Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 359 - Classic Solo - Sack & Zach

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

Today is another Classic Solo with just the bros. JT talks about what he's learning about his community during his City Council campaign. Chad talks about golden retriever energy and his attachment to... Lola. We reminisce on our old council speeches with Tito Ortiz. We take some great calls. A man needs help finding his wheelchair brother some love, we invite him to a rave. Another bro needs help proposing but doesn't know anything about diamonds so we give him some ideas.  https://www.PARRFORBURBANK.com We are live streaming a Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! WE JUST ADDED 30 NEW cities for fall dates into 2025Get your tix - http://www.chadandjt.com TEXT OR CALL the hotline with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Thanks to Our Sponsors: Hims - Best Hair Loss Prevention around. Go to https://www.hims.com/godeep to start your free online consult today! Chubbies Shorts: Our Favorite Clothing company. Get 20% off your order today when using promo code: GODEEP20 at checkout. https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/ Shoutout - MagicMind, Easy Rider, Botanic Tonics

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys? Welcome to the podcast. If you're watching this on YouTube, before you do anything, make sure you like, subscribe, comment, because that helps us push out the stoke to more people. We want to make the stoke worldwide, because if the whole world is stoked, then peace achieved. So thank you so much. Also, we are on tour. We are tonight. We are at the Comedy Store. Bros before Joes. The entire squad is on this show, guys. I'm talking JT Strider, Joe Morici, and the Schmoll. Get your tickets at ChadJT.com. It's gonna be a blast. They've been so fun. Kevin does a dong song.
Starting point is 00:00:38 There's lots of bits throughout. Also, Houston coming up next week. Austin. And then we've got Baton Rouge, New Orleans the week after that, we got Michigan after that, we've got Atlanta, we got Charlotte, we got Raleigh, we got a ton of dates coming up and I'm so freaking stoked for them.
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Starting point is 00:01:48 Restrictions apply. See website for full details and important safety information. Unbelievable. That was incredible. Thanks. Were you always a good reader? Like in class, speed read? No.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Let me give that a shot. Getting nervous. Do you want to do the next one? Yeah, let me try the next one and see if I can go as fast. And would you look at that? Dude folks for a limited time our friends at Chubby's are giving our listeners 20% off with the promo code GoDeep20 at checkout at chubbyshorts.com. That's 20% off your order 20 so if it's a hundred dollars, you're only paying 80 if you use the promo code GoDeep20. Support our show and tell them that we sent you.
Starting point is 00:02:29 That's huge. And dude, legit, it does elevate your style, which does elevate your confidence. That's it. You gotta have a look. Gotta. If you're a grown man, you gotta have a look. Decide. What's your look?
Starting point is 00:02:46 I say chubby. So this fall, make the most of every moment with chubby. Shop now and fall into comfort. One stylish piece at a time. What's your dream? Going to eat, try to change it. I've been doing some squats doing some squats have you yeah well what's the rep range I've been doing just body squats so I'll do it I'll do like you know I'll hold a 25 pound double and I'll do 30 beautiful yeah just Murph's I just do Murph's yeah
Starting point is 00:03:21 that's like your favorite thing I just like Murph's. Yeah, that's like your favorite thing. I just like Murphs, yeah. How are the pull-ups coming? Good, dude. I did 50 yesterday in total. That's a ton. But I was able to do 10. For each set? I did 12 the first set and then 10. So maybe I did 52.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Not to be braggy at the start of the pod, sorry. No, it's huge, dude. I don't wanna get into like, I feel like I kind of motivated you to work on the pull-ups. Oh, because we did that Murph? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's a combination of that. I mean, you were very inspiring during that Murph.
Starting point is 00:03:54 My cardio was dog shit, but I can bang out the pull-up. Dude, you were banging out the pull-up, and it was like, you know, when you have the push-ups down. I feel like I kind of, yeah. Yeah, it's that. And honestly, it was Jake Gyllenhaal's physique and I presume innocent. He's so, but he's doing more than just, he's so jacked.
Starting point is 00:04:10 You don't think he's just doing murfs? No, he's like crazy ridiculous yoked. Like, wait, he's almost like, maybe because he was still, he probably shot Roadhouse before that. Yeah, yeah, I think, yeah. So he had that crazy rig on him, but his body's like ridiculous. What do you think of Mark Wahlberg?
Starting point is 00:04:26 Ridiculous. What do you think of Mark Wahlberg waking up, now he's waking up at 1 a.m. to work out and start his day? You know, I think I watched, that's funny you mentioned Mark Wahlberg. Me and the lady, we just watched Fear. Yeah. Which was kind of like one of his first leading roles.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I think he had done Basketball Diaries, but that was the first time he was like, I might have all this wrong. That was like the first time he was like, I might have all this wrong. That was like the first time he was like the star of a movie. He's incredible in that. And what makes it so good is he's good at being fake nice and underneath it, he's a very believable psycho.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So I think he's just matured in his psycho now. His way of being a psycho is just being fully optimized. Yeah. Do you think he's going to start waking up at 10 PM? I'm thinking, wait, so when's he going to sleep? I don't know, but he's waking up at 1 AM to work out. Ask Tom Hull. He goes to bed at 730.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He must be going to bed at 630 now. Dude moose snagged. Yeah moose snagged new. So he goes to bed at 730. He used to wake up at 2 30. Now is he waking up at 1 30? Yeah but that's only six hours of sleep. I wonder if maybe he's uh going to sleep an hour earlier 630 big 630. That's that's discipline. It's very early It's respect I mean, you know to live your life with that amount of Yeah, just intention is nuts Yeah, I'll respect to him. I've always long held You know, he got in trouble because he said if he was on one of the planes during 9-eleven He would have stopped the terrorists and people got really upset at him and I've always said I believe him I think he could have done it. I think so too
Starting point is 00:06:12 If I was on one of those planes and I saw Mark Wahlberg, I'd be like We got a shot. How do you think he would have done it? You think he would talk them down physical force? Pull-up contest. Well, so like one time some reporter asked me, like, hey are you nervous? It was about the Departed, they're like being on set with all these huge actors and he's like, I'm only nervous if you can kick my ass in here if you can, I'm gonna strike first. So I think he just would have been like, hey what's up buddy, I think he just would have been like, hey, what's up buddy? Do you mind helping me out with something? F***ing bam!
Starting point is 00:06:48 Right hand, dead terrorist, one hit KO. That's one shot, kid. Yeah, one shot. One opportunity. Like my boy Ronnie from Jersey Shore. And then he rolled up on the other terrorist. He went, look man, you got two choices here. You take the long way home, that means you jump out the window.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Or you take the fast way to Allah right here with these fists pop pop pop pop dead And then the rest of the terrorists they just wouldn't like what the fuck is this? I thought our God would have protected us against all all the you know invaders and conquerors and my wall But be like pull out his cross Said JC over Islam every time, bro. Just stabbed him right in the heart.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Listen, you know, fucking cap. You're not a cop. You're not a cop. Oh dude, so you're campaigning in 103. Leroy SV brings this up. You're campaigning at 103 degree weather. How's that? Dude, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I mean, it was, okay, obviously I took advantage of the fact that I was out in the heat and flexed on it. I did like my political David Goggins also. I'm out here in the heat, ain't no. But honestly, it's not that bad. I did it for a couple hours today. I like it. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:00 When you knock on people's doors, they like it. They're like, oh, you're out here in the heat. They're like, stay hydrated. Thanks for coming to Introduce Yourself. I think it adds to the, like they wanna vote for you more. Yeah. Cause they feel you sacrificing.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I was wearing jeans. Oh you were? They were like, Jesus. You had a nice polo on. I had a polo and jeans. So yeah, you know, what's interesting is you've been doing the door knocking. And you know what, the thing is, I don't think a city council candidate has ever knocked on my door. No, I'm a little hurt
Starting point is 00:08:31 But that shows how dedicated you are and it shows that probably not a lot of candidates are doing it Yeah, and I think now is the time to do it because it's so hot out. I think People aren't gonna be doing it. So I'm like, oh, this is my chance to kind of make up some ground Yeah, I feel like I'm kind of behind the April. So I'm going to do one turf a day. It's pretty cool. What's one turf? So like my campaign manager, Beast, they call it cut and turf.
