Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 39 - Live Call-Ins, Hard Partying, Parental Pressure to Bone

Episode Date: October 10, 2018

In episode 39, Chad and JT take live calls for the first time!  We dive deep into our hard partying ways and how it affects one another, parental pressure to bone, looking at one's bank account, a st...oke barometer, and some fire legends, beefs, and babes.  Check out this fire episode, squad! Hit the hotline here: 213-259-3504 For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast with my compadre jean thomas what's up dude what up dude boom clap stokers Boom clap The boom The clap The jabow The black tea The espresso machine That was a wrap This is episode
Starting point is 00:00:32 Thirty Nine Nine Nice It's incredible The numbers are so high I can't even Comprehend
Starting point is 00:00:40 I know It's like that number pi Like three One Four And it just keeps going yeah you're like i'll just stop there march 14th at my old uh elementary school we used to have pi that day oh you'd have actual pi yeah we used to have like a pie off they're like how many numbers can
Starting point is 00:00:57 you name i'm like i'm just gonna not participate right hey that's a way to win the game yeah i was like why why would i just volunteer to embarrass myself how about i not play like like chad what's your uh how many numbers you memorize i'm like 3.14 you know like that's it i'm like yeah i feel like you'd be good at that like you'd be good at maybe if it was in a subject that you were more passionate about yeah that's sort of how i worked uh if it was like you know and what was i passionate about philosophy so if it was on like the teachings of plato i'd be stoked on it well that's that's pretty parallel to mathematics to be into philosophy nothing no shame in that i thought you were gonna say like ass well that would look or beef of course but i'm trying to be more mature these days no i
Starting point is 00:01:46 appreciate it yeah we do love philosophy so that it checks out and i do love ass so you know me better than i know myself the philosophy of ass i think you're just saying what i wanted to say yeah well it's easier from here if i was talking about myself i would have said like uh you know structures of government or something. Hey Chad, what'd you memorize? Carmen Electra's stats? Yeah. She's about 5'2", 110.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I met her one time. You did? I was at LAX dropping my friend off at the airport. And this was at a time where you could like, where you could walk through security, even if you didn't have a flight. You know, it's a bygone era because of this thing called 9-11 yeah and then um i was uh in the airport with my buddy greg and my brother and we went into the bathroom and dave navarro was peeing right next to us and we just literally like stood next to him while he peed and then afterwards we're like hey you're dave navarro he was like i am we're like that's awesome and then we followed him outside he's like hey you
Starting point is 00:02:43 might want to meet my girlfriend too. And she was like, you know, it wasn't like Carmen Electra from Baywatch. I mean, she looked beautiful, but she had sunglasses on. Yeah, and like sweats and stuff. She was low-key. And then we were like, who's your girlfriend? He's like, Carmen Electra. And then we were all just like, yes, yes. And she was probably like, thanks, Dave, for like foisting these horny boys on us and we were like
Starting point is 00:03:06 what's up what'd you say to her did you talk to her we were just like it's we're pretty polite actually it's so nice to meet you carmen like you're great you're so wonderful yeah and then we just walked away and we're all like yes i love your episode of cribs yeah i had bleached hair at the time too so did you yeah oh she's like damn that dude's down coral yeah do i remember those days i was too scared to look that badass we we told one of my friends he wasn't allowed to do it like four of us bleached our hair one summer and then he was i'm gonna bleach my hair too and we were all like we decided as a group we're like you're not a bleach your hair guy and he was like no and he
Starting point is 00:03:37 didn't do it was was dave midstream while you were just waiting there for him? I think he was. Just his peace out? Yeah. And from what I've heard, he's a tremendous lover. Oh, yeah? How true do you think it is with a lot of those guys who are like, oh, dude, that guy fucks like a fucking horse or whatever? Right. Probably not the right comparison, but...
Starting point is 00:04:00 Scary. Yeah, I mean, that... Killed Catherine the Great. Yeah. Yeah. And that one dude in that one video. Yeah, I mean, that killed Catherine the Great. Yeah. Yeah. And that one dude in that one video. Yeah. I never,
Starting point is 00:04:08 I could never get into that stuff. Like the Kazaa era of like, yeah. Like, dude, check this video. I'm like, nah.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. Me too. I had a weird friend who like spent the night in my house. One time I went to sleep first. Yeah. And then at like four in the morning, I woke up and like him and another guy were like huddled around the computer. They're like,
Starting point is 00:04:24 watch all this weird shit I downloaded I was like I can't it wasn't for me and we're not we that was
Starting point is 00:04:30 I think one of the last times I invited him over do you think for like guys like Dave Navarro do you think they actually like
Starting point is 00:04:37 are like beasts in the sack or do you think it's something that like stories that get pushed out by their team
Starting point is 00:04:44 I think it's a. By their team. I think it's a combination. I mean, they do probably get a lot of practice in. I think they get a lot of practice in. Repetition is the mother of skill. Yes. I just read a book about like Rolling Stone magazine and Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones was apparently like a great lover.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But a lot of people, a couple of people in the book said he had a really small dong. Oh yeah. But he was a good lover. That's what they say. So that kind of like, I did think for a lot of time, couple people in the book said he had a really small dong oh yeah but he was a good lover that's what they say so that kind of like i did think for a lot of time i was like it's so much pressure if you're like a big star yeah you must feel like people are going to find out about it so it's like you're not just having sex with a person you're having sex with like an entire audience yeah i mean and they're going to judge you on this because a lot of your brand is being good at sex so if you're not good at sex yeah no one's
Starting point is 00:05:23 going to take you seriously anymore and so i feel like that pressure would be crippling. But I do think, on average, I would say rock stars are better lovers than people at most other jobs. Well, do you think they ever get, because it's their brand, they'll be so sexual on stage, like Steven Tyler will be fondling a mic stand or something.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Do you think they ever get tired and they're like, I can't keep up with this sexuality. I just sort of want to just like... Chill. like Steven Tyler will be like fondling a mic stand or something. Do you think they ever get tired and they're like, you know, they're like, I can't keep up with this sexuality. I just sort of want to just like. Chill. You know, yeah, just watch Real Housewives. I hope so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I do think what happens more than they don't have sex is they just have different kinds of sex. You know what I mean? They're going to have sex, but they're going to mix it up. Yeah. Like they're like, oh, you know, I'm actually going to be into like dudes for this next couple of months yeah and then after a while they're like i'm kind of tired of dudes i think i'm gonna go back to girls yeah like some hot chick comes out hey you want to go back to your place i'm into dudes right now yeah hit me up in three months
Starting point is 00:06:16 i'm in my dude face oh it's it's actually it's october i'm in my dude face wait for the crescent moon wait for the winter solstice and then I'll be over dong yeah exactly check with my manager he's got my schedule down for my sexual turns what are his preferences looks like dong right now and
Starting point is 00:06:39 gimp mask I don't want to out the I talked to a sex addict brother. Maybe I'm not allowed to say this, but I'll keep the names and optics of it protected. But I talked to a sex addict brother who tours as a musician and he toured with like a pretty big pop star. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:58 is he faithful to his wife? And he's like, depends on the tour. I was like, that makes me sad because some of his best songs are about her. Then I drove home and I's like depends on the tour i was like that makes me sad because some of his best songs are about her then i drove home and i was like nothing's real depends on the tour yeah i mean if we're in san diego that guy's going to town no shot gaslight district lamp we're going to like you're going to like iowa babe you want to come yeah exactly yeah
Starting point is 00:07:27 we're doing our midwest tour no disrespect to our midwestern fans i'm sure you guys get some love you guys you guys got options i mean that's been true for some nba players i was talking about it yesterday like jr smith there's like a discernible drop in his productivity when he's in like cities where there's partying yeah yeah or like on the weekend his like numbers drop and then on the weekdays his numbers are better do you think he's aware of that uh i don't know i think yeah because it's been like 15 years that he's been in the league so but i don't he probably wasn't aware of it for the first eight or so yeah yeah i always wonder that, you know, like your productivity.
