Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 337 - Classic Solo

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

#goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast #comedy #allthingscomedy Today is another Classic Solo with just the Stoke Lords. We start off by discussing the Solar Eclipse. JT decided to take a risk and stare di...rectly into it. Will he have any repercussions? We take LOTS of calls and give loads of advice. We also talk about our experience at Alcatraz Prison. If you enjoy the pod, HIT the LIKE and LEAVE a Comment. We really appressh the support!  We are streaming the BTS, Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while were recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! Texas this weekend! PLUS 12 other DATES!http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and welcome to the going deep with chad and jt podcast i mean you're come i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what up boom clap stokers and uh dude we were just talking about the eclipse so yeah you're trying to hammer me i mean not really yeah you are you're trying to hammer me bro go for it take your shot he just looked straight into it what i don't know what the issue is they say you could go blind who says uh the news maybe i'm being a i don't a sheep i no i don't think you're being a sheep i don't think it's healthy to look at the sun but i think to i don't think i could physically look at the sun long enough yeah i think i think before looking away before it would make me blind maybe dumb people maybe the problem is dumb people are like oh and they sit through the the hurt yeah yeah but that's respect bro because i couldn't
Starting point is 00:01:01 do it i just i i don't know that's tough to me you tried i tried to stare at it till i went blind and i'm not tough enough that won't be that funny but yeah you don't think that's a useful hypocrisy on your part oh yeah because the gooch stuff yeah uh dude yeah you got me there too bro nice i'm glad to get you, dude. Dude, I guess, yeah, your third eye, your freaking, yeah, dude, you got me. I'm a hypocrite. I'm actually doing a get together where we're going to stare at the sun together and we will be naked for that one as well. Dude, that one is so funny. Why is your dick out?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Man, that was so fun that was really fun oh what a day dude should we try and call ask this a snorkel guy on here if he wants to talk it sounds like he's having a rough day i hate to be an ambulance chaser but i am curious where's snorkel he's up towards the top he says his girl left him today oh no snorkel talk to us but booty snorkeler yeah booty snorkeler you there you there brother yeah you could just throw out that red meat like that i mean i have a question for booty snor. Did he make that handle after his girl left him? He's like, fuck it, I'm the Booty Snorkeler. He's like, she never wanted me to do this. She never let me do this. Now I'm going to be this guy.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Maybe Booty Snorkeler's taking that. Somebody's going Booty Snorkeler. There's probably a story there, too. Okay, so they're saying so your eyes hurt while you looked at the eclipse yes so they're saying while your eyes likely won't hurt maybe if you're able to look at it without your eyes hurting
Starting point is 00:02:55 but people don't realize oh I mean I might have done some damage oh okay my eyes are going to be messed up later is what people are saying. Like I've caused damage, but I won't know until later. I think you're fine. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:03:13 It's like five seconds. Well, here's something that confuses me is they're like, you need to do sun gazing. Have you heard about that? Huberman popularized it. He's like, you need to do sun gazing have you heard about that huberman right popularized it he's like you need to do sun gazing in the morning and so i was always heard as a kid don't look into the sun right but he's like no you need to like gaze and i don't understand the difference and that's a lot of this stuff that's coming through now is uh the opposite of what i've been taught right who's to say the hotter people tend to be on the yeah do the thing you're
Starting point is 00:03:47 not supposed to do side moscow troy huberman huberman yeah it's like do you go hot or do you go i am not hot i almost think it's like one of my hot buddies used to like fart in front of hot chicks right but that's like the biggest flex so you you think because they're genetically gifted that they can do this weird shit and people think it's cool and it's correct but probably not i think it's actually them flexing that i can get away with it it's like i'll drink my piss i'll stare into the sun and i won't shower and i'll still get six girls doing an atlantic article about what a piece of shit i am for fucking them all it's hot guys flexing i'll drink my piss yeah because yeah it's i mean it's so true if the guy was a fucking ogre and like trailer park trash yeah and he's like
Starting point is 00:04:40 all right so we're just gonna find where we're going on our own we don't need directions He's like, yeah, I drink my own piss. Cool, dude. All right, freak. All right, so we're just going to find where we're going on our own. We don't need directions. Imagine if he's some guy. Just like the ugliest guy ever. I stare at the sun. I drink my own. I always do it sometimes, but I stare at the sun. I drink my own piss, and I don't shower much.
Starting point is 00:05:00 It's good for my body. Okay, I'm going to do the opposite of that. Oh, okay. Smart, handsome guy dude i did um man that really just opened up my world to like now i'm questioning everything it's true dude it's just hot people doing all this stuff that's making it man yeah troy he looks so he looks great when he's talking he's a good talker too he's got the whole package do you remember the first podcast i was thinking about the epi the other day when he's talking about in milan how you get he'd get like
Starting point is 00:05:33 propositioned by men oh i had to cut it all out of the podcast i was being a little sensitive but he used some words that are you know they're shocking yeah but yeah he said uh i forget he said um yeah they all wanted to fuck me but i don't i don't bullshit and i don't suck cock i was laughing it's fair dude the way he said it too i i love that kind of certainty in people or that confidence he knows who he is he knows who he is which is a man hot guy from mars who drinks his own piss but he knows it he's the best i do love him man have you have you always had that perspective like this is just a hot guy who's telling me to do weird shit or yeah a little bit where sometimes i'm like i just i think about often how just as important of what you're selling is like
Starting point is 00:06:28 the packaging of who's selling it right i mean even someone like uh who's the i'm not your guru guy my brain's from tony someone like tony robbins like he looks massive like the way even when he claps his hands i think there's the the boom of his voice i think it's all part of what makes him uh captivating and convincing right no yeah you're much more uh street smart than i am because i whenever i see a hot guy who's says he whatever he does i'm like that's got to be it because i think people say we want safety and security but really at the core we won't love safety security i think but the core we want to be hot yeah i don't think it's all the way wrong i mean it makes i i think you should listen to someone who looks like they are the thing
Starting point is 00:07:18 they're talking about like if they were like a frumpy loser who looked like life had beaten the shit out of him i wouldn't want to listen to that person either but i guess i just try to like troubleshoot my brain and and i don't do an effective job there's people i'm susceptible to but i'm like uh like wait does that just make sense because you get away with that because you're a person who can pull it off right yeah i buy a hook line and sinker but know, you already are the hot guy. I don't know. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:07:47 No, I'm not like Troy Casey. I prefer... For me? Your spin, yeah. Are you for real right now? Yeah. Thanks, man. So, if I would drink my pee, maybe you'd be down?
Starting point is 00:08:00 I think that might be what makes you better than him in my mind. I don't. Yeah. This is getting pretty romantic. You guys want to bring in Snorkler? Oh, he's ready? Yeah, bring in Snorkler. Hello.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Snorkle man, what's cooking? Talk to us, booty Snorkler. Yeah. Dude, before we get into the girlfriend issue, and hey, I'm sorry, brother, that sucks, but how'd you come up with the screen name? Booty Snorkeler. So it spelled wrong.
