Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 36 - Mind Explosions, Optimistic Outlook, Worldly Predictions

Episode Date: September 19, 2018

In this episode, we dive deep in to the Elon Musk episode of JRE, people who have negative or optimistic outlooks, what the hell is going on with AI, 9/11, and some other noggin bending deep stuff.  ...Hell yea.  As always, we have beefs, legends, babes, questions and quotes of the week. Check out the subreddit: www.reddit.com/r/chadgoesdeep Check out our Patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep in Chat JT podcast. We got episode 36 coming in, hot my dogs, and I'm feeling good today and feeling good for Coral and I'm here with my compadre jt what up what up dude how you living dog i'm good man i feel pretty good yeah yeah i like that shirt thank you yeah the ranch yeah it's a uh oboes t-shirt that was my dad's hiking boot company oh sweet and this is um they would do their yearly retreat at a ranch, and everyone would shoot guns and ride horses and drink,
Starting point is 00:00:52 and they would come up with their business agenda for the next year. One year the shirt said, make it a double, and it was a highball with booze in it because they wanted to double their sales that year. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Double the booze. Yeah, so they said make it a double. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Well, how do you feel? I see you got your passport there. Yeah, my license has been expired for seven months now, so now I'm constantly flaunting my global bona fides when I go to a bar. Do you carry that everywhere? Yeah. I didn't realize. I mean, I know your license has been expired,
Starting point is 00:01:22 but I didn't realize you still carry your passport around everywhere. Yeah, I think I have to. Do you get nervous? About losing it? Yeah. No, that wore off after a while. Yeah. I mean, I'm definitely, like yesterday I touched my pocket and I was like,
Starting point is 00:01:36 man, this thing could disappear at some point. Yeah. But I'm not scared of losing my ID, so I don't know why I'd be afraid of losing my passport. I guess one has more street value you'd be stuck in the country i would like the opportunity to travel if if i wanted to yeah you don't like the the the option to flee doesn't make you feel safe oh it does it does yeah yeah i appreciate it i just like knowing i can go to can Canada. I'd probably go to Mexico. Canada's kind of cold.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah. Shout out to Canada. You guys are dank, but I'd like to go to Whistler and film a Travis Rice video. Oh, that's cool. Where's Travis Rice from? I think Jackson Hole. He's a Jackson Hole guy, right? I think so.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, I think I've heard that. Yeah. He's a beast. What up, Teton Gravity Research? Yeah. Yeah. What up? Did you see this mac miller thing yeah i shouldn't say it like that um yeah my heart goes out to your family and and to uh the departed were you a fan of his music uh not really i listened to like a couple songs i always thought he was good but like
Starting point is 00:02:43 after he passed i tried to go through his Spotify. I liked what I heard, but I'd need someone to help me and tell me which songs to listen to. Yeah, I don't think I ever really listened to it. He seemed very comfortable with himself and very at ease as an artist, which I think is a great quality. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 He was, yeah. Just sad he was so young. The the bro bible guys were really bummed about it yeah he wrote like a big long thing because i guess he was like he's pretty integral into the uh college like soundcloud i don't know about soundcloud but like college rapper early 2010 era he's like pretty he's like a big name in that and that was like a big thing for bros so it was a big loss to the to a lot of bros i guess oh that's too bad yeah but bummer to hear yeah wish you would have got some help but But I guess, I don't know. He was probably trying.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. Yeah. It's a bummer. Did you listen to Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan podcast? Dude, I listened to, I've listened to like segments. I've listened to like the first like 20 minutes and then I listened to the other segments. And he sounds like a weirdo,
Starting point is 00:04:04 but like it sounded pretty interesting i liked it i had to listen to it on a too fast forward first time i've done that with a pod why because uh because we were going to discuss it for this pod but i was short on time yeah so it's like oh i have an hour i was like i gotta listen to it on double yeah are you able to take it all in yeah it just takes like a minute of adjusting. But after a couple of minutes, you're like, oh, I've always listened to podcasts this fast. Yeah. Yeah. It does kind of strip away their personality too.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You get less like, like some of the questions sounded dumber because they were faster and there was less like pauses between them. So I was like, oh, like you kind of need that space to adjust to the questioner's like thinking, you know? Yeah. But if it goes fast, you don't adjust to their thinking. You just hear the question. You're like, oh, that was kind of a goofy question. Yeah. But I mean, it was still really good.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It was compelling. Yeah. What was your favorite part? I like when he went into equations, like when he was explaining what was needed for like a specific kind of like flight or maybe it was all flight. what was needed for like a specific kind of like um flight or maybe it was all flight and he was like well you know the mass times the gravity has to be less than the uh than the air drift times the uh airflow and i was like nice dude yeah very cool i like i liked his know-how in that department i liked how he stayed away from generalizing about people like he was like most judges are good they want to administer justice they could make more money you know being trial lawyers but they they
Starting point is 00:05:24 want to uphold the law so i think i think they're very good people i like that i like that he kind of had like he had like kind of a superseding optimism about everything it's like the world's going to work out things are good like yeah people are better than you think yeah i noticed that about i like that and then when he's talking about like ai he wasn't he was kind of kind of fearful about it but he was also like it could go really well or it could go disastrous and so
Starting point is 00:05:51 yeah I guess we'll leave that up to the AI to figure out the one thing that made me laugh about him though like where I was like shut up dude Joe Rogan was like you have so many ideas like what's it like to have so many ideas like is it exhausting and then he was like, you have so many ideas. Like, what's it like to have so many ideas? Like, is it exhausting? And then he was like, it's a nonstop explosions.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And then Joe, like, kept going. And he's like, so what is it like? And he reiterated, he's like, I'm telling you, it's like explosions never stop going off. Like, I was like, that's a pretty high way to value your own brain. And you'd be like, yeah, my brain is just. Just every day you're walking around, oh fuck fuck yeah he made it seem like he couldn't get through a day because he had so many crazy ideas just exploding in his head and i was like at some point you'd probably adjust yeah um so what do you think of him overall as a dude i would have
