Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 352 - Our Hollywood Dad - Brad Fuller

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

Today we are joined by our Hollywood Dad, the legend Brad Fuller.He is the man who we call for guidance because we trust his instincts about life more than anyone else in this industry. With over 35 y...ears in the game,  he has produced some of the biggest movies to ever hit the box office. We breakdown who has the most RIZZ in Hollywood. Brad talks about his latest movies,  A Quiet Place: Day one. We also talk about his trip to Dublin and of course take some great calls. A man who has a problem with smoking weed, needs some advice on how to slow his roll. Our friend Hot Rod, calls in about finding freedom and moving to new city. If you love movies and film, this is a must see episode! If you enjoyed the Pod, hit the like and subscribe button! It really helps us out! Bros Before Joes SHOW AT THE COMEDY STORE TONIGHT (AUG 14th) here: https://www.showclix.com/event/joes-august14th We are streaming the BTS, Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ If you need advice and want to chat with us, TEXT us with your issue or question at 323-418-2019 and we will add you to the list! (Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up dudes, welcome to the podcast. We have an epic fiery episode for you. It is one of my favorites to date, so stick around for that. But first, before we get started, we'll let you know that we have another Bros Before Joes show at the Comedy Store in the Belly Room August 14th at 10.30 p.m.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Bros Before Joes, it's the whole squad. It's me, JT, Strider, Kevin the Schmoll, and the big hog Joe Morisi And we've also got Robbie Hoffman on the show We've got Andrea Jin on the show and one other person that I forget but get your tickets at Chad JT comm Also, we stream these live on twitch So if you want to watch the raw uncensored version of the pod Follow our twitch twitch.tv slash ChadJT go deep
Starting point is 00:00:48 and you can also be in the chat we do live chat it's all kind of it's awesome so I highly recommend checking that out. Also before you get started shout out to our sponsors Magic Mind, Botanic Tonics and Easy Rider. Let's get into the pot. Slap me in the face and call me Frank. What's going on Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroeger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre Jean Thomas. What up? Boom clap Stokers. And the return of the legend himself, Brad Fuller.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Welcome back. Guys, feels so good to be here. I'm so happy just to be sitting between the two of you, betwixt the two of you. Oh dude. Dude, that's where we like to have you. Thank you. Can we get that mic a little closer to you too?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Sure, how's that better? Yeah. Okay, good. Shakespeare invented the word betwixt. That's correct. And he invented like a couple hundred words. Chad's on the record with one. He came up with Jabou.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Jabou. Was that in? Which play was that? What was that in? I mean, we haven't put it on stage yet, but Chad said it and it's kind of permeated. I like that. It was my college play, A Midsummer Night's Steez. I got that.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's cool. And the puck says, wow. Really? He sinks like a fat rebuttal shot. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, it's right at the climax. So would you say I'm the first guest to use betwixt?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, 100%. Good. We're elevating. Chad did some other Shakespeare renditions in college. He did, instead of Hamlet, it was Ham Bone. Instead of Macbeth, it was Mac Bitch. Yeah, that was a tough time in my life. That was a tough breakup and all my anger,
Starting point is 00:02:36 I just poured it out into the page. Did you write these plays? I did, yeah. And, For Thine is a Stupid Bitch. So do they exist anywhere now? I mean, I do have the pages. Something to dust off perhaps?
Starting point is 00:02:51 I mean, you know, if we want to- A light reading on the pod? Dude, a Midsummer Night Steez right now would be great. The Merchant of Dinks. Yeah, I do. I'd be into that. You'd be into that? And I might even come- I mean, I'm not an actor, but I'd help.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh, bed that ho. Yeah, if we did Ham Bone, you could play my late father, the ghost. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd do that, sure. That'd be sick. Yeah. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Wow. Dude, that'd be a whole new chapter for Going Deep. Don't you think? Dude, this is, I'm fired up. The Midsummer Cream Jeans. The Midsummer Cream, dude. So. That's why Dude, this is, I'm fired up. The midsummer cream jeans. The midsummer, dude. That's why we have you here for inspiration like that.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Well, listen, I'm happy to, it feels like it's just right there in front of us, isn't it? I mean, you know, I never looked at it that way. I just looked at it as sort of like a passion project from my collegiate days, but perhaps it could be our magnum opus. Yeah, I think it could be.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. I think it could be. Hand bone, especially. I mean McBitch You know that was pre me too Might want to stay away from that then the vibes are different for sure. You could really go at a woman like that You got a handle on the kids gloves. They deserve it. I gotta say something guys speaking about that I watched the gauntlet last week. Have you seen The Gauntlet? Is that the 70s movie? Yeah, yeah, the Clint Eastwood movie.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, different time. I mean, yeah. She's smacking women in it. Oh my God, I was so shocked. You know, and it was like, wow, that's what movies were in the 70s. In the first like 10 minutes along this yard, Burt Reynolds like hucks his girl across the room like through a cupboard and you're like, he's the hero.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I know. You're supposed to be on his side. You're like, you can't watch that. You can't really, because the gauntlet is a great movie, but there's some, you know, brutal stuff in there to women. It's, you know. What made you want to watch the gauntlet? Because I am attracted to a movie that takes you from a point
Starting point is 00:04:43 A to point B and it's a very specific mission that you're on. And I think that those, that's the type of material that I respond to more than anything else. I'm always looking for a gauntlet movie. I say to people, send me a gauntlet movie. It feels like the purge movie was a gauntlet movie and certainly- Hell or high water feels like that, right? Definitely does.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Like you just, you get on there, you're like, I'm on a track, we're on a collision course. I like that type of movie. Do you like that type of movie? I love that kind of movie. I love when you can feel it in every scene. You're like, okay, the wheels are turning, we're moving towards this heading. We're gonna hit.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And then what gets thrown in the way, along the way, is how clever the screenwriter is and the director is. And that's the stuff I think it's really cool. And you know what's cool about Mad Max, the Fury Road one, is it feels like, okay, we're going from point A to point B, but then the twist is actually we're going back to point A. But that's what I'm saying. The surprise is what makes it feel great. Yeah. When you think it's going one direction and then something else happens.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Do you have anything like that in the Hopper? Well, I think there's always something like that in the hopper to a certain degree. I don't have anything that's about to start shooting. I'm thinking like that. We have we I mean, I can't give we have one movie that deals with werewolves that is a little bit like that. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah. But the director who I've who I made the turtle movies with in Texas chains. So the beginning with Jonathan Liebesman and uh, we're, I think, we're getting pretty close on something with him. I like, I like making movies with him. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. The three Pete,
Starting point is 00:06:16 me and Lebo. You guys have a good rhythm when you work together. We do. This is a rando question. You've been around this Hollywood game for a while. Yeah. Of all the people you've seen, who has the most Riz? Who has the most Riz? Yeah. What's Riz? Charisma.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Oh, charisma. Specifically with the opposite sex. Oh. Wow. God, that's a great question. I'm trying to think. There are a lot actually, but here's what happens is that I meet a lot of people in their 20s when they're single and then they get married and so- They switch up.
Starting point is 00:06:57 They switch up and that happens a lot, I mean. So, in their prime, in their prime, when they were not spoken for. I think Ryan Reynolds was very charming. Very charming and funny. I remember you saying that. On the set of Amityville, he was the most charming, like a star. Fun, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You know, and in a different way, not the way you're thinking about it, but I just made a movie with an actress named Megan Fahey. Megan Fahey was on White Lotus the second season. She's as charming an individual as I've ever been around. I just loved every minute with her. And then the male lead to that movie is also very charming, a guy named Brendan Sklinar, who is on the 1923 and this new movie with Blake Lively, I'm forgetting what it's called. Can someone help me? The new Blake Lively movie. It ends with us. And he is very charming too. Nice.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah. So, but there's a lot, you know, I think that to be- They all got it a little- They have to, right? Because you're attracted to, you want to go back and see them. I mean, you know, about two months ago, I went to, I was making a movie in Dublin. And at the exact moment that I pulled up to see Bruce Springsteen in Dublin, Brad Pitt pulled up and got out of a van. Now I was 50 yards away, I was far away, and it was as if the light from God came down and shined on his face and you could hear angels singing and he just got out of a van and walked away. I didn't get to talk
Starting point is 00:08:30 to him. I didn't get to see him but like all eyes were drawn to him just when he emerged from this van. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you think he had that? I'm sure he had it a bit but prior to his movie star status, do you think? Yeah, I do. I do. I just do. I don't, you know, yeah, I do. When he was a waiter,
Starting point is 00:08:52 Robin Givens took him home to sleep with him when she was going through her breakup with Mike Tyson. And when he pulled into the house with Robin Givens, Mike Tyson was waiting there for her. And he said, go home. This was when Brad Pitt wasn't an actor. Is that really true? Mike Tyson tells that story.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh my God. Who I trust. I do too. I do too. But he had enough riz, even as just a normal dude for one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood to be like, hey, you're my company tonight. Hey, I see people are asking who I am.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Do you want it? Should we skip that? That's crazy. Well guys, this is our dear friend, Brad Fuller. He is a big time Hollywood producer, but beyond that, he's our Hollywood dad. He, we call him when we're having personal or professional troubles and he guides us.
Starting point is 00:09:40 We trust his moral compass. We trust his instincts about life and the future. It's very nice of you to say, JT, I appreciate that. I'm licking you. Thank you, bud. Thank you. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Well, so you just had a big movie come out. We did, in fact. And it did great. It did. I feel very lucky about that. Yeah, that one worked out. It was called A Quiet Place Day One. It's great. Four weeks. It came out four weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:10:07 It's still in theaters now. And you guys almost said Jeff Nichols was almost the director on this one. Jeff Nichols wrote the first draft of the movie and then he went off to go do Bike Riders. Yes. So we brought in Michael Sernoffsky. Bad. I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I saw it two days ago. Bike riders? Is that the? Bad. What's his name? Austin Butler. Austin Butler. He's so great. What's bad about it? It's just, it's thematically unclear. It's very vignette-y. It feels like cosplay, which is kind of the point, but in a way that throws you out of it and the accents are too much. Jodie Comer's accent alone knocks it down a full letter grade. It's just not a well-stitched together movie. Not like A Quiet Place. That's nice of you to say. Listen, Jeff is talented and Michael Sarnowski, I think, did a really, really excellent job. What else did Michael Sarnowski do? He did a movie called Pig, which was a Nick Cage movie. But to go from like a little movie, under five million dollar movie to go do a larger
Starting point is 00:11:13 movie, which is what A Quiet Place was, is not an easy thing to accomplish. And it's a big jump and he jumped right into it and really did a terrific job. Really did a terrific job. And the performances I think are as good as I've ever been a part of actually Lupita was amazing It's yeah, she was so good and I thought Joseph point also was really good. He's really good Yeah, yeah, so very happy, you know very happy with the outcome of that, you know I don't always feel that way about a film. Did you guys do good at the box office? We have
Starting point is 00:11:43 yeah, I think that someone sent me a text today that it's maybe the highest grossing horror movie since A Quiet Place 2. Wow. Whoa. Which is a nice place to be. Bro, it's you on top of the mountain. Well, no, it's not. Please go.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No, it's not. But I'm happy that people love that story and that they respond to- Yeah, the universe is rich. It's got places. And it was so smart to move it to New York, right? You guys have been doing more rural perspectives on it and then you're like, wait, what if you had to be quiet in the loudest place imaginable? Well, that was the first idea is if you got to be quiet in the loudest place imaginable, how does that work?