Starting point is 00:08:54 He like, um, we're on this app field edge. So I'll go to canvas and like, here's the turf I did today. And you just start your walk and then it just gives you, oh, it's way far away from here. Like, so here's where I was at in Burbank. It just gives you like, I don't know, like 70 houses that you can hit on a block. And then you just like, yeah, you bang it out. So each house you go to, it has the person's name,
Starting point is 00:09:22 which is kind of weird. At one point I was like saying, like, I was like, hey Lloyd, and then they're like, why do you know my name? And then I'd be like, my voter field guide tells me that you're part of their index. And I know you live here and they're like, okay. So now I just don't say their name, but it gives you their name and then you like say
Starting point is 00:09:37 how supportive they were, what happened. And oftentimes they're not home, so I'll just put drop lit. Right. And yeah, so you said last night about 15% of people will open the door. Yeah, depending on what time you go. Today, it was less, because I went during the, like last time I talked to you about it was Sunday,
Starting point is 00:09:57 so there was more people at home. But today I went during the day and it's Monday, so a lot of people were gone. Has anyone gotten pissed at you for knocking? Not like super, super aggro, but some people are like, they have the no soliciting thing, but according to law, if you're campaigning, it doesn't count as solicitation. I don't know if the people living in the houses agree with that. But that's like- You're protected by the quantitative.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, exactly. So sometimes when people have that and you totally deserve it, I'm like, they're like, what are you doing? Just get out of here. I'm like, you're right. I'm sorry. And then I leave. I'm like, I was like, I'm being annoying. Do you have any debates or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Are there any like events for all the candidates? I have a debate coming up on Thursday. You're debating? Really? Yeah. When? Thursday. But like, where's the like, what's the- Over Zoom.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Over Zoom. OK. Is it like evening time? Like what? Yeah. With everyone? I think, no, it's like with one specific organization and it has to do with their endorsement. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:11:01 But it's going to be more like, I've done another one or two of those and I'm not like, there's candidates that are way more seasoned. Like I don't think I'm racking up a ton of endorsements but- So you've done a debate already? Not a debate, but I did like a thing. You weren't countering what other people said, but each person got like two minutes to answer and they went in a row. Oh, okay. And they'd be like, so what's your take on housing? What's your take on environment? What's your take on like why you would be different for the city than the
Starting point is 00:11:27 previous council? Okay. And then I think this one is more conventional debate style. And since it's for an endorsement, is there around like a specific topic? I think it is. It's democratic. That's the thing. It's more like party organized. Okay. Are there a lot of Republican candidates? Yeah. People are saying they're going to win this time. Yeah. I mean, this is, I get like just little, uh, inklings from people. So the people I was talking to were more geared that way, but you know, the city is pretty, the makeup of it is like 70% Democrats. So it's hard to believe that could win, but,
Starting point is 00:12:01 but because it's been Democrats for a while and they've been pretty far to the left, some people think there's gonna be like a correction the other way. Interesting. That's sick. It's, yeah, it's cool. Yeah. It's been invigorating.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I still need to learn a lot more, but I went to a rent control meeting on Saturday. That was really exciting. Got to hear a lot of spirited people get up there and give their two cents. One lady, someone got mad at me in the comments because I was saying like not all landlords are bad people and someone was like, no, they all are bad people. But I saw one-
Starting point is 00:12:36 In the podcast comments? Yeah. I saw one landlord go up there and she was doing a great thing. She was like, hey, look, like if after 12 months, if I want to like get rid of someone and raise rents am I allowed to do that? and it's kind of The tenant protection act right now is that if they've been there for 12 months It's really hard to give them the boot You have to have like just cause like they got to be like
Starting point is 00:12:56 Wrecking shit and then they might make you pay a relocation fee like you might have to pay for them to move so it's really hard for landlords to get people out. And so she was making these points and they were solid. I was like, yeah, that's tough for a business person to be stuck with certain clientele and not be able to have much choice in it. And then she goes, this was at a very liberal meeting. She goes, look, I'm trying to create generational wealth for my family. And then everyone just went. I started whispering about it. I was like, which is like totally fair. I think a lot of people are trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And you know, that's not on its face, a bad thing, but it was like the wrong room for it. And she kind of lost the, it's crazy. Cause everyone's just so sensitive. Like if you say prosperity, people think you're Republican. There's just like certain words that buzz people to think you're a certain kind of person.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Right. Fair and unfair. Yeah, I guess at that meeting it would sound bad, but she's just trying to support her family is what she's saying. Yeah, but there's a lot of people there who are like month to month who might get the boot if there's not a stronger rent cap so like
Starting point is 00:14:06 But it but I she didn't seem like a bad person. I think honestly the word landlord is also not helpful, right? If they think it's called like place with like rental manager. Yeah property managers good property managers better But our property managers and landlords different It's good question. Stokers, it's my ex-girlfriend's birthday. I'm really sad. Dude. The fact that you still remember her birthday is really sweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:35 How long, who said this? Gumby sees daggers. Oh yeah. So the property manager is who takes care of the property for the landlord. Right. Have you thought about moving on? Yeah, how long has it been? If it's been over a year,
Starting point is 00:14:55 I think the time, Bo and her best friend, that's also, that's a good suggestion, dildo. It's been over for a year? How long were you guys together? Two years. How old are you? Get busy living or get busy dying, man. I'm sorry, it really comes down to that. Like, do you want to spend a good chunk of your prime health worrying about someone who's not worried about you? I would get out there and I would fall in love again and give the next person all you got and make her miss out on something.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, you know what the thing is? You're sad right now and you're missing her, but as soon as you find someone that's more of a match, you're gonna forget about her right away. And there's no reason why you can't release that attachment right now, because the time has come even if he says he has saggy balls even if you do have saggy balls I mean I think that's I think that's kind of a delicacy in a lot of places you know there's nothing that
Starting point is 00:15:56 says that nice taught a nice taught sack is better or worse you know. Bourdain City, baby. So, high and tight balls are nice. How many? Deer Sag? Mine, yeah. Nice. How many women have you kissed since you guys broke up?
Starting point is 00:16:20 One. Let's get your numbers up. You know, because I think not in a way to like be cool or a way to like show her or show women in general, but I think just you're in a time of exploration, man. Like you're kind of lucky you guys broke up. I would really savor the opportunity that's in front of you. Guys will spend years pining. I remember I was in, I heard a guy one time,
Starting point is 00:17:00 he's just so hung up, he's like, the girl was so clearly gone. And I get it, but he was like, I gotta get her back, man. He's like, if I don't get her back, it's just, none of it's ever gonna make sense. And I was like, I almost didn't really think even, it wasn't even about the girl.
Starting point is 00:17:15 No. That's the thing, I remember when I went through a breakup one time, and it was after a short time, but I was so, you time but I was so you know I was just obsessed and then she broke up with me so I was all ahead I was just broken and all I had in my mind was I need to get her back right now so I'm just watching YouTube videos you know how to how to get her back and hack it yeah how to hack it like don't texture she'll text you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:45 And you look back on it and you're like, that was such a waste. Why was I sad? Like I get why I was sad, but like, just let it go. But I understand where he's coming from, but when you do get some kind of, when you do get some kind of sense back in you, you can see how unnecessary all that pain is.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah, I think very unnecessary. And I also think kind of masochistic. Like it's like, I think what really breaks your heart when someone doesn't wanna be with you is that they make you feel like you're not good enough and maybe that confirms a sneaking suspicion you had about yourself. And then you're like, if I get that person back, it would be proof that I am good enough. But it really doesn't even have much to do with the other person.
Starting point is 00:18:40 You're not missing the good times or anything. You're just missing the part of yourself that you feel like they took. Yeah, and when you do get, if you do get them back, you go straight back to the same place. Oh dude, the worst. And it's also like, you'll be happy. Like I remember this particular person, I did get back and I was like elated after for like a week, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:02 But then you just get used to it again and you're like, and you know, in that particular situation, I knew it wasn't a right fit, but you just keep going with it. And it's, and I don't regret it, but. You learn a lot. Well, same thing. I mean, when we started the pod,
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'd just gotten back together with someone that I'd been away from for years. And we both had done a lot of growing and then we got together and it was like, I say like, dude, I can get real good at ping pong, but every time I play my brother in ping pong, I play his style of ping pong. And me and this girl, our ping pong was
Starting point is 00:19:38 just throwing paddles at each other. You remember how much we used to fight. Oh yeah. You couldn't even make plans with us. It wasn't guaranteed we'd make it to the dinner. We'd be going to a shoot and we'd be like, we just broke up. Not like again. She would get real mad at me, man. I was a pain in the ass though.
Starting point is 00:20:00 God bless her. Did pizza parlor says Gerald Ford was a total post. Is that true? He played football at Michigan. I think they won the Natty when he was there. Nah dude, nah dude you ain't gonna disrespect Gerald Ford like that. He was clumsy. I think he fell down a lot when he was president. Dude, wait go back to chat. Talk tripod came in hot. Don't get married dudes, I freaking swear. Don't do it, get a prenup. If you do, she will cheat on you. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. I will listen to that stuff all day.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Ha ha ha ha. Those TikTok videos. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's like negative crack. Dude, Ford was a substitute center behind All-American Charles Bernard on Michigan's
Starting point is 00:20:48 national championship squads of 32 and 33. And his senior season, he started at center and was named team MVP. Yeah, it doesn't sound like a post to me, dude. No, dude, I'm reading, trying to like, I'm trying to like just be like, have politics in my head. So I'm reading Bill Clinton's, one of Bill Clinton's biographies.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I tried reading another one, it was trash, but the one I'm reading now called The Survivor is good. Dude, his loose relationship to the truth is hilarious. How so? Like he just, cause he would lie and then people would call him out for lying. And I think he would forget that he lied. Like he really lie and then people would call him out for lying. And I think he would forget that he lied. Like he really believed he wasn't lying. And he would get really hurt and
Starting point is 00:21:29 mad at the people accusing him. Like, so when he was running, he was just bashing Bush for like having a bad economy and like being hard on, you know, marginalized communities and all this stuff. And then one of the big things was, is these Haiti had come over. And he was like, every refugee from Haiti when I'm president will be allowed to stay in the United States. And then he becomes president and the CIA brings him like satellite photos and they're like, the Haitians heard you, they're like chopping down trees and making boats, 100,000 of them are going to come over here. And then he goes and he's like, we're not taking anybody.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And so that's not funny to laugh at, but I'm sorry. But then it's just crazy the scale of the lie in the 180. And then the newspaper guys are like, dude, you said, and he's like, no, I said only if they were coming for political reasons, not economic. And then they would show him the transcript and be like, that's not what you said. And he'd be like, why are you guys just trying to kill me with muck? And he would just pivot. He'd kill me with muck. Yeah, he would get really hurt. And be like, this is so bullshit. He's like, I'm trying to kill me with muck. Yeah. And he would just like pivot. Yeah, he would get really hurt. Yeah. And be like, this is so bullshit. Like, he's like, I'm trying to do a good thing here. I'm trying to help this country. And you guys just want to kill me with BS and slander.