Starting point is 00:06:38 to say i liked him yeah yeah i mean there's there's probably a million contradictions and like things that he's not taking care of that you could bring up. But overall, I was like, no, I kind of dig him. And then his outlook on what the future should be, that we should be like these intergalactic travelers who can like exist beyond the length of our sun. I was like, fuck, yeah, of it is that like the point about how we might be in a simulation and then i think jerogan said something about he's like once you want to get out he's like well when you make you know in a fiction a world like that you make it a lot better than the world you're already in so oh but the world that we if we're in a simulation the world that we're coming from probably sucks ass oh that's interesting yeah so i was like oh that's i never really thought about like that you just think it's like the same as like where you were before yeah or maybe even more limited yeah you're trapped yeah you say you're
Starting point is 00:07:58 not trapped you're saying you're free yeah that's one thing about the matrix too watching that you know when they come out and you're like man it, it must suck to come out of The Matrix. And you're like, fuck. That's why Cypher or whatever wants to go back in. Yeah. He's like, steak is good. Yeah. I feel that.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I don't blame him. Steak is good, yeah. I thought, that's why, it kind of brings us to that other thing, the Tyler Cowen article about how we know too too much about everybody now so it's made it impossible to believe in anybody is that the fake news one yeah yeah yeah and then he was just basically saying like imagine if every day you were slowly finding out like uh more truths about yourself like all day like people were just sending you truths about yourself all day how demoralizing that would be yeah and then i was like why does that have to be demoralizing i'm like well it just is because we're so flawed if we constantly
Starting point is 00:08:47 reminded ourselves of the flaws we'd never you know yeah we'd be bogged down all the time yeah you want to keep kind of an uh optimistic sort of like romantic idea yeah yeah i was i was talking about that with this uh girl the other night and uh about her she's talking about like her friend's boyfriend is like too rational and it's just like a bummer right like her friend wants to do stuff and he's just like too rational it's just like it's almost like a negative thing like it's it limits her friend from like right trying stuff because he's just like, well, you'll never do that because look how difficult it is. It's like, why do you have to be so rational? If you just look at the possible negative outcomes
Starting point is 00:09:34 or if you try something like the possibility that it won't turn out the way you want, then why would you try anything you know whenever people do that to me i'll say something like or i'll say i'll talk about an idea i have or something i want to do and whatever they're like oh you're really gonna try that and it's like well yeah i'm still gonna try it so fuck off you know what i mean right it's just it bothers me no of course well because like um what what's gained from them asking you that yeah like all you've done is taken wind out of our collective sales yeah yeah i had a friend basically who would always insist to me that we were going to live like forgettable lives. Yeah. What's and that,
Starting point is 00:10:25 and that, um, we weren't special and like to him, it was cool to say you're not special because, um, because you're not delusional and because you're just an honest guy who, who lets people know how things really are. And that's kind of special,
Starting point is 00:10:40 I guess that's, I guess that's the backdoor way to special in a way, but, but I couldn't take it anymore. Yeah. He was like, he's like he's like our lives are gonna be forgettable like no one's even gonna remember us like we're just gonna be guys who did some stupid stuff and then it was over and i'm like i can't live with that kind of uh like casualness yeah because what if you do live with a memorable life what if you do create that life i i love i love i love daydreaming about the fantasy of like what can become you know uh or what can what can occur in the future
Starting point is 00:11:10 instead of like i just don't see the point and i just think it takes so much out of living if you're constantly worrying about negative outcomes or like what's going to go wrong you know as i but i mean i know it's human nature to think that way, but, uh, I think if you can sort of try and force your mind or you're constantly implant into your subconscious
Starting point is 00:11:35 to like keep thinking in a more, you know, optimistic way, then life is much more enjoyable. And even if you don't, even if you set out to do things and you fail,
Starting point is 00:11:45 you still are, I find you're always still like pumped that you tried at least. Yeah, I think as long as you're doing what you like, you should be all right. Yeah. But I mean, it doesn't always work out that way either, but you got a better shot doing that way
Starting point is 00:12:01 than you do any other ones. Like there's no sure way to live a great life you know what i mean but trying to live a great life will probably give you a better shot at it than resigning yourself to it not happening yeah but maybe there is a backdoor way with resigning yourself where you're just like oh things just my karma is just good and good things just keep popping up around me because I'm not a, because I have like a warm, inviting, non-expectant presence. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I would actually, I would still go with the trying is going to give you a better shot at it. Yeah. I think having a warm, being warm and just open. But I know expectations, expectations always hurt, you know. Yeah. But it's maybe not like, I don't know, maybe not set expectations, but more just like kind of a mindset that everything will work out. Well, yeah, I guess your expectations are more in a healthy way,
Starting point is 00:13:04 are more built around output, but not result. You know what I mean? So you have like a certain expectations that you'll do this amount of work or you'll do these amount of good things. You'll invest this amount of time. And those are things that you can control, but the results you can't control. So you have to kind of like detach from expectations there. Yeah. So you have to kind of like detach from expectations there.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. But I think like Elon Musk is like, I mean, you know, with all of his explosions going on in his head, maybe it helps him to think about it that way. And, and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Yeah. I think it's cool. All this stuff he's trying to do. I just wish more of it would come to fruition. Yeah. I mean, and then, and then I have friends who probably who disagree with me, but I'm thankful for them because they're very smart people,
Starting point is 00:13:44 but they're like, but dude, he's like thankful for them because they're very smart people. But they're like, but dude, he's like an asshole. He doesn't treat people right. He has terrible work conditions. Not even talking about him, but just other people who I would be more, who instinctively I would lionize.
