna be tough yeah i would have killed for it i would have loved it would you so you would have taken i would have taken baseball first yeah it's my and you guys are because of love and passion to give some context to listeners you guys are hardcore softballers yeah yes i am more than yeah he's like it's a compulsion at this point yeah for three times a week yeah and it's like
Starting point is 00:09:32 do or die like you put it all on the line when you're out there i wouldn't say that because i'm i'm a little bit older and a little bit smarter uh than i used to be so i'm not uh i have gotten i've gotten a little chippier uh and aggressively chippier with some guys that i need to back off of no i love i have seen it i have seen it yeah i don't need to get into a fight i have a daughter and i don't need that no that fire is important the fire is there and it was i mean a guy called a speech at my wedding about the fire so like on the softball field so you know travis gave a speech yep impromptu i don't know where but my the lion that is aaron yeah you're an animal i'd like to see
Starting point is 00:10:13 that i uh yeah it's uh yeah talk about the little things in baseball that can get on your nerves or you know that's me i at this point of all the sports i i played a ton of sports as a kid but baseball i quit early because i broke my wrist okay for the fourth grade i was made the all-stars fell off i was climbing like a soccer goal post fell off broke my wrist and i just didn't pick it back up but that's the one sport and my brother feels the same way that i regret not picking back up the most was it your throwing hand that you broke yeah it's my right wrist yeah because so i i didn't even know it was broken i would try to throw it and then the ball would just go straight to the right i will say
Starting point is 00:10:54 once i started playing softball with aaron i started playing a little bit before that again and more like adult rec leagues i i didn't realize how much i missed it there's so much joy in working together with a group of guys um and and it's one of those games where it's it's like there is a right thing and a wrong thing to do in every situation and uh you know somebody who has a high baseball iq because they make those right decisions on a regular basis. And the on-field hang and the bullpen and a dugout hang seems like it's almost tops of all the sports. It's the best.
Starting point is 00:11:32 The energy, when you got momentum, when everyone's feeling it, it's so great. Yeah, you know, they start rallying, everyone's going nuts. Yeah, when we came back
Starting point is 00:11:39 from down 15 and scored and won in our last at-bat, I mean, it was insane. There's nothing better than that. And one guy can't do it. Like bat i mean it's insane like that there's nothing better than and one guy can't do it like in baseball it's a weak link sport where as you're you're as strong as your weakest link like you gotta everyone's got to contribute yeah absolutely because you see that with like bonds and mike trout now like their teams don't even make the playoffs half the time you're like but it's like the best player ever yeah and to do what we did we had to bat
Starting point is 00:12:00 you know how many guys had a bat just to score 16 runs like ton it's crazy and one thing too about it is that it starts in spring yeah it's like especially if you live in a place where there's seasons well when i went to school in connecticut it's like spring came around baseball you start playing baseball it's the best feeling you start getting sunny days again it's like rebirth and you're like what are we going to play we're going to play baseball and it's the only major sport that takes place in one calendar year everybody bleeds over to the next year that's right yeah yeah it'll get there when we got 300 game seasons no no it's gonna get shorter or anything but yeah awesome my turn okay so uh this is big yeah so i mean i'm going for this pick i'm going for this is a worldwide sport most easily accessible pure athleticism highest paid athletes and you
Starting point is 00:12:58 know it's not the biggest in the u.s but globally it's a freaking behemoth it's soccer i love this pick yeah love it um teamwork skill strategy these are some of my notes fostering a sense of unity and national pride thank you chat gpt um chad gpt chad yeah so soccer i mean it's it's uh that's the thing is i think it's accessibility too you just need a ball yeah yeah ball a couple goal posts but and uh anything can be goal posts too yeah yeah just kicking up against the cement walls yeah so fun and it's just running like like simple pure athleticism running kicking you have to be a you have to be like a top tier athlete to yeah to do well at teamwork communication yeah it's it's awesome to watch a you have to be like a top tier athlete to yeah to do well at teamwork communication yeah it's it's awesome to watch a team that's totally in sync in soccer the way
Starting point is 00:13:51 that they move the ball around can maintain control and momentum yeah it's so fun watching messy in this last world cup like watching him dribble around and pass guys just was amazing it's just like who can do that and how hard it is to score a goal so the celebrations are epic immense oh yeah yeah it's the beautiful game too you know it's the one sport where you know you're going to be in and out of it like for the pro games and under like an hour 45 like the clock is the clock it's not like football or baseball where it can drag on forever well there is that arbitrary injury to extra time but there's no timeouts there's no there's no stop of play it just flows and it also feels the most like democratic where you can be from anywhere you
Starting point is 00:14:34 can be any size you don't need a ton of money for equipment and stuff it's like a lot of the best players in the world seem to have come from humble beginnings and made it to the very top of the sport also like the fan bases in soccer. Yeah. The tribalism that comes out. And I know that that's something that happens across most team sports or, but holy cow. It's a whole other animal.
Starting point is 00:14:55 You can go down a YouTube rabbit hole of just like Russian fans throwing like dynamite and flares at each other. Argentinian fans throwing rocks through each other's windows and shaking. I went to a game in Costa Rica for this team, Supriza. They had to put like a cage around the fans.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Like the local section had their own because they just go so bonkers. I went to a game in Parma in Italy against Roma Lazio and it was one of the wildest things I'd ever seen. Like the fireworks in the middle of the crowd. You're like,
Starting point is 00:15:23 you could just bring that in here? It nuts yeah it's definitely the most and has like the most geopolitical impact i feel like i remember in the 06 world cup they were like dude if michael ballett can lead germany to a w he can finally unite east and west germany together as one and i was like whoa i don't think you see that as much in other sports yeah i mean the world cup they like yeah it's how many other sports that really have world championships like that like real world championships yeah because well it's a tournament it's you know it's not like not like every team is competing in a season and they come together it's like right right that's the champions league a little bit but yeah a little bit but yeah but yeah it is the be all end all of probably sporting events besides the olympics it's probably the world cup yeah all right i'm up now now we can
Starting point is 00:16:14 actually get this draft started you guys are both crazy you guys are both nutso magutso i i had a very specific criterion for how i was going to do this it's the first time i've done this i i judged the sports on four uh like qualifying categories it was uh how fun they are to watch is most important then the cultural richness significance is to how cool the sport is like just the rules how you play it all that stuff and then how fun the sport is to play okay i would can we add a couple things because i had a couple other factors maybe but i didn't include those in my overall scores here okay go ahead i have a numerical value for all these guys so for number one i'm going
Starting point is 00:16:57 baseball might be america's pastime but as howie long said this is america's passion football solid yeah now look it's a domestic brew we do some games in germany and mexico and london but no one's that into it but here in america and i am american i feel like in this moment it is the defining sport of our time as evidenced by the super bowl doing the biggest rating i think in history kelsey and swift she obviously contributed to that but we love our football and i don't think any sport gets me as excited as passionate as connected as football especially the way it's just set up for that sunday like my sundays are a holy day i clear the whole schedule and we've had some huge personalities come through brady manning breeze rogers those are the qbs but
Starting point is 00:17:46 then you know you get a lot more fun when you get to the wide receiver prime time prime time the dbs man linebackers line ray lewis laurence taylor oh my god i could watch ray lewis talk all day i find him to be an inspiration um so yeah i'm going football it's fun to play pickup the rules of it are a bit arbitrary i dinged it a little bit for that. I think there's only 11 minutes of like real action in a game. That doesn't do too well. But in terms of cultural significance and how fun it is to watch, 10 and 10. And then when you go to like a major event, when they have the TV timeouts, it's really
Starting point is 00:18:18 annoying because there's so much momentum built up and like it's a they'll call it call a tv time out and one team has it rolling they're ready they've got this defense on the ropes and suddenly everyone has like five minutes to chill out and wait for the next play so that's something i would that hurt that said absolutely love football college it's like my 1b you know yes and so that was the you said sundays like i love saturdays so for me there's no better day than the opening day of college football and you can wake up in the morning you can watch the east coast games and you can stay up until late at night and watch the hawaii game it's the greatest and you went to usc right i did yeah so i mean you you gotta be yeah no absolutely that's huge i love
Starting point is 00:19:05 college football i love the nfl i'm a niner fan unfortunately we the breaks didn't go our way this uh this last week you went to the super bowl right i did was that awesome it's amazing it's it is like that's like to your point you know and i'll support you in your pick the super bowl to me is like one of the biggest events that we have in our country every year right the top sporting event you could go to yeah so it was a bucket list for me i've always wanted to go and it just so happened my team was in it this year so and it was a great super bowl it was a great super bowl especially for if you're a kansas city fan yeah it should be a national holiday and the day after should be a national holiday i agree dude we did a city council on it no it's true and i and fred and elliot all right two picks i feel like i've
Starting point is 00:19:51 already lost this draft because you guys have picked so good i was hoping somebody would stumble right off the gates nobody has no uh so maybe i will uh i don't know in terms of global appeal there's maybe a couple of sports there's one i could go with that would be a real i feel like i get it later though i'm gonna go with my next my next biggest passion which i'm trying to get really back into um they've had a lot of labor disputes and things like that that have that and and what channel they're on and all this stuff. But to me, the, the next best game from baseball and certainly the most fun to watch live is
Starting point is 00:20:35 hockey. So I'm taking hockey. Number one, hockey's very best. Yeah. I mean, obviously it is global in terms of like, it's played in a lot of places.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Russia has this amazing league. I mean, obviously it is global in terms of like, it's played in a lot of places. Russia has this amazing league. You know, the Northern European countries play it as well. Yeah. Like Finland can bring it. Yeah. Finland, Sweden. But the U S and Canada is where it's still at. And it's, it's, I mean, it's, it's such a tough sport that you can only play it for 90 seconds at a time.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And then you got to switch out and let someone else, take a break like that's insane to me and i've and i've played a little bit of it to to know that that's for real like it's so hard to do it and to and to score a goal when everyone's slapping at you like and they used to not wear helmets like in the 70s they weren't wearing helmets yeah the goalies didn't used to wear helmets yeah they had like no pads on no yeah damn till like the 60s it was insane it's a real tough man sport yeah there's it's still the only sport where fighting is still it's not allowed it's a it's a major penalty if you do it but you know it's there and the fights are real they really fucking go at it that's yeah i mean i wish baseball there hasn't been a real brawl in baseball in so long. And nobody really wants to hit each other.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah, what was the last good one? Pedro Martinez, Don Zimmer? Yeah. Yeah, it's upsetting. But yeah, to see someone... Bryce Harper going off on something? Bryce Harper against the Giants. Oh, no, you know, Ruff Norador when he cracked Batista.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Oh, yeah, at second base. That was a hell of a punch. That was amazing. Yeah, I mean, but you get that... you don't get it every night in hockey but like you know they're gonna police themselves and i like that about it it's true i remember we went to a king's game we saw they did the fight thing when they raised up their dudes get a grip and just start i couldn't believe when i saw it they're just like this i was like holy fuck fisticuffs yeah yeah i mean before they they literally had to alter their jerseys so they would get attached so they couldn't be lifted over your head so you could just get wailed on they literally just hooked them in your back jersey you're doing it for your teammates like
Starting point is 00:22:36 if one guy checks one of your guys bad you gotta go yeah you hit wayne gretzky or sydney crosby fucking marty mork sorley's coming at you or someone else like they're gonna take your fucking head off just because you know you're hitting their goal scorer by the way speaking of sports that have great movies Slapshot is yeah and I love Goon Goon's great yeah Mighty
Starting point is 00:22:57 Ducks Mighty Ducks yeah super fun Miracle Miracle yeah I played hockey for a couple years most fun i ever had yeah yeah and even the rollerblade version of it's still very fun like yeah hockey players also seem to be cool guys yeah whenever i see them in interviews and stuff i'm like they have a humility that doesn't exist in some other sports or or just out out out now bonkers like last night yarmulke jersey got retired by the penguins he literally
Starting point is 00:23:27 said and i shared in my story he said like my girlfriend is too young to know that i used to play for this team but i've and he's been gone since 2001 he's like but i've explained to her that it was really fun he was the best man oh my god yeah one of the wild men of i mean that you're still gonna find some freaking bat shit dudes there which is awesome they all have that that t-rex posture because their ass is so huge yeah just walking all the drive yeah and then they're just cool like like baseball has that same thing where they're they're all doing they're dipping and i remember kids on the hockey team at my school they put dip in between their toes just Just get a fat buzz during the game.