Starting point is 00:12:23 But I think the bigger challenge for for us, all of us was, how do we make a quiet, quiet place movie without those people who were in the first two movie that get them to care about new people? Get them to care about new people. It's you know, it's not easy. I mean, John and Emily are so great and the kids, you know, they people love those characters. So I think it was a very risky move to go and make a movie
Starting point is 00:12:43 about people that the that people who have been following A Quiet Place had never met before Hollywood horror is really having a resurgence. Well, it's interesting that you say that Chad because Two weeks before the movie came out. There were all the articles that horror was dead I mean there was a string of horror movies that had opened uh in the six week lead up to A Quiet Place and they underperformed all of them. And it was terrifying as I'm sitting in my house and I'm watching the grosses come back. I mean, there was a movie I saw called Abigail that
Starting point is 00:13:13 I thought was a really fun horror movie that they said underperformed and I forgot there was another horror movie and it was like, God, we might get killed. I had no idea where it was gonna go. And so I was so relieved opening weekend. It wasn't, I was happy. It was just total relief that we were gonna be okay. Yeah. What seems like, sorry. It seems like a quiet place and then long legs.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Long legs, which I haven't seen. Have you seen it? I haven't seen it. Is it awesome? Yeah, it's like a dark, like his performance is amazing. He's so funny. That's amazing. Yeah. I, that was the big take, my girlfriend and I watching it were like Nicholas Cage was, he's absurd.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Do you know that we went to the same high school? Really? Yes. Wow. Isn't that weird? How, were you there at the same time? Was that in the valley? No, it was on the west side. I think I was there one year when he was there. I think he was three years ahead of me. Did he know him at all? No.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Was he already a kind of like a bumming actor? Yes, because he was in Fast Times or Ridgemont High. There is one scene in Fast Times or Ridgemont High where I think- He's in the bleachers, right? Well, yeah, I think he slaps something on one of the characters' back that says, eat me. I think there's like a piece of paper and he slaps something on the back. Was that, I guess, and maybe he worked in the restaurant, but I didn't remember seeing
Starting point is 00:14:37 him in the restaurant where Brad works. What was that called? I forgot what it was but needless to say Yeah, that the that picture down there is him slapping Come on down right there that no on the other side to the right come left that Let's click on that. So he's I think putting something on someone's back there Was he still going by Coppola when you knew him? Yes, he was Any change in and you knew that? Yes, he was. And he changed in height.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And you knew that his uncle was Big Francis? Yes. Yeah. He, do you think, I was thinking about this because after we watched that, I was like, do you feel like the biggest stars, the most beloved people in culture have to go through a period where they're just relentlessly made fun of. I'm thinking like Keanu, Nicolas Cage, Nickelback. Good call. But not Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:15:34 But not Brad Pitt. No, but you did. Yeah, I mean. When? When Angelina and him split. I guess so. And everyone was saying he was, you know, a booze hound, reckless. I guess so. I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:15:45 What about Tom Cruise? I guess Tom Cruise too. Oh, the couch when he jumped from the couch. I forgot about jumping on the couch. Yeah. So, God, I don't know. Yeah, it seems like they all do. And maybe that's what makes them stars is they have that ascension and then they chop
Starting point is 00:16:00 them up and then they come back like a phoenix. Yeah, they have to come back. Yeah. And if the audience accepts them after that, then they come back like a phoenix. Yeah, they have to come back. Yeah. And if the audience accepts them after that, then they're invincible. I mean, Nick Cage has had a thousand lives. Yeah. Nick Cage, Ben Affleck is kind of... He has a phoenix tattoo on his back. Is that what that is? So he knows what I'm talking about. He's my hero. He's your hero. Seriously? I do. I love him. Yeah. Well, he's super smart and talented. Yeah. And I like that he, uh, I like that he, he, it's almost like he welcomes the punishment because it's fuel for the turnaround. I, I think you're reading into that a little, but he don't think he's, well, he seems to live his life in a
Starting point is 00:16:44 way that puts a target on him. He definitely does that. That's definitely a choice. But my sense of him is he's so intelligent that he's above it all. He's made so many great movies and written things. And when you hear him talk, he's extremely articulate. I don't know. I feel like his brain is at a different level.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He's kind of, so like Good Will Hunting, I think when that movie came out, everyone thought Matt Damon was like the brains of the operation. And I think to a large degree he is. But I think the more time we get from that movie to now, you look back and you're like Ben Affleck is Will Hunting. He's kind of like the hoodlum who's got a supercomputer for a brain. Yeah, I love that movie. God. It's an all-timer. It is an all-timer. It's got, you know, I think it's so great. It's got so many different kinds of love in it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. It's got like new love. It's got like gone love because of Robin Williams. It's got like paternal love. It has filial work love. It's got everything. But JT, do you think they were thinking about that when they were writing that movie? No, I think when you're young, you just feel the world that way. And then I think also, I think they got good notes on it, right? Like didn't they have like a CIA subplot where Will's on the run from them? I do remember hearing that, yes. Did they really? Yes, yes. And then I think Harvey Weinstein was like, hey man, it's just about the,
Starting point is 00:18:11 this smart kid who's scared of like his potential. And he kind of brought it down to a more human level. But aren't we all attracted to that character who says the things off the top of the head that we wish we could always think of in that moment. I mean, that's awesome. Mrs. Fuller has me watching Suits now. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Right? So I'm going back to the first season and I'm like, because she watched all nine or eight seasons and I said, what do you like about the show? She goes, I can't figure it out, but I just love these characters and I start watching it and I'm having the same experience. I'm on like episode four or five of the first season. And the characters, like especially the, um, Harvey, the character of Harvey always knows the right thing to say. I want to be that guy. Yeah. And that's what Will Hunting was
Starting point is 00:18:59 too. Yeah. Like that scene in the bar when they're, you know, that's- Can be quoting Gordon Wood. I know. Talk about the pre-Agerian economy. Yes. Yes. What is that, by the way? Did you know what that is? I think that's before farmers were pulling all their money together. But there are people who study what that culture looked like?
Starting point is 00:19:18 No, God no. Okay. Only in movies. Okay, only in movies. Only in movies is the guy who studied that all so sexy and confidant. Right. In real life, the guy who studied that also sexy and can fight. Right, exactly. In real life, the guy who studies that has a limp, hasn't talked to another person for
Starting point is 00:19:30 a couple of months and he runs an open mic in the valley. Have you guys seen Suits though? Have you seen it? I watch highlights of it on TikTok because the clips circulate a lot. And it's Gabriel Mock like just being the man. He comes into a scene and the other people think they're going to pin him down and then he's like, actually. But that's what I love.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I already knew everything. And actually, you're in love with me. And guess what? I like you too. You're like, oh. I would stumble upon videos on, you know, it'd be like how to be, they were sort of like how to build up your charm videos and he would be the case study. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Like you can, here's what Harvey Specter does in this situation. It's amazing you pulled the character name out like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is amazing. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Was that Harvey Specter moment?
Starting point is 00:20:15 You know, yes. Well, I was reading this book this morning actually and it's talking about Jim Carrey like the turning point in his career when he decided he wanted to be like what his job was as a comedian is to free people from concern and to portray a character I think it was to portray a character that's free of concern and that's how it helps people free themselves of concern. That's amazing. Yeah I think that's a lot that's what I like a lot in movies and characters is people who seemingly go through life without any worries. Right. And are able to just be in the world and be, I was, I was like Kramer always in Seinfeld. Right. You know,
Starting point is 00:20:58 I just loved watching him because he's, he's just Kramer and he's not worried about. But let me ask you this, what did you think of Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm, that character who goes through the world and is finding problems everywhere and making the wrong decision? Right. I like that he has a strong sense of who he is and he's not afraid to speak his mind. Right. That's what I like about Larry.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Right. Yeah. Is that if he has a problem with something, he'll say it out loud. He's not mind. Right. That's what I like about Larry. Right. Yeah, is that he'll, if he has a problem with something, he'll say it out loud. He's not scared. Right. No, he's, yeah, it's aspirational where he's unafraid of everyone being against him.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Right. He would be okay with it. The whole room can turn against him. He's like, I know I'm right. Yeah. But like Susie yells at him in every episode and kicks him out of the house and then he keeps coming back. Comes back.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You know, it's like, you know. He doesn't take it too seriously. Doesn't take anyone seriously. Leon was that way a little bit back. He comes back. And I was like, you know. He doesn't take it too seriously. Doesn't take anyone seriously. Leon was that way a little bit too. I love it. Leon's my favorite character in that show. So funny. You got long ass balls, Larry.
Starting point is 00:21:53 What's that? Long ball Larry. Long ball Larry, yes, of course. Without getting under the hood too much, you're a lot like that. Thank you. You're not the first person to say that, I guess. Because in the years I've known you, you've gone through a ton of like career shifts, changes, the industry has changed.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Like it's been, there's been moments that could have overwhelmed- Mortal men? Yes. Yes. And you've been very calm and steady through it. Well, it appears that way too, JT. I can assure you that from two to four in the morning most nights I'm not calm or – But the appearance is what matters because that takes a lot of energy to even be able
Starting point is 00:22:36 to keep that up. Well, here's the thing. The prevailing view that I have is that I've been doing this for 42 years, if you can believe that, and there have been good years and bad years, and it kind of all balances out in the end. It is my prevailing view. And so, yeah, the bad times. So you take the long view.
Starting point is 00:22:52 When shit starts getting sideways, you're like, hey, don't worry about this moment. Worry about two years from now what it's gonna be. Right, you know that I'm a long view guy, same wife for 31 years, same woman cutting my hair for 32. I don't like change, I like consistency, I just put one foot in front of the other
Starting point is 00:23:07 and hope I get lucky. I mean literally, it's not that sophisticated. Wait, that's crazy. Has she given you bad haircuts in those two? Oh my God, yeah. Well, she doesn't mean to. Two months ago I went in there, she starts cutting my hair, my wife calls me, her back goes out,
Starting point is 00:23:19 and I just left the chair with half a haircut. It's okay now. It looks good. She fixed it, she fixed it. Yes, no, but Rebecca's been, by the way, Rebecca is one of Brad Pitt's best friends. My hairdresser, since they were kids. Wow, wait, so.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But she won't talk about him at all. I can't get anything out of that. That's nice. So have you met Brad? No. So was that when you saw him in Dublin, was that the first time you saw him? In person?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yes. Wow. And literally, and Allie thought the same thing. Was that when you saw him in Dublin, was that the first time you saw him? In person? Yes. Wow. And literally, and Ali thought the same thing. And like he was wearing a cream colored suit with a cream colored shirt with, you know, his hair was perfect, the sunglasses were, it just was, it was all perfect. That's awesome. He looks good.