Starting point is 00:22:34 He would just do that all the time. But it's kind of a good skill to have if you're going to be. Yeah, you got to be though. Well, I think one thing, even from our, like, when you were talking to me about rent control, all the different, you know, to be able to be decisive about what you wanna do policy-wise, for me, it would be so tough. Because I see every side, I'm like, well, that seems like a good idea. Now, I think I would, if I were a politician,
Starting point is 00:23:03 I would probably flip-flop all day. I'd be like, actually, now now we're gonna go I'm gonna go the other way it sounds way better. He did that when he became president he flip-flopped on everything he campaigned on. Yeah yeah yeah. He was like well it's just not reality. It's not what I never said that first of all. Yeah yeah. It's just not the reality we're in. It's a bad Clinton but that was kind of the move. You had a good set last night. Oh thanks. That was a fun show. That was fun. How was your set? I did pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, I had an awkward moment. You know Kiki? Yeah. Dude, when I saw her, we're like buddies. We're not like buddy buddies, but I know her.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I got confused if we were going for the hug or the- and when I went, I almost went in for the hug and then she put out the bump. Yeah. And dude, like oh my god I really blew this. That's the word I never know what to do. Yeah I know I just started laughing I was like yeah and I bolted yeah she's cool she was sweet about it but I texted my brother afterwards because one time I almost did that when I got my hair cut yeah afterwards like me and the lady just kept stepping in the same direction my brother was like are you going for the hug? Yeah. And it was weird.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So I texted him. I was like, dude, I did it again. Go for the hug. The funniest face he looked at me like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Yeah. I was just like. What is that?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Well, you know, I blame society for giving us so many options. We should just have, you know, COVID was nice in that because you go for the pound every time. That was nice. It's like you don't know what to do. Some people are like natural attitude. Yeah. I do think the, I just got to remember I'm just this guy. Well, then also the coordination is, you know, especially, you know, if it's someone cool, when you're going for like the hand slap like this, you gotta, I always miss it. If it's someone cool who's like,
Starting point is 00:24:50 higher, I perceive as higher status, I'll like miss it and I'll, you know what I do now? If someone goes for that, I'll like kinda like bat it away and go for the hug. Smart. So I don't have to like, I don't have to like aim and really make the contact.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm just like, oh, get that out of here. Get that out of here. Yeah, yeah. So are you thinking about making moves and being like a hug guy? I like being a hug guy. But you know, sometimes- Go for it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Sometimes I do the hug. But you have gentle energy. I don't think it's gonna come across like- You don't think I come across as a perv freak. Like you're trying to get like a little, a little, like a little hit. Yeah. Like you're like, oh, that felt good. There's guys who do that. They hug and they're like, oh yeah, I'm going to carry that with me for a while. I mean, I used to, there's, I don't know if anyone tells them. Yeah, dude. I remember this girl in sixth grade who would give me hugs and she was taller than me and she had boobs at this time
Starting point is 00:25:46 Oh, yeah, dude. I saw I was just fiending for those hugs. That's so funny and junior. I can like picture the girl I know her name. Yeah, bleep this out. It's no I'm kidding Yeah, and just you just it was so awesome. That was such a comforting thing, too There's something like you know when you're cuddling sometimes, but you're like anxious about cuddling. Yeah. And so your breath isn't quite where it's supposed to be. But then you like, sometimes when I'm like hugging my girlfriend, I'll just, I'll feel my bottle just settle. It feels so good to be like embraced by someone. Yeah. You just sit there and like, your brain will go, you should let go. You've been holding
Starting point is 00:26:24 on too long. And then sometimes I'll go, no, hold on a little bit longer. Yeah. Not too long, but just a little bit longer. Yeah. Just feel safe in this embrace. It's nice. I do that to my dog too much. I think I annoy her.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's a golden retriever. I know, but I'll squeeze her for too long. And she's like, all right, enough, dude. No. Dude, dude, yeah. No way. I out golden retriever. like, all right, enough, dude. No, dude. Yeah, no way. Out golden retriever. No way. I do it, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I'll be like, you know, Lola's like, get off. Yeah, dude, she does it all the time. She just bailed on you. She's bailing on me. That sounds like she has like attachment issues. Yeah, I think so. She's like she's avoidant, which you don't expect from a golden retriever, but I think she had her heart broken early on. Dude, that would spike my anxious attachment big time.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah. I would really cling to a dog like that. I'd be checking the nanit cam on her all the time. Yeah, dude. Should I be doing that? No, no, give her space, let her live. But I can understand that anxiety. Well, what do you think? Do you think it's because I'm not good enough for her? Now, what made you say that? That you're not good enough for your golden retriever?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Because every time I try to embrace her, she just runs off. And she just like, she literally tries to hop the fence. It's too high. I built it up. But she literally tries to jump the fence. But did you high. I built it up, but she literally tries to jump the fence. But did you ever think maybe she likes running away from you? In an affectionate way? Yeah. Like she likes that you chase her and she likes that she runs away. So if I stop chasing her, she'll embrace me. That and she might be sad.
Starting point is 00:28:06 She might miss you chasing her. Dude, that totally changed my whole perspective on this whole ish. So you're saying I have to treat my golden retriever like an ex-girlfriend who I was pining over too hard and just break all contact with her and then she'll be pining over me? No. Damn. I thought I had that. What are you saying? I'm saying keep doing what you're doing. Okay. What? There was a snake in my backyard a couple, like a week ago.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I took, iPhones can now identify animals and bugs. That's cool. So I see, I saw a snake. It was like under the grill, like Lola was, you know, running away from me like she always does. But then she was sniffing under the grill I'm like, what's that? And she's like get away from me and I look at her the girl. There's a snake. I was like I was like whoa and
Starting point is 00:29:12 I was like little again sign. She's like shut up, dude. I was like, alright Jesus That's a very different when I see her. Well, you guys seem totally she I know is you know, it's she gets dark when I leave Yeah, she she puts on it. that's what Golden Retrievers do. They put on a show, yeah. Anyways, I took a photo of the snake and hit the info button, go for snake, we're good. And I was like, Lola, that was a go for snake. And she's like, yeah, I know, pussy.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I was like, Jesus. But I'll take photos of spiders too. And it'll be like Brown Widow. Or sometimes I've seen some Brown Recluse's and I'll be like, that's a recluse, watch out. That's a very helpful app. I have two things on that. Wait, Lola's two and a half years old?
Starting point is 00:29:58 Almost two. 14 in doggy years. Oh, that's what's going on. She's a teenager. Yeah, but I never called my dad a pussy. But in your head you did. You're right. You might not have.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You're pretty like respectful. Yeah, I don't think I ever thought my dad's a pussy. My dad's not a pussy. I thought my dad wasn't and then I became an adult. I was like, he's pretty tough. At one time my dad got really pissed at me. I was turning like 16 and He and my stepmommies I were getting an airstream which is an RV. I was like, what about a car for me?
Starting point is 00:30:32 He's he's like that set him off. He's like, you know hard at work I was like, what about a car? I want a car At the time you were like get you rationalizing in your head, you're like, this matters. But to like say that after he's done surgery all day, he's like, you fucking piece of shit. It's hard to imagine. Like, I wonder if my kids will do stuff like that. I hope when they do, part of me will remember that I did that stuff to my dad right before I yell at them for doing it. I feel like a lot of-
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's hard to picture me yelling at them. They're so perfect and innocent. They're so sweet. They're so sweet. It's hard for me to imagine them. But I'm sure as the years pile up and you get more history of them being shits, you're like, no, no, you had this one coming for a while. Well, look at me and Lola. You know, I've had this dog for two years and now she's already, she calls me like a
Starting point is 00:31:30 piece of shit every day. How do you know? You just know. You can, yeah. You've been with her for a while. Yeah, she calls me a pussy. She thinks I'm a huge pussy. I'm trying to cuss less.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I do think we're like more charming when we don't cuss. Oh, so. But we are hanging out. You know, I do curse in my personal life. The dildo. Oh, this guy thinks I'm 5'9". That's awesome. Guys, bothering you because I need you.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Parforburbank.com, volunteer, donate. I really believe that this election, though for a position that doesn't affect the whole nation, could be inspiring for a lot of folks. Because I think, you know, I want to really think about the future. I want to, if I get in there, I want to make sure we got houses and a good environment and a safe place for my kids to grow up. And I think that's, you know, when we read about people like JFK, that's what it was always about. It was about good politics, it was about creating a vision for a better world that can, that will come to pass. And we might not even be around to see it,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but we'll have pride in the fact that we laid down the roots for it. And I don't want to over promise, but that's where my head's at with this thing. And I just want you guys to get involved and we can talk about it. We can talk about the issues We can talk about rent control minimum wage and you know planting trees and what the best energy resources are and then we can we Can learn a lot together. So if you're interested in that process join up and I look forward to talking to you. Yo What up? What up? What up who dis?