Starting point is 00:24:06 It's just cool. And they're missing teeth, but it makes them more handsome. Yeah. Because they don't care about teeth. They have their own terms. Chirping. They chirp each other. Yeah, they got good voices.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I like the way they talk. Baseball's like, all right, better, better. Football's like, come on, let's go. And then hockey's like, hey, what's up, dude? Hey, man, get off me, bro. Pawn hockey. Yeah, yeah so what's your next pick dude oh all right next on the turn this is big next pick on the turn this is gonna dictate the tempo i know all right i think i'm gonna go with something that is global and it's gotten more excitement now because of netflix
Starting point is 00:24:47 i'm going formula one oh wow okay dude wow what a pick yeah yeah i thought about it for going for one i can't well i'm not even gonna mention the other pick that i just can't pick because i have no passion for it um formula one open wheel car racing when they had it in vegas i watched that whole fucking thing it was amazing i knew so many people that were there i mean it's just the most weirdly elite sexy sexy fucking so much money involved in it uh and it's just cool i mean they fucking turn yeah like you know i you could throw another sport on here another motorsport on here but like yeah it's kind of just in a circle no it's i think it's leaps above the other ones like nascar is awesome so much faster the event is great but
Starting point is 00:25:35 at the end of the day it is a big loop yeah yeah turn left basically right and just see how small the compartments of these cars they're in and just like the danger and the oh man and the enterprise of it like mercedes is a billion dollar like venture yeah that they put into that car yeah yeah i didn't really it's a sport that i never really paid attention to or understood a buddy of mine is really into it and talks about it a lot and i tried getting into it from that but then i watched uh netflix's drive to survive my god that got me so hooked in yeah finally understood yeah yeah even just the pit crews yeah like where in that intro like the teamwork in that of changing the
Starting point is 00:26:21 tires it's that's just watching that in real time is yeah unreal um we went to the indy it's a different sport but we went to the indy 500 um a few years ago and i've got a video i'll show you guys later of the pit crew practicing it's insane yeah like talk about communication and being in sync like microseconds yeah i'll see look dude jake on the ones and twos i would also say of all the sports it's also the one where death is the most like hanging over it yeah like you know eriton center one of the best drivers ever died doing it a lot of young drivers don't make it through i mean they are putting their life on the line every time they get in the car. And you're thinking about that the whole time you're watching.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Oh, look at this. Hockey did have a player die earlier this season, but yeah. No, you can die playing football. And boom, he's out. I feel like you can forget that they could die with those sports. This one feels more like it's always a moment away. It's something we all do, most of us that drive, but to that level is just so insane. It's the amount of technology and the, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Speed, high speed. Yeah, I can't even imagine going 200 plus miles an hour. No, their workouts are hilarious. They're just doing neck exercises. They have rubber bands around their head, and they're like, practice for the g-force yeah um all right i'm i think i'm up uh i'm going with uh i knew you're gonna say yeah i mean it's an obvious choice is it i don't know
Starting point is 00:28:02 basketball yeah that's the that's the correct answer. Dude, you're taking this thing. You got football and basketball. God damn it. By my criterium, it's so fun to watch. Its cultural significance is huge. The sport is awesome itself. And then it's, for me, this is one of the biggest things too.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It's so fun to play. Like I love playing one-on-one when I was young and I love playing pickup with my friends still. And then it's just probably the most like, I don't know, I feel like the athletes in basketball are the most famous athletes in America now. Like LeBron and Steph and Kobe before and MJ before that. Like they really are just like our idols
Starting point is 00:28:42 and I love watching them play. It's a great balance of individual creativity and and i love watching them play it's a great balance of individual creativity and then teamwork you know it takes both you really get to see people's personalities when they're out on the court and they're just freaks in nature i mean it has the biggest barrier of entry of all the sports you got to be huge you got to be coordinated and uh you kind of have to have the full athletic toolbox and and i i love love love watching it it's awesome yeah i mean in terms of like recognition for players like it's the easiest one because there's only you know five guys on each side yeah 10 10 total they're not wearing helmets like it's real obvious who everyone
Starting point is 00:29:19 is and and they're they're cool the players are like they all have pods now they're all hilarious like the culture of it's just awesome yeah we got in this debate um when we were in vegas about what's the hardest sport to become like the top elite in and and i don't know i don't know what the answer is to it but the the fact that there is just there are just 12 men on a roster for any nba team i mean there's only so many spots yeah whereas like football there's 53 men on the roster and baseball i don't know 26 yeah 26 it's like you are the absolute like top top percentile of athlete if you are an nba basketball player it's like scalabrini was like a 12th man and then he played a bunch of people who talk shit to him online one-on-one and just beat them all dropping a trojan 11-0 on everyone and his quote was i'm
Starting point is 00:30:10 closer to mj than you are to me yeah like even role players are just phenomenal athletes with like can do a ton but they're just not always allowed to and if you want to make money i mean that's the sport because you know so few players you have a lot more to go around and that 12th man is still gonna be making 10 mil a year i mean really wow i would think right if the number one guy's making 50 best shoes shoes yes the impact on culture yeah and clothing yeah absolutely even in the street leagues yeah uh and one and one mixtapes no best and i think the debate over who's the best is probably the most spirited in basketball right now like the lebron versus mj stuff it feels like eternal i mean there's a lot in every sport but with basketball it feels like
Starting point is 00:30:55 the one i see the most those are always the stupidest debates to me who's the best of all time it's like it's hard because they've competed against completely different yeah and the game was different too so you think about taking punches to the jaw i mean like look at like what mj had to come up with the pistons like slugging them yeah and it's you got a picture like would steph have been able to handle like the lane physicality of those or i think steph would be steph pretty man steph's like top 10 for me all the time and but you see you you but you do go mj over lebron right yeah definitely definitely yeah i mean in no shade um on lebron james no lebron's the guy's absolutely amazing he's the man but like i mean the reality is mj didn't jump around and go to teams that were stacked with superstars on them.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Did it with one team. And I haven't seen anybody else try to do it with a Luke Longley in the middle. And he was just the Terminator. He was the man. He would just finish you off. Yeah, I wouldn't want to hang out with him. I'd rather hang with LeBron. Yeah, probably better hang, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:05 But, you know, Michael's a winner. Six for six. That physique, too. Dude. On MJ? MJ, yeah. I was fortunate to have, like, low seats one time at an NBA game a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It was Lakers and the Trailblazers when it was, like, Arvita Sabonis and Shaq. And just seeing them, like the size of these guys, it's like, it's just a whole different type of human. It's like back to the point of like, what does it take to be successful in that sport? I mean, great genetics, I think is one huge factor. Yeah. No, if you're under six foot and you play pro basketball, you're the freak, is one huge factor. Yeah. No, if you're under six foot and you play pro basketball, you're the freakiest athlete that ever lived.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Chad, you're up. All right. I'm going to go with probably the most primal sport out there. And this is just pure raw. And I would say, arguably, may have given birth to some of the best sports movies. That's debatable, but definitely up there. This is breaking my heart. And I know.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I thought you were going to say this actually. This is going to be your pick, but I'm going to go boxing. Damn it. It's given us. I thought I was going to get it. That's a great pick. It's given us cultural icons, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson. It's, I mean, it's just a huge paydays and it's global
Starting point is 00:33:31 and it's just it's just pure raw athleticism and it's just two dudes fighting i mean that's like the sport that that's the original sport i think is two dudes going at it it's the most elemental yeah testing each other and and uh and there's no escape there's no escape it's just you and the other guy you're just fighting another dude you're just fighting another guy arguably in the best shape um you know the the conditioning for it is it's like that's why they you know you're in boxing shape that's like you're in the best shape possible so i uh yeah you need fast twitch and slow twitch to be a boxer yeah and then it's like i mean we talked about mj a lot but muhammad ali he might be the most discussed or talked about athlete yeah definitely definitely more of a cultural influence like mj stayed out of political stuff because he
Starting point is 00:34:22 famously said both sides by his shoes whereas muhammad ali like led with that it was like stood up to the government on vietnam and was a bold about race stuff he just uh he's he probably cared more yeah the sweet science i i again this is a game a a sport that is so fun to watch it can be so intense and there's a lot of different styles to it too yeah and like we're talking about heavyweights here but they're also like some great middle weights and featherweights and all different weight classes bringing different things to it yeah all equally exciting to watch yeah and also to become a top boxer, you're competing with the world. Oh my God. Oh yeah. I mean, it's, it's, yeah. There's always an era where there's a guy that is the guy, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:15 like there was like the Roy Jones era and there was like, I mean, I love Bernard Hopkins. I loved my earliest. I think my earliest boxing match memory was Sugar Ray Leonard andvin haggler too i think they only fought once you're talking about hearns no haggler and leonard no i think they only fought once look it up look it up no it looks like it didn't happen okay well it was that fight it's an amazing fight who are you seven right i think i was rooting for sugar ray leonard at the time because he was a bigger name and i was like excited about that and this is me just sort of like getting introduced to boxing but if you go back and watch like marvin haggler