Starting point is 00:08:07 You try to monitor it, but like it's kind of hard subjectively. Yeah. In your mind, you might be like, oh, dude, you're fine. And you're like, but am I? Well, then it's probably easier with sports because there's like. Stats. Empirical. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Measuring. Yeah. Stats. But like in life, you know what i mean if you especially with what we're trying to do activism and um yeah it's like am i being active enough it's hard to gauge yeah yeah have i changed the world have i motivated enough dudes and other people right i don't know it's more of an internal barometer yeah i wish we could get like a survey like how motivational was i today how stoked was i this month yeah like extra stoked all right my numbers are low yeah shit i'm not stoking people yeah i like empiricism in that respect because
Starting point is 00:08:59 then you know for sure but i also hate looking at my bank account yeah i dude i was it's uh it comes down to like balance and what kind of person you are yeah for sure like for me it's like um just having you in my life you know i have a structured person in my life so like it makes it it provides structure you know if i go off the rails you're fucked it's fucked fucked fuck dude yeah it's like when i party too hard one night and you're like dude don't well we should talk about that too yeah that was uh one night you were partying too hard but it was also i just haven't seen you party that hard in a while you know yeah but i party hard too but i feel bad like i was like like uh like harshing your vibe you know what i mean i don't really remember it i do remember a significant
Starting point is 00:09:46 dip there's one point where i was just like jt and you're like i'm scared and i'm like fuck but i was i was kind of browned out so i just like i woke up and i'm like there's a significant dip in my stoke level last night i think i just i see image of your face just like kind of scared i'm like oh fuck dude yeah well i got there when we were at um i got there and you were already at like um level 10 yeah i was like getting into the car and you just like drove past me doing like 160 and i was like that looks pretty fast it's like does anyone want to flag that car down? That guy's hauling ass. And then, and like maybe like two weeks earlier,
Starting point is 00:10:30 you're like, yeah, I don't think I'm going to drive anymore. And then I saw you doing like 160 and I was like, oh fuck. But yeah, it did feel a little hypocritical on my part because it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:38 I mean, you've seen me in that condition way more than vice versa. I haven't really though. Although you can't really tell with you. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. My brother would disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah. Well, I mean, there's times when you told me like when we were in Arizona and I'm like, hey, you want to hit the gym? And you're like, actually, I stay up all night reading this book on Adderall. And I'm like, you haven't slept? You're like, no, I've been in the lobby. And I'm like, but the thing about it was like your mood was so cheerful. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:06 You're just like, kind of smile on your face. Like, I feel great. And I'm just like, like, is this like what? I guess it's not an issue. It's not like you came back with like torn clothes and like all bloodied up. You know what I mean? So it's just like. No, I read a book.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah. Yeah. You read a book. So I'm like, what the. And you're like, I have a problem. I'm like, do you? I can't tell. Well, I didn't have a problem problem at that moment but i saw the problem coming and it caught up to me later yeah when i went into a you know because coming off all that adderall the only thing i could do to uh kind of make myself feel better was look at webcam porn yeah and then
Starting point is 00:11:40 i started off with that just looking at it and then I started spending money on it. And then pretty soon, like, I was in this vicious cycle of, like, just raging on Adderall, you know, and then the next day just spending it basically soothing myself with, like, pretty demoralizing pornography. Yeah. So it's like it took a while, but, you know, no one's impervious to that stuff. Yeah. No one's impervious to that stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You kind of grow suspicious of people who don't go through a phase. That's interesting. Yeah. You know what I mean? Or maybe just they aren't pushing it to the limit. Yeah, maybe it's that too. I had friends who were like, dude, you're just doing this to have a story to tell. Yeah. They thought I was doing it as like
Starting point is 00:12:25 i could that makes sense yeah but i don't i wasn't conscious of that yeah it could be a subconscious thing yeah it felt like my well you do a lot just following my id you do watch a lot of movies i love movies very attached to like dramatic narratives and stuff yeah yeah so it could be like a subconscious desire to have your own dramatic narrative and to be interesting yeah yeah i think for me because i think in my happiest state it's when i'm uh making progress in like some way motivating working out you know uh podcast, all that kind of stuff. Makes me feel good. But then I always reach this point where I just want to do a full release.
Starting point is 00:13:10 You know what I mean? Absolutely. So it's hard because there's times when I'm just like, yeah, I'm not going to do that anymore. And then like three weeks later, I'm just like, but I just want to like let loose. Get all that energy out. I think that's natural.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. No, that makes total sense. Yeah. And i think that's natural yeah no that makes total sense yeah and i think that's healthy yeah it's it's unhealthy the behavior but in the macro sense it's healthy because you need to burn off steam you know what i mean i you can't just be like all productivity yeah but then if it's the next then the next day i'm just like fuck i want to get back to that state of progress yeah so it's a big uh yin and yang well i mean i felt because i got drunk on friday night and like i danced up a fucking storm and um to the point where one of our friends had a facebook status about what a
Starting point is 00:13:58 fucking force nature i am it looked glorious i was stoked on it he's like i just gotta say jt ripped it up and i was like yes i was like thank you for writing that dude um but then the next day like i had like a couple of engagements professional and social and i canceled all of them so i don't know how you know it's tough yeah but you're you're uh drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee again. You know, I was on tea for about a month, I'd say from July to like mid-August. Is that correct? Maybe like mid-July to like early September.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I started dipping into espressos again. And then I began large iced coffees at the bean my favorite local coffee shop um that mom and pop shop dude so quaint and uh yeah now i'm at you know what i had today i had a large iced coffee and a double espresso i gotta tell you seem the same yeah i'm like trying to monitor it you know because there's all this like you know there's like oh you gotta diet this you gotta take this supplement you gotta I'm just like I'm like it's too much you know what I mean yeah the quest is noble but it's hard to find definitive answers yeah you know what I mean and it's it's another one of those things where it's like what are your measuring sticks for how you're doing yeah yeah i'm like how much is that really helping because i fucking love
Starting point is 00:15:25 caffeine right so but then again it's always more comfortable to go back to your default stoke level but i admire your like um ambition to like operate optimally oh thank you that's fucking badass thank you yeah it's uh it's definitely an ongoing desire but the id we're talking about the id you know like your need to party once in a while like yeah like all that productivity is like the super ego i mean i hope i'm understanding this stuff correctly and then the id like needs to be fed once in a while like i've got a monstrous id yeah like my id is a hungry fucker and like i it's hard for me to put uh limits on myself because i'm just like no i can do more i can do more i can do more yeah and then i can't you know
Starting point is 00:16:10 nobody can yeah but the id does need to be fed and if you're just feeding it with coffee i think that's like pretty clean fuel yeah but dude yeah i mean well i i'll use i use caffeine as like a if something cool happens like if we got like when we got on Barstool or something, I was like, I'm going to get a fucking quadruple espresso and drive and listen to Third Eye Blind. You know what I mean? Listen to Foo Fighters. And it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:33 That's killer. I was having so much fun. Even though it's a hybrid, I couldn't fucking haul. Thanks, Dad. But yeah, dude, I just loaded up on caffeine. Thank you, Mr. Kroger.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Thank you, Dr. Kroger. Thank you, Dr. Kroger. Dr. Kroger. The Krogs. So I don't know, man. It's tough to gauge. But then am I not being dangerous enough? Because I've always wanted to be like, you know, I've always wanted to have the effect that Ryan Gosling had in place beyond the pines.
