Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 52 - The Holidays, Feelin' Good, Approval from Youngin's

Episode Date: January 9, 2019

We're back in full swing for the new year and comin in hot with a dank episode.  Talkin about feelin' good, family dynamics at the holidays, engage in some tough talk, and discuss conquering mountain...s both figuratively and literally. For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 starting off with a good chug a 2019 chug what up stokers this is chad k coming in with the going deep and chad jt podcast i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers welcome to 2019 my dogs welcome it's here dude do you have any uh resolutions my resolution i have actually i did want to talk about this my resolution is to feel good all the time dude nice it's like specific and general yeah mine is to have a big 2019 nice that's also general and kind of specific yeah what but uh yeah those are probably similar. I think so. Yeah. Wait, what was yours again? Feel good all the time.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yeah. I think you can turn it into a discipline. Right, because you're making a game of it. I think that's super smart. Yeah. Yeah. You have to make games of everything because then it kind of makes it more fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 If it's a game, it can be fun all the time. Yeah. First thing I'm doing every time I get in the car, first song I listen to, Walking on Sunshine. Really? Mm-hmm. Dude, I'm doing every time I get in the car, first song I listen to, Walking on Sunshine. Really? Dude, I'm scared for you. I feel like after six months, you're going to be like a serial killer listening to that every day.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, I'll probably get bored of it in a week. But right now it feels good. Dude, I do the same thing. I pump the same jam every day. I'm listening to this song Burnout by Midland, this country band that I saw on News. I don't even know why, but something about it just gets me going. uh yeah you got to utilize music to like make you feel good i think yeah weaponize it um but yeah i think deployment because i think uh every time i feel good good
Starting point is 00:01:35 things happen that's true dude i do think having good vibes really does lead to better results yeah except if you're in like a holocaust situation yeah well that's it's all about how you look at it but even victor franklin man's search for meaning i think he said like he thinks he survived it because he had like a hey anything could happen the only thing i can handle is my attitude yeah yeah it's like i mean that's all you have control over i guess yeah it's tough though you know things happen and you're like you'll be feeling good then things happen now and you're like shit yeah this is harder than i thought yeah to have a good attitude yeah that's my biggest thing with death i'm like i just don't think i'm gonna have a good attitude about it i think i'm gonna be like no this sucks it'll probably be the coolest thing that's ever
Starting point is 00:02:17 happened dude that's awesome if you can make it fun yeah i'll be stoked for you you can be like on like change everything yeah you can be like on your deathbed, like fuck. Yeah. Transitioning into the next phase. And then you're just born again. You're like, shit, I'm back here.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Dude. That's awesome. I did. I think Darwin had like a good, like some guys have good, like closing lines. Like I think Darwin's like last thing was he told his wife, he's like,
Starting point is 00:02:39 Hey, it's really nice to be taken care of by you. That's nice. Yeah. And then Che Guevara told the people who were shooting him he said uh hey why are you nervous you're just about to shoot a guy really yeah damn that's beast that's pretty crazy yeah she's like bitch that guy like Che Guevara is definitely one of those guys who's like I live in a movie yeah my life is a movie and my movie is a badass action
Starting point is 00:02:59 movie I love that mindset dude I want to try and uh because I was your Joe Rogan talk about that I'm like I want to I want to try and implement that that's like tom cruise too he's got that mindset yeah beast how was your uh holidays pretty good pretty good uh i was uh went to new orleans drank on bourbon street i went to santa fe see and and uh to uh checking out santa fe and then i went to sun valley idaho interesting i went to three different locations dude you're one of the rare people i think you have more fun sober than you do effed up yeah maybe that's pretty incredible yeah but i do love getting fucked up it is fun but then i get hung over and i'm like damn like i wish i was like clear right dude hangovers are
Starting point is 00:03:43 nasty yeah they don't I don't vibe well. Yeah. Because it takes me away from my goal. I don't feel good. I had that one episode where I was like, dude, I blacked out and I was an asshole. And I think I've actually been better at being drunk and not being an asshole. But I will say I'm maybe having 10% lower of a cap on having fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Because sometimes to have that extra fun, you got to get into the, I might look like an asshole realm. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes it shakes out and sometimes, you've got to get into the, I might look like an asshole realm. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes it shakes out, and sometimes you upset people close to you. You've got to take risks for big rewards. There it is, homie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 How were your holidays? It was good, dude. My family's awesome. I mean, there was definitely some chaos, you know, as is our thing. It's not that bad. But, like, my mom, I just had the most beautiful conversation with her for, like, 30 minutes. She's so cool. She just had the most beautiful conversation with her for like 30 minutes. She's so cool. She just like gets things, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But there was one night on Christmas, my brother and I were arguing. She came out to get a piece. She's like, what are you arguing about? Tell me. She was a little lit up too. And we were like, my brother and I just were like, get away. And we walked away from her. And we were like, we're going to fight independent of you, which is weird that we had that teamwork while we were fighting.