Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 350 - Strider Wilson is DIALED

Episode Date: July 10, 2024

#goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast Today we are joined by the T-Dart tyrant himself, Strider Wilson. The fellas start the episode with a little pre-pod upper decker to get dialed in. Has Strider been l...iving on a lie for the past year? He confesses to the people TODAY and we roleplay the situation out. We take some amazing calls.A man calls in about his wife who is progressively getting hotter but he feels like he is aging massively. Another bro calls in about his addiction to escorts. We try to provide the help bros need in these HARD times.  IF YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE POD, LEAVE A LIKE OR COMMENT.(It really helps our channel)  Bros Before Joes SHOW AT THE COMEDY STORE TONIGHT (JULY 10th) here: https://www.showclix.com/event/joes-july10th We are streaming the BTS, Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ If you need advice and want to chat with us, TEXT us with your issue or question at 323-418-2019 and we will add you to the list! (Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The day that this is being posted, we have a show tonight at the Comedy Store at the Belly Room, 10.30pm with JT, Strider, Schmoll, Laura Peek, Annie Letterman. Get your tickets at ChadJT.com and let's start the show. going deep chatting JT tweeze my eyebrows and call the sheriff's department guys welcome to the going deep with chatting JT podcast I'm here with my compadre Jean Thomas what up
Starting point is 00:00:36 boom clap stokers and we're here with the T-Dart tyrant himself the T-Rex T-Dartus Stryder Wilson that will be an edict through the lands all must dart all must start all must dart dude it's the only tax that will be levied that's a good tax soldier knocks on your door he's got one question to ask will you dart my b-hole oh whoa so you have to do it to the king's men i thought it was something you could do
Starting point is 00:01:05 in the privacy of your home with your beloved i think that's a much better that's much more i like yours more that you got to pay a tax yep because it's like quarters like you must like what was that like old british rule or like you must give quarter to soldiers yeah whatever that is quarters it's like that some amendment yeah isn't that an yeah that's an american thing i think so yeah it's like third amendment or something that sounds right i think you is that still in the bill of rights like if the national guard cruises up you have to be like all right dude cruise in i'll give make you some nuggets i don't think i don't think so and the reason i said is because someone reached out and they're like it should still be in there like we should be it'd be sick to have
Starting point is 00:01:42 like some boys sleep over yeah or you know or ladies you know smart yeah yeah nice um but i'd have to check with my lady first on that one yeah for sure i have to run it by the lady for babe do you mind if this marine spends the night no problem what's what's his name it's like sergeant charlotte yeah yeah dude well i got just some bucks some angel oh freaking gi jane's posting she's carrying a gun also bt dubs there's a t-dart tax so uh you know yeah either one of us you know i i'm obligated by the state this is in service of protecting you did dishes last night i'm up so i guess it's my turn what if they change it from the bill of rights to the to the bill of right oh so it's like this is correct dude dude that's that's sick ass i just think the swagger on that
Starting point is 00:02:38 would be next level be so right so right what does magna carta translate to whoa mega carter yeah dude it's a good ass call that's latin for mega carter by jay-z you got to ask ai dude chad's the ai master dude you got to call you out for using ai to win the sports draft dude got to call you out dude dude sports you know a lot of people are saying ai is gonna replace this but i use it as a tool right now so it's merely a tool to figure out smart the ollie versus frazier fight which i still haven't seen but it's my top pick definitely your top one scene yeah did you love that fight so much dude dude rumble, Rumble in the Jungle. Good one.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Another one. Thrilla in Manila. Another sick one. Man. Oh, dude, yeah. Can we pull up the clip from Undertaker, Mankind, Hell in a Cell? We need the volume on it, too. Someone just put that in the chat that it should have been the sports draft.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It does have a pretty incredible moment. Look out! Oh, man! Look out, O'Murdy! Look out, O'Murdy! That killed me! That killed me. It does have a pretty incredible moment. I killed him. He's dead. It's such a good call. I mean, dude, he looks dead, bro. He is broken in half.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It happened so fast. That's crazy, dude. So how much of that was planned the whole thing i don't know if they plan the individual moves when they're up there like the punching the suplex i think it's worked out the bump like the big fall is worked out but i think when they're up there they're kind of whispering to each other like all right i'm gonna hit you with the three piece and then you suplex me and then i'm taking you for a ride right and they'll uh so they'll just talk to each other in like quick phrases okay oh they'll they'll like communicate that's how they work it out in in the moment yeah it's jazz bro some guys i think macho man was rare where he would actually
Starting point is 00:04:36 script it on like yellow legal pad right and if he had a partner who was equally studious they would like like him and ricky the steamboat drag ricky the dragon steamboat they like worked out their moves beat by beat but most of the time guys like rick flair and stuff they just get into the ring and work it out with you in the moment but they had like the major beats kind of uh figured out interesting it's pretty incredible, that kind of improv? Yeah. Wow. Would you ever wrestle? No, I don't like wrestling or being touched. I have a big aversion to injury.
Starting point is 00:05:17 But if you, I mean, imagine you're the T-Dart tyrant. That's your persona. You come out. I like theatrics, yes. Like literally it's like fireworks go off and you're just fucking darting the sky. And then you suplex on, you T-dart the whole audience it'd be incredible i think that would be my exact persona but then i gotta get thrown and tossed nah you can't do it you could be a manager for a wrestler so it's all mic work yeah and then your rule is no one's allowed to touch me you're like the boss's right hand man you're like if you touch me, you're fired.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And then finally, after like three years of them building it up and no one touching you, you finally get power bombed through like a triple stack. I was going to say a table. Like, it'd be like one of those like boardroom meetings, like where I'm making a guy sign a deal, you know, whatever. And then like, like that whole Hogan one. And then I would just have to get fucking slammed through a table. So I would inevitably get slammed, but I'd be okay with one slam. and if it's with a guy who's a pro to break away table i mean i know
Starting point is 00:06:09 you don't like being touched but i mean you you might enjoy a suplex highly doubt but you're right i can't knock until i try you might enjoy a bump what's there's nothing better than getting slammed a bump like a bump of coke yeah oh yeah what are you guys uh that's what wrestlers are doing all the time oh probably yeah i mean that energy dude 30 years i'll tell you this my favorite thing growing up was my brother would slam me into the pool see you like the best like that i love it oh i hated that i hate it i hate it like my brother used to watch wrestling i had buddies who would memorize moves and come over and, like, put you in a Boston tea crab. Despised.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I love it. I love getting pinned. Yeah. I wish. It's very honest. I like getting, my brother would pin me, though, and then he'd drop a loogie in my ear. And that's not. Yeah, that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:07:03 My brother would pin me and fart in my face. He fart in your face yeah that's pretty which one my older brother both my older brothers actually be funny if my younger brother did my sister the riz master oh man oh yeah here's jt getting a fat bump oh shnikes dude you gotta You got to throw that back harder. That really hurt. That's hilarious. Did that hurt bad? That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah. Dude, thank you so much. No problem, dude. The fear was worse than the impact on you. Dude, way to take that. It was really cool. How'd it look? It looked sick. I do trust that guy. He seems like a take that. It was really cool. How'd it look? It looked sick.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I do trust that guy. He seems like a good guy. I think that's what it was. The guy was really nice and I knew he'd take care of me. The other wrestlers, like this guy, really disliked us.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Really? Yeah, he's a noz. I think they thought we were coming in to disrespect wrestlers because we were dressed as a... I mean, we were on mushrooms dressed as a unicorn because we were dressed as a uh i mean we were on mushrooms dressed as i was a unicorn and you were a brony yeah um so like we walked in and we're like hey
Starting point is 00:08:13 can we wrestle with you guys it's a nice vape dude the double dragon pull yeah that man that's what i do you used to rip the vape yeah dude he did that guy just get hurt for real right there i had no sense of place wherever dude when you got caught in the airport by that lady in like portland she's like no no it's like a voluntary agent dude that you made that lady's day i know i almost missed my flight so funny dude she made me wait for two cops to come talk to me yeah and then what they do they're like just don't they're like she just quit vaping dude speaking of nicotine though you know strider you're kind of caught in a web of lies right now you're bro i don't know if you can say this can we say this dude but you know this guy we're working with dude you know we're working on something important with him and i think a lot of the reason why is
Starting point is 00:09:07 because he thinks that you're a freaking zen master yeah bro dude we'll sidebar about it dude look we have a we have separate dms dude and part of me is a sick little monkey dude where i've been like oh yeah bro i've got separate dm beyond every time we zoom, it comes up every time we zoom. Yeah. And then beyond that, I like egging him on too. Oh dude, I think I enjoy it too. And I'll send them separate things. I'll be like, Ooh, tasty. And I think I have to start zinning. Cause I don't, the whole idea is I say that I zin and me and this dude and he's a great guy
Starting point is 00:09:43 have bonded over Zenning. Yeah. And the genesis of it was I did my tongue swash. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? And I think he thought that I was like just done packing a Zen lip. Right. And then I just rolled with it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Then JT hopped on. We rolled with it. And from there on, it's really grown. And there's been moments where i could have nipped it in the butt i've chosen not to and now i'm just really deep in and so i have to i have to start zinning so yeah so for the audience basically we're working with this guy and he's under the impression that strutter zins all the time regularly you've never zinned i've never put one into my life and he's he's developing a show for
Starting point is 00:10:26 us yeah and we need his energy behind it yeah he could make our dreams come true yeah yes he loves to zin and yeah and would be all of us together be the dream um but part of it is built on a lie and it's my lie and it's a very unnecessary lie why did i do that because it's i mean you took one for the team i don't think he would have agreed to work with us if it wasn't because he's in i think you're right he's quote unquote zen and we've been lucky all the meetings have been over zoom yes you haven't had you haven't been pressured in person do i need to buy one i might need to buy a tin and i can just give you one thank you jake that would help me out if you need to give me one just so i can have on my person so it's like hey do you have one and then or should i
Starting point is 00:11:15 just continue to lie like oh i just i'm just out i think we when we go into an in-person meeting you take out the zen 10 and you start you know i need yeah i need to practice that yeah but okay let's let's role play we're in a meeting strider welcome what up dude good to see you bro dude before we start this meeting let's pack a fatty oh um down dude um hold on let me grab my tenets in my backpack um shit oh here it is dude you like the three mgs dude you do threes i thought you did fives i used to but i'm trying to dial it back you're trying to dial back you're no well i do two threes at the same time so it's six instead of five fuck um i do three threes dude dude i do three at once at once. Oh, so you're packing a front mouth guard.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I don't even know how to open it, dude. I just struggle to open it, dude. I just don't know how to open it. I couldn't. This one is tough. Thank you. Wait, so you do threes, but you're packing a three upper mouth guard. You're upper decking.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I always upper. Do you upper deck? I do a full mouth guard. I do that, too. That's what I like to i like so you go three in the top three why aren't we doing right now oh we're gonna be talking a lot during this pitch or are we gonna be talking because it might i'm down after do you want to do one on do you want to do it on friday i mean nicotine helps you think bro i mean good call you don't want to
Starting point is 00:12:39 let me just pack one i mean dude i'm happy to give you mine for your mouth guard do you want to just use mine for yours i've got like six tens right here okay yeah wait starter do you not zen what no of course i said well you got to do because we're role playing i zen all the time pack that all the time hold on wait stop the meeting keep can you keep can you keep hollywood out there for a second stratter do you not zen what what do you mean look at me i'm doing it right now oh that's how you pack a lift? Dude, you don't do verticals, dude?
