Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 331 - Rory Scovel

Episode Date: February 28, 2024

#goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast #comedy #allthingscomedy Today, we are joined by a HUGE legend in the Comedy world. Rory Scovel aka one of our favorite comics. Some say he is the MOST CHILL man on s...tage. We talk about how we met at a festival. We take calls. A man needs help mending his friendship after some beef with money has broke him and his bro apart. Another legend from hawaii calls into to get the fellas involved in some body surfing. This is one of our favorite EPs, it was so fun to record and we hope you can feel that stoke through the screen. Leave a like or comment if you enjoyed this collab! JABWOW!!! Check out Rory's new special here:https://www.play.max.com/movie/f897aaef-6232-4ffb-8cde-d0b7736a15aa All things Rory Here:https://www.Roryscovel.com Grab some of our dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! We just added 20 NEW CITIES!!!! - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, before we begin this podcast, we have a very, very special announcement. JT, take it away. This isn't your typical plug. Guys, we're living in a world right now where the medical community thinks they can control us through their medicine and therapeutics that don't work. We are big advocates for natural health. Everything you need to feel good already exists in the world. That is why on March 24th at Black's Beach in San Diego,
Starting point is 00:00:27 we will be doing the Million Man Perineum Sunning event. A million of us will go there if you come and flash our undercarriages to the sun, the greatest node of natural health in the world, in the universe. Not only is it going to boost your health, your stoke, but it's also going to start a worldwide movement to legitimize natural health and it starts with you. So we want to see you there, March 24th, Blacks Beach, San Diego, California. Do not miss it. Let's go. Yes. Now let's start the pod. Let's start it up, baby. Mostly sophomore year. I watched The Holdovers.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Oh, did you like it? Yeah. Have you seen The Holdovers? I haven't seen it yet, no. So it takes place at New England Boarding School. Literally, I mean, it's a different location it's my like literally the campus exact looks exactly like where i went to high school yeah and i always wanted to go there because my my i'm the fifth child so my all my siblings before me went so i grew up knowing i would go to a new england
Starting point is 00:01:40 boarding school yeah i was so excited my brother was like 12 years older than me he was on wall street and i was like it's so cool you know they wear lacoste it's like preppy right yeah and um and then i got there i was like it was just such a culture shock i was like i hate this so that's why i started rebelling against my parents a little bit but my parents are really i guess i rebelledgan's my dad but i just started partying a lot and maybe i think i was just raging but i was never really like mean to them i guess i just didn't do as well in school and yeah and just partying a lot yeah i think maybe college for me more so uh i started at the university of central florida playing soccer then i transferred the university university of south carolina spartanburg which is like a d2 school right um you play soccer there
Starting point is 00:02:30 and play soccer there yeah nice dude um and i think yeah probably around then i mean i don't think i i don't think i was ever like a bad kid in terms of like behavior and like getting in trouble and like you know i i was one of the kids at like the high school party that was like should we be drinking like this is crazy you know like i was concerned about it um but i guess yeah maybe maybe around college is maybe when i became a little more rebellious maybe like bite back in an argument a little bit more yeah were you a center defensive mid uh outside back yeah okay so defense yeah yeah oh nice yeah so what was your did you like come attacking up on that flank and kicking some cross i wanted to but that and like when i played uh club soccer i was a right wing and so it was great because i loved like i had the timing down
Starting point is 00:03:18 of when to go i knew exactly where to be and then in college uh one of my the first games at that new school a dude got hurt in the played back uh right back he got hurt like the first game of the season and the coach was like can you play there and i just wanted to like play so i was like yeah i can and i could so then i got that position i just kept it for the next three years and i was like fuck i want to go forward so you're a victim of the need yeah that's right do you think we're like the athletes really hilarious that you hung out with i mean they were great our team was awesome there's a lot of scandinavian dudes a lot of foreigners like played at our school because this was still d2 where there wasn't the same age like ceiling uh as like d1 so like we had a dude on our team who
Starting point is 00:04:00 was like 28 maybe even he might have been 30 at the time which looking back is so funny because we called him like grandpa and like 30 because we were like 19 and 20 um and looking back and be like no he was just 30 years old he was still a child like the rest of us like we're always so much younger than we think um would he party with you guys yeah he would come out and party but yeah he was also a little bit more mature that's another thing i think about like because if i was 30 playing on the college team i would be like let's do let's van wilder the shit out of this and yet he was still like kind of mature about no i need to like get my life going i'm just trying to finish school get a job i was like oh it's different that he's
Starting point is 00:04:40 30 in college and we're in our 20s did you have aspirations to play pro yeah i kind of thought i would try to do that i thought that you're up in traffic club yeah literally exactly that i thought i would go to england and just try to get in at a lower division and see if i could work my way up and as soon as the senior season ended uh all that was left was playing in the spring season and since we had so many seniors the year that my last year, the coach was like, can you guys play in the spring season? Because we don't have a team if we can't. And so all of us came back piles of shit. Like, I got so out of shape.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I was like, oh, there's no chance I'm going to get in shape and go to England and try to play. Also, I kind of discovered this stand stand-up, and was like, I don't know, I've been doing the other since I was five years old. Let's go try this out. Did you find the balance? I always, in college, the idea of being a student athlete seemed so tough to me, mixing the partying and practice. Was that tough for you?
Starting point is 00:05:41 I don't think so. I think it was pretty easy. I mean, it was just kind of having this somewhat really fun extracurricular thing you know like you'd have practice every day but you didn't really you didn't care it was just kind of part of your schedule you know and it was really fun like when you when a game would be over and the whole team win or lose would be hanging out and that's fun at a party like it was just great yeah the camaraderie i loved it yeah it is nice did you guys do that you guys you you play college yeah well you did we were talking in the car our 4 a.m car in michigan yeah yeah so i i don't know if i think i told you but the uh the organizer of the festival the
Starting point is 00:06:26 director i guess uh i saw her that morning in the lobby drinking champagne yeah i was like oh that's it i was like is that how you started your morning i didn't realize it like a bunch of comics just stayed up through the night dude i went to the bar like every night it was a party yeah we're gonna do that that morning that sunday morning we were getting picked up at 4 45 i think to go to the airport and she was in the lobby with champagne and it was like come into the hangout room and see the other comics before you guys leave we went in there and there were like what 10 comics in there like still hanging out and the thing that blew me away is that no one was like trashed everyone
Starting point is 00:07:05 who talked to us spoke perfectly fine almost felt like they hadn't even been drinking but yet i think they had been drinking all night those are the soldiers the pros they were at that hour it was unreal i immediately just felt sick i was just like putting myself in that position i'd be like i'd die i'd be dead i had that exact same feeling and then she comes like you gotta come say hi and then um we thought it was at the karaoke bar and you're like yeah i don't think i'm gonna go oh yeah i thought it was at the bar still across the street and it was like no it's in a conference room in the hotel all i could think was like is there a room above this that like hates this hotel yeah i think those festivals people really get wild too like it's real like you're away from home
Starting point is 00:07:45 you're with a bunch of like-minded people there's like a palpable like almost summer camp energy oh my god bridgetown did you guys ever go to bridgetown in portland or know of it oh my god the bridgetown festival was exactly that but it was so massive it was just this kind of in this one neighborhood but it was was spread out to like other venues but i mean people just raged yeah we did moon tower a couple that's probably the similar vibe yeah and then yeah it was the same idea but like everyone was just gonna and i think also when you get comedians out of their home base everybody's a little more like open you know they're not in their click or in their routine so everyone's just a little friendlier i think so too yeah