Starting point is 00:13:56 They'll be like, dude, no. What about all these bad things they did? And it's hard to know how to evaluate them, what the balance should be. Yeah. I don't know. Everyone does bad things, so. Yeah, but it's hard to know when is it bad enough that it needs to change the way we think about you.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Or maybe it always does, but it's just a calibration. Yeah. It's tough. But Elon, as far as I know, you're all right. Oh, dude, did you read that article about Paul McCartney and John Lennon that they masturbated together one time?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah. I was, dude, honestly, at first I was grossed out, but i was stoked on how open he was about it yeah i think it was uh look there's one band that everybody says is the greatest of all time i probably don't agree but it's the beatles so anything they did to get there you kind of got to sign off on as being smart yeah yeah he was just really he was like yeah you know we shouted names we jacked off together and uh i'm like good on you guys if that's uh you know he didn't seem to have any reservations about it you know what it is too i think the road
Starting point is 00:15:25 reservations about it you know what it is too i think the road the road really strips away um um barriers like when you're at home and you're in your structure there's so much crazy stuff you won't do but if you just leave town for like a week after a week it's like full lord of the flies you won't even believe the stuff you're willing to do yeah you know like when i went to bali with my parents like they would not have showered naked in front of me in california but after a week in bali they were like showered naked in front of me in California. But after a week in Bali, they were like showering naked in front of my brother and I. They were? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 What was that like? I was like, man, the tropics are rubbing off on you guys big time. Yeah. They were like in like a cave shower, just like free. Were they like embracing each other? But they were. How old were you? 11 okay yeah it's not as weird oh if i was like 30 yeah yeah i mean yeah i don't know if they do that you know now yeah maybe it wasn't weird i've talked about it before maybe it's not weird
Starting point is 00:16:25 now yeah maybe it wasn't weird i've talked about it before maybe it's not weird i think it's i think it's weird but but i know i mean i saw my dad shot my dad's dong till i was like six i guess yeah i probably saw my dad's dong regularly until i was six and then after that it just goes it's funny that there's just an age point where the parents are like you will no longer see our private parts yeah you're like yeah good deal well i. I used to kiss my dad on the lips, and then kids at school started making fun of me about it. And I was like a second grader, and I went home one day, and my dad touched his lips, and I said no. And he was like, what?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Why? I was like, I'm not doing it anymore. I'm out. It stung him, I think. Are you serious? Yeah. But now I wish I gave him all the kisses in the world so it's tough you know i wish i tongued him yeah we i mean i think we all have that i'm like dad
Starting point is 00:17:13 i love you dad thank you for everything oh come on open your mouth dad oh and they would scream out names to each other while they were doing it yeah and then they'd say like winston churchill as a joke yeah they said that that killed their boners winston churchill i think that would charge mine up that guy was a beast yeah he was a tank after watching darkest hour i'm like i'm like that's a dude i could jack off to he would galvanize my dong. He's a smart dude. I forget what it was, but I read a biography about Churchill
Starting point is 00:17:52 where it said that he had just a gift for marketing, too. During World War II, they created communal eating spaces for everybody to go to and like initially they were called like food depots food depots like something kind of like not human not very soft and he renamed them like community kitchens and everybody started going oh really yeah just because he gave him a better name yeah and he had like a real flair for that where he could always like look at something like a government program and then put a human name on it or human face to it to make it more accessible to the people. Which, you know, isn't what wins wars, but I think it helps.
Starting point is 00:18:34 You know what I mean? Because of morale and stuff like that. Yeah. Food Depot. It sounds more like a pig trough. Yeah. Right. You don't want to go there with your family, especially in times of crisis.