Starting point is 00:35:55 was the man he's sick switch hitter granite chin yeah what year was this? 87. Yeah, so I was nine years old at this point, about to turn 10. Love. The thing I love about fighting too is like, it can put like country against country. You know, like a Mexican fighter will fight an Irish fighter and then the fans will just be going nuts on each other. And it feels almost like a World Cup match
Starting point is 00:36:21 where like they're representing not just themselves, but like everyone who comes from where they come. Like Joe lewis max schmeling world war ii like max schmeling was a german joe lewis is an american it's like you better kick his ass right now does it lose some of the shine because of mma that's a good question yeah it's a it's box i mean i i love this choice i would go boxing over mma yeah for history boxing is for sure yeah for sure but mma yeah it's it's look someone might still pick mma we don't know sure don't want to bring it up for that reason but i'm i'm just i i got i need to poke holes now that i should be poking holes i've been resisting because you know it's our first time together but i've been resisting
Starting point is 00:37:01 i know i'm being super polite no go go for the regular supporting everybody well i mean in these early rounds like basketball that's why i didn't pick it do you not like basketball like i can't believe you passed on basketball yeah why don't you like basketball just as the sport i can never never could get a grip on it at all but you love f1 racing i like i like driving cars fast you know that makes sense true sure bert's you're up with two okay this is where it's gonna get interesting i think yeah the big ones are out yeah i'll get two picks yes sir yeah okay okay so the first thing i'm going to take is volleyball great mother fucker here's the thing with volleyball amazing game so fun to watch so fast-paced and it's just awesome women's volleyball is like one like women's sport
Starting point is 00:37:54 and i'm gonna sound super creepy right now but that is always fun to watch because i mean there's smokes there's it's a smoke show yeah and they're tall and beautiful and they can swing bro those outside hitters and then you've got like beach volleyball too is the whole thing now it's amazing to watch top gun and the guys are great karch karali i mean just top gun yes yeah yeah dude it's a great game it's also a fun game to play just with friends 10 out of 10 to play my favorite sport it's so fun right god damn Beach is the best. God damn it. I was hoping to get this later. Also, our guy Strider was a volleyball player too.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Middle blocker, UCSD. My wife Rebecca was a volleyball player. It's like, I've got volleyball around my life. Four years of high school. Oh really? You're a volleyball player? I played four years of high school. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:38 High school volleyball. Yeah, I was a back row guy though. Let's go. Serving specialist. Like Leberica and stuff. That's what's up. Dude, when you see a spike, dude. Even in Meet the Parents, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:49 And also the blocks. The ones that the roof on the guy. And a dig, what about when the gate low and it's a 100 mile an hour heater and bang. When you see those rallies that happen when like people are diving out of bounds and manage to get back into position for another rally. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's a bummer. It's not on ESPN as much as it was when I was growing up in the nineties. Cause beach was always on TV when I was growing up and now it's been kind of the programming has been pushed off. You can find college, college on a lot of particularly the women. The indoor stuff you see more. Yeah. Like Nebraska's indoor women's volleyball team sells out like a hundred
Starting point is 00:39:20 thousand. Yeah. Huge like event. Yeah. Women's women's volleyball that is something too it's like it's like uh a lot of these sports people primarily just watch men yeah but women's volleyball yeah it's one sport where like it does get views too doesn't it yeah for uh for women oh yeah look at yeah 92 000 people showed up for this holy cow 90 was wait they they had their volleyball match at the
Starting point is 00:39:46 football stadium yeah wow largest crowd to attend a women's sport look at that 92 000 nobody nobody if i was an indoor player though i don't know that i want to play in an outdoor venue like that but that's just yeah with the wind and stuff messing with your shit well just the light just lighting right it was always weird when you play in a gym that had weird lighting y'all seen the movie side out no no with ricky schroeder no yeah it's a volleyball i love it it's good um that was a good pick all right so i get another one um so i got baseball yeah i'm slipping i got the name wrong on the actor pissed okay um just might just work with him he's an old dad he's an old dance oh nice yeah i forgot he was in that let's go um okay i'm gonna go with am i missing something right now before i jump on this you can look at lists and
Starting point is 00:40:43 stuff yeah you can't need a list you're a hip shooter i uh i'm gonna go with my heart and i'm gonna go with golf you had to do it man so pick you got a good list i i like my list golf i think a lot as a spectator sport is pretty difficult you got a white ass list pretty damn good oh shit well you're gonna get the deepest tan on this list i wouldn't say baseball's a white thing but actually it was quicker it was quicker it was quicker to not be white than a lot of the other sports if you want if you want a bronze pick this list um so here yes you're right all outside right outside you're getting i thought you're giving me a bronze medal for fourth place oh no no um that'd be so you have golf so here's the thing
Starting point is 00:41:33 global appeal also um i love how many different variations of golf there are um even in pro leagues when it comes to like skins games and like the writer cup and uh where you know you have two regions completely playing against one another there's match play um some of the best like stories and runs of like the greatest around between you know jack nicholas arnie tiger also one of the most impossible sports to be perfect at it's like perfection is the thing that everyone chases and they no one can really achieve it's a game where like millimeters means like hundreds of yards if you have something just slightly off and also just one of the best things to go out and do with your boys like to go and have fun and you know get half in the bag by the
Starting point is 00:42:33 turn you know you start loosening up suddenly things start getting interesting i think it's just it's just so much fun so yeah rolling with golf of all the sports on there probably the only one that you can play completely hammered yes yes it is it is the and it's the most mental i feel like of a lot of them imagine a formula one um yes little demo derby yeah get out of my way you kind of need to be a little looser for that you motherfucking bitch get the fuck out of my way the most uh business deals conducted on the call yes no you're not getting business deals done while boxing maybe you are pti ran a poll in like 2012 and i think 40 like 40% of men said they would give
Starting point is 00:43:26 their pinky toe to be a member at Augusta oh is that right wait 40% I might be fudging it but it was it was a chunk later I'm going to tell you about the round we had in Vegas what happened oh my god this place was insane I mean I've played some
Starting point is 00:43:44 nice golf courses before in my life this was the insane i mean i've played some nice golf courses before in my life this was the best i never even heard of it before your boy uh your boy trevor lawrence was there oh yeah did you meet him no i didn't say hi i was sitting with my group he was over eating lunch with his group how do you look handsome tall not as big as i thought he would be um but i mean beautiful head of hair uh does mark walberg play at this course he does he moved it right yeah so that his house was on this oh really at this place yeah walberg lives in vegas yeah good move he's getting up at 2 a.m chad i think you're up uh i gotta go with my heart here as well i think the coolest sport oh boy most beautiful sport to watch most in tune with nature of any sport surfing so this is on my list by by the way. Go for it, please. I mean. You got a great list, dude. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Is anyone? I mean, I think surfers up there with like the coolest dudes, you get bronzed, you get toned, you get in good shape and you're dancing on the water. You're depending on the earth to provide you with the ability to do the sport. You need to be in tune with the ocean. I was going to abbreviate, but I was like, I'm not going to abbreviate. You got to be in tune with the ocean. There's big wave surfing.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It's death defying. And then there's small waves, you know, technical where you're just like at the skate park where you're doing tricks. You're busting airs, you're getting barrels. Getting barreled is like that is it's almost like getting in touch with God. So, I don't know any other sports where you're really saying what up to the almighty except when you're in the tube. So, and it has a huge cultural impact. and it has a huge cultural impact i mean the the uh fashion wise people are uh movie you know in movies and in lingo and stuff people are always trying to emulate surfers so i think surfing is is huge even though not it's not the most accessible and it's very difficult to learn
Starting point is 00:45:59 how to do you have to be able to do it consistently but i think it's i love this big top i i um i had like i was breaking down different sports earlier and i was immediately obviously looking at team sports and then there's individual sports and there's sports where it's artistry is like central to it and i felt like surfing was like at the top of that for me yeah it's it's amazing to watch and i mean as someone who has surfed and i'm a bad surfer you're right it is hard to do well yeah i've always admired like amazing surfers it's so cool to watch when you watch it live like in person someone getting a barrel yeah it's incredible and you see someone just doing like a big turn and you get used to it watching videos but then when you see it live
Starting point is 00:46:42 it's it's just it's crazy to watch it's also like youtube bait like i will go i'll be up at like two in the morning because i'm suddenly just watching all these surf videos yeah where yeah and you go into exotic locations yeah i watch surf videos and they're like waking up early we're going to g land it's just some reef in the indonesia you know it's uh you go to like south australia it's beautiful toto santos mavericks i mean mavericks it's you're dealing with like 50 foot waves that's like a building falling on top like amazing yeah it's the only sport where you're like an explorer or adventurer yeah and then it's also along with golf the only one up there where it
Starting point is 00:47:26 can also be your hobby yeah i guess softball is kind of a hobby right yeah of course yeah but like you can't i don't do we include softball with baseball or softball it's a good question are we giving him bodyboarding with surfing too i mean this is asking no don't put that in there you don't even want it no oh dude you're starting to beat yeah dude so you keep it up yeah you can put parentheses jake no bodyboard so even if it helps your draft you feel like it just kind of i'd rather lose damn dude dick dryers i think baseball gets softball though i think i think it's it's close enough it's the same baseball softball yeah yeah i didn't want to say anything earlier but i do love watching softball