Starting point is 00:08:22 it's so fun. Yeah. But yeah, in college, I just surfed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would do that pretty consistently, actually. Because I was 30 minutes from Santa Cruz, so I would go. Oh, right, yeah. I would sometimes go before class on weekdays, which is fun. But I had a bunch of friends who played rugby, but that's about it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, yeah. That's a good one. Oh, wait, what about the water polo? Do you do? High school. Oh, in high school. Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I wasn't great at it. I's a good one. Oh, and what about the water polo? Do you do? High school. Oh, in high school. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah. I wasn't great at it. I was a little too small and I just didn't have, I don't know. You don't like team sports that much, right? What's up? You don't like team sports that much. I think I would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I like the solo pursuit of surfing, I think. Yeah. I just love that more i guess yeah yeah but i did swimming and i played lacrosse yeah i guess i was always more of like a solo kind of sport guy yeah golf golf yeah he sticks a little for like 10 to 15 rounds a year i'd say i heard you're a good golfer is that a lot that's one point two a month it's okay yeah i hear you're good putting in the decimal point that's a next level move i'm taking a big swing i'm i am i'm okay i'm okay i haven't played in a long time no you're good i i can go out that's what a good player
Starting point is 00:09:45 says is i'm okay well the thing is sometimes i can hit a shot that is very impressive and then the very next swing look like i haven't played before and so that every now and then does it all string together and i put up a score and i look great but it's just it's a fleeting image because the next time i play it's like i forgot every mechanic i was i don't remember how to putt why was i putting so good that time compare yourself to when you're qualifying your tiger yeah that's what i felt do you think did you read the early early tiger did you read the tiger book no no it's pretty like it's great crazy well it's just insane like it's it's not like a very kind uh retelling of his story like it's all about the
Starting point is 00:10:32 crazy shit he did but what i find the most insane is he redid his swing like four times like even after he won the masters he was like no there's issues with it and completely restructured the way he plays which i just think is like i know to have that kind of mentality when you already have that level of success is yeah beyond me also to even want to do that yeah it's so bizarre like you're doing fine like no i want to change some things all right what a risky move do you get irritated when people try to change your swing yeah no i don't think anybody would the guys i play with they're just not that invested man you gotta fix that i took one lesson and i gotta say lessons make a massive difference for people that are like kind of playing or interested in playing i put off lessons for a long time but one lesson
Starting point is 00:11:17 just a few pointers can really change everything and make it really fun but yeah i don't play and i i i do hate it when you play with someone who has a note for you and you're like i'm playing way better than you but also they're like doing horrible that's true yeah yeah i i've asked like between the the cocking the wrist yeah at the end and i my dad's always like you gotta cock the wrist but then next time i see him he's like no you gotta keep him stiff yeah i don't know what to do i know dad's always like you gotta cock the wrist but then next time i see him he's like no you gotta keep him stiff yeah i don't know what to do i know it's always yeah he's like when you come back then you cock it i'm like i don't it's too much i i just yeah so you have like a loose
Starting point is 00:11:55 improvisational style when you do stand-up do you approach golf the same way um i don't know i don't even know how i feel about golf i i i used to be so obsessed with golf that I would like, I try to play very early, early in the morning if I can. And I mean, I would set my like outfit out the night before I'd be so fucking excited to get up. I would like make, I would have coffee ground and ready to go just to hit start, like get in the car, like being up early, going and doing it. I love all of
Starting point is 00:12:25 that i think i think what i've come to learn is that i love the casing around the day and then actually being out on the course around the 12th hole i'm like ah fuck this i think all should be 13 holes i think it should it's too long if that or or at least that should be an option of like how to play because 13 holes would be so perfect for me. Because the moment I'm kind of over it, and someone's like, there's one more hole to go, I'll be like, oh, great. I'll get re-energized.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And the only time I love 18 is if on the 10th hole I'm actually putting up a decent score. Then I'm kind of like, all right, can I keep it up? This is kind of fun. Your whole body's engaged. The ball's actually kind of doing all right can i keep it up this is kind of fun your whole body's engaged the ball's actually kind of doing what i wanted to do which is rare so that feels good but you're in command yeah 13 holes but i i don't know i try to like hit fun weird shots but yeah it was a reach by me i try to go out there and talk about my marriage but no one will hear i also like the way you're talking about where it's like the actual playing of it isn't fun i
Starting point is 00:13:32 was thinking about this the other day like i don't know if i have fun doing anything like all fun to me is type two it's all where i look back and i'm like i'm glad i did that oh okay yeah so in the moment it's kind of not no i'm never in the moment like i'll remember this like i'm a huge fan i'll remember this in like a week and i'm like that was the fucking best but in the moment my body is just like springing i know i know what you mean i think i have a hard time being in the moment too i think it could potentially be the nature of of this gig that we have where we're walking on eggshells all the time that we have to kind of be looking forward to see if we have a decent idea or a deal or if we're walking on eggshells all the time that we have to kind of be looking forward to see if we have a decent idea or if we're like is the output or how are we doing like what is
Starting point is 00:14:10 the thing like even even in a world before social media and podcasts and if it was just just stand up you were still like am i doing enough am i oh so and so got this gig opening for somebody like should i have gotten something by now right you know what i mean like and literally you might be having those thoughts while crushing it like a mic just doing like 10 minutes yeah you get off stage and like oh i didn't get to really enjoy it because i have this anxiety in the back of my mind about oh i'm not doing enough yeah um i know what you mean it's hard to it's hard to change it's interesting to me that you have that too because your stand-up is so like fun and free-spirited i think on stage is the only time things really kind of sync up in that way and you're loose and that just kind of like what it
Starting point is 00:14:57 is is what it is yeah i'm just kind of like oh there's the crowd i have to do this so it kind of like eliminates uh other things seeping in in a way um i but i had to get to that point because it wasn't always that way i think i had to get to a point where i felt secure in my uh in what i was doing i felt secure enough that like in dc that's where i started like enough comics being like hey you're funny you're good at this like i hate that there's so much validation necessary for me to really kick it into the next gear but it sort of it sort of is i can't in sports it's like that too if someone's like oh you're really good at doing this in soccer i will then be so lifted up by that that i'll go oh great i am good all right great it's fuel i think i think
Starting point is 00:15:45 the system does run on that like i need it and and i don't always know i need it but then when i get it i'm like whoa my whole day just got brighter yeah and you and then you just make more confident decisions i think it's true for probably most people in any line of work you just kind of get behind people and they'll like just you'll just have a better output everyone can enjoy it more but yeah with stand-up i i definitely got to a place where it was either through enough rejection or a sufficient amount of like i don't know acceptance that i started being like you know let's just fucking have fun and let's this is the only space where you know i can get up there and weirdly you guys know weirdly connect with like you know
Starting point is 00:16:26 anywhere from you know eight to three hundred strangers it's like such a bizarre thing that we do is that like post dilation or before dilation um it probably was a little bit maybe a little bit before that but after that came out and i kind of saw that people like enjoyed that album that i was like oh all right yeah well that's what i like doing and so if people are saying they like they like that like oh great then i don't have to sit here with a head full of doubt every time i go up and feel like i haven't organized my act enough or i haven't put these things together i feel like i have gone to that point but you know at that point in my career i was just going up and i just wanted to
Starting point is 00:17:03 be funny and these jokes were all sort of out of order. And I didn't care about some sort of storyline throughout the act. Did you always have kind of that loose attitude in life socially as well? Or was there kind of areas in your life where you were that way? And then areas? I don't think I've ever been to I probably in a negative way. Probably haven't been serious enough about certain things. I've been a class clown my whole life. Always looking to make a joke. Always looking to say something, even in the most dramatic, sad moment. Knowing there might be one buddy nearby who would think that was funny.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And literally put it all on the line with these other people. Going, oh, Rory's a fucking asshole. Just because my friend laughed at it. That was enough for me those comments age well though i feel like like there's moments in time yeah like everyone will look back in years and be like that was a gift that he gave us right we just weren't prepared to accept it because dad had just died exactly it's exactly like that and there's like worse moments is when and maybe it's our curse or gift i don't know that's good we just connect dots trying to find the funny angle of the thing even when it's really sad and i don't know i think the world needs that i think the world needs someone to remind people like hey just yeah it's sad
