Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 376 - DRAFT - BEST WAYS TO RELAX - Rob Huebel & Strider Wilson

Episode Date: January 22, 2025

Today we are joined by the Legend Rob Huebel and Strider Wilson to draft - The best ways to relax. In this snake draft, each bro will make 5 selections and will give a dank reasoning behind each one t...o get the judges approval. Today we have a LIVE chat voting and we also call Chris - JT's Brother for his judging debut! T LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW ON WHO YOU THINK WON!! We are live streaming a Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! WE JUST ADDED BRAND NEW cities for 2025!Get your tix - http://www.chadandjt.com TEXT OR CALL the hotline with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Here is the Total Draft Standings: (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 8 wins JT: 8 wins Strider: 9 wins Chris Parr: 9 winsBrad Fuller: 1 win (The Ultimate Champ)Joe Marrese: 0 wins (THE PEOPLES CHAMP)Kevin Fard: 0 winsRob Huebel: Going for first dub today! Thanks to Our Sponsors:MagicMind, Easy Rider, Botanic Tonics

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys, welcome to the podcast little info up top with regards to the release schedule so In an effort to give you guys more quality We have decided to cut back to every other week release like honestly, it's just Me and chad have been talking to each other for so long That we just have run out of things to talk about every week. We definitely wanna keep hanging and talking. And I love you more than anyone in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yeah, I love you as well. Yeah, you're my favorite person. But I think we're both feeling a little bit like in a rut with it. And we know that more is better kind of in the content cycle. But like Chad said, the quality. We really feel like the episode we just did right now
Starting point is 00:00:45 with Rob Hubel felt like so much fun. And if it's every two weeks, it'll be something we really look forward to, and I think that'll come through in the episodes. Yeah, I mean, I think we've been doing this for six years. We love doing the podcast. What JT was saying, it's what JT was saying. It's kinda coming together every week
Starting point is 00:01:08 and trying to drum up things to say, we don't wanna let you guys down with giving you guys episodes that we ourselves aren't very proud of. It's like we're just kinda going through the motions and the quality suffers. So, and like JT said, it's like these last two episodes have been so much fun,
Starting point is 00:01:28 especially that we've been focusing on the drafts a little bit more. I think that's gonna be maybe moving forward a little bit more of a focus as well, because that gives us, it brings an energy into the pod. It gives it a structure that helps us, like we can still do the tangents where we talk about our days and our lives, but it doesn't put as much,
Starting point is 00:01:47 it just makes it easier. Yeah. And then so, and I think it'll be way more creative and fun to listen to. Yeah, and we're just trying it out, so we're not beholden to it. We can make up our own release schedule, so if we're inspired, we could do one in between.
Starting point is 00:02:09 But this is kind of what the plan is for now. And just to see, and I hope you guys, thank you guys all for listening, for sticking with us for all these years. I feel really good about it. I really hope that we give you guys some of the best episodes to date Yeah, and we appreciate you guys so much like everyone who's listened I know it's like I got to do is talk once a week, and it's like and you guys are right
Starting point is 00:02:36 You know like we it's it's We do owe you guys that like you guys are awesome And you come to our shows and that's giving us a career you guys that like you guys are awesome and you come to our shows and that's giving us a career and a life that we really wanted and that is a is a gift for us so we really appreciate all you guys who listen I can't believe it but um yeah just in an effort to give you the best possible version of what we can do we think this will work so yeah like Chet said we'll see how it goes and then yeah if we got a pivot we'll pivot yeah it's a risk It's a risk Jake saying if we don't churn them out the whole thing could go kaput, but
Starting point is 00:03:09 Maybe we create a new thing. That's even better that everybody loves and it's like the fucking Super Bowl twice a month Yeah, and we're gonna be coming out with more content on the YouTube that's another part of the plan is kind of getting back to our roots a little bit and You know Putting out Videos Just getting back, you know videos that we want to do and it's been a great ride But change is just part of life. You keep changing you keep growing you find new parts of yourself
Starting point is 00:03:36 Soul cracks open what comes pouring out. It's that deep. It's that heavy. It's that real for sure for sure, dude also some tour dates. Hit em, dude. Dude, we're gonna be in, first we're gonna be in Cincinnati on January 22nd, Cleveland, after that Toronto, so the 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
Starting point is 00:03:57 Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toronto, then on the 31st, Fort Worth, on the 1st of February, Dallas, and then the 4th of February Raleigh and then Charlotte then Atlanta and at the end of February the 27th will be in Honolulu and then Bozeman in March Lansing Michigan in March Houston in April we got more dates coming at you get your tickets at ChadGT.com and thank you again Stoker you guys are the best. I love you dudes.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah, enjoy the episode. Enjoy is fun one. What's up Stokers, it's StokeNation. Welcome to the podcast. We got the whole squad here. My compadre, Jean Thomas, what up? Boom clap Stokers of Stoke Nation, welcome to the podcast. We got the whole squad here. My compadre, Jean Thomas, what up? Boom clap, Stokers. The maestro of matrimony.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Dude, what up? Strider Wilson. Rob Hubel, welcome back to the pod. Wait, you guys all have cool nicknames but me? I mean, you could be Rob. No. Rebel Rob. Rebel Rob.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Ooh. That's pretty cool. Whatever guys. What about Rudy? So I drove all the way here through the fucking fires and smoke and like no one even has a good nickname. Yeah, thank you for doing it today.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's an odd day to do a podcast. We're excited to have some fun, but obviously we come to you guys at a difficult hour for Los Angeles. We've been dealing with probably the biggest natural disaster of our lifetimes. And yeah, it's been it's been rough. So we appreciate you coming in and hopefully we can. Well, you guys made it sound like I had to do.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I was literally like, you know, I'm worried about my family. I'm worried about my house and you guys like, but we got to it's our podcast. Yeah, I felt like I did say if you cancel, we're not talking again our podcast. Yeah. I just felt like. I was blowing up your phone. I'm not sure this is like, this takes precedent right now. There's like so much going on. You guys were adamant that. Yeah, like you thought it was too extreme when I said our podcast saves lives.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I don't understand why you think that. I don't even know who this is helping. No, literally a guy was like going into shock and it was he said listen to our podcast The tone of my voice was like a defibrillator Did you just see a chill? I mean you talked me into it. I'm here Like I literally drove through smoke and ash to get here. And so I hope it hope we're helping somebody I mean, I hope you didn't I actually now that we're talking about I called Rob Wednesday when they were at the peak yeah and I was like now is that I know we were scheduled for Monday but
Starting point is 00:06:36 now is the time to start our transmission literally I'm evacuating my family like getting them in the car packing up our dog like go Go, you know save yourselves. I'm gonna stay here Hello What go I love you guys. I love I love you to my daughter my wife. I you know Who is it? What? your fucking podcast I guess
Starting point is 00:07:04 Do I I mean really I, I mean, really? Well, that's- Okay. We thought since we were like, well, he's leaving his house anyway, so now would be the ideal time to do it. Yeah. I don't, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:15 We'll see what happens. I hope this is, I hope we're helping people. Well, I mean, I figured, I told you this on the phone. You said you were heading away from the fires. I'm like, well, downtown is away from the fires. And that's where we, I use the word transmission in times of crisis
Starting point is 00:07:31 because I feel like that's more appropriate as opposed to podcast. He said that I could evacuate here to safety, but my family couldn't because- No, we don't have enough mics. Yeah. And I didn't check with Jake. Well, my kid is not gonna be on them.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Like my wife and kid are not gonna be on the podcast. Are they podcasting anywhere right now? Like say, are they even podcasting? That's what I'm trying to make clear. Not everybody is podcasting right now. Well, that's probably, it should be. How are they gonna get information out to the people? All right.
Starting point is 00:08:00 How are we gonna speculate on what really caused the fires if we're not podcasting? I don't know that this is a great time. I guess there is some value to distracting people or entertaining people, hopefully giving people some sort of levity, you know, but I don't know about saving. I would not say that this podcast is saving lives. I just feel like you're over estimating the importance of right well it's only your third time doing it too I think this is my second time you did it at the old studio did I
Starting point is 00:08:33 have a good time that was actually I was actually know each other dude that was actually during the oh yeah yeah oh I didn't know you guys six quake you remember that oh yeah it was on 9-eleven yeah yeah yeah you guys. The 4.6 quake, remember that? Oh, that was on 9-11. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you guys called me up on 9-11 too. Hey man, can you come out to the pod? I was like, oh, this seems like a really, every time there's a big fucking earth shattering disaster, you guys like to hop on the mics and like.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Just DM me, great time to pod. It's like my boy Rom said, never let a great time to pod. It's like my boy Rom said, never let a crisis go to waste. That's what my boy said. We're savaged. Well, I hope, yeah. I hope that we're distracting people in a positive way and maybe bringing,
Starting point is 00:09:15 and I would argue that a lot of your listeners don't even live in this area. And so they don't even, some of them may not even need this. That's funny, because we met with Spotify and they were like do you guys have any like desired? parameters for how we market the show and we're like we actually only want people to be able to listen to it if They're in a Southern California area code. They're in a disaster zone. Yeah, or or in a place where Yeah, by the way We're not making light of this. We're just trying to cope with the situation.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, it's just fucking coping. It's all so scary and so sad. I mean, we all know people that have lost everything and we're just trying to fucking manage our emotions. Yeah, it's been insane. I will say too, it's been very emotional and scary, but the city has really risen up to the challenge and like the community aspect of it
Starting point is 00:10:07 has been remarkable. Like if you drive through Altadena, there's just, everyone is helping. Dude, it's really cool. I actually lived in New York during 9-11 and it does sort of, I'm not trying to compare the two, but like there's a similar vibe afterwards where like everyone is like, how do I help?
Starting point is 00:10:25 How do I, can I do anything? It's really so encouraging. It's really cool. It's so rare too that people in these big towns, like in New York, like in LA, that people actually really try to connect with each other. So that's the silver lining of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's good, it's tough. We'll get through it. Me and Al Madrigal and another friend of ours, we were just like, what do we do? And we're driving around Altadena. And the good thing is so many people are out there that they're like, we don't need anymore volunteers. The places we went, we were going to like the obvious
Starting point is 00:11:08 places that we were reading about on the internet. And they were like, we don't need anymore volunteers, you know, go to this place, go to this place. So we finally like went out to Santa Anita by the racetrack, which was just a huge, gigantic parking lot. And there were just like the longest lineup of cars coming in to drop off supplies.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And so we just like parked and went over and started unloading trucks, you know, and there's like a bucket brigade of people just like unloading everything, like clothes, blankets, food, water, like just, and then there's a whole other army of people like sorting all of that and laying it out. And then other people like moving the waters here and organizing everything.
Starting point is 00:11:55 It was just like, and it was so interesting to watch because it was so chaotic. No one organized it. It wasn't like the Red Cross or anything. It was just like, I'm sure some people just was like, let's go and do this, you know? And then it was like watching ants figure out the best way to like lift up a thing
Starting point is 00:12:15 or like get over a thing because it would just morph into something else. Like all the traffic was going the wrong way and Al Madrigal was like, let's have two lines going this way we're gonna feed him into here he was like talking on it I was like how does fucking Al Madrigal know how to direct traffic yeah talking to all these people and so me and our other friend we just like started unpacking things with people and it was just really like
Starting point is 00:12:41 touching to see like there are people that like went to the store and bought clothes one guy I was unloading his car and he was like this is like really high-end stuff and I was like, okay Thanks a lot man. And then I looked in there. It was like brand new shoes for kids And like just tons of like clothes that he had clearly gone and like bought And there's just tons of that. So it is really, it's like the cool, the coolest thing when you see like strangers just, you know, you get really emotional watching it. How about the firefighters too?
Starting point is 00:13:15 I mean, especially when the sunset fire started, all that footage of the aerial, and then Mandeville Canyon. I would give anything to be one of those pilots, man. That's the job. Dude. That's the job. I would love, can you imagine? You could do it. I hate to say this, but can you imagine like going
Starting point is 00:13:32 to a party and people are like, what do you do? Oh, I'm an accountant. Oh, I'm a librarian. Oh, really? I'm a fucking, you know, water tank pilot. Do the water bomber. I'm a fucking water tank pilot. Did a water bomber. I'm a water bomber. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Is that the term? I don't know, but it sounds the sickest. It does sound bad. It's a water bomber. Yeah. And the party just stops. Everybody's looking at you like, what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:59 God, that would be a great job. I, so sick. Those planes from Canada, do you guys see those? Yes those that they drop into the water and pick it up. Yeah, that's the coolest thing. It's so super super scooper. Yeah. Yeah, I was watching a thing about it last night. It's so cool. They can like fill up the whole belly of the plane in like 12 seconds
Starting point is 00:14:18 and then they have to like take off again. Yeah. And then but there's all these things. There's like a helicopter that looks like a mosquito. It's got like a big hose down the front. It just like hovers over a lake and sucks up all the water and then it goes and like opens it up and so cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 It's awesome. And then I think that the Mexican fire brigade came in as well. Totally. I love it, dude. I love it that these countries that whatever, this next administration is like shitting on, like that's who shows up to help us,
Starting point is 00:14:48 like Canada and Mexico, like God bless them. They're like showing up like where, how do we do it? How can we help out? What can we do to help you guys? It's so cool. It's awesome. It's awesome. And you guys, I saw that you guys went to like
Starting point is 00:15:02 a costume store and you guys bought a bunch of like fireman outfits or something like that Yeah Mm-hmm. Do you representation matters? I Don't see how that expression even applies to this But what so you so you guys are dressing up like firemen and just like walking around it like yeah Yeah, meet people or well cuz like the firefighters are busy
Starting point is 00:15:23 So who's gonna take on that aspect of their job, which is like the public facing part. Like who's gonna meet the adoring kids and women? And girls, yeah. I contacted a few bachelorette parties. I was like, you guys need someone. Like I like to, I'm a kind of weird guy. I'll pull my hose out.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You provide the hose. At a bank festival or something. You guys got those breakaway pants Like well, it's all hands on deck. So even the firefighter strippers. I don't get our I don't get Yeah, I feel like this is one of those things where you guys have a little bit of a blind spot here that I think you've got a blind spot to how much ass you could be getting. Oh I have no doubt that you're gonna meet a ton of women. Raking Rob Brass Tax.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I'm rolling in it. Raking it in. I mean, there's clearly... Obviously, of course you are. But is that like, I mean, shouldn't you just leave all of that to the firefighters? They'll get, let them get the adulation. My weenie hurts. A lot of them really hurts from it.