Starting point is 00:48:09 also yeah sorry i don't want to relitigate old picks but like yeah my daughter plays it so i really enjoy watching well while we're relitigating old pigs baseball boring to watch oh so i thought i kind of covered this but like there are people who would say that yeah and they're they're the devil i think i think i think here's here's one thing about about baseball is like i think you have to have played it to really appreciate it yeah for sure to what age to what age i mean at any you just have to have played it you have to understand the poetry of it yeah yeah yeah and then when you see people execute so perfectly it's amazing and then i mean there's i can point to a bunch of games that i've watched
Starting point is 00:48:59 over the years were like i have i needed to like lay down afterwards because i was so stressed out yeah the giants phillies nlcs in 2010 where um uh brian um also the wilson was on the closer against ryan howard and i was i think bases were loaded at that point. Maybe, yeah. And there's two outs. And I was on my knees in the middle of the living room, like holding my head and struck him out. Hell yeah. And Renteria won MVP?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. Yeah. Colombian, dude. He's MVP, yeah. Was that Linscombe on that team too? Yeah. He was a Colombian, dude. He's a World Series MVP, yeah. Was that Linscombe on that team, too? Yeah. He was a beast. This was Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner's first year.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Dude, you've had a good run. They've won, what, three or four in the last 20 years? Yeah, they won three. They won every other year in those even years, 10, 12, and 14. I was there for one of the games when they played the Angels earlier in the 2000s. Now they are middling at best. It's frustrating to watch yeah sorry all right dude my my next pick is kind of uh and see how by the way you would
Starting point is 00:50:12 try to go negative on me and i managed to spin it to the i think you did a good job but i think it had to be you on that it had to be well that's actually my next pick is judo a lot of people don't know lock it in no i'm kidding i kidding. But it is underrated as a sport. Judicos are very... They're good guys, and it's a bigger sport than most people know. Dude, I'm going to kind of go in a similar direction. I'm going with a weekend warrior sport, a sport made for vacation, good outfits, and hot chocolate. And to just undermine my own pick, sore feet, I'm going skiing slash snowboarding.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Can you do that? You can do it. I'll give you both. i'll give you both dude yes bro i give it to you absolutely that's it's it's too big of a debate to get into after that you know i think it's sorry go on bro so just love support your pick i mean me i love shredding some fresh pow pow i love you know going through the park and just ripping up the uh the half pipe or hitting a tabletop and just you know throwing a a can can or a knack knack or a 540 whatever even just a fat mute grab a fat mute grab even keeping it simple you know hitting the grinds but i also love going back country and just having my pack on me and and you know doing some hiking and just exploring mother nature like seeing it in a way where i feel that it's unique to me and it. And it's really about giving – it's not about dominating the mountain.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It's about giving scale to the mountain. Like when you see my little body coming down against the mountain, you know how epic nature is. And that's what feels so contributive to me. When you straight-lined Devil's Peak in Alaska, I mean, that was the most incredible thing i've ever seen and i did it for the small dude the small doe dudes that's why i had my my dink coming through my suit yeah yeah it was just straight bell and coming through and uh yeah i
Starting point is 00:51:57 mean i've been skiing and snowboarding since i was like one i picked it up instantly a lot of my closest friends we ski we snow. And I know for a lot of people, that's crazy that, you know, we're able to coexist. But for me, we're one in the same, you know, when we're in the gondola, it's not about how you get down. It's about who you get down with. I agree. I've been skiing since I was five years old and absolutely love it. Grew up on two skis, started snowboarding when I was was in college and did that for a little while. But I've gotten back to skiing again in the past few years. And it's a beautiful thing, man.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I've never done either. You would love it, man. I probably would, but I would also probably get hurt. No way, dude. Because you're an animal, bro. Exactly. Dude, I put my headphones in and I get stoned. And I just cruise.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. I will say it is definitely a sport for the haves, not the have-nots. Yeah. Super expensive. A day pass is like a hundred bucks, but that's why you got to know people who, you know, work the tram. And I've actually, my family, you know, we haven't forgotten where we didn't come from. We've started scholarship funds for underprivileged kids from the inner city to get up on the
Starting point is 00:53:04 mountain. I'm serious, dude. Oh yeah. Hundreds and thousands of just uh you know at-risk youth we're getting them up there and we're making sure they learn a skill set so check out our uh fundraiser it's called uh uh could put the graphic up on the screen uh being broke is no joke get nar.com do the opera ski you you you shred the mountain you get some fondue maybe a guinness or you know a course banquet no you get you're on the mountain you get a course banquet actually you get an easy rider you get a new easy rider logger and he missed no bunny any bone or just maybe a little hot cocoa yeah you know why not i i gotta say i love it it's so much fun difficult uh as a spectator sport um not good on that front that's true yeah i mean olympics i'll watch for sure yeah hell for on tv when you have cameras all over the place but if you're just there watching like
Starting point is 00:54:04 when it comes to surfing you can stay on the beach and you can see what's happening but you you really it's hard with with skiing that said like again major youtube rabbit hole where you will watch some gorgeous videos of people cutting powder travis rice in his uh red bull movies travis rice in his uh red bull movies his first is that t-ton gravity research no i i forget the name it's like uh i forget that but his one movie came out in like 2011 2012 and uh he's he's shredding alaska and it comes to uh ghosts and stuff by dead mouse yeah t's a good dude t rice that's my boy yeah oh the art of flight dude okay watch the art of flight first scene do that first thing him coming down to ghosts and stuff by dead mouse you will get the biggest i mean you'll get so stoked it's uh yeah in terms
Starting point is 00:55:01 of gopro footage, the best. I mean, talk about touch and bust. TMB. The opening scene of Art of Flight, touch and bust. Of all the sports, it's probably the one you bust the most during, and it's crazy because it's also the coldest. Yeah. I mean, it's TMB, Travis Rice.
Starting point is 00:55:21 He's got that scunion. All right. Aaron, you're up with two, bring us home all right um and we might even get looney and go five dude i mean we got a lot out there there's some stuff still there's meat on the bone yeah competitive eating love i mean there's some big guys out there but um you know i was when he picked surfing i was reminded that yeah there's a there's another thing out there that i really love and keeping with the extreme sport theme that you guys have gone with i'm going skateboarding oh i just think i just think it has impacted the
Starting point is 00:55:54 culture in a huge way especially like 99 2000 um fashion music uh you know obviously video games became huge with tony hawk uh pro skater is a thing that despite because like basketball i was no good at it so like i was out but skateboarding i was also no good at but i still love it i still have a passion for it so um you know and who can who can listen to tony hawk talk or or or you know we had him in the studio uh it's just great you know what an ambassador for for a sport and um and it is a the buried entry is very low too like yeah all you need is a board basically push coast you know board can't might not be cheap or whatever you can i'm sure people makeshift stuff out you know in poorer countries but and it's it's so just so sweet to still watch you're making art out of the world yeah you know
Starting point is 00:56:57 the the concrete jungle you go to la you see a nice staircase that's not just a staircase that's a that's a 10 stair you can bust a a nollie heel flip yeah off of yeah that's what's cool like you know the way that you're describing surfing is like being in touch with nature i feel like with skateboarding it's being in touch with urban environments yeah everything's an obstacle or an opportunity you know it's really cool and it's rebels too skateboarding is not a crime yeah it's like you're you're you're bumping up against authority great culture yeah yeah i remember my son started getting into skateboarding and we'd go to like the skate park and there's just this great sort of like energy from even from like bigger kids or teenagers who want him to succeed and get better it's really cool yeah it was like it went from gorilla to like
Starting point is 00:57:45 accepted dude and like skating a pool man just dropping in on the skateboard is the best feeling dog town and then you know the filmmaking around it like we wouldn't have spike jones if it wasn't for skating like a lot of guys learned how to shoot camera filming dudes in the 90s and 2000 and i still see that when I drive by the local parks. There's always one kid skating and a kid behind him with a camera. And I'm like, dude, you're going to be a good DP one day. Because that ain't easy. All right, A-Ron.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You got one more, dude. All right. I think I can go with a big one. I need a clarification on this one. Because I think it can go with a big one. I need a clarification on this one. Because I think it is global. And I think it's huge. It was involved in a huge merger earlier this year. No, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:58:36 You don't think I can do it? It's a bend. Go. But I don't think so. I don't mind the bend. I think it violates one of the primary rules of sport. I understand that the outcomes are predetermined. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:58:46 You can't have a sport that's predetermined unless it's a Russian judge in figure skating. This is beyond the pay. Can I make an argument to support him? You going with him on this? Yeah. Wow. I'm drafting pro wrestling.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Okay. So here's the thing. Wrestling, just like any of these other ones, there's many different facets to it. Like if you watch like college or high school wrestling or yeah i guess i can i guess i think wrestling and then there's wwe you got to do wrestling like greco or you got to do whatever skiing snowboarding and you don't get stuff those are totally totally different no exactly no no the different the subsets are
Starting point is 00:59:20 different from each other no because pro wrestling it has some roots in real wrestling, but I think the application of it is so different. Sure. But I mean the athleticism of it. No, they're studs. I love pro wrestling. I think they're studs. I think they're great actors and performers.