Starting point is 00:33:04 This Dan You boys can call me sack though sack Yes, sir, what's up, dude Where did sack come from? Why are you called sack? It's in my last name Has nothing to do with your testicles. What's your last name sacks? Now Q sack Oh Oh, sick. That has nothing to do with your testicles. What's your last name, Sax? No, Cusack. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:29 John? No, my brother's name is John, though. All right, let's grab this sack by the horns. What are you calling about? Oh, we're getting rid of the what-ales? So what-ales are you, smart? Sorry, I just wanted to hear that, youils? So what ails you? Smart. I just wanted to hear that, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:47 What ails the sack? I got my buddy, his name's Owen, and he's in a wheelchair. And we're all like 22, 23 now. And he's just dying to get some play, he needs some action. He's fiending for it. I just wanted to let you, uh, ask you guys and see if you guys had any ideas and tips and tricks, any, uh, thing to tell him to motivate him to get some girls. How did he end up in the wheelchair?
Starting point is 00:34:20 Uh, he was born in it. He, uh, he's got SMA. I don't know. I mean, it's pretty rare, so I don't think you guys would be familiar with it. But it's a spinal muscular atrophy, so he's just kind of weak all over. You guys are good buds? Oh, yeah. He's my best friend, man. That's good, man. Has he had any girls he's had a crush on?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Uh, a few. Maybe not like he wasn't really like, uh, ready to like let anyone know, but I've heard of a couple. He kind of, he holds his cards tight to his chest. I think we're going for a kiss here. We're going for a kiss here. We're going for a kiss. Yeah. We are. We're going for anything at the moment.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Has he kissed a girl? No. Well, you say go for the kiss. We did recently visit an establishment that he was able to relieve some of the tension that was building. Good. He felt good about it? Oh yeah, he had the best time ever. Well then that's awesome, man. Yeah. And uh...
Starting point is 00:35:42 I see someone in the chat saying does his sack work? I do have reports saying that his sack doesn't even work, so. Sick. He's got a big one too. Oh, that's good. Oh, nice. Can he... I think, you know, has he put himself out there? Does he talk to ladies?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, we brought him to the bars and he has talked to some ladies, but you know. But uh in the wheelchair his whole life Not necessarily the most con like doesn't have a lot of confidence Maybe some tips for him to get out of his shell a little bit once he's around the ladies. Yeah, you know I think it's um It's hard for anyone at that age and anything that makes you different is gonna feel even bigger to you even if it is something that is More outside the what what people are used to I think uh confidence is incremental
Starting point is 00:36:52 You get it through experience and you get it through just like nudging yourself Out of your comfort zone. So I think um You know be gentle with them. Uh, if he doesn't if he feels like he really doesn't want to go out Don't bring him out, but you're a good buddy. I can tell I would just influence him to To always go a little beyond Where he feels safe and just try to get him out there all it takes man. It's like everything's like golf, right? You can be playing like shit the whole day. You have that one magical swing You know
Starting point is 00:37:22 He makes that one joke that just makes the right pretty girl laugh and they make eye contact for the that right moment and he's gonna want to go back again so it's just putting him in a position where he can have that kind of stuff happen yeah sounds great the chats also saying you guys should go to a rave I think that's a good idea that's sick a rave seems really fun. Would you be down for that? I would be down for that. My boys are definitely down for that. Oh dude, yeah, go to a rave. You know, everyone is so warm at a rave. Everyone's in the best mood possible. You know, like the first time I went to one, I was like, wow, I didn't even know people lived like this. And there's just such a,
Starting point is 00:38:02 you know, you do the light shows with each other and stuff. It's a good communal experience. Yeah. That's nice. He should get really good at light shows and give like a raver girl a light show. Give her a nice, nice noggin. Yeah, he can get a light from his chair. What's a noggin nut?
Starting point is 00:38:19 What? We get lights all over his chair. Yeah. He could be the light. He could be a rolling light show. Get him on the dance floor. That sounds fun. He's a big, he loves the weed too.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Nice. Nice. The Jizzler says positivity leads to confidence, which leads to jizz. And he's qualified because he is in fact the jizzler. I mean who else but... I like the way he talks, Zach. Zach, you seem solid. You seem like the guy at the party who like is just sitting there like
Starting point is 00:38:58 rolling a joint and then like someone like tries too hard on a joke and you're like, that's just chill, bro. Then like someone like tries too hard on a joke and you're like, that's just chill bro And everyone's like sex, right he's got these he's keeping the temperature right here I've ate so I was gonna come and be like, what is your first name nut? And they say relax dude. Yeah, that's not it, bro Trying to chill right now dog And try relax yeah Do you have a girlfriend a little bit? Yeah, I'm trying to relax. Yeah. Do you have a girlfriend? I love that you, no, not currently.
Starting point is 00:39:29 That is kind of what, all the boys kind of, we did have girlfriends, a lot of single activities going on. She's kind of sparking this sort of need for him to get part of the action Mom, here's just talking about different situations So you guys just want to make sure he feels like he's he's having the same experience as you guys are Yeah, of course. How well that's nice man
Starting point is 00:40:01 And you just don't don't make it the focus of everything, you know Sometimes when you find something that is fun to talk about it's not always fun to be the person that's the fun one to talk about I don't mean to be a bummer but you know what I mean oh no yeah yeah you get it I'm sorry Sack I know you already know that shit so sorry yeah all good the chat mom Lem said he should get a dog Sack just sacked me dude that's that's what Sack does The chat, mom lem said he should get a dog. Sack just sacked me dude. That's what sack does. So he should get a dog.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So he has a combination of a dog and sack. He's got one. Oh, he's got one? Penny, bro. Oh, penny, nice. Good news. He takes her on walks and just leaves dumps pit places. Nice dude.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah, he's a serial dog shitter. Sick dude. Sack do you? If it's been a bad spot, he'll have someone pick it up. Nice. Good call. Sack, do you... I don't know
Starting point is 00:41:10 Do you want to go into business together Yeah, what do we what business what are we starting whatever you want I just trust your instincts I Mean we could go into business. I know there was a caller. He recently moved to Boston. He was trying to start a business. I'm from Boston. We could get him involved. All right, done deal. No, I mean, I don't know. Well, the one guy I heard from Boston
Starting point is 00:41:41 wanted to start a business too. Whatever you wanna do, I'm down. Three way. Hell yeah. All right, Zach, we're going to let you go. I think you got a long night of very little media in your future. Very little media?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah, like I feel like you don't even need like any lights or noise. Like you could just sit in the dark and just be like. Well, that is a poise. Contributing to my vibe right now, because it is late here. I am in the dark. Are you in bed right now? I knew it. No, I'm next to it though.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Bro, you flirt. All right. I'm keys in my bed right now. All right. All right. Later, you flirt. All right, so. I'm keys in my bed right now. All right. All right, later, sack. Later. What a legend. Very cool guy.
Starting point is 00:42:34 The sack, dude. He's a very cool guy. What up, dude? Sorry to interrupt this podcast and sorry for interrupting it as me rather than Chad, who normally interrupts it and does a great job. Thanks. So we got some shows coming out. Come see us do stand up on 9-11. We got Bros Before Joes at the Comedy Store. If you're listening to this today, it comes out. The show is tonight in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:42:54 at the legendary Comedy Store. It's all the bros. It's Chad, it's Strider, it's me, it's Joe, and it is the schmoll Kevin who is driving the creative ship behind the show and is worried about ticket sales So boost him up guys, which I respect it's good. He's on top of it. Totally. What is style? I Think Orson Welles said your limitations are your style, but I don't think that's necessarily true I think when it comes to your sartorial choices Your style is a choice and the choice to make is chubbies. I wear chubbies most days. I get chubbies in my chubbies. Hondo P. And they got some great stuff, man. They got such a selection. They got their original
Starting point is 00:43:41 stretch shorts. I love how comfortable the elastic waistband is and they come in different lengths. They got their classic Lind swim trunks. You like those. Awesome. I used to, I wear Chubbies when I do ice baths. Because they have the built-in brief. Protects my balls. Chubbies is a great brand. They've been around for a while. I think people really respect them. They do good work with integrity and like, you for a while. I think people really respect them. They do good work with integrity and like, you know, you don't hear bad things about them. They're so fun.