Starting point is 00:13:30 You don't get inverted on your Zim? No, is that a new style? Yeah, dude, bring them in. That's not how you do it? That's cool. I think that would work. I think that would really impress whoever. I'm going to close it out like this. And you open it back up.
Starting point is 00:13:46 This is the coolest way to zoom, dude. I'm so fucking dialed right now. I'm so relaxed and dialed right now. Dude, I just had a great idea for the show. Just getting so many ideas, dude. Here's the thing dude send hollywood in dude is it affecting you yes dude i feel so high but so i see i feel so high and dialed i think you got some oh here you go you poor thing i'm addicted now i'm gonna do this forever but do you are you feeling oh dude yeah let me pack that pack that do you lip
Starting point is 00:14:40 fucking do what what am i not lipping, bro? You got to put one in now. You got a little bag right there. I'm going to try your method, dude. Before, oh, Ted Sarandos is coming in. Hold on, let me just pack a fatty. You got a little bag. What's the other brand? I'm going to try a vertical.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I think that's the way you should do it. That looks sick, dude. This is sick, man. Whoa, I'm fucking buzz try vertical. I think that's the way you should do it. That looks sick, dude. This is sick, man. Whoa, I'm fucking buzzed, dude. Dude, I'm addicted now. Get it in there a little more. Have you ever packed a Zinn? Why am I not packing Zinn, bro?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Good call. Actually, I did pack a Zinn. Wait, no, he didn't get enough. He got to get as much as Strider. that did pack us in wait no he didn't get enough you gotta get as much as strider no get it in there get it in there nice dude what up oh fuck dude i'm so dialed oh my god how many cars are you gonna sell right now dude let's move to zimbabwe dude yeah i'm about
Starting point is 00:15:45 to sell so many freaking nissans what do you want in this ultimate that's the thing about andy elliott he doesn't know shit about cars but he knows how to fix your problem yeah exactly it doesn't matter product knowledge doesn't do with sales thing is product knowledge doesn't matter i saw andy elliott he's talking to me he's like he's like look here's the thing no one's ever gonna sell cars like i do no one's ever gonna fuck my wife like i do who do you say that to i says it to groups of dudes at the same time yeah i think he's you think he's podcasting with neil degrasse t's ends dude neil it's fucking a fatty right now fat zin every time you walk in you just he actually does chaw can you zan and be in the olympics yeah like legally yeah yes you can smoke weed now being no maybe not the olympics i don't. You can smoke weed now. No, maybe not the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I don't think you can smoke weed because that's how that sprinter, she got disqualified. Damn. Damn. Cherie Richardson, right? But did the NCAA lift the ban on marijuana? Is that what I heard? I'm not sure. I mean, they should.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I feel like if you're smoking weed and you're sprinting and you win that should you should get like a a good asterisk like should be double you were you were you're fucking i agree that's baked and you want sprinting yeah i remember robin williams had a bit about this where he's like this snow he's like you have snowboarding olympics of course yeah they're smoking weed he's like and it's not exactly a performance enhancing drug yeah the grass is in dude sick dude i don't know i think i should i think i have to lie and be like dude i'm giving up zinning honestly dude i think i just hit that so hard for my false narrative i had to be like dude i was over zinned do you feel it dude i feel it so hard or you might have to drive you might have to come up with a parallel storyline that is so big it covers up the Zen lie.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I think I have to be like, I'm only eating bison burgers now. He would like that. But I also think you could say, dude, sorry I lied to you about the Zen. It's because I was addicted to heroin. And he's going to be like, show me the track marks. I'll be like, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And I was too embarrassed. So I just started lying to fit in. You could get some fake track marks i'll be like dude and i was too embarrassed so i just started lying to fit in you could get some fake track marks do you guys watch the real bros movie i haven't yet this uh i love that show it's very funny i mean it's so fucking dude tony hawk's cameo i was i was dying he was good he comes in you know hawk you're like uh i don't give away too much but hawk his son is always beefing with bryce right he's like zan get your boy doc and um tony hawk comes in and he like ignores bryce and he's like oh snap bryce i didn't see you there dog i don't know hilarious it's fun it's hilarious i uh i really enjoyed it where is it candy candy really likes it where can you see it roku oh nice okay you gotta check it out dude great look i like i like their
Starting point is 00:18:55 i like the look of all the guys yeah they mesh well together yeah what else is going on chilling dude you see the um olympic basketball lineup dude this is the first time steph made the team how is that possible that was not so they're gonna be great it's like a very old team but i don't know i think they can beat everybody i saw that pretty handily canada's got a good starting lineup but yeah this u.s team is cool i'm glad steph's gonna get a medal i think so too like yeah there's no what who's our biggest challenger i guess france won last time france won the gold i think i don't think we won the gold last time really did we no i don't think so um yeah france should have a good squad i mean they got wemby the two guys just got drafted in the top 10 from france they have
Starting point is 00:19:43 another guy who's supposed to go in the top five next year france has a great generation of hoopers i think people accuse france in sports though of like uh using a lot of non-french born people on their national teams yeah like their soccer team has a lot of people from like algeria and like morocco and like other countries well a lot of these guys international soccer players have multiple citizenships like christian pulisic of the usa he's also like croatian like he could go play for team croatia right maybe he should maybe they win more which i think they're going to fire i think the men's national coach is going to get fired this week i think he's toast oh usa did boys out there there. Who's the men's national coach? I think we lost the world championship last year.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I think Steve Kerr's the coach. For the basketball team, but for the men's soccer team, it's like you're against them. No, he's gone. Klinsman's gone. It's like Greg Berhalter. Greg Berhalter, yeah, that's it. He's going to get shit canned. He's getting shit canned.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Dude, can we look at the Canada national team real quick? JT, if you were a soccer star would you play for usa or columbia uh that's a good question probably usa i think i get really fired up when columbia is doing well i think they could win the copa this year they haven't lost in like 27 matches but uh i feel like just because i live in usa it'd be nice to if i ripped to be here when we did well right and i could get to bask in that a bit if i lived in columbia that would be the the flip yeah let's see the starting five dude look at this the backcourt for canada is shay gildress and jamal murray oh they're good dude and then i got dylan brooks at the three rj barrett and dort can play the two and the three like they've kelly olenek trey lyles they got Dylan Brooks at the three. RJ Barrett and Dort can play the two and the three.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Like, they've Kelly Olenek, Trey Lyles. They got a squad. I mean, Murray and Shea Giltris alone, they're going to be in it. Oh, and then they got Nemhart, who played really well for the Pacers this year. Like, they can put up points. Yeah. That could be tough. The only problem is, is they run into Giannis in the first round.
Starting point is 00:21:49 So. He did a good job getting them to quote but who else does greece have i remember when greece beat us at the athens olympics and their team was hilarious looking because it was all six foot bearded dudes who weren't that ripped it's like those statues came to life wait so what were you saying you think lebron's getting too much heat yeah like everyone's talking about how anthony edward like i guess the this new story today was like anthony edwards is like it's like my time like i'm gonna step up like he said he's number one on the team be number one and then people like how does lebron feel about that and they're talking about like people are like lebron doesn't do anything for anyone besides lebron like that's first of all not true second of all like does anyone do anything for themselves besides themselves like like what does that sports commentator do it's a difficult standard person yeah exactly i'm
Starting point is 00:22:37 like just calm down so do you think it's backlash because he got brany on the Lakers? Yeah, for sure. And look, everyone does that. We were talking about this. I'm like, dude, LeBron's just an Orange County dad. He sent his kid to USC and then got him a job at his company. So it's like every dude should be applauding that. They're like, that's good. Like, that's like the formula.
Starting point is 00:22:59 How much do you think Bronny will play? I don't know. His knee's already swelling. He scored four points and now he's got. So he's's already played a game yeah g league like summer league okay i don't know i don't think he'll it i think it's bad if he plays a lot because that that'll mean the lakers aren't that good but they didn't get anybody in free agency so a lot of the teams in the west got better and they kind of got a little worse well like what's his uh i mean so he's playing while lebron's on the team basically but like what's his career trajectory oh just a role
Starting point is 00:23:33 player just a role player like is he just on there for a little bit and then is he just like what does he do it'll be future if he has like a 10year career, I think that would be a huge success. Yeah. Because he's not huge. He looks like he'll be a good defender and he might be able to become a reliable three-point shooter. If he can do that stuff, he could be like Peyton Pritchard or something
Starting point is 00:23:59 with less handles. Do you think he parties? That might be ambitious to some people. They might think i'm crazy for saying that i don't know some guy said he should become a twitch streamer he was born in 2004 that's crazy he actually is a twitch streamer oh really yeah he plays video games for uh faze clan but smart yeah he's actually really good at call of duty too really yeah damn that's sick do you think you could beat him jake um let's say we're about the same do you think esports should be in the olympics did yeah well i think actually there was just a huge tournament in saudi arabia uh it's actually going on right now called EWC,
Starting point is 00:24:48 which is like they did like League of Legends, Call of Duty. They had like a bunch of different things, and each one was worth a million dollars. And the team from USA, Shifty, Biffle, and Soka won the Call of Duty one, got a million dollars. Wow. Is paintball in the Olympics? Duty one. Got a million dollars. Wow. Is paintball in the Olympics? Should be.
