Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 38 - All Things Comedy, Toner, The American Dream

Episode Date: October 3, 2018

In episode 38, Chad and JT emerge in some new digs after joining forces with the good people of All Things Comedy.  They discuss new haircuts and the application of toner, the way the media affects o...ur view of the American dream, new NFL rules, dancing, potential beef or a new relaysh with an uber driver, plus beefs, babes, and legends of the week.  Don't miss it! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep Check out the reddit: www.reddit.com/r/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with uh the going deep with chad jt podcast i said tg chad and jt podcast uh episode 38 with my dog jt what up what up dude boom clap stokers boom clap chad you seem uh extra excited today i am extra excited uh because we're in some new digs right now yes our space has changed we are at the uh all things comedy studio dude it's it's beautiful there's wood there's uh a beautiful tv i just love wood dude i feel like i'm in a boat it looks cool and it protects us a boat recording studio yeah what is ridiculously cool like a sequoia tree are you kidding me 100 feet tall with that wide base yeah get your whole football team together and hold hands around it and then your coach is like
Starting point is 00:01:09 we are one tree with many branches but one tree and at our base when we are together we cannot be broken dude i fucking love wood yeah what's the best and then we got these cool uh framed photos from uh other podcasts here we got bober from our podcasting older brothers the puck off the dollop gentleman's dojo tiger belly tiger belly that's what's up we got some booze behind us if we want to get loosey goosegoosey on the pod. We have a new engineer. What up, dude? What up? What up?
Starting point is 00:01:50 What up? You know how DJ Khaled, before every song, goes, We the best music. Yeah. We could have that. We the best podcast. We the best stoke um dude on the way over here i took an uber because my license is expired and um so i shouldn't be driving because that technically means i don't
Starting point is 00:02:13 have insurance so i've just been ubering but i'm gonna get my license tomorrow i promise stokers i thought you're gonna rectify it today i was gonna do it today but then i had a late night um which is another story that i may not tell and then i'm gonna get into it i'll touch on it okay so i was supposed to get go to the dmv today i didn't i'm gonna go tomorrow but so i've been ubering around in the meantime and uh right when i get so my uber driver pulls up he hits the curb and like five of us just go oh my shoulders kind of shiver then i get into the car and i go to the center seat to pull it down to see if there's a cup holder in there to put my iced tea. And then the guy's just staring at me, pissed.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I'm like, does this not come down? He's like, no, it doesn't come down. And he had so much attitude. I was like, fine. All right. So I climbed into the car kind of awkwardly. I closed the door. And then he starts to pull away.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And I was so mad at him for giving me so much attitude that that i was gonna be like hey so you hit that curb pretty hard but i didn't say that yeah then we get here to all things comedy but we went i accidentally went to their office instead of to their recording studio and so i told the guy i was like hey i'm gonna update the address so i changed the address and it changed to my phone but it didn't change on his and i was like all right it's changed he's like it's not changed and i was like maybe refresh the app he's like there's nothing i can do there's no i don't need to refresh the app all right if it's not changed it's not changed i was like why do you have so much edge in your voice and he's like i don't have edge in my voice i'm just telling you the
Starting point is 00:03:35 truth and i'm like oh yeah it's a hard truth to swallow and then he was like huh and i was like look i can just tell you how to get there and he was like all right and then we pulled in and then when he said goodbye he actually was really nice he's like hey man have a good day and i was like, look, I can just tell you how to get there. And he was like, all right. And then we pulled in, and then when he said goodbye, he actually was really nice. He's like, hey, man, have a good day. And I was like, yeah, you too, man. And I think actually our little pissing match made us closer. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:58 So you guys were at each other's throats, and you bonded. Dude, you guys are going to be boys like 10 years from now. You're going to see each other. You're going gonna be like remember that uber refreshing app debacle and then you'll be like yeah and then you'll be like i'm glad you're my best man that'd be cool what about you how are you doing good i just got a haircut always stressful hopped in the seat with jess i think it went okay i feel i feel good about it you know it's a very stressful moment um i'm always nervous i meditate before and i was like we're just we're gonna get through this together half an inch that's it she's like copy it looks soft yeah how's your noggin oh let's see
Starting point is 00:04:37 yeah still a fucking disaster you got some black you got some black roots coming in the roots are coming in strong the propitia makes it grow back three times as fast does it i think so really yeah man that propitia sounds sweet as long as it doesn't affect your not your knob yeah it is supposed to have side effects on the dong like i've said people said that after they took propitia and made them feel like their penis was a rubber attachment and that's the only side effect um no i think there's other ones but i just haven't experienced anyone i've had side effects from other things but not from propitia yeah yeah that's cool and then um i'm gonna put some toner in it to make it more blonde do you do that yourself yeah
Starting point is 00:05:19 what's toner i have no idea is it just like you just like put it in your hair? I gotta mix it with something else and then put it in my hair Yeah A little concoction? Something, yeah You should have Joe put it in That'd be hilarious, dude What do I do?
Starting point is 00:05:35 No, dude, I'm not touching your head Oh, this goop? Ew I'm not your girlfriend I don't need to rub lotion into your head Okay, blondie. Yeah, nice hair, blondie. Aw, jeez.
Starting point is 00:05:49 No, I don't want to fix your hair. I want to go get a sandwich. I don't think my impression's on point right now. Fuck. It was good. It was good? Yeah. Joe, if you're listening, I respect your maturity.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So you had an eventful night? Yeah. Do you want to dive into it? I went on a date with a nice young lady. It was our second date. We went to a sausage place that she picked out. It was a great pick. Like it had a cool atmosphere, a lot of hip people.