Starting point is 00:08:34 It says Snorockler. That was just a mistake. But yeah, I came up with it, felt really good about it, and I went with it. That's awesome. Have you tried it, felt really good about it, and I went with it. That's awesome. Have you tried it, booty snorkeling? Not with a mask on. Nice, free diving. Yeah, I've definitely snorkeled.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yeah. I haven't eaten much, but what are you getting out of it? eaten much but what are you getting out of it um neither have i jt but uh i don't know it's kind of an ethereal experience you feel like you kind of leave your normal life and you go somewhere somewhere new yeah i go somewhere more new somewhere nice more clean is it forbidden I think society says it is but not to me is that part of what makes it special mm-hmm so why not make your screen name booty eater instead of why why why do you want to put on the snorkel i think the mask visualized is just hilarious munching mask on right
Starting point is 00:09:57 if it was just your face and just you know some cheeks it's not that funny that's just awesome yeah really cool and you know i don't even really want to get into the the muck of what happened with you and the lady unless you do brother but uh did she ever let you snorkel um a little bit yeah but uh it's really not my thing it's more of just the name I thought it was funny okay well just for the record Boo Snorkeler I really enjoy it thanks man
Starting point is 00:10:36 yeah it grabbed our attention you got anything fun on the docket this weekend get your mind off stuff probably just drinking some beers with the boys you got a good group of friends yeah yeah they're pretty good they're pretty good let's go man um but with with the lady thing um i'll keep it brief um i go to a school that's not in the same state as the school that she goes to so it's like we're a state over and i think that just kind of was difficult to maneuver and uh it's it's kind of it's kind of shitty because like she she keeps the door wide open
Starting point is 00:11:27 um like i don't think we're fully over yet based on how she's talking and there's this uh there's this music festival in may coming up that she wants to like see me at that she wants to like see me at and like i don't know it's just it's pretty complicated with the with the whole distance thing i guess did you feel like uh you two were kind of starting to grow apart did you anticipate uh some semi-ending to the relationship? A little bit. Like, you know, the texts start happening less frequently, I guess.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Mm-hmm. And that's all, but... What year are you in college? I'm a senior. And you guys have been together for all of college uh we've been together for just under a year now it's tough man i don't know i don't i guess i i would like to hear you saying that you're kind of in charge of the direction of your romantic life i mean i know it takes two
Starting point is 00:12:44 to tango and we're always working with someone else and, and, you know, we got to reach out to them, but they got to reach out to us too. And I don't know if she's, you know, treating you totally well right now by kind of being wishy-washy about it,
Starting point is 00:12:58 which is okay. It's human, but. Yeah. And like, like weekend, uh, she, she came where she's from from here the state that I live in
Starting point is 00:13:09 I don't want to say which state but uh we had just like a great great weekend together and then like she pulled the rug out a little bit she pulled the rug out a little bit JT
Starting point is 00:13:23 yeah she's playing fast and loose with it brother I think I think but like my question is should I just like hang my hat on meeting up with her again at the music festival here in a
Starting point is 00:13:45 month. And like, no, I think, I think, I think you should do something else that week. I think you should plan a trip somewhere. I think you should go snorkeling in Belize.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And then I think you should find someone's butt to burrow into there. And I think that'll have two effects. You'll not think about her. And I think she'll have two effects you'll not think about her and i think she'll actually think about you a lot more because of that because i'm snorkeling yeah because you're doing your own thing and and that's a powerful thing yeah yeah you're yeah i think um you don't want to hang on to this idea of you'll see her in a month and that'll be great. And then maybe you'll get back together fully.
Starting point is 00:14:31 That's just, you're just torturing yourself. You're putting yourself through hell. cutting the cord and living your life putting that snorkel on and finding some butt for this next month is the move and i think you'll feel a lot better and i think you know like jt was saying if you're doing your own thing if you're not sort of trying to reach out to her and trying to get her back then she'll be suddenly way more interested again she'll be the one calling into podcasts that's right and also right you don't have to be eating bun in belize i mean that is a catch-all for also just having a nice conversation with a girl over my ties yeah just just connecting with someone in that clear water
Starting point is 00:15:22 getting their background while you look at their fat jugs right right and well if i had the finances to do that i would but like i'm a college kid so i might just hit the swimming pool brother that's even better look for something there yeah mom lem says you're young, move on, enjoy life. I got to agree. Agreed. You know, you are the booty snorkeler. You know who you are.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And, you know. Yeah, man. I'm a Jordanier. I'm 23, so. Get it, dude. I better get out there and win the championship. You know what i mean and dude also are your pants on right now
Starting point is 00:16:07 oh they're they're heavily on yeah maybe be naked for the rest of the night hey you could join uh jt's sun gazing crew he doesn't nude yeah we stare at the sun with our brother and you're invited oh yeah okay all right well hang in there yeah i appreciate talking to you guys man this it really helps of course man yeah we're here for you we got you brother stay strong booty you are strong all right good guy yeah he's going through it it's just things people uh grandma dominator says chase some butt also a great name grandma dominator i'd be interested to hear why it's not just mom dominator mom dominator grandma dominator oh yeah i guess you get more of the family tree under your
Starting point is 00:17:06 domination dominion if you hit the grandma yeah it's like if i had sex with like bill walsh did i have sex with everyone in his coaching tree that'd be awesome yeah you get like andy reed really oh yeah it goes deep wow pretty sweet i'd snorkel that butt oh uh one of the guys i play xbox with his name is god's grandfather doesn't that sound kind of legendary like he's higher than god type shit yeah wow yeah like zeus had a dad and he killed him very edible who's also a greek guy i don't know what's going on with those people grandma dominator says name was taken had to move up a generation oh someone was already mom dominator
Starting point is 00:17:54 hello hello oh what's up fellas sorry that was a little heat man man. What's up, dude? How you living, man? Pretty good, man. You got a nice voice. What's going on? Oh, I'm just calling in about some advice about drinking specifically. Hell yeah. Lay it on us, brother. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Let's see. So I'm a freshman in college. Nice. And like, I grew up religious, so I wasn't like drinking most of my life, or I haven't drunk yet. So I'm just like looking for some advice, like maybe you guys' experiences about like drinking for your first time. I'll tell you the first time I did it was New York City. Got a fat bottle of corona which i was
Starting point is 00:18:47 super stoked on got fat ball corona drank like half of it and i was like i don't feel anything and i was on the streets of new york and then i start walking funny and i was like oh my god i start dying laughing at my buddy we just like laughing each other's face i was like this is amazing i'm drunk um so i guess my advice from that story would be do it with some close friends i don't think i would do it in like a huge environment for the that's kind of crazy you did in new york city because there's a lot of variables there a lot of variables rats homeless yeah police on horses that's huge but we did go to his mom's apartment or his parents apartment and then we just like we're doing weird high school yeah like jacking off and shit yeah yeah we jacked off yeah so to the caller um i would just find some close friends
Starting point is 00:19:47 you could do it with and just have fun just like take it easy the first time maybe play some video games while you're doing it okay yeah that sounds fun i uh i was just go ahead go ahead you go okay i was just gonna say um uh i. You go. Okay. I was just going to say, um, uh, I'm just like worried. I'm going to like, like go off the deep end when I first start,
Starting point is 00:20:11 like I'm going to like it too much. Right. Uh, no, I'm going to be fine. I have, have you, have you experimented with any substances?
Starting point is 00:20:22 No, I'm no, I'm cold Turkey. Yeah. You're a nice guy, dude. You're going to be all right. Does addiction run in your family or something, though?
Starting point is 00:20:30 No, no. My whole family is religious. I think that's why I said he'd be all right because I could sense that. I think you're just hypervigilant and you're anxious about doing something bad. So you've heard so much programming about people holding onto fireworks for too long
Starting point is 00:20:44 that you think it's worst case scenario, but you'll be be fine you'll just have a good time and it'll be chill okay yeah yeah i would get like a get like a brewski get like a uh dude i mean you could get a corona you could get something is there like a beer or any kind of drink that you've always admired from afar like that looks like it'd be fun to drink? I was just thinking about that. Wine looks like it tastes so good. It just looks like juice. Oh, you're going to hate it.