Starting point is 00:18:42 But then you call it a community kitchen. Everyone's like, okay, we're in this together you know what i mean and it's a kitchen it belongs in the home like yeah we're one nation one kitchen oh i should mention this so uh stokers uh we have a subreddit on reddit i think you just go reddit.com slash chat goes deep and uh there's gonna be a discussion thread for each episode um so if you want to discuss with other Stokers basically whatever you want to discuss about the pod or anything else you want to talk about, maybe Coral, maybe M&M's,
Starting point is 00:19:17 maybe the next one, Bad Boys 3 is coming out, hit up the subreddit. Get that discussion going. Bad Boys 3 is coming out hit up the subreddit get that discussion going and yeah I think it's going to pop up upon the release of each new episode so
Starting point is 00:19:31 reddit.com slash chadgoesdeep or is it going deep with chad and dt I'm going to check those out I'm a fiend for that stuff yeah because I am curious now that I'm single I gotta hold back my horniness because this I've got to hold back my horniness because this whole thing could just become about my horniness.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's that overpowering in my id. What are you talking about? Now that I'm single, I'm worried the podcast, my side of it at least, will just become too much about my horniness because I'm such a horny person. It kind of like almost supersedes all my other functions sometimes i think you keep it kind of i think you keep it contained you haven't done any horny stuff yet yeah that's true i mean we talked about winston churchill and i don't even know i just i just start talking and i forget what
Starting point is 00:20:21 the fuck i was talking about that's good though though. That we forget. Yeah. Um, I mean, what's going through your mind right now? Well, my therapist, my therapist, um, he goes,
Starting point is 00:20:31 what do you want JT? And I looked at him and I said, I want to fuck. And I didn't even think about how stupid that was. Yeah. I literally was being honest. Like he was like, he told me,
Starting point is 00:20:40 he's like, yeah, you sound like you're being honest. And then I was driving home like two days. No, I was driving like two days later. And I was like, like what he's like yeah you sound like you're being honest and then i was driving home like two days no i was driving like two days later and i was like like what i want to fuck someone asked me what i want out of life and i say i want to fuck what am i like what kind of human being says that you're purely carnal yeah you're purely carnal being but what am i trying to prove you know what i mean i don't know what are you trying to prove it You know what I mean? I don't know. What are you trying to prove? It's,
Starting point is 00:21:05 it's, it's tough. I don't know if it's a, yeah, I guess I'm just trying to prove I can get laid. Yeah. I don't know. There's something about like,
Starting point is 00:21:16 I got, I've obviously I get super horny, but you know, I don't know. I guess I never really wanted to be like that dude who's fucking like tons of chicks all the time. You know what I mean? No, it's exhausting. It's exhausting.
Starting point is 00:21:39 It's not that fun. It's not that cool. I'm not doing it, but it's like. Yeah. You just want someone to fuck no i just want um yeah oh it's the uh anniversary of 9-11 do you remember it yeah so i was on my way to school i woke up in the morning and my mom said there's been an attack and then she put my brother and I in the car she drove us to school and she was like I want you guys to stay home but I kind of wanted to be around other kids at the time you know what I mean and just like share the experience
Starting point is 00:22:16 and then we got to my little private school and they were like oh it's canceled school's been canceled and so we just turned around and went home my mom said the funniest thing on the drive home she goes john thomas do you know who nostradamus was and i was like no she's like he was a prophet and he predicted the challenger explosion and uh the jfk assassination and he predicted this and this is the start of the end of the world i was like oh fuck there was a long pause and then I turned to my mom and I go do you think it's the start of the end of the world mom and my mom goes
Starting point is 00:22:52 yes I was like fucking fuck mom thanks for the emotional support I was just like staring out the window like how the fuck did Nostradamus know so much yeah that was like and i was like he's burning like elon musk he's too smart for his
Starting point is 00:23:10 own good this poor guy nostradamus explosions of just disaster i was like he's so and it's so funny too because you know it always gets into the thing of like so nostradamus this guy lived 600 years ago knew what rockets were he knew what skyscrapers were he knew what like islamic terror and she's like no he said that a pillar of humanity's commerce would be blown up by a villain of their own divining and i was like i guess yeah is that what you think mom she was like yes yes i was like fuck okay here we go rock and roll yeah go to your room yeah now go to your room and relax i i didn't feel all of it though because i was so young yeah um i remember i was listening to the radio i was in bed i was listening to the radio and then they they're like just made an
Starting point is 00:23:58 attack and i go into my mom's room she was watching it and i was like i was like how come you didn't tell me earlier so i could i could watch this on tv uh and then uh then we went to school and it was like very somber and then um and we just went home and uh I remember my mom was pretty traumatized she was like puking really yeah uh because my brother had just moved to New York. He's 22. It's crazy. But I remember going to the skate park and lighting candles. That was the time of my life
Starting point is 00:24:37 I was hitting the skate park heavy. That's nice that you did that. And we would light candles at the skate park. And then yeah, I don't know. I remember Katie Couric a lot reporting on it. It was pretty gnarly. I remember watching the news live,
Starting point is 00:24:59 and I was like, I think that was a person jumping out of the building. If I was so young, I was a person jumping out of the building I was like so young I was just didn't even like I just said it kind of casually but you're right sometimes it takes children to observe that stuff too because like older people
Starting point is 00:25:16 they're kind of like they can't believe it yeah I remember how many American flags were they were on like every house. And people got the clip-on ones that you could do on your windows. Yeah. And our friends, the Pankos, they had it.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And the dad was driving us home and I rolled down the window so the flag flew away. God damn it, JT. Everyone was like, shit, did you roll down the window? I was like fuck sorry dude all right let's get into it chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is uh hens the chicken for laying eggs oh that's awesome uh. I think eggs are quickly becoming my favorite food. I love eggs. I eat like six a day at least. I love scrambled eggs.