Starting point is 00:24:01 He looks great. His style is really top of his life where I see his outfits. I'm like, who's ever putting this together is really thinking about it. But I got to believe it's him. I just have to believe it's him because it's been consistently good for a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:15 He's so awesome. And he was going to see Bruce Springsteen, which as you guys know is everything to me too. So he has great taste in music. Yeah. That's so cool. How was Bruce? So good. How many encores how was Bruce? Oh, so good
Starting point is 00:24:29 How long how many on course did he do it wasn't that it was a three-hour show? He loves Dublin Dublin was a really bring up any of the fighting that's going on in Ireland. No He did not because because we were in Dublin and you know, I mean he had I don't know the geography of it. Yeah, so Belfast is far away and Yeah, so Belfast is far away. And so Belfast is, it's a part of England. And then the rest of it is Ireland. So it's like, yeah. So he did, but he did not bring up any of that. But do the people of Dublin,
Starting point is 00:25:02 they still relate to that blue collar kind of ethos that Bruce is bringing? Oh, totally. And he loves performing in Dublin. I mean, if you look at all of Springsteen's albums, he did an album from Dublin. I forgot what it was called. It might have been Live from Dublin or something. There is a Springsteen album that was released. I think it's called Live from Dublin. Oh, there's him and Patty. Yeah. So needless to say. He's been married for a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh yeah, see Bruce Springsteen with the Sessions band Live in Dublin. So he loves Dublin. Baby, or just a brill. Such a good song. The video. Because the whole song is about how your partner's wearing a disguise when you know him.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And the video is just a single shot of Bruce with a slow push in. Yeah. And then he looks so sincere, but then at the end, the song flips. It has the twist that we're talking about. And he says, I'm wearing the brilliant disguise, but you're looking at him. You go, but you look so honest. And he's like messing with you. He's like, yeah, you think because you're looking at me, I'm telling the truth.
Starting point is 00:25:59 But I'm telling you, I'm lying to you. He's a head of all of us. Only Bruce would do that. Yeah, but you I mean, you you look at videos of Bruce now. He's 74 years old. What's that guy doing? What's Mick Jagger doing? These guys are incredible.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Incredible. The physicality is insane. He looks great. He does. And the show was just so fun. Wow. Look at him. What's your favorite Bruce song?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Well, that's hard. I mean, I would say, I was thinking about that. To see it performed, I always love 10th Avenue Freeze Out. That's what I love. Now I've been to probably 20, 20, 30 Bruce Springsteen shows. I've never seen him perform Jungleland, so that's the elusive one that I've never, and I love that song. But there's so many songs.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Both off the same album, right? Both off Born to Run. But I went to go see him on Broadway and I just we song. But there's so many songs. Both off the same album, right? Both off Born to Run. But I went to go see him on Broadway and I just wept the entire time, especially with Patty and he are singing on stage. I don't even think your audience knows a lot about Bruce Springsteen because it's a little bit older, but just his songs are matched. But he resonates with the kind of person. If you're a dude and you're sensitive, but you still wanna have some amp with it, I think he's the guy.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That makes sense. So who's the modern day equivalent? I think it's still Bruce. You know what's crazy? The music I play for my kiddos is, yesterday we were listening to Paul Simon and we listened to some Van Morrison. I put on a Bruce song too.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I was like, man, I'm playing my kids songs that are now 60 years old. This would be like if my parents were playing me like jazz band music or something. And so I don't know if that... Maybe I just have nostalgia, but I don't know if that music's fully been supplanted yet. I'm not sure that it has. And I'm really happy that you're exposing your kids to that. Yeah, I think it's good for their brains. Very good for their brains for sure. I play them a lot of sexy hip hop too, because I want them to have good hips. That's good.
Starting point is 00:27:52 What is sexy hip hop like to you? Like groove theory, a little bit of Roy Wood, some Jeremiah, some Ty Dolla Sign. Oh, Ty Dolla Sign. Yeah. Brad, we got a couple of questions from the chat. I can't read it. So you're going to have to read it to me. So, Big Vibrator wants to know what kind of product you're using with your flow. Oh, shit. Or is it Au Natural?
Starting point is 00:28:18 No, no, no. The answer, which is ridiculous, is I don't know. Because here's what happened. We were in Dublin, it was raining. I told you that I didn't have my hair cut for a really long time. My hair was a mess. And the woman in the makeup trailer gave me some local product and I'm gonna run out of it and I don't know what it is and I don't know what it's called. It was just like someone gave her a tube of something.
Starting point is 00:28:41 But I used to wear a lot more. Mrs. Fuller has asked me not to wear any. Interesting. Mrs. Fuller's asked me not to wear any. Interesting. Yeah. And, and then Cream Jeans said, can we talk about Brad's tan right now? Do you think I'm tan? I think you got a nice glow. Nice, nice bronze.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Really? Thank you. Thank you for that. I walked my dogs yesterday for about an hour. So healthy living. Yeah. I don't lie out in the sun at all and I'm definitely not tanning my asshole. No. No, but I should. Last time we spoke you said you were going to give it a shot. I'm scared. I'm just scared. What are you afraid of? Well, a lot of things to be honest. I don't live in a place where there's a lot of people around. You know we're doing it in like groups now. Oh, you're not. Yeah, we did one in San Diego with like 30 people.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Is that legal? At Black's Beach, it's a nude beach. Really? So, how long are you exposing yourself out there? We did a good 30 seconds. And what do you get from it? I mean, we all ran into the ocean nude after it was... Seriously?
Starting point is 00:29:44 The community aspect of it was just It was so freeing and liberating. That's nice non-judgmental space where you can be fully Open that's that's really yeah, I don't think I could ever exist in that world You know, I would be happy to walk you through. Thank you, but you're still doing it every day Yeah, you through it. Thank you. But you're still doing it every day? Yeah, you know it. Rain or shine. Are you doing it? I do it twice a day. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Always before 9 a.m. Because the sun gets too powerful. It's like 6,000 degrees right now. He lives in Burbank. Yeah, it gets hot. That's, you know, we're a little bit closer to the coast so we can do 10 a.m. It's torquing in my neighborhood. How do you know that it's working? I mean, in my neighborhood. How do you know that it's working?
Starting point is 00:30:26 I mean, how do you know God's working? You know? Oh, well, okay. I'm gonna have to try that tomorrow, I guess. So like, you've been married a long time. I have. You know, we're both in relationships. We're trying to get to where you're at.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Oh, here we go. Here's us naked. That's a movement of equality. Prepare to throw feet overhead. One, two, three. Freedom. Is that you have to yell freedom when you do it? Those are girls.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah, those are chicks. Right there. Yeah. All right. Who's who's got the stopwatch? We just went. We used our internal clocks. Oh, wow. This is our buddy from Guinness. Good guy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 We did it! That's impressive. We got the record! Attention everyone! We just broke the world record! Let's go! Which world record did you break? Most people perineum- sunning at the same time. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:27 What was the previous record? It was in England. Really? Yeah. Sussex. And you got merch too? Yeah. Yeah, we were moving some product on it.
Starting point is 00:31:36 How'd that go? Good. Yeah. You know, the merch game's a tough hustle. It is a tough hustle. But I gotta say, Chad's really good at the design. Well, I saw that flower that could represent many different things and I thought that was very clever. I liked that.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You know, that was a shout out to Ben at Kozak. He came up with that one. Oh, it's nice. Good work, Ben. Is that still for sale, by the way? You know, no, they're off the market. Oh, so it's a collector's item now. They're doing this thing where they only let you, it's like a scarcity thing.
Starting point is 00:32:05 They're like, hey, you're only going to be able to get it for like a week or two. Wow. Have you heard this new thing that like scarcity is the new, is like the new move? There was a phrase for it that I totally forgot as I was talking. But basically people are saying like, hey, instead of like putting your comedy special out on Netflix, put it on like a record and only make a thousand of them and then sell those for 30 bucks and make it more of a special thing to have.
Starting point is 00:32:31 That's cool actually. Can we try that? That's what I'm, I was interested in it, but someone who was a marketing expert was talking to me about that, about how the direction things could go in this ubiquitous content culture. It might be about making something special and small
Starting point is 00:32:46 for only your niche. That's really interesting. I'll bet that would work. I bet that would work. Right? For sure. I don't know why I said right, like I came up with it. But yeah, I thought it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So you would record your standup, you would press it on our actual vinyl record? Or DVD, and you're like, hey, I'm only going to give out a thousand of these and that's it. Well, let's know. And so a thousand of you, only a thousand of you will have my special. But it's kind of a cryptocurrency type. Is it the same idea?
Starting point is 00:33:16 I mean that there's a limited amount of that and I guess, I don't know, but I think we should, where's the harm in trying that? No, I think it's a good idea. And then it differentiates you a little bit, right? For sure. Where it's like, I'm not trying to get as many eyeballs as possible. I'm trying to get the most dedicated eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Eyes are only for me. J.D., I'm telling you that, I think that seems like a great idea. Cool, I'm glad I ran it on you, dude. I mean, what if you made a movie and you only sold a limited number of tickets? Wow. I'd buy a ticket. It's kind of like what a concert is to a certain degree.
Starting point is 00:33:50 It's a special experience. And then you would feel cool being one of the people who saw the movie. There'd be like that community where it's like, oh, you saw. And it's never coming on home video. What's it with, you know, direct? No, it's ephemeral. It's gone. Well, it's in this niche-ified world. You know, there's so much content, but to say I saw something that no one else, yeah. I think it works. If we could do that with Bewhol's sunning.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, we did kind of do that. I mean, but we did open it to everyone. Yeah. But if we did say, hey, there's a limited number of spots on the beach. Right. How many, how many, what was the ratio of men to women who were Bewhol's sunning? It was a really good race. Yeah, it was probably like, I'd say six or seven ladies.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It was about five dudes for every gal. So that was like, I was surprised. I'm really surprised. A lot of people were, Brad. A lot of people were. Jake was particularly bummed out. Why? Because we asked him to film and he's like, I don't want to look at dude's butt holes.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And then afterwards, they're like, bro, they were chicks. Yeah. Oh, so he tapped out, never came and then missed the experience. Yeah, he was a little reactive. I didn't want to do like slow punch ins on people's junk. You know, it's just not really bad for our sort of filmmaking. You know, I'm good on that. people's junk, you know? It's just not really like my sort of filmmaking, you know? I'm good on that.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Our editor paid a psychic toll to go through all that footage. Okay. He was kind of scrubbing the web. It looked good though, the footage looked good. Yeah, he did a good job shooting it, no doubt. All right, so these are questions, like guys, it's really evolved since the last time
Starting point is 00:35:18 I was here, I mean, it's interactive. It's interactive. Yeah, we really, you know, bringing Jake on board, we really stepped it up. That's nice. We're live, we got a lot of calls. Do we have calls? How do you know you have calls? Jake's 35. Like we're kind of keeping up with it. So those are all the calls? Yeah. Yeah. I got one more. Before we get into the call, I got one more biggie. I don't care. I'm just commenting that this is really kind of great. I mean, I think my first episode was number
Starting point is 00:35:42 88. What are we up to today? Oh, wow. 352. Wow. Huh. All right, nice. Time flies. It does. I think it was 88. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Jake, will you check that out and see? I do want to know what my first, cause it will be on, you know, cause I love coming on and doing the show. Yep, 88. It was 88. There you go. When was that?