Starting point is 00:16:23 A lot of them, they don't want it. You've been meeting so many ladies that your weenie hurts. Well, this is a time to. Bad. He showed me. This is a time to quote unquote clean up. But no one, he showed me when we were three on one. People are cleaning up, we're cleaning up
Starting point is 00:16:39 in a different way. I just, I'll be on the record and I think a lot of the listeners are on my side here that I feel Like that's a little bit over the line. Oh Honey, this bush could catch fire. That's true. Yeah, you're gonna do the bush fire at that part out later I don't guarantee you're gonna push fire You know, it's crazy too is like the entire You are fucked for that. You fucked yourself. You know, it's crazy too is like the entire,
Starting point is 00:17:11 the state government and the city government tunes in. So they just heard all of that. You were so funny because we called you when we were doing like one of our three on ones and then we were like Rob Cruz and then you got all like shy and stuff. And you're like, I'm with my family mandatory evac. I'm in a totally different place in my life. I can't like go out with you guys. I have kids Well was here And I can't I'm my son right there He's adorable. He's also dressed like a fireman. I don't know why yeah
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah, you know call tiny son like a fireman. He's not fooling anyone. Everyone knows that's not a real fireman No, he gets it. He gets he's smart. He's been rolling in it. My dog's dress is a fireman guys Again, I think when the smoke clears you're gonna no pun intended. I feel like you're gonna regret this. Did you watch that video saying? Yeah, I don't please stop sending me videos like that. Okay. I really don't like it. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:18:08 No one wants to see your abs and all. Dude, they look so good. Your shaved abs look good. Yeah. Who shaves their abs? Like who? You have to be careful if you're that close to like, danger and friction.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, friction. It's a new thing now. Well, good luck guys. Good luck dressing like firemen at this time. I just Yeah, friction. It's a new thing now. Well, good luck guys. Good luck dressing like firemen at this time. I just don't know that it's a great idea. Well, you leave the chest hairy, shave the abs. That's a thing that people do. That's the new look.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I drove through Alta Dena just waving yesterday, just in the back. I don't know. People were just. I don't know, man. I will say it feels wrong to me, but you guys do your own thing. I know everybody's coping in their own way. And I just don't know who that's helping other than yourself.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I mean, like I feel like Strider, you kind of said that your weenie hurts as if you're going to get sympathy from people. Yeah, I've been working a lot. I've been protecting Pilates classes like, you know cheetahs. It's a local So there's a that's a chain. I'm from there by the airport Yeah, I've been by the airport to a lot of establishments for the airport is not even close to the fires Like there's no reason to go out there. Thank you strider for that. There's no reason to protect Pilates class Rob, you got to be where it's gonna be next. I'm like Gretzky
Starting point is 00:19:22 Know where it's going He sent you the photo of his weenie, right? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Please stop sending me photos of your bodies, guys. Like, I don't need to be on that text chain. Jake, when you listen to the edit, if it sounds like we're somehow the bad guys because of how Rob's framing it,
Starting point is 00:19:38 could you like alter it so that he's doing what we're doing? You're gonna re-edit the podcast and make it sound like I'm on your side just in case just in case I'm not saying this would just take a lot of editing bro, and I think we're gonna have to remove you from the heroes text thread Please do please do and stop calling stop calling yourselves heroes. Here's Rose, which is pretty kind of I was just starting to like you. Who? Dan Bill Zarian.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, he's just starting to like you. He's in on that thread too. I just don't think that you should be calling your... I don't think you should be calling yourselves heroes for what you're doing. Dressing like firemen, meeting girls in a time of crisis and going out to clubs, strip clubs and Pilates classes to like protect them.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I just don't think, how many Pilates classes need protection right now? So many as I can get to in a day, they're usually about 45 minutes. Ladies reach out, reach out if you're feeling, or should we direct? You sent me a picture that you guys even have one of those like those sirens, like the portable sirens
Starting point is 00:20:45 you put on top of your car. That's four, that's definitely four emergency workers. Like you shouldn't be driving around with that. This is an emergency. I'm not disputing. We're, when women are hurting each other. I know it's an emergency. I'm saying that what you're doing is misleading people
Starting point is 00:21:03 because it makes them think that you are real firemen and you're you're you're I mean from your perspective it can look quote-unquote bad, but the smile on these ladies faces Tells me otherwise. Yeah, and in a time of crisis it falls to every citizen to kind of bend their own Code to adjust to what the community needs. So like, I don't know what you call it, but when I see like, I love women. And when I see a woman in need, like really in need, like she's hurting for it.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I have to get over there. Like it's an emergency, because it is. We sent in a photo. Agree to disagree. We sent in a photo of Striders weenie to KTLA. And I think they're gonna. What are they gonna do with that? Yeah, just touch it. Like what?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Tell the truth for once. You called the news station, you said tell the truth for once. Here's a picture of my friend's weenie. Yeah. It's not even. Like what do you expect? I mean, we're not looking for fame here. It's totally anonymous. It's just his weenie. Yeah. It's not even. What do you expect? I mean, we're not looking for fame here.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It's totally anonymous. It's just his weenie. Yeah. We sent it to all the ladies at Kcon9. All right. I'm sure that they don't want that. I'm sure, like they're literally out there, you know, on the front lines,
Starting point is 00:22:20 like interviewing people, trying to like get important information out to the community. You think they're wearing like one of those like kind of lady suits that they wear? What is a lady suit? They're wearing like you know hazmat suits like they're... Oh yeah. All right. All right should we draft? We got to get into this draft dude. That was that was that was, that was. I told you not to bring any of that up when you came on the pod, too. But I understand why you fought respond.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Thank you. Jake, can you show them what a lady suit is again, too? You Googled. Yeah, something like that. Lady suit. Yeah, that's nice. That's not what reporters are wearing right now. They're not wearing like stylish, sexy,
Starting point is 00:23:07 business outfits into the field. There's like smoke and ash, so they're, you know, they're wearing like overalls. That sounds misogynistic. Goggles. It's messed up. All right, so we're gonna draft. To find out our order, we gotta do odds or evens.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Have you ever played odds or evens? I don't even know what we're doing draft, to find out our order, we gotta do odds or evens. Have you ever played odds or evens? I don't even know what we're doing. I'll just. I'll just. I'll just. I'll admit. No, throw out a one or a two on three. What?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Like a one or a two, throw it out on three. One, two, three. Oh, oh, I get last pick. Okay, so JT's fourth, okay. All right, now you three. One, two, three. Oh. Wait, what is that? You're doing great. We're going, picking order. He's fourth. Okay. All right now you know you three one two three You're doing great picking order one two three
Starting point is 00:23:55 You guys to see who goes first or second like That was rebel rob of the red chair that was dropped my mushroom masha thing to do it okay ready Oh, no, it's rock-paper-scissors. It's not the way me and my eight-year-old do it Okay first second third fourth Like a fantasy draft show how it's done. All right, let's go dude for the first pick everybody knows what you're doing That's listening to this. Oh, yeah. These are most popular. So best ways to relax That's what we're just looking at the chat now. People are really coming after me guys Yeah, well, we couldn't believe your take on all this. People are really on your side.
Starting point is 00:24:46 That's weird. Everybody's against me. All right, top ways to relax. So I'm picking this purely because JT told us not to. Yeah. I don't even enjoy this. Is this relaxing just in general or relaxing in a time of an emergency?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Or just like in general? In general. Not on 9-11, just whenever. Yeah, and my first pick is a dirty pick because I don't even enjoy this. I don't even use this to relax, but I'm gonna pick it because to me, it's the top way to relax.
Starting point is 00:25:23 A fat bowl of weed, dude. Dude, you don't even smoke. I know, but just smoking a dank nug. Just some nice indica, get that nice body high. Dude, what 3D movie are you gonna check out while you do that? Oh, I'm gonna watch Planet Earth. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Just, oh, oh, just so relaxed, dude. Yeah, just a fat dank nug. So yeah. Just fucking melt into your couch. I don't even smoke weed either, dude. I've got a lot, it does not affect. But you love it, dude. But I love it, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's a great, I smoked weed last night. I smoked on Sundays and it was, it actually put me into a panic last night. You only smoke on Sundays? Yeah, that's my day. Just one day a week? One day a week. Sometimes I'll go to, but then I try to correct, go no.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But roughly, I'm saying probably like 1.2 times a week. Okay, and do you eat it at all? No, I don't eat much. I just have a little vape pen, I hit it once or twice. So yesterday I hit it, got worried about the air, and then I just went to the gym, and I just had a great set just of hypertrophy training fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:26:30 Eight to twelve rep range And so I was really feeling it, but yeah fifty five percent of your max weight. That's right That's right you get into your max at eight to twelve and then dude I was it was fun, but yes chilling on weed is the best 100p That's a great first pick dude. Thanks, man Jake you smoke Jake only smokes and has Mountain Dew. Those are the only two things that Mountain Dew relaxes you Do you smoke weed?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Mountain Dew I do but I'm trying to not smoke right now or in general like Like, you know, I've been doing that longer than you and I think I just gotta not do that anymore. So I'm trying to just like eat gummies and stuff. Right. Oh, cause just from the lung thing you're worried about. Okay, copy, copy. That is smart.
Starting point is 00:27:19 If you can avoid that part of the system. Yeah, it's chill. Yeah. What do you like to do when you're, does it relax you? Is this my pick? No, we're just talking about weed. I think we need a little more color on weed
Starting point is 00:27:31 because Chad picked it but then we didn't get much, because he doesn't actually smoke. Yeah. Is that true? No, yeah, yeah. I don't like it. You don't seem too sure about that. Did you have a bad experience?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Consistently bad experiences. Really? I mean, I've had good experiences. My first time actually, I smoked in, I was in Mendocino. And I smoked in. It's not relevant. No, it is because that's like the weed capital of California, dude. And I was there, I smoked a Jay with my brother-in-law.
Starting point is 00:28:00 We watched Jackass 2. I had a great time. And then there's certain times where I watched, what's the Storm Ship Troopers? Starship. Starship. Starship. Starship. Good movie. Good movie. Watched that on weed. Had a great time. But then other times I just, when I smoke weed,
Starting point is 00:28:17 I just think about my dad and how he's disappointed in me. So it's not. I've smoked that shit. Yeah. And people are always like, you need the right weed, so. It's not. I've smoked that Shran. Yeah. And people are always like, you need the right weed, man. And. We gotta smoke through it. Yeah, smoke through it.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Smoke through it, dude. And here's the thing, I'm doing a bit on this actually, cause I like, I should be a stoner. And when I was in high school, that was like my dream. Cause I got, I have the. You aspired to be a stoner. I aspired to be a stoner. I had the look, I had the demeanor, I've the you aspired to be I started we said I had the look
Starting point is 00:28:45 at the demeanor at the grades yeah I should have been a stoner but then I smoked weed and I'm like I hate this Wow yeah one time I this is a long time ago when I lived in New York we were all doing a lot of shows at the UCB theater and they used to do this once a year thing. They would have this marathon where you do, like it was a whole weekend long, so they'd have shows like three in the morning. So there's just like show after show after show.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So you end up just like staying up for days and like not eating and just like drinking beer and hanging out and smoking weed and stuff. And I made a terrible mistake. I don't know if I want this part to be on the internet. I made a terrible mistake. I don't know if I want this part to be on the internet. I made a terrible mistake and I smoked weed with Doug Benson and Matt Besser, who are professional grade weed heads.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And super nice guys. And I had a full on meltdown. I've never had a panic attack before. But I had a panic attack before, but I had a panic attack. Like I thought like, I thought, oh, I think I'm having a heart attack. Yeah. I was like 30, 35 or something.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And I was like, oh, I think I'm having a heart attack. I need to leave this comedy theater right now. And it was like late at night, I walked out and I got into a cab and I was like, I need to go to the hospital. And the guy's like, okay. I'm like going to the hospital to like check myself into the hospital, because I'm having a heart attack
Starting point is 00:30:12 in my mind. And Rob Riggle calls me up, because we're getting ready to do a show back at the theater. He's like, Hubel, where are you? We're getting ready to go on stage. I'm like, oh, hey, what's up, man? I'm having a heart attack, so I'm going to the hospital. He's like, Cuba, listen to me.