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And then we got into an Uber to go to a bar, and my mom tried to block the Uber. And I told the driver pretty calmly, I was like, go around. And he got it all on his GoPro. My mom's like in the background. She's like, what the fuck? How dare you? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Go run. Who is that? I don't know. I was like, that's my mom. She's's pissed but it's not gonna go anywhere i was like we gotta get out of here it's better if we get out yeah that's awesome and then it was great hanging out with my dad dude we're like so tight now because of the uh you know i mean we always loved each other a lot but it clarifies stuff when yeah you know when he's going through what he's going through with the pancreatic cancer and then um yeah we just had great talks and stuff and he's an animal that's just you feel
Starting point is 00:05:29 like you're shot out of a cannon when you're with him i get super horny i'm not good at keeping my uh uh porn sobriety when i'm around him but he understands it my dad's so weird it's like i was thinking about this i'm like dad i'm uh really stressed out i'm gonna go have to take a bath and probably masturbate he's like oh yeah go take care of it i'll talk to you soon dude yeah i uh being around my family i'm just like man these people are intense yeah and then uh it's funny like my dad will be like or like one of my siblings will be like they're like chad he seems so much more chill than everyone else in the family my brother brother, Mark, he's intense. And I'm like, yeah, you get me, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You are. I am intense. I just don't. It's just like a beast within. You do it with a smile. Dude, I was watching the Defiant Ones before I came here, and they were all talking about Jimmy Iovine, and he reminded me of you. Because they were like, yeah, he acts all happy and chipper,
Starting point is 00:06:23 but in his guts, he's like he acts all happy and chipper but in his like guts he's about like blood and bones and like carnage i'll be like smiling listening to kill switch engage yeah right yeah but uh yeah let's think about holidays especially when you have like intense family members like you you know and like me it's just like it's a lot of like in some valley there were like 20 people so it's just a lot yeah and coming in and i think everyone i think our families are amongst the top rank of intensity but i feel like everyone like especially with your family because you're so similar but you're also so different you know what i mean and then there's all those dynamics
Starting point is 00:07:01 that exist where it's like you listen to your older brother but at a certain age you're like i don't really i mean i listen to you and your opinion means the world to me but like i also am an adult now yeah you know what i mean and there's that friction and like figuring out how to uh adjust to that new thing yeah and then it's just like but what that means is rams hitting their heads in the wild yeah i feel like we've uh transcended the time from when the holidays are like awesome to when they become work right you know what i mean like at a certain amount of time you mean yeah like i don't even have a family yet and that's like a whole different level of work whoa but i don't i mean you know you enjoy yourself but then you're just like
Starting point is 00:07:41 i don't know dude you know, because when I was a kid, I wanted presents so bad, you know, and now I'm just kind of like, ah. I don't like getting presents. No, I like getting presents, but I don't want to get presents if it means I have to give them. I'd rather we just do away with the whole tradition, not to be a Grinch, but that's where I'm at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I do enjoy – i love giving presents like i get my dad a photo of me in a cowboy hat that's hilarious like ah from one narcissist to another i'm like touche that's awesome dude i got my dad a hundred dollar gift certificate to cinnabon really that's awesome yeah oh dude we got we should get those those are good i know for the reps what do you mean remember you mentioned getting those for the reps oh getting cinnabon yeah that would be cool yeah because i'll do ads for them for free i think that's a great product even though i have it like once a year no i mean for our reps oh right right sending it to our agent yeah that's
Starting point is 00:08:39 a good thing to do yeah yeah hopefully he doesn't hear this and spoils the surprise if you do andrew dine-in dog i hope you're eating one right yeah i hope it's in your mouth bro just melting yeah it smells so good what i was gonna say yeah i was gonna say maybe the christmas thing for you is that like i think the thing that brings you the most joy is like making stuff yeah and so when you're at christmas like you're not supposed to be making stuff even though you know you can do like videos and whatnot yeah it's like it's not i mean i did it a little bit with my family but you're not gonna push your family to make videos
Starting point is 00:09:06 the way you would push each other. Yeah. You know what I mean? Makes me think about retirement. You know what I mean? Sounds slow to you? Yeah. Yeah, I don't see you retiring.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I see you being full Stoke force, 98 years old. It's just a continual journey of maximizing Stoke. But you'll look exactly like this. Thank you. You'll be like Dorian Gray or something like that. And I'll be like that. There's some dude who's hilarious. I'll be that dude.