Starting point is 00:36:02 Five years ago. Was. 2019. So that was COVID too, right? Right. No, a year before. Oh, a year before COVID. You came on- Right. Right before COVID and right before, but they hadn't announced lockdowns yet.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And A Quiet Place, you were going out to New York for the premiere of it. That's right. And then a week later, the whole world got thrown upside down. That was horrible. Cameron came with me once, didn't he? I think Cameron was- That was the one he was on. Yeah, okay. Wait, so, and was A Quiet Place 2, was that the first major release out of COVID?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yes. So I remember that was a big deal because you were kind of a litmus test for the entire industry if people were going to go back to the theater. I guess so. When you look back on it, I guess that's what it was at the time.
Starting point is 00:36:42 We just had this great movie that we just wanted to get out there. It was great. Thank you. I mean, and you know, I guess that's what it was at the time, we just had this great movie that we just wanted to get out there. It was great. Thank you. I mean, and you know, I don't say that about all the stuff that I've been a part of. There's a lot of things that I've been a part of
Starting point is 00:36:52 that I did not feel as strongly as I do. But you're on a heater right now. Well, we all know that that's short lasting and anything can happen. Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy it. All right, wait, hold on, hold on. So of the major under like 35-ish actors that the industry is trying to jam on us. Yeah. So, you got Chellamay, Butler, Powell, Elordi, Keegan.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Are those the five right now? Yeah. Okay. Of those guys, who's your guy? Who's going to be the one? It's a great question. I have to go. I agree. I have to go. He's awesome. I think he's the best actor, but is, are his looks going to stand the test of time? There are plenty of actors, not to be crude about it, but that's my concern. There are plenty of actors who their looks, if it was just based on that, they would still be stars and they're not. And there's actors who aren't the most like Dustin Hoffman or somewhere. You're like, he's not the, you know. Yeah, but talent is talent. It's undeniable. And I feel like there isn't in all those actors that you listed, he's the one that there isn't anything he can't do. Yeah. So that's why I put him
Starting point is 00:38:10 there. He's got the full toolbox. I think so. Have you seen Twisters? I have not. I enjoyed it. Yeah, people love it. It's a good summer flick. Yeah, I'm anxious to see it just this weekend couldn't get there but I'm gonna I will definitely see it. Glenn Powell really he he's making me laugh because he's so, he plays such like a cheesy hunk in it. But he's embracing that and he's embracing that. It works. The movie that I watch more than any other movie in the last five years, I'll go to Maverick anytime and just check in.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I watch it every month. It's the greatest movie. I watch it every month. And isn't Glenn Powell, he's not in it that much, but he's so good. He's so good. Yeah, he's so good in it. So anyway, yeah. But I love Maverick. God, do you love JT? I love Maverick. I saw it in theaters a couple of times and you know what, that movie, I remember my dad's reaction to it. Like my dad called me, he's like, he doesn't talk about movies very often. He's like, that was a great movie. He's like, it made me believe in movies again.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It had this uplifting effect for everybody towards movies. So I didn't notice, he was in Spy Kids 3. He's been in the game for a while. I know he's been in the game for a while, but yes. But then something, I think, think look anyone but you surprised everyone Yeah, because it opened to six million dollars and went on to some insanely huge number and he's so charming in it and Sydney Sweeney's Awesome in it and that movie was kind of like the little movie that could and did and I think off the off the heels Of that he started making interesting choices hit man
Starting point is 00:39:41 He went with link later. He wrote the script. Which is cool. I think he's real. I think he's flexing a little odd tour muscle. Do you think a lot of these big stars have to start when they're in their teens to really make a splash? I'm thinking. I think it's easier. I mean there are actors. I think Morgan Freeman became famous in his 40s or something like that. Yeah, street smart in like 87. We're talking about that on here. That's rare. Yeah, that's rare. I think you have to, I think acting is really hard and to be a film actor is really, really
Starting point is 00:40:16 hard because it's all in your face. I mean, it's close up of your face and you have to emote a lot. It's not easy and I think that it takes a lot of experience. There are people who are naturally gifted but for the most part I think you have to, I mean look at all these, look at all the work that he's done. He's... You have to be doing it a lot. You have to cultivate it. I think so. I think you do. Wow. He's done a lot of work hasn't he? He's in The Dark Knight Rises. Dude yeah, he talks about it like Tom Hardy. He's in the Wall Street scene where Tom Hardy busts in there. Right. And there's like, there's no money in it. He's like, why are you here?
Starting point is 00:40:49 He takes Glenn Powell's face and slams it off a keyboard and he says Tom Hardy really like made him kind of concuss like banged him off. And I think the take is in the movie where he got kind of bonked. Wow. Yeah, I'd hope so. Yeah. Sure, it makes it feel real. Oh, there's the scene. Yeah, okay. Wow, this is amazing that you guys can pull it up just like this. Yeah, you know, until you point, you kind of take all these new technological upgrades
Starting point is 00:41:15 for granted, but- Now, Nicky is saying it's a bad head bang. What does that mean? He's saying when Powell got his head banged, he did a bad job of acting it and that it looks very fake. So maybe in that interview, he's overcompensating. It's so hard to know what the truth is. Brad, how do I know when, how do, here's one of the big things that I struggle with and me and my lady will get into discussions about it. I don't trust anything anyone says
Starting point is 00:41:40 to me when they're on camera. Like, not directly to me, but anything anyone says when they're on camera. Do you have any way of knowing when someone is telling the truth when they're in an interview or on camera? Yeah, because I was there when it happened and I know then anything else, you know, there's a lot of publicists around and you know, the studio, you know, there's a narrative and, and sometimes I've seen interviews where I know that people hate each other and they're claiming they love each other and all of that and that's just to sell a product. That's the job. That's the job and some people are better at it than others. Some people are so good at it and that's the biggest rub I have.
Starting point is 00:42:16 That to me is like the biggest theme that I like to explore in my own head is how as a species, we will choose the best story over the truth every time. And some people are really good at telling a story. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't even matter. It doesn't make sense to hear it. That's right. Well, when you're selling a movie, it definitely makes sense to hear it because people love to hear that the experience was great and that people actually love each other and frankly on a quiet place day one they
Starting point is 00:42:47 did they really did that's not bullshit they had a great time sometimes it has to be true they they had a great time Joseph Quinn and Lupita and the cat all loved each other I mean I was a cat the cat cat is that you bread or is that a brilliant disguise no it's I JT I, I am telling you, there would, no one would ever tell you that those two did not have a great time. They just did. I always would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:10 The cat in Quiet Place made me squeeze my dog extra hard. Schnitzel and Nico. Yeah, yeah. That cat got wet. That cat would go in water. How do you do that? I have no idea how they did it, but that cat was incredible. Now, did that cat start in its teens as well?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah, I think so. I think that still is in its teens. And look, that cat went through a tough time. There was a time when everyone turned on that cat. That's for sure. And they started saying, kitty cat thinks he's too good for everybody. He's skipping the lines at clubs. All of a sudden, he's got a little juice. He thinks every cat's in love with them. People love the cat. But you got to stick with them. Yeah, I heard the cat's riders in saying like the litter box. But it wasn't on ours. It was not on our movie. Yeah. It was
Starting point is 00:43:49 on his way. He was ascending. A little bit of an ego. And who's the cat behind the cat? Nico. There was another cat called Nico. There were two of them. So. Really? Yeah. And which cat is getting all the. The. The schnitzel. That one. so what happened to nico does anyone care about nico nico got painted close to schnitzel and um you know but you need to oh look at nico nico's oh man no that's gonna be a sad ending if people don't start you know looking out that's but i don't think nico wants to step in the spotlight the same way that schnitzel does you gotta want it and there's a bird there's a responsibility with that yeah for. Is there anything better than a good pet in a movie? No. Who's your all-time favorite pet in a movie? Is it the dog? I can answer. Oh, go ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Benji. But you guys don't even know what that is. You gotta go back. You gotta go way back in the 70s. I was a kid. I watched the Benji movies. That dog was incredible. Here you go, let's bring it up. I think you guys, does that ring a bell at all? That dog was just... The name lightly, but not really the... Worth a watch. Worth a watch, the first Benji movie.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Amazing. What happens to Benji in the end? He prevails, of course. Oh, he does, good. Of course, yeah. There were sequels. Because there's only two routes, right? Yeah. Listen, we've talked about this on the pod before. We killed the dog, not in real life, but on screen in a movie. And it was very, very traumatic. And
Starting point is 00:45:18 none of us wanted to do it. And it had to be done. And I don't know that I would ever do it again. I mean, that's it. They open house of cards like that or Kevin spacey's character. He killed the dog. That's right. And you're like, it's such a smart move. Cause it, it, it, it, it's the opposite of saving the cat. Nothing says that the person's fucked up more than if they kill the dog, which
Starting point is 00:45:40 is why we had, we had Ryan Reynolds kill the dog in Amityville whore. You knew that he was fully possessed. Have you noticed when you do crowd testing, have you noticed that crowds have changed? Like the things that they're sensitive to? Like do you ever feel like you're getting an insight into well, I don't know where culture's at? I'm always behind that now, you know, but what we were talking about earlier about, you know, The Gauntlet, that could, that movie could not even test now. They would tear the seeds out. They would say, it's not a bad thing either.
Starting point is 00:46:09 The culture has changed and the audiences outright dismiss certain things that feel fake I think. My big fear in any movie that I'm producing, well, there are a lot of fears as you pointed out earlier, but mainly they come between two and four a.m. But a bad laugh in a horror movie is the worst thing that I, like nothing makes me just start sweating and my body start hurting. When I'm watching a film that I'm involved with and the audience laughs,
Starting point is 00:46:40 it's something you think is really earnest or smart. Right, so it didn't scare them. They're actually laughing at the attempt to scare them. Oh, God. Yes. And I had a movie that we made in 2005 that we were so sure that this moment worked, and I went and saw it on Friday night when this is Fuller, and the audience laughed at the moment. I'm still devastated from it 20 years later. It's the worst feeling. So I'm very sensitive to that. Do you, you know, because you've been in the business a while, you've produced a ton of movies and like, we kind of experienced this with content creation where you'll make a video or whatever,
Starting point is 00:47:18 you'll be like, man, this is next level do you, how do you approach your instincts towards how something will perform? Do you do you do you trust them or do you have like a detachment or do you like how do you? Well I think it changes throughout the process right so when we come up with a movie that we want to make you have to be totally congruent with what you're trying to make and you have to convince everyone else that you're making the right movie Right because a lot of people have different opinions, right? And so you try and foster support and get the director on board and do that
Starting point is 00:47:54 But then once the movie has been handed over to the audience, I Have I am a blank slate. I just listen and if there's prevailing dissension about scenes, because you're testing a movie four or five times in front of strangers, they don't care. I totally listen to everything. I don't discount anything. Even if I don't agree with it, I listen to it. And sometimes I'll just say then let's do that
Starting point is 00:48:19 because I'm out of touch, which I'm willing to acknowledge. Yeah, because the audience is kind of the ultimate. They decide. Well, you talk about content creation of all, because you guys create so much content and I follow it all. I wonder which of your pieces of content has been the most well received. Probably one of the opening city council speeches. Which one?