Starting point is 00:26:10 They're delicious. They give you, you know, they're so nutritious. There's like everything in them. You know, you got those omega-3s. You got protein. And they just turn you into a fucking beast. So I just want to give a shout out to hens. Like, what up, hens?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Like, thank you so much for laying these eggs so I can eat them down for an affordable price. You know, I go to Ralph's and I just stock up on like 36 eggs. And that should get me going for the week. I'm just really pumped on it, you know. And, yeah, I'm sorry about all the factory farming and killing. I hope your conditions are okay. I try to go cage free, you know? Um, and so I just want to give a shout out to you guys. You guys are babes, the babes of the, uh, agricultural world. Who's your babe? My babe of the week is, um, my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Lighter.
Starting point is 00:27:08 She's really cool and like sophisticated for an elementary school teacher. She had like cosmopolitan ideas and she kind of got them across well to us. And then she was my tutor for a couple of years and she always had a good honesty with me. Like if I do a bad paper, she'd be like, this is bad. Like if you think this is good, you're wrong. And I was like, that's good. Cause I could get high on my own supply a little bit as a sixth grader.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And, um, yeah, I just always liked her. Do you ever have like a teacher who left at the end of the year and they said goodbye to the class, like they were leaving the school at the end of fifth grade. She's like,
Starting point is 00:27:44 I won't be coming back next year and the whole class is 20 crying fifth graders all right who's your uh legend of the week my legend of the week is you oh come on yeah uh john th. Dude, you took the bleaching like a champ. You took the burn like a champ, and you fired back with an amazing comeback. I just want to give you props for that. JT, you're just a legend. Every time we do the podcast, I feel like I'm in a master class of verbal usage and just knowledge.
Starting point is 00:28:22 So thank you for providing that for every pod and just being a legend of a dude. You know, you're open about your feelings. You're vulnerable and you're also a bro. And I love that dichotomy within you. So you're my legend. Thank you, dude. That means a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And just, yeah, props. I don't know. You know everything. No, but when you first started, I was going to go stop. Yeah, I don't want to go too long. It's just like I was gonna go stop yeah I didn't wanna go too long it's just like you're like alright this is painful
Starting point is 00:28:47 no it was nice dude we went out drinking together on Saturday night yeah and it was that was fun it was nice yeah cause it opened up the doors
Starting point is 00:28:56 a lot emotionally we were really like the love was coming out strong did we embrace a lot yeah I think we did yeah I vaguely remember that yeah
Starting point is 00:29:04 your buddy was a good dude too Gabe yeah yeah shout out out to gabe what up i don't know if he listens he was great i could feel we felt a kinship with each other because we were both so close to you oh yeah yeah that's cool i could see he felt kind of responsible for your well-being in a way that was um like well-earned yeah he we had a lot of fun in college he and i would just get blacked out and gyrate our hips all over campus and it was a lot of fun and uh and then he lived in the cockpit which is just like one room in like this building i just love the name the cockpit he's a good dude yeah um thank you dude yeah maya legend of the week it's my buddy andrew abom like i from a young age his his positivity gave me a template for how to be a better person
Starting point is 00:29:54 like i would see him in isolated moments where like no one was observing him and he would just be vibing just vibing by himself like eating a bowl of oatmeal, listening to music and just dancing by himself in the room. And I'd never been that. I'd never seen something like that. That was real effortless. Like he really did just enjoy the experience of everything that he was doing. That's awesome. And he would take so much care and time and all of it. Like the oatmeal would be so perfectly prepared and he'd always be trying new things like a dash of brown sugar a little bit of raisins and then he's tweaking it was music that he often created so he was tweaking with the music and then he would
Starting point is 00:30:32 just have these dance moves going and he could just see that his brain was popping with ideas of how to make it happier and um yeah he's a beautiful dude and i don't think anyone has like inspired me more because he lives inspired like he's inspired in everything he does and that is more contagious than anything yeah yeah he brings every time i every time i hang out with him he's just pumped he's pumped on whatever he's doing and he's just he's stoked he might be more amp than us yeah he might be more amp than us i'm with him i'm like how do you do this amp, dude? I'm sure right now he's nodding his head, just stoked. Dude, one time we went to Vegas together and we were saying goodbye.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Two days in Vegas, he hugs me and he starts crying. It's fucking beautiful, dude. I almost started crying. I had such a good time with you. We just fucking raged, dude. We had so much fun. Dude, we'd come home from the clubs and just wrestle each other our friend alexa had her gay friend with us and he would just watch us wrestle that's hilarious he was a great guy um all right chad who is your beef of
Starting point is 00:31:38 the week uh my beef of the week is i watched uh dunkirk last night so my beef of the week is, I watched Dunkirk last night. So my beef of the week is with Germany. You know. Solid beef. I mean, it's been a while, but I think I still got to call it out because they really fucked up big time in the 40s and 30s. So, yeah, my beef was with you, Germany. Like, you know, people don't forget. You guys did some fucked up shit.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And you almost killed Tom Hardy. You took him as a POW. That's fucked up. You know, all the atrocities you guys committed, that was not cool at all. So, yeah, I just wanted to give a shout out to you guys. Like, you may be cool now, but you're still, you're not off the hook. Because I remember that beef beef and that beef is major and I've got my eye on you Germany
Starting point is 00:32:30 you killed Matt Damon's brothers and I don't think it's cool so that's my beef good beef who's your beef? my beef of the week is something that happened to me on friday i went to see the movie searching with our dog reggie searching good movie john cho's very good