Starting point is 00:21:16 But that's part of the process. I've been told it doesn't taste very good, which is disappointing. If you're starting, I would go white. White's a little easier than red. Red's better, but it takes a while. That's my opinion. pointing i would go if you're starting i would go white white's a little easier than red red's better but it takes a while that's my opinion i got i got some advice for him um just don't mix yes and beer yeah or different liquors yes that'll make you puke just stick to one drink
Starting point is 00:21:39 take it nice and slow have a good time and't mix. That's when you start getting sick. Jake, good practical advice, dude. And also, have a glass of water after every drink. Yeah. And then, so you're 19? I'm 20. Okay. So this is illegal.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But I still think we should proceed. Because I think 20 is old enough to have a couple pops. Yeah. But just to be safe. Yeah. there, can like an uncle be there? I think, well, my older brother, my oldest brother's drink, but I feel like it would be like my buddies in college that I probably drink with for the first time. Maybe have an older brother there. Somebody could watch out for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I mean, I think, here's what i think will happen i think you'll have a blast i think you'll have a hangover and be like oh dude i'm hung over uh but probably won't be that bad because you're young and i think you'll probably be like i assume you know what i thought before i did anything is like i thought i'd go similar to i thought i'd go nuts because you just have that idea and then you you do drink for the first time and it's like not as overwhelming as you thought it would be the only thing that's been that way has been like mushrooms or but you know i thought i was gonna have that when i did mushrooms and i was like oh i'm just a happy monkey i think i think a lot of problems come from repetitive yeah uh abuse or from uh you know the lack of inhibition
Starting point is 00:23:11 maybe you do something crazy but i think that's why it's important to have someone trustworthy around yeah who can keep you right in like who makes sure you don't drive and make sure you're not like right you know walking on ledges and who you're not like getting into someone's face or you know the things that fuck you up yeah and yeah and start small just have like a brew okay and and you oh dude give your do you have like girls you're crushing on and shit like you're sweet on uh not really not at the moment well when you get drunk you you're going to start thinking about him. So give your phone to one of your friends and don't. Oh, dude. Yeah, I used to do that all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I know. First time I got drunk, I called my ex, Amanda. I was like, hey, what's up? Yeah. Oh, dude, I did that. The girl across the hall from me in college, I called her 30 times one night. And then the next day was not chill. I mean, she was pretty cool but i think they all thought i was a psycho then we ended up dating hey sometimes you know they feel like they trust you after they've seen you yeah and she saw me she could see across the hallway she saw a snorkel on
Starting point is 00:24:17 me and she's like okay this guy knows what he's doing yeah he's marooned a couple yeah drinking and texting that is just destructive as hell. But you'll be alright. Keep us posted on how it goes. You know what, dude? You can text us that night, and we'll be your trustworthy buddies. Yeah. DM me on Instagram. Yeah. Let me know in advance the night you're doing it so I can be available.
Starting point is 00:24:37 For sure, yeah. Dude, Jason Sandoval's in here. Dude, you're the man. I always see his comments. He's hilarious. What up, Jason? Your friends aren't too much man i always see his comments he's hilarious what up jason your friends aren't too much of hooligans right jason what up dog uh no i mean they i mean i've had to i don't know get them back in their beds when they come back a little too drunk but i think that's like a rare occurrence so i've never really i don't know they're responsible everyone's got to be so psyched that you're drinking for the first time huh uh yeah I mean yeah well they've like tried to like
Starting point is 00:25:11 give me the drink stuff but I don't know I'm like I'm like worried about like health stuff too and like worried about my first time so you know I've always kind of turned it down but I mean I've always alluded I like okay maybe one Yeah. You're a great guy. Yeah. You're going to be just fine. And be safe. Be with someone who's trustworthy and responsible if you do it. And start small.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Don't do shots. All right. Well, good luck, buddy. Thanks for calling in. All right. Yeah. Thanks for the advice fellas of course man i'm sorry yeah nice guy what a sweet kid dude um on the congress thing when we were coming back from the sacramento airport we ran into a guy who's a fan of ours it was really
Starting point is 00:25:59 nice and he used to work in the government in one of the executive cabinets oh really and yeah we were talking to him about that process and basically i'll make some of this stuff up because he didn't tell me i could talk about he didn't say no but i don't know so like he worked in agriculture and there was a big kind of health hazard that was happening in that industry and so he was in front of the sitting president at the time and i was asking him what that was like. And basically, he was in charge of getting new regulations in place with all the corporations to make sure people were safe, but the corporations were pushing back. So he found like four, he wanted to do like 12 regulations, but he found four that the companies would agree to do. And then he
Starting point is 00:26:40 brought that before the president. And the president was like, hey, this isn't enough. brought that before the president and the president was like hey this isn't enough you need to make sure these people are safe but the president's advisors had already told him you can only do four because they were also in bed with the corporations but they hadn't told the president that so he wasn't allowed to call out the president's staff yeah and be like hey man it's your own staff that's like working against your agenda wow and he had to like fall on his sword and be like okay i'm sorry mr president it's my fault it's my fault wow and then it really was a good snapshot into politics where i was like oh maybe sometimes these presidents do want to do the right thing but they have to get so much simplified information in front of them because they can't take on the totality of the world that they're not may not even be getting
Starting point is 00:27:23 yeah the facts on how they can fix stuff yeah the corporations have infected the the advisors and all that yeah and everything ended up working out like it was like a it was like a cold season so whatever those seeds were didn't even grow and so we got out of it without a thing interesting and the guy was a good dude and now he works in the private sector and i liked him a lot uh but um and he seemed like he you know he got into this stuff for all the right reasons yeah that's cool he's on your plane on your flight we saw him at the uh at the terminal right before we hopped on the plane when we were grabbing some grubby i think he'd be good to call in anonymously to the pod sometime just to hear some cool stories
Starting point is 00:28:06 he was just rambling about cool things behind the scenes that nobody knows yeah and he basically also told us like yeah don't uh like i think a lot of politicians are working really hard to make the world better but what you hear coming out of their mouths has been like so focus grouped and is part of so many different agendas that you shouldn't trust any of it yeah what's up stokers we have perineum sun club merch available now check this out you want to join the sun club if you want to represent sunning your taint up on shop.chat and jt.com we got shirts we got long sleeve shirts we got sweatshirts we got oh we got crew neck sweatshirt everything's beautiful the flower is gorge it's a great line of clothes it's funny but it's also appealing and i you know i wear this stuff everywhere people love it and if you're worried about being like quote-unquote inappropriate
Starting point is 00:29:05 which it's not it's a holistic practice no one has said anything like no one can tell unless they're in the know you know what i mean yeah it's a dog whistle of chill yeah and then also dude how remarkable that in contemporary society it is inappropriate to want to be healthy that's what the movement is about that's what the movement is about that fires me up shop.chat and jt.com you can get the link in youtube description or our links on our instagrams and stuff also we are in fort worth dallas area this freaking weekend thursday through saturday it's gonna be sick yeah come out because you know what i don't think the ticket sales are great for this one right no and i don't say that to be self-deprecating i mean you guys
Starting point is 00:29:57 are missing out our san francisco and sacramento shows we're fire fire it's a good time yeah and i want to see you guys there the more people that come the more energy we bring the more energy you give and then we could potentially hang out afterwards it's all a big massive swing you gotta come out we're also in tempe next week sales are looking good for that tempe is good do we do well in that market yeah and we're definitely going out after that one. Yeah. My mom will be there. Really? Yeah. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:27 So my mom will be there. Guys, come out to Tempe. What else do we have? Netflix is a joke. So the first show sold out for Netflix is a joke. There's a second show that night, West Side Comedy Theater in LA. We're also in Pasadena at the Ice House, April 19th. Which is the nicest comedy club in America now.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's the Lakers own it. The Lakers bus owns it. The bestest son, Jerry or Jim. It's a J-bus thing. One of the buses. He made it feel like the Lakers players lounge in the 80s. The Arlington Draft House if you're in Washington, D.C. Come out there.