Starting point is 00:17:05 When even Mendes saw him standing next to his dirt bike with his bleach dome. Yeah. No, I understand that too. I've always wanted to be that like, like it was a mantle. I definitely wanted like that. I was like the craziest to my friends.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Like he'll do anything. Yeah. In high school. I totally had that. When I get together, like with the high school crew, I still at the fantasy football draft in park city there was like a atv not the kind that you sit in but like the kind that's got like the canopy on it it's like more like a small car and uh there was like a jump and i was like the guys aren't hitting it
Starting point is 00:17:38 hard enough and so i just jumped in and fucking like hit it pretty good yeah and then i'll you know then i almost crashed and stuff and afterwards i was like you know then i almost crashed and stuff and afterwards i was like why did i do that it's like well you're gonna probably do that okay this isn't a car it was it wasn't a car it was like um one of those like polaris things you know oh cool cool yeah yeah and uh see hit that would be so fun yeah and i was just watching all the dudes hit it and like there was all that testosterone i was like now i'm about to fucking throw down yeah and all you boys who are listening who were there you're welcome yeah whenever i uh whenever i go skiing i feel it with with my dogs i feel that when we're all hitting big kickers
Starting point is 00:18:17 yeah i remember one time there's this huge kicker we were in a squaw and my boy chowder he's like fuck it i'll go first he hits it does like a spread eagle and you can't see a landing so it just disappears behind the hill like we're just like chowder so we're like i guess i go. And so it was sort of like you would hit this giant kicker. And you'd be like, I hope all my dogs aren't just like strewn about on the landing. I might fuck someone up. It's like collective like insanity, but it feels like totally right in the moment.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's like Lord of the Flies stuff. You just adjust to this new reality. And it's totally built on just like competition. Yeah. Can't back out. We were was a that was an epic weekend we were hot it was like 20 of us in college yeah and a cabin in tahoe raging and then skiing i was blacked out skiing and i saw my buddy ryan and i just hit this cat track blacked out hit this cat track just go flying and I just hit this cat track, blacked out, hit this cat track, just go flying and like just lost all control.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And I was just like sliding down the hill, blacked out. It was a yard sale. What's a yard sale? It's where all your skis and poles and like shit gets strewn about because you beef it. Oh, that's a great word for it. Yeah. Phrase.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. So he's like, so Chad, how you doing? I'm like, good, dude. Later. Just hit this cat track and just. Who would you say has better lingo, skiers or surfers?
Starting point is 00:20:04 Skiers. Yeah, it's tough, right? Because, you know know we're more partial to the beach but yeah well i i feel like some surfers push it a little too hard yeah you're like this is too artificial yeah you're like like did yeah like just the different like variations on bro. Yeah. It's like bro, bra, broski, bro chacho. Yeah. Yeah. Or it's like I surf so I have to use these terms all the time. It's killer, dude. Killer, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Oh, it's killer, bro. Yeah. Where you're just like. I used to go to surf camp for a week. Yeah. I came back like I was straight out of rocket power, dude. I would like go to surf camp. Bye, mom and dad.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I come back. I'm like, what up, dude? What up, dad? Oh, yeah. I was super sick, dude. I was just charging on this wave and I was just shredding, dad. And then I fucking spun out, dude, and went back on the beach and just had some dank fucking seven layer dip, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:02 My dad was like, oh, yeah, good for you. All right. blank fucking seven layer dip, dude. My dad was like, oh yeah, good for you. All right. My parents were pretty like chill about like not, like they'd make fun of me, but they were like, wouldn't judge my face as too much.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I didn't want to bring this up about my parents. But when I was in Houston, I went on a couple of dates and like the fifth degree and like level of judgment I got from my parents after the dates, like if I didn't hook up. Yeah. Or if like a girl, like one girl canceled on me and my parents after the dates like if i didn't close hook up yeah or if like a girl like one girl canceled on me my parents like why'd she cancel on you i'm like she said she was busy with work my dad was like yeah my mom was like story your life i was like dude what the fuck and then my brother finally was like can you guys leave him alone like it's not a big deal you've brought it up like five times people cancel yeah my parents
Starting point is 00:21:41 were like oblivious yeah and then after one day i came back the next day but i was like how's your date i was like oh it's pretty good you know i was like she was super like mellow though and she doesn't drink so you know nothing too crazy happened and um then my uncle walked up and my dad just turns and goes jt had a shitty date last night i was like your dad's like mid-surgery post-suit yeah exactly he goes back to sleep he was super nice he's like you know go on dates go on dates go on dates but then like
Starting point is 00:22:06 if it like he has a high bar to clear for them to think it was cool yeah but I guess they're just cool people is that constant throughout your life or is this a new kind of thing
Starting point is 00:22:17 dude definitely yeah definitely constant yeah cause you forget you're like you're like you're like no
Starting point is 00:22:24 dating's not a big deal yeah and then your parents like say a couple comments like that and you're like you're like you're like no dating's not a big deal yeah and then your parents like say a couple comments like that you're like oh this is why i have like some like psychology about all this stuff yeah yeah god bless them though like they were like the fucking chillest people ever but like uh it's just like you know and if i if i i don't think it affected my brother as much either. So it's specific to me for sure. Yeah. You're the oldest. Yeah. That's probably part of it.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah. Yeah. Cause being the fifth one, I think there's so, it was so tough to like, to gauge everyone. My dad, I was like 14.
Starting point is 00:22:59 My dad's like, yeah, Chad's getting laid. And I'm like, I'm not, but thank you dad. My parents used to say the same thing i lied i told him i was yeah having sex when i wasn't yeah because he would bring it
Starting point is 00:23:10 up in front of like 10 people we'd be at dinner with like 10 people oh it's the worst my dad would be like so uh jt are you still a virgin there's like 10 of my dad's friends that he grew up with at the table i'm like no they're like who'd you have sex with i'm like she's from costa rica you remember when i visited there for three days six years ago yeah i had sex dude that's so funny yeah yeah it's sex all these older dudes are like it's good yeah all these dads and moms dude all these dads and moms were like good for you i was like thanks guys yeah i had sex yeah i was just like let's move on yeah did you guys uh what did you guys think about that nba playoff game huh yeah the bucks and they were like tell us more about the sex you had i'm like no no gentleman never tells she's from iceland yeah
Starting point is 00:24:01 yeah i love you yeah she's from uh costa rica yeah she's sweet girl i was like i like makeup stories i'm like yeah we fought a little bit yeah yeah my god we would fight about uh tv shows she liked friends i like seinfeld yeah just i didn't want to paint too rosy with pictures so that it seemed you know yeah it didn't want to paint too rosy with pictures so that it seemed you know, yeah, it didn't seem believable. Yeah What do you think about a Kyrie Irving apologizing for saying the earth is flat we had a similar kind of Controversial stance here. I mean we said the same thing
Starting point is 00:24:40 We said the earth is flat and we a lot of stokers were not happy with our non-scientific perspective yeah uh just makes you reflect the things you say um you know we're just we're all on this big flat blue disc together. No, not flat. What? It's... The issue that people had is that we said it was flat. And they're pretty convinced it's... It's not. Yeah, that it's globular. All right, guys, we've got our first live call in. Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Call from... To accept, press 1. To send a way to turn this up so that it's more wired? Because we're just getting the phone volume right now. Zach, what up, dude? What up, Zach? We're doing well. Can you stand by for like What up, dude? What up, Zach? How you guys doing tonight? We're doing well.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Can you stand by for like five seconds while we work through a technical issue? Of course. Thank you. Thank you, legend. Is the dongle not? Maybe that case is blocking it. What about now? Dude? Yeah. Oh. I'm here. He's coming in. There it is. maybe that case is blocking it what about now dude oh yeah
Starting point is 00:26:07 oh I'm here he's coming in there it is what up what up Zach you sounding good right now yeah you sound good dude
Starting point is 00:26:14 what up guys you sound like a beast what up oh dude that means a lot man hell yeah vice we'll just have to watch
Starting point is 00:26:22 some Monday Night Football boys are in a in the living room right now That's right here we are What up boys Hey guys We are the biggest fans I'm not gonna lie I've been listening since episode 1
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh my gosh You're making us blush dude Appreciate that dog Major appreach that dog major apreece so uh you want me to go right yeah what's the question dog so what is what you guys is like your go-to not even pickup line but just your your conversation starter if you're just gonna go up to a girl in public, you're in show. What up? Dude, I've got a pretty strong one. I walk up, I make
Starting point is 00:27:09 pretty solid eye contact, and then with all the charisma I can muster, I just say, Hi, I'm JT. Damn. How often does that work? Oh, dude, not very often, dude. It only takes one. It only takes one.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It only takes one, you know? Yeah, and I try to make it more about, like, it's like, I just want the opportunity to fail. Oh, there's a few. That's wisdom. I'd say I keep it a little more simple. I just come in with a straight- what up and see how she responds. Yeah, I think anything more dressed up than that is going to come across as rehearsed.