Starting point is 00:18:17 so you can't change it but laugh yeah have a laugh now that you're doing like dramatic acting and stuff is it tough for you to like stay in the pocket with that and not go for the laugh when you're on camera you know that i actually really kind of like i really kind of like uh where that makes you go mentally to be like oh this is fun to play a little more dramatic serious character as opposed to you know what i have played in so many things is like either a full-on comedic role or like you're gonna set the joke up or you're gonna you're gonna hit the joke and it's just very like machine you're the neighbor you're the friend you're the co-worker and all those those are all great gigs i love them um but when someone's like you know at least in something like physical where they're like you're the husband and it's
Starting point is 00:18:58 more serious and you're gonna cry in this scene like that terrifies me and so by nature it kind of excites me because i'm like well i don't even know if i can do that and the twist is there's still a twist but the twist is you have to go deeper yeah and like reveal more about yourself yeah yeah and i think there's something to that vulnerability and and a comfort in in in no longer protecting these things we feel this vulnerability we feel like we have to protect it feels so much better to just let it out and just go oh you know what actually this is who i am and what i think and it it all helps you when you watch yourself can you see the vulnerability happening like when you watch if you watch so weird is that i i just said this someone the other day like i can't really it's not like i'm actively
Starting point is 00:19:39 trying to not see myself or be like a weirdo like like oh i'm an artist but when i watch it i kind of don't watch like i'm watching myself and in a lot of ways my stand-up is like that too we premiered the special last week and i was like in the audience watching myself and i was like oh this is gonna feel very strange but like i would watch it and i would legit laugh at points i still think are funny but i wasn't laughing in this sort of egotistical way of like oh we're all enjoying me up there i was laughing like i wasn't even a part of it like i literally was in the audience and i it isn't a choice it's just like this instinct that like oh when i'm watching something i'm it's not me it's someone else i think that's maybe because
Starting point is 00:20:25 we grew up with the way we grew up watching so much tv and movies and shit um if you have a crying scene in acting is how do you approach that have you been able to cry before like before you were asked to do that were you able to do it or are you kind of going into it like i don't know it took me a while this is probably in physical is the first time i think i was able to hit it but it wasn't like easy to get there i think i could over time if i was given roles where that was like a thing i would maybe figure out how to tap into it but for this i tried to like take myself to like a sad place think of like my own personal things and then somehow try to apply that like in the scene but you know when cameras are going and you're with another person you know you have these other triggers that are distracting you
Starting point is 00:21:09 from just like closing your eyes and yeah right like the gaffers like moving a light exactly oh come on yeah and you're just kind of like oh i'm trying to get to this place the only great thing is that with with shooting it you know you're in the middle of the scene if you're supposed to like be getting there you're like oh wait hold on no don't cut don't get like stay like you're you can almost orchestrate it a little bit until you're gonna get there and then re-ramp up into the delivery of it which is a great benefit but i gotta say on that show working with rose burn like it's crazy to watch someone just cry and like know how to do it that must make it easier to cry right if she's there oh she's just incredible at like watching her do it where she has a scene where she has to do it that must make it easier to cry right if she's there oh she's just incredible
Starting point is 00:21:45 at like watching her do it where she has a scene where she has to do it is like it's surreal because they're like oh you have so much you have so much emotional control and at 43 a guy who grew up in the south i feel like i'm just learning about emotions now well you were telling me yeah that like when you first got on set with her, she'd just be talking to you just normally. And then as soon as it was time to start acting, she would just switch. And you're like, oh, shit. Yeah, she could turn it on and you would just be like, oh, wow. Oh, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Oh, you're that like... To witness like that level, that's very... It's very cool. Have you seen For Love of the Game? No. Like Kevin Costner's a picture in it. Billy chapel oh no i haven't but he has this thing where he goes clear the mechanism and he just drowns out the crowd and just like focuses on the pitch yeah yeah i feel like rose burn has that but for acting i think that's yeah i think actors have
Starting point is 00:22:37 like legit crazy good actors i think that's what they're doing they're like zero thoughts are coming in and they're 100 the character yeah where i'm like the character but i'm also like what is my next line right what is rory supposed to say next and some actors just don't even worry about their lines right they're so present they're like the script is unimportant to me in this yeah i love it when someone has those philosophies and i always wonder when at some point you can decide you want to apply what you think is the way to do it without getting fired. Like were they always that way or did they get in a class? You know what I mean? Like if someone's like
Starting point is 00:23:11 you're not like kind of doing the script and you're like because I don't and they don't fire you because you've maybe got such a decent enough a cloud and enough of a resume. And you probably have to be weird all the time. You have to be like Joaquin Phoenix where you're probably kind of unknowable and always in your own world and they're like they just give you the benefit of the doubt yeah they're like oh he's got it i'm too nice like when i'm at craft services i'm too much of just not nice but
Starting point is 00:23:32 i'm just like just like too normal i'm like hey what's up man i same yeah well i think it's just our nature but i think it's weird too because we do stand up and you know we've learned like the etiquette and the social aspect of going to a stand-up show and being at a stand-up show that when someone starts casting us in stuff we're like oh this is like going to an open mic for the first time and being like i don't really know what who what do you even do like what is your thing and like how are we supposed to be it's been my first time i just left my trailer and went to hair makeup to be like hey i'm ready to go if you want to do it like i just like if you want to get in front of the schedule they're like no that's not how it works i think went back to my trailer i was like i was trying to help them like get through the morning faster
Starting point is 00:24:11 yeah yeah yeah and they're just being like you have no idea what you're doing yeah just stay away from us uh it was cool too when you're telling me about margot robbie that she just loves to rage yeah she watching her uh well at the the premiere for babylon someone was like yeah she'll shut she'll shut this place down yeah that's fucking dope yeah she would have done well at the traverse city comedy festival she would have crushed it she would have been the queen the queen of the whole town someone did someone did karaoke and ended it for all the other comics i forget their name but they really you know when people do karaoke but they're putting like a lot of their life force into it yeah yeah she did that and it was like oh it's over forever
Starting point is 00:24:47 they did don't stop believing by journey and they were like well no one's going x yeah comics got sad i saw people like drop they were like this is my life that you're singing about were you more of a comedy fan i feel like i'm totally guessing but were you more of a music fan than a comedy fan um growing up i i don't know i think i kind of both kind of turned on at the same time just because like friend influences i i was always just listening to mainstream music whatever was on the radio i had no musical opinion and then like a kid at school my buddy christian was like i just thought it was so cool he had all these cds and at his house like you know before we would leave when you just had like the cd player in the car he would like pick out four cds and i was like oh that's so cool he's picked out the four that he
Starting point is 00:25:34 can't go we can't go outside those four it's all he's got in the car um and i thought it was so great how he would kind of do that before he left the house and um and and all of the cds were so wildly different like all over the place it wasn't just one genre i mean like true legit dark death norwegian death metal those guys are crazy where they all murder each other and then like barg or whatever his name was right i want my friends were into that so i'd watch i didn't listen to music but i would watch all the documentaries which are insane and you're like oh that's another reality he's like it was self-defense and they're like he stabbed him 80 times in the back yeah and then in norway you only go to jail for like eight years and he has a laptop in there yeah