Starting point is 00:31:03 We love Washington, D.C. Then Santa Cruz, Ventura, Jersey City, Atlantic City, Seattle, Portland. draft house if you're in washington dc come out there we love washington dc then santa cruz ventura jersey city atlantic city seattle portland philadelphia boston san diego boston looks hot we're selling real good there that's yeah sorry to focus on the sales guys but it's just uh it's an easy way to quantify it the shows are all fun no matter what it's such a gift that i get to perform but we we want it to be packed out because that it's when it's when the room's packed out it just feels like more of a party it's insane like the san francisco one was like you know sold out and it was just like you can feel that this is an event yeah there's energy there it was epic so get your tickets at chad and jt.com chad and jt.com guys we love chatting with you on the
Starting point is 00:31:46 phone it is so much fun everyone who calls in is a legend and you can call in as well at 323-418-2019 that's 323-418-2019 hello hey hi whoa whoa what up what up how are y'all good how are you playing it cool whatever yeah what up this is chad jt hi hello i just want to say i'm huge fan thank you thank you um so i wanted to call how are you guys tonight yeah we're hanging yeah just chilling good awesome um so i sent in a question a few like weeks ago and i was super excited that you guys texted back um so pretty much i um like moved to follow my dreams i went and got my master's in europe and then i moved to la um and i kind of like lived it up big out there and i had to move back because of some financial reasons and my parents were going through a
Starting point is 00:33:05 nasty divorce and I wanted to move back out to LA and I wondered if you guys had any tips on how to be budget friendly and also follow your dreams like kind kind of, I know comedy, I work in fashion. I know your girlfriend is a stylist as well, Chad. I wanted to see if you guys had any tips on like, I know comedy is, I don't know if you guys started out with any other, like, jobs in the service industry, as well as, like, working on comedy and entertainment, and then, like, what the balance is, and how to, you know, kind of start out in your career. I think, so you want to work in fashion? i think uh so you want to work in fashion yeah so i got my master's in fashion styling and i moved to la for like my dream internship with a celebrity stylist but um it was unpaid
Starting point is 00:34:15 like a lot of things in fashion and i think entertainment as well yeah um yeah and so it so it's tough to find find jobs in fashion you kind of have to start at the bottom and then it's tough to sort of absolutely yeah yeah and i don't mind grinding at all i just like need to know the balance and like i don't really have a roadmap nobody in my family does it i mean can you do you can you get an assistant job i know that sounds like kind of like well if i could i would but i always think that's a good way yeah because you got the internship experience so if you can just assistant for someone who's like a fucking nightmare like somebody just burns through assistance every like three months there's a lot of them in los angeles yeah and they make you do things that
Starting point is 00:35:08 are like way outside the job description but if you can hang with them a little bit like miranda priest and uh devil wears prada i think that's yeah that's the top move if you can't do that i mean i drove uber but i also i got i i did an unpaid internship and then i i became a pa at a place that paid pretty d's chad yeah i just surf school so i was doing comedy and surfing i i think i think um especially early like you're in your 20s still yeah i'm 24 yeah i think you know i don't think balance in your 20s should be a goal smart go all in go 100 you know just do it make it your life make the only thing that you're doing you know obviously but yeah make like when we were doing open mics we were just doing open mics yeah you're doing it every night
Starting point is 00:36:05 you just you get around other people who are really focused and committed to it and uh it'll get you moving yeah and i think i think too like when you're doing something you love when you're like pursuing a dream when you're just every day you feel yourself just getting maybe a little bit close you may you might not feel it every day but just like getting a little bit closer and starting to build your way up that's the best feeling in the world just working in in the space that you love and i think you know balance and all that kind of stuff that can come later i think i think go for it if if this is what you want to do just go 110 percent yeah i'm i'm a i'm a rich kid too so i had it kind of easy um i said that i say that with humility uh i didn't really do you had you had a good support system yeah but so i would say this take advantage of a rich kid
Starting point is 00:36:58 find some rich kid you can like crash at his place i've had friends who stayed at other rich people's places and rich kids like as long as you don't call them out on it they're very generous yeah jake where do you go yeah i would say like i sort of moved out here on a whim but i would say take chances and like send dms to people you look up to um and see if there's literally anything anything that you can do you know um like some people just need something simple done but then that's a way to like get in and get your name there and then meet connections through them so and i have like kind of a stupid question have you found more like success through dms or emails because i've been on the email grind yeah i find dms are a little bit easier just because like
Starting point is 00:37:52 you have a picture and a face of like hey here i'm this person i kind of like enjoy snowboarding or i like enjoy podcasting um and then they can kind of see that and kind of see like a little bit of a personality and be like hey this person might be great to be yeah uh producer on my show or this guy might be good at cutting clips you know whatever you you're good at i would say too jake has a skill set like he's a really good editor he's a very good camera guy and so we met him editing um or engineering rather a podcast at another studio and people are always looking for people who have certain skills so i don't know if even if it's you with social media or you're good at editing or you're good at like hemming or sewing a dress like if you got a skill set that's in
Starting point is 00:38:36 big supply and in the moment i think you'll you'll find temporary work and that can lead to permanent work yeah yeah yeah like what is there something you're really good at with fashion yeah so in school i um i was really good conceptually coming up with ideas and i'm a really hard worker i was the like liaison between the working professionals and the students like the class representative so I I will work to the bone and then conceptually pairing clothes with ideas was kind of my thing so you got good interpersonal skills and you're creative all right yeah there's gonna be a lot of you but you but you sound smart so i think you got a good shot just
Starting point is 00:39:25 just give him hell yes sir thank you oh sorry yeah uh matthew hyde says to follow andy elliott on instagram too he'll keep you motivated yeah he's a sale he sells cars oh okay yeah andy elliott yeah you got it but he he'll he'll instill that grinding oh my i've i've so seen this guy and you gotta be ripped yeah you gotta be yeah yeah if you're trying to join andy's army you know make sure you have a six-pack yeah and don't be afraid to call someone a bitch yeah oh yeah so mom lem suggests get a job at a merchandise company that sells items for their show or podcast okay
Starting point is 00:40:14 yeah like merch yeah merch oh yeah those companies are kicking yeah try kozak yeah kozak is ours okay kozak awesome alright well god blessak is ours. Okay, Kozak. Awesome. All right, well, God bless you. Thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 00:40:28 God bless you, too. Yeah, on my way out to California the first time, my dad was driving with me, and he never heard you guys before. And we first went through all the drafts, then we went through episodes from South Carolina all the way to California. And now he's a stoker too. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Shout out my dad. Shout out your dad. That's awesome. Yeah. That's so cool. Awesome. Well, best of luck. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Thank you so much. Late. Just a bunch of nice people. Yeah. That's what's up. I think I didn't really like want to say this to her but you have to be able to accept rejection as well when you're sending messages like not everybody's gonna want your help but somebody will eventually
Starting point is 00:41:12 and then that person is the person that's gonna get you to the next step or you can ride with them forever but you just have to like get your foot in the door you got to have thick skin if you want to be good at anything yeah people are gonna think you're dumb they're to think you're a loser they're going to be rooting for you to fail you just need one yes you just need one yes you just need one yeah dude i was doing that fake tan for a while but it just clogs my pores was it giving you acne yeah really yeah it's making my skin break out oh interesting doesn't that suck yeah because you think you found such a silver bullet i know dude damn i know i want it to work damn i'm gonna change up my regimen a little bit i talked to
Starting point is 00:41:50 some friends who do it and they were like oh you wear it in the morning then you wash it off at night but i don't know man it seems like a lot of work it's supposed to be non-combogenic but my shit was combogenic yeah man all that routine too i'm gonna keep chasing it though yeah i'm not giving up i'm gonna be tan how much do you want the bronze i want it bad yeah but i don't want to the sun is gonna catch up to me i'm getting at that age now where it's not like oh i'm tan today and i'll be you know of football another day the football is today football's coming the football is here i think you'd be a good football nah man thank you though dude what about this uh guy in haiti oh the youtuber got kidnapped is he still kidnapped yeah no he's freed what'd he say so streamer arab kidnapped in haiti allegedly with
Starting point is 00:42:49 a ransom of six hundred thousand dollars so a youtuber got kidnapped going to haiti should have gone with colin farrell and jamie lee fox you know one of the crew members got shot on vice yeah and then jimmy fox was like hey we're shooting the finish in miami yeah yeah insane so a-rab was kidnapped is it arab or A-Rab? Chat, can you help me out? I think you're right. It's A-Rab.