Starting point is 00:06:16 What's it called? Worcesters or something. Worcesters. And then, yeah, she's just a lot of fun to talk to. I would tell her stories of when I was a degenerate, and she would just laugh at them. So it made me feel very accepted. And yeah, you know, the thing I regret, though,
Starting point is 00:06:36 is that I took half a Cialis so that I'd be better at making love. And I just don't think it's a responsible thing to do especially combining it with my bipolar medication why did you get like a hard-on yeah during the date no no oh but uh but yeah she's really cool yeah we're definitely gonna keep hanging out yeah yeah and she's like a good person she like uh places uh kids who are in um orphans. She places orphans in homes. Wow. And also I felt like I could tell her things that were maybe societally out of touch
Starting point is 00:07:15 or not the right opinion to have, and that she would know that I had the proper amount of shame and conflict about it so as not to like add more of that to it dude that's important when you feel like you can really say what's on your mind without without them attacking you yeah or yeah that's major yeah like where they they take it in um they know they know that it took a lot for you to say that to them so they don't judge you even if they disagree with it yeah yeah I love I love uh whenever you're hanging out with a girl and she says something that uh that you want to say and then she like says you know something kind of taboo right and
Starting point is 00:07:56 you're like wow she said that sweet and that opens up a whole new thing right you're like you can just dive in you're like oh we can go to that town yeah like it's like this part of the map on like the video game like opens up when you first walk into there and you're like oh dude i got a whole new section of the map i can play i'm not gonna get judged yeah i can like go into this you know cottage cheese house that's yeah dude so uh nfl season is up and running dude we're three games three games in, coming into week four. It's been a hell of a season. Offensive explosion. Patrick Mahomes looking like some crazy combination of Brett Favre
Starting point is 00:08:33 and another good quarterback. He's got good mobility, and he's got a fucking live wire rock. But, dude, the thing I wanted to talk to you about was um the nfl's roughing the passer rule so they've always protected the quarterback now the rule is you can't use your weight and drive it into the quarterback on a hit like if you use your full weight when you hit them it's a 15 yard penalty and it's not even just on like uh hits where the quarterback's already let go of the ball it's on plays where the quarterback has the ball like clay matthews sacked uh i forget who it was might have been kirk cousins while he had the ball and they still called a penalty for it being too hard of a hit and so all the players like i don't know
Starting point is 00:09:13 what to do like you want me to like lay him down and put a pillow under his head that was like a video that somebody made that was really funny and uh so nfl players and fans and all the announcers like every game the announcers are like i just don't want to talk about this anymore. These rules are stupid, and I got nothing left to say. They're pissed. Everyone's so pissed. Where do you stand? How are you supposed to tackle if you can't use your full weight?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Do you run full speed, then you stop and you push them? It doesn't make any sense. So are people just getting penalties left and right? I saw one guy got injured because of the rule. He tripped up. Who was that? Yeah, I don't know his name, but he was a defensive end, I think, for the Titans or the Cowboys,
Starting point is 00:09:55 and he, on the sack, was trying to move his body so as not to give the full weight, and then boom. His knee collapsed. Shit. It's crazy. Yeah. But yeah but yeah i just think uh you gotta let him hit yeah at this point but then every generation's like oh all the toughness is gone from the game like every generation thinks that that the next generation is a bunch of softies yeah but maybe that's also true like maybe generations do get softer as they go on yeah
Starting point is 00:10:23 maybe maybe we could be the first generation to go harder as we go along my direction is to go softer than my dad i mean it depends what's your criterion for harder well i was just thinking of tackling people are you talking about not letting your emotions out yeah i i guess i could put it simply like my dad in his prime was rocking 300 pull-ups a day. And I want to strive for that. Basically what I was talking about is working out hard. Yeah, I mean, I do a lot of pull-ups. I just don't want a generation that doesn't do pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah. But that's because we do have office jobs. So we have to compensate with like CrossFit. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't even know if guys who worked in factories were that strong yeah probably not just like yeah i'd like to see i'd like to i wish someone from like 1920 could come in
Starting point is 00:11:18 right now and we could just observe check out his like an average dude check out his physique yeah and his mentality and everything. Yeah. That would be interesting. Yeah, I think he'd be pretty regular. Yeah. How's it going, dudes? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You're from 1920s. Yeah, it fucking sucks. World War I was a fucking boondoggle. Boondoggle and a half. My dogs were like, that's how you talk? He's like, yeah, dude. What about all those announcers? Like Babe Ruth and shit?
Starting point is 00:11:49 He's like, nah. Coming to the plate now, batting third for the New York Yankees, you know them, you love them, Babe Ruth. Rounding the bases with the casual panache of a superstar, Babe Ruth. Do you have to announce the game like that? And now batting fourth, the iron horse, the rock that the Yankees have built on, Lou Gehrig. All right, dude, what about this next piece of news
Starting point is 00:12:21 that Drake and Kim Kardashian had an affair? Yeah. Not sure on the length or what happened, but that's the scuttlebutt. Because do you think Kim and Kanye really, you know, like spending time with each other? I wonder about that. Yeah. I think they must have some, like like like yeah like i wonder like what do they talk about when they're like laying in bed together or do they even lay in bed together
Starting point is 00:12:50 man that'd be sad if they don't yeah we're like these like huge celebrity relationships are more just like managing a company together like they have like a board meeting once a week and they go over like what the like the weekly uh agenda is yeah or maybe that's how like the whole kim and uh drake affair room started they like they like met up like all right i'm gonna put some subliminal lyrics in my songs to like imply that we boned right cool and she's like yeah i just want some of the cheese and kanye's like that's cool right like it's all a cabal yeah that's like working to uh just keep our attention it's a conspiracy yeah yeah meanwhile the earth is flat yeah they're keeping us away from the real interesting facts the things that they don't want us to know that is interesting about the earth is flat is like who benefits from making us believe that it's round galileo um nasa all right dude i just see that tyler cowan
Starting point is 00:13:50 article i sent you yeah i didn't get to read it all but i liked what i saw he's basically saying that like even though upward mobility in america is like on a steep decline that because we perpetuate the story of rags to riches so much in our media that people believe in it even more now yeah even though it's much harder to do yeah and he's citing like american idols like a rags to riches program yeah and america's got talent i was thinking i thought he was gonna say something like entourage yeah that one well that fits into that too yeah yeah it's the same thing i was like all you have to do is kick it in Queens, do a Mentos commercial, be hot,
Starting point is 00:14:30 and then have a squad in your set. That's what I thought. That's what I still think. I mean, we have the squad. You're good looking. Oh, thank you. So are you. Thank you. We just need a Mentos commercial.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, I guess in other countries, it's just more realism in their entertainment i don't like realism i like escape yeah the dream is nice the dream is nice well why do i need to be reminded of things that suck i i i can't stand sad movies you know they're like they'll take you down even more i'm like like yeah it's gonna be it's gonna make you so sad i'm like the fuck dude like when i watched american Made with Tom Cruise, and he was just flashing that smile, I was like, dude, I could do anything.
