Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 4 - State of the Union, Bitcoin, Ziplining, and Chodes

Episode Date: February 7, 2018

Chad and JT discuss Trump's State of the Union, Bitcoin, Ziplining, a local legend, a major babe and then dive deep into some epic advice for fans. For more of Chad and JT (videos, photos, merch), vis...it www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stokers welcome to the going deep with chat and jt podcast episode number quattro for jt what up what up dude how you doing i'm doing pretty good yeah yeah i uh i'd say i don't want to talk for you but i think my stoke meter is up to amped right now because i just had a double double meal yeah chad and i went to in and out and um we went pretty hard i got a double double i added the grilled onions after i heard chad was getting them yeah that's a recent uh development for me getting some veggies on the burger yeah and then i got a small strawberry shake because daddy's being bad oh you dog i know now i was uh i was pretty amped that you're sort of like spreading out your your selection get some veggies in there because nutrition's important yeah and i was it's
Starting point is 00:01:00 very important yeah so if you're in and out, get some onions, get that nutrition, feel good. Keep away the scurvy. Yeah. All right, Ty. All right, let's get into some current events. Number one, Justin Timberlake of music fame says that he won't let his kid play football. So he's playing music at the Super Bowl this Sunday. But he's saying that if he had a little kiddo,
Starting point is 00:01:27 he wouldn't let him strap up and play ball. Chad, would you let your unborn son or daughter play football? Well, I mean, as you know, I think it's always important to face danger on a daily basis. You know, the concussion thing concerns me, but I've had a few concussions in my life, and I think I turned out pretty okay. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:53 And I think that's essential for kids to rough it up, get in there and play dirty. Yeah, because they'll get a lot of good experience in that, right? They'll get closer to the other guys on the team. Yeah. They'll understand that they're not fragile, that they can get hit and bounce back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's sort of like a big wave, you know, when you're, when you're out surfing in big waves, like you'll see, you're like at, at first you'll be kind of like, Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And then, you know, then you, uh, then you get worked on like a big wave and you're like, oh, it's not that bad. So I think that's sort of like in terms of like fighting or like getting hit, you just got to get hit. And then you're like, it's not that bad. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Then you can take on all other aspects of life. The fear of it exceeds the pain of it. Yeah. What about you? Would you? I definitely let my kids play football. I only played one year because i was a unathletic but um had i been bigger and faster i definitely would have played and uh i always loved playing in the backyard with my boys yeah i played quarterback i understood how
Starting point is 00:02:55 to modulate tempo how to bring out the best in my different receiver skills yeah and uh you know we only tackled there infrequently but but I learned a lot from it. And I still remember those days with, like, a lot of fucking joy. Dude, I remember when we played that one time, when I was at your family's house for Thanksgiving, you were just like, not only were you a great quarterback, but you were like a beast in the huddle. Like, you're a great huddle guy. You really know how to get people amped. I grew up watching movies where to be a leader meant you had to give great speeches.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. And so I was always looking for opportunities to inspire through a speech. Yeah. Get into the cadence of heroism, you know, like, Today, we do not lose, my friends, because today we look out for each other. Fuck. Dude, that makes me want to play. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That makes me want to bone some football. Yeah. All right, tight. So we're both letting our kids play. So Justin Timberlake, if my boy sees your boy around, your boy better run because my boy's going to smash him. Yeah, dude. Let's tackle.
Starting point is 00:04:10 What did you think about Donald Trump's State of the Union that happened this week? I didn't catch it, to be honest. Actually, I don't know what I was doing, but what did you think? I didn't watch it either. Nice. Yeah. I heard Mel watch it either. Nice. Yeah. I heard Melania wore a fire dress. Oh, well, that's of peak interest for you.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. I mean, I definitely, you know, I checked to see the designer, and I forget who it was, but I was like, nice work, Melania. Something classy. Yeah. I mean, she really knows what she's doing in that department, and, you know, I think even if Donald's speech was bad or whatever, I think just her presence was that people were like,
Starting point is 00:04:51 oh, this is pretty chill, say the union. Right. And then they're like, but the speech was bad. What is it? Oh, it's Melania shining like an angel. And then she's like, hello. She can lift a room. She can.