Starting point is 00:26:13 you kind of just live there um but yeah i he he i he kind of opened my eyes to other bands like tool and uh it kind of made me develop an opinion finally of what i would hear on the radio instead of just listening and just going what do people like oh that's what i like it finally made me kind of come to terms with what i my what my opinions were musically and it kind of all happened around the same time with comedy this is like when chris farley was just like the fucking king and so you know me and my friends would go see tommy boy or black sheep at the theaters and like that was just it can't get better than this yeah let's still hold up too i feel like there's still the funniest i think tommy boy for sure uh i re-watched black sheep recently it's still great
Starting point is 00:26:56 but tommy boy was just so fucking special like it was it was like in that world of like this comedy that came out of nowhere in like terms of like Ace Ventura. Where you were like, oh, yeah, the guy from In Living Color. And then you saw that movie and you were like, what did I just see? This was art. This was brilliant. That's what Tommy Boy felt like. And you scheduled your tour around Tool Schedule.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah, yeah. Back in 2020, we followed them to different towns to oh we'll go see some shows yeah the money we make at the show we do we'll buy tickets to go to their show that was our plan and we're just going to do that for a little bit and be like who knows they take a long time to put albums out so this will be who knows when they're you know it's not that they don't tour but we were just like you know let's just go do this and say we did this and and then they found out about it and so we got to get to know them and go backstage and that's so cool see all the shows for free which was yeah i don't know we've seen we would have seen even one show like it
Starting point is 00:27:58 wasn't like our ticket sales were massive is that your favorite band to see live uh one of them yeah i mean i i like fish a lot uh i've seen roger waters a bunch i wish i could see like pink floyd um do you like metallica i do like metallica um i would love to see that live show i've never seen them live i think i would really enjoy it i went through a moment in time in high school where metallica was huge to me i i saw him uh in august but i got it was at sofi but the seats were way too high school where metallica was huge to me i i saw him uh in august but i got it was at sofi but the seats were way too high it was like i was like you know they'll be high up i brought my girlfriend yeah i was like it'll be high up but it'll be awesome still yeah yeah but they're just like dots and i'm like i was like trust me like this is sick yeah trust me that's
Starting point is 00:28:42 the bam yeah trust me trust me it was like i was like yeah it looks like large wow it is kind of crazy how spread out they are yeah it feels uncomfortable like yeah like they're too far away from each other yeah oh they're just they're so far away from each other which i get it's like you have a big space to fill you might as well but and they're pretty annoyed with each other after 40 years of touring i mean it seems like you have a big space to fill you might as well but and they're pretty annoyed with each other after 40 years of touring i mean it seems like you probably you have to be i think yeah right yeah i mean i think all those bands like when you read like keith richards biography half the book is just him trashing mcjacker like i think he calls him out for having a small penis and being hollow internally you're like this is pretty rough i like that those were the two things
Starting point is 00:29:23 he has a small penis and also he's hollow on the inside kind of got him on you went after his penis yeah you sound like an especially soulful person keith he sounds super deep and really thoughtful what what is it about tool that makes them because i've never really listened to them but i've heard so many legends about the lead singer uh john maynard canes is that his name maynard yeah yeah maynard's his first name yeah yeah okay but like doesn't he perform sometimes with his back to the audience and or he'll like hide on stage yeah they're really seeing uh there were times i mean i don't totally i'm like i'm not one of those uh like i love them they're my favorite band but also i have a separation of like i don't like necessarily doing this deep
Starting point is 00:30:03 dive of like i'm gonna know all the lyrics word for word and all this stuff. But from what I, the very first time I ever saw them, I had no idea what I was walking into. I liked the album and I went with my friends, Christian again, and we went up to Charlotte and we went to go see a show. And I was just like blown away.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I mean, like he would be at the front of the stage and the way that he would move and sing. It's very mesmerizing. I hadn't seen anyone really ever do that um and then over the years he kind of moved towards the back of the stage uh and now he's more uh at the back he's sort of like even with danny the drummer and uh yeah there's lights that like hit him but i think he i i think he just prefers being less in the spotlight in that situation.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It seems like over time that's what he preferred. It's nice. I think I have seen that he will turn his back if people are taking pictures. But when pictures were on our phones, and I mean the lowest quality shit pictures you could take, they would be taking pictures and it would just... He hated it. And so he would just turn his back
Starting point is 00:31:06 during the shows but what a weird time I didn't really thought about that like when we had flip phones where we could take a photo that was like just a piece of shit photo that you think about now if you were a band or a live performer it'd be like wait what is that
Starting point is 00:31:21 like oh it's a cell phone like oh what are you doing like I'm taking your picture at a and now the transition must have been so weird totally i find that way with all like kind of new movements or new technology like i always have the instinct to resist it but then in the back of my head i'm like well i'm old enough now where i've seen how this works it's like you're not going to win this debate i know thing is going to take over so like whether it's like ai or crowd work i'm like you better get on board it's happening yeah it's happening like you can play your flag and be like i'm not going i'm like they'll leave you behind yeah it's gonna happen i mean there's gonna be a time when we're all wildly depressed by the fact that everyone is wearing an apple vision
Starting point is 00:31:57 and just at a baseball game but we'll all be doing it everyone will be doing it it'll just be like this is so absurd we'll all be boning or wildly normal who knows yeah i mean at what point are they just gonna become like sunglasses i think that's gonna be yeah wasn't that the original take like google tried to do it google vision other google google lens yeah google glass yeah but those kind of just bombed i think yeah they but i think they got in too early i think those look worse yeah it's kind of like the ev1 electric car they just yeah that's right a generation before they should have been yeah but dude i don't know those look pretty badass i feel like magneto or something i mean i would just wear those not magneto cyclops i would just wear those as a normal glass without it having any function whatsoever did you ever do a marvel movie no
Starting point is 00:32:50 i tell you what i'm not one of those people that would definitely say no to it uh but i am one of those people that's like man there's a lot of marvel movies yeah well there's too many now yeah there was a point there where i was like these are all sick and i can't believe they're pulling this off and now i'm like bro leave me alone i mean we're into very obscure characters now that none of us like or we're like i mean i guess if you read comic books you would know yeah they're like billy goat yeah this is they're finally bringing this character and you're like yeah but if you didn't grow up reading comic books that means nothing to you like we all know superman and batman
Starting point is 00:33:29 but that's because the shows and movies were already in gear right they had some cultural weight to them now it's like we're doing billy goat and the skateboard kid and you're like what what are their powers they're like he kickflips all the time you're like three dimensions and the other's a goat yeah and they're like we're gonna ai marlon brando's voice yeah good okay cool well i'll see that i'll see it on a plane at least yeah do you do you watch a lot of movies i cry a lot on movies on planes and i've seen this is actually a thing this american life did a thing that yeah because of the low oxygen or maybe it's being away from everyone yeah it just makes you cry every time yeah i can do if if if there's movies that have like a dramatic slant i can fall into that space pretty easily do you get embarrassed watching movies on planes
Starting point is 00:34:14 like that the person next to you might be like why are you watching that no i think what i do get embarrassed by and i think we all have this disease is having to just fucking look at someone's screen next to me like whatever they're watching and i can't stop looking at it and i'm like i have my own screen i could turn it on but also i'm like why do i want to look at their screen and it won't even be something i would have picked or would even want to watch yet i can't stop just looking over their screen are you fascinated by their reaction to it or by the thing itself i don't even know i don't even know why i look at someone's screen it's a weird thing and i don't like it though yeah sometimes i'll watch someone like three rows ahead of me i've done that too i'm like on the aisle just like looking over i'm like oh that's
Starting point is 00:34:58 and like it'll be a football game and i'm like i could go to the live tv i want them to see me watching it i want them to know i'm watching this. No, I want them to know. Like I'm watching everything. You want them just to turn around? That guy is still. I'm just burning a hole into him. That guy's got popcorn now. He's looking at me.