Starting point is 00:15:11 But spoiler alert, what about at the end when he gets killed? I left before that. I left halfway through Below. Any tragic ending, I just bounce. What is it about charisma that you find so, uh... I think the idea of walking into a room and making people feel good makes me happy. I think that's why I like partying, you know? It's like, it's like in college and stuff, when we'd be, like, day drinking,
Starting point is 00:15:40 and I'd, like, walk into a room with my dogs, like, hammered, and we'd just start laughing for no reason it's like the best memories I like to have like a little bit of uh sounds bizarre but like a little bit of like sadness or like regret in my partying especially when I like when I was in I was just in Houston you know my dad's sick the stokers know and he had a major surgery the Whipple procedure and then uh I would be with him during the day and I'd start to be like man I'm getting kind of anxious but you know I was you know overwhelmed by all of it and then uh and but you know felt like so close to my dad and to my family and stuff but then at night I would just like go party like I'd go dance like I'm like I'm sad so i'm gonna dance like i'm like i'm gonna express my like you're gonna work
Starting point is 00:16:29 you're working through it yeah oh so you i like party to like work through my issues yeah and to like get a new perspective on them that's interesting yeah so i'll be like dancing at the club and i'm literally like thinking about like my relationship with my dad i get emotional sometimes my party i remember one time i was on a southwest flight i had a few beers and i just started thinking about my parents divorce and i was just like crying yeah i love that i would i would love to have been there with you. When I dance, I have to, when I first start dancing on the dance floor, I'll just start moving. And then I'm often by myself, you know, and I'm just trying to really connect to what I'm hearing
Starting point is 00:17:16 and let go of everything else. Yeah. And then just whatever emotions I'm feeling, bring that to my dancing. And when I have to remind myself, I go, you're not dancing to get laid. You're not dancing to impress anyone. You are dancing because you love to dance. And I have to remind myself of that. But once I do, my body just gets free.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And I just start moving and whipping. And I'm like, there's just no better place for me to beat out the feelings yeah that's cool it's cool there's the the yuma tent at coachella where it's just like one beat and i was just like i could be here for like all year just the same beat and then a fog machine right that's all you need give me a beat a fog machine and five square feet uh all right chad who is your babe of the week my baby of the week is dj magda dj magda is a polish house dj i saw her when i was 22 and she is just the definition of fierce i went to this club in la and um as i was saying she just plays that music where it's like deep house so it's kind of like the same beat oh it's just doom doom doom doom doom or whatever and um
Starting point is 00:18:40 i just i she just had this aura about her she She's like, this is what I do. I'm controlling these beats. And she's like, I was like, DJ Magda. Yes. She was just like going back and forth slowly, you know, like, like bobbing her head. I was like, that's how you DJ that music. She was just like all about the beat and the board. And she's always pretty hot too. So I was really impressed with that. I was like, DJ Magda, let me go to Poland and hear some more of your beats. Who's your babe? My babe of the week is two lovely ladies.
Starting point is 00:19:18 First is my dad's girlfriend, Kent. She's just a really cool lady. Super fun to talk to. Really open-minded and interested in things. A lot of positive energy coming from her. And she just is so good to my dad. They get along really well. And this whole time that he's been sick, she's been with him the most. And she's like really been a, a good partner. And she's very communicative with my brother and I, and always, uh, can tell she cares not only about my dad, but about my whole family.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And, uh, yeah, I just, uh, I really appreciate all she does and, and the way that she's been a rock for my dad. So you're a babe Kent. And then my mom, cause, uh, you know, my mom and dad are divorced, but my mom has still really been there for my dad while he's been going through this. And my mom is just an absolute beast when it comes to human difficulties. And she has like this very strong loyalty that comes, I think, from her Colombian roots. Like when her mom was sick, my mom spent like three straight months at the hospital with her, like spent the night there every night.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I think she said she left like two times. And she's, you know, always trying to instill that in my brother and I. And I just really appreciate her. I mean, she's like the biggest pain in the butt. Like if you're sitting in a room with her, she'll make you do 15 different things that probably don't need to happen. But she's trying to make things better for everybody. And I think that's a very nice motivation.
Starting point is 00:20:57 So thank you, mom. You're a babe too. And the way they get along with each other is remarkable. Like they really do seem to like each other and care about one another. Your mom and Kent? Yeah. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I mean, it didn't just start there, but they got there. And there's sometimes an underlying tension, but that's natural, you know, considering the circumstances. But they really do appeal to their better angels. And I can tell they really love each other. So, yeah, it's cool. Yeah, I've met both. Your mom's awesome. Yeah, she's amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:33 She's really fun. Yeah, she loves to party. Who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Patrice O'Neal. Yeah, dude. Legendary comic. If you guys don't know him, his stuff out r.i.p um he sadly passed away in 2011 but dude he was just he's one of the top comics of all time i
Starting point is 00:21:54 think because he just was a the epitome of uh being real and just raw on stage he could just talk and it's hilarious yeah he's hilarious he's he'll say stuff that is you know extremely offensive if 99.9 of anyone else said it then people would be like wow you're a piece of shit but when he says it it's like charming yeah it's hilarious and he just pulls it off and i just really admired that confidence they had um and he was just able to be completely honest and had he's smart as a whip too he just uh i love listening to him on the opening anthony show you know i've been on a patrice o'neill bender he's just so funny man yes yeah but also i like his message and a lot of stuff you know which is basically just like you know own who you are and like you know be on your path and just of stuff you know which is basically just like you know own who you are and like you know be on your path and just like um you know find what you want to do in life and do you know
Starting point is 00:22:52 just like i think that's the basic underlying message it's just like work hard towards your purpose or whatever and don't let things detract you from your path i think that's the underlying message in all the shit you know don't let you know don't get don't let uh emotions take you away from what you're meant to do which i think is like the core of like masculine energy or whatever the fuck but so that's why i like him yeah he's a beast i mean i've listened to him obsessively at times yeah i find if i if i listen to him too much i start to like try to act like him and it never works. I had that thought. I was like, if I tried to apply a lot of his teachings to my life, people would be like,
Starting point is 00:23:32 what are you doing? But it's incredible to listen to. I did have that worry, though, when I was listening to him. I was just like, I hope I don't like... Who's your legend? My legend of the week is my brother. Oh, nice. Chris. Two time.