Starting point is 00:05:04 She has that power. I think there's women like that who just have a certain je ne sais quoi that when they come into a room, everybody goes to their level. Yeah. And it's like you get to spend time where the angels live for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't watch the speech, and I heard a lot of people didn't like it. I heard some congressmen walked out oh for real to that i say all right nice
Starting point is 00:05:30 i was uh there's also a story out there there's a 19 year old kid who's a millionaire and he's telling everybody that if you're not a millionaire on bitcoin it's your fault we all could be millionaires on bitcoin if we just dedicated some of our time to it. What's your position on Bitcoin? Well, it's a pretty fire thing at the moment. But, you know, being sort of the natural rebel that I am, I'd say I'm anti-Bitcoin. Because, you know, everyone's doing it. So I'm like, all right, I'm going to do the opposite, which is not invest.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah, I'd love to be into Bitcoin. Yeah. But I'm just like, I can't care about it. Like, I just don't care. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, what is it? It sounds like a video game. They call it cryptocurrency. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I mean, whenever I'm like, oh, does Pokemon Go have a new name? When I first heard about it, I was like, what the fuck? Everyone I know who's into it is kind of a dork yeah can't make it rain with crypto bullshit yeah i like tactile money like money that has like yeah physical yeah but do you invest um into my body and into my relationships with my dogs and into you know having the best time possible when i go out i invest in all that yeah and i've noticed for sure i think uh your point about how cryptocurrency you can't make it rain is like pretty epic yeah just throwing a bunch of heavy ass coins in the air yeah they're falling down on people like yeah are they material things i don't know i think i think they're not i think i
Starting point is 00:07:12 was but i think in real life they're just like internet numbers crypto the current say. So Chad, do you think you'll end up investing in Bitcoin? No. Do you? No. The world's largest zip line just opened in the United Arab Emirates. It's two miles long. Damn. Have you gone ziplining?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Quite a bit. What's your take on it um i prefer extreme sports where you have a bit more control over what you're doing yeah like that's just a ride like if you're on a dirt bike you're kind of like more in charge of the experience and i think that leads to a higher degree of variance and a little more stoke yeah oh for sure like i remember i was on a cruise in haiti and they had a zip line they're like yeah this big zip line in haiti i'm like nice and it turned out to be like 120 to do it and uh we did it and it was every time i do you know it sounds cool because it's like, oh, you're on a zip line. But then you go on it. It's like super slow. They make you wear a helmet.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You know, there's no danger. You're in like a thing. And, you know, you're going like fast. But not really. Yeah, it doesn't feel as fast as you would want it to feel. No, it's not extreme. Like when you're going fast on a roller coaster or a dirt bike, like you can feel the speed as you move.
Starting point is 00:08:49 For sure. But with a zipline, I've always been kind of like more like, oh, this is kind of like peaceful. Yeah. And then you see the other people do it. You're like, is that like a four-year-old little girl? And like, is that like a mom? And you're like, I thought I was like dangerous, but like.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I saw a mom breastfeeding her baby while she ziplined. So she was like sliding and breastfeeding. The baby was in the harness, so she wasn't freeholding it. You know, they were both secure. But yeah, the baby was. It was suckling on the teat? It was, yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Sucking mama's boob while it was doing, I don't know, 45 miles an hour. So the baby wasn't even phased no the baby was hungry damn so yeah i think that just goes to show that you know they could say it's adrenaline filled but babies are still getting milk right so what else you got um apparently tinder they're under some hot hot heat because um they're charging extra if you're uh over 30 to be on their service damn like it's like 14.99 if you're under 30 and it's 19.99 if you're over 30 damn so some people over 30 are like a little upset because they feel like they're being made to feel like they're out to pasture yeah it's kind of like hey we know you guys don't fuck as much so
Starting point is 00:10:05 here's yeah or it's like i i think it's also like people don't want to fuck you oh that's a good take yeah so since you're not as desired at the party you got to supply a little bit more yeah yeah that's gotta hurt are they gonna back down or are they gonna stick to it i think tinder's uh saying that they're doing it because like younger people have less money yeah so that's why they have to pay less yeah that works out for us but i'm like yeah and i'm also like younger people are hornier though too so maybe they should yeah you get more money out of them yeah i mean they're i think they're think they're on it more because they want to bone more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:47 For sure. I think if you're a woman over 30, you should still just pay $14.99. I think if you're a dude over 30, you should have to pay more. Yeah. That makes sense. Maybe like $100. Because dudes are a little more aggro on those apps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:04 They're going to cause more harm women are i think it's uh you know like women turn down 15 guys for every guys don't turn down women on there yeah you know they just you know like you take what you can get i mean you've watched terry he just like he's like suicide rights yeah yeah he's casting a wide net yeah huge net and you're like what's your age range dude so he's like out up to like 80 why yeah he's an animal yeah because we'll be out like 10 of us and then he'll just be like i'm taking off to like go bed this 68 year old in a leisure world yeah and you're like dude she lives in an assisted living community he's like no she's in one of like the solo complexes oh yeah all right well she's mobile yeah no, she's in one of the solo complexes. Oh, yeah. All right, well, she's mobile.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah. That's healthier. For sure. Good on him for that. Yeah, I mean, I think dudes, they're definitely flooding the app with more lewd pics that people don't want to see. You're talking about the dick pics? The dick pics, yeah. I didn't want to say the word, but yeah, that's what's up.