Starting point is 00:59:35 It's one of the most entertaining sports around. Yeah. Yeah, they're stuntmen. That's a good way of looking at it. I'm fine with that. But the winner is picked in a writer's room not on the floor mat or court well you're not just going to be picked i mean they've certainly picked some tin cans roman reigns yeah they pick some see the best no hogan no but there have been other guys who've worked their way up and really show red heart worth it
Starting point is 01:00:00 yeah sean michaels yeah stone cold flair yeah flair for flair is a amazing drama yeah same with macho man macho man yeah you know but the ultimate warrior it was as much of like a bodybuilding competition as anything else he would he came out it was like whoa this guy's a tank and he was he was known for not being able to do more than like a five ten minute match because he would he would blow his wad running into the ring really yeah he was like the guys would be in the ring with me he's like i'm done i'm blown they call it blown up and then they'd be like dude there's pay-per-view we got to go for a little bit longer he's like a nut yeah i i like the pick i just i don't i'm well i don't mind that it's a bend it's certainly at four like why not i'm good with it actually i was contemplating
Starting point is 01:00:43 using it in my last pick too yeah and just in terms of global significance i mean there's wrestling fans it's rad it's sick as but it's a play and a spectacle yeah where are you asking for my opinion yeah uh i like it i think it takes a plasticism i think you gotta have a i think you have a good physique what the hell's going on i mean i guess the competition thing is is predetermined but you're also you're making full use of the crowd which i think yeah i mean the playing the pop and the and if you can harness them the right way you're playing with their emotions and i think that takes a different kind of athleticism so i think you got to have a well-rounded not only are you athletic in shape but you also have to have the right personality for it i mean highest mortality rate by the way of all the sports oh
Starting point is 01:01:35 yeah yeah it really is it's crazy but it's mostly not because it's not in the ring yeah it's not in the ring it's like a driving driving or living with your girlfriend. They're very bad at that. Yeah, they're very. They're not good at driving. Unusually bad at some basic shooting. Yeah, I have Formula Ones, the best drivers in the world, and I have wrestlers who are the worst.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah. That was a fun one. All right, for my next one. I am going. Are we going to go? I need five or four. I'm down to go five. I can go five.
Starting point is 01:02:17 All right. In that case, I think this one's going to swing back to me. Look, I don't think this one. No. What am I doing? This is a great sport. I love playing it. It's got a vibe's it's it's got a vibe to it it's got a style to it and it's it's created some great stars it's completely international and uh i've always loved to watch it i think it's one of the beautiful
Starting point is 01:02:37 beautiful sports watch there's real artistry in it i'm going tennis oh great pick yeah i mean you know you go back in time you go to to mackinrow and borg i mean stylistically totally different temperamentally different fire and ice you know serve and volley baseline just beautiful beautiful style clashing and it's mental like golf but it's a little bit more athletic you know you got to be a cardio stud to play and it's got more power base now and i i still love to watch it i love jokovic i uh there's a new kid who just oh carlos alcaraz is really good i think there's some other new guys coming up but yeah it's a great sport i hate that it's like so country club associated because it shouldn't be it's just a net and a couple rackets but uh
Starting point is 01:03:22 yeah it's a fun game to play and it's fun to watch easy thing to do to pick up and play yeah like there's public facilities for it but it's uh i guess the williams sisters came up outside of that it's an amazing display of athleticism um sorry stamina um i love the sort of mono e mono yeah nature of it. Just two people in a full-on showdown. It's a great game. Great sport. And then the momentum shifts. Someone will be up two sets, then they get broken, and you're like,
Starting point is 01:03:54 wait, are you about to let this all slip away? Unforced errors start happening. Love it. The tennis meltdown is, and I've had many, is so fun to watch. Johnny Mac, his highlights are amazing that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Especially when they have wood rackets. Are you out of your mind? You're a fucking idiot. I feel like I need to look at all this now, now that we're getting into five. Yeah. That was going to be my pick. Yeah, that was a good pick. I can't believe it lasted that long, honestly. And you get such a good tan, too.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Bro, good shout, dude. uh you get such a good tan too bro good shout dude and you get a good workout like you get a tan you get a workout and you feel kind of sexy while you're doing it i mean the sound sexiest sound not only is the pop with the racket but the oh oh the noises are the best yeah you get into your rhythm and you find out how you hit, move. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Or even women's. Oh! There have been some.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Is that how they sound? There have been some fakers out there for sure. Are there fakers? That's hilarious. People have been accused. I remember one tennis player, she accused her opponent of, I think it was Sharapova, of over-screaming to distract her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Aaron, what's your grunt on the tennis court? That's nice nice that's fucking hardcore bro that's from the that's from deep in the balls also fun as a doubles game fun to play with some homies yeah that comes from your core yeah we're not including pickleball in that because fuck no we're not we're not including pickleball i don't get pickleball fuck pickleball i don't like it whoa but i hate the sound of it bertolino's super into the picks. He's gooks. You're a pickleball guy. You're a pickleball guy. Well, I'm about to be. My wife signed me up for
Starting point is 01:05:30 some pickleball thing that I'm going to do on Wednesday nights, but I haven't done it yet. Striders. You didn't know about this? No. This is brand new to Aaron. If you get hurt and you can't play softball because of pickleball. Bill said the same thing to me. He's like, what are you doing? You're 46 years old. You also signed us up for a tough mutter. I know. You seem like you really want to go out on your shield you're you're
Starting point is 01:05:49 peddled to the metal hey live fast die young baby let's go baby let's go um by the way are you you're in right dude i started doing cardio okay good i'm doing cardio three days a week you're doing a tough mutter we're doing a tough mutter in april april you should do it with us I'm in for a Tough Mudder dude let's go here we go yeah April wait I don't want to see what the obstacles are because I don't want to stress about them beforehand though is Strider doing it
Starting point is 01:06:15 yeah he's been stressing about it Strider and I we're doing it I think on the 6th Strider and I already signed up I gotta get you signed up for the team too copy copy what is april six i'm down nice you get shocked right you do sweet um i like pain all right your pick yeah yes uh you know i i gotta go i'm going back to a ball sport we're getting back to balls okay uh this is a team sport okay raw athleticism yep there's contact there's hits you're just
Starting point is 01:07:02 getting a ball to the other end of the field. And there's no pads. And you wear a cool shirt. Yeah, your muscles are the pads. It's kind of reminiscent of Tough Mudder just because there's a lot of mud, I feel like. And you just fuck. It's rugby. Nice.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Great pick, dude. Also one of the most popular sports in the world, too. Yes. Yeah. International. I mean, it's. You have a big international. Yeah, your list is the most international. Yeah. List gonna like do crazy in south africa dude that's where i'm going that's
Starting point is 01:07:30 my that's my demo um i i but a lot of my buddies played rugby in college and it uh so they're just like enough to play football what's up yeah no yeah probably no you can clown on them i don't talk to them anymore um i was just doing it to boost they have uh they have huge traps and uh you know you just you're just hitting dudes it's fun as shit i've never played but it looks fun yeah there's two there's rugby union and rugby league and i think they're kind of comparable in popularity yeah it's pretty awesome and it seems very primal too it's like i would argue that this is even more primal than soccer because soccer you're kind of dancing around everyone with the ball but this i imagine cavemen would be like they get a ball and they'd be like i take this to the other
Starting point is 01:08:16 end and then you just hit whoever's in front of you you know what the cultural rep is on it versus soccer soccer is a gentleman's sport played by thugs and rugby is a thug sport played by gentlemen yes it's irish dude you you down some guinness and then you just clothesline your buddy i feel like it's more hungover sport than soccer too yeah and it saved south africa you know brought them together yeah post uh apartheid wait can we bring up jonah lomu highlights on youtube l-o-m-u yeah dude check this guy he was six four like 270 played like a kind of their wide receiver position he was on the perimeter and he's like a speed demon his body he was kind of like bo jackson where his body ended up having some like systemic issues because he was just too big of a beast but he was like one of the fastest
Starting point is 01:09:01 guys at that size look how big he's just trucked that guy yeah he was a one of the fastest guys at that size. Look at how big he is. Just truck that guy. Yeah. He was a monster. I think people say at his peak, he was maybe the greatest ever. And I think he played for the famous team, the, the all blacks.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah. But look at him go. Look at this guy. Can you imagine trying to tackle? Yeah. It's gotta be terrifying. I would get out of the way. I can't support the hair. I'm kind of the way. I can't support the hairdo.
Starting point is 01:09:26 I don't know. I'm kind of into it. There's a little island up there. I want to see him truck someone. It'd be cool if it was the island of New Zealand on his head. I love rugby, too, because you've got to play both ways. You've got to play offense and defense. This is the big island.
Starting point is 01:09:42 This is the small island. Yeah, is there any of him trucking? We saw one little one of him truck. Oh, no, he's just outrunning everybody. He's fast, man. Oh, there he's got hair. Yeah, I think he's like their bow. He's way bigger, though. Oh, they got
Starting point is 01:09:58 taken down by a pretty small looking dude. Man. Yeah, rugby's sick. That dude that took him down is a beast by the way anybody on that field is just a monster dude i like i can imagine just getting hammered playing rugby with your boys no helmets dude yeah all right so it's back to me all right so yeah we have to decide now are we going should we go five? I think so. Let's go five. All right, let's go five. You got two picks then. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:26 So this first one is, it's just an amazing display of athleticism across a variety of categories. We're going to track and field. Great pick. It's the one where you can get somebody and you can say you are the fastest man on the earth. And at the same
Starting point is 01:10:45 time like the greatest athlete when you come to like the decathlon where you have to do so many different things between jumping far jumping high running fast at long distance and so on so it's just an amazing sort of display of the top yeah of when it comes to athletics and then some of like the personalities that have come out over the years from Jackie Joyner-Kersee to like Usain Bolt, to like, I mean, just absolute, you know, just peak athletes. The fastest man on earth.