Starting point is 00:30:29 You're not having a heart attack. You're just freaking out. Just come back here, everything will be fine. So I got to the hospital. I told the cab driver, I was like, I think I'm okay now. Can you just take me back to the theater? I just went back to the comedy theater. Like an hour, but it was like. Did you do the show? Yeah, how'd you do on the show?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Horrible I just I just stood there nothing but questions What I just yelled I'm not going I'm not going Yeah, it was crazy. All right, you're up now with your pick. With my pick for how to relax, okay. Best way to relax. Your top way to relax. For me personally or for all people? That's a great question. You have to judge that for yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Do you wanna win? Do you wanna honor yourself? It's always a balance. Yup. I gotta go with jacking off. Dan, quit! Dan, I was gonna be my, I was actually trying to bait you with smoke and weed. Of course. That's the one I really wanted. I thought I was gonna be my I was actually trying to bait you with smoking weed.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Of course. That's the one I really thought I was gonna insult you if I picked it out. I didn't have you might be like, Hey, you can't say that to it's number one. For sure. It's for sure. Number one, I just fucking won the whole internet. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Jackie, what three got to go shock jerking off. To what? To what period movie? Dude, Jack and Office. Sense and sensibility. Yeah, you know, of course in a bad time. But sometimes it is not a great time. It's all that'll get you through it sometimes. When life is just grinding you down and you're like, man, I feel overwhelmed and like the walls are caving in on me life is just grinding you down and you're like man I feel overwhelmed and like the walls are caving in on me. Then you crack one off. You're like dude. I'm crazy
Starting point is 00:32:10 I know I've had Again, I don't know if I want this on the internet. Yeah for sure. Yes My I don't think my family's gonna listen to this just don't fucking clip this and put this on Instagram but you know, have you I'm sure you've had this experience where You crank one out and you're getting ready to like go into the bathroom and what, I don't know how you guys do it, but you know, sometimes you gotta get wiped up or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah. And you catch yourself in the mirror and you just like, you know, pants fucking down, waddling into the bed with fucking hard on a fucking splatter. You're just like, what am I doing with my life? You really like seeing yourself and how you look in that moment.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And you look like a sad grizzly bear. You know, it's just like, what am I? But then you have to give yourself a little bit of grace and be like, hey, I'm a person and this is my body and this is what we do. Correct. No, you gotta do it. You gotta crank.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You gotta let it rip on surfaces. Yeah. Surfaces. You gotta appreciate that you're still that dude no matter how like physically, you know, unpowerful you look while doing it. Yeah, just the aftermath of it, just catching yourself in the aftermath,
Starting point is 00:33:28 like seeing your reflection and like, just a look of shame sometimes, like, like, oh, there, look at this person right here. But I don't, you know, I think it's a great pic. And then the doorbell rings, ding dong, hello? Hi, it's your neighbors, we just brought over this carrot cake. We Okay. Yeah, do you mind if I go and wipe myself off? I literally have
Starting point is 00:33:53 sperm all over my Belly button right now if you would have showed up 30 seconds earlier You had a 30 second window. That's about all it takes. Yeah, I my worst story is, that still haunts me to this day, is I studied abroad in Spain, and I lived with a host family, and we'd take siestas, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:15 in the afternoon nap. And that was my time, you know, I was 17, that was my time to just crank. Is that true that everybody takes a nap? That we did there. Yeah they do. Is Siesta, is it a law? I was just talking shit on Spain,
Starting point is 00:34:29 I was like, come on guys, get moving. No yeah, you wake up at noon and you take a nap at two. And dinner's three hours. Yeah and literally it was a thing every day. It's a law, like the cops come and check to see if you're asleep. If you've jacked off Yeah, siesta is is European for jack off. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know that and so come much Augusto
Starting point is 00:34:51 And so siesta and I was in my room just going to town. Yeah, and my host brother and his wife Come in to say goodbye And they're like cuz they didn, I lived with their mom. And. What does she look like? She looked, just like a. Dude, she's for sure. She was like a five foot.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah, why didn't you just pull the mom? Dude, she's for sure. Probably. Dude, I did, I mean, usually I pulled the mom, but you know, with the son there, I was like, you know. Yeah, after she got married. That's honorable. It's honorable.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So I was like, yeah, I'll let you do your thing. I'll just go. And they come in and say goodbye. And I'm just like under the covers and I'm like, yeah, yeah. Oh, adios. Yeah. Tent pole sticking up. Yeah. I'm just, I'm just siesting. You know, my computer's like, oh, that's some bad paella, I don't know. Oh yeah, oh. You can't get out of the paella. Yeah, just, oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 That was the one time you jacked off? The one time, dude. You haven't done it since, dude. No, no. Bad experience. Yeah. Dude, that's, you know, you gotta crank. Yeah. You have to, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:01 What's the craziest place you've cranked? Oh, airplane. Oh, shh. Airplane. Yeah, I've done that on a bunch. When I was little, like, not little, but like, probably like 12, like I remember like cranking it in an airplane. Yeah, I've done it while driving on the freeway too. That was when I was really, I had a problem. I got help, so.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm fixed. I haven't done it in a while. On the freeway? Yeah, I was so stra- It was I started stand-up I was working as a locations manager. Did you pull over or you actually know I was driving and cranking Have you guys ever been in one of those like I'm not proud of it guys and don't do it It's skydive things at the mall like a skydive thing. Oh, yeah, there's indoor skydiving things right spot. Yeah What
Starting point is 00:36:43 John but it just seems like you're gonna be on full display there. Yeah, but my boy Matt Knutson worked there, dude. Shout out. And he would just hit me up after hours. I'm like, dude, I'm pretty stressed out. He's like, I got you, dog, don't worry. And he's looking the other way. Is the wind helping with that?
Starting point is 00:36:57 Or is it the current that's getting, rubbing you the right way? It's just that zero gravity feeling. Like when the roller coaster goes, like that empty feeling in your stomach plus busting. That's insane. That seems like a nice mess. I mean, it would go everywhere.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It disappears. You should see the ceiling there. Oh yeah, it's just all. Cause Rob, it's a perfect crime. Everyone's looking down. Yo, tougher place to- No one looks up when they skydive. Tougher place to crack one off.
Starting point is 00:37:28 While snowboarding or while paintballing? Oh, great call. While paintballing. That's true, because you might get yelled at by a ref. He'd be like, dude, put your mask on. I guess if you're in a bunker and just- Yeah. Yeah, if it's a big course, you got some-
Starting point is 00:37:44 While snowboarding, does it count if big course, you got some space. Does it count if you're on the chairlift going up? I just mean it's so cold and you're wearing gloves. Right. Are you on a green circle or a blue square? Square. That's easy. Have you ever rolled up on somebody
Starting point is 00:37:58 who was currently masturbating? I've got people, it's so funny. Every time I walk my dog. Every time I walk my dog every time I walk my dog It's also we're just talking about guys like you never like Walking on a girl masturbating. I joke with my they must be so stealthy. Yeah. Well, they like like candles They like set the mood when they do it's like a whole production. Yeah, it's like more romantic when we do it It's like yeah, there's like costumes fairs and like pageantry. Yes Like why are you dressed like kieran nightley from pride? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:28 Light is right that way. Are you like, why are you painting while you're doing? Do you ever masturbate to music I was like, I don't think you know how this works for us Yeah, totally different thing. I Don't even know do women like look at porn to masturbate sometimes But I've tried to show girl and they didn't like it probably a small percentage. Yeah, I think it's a small person What's good? She's never watched it your girlfriend fiance That's right. Sorry no offense No, you were very militant. It's not a video right away. He's like
Starting point is 00:39:04 Beyonce I come committed man. I just committed like a week ago. It's going to start lecturing us about marriage. My bad dude. Strider. You're up. Congratulations. When was that? About a month ago now. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. Strides, you ready? All right, here we go. The top two are gone. Those are the top two for sure, dude. Come on. I'm going with, this is just good old fashioned fucking just watching your favorite show or movie. Okay, that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Is that too broad? Yeah, it's super boring, but it's a good pick. That is a good pick. It's comfort food, man, for sure. Yeah, cause. I did that last night I went back to a show and I was like I'm restarting the show because it's Familiar and I enjoy just like letting it wash over. Well, don't bury the lead. What's the show you I don't think you've heard of? It's a show called perpetual grace with Jimmy Simpson. Never heard of that. It's fucking good, man
Starting point is 00:40:04 What's it? Well, I'll look into it separately. I watched the band of brothers DVD box set. I love it, dude. Just, yeah. When I watch Dick Winters take that fucking bunker on D-Day, dude, I just love it, dude. He's a tactician.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I love that. But dude, they've done studies, like neurologists and scientists, dude. They've studied it and they say, cause your brain knows what's coming, there's no surprises, your brain just likes being like, I know, you know, my dank ass wife, she'll rewatch Sex and the City or Gilmore Girls.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Dude, I mean, during the pandemic, that literally made the future for a lot of shows. You know, like there were so many shows that like got totally New life because people are like, oh, this is just comforting I know I mean you're talking about we're talking about Sopranos before we started like, you know, just like oh, I know where this is going It's gonna be great. Yeah, it's gonna be so fun. I think that's a great pick. Dude, Sex and the City season four? I mean, Samantha's acting, bro. Bro, Samantha rips, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Good. Okay. Yeah, cause that's when they started twisting up the characters like M.O. a bit. So some people felt betrayed, but I think it deepened the show. Okay, I'll have to go back and watch. What season?
Starting point is 00:41:21 Season four. Season four. How's their acting in season three? It's good, but it's more pithy. It doesn't have the same depth. Okay. It's been a lot of people like that season. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 But yeah, like, like friends, you know, was like people like, like teenagers started watching friends during the pandemic and it just be, they're like, whoa, what is this show? Yeah, we get it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That show suits.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Yeah, suits. To go to the world. I watch clips on TikTok. Yeah exactly. Yeah. Yeah that shows suits Like suits to go over the world I watch clips on tik tok. It looks pretty fire. They're making another suits. They're making Suits LA Which starts like tonight or this whole thing is a promo for Suits LA Our boy Greenberg's back dude from Prime and how to make it in America. Oh, I love Greenberg I like that guy nice. I just thought he was pretty lovable. All right. I'm up with two picks guys You guys have done a great job drafting these are great picks up first. I'm going with something I love I love love doing this to relax. I do it all the time, and I know a lot of the stokers Love to do this too. I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:42:20 Gaming yes great pick great pick bro great And look good There's two ways you can do it you can do what I do sometimes go into dynasty mode on NCAA football You go into roster management you tweak up a guy's attributes you put them on a subpar team And then you ride him to a natty play all offense you get a playbook where they're running the speed option and you do work or You hop into a cooperative game like Call of Duty, you text the thread, you say, boys, we're hopping on.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You get in there, you catch up on life. You're like, oh, your son's doing jujitsu, that's awesome. Oh no, Tina got sick, yeah, no, yeah, make sure, Zink's been working for us, it's crazy out there right now. And then you go, dude, bitch, you didn't protect the ladder. Now the whole team got wiped, you stupid fuck. And he can do all that while you're distracted and like kinda in dazed focus.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So I love gaming, man. This is a great pick. That's a great pick. I've never been more relaxed. These picks are imagining all of these picks really relaxing. And dude, could you imagine being friends with a guy who likes to smoke weed, jack off, watch his favorite TV show and game?
Starting point is 00:43:28 That's hard to find. It's hard to find a guy who smokes weed, jacks off, watches TV and games. Like if you find that guy, you fucking marry that guy. Lock him down. Yes, if you count, dude. Ladies, this is your A plus number one man. They don't even know to look for this.
Starting point is 00:43:44 They don't even know that this- this. They don't even know. Where do you find dudes like that? Where can you find a guy like that? It's impossible. Dude, I mean, the holiday season, when everyone is going back home, you just do a full day. Fold any tea bag, someone.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Oh yeah, I didn't even talk about tea bagging. I know specifically for you, that's your outlet. I love it. Do you know what tea bagging is? know specifically for you, that's your outlet. I love it. Do you know what tea bagging is? Yeah, man, I was with you up until that point. Damn. I was like, I thought that was like a nice holiday message. I was like, oh cool, he's gonna talk about like the holidays and like, you know, how comforting and relaxing that is.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And then he's like, yeah, I'd like to take a full day of doing these relaxing things and then put my balls in someone's face. Yeah, and I mean teabagging in person while playing games, not. Yeah, you gotta have one of your boys come over. You hire a guy off TaskRabbit. Oh, that's a good call, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:34 There are people that do that that will come over off TaskRabbit and allow you to teabag them while you're gaming. It's the gig economy. You can't mark it as a box, but he comes over and he's like, where's the couch? And you're like, actually just post up right here.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Mm-hmm. He's like, I need you to, yeah, you thought I was moving a couch? No, dude, not today. There's a whole fleet of people out there that will come to your house under the guise of moving a box or furniture, and then you just tell them to lay down
Starting point is 00:44:59 by your coffee table. Yeah, dude, and there's a freaking crisis going on right now, so people need work. Yeah, dude. Frankie just hit me up, actually. It's easier, dude. Hey, leave the tools in. Yeah, dude, and there's a frigging crisis going on right now. So people need work. Yeah, dude. Frankie just hit me up, actually. It's easier, dude. Hey, leave the tools in the car, dude. Every now and then, like, sometimes on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:45:10 I feel like I'm totally with you guys, and then it'll just take a weird turn, and I'm like, maybe I'm, I don't know, maybe I'm not cut out for this. Well, you gotta free your, you gotta liberate yourself a little bit. I know, I would just feel guilty doing that to someone on TaskRabbit.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I mean, you know, that's a person. Well, you assume that they don't like it. I was assuming that, yeah. That's biased. The person having that done to them is having a good time. You tip them fat. You tip them fat.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Typically when I look down once in a while in between just fucking ransacking noobs, I'll look down and they're like They're like what How are they Gary came over dude 68 years old Gary Yeah, he's like father of came over, he opened his mouth. He's got a face like a bull's eye.