Starting point is 00:27:53 So just more be in the mindset of moving and reacting. Yeah. I like that, though. It sounds beautiful. It is. It's an art beauty and simplicity dude yeah i would say kiss keep it simple stoker all night like the band yeah dude dude all right dudes we gotta jump to our next call thank you so much good talking to you stokers good luck out there later dudes
Starting point is 00:28:27 this one that one's me hey what up dude what up hi oh there we go what what up what's up dude what's your name bro i'm sam i'm super stoked you guys picked up oh man hell yeah dude we're equally stoked you called my dog thank you Thank you for calling in, player. All right. I wrote my question down, so I'm just going to read off so you don't mind. Hell yeah. That's what's up, dude. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I have an issue with my squad right now that I need some consultation on. My squad's pretty tight. There's like eight of us. Recently, a couple of schmoles have been trying to invade. They're twins. One of them is way worse than the other. And they started killing us. One of them even asked one of my bros to throw them a birthday party,
Starting point is 00:29:11 but at my bro's house, which is pretty lame. Yeah, it's a huge ask. If you want our party, just throw the party yourself. Yeah. And so they're really killing our vibes, and they're draining our snow tanks. Kind of like to the level they were when Paul died, which is rough. Damn.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. So me and my boys were wondering how do we resolve this issue and get them to leave our squad. Also, fuck Puzio. Man, it's tough. It's tough because it's tough to just come out right out and say, like, we don't want to kick it anymore. Sort of like in the last couple episodes we
Starting point is 00:29:46 had this issue and it's like you kind of just want to let things fizzle out as they may but then again he did also ask to have a rager at your bro's house so you know he's got bad etiquette yeah so that's that's two dings against you and you could make that clear that that's a major ding yeah dude i think the thing is is like and this might be a uh you know pollyannish perspective on it but um the bros that we tried to like push away stayed and they wanted in so bad that at some point they just improved so i think um you don't really have to do much. I mean, you guys can arrange your own things without their involvement. And then sometimes just because of the way, you know, social circles move, there's going to be space for them to get in and you kind of just got to
Starting point is 00:30:36 let them and, you know, wink at each other about whatever the annoying shit is that they're doing. But I would, uh, you know, be hopeful that down the road, they might actually turn a corner and be some pretty chill dudes. annoying shit is that they're doing but i would uh you know be hopeful that down the road they might actually turn a corner and be some pretty chill dudes i don't know man they got a long way to go before they're chill dudes maybe you just gotta like maybe you gotta make it clear what is feelings what is unchill about them yeah lay, lay it out. It's just like they just don't really have a sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:31:09 They butt into conversation. They invite themselves to stuff. How'd they get involved with your squad? They just sat at our lunch table one day. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Started talking to us. Oh, boner jam. I don't know we've had this issue before never like with like schmoes this bad but usually they just fizzle out but it's our senior year so i kind of want to make it as good as possible so i want to get like i want to optimize for sure for sure have you sent any strong signals so far I want to optimize several bros. For sure. Have you sent any strong signals so far? One time, one of my friends accidentally talked shit
Starting point is 00:31:55 about one of the twins when the other one was there. There was no reaction. Oh, wow. There was no reaction? These guys are resilient. Yeah reaction these guys are resilient yeah these guys have a strong impulse to survive uh
Starting point is 00:32:11 dude what I would do is look like I said there's gonna be some parties where they're just gonna be there and you're gonna be there and you guys aren't at the levers of control and you just gotta co-exist peacefully but um maybe just plan stuff with your core crew and you be the dude who's like, are you the planner of the group?
Starting point is 00:32:33 We share the responsibility. It's beautiful, man. Among a few people. That's awesome. We'll get that cabal together and plan some trips, some parties. And I mean, if you're the one organizing, it's really up to you who's there. So you just don't invite them.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah, and you don't owe them anything. So, you know, I would just keep sending those signals, you know, do your own thing. And yeah, they'll show up at some parties, but you don't owe them anything. So I don't think you're obligated to give them the invite and eventually they'll the message should be strong enough that they'll back off but if they don't at some point i think you're just gonna have to love them
Starting point is 00:33:18 i'm sorry life's a bitter pill like that sometimes is this going on the pod? yeah I think so dude I mean you know we might have to cut some for time but I think this was a vital question and it's definitely
Starting point is 00:33:33 something that people are dealing with and it's hard to know what to do I mean I'm still working through it bro you know we got
Starting point is 00:33:40 I might get a few voicemails that are similar to this because all my boys are calling in with the same question well take solace in one another dude maybe write a song about your guys's senior year together oh dude or make a music video idea yeah nothing brings me more
Starting point is 00:33:53 joy than making a music video yeah so to balance out this negativity that you have to deal with plan some really fun positive stuff that's off the beaten path a little bit yeah music videos and exclude the schmoles. If they see you guys with a music video that they're not involved in, that is a strong message. If you guys do a group dance without them. I like where your head's at.