Starting point is 00:44:10 They're fun. Yeah, I used to know somebody who worked for Chubby's. Oh really? Yeah. Nice. And I think, so guys, if you want to get some Chubby's, this is what you need for the September promotion. Go deep 20. Confirm that once your shipment's received
Starting point is 00:44:29 and make sure you type that in when you're purchasing your stuff. Just type in go deep 20 and you'll get a 20% discount at Chubbies. 20% discount. So that means if you get $1,000 worth at Chubbies, you only gotta pay 800 bucks. That's sick. Go deep worth of Chubbies, you only gotta pay 800 bucks. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Go deep 20 at Chubbies. And I would recommend buying that much. Buy in bulk and then save more. Hundo P. Guys, there's nothing more brutal than losing your hair. There's nothing more brutal than waiting for your hair to grow back. I had a scare a couple years ago
Starting point is 00:45:03 where people were like, dude, looks like you might have recession. That's when I called upon Hymns, put up the bat signal, and they got me some topical spray with minoxidil and finasteride, which finasteride is propish, but you can put it on orally because, you know, I wanted the oral stuff because they'd said
Starting point is 00:45:20 that the pills might affect your boner. So that was a great option for me. It's super affordable, they just ship out a new bottle to me every three months or something like that. They really time it well so that when it gets to the bottom, another one just pops in the mail. I don't even have to think about it. And I don't feel guilty about spending too much dough on it
Starting point is 00:45:41 because it's super affordable. It can make your hair grow back in as little as three to six months. They offer personalized chewable oral spray and serum treatment options. Process is simple, 100% online. Just answer a few questions and a medical provider will determine
Starting point is 00:45:56 if treatment is right for you. If prescribed, your treatment is sent directly to your door. They have hundreds of thousands of trusted subscribers, including me. So if you feel like you're losing a part of yourself with your hair loss, get HIMS and get your confidence back. Start your free online visit today at hims.com slash go deep. That's H-I-M-S dot com slash go deep.
Starting point is 00:46:17 For your personalized hair loss treatment options, hims.com slash go deep. Results vary based on studies of topical and oral minoxidil prescription products require an online consultation with a health care provider who will determine if a prescription is appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for full details and important safety information. Beautiful. You're a beast man. Thanks man. You too. Dude I want to uh I got a bit I want to flag it here cuz I did it and I think someone's gonna steal
Starting point is 00:46:45 It from me. I know that's very like Plant the flag I want to plant my flag and it's not worked out so it's coming out here is it stand up It's stand up bit. It's gonna come out here a little crummy, but I think it'll be a nice jewel in time But I think it'll be a nice jewel in time You know like I Like when bros get annoyed by like pronouns like it is so annoying like no one cares about your freaking pronouns, dude Like what's the big deal stop being so sensitive about your pronouns? But I was gonna say Those guys are always funny though Cuz if they like guns if you ever like mislabel a gun,
Starting point is 00:47:25 you're like, AR-15 is an assault rifle. They're like, it's not an assault rifle. It's a high powered semi-automatic rifle. I'm like, yeah, but to the rest of the world, that's an assault rifle. They're like, it's not the same, all right? Respect the difference, dude. Get it right.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And it's like, like for them, like gun designations are there, bro. And I was like, if you put a bump stock on it, then it's an assault rifle. That's different though, dude. All right, you have to, it needs the bump stock. Bump stock is not fully automatic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 It's not, right? No. Yes. Yeah. You know there's a difference, right? I mean, it's like an AR-15 just has a large magazine capacity, big exit velocity, kill a lot of people, doesn't make an assault rifle.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That does not make it an assault rifle. Semi-automatic. Semi-automatic, it's not the same. That's my brown noun. It's a good bit. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. I'm only saying this to hopefully make you feel better.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I saw Nick Kroll, and I think he stole your premise of one of your jokes. I'll just say the Kanye joke. Really? See, that's another one. Okay, let me play my flag on that one now too. Yeah, yeah. Let it be known it's yours.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, so my bit is he follows me, but I've never done the bit alone. My bit about Kanye is that he's so good at predicting where culture is gonna go. Like that was his superpowers. He knows what we want before we know we want it. With College Dropout, he reflected on his materialism. Then we're like, oh yeah, that's what rappers should be doing.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Then with 808s and Heartbreaks, he made Auto Tunes sad. Then we're like, oh, that's what we needed, yeah. Then this genius guy goes down this ugly rabbit hole. He's super conspiratorial and racist about Jews. It was too much. He had to go. But now a couple of years later, antisemitism is kind of booming. It's like, is that the most fire Kanye prediction ever?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Like he knew it. It's a great bit. Yeah. And Nick Kroll's doing it now. Yeah. It's not really, it's just sort of the premise of that Kanye can predict the future. He doesn't really say anti-Semitic, but he kind of like alludes to it.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I don't know, I thought yours was better for sure. When did you see him? You see him at Largo? Yeah, I saw him at Largo last week. Did you guys see Pete? No, I went and saw Mike Birbiglia, Nick Kroll, Atsuko, Judd Apatow, and Larry Wilmore? Whitmore? Wilmore.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Wilmore, yeah. Nice. I mean, those are all stacked beast killers. Yeah, I think Kroll actually killed the hardest, but. Dude, he's funny, man. His special is really good. Yeah, he's funny, funny. His characters are so good. All of His special is really good. Yeah, he's funny funny. His characters are so good
Starting point is 00:50:06 All of his tv shows are good Yeah, he's a beast he's talented. I remember his uh, his ghost hunter Bit do you remember that for coal show in calme central? It was like a jersey shore ghost hunter. Remember the character bobby bottle service bobby bottle service. Yeah. Yeah, so funny and um Remember the character Bobby Battleservice? Bobby Battleservice, yeah, yeah. So funny. And he does the, dude, me and my college friends, we would try to reenact it all the time. For the intro for the ghost hunting show, he's Bobby Battleservice, Jersey guy.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And it's this intro for the show where he like pretends to like turn around surprised by the camera. So he like, he like, turns around by the camera like surprised and he goes... It gives us a look. I can't do it. It's so good. No, I've seen it. Like when he notices that the camera's filming him and then he goes and... Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so funny. Right here, at the beginning. I have a great desire to know the unknowable. Great desire to know. This is it.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I understand power of legal activity, aka ghosts. Wait, can he go back? It's so good. Yeah, he's so good at it. It's so good. To seek the unseeable. Understand paralegal activity, aka ghosts. It's so good. He's so funny.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Dude, remember, yeah, those are, dude, the, uh, remember back in the day, getting a show on Comedy Central? Do you remember? Yeah, those are dude the Remember back in the day getting a show on Comedy Central that was like as a comedian Oh, dude, they had the murderers row that was like creme de la creme. Well, they had at the same time They had Daily Show Colbert was still going South Park Tosh point out but then they had this new batch. It was like, Kroll came out, Schumer came out, Nathan4u came out, Kean Peel came out, all in like a tight period of time. Yeah. Broad City.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Broad City, yeah. They had this show, Hollywood Florida, that was really funny. Like everything they were coming out with was really creative and cool. Workaholics was still going. Yeah. It was unbelievable. cool. Workaholics was still going. Yeah. It was unbelievable. Brickleberry. I mean, they had South Park and Chappelle show.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Tosh point, that was great. I know. And now it's just all YouTube stuff. I don't even know what it is. It's such a weird. It's weird to think of that as like that was like the king, like the idea of getting a Comedy Central show. That's that's like a career maker or like in five years, Tick Tock will be outdated and something new will all be on Birdhouse. Yeah. And everyone's like, what is Birdhouse doing? Like, it's just noise. You just get five seconds of noise, but it's like perfectly curated to like
Starting point is 00:52:45 making your brain feel smooth. I'm like, all is the best. I just sit there all day and I'm like getting hits of noise. Yeah, sick. That would be pretty fat. Yeah. I can't believe I just said fat.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Did you, one issue I'll have sometimes on Twitter, I'll look something up and almost always, whatever I look up, whether it be Aristotle, or I'm looking for people talking about certain topics, I'll be like, Aristotle, like hashtag Aristotle, or hashtag, you know, hashtag the immigration crisis. And every time the top search will be just some guy with his dick. Yeah on Twitter that's that's what happens. They gotta fix the algorithm. And it was it was embarrassing because I was standing next to my girlfriend's mom.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And I was like, yeah, check out this quote from Aristotle. And it was just some dude's hog. That's not what you were looking for. No. So, we haven't talked since. Yeah, but how was Reno? Was sick. Reno was sick.
Starting point is 00:54:05 What'd you guys get up to? What did we get up to? We drove there, which was cool. Stayed with my dad the first night. And then we went to Reno the next day. What'd we do during the day? We went out, you know, a lot. We brought Lola, so we were taking Lola for a lot of walks.
Starting point is 00:54:24 She was hanging out with the family. We played pokerola, so we were taking Lola for a lot of walks. She's hanging out with family, played poker, saw Stan in Tahoe, went to Tahoe, got lunch there. Honestly, we didn't do much besides just relax. It was nice. I do a lot. Dude, Rena's beautiful. My lady's going back and listening to all of our old episodes. She is. It's so sweet. Yeah. Because sometimes I'll think she's annoyed with me
Starting point is 00:54:49 and then I'll come into her room and she's listening to episode 12 of our podcast. I know it's really kind of her. Yeah, she's the best. But then she'll remind me of stuff that I forgot. She was listening to a story about me with my ex and I guess I was used to act weird in front of my ex's family.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I forgot this. I ran into like her godfather at a mall with her and he hadn't seen me and he goes, oh JT, how you been? And I go, how do you mean? Yeah. He's like, I mean, like how have you been? And I was like, oh good. And then once I was leaving the conversation, I went, follow me on Instagram. It's like a joke. Wait, wait, say that again? I ran into, this is weird, because I'm telling like a Russian nesting doll thing, but like Elizabeth heard a story that she reminded me of that I had told on the pod of when I was with my ex, like six or seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And we ran into her godfather and I was, I used to get nervous around her family because they were like, I know all successful and stuff. And then her godfather was like, oh, JT,. And then her like, Godfather was like, oh, JT, I'm going to see you. How you been? And I went, how do you mean? And he was like, like, how have you been?