Starting point is 00:25:08 It should be. Should be. Paintball's sick. Paintball's athletic. Those dudes slide. It's really. We should watch some. We got to hit the people.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Some highlights right now. I'm trying to think. What's the. Do their fingering. What's it called? Speedball. We should watch some speedball highlights. Those guys are sick, dude. Dude hit the people they move with real intention you know we haven't been in quite some time it's always so hot at sc village we gotta wait for it
Starting point is 00:25:35 to cool off here's a hot take i don't like sc village they're too good they're good the best was jt remember when we played with virtues yeah we were just sniping kids on that one that one was good because we were we were the top of the heap se village is tough if you don't have a gun yeah every time look at that look at that guy with his fingers and then dude these guys are like dns the way they come around corners look at that look at that it's really beautiful that's so the reloads are so fast dude that's so sick. Paint check. Yep. Oh. He got nailed. I love when they break away like that.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It looks so legit. I was laughing with my dad. We used to paintball down the street from our house. And my buddy, Andrew Fund, he cornered my dad and said, surrender. Now, generally, the rules of engagement are if someone has you dead to rights and they ask you to surrender, put your gun down because they've spared you yeah so i just see it from a distance i hear andrew sneak up on my dad and go surrender surrender and then i just hear andrew go and throw his gun in the air my dad right when he said surrender just turn and lit him up amazing dude amazing range with like four a true a true demon amazing man um yeah it's good it's really cool to watch they look so fast yeah
Starting point is 00:26:48 it's awesome and you know they're all slow speedball is more fun dude it is more fun you like speedball more uh you know well i loved it when we did like in utah with all the boys that was so much fun that was great but also that's because we knew each other that yeah that was that was speedball for sure one of our boys pulled a hammy i mean i love the ones where it's like um sc village is cool with uh you know the certain courses are like this is baghdad it all looks the same yeah this is baghdad this is we've got like airplane hangers out there and sick yeah but everyone's there is just too good we saw one guy who could shoot the paintball and the the paintball curves so you can be around a corner it's um i'm like i'd be interested to see if he actually hits people with that
Starting point is 00:27:37 shot like around a corner but still those guys are they're out there every weekend they're just plucking i got yelled at by a teenager one time when i was out there when i was a teenager angels were the best guns i remember the angels yeah and it was like one of the first electronic ones yeah so it had the hinge trigger that you just do that double tap on like this yeah and you could get off like 10 balls per second so sick i thought you could keep up with an auto cocker but i was just being naive even if you had the hinge on it yeah spider was a sick one yeah there you go spider was sick jake do you paint ball um no i don't really paint i have before my friend's grandparents used to have like a big course in the woods and it would be so big that we wouldn't find each other. So at the end, we'd just have everybody line up and shoot each other.
Starting point is 00:28:26 So at least somebody got hit. Yeah. That's a sick game. Strider, King Dong says you can curve your cream. Is that true? Whoa. I wish. I mean, no.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Mine just goes up in the air, dude. I don't even know what happens. It takes on a life of its own. It kind of just about. Maybe it does. If it does, it does. Nice. it kind of just about maybe it does if it does it does nice have you guys heard when there's like a youth bulge in society crime goes up are you talking about how they like closed down the
Starting point is 00:28:52 carson mall and stuff like that are you reading those headlines no it's like they're like 200 youths are just hanging out at the carson mall just hanging out and then like maybe like kids will start fighting each other whatever and they'd like close them all down are those kids busting oh probably probably not dude because they're all pent up uh do you mean youth bulge as in like the youth are rocking bulge no i mean like population wise there's a bulge of young people that's disproportionate to the other demos oh i'm surprised do we have that in this country right now we'd be surprised by that no we had that during the baby boom generation like 60s and 70s that was the most young people at one time relative to everybody else right and that's why they think there was so much change yeah they're going book wild and everything went up
Starting point is 00:29:42 well maybe that's why now there's like a murder there's like a youth non-bulge like we've got youth d-ball use erectile dysfunction and so now that's why we have old people still just you know taking charge of everything but we need to take our bulge back yeah we do you only get one opportunity we were talking about this last night kind of like do young people step up dude we need some younger generation people to step up maybe it's got to be someone from our generation we're not the youngest but we're sort of like i think we kind of missed it yeah i think so we might have missed our window damn it's like who's gonna step up were you about to quote 8 Mile there?
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think so. Yeah. You know, I heard you say it and I forgot the lyrics. Well, sometimes I don't even mean to quote 8 Mile. I just start like living how I know is right. And I just start talking like I'm in 8 Mile. That's sick. Which is good because I think that like can do attitude is huge totally
Starting point is 00:30:45 and knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs i mean we can all agree mom's spaghetti is bad the restaurant it's horrendous dude it was literally like i was like this is like ralph's it's it's great marketing they got you though it's good marketing yeah that was your suggestion dude i might have to call you out oh dude when we're on the road road dogging and we are looking at restaurants that we want to hit your suggestions don't hit very often dude i'm not a big restaurant guy exactly i'm utilitarian yeah exactly yeah you are you're like let's go get a little function here let's get yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:31:30 i think they can just get you with the uh celebrity side of it oh totally i'm a sucker for that like they're like this is a jamie lee curtis's bakery you're like we gotta go there dude yeah i'm like we're going there for breakfast lunch dinner dude they're like they're like this is tyrese's dim sum place i'm like that's better yeah we gotta go there dude yeah i'm like we're going there for breakfast lunch dinner dude they're like they're like this is tyrese's dim sum place i'm like that's better yeah we gotta go to tyrese's dim sum it's like no dude we we all know it's gonna be bad going in a huge red flag for when you go there there's no seating it's just a window and they give it to you and you're like bye yeah meatballs are extra no i i've never i've never when people are like where should i eat i'm like dude i'm the worst person to ask because i'm gonna say chipotle i like chipotle that's a
Starting point is 00:32:12 good call i haven't had chipotle in forever i had a burrito from here a week ago yeah bro it's good why i think i went off chipotle just because they get so much negative press it wasn't even an experience with the food i was just like e coli they're not scooping enough and they're it's too everywhere and i was like you know what i'm gonna take a break yeah but it was like i hadn't even really given it a chance you know it's um i stay away from the meat at chipotle i do every time almost every time i eat chipotle i get i get you know there's some issues yeah yeah it's tough there's a lot of salt you're probably not eating that much you eat pretty clean so if you're not used to that type of stuff so yeah it's gonna blow you up wow dude what's that say i mean uh whenever my girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:32:56 like what do you want for dinner i'm like zen good call yeah just pack a vertical lip yeah chill oh yeah let's just let that curb our appetite and we can just get dialed for dinner i'd like zan and i want to watch neil degrasse tyson clips on youtube yeah it'll be as nice as a nice meal that's not bad yeah that's the thing about like i love my girlfriend but you know she's like kind of like wants to eat every meal and i'm like what about zen exactly you know some chicks they don't really understand that just don't get it dude it's like you know instead of getting dinner while we get a nice buzz my my biggest crush in high school this girl shea shea do way she used to uh pack lips that's cool and so we were in
Starting point is 00:33:49 second period and that's when i knew i wanted her it was i just saw her spit into an empty gatorade can yeah copenhagen long cut it was the tough stuff dude the hockey chicks at my school used to pack pack lips and their toes put in their ice skates oh just packing a fat dab in your that's gnarly yeah my dad came in one time because look at that shea was over i was just helping her study and uh my dad accidentally drank her g-raid oh no he started poking and she was just cracking up at him oh dude that's pretty that's pretty cool when people have the zen the zen of the 10 outline in their jean pocket dude yeah dude that's how you know you're chill dude do you think uh i like to try and fit that in there do you think uh do you think hawk to a girl
Starting point is 00:34:37 packs fatties no i think i feel like she's pretty like right down the middle i think she was i watched a little bit of these interviews with her like like we we sat on here we're like oh she got fired from her preschool job she's 21 she's like yeah it's not legal for me to teach preschool she worked at like so much misinformation she worked at a spring factory that's pretty crazy i saw a video of her and her she's with her grandparents her grandpa is wearing a hawk to a hat i love that that's awesome got a support i saw the guys were upset from the video they're like we deserve some of this fame oh i heard that yeah the guys that like asked the question or whatever i mean it wasn't a you know it wasn't the next level question exactly like Like what gets the guys going every time?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Like, nice question, genius. She knows the magic of it. Yeah. Jay, can you play the song from the text I sent you? Dude, King Dong says he'd buy a pair of jeans with pre-Zen marks. Yeah. I bet you they sell those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:42 You know what? I might need to buy a pair of those. Yeah. Actually, dude, if you find out, King Dong, if you find out where those are, let me know what i might need to buy a pair of those yeah actually do if you find out king dong if you find out where those are let me know i might need a cop a pair dude it's the top one with the dude in the cowboy hat this is how you room is this ai doesn't add we almost worked with them i was laughing because yeah philadelphia cream cheese almost hired us so they're clearly is that their second is that option b that's what i'm wondering
Starting point is 00:36:20 yeah you guys would have sang a way better song than that can we listen to it again in your mom dean cream cheese does hit that's so true is there anything better when you're growing up getting a bangle there's a crap ton of cream cheese i love i bought bagels and cream cheese last night and had one last night because i wanted one so bad listen to this bag. It's nice. Dude, I should have used Bruce's song. On the streets of Philadelphia. Cream cheese. Do they put cream cheese in coffee? No's what they just put butter and we turned
Starting point is 00:37:09 down philadelphia cream cheese guys it wasn't them on us no disrespect to them not trying to put our business in the streets but i just want the narrative to be straight what's up the power to say no dude can we look up you guys know guys know the Muyun Brothers? These like three triplet guys that sing these like sort of not all. It's M-U-Y-U-N. M-U-Y-U-N. I love these guys. Yeah, these guys on social media. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I've seen them. I love these guys. Oh, I haven't seen them. These guys are the best, dude. They have like bangers, dude. And the lyrics, dude, are pretty good. Yeah, dude. This is it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 How old are they? Dude, I think they're like full-grown adults. Love these guys. Wait for when they harmonize. Oh, bro. They fucking rip. Good. And read the lyrics, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's poetry. It is. Yeah. yeah who's your favorite the guy on the right in the hoodie it's kind of i don't know if can say this, but I feel like he's the sexy one. He's feeling it. I like him a lot, but I love the lead. Yeah, he's a badass. It's the way he's just driving. I think the guy that's standing hits the most extreme notes.