Starting point is 00:46:07 He's like, he goes, now I get why my son games so much. I strengthened his relationship with his son, dude, by bagging him. All right. All right, I'm up with my next pick. Wait, why do you get to snake style? I don't know what that means, man. It means you're up in two more picks.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I have PTSD. So to make it even, cause you were saying like the number one pick's gonna rule. Oh, okay. You gotta wait the longest to get your second pick if you're up in two more picks. I have PTSD. So to make it even, cause you were saying like the number one pick's gonna rule. Oh, okay. You gotta wait the longest to get your second pick if you're number one. That's how you kind of, yeah. I see, I see, I see, balance it out.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Sorry. All right, up next. This is something I love to do and I'll frequently combo it with some of our other number one picks, but it's a great way to just disconnect, get a monotonous sound to put your brain into relaxation. And the best part is you learn simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'm going with reading in the bathtub. Oh, that's almost a combo of two picks. Judge must know somewhat of cheating here, I have to say. Well, I don't wanna say, okay, let's just go reading. I'm not sure. Cause you could also have one of those. Yeah, in the bathtub it seems like that's not safe. Reading, I love to read.
Starting point is 00:47:08 So I like to read, but for me, it hits extra hard in the bathtub. You just, kids go to sleep, my lady goes to pain. Isn't this gonna lead straight into my pick of jacking off? I said I like to convo it. Sometimes I'm stoned, I'll read in the bathtub, and then all of a sudden I'm just like ambly. What are you reading?
Starting point is 00:47:26 If it's pornography then that's my pick. No, I have Crane to a book before. Some Irvin Welch stuff, the guy who wrote Transpotting. I was marooned in Costa Rica and he had a book that had some pretty hot sex scenes. Also Choke by Chuck Palunik, the guy who wrote Fight Club. Yeah, I can grind myself to that. I was reading it in detention in high school
Starting point is 00:47:44 and I was like, dude, I am torqued. I heard that I can grind myself to that. I was reading into detention in high school I was like dude. I'm torqued I Heard that was a tough book to read like just there's a lot of stuff. That's like people were like passing out and stuff Yeah, it's like supposed to be like intense makes people nauseous and shit But you're jacking off to it a lot of people are like I'm passing out you're jacking up to it That was pretty wild when people were saying that You can just put the book down like That was pretty wild when people were saying that. I was like, you can just put the book down.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Like I did stop reading it all. Yeah, yeah. Oh no, no, no. I passed out. Yeah. How'd you die? The book. But yeah, I liked it.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Reading will always soothe the mind. You always feel more relaxed afterwards. It is one of those, it's like something else I wanna pick. It's not as relaxing while you do it as watching your favorite TV show or as jacking off, but after the fact, you feel the most relaxed. There are some activities that are like that.
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's got a residual. Yeah, yeah. But I am. That's a good one. Sometimes if I sit down to like read a book, I'm so like ADHD right now, but like, so it's really hard I think to, so it's helpful if you can focus,
Starting point is 00:48:45 but I end up like, just my mind wanders a lot. I get stuck on like one page a lot. I just cycle through it and I'm like, what is wrong? Then you start beating yourself up, I can't fucking read a book. Brother, that's why I'm saying do it in the bathtub, because if you listen to the water. I'll drown, I will literally drown.
Starting point is 00:49:03 No, do what? Do you listen to the water? It occupies that part of No, do you? Do you listen to the water it occupies that part of your brain that wants to water flowing for good chunks of it? Unless we're in a water drought or crisis out. I do it with we have a system in my house When are we not well, we have a system well, we have a system in my blue fireman. We don't waste water we have a we have a circular water system at our place and a self We have a circular water system at our place and a self-perpetuating filtration. So. Wait a second, your water. Is in a loop.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So we take our brown water and we instantly clean it. So this is like drinking your own piss. Yeah, exactly. And it's totally sterilized. Your house drinks its own piss. Yeah, we have zero footprint when it comes to water usage. I don't, that's a, I don't think that you should be doing that.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Like literally, literally a sewage System is looping the 20 books since we started doing it though Did I had pasta at their house one time? It made my tummy funny dude well I there's new studies that piss and shit is actually good for you. It's it's I mean if you look I literally just watched the guy talking about looping his own piss Yeah, so people were doing that's kind of like a beginner's course But yeah, I mean Chad have gone farther into the wilderness where your houses are actually recirculating all of the water So yeah, if you cook with it, you're gonna get sick man. Poop is good for you
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, so what happens their poo and take it as pills, dude. Yes. So what happens is through excretion all the best vitamins You can recirculate them through your body and then your body is actually used to them because it's already been in there. So your body is able to absorb them more easily because it recognizes, okay, this is my own excrease. I am so glad now that I came to this podcast because I feel like you guys are just looping
Starting point is 00:50:41 misinformation to each other. Like there's just the worst takes on- That's why it was important to transmit today. Whoa, that tasted funny. Why did he say miss? Did you guys catch that? Did he say misinformation? I specifically said misinformation.
Starting point is 00:50:53 That's really funny. This is wrong information. Are you a poopologist? No one is a poopologist. That is not a job. You could not get- We actually know a lot of people who are in that field. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And TikTok accounts that people are. Talk to my guy, Dr. PP Shabamboo. Yup. And it's not gonna, I'm not gonna talk to him. Dude, dude, just because we don't do it in America doesn't mean like people elsewhere, dude. He's also my landlord. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And it's funny to me, cause it's like, and I don't want to be disrespectful cause I appreciate where you come from and like what your background is, but like, first of all, you've never tried it. You've never eaten your poop. I'm not, yeah. So you don't know what the health benefits are,
Starting point is 00:51:26 even in your own personal experience. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, like, I've gotten- You have to try it. I got my daughter's poop in my eye, like when she was little, and I got pink eye. Now that eye is stronger. And why is pink eye bad?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Do you think that getting pink eye makes my eyeballs stronger? After. I'm just saying, why is it bad? I'm not saying it makes it stronger, but why is it bad? I guess I'll have to try it, you convinced me. I'll try it. Seven times.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah, and I'm moving on to your perspectives too. It's like I'll try not eating poop for a while. Try mine and then I'll try yours. Yeah, all right. Let me know how mine goes first. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Okay, so reading in the bathtub. But I'm getting all the reading. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Okay, so reading in the bathtub. But I'm getting all the reading.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Okay. That's good. All of reading. All of reading. Do you read a hard copy, like paper, or do you read a Kindle? My lady's trying to get me onto the Kindle. I like it tactile, but I need the pages.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I like to dog ear like them and do all that stuff. It's just what I'm used to. Okay. All right, here we go. For my pick, I'm taking this one, man's best friend spending time, aka petting your dog. Oh, man, such a good pick. I literally, last night I was laying on the couch
Starting point is 00:52:40 with my lady and my dog was snuggled up against me on a blanket, and I was was like there was like 10 minutes I was like, this is what life is about. Mm-hmm That's a great pick. That's a great pick doesn't matter if the dogs big or small I have a smaller dog. That's 20 pounds, but no no, no, they're all perfect creations But preferably a big dog preferably I have a small dog too that, you know, she's fine. But my wife, like she's so into my wife. I'm like, can we just get a big dog?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Like we used to have a German Shepherd and a Pit Bull. That's badass. And then we, then those guys, you know, crossed fucking ran across the rainbow bridge. And then, and then now we have this little dog, and she's great, but you gotta get a big dog at some point. I agree, if we had a little more space, we would have a bigger dog.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah, they're just, you know, come on. He's a little terrier. Those are people, a big dog, you see a big dog, I see a big dog on the street, like my daughter gets so annoyed, because I literally am the guy that will stop everybody with a dog, I wanna meet your, I want to meet your dog. I want to meet your dog.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And a lot of times I don't even acknowledge the person. Which I think is totally acceptable, but I realize it might be off putting to them. Like I will go up, have a full on conversation with their dog, not talk to them at all. And then tell the dog like, I'll see you later, bro. Yeah. Dude, I mean, I'm at neighborhood,
Starting point is 00:54:08 my neighbors, they don't even know my name. They just know my dog's name. Totally, dude. And that's like, and I don't know their names either. We call them, like, there's Baxter's parents. Yeah. And then there's like Amos' dad. Like that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah. I'll even, sometimes I've told the dog, I'll be like, you're a person in a dog suit. Aren't you? Yes I know you're a person in there. I know and the owner is like Like I know you're a you're a dude you're a dude I can see there's like a zipper You're a person and you'll do this in someone's backyard like you'll be Yeah, who's out there? Shut up. As you're like talking about, I know if we hung out, you'd remember. Cracking a beer, just having it.
Starting point is 00:54:47 You don't have to drink it, dude. That's a great pick. Time for your dog. Dude, that's the fucking pick right there. Let's go. Who's up? Is this me? It's your up.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Okay, no one's gonna appreciate this, but me. But I just got into it. I don't, I shouldn't even pick it cause now I'm gonna lose. You might get it later. Go with your heart, man. Okay, I'm gonna go with it. I shouldn't even pick it, because now I'm gonna lose. You might get it later. Go with your heart, man. Okay, I'm gonna go with this. I'm gonna go with it.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Deep cut here. Weighted blanket. I just got a big weighted, it's like filled with, I don't know what, it's so heavy. It's like 12 pounds, you know? Like getting out from underneath it is really hard. Like if there was an emergency, it's like 12 pounds. You know, like getting out from underneath it is really hard. Like if there was an emergency, it would be bad news.
Starting point is 00:55:28 But it's so good, I've never done it before. I actually bought it for my daughter because she's very anxious and I thought like, I'll get, she'll relax, it'll be great. And she's like, Dad, it's too heavy, it's crushing me. And I'm like, no problem, I'll take it. And like, I just started sleeping with it. Wow. Oh, it's started sleeping with it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Oh, it's like being back in the womb. It's just like, it's like what I imagine heroin is like. It's just like, oh, it's so good. You can't get out. It's kind of like you're drowning, but you're not drowning. Yeah. Oh yeah. It's so good, you're just like, oh, I can't. That's so nice. It's so good, you're just like, oh, I can't. It's so nice.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I gotta try that. Dude, it's really like, I find it to be very relaxing. That's awesome. Yeah. Great pick. Yeah, no one may know about that yet, but I'm the first person. They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:21 How heavy are you going with it? This one's like 10, I think, or 12. I should go heavier. So if he keeps sleeping a deep boost the weight, you know what? I got to bought two two 10 pound ones and I sleep under them and it's just like wow my friend Jason man Zuga's turned me on to this because he sleeps with like a weighted blanket and I felt like that's weird But I got one I was like, yeah I'm not going back. That's I think I might get one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Chad, you got two picks, bro. All right, this next one. I mean, it's just, I think it's a classic, but not everyone does it, but if you do do it, it is all time. Just a fat surf sesh. Hell yeah. In the sun. I mean, hell yeah. In the sun.
Starting point is 00:57:05 I mean, there's something about the combo of, you get a good wave and you pop out of it and you're paddling back. You're getting some of that cardio and then the sun's coming down on you. You're getting the vitamin D and you're getting whatever's in the osh just kinda soaking into your body.
Starting point is 00:57:24 That whole combo is, if you could bottle that up, you know, I drink it every day. Wow. I got emotional hearing about that. I don't deserve, I mean, I've tried, but not great at it. But that's, hearing you describe it sounds great. The combo, yeah, it's, you know, there's, hearing you describe it, it sounds great.