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, dude. I feel like you'll look the same too. Oh, really? I feel like you've looked the same since high school. I hope so. You look like it. I don't want to get one of those double heads that people from high school get where every time you see them, you're like, dude, your head is growing an inch every time
Starting point is 00:09:48 I see you. The benefit of that though, and I'll say this to people who are ugly in high school is something I've noticed is that when you have a bad feature in high school, your head is smaller. So your bag, your bad feature is even bigger. Yeah. But then you kind of, some people like their noses don't seem as big now as they did when we were in high school because the rest of their head and body have gotten bigger now it kind of works yeah so if you got a bad feature you know i would say be patient it might work out for you yeah yeah and going back to the uh like we were skiing a lot but
Starting point is 00:10:17 nothing makes me happier than working it at the gym you know and i'm just like can please can't like we'd ski am i please can we just can we go to the gym you know and i'm just like can please can't like we'd ski on my please can we just can we go to the ymca like i need to do sprints right now dude you and i are so similar man i went to the gym every day i was in the mountains i didn't ski or snowboard once yeah i said i retired yeah all it does is make my feet hurt i get genuine pleasure from working out it regulates me yeah i feel like myself in the gym yeah we we climbed up the mountain best time in my life coming down no going up i was like this is that's what i mean yeah i was like this is awesome i was like the part that sucks for everybody else yeah like i'm such a masochist i fucking
Starting point is 00:10:57 i just love climbing shit well because you probably associate you're like i keep doing that but like i think you like for you're like oh well if it's hurting me it means i'm growing from it yeah something like that and then it's just such a like a real goal you climb the mountain like you either do it or you don't it was just like miley cyrus it's the climb and then he's yeah i played that song and then you start uh we started in the dark too which is cool that's weird yeah it was like it was like 5 a.m because you want to get up there before the lifts start and uh we were just tracking up and i loved it but you start you burn so much you get so hot because i mean you just burn so much energy that you i started with like a ski jacket a sweater sweatshirt and like three shirts underneath and then by the end i was just down in my shirts
Starting point is 00:11:46 you were shirtless and it was like 10 degrees dude it's cold in the mountains yeah breaking yeah um yeah how do you like the cold i don't like it me neither i could do without it i mean uh southern california is cold right now and and I'm like, this is bad. Yeah. Oh, yeah, so I over-trained over Christmas. Oh, yeah. What kind of workouts did you do? I came back with, like, shoulder issues.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Oh, really? Yeah, like, my low back was all fucked up. You need some crying. I just worked out legs, like, super hard. I was doing, like, squats and deadlifts. And then I did chest and back. It went harder than I normally do. Because I don't work out that hard. And then I did shoulders, like,bell shoulders, like with like hang cleans and
Starting point is 00:12:27 like clean and jerks and stuff. Yeah. Came back from vacation. I could barely move. Yeah. Yeah. And then I was at the gym today, dude, and I had some horrible epiphanies. I was training with our buddy, training.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I was working out with our buddy, Robert, and I was doing his workout and we were going hard and it was like upper body stuff. And he's like, how many reps is that? And I was like, 11. He's like, no, it's seven. And every time I count my reps, I'm skipping like two or three. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:12:55 I say seven, it's only four. And so every time I work out by myself, which is like two or three times a week for the last couple of years, I've been lying. Dude, that's a mind fuck. I've been tricking myself. So I've been doing not that heavy and low rep you know dude i i know you're hurting right now but i know every time i talk to graham he's like par gets it in that's nice he's a beast in the base