Starting point is 00:12:03 You're not a dick pic guy, are you? No. Have you ever sent one i've sent yours to a few different oh you have yeah oh nice all right let's get in some questions or should we do uh oh we got our other stuff i'm sorry sorry all right up first we got chad's uh legend of the week yeah all right hold on i gotta pull it up um so my legend of the week we're gonna i'm gonna keep this local once again we're going to big dave from the squad what up big dave um so big dave jt as you know this guy's a legend he's just sort of one of those guys who's always down to entertain the squad um this dude he i remember one year i think it was about five
Starting point is 00:12:46 years ago he chugged six liters of soda for the boys and um i remember one one night he was he he drank 10 beers in 45 minutes and uh he was just roaming around the streets he's like 10 beers in 45 minutes that's how you party and he and he was so like amped that he wasn't even like being mindful of traffic lights. He was just walking in the street and cars were stopping for him. They're like, damn, that dude's partying. Like it's green right now, but I don't give a fuck. Also, last thing is that he has huge dinner plate nipples, but he rocks them proudly, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:23 He just lets them hang loose which i think speaks well on his whole body positivity stuff do you concur i love watching you talk about his nipples because you get this like just this this smile that is so giddy yeah no i mean they're big nips and you know every time i see them i'm like oh what up dinner plates they have like a flick gravity to them where you're like i have to do something to that nipple dude yeah yeah it's like hard not to like give him a titty twister that nipple is public domain yeah huge huge so So shout out to Dave and his nipples. And, dude, entertain the squad. Keep being a legend.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You know, apparently his parents are applying for jobs for him at Best Buy and Pizza Hut. So hopefully he can stay out of that and just keep raging with us. Yeah, good luck, Big Dave. I know you've got a pretty shitty resume so i'm pulling for you that it'll keep you out of any possible jobs i mean he's been fired from like four different jobs where you're like dude how did you get fired from that like he was uh operating the um rental shack at the marriott and data point yeah which is like you sit in a shack all day. They basically tell you you can be stoned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And yeah, he lost a canoe, a pretty expensive sea-bearing canoe. Well, he's still Big Dave, and props to him. Do you want to do Babe of the Week? All right. My babe of the week is I watched the Enron documentary, Smartest Guys in the Room, about that company going belly up because of some bad accounting and a lot of lying. And I was watching it, and there was this one super hot chick
Starting point is 00:15:21 who was commenting. Her name was Bethany McClain. And I was like, man, she's a fire babe they just hired like a super hot babe to be in this documentary but uh i was underestimating her because she turns out to be the one who wrote the book on the enrad collapse and did a lot of the investigative journalism that preceded it and i was like man this chick is so hot and so industrious she is like one of those rare humans that just has everything going on. And I was like, you know, I'd love to date her. I'm sure she's got a lot of suitors
Starting point is 00:15:51 who love the pieces she's doing for Fortune magazine. But I just want you to know, Bethany, I'm a huge fan and I'm glad you took down that behemoth. And if you ever want to date a guy who's not lying to anybody i'm here you're basically saying you're a stand-up dude i think i'm pretty ethical and i don't know if i'm as smart as her or as hot as her but she won't ever have to write a book about the terrible
Starting point is 00:16:20 shit i did yeah in accounting because i don't even do math she'll write a book about how wonderful you are to her yeah i hope that's a work of non-fiction that'd be beautiful about the way i treated my bae for sure i just want to give you props dude don't dude you're here hear me out because dude take this because I'm going to say it to your face. You're able to find these babes who are, like, not only babes, but they're also, like, industrious. Thanks, dude. Yeah. I love a hardworking bitch. I think that's pretty rad if you're a hardworking bitch.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, it really is. And I mean that in the most positive way possible all right quest jones oh wait before we get into questions there's a couple of things i want to address um or just basically one thing so i noticed on some of the posts on the instagram some bros were complaining that we don't post enough photos of us raging and some were making pretty wild accusations saying that they think i'm soft they don't think they said their boys could drink our boys under the table and i just want to say yeah i i guess you could see it that way because there aren't a lot of photos of us raging but i'm going to also make the claim that