Starting point is 00:43:36 So A-Rab was in Haiti. But he go-funded me. People think he's taking the cash on it, right? I don't mean to be a cheap cynic. They think he f he's taking the cash on it right i don't mean to be uh right a cheap cynic they think they think he faked it yeah yeah i think it's it's sort of a yeah they're both kind of conspiracies both ways nobody really knows exactly what happened it's a while i mean it also makes sense that if someone's high profile and looks like they have a lot of cash that if you're streaming all the time and you're in a country where there's a ton of crime someone would kidnap you totally that when it first happened i i felt terrible for the guy but i was like oh this sounds
Starting point is 00:44:08 like a very contemporary action story that's very plausible i mean when i first saw the story i thought it was pretty hilarious that's what i meant of someone just be like what's up y'all just made it to haiti i'm gonna talk to the top crime lord just be like streaming like tied up what's up y'all this kind of sucks this guy's like a popular rapper in haiti he had like 300 000 followers on tiktok but he's been recruiting uh people into his gang via social media they just banned him on a bunch of different platforms yeah there's his name iso he literally just broke a ton of guys out of prison filmed it and all the prisoners are like chanting his name wow and saying like how he owns the president wow i think the government there is in a rough shape oh that's scary i know it's pretty terrifying yeah the thing is too like
Starting point is 00:44:56 with these irl streamers is the security is not good at all you're basically showing exactly where you are at all times even fans quote-unquote are called snipers because they just go find these people and harass them um so it's not really uh you got to be careful when you're irl streaming you know yeah accessibility has its downsides so there's like a there's this thing called live stream fail which is just uh pretty much where it's all videos where things uh this was sick if you guys haven't seen this sorry no this is what you do dude change up but this is wow this is from iss space station this is the they're streaming yes they do stream actually nasa does that's the shadow that's how big it is and then this
Starting point is 00:45:45 is the coast of new york it's it moved across the whole you know wait over the earth when the eclipse happened yeah this is the black whoa this so it was like super close to new york that's creepy yeah this is new york right about here it's coming over the top of the coast right now yeah that's why they say that's why they say it's evil. It looks malevolent as shit. They also said that it was perfectly timed with the space station. Like, just naturally. They didn't alter the movement or anything, which is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Oh, I just got the chills. I was thinking about this the other day do you think it's funny that we're like born and the earth and while we're here we're like oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck and then we die yeah it's so stupid it's so stupid and we spend so much time being like that's like this and that's like that and what about this yeah it's like that. And what about this? Yeah. It's like, good luck. And every, every like fear, if you trace it, leads to a fear of dying. But death is inevitable. It's coming no matter what you do.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah. Although I do like these guys who are like, hey, we got a way around it. Well, I was thinking about that too. It's like, it's like, you like you know how do how do we know like the guys who want to be immortal right like rick herswell what do we how do we know that this isn't like the worst plane of existence like what if let's say for example you make yourself immortal or you live for like 2 000 years and then you die and then you meet god and he's like bro you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:47:25 stay down there for like 30 years you stayed down there for a thousand that was like brutal dude yeah i guess i guess their hope is that like there won't be any punitive thing about staying here extra time it would be funny though if those guys live to like 2 000 when they get up there they're like well now you got to be old as shit in this next part if you would have died early you would have been living young right you're in heaven you got to be like a thousand year old dude in heaven yeah there's almost like this weird optimism from them that there is no god but if there is a god he'll be chill about us trying to play god right but they don't know that and god could be a petulant kid playing a board game and be like you broke my rules so now you get to prison yeah yeah dude i mean you never know
Starting point is 00:48:11 which honestly would kind of make me laugh that'd be pretty hilarious if god was like that yeah rick kurzweil he's like look at rick kurzweil look at that bitch yeah he tried to be on a leash yeah he could be god and then i make him get a sunburn all the time he's wearing like a gimp mask yeah i i do think about it you know what else i think about that like that too is like when you're tripping out about something now and then think about what you were tripping out about five years ago i know and how dumb did you how dumb do you think about you five years ago when you think about this shit you were like fights i had with girlfriend like because i'll get in a fight with my lovely girlfriend now who i love so much but we'll just find a way to get into a shit yeah and then i'll think back to a fight i had with another girlfriend 10 years ago i was like well
Starting point is 00:48:54 that was about the dumbest fucking thing that ever happened yeah it's so uh i know i'm reading this book by um david hawkins that teaches you how to like how to like look at your feelings objectively and let them go. It's been so great because whether it's like fear or resentment or anything where you just trace it like, oh, this is because I'm fearful. This is because I have insecurity. This is because or even like money. You know, you get fearful about money. About having money. Or even like money, you know, you get fearful about money. Scary.
Starting point is 00:49:22 About having money. And then you're like, you trace it back with like, it trace it back like, well, then if I don't, then I just die. You know what I mean? Right. Which might not be that bad. Yeah. You can stop worrying about it.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah. And it's like, and it's just, it helps to instill this knowing of like, no matter what, I'll be okay. helps to instill this knowing of like no matter what i'll be okay like yeah just it just this kind of trust as opposed to this panic of like i don't make this much this month and what's gonna you know it's like when it's fine it's an adventure it's not it doesn't need to be perfectly comfortable all the time it's there's ups and downs it's a journey i think that's that's the healthiest mindset especially i think for like uh i think some people thrive on the panic and some people need to frame it elsewhere you got to find the right
Starting point is 00:50:14 frame for yeah yeah like what's working for you how you thinking about it yeah dude it's funny too i'm like because we're coming into an election year and i think the entertainment industry is struggling i think a lot of people are really struggling right now oh yeah and like i'm not it's not some sad song but it's just the reality of it yeah is there a president who's better for the entertainment industry dude the rock the rock just comes to mind if he was was the Prez, would we be... I mean, but, you know, maybe... Would agents and managers cut their commissions to 5%? To maybe. But would they all be corny also?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Right. Would they all be corny? But literally, whatever president says he's going to bring back the TV packages of old and boost residuals and cut agent i love our agents managers but cut cut their cut i'd be like that's my guy dude dude that would go around just that platform i wonder if trump could get hollywood if he did all that yeah no one would say it but everyone would vote for him if he said all that stuff oh yeah and you know what the truth is i think a lot of people are actually voting for him a lot of people are gonna vote for him if he said all that stuff oh yeah and you know what the truth is i think a lot of people are actually voting for him a lot of people are gonna vote for him this time well that's it
Starting point is 00:51:27 i've been wrong about so many things too i'm like oh man i'm way off yeah i'm just they should call me way off i don't know anything i i listen i listen to my buddy who's hiding from the eclipse in the parking garage you know so don't listen to me all right should we call someone hello what's up dog what's good what's up dog how you living brother uh this is bus driver what up bus driver um not much how are you guys doing good man good man you drive a bus today uh no well that's the thing dude even a lawnmower is only mowing the lawn hour out of the week that's true um dude first of all i have called in before and i talked about how i broke up with my girlfriend and you guys were like
Starting point is 00:52:19 nah dude why are you even calling in you're're good. And I want to say thank you. Oh, nice. I was like, oh, dude, you're right. I am good. What are you talking about? What am I even calling in for? Oh, I remember you. This was fairly recent, right?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Remember D-Thor? Was this Will and Liam's? You guys made a riff on D-Thor? Did you call him when Will and Liam were on? What? Did you call him when will and liam were on what did you call in when are you talking about the architect guy oh yeah it's just architect no oh oh this is bus driver my bad dethor bro but anyways uh i have a i had a crazy conversation with my buddies the other night, and I wanted to let you guys know what you guys think. Yeah, hit us, baby. My friend O-Dog was like,
Starting point is 00:53:12 dude, you got to get with a fat chick. And I was like, what? And D-Thor was also like, what are you talking about? And he's like, yeah, fat chicks give better blowjobs. And I was like, what? And he swears by it. He says they got something to prove. Listen, man, when you call in here, you got to have something better than that.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I mean, look, these are conversations we've all had. But we're trying to do something a little bit more hybrid outow here i'm trying and i don't i mean it with no judgment i mean there's you know it's all it's all conversation and my numbers are clear but come on man god damn it all right my bad guys no you're good man you're good bus driver i hope you do get your you know your hog i think you totally should man break the break the mendoza line and have some fun with someone that was the that was the that was the precursor to the night and then we were like let's go out but you know you know my thing yeah my my thing is this like i i don't i like having variety in who you're dating and and trying all things but remember you know that's a person and you gotta treat them then that's
Starting point is 00:54:35 not like a character i feel bad saying that out loud no it's all i get it man i've said i'm not that kind of person i know i know i know I've said worse and probably done stuff but like I just you know come on you know be nice be nice I don't know man but was that your story well
Starting point is 00:54:58 then that night we were also talking about like body counts and stuff too and his body count was really high yours and then i was like no not mine i'm like i'm not crazy or anything you know but this guy was oh dogs was up there and uh he was like you just gotta lower your standards a little bit you know and i was like i think guys who sleep with a lot of people the part of the key is is that they they're they're happy to sleep with
Starting point is 00:55:29 all sorts of different people their standards are more about the experience than the the you know uh conventional beauty of someone right and yeah i like, I don't know if like, I mean, I get it. Like you're just, you just want to do it just to like, fuck. But I don't know. I just, but I did do it that night. I did just go out that night with that intention in that in mind.