Starting point is 00:32:53 in it and we're sitting in the second to last row and about 10 minutes into the movie four 15 year olds walk in two guys two girls and they all have like a nervous excitement about being together you know and i was excited for them. I was like, oh, hell yeah. Like young romance, man. But then they sit right behind us and they start talking and the girls are being so loud and the boys are being so loud. And everyone who's sitting around us is probably 80% full of the theater starts to kind of like turn around and look and they're like, come on, shut up. Like stop. But no one's really doing anything. And then they just keep going. They keep going. I'm sitting there with Reggie and my blood's kind of boiling, but I'm like, don't be,
Starting point is 00:33:26 don't be aggro, dude. Like, come on, be cool. Be cool. And then, then one of the, like the lead boy, the more boisterous one goes, you know what? This movie sucks. And I turned around and I stared him straight in the eyes. And I said, please shut the fuck up or I'll eat your dick. the look in the kid's eyes when i said it pure shock what did he say he's gonna eat my dick and then a lady sitting three seats over from me just turns goes like this thumbs up she goes nice and i went no problem plus i got the bleach blonde hair yeah so when i said it the kid was probably like yeah who knows what this fucking crazy ass will do there's not a more terrifying thing that can happen to you a fucking adult man eating your dick while you're on a date with a girl like that's worst case scenario you're taking away their major tool yeah and i'm eating it yeah all right do we want to do some ads yeah Yeah. Guys, boning. It occurs. And it can be fun. It can be sensual. It can be,
Starting point is 00:34:32 there can be coming on both sides of the bed. But make sure that you guys bone right. And make sure that you bone smooth. I'm talking lube, baby. You guys might be young, but there's no too young for lube, okay? So hit up Douglas Lubricant, the best in the business for lube. They will give you guys amazing flavors. They have sherbet now, strawberry, original, anal. Anal is so unique, and they really just work hard at it so i just really want you guys to give them a shot and make sure that you bone well and you bone smooth with douglas lubricant check them out douglas lube it's a great brand made by good people that i think are trustworthy
Starting point is 00:35:19 my ad is for uci baseball Specifically their pitching coach Daniel Babona I've known Daniel a long time He's a reliable man He's a hell of a baseball mind And he'll take good care of you So if you're an athlete And you play baseball and you got prospects Go to UCI
Starting point is 00:35:37 They should call it UC Newport Beach Because it's right there I have a quote. Let's do it. All right, so now we're doing our quotes of the week. My quote is from the song I'm Real featuring with Ja Rule and Jennifer Lopez. Ja Rule says, hard loving, straight thugging, bitch, I ain't doing this shit for nothing. My quote of the week
Starting point is 00:36:08 is from The Sopranos. Oh, nice. It's Tony Soprano and his sisters figuring out what to do with their mom. And Tony's so frustrated. Mom, you can't come live with us. I'm sorry, but...
Starting point is 00:36:23 Where is she going to live? Tom won't allow it. Janice was right. I won't go back to that place. where's she gonna live that's my favorite line she was abusive to the staff this is a mob boss who kills people who's so frustrated with his mom's lack of manners that he stands up for the old people at the old folks home that she berated it's so real and she's trying to be the victim and tony's just like she was abusive to the staff. All right, should we get into the questions? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:12 What's up, Dogs? Gary here. First off, I just want to say fuck Chad for calling me out for my kneeboarding. I have arthritis in my ankles, and I'm sorry if I get too stoked for you while getting barreled. Gonna drop in on you even more now that you've told the world that you have a beef with my main passion in life fuck Puzio and Chad damn Gary sorry man I just like I don't know I just honestly you ticked me off in the water so I had to
Starting point is 00:37:37 let it out and I thought this was sacred ground so if you're gonna drop in on me fine do it but I stick to what i said okay you get too stoked in the water you know you need to tone it down on your claims gary and uh you know you should have just texted me instead of writing into the pod um because we could just sell this one-on-one but if you want to bring it to the podcast then that's that's what's up but yeah dude sorry but also not yeah like i said gary you need to right size your confidence
Starting point is 00:38:11 all right sup sup dudes boone here dude so recently some ladies told me that they thought i was boring so to spice things up with this one chica i had porn running in my room so that when i brought her back she'd see that i'm willing to take risks and I'm comfortable with my sexuality. It totally backfired, especially because the Pornhub shuffle has gone to some really raunchy stuff. I'm talking gnarly ass play. So I guess my question is, what should I do to make chicks not think I'm boring? Well, Boone. His name's Boone, right?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Mm-hmm. Props to you for taking the risk you know i i understand that you're probably hurt and you want to you know try and prove that you're not boring but you don't have to try so hard man just try and just have fun take risk and be loose you don't have to blast gnarly porn in your room when you bring a girl back to show her that you're you know different yeah i totally agree i think uh you probably if if you do worry you're boring there's other ways to make yourself more interesting that aren't related to porn yeah
Starting point is 00:39:32 well maybe he thought it was sort of like a shock kind of thing you know like people do like shocking art and stuff and he's like it's like so taboo that like when she walks in it's like the last thing she'd expect yeah if he framed it as performance art there's an added element maybe he should say that i think he should just do art yeah and then yeah i would paint more and blast porn less yeah
Starting point is 00:40:03 we were just wondering how high your stoke meter is when you go to the mall and you get wetzel's pretzels and which pretzel fills your stoke tank peyton what up peyton um dude uh well as you know i'm keto right now but, but that's not to say that I haven't enjoyed a pretzel in my day. I thoroughly enjoy them. I love any kind of cheese on a pretzel. Yeah. I love Wetzel's pretzels.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I mean, I love a mall and I love a food court. And so when I go to the mall and then I hit the food court and then I hit a Wetzel's pretzels, I get the sweet one. I go cinnamon and I dunk it. Oh, hell yeah. I dunk her. I, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:48 there is something about walking into the food court, a mall where you're just like, this is, this is dining. These there's, there's options. There's good options. There's like every kind of food.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Then Wetzel's just comes in with the hot pretzel option. Uh, but I, I just love the, uh, the tanginess of like a cheesy pretzel i love that yeah so i was riding my scooter home from breakfast today and i did a bunny hop over the curb to assert my dominance and out of nowhere this girl comes flying past me on a bike and i