Starting point is 00:17:42 that's because it's it's bonding time it's sacred when we rage i'm not going to also make the claim that that's because it's bonding time. It's sacred. When we rage, I'm not going to break my phone out and make videos. That is sacred, sacred time between us. Props to you for bringing that up and questioning how hard I do actually rage, but I just want to say I still go hard. And then on the Russossillo show the guy said that um he thinks that i can only handle a sixer and i could see how he thought that because i said
Starting point is 00:18:11 it on the news but that's because fox news was staring me down the face and they asked me a hard-hitting question and to be honest i kind of choked a little bit i'm like how much do i drink a sixer and then it came to me eventually i'm'm like, oh, no, I drink a 30 rack. So that's how I feel about that. I know it was hard to clear the air on that because it's a pretty serious accusation. Yeah. And also to these dudes who say that they can drink us under the table, if you think I'm going to take your juvenile attempt to goad me into a drinking battle seriously, then you're absolutely right
Starting point is 00:18:46 motherfucker and anytime you want to do it chad and i and our boys will fucking smash you dog yeah and we don't talk about it we don't send messages to rival crews because to be frank there's none left dude yeah so if you want to be next on my hit list If you want to be on the Barber's Club With another notch Then yeah man come out here You can pick the liqueur You can pick the spirit I mean And I'm just trying to talk shit
Starting point is 00:19:15 And I will fuck you up Nice But also at the same time I will fuck you up JT will And bring your own beer bongs fellas Because we got our But also at the same time, I will fuck you up. I will fuck you up. JT will. And bring your own beer bongs, fellas, because we have four hoes, we have two hoes, we have three hoes, and we have one hoes. And we'll go through all hoeses.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And we'll fucking clear them. And then we'll shotgun four locos. And then we'll say, what up? And you better bring your A-game dudes because we're coming in and we're coming in hard and then you won't want to bring cameras because you won't want anybody to see what we do to you exactly when i shove my finger up your ass treating you like a pit bull eric pulver thoughts on Surf's Up? What's Surf's Up? I think he means the cartoon movie with Shia LaBeouf as like a chicken that surfs or a penguin that surfs.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Penguin that surfs. Just on description, I'd say I'm anti because that gives an unrealistic depiction of surfing. Chickens can't surf, so I don't want kids to think that. Though, to be contrarian, I'm a huge fan of the film. I've seen it several times. Oh, you are? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And the movie's good overall. I like the Jeff Bridges old surfer character that's kind of removed himself from competition. That's a familiar trope in competition movies, especially ones steeped around sports that are more spiritual but the story's not really what gets me the most the best scene in the movie is when guys talk about what it's like to get pitted to be in the barrel and they have a lot of pro surfers doing the voices in that scene and it's uh it's really fire it really just makes you want to get pitted um yeah part despite your beautiful description that was touching but uh that movie's bullshit and um animals can't serve so i'm gonna stick to my
Starting point is 00:21:14 position on that good question divisive and he's got a follow-up what are your thoughts on tokyo drift any analogies uh yeah i'd analogize it to hot trash you don't like tokyo drift no i don't they tried to replace paul and look what happened they're like oh we have to bring paul back because drift king is not appealing as a character at all. I could not relate to him. He had no personality. And, you know, it's like, cool, you drift, but let's see you on the quarter mile, dog.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You know? And then they got that one dude in there with some bullshit Southern accent. I'm like, what are you even saying, dude? Like, no disrespect to Southern accents. accents like i think they're fire but it just didn't work for a fast and furious movie for me right thoughts i like tokyo drift i've seen it a couple hundred times i don't think it's as good as fast five or as the first fast and furious but i would put it neck and neck with any of the others of the series i do agree with you that the lead is a little bit wooden and the idea that he turns a muscle car into a drift car at the end is just a stupid screenwriting but i think dk as the villain is pretty phenomenal. Well, yet again,