Starting point is 00:13:17 thanks graham so uh you may have thought it may have been just a one-timer thing but that also makes me think maybe i'm not sprinting this much maybe it's 10 instead of 20 minutes you wouldn't make that mistake i think i would no you want it maybe i didn't climb that mountain you did climb that i got to like the first lift and i'm like goddamn that was awesome that's me i'm that guy and i'm pumped on it but but the fact that i was doing this self-deception and I'm pumped on it but the fact that I was doing this self-deception well as long as you think you did it I feel good yeah but now from now on I'm gonna do rep 10 five times so I can make sure I'm getting it 10 10 10 10 and then I said something crazy today at the
Starting point is 00:13:59 gym I said uh we were working out upper body again and I was going harder than I normally do and my biceps started I don't really work out biceps that much. And at a certain point I said, I don't think I like the pump. Really? I don't like the feeling of the pump anymore. I used to live for it. Yeah. Why not?
Starting point is 00:14:15 It just hurts. It's sore. I'm like, I want to be able to move my hands freely. Yeah. It's more appreciative of like stretching and stuff. Yeah. I like limberness more now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I can appreciate that. Because then I'm going to be able to dodge a car that comes at me in traffic you know or uh you know someone who tries to grab my ass you can dodge bullets too like keanu i'm not gonna punch the person who tries to grab my ass right away but if i tell them that was inappropriate and they try to do it again then it could get physical at that point yeah but i've been polite. You'd be able to turn around quickly and assess the situation. Yeah. Be like, hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Does your ass get grabbed a lot? Hardly ever. I have hot guy friends who are like, dude, that bar, like five chicks grabbed my ass. I was like, nice. Yeah. Yeah, I got zero. Is that happening to you a lot?
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's pretty sweet. They're like, yeah, it happens to me a lot. They're like, dude, if I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd be fucking in a lot of trouble. I'm like, you have a girlfriend, too. Some guys just make out like bandits, huh? But you know what? Dude, oh. It's funny, like, picking my dad's brain you know what i mean i don't know if you have this
Starting point is 00:15:27 with your dad but like my dad won't acknowledge what a psycho he is sometimes and he's a great guy but he's like super intense and like he but when i ask him to like reflect on his life he just like will be like no come on i always wanted the best for everybody i just tried my best yeah it's like this super like cookie cutter answer and i'm like dude dad we're talking man to man let me see the demon a little bit and so i was like dad did you want to like when you were in hair care because you know my dad ran a hair care company i'm like did you want to like cut your competitors heads off did you just like in the morning like go in the mirror and be like i'm just going to destroy like avion shampoo today and he was like no never and i was like come on
Starting point is 00:16:02 and then he was like there was this one guy, John Frieda. He was talking shit on us to a bunch of different reps. So I went up to him at a conference and I said, you come out of your mouth again about me. I'll knock you out. He's like, he got that message. I was like, yeah, feed me, dad. And then he goes, anyone know something? After they sold John Frieda and he got his nut, his wife divorced him that day.
Starting point is 00:16:24 What does that tell you about the guy? Oh, wow. a move yeah he sold it later my dad was like it's proof of him being an asshole yeah hey it just goes to show be nice stokers be nice yeah you know i uh i have nieces and nephews and i love my nieces and nephews. I have seven. But sometimes I feel like they just don't get that I'm a savant of Stoke. What are they missing? I know it. I'm not saying, like, I know what they're missing, but how are they missing it?