Starting point is 00:38:59 He's the BG of the group. Yep. He's the Gibb brother. Beautiful backdrop, too. Yeah,'re always playing like beautiful countryside they go to countries like kazakhstan and like a lot of um they're really good man where are they from dude i i think somewhere in china uh muyun i'm not exactly sure but it looked like nepal to me yeah it could be yeah they go to all these countries can we get the worldly worldly yeah man i really need it and these guys work hard man Very honest commentary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah. Yeah. The dude in the left too kind of looks like Chigas a little bit. Yeah. Cheese. Are they related? they're the more young brothers that's really good stuff love it dude
Starting point is 00:40:37 I watch these guys all the time dude so we haven't discussed something that's happened recently this raw dogging phenomenon oh yeah dude good call and uh so raw dogging has been hitting the interwebs yeah and you are the godfather of the raw dog dude it's amazing i would say the the coinage of this phrase you know like you have to say like this this joke existed with just sitting on a flight like seinfeld then again on um curb but like yeah the coinage of raw dogging um i wrote this bit after this dude ken called me out in uh july of 2022 did the bit did a show and uh a don't tell show in santa barbara
Starting point is 00:41:20 like a month or two later and then i was talking with this dude Ryan who's like actually a ballroom dancer like he's a legit ass dancer and then and the whole premise was raw dog your thoughts like unfiltered unprotected just let them flow and he said raw dog to me and I was like dude that's great because before that I was just doing like unprotected bits and then so then yeah for like a little over a year and a half, been using the phrase, you know, baby raw dog in my thoughts. And then it just freaking took off in a whole life of its own. So it's pretty sick to see. And then Gaddy, this guy, we met him going to Cabo. Gaddy, the NBC news correspondent.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Nice guy. Super nice guy. He hit me up day of. We were in one of our meetings, dude. And I was like dude gotta fly he was texting me dming he's like come over to the studio i go i'm there love the sweatshirt thank you my brother got me this it's sick you look good too yeah thank you so it seems like other people have been i don't want to say unfairly but kind of taking away the credit a bit um like a british dj or something yeah i would say you know
Starting point is 00:42:27 what of course like the first articles that came out uh were like on cnn gq and you know i think they i don't know where they first heard it and like one dude not even one of these djs or whatever um dm he's dude, it's everywhere. Like, you didn't invent it. And I was like. Oh, really? You got in touch with. No, no, not with one of these.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like another random guy. Just someone saw you talking about it. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, just because something's repeated means it lacks origin. I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm like, it's very clearly the whole beats of the whole thing are crushing the map channel, calling it raw dogging. And then,
Starting point is 00:43:07 and then just thinking and like, that's the exact bit. Yeah. Um, the raw dogging is really, Oh, for sure. People are like,
Starting point is 00:43:13 yeah, we're raw dogging flights. And that was sort of the, the, and I think it's good that it took off. but, and I guess in like their defense, like why would anyone post it and be like,
Starting point is 00:43:24 I wouldn't expect any DJ or anyone who's posting it to be like i wouldn't expect any dj or anyone who's posting it to be like oh dude saw this bit online now i'm doing it i'm like no you would just go do it so that's just kind of how social media works and then you know you got to um you got to stand up and and if something happens you got to no one's going to speak louder for yourself than you so i was like let me just freaking come at it and see what happens and was got to, no one's going to speak louder for yourself than you. So I was like, let me just freaking come at it and see what happens. And was able to do a sick interview, I guess. I think we should make a documentary about it
Starting point is 00:43:52 and try to find out what the origins are and go through every person who's posted about it or gotten some kind of... I mean, it makes sense that a DJ would do it. Like a DJ, I don't want to rip on dj i'd love them but like they do remixes and they honestly they if i'm being honest changing it to raw dogging flights i kind of wish i would have thought of that before the special it's kind of nice and tighter i always said raw dogging thoughts on a flight though on a flight for sure
Starting point is 00:44:22 100 percent um and in the in that clip one of the ones that went viral he's like he's i'm watching the map channel it's all of them that's what everyone does yeah yeah that's the bit absolutely did you just want to light the world on fire part of me i had i had different i had mixed feelings but i always know you know what it's a good thing it's a good thing but like for a little bit. But like for a little bit, because we were in San Diego doing shows. I was like, dude, are you guys seeing this? Yeah. But yeah, dude, I'm glad there's some freaking sweet journalists out there
Starting point is 00:44:56 like Gaddy and this dude Jack Lawler. He's good. And then even, honestly, even dm um one of the ladies from people and she retweeted it and i was like that's sick so just got it's kind of cool with with the power of social media but yeah i didn't read any of the quotes from the dj i would be very i don't think at least from what i saw and i just scanned the articles he wasn't like yeah no i thought of this while flying i would have been like shut up dude right no you didn't i uh i've been trying to i've been uh on my phone less waking up without the phone spent like an hour no phone waking up dude it's it's a game
Starting point is 00:45:39 changer that's huge when i walk the dog i don't bring the phone it's uh it's crazy how much it's so funny when you look at the phone sometimes it can just like trigger stress where you i don't know it's it's it's uh there i thought i wasn't able to do it i thought i was so addicted to the phone that i wouldn't be able to wake up and not look at it but i'm like not now i'm like detaching from it more and more it really is a game changer it's i love that because we're on it so much also like you were we all like work through it with social media and stuff yeah but even then like even if i'm not doing work stuff like i'll just find myself like scrolling and dude i kind of enjoy some of the content like the muyun brothers
Starting point is 00:46:22 like when something like that pops in there i'm dude, I'm kind of watching this more than a show or a movie. Yeah. Sometimes. Like it's pretty amazing. There's some really nice pops that you can get from it. But I do think just the endless stream of commentary from all corners of the world. Oh, dude. Bogs you down.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yeah. True. Upper Decker, why should I bring my phone on the dog walk? That's what made me say that. Oh, sometimes anything bad happens. You should probably bring the phone with the dog walk. Yeah walk yeah see something like that really upsets me yeah that's that's what people can just come at you out of nowhere and and the and what upsets me the most is that this person felt compelled to correct something that you're doing and now i'm questioning it
Starting point is 00:47:01 now i'm questioning that upsets me too they're only there i do that is very annoying i do think this guy is saying like in case of an emergency or something happens like you know never know that that's the problem though i this mentality bureau where people are always on uh you know high alert but dude when you're not bringing your phone chat are you bringing your gun on your dog walk yeah because you never know you might need it i have two guns yeah okay good yeah yeah and does does epper decker i i'm is he always on high alert yeah are you on because i bet you there's times where he goes for a swim and he leaves his phone on the cabana chair yeah don't do that um so it's you know take care of your own side of the street yeah and then let chad walk on his side of the street
Starting point is 00:47:53 with his fucking dog yeah and let me in upper decker when you upper decker do you bring your phone like seriously dude get an apple watch you have an apple watch yeah it doesn't do anything my phone doesn't do I mean it's cool to have but does it like kind of distract you no no no
Starting point is 00:48:18 it's fine I just use it as a watch and it's nice when I'm at work I can get messages oh so you okay so I was wondering if you like disabled all the phone stuff can you do that yeah you probably can for sure if your phone's not close enough by because this doesn't have cellular so if my phone but when it the phone's close it's linked but if it if the phone's away and i just have this then i don't really have any cellular stuff yeah yeah i mean i don't bring my phone but i do bring
Starting point is 00:48:45 my gun so i don't know that's good your shotgun you have a full shotgun when you walk dude yeah also like never know what yeah yeah dude like if you get back what problem am i gonna fix yeah i'll be alerted but i'm not a doctor right whatever the crisis is i'm just along for the ride exactly true i think that's a good commentary even on society and people in general now it's like if anything goes wrong like you get an offender bender this or that like the first thing you do is you pick up the phone and call someone else yeah we're never solving our own problems right there on the spot sometimes you can you look at it you go all right chill here's my number we'll be in touch later yeah dude but it's like we all need someone else but upper decker's sitting here with no first
Starting point is 00:49:34 aid training just assuming when he's walking his dog he's gonna have to come back and you know carabiner somebody's neck flesh wound it's like dude you're just there to hear about it yeah exactly dude yeah dude cream jeans i love cream jeans uh should we take a call yeah hello please state your name after the tone well she sounds cute thank you hey this is chad jt um how's it going uh oh oh sick packing fats in what was that was that color id or something i don't know she sounded interesting can i ask a personal question of course so we we've always talked about less than average dinks right and you don't have to answer
Starting point is 00:50:27 thank you but what was the first thing your dank wife said to you when she saw your little hog it's nice like that she said oh no it's nice like that and i was like thank you and were you standing there just like fully nude full torqued ready to rock could barely get my jeans off barely and then because i wear tight jeans and how do you feel like that she goes it's nice and i go thank you i go just just nice yeah no really nice that's perfect yeah yeah then we enjoyed Really nice. That's perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah. Then we enjoyed. And that night that was a hog for two. And it was a beautiful thing. And, you know, that's love. She accepted me for who I am internally in my vessel. And then also externally, excuse me, internally is my soul. And then externally my vessel, which is a small hogged vessel. And did you feel like you needed to kind of compensate, like flex?