Starting point is 01:11:17 It's like, what do you do first as a kid? You start running. What do animals do? They start, they're running. It's like- Yeah, and then perfect that. Perfect that to be the fastest man on earth. Crazy's wild also it's like one of the first you know greece i think maybe one of the first organized sports they ran in the nude all right yeah all
Starting point is 01:11:35 right that's pretty much a schwacker still you also you can get bronzed out there too right dude great tan i love the short shorts too like very short love yeah i was gonna say in terms of uh much like your volleyball pick if you youtube track and field you'll see some babes and all the comments are like welcome men of culture and then and then like chad saying it's the most it's like boxing where it's so elemental it's just are you the fastest yeah yeah or can you jump the furthest you see those guys do the long jump it's yeah it's crazy the distance they can get it's like can you throw this shit yeah just throw that yeah javelin the mechanics on it are so cool uh pole vault yes and i did pole vault in high school did you really yeah dude i always wanted it it looks so
Starting point is 01:12:24 fun was it just a blast awesome yeah when you actually about getting up and then landing on pads it's like we and we're able to actually like do it yeah make it yeah i really did it because there was no specific coach for it and i was able to go off and kind of like do my own thing with three other guys and we just around all day but i competed yeah how how high were you pole vaulting would you say i have no idea i don't know if i can give you a number today but you were you were you did that and i ran the mile the mile nice what was your mile time my mile time was like 506 that's fast bro that's that's fast it's moving that's really good i mean because the
Starting point is 01:13:01 four minute mile right was that roger bannister four minute miles like yeah well so was he sub four or he was just in the fours i think he was sub four i think he broke four that's insane yeah i remember in school when you did the physical fitness thing and running the mile it's so daunting when you're like when you're like third grade it's terrible i run terrible yeah just yeah all right so i got one more off you know what i think hurts track and field a little bit it's still amateur like there should just be a pro league for running yeah yeah i mean well i mean they get paid right i mean they get major sponsorships right yeah so is there a league uh i don't that's what i mean i guess yeah i think it still is amateur somewhere somehow all right i'm sorry next yeah thanks for that um no i'm saying it's like it would it would be more regular uh track and field does also include
Starting point is 01:13:52 power walking i'm just gonna say that and then the polish uh my heritage are very good at it steve prefontaine is power walking really uh an event now yeah it is it has been yeah for decades you just can't break the knee can't break uh like into a reverse diagonal all right shit so this is where it gets a little trickier for me i hope my kid's not the best race walker at the olympics race walk is what's called unless it makes a i know that's like such like a cheat code isn't it yeah um there's a um i remember my brother coming back to like how hard it is to get onto like a certain team he had a dream where he was going to go to the open tryouts for the 49ers he wanted to try out as a pooch punter because so you're just basically there to punt it for like 25 30 yards like the
Starting point is 01:14:43 short punts he's like yeah what's the worst that's gonna happen i mean i can do that i can kick it that far yeah it didn't never happen orange county has an industry where a lot of kids will just learn how to long snap oh a long snapping yeah and then you end up at like notre dame or oregon because every team my high school produced a uh a the guy's name was Dan Ben or David David Ben
Starting point is 01:15:07 Dan Ben was his younger brother but yeah Dave Ben would play for the Chargers like San Mateo had the weird long goatee alright I wanted to be the
Starting point is 01:15:17 kicker of an arena league team oh smart because you only have to go 50 tops off a tee it's the short field I think I'm going to
Starting point is 01:15:24 yeah does it say san mateo on there there is san mateo california is that where you're from yeah well i'm from foster city which is right next to it um all right no this is kind of a tough one but i'm gonna go ahead with a sport i'm just gonna go with straight up global appeal and people are really crazy about this sport smart i've watched it a little bit here and there there's no way you know what's going on really hard to understand there's no way you know what's going on but i will say really fun to go and to watch cricket cricket is um it is actually the number two most popular sport in the entire
Starting point is 01:16:07 world behind soccer uh it's huge huge and um obviously in the uk and in australia and you know um can we put up some cricket highlights so we can see if any of us know what the hell's going on it's crazy dude it's absolutely crazy i'm sure people think this when they watch our sports but the one events the events that'll go on for days yeah it's like it's like yeah look at third what baseball is for yeah so so what it you're hitting the ball right yeah paddling it and then you've got the here check this out a dramatic victory okay let's pick up the drama here let's get ignorant whoa so here's the thing too like whoa you know they say one of the hardest things you can do in sports is is to buy is to hit a baseball right look at the shape of that bat that they use to the curves on it and so and then trying to place it
Starting point is 01:17:00 it's so it's 360 yeah wow and you're catching it with your hand no glove yeah wow the foreign sports are good about that they don't have extra equipment if they don't need americans were like let's put some pads on this motherfucker it's hard to do i've played a little bit of it and buddy's bachelor party and so how do you how do you score it has to do with uh the guy pitching can score by hitting the wicket yeah but you can score if you because you have to run at some point from yeah after contact running between the wickets yeah they call them wickets it looks super fun yeah it's wild i feel like this pick for you it's like when you draft a top running back in fantasy and then you draft his backup in case he gets hurt.
Starting point is 01:17:48 It's kind of like that. You're fortified. Yeah. Yeah, baseball came out of cricket in a way in how it's played and modified, obviously. Yeah, baseball is very, I mean, look, it's popular in a bunch of other countries too, but it's an American sport,
Starting point is 01:18:03 whereas cricket is just an absolutely like global phenomenon baseball volleyball golf track and field and cricket i'm not winning today can i sneak away and use the restroom yeah for sure so it's president's day how are you celebrating by not working and being here thank you guys for coming on that's really sweet yeah and the listeners won't know that the trek to downtown is not an easy one especially on a rainy day yeah yeah it was pretty nuts there was a tesla completely in the wrong direction on 101 oh yeah coming the wrong way on the freeway no it stopped already but oh yeah what uh who's your favorite
Starting point is 01:18:45 president uh teddy roosevelt i like a lot the man yeah i think he's might be the most popular behind lincoln maybe yeah i'd say that's true yeah fdr jfk's obviously there's a big you know everyone's got holes but trump trump trump trump bro how about how we were getting picked on for uh in florida the the fans were coming out of something are you guys boosted and so i just i got adversarial i'm boosted every day i get i get the booster every day the booster boys jeez and then we had a debate uh newsome versus desantis oh come on yeah because you know if newsome wanted to he'd steal desantis's chick oh yeah yeah he's done it once he'll do it again he's a dog bro he's that dude he's probably boning right now yeah exactly desantis never bums newsome's getting it in
Starting point is 01:19:39 and with style yeah he's always boning which yeah which politician you think bones the most newsome newsome he's so horny did you guys pick anything no chad's up all right we've picked the politician who bones the most we think newsome of all time no just currently a politician who bones the most. You going Chuckie Shum? No. No. That's the problem. They're all old.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Yeah, I guess Newsom's a good pick. He's still very strong. I might be feeling the burn. What's his name? Gates, like, into younger girls and, like, trafficking them around and stuff? Yeah, he's still facing stuff on that. Yeah. Matt Gates.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Matt Gates. Yeah, I party with that guy. show i thought he meant bill i think that bill gates i mean yes also yeah i had a friend that just worked with bill gates on something really yeah and he said he's not that cool yeah it's straight up i just don't understand that was the that was the verbiage it's him and it's trump and i don't understand how you have that much money and none of your clothes are tailored everything i own will be tailored to fit my body and i need it so badly yeah he has like a rocket 400 million dollar super yacht but he can't buy clothes yeah he's in the loosest fitting ugliest denim on denim outfit i've ever seen come on man style game bro chad it's time bro okay um i mean there's some there's some things i could go with here that are just pure athleticism fun to watch
Starting point is 01:21:15 but there's something on here that's really just speaking to me because tom cruise did it it's rock climbing oh i like that because sport yeah dude yeah it is you're climbing a mountain can we do slash mountaineering is it is it a competitive sport or is it i guess that's what i was wondering speed is it a competition for i don't know i mean i may i may have thrown my list here but i just no i don't think so it's a good i like it it's it's so much fun i'll tell you i can't do it dude yeah it's dangerous mostly from a crippling fear of heights i can't do it it's you even go to the climbing gym i'll do free
Starting point is 01:22:03 climbing yeah you're up 10 you're 10 feet high it's terrifying yeah i bet and you picked up a big culture there like that's huge there's a lot of people who love that shit more than they love their family and they're all pulling for you now and then like i mean that's a little coldy was that too much i feel like mountaineering i was going for emphasis but i feel like rock climbing is enough rock climbing yeah it was just like you know i mountaineering oh whenever i feel like rock climbing is enough rock climbing yeah it was just like you know i mountaineering oh whenever i'm mountaineering is a different whenever whenever whenever i whenever i so i i getting to the top of a mountain is the best feeling i think on earth when you climb something and you get to the top i I've never felt more tea, I think, in my life.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I got a boner. Closer to the sun, yeah. So, yeah, I just think rock climbing, it's scary. A lot of strength. It's terrifying just to watch videos of it. Watch video, yeah. Free solo. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I mean, might be one of the scariest things to watch ever. Grip strength. Are we giving this dude guys who climb glaciers, too? oh like ice climbing does he get the glacier guys yeah no way dude if you get skiing and snowboarding glacierings its own thing dude i would do that over mountaineering like over just walking up a steep hill but bro talk to any glacier slash mountaineering slash glacier slash he also gets to bogging down yeah who's taking jogging but uh i i think to look at a mountain and be like i'm gonna conquer that yeah that's pretty sick it's awesome very primal yeah and then tom i mean tom cruise and mission impossible too is it's, you know, it's just so, so awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:47 That's a great pick. All right. For my last pick, I'm going with something that I think is basic, elemental, as old as humans are. It's just who's the baddest dude on the block? Mixed martial arts. You know, it's a lot of fighting styles combined. It's new as a sport in America with like the UFC and pride in Japan,
Starting point is 01:24:06 but it's been around from the beginning of time. What's the best way to kick someone's ass? And that's what I love about it too. It's kind of scientific. Like when it first came back in the 90s, people didn't know what the best fight modality was. And we found out it was jujitsu. And then since then it's changed to move around.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And there's different, there's like a wrestling base, a Muay Thai base, a boxing base, a wrestling base. And guys come at it from a different way but now they've combined it all and i feel like we really get to find out for maybe the first time in modern history who the toughest guy in the world is and uh i love that i just watched it on saturday i watched one of my heroes alexander volkanovsky get knocked out it's a vicious sport when when you get old you don't just get bad you get hurt and that's sad but it's also powerful to watch the young lion come up and take a bite out of his neck cool yeah is there much debate about like who's the best of all time like obviously i think john jones is i think most people
Starting point is 01:24:57 would say john jones is the best ever yeah he's i want to i'm trying to think is there a just like decisive guy? I think it's Jones is number one, St. Pierre probably number two. See, people would put Silva at three. I'd actually put Fedor Emelianenko at three, and then I'd put Mighty Mouse, and then I'd go Silva. Khabib's five?