Starting point is 00:48:44 Which one? Which one? The P-Dubs or House Party. Paul Walker House Parties. Yeah. And that was early. And I think that was because you went from being anonymous to being famous. Yeah. And it was all they knew of us.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So to them, that was like the full cutout of who Chad was and who I was. That was the first thing I ever saw and loved. So yeah. And when you made that, did you think audiences would respond the way that they did? The first one, no. I, and the, the house party one. No, we almost didn't post it.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. And you know what? It's, it's kind of a, it's something we always try to go back to is, is, you know, that was like the Paul Walker one, especially that came from a pure love for Paul. Of course. And I was trying to go back to that, like what's that came from truth. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And so, yeah, and I think too, what was I gonna say as well? I think, oh, another thing too is, yeah, it's being proud of what you made. Right. You know, and be like, now it's in the audience's hands, but I'm proud of the job I did. I think that's kind of the best approach. It is, but it doesn't always work. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. But nothing always works. Correct. No one, what's that William Goldman quote? Nobody knows anything. Yeah. I just reread that book. Oh you did? Yeah. I read his books. They're great. Yeah well I'm talking about the Hollywood, I mean the very famous book. I read that last last month. That's incredible. Yeah dude, it's cool reading his stuff from the 90s where he was writing articles for like premiere or whatever and he's like talking about movies that are coming out. He's like
Starting point is 00:50:28 White Earp's gonna be a hit. Right. Tombstone's gonna crash. That's what I love. Adventures in the Screen Trade was the one that I just read or reread and I loved it. You know, a lot of the things that Hollywood was facing in 1982 are the same things we're facing now, just different technologies. Yeah, how do you feel about where you at with AI? I don't know enough to tell you actually. Here's what I know, JT. We're having conversations about two different movies that require visual effects. And I think a lot of people just say, we'll just do AI, but nobody knows how to execute it in a way that it will look like what the audiences are used to seeing now or better.
Starting point is 00:51:10 So until that happens, I think it's going to be evolving. I think ultimately that will be a part of the consideration, but there always has to be content creators who are giving the instructions for the AI what to create. So I think it will be a thing, but I don't think it ends anything. It just helps. And price point wise, is it, right now, is it cheaper or more expensive
Starting point is 00:51:39 than the standard visual effects alternatives? I don't know the answer to that, but standard visual effects are very expensive and they've come way down. They've come way down, but it's still, it's still 20, $30,000 a shot. So anytime you see something move in the frame, 20, 30, and if it's a complex shot,
Starting point is 00:51:57 it can be as much as 80 to $100,000. So it's really expensive. Do you think AI will replace actors? No. Do you think so, because that's I think a lot of the fear is that do you think AI could replace you know a lot of people are complaining that AI is kind of sort of taking creative jobs. Do you think I think AI will be a tool? That's how I see it. Yeah. 100%
Starting point is 00:52:19 Listen if I was you know five years from, if we had made Quiet Place Day One and we have those scenes of all the people walking down the street in New York, I'll bet that there's some version of a program that AI will be able to populate that in a way instead of hiring actors. I suspect that will be the case. But you're not going to have movie stars. I think that are AI Because it I just don't think that's gonna happen and I think audiences will reject it you can't yeah there's something where there's you can't
Starting point is 00:52:56 Whenever I Learn that something I'm watching is AI or you can even feel it you need the human touch I think so too, yeah. With art, I think. Even an image that AI created, no matter how you're like, that's fine. It takes away the aspirational quality that you were talking about earlier. Yeah. Like if you want to feel like inspired or like you could be this person that you're watching, you're not gonna have that with a computer. Yeah. Exactly. So, but I think that as you said, it're not gonna have that with a computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah. Exactly. So, but I think that, as you said, it can be a good tool. For example, like we finished a movie a couple months ago and we're starting to talk about titles and posters. So if I, that's not how the studio is ultimately gonna make it, but if I wanted to show them what I thought the poster could be, I could probably have a kid who knows something about it to say, let's just, I want a poster that has this and this and this and set here in Chicago and let's put this title on it and see what it
Starting point is 00:53:55 looks like. And it's not going to be the poster for the movie, but it can convey an idea that can generate some creative discussion. I was talking to ChatGPT last week and it generated ideas for like, just stand up and content. Cause I'd be like, what's trending right now? What's going on in the world? And it was just a conversation. And it gave me ideas for, you know, videos or stand up or whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Just having- Anything you use? So I do these like hot goss things, right? I'm trying to like do commentary on things happening and you know, whether it's political or cultural stuff. And so I'll just be like, what's trending right now? And they brought up like Bad Babies made Bad Babies this viral girl who made 59 million on OnlyFans.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I am, yes.. I have no idea. Yes. But I generated an idea from that. Right. So, about how she can become a billionaire. Was there any talk from chat, GPT, that your play, your Shakespearean plays might be a source of content for the pod? No, and that's why AI won't take over because we need you.
Starting point is 00:55:06 That's right. Or you. Yeah. You're the author. Oh, right. Oh, I did write them. Yeah, yeah. Good call.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah. Someone to recognize your talent, but we need the talent first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Super humble. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Dude, sorry to interrupt, but if you're enjoying the podcast, give us a like, a comment, and
Starting point is 00:55:23 subscribe. It really helps us out and helps to push out the pod to more people and to get the whole world stoked Which is our goal. Thank you guys. Let's get back to the episode. So this is live people calling us right now. Yes Anything could happen. Oh boy. Yo, what's up? What's up dog? How you living? I'm doing fantastic. How are you guys doing? Well, man. You're on the pod with Chad and B Fuller, bro. What's happening? Who is this by the way? Great to talk to you guys Uh, my name is jack, but my close friends call me cooch if you guys want to call me that cooch cooch That's a great name. What's going on man? What ails you? um, so basically the last
Starting point is 00:56:03 I I know it's been at least two years for sure, I've smoked weed every single day and it hasn't caused me any serious issues. I haven't done anything crazy stupid or been weird around people or awkward or anything. I work out twice a day so it's not like I'm unproductive. I have a job, all that, doing good in school. So it's hard for me to find all the negatives about it, although I know it's definitely an issue with how much I'm doing it and I just kind of feel like it's numbing my brain and emotions and over the past few
Starting point is 00:56:35 years I've totally noticed my memory kind of fading like just stuff from earlier in the day or something that I read like I'll forget that right away. So it's definitely an issue but it's not big enough for me to be able to just be like all right I need to take a couple of days or a week off but I mean my friends did mushrooms the other night on Friday and it just kind of I got more of a clarity of how pathetic I was I felt like and that I just really need that how good life is and I don't really need any of that kind of stuff and I should be able to go without it.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So more of a serious question overall here, but I'm just kind of struggling with that and was know you guys are pretty big bad ass. And so you've done your fair share of smoking weed in the day. So I was wondering if you had any input for me here on how serious the problem I might have on my hands. Should I tap out? Because I'm not much of a weed smoker. But you've probably dealt with a lot of people you've worked with who have dependency on
Starting point is 00:57:30 things. Can I tell you, what's his name again? Cooch. Cooch, that's right, Cooch. Sounds like Cooch knows the answer. He said that when he took the mushrooms that he saw that is definitely a problem, he said that, or you Cooch, said your memory is suffering and emotionally, all this other stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:49 So, I'm probably a lot older than you. You don't want to lose your memory. That's certainly a very scary thing. And if you're doing something that you know that is really bad for you, I'm not sure why you would continue doing it. Yeah, I also- No judgment. No judgment. But he said that he's having, that some of these things are happening to him and he's aware of them. So that's the reason I say that. I'm not judging
Starting point is 00:58:13 smoking weed. A lot of people do. Absolutely. And I'm with you. I know, like, that's the worst thing is I know myself it is a trauma and I'm still struggling with like putting it down for even, I did like 24 hours ago, a couple months ago, but it was like I went to sleep and got high and then it was like 25 hours later the next night so it's really not much improvement there. Cooch do you feel like you can be full cooch when you're not smoking weed or do you need weed to become cooch? It's a great question. Definitely not.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Cooch was around before the daily smoking for sure. Some would even say the cooch was more active before then. Other evidence to support not smoking. The cooch- We want the full cooch. We don't want 98%. We want 100% cooch. The cooch should be loose.
Starting point is 00:59:03 The cooch should be loose. Okay, so can I tell you about 100% cooch? I want to hear about it. 100% cooch did have some flip ups. 100% cooch was more on the alcohol than the drinking or than the smoking. And there were some flip ups for sure in that way. And the smoking kind of veered me off it it which is horrible as I use it as a Secondary option to kind of numb my brain instead of drinking as much
Starting point is 00:59:32 But I don't think that come back. I that's kind of Alcohol, I've kind of found to figure out is not probably my best choice. It's clearly I just haven't had any big moments to mess me up and scare me not with weed That's why I think it's so hard for me to put it down. No, it sounds like you're doing alright, man But you know yourself medicating it sounds like you're doing all right, man, but you know, you're self-medicating. It sounds like you have some excess psychology and you're trying to figure out what's the best way to kind of abate that. And I think it's worth exploring if there's something other than weed that might be more sustainable and have less externalities to it. I like that. Absolutely. What do you do for a living?
Starting point is 01:00:10 So I'm still in college. I'm going to be a senior next year. And I'm right now, I'm just home for the summer. I was living in Colorado the first half and worked on a ranch there and now I'm back home in Missouri and I'm working at a supplement store. So, it's pretty basic stuff for now. That's not what you're doing. That's the time to be smoking weed. Do you sleep well? Right. I used to have a lot of issues with it and I was on like sleep meds and stuff and body
Starting point is 01:00:37 meds, that kind of stuff. Like about, actually this past year I stopped taking all the stuff that I was prescribed by my doctor and felt a lot better. My sleep started working and stuff. So now I am sleeping pretty well on average. I mean, there might be a couple nights every month or so, but on average, I'm definitely doing a lot better. How do you feel about cutting your weed down in half and see how you feel? That's the thing. I've been able to do that. I've been able to do it like, hey, I smoked once today. I can do that, but I just feel like that's not really helping me.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I don't know. To really know, you got to cut days out. Right. It's got to be like a couple days a week. Because here's the thing, sometimes, like I know this, I'm an addict. When you're using the thing you're addicted to, you're okay. It's when you stop having it that the problems start to come out. And being able to deal with those in a sober way is really good for your self-esteem. Like you're going to feel really
Starting point is 01:01:31 strong, powerful, and self-reliant if you can still be cooch without anything. Now that's easier said than done, but it's a you know that's the noble effort of life. Right. I bet you never thought about that. Totally agree with it too because I bet you never thought about that. Totally agree with it too because I'm kind of all about self-improvement kind of how I get better. Yeah, I can hear that from him. You can tell Cooch is after it. For sure.