Starting point is 00:17:01 I don't know, dude. You know, maybe I just set my expectations too high. You know, you have nieces and nephews, and you expect them to come up to you and just be like, God damn, you're awesome. But then it's like a lackluster enthusiasm, and you're like, what do I have to do to impress you? I want to give you a green light here because I see a lot of potential for gold. I want you to grill these little motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah, right? Yeah. I mean, what's the deal? Yeah, what's going on? You're going to want to be boys with me, okay? Or chick or whatever girls call boys. I have that too with my cousins. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like this year they were a little bit cooler than me. And I was like, I got news for you. Yeah. You're not. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't even mean it like I'm cool. I mean, I know more.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah. All right. Yeah. And if I'm saying it to you, it's because it's right. Yeah. It's like, do not, you know, don't just walk past me, okay? You're going to want to invest in this now. Because you're going to want this relation.
Starting point is 00:17:53 In like 10 years, you're going to be like, Uncle Chad, let's hang out. And I'm like, well, when you were four, you gave me a lot of shit. So forget you. And I might be being self-conscious. My like cousin-in-law or something, my step-cousin, great guy, you gave me a lot of shit. So forget you. And I might be being self-conscious. My cousin-in-law or something, my step-cousin, great guy, he's 17.
Starting point is 00:18:12 He's got beautiful eyelashes. So I go, Ellie, you got some fucking, no, sorry, his name's not Ellie. I'm like, you got some, I gotta get this shit straight. I'm like, you got some fire eyelashes. And he's like, oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, my mom tells me that. And then that's not even a bad response, but I felt like they were looking at, maybe I'm just self-conscious, but they were looking at me a little sideways afterwards. And I was like, that's a nice thing to say. All right. Yeah. And I'm making you aware of a detail that you wouldn't have noticed at that age. But as you get older, people notice these details.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah. And you're so good at noticing those things in people. You get it. You see, if I say that to you, you're like, dude, thank you for noticing this thing. It's amazing. You notice those little details and like things you read into people. And for your own family members to like take that for granted. We got skill sets.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And these kids are looking at us like we don't have something to give. Yeah. It's like, dude, when you start drinking beers, man. You think they're going to be bigger shmucks? bigger shucks what no no i'm just thinking where'd you go right i'm just thinking they'll want to relate more to me right they'll want to they'll want this relation they'll want you at the party and it's like dude you need to invest now you know when the stock is uh wherever it is affordable, when the stock is affordable, soon it's going to be Google, okay? So invest now.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Don't try to buy in when it's already. This stock has dividends, dude. You pay out every month on the pod, baby. And yeah, I get it. They're like four years old, so maybe they're not consciously aware of Stoke. But if you don't correct it now? Yeah, I mean, maybe I like you know i don't know
Starting point is 00:19:46 just like send like a send them like a dm or something i don't even know if they have social media yet so i don't know how to get in touch but maybe just like send them like a freaking bernstein's and bears book and be like and like maybe like maybe like cross out the pages and be like you can read this when you acknowledge that i'm cool wow so you're gonna give them like a fu gift yeah i'm gonna give a gift where you can't read it and then they'll be like like i'm sorry i'm so sorry i didn't mean to like ignore you and i'm like here's the real berenstein bears book i can visualize that moment where they come to jesus and realize they need to yeah you know kiss the ring a little bit because your personality gets
Starting point is 00:20:25 developed at that age so i need to instill that seed of like respect your uncle chad you got like six months before they're set in stone yeah before i'm fucked but do i gotta pee real quick i'll be right back all right what up stokers it's uh it's just me chad right now hey how's it going well what's going on with you guys you know i'm feeling good thanks for asking um yeah i just had my green juice and um you know a pipe burst in my apartment and um so now there's like big big ass dryers everywhere and it just makes me think you know, big-ass dryers everywhere. And it just makes me think, you know, like, before there were dryers, like, what did people do when pipes burst?