Starting point is 00:41:18 said whoa speed racer and as i said that a domino's driver came past us, blasting stranglehold by Ted Nugent. Nice. And she looked over at him. And when she did, she fell off the sidewalk and crushed a brand new Acura and snapped the mirror off and left a sweaty face mark on the window. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't stop and asked to see if she was okay. Am I wrong for not checking on her or is it her fault that she can't control the fun between her legs? Let me know. Thanks, guys. Fuck Puzio. He's a bitch. Thanks, Caleb, a.k.a. Ass Eater. on her or is it her fault that she can't control the fun between her legs let me know thanks guys
Starting point is 00:41:45 fuck puzio he's a bitch thanks caleb aka ass eater i don't understand that she can't control the fun between her legs i think he's making a double entendre about like how she can't control the bike and she probably couldn't control this dick or something like that? Yeah, I think you're wrong for not checking on her. Yeah, it's okay to let out a couple uncontrollable... If you're trying to help. I think the more dominant thing would have been to check on her. So here's the sitch, Stoke Gods. My dog's in love with this dime piece.
Starting point is 00:42:39 She's a total babe, but she's crazy and he knows it. I want a good relation for my dog, but he won't overlook the fact that she's psycho. Could really use your guidance on this. And also thanks, Chad, for getting me crazy and he knows it. I want a good relation for my dog, but he won't overlook the fact that she's psycho. Could really use your guidance on this. And also thanks, Chad, for getting me to fight Big Carb. Fuck Big Carb. Jackson. Dude, a lot of momentum. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Let's hope that we can keep this going for Coral. Um. What was the question? His friend's dating a psycho and he wants to know how he could help him. Oh, dude, I just, I let it play out. There's nothing you can do. For sure.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Let him figure it out on his own. Jaloha, what's your take on global warming? Like, yeah, I heard it's bad for the environment. I'm all for that. But it also means more rays to soak in, a.k.a. a bigger and better bronze. A better time in the sun making summer hours more worthwhile than they already are kind of conflicted on this one boys james dude i totally hear you i i've definitely felt that way when uh i first heard about global warming i was like fuck yeah but you know what
Starting point is 00:43:40 now you know with the risk of like more fires and like a lot of gnarly stuff coral bleaching and shit um i'd say you know what there's enough sun i get bronzed enough could i use more obviously but is it worth it at the expense of coral nah nice dude hey guys love the pod amazing energy and there's nothing else like it I recently transferred to a new college across the country and I'm living alone off campus when I got here things started off great moved in no problems people are friendly areas nice
Starting point is 00:44:18 but I feel an emptiness now probably because I have no friends here and it's getting lonely with my needs and my needs aren't being properly met so it's hard to function normally yesterday I told this girl I've known from home that I loved her and wanted a long-distance relationship with her not sure how much of it was desperation or true love she gave me excuses why we couldn't and it left me in despair then I sent her a picture of my dick and I don't know why she replied I don't like dick pics and I left it at that because I didn't want to apologize like a bitch i hope she texts me again but i also hope she never does again to the intense shame and embarrassment
Starting point is 00:44:48 i feel for putting my feelings and dick on the line and getting rejected both ways things feel really terrible and anything sucks is there any hope thanks guys martin I think your best move at this point would just be to walk away from the situation. Martin, you are not being the guy you want to be yeah I think even the fact that you're cognizant of the fact that you wanted to be in a long distance relationship with her might have been desperation probably validates that it was I think you were looking for any port in the storm i think she could probably sense that and she told you to take your boat elsewhere and then so you dumped your shit bilge tank into her harbor i think guys oftentimes send dick pics because they want to control why someone doesn't like them that's interesting take they're like oh you don't like me well
Starting point is 00:46:05 here's a dick pic now ha ha ha i made you not like me you didn't reject me i made you reject me um and then he's saying i didn't want to apologize like a bitch you're not a bitch for uh it's the opposite of a bitch move you're manning up and things aren't so terrible and everything sucks you'll bounce back dude yeah just take take right steps and you'll be surprised how your self-esteem increases and how you stop doing things that disappoint you so much what's up chad and jt i was wondering how you achieve a level of stokeness where you where how you achieve a level of stokeness where you can actually live in this world i
Starting point is 00:46:44 walk down the street and try to motivate motivate being stoked, and all I do is get hate brought. So basically what I'm asking is, how are you so stoked, Isaac? I just choose to be. And if people don't like it, then that gets me more fired up. And dude, the truth is, I'm not stoked a lot i'm a rocking boat like i go both ways all the time but i just try to be stoked on the journey like i'm always going to be a vacillating cry baby who has a good time a lot of time just go with it jt's moody as fuck i'm moody as fuck. I'm moody as fuck, dude. Totally. I, I, I, I strive for things and
Starting point is 00:47:27 then I like get angry at the striving or the thing. It's like, that's life, dude. You just gotta be okay. You know, you know, you keep trying to improve, but you gotta be, you gotta be stoked on all of it. That's the key. Be stoked on all of it. Hey bros. My name is Isaac. Another Isaac, I think, but I go by Isaac to all of my amigos. Recently, my stoking has been super low. I think it's because right now at my age, all my bros are getting married or in serious relationships. I just feel super bummed out because they're all growing up and single me is just chilling here alone. What should I do when all my compads have moved on to bigger and better things? And also, how will I know I've met the love of my life like they have? Stay stoked, Isaac.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Isaac, I like it because you're yearning for more. But my dog, you know, everything has its pros and cons, you know. I mean, marriage is a good thing if it's, you know, being with someone you love is a good thing. But waiting is a good thing too. Yeah, don't force it. Let things happen as they should. You're going to find the person for you. It just might be a little longer down the road, but you Yeah, don't force it. Let things happen as they should. You're going to find the person for you.