Starting point is 00:55:59 And it happened. You hooked up with someone? Yeah. Nice job bus driver. Good. but i was not like stoked on it yeah yeah that happens i uh i think uh yeah i think uh teach his own don't don't try to be like oh dog don't try to be like d thor just be bus driver dude d thor says says he doesn't wash and condition his hair. Yeah, I mean, he's Thor.
Starting point is 00:56:30 He's the god of thunder. And D-Thor, I love D-Thor. He listens to you guys. He's probably listening right now. Dude, D-Thor, what up? And bro, I admire how like brand new you sound. How brand new I sound? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Oh, thank you uh doc holiday says oh dog is a bad influence what do you think about that bus driver uh he probably is but you but you're a good influence so you need that kind of like the magnet yeah that's true yeah we uh we do balance each other out and we have a lot of fun yeah i mean dude i love a good douche yeah it's a fun motley crew you love a good douche dethor if you're listening what up dude oh dog yeah stay chill brother he loves you guys hey we love you guys too love you guys. Hey, we love you guys, too. We love you, too. Have fun, man. We're glad you got laid the other night.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Thanks for telling us. We love you. Love you, doggy. Now there's more of this story. We started talking about body counts that one's kind of on me i screened a lot of these but some of these were just no that was a great one he's a good dude yeah bus driver's hilarious yeah he called in last time so that you know he yeah let's keep having him back he's rock solid let's have uh you guys want to try this guy yeah you know what it is it's like if one of my good friends was talking to me about that i could pick on him about it but i would also
Starting point is 00:58:07 like no he's like a good dude underneath it's and i should give this guy the benefit of the doubt but i don't i don't know him as well so someone it's like if you if you're just meeting someone and they're like do you think fat chicks give better head you're just like whoa whoa whoa the thing is you can tell from his voice he's a a good guy. You can tell he's very sweet. He's got, you know, and he's young. And I think O-Dog is getting in his head. And maybe he's such a nice guy that he's never even thought to have those kind of conversations before. So for him to have him, it's like groundbreaking stuff. It's a true renovation.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I was going to say renovation. And renovation, too. He just remodeled his fucking dome. Yeah. Got some dome, dude. But I can tell you this, brother. O-Dog is going to be in rehab for Percocet in five years. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Whoa. Is this O-Dog? is this odog nah nah this is jake oh jake what up dude wait did someone tell us i got seven months sober so oh congratulations man nice work oh thanks i didn't i didn didn't realize Jake had hit call. Did you get your six-month chip? No, I'm not really into the meeting. Oh, dude, hey, good for you, man. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It takes all kinds. All gravy, baby. Yeah. So, Jake, what's good, dude? What ails you? Or do you just want to chat? No, so I've been going to the gym like six or seven days a week. Nice.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And there's this beautiful girl there. Like, absolute 10, right? And I was talking to my friend about her in the sauna while she was next to me. And he texted me, go talk to her. And there was, keep in mind, there were like eight or nine guys in the sauna. She was the only girl. And he texted me, go talk to her. I was like, sitting next to her in the sauna right now.
Starting point is 01:00:19 She's the only girl. And there's a bunch of dudes, not the time. Already uncomfortable for her. As a bukkake can break out at any second she couldn't do shit about it oh boy she and then i realized she read that over my shoulder oh wow and then and shouldn't have brought my phone in the sauna but she read that over my shoulder kind of like got up looked at me and he discussed it oh wow oh and then she left yeah dipped right away oh damn yeah man so you didn't talk to her nah but i'm gonna see her again yeah you know what man leave her alone that's the plan
Starting point is 01:01:11 i think i think you got about a you know if she's there in a year still i think then you've paid your penance and you can be like hey can I borrow the bench And try to chatter up But I think you gotta be on best behavior for a while Avoid the eye contact At all costs Be deferential be very apologetic In your shoulders and attitude Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:37 But I mean I thought I was being you know like Considerate That I wasn't Yeah no I mean dude If it wasn't for the bukkake line it's the bukkaks yeah she would have been like she would have been charmed yeah because the first the first top thing i'm like oh this is going to be cute and then the second thing once you bring in the bukkaks it's just kind of a a good... The vibe's kind of not there.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I wouldn't ever do that, though. Nah, nah, bro, bro, we got you. But you... No. And where is the Sonico at? Where is this? Yeah. New York City.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Oh. I feel like, you know, man, there's plenty of fish in the sea, especially in a big ocean like New York. I would just be very nice to this person and not in my heightened energy. So I guess that kind of brings me to this question. I mean, I probably shouldn't be approaching any women at the gym after this, but not in front of, like,
Starting point is 01:02:50 you know, they got the headphones in. It's not really. And I go there a bunch. So approaching them, if it goes poorly, that's just an awkward interaction for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:04 So you think approaching girls at the gym is like, you know, don't do it? I mean, I think you got to get them to come to you. How do you do that? Bro. Compound lifts. Big lifts. Huge squats. You grunt your ass off.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Big lifts attract big tits. Yeah. Big lifts attract big tits. So. Big lifts attract big tits. Dude, do some deadlifts. Do some huge squats and just yell out. Roar like a lion. Are you getting loud enough at the gym? No.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I try to keep it quiet. Maybe have a hoodie on. I'm not being nearly loud enough. That's a vibe though well yeah i just watched rocky four well i i just watched rocky four recently and um that kind of just put me into like the inspiration for the gym i uh i also think too i mean you you can just like uh yeah i guess i was i going to say you can compliment them, but what kind of compliments do you give?
Starting point is 01:04:09 Like not in like a, hey, I want to talk to you as in ask you out, but be like friendly, be like, hey, are you using these battle ropes? Hey, I like that posterior delt work you're doing there. Yeah, wow. Really focused on that rear head, huh? Yeah, you know, I just started doing kettlebells. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Well, yeah, if you ever want to share programs, DM me. Totally. I just hopped on the battle ropes and the assault bike, mostly just from listening to you guys. Dude. Dude, I think you sound like an outgoing
Starting point is 01:04:44 guy. I think you're going to like an outgoing guy i think you're gonna be good man you got no fear of flying all right well thank you guys i've been listening since episode two oh jake legend thank you're golden as long as you take bukkake out of your vocabulary like think of it this way if you didn't have the bukkake sentence in there you guys would have hit it off that's the thing that was almost a meat cutest yeah you'd be at buccati beppo right now so what's the lesson learned take bukkake out dude that's the saying right there do you want bukkake or do you want bukkate peppo yeah i want meatballs there it is jake you dog yeah you do don't you bro yeah you hungry. You hungry, man? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Well, get fed, dog. Yeah, play. But hey, have some manners. Keep your napkin and elbows off the table. But if needed, put a snorkel on. Don't ever be afraid to go to Belize. All right. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I really appreciate it. You're a legend. Dude, I got to say, I'm pretty stoked on it, but the horniness of our callers has gone up. Oh, yeah, dude. Everyone is just... Horned up. They're fixing to get it in. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Because we used to have guys be like, hey, I'm scared to talk to this girl. I'm like, hey, man, get out there. You're a good guy you got something to offer now we're like rain it in rain it in brother what are the calls we got on the on the deck jake ready for another one that last one was perfect timing when he answered he's like what you? You know what, too? Seven months sober, you're horny, man. Oh, yeah. This guy's got big loads on deck. You haven't seen Dune 2 yet?