Starting point is 00:22:45 I think he had a beautiful description there par, but I'm going to have to disagree once again, because even though he killed Han, I think he's a bullshit character. And I think you're right. That dude was wooden as fuck. I can't review movies as well as I'm not. You've got this.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Ebert Rober kind of style of describing movies and props to you for that. But my first impression upon that movie was this is bullshit. Guy said that he killed Han, but you find out after number six that Han was actually killed by a Jason Statham's character. Yeah so um they really pull the tricks out and between movies yeah they crisscross the timeline which can be a real mind fuck but yeah i think it speaks to the elegance of the series that they're able to connect all the threads that way absolutely for sure sure next up we got uh so my favorite movie this is from eric so my last guy was eric so this might be the same guy so my favorite movies are star wars indiana jones and jurassic park a lot of
Starting point is 00:23:55 these movies are about surviving and beating the enemy do you think surf's up and fast and furious would fall under this column i'm sorry can you read that again yeah he said this is from eric so my favorite movies are Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Jurassic Park. A lot of these movies are about surviving and beating the enemy. Do you think Surf's Up and Fast and the Furious would fall under this column? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I think the only difference is in Fast and the Furious is get these dudes in the car. You know? I'm not sure that was his question. Yeah, they are about beating the enemy. I would also say that almost every movie ever made is about beating the enemy if you really dig beneath the surface yeah
Starting point is 00:24:46 overcoming obstacles yeah that's the enemy killiam she's cool and all and we have a good time but now that we've been dating a while she's starting to let herself go how do i fix this or talk to her about it um i think the main thing is leading by example you know i mean it's hard to really talk to someone you know to really lay it out on the table for them because that's just gonna like make her feel really bummed but if you come in just like she'd be like what she'd be like if you come in one day and you're just like glowing or uh you come in like joe rogan or like alex trebek um i don't know if that's a good analogy if you come in like harrison ford or something she's like Harrison Ford or something, she's like, well, what'd you do?
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's like, oh, well, I've been doing fasting. I've been going to the tanning booth. I've been eating protein style in and out. I've been using less SPF in my sunscreen so I can enhance my bronze. I've been rocking these new Oakleys. I've been wearing sleeves not as much. And she'll be like, wow, I kind of want to do that too. And you'll be like, yeah, join me, babe.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And then problem solved. Yeah, I think if you get really ripped and you start an Instagram fitness account where you post daily photos of your progress and stuff. Yeah. The lifestyle of that is going to be influential with her. And she's going to want to be in your photos that are getting all these likes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 As Mahatma Gandhi said, be the change you want in other people. Nice. Damon, what are some good tunes for the gym? What do you work out to? I mix it up, but lately I've been listening to Nickelback, a live performance of their song Save Me, which is one of their more underrated songs, and a Daughtry comes out for it.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Daughtry? Yeah, and his voice really compliments the lead singer of nickelback chad kroger's nice shout out to chad kroger and then i've been listening to a lot of rage against the machine they're great they're so angry and i guess that that probably makes you want to lift more yeah definitely especially when i'm doing power lifts like hitting squats deadlifts sumo deadl, hang cleans It's the kind of music that Gives you the kind of Pissed off energy
Starting point is 00:27:30 You need to get low Ooh this is a great one David Like ass clown, I too am a wizard I've hit a rough patch recently And it's been really getting my stoke down How can I maintain my stoke And keep my boys amped While this is going on patch recently and it's been really getting my stoke down how can i maintain my stoke and keep