Starting point is 00:23:44 What up, Chris? Legend. legend of the week is my brother oh nice chris two-time what up chris legend uh he was just such a soldier when we were in houston last week he's a great guy i uh have probably told this story before but when we were kids and we used to play monopoly i would always try to steal money from the bank to win and when my brother was on my team, I go, Hey, I stole $500. He'd be like, put it back. I don't want to win that way. He was like five. And I remember being like, why is he so much more moral than me? But it was inspiring. You know, we've been co-managing our fantasy football team together. And that's a, it's a tough thing to do, but he's been making brilliant moves. He's on the cutting edge of what's happening on the waiver wire and uh i just really appreciate his
Starting point is 00:24:25 insight in all things and especially um in the arts he's like an encyclopedia and has great analysis on him all the stuff that's out there and he's just a beast he was so um supportive in houston and i was like kind of like you know zany or anxious at times and he's a great ballast because he's just like he can anything great ballast because he's just like he can anything can happen to him he's just a tank it's just like boom boom boom the shots just bounce off of him and we did uh shrooms on saturday and uh we were out at like a super busy bar in houston called pitch 25 and there was just a million people around. And I was going to meet a pretty girl who was a fan from Instagram. And I was like, oh, man, I'm super nervous to meet her.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Like, I'm going to freak out. I'm on shrooms. And my brother, while on shrooms, he had a stone, just looked at me, and he was like, you'll be fine. I was like, yes, I will be fine. And he was like, yeah, don't worry about it. You got this. And he was so – he didn't seem like he was forcing at all.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I totally believed him. And I was like, dude, thank you. And then when she got there, I was super nervous. I didn't know how to act. Uh, cause I haven't really been in that position before. And my brother and my buddy Trevor, always a legend of the week. He was so much fun in Houston. Uh, just like kind of took over and were just like super fun and conversational and just took the pressure off me. And I was like, man, you guys are just soldiers. And, you know, my brother spent the night at the hospital and was just really caring towards my dad.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And I just really appreciate his good heart in this. So, yeah, Chris, you're a beast and you're my legend of the week. Awesome. Yeah. Who's my legend of the week. Awesome. Yeah. Who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with my water polo coach, Coach D. Oh. What up, Coach?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Fuck. What? Dude, this guy's anti-comradery. Whoa. Anti-comradery. Anti-fun. Came into Coach's one year straight out of college had chip on his shoulder he's like i'm gonna show these kids how to play wopo and i'm like
Starting point is 00:26:32 he went to harvard he's one of those young guys who like you know i feel like as a young guy you start a new thing either you'll be like fun you'll be like yeah i'm loose you know let's let's have fun or else it'll be like no i gotta be a hard ass i gotta prove myself and he was like the hard ass type but not fun at all he's gonna hear this and be like damn you chad it's like he told my parents they're like like they're like like uh thank you coach for coaching the team he's like he's like yeah who's your son they're like chad and he's like chad yeah he uh he uh he. Yeah, he likes to mess around. Wow, he represented you like that to your fam? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And I'm like, thanks, Coach D. Why don't you go back to Harvard and fucking jerk off Mark Zuckerberg? And the thing that pissed me off the most, though, is we were watching a video of a scrimmage, and he walks by the camera, and you just see his legs. And he pauses it, and he goes, look at the calves on that guy. It was him? It was him.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And I was like, dude, no one has better calves than me. Dude, my beef of the week is with my dad's doctor. I haven't had to deal with doctors in serious situations that much. I mean, there was the time when I thought I had damaged my heart and those doctors were actually pretty nice to me. But this guy, I guess he's like the best pancreatic cancer doctor in the world. Well, he certainly fucking acts like a dude. This guy has got an attitude, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I'm like, I'm sorry. Every time I talk to him, like, I'm sorry. Am I keeping you from the golf course? Like, am I affecting your handicap? Yeah. I have some questions. And doctors are very careful. Like they can't say more than they know
Starting point is 00:28:08 because they don't want to overcommit to, you know, what is going to happen. And then, you know, have to let people down. But after my dad's surgery, my dad has like a third of his stomach taken out. It was like a six hour surgery. He's going to be in the hospital for a week afterwards. He comes into the waiting room to address my family
Starting point is 00:28:23 and tell us how it went. And he comes in just looking at his phone and then he stands there and he just starts typing things for no less than two minutes. And then I'm just like, doctor. And then he just keeps typing. And then after another 30 seconds, he goes, he's fine. We're like, Oh, thank God. Oh, we're like, did you have to do that with the messaging like come on and then he just goes back to messaging and then i'm like who are you texting and then after another 10 seconds he puts the phone away and then he shakes all of our hands i almost didn't shake his hand i was literally gonna be like fuck you. I wanted to grab him by the throat and kick his like educated aloof ass. Like I was like, dude, I get it. You're the best. And I'm so happy that you're
Starting point is 00:29:11 the guy doing it. But could you at least act like we're the same species? Like he was like, oh, hello. Whatever I do, you just sit there and worship me because I am a hero. I was like, yeah, yeah, you are. And my whole family was like, come on, that's just how doctors are. And he's the best. And it wasn't that bad. And like, relax, you're just scared. And I was like, yeah, yeah, it's all true.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Don't go on Bumble after an operation. Yeah, he was like bumbling. Yeah, that's messed up i would get so mad i hate waiting for shit like that all right should we do some ads yeah guys stokers you like to bone humans like to bone animals like to bone but when you bone you need to bone. But when you bone, you need to bone right. And you need to bone smooth. That's why when you bone, you should bone with top-of-the-line lubricant. I'm talking Douglas lubricant.