Starting point is 00:57:45 It's the combo, yeah, it's, you know, there's negative ions in the ocean, I believe. I doubt that. No, there is, I... I doubt that you've done any research on this at all. Well, if there's positive ions, don't negative ions have to be somewhere? I guess, all right.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Is that the law of conservation balancing right. I'm back on board. Is that the law of conservation balancing act? I'm back on board with you. Do you know what an ion is? I don't really. See when I get into the science of it, he starts to kind of slow up a bit. Is it like an electron, like a tiny particle of energy
Starting point is 00:58:19 that is negative? I don't know, I was asking you. No, it's not Newtonian. I'm trying to define it and you don't know? No. Well dude, it's one of the boosts You can buy at Jamba Juice. Oh Guys, you can I don't care. It's Howard is yeah You should read him, okay
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah, I I really appreciate your description of Surf that made me think about skiing. Like skiing is one thing that I'm, I consider myself to be good at. I think you're a skier. Yes. And like, yeah, I've had days where that's just like,
Starting point is 00:58:53 it's, you know, where you, it's just like being on a cloud where you're just like, Oh yeah, powder day. Yeah. There's something about being in nature too. When you're, when you're kind of one with nature a little bit. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Here's the thing, that could be also into territory of different pics. Oh, yeah, yeah. Are we saying best activities? Exactly, you know, you know. What about McConaughey's quote in Surfer Dude where she's like, what's so special about surfing? He's like, that's like asking what's special about the wind. He's like, it's a mystery. And he's's like and you're in there when you're in the barrel It doesn't matter what it's over because you were in line and on time. Okay. Okay, sorry
Starting point is 00:59:32 Did you get to be a part of that mystery would you Chad if they were remaking the movie point break? Would you want to be in that movie and ope? Absolutely, bro. What if you played both Utah and Bodhi? Wow. So you mean I just like when I play Bodhi I have a beard and then when I don't when I'm in Utah I just shave? Yeah. You could be Utah's girlfriend like uh. Lori Petty? Yeah. Oh my god dude I'm not that smoking hot dude. I don't have that type of a little dime booty on me. I wish I did. You know how we bust- I wish I was that cute that Chad wanted it like that You know, we bust criminals by crunching data All right, look man, yeah, there's so many good lines that's nice can we did surfing dude your list is fucking tight
Starting point is 01:00:16 Did your list is so chill did? All right, where'd you park your van smoking weed surfing the next one jacking off weighted blanket? You park your van smoking weed surfing the next one jacking off weighted blanket Watching favorite TV show time with your dog. I mean I will say gaming these are all epic Chillest fucks, okay next one. I mean I have to hear but I Coming from JT's pick. I don't I think I gotta pick one. Why do you get to go again? He just it's a snake thing Yeah, I feel you guys are just making up the rules. I just see football. No, I don't do fantasy football TV show about fantasy that's all I'm gonna say. This is kind of a big scoop, dude That's why I wasn't bring it up. I didn't want to like no no, that's a testament
Starting point is 01:00:59 You're acting how much you crushed it dude, because none of those guys do fantasy football. I don't think what that's not true. That's not true I think sheer does and crawl. Okay, cool. That's chill. Yeah Okay Next pick an ice cold brew Dude drinking you don't even drink beers either dude. I do sometimes wait a second Yeah, I feel like in a way I'm your dad and I'm like I'm trying to relate to you but like now I'm like You don't smoke weed or drink beer and you're hanging out with these guys like I don't understand What I don't even get what you're going. I'm a conceptual guy. I like thinking about it and not actually doing it.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Okay. So. You didn't pick your face. What's up? You didn't pick your face. Like God was like, you're gonna look like a dude who smokes, sweetens, drinks beer,
Starting point is 01:01:53 but you're gonna have the mind of like a, of like a, hardworking, God. Whoa. God mind dude. God mind. Whoa dude.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Sick. Sick analogy. Sick. But dude, okay, I will say this. My God said that., godmine. Whoa dude. Sick analogy. But dude, okay, I will say this. I don't drink that often because I don't like to get too muffed up and then be hungover. But. Are you like a white wine guy?
Starting point is 01:02:18 I used to be a Pinot Gris guy a little bit. Pinot Gris is pretty nice if I was gonna do white. But I mean, picture this, okay? The holidays. You're- Oh God. The holidays. I always get sucked in at the beginning of this.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I start picturing the images. The holidays, you have an ice cold, long board brew. Okay, yeah. Nice. And your nuts are perfectly placed on some guy's chin. This is where, this is the part where I always, I get a little bit left out here.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Cause I just can't, I'm not on the tea bag. Different cultures. Yeah, different generations also, I think. And also just different levels of respect for other humans, you know, that are on task rabbit like I mean morality I don't judge it because if we were like from somewhere else, you might be more tolerant of it. All right. Yep. I won't judge it Okay, so great. So we were from NorCal doing that dude. You'd be like that's probably RML by the sea. I got hit the can real. Okay, take away
Starting point is 01:03:23 Oh, that's relaxing. Keep the show going that is relaxing to you that is actually Oh, is that your pick? No, it's your rub But where where my ticks my pick takes place you could do that quite slyly Are you guys in the bathroom here we go? I'm going picking the center urinal and just hanging out dude. No, no, no, dude. I'm going with wait Rob's up Oh, wait. No. Oh shit. You know, I'm an idiot Rob. Sorry. I sniped you dude. No, no, no, dude. I'm going with wait Rob's up. Oh wait. No. Oh shit Dude, I'm an idiot Rob. Sorry. I sniped you almost. Sorry, Rob. Sorry. Guess what? I'm about to steal We invented guess what I'm about to steal
Starting point is 01:03:53 Is there a point like is there a winner because I will steal there's a winner is it right now You have a number one pick in the first round right now. You're winning Okay, I won't I won't pick that because that I'm an idiot. I wasn't even gonna pick that I'm an idiot I won't pick that because that- I'm an idiot, I wasn't even gonna pick that. I won't pick that, that is a great one. Sorry, Rob. I'm gonna go with Cranking Some Tunes. Great pick. You got two crankings.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah. Oh! You know, listening to some sort of mix that is specific to you, whatever that is, music will alter your field of energy. Correct. There is a, you know, obviously everybody, I'm not here to defend music, I think we're all on board. But yeah, what, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:42 you could be going through the most intense period of your life and put on a song that reminds you of a different point in your life that totally can shift your memories and everything back to that time, which is completely reassuring and comforting and relaxing. And I mean, that is like a magic trick. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. Goes the farthest, the fastest. I agree. And you know, one of our favorite times to listen to music is before we go out selling protein powder.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Oh, fuck. We like to just play techno and just really get mellow stuff. To make some sales. Cause you gotta have a clear head. Sometimes I don't even understand what you guys do during the day. So when you're not podcasting,
Starting point is 01:05:29 Yeah bro. You guys sell protein powder? Well, when we were doing the firefighter thing, people were like, how are you guys fighting all these fires? They're all over the place. And we were like, bro, you gotta stay nutritionalized. And we're like, when we do that. That's not a word.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Okay, keep going. So when we do that, you know, we're using our special proprietary blend Protein powder and they say you know door to door or are you guys like selling to companies or no door to door direct? To customer and like the stuff that you've learned like in school, which is fine But it says that the most protein you can process is 40 grams at a time. That's what I was taught in school All my life for you. You can process up to 2000 grams of protein at a time. If you rack it.
Starting point is 01:06:07 What? If you go to the nostril. You're snorting protein powder? With cocaine. Yeah. One of the best things I did was when we were out, dude I was in this chick's house. I was being a hero in this chick's house.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And I went through her boyfriend's protein powder. I'm like, he could be on way better stuff. So I hooked him up with some. Way better. You were in a girl's house while her boyfriend was away And you were hooking up with her and then you went and looked through his stock of protein Yeah, and I hooked him up with some better stuff you left for behind I fucked her is not gonna blow your cover hooking up with his girl isn't he gonna ask his girlfriend where the fuck did all this?
Starting point is 01:06:40 Protein powder come from yeah, they have probably on this conversation that could be legit for them By the way, bro, how do have a honest conversation. That could be legit for them. By the way, bro, how's your weenie? He hurt himself trying to be a detective. How's your weenie? Dude, my weenie hurts so bad. Telling that story really brought back some tough. Did you see the Bob Dylan movie? Not yet.
Starting point is 01:06:56 It's great. It's Chalamet. He's incredible. Is he really? Incredible. I can't wait. I gotta go see Nosferatu. I wanna see that too.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Yeah. Eggers, you big Eggers guy? I love it. I love The Witch. Yeah. He brings the witch. I saw Nosferatu. I wanna see that too. Yeah. Eggers, you're a big Eggers guy. I love it. I love the witch. Yeah. I saw Nosferatu, so I'm psyched to see the sequel. Let's go. Nosferatu.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm stealing that joke. I saw that on the internet. It's a good joke. Someone had that on the internet. I loved it. Shout out to the internet. You're up, Presky. Okay, I'm going with
Starting point is 01:07:27 Jacuzzi, bro. Whoa. Dude, that's a great pit. Jacuzzi, bro. Jacuzzi, Jacuzzi. If you turn on the jets, bro, you find yourself at a Ramada Inn. And you turn on the jets and you just, and you look, someone's gonna get in with you,
Starting point is 01:07:42 but you just, you have sunscreen on your face at night. Or a mod in like Tampa Bay. Yeah. Whoa. And you just look at me, you don't wanna get in these waters. These are mine. Are you more of a public jacuzzi guy,
Starting point is 01:07:55 like at a hotel or something like that, or would you prefer to have one in your backyard or something like that? I would heavily prefer to have one in my backyard. Even one of those cool ones that like, when you go to the county fair, like we grew up in OC, like the OC county fair, they'd sell like the above ground ones or like you ski.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Dude, how good is the jacuzzi after a ski day when it's cold outside and you got to do that little shuffle? That's ideal. When it's like freezing cold and the snow is falling and it's nighttime and yeah, a bunch of strangers. And you're like, yeah. Exactly, yeah. And you're talking to them, you're like,
Starting point is 01:08:25 dude, this fucking protein powder is gonna get you jacked. Like this is gonna be so sick. I don't talk about that in a jacuzzi with, like I'm not always selling stuff. Do you have the- But that's my approach to it. Are you kind of like aloof when you're in the tub? I'm just tired and like, you know, I'm probably with my family and I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I'm not worried about how I come across in a hot tub situation and I'm also not trying to sell people. I'm not constantly selling shit. A hot tub is the most progressive place in society. It's where crypto is invented. It's where some of the best DJ beats. I've got a fact check.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I have waterproof business cards. Dude, that's a good call. Your business cards are waterproof? Laminated. Yeah, just so I can hand them out when I'm in back check. I have waterproof business cards. Dude, that's your business cards are waterproof laminated. Yeah, just a hand them out when I'm in the tub. Cause you're in the tub that off. Well, I'm a man of the people. Dude, great to breathe by the way. Preach, it's just rubbing off. That offed, wow.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yeah, that's a great pig, Jacques. All right. Do you Jacques? Jacques. Do you Jacques? Jacques. Do you Jacques? Do you prefer it in a mountainous cold environment? I do act, when I'm picturing it, I do, yes. That's when I prefer it best.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Okay. Okay, now as far as our picks are concerned, is this, is a water submersion thing now off the, like is it cold plunge? I had tub. You can do cold plunge, that's different. Okay, okay, okay. You can also do a bathtub if you still want.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Okay, okay, good. I should have done, you know what? You can, but I'm a jacuzzi guy, like the Jets. Juckwiz. And you are. You don't like the tub because you feel like you're in your own filth in the tub. Correct.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Which is part of what appeals to me. Is that true? Yeah, my butthole juice is there. Wow. Sorry, sorry. Yeah, but there's chlorine. But in a hot tub or a jacuzzi. You guys are all wasp, you guys all have hatred of your own body. Sorry, sorry. But there's chlorine. But in a hot tub or a Jacuzzi. You guys are all wasp. You guys all have hatred of your own body.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I hate myself. But you know that in a bathtub, it's just you. That's only you. In a Jacuzzi, there's hundreds of buttholes in there. But there's this poopologist. I was looking at your poopologist's page and he said, that's probably maybe good for my biomes. Yeah, and when I bathe, it's not just me.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Well, it's my task rabbit. Oh man. You'll, you'll, you'll hit a guy or a person up on a task rabbit and say, I'm going to take a bath or is this a tricky, you, you trick them. They come and like, is your, is your sink broken? I'm like, hop in dude. Take a look at this faucet.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Robe up and hop in. All right, with this next pick, I'm going with something that is a little bit pricey. Okay. So if that's gonna stress you out, skip it. But afterwards, dollar for donut, you're gonna feel better than anything else. You saw me, when we went and saw Iron Claw on my birthday
Starting point is 01:11:15 and I walked into Tenure Greens, you and Joe were like, dude, there was an energy. You're floating, you're chilling. I said, brother, I just got a 90 minute massage. Marshall & Stan Whoa. Charlie Yeah. Marshall And here's my thing.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Marshall Great call. Charlie I'm taking all massage and I respect them all. But the way to do it, if you really want to feel good for the rest of the day, you gotta go tie. She needs to climb onto your back. She needs to be, on you, knees into the deep parts of your sciatica and your psoas and your fascia. Thank you. So you know, one said, thank you. No, you're receiving, you're accepting that information that no one offered.
Starting point is 01:12:02 I just slalomed through the most difficult parts of human language and I made it through without touching a gate brother. So you just witnessed it. Welcome. Um, dude, you gotta get the massage. You gotta have someone rub. I don't go happy ending. If I accidentally wind up at a happy ending place, I do like saying no, but I still pay
Starting point is 01:12:25 as if it's a happy ending. That's happened to you? Only once. Only once. Across the street from the ****. I shouldn't give away the location. Bleep that out. I don't want anyone getting arrested.