Starting point is 00:55:53 And then I was like, oh, good, yeah. And then at the end of the conversation, just trying to like throw in a funny tag, I went, follow me on Instagram. And I just remember my ex was like, what the hell were you doing? And I was like, I don't know, I lost my fucking mind. I don't know. I just got overwhelmed.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I'm sorry. Dude. But I've been hearing some of our old apps. That's so funny. What do you mean? I mean, dude, the one story that just makes me- This is your favorite story of all time. Well, just you and Brave Heart Paint just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:56:29 That was like- And you're just like having a miserable time. There's just something so funny about someone in costume having the worst time ever at a party. It did suck. That was a couple years later, different girlfriend. She was throwing a Halloween party and we were kind of early. I was crazy about her. And then she's like, are you going to come to my Halloween party? I was like, I don't know. And then I was like, you know what, dude, be heroic. Go to the Halloween party.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Show up. Make the big moment. So then Tom Hall came over. We put together a fucking sick costume. I dressed as William Wallace. I got my face painted. My stepdad had a kilt. I looked exactly William Wallace. I got my face painted. My stepdad had a kilt. I looked exactly like him.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And then I get to the party and she's like, oh, good to see you. And then like 10 minutes later, this dude was just hitting on her so hard and she was just sitting there like listening and talking to him. And I just was standing in the corner face painted, didn't know anyone. And I was like, I never should have done this. I was like, I'm never dressing up for anything ever again. Holding an ax or something? Yeah, I had a sword.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Like a broad sword? Yeah, I had a broad sword. Tom gave it to me. Because he, Tom also, when he's a doctor, he keeps a toy broad sword in his truck. And I was like, dude, I need something for my outfit. He's like, I got a broad sword in the car. He's the man. He's the man. Coolest guyest guy ever. Do you see Lincoln Park as a new lead singer? Dude pull her up. I like her. I like her too.
Starting point is 00:57:51 People are like, it's not Chester. I think it was really smart to go with a gal and to just not try to mimic what was. I uh, I said to my brothers, I was like, I was like, I was like, dudes, are we going to see Lincoln Park? And my brother responds, lead singer's a chick. Will you play some of her? She has a good voice. I heard Mike Shinoda is a, uh, just a creative beast. Someone's telling me that. Yeah. He was just like a prodigy as a kid.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I mean, he crushed the, uh, the Jay Z crossover too. Oh yeah. Fort Miner. You remember he did that council speech with Fort Minor song? Remember the name? That didn't work at all. It doesn't work when we rap. When did you do that one?
Starting point is 00:58:54 That was during COVID and one time, it was virtually and we called into the Mission Viejo City Council and I just rapped over Zoom at their city council meeting. Those are some of my favorite. And they were cool and then I think they read our, at that point too, they would read the text and they they read our city council speeches which was really funny. Yeah I was really excited yeah that yeah dude. Is it this one? Yep. My buddy Dolan's girlfriend broke up with him over his Call of Duty addiction, and J. Crew went bankrupt.
Starting point is 00:59:32 It was deleterious to my tan, my bro's love life, and my summer shirt collection. I was ready to let Rona's sadness take over my body. And then something incredible happened they announced Tom Cruise was making his next movie in space in a time when most bros are tapped trapped indoors Tom Cruise is going into the ionosphere he's still crushing it and observing the ultimate form of social distancing. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:13 We should repost the Tito Ortiz one. That one was fun too. Have you seen just Tito Ortiz clips? From the council? No, just like him talking. They're really funny. Because he just mixes up words a lot so he'll be like, I want to outlive my kids 100%. I want to outlive my kids.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Do you know what to search for those? Yeah, you just look up Tito Ortiz, like talking. There's good compilations of him just kind of, yeah, look, Tito Ortiz talking. It was like the third one. True, you're coming back in the fall though, that the fight will be in the fall? Yes, it will be in April. It will be in April. I start camp probably around in the beginning of July so you know I have
Starting point is 01:01:05 another long camp as always. April? Yeah I train six days actually six days a week five days a week I'll train three days a week one of those days I will train two days of the week so six days a week I'll be training. You know lastly Chuck feels like he stole your thunder and this is sour grapes from you. Like, it's personal because in a way you're jealous of him. How does hearing that out of his mouth fall on your ear? Jealous of him?
Starting point is 01:01:39 This guy can't even put a fine sentence together, man. Are you kidding me right now? He's reaching for those grapes He's trying to make his wine and the wines already signing like a violin without cheese and wine We'll see you on November 24th Three years old. Older. We'll see on November 24th.
Starting point is 01:02:13 As you guys get older, is it harder to get your bodies into the shape that's required to go at each other? Not with me. I mean, I've only been off for a year and a half. I'm only 43 years old. I'm an old mature. I mean, I matured old. I mean, very fast. But at the same time, my body hasn't matured great just because of my father's really old. My father is 80 years old. My grandma is 100 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So my body is in great shape. Well, here we are with Swallow Babaloo. He seems like a sweetheart. He's probably a net. I mean, yeah, he's had some, he's been on camera for so long. You've seen like his good moments and his bad moments all smashed together. But yeah, there is like a gentle like lug under there. Yeah. I mean, I've heard some other allegations so, but uh-
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. But it sounds like he's just trying... He's just out there trying. Well there's... He's trying, yeah. Yeah, it makes you want to decide when he's like trying to talk and you're like, come on man, you got this. Well, I can't even put a sentence together. He's just out there with the grapes and just the violin and the cheese.
Starting point is 01:03:36 My body's really old, I'm in great shape. My dad's really old, man. My dad's like 80, my grandma's like 100. The way Chuck Liddell's face darts, he's like, what the hell are you talking about? Were they fighting each other? Yeah, that was sad. They were like old. They shouldn't have been still doing it. But they fought like three or four times. Like Tito wouldn't fight him because he said they were too good of friends and Chuck was
Starting point is 01:03:57 like, no dude, I'll totally fight you. And then Chuck ended up working him. He just had like the perfect style for beating them up. Lovell keeps talking about Sabrina Carpenter. Are you a Sabrina Carpenter fan? Yeah I like her music. Yeah. Espresso, Undeniable, Please Please Please, Good, Taste Me, some of the other bops. They've all got, she has a nice, it's a little Taylor Swiftie in the way she can, the like the melody of it, it kind of surprises you.
Starting point is 01:04:28 There's always like a little tweak at the end of it where you're like, ooh, that gave me a little bump. And she has some fun lyrics. Yeah. I like her a lot. I like her voice. Yeah, she's good. She has a great voice.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Do you see these like conspiracy things where they say like everyone's like a psyop planted by some like uh you know government industry cabal. What do you think? I don't know. If you get elected to council and you realize that one of your duties is to install the next Hollywood puppet. What are you gonna do? I'm not gonna do it. You're gonna resign? I'll resign. Dude, I do wanna say, this is one thing,
Starting point is 01:05:16 honestly, I would do if I get elected. Burbank should be Hollywood. Like Hollywood, everyone's like, oh, Tinseltown, like, let's go there and visit the stars. And like they have like the hands and the Chinese theater and everyone goes down the Boulevard and thinks that's like the center of entertainment. Movies are made in Burbank.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Like we got Warner Brothers, Disney, Universal. And I think maybe the city kind of just doesn't do as much as they could on it because you could just go to Universal Studios or you can do one of the lot tours. But I think downtown Burbank should have like the history of cinema there. It should all be like a livable museum where you see
Starting point is 01:05:53 how movies were made throughout the generations because most of the time they were made in Burbank. I love that. Yeah. You should talk about that like publicly. That's one of my things. Yeah, that should talk about that like publicly that's one of my things. Yeah, that's sick because Burbank is like people be like
Starting point is 01:06:14 It can kind of kind of get clowned on a little bit and like they'll be like, oh, yeah came here I moved to Burbank. Yeah, people think it's outside the mix. Yeah, they think Hollywood's like more it Yeah, but not as much stuff gets I mean, there's some lots in Hollywood, but Burbank I think I love Burbank more shows get made out there We've been on set more in Burbank than 100% Yeah, I love Burbank. It's a I love the layout I love the vibe of it. I love the feel ATC is there It's got good heat. I like their weather I'll also want to give credit to because the guy
Starting point is 01:06:45 who kicked me up on that idea was Ramek. Ramek Hukobian who's a Burbank resident and is involved in the political system. We got coffee and he was talking about that in an ideology act up. Oh awesome. Good guy. Burbank to Burdank. We've been going for about an hour 15. To end it out would you guys want to try a new like Jeopardy game that I put together? Should we do one more call and then the Jeopardy game? Yeah if you guys got time. Yeah sounds good. Alright. Did you watch football yesterday? Not really. I watched some of the Rams game. It's a good game.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Good game. And did you watch a bunch of football? Not as much as now. A little bit. I saw like the Steelers game and then I caught like half of the Rams Lions game. Oh, nice. The Steelers win? Yeah, six field goals.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Oh, yeah. Our defense was nasty. Did the Bears win? They did. Caleb Williams. Is he a beast? No, he didn't play very well. I think he's going to be good, but he did not play very well. Did uh... Their defense was really good.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And so... But he did like nothing spectacular. No. I'm always kind of rooting for the Bears. I feel like Chicago deserves a good sports team. They still got, I mean, I think he will be good. It was his first game ever. Someone mentioned like CJ Stroud didn't play good
Starting point is 01:08:10 in his first game last year, and then he turned into a absolute monster. So I don't know, trust the talent. I watched some of the chiefs game. They were looking nasty. Dude, I saw like- They're back. I saw like two plays, Mahomes. I was like, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:08:28 He's so magical out there. Yeah. I, he's impossible to not admire and like just like be in awe of. And I, I'm impressed by Kelsey. Yo, my glaze was crazy on that. What's up? I, Kelsey, easy on that. What's up? I Kelsey.