Starting point is 00:27:45 my boy my boys amped while this is going on so he's a wizard but it's got his stoke down yeah it sounds like it's becoming a problem interesting and for those of you who don't know wizard is someone who pees themselves after a night of drinking yeah um i think this is just a classic case of self-acceptance dude ass clown is who he is because he rages and he pees so you know what dude piss away my friend piss away and if people get mad at you for it just be like dude i was born this way okay your floodgates might be better than mine but you know what i'm free and so is my pee so um i think that's super important to just accept be smart yeah bring some cleaning supplies bring some change of clothes i like that so i kind of have like a bucket of like so it's like you come to a party and they're
Starting point is 00:28:44 like what's that it's like oh i'm gonna pee so right and it's embarrassing because you have to bring supplies but at the same time take a little embarrassment and show some responsibility yeah it's sort of like when people walk their dog and they have like the poo bags do you piss when you're with women when you spend the night with women do you do you piss and then if you do what do you piss when you're with women? When you spend the night with women, do you piss? And then if you do, what do you do when you wake up? I had a friend who used to pee the bed every night, and he woke up one time at 4 in the morning, and his girlfriend was changing the sheets and cleaning it,
Starting point is 00:29:19 and she wasn't even going to tell him about it in the morning. She was just going to do that for him. That's beautiful. Yeah. That's the kind of, that's marriage material right there. She was a super sweet, smart girl. Yeah. Owen, what is the best advice you've ever given?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Best advice I've ever given. Do you have anything? I have one for you. What's up? When you told me that we should go to the city council and fight for a statue for Paul Walker, and then when you told me we should fight for house party protections in Los Angeles. That was good advice.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I'm trying to think if I've ever given other, like, potent advice. I'm trying to think if I've ever given other, like, potent advice. I remember in school, there was a, when I was in a fraternity, there was a pledge. His name was Aaron, but I named him Lloyd. You know, I'm a huge fan of Entourage, and I'm like, so I'm just going to name you Lloyd. And now his name is him Lloyd. I'm a huge fan of Entourage. I'm like, so I'm just going to name you Lloyd. And now his name is still Lloyd.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That's a remarkable amount of authorship to have in someone else's life. Yeah, I didn't really intend to. Teddy, if a girl sends you nudes, is it not stoked to screenshot it if she doesn't specifically say not to? I think you got to always ask for permission to do something like that. You know?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah, I think he knows that too. When he wrote that question, I think he was anticipating our answer. Yeah. Because even the way he phrased it, he said if she just specifically says not to. Yeah, I think maybe he was looking for permission from us to do to do that well uh permission not granted it's it's not mine to give my friend sorry dude if i was hot and i sent you photos of myself you could be free and clear to do whatever you wanted but i i can't speak on behalf of this generous young lady. Yeah, don't put that at risk because if you maintain that trust,
Starting point is 00:31:29 she'll probably send you more, and that will even add more to your quiver, and you'll be even more stoked after that. The more people know that they can trust you with sensitive material, the more sensitive material might come your way. And by sensitive, I mean hot chicks with nice racks. For sure. This one is from Billy. Hey, dudes, I'm too stoned before work,
Starting point is 00:31:54 and I have to go in, and I'm worried I'm too stoned. I have methods to deal with it. I got eye drops, and I switch shirts, but I'm freaking, and I don't know what to do. I sit at a desk, but I have to mix with people, and I'm not ready for the onslaught. He's not ready for work? He thinks he's too stoned to go into work.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And my friend, as someone who has smoked pot and gone into work, it is a real adrenaline rush. It's much more than ziplining. I mean, this is taking a dirt bike through the sand dunes at full fifth gear blast. No one knows you're as fucked up as you know you are.