Starting point is 01:12:34 That was stupid. But yeah. It was a miscommunication? You know, I could tell from the look of the place. I was like, they might be doing that here. And then, and then she was like, do you want the other thing? I was like, no. And I was like, she's going to think I'm a real angel for that. And I was like, actually might be doing that here. And then she was like, do you want the other thing? I was like, no. And I was like, she's gonna think I'm a real angel
Starting point is 01:12:46 for that, and I was like, actually, she's probably gonna dislike you because she probably would get more money for that. So I was like, you gotta make up for that on the back end. Okay. And then. So you think that by letting those people jack you up, you think you're helping them.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Yeah, so, sorry, I should have said that. I just really question what your your guys concept of helping other people I was like if I don't let her do this I'm kind of hurting her biz and I'm hurting her life long term So I hooked it up. Yeah, you always got to have a blind on busted tip like you busted But I don't want to get to you a bumper stick. I want to be too perfect I love a massage. I think it's awesome I think ties the best one because it'll work out the knots and you'll feel like you're cruising for a while
Starting point is 01:13:23 But all iterations are awesome and it's a It's wonderful. The only thing that can backfire on you is if you get a chatty Cathy. Oh That can ruin it that's why I'll bring the headphones sometimes and sometimes I don't even let anything play do you just got him in That really you listen to music. No, I'll put headphones in like I'm gonna listen to music. Oh my god, but I don't play nothing It's fucking deceptive, right? It feels better to be lying while I'm getting pleasure. Will you Receive a massage from a man Okay
Starting point is 01:13:56 So here's my rule on that if I'm at like the airport and we're like in public and people can see us and I'm clothed I love a massage from a man if I'm at physical therapy and we're in like an office setting, I'm all down with that. If we're in like an incensed room, the lights are off, it's just me and you and I'm butt naked under the covers, it's not even a sexual thing. I feel a little unsafe just having a, I feel vulnerable having a big dude just on top of me
Starting point is 01:14:23 and I'm naked facing down. Now you know how women feel. I think about it every time. Just having a I feel vulnerable having a big dude just on top of me and I'm naked facing down now You know how women feel I think about it every time I'm super empathetic to that experience So when I give massages to women, I'm like the whole time. I'm just saying you're safe That's not relaxing them the whole time massaging first of all your marriage Yeah, what's it my wife, but you'll massage other women and then tell them Don't worry. Don't worry. You're safe. You're safe. I'm not going to happen. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe. You're not going to get hurt. You're safe. You're safe. And then,
Starting point is 01:14:54 and then sometimes I'm feeling it now. You're safe. You're safe. You're safe. You're safe. What's happening? Why are you saying it? So I get so revved up on protecting women Yeah, I get so revved up and if any of you ever did anything take it easy man Are you yelling? We're really we're doing a thing about relaxing. Don't get offensive, dude. You're yelling at us Cuz would you don't hide don't if you got something I'll find it. He's a protector He's excited. I think we all are on the same page. We all wanna protect women. I'm the only one.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Okay. We've had this conversation many times. Yeah. That's why my next pick up goal is protecting women. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever had a massage where it was so relaxing or therapeutic
Starting point is 01:15:51 where you almost felt emotional, like you've almost. No, but I've seen that. Like Alexander Technique, you know, I was in acting class and this is true. I saw the girl before me got her like shoulders rearranged and the teacher, she was fighting her. In your acting class? Yeah, you know Alexander Technique's all about like the physicality of it, it's like how you
Starting point is 01:16:04 like organize your body basically. The teacher was like, relax, give me your shoulders. And the girl was resisting. It was Chrissy who taught us dance and stuff. And then she was fighting it and she said, let me do this. And she moved her shoulders and rubbed them a little bit and she just broke down crying in front of the whole class. But afterwards she was like radiant.
Starting point is 01:16:22 It opened up her whole like. I don't know, I think something else is going on there. What do you think? I don't know, I mean I don't know Chrissy. You think it's a multi-level marketing scheme? That's not what I was thinking. Okay. But.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Well that's. You think there's a way to profit off that? Your acting teacher massages people as part of an elaborate multi-level marketing scheme? Yeah. Well no, they don't, but they could. And that's what I'm wary of, always. What would they be, they would be massaging people
Starting point is 01:16:52 below them and then they massage people. Yeah. So it's like a pyramid scheme. And then it keeps saying, you're gonna get your massage later. Oh, okay. But you never, you just end up rubbing other people all day. That's a good, that's a good scam.
Starting point is 01:17:03 That's a great scam. That is really smart. All right. With my last one, my last pick, I'm going with one that's a little counter in two and I might lose some people here. Oh, I'm going with. I'm nervous. Man, you're dragging this out.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'm so nervous. Actually, I'm going to go with. I'm so man. You're dragging this out. I'm so nervous actually I'm gonna go with I'm so nervous right now. I'm going with it grinding oh Like like a drink a hookup like dancing. Oh, I think I like skating. Oh, I thought you meant the app no Those all work this pic isn't what I was, it didn't go good. For me, I'm not going with grinding. It might rev you up.
Starting point is 01:17:51 No, you already did it. You already did it. It's on the board. Integrity, yep, that's right. I mean, I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. Get into it. I don't know what you're saying yet.
Starting point is 01:18:00 So I love to grind. I love to grind. I think it's like the greatest it can go for a human being is when you're grinding. When someone allows you to be close to their butt and you get into rhythm with one another and you have to do that Delicate balance of not being too horny, but also being fun to be around and excited physically and there it is That's yeah, please put that up and then um There's something about being like someone when you're in sync with someone and you're in the rhythm of the music
Starting point is 01:18:25 and they let you get a second song. Is that my wife? That is it. That is? And I feel like it's a different kind of relax. I think that's my fucking wife. It's synchronized relaxation because your bodies are falling into one another's trust.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Okay. But is that relaxing no You said it it's on the board. So I hope you didn't waste a pic. I was gonna go with pasta Bro, is there another round of this? Yeah, we're almost done. You got one So we'll see what you do. No, I thought he was laying out more of the spreadsheet It's like I'm gonna get him a gasoline dude. We're cooking with gasoline, dude, we're going. So, Blinding, I wanna talk to you about how you feel about this pic.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Don't get it. Now that you said it. No. Oh yeah. Sometimes Rob, the loudest words are actions. I thought you'd be way lower than this. This is like not even. Oh, he has good hip,
Starting point is 01:19:18 JT has amazing hip flexibility. Yeah, dude. So you don't wanna look too horny. Yeah. So when I'm here, I'm barely grazing it because I don't want to scare and then at some point she's gonna turn back to look at you Yeah Yeah, and then what's that second song Hey space make your choice. She bring the butt back we on again
Starting point is 01:19:47 Wow That I guess that would be relaxing in a way that is also some of the best freak dancing advice I've heard ever really good description that you weren't on the mic, but hopefully they'll be can we boost that way to boost it and don't be Don't be staring deadpan. Don't be staring too hard having fun And I like what you said when the song ends let her go no Dance bubble relax, and then if she wants to bring it back bring it back, and that's a gift. That's a gift And then and then when it's all over you don't ask for her phone number You never do that you let her go home to her kid It's over. She gave you but there's a lot of single moms in the clubs. Oh brother man, after I'm done with them.
Starting point is 01:20:26 So wait, so they show up married with kids but after they meet you, they probably get a divorce from their husbands. Yeah man. But you didn't even get their phone number. They call me attorney at large. I watch a lot of Shannon Sharpe. Here's a question, when you get a hard on,
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah, yeah. Do you back away respectfully until it goes soft? So that's a really good question. Great question, great question. Thanks. You actually, there's two moves. If she comes from like a heavy religious background, you flip, you go butt,
Starting point is 01:21:08 you let her take the wheel for a bit. How do you even get into religion on the dance floor? Oh, I've cleared that way early. That's up early in the questionnaire. Yeah, for sure. That's up top, on the form that they fill out. Cause that's really gonna dictate where you're headed when you made a chick The one of the first things you got asked is who's your God, right? Yeah, like most people most people say Chad
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah, there's shit. Thanks, dude. And then if she in the dance floor is my religion, too So if if she says hey, I'm more pagan or I do the witch thing. I go. Okay, if I get wooded up She's gonna see that as kind of like a totem of power. Which ladies are, do you think witch ladies make good dancers? Yeah, they sway, but they're good. Actual witches? Like real witches?
Starting point is 01:21:57 Yeah. Okay. Why, what would be the alternative, not real? I have a hard time telling who is a witch and who's not a witch. I mean, there's a point in history where any palm we just thought that women were witches, you know, way, way back.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I guess that was part of it. Yeah. But, so now I just don't know. It's hard. It's hard to, you're going to bleep that one. Yeah. So we're live on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Yeah. Now I, yeah. I just have a hard time telling if people are actually witches or if it's just like a goth person, you know? Goth is legit. Goth is, putting on goth makeup could get drafted in these X3 picks. I love goths, yes. Dude, putting on your wife's makeup alone in the mirror, very relaxing activity.
Starting point is 01:22:41 A moment for yourself. Not my pick, but, like butt relaxing. My pick is gonna be, and now this might be a little broad, let me know if I need to dial it back and I'll get specific with it. What it is for me. I know what you're gonna say, you gotta get specific. Okay, so I want a meal that's comforting to me.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Comforting food. Fuck, that's a great one. I want comforting food. And for me, that's in and out burger, dude. Whoa. Oh, wow. Comforting food and for me great one. That's in and out burger, dude Usually it's like mom spaghetti on the bomb, but you know what dude? I grew up in Orange County the land of takeout and out east and I'm telling you right now we were there I like in and out burger day my wife sent me a thing on Instagram that you can go to in and out burger and ask for Your wife sent me a thing on Instagram that you can go to In-N-Out Burger and ask for some situation where they just give you a bunch of cooked patties.
Starting point is 01:23:28 No bun, no fries, anything. It's like a something stack or something like that. Get a load of the new guy. What is it? What is it? Is that you just drive up and get a bunch of them? I know you can get puppy patties, which there's no salt. You can give that to the dog.
Starting point is 01:23:42 These are for people. They're known for like double, they're known for like quad, four by fours, double doubles, four by fours, up to like 16 by 16s, which we would be doing high school. Flying Dutchman. Yeah, Flying Dutchman, patties with cheese maybe is what you're talking about. Chad kind of was like one of the, he was like the tip of the spear on that whole thing. This was just like a box that I saw where they just give you a stack of cooked patties. Was it cheese?
Starting point is 01:24:03 No, it was just meat. Interesting. I'm sure it's, I don't know. What do you do with that? Do you sit on it? I've never done it, I'm sure people eat it. I don't know if you sit on it. You don't sit on meat?
Starting point is 01:24:17 Guys, I don't sit on meat. I don't even know what that's about. Is that a thing? Sometimes I don't know what things are. Some of the stuff you're talking about is like, it's before me. You're sitting on meat right now. Did you ever been to a Ramada Inn?
Starting point is 01:24:31 So you're sat on 16 patties. Where you just sit on meat. Spread them across the bed and just sat on it, man. That's sick. Sure, every time you, this is true. Every time you land at LAX, you go to that In-N-Out right there and grab a burger. Yep, right on Sepulveda.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Every time I park at that parking spot right there, take the shuttle over. Okay. Beautiful. Okay, it's a ritual. Take us home, brother. Well then. Okay. I think I got a good one here, and I think I might, I think I might get some points here on the board.
Starting point is 01:25:01 It is water-based. Are we, is that off the table? We did bath we did Jacque's and might be some more meat on the whale. Okay, I'm gonna go float tank There's a place near me in Pasadena, I've been in that one. Yeah and near me in Pasadena. I've been to that one. Yeah. And super clean, lots of like, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:28 they have a system in place where like when you get out, it sucks all the water out and cleans it and then like new water comes in and like, but I hadn't done that before I moved out to California and my wife and I started doing that. And it really is like lazy man's meditation, you know, I go, you know, you can, there's different ways to do it. Um, but at this place you can go music, you can go lights, whatever. I go full on blackout,
Starting point is 01:25:56 no music just in outer space. And you know, obviously the way they set these up now is like the water is the same temperature as the air Which is the same temperature as your body so you can't even feel The water so all you really have to do is like make sure you don't get because it's super salty Obviously, it's why you're floating but like you just don't want to get any water dripping in your eye Cuz that'll like throw off your cuz then you got to kind of like wipe it out but if you I go like, just like outer space mode and just lose my mind.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And it's weird because, you know, I'm sure you guys have done it, but like there's a point where your brain is kind of like scanning, scanning for any kind of worry or any information or any input and when there's not any input, eventually your mind just like detaches. And I've done it before where you don't even have to blink
Starting point is 01:26:55 because there's so much humidity in there, your eyeballs are fine and you can't see anything. You're literally, it's almost like being dead. It's what I imagine what being dead is. You're just like, it's so like being dead. It's what I imagine what being dead is. That's relaxed You just like it's so relaxing being dead is no problem Yeah, but you're literally just like can't feel your body can't feel the air can't feel anything totally buoyant just like outer space back in the womb and then one time I Got a little bit worried because they left me they thought it was like
Starting point is 01:27:24 maybe the first or second time I went to that place in Pasadena and they thought like oh, this will be nice We're gonna give them some extra time And so like my brain was trying to trying to calculate like how long have I been in here you lose track of time? So I had paid for like 60 minutes and they left me in there for 90 minutes and at about a certain point I was like fuck like what? Day is it who am I am I a person, like am I dead, what's going on, you know? And then they like slowly bring on the lights and some music and then you know it's time to get out.
Starting point is 01:27:56 But like there was a point where I was like, how long have I been in here? And then when I got out I looked in the mirror and I had a long beard. Whoa. Whoa. Did you feel like, when you reached that place, do you feel just totally at peace? You know, yes, but literally like zero thoughts.
Starting point is 01:28:16 That for me is the goal, like not a thought. Like not thinking about this or that, because that is what your brain does. It's just defensive. Your brain is like scanning for like, what do we have to be worried about? What do we have to handle? What do we have to take care of?