Starting point is 00:34:18 This is good. Yeah. So yeah, dude, practice your dance moves. You know, craft your song and make a video and then I'd love to see it for sure. All right. Awesome. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Later, dude. Good luck to you, man. Have a good one. Thanks. All right. Dude, my heart goes out to the Schmoles. I used to have a policy. My life policy was I didn't want anyone to feel left out.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I used to just let everybody come to my parties, even people I hated. It's just too sad. It's hard because you're going to be around them all the time, and then you have to like, you don't want to just say, hey, I don't want to hang out, although maybe that is the right thing to do. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:35:03 That's tough. I just picture that fucking schmoles face when he hears that yeah some of these schmoles are like so good at like they're they're the resilience of like a armadillo i respect it all right guys hello what up dude hey it's chad and jt yeah what's up buddy whatT. Yeah. What's up, buddy? What up? What's up? What's up, fellas? It's Johnny Mitch. Hey, what up, dude? How you doing? Happy Monday, fellas. I thought I'd call in for a little advice, a little question for you.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Hell yeah. Yeah. Fire away. I know, you know, I don't mean to get too topical, right? But, you know, in light of everything that's going on with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, But in light of everything that's going on with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, do you think if he is in fact doesn't get the nomination, would one of you guys consider running for Supreme Court justice? I have to say no. I've just jacked off to too much weird stuff to be a Supreme Court justice.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Right, right. Probably too many webcams. Probably a webcam girl would come forward, I think, at some point. Yeah. Not to out your business, you know. Yeah, no one wants a guy who fondled his b-hole. Right. But that could make you a very understanding judge yeah i think so right
Starting point is 00:36:27 yeah i try to be compassionate but i think chad would be an excellent judge yeah i'm just not big on uh but you prefer your outsider role yeah it's just a lot of time spent inside but it'd be cool to make up some laws and shit i think it was the philosopher marcus who said like it's hard to initiate change when you're an actor within the system and that it's better to be like an agitator outside of it right but if you're you know you're the highest highest law of the land like i'm sure you could organize like say okay fridays we're fucking we're reading law on the beach you know like and that's that's mandatory like who's gonna tell you no it's a tremendous amount of power dude it's really tantalizing yeah yeah what uh what about you do you have any aspirations aspirations for sort of um you know political significance no not as much i uh i plan on uh
Starting point is 00:37:29 my backup plan is to uh is to go back to pretty pretty heavy narco trafficking so although i don't want to be uh i don't want to be a politician per se i do want to have a few key uh friends in politics uh to get me out of a jam oh for sure interesting you know what i mean i think that's almost better to have than to actually be the the actor that's in the political arena you know yeah because like you back someone could be like the fuzz is coming in like oh that's my boy danny absolutely thank you for the call hey thanks for taking it guys it was a pleasure being on here it was a real honor oh thank you dude we'll talk to you soon nice talking to you dog okay take it easy guys later brother bye-bye hello hey what up dude this chad chad jt what up what up how we doing bros chilling dude chilling hard how you feeling feeling pretty good uh calling all the way from philadelphia big fan of you guys
Starting point is 00:38:36 what up thank you dude what up brotherly love dude cheesesteak yeah um and i'm a big proponent of bird scooters in Philadelphia. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm thinking it'll be soon. Dude, they're coming. They're wonderful vessels, dude. I look forward to you being on one. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So here's my question. Obviously, you know, I follow you both on Instagram. Chad, it looks like you and Caroline are getting pretty close. Thank you. Is it true that on Labor Day you just met her by happenstance, just walking around, and featured her in your Instagram story, and now you guys are dating?
Starting point is 00:39:13 That is true. That's fantastic. Yeah. Dude, honestly, and it's crazy because honestly, I started the day not stoked on Labor. I was like, celebrating work and it's crazy because honestly, I started the day not stoked on labor. I was like, celebrating work, like what's that? But, you know, those are the times when like the craziest things happen.
Starting point is 00:39:33 When you start off and you're like, this is going to do nothing for me, but I'm going to celebrate anyways because this is a holiday. I'm going to engage in some labor and it's probably going to suck, but we'll see what happens. And then you meet a beautiful lady in the process. So I think that says a lot about trying new things and also about labor itself. You know, work brings it, work brings it sort of rewards.
Starting point is 00:39:58 So, and let me just, let me just add another thing. I think it's the argument against dating applications. You went up to somebody in person you introduce yourself you don't need this tinder crap you know what i mean you need bumble hell yeah dude a good personality and some labor yeah dude these dating apps you know there's so much back and forth there's so many you know you message people they don't you know then they
Starting point is 00:40:20 message you and then they don't there's so much it's just so many debacles going on there and it's just such a waste of time when all you got to do is just step out into the world and say what up. Beautiful. You just got to step out into the world and say what up. I couldn't agree more. Yeah. And dude, for a little bit of color on my dog's relation,
Starting point is 00:40:36 I came out of a health food store today with a bundle of goodies and who do I see in a car with a girl he likes, Chad? And dude, he didn't see me, but I saw him and my dog had about the most pure smile on his face I've ever witnessed. I mean, my dude was in pure bliss, man. And it was a pleasure to see. And I think that attributes also
Starting point is 00:41:01 to stepping out into the world. You know, you run into your dog. Yeah. Getting out there. Yeah, get that succubus of a phone out of your face. You know, we're guilty of it. We were looking at our phones when we had Strider on the pod a couple weeks ago, and, you know, he deserved our full attention,
Starting point is 00:41:19 but it's a seductive piece of equipment. Hey, thanks for having me. Have a great night. You too, man. You as well, dude. Thanks for listening. Later, brother. Bye.
Starting point is 00:41:34 That was a cool dude. I like that guy. Yeah, he's very cool. Colin Stokers, dude. Hello? What up, dude? What up? Oh up oh dude what's up guys how you doing brother good how are you guys doing doing well man yo my name's colin colin brown live out here in san francisco california in the marina you guys know the marina oh hell yeah i'm familiar yeah yeah we party a lot San Francisco, California in the marina. You guys know the marina? Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I'm familiar, yeah. Yeah, we party. A lot of my dogs are in the marina. Nice, dog. Nice. What a... Jabow to that. Jabow to that, my brother. Jabow, baby.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Jabow. What's up, dude? Yo, so hear this, guys. I got this hot little number down in santa fe new mexico i met her i knew my boys you were out there well to be honest with my parents and my brother we went out on the town i got wasted met this little honey her name's noelle now this little honey. Her name's Noel. Now, this little dime, she's an artist out there. Now, this is one hot
Starting point is 00:42:50 piece of ace. Here's the problem, boy. Mary, now, I don't know what to do. You know, the heart wants what the heart wants. Am I right? Yeah. I hear you. But is it your heart or your heart on, dude?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah. You mistake your heart for your dong? That is a fantastic fucking question, my friend. You know, I don't know. Trying to figure that out. It's tough to deduce, my friend. It's a confusing set of feelings for sure. Yeah, what
Starting point is 00:43:21 should I do? And the other distance, I'm in San Francisco fucking California And she's all the way down Santa Fe but you know what That's my home church I'm over there I have to text Max all day What's your guys' level of communication
Starting point is 00:43:38 You know Usually around 2am She texts me and says you up I go you know what's up. And then I send her that dick pic. Yeah, she likes that. Send her the dick pic? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, dude. A raging boner. Type master 3000. I'm on that. Damn, dude. I like your confidence and swag, I got to say. Yeah. Yeah, it's great dude so uh do you um what's her marital situation she's have you actually given you much color on what's going
Starting point is 00:44:13 on with her and the hubby does she have kids or anything so she's got like two kids oh actually maybe four i think it's four so you you know what? She's been around. If a hot dog is going down the hallway, it's going to go down that hallway. It's going to go down good. Did a – so do you think you might really like her? You think you're just trying to – are you – just brass tacks. Are you trying to date her or are you just trying to sleep with her Well it started out with a bone
Starting point is 00:44:48 And now I want to bring it home How old are you Me Shit dog I'm 29 years young I think I'd let this one go Yeah But that Noel
Starting point is 00:45:04 Man That's all I can think about More than noon and night I think I'd let this one go. Yeah? That Noel, man. That's all I can think about. Morning, noon, and night. Morning, home, and time. I don't know. It's hard, JT. Hard as a rock. Hard as a goddamn fucking rocket.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, I'd say sit on your feelings a little bit. You know, don't make any rash decisions yet. You know, see... If I sit on my face, if I sit on your feelings a little bit. You know, don't make any rash decisions yet. You know, see... If I sit on my face, if I sit on my feelings? Have you guys already slept together? Not physically, but cyberly, yes. We cyber a lot. You know, people say cyber is out these days.