Starting point is 00:35:17 He pointed at me. I think a lot of times it's the choice. You're like, wow, you're watching Suits right now? Yeah. What a choice choice you're diving into suits yeah on the plane season three yeah season three yeah i thought maybe i'd catch up on my delta flight i can feel the movement so i'm trying to catch up when netflix finally puts out new suits yeah there's new suits coming out yeah there is yeah is marco there's for sure no i guess i
Starting point is 00:35:47 guess she should do it that would be pretty that'd be pretty fun she should do it the cast says they they haven't heard from her at all which is you know a bummer they might not be allowed she might not be allowed to who even knows have you watched the crown once you're in no i don't really watch too many things what do you you don't would you just like chill i don't even know really what i just chill yeah i don't even know really what i do i like to paint a lot so i'll go paint i do wish i watched more things not in like an unhealthy way but it would you know this is the nature of our job it is good to kind of do the homework and see the painting feels like it might be filling that same kind of painting is great yeah well do you have a style like are you it's
Starting point is 00:36:29 kind of all over the place cubist no it's all over the place i just start painting and see where it goes and i i sell them now yeah i might pull some up now go for it i think there might be some up there. I did an art show in December. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah, there's a bunch. Wow. Yeah, that was one I did in Atlanta. Some of those I did in Atlanta. I was shooting a movie, and I did them and then sold them because I wasn't going to fly back with them.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Oh, that one's... Can we see them? Which ones? Go click back one to the suggested ones. Yeah, that one in the middle right there middle right middle right oh yeah chad daniels bought that one oh cool that's in his house now but like that that's a good example of i just started going and i don't really fully understand how i got to that look it's beautiful like i know some steps it does feel
Starting point is 00:37:27 a little early on but the choices i made to get there um they're they're not like recorded in my brain in some way to know like i could go back and repeat this how long did it take you to paint that that one uh i don't know i want to say that one was probably three weeks wow so you but i kind of kept walking away from it because at every once once you're kind of going and you kind of like it and you know you're not done yet you then start to live in fear of a choice that ruins it yeah and so you got to let it breathe a little bit and come back to it yeah but there's a it's weird because there's there's a version where you let it breathe and you take your time and patience guides you there's also a version where the patient
Starting point is 00:38:15 taking your time you're now so far detached from what you were doing you can't remember the spirit the wave you were on right you like surfing oh hell yeah okay now again now again yeah yeah this makes you start painting but that wave you're on you're like i can't remember what why i was making those choices or what i was even aiming for um so i i think a lot of my paintings i do very quickly a lot of them i'll do within like a couple hours. And I think I didn't realize until I started painting that a lot of amazing paintings you see out there.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I think those artists do them very quickly, sometimes within an hour. And I think they're so good at it that when we see it, we're like, how could this possibly, this would take me a lifetime. And they're almost like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:03 you know, it took me 10 years, but now it's been 10 years. So now I just know how to like make it happen do you do you go by feeling like do you do you like oh i'm in the mood to paint or do you set aside time no i try to i try to be in the mood and i kind of get upset when i can't get myself like in like right now i have a painting hanging up in my garage that i'm kind of working on and i really want to figure it out. But I don't really know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It kind of looks like a woman, but I'm not good at like figures and like doing a face. I can't do any of that. Yeah, I can't do it. I'm not good at it. So I forced myself to like start, but I'm not motivated to like keep going. So I'm like waiting for my brain to like something to click where I'm excited to go. Oh, yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Maybe I'll just do this. No, that's inspiring. But it's a lot of erratic decisions. I mean, you can kind of see it there. You have to just kind of throw paint around and see where you go. Have you watched like video of like Jackson Pollock painting where he's just like for him, like the act of it was just as important. And he would just, you know, it's underneath him and he's just going nuts but it's quick the act of it is the most fun i will say the process has become the most absolute fun element of this of this whole thing
Starting point is 00:40:14 wow also he and according to the movie that ed harris made just a total lunatic like massive alcoholic just total alcoholic just breaking bottles all the time yelling at people for like just existing i mean that is present in those paintings yeah that chaotic kind of anger like you're like oh yeah he was crazy um but i will say it is like when when the excitement of uh and this is all new to me within the past four years really like but the excitement of a blank canvas and then really just going and then a moment where you at least with abstract where you step back and you're like very confident that you are done like that feeling is is incredible it's actually so incredible that the prices i put on my paintings are high to an amount where that's the amount i'd be willing to part with this painting and i have stacks of paintings i did right i think i've done 110
Starting point is 00:41:14 wow uh in four years so you started four years ago i start i kind of really got into it in like 2020 that's when i really it's all pure choice too like you're choosing what to put on there you're choosing when it's done and then you're choosing its value it's all like i try to tell people to do it uh i tell people i'm like it's not about being a painter or being like good at it it's really just going and buying like you know like a 24 by 24 canvas it's pre-stretched it's like getting some paints and it's like getting like two brushes and it's learning how to not not try to paint something not sit down because you're trying to have some sort of an end outcome the main the way i like to explain it to people is if you go play basketball right now it's not because you think you're gonna fucking be a pro basketball player
Starting point is 00:42:03 one day you just do it and then that's the game and you'll play it again the act of it is nice the act of it is nice and you know that if you did it every night every week and you play with guys you'd be fucking great you'd actually get really good you might still never be a pro but you might be like i'm actually really fucking good at basketball by nature you would just get there and i think painting it's like paint and then when you're like i don't really like, it's like paint. And then when you're like, I don't really like it. It's like, well, your income is not based on this. So just paint over it. Like, just keep going.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like, no painting has to have like. You don't have to do it right. You don't. And I think people think that every artist knows what they're doing, but they don't. They just wandered into making something and figured out how to make it. And those artists blow our minds now. those and artists the person who presides over the accidents yeah orson welles said yeah i think that's true or someone's smart like that motherfucker said i read it on a wall at film school and i was like that guy gets and it's
Starting point is 00:42:54 right yeah and he was right he was right about being wrong sometimes for sure it's what it will change you when you start interacting with with colors and you make choices because you don't really think, for the most part, like our clothing is probably the most that we really interact with color choice. And then when it's time to pick like a cover for our phone or, you know what I mean? Or my retainer. You know what I mean? It's just not like so prevalent and big. But with painting, it's like, here's five colors. Which one do you want to choose?
Starting point is 00:43:23 And not even giving yourself space to think why it's like just instinctually oh blue all right and then just start doing something with it and then like oh what does water do if i add water to the acrylic paint like what if i add white and i'd make a different blue and then like putting in orange i mean i said this recently on another show but fluorescent orange is now my favorite color yeah and it's only because i've now interacted with it that before painting i'd be like no i don't even like fluorescent colors at all but now it's my favorite just because i've seen what it feels like to use it in a painting it just feels so good that i'm like oh this i'm connected to this in some way i like it can we look at what psychologically fluorescent orange means it's like serial killer likes to murder people do you buy into any of that
Starting point is 00:44:12 like that there's like kind of energy or like mood attached to color do you think it's kind of subjective um warmth excitement and enthusiasm fire energy and extroversion bro nice color all right thank god okay cool oh fuck murder deeply complicated not good with women small penis small penis not friends hollow yeah yeah hollow smoke mick jagger ask it almost seems like with painting you're talking about you get you you release sort of the analytical mind and you're just sort of in that yeah just instinctual zone which seems like a lot of your stand-up as well where you're able to access that kind of flow state i think it's uh
Starting point is 00:44:59 the the the thing that it's done for my brain in terms of stand-up is that we just like with painting like you have you just have to make choices you just have to make a choice if you sit there and you like i think a lot of people and i do this sometimes you look at a canvas or even you look at the stage and look at knowing that you're about to do 10 20 an hour whatever you're about to do and you you try to like see it or do it you realize you can't like you have to, like, see it or do it, you realize you can't. Like, you have to just go out and start talking. And it's going to go somewhere. And painting, it's like, you don't have to be perfect.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Like, smear a color you hate on blank canvas and let it, like, and when it makes you, when you're like, oh, I fucking hate that color, it's like, well, now you've started something. Like, something can now happen. Like, if you're like, oh, I fucking hate that color. It's like, well, now you've started something. Like something can now happen. Like if you went out on stage and everybody booed, that... It's energy. It doesn't feel good.
Starting point is 00:45:52 But you're like, well, now we know something. Now there's tangible information we can build on. And it's the same, you know, in our minds. We're like, well, why would we walk out and everybody boos? But we walk out and everyone does cheer. Even people who don't know us just by nature. Like, oh, you've entered the stage. They start cheering. Like, that alone is like something. There's something in every single moment for us to do something with. But I think we put so much weight
Starting point is 00:46:17 on ourselves being like, I hope these topics. We have expectations for the moment. I hope I've written this joke. I hope this punchline. I hope I've said these things. And I think all that can be very important. And over time you chisel it down. But I think by its nature, it's a spoken word in the moment. Like, you know, yes, I put out a special. Yes, I've done CDs. But it's that live show experience, like seeing a band. Like, do you really like watching fucking music on your TV? It's a band.