Starting point is 00:51:30 I did. Or were you just full, like bare naked, just like this is me? When I did that, I was holding two dumbbells in my hand, 225. Smart, smart. And I was like, that's how I got naked. I was like, because I dimmed the lights. i was like that's how i got naked i was like because i dimmed the lights i was like get them again relax set the mood i said i'm going to set the mood and that's what how i did it i lit a candle and then got naked silhouetted my body torqued full torque turned holding
Starting point is 00:51:59 two dumbbells to compensate she said that's pretty nice that's awesome mm-hmm this this guy said his mic wasn't working should we try it one more time let's give him another shot otherwise we can move on to the next caller as well do you can't have a mic that's not working because you never know hello please state your name after the tone and Google Voice will try to connect you. Hello? Hey, how's it going? She's so fucking sweet.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Google Voice, you come here often or what's your drink? What's good? This guy's a total disaster. We're moving on technical difficulties nothing personal oh he's got such a good question damn oh man well let's go to someone else and then we'll circle back to him well yeah what why is his how is he having issues i don't understand his mic's not working?
Starting point is 00:53:07 Sounds like he's calling from the basement. He's not getting the call? Maybe he's at work trying to sneak it in the bathroom. Yo, what up? Oh, dude. What up? What up, dog? The boys. This makes me so happy.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Oh, that's nice. My man, are you on speakerphone? I am on AirPod. Should I go off that? Yeah, take it to your dome piece. It's on the dome. Can you guys hear me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 It's much better. What up? What up? I'm calling from Portland. Saw you guys last year. You guys crushed it. Strider. Saw the raw dogging bit in person, I think, last year.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You were doing it back then, yeah? Beast. Hell yeah, I was. Yeah, I love that, dude. It inspired me. Raw dog, my first flight. saw the raw dogging bit in person i think last year let's go then yeah beast hell yeah i was yeah i love that it inspired me raw dog my first flight saturday night back from san diego to portland it was an experience beautiful that's a nice like healthy like what two hours 40 minutes yeah nothing 40 minute had my baby with me so it's just him and i really raw dogging it as well it's the thing we're born raw dogging as babies well. It's a thing. We're born raw dogging as babies. So it's like, we're kind of returning to our natural state. Good call.
Starting point is 00:54:08 A hundred, a hundred percent. But thanks for the info. And I love you guys, man. When are you guys in Portland next? Anytime soon. Dude,
Starting point is 00:54:14 we were just there. So probably around a year, I'd say. All right. And we love it there though. Such good audience, like the best audience ever. You guys are awesome
Starting point is 00:54:25 i don't want to like dog any of the fans but i don't know if you guys remember last year the guy in the back who was like standing up waving his arms half the show try to get a question in were you at the late show late uh yeah late show blonde guy actually looked like chad and he was like waving super erratically i thought he was like real high and then asked like the most normal based question that happens what's your favorite food people come to the shows locked and loaded sometimes and they can't hold in all that energy that's true true. I'll, I'll say this. My wife, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:07 it was her first comedy show. And, uh, when I said, Hey, I got a ticket. She said, is that that crude podcast you guys listen to?
Starting point is 00:55:15 And, uh, she left a believer, dude. She was, that's sick. Sometimes we do get a little crude. It's true. Probably a lot of my doing
Starting point is 00:55:27 i i mean you love i love dicks yeah it's nice oh sweet sick what's your question brother all right so wifey and i are coming up on our 10 year oh congrats in september it's great i just had our year. Oh, congrats. In September. It's great. Had our first little one. Congrats, JT. It's the best. Yeah, it's awesome. But my issue is over our 10 years now together, my wife has gotten progressively hotter and I've got progressively uglier.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And I'm just looking for ways I can even the scale because it used to be she was always hotter you got to shoot up but right now the disparity is a little aggressive are you feeling it where public i'm feeling in public i get comments from like new co-workers like whoa like that's crazy how'd she end up with you oh that makes sense and they mean well they're just calling my wife hot which i respect and i love but i'm just looking for ways to to even the score like how do i bring things in because father time's not working for me it's where and i thought maybe having a kid would like help but then you thought it would slower down a bit more yeah it's just it's tough dude and it's kind of weighing on the milk factor. Yeah, it's tough, dude,
Starting point is 00:56:45 and it's kind of weighing on me a little bit, like a little insecurity. I'm a confident guy, but I just don't know what to do about it, and she loves me, and she doesn't mention it. She still calls me hot, but it's like, I know, I look in the mirror. I see the way people look,
Starting point is 00:56:57 so I just don't know what to do. You're in the tall grass with the big swinging dicks, brother, and I love that about you, is that you just get in there, and you mix it up regardless of weight class. And you just robbed the bank. You got $2 million in your duffel,
Starting point is 00:57:09 but you don't got any guns to protect and you got to make it to the other side of town untouched, unharmed, and in possession of it. So what are you going to do? I never thought about it that way at all. But what am I going to do?
Starting point is 00:57:22 I don't know. I'm calling you guys. Yeah, brother. I mean, dude, confidence is key is number one. So you got that, dude. Like, that's huge. it that way at all but what am i gonna do i don't know i'm calling you guys yeah brother damn i mean dude confidence is key is number one so you got that dude like that's huge that's that's a big hurdle so now honestly dude like you're rooted your tree is rooted well now let's just trim it up and make it pretty let's pot it make it pretty and put it in the right corner of the room so it pops yeah dude i think too it's like you know a lot of people would say oh do you need to hit the
Starting point is 00:57:46 booth you need to do some loach you need to you know do some uh hot yoga you need to lift weights but it's like i would focus on what's inside gotta get his soul hot as hell so that peaks through and then people are like damn dude you got vibe about you got energy yeah but if you're not if you're not attractive enough out the gates, people aren't even going to pay attention to your soul. Dude, look at, like, Russell Brand. I mean, that guy's soul is popping. But he's hot.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I don't know if Russell Brand's hot anymore. No, women find him hot. Women do like him. I forgot there's a guy on the phone. Listen, brother, do you know how to fight? I did jiu-jitsu for, like, like one year so you could say i could fight there it is it's sick pick it back up dude that's sick you could even what here's the issue on the physical side is i figured just like crossfit hitting the gym would work and it was making a big difference but i've got a series
Starting point is 00:58:43 of injuries over the last two years that have really humbled my body and i'm out of the gym for a while and so i'm like outside of the physical like i can do skin care you know i dj on the side she likes that but like i can't get the body locked in right now i grew out my hair you know what dude you should do just like some um what's it called when you do like plank holds and stuff like not even motion you could do like tabata style workouts body weight stuff um also get in the pool that's probably one of the easiest things on the joints and and where you live it's one of the largest watersheds in the whole country i mean maybe you
Starting point is 00:59:21 don't want to get in the natural elements could be dangerous but dude planking is sick what are your injuries uh i broke my leg dirt biking in palm desert that's sick and then i uh need shoulder surgery from crossfit and then last week i fell down the stairs and threw out my back god damn how'd you fall down the stairs i was rushing to a dj gig and i decided to take two steps at a time and one of our stairs actually broke and i fell back and conked my head on the the pillar and knocked out on the floor sounds like a lawsuit dude get yourself an injury attorney fat payday i i thought about that but my wife's job is selling hardwood floors, and her company installed the stairs. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I mean, that'd be kind of hot if you sued your wife. Yeah, it's huge. But you're a good partner and a good dad, and the things in the home that you can be great at outside of the physical you're nailing? Yeah, I think the dad part. She's seen me really adopt to being a dad really well, and she finds that hot. Take up a lot of the slack. Take the boy in the mornings on our weekends to go chill so she can hang.
Starting point is 01:00:41 So I'm doing that well. Good partner. That's always been there because she's just so much better than me so you gotta like level up the dating game so planning sick dates getaways things like that like the relationship side's good are we so sure she's better than you yeah yeah all our friends all our friends love her the most. Yeah, but that's also outside in. But you must be doing something for her that makes her feel safe when she's with you. Well, we got married so young, I kind of locked her in.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And we're both pretty religious, so we're not big divorce people. Not that she wants to divorce me, but kind of a lot of negative self-talk going on here. I think 1,000%, you got to get back into weightlifting. You got to get those surgeries done, dude dude get your body and your rig right also your djing and you got a kid so you're probably presenting as tired so you make sure you get your z's bro sleep is cruched dude you got to get those z's my dude and let me ask you this dude are you clean shaven you rocking a beard i know a lot of dudes up in portland are rocking those beards maybe you ditch that beard no i'm uh my hair grows to where i look creepy and then it stops so i'm kind of like jesus christ man go easy on yourself yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:01:55 stop what the hell's going on here just stop it's true no she likes the scruff i got a little scruff it's good i think uh dude chelsea boots and a fedora. Yep. And you know what? Get yourself some keels. Get yourself a nice pea coat. You'll be looking pretty good. That's sick. Style-wise. You can rock that up there in that weather.
Starting point is 01:02:12 When's the best you ever felt about yourself? Oh, man. I feel great about myself, honestly. But probably when I was cross-fitting and just jacked. Dude, so you know what? Everyone gets injured and the doctors will always tell you you have to stop you can't listen to your doctors they told me to stop lifting they're wrong and you know what crossfit is pretty insane it's so many high reps and it's so many so much
Starting point is 01:02:37 fucking weight you can get a good workout without doing you can dial it back just do hypertrophy stuff yeah and then do a little bit more like Pilates or yoga or stuff to like strengthen the tendons so you don't wind up back on the surgery table. But I think you got to find a way to still push beyond what you think are your limits. And when you're doing that, your confidence grows exponentially. And then you won't be as worried about what people think about your wife. You'll just be feeling good about yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And it's sick that you're married to a MILF, dude. That's good. I guess my last question is on the weight lifting side i can't lift my arm above my head so i'm like stuck on lower body and abs do you think i should just like just build some trunks or is that going to be like too disproportionate and not help my case no legs are the best it's going to send testosterone through your whole body, dude. Use those legs. Absolutely use those legs. And then plank. Can you hold yourself in a plank? I can do that. Yeah, dude. Then you get abs. Then you get abs doing that. You know,
Starting point is 01:03:33 maybe some touches. Slowly unfreeze that shoulder. Go to OT, which is occupational therapy, and fucking unfreeze that joint, dude. I think cut out sugar too. You'll glow. That's good. I'm diabetic, so, too. You'll glow. That's good. I'm diabetic, so I kind of already do that.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Nice. Sick, dude. Well, I really appreciate it, guys. Love you, man. Much love. Love you guys. Peace. Later.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Should we try that first guy? Hello? Oh, dude, we got you. Oh, my God, I can hear you guys. I'm so sorry. I got Google voice because I got to drop my phone. It's part of the question. I can talk about it later.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Let's get into it right now. What's your question, brother? Dude, I appreciate that, JT. Super stoked to be here. So I got a bit of a situation. Just finished my first year of law school from Vegas. And before I started law school, I kind of went through a little bit of a depression spiral, not going to lie. And it led me to fall into the world of lady escorts.