Starting point is 01:01:52 For sure. For sure. For sure. Dude, and Cooch, let me ask you a question. Were you born high? Absolutely not, dude. That'd be crazy. Yeah, so as a kid, you didn't eat weed. And, you know, who's to say that
Starting point is 01:02:09 we don't need these crutches in life? We come to think that we do to get through life. But dude, if you take, as Stratter would do, take life on the chin, just raw dog it, it's actually way more fun. You know, I went through a similar thing in college where I was boozing a lot and I found my identity through partying and I could tell it was getting to a dangerous place where I would just binge way too much. And then around like 25 when I cut it out, life got infinitely better. And I had self-esteem for the first time, I was able to talk to people, I felt like I was building a life and it was really life-changing
Starting point is 01:02:56 and it took just cutting it out to see the difference between the two. That's great advice and that feels very authentic by the way. It's true. That does feel very authentic by the way. It's true. It's very true. It does feel very authentic. It was night and day. I don't even know who I was before that. I felt like I was like just running on autopilot.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Yeah. And there's points where I get to that. Like sometimes my social battery if I'm getting out of time just gets it just killed. That's like I'm scared to talk to anyone and that's not that's not how I usually was. I'm But you keep on telling us by talking to everyone. You keep on telling us the things that weed is doing to make your life worse not better and feels like you know the answer. I know. I'm like looking for you guys to give me some way to just be able to quit without thinking about it and there's just no answer to that. So you know it's anything is going to take a little bit of effort.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Climb a mountain. Right. But when you get to the top, to borrow from your analogy, I think you'll feel much better like Chad did. Absolutely. I'd say just decide to quit and then start doing legs a lot, build up that T. I think weed might hurt your T levels. So I think you can build up.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Dude, I've read that and kind of trying to counterproduce it right now, just up the leg day, it's more often a week. So kind of trying to counter balance it. Maybe if I cut the weed out, the test really skyrockets. Dude, if you cut weed out and did legs, I mean. Oh my God, that'd be incredible. You can have 10X your T.
Starting point is 01:04:22 If you're under the bar, you're not over the bong. Oh wow. Look at that. That's awesome. I've never thought about it like that before. I want the cooch to be loose. We all do. I think I want the cooch to be loose. And sober.
Starting point is 01:04:37 I mean, I know all the fellas missed the cooch, the full-on one, but I think I'm going to bring them back. I missed them, dude do one more question so you think it'd be good to kind of do like at first now I'm trying to go every other time I've tried to stop it's been just like full cold turkey like trying to not do it at all you think maybe it's like saying myself like twice a week or like even once a day at first would be a good way to slowly kind of back out of it. It's tough to say, man. You just got to have willingness to try and stop.
Starting point is 01:05:08 And it'll take different methodologies, but the important thing is just to start. Yeah. You start one day. One day at a time, 24 hours. Everybody in program will tell you, we're all only sober for 24 hours and the clock restarts. Yeah, that is the way to think. That's why it works. That's the way to think about it. I think so too. It's too intimidating any
Starting point is 01:05:29 other way. Yeah. And also- I quit stuff before, so I think I could. And in solidarity with you, I won't crank today or watch no pornography. So we'll be in this together, Cooch. Dude, nice. I'll join you in that. That's not hard for me though. Me too. Me too. Nice. I also, that side of yourself that's saying, maybe I should just go once a day or maybe like every other day,
Starting point is 01:05:51 that's the dependent side of your brain, making excuses to keep doing it. That's what I can't decide about because I feel like that's totally what it is, depending on saying I need it at least once a week or whatever, but trying to just stop all of a sudden has not worked for me yet But I know I can do it like I've stopped
Starting point is 01:06:07 Nicotine which I would say is more addictive overall than that Well, at least that addictive chemicals and whatnot and I've quit that multiple times before and currently not doing it. So Well, you know, you got the willpower for it We all have our different little kryptonites, but you got this just stay sober today DM us tomorrow Let us know you made it through the day. We'll be proud of you. we'll be here i'm gonna make it happen for you guys all right love you man take it easy yep wait can i get a shout out real quick for my boy you show me this yeah yeah shout out to jake mitchell man hey hey jake thank you guys appreciate it later brother have a good one dude cooch and jake dude big ups to shrooms too for being the only substance that when you're on it, tells
Starting point is 01:06:45 you to get off substances. Yeah, that's cool. Wow, yes. What an observation. Shrooms is like, why are you on me? That's amazing. You don't need me. You're like, Shrooms, you're a good guy.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Right, right. It's Beepnips in the chat. What up, Beepnips? What's going on, gangsters? How you guys doing? My favorite playboys. Dude, just chilling back lax and excited to talk to you, man. What's going on, lax?
Starting point is 01:07:02 What's going on, gangsters? How you guys doing? My favorite playboys. Dude, just chilling back lax and excited to talk to you, man. What's ailing you, brother? Hey, all right. First of all, I have a question.
Starting point is 01:07:15 When you guys had the almost Friday boys on, and I think it was one of them said, "'What's ailing you?' I think for the first time. Yeah. And it took off. Was that them that? Yeah, it was Angus. Because that's like my favorite thing. Angus said it first. It was Angus. I love it because you know, the boys be calling it an ailing. Hell yeah. Well, what's ailing you, Beef Nips?
Starting point is 01:07:41 All right. So I got, I got a little bit of a conundrum on my hands here. I feel like I'm about to throw a lot of names at you guys and they're fake names, so I'm probably gonna biff it and say some real names. But, all right, so essentially, more like the gist of the story, my dank ass girlfriend is really good friends with my my ex girlfriend and like we're
Starting point is 01:08:08 all cool. Everyone's like cool. Also her ex is one of my really good friends. So it's a real, a real like incest in the group short term a while ago and now two of the homies are getting married. Two different homies. We'll call them Elmer. Elmer and Emma are getting married.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Two totally different friends. But Emma is hating on my current dank ass girlfriend because of the sitz. And I don't really know like I got the invite to the wedding and she didn't. My girlfriend. I don't know. I don't know how to handle this like situation because I want to go hang out with my boys. I want to hit the open bar. Wait, so why is that? They didn't give you a plus one well so the actual invite hasn't come yet I'm waiting for the invite I've gotten the I got the they
Starting point is 01:09:14 sent like two he's a graphic designer so he's just sending out like a fuckload of fuckload of little invites he's been designing and I got like one it was like the wedding's gonna happen and I got to save the date I haven't gotten the invite and if the invite has the plus one my dank-ass girlfriend is still like I don't even know if I want to go if I'm feeling like uninvited but I don't like all right and then but Emma why is why does Emma have a problem with your girlfriend? So because so that's the whole thing is my my ex the one that like I'm pretty sure that she talked to Emma. I Probably like when this all first went down, I bet she was feeling a little salty about the whole thing there
Starting point is 01:09:59 but so like they're my current girlfriend and My ex they're in like a DJ collective together That's so they're like homies they DJ together they go they go b2b back to back butt to butt You know the drill yep and uh like they're they're friends but I bet when it first went down She probably talked a little shit and emma's a very reactive person down, she probably talked a little shit and Emma's a very reactive person and probably just like, was like, oh, I hate this bitch now. I see you doing a lot of screenwriting here where you're connecting dots that in my mind from the information you've given don't necessarily go together. It could be very likely that Emma has an altogether different reason for not inviting your girlfriend,
Starting point is 01:10:44 which could just be She wants the wedding smaller weddings are tough to figure out who to invite and or she knows if she invites you You're gonna bring your girlfriend. So well that she blocked she blocked her on Instagram Oh, that's when the whole she Doesn't the whole thing came to light she posted on her like Instagram story like close friend story it was like send me your send me your address if you seen the story so I can send you a Wedding Save the date and I told my girlfriend. I was like, oh Emma just posted on her story
Starting point is 01:11:19 Go reply and send you your address. And then when my girlfriend went to go reply and send you your address and then when my girlfriend went to go check the story blocked blocked as hell and that's when she messages she was just Emma trying to clear the air why don't you reach out to your boy and see what the issues so that that's my next plan he's actually gonna come visit he lives in LA I live in San Francisco he's gonna come visit me soon we're gonna go see like I'm not even like punk music at all, but he really wants to take me to a punk show. And I'm like, alright, alright, I'm down, he's gonna come visit.
Starting point is 01:11:51 And I think I'm gonna talk to him about it then. But I feel like this is making me sound like such a drama guy. And I'm not, I got caught up in this bull. And I don't know if I talked to him, it's like the girls in the group, they eat this shit up. And I don't want to get, I don't know, my girlfriend is scared. She's also not a drama person. We don't want to start anything.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I just want to go to the wedding with my girlfriend and I need some advice on how to... Dude, it seems really simple to me. You're loyal to your girlfriend. It begins there. That's the top of the pyramid is that you're loyal to your girlfriend. So whatever serves you in that relationship is what has to happen. And if she's not invited, that's a problem for you in your relationship. So that begets that.
Starting point is 01:12:52 So... Brad, 100P on the loyalty always goes to the lady cause that's your rock. That's your forever. And that's who you're building your church around. But my boy's trying to hit the floor with his boys and Yeah, but if they're eliminating his god It's open like they're not paying for nothing on the alky. So let me ask you a question
Starting point is 01:13:16 It's an open bar. Do you think if his girlfriend I'm asking you JT if his girlfriend is not invited. Are you saying that he should still go to this wedding? Bro. I don't think I do it. That's the right answer. That's dude. You know what, man? I was like flummoxed when Brad asked me that question, but you stepping up like that and
Starting point is 01:13:39 having your girlfriend's back sight unseen, that inspired me to do the same. So I'm not going to this person's wedding either. Me too. Well, that's the thing. I was going to maybe bring you to my plus one if you're not invited. Oh, nice. Oh, dude. Bro.
Starting point is 01:13:57 It's open bar, JT. It's open bar. I'm down, but bro, here's the thing. They didn't invite my girlfriend either. Right. And you're going to be loyal to your girlfriend. Well, you know that. They haven't here's the thing. They didn't invite my girlfriend either. Right, and you're gonna be loyal to your girlfriend. They haven't sent out the invites. They haven't sent out the invites. All right, listen. They might be invited.
Starting point is 01:14:10 If they invite her and it's open bar. So you, me and your girlfriend. You're five plus one. Are you drinking now? I've always drank. You're drinking a lot now? What? Are you drinking a lot now?
Starting point is 01:14:22 I don't drink that much. I didn't think you did. So open bar. But I do party now? I don't drink that much. I didn't think you did. So open bar. But I do party. Like I don't drink many days, but on the nights where I do go out, I go hard. How hard is 10 drinks? Five drinks?
Starting point is 01:14:36 Two drinks? What's hard for you? You know, some days it's five. That's all I need to be in a hard place. Some days I got, I don't know, there's more water in my body that needs combating. I understand. I'll get into the double-dig. It's good to know.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Okay. But I'm not like, you know, but you know, once in a while I'll... Okay. There's nothing bad in that. Yeah, I got defensive, bro. But you gave me a look like... Well, you said earlier in the pod, did you use the word addict or am I just remembering correctly?
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yes, but you know, I'm actually pretty disciplined with all things. The only thing that I can't really ever get my hands around completely is like porn and whaling on myself. Okay, well then, yeah. Yeah. Okay. I didn't know if that applied to- You're calling whaling on yourself?