Starting point is 01:08:51 To be dating Taylor Swift, have all that pressure and all those eyes on you and still play well. I think that's pretty remarkable. He's a stud. I mean, he's he's he's meant to be in the limelight. But I think it's good. I think it's like, I think it's, like he's like 35, he's old for a football player, but I think it's, I think 2% of his
Starting point is 01:09:13 football juice has been zapped from his different responsibilities. Yeah. Well, he's out doing the thing. He's at Wimbledon, he's at US Open the next day. I know. What up, bros? how are y'all doing? Good dude, how are you doing? Dude, I'm chilling bro. It's kind of late and I got a flight tomorrow
Starting point is 01:09:33 but I'm chilling bro. Thanks for taking the time. Bro, shoot me straight on this. That's not the way I shoot bro. Do you find it difficult to sleep when you have a flight the next day? Dude, honestly, I find it difficult to sleep when you have a flight the next day? dude, honestly, I find it difficult to sleep when I have anything to like Look forward to or anything. That's like of note that's happening the next day. What is that? We have that too
Starting point is 01:09:57 It's brutal the more you need to get to sleep. I take a zequil the harder it is to sleep, dude It's the worst that worst feeling one under wait a second is this sack No, this is that actually What up, that's crazy I was listening to the other dude There's whenever I was in middle school I was in class with this girl and my boy in that class his name was also Zack and this girl had a very thick like Hispanic accent And she referred to to me and my friend Zach as big sack and little sack
Starting point is 01:10:32 And I was the littler one unfortunately. Oh That's okay, but I kind of have big nuts. So it's kind of ironic. That's okay, too. Did you let her know? No, I was only like, spoiled. That's good. That's smart. Yeah, yeah. I probably, I wish I could like now, like later. No! Send her a photo. Be like, hey, we're in seventh grade science. Just so you know, I had big nuts. Sick.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I mean, we can workshop it or we can send it, but really, you know, there's no pressure. For sure. Maybe she listens to the pot. Dude, that would be awesome. Maybe we can reconnect. Yeah. Is that what ails you? No, no, what ails me, the question that I sent the text guy, so I've been with my long-term live-in girlfriend for like
Starting point is 01:11:26 quite a while now to the point where it's like she wants to get married real bad and she sends me like a lot of rings on Instagram that I just like and don't reply to. Then like I definitely want to get married, you know, like I don't want to be with anybody else but I'm really worried because right now she lets me game like a lot and she's really cool with it and like she'll like even hand me my headset sometimes and like tell me I made a good play if I get like good kills and stuff but I'm wondering if like what if this is just a ploy to get me to like get married to her and stuff, but I'm wondering if like what if this is just a ploy Give me did I get married to her and then like once we're married. She's gonna be like, hey
Starting point is 01:12:15 Get off that game you to do the dishes. It's like not what I signed up for, you know There's a chance that that could flip especially if you guys have kids or something Then it will definitely flip but even if it was a ploy, I respect the ploy. It's almost like it's like a good enough play to just like, she cares the consequences. Yeah, if she if it is a ploy, she cares enough about you to ploy you with what you love so that you'll go the extra mile and give her what she wants. To me, she sounds like she's doing good business and that's someone ethical that you can work with. Yeah, like at least she's like, she's like a critical thinker, you know, like she could
Starting point is 01:13:00 come up with that idea even. Yeah, and if she didn't like you, she wouldn't even try to ploy you. There's someone out there who likes you enough to ploy you. That's true, bro. That's true, so we should for sure get married probably. Yeah. Have you asked her about this? Have you said, hey, am I still gonna play with you?
Starting point is 01:13:20 I've asked her if she wants to marry me. No, that's like the whole point of the question. No, no. Dude, Zach coming in hot. Now I can tell you got big nuts, dude. Zach just tried to Zach you, dude. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. What I was talking about, dude,
Starting point is 01:13:36 fire zinger, by the way, I should just shut up now. But, um, this is such a good zing. Dude, it was pretty ridiculous, dude. That was sick, dude. But, dude, have you asked her if you're gonna still be able to game after you guys tie the knot?
Starting point is 01:13:55 No, I haven't. And you know what? Like, I probably should just ask. I feel like there's a lot of situations where it's like, bro, what should I do? What should I do? And it's like, probably just ask. They probably should probably give me just a straight up
Starting point is 01:14:08 answer, huh? I mean, if you were like, if you're like, look. Unless it'd be more ploy, well. Could be more ploy, but I'd still, you know, listen to JT's advice in that respect. But, you know, if you're like, you know, having the conversation where she's like, you know, talking about, yeah, you know, when we get married, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And you're like, well, let me just ask you, if we do get married, can I still teabag with my boys? Just a little. Bro, I have to bag with the broskies. I'm almost 30, I work a office job. It's all I look forward to, getting home from work and just bagging with the homies. Dude, say exactly that
Starting point is 01:14:46 To your girlfriend. Should I just play this part of the pod back? Yeah Especially the thing pop the question at the end. Otherwise you're doing bad business Well, I have just depending on her reacts right unless it's like, why are you talking about me on this podcast? And I'd be like, not the time. But if it's a good reaction, I'll probably ask her. Are y'all engaged, either of y'all? I'm gonna do it soon. I'm being lazy about getting the ring and then like- Bro, me too.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Do you think we could two for one? Yeah, you know what? I already got the rock, so I just gotta put it on a band. I don't even know how it worked like that. And no, I'm going to do it real soon. And it's OK if she listens to this because we've talked about it openly. And I'll let you bet.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Well, how did you decide like you're ready to do it? And was the ring was buying the rock? Well, we do have two kids. But so? No. Well,, I you know what it is? It's one, I want to. To to with the kiddos, like when I call the doctor's office and stuff and I'm like, hey, my girlfriend, they it does have an effect. Like they don't kind of prioritize
Starting point is 01:16:02 our relationship or or the information that we want to get as much. The connotation? Yeah, I don't know. It seems like they don't take us as serious as a couple. And so it sucks that any of it is at all influenced by culture, but it does help with that stuff. But honestly, even if that stuff didn't exist, I would still propose. Does she let you game? Yeah, she does. It does help with that stuff, but honestly, even if that stuff didn't exist, I would still propose Does she let you game? Yeah, she does and you know, what's funny is think she will
Starting point is 01:16:30 Even after yeah, she still lets me game as long as I'm not being a like a knucklehead If I'm if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm like helping and and being supportive and being a good guy Yeah, she totally let me game. She's cool about that stuff. She sometimes likes to listen. Even with children? Yeah, well the- She lets you game? I don't do it when they're awake,
Starting point is 01:16:51 but if the kids are asleep, like at night when they're sleeping. Do you have to like whisper your coms? I have been in trouble for, those moments are pretty rough when I'm screaming during coms. He's one shot. And she comes out and she's like, you have to be quiet.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But babe, he's one shot. I do get pretty embarrassed in those moments. I have a sports kind of related question. If that's okay to ask. I don't know if I'm only allowed to ask the question I texted the guy or like. Zach's just taking liberties left and right, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah, dude. No, I wanted to ask first. I wanted to ask first. That was respect. But you knew if you asked, we had no choice, bro. Yeah, dude. That would have been pretty funny if you all were just like, nah, we just hung up. Well, dude, as a matter of fact, nah.
Starting point is 01:17:42 No, ask your question. JT, I don't know if you saw when Will Levis for the Titans threw that pick to lose the game and instead of making the tackle he just threw the pick and just dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head. Has there ever been a moment in y'all's life that's made you want to do that? Yeah. What would it be or have been? Can I see this moment? Jake's pulling it up.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I mean, that's brutal. See, he's right there. He's like, I like Will Loves too. Didn't he get leaked? When he caught that deflection or and got the ball back for the defender that was awesome. Oh, that's what he does? Oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, go back, go back. Okay now, I'll catch it.
Starting point is 01:18:40 It's a pig. Oh no. That's hilarious. I've ever done anything like that. Has there been like a moment that like made you like want to just stop everything you're doing? I know I have. Have you done anything like that in your life, Zach? Um. your life, Zach? Do you do that?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Like if y'all would have said, like if I would have said, like can I ask you another question and you were like, nah, just hung up, that would have been one for sure. Oh, wow. Yeah, dude, it's this is. Yeah, that's probably the best one. But you were asking if my lady will because I did want to talk about like about if my lady would let me keep up whatever bad behavior when we're together.