Starting point is 01:25:20 Well, so he retired kind of early. Okay. He has a lot of fights, but he only defended his belt like uh twice okay whereas some of the other guys have done it like seven or eight times and uh yeah it's just that he got out early he retired like when he was like 30 but he's a monster that's your guy right there i love this guy so i grew up watching him he's so calm one time he can we pull up uh him getting suplexed by kevin randleman oh i want to
Starting point is 01:25:46 see that people think he's connected to the russian mafia his brother's startup whoa oh my god but look how calm he is oh my god that's why his neck doesn't break and then watch this is like 10 seconds later it's it's a remarkable sport to watch like when you think about how when we were talking about this earlier about how much combat sports like sap you of your energy and the amount of endurance that it takes to be able to yeah like that like being fully suplexed and then punched in the face 10 times and then you get up and you start swinging again like it's insane dude it's insane dude it's wild i've been doing wrestling and after 30 seconds i just quit i just lay there and i'm like please stop doing also another great movie is warrior super underrated awesome that's where
Starting point is 01:26:33 i got the baddest guy on the block line from oh nice yeah that movie's awesome so good our suplex is illegal no i don't know anything illegal yeah you can't headbutt ball punch anymore it was different in pride and pride the one that we were just watching, you could kick a guy in the head when he was down. You're not allowed to elbow like this or knee a downed opponent in the head. Don't suplexes, wouldn't that break your neck? It could.
Starting point is 01:26:54 You're not allowed to purposely drive a guy onto his head. I think that's illegal. Okay. But you can suplex, and if they hit their head incidentally, it's okay. Wow. For some people, it's too barbaric. I don't notice it because I've been watching it for so long until I watch it withally it's okay wow it's like it's for some people it's too barbaric i don't notice it because i've been watching it for so long until i watch it with
Starting point is 01:27:08 someone who's new to it and then when they see all the blood and stuff they're like jesus christ and then and then i'm reminded i'm like oh yeah this is pretty gnarly yeah cool all right well gang it's clear that i'm not playing to win here i'm at this point i am playing to be the people's champion i love that i'm okay with that i i hope that's might been my role in the show all along uh i'm going with this the sport that is not the most athletic but it is a goddamn hang it's bowling oh great last pick wow amazing yeah i mean i did it i did it just a couple days ago took my daughter for the first time so fun so she loved it yeah you can do it in any age any skill level have a good time score doesn't all sometimes doesn't matter i'd even break 100 i mean and then i've and then i
Starting point is 01:27:58 one day we went on a double date and i did 225 so that's my ultimate high so nice yeah it's just a super fun game fun game to play you can you can do it drunk yes you can do it while eating nachos actually it's encouraged you should do it drunk yeah yeah yeah but eat with your other hand the dude i'm saying yeah who do you think you are i am pdw yeah pete weber I was watching his highlights the other day. That's so good. He goes, whether you liked me or hated me, you watched. It's so funny too because it's bowling, so I'm like, did that many people watch? He took all his moves from Rob Van Dam and pro wrestling. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Oh, is that true? That's why he got PDW, RVD. I love RVD. Solid choice. Same moves. Yeah. All right. Any honorable honorable mentions i feel like table tennis billiards swimming tables that is huge swimming water polo i'd already pulled the
Starting point is 01:28:52 new slap thing that's going around oh the power slap power slap sure it's so fun to watch it's one of the best real athletes um a little shout out to rodeo by the way oh yeah horseback riding like competitive yeah i was gonna say yeah bmx um archery bmx yeah yeah i'd already gone with a motorsport but motor motocross i think is yeah dirt biking yeah you're jumping and flying through the air as well as racing like it's i love watching archery in uh the olympics it's yeah yeah crazy how accurate those people are also like those bows i'm like it's a whole different yeah like machine how do you guys feel about sports where like it's up to a judge's score at the end like gymnastics or ice skating i don't love it or drafting drafting i think that's the
Starting point is 01:29:41 most uh controversial part of pro surfing yeah and so gymnastics was one i was actually thinking about picking instead of um track and field no instead of uh cricket at the end there just because it's really impressive to watch what they can do it's it's not easy to flip but the whole judging thing really bugs me yeah it is kind of whack all right jake look at all these polo polo uh lacrosse did we talk about that no no thank god i thought about picking it yeah but i already had hockey so it's kind of similar i mean should we should we just go after the lacrosse bros right now it's it's one of the worst sports ever yeah i'm sorry i mean culturally like you know yeah the flow is cool
Starting point is 01:30:26 yeah i thought that said modern penetration i'm like what yeah straight bone short track speed skating is very exciting in the olympics the short track speed skating very cool we're just and then there'd be this giant pile up when people get too close to each other you know what's tough we wanted apollo ono to be a guy so bad and then he crashed in like four. I guess they just pile up a lot in their races. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you guys ever been to a roller derby event before?
Starting point is 01:30:53 No. So much fun. Really? I should have picked that one. It's amazing to watch. You got a good list though. You couldn't let any of those guys go. Maybe baseball.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Stop. Shut up. Stop it. I love how much you hate baseball. still you couldn't you couldn't let any of those guys go maybe baseball stop shut up stop it i love how much you hate baseball no i did i actually like baseball i like this do you guys like that it's sped up now i was gonna ask you guys as purists do you like that it's got the clock on it what oh baseball yeah no watching from home i don't mind but when i was there i don't i would rather be a little longer because you get more time between innings to get drinks and stuff and yeah it's helped though it's ratings and stuff right it certainly has yeah there's been a 10 increase in attendance interesting we need a pop star to uh
Starting point is 01:31:35 date uh major players and that'll there you go I saw it was like NFL had a increase in female audience it was like a nine percent or something oh i'm sure yeah my sister's a chiefs fan now i was like hey i love it a chiefs fan yeah yeah because of taylor yeah that's great and travis kelsey yeah sexy doesn't hurt that he's good looking he's handsome but he's a i don't know that i want to hear him ever in a post game interview i don't know that i want to hear him ever in a post-game interview the viva las vegas yeah that was real bad yeah i didn't see it yeah she probably cringed a little you weren't you didn't even stay for that after the game no i was like i'm out yeah oh yeah good call because it was real bad he sent he sang viva las vegas it was really bad he sang it on the
Starting point is 01:32:21 podium with you know roger goodell two people next to him. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's a, probably the biggest collective national ick. Yeah. In history. I think my group probably wanted to stay for the post game stuff. And I was like, we're out of here. Were you with Al? No, he was in a different section. He came over and hung out with us for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Yeah. He was like, he had really great seats. He was like on the 20 yard line second row uh i was with bill verzi and club soda kenny oh hell yeah all right jake take us home baby all right um so this is gonna be hard to judge are you nervous a little bit but i know how aaron feels in there yeah um so i'll sort sort of do what Aaron does and go last to first. This person who got last, the only reason I'm not a huge fan of your list is because four out of the five things I've never done in my life or even rarely watched um and that person is
Starting point is 01:33:29 chad oh that was gonna be me oh my god oh my god what a shock wow yeah just i've never boxed i rarely watch it surfing i rarely watch but he loves bodyboarding oh you love bodyboard is that what it is i think the rock climbing pick at the end through you yeah that might be the throw but that's just my opinion stokers vote below who you think got last i mean okay dude i respect you but dude this is just all based off the pics not based off anything else look we all say what we say all right and then um as soon as you said i've never done any of these i was like no way i thought that was yeah i was like i thought that was gonna be someone else's not me me too all right um third place let's see here
Starting point is 01:34:37 so i think third place had a very strong closing pick. But a couple of their middle picks are controversial. And with that, I'm going to take Aaron at three. Hey, not being last is a win. Sorry, Chad. I can't come in here and stink it up. I mean, dude, you got skateboarding in there that's so tight and then you're you're i think your list is the most fun to watch maybe yeah i feel like the people's champ like literally yeah you kind of have like the party pick your
Starting point is 01:35:14 list is the party list yeah pro wrestling yeah there's like f1 skateboarding there's a drunk guy in Alberta, Canada right now. He's like, Aaron gets it. Love you, dude. I'd go with Aaron, eh? He gets it. That dude's cool. All right. And then the last two, this one is tough because I think all four of your first four picks match up pretty well.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Baseball, football, volleyball, basketball, golf, skiing, snowboarding. I think JT was playing a little favoritism there because I love snowboarding. Yeah. I'm going to go. The winner is JT. Yeah, that's correct. Correct choice. Well done.
Starting point is 01:36:13 I think you started off strong. Football, basketball, two of the biggest sports, at least in America anyways. Two of my favorite to play, play to my four favorite to watch um and then the mma at the end was not as strong but it was stronger than cricket agreed yeah i think i think mma is strong to for it to have gotten to five is pretty crazy yeah yeah i totally agree it was hurt because chad took boxing earlier and that feels like the yeah the fillet cut i mean the reality is like getting football and basketball with your first two picks
Starting point is 01:36:50 it is like just dominant yeah those are the monocultures here i'm surprised chad got four uh same i'm surprised i got two was soccer just because he had soccer and boxing, and then I think rugby is a good. Rugby to me is like, it was like my cricket pick, personally. But that said, I wanted soccer. I wanted boxing. And surfing was out there for me. I was like, maybe I can get this later, but I figured you'd get it. Yeah, I had to pick it. Jake, have you been rock climbing?