Starting point is 00:45:41 No, it's powerful. The snap of the chest, more like the cyber sex all day with my goddamn phone in my hand. How's everything going outside of the dating life? Are you happy otherwise? You know, I've been drinking a lot. Lost my job. Parents don't talk to me. My car's fucking cold.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Other than that, my life is great. lost my job parents don't talk to me my car's fucking cold oh man i love life it's great my dog i would take care of a couple of those things you mentioned and then reassess with the lady because you got all that energy put that energy into into those other things all right i'll reach out to newell see where things are going try to figure it out and then i'll you know you know figure out whether this i'm really gonna bone to go home your use of metaphors is stellar i just gotta say so yeah i just keep on keep on keep on with that for sure all right dude thank you for the call chad jt thank you for the call Chad and JT thank you boys you've gotten my god damn day
Starting point is 00:46:47 what up dude what up dude what up dude is this Chad and JT it is dude what up dog holy fuck boys oh my god it like came up as like Dude, is this Chad and JT? Yeah, it is, dude. What up, dog? Holy fuck, boys. Oh, my God. It, like, came up as, like, somewhere in the middle of California.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And I was like, oh, dude, I'm just probably just going to pick up, you know, just pick up, you know. But holy fuck. What up, dude? Oh, dude, what up, man? I appreciate your enthusiasm, dog. Honestly. Thank you for calling in. You know, I have, you know, just in you know i have you know just you know i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:47:27 from ohio just in the middle of nowhere but but like all right so the problem is is i had i dated a girl for like eight months and then we broke up and then she still had feelings for me like a month later and I was on spring break and I had feelings with her up till spring break but after I like no feeling for whatsoever but she wanted to get back together so I was like I was like no I'm not really gonna go down that path again. So she started dating another guy after spring break, and I started missing her. I started getting those feelings. But then she was like, I don't really like you anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:27 But then I moved on to another girl, but now she's back in my life you know so but like what i had with her was special but you know i don't know if i should you know continue to pursue like other happiness or you know go back to where i was originally happy is she still in a relationship no she broke up ah what happened on a spring break? I'm kind of like a shy guy. I'm not too going out. I'm kind of like the dad of the group. I'm always making sure everyone's in line. No one's getting blacked out, drunk.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I'm always taking care of the boys and everything like that. That's beautiful. But on spring break, I was feeling myself. I met so many different – I went down there with my family. I met so many people from Atlanta and Alabama. I just felt really energized, and I was just super stoked on just meeting all these new people. energized and I was just like super stoked on just meeting like all these like new people and it just was like a great experience I'm like you know just like feeling like myself again you know and everything like that and I felt like like I was kind of like a man you know finally for once you know so I know that feeling hell yeah dude yeah so I mean it was kind of like you know it was kind
Starting point is 00:49:43 of like a rejuvenating experience because like a week before like i didn't make the baseball team like for the second straight year so i was feeling like super bummed out and everything yeah you know because but you know i felt you know like alive you know and stuff like that you know it was it was just a fun experience dude upon first instinct when hearing the story with the lady um it sounded to me like you had a moment of clarity and then this huge moment of growth like you're getting out into the world and you're sort of realizing your true self and then when she had a boyfriend it might have been like a case of like uh you want what you can't have kind of thing so it's like
Starting point is 00:50:26 now she has a boyfriend oh i can't have her those feelings come back up but i wouldn't i would stay true to the feeling you had before because i think what's happening now is that you have this like inner desire to go back to your default when on like spring break you're just getting pulled into the direction of like upward growth so i would follow that as much as you can all right this is this is like like this is just like listening to a podcast live like i listen to you guys every day before school and just like my dad like my dad like knows your guys's names too like i've like told him the pod. I've had all my friends listen to about it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 But this is like, this is so cool to finally be talking to you guys and just help you with life experiences and everything like that. Thank you. That means a lot, man. Thank you, dude. I think Chad's right too, man. I think when you were on spring break, it doesn't sound like it was frivolous. It sounds like you're really tapping into like oodles of potential that you
Starting point is 00:51:28 got. So I think, dude, you need to, you need to follow that. Like, don't go back to like what makes you comfortable, chase what's uncomfortable and what could really excite you. Cause you're young and you've got a chance to define new heights for what your life can be. And you know, go, go for the heights. You know what for what your life can be. And, you know, go, go for the heights. You know what I mean? Don't, don't, don't, don't be afraid that this is the best you can do. I mean, she might be a great girl. I don't know her, but, but you're,
Starting point is 00:51:56 but this is more, this has more to do with you. You know what I mean? Yeah. About who you could become about what you could really discover about yourself. Like you might not be this shy guy for long. I mean, you could be, and that's a beautiful thing. But there's, you know, there's different sides of you. So let's find out what all those sides are before we decide who we're going to be with. Yeah, don't be afraid to make yourself uncomfortable. Dive into that. Take some cold showers, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I'm starting to practice that. I'm taking them, dude. No carbs. I love it, dude. It's hard. Oh, we all fail, brother. We all fail. No one does this stuff perfect.
Starting point is 00:52:32 It's the journey, my dog. The journey. All right. I just want to say thank you guys so much for this. I mean, this could be some life-changing lessons here, some advice. I mean, you guys are basically life-changing lessons here, some advice. I mean, you guys are basically my role models in my everyday life. I mean, being able to talk to you guys over the phone.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I'm not face-to-face, but it feels like you guys are just like, I just look up to you guys, and you guys just mean the world to me. Thank you, man. I appreciate that. Thank you, man. Yeah, and we'll try to do right by you too, dude. And, keep calling back.
Starting point is 00:53:08 All right. Thanks. I'll see you guys. All right. Later, man. Stay stoked. You too.
Starting point is 00:53:18 All right. Now we got a couple of voicemails from people who, uh, just left them before we could go live. Oh, hold on. Let me, uh, call. from people who just left them before we could go live oh hold on let me uh
Starting point is 00:53:31 called turns out i have way more questions than i thought i did um i'm a little curious as to like how to balance the stoke from like the chill vibes mainly because sometimes i find myself being way too stoked in moments that need a little less stoked. I feel like at mom's funeral, not mom's funeral, my mom's alive, but in funerals and stuff, I feel like the stoke shouldn't be so high. I feel like I need to find a better balance with that. Nothing wrong with being stoked at a funeral that's what i think you're celebrating the beauty of life there's a life is meant to be joyous so if you're stoked at a funeral you're cheering people up at the funeral and you're stoked on all sides of life dude yeah because you're stoked on life but you're also stoked on death yeah and they're conjoined you know what i mean and you being stoked in that moment shows that
Starting point is 00:54:29 you understand that yeah and it's like i wouldn't deplete your stoke because you think that an occasion calls for you to lower it go with what your true feelings are. And, you know, be stoked within the expectations of a funeral. You can be happy and you can hug deeply and you can, you know, pump your fists in celebration of the departed, but don't get like, you know, don't pull dong. Like if someone's like, dude, why are you smiling so much? Why are you so stoked? And you're like, I just love life. And then they'll probably be like wow i love life too and we should
Starting point is 00:55:10 celebrate the life of right who just departed what if the dalai lama got all somber because he's like well the occasion calls for that and you're like but you're the dalai lama yeah the dalai lama's like all bummed out in public he's like i, I'm kind of not feeling it today. You're like, well, your job kind of calls for you to be feeling it, dude. Aren't you in cosmic consciousness right now, dude? Boom. Hey, bros. My name's Rich. I'm 42 years old, married, two kids, have a receding hairline, and six months ago I just got a vasectomy.
Starting point is 00:55:42 My stoke level was pretty low. Last night I went over to see my friend Clay and Jenna. They're married and they own a yoga studio in town. They're pretty chill. I got on my bird scooter and realized that my battery was half dead. Then I thought of you guys and said, wait a second. This battery isn't half dead. This battery is half full.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It totally changed my mood. My stoke level skyrocketed to sites it hasn't seen before in months, really since the vasectomy. So I just want to thank you guys for fighting the good fight, for helping me see the world through a different lens that I otherwise normally wouldn't have seen prior to following you guys on Instagram. So keep up the great work and thanks so much for what you've done for my stoke level. I no longer look at the vasectomy as a defining moment in my life. Thanks again. Jablal.