Starting point is 01:19:24 So I used to have a bad I still do. It's funny if I get any distance from it, I act like it never happened, but I porn problems. I watch too much porn, masturbate too much. Girlfriend's always known about it. She's been pretty cool about it. Like she's like, it's better if you don't, but if you do and like, you know, again, if you're taking care of your stuff, it doesn't bother me that much. She's very understanding. But for the last month, I haven't been no porn, no Jane off. I got so horny. She told me on Friday, she's like, you got to go jack off. To do it?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah. Because she was like, it was like, well, because she was like, you need to, like, I was just too horny. Yeah. And I was kind of chasing her around and she was just vibrating off me and I would just be like, what are you up to? And she's like, what do you mean what am I up to? I was kind of throwing a lot of rhythm at her a lot.
Starting point is 01:20:19 What are you up to? I was always brushing my teeth when she was in the room, like I was going to try and make out with her. She's like, why are you brushing my teeth when she was in the room like I was gonna try to make out She's like why are you pressing your teeth? No reason and then so finally she was like you got to just go She just told me straight you got to go crack one off so we can get back to business as usual around here You're just a little high-strung. So so look your partner's probably like that. She's probably smart. She knows what you need She'll guide you to it.
Starting point is 01:20:47 All right, so if I just don't game for a long time, she'll just tell me to go jerk off. Or she might tell you to go game. Oh, sick. Yeah, that'd be like prime for this situation. I'm pretty nervous about like asking you, like I'm actually more nervous about like buying the ring because I don't even know like what are you the scariest part but my girlfriend assured me she's like I do not care about it so is mine mine mine's the exact same
Starting point is 01:21:19 thing but like and we're not buying that for a second right right it's a ploy they're just you know good for for being straight with you about it. Yeah, right. Oh, shit. But I should assume my lady's being straight too, but it makes me nervous because she's so particular about things. I'm like, but you're not going to be particular about the ring? I already got the specifics. So you know what you got to do.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah. That's good. Basics, but I did get some- You know the right size and stuff? No, I just know the cut. I know like the size and the shape. And then like, but like that's it, but like what else is there?
Starting point is 01:21:53 But like, I know there is other stuff. And then I'm not trying to get like swindled, you know, cause I don't know what I'm talking about. And then, and then like, I know they care more than they're acting like they care. So, but so if I don't care, like they don't care, they're going to care like after the fact. It's just like a lot, you know? Yeah, you'll do fine, man, though. You'll pull it off. You'll be great.
Starting point is 01:22:18 And what's it? And I didn't even know you could just buy a diamond. I didn't even know that was a thing. You knew that. What city do you live in? I live in Austin. I'm actually going to go see you all a diamond. I didn't even know that was a thing. You knew that. What city do you live in? I live in Austin. I'm actually gonna go see y'all next week. Propose at the show. Yeah, dude. I feel like, okay, is your, like,
Starting point is 01:22:34 is y'all show more like for the boys? Like, should I bring one of my boys or should I bring my lady? No, it's more for the ladies. All the guys who come to it will tell you that. Bring your lady propose. I don't have a ring yet. You'll figure it out. Get it done.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Get a ring pop. We're not going to be in Austin. It's in a couple of weeks. Dude, it's next week actually. Oh, it's next week, right? Yeah. You can get the ring in that time. Can I? I mean, I guess you've done it already. Yeah, you can get it in that time.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah, dude. So you can walk into the ring store and just walk out with a ring pop. Yeah, you can get in that time. Yeah, dude. So you can walk into Ring Store and just walk out with a ring? That's how it goes. Proposed at the show. Hundo P. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:23:13 We're for the leaks. Well, if I decide to, I'll text the text guy and tell him. You know, you need to show a little more respect to Jake. And also, could you hear Jake when he was talking? Because the people in the chat could hear Jake. I can't hear him. You need to like I can tell that he's talking but I can't. You need to know in our hierarchy Jake's top dog you are underneath Jake. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:35 All right Zach we love you dog. All right I'll see y'all next week. Should be fun. Dude let us know. It's one of my second comedy show I've ever been to, so I'm kinda excited. Dude, let us know when you pop the queue or do it at the show. Bet, sounds good.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Y'all have a good night. You too. Solid, dude. Solid, guy. He's gonna be all right. Is it Jeopardy time? Let's do it. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:24:03 The first question is, an exit sign on the 101 calls out this concert venue. Beep. What do you got? What is the Hollywood Bowl? It is. Did you cheat off chat? I did that before cream jeans.
Starting point is 01:24:18 No, you got it. All right. This Italian word for a stream formed by rain now applies to magma when it reaches Earth's surface. Beep. What do you got? What is lava? What is lava?
Starting point is 01:24:32 Chat up 2-0. Oh, jeez, I gotta get it together. This one of the three branches of the U.S. government takes up all of the Article 1 in the Constitution. Beep. JT? What is the legislative branch? government takes up all of the Article 1 in the Constitution. Beep. JT. What is the legislative branch?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Wow. Correct. Two, two one. This instrument records wind speed. Beep. JT. Beep GT What is a Window meter
Starting point is 01:25:18 Wrong what is an an o meter Still to one and then mom at her. Yeah, however you pronounce it to one Chad Psychology today compares parents who remove obstacles in their kids lives in an unhealthy way to this wintertime truck edition So it's similar to a wintertime truck, but it's a term Beep. JT? Side, what is sidecar? No. Chad do you want to try a What are chains on tires? Snowflow. What? What is snowflow? So it's a term that they use for parents
Starting point is 01:26:13 who just remove obstacles in their kids' life in an unhealthy way. Oh, okay. See, that one might be a little bit too much. We'll get this a little bit cleaner in the future. No, I like this though. Cause it's really testing, like I feel nervous in a good way. I think I got to do this more. Yeah, we'll do it like six
Starting point is 01:26:28 a week or something, you know. Beep. Let me read it first. No, but let him guess first. Go ahead. What is Pluto? All right. This planet takes the longest time to orbit the sun, nearly 165 years. Oh wait, I could have got it! Oh, yeah, the steel, sorry. But- Fuck. Pluto ain't a planet anymore. It's such bull. Yeah, you just call it what you want.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I thought it went back. Call it what you want. What is Uranus? Is it a planet again? Make up your mind, science. And just for the audio listeners, it is Neptune. I probably would have guessed Uranus. All right, this is an object.
Starting point is 01:27:15 It is also known as a whirly bird. Beep. What is a helicopter? Bang, on fire. Yeah, back to this whirly bird. Damn, man, I gotta step up. How many more we got overall? I think we got one more, maybe two. All right. Cobby Lane, the most followed person on this platform.
Starting point is 01:27:36 JT? What is TikTok? Chad, I don't remember exactly what it is. That's the problem I might'm gonna have to just guess Chad throw in another guess in case I'm wrong What is Instagram? To JT all right three two Final one. This is the final one. I remember this. You know what you should say it before showing it to us cuz So yeah, what do you mean? We don't beep before you say anything? Oh Yeah. What do you mean? We don't beep before you say anything.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Oh, say it. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. The answer. Yeah, I just have to put it on another screen. We can do that next time. Last one. A telegram carried the news to Mott and the Hoople that David Bowie had written them this song.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Beep. All the young Dudes. That is correct. Three three, going out on a tie. Oh damn. Is that it? That's it for what I got this week. That was fun.
Starting point is 01:28:36 But I think yeah, we do it, you know, at the end of the week, it'll kind of keep you sharp on your toes. It'll be fun. I'm trying to think of more segments, if anybody in chat has any ideas, things we can do. Did you make these yourself?
Starting point is 01:28:49 No, I got them from a Jeopardy website, but I kind of put it together of like things that I thought you guys might know. Oh, nice. All right, well we need a winner, so let's end with paper, rock, scissors. Paper, rock, scissors, shoot. Oh!
Starting point is 01:29:04 Chidais with the dove, dude. Paper covers rock, scissors, shoot. Oh! Chidais with the dove, dude. Yeah, paper covers rock. When did you learn paper? Dude, for the first time I remember that I always do scissors. Gosh darn, dude. Uh, alright, that was fun.
Starting point is 01:29:20 That was fun. Thanks to the callers Sack and Zack and their big nuts. Jake, legend. Thanks to the callers, Zach and Zach and their big nuts. Jake, legend. Thanks for being on the sticks. Hell yeah. Producing this beast, JT. Thanks as always for being a compadre. Oh, thank you too, man, for being a compadre. Appreciate you. Me too. Also, Chad, if there's a show at the Comedy Store, what is it, Wednesday? Oh yeah, good call. Guys, we got a show at the Comedy Store this Wednesday, 9-11.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Probably not the best day of the comedy show, but we're doing it. We're doing it live. We're doing it live. The Comedy Store this Wednesday, 9-11. Don't forget it. It's happening at 10-30 at the Belly Room. The Comedy Store this Wednesday, 9-11 don't forget it it's happening at 1030 at the belly room this comment the comedy store this Wednesday 9-11 if you're listening to the pod actually it's tonight on day of release is tonight and I tried to post the flyer
Starting point is 01:30:14 on Instagram and it flagged it saying it was a inappropriate because it looks like a giant hog

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