Starting point is 00:30:13 The top-of-the-line, they're the best in the business. They know exactly what they're doing. They have excellent technology, the best scientists on the job, making sure that your experience is smooth and goes to completion there's a lot of new sensations they're coming out with you know there's uh basically a new icy hot product that they're coming out with um that i haven't tested out but i've you know i've read testimonials and it looks fantastic um there's lots of flavors sherbet original strawberry anal and uh guys when you bone bone right with douglas douglas such a legendary product so thrilled to be sponsored by such an esteemed
Starting point is 00:30:56 lubricant guys are you a young hot prospect in baseball and you're looking for a university that can develop your skills well there's one place you have to go. UCI Baseball. Headed up by my friend Daniel Babona, the pitching coach. He was an ace pitcher. He's going to be an ace father, and he's an ace coach. And what he needs is your attendance at his university. Get there. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. One more thing also. Danny and I are in the same fantasy football league, and other members of the league are accusing us of colluding or working together because we did a trade that ended up being favorable for both teams,
Starting point is 00:31:34 and they think I'm doing these advertisements as a way to butter his bread so he'll do more deals with me. Nothing could be further from the truth. I promise you, these ads were started in complete, good, wholesome intentions to just bring attention to a wonderful baseball man, Daniel Babona.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Shout out to Daniel. What up? I love the pod and I want to let you guys know that you have both inspired me to be more positive in daily life. Thank you. Awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Anyways, I've got a question for you. I dated this chick for two to three years, but we were friends before and eventually we became friends again after we broke up. It's been a couple of years since we were together, but apparently her new BF isn't so stoked we still were tight with each other. Overnight, I'm suddenly blocked on all her social media and he made her block my number too. He then verbally threatened me and bravely threatened me again via text after he's seeing
Starting point is 00:32:24 me out. I'm pretty pissed at my ex for not having the spine to stick up for me to her new bf but also now have an enemy in this guy my friends want to beat the shit out of him and i have text from the girl sending me unsolicited pics of her nipple piercing i ignored so i kind of have a double kill shot if he tries anything you're loaded for bear my friend i feel like we all lose though if it comes to that but i also don't want to look like a bitch what would you two boys do in my sitch man i don't know man
Starting point is 00:32:56 well what does he want he wants to get contact with her again yeah i think he feels like he has to do something because this guy threatened him yeah and i think he's a little bit worried that the guy might actually come after him yeah it's he's a little unclear about what his uh overall intentions are with the girl yeah i don't know i don't think the guy's actually going to come fight you. No. I think he's just angry and venting. Yeah. But he might. So prepare for the worst and the best will happen.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Like start taking jujitsu classes. Yeah, I'd say getting karate. Yeah, because it's just good to know how to fight anyways, and it's fun. So, yeah yeah i'd take jujitsu yeah i'd get involved in mma yeah well like what would be the best defense for some dude coming after him i think most people think jujitsu is the strongest base i mean it might be wrestling but it's hard to like get into wrestling like once you're uh know, out of college. Yeah. There's not a lot of like wrestling schools. We get a taser.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I like the class aspect though. So if you get the taser, go to taser classes too, just so you can meet a new group of people. For sure. That'd be a fun class. To the head, to the body.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Sup, Chad and JT. Love the pod. I usually listen to it as I'm on the Stairmaster blasting out my weekly 5x5 sets of heavy squats. Ass to grass. Good man. Recently, an event happened in my life that has thrown me for a loop and almost completely wiped
Starting point is 00:34:36 my stoke meter off the map. My wife recently became pregnant. Congratulations, which we've been planning for some time. However, just this week, we got the news that she had a miscarriage and her baby won't come to full term. Oh, I'm sorry. As this is something that I've never even fathomed could happen in my life,
Starting point is 00:34:49 it has me really questioning myself and my feelings. Obviously, my wife has been very emotional and I've been there to support her 100%, but I'm struggling with how I feel. Thinking that I was going to be a father in a few short months and now knowing that that's not going to happen has me really shook up. I'm so heartbroken that I can't even find the capacity within myself to cry.
Starting point is 00:35:11 After the news was confirmed, I felt numb. Like I couldn't even think it still feels like I'm walking around in a haze, just going through the motions without moving the needle. I know this is a minor setback in what will be a happy life that will one day include children, but this feels like a knee buckling knuckleball that life has thrown at me. Any advice on how to raise my stoke levels would be appreciated.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Honestly, listening to you guys is like therapy, and I appreciate your openness and insight. Please keep me anonymous as I've turned my crew on to the pod and could be easily identified. Of course. of course man I my heart goes out to you I think you're taking the first step which is being honest about how much it it hurt you know
Starting point is 00:35:59 and it took a lot of courage to write that and I think you're doing the honest emotional work that'll get you to the other side. I don't know much beyond the platitudes, you know? I've never been, you know, I guess from what i've learned from all that motivational stuff is just to keep moving and you'll work through it keep loving yeah keep loving hey chad and jt i love the pod i recently started high school and I'm enjoying so far.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I do have one problem, though. I run cross-country and there is one kid that keeps following me and my bros around and won't shut up. We try to ditch him without him knowing we're ditching him and drop hints that he's not welcome, but he still keeps following us. We cannot explore his scheme as long as he is around and it is affecting all of our stoke. I'll trust you know what to do to help me out of this trying time.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Thanks. P.S. Shout out to my brother Chris who's probably listening right now. Man, I relate to you on that one. It's tough when there's a straggler who keeps coming around. Yeah, I mean, it's tough because the dude, he just wants some friends, you know. He wants to hang out. But I totally relate to when there's a dude who just keeps keeps coming and you're just like you're like yeah i get it dude but
Starting point is 00:37:32 this fucking sucks um i don't know should be honest with him but that's like rough i think uh you just let him hang around and then you just talk shit on him a lot. Yeah. You just try not to talk shit on him to outsiders, you know, because you don't want to, like, have everybody thinking he's a turd. But I've known a lot of guys like this, and basically, in the end, you love them because they love you, you know? And then sometimes their personalities get better just through osmosis.
Starting point is 00:38:04 But I would just let him hang around. And then when he's not around, be like, goddamn, that motherfucker just will not leave us alone. He is annoying as fuck. Get it out and then let him come back. I thought you were saying like talk shit to him when he's around. No, I mean, that's going to happen anyways. I would try and keep that to a minimum just because I don't want to see his feelings hurt. But and he'll probably know that you guys talk shit on him a little bit.
Starting point is 00:38:24 People are more perceptive than we think just know that in a couple years you guys will do like a party at his house and he'll be like hey i know i always kind of annoyed you guys but thank you for letting me stay around and you're like you know we did a good thing letting this kid kick it with us yeah you're doing a good thing you're doing a noble thing letting this guy annoy you if someone really wants to hang out with you there's nothing you can do you can torture them they'll keep coming back i bet his mind he's like i know these dudes hate me but i just need to fucking hang out with them he's like i need to hang out with them i'm just giving them no choice and in the end you love them for that loyalty he's
Starting point is 00:38:58 like nice hint dudes i'm fully on board with you and i I hate me too. We had a dude on our football team who was so annoying, and he just ruined so many moments. We were a terrible football team, but we got super pumped up before one game, and everyone was saying badass shit. This linebacker who was one of our best players stepped up, and he's like, I can't wait to get out there and fucking hit somebody. We're going to hit everybody that fucking moves. And then this other guy who was a badass on the team was like,