Starting point is 01:15:17 You gotta be kind of that beef stick. Oh, dude. Good call, Beef Knips. Nah, dude. My dick's a Navy Seal and it's going through buds. Oh dude, yeah. You so, yeah, JT drowns his hog just so he can learn resuscitation.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yeah, things waterboarded, yeah? Hell yeah. But dude, Beef Nips, can I do a role play with you? I'll be your GF. All right. Hey Beef. You look just like her, honestly. Oh dude, thank you dude.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yo Beef, hey Beef, what her, honestly. Thank you, dude. Yo, Beef. Hey, Beef, what up? It's me. Talk back. Come on. You're talking to your girl here. Hey, what up, Beef? It's me. It's me, your GF. Dang, guys. Girlfriend, how are you? I'm good. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:16:00 I just got invited to a wedding. You're not invited, but there's open bar. Is it cool if I go? Whoa. Yeah. Yeah, what? He's such an expert negotiator because that means he doesn't want you to go, but now he knows he can go do things that you don't want him to do. That's true. I don't, oh man, shit.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Yeah. You put me, I think I would let, I think I would let her go, but I think that we have different, we have different mentalities when it comes to this kind of thing. Yeah, you're a dog. Like I'm like, like, you know, you go do what you, but I think that if I did do it, she would be upset.
Starting point is 01:16:40 And I also, like, I wouldn't want, I wouldn't have a good time there knowing that she's upset. But if she went go do it I'd be like oh yeah I go out with my friends but I think that she'd she'd probably beat me up you know you know what dude I think you need to propose yeah have a wedding on the same day yeah we just like speed this thing up wedding same day maybe try to get in the same location right before theirs. What is your girlfriend, does she call you beef nips? Oh, she calls me beef, usually just nips in bed, but just beef for short, then nips in
Starting point is 01:17:18 the sheets. That's sick. Beef, we love you, man. You'll figure it out. I think Brad's right. Just stay loyal to your person. That's what you got to do. That's always the right answer. All right. Hold on. One thing. Do I talk to the guy home?
Starting point is 01:17:31 Yeah, why not? Yeah. You love it. Then I get him into the situation because I feel like it's all- No, just ask him. Just say you don't love the drama. Say you don't love the drama, but we know you do. Just say you don't love the drama, then ask him what's going on. And get in there. You'll love it, Beef. Bro, you're like prime time Vanderpump rules.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I'm going to start talking in the mosh pit. I'm going to talk to him in the mosh pit at the show. No, you're not. That's not where you're going to have this conversation. To mosh me. Okay. You got to hear what he has to say. You got to look at this guy and say, what's the deal here?
Starting point is 01:18:02 I got to make some choices choices and you're my buddy, and we gotta get to the bottom of this. And that's- All right, all right. Do I break up with my brother or do I tell you what? That's it, that's it, Beef, you're done. Beef, you're done. All right, I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Love you, man. Love you, goodbye. Yeah. Oh, shit. Beef should be a regular, he's a man. He gave us a shot of something. He did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Yeah. Oh, Beef. Brad, is it hard for you? What part? He gave us a shot of something. He did. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, beef. Brad, is it hard for you? What part? Like, when you hear someone that far afield. Listen, I just have a lot of life experience. That's all.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And I just throw it out there. It seems all fairly simple to me. We might do one more and then we can call it. Have you ever had that kind of debacle where you were invited to something but your dank ass wife wasn't, but there was open bar? Open bar does not change the fact that Ali's my person. I mean that's big. I know, but Ali's my person and I'm always going to be loyal to him.
Starting point is 01:19:03 I bet you at some weddings they won't let you do shots. It's got to And like I bet you, at some weddings, they won't let you do shots. You know, it's gotta come in a minute, but that one, they're gonna let you do shots. Yeah. And? Did you know beef nips is 12? No, is that how old beef nips is? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Oh, that's crazy. Jesus. For sure, Pew Bessam. My God, oh my God. The open bar is everything. The open bar is not everything. It's just not. You're sacrificing your girl for a hundred bucks. I mean, you know, at least for me, relationships are not disposable like that.
Starting point is 01:19:36 It's open. Okay, I'm having a great time. Yeah. And I have no lunch, so I'm here, you know. Whatever it is, I'm happy to stick around. Oh, please. This is the best. Yeah. It's nice. It's good to see you. I love seeing you. I wanted to ask you, how's it, so your son works with you now. He does. Yeah. Yeah. And I've seen him in the trades and he's got his own projects. He does. Going along. He's doing well. And I've known you guys a while. So I've seen him transition too,
Starting point is 01:20:04 like for where he came to work with you. And I've seen you guys a while, so I've seen him transition too, like for where he came to work with you. And I've seen him, like when I look at him now, I don't see him all the time, but when I look at him, I can see that he's like filling out the suit and that he's like doing the job. You know when you can just like look at somebody like, I think they figured something out. It's very gratifying because I've worked a long time and I want to pass that knowledge on to someone and who better than my own son and luckily this is what he wants to do with his life and he could be better at it than
Starting point is 01:20:32 I am and he has great relationships and recognized his talent and has really opened up our company in a way that never happened before. Like a lot of this, the actors and actresses that are big now, I wasn't familiar with them. And Cameron's like, you should be looking at this person and we should be talking to this person. And he's plugged in. He's plugged in. And that's really helpful. Yeah. I called him. I had a thing I wanted to do a couple of years ago. He gave me great advice on it. Oh, good. And he really guided me and put me in a better direction. I love that. Does he have skills that you don't have that you're like, like, whoa, I'm like, I don't even know where it came from.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Yeah, he's, he's really good at reading scripts and figuring out what's the matter with him and then talking to the right. That part's easy, but talking to the writer and getting them in the same place to do, he's very good at that. The communication side. Yeah, really good at it. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:23 My other son's doing pretty well too. I mean, that's, we're, Ali and I are lucky, but I'm telling you, it starts with Ali and everything is below that beef nips needs to keep that in mind. Dude, that's what I wanted to ask you earlier is like one thing I've learned over the last couple of months is brand new to me is just like letting my girlfriend be right and not battling her on stuff. Why? Why?
Starting point is 01:21:45 You should tell every stoker that. I mean, if it's the right woman, just what's worth fighting over? It's not more important than the relationship. I mean, fundamentally. No, and then they feel a lot better knowing that you'll give them that. And you're not just rolling over, you're listening to what she's saying and not just discounting it because it feels different from what you believe. You're actually listening to it and thinking about it. That doesn't mean they're always right, but at least you're open to a different perspective.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah, you're not being defensive of your perspective. Exactly. You're doing great. And what's the message under? What's the subtext? I think that when they come at you with something combative. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I think that for me, because there is always something under it. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:36 You have to decipher. You're like, what are you actually saying? What's the note behind the note? That's right. So you got to take a breath and not react. That's the first thing you just... And then it's usually very, very... It's all out there. So many people have the answer. And like, who was the first guy? The gooch? Cooch? Cooch knew what he had to do. He has
Starting point is 01:22:56 to stop smoking weed, but he just, he had to get it out. I think that we're all guilty of that. And if you just listen to the message and don't react, it's much easier to deal with whatever the problem is. A lot of times with my girlfriend, it's that she just has to pee. So she gets stressed when she has to pee and she doesn't make better decisions because she has to pee. Or we'll be like driving on like a road trip and she'd be like, how about Carl's Jr? How about in and out? I'm like, I was dead set on Del Taco. Right. But the whole time, she just had to pee. Right. But so you say, let's go, I'm happy to go to Carl's Jr.
Starting point is 01:23:32 It's great. But we're going to, I need to stop at Del Taco after. Exactly. And that's a compromise and everybody wins. That was a huge turning point in our relationship. That's cool. That's big. Nice.
Starting point is 01:23:42 No, I'm serious. That's smart, dude. Good for you. I would lose it. You can't ever lose it. I get so mad. Nothing is worth- I've been telling you for three days I wanted to do Del Taco. Nothing is worth losing at all.
Starting point is 01:23:58 That's the bottom line. But truthfully though, a lot of it is like just wanting to be listened to more or felt more appreciated. Don't we all want that? Yeah, I think that's the base. We all want that. Yeah. I'd be living in a 400 square foot apartment with a toaster oven.
Starting point is 01:24:14 That's my, I'll live in squalor. Right, me too. I'm not proud of that by the way, I'm not proud of that. No, but it takes some coaching for me to know how to like clean and keep up and do all the stuff. But the thing I wish for just the people for her and is that I wish she understood. And she does. I tell her and she's great about it. But like when I do clean a dish, it's because I love her. Right. And when I take out the trash,
Starting point is 01:24:42 she thinks I do it because I want to eat food out of a clean bowl or because I don't want the house to smell like yesterday's But you don't want those things either. I don't want that stuff, but but I could live with it The reason I do do those things Okay, so you love her and you want to live in an environment that is clean and delightful It's nice. That's a good shotshot, but that's the second part. And that's for your kids too. Them, definitely. They don't need that.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Right. So it's not about you anymore. You're done. That's nice though. Yes. I'm glad for that. Get me out of here. Do it for the family.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Get me out of here. Right. Do it just for the family. This guy, the less, the better. Then now we solve that. And maybe beef nips is beef nips a little too... Yes. Beef nips on the brain. Yeah. Yes, for sure. But Cooch? Cooch. I was impressed by Cooch. He knew what he had to do. Cooch was in touch with his true self. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I mean, C Kuch is loose.
Starting point is 01:25:46 I think that's one huge takeaway from this pod. Someone's asking about my hair again. I didn't. It looks great. Have you had flow since you've been on the, like, has there been any episode where you've had this flow? Or is this a first time? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Yes, I don't really think about it. It was shorter early. Right. That's right. He's been doing this for a while. And I think about it. It was short or early. Right. He's been doing this for a while. And I think also it's like as I get older, I realize how special your head of hair is. Well, listen, I'm grateful that I have a head of hair. You don't get so lucky, Brad.
Starting point is 01:26:19 You have a great head of hair. But I'm robbing from Peter to pay Paul for this. Whatever. That's what I say. Whatever. I'm going out on my shield. Me too. My dick falls off. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:26:30 What? Oh man, I forgot what I was going to say. Cooch, beef nibs. Were we going to take another call? We could do one. I think we're ready for one more. Yeah. Cup of hell or high water, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Whatever. Let's go. I, whatever, let's go. I'd love to get Hugh Janus on the line. Is Hugh Janus? He's an unbelievable guy. You know him? He's a man for all seasons. Yeah, we met him at our Jersey City show actually. Oh nice.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Yeah, he was up in front of the camera, he's like, yeah, I'm Hugh Janus. He's a real ticketee kind of fella. I looked, he's not on the live today. Oh, Cream Jeans writes a lot. I'm noticing. Yeah, Cream Jeans is prolific. And Nikki.
Starting point is 01:27:11 That's Nikki Glaser. Oh, that's Nikki Glaser, yeah. I love Nikki Glaser. She's so good. She crushes on the dais and in the chat. Yeah, that's- What did you think about Biden dropping out? Oh, God, you know, there are these moments, and unfortunately, there have been a lot of them recently where
Starting point is 01:27:28 you know that the moment you're experiencing is a moment that is going down in history. It's happened right under our feet. Yeah. And it's moving fast. That hasn't, I don't feel like, I feel like the Trump assassination attempt was one of those where it was like, oh my God. And then I was on the phone with a friend of mine yesterday and he goes, Biden just resigned and I'm like, oh my God, like all these things are happening.