Starting point is 01:04:40 And I went on a solo trip to Denver, of all places. and I went on a solo trip to Denver, of all places, and it was right after a breakup with a smoking hot girl away on the league. It was pretty sad, pretty beat up, and so I just was drunk alone one night looking up, like literally just Googled it, like a major dork, like escorts in my area, that whole thing, and it was just a bunch of random girls,
Starting point is 01:05:04 and you just like hit like a button that got scammed like four times. But finally, like an actual, you know, person showed up, a female, so sick. And it was seriously the best experience of my life. Like I couldn't recommend it more. The only unfortunate thing is I got like a history of addiction, not only with myself, my family, and just immediately got got addicted like i was ready to spend every single cent i had on more of these experiences um like i honestly couldn't like it was insane like um unreal like i grew up in a pretty conservative religious household middle class pretty privileged um so it's my first time ever kind of delving in this kind of degenerate world and i don't want to use that kind of negative
Starting point is 01:05:50 connotation i you know i respect sex workers of course but um ever since then it's just like ever since anytime i get some money in my life it's like all i can think about is i have to call it mina that was your name she was incredible ukrainian um and um yeah so it's just i wanted to ask like how can i get over this addiction especially while i'm in law school because i don't really have much money yet um and i'm worried you know if i get lucky enough and i do get a good job like am i going to blow all my money on these wonderful escorts. When's the last time you saw an escort? That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:06:34 It's been a few months. It was winter break, had a pretty low point, didn't get the best grades, rebounded spring semester. But I've been, just because I've not had that much money um lately um i've been resorting to just going to strip clubs alone and how do you feel after you leave the strip club honestly super sick i'm not gonna lie the only issue is just the money draining um like i don't even i don't feel sad anytime i'm doing this i never get depressed while i'm doing it and even after i'm like honestly i'm kind of happy i spent money on this like i was it was either this or i was gonna get like a new ps5 controller like i don't like it just seemed like a way better option um it just really is like an addiction though
Starting point is 01:07:20 like i will spend every cent that i have if i can so you can see down the line just draining your bank account for that correct and especially if i have like a lawyer job you know like i'm trying to be a public defender like i can't be known as the guy who's just you know roaming around the nightlife i mean dude it's tough you know it sounds like you know real change comes with rock bottom and that's gonna be tough you don't want to go down that road so you want to nip it in the butt but it sounds like you're willing to admit that this addiction has you has the best of you and you're not gonna be a death cell even though you don't feel bad yet you feel pretty sick strip clubs how do you
Starting point is 01:08:04 feel after you get with Nina the escort like post like do you feel do you feel like like you know once once i've been on the most amazing woman i've ever met in my entire life you know it's funny just a quick story so when i first met her and we had her first experience she's like super down to earth super nice she's actually trying to be a singer in ukraine it's pretty sick and this is like her side gig she told me she's like hey i have my russian friend in town like we can do like a threesome like i had never done like a threesome before i grew up as like a little chubby kid who only dreamed of this and i was like oh hell yeah like i have i'll give any money i have for this and it was kind of weird because they showed up and this was like peak ukraine russia war so like i had like two i had a ukrainian
Starting point is 01:08:48 escort and then a russian escort i wish i was making this up i swear and i had to ask them like i'm straight up front i was like is this weird like are you guys cool and they're like no we're good that's all like that's politics that's above us and i'm like no that's respect they really put that aside and gave me a good time wow so not only were you having a three-way but you're also kind of helping broker peace between ukraine and russia whilst getting into it you know i never thought of it like that but you know i don't want to ever put myself to that high of a pedestal but there's a good chance yeah it's gonna be tough for you man because i think you're still having fun with it and you're still having some pride around it.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I've been there. I don't know about pride. I definitely feel like shame, but I don't feel only shame when I talk about it. Maybe excitement then is the better word. For sure. And like all addictions, first you're having fun with it and then it starts having fun with you.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I was in a similar place. I was addicted to webcam porn and I really liked all the gals I got to talk to on there and i felt like i was the nicest one of all the guys they dealt with and i had some dude that's my thing bro i'd be super nice to like be different you know sure and uh i always felt i i took pride out of that and i was always very like uh like honest about what i wanted and i kind of liked getting pulverized and that made me feel good that i wasn't like uh making them treat me like a king i was like no i'm pretty uh eye level about this stuff i know how it looks yeah but um at some point and you might already be there your brain is
Starting point is 01:10:18 going to need that to feel okay to regulate and you're not always going to be able to do it and in those circumstances in most instances it hits hard and it can rip you open and really change your ability to function normally i was living with strider when it happened to me and um and yeah it was it was the worst time of my life i um i almost didn't want to be around anymore and i didn't i never expected it to get there because i was talking about it and i was having fun with it now look i don't know if i would have been able to stop unless i got to that point and then because i needed saving i went to program 12-step stuff and it did it saved my life i'm not in it right now but i don't think i'd be able to
Starting point is 01:11:05 do any of this had i not done it i think um you know they say in program if you haven't had enough you know go get some more yeah and sometimes that's the only way to to come through the other side and look some people are i always i'm a bad program person this way where i'm like look some people are kind of able to live a dual life and to manage it and to, and to be a functioning addict. Um, and I still, I am not functioning. Yeah. Yeah. Um, do you really think you're going to be able to build the life you want doing this?
Starting point is 01:11:40 No, definitely not. Cause I do want like all like the regular things eventually. Um, like just like the regular things eventually um like just i guess you know like a stable family and all that because i don't come from a stable family um so definitely not kind of the lifestyle that i think i want long term um i had some pretty like you know not to like kill the vibe on the show of course but like just the reason that this all started was just because some sad stuff really happened in my life and so i don't think that'll come back again um so i'm hoping it's just me still grieving about that stuff and like this is my way to kind of expel that in a way i'm hoping um but i've seen that turn into a lifelong addiction and i just don't want that to happen yeah dude you know everything outside of
Starting point is 01:12:27 the escorts like everything's going great like i secured a sick internship this summer you know got super good grades last semester um and like you know everything's going well it's just like this feels like my one thing that could like really bring me down yeah i think uh i think maybe start getting into a program i kind of did that with drinking where i was drinking too much and i was i could recognize that it was an issue and it wasn't like people were saying dude you need to like go see someone you need to go to rehab whatever it was self-imposed but then being around being in like aa and around alcoholics and stuff
Starting point is 01:13:05 they say like the worst feeling is is drinking when you have a belly full of aa you know it's like uh when you have all that knowledge of like where the addiction leads and and all that kind of stuff it kind of steers you clear of it preemptively hopefully if you're able to to wrangle it in a little bit so i think being around and seeing hearing the kind of horror stories firsthand and sharing um might help you to you know uh tame the beast no it definitely needs to be tamed are you still trying to date normally yeah i mean i just had the reason i honestly i haven't had an escort experience in so long is because i did just have a girlfriend from law school we
Starting point is 01:13:49 recently broke up right before uh the semester ended um but yeah no i am still trying to date and like see that's the other thing is like that's why i'm so confused by this because you know i have had successful relationships in my past like it's not really been like an issue where i'm just like alone. Like it doesn't stem from loneliness. Thank God. Um, but you know, it is funny that you say about joining a program because I did just recently start going to church. I've never been to church. Um, and I don't even know if I a hundred percent believe, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:20 in the Lord upstairs. Um, but just like being around those people and they just have like this like blind happiness and they just sing some pretty sick songs. It was like really uplifting. I'm not going to lie. I think I learned like you don't have to believe in God to go to church. You know, they probably prefer it, but like, I think you can do it. You just want community.
Starting point is 01:14:39 When you're in a relationship, when you're in a relationship, do you feel fulfilled and honest and intimate with the other person? Oh, you just hit right at it no i don't no i have a history of like pretty being pretty shady like making some stupid lies and like not even lies about like cheating or being like a dick it's like all lies about like kind of exaggerating some certain things in my life or you know lying about like going somewhere even though i just wanted to be alone just thinking that you know scared to like not please her um and like yeah i don't think i've ever that's why most of my relationship have ended because i haven't felt completely fulfilled for sure right
Starting point is 01:15:13 you can create a little shield to protect yourself with like these narratives that keep them from really seeing you fully yeah yeah i don't think i've been 100 vulnerable with a girl i've dated and do you feel like you're vulnerable with the escorts though like they see the real you oh yeah nina knows way more than me than anybody it's crazy yeah but see it's never gonna be real with her exactly yeah that's probably not her real name oh actually you know it's funny you say that. It probably still isn't. But when I first, I don't know what the correct term is. I don't want to say order. It sounds bad.