Starting point is 00:48:27 It just might be a little longer down the road, but you might be better off for it. Some of those friends might be divorced when you meet the right person. Yeah. I don't wish that on them. Good luck to them. But that's the reality of it.
Starting point is 00:48:37 You know what the best move I think is? Don't try and force it. Just instead prepare yourself for the moment you know educate yourself work on yourself improve yourself so that when uh that that person comes around then you're ready for it you don't kind of fuck it up um uh so yeah i'd focus on yourself improving yourself so that you can be the best person you can be and you can attract the best person you can into your life instead of just trying to be like, I need this right now, because that never works out.
Starting point is 00:49:13 There's a great quote from that song, Wear Sunscreen, where it's just like a bunch of life maxims over a yoga beat, where he says, life's a race, and in the end, it's only with yourself. yoga beat, um, where he says life's a race and in the end it's only with yourself. And then the last one is, uh, from a stoker that, uh, Chad and I met. She was super sweet. She's a honorary babe of the week this week. Um, her name is Julie. Julie, thanks so much for, uh, meeting Chad and I, and, uh, or talking to Chad and I and i uh we really appreciate the fandom you're a sweetheart it's really good to to get to know you um and uh she had a question where she said how would i go
Starting point is 00:49:52 out to bars alone do i not get hit on by guys i don't like and get hit on by the guys i do like how do i go out to bars alone not get hit on by guys I don't like? Yeah. Get hit on by the guys I do like. And this is what I said. I said, or here's what I think. It's sort of the cost of doing business. And I think here's where the main issue comes from is I go out to bars and my number one fear is the opposite. My fear is that no one's going to talk to me. And how do I talk to anyone?
Starting point is 00:50:25 So I think when most guys see a pretty girl, their thinking is, oh, she's like me. She doesn't want to be alone. She wants to talk to someone. They don't realize that the woman's reality is so different and that she actually has to push away people sometimes, not all the time, obviously. I don't mean to generalize, but in Julie's case, it seemed like. And so, Julie, I'm sorry. I think that's just the way it's going to happen sometimes that, you know, you got to kiss a few toads to get to your prince or whatever. Guys aren't great at reading the message. And our basic hard wiring is that when we go out in public, people don't really want to talk to us. So it feels like the thing that everybody would want to do is talk to someone.
Starting point is 00:51:06 But it's not the case. Julie, great to meet you. Super fun. And yeah, thanks for your fandom and all that stuff. It's great hanging. Yeah, I don't know. She also said that our podcast was the entourage of podcasts. I'm not sure what she means by that. Yeah, I don't either.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I guess you're Vinny Chase, and I'm like, hopefully I'm E or Ari. I say Ari. Yeah, I don't know why she got that vibe from either of us. I watched Entourage. I loved when, I believe it was Brian Callen was playing the guy who got his eyes worked on. And then Ari was losing his edge a little bit. But then he gets it back, and he comes back into the agency. And he's like, where's, I forget his character's name, where's Todd? He's todd he's like he's in the conference room he's like why would he be in his office at
Starting point is 00:52:08 3 p.m and he comes in they're like playing like eye games you know and he's like great work todd let me see if you can read this and he writes get the fuck out and he goes you're fired and in case your ears are fucked get the fuck out And the next person I see juggling, and he does this with his hands, baton twirling or tap dancing, can get that for the rest of the line. You want to wrap it? Yeah, guys, that'll be it for episode 36
Starting point is 00:52:40 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing in, for being stokers, for supporting Coral. Check out the subreddit, reddit.com slash chadgoesdeep. And leave us a... Oh, did you do a review? Oh, yeah, review of the week.
Starting point is 00:53:01 This comes from FBC2010. The number one podcast for shredding, bronzing, and kicking it with your bros. Good review. Hell yeah. Thank you, dude. And guys, that'll be it for episode 36. Thank you guys so much. See you later.
Starting point is 00:53:19 If you need advice These guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. If you need someone to guide you, she's going to have her beside you. Go and see. Go and see. We'll see you next time.

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