Starting point is 00:39:27 ah, fuck yeah, come on, we're going to prove to everyone that we're better than they think. And then the annoying guy went to talk. And then the line, the annoying guy went to say something. And then the linebacker went, Joey, don't fucking ruin this. And the whole team just laughed. And we're like, ah, and then I kind of like pulled Joey aside and I was like, Hey man, I'm sorry. So I was just trying to get everybody pumped up. What the fuck? I'm like, it's not like that, man. You know, it wasn't nice of Josh to say that, but you're a good dude. And he was like, he like knocked my hands off
Starting point is 00:39:50 and I was like, God damn it. That's why everybody hates you, motherfucker. I'm trying to be nice to you. It's so funny when dudes like that will come around you. You'll all be like laughing and stuff. You'll be like, oh, that was a hilarious joke. And then they come to sit down and you're just like. The energy just gets zapped out.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's life, dude. What up, my guys? Fuck Puzio. I have a beef right in. Went to the local grocery today and increased prices on eggs. What the fuck? Told my reg cashier Jeff about it and he up-selled me on Mike's Hard Lemons without even being concerned about the yolk price increase.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Jeff should know I'm in keto as fuck. He didn't. However, they were delicious, but there's major guilt. Not psyched about Jeff bamboozling me to suck down a liquid devastation for impeding all my goals. So fuck Jeff and fuck egg inflation. Oh, and fuck Gary the Kneeboarder too. Let's ride some bird scooters soon, my dudes. Double fuck Puzio.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Good for you, brother. Just getting it all all out he just had to get it out he had a lot of anger and thank you for sharing it with this brother just let it out dude my heart dean my dog my heart goes out to you dude my dog my heart goes out to you dude it's a tough world being a keto guy this is a carb-based society agriculture is fucked saltons of stoke nation i was recently turned on to the pod when my roommate and best bro josh put you guys on during a long hungover road trip back from mexico you guys in strider had us cracking up and quickly refilled our stoke tanks after a weekend filled with Mexican debauchery. Just want to say thank you, Legends, for having such a positive outlook on life
Starting point is 00:41:30 and for being bold enough to make changes and inspire. You guys are truly bees. My question is this. I am a manager at a company that shall not be named. One of my best employees and his fiance are pregnant and expecting a baby soon. One of the new employees who recently transferred to my store told me about a rumor that another manager at his old store had boned my boy's fiance Damn.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Damn. I'd let it play out, because it might not be true. Is it confirmed that she boned the dude? So you're saying he's got to confirm it first. Get to the bottom of it. You got to confirm it. Get more intel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Is this a reliable informant that you're using? Or does this guy have his own shady motivations? I mean, I'm not saying that's true, but that's something you need to think about. Because you don't want to just act impulsively here, make a mistake, and blow up a marriage on bad information. You don't want to just come in being a loose-lipped Larry and just start being like,
Starting point is 00:42:36 hey, dude, I know you guys are happy about your first child, but I heard that Frank boned her, so you might want to look into that. And then it turns out it didn't happen at all. Yeah. So don't be reckless with the accusations and all that kind of stuff. Frank boned her. So you might want to look into that. And then it turns out it didn't happen at all. Yeah. You know? So don't be reckless with the accusations and all that kind of stuff. Get to the bottom of it. Okay, so what do you do if they boned, but you're sure it's not the other guy's kid?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Then don't say anything. So if she just cheated, let bygones be bygones. Don't say anything. So if she just cheated, let bygones be bygones. But if she cheated and the kid's not his, that's the kind of lie that is too significant to let slide. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Maybe the guy she supposedly boned, hopefully he's a lot different looking, so it'll maybe be clear. They'll be like, I'm not Chinese. Yeah. What up, Chad and JT? Lately, I've been struggling struggling with the dating apps it seems that every time i match with a babe and we converse for a bit it usually ends up with me being ghosted before i can secure the date what are your guys's tactics on these apps do you have small talk for a little bit and then ask them out how do you ask
Starting point is 00:43:38 them as soon as possible or do you ask them out as soon as possible i need to step my game up i've been on these dating apps on and off for a while and went on only one day any advice you two could give me would be vital jay what up jay dude my advice on this matter would be um keep it concise you know have a little banter up top and then ask her out i'm such a douche right when the message came in and mentioned dating apps like it was like a pavlov's dog reaction and i went over to my phone and clicked on hinge for like two swipes i thought you were looking for examples yeah oh maybe that's what i was doing is research yeah um i don't know man yeah i'm on them right now i uh i guess i do it yeah i do what chad says and i just banter a little bit and then see if they
Starting point is 00:44:25 want to get a tea or something. Um, I don't know, man, I don't think there's any like magic trick to it. Just keep doing it. Try not to get frustrated because everyone on these dating apps, we all just get frustrated after a while. Cause it's, it's low percentage. Just keep going. It's, it's an uphill climb, but you you'll get there and just for the don'ts don't bring up fucking before you've met and yeah there is a lot of like people talking to you and then when you ask them out they disappear it does hurt there's no doubt it hurts you're like do i suck why are all these girls not going out with me? Is it because I suck? Never take it personally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Never take it personally. Because dudes come out from the fucking air conditioning to ask them out. Yeah. They pop out of vents, sewers. Like, hey, you want to go out? And they're just like, it's sort of like a mirror maze where they're just like, just get me out of this dude fest. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:22 They're overwhelmed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What. Yeah. What up, honorable ambassadors of Stoke? We're writing to you in a time of need on behalf of a brother who has succumbed to the non-Stoke side of life. The dark side, if you may. Basically, one of the members of our squad is last touch of who he is.
Starting point is 00:45:35 His Stoke taint used to be flourishing and overflowing. He was a full center with a great outlook on life. Lately, none of the squad wants to hang out with him because he is now super negative and brings all of our Stoke down. life. Lately, none of the squad wants to hang out with him because he's now super negative and brings all of our stoke down. It sucks because he's a good dude and we just can't hang due to his depressing relationship that has been built with broken glass and band-aids. His girl is a nice chick, but when they're together, our buddy starts to think with the wrong head while getting dangerously close to being exposed. I don't quite understand. What we're trying to say is he's, oh, he constantly cheats on her, but then becomes depressed each time saying that he would never do
Starting point is 00:46:04 it again. I know it goes like that. It's so annoying when your friend is like oh i can't believe i cheated on my girlfriend again you're like well you keep doing it dude so i don't know what you and i'm not getting and when my friend was saying this to me i was like hooking up with zero chick so i'd like i was just like i have no sympathy for you dude i'm so much more alone than you and i just have never mistreated anyone at this point so I just I don't know what to tell you yeah I just my virginity makes me feel better than you
Starting point is 00:46:31 we hate to cover for him when we're with other squads of girls or with his girlfriend however it would be against the code to do otherwise but when he isn't together with this girl it's the only thing on his mind and the only thing he can talk about he doesn't shut up about his relationship problems is there any advice you have to get our brother out of this hole thank you chad and jt for supporting the world with your positive energy and supporting the curl with that beautiful bleached flow sorry jt your flow
Starting point is 00:46:55 is not uh hey grown in nate dog and howard i think they can change this guy you think so? yeah maybe not change him but like she'd be like dude you suck now I have a friend who like cheats on his girlfriend sometimes and
Starting point is 00:47:12 I love him but he cheats on his girlfriend once in a while and whenever we're out together if he's like hey I'm gonna go meet up with but he doesn't complain about it all the time
Starting point is 00:47:21 he's much more comfortable with his mistakes which I kind of appreciate but when we're together if he's ever like like what are you up to my god i'm gonna go home he's like hey i'm gonna like go cheat on my girlfriend i'm like don't do that he's like what and i'm like just don't i was like how about this time you just don't yeah and he's a good enough guy where i can say that to him and he won't like uh respond like don't tell me what to fucking because there's people like that you were like you think you're fucking better than me you're gonna tell me what to do and you there's people like that. They were like, you think you're fucking better than me?