Starting point is 00:56:41 That was awesome. I just think you're a fucking beast dude He sounds like a legend Yeah you're a fucking legend dude Your kids are lucky dude If you're ever in town let's scoot dude And dude always remember dude Vasectomies can be reversed my dog
Starting point is 00:56:55 That's true I think my dad's had his vasectomy He's had like six Whoa He just has it for the sport of it He's like I'm done No I'm not No I'm done. He's like, I'm done. No, I'm not. No, I'm done. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:57:08 No, I'm done. No, I'm not. Dude, the only constant is change, my dog. Yeah. All right, guys, that does it for our questions today. Thank you so much for all you guys who called in and for all you guys who left voicemails. We'll try to get through all of them.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And yeah, we really appreciate it, Stokers. Thank you, dudes. get through all of them and uh yeah we really appreciate it stokers thank you dudes chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is wendy from wendy's the image you see what up wendy wendy you are just a pure symbol of childhood happiness for me whenever i saw you all i could think about were delicious fries and frosties and probably my favorite nuggets on the fast food market wendy i look at your cartoon photo whenever i feel down whenever i want to be reminded of times with my brothers sisters and moms when we would just eat those delicious treats together and just get so amped and um she's just a babe dude the queen of the frosty i love frosties
Starting point is 00:58:13 you know what i think fast food really shaped my personality as a kid and i think it brought so much joy to my life um and so yeah you know i i do discuss healthy eating these days but i love treats when i see a wendy i say jab wow because i love enjoying treats with my family and my dogs and ladies and uh that's what that symbol does for me so guys you know go out and get frosty create some memories dip some fries in the frosty if you're feeling randy i know i do that salty delicious goodness oh fuck i might hit up joe because i know joe's a regular at wendy's so i might i might help joe get wendy's right now and just be i just i love it so much i just do you do you do you have anything of course i mean dude i used
Starting point is 00:59:04 to i mean this was that jack-in-the-box but I used to dunk my sourdough jack into oriot cookies and cream milkshake oh fuck dude I gotta try that milkshake yeah oh hell yeah Wendy that's why you're my babe of the week what is who's your babe my babe of the week is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sick center for the Milwaukee Bucks the Los Angeles Lakers, UCLA under John Wooden. Obviously, I think he's the leading scorer in NBA history. The most difficult shot to defend in NBA history, the sky hook. He was a great player for two decades. Incredible longevity. On top of that, he was hilarious in the movie Airplane. He was difficult for Bruce Lee to fight in the film Game of Death.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I mean, this is a man with a varied career. He writes for Time Magazine occasionally. His articles are succinct, perceptive, and compassionate. The guy's got a brain, dude. I watched him in the documentary The Blacklist, and he talked about growing up in New York and his obsession with Civil War relics that he would find around his house. Everybody else in the documentary was talking about topical stuff and talking about it well. But Kareem went just totally onto his own tangent because his brain is just, it's a curious one.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And it doesn't operate like a lot of people's. And then he's got the physique to go with it. You know, 7'2", 260, long arms, really well designed for basketball. I heard he was an unbelievable volleyball player. He probably could have been the best of all time. And he played a lot after he retired because, once again, the dude's a renaissance man. And I just heard that he's writing on the reboot of Veronica Mars. What can't Kareem do?
Starting point is 01:00:38 He's writing on the reboot? What? That's what some of my buddies told me. Yeah, he's writing on the reboot of Veronica Mars. And they were like, oh, he's probably just a consultant. I'm like, dude, I'll tell you this. I think Kareem's in there every day. I think he's first one in the office.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And just a little anecdote about Kareem. I had one run in with them. I dragged Strider all the way up to LA to see an independent film called Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I did this to Strider a couple of weekends in a row. And then he started to refuse to see movies with me because I would fall asleep during them, and he would be stuck watching a really boring movie.
Starting point is 01:01:08 The worst of this was a Corey Alanis, a Ralph Fiennes-directed Shakespeare movie. That was, like, hella boring, dude. And when I woke up, Strider just put three fingers in my face because it was three weekends in a row. I had ruined his weekend by dragging him to a boring movie that I fell asleep during. He just looked at me and he went, three. But during Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, I was asleep.
Starting point is 01:01:30 But Strider said in the middle of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, he turned back in the theater to see what was going on. And he said everybody was either asleep or looking at their phones except for one person, dude. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who is staring focused at the screen, taking in the art film, dude, with elite Hall of Fame-level focus, dude. Kareem, I respect the hell out of your concentration and your ability to stay, you know, in the moment with a boring film, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:59 That's very impressive. And yeah, man, congrats on a well-lived life. You are my babe of the week. Dude, I had no idea he was such a multi-talented. I mean, I knew him from airplane, but goddamn. Dude, he does it all, dude. Yeah. No limitations on that guy.
Starting point is 01:02:13 All right, dude, who is your legend of the week? Okay, so this was originally going to be my beef of the week. My legend of the week is a guy doing a wheelie on a mountain bike on the road last friday so it was like friday kind of it was like 7 p.m you know i was kind of in a rush i had a place to be um you know i was actually going to meet you guys and so you know i was a little bit antsy i was like i need to get there asap as i do on the road you know i'm just like i just want to fucking get there and i see this guy in front of me cyclists they can be annoying on the road this guy was on the mountain bike you know he's taking his time he's enjoying himself he does a pops a big wheelie
Starting point is 01:02:59 he's pedaling kind of dancing while pedaling, wearing cargo shorts. And my immediate thought was like, this guy's a fucking Barno. I wish I could just love tap him and, you know, get him out of the way. And his life. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what I thought for about 30 seconds. And then I was like, then I like took a look at myself. I did like a 180.
Starting point is 01:03:24 I'm like, why are are you gonna hate on this man for enjoying his bike ride you want to be stiff on there just like pedaling all fast and stuff or do you want like would you rather him be enjoying the road and his bike as much as he can you know so that's why he was my legend of the week because that guy was enjoying every moment of his transportation sesh i was in my car bumming i was like there's traffic i'm in a car this sucks but then i was like why do i have to hit why can't i just be like whoa i'm in a car i'm on the road i'm in california this is sweet this guy took it to a whole new level he's like i'm on a bike i'm doing wheelies i'm having the time of my life just going to wherever I'm going and I just really respected
Starting point is 01:04:09 his ability to just enjoy the moment enjoy what he was doing in that present moment you know and just rock those cargo shorts like nobody's business and just like own it and I was like this guy's a fucking legend so yeah dude on mountain bike you're my legend of the week dude keep doing those wheelies keep riding that bike you know what i have a strong inkling that i'm gonna go out this weekend and buy myself a huffy because of you because that guy was in touch with the road and i'm gonna get some cargo shorts. Nice, dude. Way to level up, dog. Thanks. Who's your legend?