Starting point is 00:46:43 They're playing live, but it's on TV. And I think you're one of the best ever at creating a moment that only exists in that show like i used to see you all the time at uh comedy bang bang and every time me and my brother still talk about moments you had when we were watching you where you would just like find like a guy who was he was wearing a tank top and then he had a hoodie on top of it and like it didn't make sense and you just riffed on that and me and my brother still that was like 10 years ago yeah yeah we're just like dude it was and it will never exist outside of that room yeah it's just at that
Starting point is 00:47:11 moment i think those are like instead of going i can't do anything else with this beyond it's like yeah but what how fun could it be like right in this sandbox right here and instead of looking at it like especially something like coming maybe like a ucb like frank you go, oh, there's 100 people in here if there was. And you'd be like, ah, but this is just for those 100 people. I'm trying to make a product that I can sell nationally. And you just go, ah, and that's usually what ends up ruining the restaurants we like. That usually ends up ruining the products. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It's usually what ruins the bands we really love is that they almost get too far. And then the vibe of it, we're so detached from. Oh, bro, yeah. To me, it's like, if people are at a show, that's why Fish is one of, going back, Fish is maybe one of my favorite bands to see live. And I'm not even a massive fan. I couldn't name a lot of their songs. And I don't listen to their music at my house but at
Starting point is 00:48:07 a show there's an energy that crowd is there for it and when they jam i just know this is the one time it's gonna play out like this and it's only now and they've never repeated a set list since they became a band and even that feels so magical like they won't put the songs in the same order and because of that the same show can't happen and there's something so like great about that yeah it's it's with stand-up too it's because i was so guilty of this for my first six seven years of you just so desperate for the the approval of like i gotta get the laugh so i'm just gonna stick to the script if i stick to the script like i'll be safe yeah and only in the especially since we've started touring you're having that ability to have like a thought in your mind and
Starting point is 00:48:58 just say it yeah and just follow that yeah is uh just, I feel like the audience can feel it. It just, it brings a whole new energy as opposed to when you're like, okay, I'm out here. I'm going to just going to. Sort of robotic. Yeah. Yeah. And it's. Like the engineer guys like approach it that way with stand up too.
Starting point is 00:49:16 They're a bit more like I do. And it's cool, but it's not, my brain's different. Yeah. And there's like, yeah, it's like living in the moment. It's so, just changes yeah i mean there's a magical moment when a band talks to the audience at the show and it's like that moment that says we know you're here yes and so you're a part of it and so i think in stand-up it's like well we don't have music that we can just sit in as a group or even a singer songwriter
Starting point is 00:49:44 just go either way this is this song like that's just how that art form exists but when we're up there with stand-up it's like well yeah i have the i have the script but maybe tonight i can manipulate it a little bit or maybe if you guys are so good maybe i don't need the script maybe i don't need to go to the jokes because something else is a different energy is happening and if i feel that energy dipping i'll fucking go to the script yeah because your extemporaneous brain is always going to be the best thing if you can operate at its best yeah yeah and i think if there's some nights it's just not there it's not there and it's not there for so many variables
Starting point is 00:50:19 like it could be them it could be you it could be who knows what but you're just not connecting with them there's like a gap between you guys and that's why i think like you know that's why there's a world where having that really good script that does feel robotic is kind of great to have because you're like oh that actually might fire them up enough to where i can then get back away from the script and go back into playing around that reminds me of one of your bits i've always been fascinated by too is the the special you did with like the american flag behind you that i think came out on cso yeah uh it was amazing thank you and me and my boys were watching one night and there's the one where you do the character of the guy who plays piano but doesn't know how to play piano it's one of my favorite bits ever i
Starting point is 00:50:57 would recommend anybody who's watching this to go check it out but uh i just beyond being like so fun and the way that you picked to play the piano was so perfect how did you construct that to put it onto the become a thing yeah that became just something i i don't remember how i discovered actually just doing that if it was like hanging out with friends or like actually at a show where there was like a piano i was like oh i don't really know play but what if this and what if that like i don't i i don't really remember how i discovered it but i do remember that including a keyboard in my like sort of writer for college shows became like when i was going to do colleges i was like i feel like age-wise i'm so far removed from their culture
Starting point is 00:51:41 that i don't i don't think i'm the old guy but there's no way around it to them i'm definitely like the old guy so i was like oh let me have a keyboard up there so i can kind of do that joke but mainly it was so i could ask if anyone here played piano and if they did and you know if enough people were at the show somebody played and did have you know enough courage to come up and then my only rule for myself was don't make fun of them no matter how this goes because the whole audience is like that's one of us up there and so they and they're usually like really good at piano and if they're very like really want to come up it's like they're really good they want to show off this is a big
Starting point is 00:52:20 moment for them um and if they're shy they're usually even better and they don't want people to like label them as like some great piano player but then i would just do jokes while they would play it and it would kill so much time instead of being like i'm married and boy my mortgage is crazy all these colleges like what the fuck so get away from like talking about points yeah just make it this like experiential thing i was like i can only talk about pot for so long which they could relate to or like drinking and be like yeah i know that culturally we have that but outside of that i've moved on um yeah i would have someone play piano and they would crush it i would always like i give it up for them and like they would love it it would kill like 30 minutes you know when you're supposed to do 60 and then i would then go and be like i go i didn't even actually need a piano player and
Starting point is 00:53:05 then i would like i'd usually hit demo and sit there and like no one because you're up on the stage no one sees that you just hit demo i would just sell it for like five minutes and then it would end and people would be like wow you're like this guy's got a lot of talent yeah and then i would just out so the the the whole like keyboard piano thing for me like again i can't remember how it came to be but that's what i used it for for so long and then it was time to do that special i was like oh i i should get this keyboard i do this a lot and my buddy adam mcfarland who was on conan with me playing piano he was going to be at the shows and i was like oh you should play piano during some of the the show and i'll just tell jokes so we just it kind of just came to be and then your conan sets too are
Starting point is 00:53:55 the most memorable like the stuff with john dore oh yeah yeah john gets credit that very first one we did john has full credit the the double booking thing was he did that with like lynn shawcraft back yeah he used to do it at uh uh in toronto uh all the time and uh yeah i at the rivoli i think and i the shooting they shot it perfect too though the way they cut to conan and the way they had the sub in for conan it was like i don't know just elevated the whole thing yeah yeah um and then uh yeah that swapping thing he and i came up with before a monday night show out here and then again he was like conan said we could do that on on the show and i was like oh great this is perfect let's go do it so yeah it's amazing thank you should we do some calls yeah guys the touch and bus tour is
Starting point is 00:54:43 officially here okay and we're super excited about it next month starting april 3rd we are going to be in sacramento then san francisco then fort worth texas tempe arizona uh we also have a show in los angeles coming up this month 3 14th march 14th locals only at the hollywood improv we have a ton of dates. Get your tickets at ChadJT.com. There's so much fun. Let's go. Yeah. Fire it up. Get your tickets at ChadJT.com. We love you. What's up, dog?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yo, JT. What's going on, bro? Chilling, brother. How you doing? I'm doing alright. I'm doing alright. Can you turn off your speaker? Oh, yeah, yeah. How's that, Socl so close that's much better you're here with chad and rory scoville oh fuck yeah dude what's up dude what's going on bros what's up what ails you brother all right so my best friend in the whole world he's like he's like a brother to me.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Throughout high school, he was like the one that I always relied on. I'd say like probably in like November, I lent him some money. And we were always very cool with money. We always sent it back and forth to each other, whoever needed it. It wasn't a big deal. So I sent it to him in like November, right? We were so cool. We're always hanging out, whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And then I want to say like around Christmas time, he like stopped texting me. I'd ask him to hang out. He'd be like, sorry, I'm busy, which I get it. You know, he's busy. He's got a job. He's got a fucking dog he's got to take care of. We're 21 years old, by the way. So like we're young.
Starting point is 00:56:28 dog gotta take care of we're 21 years old by the way so like we're young and um i texted him like two weeks ago and i hadn't really ever said anything about the money um i texted him like two weeks ago like hey yo what's going on um we talked for a little bit and then i said hey do you happen to have the money? And he sent it to me. And then he texted me back and was like don't ever text me again. Don't call me. I don't want to hear from you. And I haven't talked to him since. I've called a couple times. It just went straight
Starting point is 00:57:00 to voicemail. But he didn't block me on anything because I could still see his Instagram and his Snapchatchat he's living it up bahamas he's at pink sand beach not a thought in the world he's not upset he just said don't call me i'm on vacay he doesn't want to get bothered uh it sounds like he's got some shame around money stuff, which is very normal for people. I think he's not going to stay mad at you. He just needs to feel upset. Well, he's going to need more money at some point.