Starting point is 01:06:53 No. You're not a Dune guy? No. I enjoyed the first one, but I didn't like the first one. But I liked the second one. Oh, I do want to watch it. Just waiting for some VOD.od yeah i just haven't uh yeah i haven't had like a night where we've both been like let's go see a movie that's dude i gotta wreck a movie to the stokers taste of things this french movie
Starting point is 01:07:18 that just came out with juliette binoche one of the greatest actresses of all time just this beautiful like 19th century romance film about a couple that cooks dude it's an experience it's slow it's meditative it is moving is it in theaters right now i saw it in theaters i think it's out but it's on you can order it now and it's it's very cool stokers out there if you guys want to get involved in this text the number 323-418-2019 uh we're also recording an episode tomorrow so we're looking for callers text that number tonight if you guys see this jake that sounded great man Jake's like podcast voices it's evolving Jake's a shock caller
Starting point is 01:08:10 oh dude should we talk about Alcatraz oh yeah we went to Alcatraz it fired me up cause every room I was like dude this is exactly like Call of Duty Rebirth Island I was just picturing wiping teams left and
Starting point is 01:08:25 right you know what's so funny is how how naive i was about it where i was like this will be sick like this will be like such a cool thing to see i know and then you go in there and it's so gnarly it's dark it's like there's there's literally you know people always talk about when you go in places you can feel the energy you could feel the energy there it was like i i was uncomfortable have you been before no oh it's your first time yeah had you been i had and it was like i it was more fun for me the first time maybe because i was young and i wasn't like as sensitive to human suffering. But I also think they've changed the descriptions of things now to kind of reflect the way we have changed our perspective on prisons.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I think we're more culturally aware of how dehumanizing it can be. So now when you like, it used to be like, this guy was a psycho and he used to look for his button when he was in solitary confinement. He wouldn't really feel the heaviness of it but now they'd be like this guy was poor and he didn't want to rob that liquor store but he did and then they ended up putting him in here for 20 years and he got beaten all the time and you're like sounds pretty unfair yeah it was uh it was gnarly it was the solitary confinement especially yeah that someone could just be in a dark hole for 19 days straight that's crazy it seems like no matter the worst thing you've done like that's a little bit excessive yeah i know i'm not a prison guard i don't know what it really is like to have to deal
Starting point is 01:09:53 but yeah coming from a normal life that's pretty cush you're like that's rough and also the fact that imagine if the prison was running like like if you were just at Fisherman's Wharf and you're just looking across the bay and you're like, there's Al Capone's in there and he can see you. Yeah. And he's just stuck in there. It's stuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:12 I think that was the craziest part for me. It was like the journey out on the ocean. And then once you're out there, you're just looking at like beautiful San Francisco, but you're just stuck in between you and there's like these rocky hard waters like there's no way you're escaping the island and if you do you're probably gonna die yeah I bet you Alcatraz feels like their days are numbered as like a tourist destination like as we get more generations removed from like Al Capone or or a Machine Gun Kelly like
Starting point is 01:10:40 those guys having as much cultural relevance I feel like it's this prime piece of land like you can turn it into so many different things that have a more kind of optimistic energy around them yeah the thing is like um people think it's like a cursed land but isn't every someone a million people have died everywhere right i bet you jake's place right here probably yeah massacres dude that's a good point but boning has also happened here and probably happened there at alcatraz for sure yeah would you think you're more attuned to ghost vibes and dark historical energies i didn't think i was until i went to alcatraz and i was like i'm a i'm a sensitive bro i know because you went up to that like german family and you were like y'all gotta get out of here man you
Starting point is 01:11:28 don't want to bring this back to your country yeah i was like you guys can't feel it because i can feel it i can feel the spirit trying to bring his life story into my consciousness right now and it is overwhelmed i watched uh when we got back we watched with candy we watched a ghost hunter show travel channel hilarious and they did the comedy store and he's in the basement and the guy's just so dramatic he's in the basement he's like oh my god oh it's cold oh get away from me get away and he's like did you see and then then this is one where he's watching himself. And he's like, people say I'm dramatic. I'm not dramatic.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I'm a sensitive. Okay. These ghosts, we are exposing ourselves to their life stories. These spirits. And why do ghost hunters always have to dress like goths too? It is weird. Can't there be one with like a Jimmy Buffett vibe? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Like look like they just came out of like bring it on or something yeah yeah dude maybe they just attract all the goth ghosts dude i was thinking dude be funny like i wouldn't believe it he's like i'm getting bad energy i it's there's something fucked up here i've never felt anything like it. It's pulling me down and then it just pans. It's just one of the door guys. Yeah. It's just Joe.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Just vaping and like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to get some stage time. Yeah, I'm trying to get some stage time. I gotta get away from this. It's killing me. Do you ever think like, do you think you talk different than you did like i think i talk in a different like tone and level than i did like three years ago five years ago ten years ago oh yeah i think i mean did you listen to the first episode of the podcast i've uh i think just my confidence in about with speaking into a microphone has gone way up i don't think yeah i didn't know i didn't i had
Starting point is 01:13:26 no idea what i was doing i had an idea but but i mean like even like when you like if you pull up to a gas station and you're buying a gatorade do you talk to that guy the same way you would have 10 years ago oh i think uh i think i'd be more confident now yeah i think i've always been uh i don't know friendly's right where i've always been polite and said please and thank you and always been sweet i think now i'd be a little bit more. Brusque. Yeah. Or actually more willing to engage in conversation. Oh. Yeah. So kind of the opposite. Kind of the opposite.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah. That's. So your confidence has opened you up to more experiences. Yeah. It's been more of like, I think. It's hard for me to remember. I know. I think that's true.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Yeah. I think. I true yeah i think i think uh i think i'm especially now more focused on enjoying the day as opposed to like i need to i still am kind of like i need to do this but like uh like uh but you're able to do that and do the other stuff too yeah it's fun to like it's fun to have like a good not like long i don't like long conversations with people but a good interaction i think that's so true man if i have a nice little back and forth with someone and i give them a little bit of myself not too much but a little bit and they give me a little bit i'm like hey we kind of just both gave each other a little more energy yeah it's like spreading joy it's like uh and a little team like a little camaraderie it's like spreading joy it's like uh and a
Starting point is 01:15:06 little team like a little camaraderie like hey with humans like we're all in this together exactly yeah this guy said i had chad as a uber passenger he was very nice really yeah nice have i been wedgied i have oh big time what's the story of the wedgie i mean pick a wedgie i guess hello hey man how's it going what up sorry guys i my phone doesn't like jake's phone i guess it happens you are you androiding no i'm on an iphone it was weird i i'm like watching on the stream and i didn't get a single call so I get a vibe from you. Are you sexually experimental? Whoa. Honestly, not really.
Starting point is 01:15:51 That's what I was thinking. To be completely honest. So what up? So, boys, I had a pretty big beef earlier on in the live phone call times about snowboarders versus skiers. I don't know if you remember me. Yeah, big time. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:16:16 And just a quick update on that. Turns out it didn't actually matter because the snow was not that great this year. And I wasn't about to pay all that money to go get some mediocre snow. So that honestly, I think I'm all good from that. You guys helped me to overcome that a little bit, but there's something else that's been on my mind that as the snow melted here in Utah. Wait, can I, can I pipe in with a quick illusion?
Starting point is 01:16:44 That's just like red hot in my dome? That's very Gangs of New York. Where you're in this epic generational conflict. It's like the natives versus the dead rabbits. And you think that your battle with each other is the most important thing in the world. And then right when you're about to scrap,
Starting point is 01:16:59 the outer world comes in and just renders your whole thing obsolete. With them, it was cannonballs. And with you, it's the mutating climate that we're in and the lack of snow that we're all getting dude that's dude that's pretty that's nice yeah all right bro bro bro you go though thank you guys thank you guys for that no i i appreciate that that was sick sick dude it was a good knowledge thanks good announce so what um so my friend yes i was just saying sorry no that's good the snow was melting up on all the streets here and i whipped out the skateboard again nice and i i said last time
Starting point is 01:17:46 i'm from san diego i grew up skateboarding as a big part of my life all the boards surfing skateboarding and some snowboarding up in big bear and i realized i can't kickflip anymore oh dude yeah and i mean i can land an occasional kickflip, an occasional trick, but it's not the same as before. And I think the biggest problem, I'm 27 now. If I break a wrist or something, I've got medical bills to pay and I'm not as rubbery as I once was. And I'm just trying to find something that'll replace the ecstasy of landing a buttery kickflip.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And I just don't know what that could be. You're trading the thrills for the invested kind of peace of mind and quality that you can get from being married and having kids. that you can get from being married and having kids. Dude, you know what's crazy about that? My dank-ass wife and I just found out that she's pregnant with our firstborn. Whoa! Dude!