Starting point is 00:47:45 You're going to tell me what to do? And you're like, well, I think I'm better than you in this one respect. I don't think I'm better than you like overall. Yeah. Maybe just tell your buddy
Starting point is 00:47:53 at some point that you've had enough. You just don't want to hear about it anymore. And you'd prefer if you stopped cheating. But just tell him, you're like, hey dude,
Starting point is 00:48:00 if you're going to keep bitching about how tough your relationship is and then I got to lie to your girlfriend for you you like i'm just not comfortable with that anymore so how about you just like do your dirt and just keep it to yourself yeah yeah because he's he's this guy's coming on everyone he's coming on his girlfriend he's coming on these girls that he's cheating with and he's coming on you guys by making you guys listen to it and you gotta say guess what buddy no more cum shots on me.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Set the boundaries. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you could just roast this dude too. Right. Oh, you're sad because you cheat on your girlfriend again? You fucking idiot. It's a good roast. Or you could brag about how you don't cheat on your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's good. You're like, oh, dude, I just feel so good about myself because I'm not cheating. Dude, I totally relate to Mario whenever I play that game because like i'm just saving my peach dude yeah i don't fuck anything along the way she had a hard day at work so she came home i just massaged her neck for like 20 minutes and then i cooked her up some bomb bananas foster for dessert we had such a lovely evening just watching killing eve together and then he's gonna be like fuck you dude you're like i'm just happy man i don't know what to tell you. I really love my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:49:06 We're really getting into Westworld right now. So it's beautiful. Just, yeah, just keep talking to this guy about what a good guy you are. Go the opposite way. Yeah. Instead of moaning about what a bad guy he is, you just counter that by being like,
Starting point is 00:49:16 I'm just a great guy. Lead by example. You know what I love most about dudes? When they're faithful. Faithful, positive guys that don't bitch about it to their friends. What up, Stokers, Ricky here. So yeah, I've got an issue.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I feel I'm too vain. All I do is flex in mirrors. Every mirror I have to flex in. I don't know if it's an issue, but people in my life make fun of me about it and they're starting to make me self-conscious. It makes me happy, but is it a bad thing? Should I stop flexing?
Starting point is 00:49:47 No. You worked for it, dude. Yeah. And even if you didn't work for it, that's still being body positive. So either way, whether you're ripped or you're fat, look at yourself in the mirror, enjoy yourself. Dude, all the true mavericks in life,
Starting point is 00:50:01 they were laughed at until they dominated. You keep flexing, dude, and you go on your path, you know? Don't let people influence you. If you want to flex in mirrors, flex in mirrors. Show off that bod. I want to see it. It's like JT getting nude at a party, you know? And I think everyone's vain.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I think it's like the great lie that everyone's like, oh, the selfie generation. It's like everyone's narcissistic. We all like it. We're all self-conscious of it. We're all scared of it. We're all grossed out by it a little bit, we all love it and just because you're on the cutting edge of that don't feel bad keep flexing dog dude i love the idea of you flexing every time you see a mirror i think that's amazing i think because everyone looks in the mirror but they always try
Starting point is 00:50:37 to hide it they do a quick glance but you're just fucking standing in there like arnold schwarzenegger why do we even have mirrors like in certain Yeah. Like when you walk into a tall building and it has a mirror at the bottom. That should be his response. They don't need it. They don't need it there. No one's like, you know, getting ready at that moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's there because we like to see ourselves. It's fun. That's his response. And when you go into a big building, you know, I figure you're going up to one of the offices upstairs for something big and important. You like to look at yourself and see yourself in that suit and you go, wow, I look the part
Starting point is 00:51:05 and I'm going to be the part when I get up there. Yeah. So keep flexing, dude. Keep flexing. What's up, patrons of Stoked Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with a fire movie review with my dog, JT. What up? What up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:51:20 So we got an excellent movie for you guys today. Do you want to announce it? Running Scared. Starring Paul Walker. Gritty Paul, dude. Gritty Paul. New Jersey Paul. On the move, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Roger Ebert says he doesn't act in this movie because he never stands still. I mean, which it wasn't his choice, you know. He's just running. He's running. He's scared. Yeah. I'd be scared, too. A lot of hardcore dudes coming after him.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I have to admit something up top too. I did not watch it. I mean, I've seen it 10 years ago, but I crammed some YouTube clips from it in today of some vital scenes. They were the scenes that I remembered most, so I wasn't surprised they were the scenes on YouTube. So how much of it do you recall?