Starting point is 00:57:35 That's my worry, dude. Yeah, you don't want to become that guy. You don't want to become the guy that's just, the relationship just for the money, for sure. Yeah. No, never. He was always like my closest friend. Did he say why?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Was he like, I can't believe you asked for your money back? That's what I'm fucking getting at. He said he never gave me a reason. He was just like, don't talk to me again. And, like, I guess around December, like, when he stopped texting me, I kind of stopped texting him back, too. But I was dealing with when I, when he stopped texting me, I kind of stopped texting him back too. But I was dealing with some shit and he knew about that.
Starting point is 00:58:09 So Christmas is a tough time for me. And I just, I put it all away and I never asked him for the money until like a couple weeks ago. He freaked out on me. Is it too bold if we try to call him right now? Oh man. The excitement of that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:29 He might freak out. It might be good for the pod, though. This is edging for me. This is edging. This is my version of edging. There's something sexual about this for sure. Do you want to just try and three-way call him, and then we'll see if we can talk it out or or or i want to put this out there do you think do you think
Starting point is 00:58:51 he then will feel like you've like i don't want to i don't want to permanently or further 100 the guy's gonna be pissed off why are you asking that question you know the answer i'm just wondering are you willing to walk away from this for sure? You come in here and you just throw over the whole thing? What's going on here? How do you think we keep the lights on? We did everything together. You don't do.
Starting point is 00:59:16 What are you doing? Edges are currency. Yeah, you walk into Jerry Springer and you're like hey is this class hey why are they making fun of each other i just saw a clip of jerry's friend i don't know all right i'll give him a call you want to try it yeah if if it goes to voicemail, JT, do you leave the voicemail? Hey, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:59:49 We got Rory edging over here. He's just about to bust, and we think if you answer the call. We've conscripted Rory into blowing up a friendship. We're trying to help Rory edge right before he leaves, so he can just answer this call. Oh, dude, I can help you with that, dude. edge right before he leaves. Yeah. All right. I'm going to do it. All right. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Last time we did this, we three-way called a guy and he hung up after two lines, but they sent me a photo of them later together bowling so it worked out that time oh that could be what happens here he hung up after he did two lines i gotta go bowl i'm not mad i'm just on the move i just i gotta bowl i gotta go i gotta go I wonder if cocaine's a big drug in bowling. I'm a Weber. That guy?
Starting point is 01:00:50 You just want to keep fucking throwing? Who do you think I am? We talk about him a lot on here. Yo, Bryson. All right. This sounds fucking stupid as shit, but we're on a podcast line right now. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah. Bryson, are you good with talking to us about some issues that y'all have been having? Oh, sure. Thank you. Dude, so I guess your buddy lent you some dough, and then he asked for it back, and that kind of hit you in the feels a little bit? It wasn't exactly all that. There's a lot more in life going on, you know?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Oh, okay. This is what I'm in it for. It's just bad timing. Oh, all right. But you love your dog, right? Yeah, yeah. I was actually going to call him today. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:40 And so I feel you guys have been friends a long time, right? Yes, sir. Yeah. All right. and so I feel you guys have been friends a long time right yes sir yeah so it seems like just life circumstances maybe got in the way yeah definitely do you want to expand upon that not really
Starting point is 01:01:57 there's a lot of personal things going on I feel you man no that's fair well I'm glad you guys are alright and look this stuff happens. Yeah, it does. Yeah. Fucking life. It does.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And I'm glad that this is a wholesome resolution. The fact that you're just going to call him today. I mean, fuck. Yeah, I was going to call him and see if we can grab a drink or two tonight. Oh, wow. I know. So much for your edging, dude. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Oh, well, I'm putting it away now. Will you guys send us a photo later of you guys having a drink tonight? Oh, fuck yeah. And then who's paying for the drinks? This rich motherfucker. Oh, please, God. Oh, are you rich?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Please, God, be so rich. I think cherry on top that would really help us peak is if you guys go bowling after. Send a photo of that. That's a common post. Dude, what if we get drunk and then go bowling? I mean. That's a common post. We can talk about it. It's not off the table yeah hey well you guys are both bold and brave and we appreciate you guys getting on here we're glad y'all are back together dude
Starting point is 01:03:12 that fires us up i love it oh dude lords of stoke thank you so much thank you guys taking my call love you guys later wow wow dude that guy dude that guy he sounded like a boston guy he's like yeah he's just a fucking doge i like that that guy was like ah nah we're good energetically i kind of switched sides so i was on the one guy's side and when i heard the other guy said i was like oh maybe he's actually yeah i was like oh maybe he should have kept the money been to find out the other guy's rich yeah yeah bro don't talk to me again don't call me you know we didn't ask but i hope to god i hope to god it was like 20 bucks hey what about the money
Starting point is 01:04:04 he's like i've been going through some personal stuff like what if it's like horrific and it was like a small amount of money yeah i hope tonight he's like i need more money i think i was actually calling you for two reasons i really want to see you i want to see you because we are friends we are friends but second i need a hundred thousand dollars we're on a podcast line oh god oh god like he did say oh god as though this has occurred many times not again oh god we're doing this again here we go again all right yeah good old benny all right should we do one more yeah yeah call it. I was in the hospital.
Starting point is 01:04:48 He asked me if it was five bucks back. I was like, dude, I'm in the hospital. I just had heart surgery, dude. I needed the five bucks for a valve. Yeah, they're going to want the money. It's better than no left ventricle. What about the money? What ails you, dog?
Starting point is 01:05:06 What ails me? I mean, nothing really ails me, but I heard on the last podcast when you guys did that draft, I heard something about bodyboarding, and I just wanted to make sure that body surfing wasn't puzzled into that. So you're talking about my beef with boogie boarders, and you wanted to have that extend to body boarders. Do you call them boogie boarders yeah spongers oh wait so you're talking about sponging or like body surfing body surfing how do you feel about body surfing it's a passion bro it was all on the show today that is your passion? yeah
Starting point is 01:05:49 oh fuck so you're calling it a hobby what do you feel that it is? I mean where are you doing it at? are you going to the wedge? oh I've been to the wedge a couple times when I was in California are you in Hawaii?
Starting point is 01:06:05 where do you go in Hawaii? I go to Sandy Beach or Makapu or sometimes Point Tannic. I was going to say Sandy Beach. If you go to Sandy Beach, that's legit. I think Obama goes there too. Whoa, no way. Yeah. That's where he body serves?
Starting point is 01:06:20 That's where he body serves. Yeah, he gets. Oh, so it gets pretty big there, huh? You're talking like overhead? Oh, yeah. I mean, like, the biggest it gets that I can handle is probably like 4 to 5, but sometimes it gets up to like 8 to 10, but it gets nuts. Is that a Hawaii 4 to 5, though, where it's like, where they're doing it from the back
Starting point is 01:06:39 of the waist? Oh, yeah. So it's like they measure the back of the face, not the front, you know? Like the surf reporter will say like... It's so masculine. Cut that in half. Yeah. Well, no, I think that's sick.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I body surf. You body surf? It's the only... It's all I know how to do. But I do it. You do? I'm pretty good at it. You are?