Starting point is 01:04:48 My legend of the week is this guy who makes YouTube videos about movies. A lot of the movies I like called Like Stories of Old. I've probably referenced him on the podcast before. He has a very specific, like, I think Scandinavian accent and he's probably a professor and he does the best breakdowns on movies, like where he really gets to like the philosophical core of what makes them compelling my favorite one's about the movie the gray where liam neeson's fighting against
Starting point is 01:05:09 wolves and he says it's all about victor frankl's like man's search for meaning like uh finding uh like your it's called heroic suffering like that life can take everything from you except how you choose to face what it throws at you and i just think that's like the ultimate philosophy and he just has this really great voice like he was talking about spider-man 3 he's like oh he's like several people said spider-man 3 suffered from an overabundance of villains and a campiness that had since become antiquated since the dark knight but in it i found a beautiful distillation of grandiosity and you're like whoa dude spider-man 3 was awesome and it's just cool to have like a super smart dude like um explaining to you why like some movies that might have been critically dogged are actually pretty chill and um he put so much uh
Starting point is 01:05:57 work into it and it's so well edited and i just think this guy deserves like so many views so uh like stories of old you're my legend of the week and thank you for teaching me a lot about the human condition through my favorite medium of film dude fuck yeah all right dude who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with ways the direction app it's frustrating what up ways what the fuck is up get pwned ways about to happen to you dude ways prepare yourself start stretching dude i you know they run on the guys that they give you the fastest way you know and i don't know if it's true dude sometimes i don't i wait ways if you guys don't know it's a direction it's a navigation guide app and they're like like choose us because we give you the fastest way it's updated the most
Starting point is 01:06:46 yeah we give you the shortcut you know and then every time i take it you know i'm like i'm like why am i driving through like private driveways and like through a field to get to mcdonald's which is like a mile away you know what i mean yeah it's like are you guys really giving me the shortest route are you just trying to make it look obscure so it's like oh damn this guy's taking me on a shortcut right so if the route has like a lot of like different turns and like service streets you're like oh this must be the fastest way it's like don't go on the freeway take that drawbridge over the moat go through a tunnel take a ferry and that's how you'll get to the destination that's two miles away when you're like can i just take like the surface streets and you're like
Starting point is 01:07:30 nah we're ways we know best we have satellites and you're like i'm not buying it dude so yeah when i saw you hang gliding into whole foods i was like dude is that really like yeah the most convenient way to travel yeah it's like a scavenger hunt. Each time they're like, take the hang glider. Now paraglide into Rite Aid. Yeah. Now take this hoverboard and go through. Ask the hobo for the password. The password is dojo.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Take the bus hostage. Take the bus hostage. It's like choose your own adventure stuff. Hop on the motorcycle. There's keys in it grab that boat you don't see water there's wheels on it and you're like this was a fun ride but i'm pretty sure i could have just taken sunset it's really like it's just butt fucks you with like left turns a lot yeah way to way to bring back the realism
Starting point is 01:08:22 badass red turn you know like they'll be like they'll be yeah take a left turn here i'm like but there's no light and traffic is like whizzing by the other way yeah and you're like you're like how is this is this more dangerous than safe and they're like well we have the hang glider available i'm like well fuck dudes like who's behind ways uh so yeah it's a lot of unsafe left turns and then a lot of like they're like they're like yeah go this way it's like you'll think it's like the of unsafe left turns and then a lot of like they're like they're like yeah go this way it's like you'll think it's like the main road and you're like oh i got this but they're like they're like no you're supposed to take the side street right next to the main road now now
Starting point is 01:08:53 you're 20 minutes late that's what happened on my way here i was gonna go on the 405 and so i i see like the direction i'm like oh saying to go on the 405 and they're like no take the side street crystal you fucking knob i'm like what do you call me a knob for ways no like because you don't know directions i'm like well neither do you because you weren't clear so you got to get mad at your apps i'll go the direction i want to go because i have navigational skills at the ass like mcgillen i just deleted ways on my phone i'm on google maps now later dude later who's your beef who's your beef my beef of the week is uh with society from nice not letting people hook up with their cousins i mean i don't even want to do it but i just feel for the other people who might be
Starting point is 01:09:37 genuinely in love with their cousins like we shouldn't judge them just let them love one another and i honestly think the genetic chances of some kind of um mishap are pretty small you know so you know let people love who they love and if that's your cousin well yeah you guys probably have a lot in common and stuff so what up dude i think you just said what's on everyone's mind thank you dude yeah and i made fun of a guy a couple episodes ago who kissed his cousin you know know, it's still funny that he did that, but, you know, dude, I'm not better than you. There is a part of me that does think I'm better than him. It's complicated. It's hard, but.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Well, that dude must have stellar game. But as an idea, I just think we should engage with it more and decide what we really want to do. All right, dude, what's your quote of the week? Ah, shit. Do you want me to go first? Yeah. All right, my quote of the your quote of the week? Ah, shit. Do you want me to go first? Yeah. All right, my quote of the week is from the movie Lock. Some people call it Hamlet in a car.
Starting point is 01:10:30 The entire movie takes place in a car. Tom Hardy's driving it. And it's just him making a series of phone calls and trying to keep his life together as a woman that he had sex with once has his baby. So he leaves behind his giant job and his family for the night to go be there while the child's born because he doesn't want the baby to feel like it doesn't have a dad and he grew up under those circumstances so
Starting point is 01:10:49 it's important to him and um he's just like a really awesome dude who like made a mistake but he's like taking responsibility for it and he's you know juggling a lot because they're about to build this skyscraper that he's in charge of the next day and he has to bail on that because of his uh family obligation and uh while he's driving he's talking to his the next day. And he has to bail on that because of his family obligation. And while he's driving, he's talking to his like number two, Donald, who's had a few beers and Tom Hardy calls him out. He's like, I can hear it when you're drunk. And he's like, all right, I had a couple of beers, but you fucked up worse. And Tom Hardy's like, whatever, whatever, like we're going to take care of this. And so he's trying to give him notes on how to make
Starting point is 01:11:22 sure that the skyscraper gets built right. And he's like, Donald, do you have a pen? And he goes, I got a pencil. And he goes, we'll get to pen. Dude, even in this moment where his whole life is coming down, his wife's pissed at him for having an affair. You know, his sons are going to be super disappointed. He lost his job that he was the best dad in the world. And he's, you know, dealing with having now this, these extra people in his life that he needs to care of he still has like the professionalism would be like use a pen and i just thought that was a really cool detail and it was delivered well by tom hardy and it's a very fire movie and um i've never read hamlet or seen any of the movies but obviously you know it looms large in the canon. So for it to have that comparison,
Starting point is 01:12:05 it probably speaks well to the movie. So what up, Locke? You're a great movie. I watch you all the time and you inspire me. Hell yeah, dude. What's your quote of the week? So my quote of the week
Starting point is 01:12:16 is from Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl. Will Turner, a.k.a. Orlando Bloom, goes, This is either madness or brilliance. And Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, goes, It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide. And that just shows dudes, don't be afraid to be weird. Elon Musk it, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah, embrace your fucking craziness. There's loose and tight cultures, and I heard more innovation comes out of the loose ones. For real? Yeah. Sweet. Yeah. Get a bronze like Johnny Depp in that movie.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I always love watching that movie, honestly, because of his tan. That just made me happy. I'm like, damn, he spent a lot of time in the Caribbean. I'm like, I want to do that. Should I grab a review? Oh, yeah, dude. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Have we already done this one the number one podcast okay this is from um fbc 2010 from july 19th 2018 the number one podcast for shredding bronzing and kicking it with your bros beautiful thank you dude thank you what's up thank you i just saw a review that my friend left i didn't know he left this review but i know the guy who left this review and he like has a couple inside jokes about us oh really yeah it means the world to me that he left it thank you dude chris abaniez i'm gonna shout you out on the next one as a legend And he has a couple inside jokes about us. Oh, really? Yeah, it means the world to me that he left it. Thank you, dude. Chris Abanez. I'm going to shout you out on the next one as a legend.
Starting point is 01:13:51 All right, guys. That'll be it for episode 39 of the Going Deep in China JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for calling in. If you're leaving questions, guys, make sure the new number is... Hold on. guys make sure the new number is hold on new number is 213-259-3504 uh so make sure you call in leave a voicemail say what up um and uh check out the reddit reddit.com slash r slash ChadGoesDeep, and then the Patreon, patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep.
Starting point is 01:14:30 I think so. And all that stuff. All that good stuff. Thank you guys so much. JT, you want to say anything? Thank you, Stuggers. Boom clap. We'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:14:41 All right. Ah. If you need advice We'll see you later. When you need someone to guide you There's always the half of girls beside you Go free Go free Let's go free I'm going deep I'm going deep

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