Starting point is 01:18:58 Let's go, bro! That's why you're afraid to kickflip now! Because you got a little grom you need to be mobile for! That I need to teach him afraid to kickflip now oh because you got a little grom you need to be mobile for that i need to teach him how to kickflip yes wow dude it's not your time to kickflip anymore dude there's a new flipper coming out dude the earth god they told you to stop kickflipping so you can preserve your body so you can show your little one, boy or girl, how to stomp a fat K-flip. And if you're going to break your ankle attempting a kickflip,
Starting point is 01:19:34 you at least want your little son to be watching. Yeah. See, he's writhing on the floor and he's just laughing. You're cussing. Yeah. Goddamn. Goddamn, stop laughing. Stop. shit fuck don't call the ambulance it's a huge bill yeah no don't call the ambulance no don't call your mother what do you want me to do you just shut up dude one time my brother broke his arm at the skate
Starting point is 01:20:00 park and our babysitter called the ambulance he's like what the fuck did you call the ambulance it's a five thousand dollar bill your brother said that no my dad oh okay that's really funny yeah he probably could have just driven him that's funny dude congratulations man how are you feeling about having a kiddo dude i'm pretty nervous but it's i feel like we're all born to do it at some point so i'm like i'm ready too yeah and dude you sound like a great dude and you you're gonna raise your kid in the snowy mountains of utah he's gonna shred he or she is gonna shred you shred i can tell over the phone both physically mentally and spiritually and you're gonna bring that into your freaking offspring dude maybe he could be a guest on the pod oh dude we'll have a baby on 100 because i would love to hear their vantage point on a ton of stuff that's a good call
Starting point is 01:20:58 so like was it was it fully expected the kid so like was it was it fully expected the kid um it was like not it was a surprise but also we knew it was possible so it was it was good timing i think we're we're happy for it it's fun stuff you got any advice i know you're you're ripping it as a as a double daddy right now i would say there's going to be moments where you feel like you can't do it. And you just got to remember it's just a moment. And that you're probably doing a better job than you think. Oh, dude. I love that. That's making me tear up.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Oh, that's nice, man. I glad um and uh that's good man i'm psyched for you i wish you guys a easy delivery and some healthy kiddo and uh yeah enjoy it man you sound like you do a good job thanks bro i'll send you guys a video of the birth oh nice i did i watched up close bro i wanted to see all of it i did Oh, nice. I watched up close, bro. I wanted to see all of it. I did take a nap, but I watched up close when I was awake. That's a good... I don't know if I could do that.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Were you able to in the delivery room? Yeah, because my thing was like, get used to it, because life is just going to throw more carnage at you, and I need to be able to be brave about it, because now I've got other people who are counting on me to do that so true i guess if we're if we're both going to be breaking our ankles together trying to land a kickflip i might as well not be a little bitch about it it actually made me hornier for my lady dude that's hot well sick guys i appreciate it dude i'm excited i'll keep you guys updated dude you got you
Starting point is 01:22:48 gotta keep calling in you're a legend dude yeah man the growth is incredible dude i honestly jt you put me in my place last time and it was nice i feel like it hadn't happened to me in a while so it was it was a good moment for that i appreciate that that's awesome i mean dude did you get your lady pregnant after that oh dude i think it was like that week wow dude jt you freaking make dudes fertile yeah sometimes just some straight talk man cleans out the pipes and makes that just potent wow very potent so when you got put in your place by jt were you just busting fat loads well i was i was pamphless oh you're smart dude you knew i was coming it's energy it's all energy you know you know stuff like that i i get it a lot you know me and my old man we'll get into it we'll yell at each other and then dude i'm i'm ready to just just get that just yeah right in the twang yeah give it to me give
Starting point is 01:23:53 me one give me an uh before you go, Huge Anus is saying, name the baby Nyjah. Oh, Nyjah is a pretty name. Yeah, Huge Anus is saying, name the baby Nyjah. Nah, dude, it's either going to be Chad or JT. Oh, that's too much, yeah i just kind of a nause huh hope hope you and some other people are saying you should you should waveboard oh oh ripstick i i used to shred hills on a ripstick that's a good call yeah you got it doggy all right man we love you man man. Good luck. Call us back.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Keep us updated on the progress of everything. Peace, guys. Appreciate you. You too, man. Have a good one. Love you guys. That guy's the man. He's a great guy. You can tell he's just taking it as it comes, but he's also going after it.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah. That's the thing. That's like, have you guys watched the monologue from D2 Mighty Ducks that's always making the rounds? Where the coach addresses the team? Going to Texas this weekend? Oh, are you guys doing the roller coasters?
Starting point is 01:25:18 I think, uh... Jake, how do you feel about hitting six flags? I am 100% down, baby baby but it's up to you i mean do you want to go oh yeah yeah i didn't let's take a look real quick though at the rides here you don't have to go i know i want to i want to go but i i feel like I'm just going to poke. Yeah, I mean, these are gnarly. This is not... It's Six Flags. Six Flags is like intense, intense.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Wait, is this the one we tried to go to last time? Yep. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I remember. You guys did go there, didn't you? Yeah, we walked like a mile. Geico rented it out. Yeah, a bunch of renoms. After we did the shrooms thing yeah that's awesome jake we gotta go dude yeah i'm 100 down let's do it
Starting point is 01:26:14 strider special went amazing it was so fun what a night dude you crushed as director oh i mean we'll see but thank you it was a lot of fun to do you look so in your element i had a lot of fun i really really enjoyed it and uh i was telling strider this last night we were watching it and most comedians when i watch their special if i've seen their set live it's never quite as good as seeing it live right like you're like it's still good but you're like man when i saw it live it was like a 10 and watching it now it feels like a eight eight and a half yeah even for some of the best comedians yeah and i think strider's special he performed his material the best i've seen yeah do it like he really rose to the occasion i think it's a very hard thing to do yeah as a performer but he he was able to pull it
Starting point is 01:26:57 off yeah i was okay i i don't know if you could tell on the first show but i've almost locked up you were really good because we there's a few minutes of yours in the cut and you're really funny oh thank because i in the first one i i haven't really had this before where i was like panicking i was like i don't think i can speak i've had that yeah you know and like uh i think it was like the i was trying to remember the housekeeping things and then give we never really host anymore so it's like giving you give housekeeping like no phones and you get no laughs and then i was like i was like panicking i'm like oh i'm gonna fuck this up for him because it was like it was like no cell phones there's no laughs i was like oh i'm gonna fuck up like opening for him that's i mean
Starting point is 01:27:43 the fear is real but you can't see any of that in your performance or i mean mine's not gonna be in this i i just didn't want to do a bad job for it but i uh no you teed the room up really well okay yeah and even dude the part i love because i never heard you do it before because you also did the voice of god stuff oh yeah bringing strider up yeah i dug it oh you dug it oh yeah yeah no it was an honor too it was good vibe jake you were there it was good vibes right yeah i was there for the second show i thought it was really good and the way that he transitioned like strider does like 25 to 20 minutes on the road let's say the way he transitioned through that hour the way he like
Starting point is 01:28:21 brought all the stories together was beautiful um So I'm excited for people to see it. Yeah. It's going to be great. He's one of those guys you can just watch on over and over. And it's always funny. And he does different, like everything he says, you just feel his heart in it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:37 He's such a good guy. Can I say something? Go the other way. He drove me, dude. He's so nice. I felt bullied by his kindness because on the flight to sacramento he sat next to a chatty lady dude they talked the entire flight and i didn't have my headphones and i was sitting one row in front of him yeah and i was like literally i was like i was like dude you gotta like i didn't say nothing obviously but it would feel like the
Starting point is 01:29:03 conversation was gonna die and she's like that's when my youngest brother moved away and i was like don't say anything strider don't strider just let her stop talking strider let her stop talking and then strider would go you go uh what about your middle brother you still see him dude come on man come on oh that's hilarious i was sitting next to him i look over she was literally going through like photo albums of her whole family just showing every single sibling strider and strider had questions upon questions i'm like bro do you care or like it was very kind he totally made her day but like when our when our airplane couldn't find a terminal and we were taxiing for an additional 20 minutes and they picked right back up, I was like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah. That's hilarious. Yeah, thank you, Stokers, for calling in, for watching the stream. So much fun. Yeah, it's a blast, guys. Thank you, guys. Dallas this week yep fort worth baby
Starting point is 01:30:08 tempe arizona coming up yeah fort worth thursday through saturday tempe next thursday got a lot more dates coming up too pasadena los angeles will be the ice house yeah come out for that one if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guard you Starts to happen Throws beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see
Starting point is 01:30:56 I'm going to The cat and game To see

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