Starting point is 01:07:01 Yeah. I don't know what the gauge is. I don't know what the standards is i don't know what the standards are yeah but i can i can go i'd like to see you out there that'd be cool to run into you out there and i'm like rory and you're like what's up dude and you're like they're gonna kill you you're too close to us dude you're fucking sponginess right now bro do you rock like one of those shark fin like hand things that uh body surfers use uh sometimes i use a hand plane but most of the time i just go out with my fins and just legend beast killer where are you from originally
Starting point is 01:07:37 i'm from uh east oahu oh you're native hawaii that's awesome dude yeah well dude i i got i got some hawaiian blood in me i mean you're the real deal dude yeah i want to say mahalo for calling in and for bringing this up i think you guys are awesome i really like listening to you guys oh that's kind of thank you you're awesome too yeah he's like i i'm joking i'm i'm a i won biggest barno at surf camp because all i did was play dodgeballs so i'm not really like i'll pick on people and i'll call them lame for what they care about but in terms of actually putting my money where my mouth is i can barely swim that's really bold yeah yeah no but i'm not backing off the crazy thing about uh the crazy thing about body surfing is like
Starting point is 01:08:23 you really don't have like a flotation device yeah no you really don't think when things get sketchy they get sketchy like i was in a contest like three months ago and like i took a left at the wrong time and i look out and there's just like five sets coming in like five a five wave set and i'm just diving under for like a minute and a half and you know like the idea is to keep your eyes open underwater but when it's like nothing but whitewash there's like nothing to look for do you think about your family when that's happening i think about my family no i mean like i just try to care cool you know like you know i think uh chad said it last week he just kind of let the ocean take you it cool, you know? Like, you know, I think Chad said it last week.
Starting point is 01:09:05 He just kind of let the ocean take you where it wants, you know? Oh, Chad. That's how I feel. That's dope. Yeah. That's on your T-shirt right now. Oh, wow. Yeah, I was just reading my T-shirt, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:20 No, dude. I know. It is. But, yeah, I mean, especially if you have no flotation device and there's a big swell out there if you're you're at the mercy of the ocean so i mean i total respect for what you're doing out there i mean i got respect for surfers i mean i i tried a lot of it when i was younger but i'm a bigger guy so i mean like what are you surfing, like, surfing is just more of a chore now. Oh, I'm like 363. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Oh, so you're like an O-lineman out there. Oh, yeah, totally. Do you find that, like, the smaller guys who are body surfing, like, don't think you can hang and they're surprised when you're so nimble on the wave? Oh, totally. I mean, like, when i was in that contest i was heavier by everyone by at least 100 pounds is there any benefit to being heavier i think it just i mean i'm always been kind of natural in the water so i mean it's just i don't know if there's a benefit or loss but you just kind of got to know how to like move your body around you know yeah yeah i mean the ocean can handle it you know i might i might think a little
Starting point is 01:10:34 bit more there's no weight classes and wave riding you gotta surf with guys your size oh well is boogie boarding is that just like that's just where you have the the yeah but i mean like in terms of like the uh the social like the the optics is it just like fuck those dudes the hierarchy just massive i think they don't like it when you call it boogie boarding because that makes it feel like it's like a kmart sport yeah the word boogie boogie if you're if you're out at like malibu i got my rad board if you're out there and there's some guy you know and you're like you're a beat it sponger it's more just fun to say i have no beef but you know it's it's no no it's fun to be tribal
Starting point is 01:11:19 yeah yeah yeah i just kind of like you know body surfers get like last priority out there sometimes so it's like you know like i'll even have like priority on the wave and a bodyboarder will pull in on me and it's like there's nothing i could do about that yeah well and because you got the because you got the least amount of speed oh i mean like i wouldn't say the least amount of speed but i mean they just have an easier time taking off sometimes you know like they could get off deeper than most body surfers but it all depends on skill level you know and then uh when you were at the wedge how big was it oh when i was at the wedge i was there and like i think it was december of 2020 and then i went once again like a year later and it was like
Starting point is 01:12:08 the first time i went it was like three to four then the second time it was like two to three but like i only got that wedge experience once where it kind of like the wave kind of forms in to the inside it's kind of strange it's a stupid way like compared compared to sandys you know i think it's like a little bit more forgiving but it looks gnarly as shit when you're kind of coming down the wave you know it's more forgiving than sandys oh i think so i mean like i i kind of i took a bigger wave at the wedge and like i got picked up and dropped and i like i feel like it just kind of like there's more cushion you know at sandy's do you get thrown onto the sand oh yeah like sandy's is known for like the most broken necks
Starting point is 01:12:52 and backs in the nation whoa like people are there's constantly emts coming through there and it's not really i mean that's hot like they try the lifeguards try to tell people not to go in and some people are just blind. Do you guys have to self-police? Have you ever had to kick some tourists or hollies out of the water for endangering themselves? They have rules when it comes to surfers, and sometimes people will show up with a soft top from Costco. Bro. Boner move.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Right, guys? Yeah. Boner move Right guys They'll try to paddle out in the middle of shore break At like 2pm and like you gotta wait Until the lifeguards leave to try anything Stupid but like They'll be telling them to get out and like Everyone in the lineup will be like you guys gotta You guys gotta leave cause if you land
Starting point is 01:13:44 On somebody you're gonna Ca cause serious injury, you know? Yeah, for sure. You got to get those soft toppers out. Yeah. It's just the way of the world, bro. They got to learn somehow. I'm glad that you're out there, you know, educating them. Oh, I mean, I try to look out for anybody, you know like i was at a i was at makapu the other day and i had a like there's
Starting point is 01:14:05 a couple that kind of seemed like they were news island and they were kind of handling it out there for a little bit then set started coming in and like the boyfriend was actually freaking out more than the girlfriend and i had to tell them both to just like you know just wait you know you just got to keep going on there until the waves go away and then that's your chance to get out you know, just wait, you know, you just got to keep going on there until the waves go away. And then that's your chance to get out. You know? Yeah. You corrected a guy in front of his girlfriend. Not really. I just, I could tell that they needed advice. And I was just like trying to offer it, you know, I don't come on. I took that too primal.
Starting point is 01:14:38 That's what I noticed about between like, you know, my experience at the wedge and just being out in Hawaii, my whole life, like California surfers are a lot more territorial. you know my experience at the wedge and just being out in hawaii my whole life like california surfers are a lot more territorial like yeah like i saw like that goes against i feel like conventional wisdom yeah well i think there's the well in hawaii it seems like there's the aloha spirit and it's if you show respect you get respect back right and then in california of course in california i think it's just so overpopulated that everyone's just pissed. You go out there, you can't get any.
Starting point is 01:15:09 There's like 100 dudes out there. It's just... It's hot. Yeah. Yeah, dude. All right. Well, dude, we got to let you run because we got to shut this baby down. But dude, it was a pleasure chatting it up with you.
Starting point is 01:15:20 There's really one question I got to ask. Hell yeah. If that's okay, i ask yeah yo so chad kroger yeah is that like a play on nickelback like uh it's i've been it's uh it's a passionate you know it's just an act of love towards Nickelback they're out here this Friday and I'm really thinking about going to watch yeah we saw them in Palm Springs like six months ago and they were
Starting point is 01:15:59 it was an acoustic set but it was awesome top of their game yeah they're just getting sharper man you said Chad Kroger was like a Loth there dude he was being a little flirty on stage he doesn't hate the attention he gets yeah he's not going to play shame up there he's he's he's like i am that dude yeah and uh the king bro and honestly i found it kind of inspiring it made me want to step into my sexuality a little more yeah hell yeah yeah yeah like if you got a question from a dude he moved on if you got a question from a chick he took that one for a walk yeah tmb baby awesome well thanks for calling in mahalo
Starting point is 01:16:36 mahalo keep it up that guy's awesome uh rory dude thank you so much for coming thanks for stopping guys thank you this was so fun guys check out rory's special on hbo max now it uh premiered on the 23rd correct premiered uh i don't even know uh last week it's well i don't know when this is out but uh yeah it it's available now on max called religion sex and a few things in between please check it out yeah it's awesome i watched it it's incredible all your stuff's incredible thank you yeah truly one of my like comedic heroes thanks man thank you you're so fun to watch thanks thanks guys and we got a chance to see this hour live too which was incredible and traversed and traversed fun yeah thank you uh so guys please check it out check out all things rory
Starting point is 01:17:21 roryscull.com. There we go. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just to have friends road's beside you Go with me
Starting point is 01:17:48 Go with me Let's go deep Go with me Go with me Go with me

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