Starting point is 00:52:04 I think all of it. All right, cool well um man it's uh it's a far cry from uh typical paul yeah he really he really took a chance with this one and you know what i gotta say the accent was uh fire at some points and then non-existent at others but overall i was rooting for paul and then a perfect accident is boring yeah because that's not real it's more fun if they mess up a couple times yeah yeah because he's not really from wherever he's pretending to be from he's keeping us on his toes he was like like what's that boston and he's like nah new jersey new jersey kid and i'm like fucking paul you trickster also the editing there's scenes where like he literally only says like you motherfucker you piece of shit
Starting point is 00:52:51 you asshole you fucking jerk and like that's like all he says for like five minutes because the movie is so chaotic and there's always so much crazy shit going on that that dialogue actually kind of fits what's going on yeah i gotta say i did not like that side of paul i like paul when he's on island and he's tan and he's broing down with tyrese yeah that's what i love but i appreciate this side of him i thought because he's a good time guy so we like to see him having a good time and and in this he was having a bad time the entire time yeah and i was like wow paul has bad times that kind of sucks but uh and it was an interesting movie the way like some the way it was shot oh yeah like the colors it's so like blue and red it's like yeah they really like we're like
Starting point is 00:53:31 we want to make this dark and weird yeah i watched it with uh caroline and i was just like this is a lot darker than i imagined than i remembered yeah well it's one of the darkest movies i've ever seen yeah i mean some of the tangents in the movie if we can get into that i mean maybe we should tell the general plot first you want to do you want to explain the story yeah so um movie opens with paul and his squad of dudes they get in a gunfight with uh these guys and uh they emerge victorious after a few dick shots and um and then they come out from the haze and like man that was intense but thank you for blowing that guy's face off with the shotgun thank you for shooting that guy's dick off and he's like yeah man i got you and then they realized the guys that they killed
Starting point is 00:54:15 were all cops and they're like fuck so the head guy tommy gives paul the guns he's like you get rid of these take care of business and paul's like yeah you got it she he's like yeah i got it tommy that was his accent and uh and so he goes to his house and he goes home to eat dinner he almost bones his wife he starts boning her a little bit and she's like let's eat dinner and he's like all right whatever just you look sexy and then he goes to hide the guns in the basement as he has the guns in the basement his son and his son's friend they see uh him hide the guns and his son's friend i think grabbed the gun because he has an abusive stepfather you go over to the other front that friend's house
Starting point is 00:54:59 olic yeah and uh his abusive stepfather is russian is like smoking crack and things happen they get in some kind of he hits the he hits the kid next thing you know there's gunshots some of the bullets come into the other house and almost hit paul and his family he's like you motherfucker i'm gonna fuck you up i remember this scene yeah and then uh and then he realizes it was olic who shot his stepdad stepdad didn't die he just got shot in the shoulder and he realizes olick took his gun and he's like man i gotta find this kid with this gun i gotta take these bullets out because the cops are gonna identify it and i'm gonna be fucked so that starts the whole him running scared and then basically it's just like a full-on chase he's like
Starting point is 00:55:47 trying to find this kid olick and olick is getting all mischievous adventures meanwhile paul's trying to find him trying to find this gun while the other crew of dudes that paul was with they're like starting to get suspicious they're like why are you acting so weird about this and he's like nothing dude it's fine dude but then olick um somehow because he's still running he ends up in a van because he's hiding um from these dudes and um the van turns out to be owned by a couple like pedophiles these two creepy husband and wife and they basically this tangent was uh they yeah incredibly dark and not related to the general story no they just wanted to make the movie even more fucked up yeah they're like what's
Starting point is 00:56:31 oh you think this is gritty yeah what if the two most evil people in the world were videotaped for a couple minutes yeah so he gets an altercation somehow paul's wife gets involved and she realizes that ola gets there with these molesters and she goes and she saves ola and she shoots those motherfuckers and we have to talk about that scene because she goes into their house and it's so creepy they have like a children's room that's like out at disneyland yeah and she's like oh you're a weird fuck huh and the lady's like please leave yeah and she's like my kids are tired and she actually they actually have two kids in bed yeah but then um vera formiga who just has like incredible instincts right before the
Starting point is 00:57:05 lady closed the door and her goes no photos no photos she's like if you had kids you would have photos of them somewhere one photo she's like and you don't she just keeps going around the house and the molesters are like perfectly cast like they feel very molesty and then creepy and like yeah like stepford why yeah like inhuman yeah. And then she goes into one room and basically finds name tags for all these kids that they killed. Yeah. And she finds Oleg and resuscitates him. And she finds an incinerator.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, that they burn the children. That they burn the... And more things happen. It ends up... We end up in ice rink because the mob employs ice hockey players. This is the other scene we got. Dude, that was so funny. The ice hockey players are like, dude, I just want to play for the NHL. And he's like, no,
Starting point is 00:57:45 you gotta help me with my dirty business. So to torture Paul, what they do is they get all the players out to like, not the players on the hockey team, just like the players in the story to the hockey rink. And then these like henchmen like pin Paul to the ground and then they have like semi-pro hockey
Starting point is 00:58:02 players that work for the mafia who come out fully padded up in a helmet on skates and they hit hockey pucks into Paul's face. Yeah. That's how they torture him. And there's blood everywhere. I'm like, you're gonna mess up Paul's face? Which was hinted out at the beginning of the movie
Starting point is 00:58:15 when he's gonna take his kid to a hockey game and he says, red ice. Yeah, yeah. Red ice, because they hit each other. Yeah. Yeah, that's my only, that was one qualm with the movie. I'd be like, don't fuck up Paul's face.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Like maybe fuck up his kneecaps or something. Like absolutely. Just leave that face alone. They fucked up the face a bit. There's a twist at the end. Spoiler alert Stokers. So there's like one guy left and he's like, he's the only guy left.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Everyone else was killed in the shootout. And then he's like about to kill Paul. And Paul's like, you want to see something? And he rips open his shirt and he's like that's a wire and it's a wire he's like i've been undercover for 12 years my wife doesn't even know makes no sense it makes no sense he's literally he like killed cops at the beginning yeah he killed cops yeah like you're undercover i'm like why don't you just arrest these dudes then? Yeah, I think you got enough evidence, dude. Yeah. Yeah. So, turns out Paul was undercover for 12 years.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And then they make you think that Paul died? I was like, they wouldn't do that. Right. They wouldn't end the movie like that. He was running scared. He's got to emerge victorious. He's Paul. And he did.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah. And at the end, they, happy ending, they adopt Oleg. Yeah. So, yeah, I guess ending, they adopt Oleg. Yeah. So yeah, I guess in summation, if I had to describe this movie, I would describe it as a, just a colossal amount of shit happens. It's just nonstop fucking crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I would say it's nonstop fucking crazy shit. That's my review. Yeah. Nonstop. Nonstop fucking crazy shit. If you want to just see nonstop fucking fucking crazy shit see this fucking movie yeah you want to see some weird fucked up shit with paul running and paul being tough and then creepy figures who get shot and and uh molesters and stuff it's a thriller dude check it out if you want to see all the fucked up shit in the world
Starting point is 01:00:00 and paul walker this is the paul walker movie to see if you want to see paul running scared if you want to see paul in a new light see it yeah that's it i'd give it out of uh paul movies i give it a six out of ten i give it a yeah 6 out of 10 I agree alright alright stokers that will be it for episode 38 of the going deep enchanted dainty podcast thank you guys so much for writing in for being stokers for being amped for just being vulnerable for just like really exploring
Starting point is 01:00:38 the kind of stokers that you are keep writing in chadgoesdeeppodcast at gmail.com check out our patreon for bonus content patreon.com slash chad goes deep check out the reddit reddit.com slash r slash chad goes deep i've checked it out there's a lot of interesting conversations going on and they're making me stoked jt dudes um i just want to say thank you so much to All Things Comedy For Yeah, ATC Yeah, for having us in here This is a beautiful studio
Starting point is 01:01:08 And I can't wait to record more episodes here And then to the Stokers Thank you for caring about it And you guys got us here So we really appreciate it And boom clap, Stokers We the best podcast Jabwow
Starting point is 01:01:23 Boom We the best podcast. Jabwow. Boom. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you There's lots to have The road's beside you
Starting point is 01:01:49 Go free Go free Let's go free I'm going deep Cat and game Deep We'll see you next time.

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