Starting point is 01:28:32 But if you do it long enough and you really kind of like try to commit to it, you can just like not have a thought, which is like just like being dead. You're just like, I'm dead. That's beautiful. You can exercise your vigilance. That's a problem. And there, and I want to clarify that there's no, um,
Starting point is 01:28:51 part of this that I try to scam to like meet girls or anything like, I know what you guys are doing. You're thinking like, can you go in there with a woman? Um, can I, can I, you know, can I, can I grind on someone in these places? Like there's none of that you go in There by yourself and that's the thing. It's like looking in the mirror. You really are going deep on yourself in these You know, you don't you don't want to go in there. I look in the mirror I'm saying that metaphorically you just you when you when you're doing this, it's really self-reflection You're not you're not trying to go in there and have sex with a woman or anything like that
Starting point is 01:29:24 So don't think about That's how you do it and we respect that. Yeah, that's how I do it. That's how everybody does it They don't call that situation everybody wasting your money, but that's okay. Like that's fine So there's nothing wrong with us finding out a way to make it like there is nothing wrong with it it's just not hygienic to like try to You know have sex in one of these things to try to have sex in one of these tanks. That's hilarious. So you pay to do things that don't involve
Starting point is 01:29:47 having sex with a woman? Very frequently, daily, every day of my life. I am paying for things that do not involve sex or moving things forward with a woman or anything like that. You should join our consulting firm for financial advice. Why do you wanna come on on the I don't know? You're on the going deep Podcast yeah, it sounds like you don't go deep. Yeah, really. I'm just now
Starting point is 01:30:14 noticing very true that That's what you mean when you're talking about going deep. Yeah, I didn't think that that's what this meant going deep in Vaj I know I didn't I that was the what this meant. Going deep in Vaj. I know, I didn't, that never occurred to me. That was the original title, but Apple nixed it. It never occurred to me that that was what this was about. Well, they have their agenda. So I don't think I would have answered the phone during the LA fires if I had known
Starting point is 01:30:36 that this is what the podcast was. Does the majority of your money go to your family? Trying to support my family, yeah, and fund a fun day comfortable Hopefully that's a scarcity mindset. We try to get away from that. We actually think The counterintuitive reality of it is that actually the less money you spend on your family the more money you make and then the more money That's available to your family. Mm-hmm. I I give your kid nothing it'll make them become stronger on their own and if you buy yourself leather jackets fast cars
Starting point is 01:31:07 Cool tequila bottles that's gonna that's gonna get you some puss well, definitely that will make my family like lean and tough and like probably more grateful for things, but it also realistically will foster resentment and like more grateful for things, but it also realistically will foster resentment and wanting, because people do wanna be able to buy things and have nice things and like,
Starting point is 01:31:35 I'm not trying to talk down to you, but like, I just don't, I don't know that withholding financial resources from your family is gonna make things smoother in your relationships. Yeah, I mean it's kind of a more novel idea unless you've read some of the older texts. Terrence Howard. Terrence Howard is one of the modern proponents of it,
Starting point is 01:31:58 but it dates back to actors from way back in the day. McConaughey. Yeah, even guys all the way back to like Swayze Swayze was huge yeah so you do know your stuff yeah yeah but I just again you know how long have you been married we're not actually married I call her my wife okay well but I'm gonna propose and although she found out how I was gonna propose now I have to come up with a new idea yeah that's not relaxing do not put that on the board wait how did she find that out how I was gonna propose and I have to come up with a new idea That's not relaxing do not put that on the board How did she find that out because I do use my foot I keep being like it's such a good idea
Starting point is 01:32:30 And then also because I never plan anything She kept being like what do you want to do? So I was gonna we like to go on silent retreats I was gonna propose to her at a silent retreat silent retreat. Yeah, we like to do it's actually really relaxed We like to my friend Josh Radner does that I know he was good Yeah, yes one. He went on a ten-day whoa Silences before the fires anything yeah ten days of like not talking Yeah, actually I was at a southern true in the fire started week. I couldn't warn anybody But you can go I think okay. I think you should have broken your Silence vows to help people but go ahead ahead. No, you have to prioritize it.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Jared Leto wouldn't do that. Yeah. Jared Leto goes on these silent retreats? Yeah, and I didn't say a word. I was like, hey man, they'll figure it out. But I was gonna propose to her at the silent retreat, and then she's like, babe, so like on February 25th, what do you wanna do?
Starting point is 01:33:17 And I was like, we definitely gotta go on the silent retreat. And then we were driving to the TAR museums the other day. She's like, I know how you're gonna propose. Should I tell you? And I was like, yes, please tell me. She's like, you're gonna propose should I tell you knows a guess please tell me she's like you're gonna do it at the silent retreat knows mad for like four hours because she says you never like to plan in advance anything but you kept saying we have to do this
Starting point is 01:33:34 on this day why is she oh man why is she trying to ruin everything it was my fault cuz I kept flagged she was she'siner. You got a real ruiner over there. She does like to do that, but that's cuz we're competitive That's what I like about it. That's awesome cuz I try to rinse up. So now do you have to completely revamp new idea? Okay, I know I was bummed for a couple hours and then but it was my fault So can I pitch you some ideas? Yes, okay, cuz I'm pretty good at this. Please do help me She listens. How did you do it the beach? Yeah, I feel like I saw that on Instagram. Yeah, it was lovely. We got to go down for the Classic beautiful Well, I have I have like a multi
Starting point is 01:34:15 Stage proposal idea. Do I have to pay you to learn about it? It's a workshop. It is like a weekend workshop. I'd like to pay you because that makes more sense. Okay It's a workshop, it is like a weekend workshop. I'd like to pay you, because that makes more sense. Okay. You take her to a place in nature, which is very important. It could be the beach, it could be the mountains, anywhere where there is a lot of nature.
Starting point is 01:34:37 And you go, whoa, look up in the sky, what is that? What the fuck is that? What, what is that? And you fuck is that? What, what is that? And you've planned all this and set it up and there's a plane flying over and a tiny dot comes out of the plane and you're like, what, is that a skydiver? What the fuck, look at this.
Starting point is 01:34:57 There's this fucking skydiver coming right at us. This is so cool, we got, babe, come here, come here. Look at this fucking skydiver. The skydiver coming down and you're like, whoa. You have some champagne, you go, we gotta take a drink and toast this guy. We'll like meet him when he comes down. So you pour some champagne.
Starting point is 01:35:16 The guy's coming down. His parachute, like he pulls the ripcord, does not open. You've set all this up. The ripcord does not open. And the guy's does not open. You've said all this up. The rip cord does not open. And the guy's like, fuck! And you're like, babe, babe, come here. Let me pour you another glass of champagne. You guys are having a great time.
Starting point is 01:35:37 You're like, this is amazing. I can't believe we get to watch what happens. I feel bad, but we'll see what happens. The guy's like, oh shit, fuck. And then he gets closer, he starts getting bigger and bigger. And as he gets closer, you're like, what is he saying? He's yelling something, and he's like, JT, JT, you're my boy, you're my boy.
Starting point is 01:36:01 His parachute does not open, fucking splatters right in front of you. Just pink mist. Just, just wet meat. Just explodes like 10 yards away from you and your lady. And you're like, oh my God, he was yelling my name. This is crazy, I can't believe it. Let's go see what this guy is, who was he? Let's try to find his wallet or something
Starting point is 01:36:29 and you actually start digging through like his remains. Okay, and he's fucking, he's dispersed. Like he's dispersed over like a 50 meter radius, like looks like a crater. Pink, red, guts, moisture. And you start sifting through it and you're like, what the fuck? Babe, come here, come here.
Starting point is 01:36:53 She's like, should I put my champagne down? No, don't put it down, come over here. You're like, what is that? There's something right there. She's like, I don't know, what is that? I don't know, it's something shiny. Get it, go pick it up. She's like, I don't feel like I should be going through this guy's guts. This is disgusting
Starting point is 01:37:08 She pukes your puke. This is horrible. She fucking sees it's a diamond ring. You're like a diamond ring What the fuck and it says she's you're like you're like dust it off You know like get all the guts and blood off of it look inside and it says like will you marry me and then she's like She looks back at you and you're down on one knee and you're smiling and you're like I said all this up Will you marry me that's off the top of my head? Can I tell you what my lady would say? Yeah, I knew the whole time She's like I knew you were gonna hire someone to explode and dying then we'd go through their remains and find the ring and his bloody corpses. Cause what you did was, you don't even have to explain this to her,
Starting point is 01:37:49 but you paid the guy to swallow the ring before. So it doesn't like go flying off into the bushes. It's like centered in them. I'm doing it. Smart. I'm gonna do it even though she's gonna listen to this, I'm still gonna do it. It's like a Bassa movie.
Starting point is 01:38:04 In like a, that's like a rom-com dude. That's like a rom-com saw. It is like a rom-com meat saw. That's a perfect description. That's a beautiful thing. Think about it, just that's one option. I didn't do that, no. I did propose skiing. We were skiing and we were on the top of a mountain.
Starting point is 01:38:20 And we were in Whistler in Canada. And it just had like three feet of snow And we were in Whistler in Canada. And it just had like three feet of snow and it was like the most beautiful day. It looked like a Christmas, like the Rudolph the reindeer. Yeah, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer like Christmas special, you know, like. So.
Starting point is 01:38:38 The holidays again. So that's where I proposed my wife on top of this mountain. And then we took all these pictures And we just look like idiots my wife is still mad because she's wearing her helmet. She's like I look like a fucking idiot They wouldn't look nice what what run did you take after it was on a Soup it was a crazy pattern. So we were just like skiing like greens That's awesome. It's just like the of the the name of the run was green acres Chad last pick and then we'll find out who won. All right, this one's pretty specific, but I love it It relaxes me. You got to have a certain brain chemistry
Starting point is 01:39:20 To enjoy it, but if you got it, you know what I'm talking about ASMR video. Whoa. Yeah. I like some Korean person eating fettuccine Alfredo. Oh yeah. So specific. It's more popular in Korea, so they know how to do it.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Yeah. Yeah, they really do. ASMR is very popular here. I'm listening. A lot of fingernails on mics, you know. I mean, a lot of people think this podcast is ASMR. For sure. Does it matter if the person's attractive? It doesn't quite.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Is this a jack off thing? Cause I already have jacking off. You could jack off to this. It's not that it's jacking off, but is there any kind of like, yeah, do you want to be like, oh yeah, but I'm into it. No, I like just like an ogre of a guy eating ramen.
Starting point is 01:40:12 It's the only thing I don't fuck to. Wow. Just eating, yeah. Maybe go to YouTube, Jake, so we can get a... Yeah, so some guy eating ramen and just slurping it up and he's talking about his strategy on World of Warcraft. Something about that combo really just like that guy. That guy's a good looking guy though. Not that guy, I don't like that guy.
Starting point is 01:40:44 So the sounds of eating is something that you really. Chewing and gum. That guy's perfect, Jay. Chewing gum, you know what's a good combo? Is typing on a computer and chewing gum. Oh, it's cooking, nevermind, Jake. So you know what gets me? Is you don't really do this anymore
Starting point is 01:41:03 unless you need special service, whatever. But going to the airport, when you'd be checking a bag, they're typing nonstop. So I'd just keep, I'd be like, oh, I think I had drugs in there. And they'll keep typing. They gotta redo it. They gotta re, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Yeah, so I just keep delaying it because I'm like, oh, you know. Wow, wow. Yeah ASMR Do you go like headphones on that like to really experience surround sound of it? Yeah, I try to but you know what? This is kind of weird But some people on podcasts if they're like the way they're talking sometimes usually nerds for some reason Or if they're smacking their lips a lot that triggers ASMR talking sometimes, usually nerds for some reason. Or if they're smacking their lips a lot, that triggers ASMR for me.
Starting point is 01:41:49 So sometimes I'll listen to a pot just because just the way that talking is like tingles. Wow, we didn't even do, we never even got to like sleep stories and stuff like that. Like the call map and all, you know. Oh yeah. Listening to celebrities read books, or British people. Oh yeah. Oh, I to celebrities read books or British people. Oh, I should have said listening to British people.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Killian Murphy described the coast. Oh, yeah, yeah. ASMR, that's a good one. And so is that your niche though, specifically pasta and eating? You don't go nails or whisper talk. I don't really like nails. Whispering can work.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Sandpaper. Yeah, you know what, think about, sandpaper, the thing about ASMR though is like, it's, when it's intentional, like a video like that, it actually doesn't work as well. When it's unintentional, kinda like that guy Bob Ross painting. Accidental ASMR.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Accidental ASMR works better because when it's this, they're like trying too hard and then you kind of lose it a little bit. It's like take it down a notch buddy. Yeah. That's a great pick. All right, well let's call Aaron and find out. In the meantime, while we're calling Aaron,
Starting point is 01:42:57 I have big news. Obviously Rob, you became friends with us because. I don't know about that. Because, well hold on, because you love us, but also because Montana boys. Yeah, you know, and I know you guys did some shows recently in Montana, is that correct? Yep.