Starting point is 00:32:33 There's a bathroom where you can go relax on the toilet. Just sit there and sort through your thoughts. But you're not too stoned. You are not too stoned. You feel it, too stoned, but you're not too stoned. You are not too stoned. You feel it too stoned, but you're not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Enjoy the rush. Turn it into a game. Yeah. Use that fear and just be like, wow, I'm on like a real, it's like I'm on Mr. Toad's wild ride right now,
Starting point is 00:32:59 you know, going into work, dodging, you know, say like saying you can make it like a game saying, what up to your boss when you're super stoned. If you're super stoned, have fun, dude. It's all about mindset.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Shift your mindset to being like, instead of being like, I'm stoned, they're going to know. Be like, I'm stoned. And I don't want them to know. Turn it into a game where to beat the level, you have to make it through that day of work without being discovered. Don't tell anybody you're stoned unless you have someone you really, really trust and they can help you through it a little bit at work, like a confidant who you've seen do drugs.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So you got dirt on each other. Nice. And then just, yeah, keep it together, man. You're good. Jake. Hey, dudes. Guys, I've been bullying a guy super hard at work. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And yesterday he had a meltdown about it. Made me look horrible. My uncle owns the painting company I work at, so I'm not worried about losing my job. But I feel bad. What should I do? You guys should know, though, that this guy is a total chode. Dude, I hate to say it. dude i hate to say it because you know i know how fun it can be to just like stick it to a chode but i think you're gonna have to cool down this dude
Starting point is 00:34:13 he's not handling it the right way and um you know he may be a chode but he's a human being he may be a chode, but he's a human being. He has feelings. So take it easy on him, dude. Give him some space. Just be like, hey, dude, just so you know, I was joking. I didn't mean to bully you. I was just having fun because I'm having some issues with myself.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And it's, yeah. So I think you need to break up from dealing with this guy as much as you can because you guys aren't good for each other yeah so i mean you know whether the guys had showed or whether you're a bully i don't know i'm guessing it's a little bit of both but maybe you just need to let him go his own showed way and you go your own way and show everyone at work that you guys can coexist because that'll show some real kind of um if you can break away from you know it'll show real maturity on your part to like resist the urge to you know clown on a chode um because you know i know that that urge can be huge you know but i think it's you know you gotta think hey we're at work it's obviously hurting this dude even though he is basically the he looks like a dong that is as thick as it is short tall short and you know
Starting point is 00:35:51 it's so easy to clown on someone like that because it's so absurd you know and this is something i was thinking about while reading the question like there are people out in the world that invite conflict from a victim position so easily that you're almost like well dude you can't blame me for calling this guy a chode like he's basically got signs all over him that say call me chode yeah yeah but like we're saying if you can ignore all those call me chode signs and keep it moving. Yeah. And that's good karma too. You know, just like when you're not, when like someone's like, so what have you done in life? I'd be like, well, I laid off a chode in terms of I laid off bullying him because I saw that it was in both of our best interests to just let each other be
Starting point is 00:36:48 i feel like wow there's a chode at work and you didn't clown on him i mean it's you sound like a chode basher dude and props to you for that for taking that position of dominance in your life but you know what's better than a chode basher a chode basher who doesn't bash it's there's more power in letting a chode live than in killing a chode exactly exactly let the chodes be what up dudes oh this is from uh garrett what up dudes hope you guys are raging and consumed by liquid joy i just graduated college from mizzou what up and i'm back at home with my dad it's cool being home and kicking it with all my old friends we're getting after it hard but here's the fucking kicker my dad broke up with his girlfriend and wants to rage with us
Starting point is 00:37:39 he acts like he doesn't but he ends up out with us at least once a week sometimes he's normal but sometimes he gets too hammered and it's such a party foul I want to run away or give him a bunch of painkillers till he passes out just kidding But seriously like I don't want to fight with my dad, but I don't want to keep raging with them So this guy's dad just keeps raging with them, but he's annoying as fuck Yeah, so this this dude just got back from college He's living back in his hometown and there's perks to it because he's running as fuck. Yeah, so this dude just got back from college. He's living back in his hometown, and there's perks to it
Starting point is 00:38:06 because he's running with his old crew, but his dad is going through some tumult and is using his son's party lifestyle as an outlet. Interesting. And he loves his dad, it seems like, but he doesn't want to keep partying with his dad. Yeah. Go ahead. I was just gonna say so your dad wasn't partying with you when he had a girlfriend and look it's not your responsibility to party with your dad you if you want to that's cool but
Starting point is 00:38:38 if you don't want to he should respect that he's an adult and he should let his son rage with who he wants to if you don't want to have those difficult conversations maybe you need to do like a classic movie thing and find your dad a girlfriend oh that's yeah so instead of just like instead of just saying outright to his dad like dude we can't rage anymore just finding a solution so that he'll naturally step away from the rage yeah i like that you know and that can be a fun game for you as well to like find a gf for your pops right that'd be pretty tight you know your dad your dad wants to have fun and i think you know you don't want to try and take that away from him you You know, you want to make sure that he's still having fun.