Starting point is 01:27:51 And as you guys know, I love, I love stability and this doesn't feel very stable right now. And it's unsettling for sure. I feel optimistic. Thank you for saying that. Yeah. I feel that way. Well, you know what's interesting? Do we have a caller on the line?
Starting point is 01:28:09 Yeah. He's chilling. We, you know what's interesting is like the assassination attempt about a week ago, right? Yeah. It feels like things move so fast where it just feels like people, there's a moment where they're like, everyone's like, we need to stop and like chill out.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And then Biden drops out and then everyone's just like attacking each other again. It's almost like it didn't happen. I know. But my, my experience with that is a little different from yours. I mean, you know, I, I was alive when John Lennon was shot and that was like one of the more horrifying things in my life because I love Beatles. And then when Ronald Reagan, there was an attempt on Ronald Reagan. I was, you know, and like these things, it's just terrifying that that's a world that we're living in.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Regardless of your political feelings, it's just that people are just taking out, you know, I don't know. It's super unsettling. I'm sorry. Don't let's keep the energy up and high. Let's go. But I think that was nice because we brought the collective reality into our discussion.
Starting point is 01:29:06 We're close, they're close. Brother, thanks for hanging on the line, dude. How you chilling? Dude, on that note, what up, guys? What's going on? What up, dude? Who is this? This is Tom.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Hi, Tom. Actually, a long time listener since episode two. Oh, nice. I remember seeing that video, the Paul Walker nice. I remember seeing like that video, the Paul Walker statue. Yeah. Oh, that was awesome. When I was like a sophomore in college,
Starting point is 01:29:30 I was like, dude, I'm listening to this, following these dudes for the next like eight years. So here I am. That's so nice, dude. And Tom, I love your name and I love your energy. I really do. Do you have a nickname we could call you just to keep it consistent
Starting point is 01:29:43 with the rest of the callers today? Oh, yeah Rod Whitney Sick. Okay. We'll go with Rod and by the way, dude, just not to you know Gas you up too much before you get into your ish, but cream cheese says that you lay pipe. Oh Shit or Rod. Is that good? Hopefully pretty soon. Oh cool. Hopefully pretty soon. Nice. I guess that kind of relates cause I just went through a breakup a few weeks ago. Oh sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:10 So, been kind of bummed, but you know what? It was the right decision, had to do it. It was one of those things where like, I actually wrote up a question for you guys cause I was like, oh I'm in this situation, what do I do? And I found myself like over the years, whenever I have have a question that I'm like, oh, I should ask these guys. As soon as I write it down, the answer just kind of pops into existence and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:30:32 oh, all right, yeah, so that's what I got to do. So this is kind of the first time where I'm like, I don't know, I'm trying to write down what I am trying to do with the rest of my life, but I'm like, what is too open ended. So I'm just kind of like an open ended one for you guys. So I'm here. Oh yeah, go ahead. No, go, go, go. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:55 So I moved to California a few years ago. Been living with my girlfriend. We've been longterm since like maybe six years ago and had to cut it off. Just we weren't like fulfilled, uh, both kind of getting complacent sort of thing. And, um, all my buddies are from the East coast and mostly living around there. And so I haven't really made too many friends here cause I've just been kind of like hanging out with my girl and, uh, not really pushing myself to go like do things or make new friends in the area. So just kind of wondering like what do you guys think I should do? I work remote. I could technically live anywhere in the country that I want. So that's pretty sweet. But yeah, I just
Starting point is 01:31:40 don't really know where I want to go. Nothing's really popping out. Do you like California? Weather's great. Yeah, it doesn't sound like he digs it to go. Nothing's really popping out. Do you like California? Weather's great. Yeah, it doesn't sound like he digs it that hard. Rent is not great though. What is not great? The rent, yeah, I just don't think it's worth it. It feels like a really nice place to come visit for a few weeks at a time, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Not really my vibe year round, if you know what I mean. Well, dude, I think it's so interesting that normally when you write down what the problem is, the answer comes to you. And that to me feels like you have enough experience, enough information to know what you should do. And it feels like right now you need to refill your kind of life experience cup and take from all those experiences what should come next. Like it sounds like you gotta just be bold, be adventurous, be different than how you have been. You need to become a new you
Starting point is 01:32:31 to figure out what the new direction is. And then you can return to the old you. Your hero's journey is just resetting. So I would do something big, man. I would volunteer to work on an oil rig. I would try to become a river guide in Montana. I would get out of the country and become some sort of a photo journalist. Dude, on top of that, I love those ideas. I personally think that Rod should go to Miami.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Why? He should become to Miami. Why? He should become Rod, you know? You think Rod? For a little bit, for a little bit. No, I'm talking full Rod. For sure, full Rod. For sure. Full linen outfit, gold chain, deep tan,
Starting point is 01:33:17 epic flow. Dude, linen suit? Linen suit. I think we're on the same page. That's what I'm talking about, Rod. I think you might be speaking more to his heart. I think, is that what you want? How did you know that? I could just feel it. I mean I know Rod you know. I could feel it. That was so insightful Chad. Are we golfing on
Starting point is 01:33:32 weekdays? Yeah I mean when Rod speaks the numb encore Linkin Park Jay-Z soundtrack just goes off my head. I can feel it. Wow that was crazy. So you can do your job from wherever you are? I can. I wouldn't get like an oil rig job, although that sounds pretty sick. Because my job is super freaking bank and would not leave it for pretty much anything. So as long as I can do it wherever, it doesn't matter. Go to Miami. Do too much and then pull back. But I think you're ready for it, man. I think you've been leading a life of quiet desperation. You're glad this woman's out of your
Starting point is 01:34:13 life. She wasn't filling your cup. Let's go take some chances and figure out what's a mistake and then dial in where we want to go next. How old are you Rod? 26. What'd he say? 26. 26, oh my God, you got plenty of time. Dude. Yeah, and he sounds so poisoned already. This is the time.
Starting point is 01:34:33 This is, go full Rod. I mean, go to Miami. That's the best place in the world to be full Rod, I think right now. I do, I do. Full Rod. Just do it. This is the summer of rod.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Dude. Dude. Dude, I am so amped right now. This is fucking crazy. Dude, there's nothing stopping you. And in the future, you'll have responsibility. So now is the time, dude. The only thing in your way is
Starting point is 01:35:00 you just haven't done it before. Yeah, dude, yeah. I've been, it's always been like, oh, what are we doing next fall? Going to senior year. What are we doing next fall? Going to freshman year college and then the, da da da da. What are you doing next fall? Getting a job. Now it's kind of like, dude, there's nothing to, uh, I don't know, no big send. So I think, dude, I like that advice. I like the sound of it. I can see it. I'm pumped for it. Me too.
Starting point is 01:35:27 I'd love to hear from you in three months and hear what it's like in Miami. Do you get a photo of him? Just on a cigar. Don't just be a Rod, be a Pharaoh Rod, which is what people use to start fires on the reality show alone. Wow. God, that'd be awesome at 26.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Come on. Full Pharaoh Rod, dude. Rod, you have a bright, bright future ahead of you. Don't you feel like Miami today is what LA was in the 70s? Yes. Hedonism, it's just open. Go be a bodybuilder. And not everyone's watching to judge.
Starting point is 01:35:59 People in Miami, they're living. Yeah, that's a great idea. They're living. Yeah. That's a great idea. They're living to live. Dude, do some, yeah, start lifting, get a huge neck. Let's say for two, if you get hit by a car. Yeah. God, we're excited for you. I'm frothing.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Yeah, dude. Rod, next time you call back, you better have made some moves, dude. Let's go. All right, boys. I'll let you know. Full Rod. Loved it. Yeah, let me know.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Appreciate it. Thanks so much, guys. See you. Keep it up. Have a good one. Can I ask a question, guys? Yes. I really want to be on the pod with Strider.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Can someone help me make that happen? Oh, yeah. 110%. 100%. I see Strider on occasion. He always raises my stoke to epic levels. Best energy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I just, I'd love to sit here and you know, the four of us, I think we could really chop it up nicely. 100%. I could see you guys being bros for a long time. I love that guy. He's so fun. But I've never been on it. Yeah, I guess I feel bad.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Like, have we gate kept Strider? No, not at all. No, not at all. We gotta unleash the gates. No, it's just the timing. Bring in the fuse. Yeah, anytime though. I think that'd be fun. But I don't know, I mean, what do you guys, is there more to discuss?
Starting point is 01:37:17 Should we do another call? What do you guys wanna talk about? I think that's it. I think we call it, but I think you come back sooner this time. Yeah. Anytime boys, you know I love coming. I love seeing you both.
Starting point is 01:37:26 How about this fall? Will you be in town this fall? Of course. I just want to, you know, because you went to Dublin. Yeah, yeah. You travel. You travel. For work, but I don't have anything right now.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Are you going to Maine again? I am, next week. It looks so fun. How did you know that? I just, I'm obsessed with East Coast summers right now and I always remember that. I always see photos of you guys in Maine. Yeah, no, I'm gonna wear pink pants and an orange shirt and a blue blazer
Starting point is 01:37:48 and it's gonna be awesome. Oh, I've seen that outfit. Thank you, yeah. I couldn't wear that. Yeah, no, I can't wear it anywhere but Maine, but I do it there. My arms won't fit. That's funny. But I said to Alex, I said,
Starting point is 01:37:59 Ali, I don't know if I'm gonna do all the dressing up for Maine this summer. I might just be low key. I got you. And let the boys, let my son step into that light. You're going to go full B rod. I'll be that. Could you still take your boys in a scrap? No, I don't think I could. They feel no cameras working.
Starting point is 01:38:20 They both are working out. They're bigger than me. I know. I'm done. Done. Respect. Whatever. Well, to end, you know, Beef Nips says that Quiet Place is sick as hell. Thank you for what you do. Oh, thank you, Beef Nips. And dude, thank you for coming back on the pause.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Guys, any time. I love being here. Love it. Dude, JT's got you. Oh. Thank you, buddy. I didn't here. Love it. Dude, JT's got you. Oh. Thank you, buddy. I didn't mean to say that. I say we should do the Strider and Brad episode this fall, like September. Beautiful. Put it on the books. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:38:52 September. Let's go. Are you guys still doing drafts? September. I think you just did comedy drafts. Yeah. 10th. Oh yeah, we got, we'll have you on another draft too. The drafts are fun.
Starting point is 01:39:01 What area of expertise do you have? The last draft I did was the horror draft with JT and his brother and you and that was really fun. You cleaned our clock. You know, the only place where I'm fairly weak is in specific sports, you know, I just... We could do best comedic actors of all time. Well, that's, yeah. And then me and my brother could just team up.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Thank you, boys. Thank you for inviting me. Always love being here. Brad, thanks man. Alright boys. I feel guided through my day now. I feel fulfilled. I'm always here for you guys.
Starting point is 01:39:30 You know that. I'm always here around. If you need advice, these guys are really nice. If you need advice, these guys are really nice.

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