Starting point is 01:37:27 No. Jake, do you golf? figured you'd get you'd get it yeah i had i had to pick it jake have you been rock climbing um no jake do you golf i do golf oh we just golfed with him in orlando a week ago he's like 320 off the tee he's got crazy power and whip wow yeah i mean he oversold his skills a little bit as all do but he's real good he can play all right all right all right good draft there it is great draft how did it feel to draft for the first time guys it's tough it's tough and i definitely uh it's fun went off my list for a couple picks just because the feeling in the moment and and uh things that come to you live so it's fun yeah i feel like i would have been more secure in my list had we not jumped to five right i think like my like my top four oh yeah when we threw on the five and i got cricket it was like yeah he got a hot top four yeah but you know it was fun i love this i love listening to you guys when you do this so
Starting point is 01:38:17 thanks have me on that's fun yeah i think to the real winner will be who the comments pick because my judging's ass no no no i think no no i like i like your rationale yeah you took it right yeah you know objective you can't worry about what they're gonna say because they're gonna say they're always gonna say chad won first of all they always do as someone who's been through the comments yeah i you know I just got the magic touch. He's our new son. Yeah, I'm your new son. I'm boning.
Starting point is 01:38:50 I don't know. Sexy boy. Jay, can you speak to the pressure that Aaron's been under for so many of these drafts now that you're a drafter judge? Yeah, I think it's, I mean, in the moment you're listening to the picks and you're like i like that or i don't like that but then when you come down to the full list it's kind of hard to put power rankings on five picks against another five yeah well you guys brought me in to to pick the booze one was it the booze one yeah yeah and that was interesting because i didn't have any context i didn't get any of like the arguments that you guys made to support your
Starting point is 01:39:32 picks when you did that yeah i was just going off like my taste and what i would have what i liked did you listen back i did did you did that change your judgments no i still went with what i would have yeah done at least as far as my top one um but there were some where i'm like okay i get why you why you pick this thing and and then there was one it was a cocktail i'd never even heard of before but then here are you the audios mother the audios motherfucker yeah i uh i i i stand by my list i i it's what it's this list yeah Yeah, even though I got fourth, I love all those sports. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:09 You have a great list. You're number one in Brazil by a mile. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I was bummed when you took boxing. I wanted that. Boxing, yeah. And honestly, you might have the sexiest list.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Yeah, I think, yeah. I said sexy about 42 times on this podcast. It's because of Warrior Tracks. You look great. Yeah. You look sexy. For sure. Do we want to do a call or should we cook?
Starting point is 01:40:33 I think we're done, right? Yeah, I think we're done. That was great, guys. Yeah. That was sweet, man. Thank you, guys. That was so fun. Can I just do one quick plug?
Starting point is 01:40:40 Plug everything. Oh, yeah. So All Things Comedy's second feature film is coming out um we it's called drugstore june uh it will be releasing uh in limited uh theaters limited release this friday what is this what is this episode job this will come out on the 23rd on the 23rd so today um so uh you can check it out in new york and la and then on march 1st it will open wide in many different markets around the country so check it out hilarious your thing comes on doesn't matter sorry this drops the 21st yes in two days after this episode you can go see it in
Starting point is 01:41:16 new york or la uh but it's a really hilarious movie starring esther pavitsky and an amazing cast of four comics that we all guess bob Former guests, Bobby Lee and Trevor Wallace. Trevor Wallace. Look at that cast. It's all heavy hitters. You got Cosgrove in there. Bill Burr, Al Madrigal, Matt Walsh. Dude, John Gabrus is one of the funniest guys alive.
Starting point is 01:41:38 He's unbelievable. Nick Rutherford, absolutely hilarious. Yeah, Matt Walsh. I love Matt Walsh. Yeah. He's so good. we go to the same pediatrician for our kids hayley jill osman yep uh jackie sandler yep all right so yeah go check it out of everyone in that cast how many do you think i could out wrestle oh counting gals too
Starting point is 01:41:59 you don't have to say names but just give me a number that you could out wrestle i mean i think remar would be tough he's wiry yeah he just plays that role yeah i don't know i think you kind of got most probably everybody but yeah remar gabrus gabrus played rugby yeah and steve tolev maybe yeah that's true she's tough she's like she's got that x factor thing totally it's good yeah all right dudes well that was fun just listen to everything on all things comedy i mean i'm busting my ass over there guys come on yeah agreed yeah i don't think some of the stokers know that you run all the podcasts yeah that recorded all things comedy yeah yeah yeah it's nuts aaron is the man he is the machine that makes
Starting point is 01:42:45 it all work how many podcasts would you say uh it's like four a day five days a week so 20 yeah and then uh you guys are moving to a new space we are we are in the new space i watched the new joe code it looks great yeah yeah aaron what can you tell the listener about having to hang with comics for 20 hours it is both delightful and frustrating uh it certainly makes your day go by you're laughing a lot but uh yeah it's uh it can be difficult at times too he's got a very hard job but he nails it yeah i have a lot going on i'm switching live i don't know jake are you switching live as well yeah right uh i'm not at the moment okay i do it all in post yeah yeah like a quitter we're trying to do it live streamed oh yeah um but i need a different switcher yeah yeah well we love you guys we appreciate you guys we're so stoked we could
Starting point is 01:43:44 have you guys on yeah thanks for having us awesome it's a great new space too awesome yeah awesome congrats guys yeah oh thank you actually i it means so much to me i swear to god does it oh when i win what does it mean so much to you that you won on the pod or that you beat any one of us individually they both mean so much to me yeah i'm very who very- Who are you most happy to have beaten here? That's so hard because I really love, there's reasons I love beating each and every one of you. Yeah. I love it.
Starting point is 01:44:14 I really find a way to love it all. I love it. Well, I'm sure it's gotta be me because for all the times where you weren't, where you were last or something, which probably wasn't a lot, but- I thought I was gonna feel that more because I'm such a vengeful, vindictive yeah but i really love beating all you guys a lot
Starting point is 01:44:28 but i did enjoy beating you it was very nice you guys got to come out and do tough mudder with us then yeah i'm down dude i'm doing cardio i'm in we should get we get some content there for the uh for the oh we should is there a um like a workout kind of prep regimentimen thing to do? Are we still recording? Yeah, we can talk about it. So, I mean, for me, you should be running. You should be running mixed with a lot of upper body work. Long distance? So the whole race, it depends.
Starting point is 01:44:57 It's not even a race, really. It's a challenge, right? It's usually between 10 and 12 miles. But the most you will run in any one stretch is probably a mile and then you have an obstacle so there's like 30 obstacles oh that's awesome way and those obstacles are can be like climbing over walls or going up like monkey bar type thing or up a rope bridge or but the whole thing in is 12 miles total total yeah and what's like uh the average time it takes?
Starting point is 01:45:26 I don't know. It's been a long time since I've done it. I've done it seven times, something like that. But the last time was probably eight years ago.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Yeah. I don't know. Hour and a half or something. Does that sound right? Maybe. Something like that yeah two hours are we going to be jogging in between obstacles what what pace do you think here's the thing like
Starting point is 01:45:51 everybody runs at their own pace so my policy is that we go over every obstacle together right so as a group if we're going together we do the obstacles together but i may run off ahead to that obstacle and wait for you just because it feels good yeah i'm a i'm a distance runner so i run at my own pace i can't go slower i start like you want to set the tempo yeah i start i start the big strides yeah yeah oh so you're doing the tough motor 10k uh two and a half hours i guess so or 15k it didn. It must be 15. Yeah, 15 sounds like 10, 12 miles. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:28 It didn't used to be that. It used to be just one. And then they had like a kid's mutter. And now I guess they've changed. Can my six-month-olds compete? No. My kids are going to be there cheering us on. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Yeah. My whole thing is I just don't want to be the slowest on the team. think if you're the slowest then you're kind of in anxiety the whole time as long as i'm a little bit faster than the slowest guy i'm cruising all right do you run a lot no but i've been doing the bike a lot i might i got bad knees and hips so if i run i might actually hurt myself for the comp so i'm trying to row and bike and do all these other things to get my cardio up but is that do you think that won't be one-to-one in terms of the boost? I have no idea. I mean, look, I don't anticipate that you're going to run faster than I am between the obstacles.
Starting point is 01:47:13 You're welcome to try. Oh, here we go. Okay. I don't think that that's going to happen. No, probably not. I'm a bad runner. I'm a dog. But you'll probably dominate on the obstacles.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I can do some pull-ups, man. I can do pull-ups all day. Then you're golden. You're going to do great. Dippies and pull-ups, man. I can do pull-ups all day. Then you're golden. Dippies and pull-ups I can do. Sounds fun. But I run no good. And then there's a couple that are just absolutely brutal. Like the electric shock thing, obviously.
Starting point is 01:47:33 And then there's this one. There's an ice one that's really brutal. Because the extreme cold is tough. Yeah. Looks fun. Do we have to operate power tools? I did hot yoga abs and booty sculpt yesterday all right i want to do booty sculpt i want to have a nice fat ass
Starting point is 01:47:52 dude yeah you should come come take a class with tiffany bro i know it's girls butts but i know it's dudes butts whenever i see a guy in a video in jeans and he turns around i'm like nice ass yeah i'm not doing this with you guys no no it's so fun jake are you doing it yeah my obstacle courses should be inflatable i think i did two in one weekend was animal i'm excited to see this is gonna bring the animal on you like i'm gonna get to see it like raw yeah yeah yeah yeah all right sweet all right that was awesome guys thanks guys if you need advice these guys are really nice

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