Starting point is 00:39:26 If you just say outright, like, hey, Dad. What, son? You're raging too hard with me, and I don't want to rage with you anymore. You don't even want to have this beer bong? No. Then imagine how bummed your dad would be. Yeah, when he does the beer bong by himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 When he does all four hoses by himself. Yeah, and then he just sits in his lazy boy, and he's like, all right, what do I do now? He rages solo. Yeah. But if you were like, instead, you're like, hey, Dad, what's up, son? I met the lady who just gave me a haircut. She's single, and she's looking to rage. Why don't you guys go hit Dave and Buster's?
Starting point is 00:40:07 And I know what you're talking about, man. Like I've come home and just seen my dad blasting a Vichy. I one time caught my dad shaving his pubes because he found out I was doing it. Nice. So I know what it's like to have a dad who's kind of cross-pollinating into your lifestyle and body. Your dad listens to Avicii?
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah, he tried for a while. Nice. What was he listening to? Levels? Yeah, I think so. Damn. He listens to more Avicii than I do. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah. Do you ever go to a show with him? No. Does your dad melt face? I think he does, but unlike this kid's dad, I think my dad does it with his own demo. Oh, yeah, he doesn't do it with college kids? Yeah, he doesn't do it with me and my boys. Who does he melt face with?
Starting point is 00:41:03 I think he melts face with his girlfriend Oh nice He melts faces with just friends of his My dad has a good extensive friend group That's pretty solid Yeah it's awesome So I know he's having a good time which makes me happy But I also don't have to worry about him
Starting point is 00:41:19 So he's had a good squad From all time Yeah he's had a really good squad And I've kind of modeled my squad after my dad's squad that's tight the sophistication to bump a vici he's with it last question what's up chad and jt how you living? I am currently working as a statistical analyst at an energy resource company. Cool.
Starting point is 00:41:53 But I want to be a DJ. No one believes in me, but I really do think I'd have a good future in the profession should I pursue it. I think you've got to make a bigger argument than I think I'd have a good future. In the profession, should I pursue it? I think you got to make a bigger argument than I think I'd have a good future. Like, what's your fist pump like? How aware are you of BPMs?
Starting point is 00:42:16 How often do you melt your face? Can you get a crowd amped? Can you, you know, can you rock sleeveless shirts in the club you know think about that before you step into the dj ring because you know you could be this electrical statisticing could be your calling but uh dude if you think you got what it takes to be a fire DJ, you get one life. And don't waste it doing something you don't love. And I know where you're coming from with the DJ shit, man. It is magical to be able to get a whole crowd moving to your rhythm. Yeah, I mean, maybe try and do a gig while you still have this job.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Maybe hold a gig in your garage or something and just you know maybe have you give like surveys out to your crew and just be like you know have something for like your fist pump have something for like your crowd amp have something for like your bpms have something for your just like your dance moves when the beat drops have something for you know your generosity with molly and great have people grade you on that. And it'd be like, if you grade high, then maybe it's time to make the leap. And also, fuck it, dude. Fuck it?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Just fuck it. Just do whatever the fuck you think you need to do. And if you fuck up, at least fuck up in the direction you want to go. Fuck up in the direction of love. Yes. Yeah, I like that. Just say, you know what, I'm going to do this because I love it. And when you love what you're doing that much,
Starting point is 00:44:04 I think it makes it easier for other people to love you because they can feel that passion all right all right all right dudes thank you so much this is the fourth episode of the going deep with chad and jt podcast uh i just want to thank you guys for writing in thank you guys for all your support uh make sure to check out chadgoesdeep.com you can submit questions there you can check out all our videos t-shirts all that kind of stuff and check us out on itunes you can subscribe give us a rating uh we love reviews so hit us up with a review and uh keep writing in guys jt you want to say anything? Keep doing what you're doing. And, yeah, be kind to yourselves.
Starting point is 00:44:50 For sure. All right. Later, guys. Later, guys. Later, guys. Later, guys.

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