Starting point is 01:43:16 And I was really curious, that's one of the reasons I agreed to leave my family and child during the fires and come down here. I wanted to get an update on the shows in Montana and how that went and if you were able to locate the Montana Boys. Well, it was disappointing on that front because we went to Montana, great town, great falls,
Starting point is 01:43:37 good restaurant, amazing ribs, but no Montana Boys. No Montana Boys, that makes me suspicious that they may not actually be in the state. Because we did meet them though. Power slap in Las Vegas. What? You know that sport where people smack each other in the face? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:56 We went to it. Dorian, what's up? Cooper, what's up? Those are my favorite slappers. Afterwards at the party. Yeah. Mark. Who many say. From Montana boysana boys is like the best one row. Was he the hot one? The last one? Yeah. He rolls up.
Starting point is 01:44:12 And he's like the reveal. It's like, get this ugly guy out of here. Get this ugly guy. There's that guy. And you know me, dude. I don't get starstruck. I was dude. I would be on the floor, dude. I went straight up to him. I was like, Mark, we got to chat and I can say this, he has good manners. Really? 100%, he has good manners. Man.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Look how hot he is. I'll say this, the Montana boys seem like they might be pilots of the water droppers. Like, you know, like they seem, those guys seem like they might in real life be like water dropper guys Yes, if they weren't so busy doing choreographed reveals. Yeah, and they could own the power slap events Yeah, they could have probably had a career. That's such a good call
Starting point is 01:44:54 That was really cool to see him there though. That is really cool Cuz I didn't know he was even into sport and into you know, like kind of culture. So it was sick Yeah, so power slapping is is a sport and part of the culture? Yeah, I would say it's rising fast. It's probably ahead of baseball at this point. Yeah. I gotta push back on that, but I know we're short of time, but I will push back on that.
Starting point is 01:45:19 I'm not sure that power slapping is more important than baseball, but I'll look it up when I get home. Well it is. Okay, I mean if you guys say it is, I believe you, I'm wearing a Seattle Mariners hat. I'm not really a baseball fan, my brother-in-law gave this to me for Christmas and I'm wearing it as a tribute to him. Do you think like Ken Griffey Jr. could take a slap from the big Hawaiian?
Starting point is 01:45:39 No, no, but again, I just feel like baseball has more history and more More popularity in our country than power-slapping, but that's maybe it is up for debate. I don't know I like I said, I'll look it up when I get home Well, yeah, Ken Burns hasn't gotten to slap yet, but you know to you I don't know that Ken Burns is making a movie about power-slapping you will you should I'll look it I'll try to look that up when I get home No one's ever been at their party with their boys few brewskis deep, you know, I'm saying come back like hey, let's turn two now, dude It's like hey, let's let's power slap each other Thank you. I'm holding striders hand after you said that
Starting point is 01:46:18 If we miss our window with Aaron, we got to call my brother. He'll do a good job Oh Shoot who are we calling? Who was that? He's our judge Stay in the pocket guys. This is why we're the best that ever did it. That's right. We can roll with it I'm not worried at all way. I'm losing my freaking bike You know what would have been a good pick some honorable mentions while we try to get into this. Yeah, yeah Sport Center Yes, Center bro all the center. Yes. Sports center. Bro.
Starting point is 01:46:46 All the time. Just sports center. Have you watched the LA version? Do you prefer that one or do you prefer the East coast? I think I'd probably just get the LA version. With my boy SVP. Gotta be from Connecticut. He's in DC.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Okay. Yeah, he's on the East coast. Maybe that's the one I like then. Yeah, but there's like a later one that's in LA. But they'll say that they're in LA, you know. But it's all the same stuff. But yeah, totally relaxing, good call. And you can watch a couple in a row and you're like,
Starting point is 01:47:10 man, I think I saw these Blue Jay highlights before. Yeah, it's on a wheel, it's on a wheel. It's like, ah. We didn't talk about ice baths. Do you guys do cold plunge at all? These guys. I love it. You're a cold plunge guy? I love it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Are you an owner or do you rent? I was an owner. Broke, I just got a big freezer and yeah you can't piss or shit in those just to be clear. You can't? Guys we keep getting wrapped around the axle on this. You cannot loop your piss and shit in a cold plunge. I don't think. Damn. Well that's news to me. Um, but I bless you. Do you do it? Yeah, I have done it before I don't own one my friend Paul shear has one and he swears by it How often does he do it like every day Wow every day how long do you get in there?
Starting point is 01:47:59 You know, I go for like a couple minutes or something, but like I didn't pee No, I don't I try not to pee in cold plunges. Damn. But it's supposed to be great for your body and get rid of inflammation, which is a big thing. Does Paul pee in it? Because he had me do one in his and I peed in his. I don't think Paul pees in his.
Starting point is 01:48:18 I'm sure he wouldn't want you to pee in his. Does he listen to his podcast? He does. He's listening right now. Damn it. You pee in movie theater Does he listen to his podcast? He does, he's listening right now. Damn it. You pee in movie theater seats. I pee everywhere. I wouldn't, I don't think that's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:48:32 When I go to water parks, when I'm up next, I pee on the slide. To lubricate it. And then I go down. Smart. Dude, we can call my brother Hill Judge, sorry Aaron, we love you. Aaron, you're the man.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Oh, by the way, Rob, not to intimidate you, but. I won't be. What the fuck? What the fuck? Is this just to keep your pants up? I'm the sitting champ of the draft. I won the last round. Whoa. Depending how this goes, you could be donning draft. I won the last round. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Depending how this goes, you could be donning this. That came out of nowhere. I've been here for what seems like six hours and I did not see that. I did not see that. That came out of nowhere. When I go to use the ATM at the bank, I only wear this.
Starting point is 01:49:22 You wear that? And some shoes. Wow. I'm surprised that no You wear that and some shoes. Wow. There I'm surprised that no one in porn is wearing that, you know, cause you do see like a lot of guys from the waist down and like you sometimes you're like, why is this guy fucking, why is there this guy like boasting with his belt buckle? You know, like, yeah, but that seems like a thing that someone would have figured out for porn. So true.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Are we going to call your brother? Yeah, call my brother. Or is he gonna walk over here and? No, no. I mean, I'll rewatch Transparent sometimes. I think that's some of the best acting I've ever seen. It's really good. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Yeah, it's a great show. It's so beautiful. It's really pretty. Dude, Chris, thank you for stepping in. Aaron, we took too long to get to him. So it's your first time. You've obviously drafted before. You know what it takes.
Starting point is 01:50:10 So I know you'll make a good judge. So you've seen the picks. Where you landed. Can I say something? No offense to your brother, this is Rob Hubel. I don't know you. I'm sure you're a great person. But this seems like he could be totally biased
Starting point is 01:50:24 in your favor. I mean, he is your brother. Yeah, we do see things pretty similarly, but I will say Rob, I'm a big fan, so I'm excited to see what you did here. Oh, that's really nice. I'm back on board. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:35 Let's see here. Pulling it up. Chris is driving. Should we read this out loud to recap for Yeah, go ahead Chris all right smoking weed surfing drinking beer ASMR videos solid stack right there solid short stack of next one Jacking off weighted blanket cranking some tunes, float tank. Yeah, dog. Watching fave show or moving,
Starting point is 01:51:12 time with your dog, Jacuzzi, comfort food. Mispronounced Jacuzzi, but we'll let it slide. And then real quick time too, it should be known, my brother doesn't know who picked what. We sent it to him blind. Great idea, could have used that info before These are all solid picks. They're all solid Last one gaming reading massage grinding fucking great great stack right there
Starting point is 01:51:39 Spreading the love equally Are you relaxed right now? Okay, it would help. It would help if you're relaxed, but I'm not on edge. I guess I'm a little nervous because I've never judged before. Like that. That's why he's not this is a big fight. He's surrounded by flames. He's a cool customer in crisis. He's a cool customer in crisis. I think, um,
Starting point is 01:52:04 Ooh. It's tough. I think I gotta go with, last I'm going with jacking off weighted blanket, cranking some tunes, float tank. Okay, don't say who it was. Don't say who it was because we still, he's still blind. I just, I've never done a flunk tank, so maybe they're really good and I'm missing out so sorry but weighted blanket just doesn't really feel like like then what do you do you're just
Starting point is 01:52:32 under it and you're just laying there a little maybe it's a good way to unwind but I don't know it sounds boring to me. But the other two are solid. It's just, you know, somebody's gotta get lost. The other two are great ways to unwind. This is the new 9-11. Today is the new 9-11. Oh my God. Are flip tanks stiff?
Starting point is 01:53:01 Like am I missing out? You can maybe predict a crime, like if you're-cog or you can, I don't know. That seems stressful. Next, I'm gonna go with... ...moking weed, surfing, drinking beer ASMR videos. This is kind of, I don't care for ASMR. I understand how it does, do people do like it. It just felt like you kind of doubled up on you know, do you know drinking, smoking. It's just not a lot of variety. I'm gonna find
Starting point is 01:53:41 out where this person lives. I will find out where this person lives and then I don't surf But yeah, it seems relaxing. It's nice to get out into the water But you know people can be aggro in the water too. So oh, this is like talking to my dad Number three Well, that was four and three now you're coming up on number you're sorry yeah, so number two I Personally like both of these But I think I'm gonna go with
Starting point is 01:54:26 Watching fave show or movie time with your dog jacuzzi comfort food at two. Let me see your phone Let me see the emails. This is code. Obviously. Unreal. This ruling compromises the entire drafting leave. He's honest. He's honest. Check this out. Last text
Starting point is 01:54:58 from my brother. We're talking about how much we love Edward Norton. He goes, I like the movie he directed. I go, the Brooklyn one. He goes, yeah, I watched it with Dad. I go, I gotta check check it out or remember the accent and didn't take it serious Then I said, can you can you call the judge a draft? He said for sure. I said no worries. He said ready Look, I'm not saying I'm not saying Chris. Just hang up the phone. You did great. I love you so much I will find you I will find you I do I do want to say And I don't know if this messes things up
Starting point is 01:55:26 I do want to say, and I don't know if this messes things up, but I was pretty sure that was yours, but I happen to agree. No, don't say that. Don't say that. You didn't want to. You said it. It's out there. You said it. It's on the internet.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Chris, you should have already hung up. Chris, jump off. I'll call you later. I owe you big time. You know how much I love you. Why don't we call my brother? Yeah, I love you, man. I love you.
Starting point is 01:55:43 JT knew Aaron's window. No, look, look, look. There's no room to to protest here the judge is the judge. It's over guys Shit, man. Yeah, also your three and four massage in the three hall is huge Is that's number one for me and then and then dancing? Might be the best pick of the draft. What? You guys are brothers. You deserve each other. Came from the same rotten womb. Hahahaha
Starting point is 01:56:12 No offense. Mom likes to dance. She is chatty. Alright sweet. Legendary Chris. Good job. That was infuriating. That was super fair. I think we all agree that was pretty fair. That's not fair. That is not fair. That was fair. So thank you guys for coming today.
Starting point is 01:56:34 That was fun. Can I plug something? Yeah. Me and Paul Scheer are doing a new show where it's called The Dark Web, where we're just going on The Dark Web and we're reporting back. And we're gonna tell everybody what we found on The Dark Web. And we're doing it every week, me and Sheer. And so it's gonna be a lot of fun in January. It's starting in January? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Where can you find it? I don't know yet. I don't know on YouTube. Dude, you're also in Sex Lives of College Girls? That show rips. It's a really funny show. Yeah, your character is great Yeah, oh, thanks. I mean it's weird being a just a dad But sure but those girls are so funny and the writers are all great. It's really funny Dude, our buddy Grady was just on it really. Yeah. He was like a hot guy He's like a hot delivery guy who sleeps one is perfectly cast for it. Yeah, but I really enjoy that show,
Starting point is 01:57:26 it was really fun to watch. Yeah, you guys should be on that show. From your lips to God's ears. Yeah, I think. To Chad's ears. As guys who fuck. Yeah, that's all you gotta tell them, you know, when you go in and audition,
Starting point is 01:57:37 you can just say, we're guys that fuck. I assume you guys all audition as like a trio. I do my slates naked. Yeah, it's a good call. I'm like, here's my full a trio. I do my slates naked. Yeah, it's a good call. Here's my full body shot. You're just totally nude. Like when they asked me if I didn't see hands,
Starting point is 01:57:50 here's hands. Put them down low. And it's kind of like an East Coast liberal arts college, right? Yeah, it's supposed to be in Vermont. Yeah, so I think they probably need a stud linebacker. Yeah, for sure. Five eight two 50.
Starting point is 01:58:03 Yeah, we, they could use someone like that for sure. Yeah. Five eight two fifty. Yeah, we, we, they could use someone like that for sure. Okay. Yeah. Or you're talking about yourself as a linebacker. What, what are you, what were, what was your height and weight again? Five eight two fifty. As a D3 Vermont, liberal arts college linebacker. There you go.
Starting point is 01:58:22 They call me boom boom bam bam bowling ball. I don't doubt that I Don't guys that was a great draft is fair Chris. I love you. Thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me guys I'm a shout out to LA Everybody please you know we've been dicking around a little bit joking around about that stuff But like we're just trying to cope with it. It's all intense and LA needs some love. This was a really good respite from that. This was actually amazing. Super fun to see you guys and just be in the flesh and connect with people, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Yeah, if you're in LA, I hope you guys are doing all right. Yes, stay strong. If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. Your eyes are really nice You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you There's lots to happen, roads beside you Going deep
Starting point is 01:59:21 Going deep I'm going deep I'm fast asleep I'm going deep I'm driving day deep

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