Starting point is 01:15:50 But her name is Mia on the phone or on the app. And then she showed up and she was like, I'm Nina. I was like, oh, you know you're Mia on the thing. It's like, yeah, it's all fake pictures and fake everything. So that's just another tip for any dudes out there. They're all fake pictures. And if anybody asks you for your PayPal number number without meeting you say no every time that's screwed a couple times there you avoid the scams yeah dude you know i mean it sounds like what are you in
Starting point is 01:16:16 your early 20s you're in law school you're l1 26 okay and you know the future is uncertain it's a very difficult thing to navigate and you have these tragedies and sometimes what we'll do i'll find myself doing this where it's like to have control because we're all just trying to survive and use what you know mechanisms we have for survival and get through life sometimes it's a little bit easier and you'd speak about this thing or in this escorts and you call it this thing and it's this other and it's sort of this narrative of like you're in you are in control of it ordering it and stuff even though addiction does control you i fully agree with that but it's
Starting point is 01:16:57 almost an easier path of life to be like hey i'm gonna let this negative thing take me down and then you don't have to admit to yourself, Oh man, I was defeated. You know what I mean? Like, uh, cause it's all a battle internally with you,
Starting point is 01:17:11 dude. And like, if you, if, if mentally you're able to say, Hey man, this thing took me out and that's an excuse for why I'm not doing great in life or whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I think like Chad said, and JT's saying too, like you get in one of these programs, you surround yourself with good people. You're going to be able to, I think, realize sooner, and JT's saying too, like you get in one of these programs, you surround yourself with good people. You're going to be able to, I think, realize sooner, like, Hey man, fighting the fight and taking the hard path, which is like kicking the addiction, going to work, fucking being a beast, doing that tough relationship work when things aren't going tough and not creating
Starting point is 01:17:40 those lies. Everyone has to go through that. And it's harder on some than others, and it's harder on people with addictive personalities than others. I think it's great that you've recognized it, taken that huge first step. I think the next one is, like you said, and I think you're already doing a lot of it by going to church and doing a lot of great things,
Starting point is 01:17:58 but that honest introspection of being like, man, this other thing with the escorts it's it's still a part of you and you know seeing that part for what it is it takes work to get there i don't even think i can fully put it into words but we all have that to a degree um yeah we're all grappling with stuff and there's and sometimes it's an uneven road to get to a place where we feel kind of okay uneven road to get to a place where we feel kind of okay so i'm not i'm not judging it at all i i guess the thing that scares me is that it sounds like you still want to do more and so i feel like i mean they're so sick yeah it's really tough yeah that's the thing i'm trying to break i mean it's just like the only way i can explain it is like it's like just like real life porn
Starting point is 01:18:43 and like i'm super respectful like i have to get that out there of course no no when i when i was doing it i felt like if if the girl was good at her job it was almost like she could get in my head and operate my brain for me and there was yeah 100 yeah and it was like i was like completely i'm her puppet dude yeah and that's really powerful but but you know putting stuff like that in your brain that's that powerful at a certain point you can't go back to normal afterwards and i'm scared i'm scared of you hitting that rock bottom and then you're really gonna need help and so i'm hoping hoping it doesn't happen and but but when it does happen if it if it happens um you know reach out and we'll we'll help you get into a program or or you know steer you towards something that can help
Starting point is 01:19:37 and you know of course better early than later that the guys in program love a young guy because they're just happy that someone's maybe gonna skip some steps and and be an inspiration to them so it's um if you could do it now that'd be the best but if it takes you a while just we're here yeah an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure fuck dude damn i love that yeah um thank you so much guys real quick i just got a quick uh beef i know strider's a lakers fan i'm from minnesota huge timberwolves fan um i just don't understand why you guys claim our minneapolis lakers titles i just had to get that off real quick uh super peeved about that can you explain well do you want it to be claimed
Starting point is 01:20:22 as a timberwolves title no i think they should be voided honestly especially when there's no no black players in the league dude and where's the lakes in california bro i'm sorry i didn't mean to end this call on such negativity i promise it's just i had to get a good explanation your addict brain is just going everywhere at the same time dude i mean there's a lake tahoe dude it's divided between nevada and cali and i mean does boston this immediately it's all about us defeating boston does boston claim titles from way back in the day even though they didn't change cities like before there was um the colorberry was broken in basketball you know i'm not sure about it check my knowledge on that wait
Starting point is 01:21:01 so the lakers first title with george it was it George Mikan? Yeah, dude. He was a Minneapolis Laker legend. There was no African-Americans in the league at that time? I don't know about zero, but I know there wasn't any for sure on the Minneapolis Lakers. I think they would have rioted. There could have been, for sure. Yeah, let's check that out. Yeah, I think it was like
Starting point is 01:21:22 late 50s, early 50s. I mean, it looks like all white guys on the court there. Yeah. 40s early 50s i mean it looks like all white guys on the court there yeah 40s 50s yeah yeah it's the whitest team i've ever seen in my life yeah it's it's insane yeah there's a bunch of accountants dude i don't know if i've ever seen a photo of a white basketball team like this before no those are crazy a lot of triple threat yeah a lot of sweeping and swing a lot of bounce passing a lot of backdoor cuts i think we drafted elgin baylor too so that was kind of her elgin baylor yeah and then he immediately left legend that was pretty sad you know you know what i really want
Starting point is 01:21:53 for you too man it's just for you to meet a girl that you're not paying and for you to feel truly seen and for you to truly see her and all your guys's inconsistencies and incongruities and in your full humanness and i know that probably doesn't sound as good as just going buck wild with two eastern european ladies but uh i think it'll it'll make you rise to the best self you are i needed to hear that thank you guys peace you're a legend dude fight the good fight bro stay strong appreciate you bros have a good one yeah love you man he sounded exactly like our buddy tom his voice exactly like him smart guy yeah both smart this guy sounds very smart that can get you into trouble too when you intellectualize problems
Starting point is 01:22:43 and you look at him more as like a third person experience rather than your own life where you're like oh i'm this like fun person going through these things you don't think about the toll it's actually taking on you yes you the person yeah like you're this these these things you got a hit meter and they're they're dinging it for sure i called my sponsor the other day i haven't been going to program and i called him and said i was thinking about going back to a meeting just because i wasn't even i've been watching porn and mastermind but nothing like i i feel good about myself overall and healthy but it's something that i would like to take care of so i called him and talk about it he's a great guy, but we were like still not. And in the program,
Starting point is 01:23:30 it's all about humility and submission to it. Right? Like you take your ego out of it, but he was like, he calls me, John, he's like, John, it just seemed like it was like,
Starting point is 01:23:35 it wasn't life or death for you. Like you felt like you would still be okay. Even with your issues. And he's like, for me, I switched it's life or death for me and i was like do you feel better because it's life or death for you and he's like it's not about feeling better and that's something that scares me about the program is that i don't want
Starting point is 01:23:56 to every time i masturbate feel like i could go off the rails and die i want to just be like hey man i just there's a way i cope this is what i do is it ideal no but am i gonna like destroy everything because of it and there's been times where that was true and there's other times where it hasn't felt as true for me yeah yeah no it's good dude that's honest i think that's and i mean for this guy who knows it's it's hard to tell is it is it life or death or not that's like uh it does feel like when you put that limitation on yourself you're in the back of your mind you're like well i didn't destroy my life so why am i why am i being so hard on myself and that's a tough i i don't really know what the answer is to that. It's tough because I think the program saves so many lives and it's the best solution we have.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I haven't heard of another thing. And there's so much, I've never felt God more than when I was in those programs. Like you're with sinners, quote unquote, and we're all accepting each other and hearing each other's truth and building each other up to be better and to be more spiritual more healthy more giving and it is beautiful but i i personally i just can't right now do it all the time although i do think i'm gonna go back in a couple days yeah but i'm not the best vessel for it because i've been inconsistent yeah but if he went to it i'd be very happy yeah yeah i mean i think just getting that getting that knowledge in his dome be good to hear some stuff like that he needs the other side yeah it helps because the way he talks about he's like so sick yeah yeah which yeah it's uh he's still loving it
Starting point is 01:25:38 too much yeah remember when i went on that date with the webcam girl oh that's yeah it's my therapist warming beforehand she's like jt she's not into you i was like suzanne i'm pretty charming and then we went out we were talking and she was like so what are you looking for i was like i don't know let's just see where it goes and she's like all right well for 500 you can watch me are you not into me at all she's like no, no. Thank God she was honest about it. That is good. I would have chased her around forever. It's funny. I think it's been hard for, because like even me talking about it now, you're not supposed to talk about program.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Right. But I do think the rules have kind of not changed, but are like hard to keep track of in the social media constant. Like, I feel like people talk about it. I think it's better if they talk about it. I understand people if they're in like AA or whatever they want to be anonymous but i don't think the the program you know if people want to talk about i think they should talk about i think it helps people hello what up what up dude yo how are you guys doing? Good, man. How are you? Dude, I'm all right.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I'm calling in from Indiana. Long time stoker. Crazy. I'm also just finished my first year of law school, but what ails me isn't nearly as intense as the last, dude. Hell yeah. Well, it's all good, dude. Congrats on law school.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I appreciate it, guys. Yeah, so I'll just jump into it i'll try and keep it short just because it's a long thing but um me and my dank gf broke up last august like nine months ago um because i was going to law school and she was going abroad for a year before starting med school and when when we broke up in August it was kind of like um at least when we talked about it back then didn't really talk about what it looked like moving forward and we kind of talked about it being like a break almost and then like kind of talked while she was abroad but then she just got back like last week and I like reached out was like yo are we gonna have this conversation about what it looks
Starting point is 01:27:45 like moving forward and uh she was just like yeah we can but it's like not the answer that you know you want to hear probably so I kind of just crippled my stoke and you know it sucked hearing that but I think what sucked more and like kind of hard to work through was like you know the past nine months i had this idea of like you know maybe subconsciously to some extent how this would look when she got back and then you know i'm not trying to turn the blame game on her because i was the one who ended it back in august but just like kind of hearing that like absolutely was just like oh killer oh, killer. Yeah. So I'm just calling to wonder, like, any advice on how to get through?
Starting point is 01:28:33 Like, we had, like, a long conversation about it. And since then, like, you know, her being back especially makes it more real. And, like, I've put together some good steps to, like, you know, avoid reaching out and give myself space and like time to work through everything but obviously would appreciate the legend's opinion yeah when i hear that i you know i think heartbreak stings it's it's it's a very painful feeling but i think a good thing to think is that you're still okay you know it's not the end of the world. You know, you guys not being together, it's not going to kill you. It's like you're still cruising. And so, I think I would, you know, feel the pain. But also, enjoy the adventure of life, especially as a single guy.
Starting point is 01:29:18 You know, go meet some people. Go do some cool things. Like, you know, just get out there and live you know don't don't don't get bogged down in the all those thoughts of you know what life would be like with her if you could just get back but you know because it's always gonna grass is always gonna be greener you know but um i think you guys aren't together for a reason and you'll find that special someone uh eventually that'll probably mean you know that you'll have a deeper connection with but until then dude hit a water park
Starting point is 01:29:51 smart yeah good call do some jujitsu put some sunscreen on yeah dude and you know this is tough because like you say i love that you were honest with yourself we were like man i had this idea in the back of my head that maybe we'd get back together and whatever. You know, it wasn't a clean rip of the bandaid. And, you know, maybe you want to have that conversation with her. Get your closure. Closure is nice. Sounds like you kind of already know.
Starting point is 01:30:16 And it's a tough pill to swallow. But like Chad said, dude, like you want to be with someone who's stoked to be with you, dude. And, you you know timing's different maybe this relationship wasn't navigated well but guess what dude now you have experience dude and you know in in your next venture in life after you freaking crush that water park or go to the i don't know the indianapolis speedway or a pre-season game for the colts or something i don't know you're doing something sick and you're going to meet someone you're going to be stoked and and you know you'll be better for it true true water park though i don't know i'm kind of out on water parks i gotta agree wow i'm out too as an adult i'm out but i
Starting point is 01:30:59 guess i maybe need to get back in it's been a while since i've been to a good one last one i went into like had too much chlorine so yeah dude you and i might have to have a difficult conversation yeah dude so were you in the nine months when you guys were not together did you see other people yeah dude i think uh i went on a couple dates i saw this one girl a couple times but like you know it was kind of getting ramped up like went on a couple of dates. I saw this one girl a couple of times, but like, you know, it was kind of getting ramped up, like went on a couple of dates over like, you know, a month and a half.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And I kind of pulled back away from that. I think still just thinking of like, you know, what happens in nine months? Like if I'm still seeing somebody, you know what I mean? Like trying to navigate both of those at the same time, didn't want to overinvest.
Starting point is 01:31:44 And kind of what Strider was saying about closure, like doing like but you know what i mean like trying to navigate both of those at the same time don't want to over invest and kind of what strider was saying about closure like doing like you know meditations on this stuff it's like now i have that part of me that can be open to other stuff but i think during those nine months that was so hard for me was like not thinking in the back of my mind of like well in nine months i'm gonna things are gonna be different yeah what uh is there any girls you're sweet on outside of the girl who just uh dipped um not really like i go to law school uh not in indiana but out in pa and uh not too many honeys out there but also i think i realized too like i wasn't really looking, I was kind of just like, oh, I don't need this. But, you know, you never know until you start opening those eyes, I guess.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Is there a babe you've been looking at in her Instagram stories and just being like, what if I took a chance? Dude, not really. But I guess, like, moving forward, I think I need to, you't so i'm not big on the apps per se but like you know i think i need to start taking more chances with like is there a cashier at the whole foods you've been like man she just lights up that aisle no there was a stalker at trader joe's though now we're talking about i was looking at now we're talking is she still there i don't know i haven't been to trader joe's in like a month but that's going on out of respect for your relationship for sure um yeah dude i think you should just
Starting point is 01:33:10 roll over to trader joe's walk up to that girl and say what's your take on water parks oh good call she's gonna be done that's so sweet dude i was gonna say you go to the nearest bass pro shop hang out in the compound bow section if a lady lady walks in there, get down on one knee and propose. Sick. On the spot. Yeah, dude. I'm down for that. First time you talk to a babe at Bass Pro Shop,
Starting point is 01:33:35 you're going to feel such a surge in freaking all kinds of those chemicals, you know, oxytocin, endorphins, jizz. oxytocin endorphins jizz yeah yeah and you're gonna be like oh i forgot i even dated that chick yeah yeah i don't think i don't think especially with the compact bow section bro no compound if wasn't compact would be sick though dude she needs a bow on the go compact is sick dude you know what you do you know what you do dude you find a panera bread close to a hospital you're gonna find nurses on their lunch break it's our nice ladies their mom was a nurse according to statistics too not your mom but i heard that they like to get down my mom being around all that death that pumps up the
Starting point is 01:34:25 need for sexual release yeah do you hook up with a mom are you sad am i sad yeah like about every i think uh i was pretty beat up about it when we were having that conversation just because of what I already said about realizing that I guess looking at the whole broad picture in hindsight I was more frustrated
Starting point is 01:34:57 with myself for having this. Believing in it, but also she was a dank GF, so had I known having this. Yeah, believing in it, but also, like, she was a dank GF, so it was like, had I known that, like, this is where I would be in nine months, I don't think I would have ended it. So I think, like, more sad and frustrated about, like. Regret that your choices have consequences. Yeah, big time. That's normal, man.
Starting point is 01:35:22 If you didn't go through that, you wouldn't become an adult person. She's not the one. True's normal, man. If you didn't go through that, you wouldn't become an adult person. She's not the one. True. Yeah, bro. You're good. You're rock solid. You're crazy. Appreciate you guys. Peace. Stay stoked. Love you, dude, bro.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Love you guys. Late. I'm pretty satisfied with today's ep. How are you guys feeling? I feel good. I feel great. Have you guys feeling i feel good i feel great have you guys heard about this new thing though before we get out of here my dank wife just told me about this rat boyfriends yes like guys that look like yes chef have you you know about this i love it i'm so in on this you like it i love it girl yeah yeah chalamet little rat boyfriends hilarious to me dude so funny dude why do you love it because you just like that unconventionally attractive manner like
Starting point is 01:36:12 hitting the moment or do you like that these guys are kind of getting picked on because you kind of want to punch their derp faces i think that's i know they do have derp faces but i love both these actors a lot so i love love these guys. No, no. So I like qualms about them being the best. I like what they've done for this ilk of dude. Typically this ilk of dude just looks like a guy who like, you know, stocks VHS is in the back of a video store. But now these guys are getting laid because the work that these guys have done and then girls are going, having a little bit of fun too.
Starting point is 01:36:41 It's a little mean on the girl's ends. I have to say labeling that like if the roles were reversed, but know what have fun ladies it's summertime get a fling get yourself a rat boyfriend i love it yeah no uh mean for sure yeah i mean and if it was cutting the other way you know they wouldn't let us run for president or something exactly but that doesn't really make sense but you know what i mean yeah But Chalamet, conventionally attractive. Like a beautiful guy by any measure. He's tiny. He's skinny. I think he's taller than you.
Starting point is 01:37:14 You talking about Pete Davidson? No, I think Chalamet is taller than you. Jake, pull it up. Chalamet, height, weight, gotta see it. Lisan Al-Gaib. Height. Weight. Maybe not taller, but I think he weighs more than you.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Dude, if you keep talking. Dude, honestly, him being 5'10", I'm surprised by that. Really? That's a great height. 5'10", that's great. That's about how tall you are. Yeah, I was 5'10", at one point in my life yeah it was i've been five yeah i do have 5 10 5 feet 10 inches of height to my frame that is correct
Starting point is 01:37:53 i have that and okay so yeah chalamet is about a buck 20 he's a buck 20 dude a fucking great actor and you know what honestly if you cast him in the role of drive i still think he'd do a good job i still feel like he you'd feel like he could punch through a wall if you gave him if you gave him that role played by he can do anything by what's his face though perfectly by um oh fuck why am i blanking on his name? Gosling. I love him. Jeremy Allen White could beat my ass, I'll tell you that. He's 5'7"? 5'7", but he's jacked. He's jacked.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yeah, he's got a good rig. Yeah, he's got a good body. He's a good actor. Yes, chef. He is good. This season of The Bear, can I say it? I'm not even all the way through. Not good.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Yeah, too many cameos for me. They're very star fuckery especially one that just like stuck out so much i couldn't even i haven't been there yet but if it's bill murray i'll be mad dude that would have been cool but but i get why that's annoying too dude uh i get that did you guys watch the new zach efron movie no i love that oh oh you know my dank ass wife did she said it was great. Zac Efron and... Nicole Kidman.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Nicole Kidman. Dude, both of their plastic surgeries on screen, you're just like, dude. I know. And I like Efron. I love both of them.
Starting point is 01:39:14 I love Efron. Dude, 17 Again is one of my favorite movies. Plastic surgery works. They just went too over the top. Theirs didn't go well. I know.
Starting point is 01:39:23 And in Hollywood, it's a vicious industry, especially on women. You know, they feel the pressure. But Efron, man, he was perfect. See, we see the bad examples and then we think all of it doesn't work. But let's delete this guy's name from it. This is the one I always pull up. Bleep all of this.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Can you pull up? Oh, I've seen this. can you pull up oh i've seen this i always use this one to show like no this had a positive impact on his life wow yeah that's great like that made him go from i'm probably not acting when i'm 35 to i'm the sexiest man alive wow oh for sure you are now in superhero movies people who think he was mewing this is really fun that's what bugs me yeah that really bugs me when people are like no i just changed my diet i matured yeah that very and i put my tongue on the top of my mouth i just don't think that is going to change your facial structure that dramatically.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Exactly, bro. There's no way. Oh, it's hilarious. What a time to be alive. Before we go, anybody in LA, there's a show in the belly room at the Comedy Store. Oh, yeah. 10 p.m. Bros Before Joes.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Be there. Be there. Be there. It's going to be Strider, JT, Schmoll, Kevin, Joe, Annie Letterman. Steph Tolove. Steph Tolove, Laura Peek. It's going to be sick. Yeah, I think tickets are moving, so. Yeah, it might actually.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Is it 10.30 or 10? 10.30. 10.30, yeah. So, you guys, come out to that belly room, 10.30. It's going to be sick. Schmoll's going to do something. Frigging be there. Schmoll will do something, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 01:41:19 All right, guys, thanks for joining. Later, guys. thanks for joining later guys

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