Starting point is 00:21:24 You know, like, that would really suck ass, you know, because then if your pipe burst, you'd be like, man, I wish there was some, like, thing that sucks air that could dry this off but then all you're left with is like Charmin or no like brawny paper towels and yeah they have good pickup power you know um like the double quilt or whatever the fuck like it picks up good and I really trust the dude in the fucking flannel but um I'd have to go ahead and venture a freaking um notion here that um big ass dryers work better than brawny um no disrespect to brawny though like major props to you guys but um just like you know uh i'm gonna do an anti shout out to pipes dude you know like if you are a pipe like oh you have one job it's to not burst and if you burst then you fuck the whole game up so we got jt coming back in how was that p dog it's pretty good dude nice yeah it was nice dude so did you see that
Starting point is 00:22:19 article i sent about uh the four cops in new york that that were in like love affairs with each other. Yeah. Like a lot of adultery. Yeah. And the force took their guns away. They were like, yeah, you guys can't have guns until, you know, you cool down a little bit. That's smart of them. So smart.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. That's sort of, maybe that's how they should dictate gun control. It's like, if passion's high, take that gun. Right. Yeah. It's like, have you been through a breakup? Yeah. Recently, you don't get a gun.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And then it's like, have you never been through a breakup? You don't get a gun. Because then it's one of those guys who's like mad at the world for not getting laid. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Those should be the questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Have you had sex? Yeah. In the last couple of years? If the guy says no, you're like, I'm going to take that AR-15 back. Sorry about that. What was the breakup like? Yeah. Was it cordial? Yeah. In the last couple of years, if the guy says no, you're like, I'm going to take that AR-15 back. Sorry about that. What was the breakup like? Yeah. Was it cordial?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah. What are the first three words that come to your mind when you think about your ex? And he's like, lies, hurt, and justification. You're like, okay. I'll see you later. Let me get that. Yeah. And then did you see that article about the 98-year-old dude who took steroids?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Or did blood doping in a marathon? He was 98? Something like that. He was in his 90s. Damn. I missed that detail. And so they had to rules are rules. They scrubbed him off the 90s. Damn. And so they had to... I missed that detail. Rules are rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:45 He scrubbed them off the record books. Damn. And he was only competing against himself. I was... They were like, dude, you didn't need to do these. Well, I thought the other way. I was like, let him do it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 He was just trying to set a new personal standard. You know what I mean? Yeah. I read in part of the article that there were some complications. There was some of the meat he was eating. That's what everyone says. Every time they get caught, they're like, it was bad meat. There's clenbuterol in the meat.
Starting point is 00:24:15 That's what Canelo Alvarez said. Or John Jones just got in trouble. And they said it was from the same steroids he took two years ago, even though they said it was a super small dose then yeah i think all these people just have like good excuses even the 98 year olds yeah probably yeah but that was some fucking i like an old guy still being like hey if i'm gonna die i'm going out on my shield yeah i'm gonna be pretty ripped yeah and i going to do as best I can. Like my competitive spirit has diminished zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I'm 98 and I'm here to win. That guy's in the fight. Absolutely. All right. Should we get to some questions? Yeah, let's do it. From Mike. What up?
Starting point is 00:24:58 I discovered the pod a few days ago and I've been crushing through old episodes ever since. Love the positivity. So here's my situation. I live in the ATL and have lived in Georgiaorgia for my whole life i'm a few years out of college and currently live in a house with my bros it's sick it is sick cheap rent and i get to hang with my dogs all the time nice low-key i love the corporate work life and get stoked on the grind i have the opportunity to get a promotion but it requires that i move to the freaking burbs
Starting point is 00:25:23 of ohio i don't know anybody in ohio would be starting from square one. I've always thought of moving away and getting a fresh start for a couple of years, but I always imagined somewhere dope like NYC SF or Denver, not Ohio low key. I feel like Ohio is dark, cold, and sad. I'm sure there's some stokers there. So no disrespect, but I'm just speaking my truth. We appreciate that. JT, I feel like you mentioned you move. Do you have any advice or input on my dilemma i think i just want to go forward and move to ohio and commit to this struggle but i'm afraid i'll just get super bummed out there and have trouble finding some new dogs peace mike uh i missed the first detail so he's like he's stoked on his job he's stoked on his
Starting point is 00:25:58 uh home situation he definitely wants to move up yeah in the business world but he's just not sure if he wants to go to ohio to do it because he's just not sure if he wants to go to Ohio to do it because he's worried that it's sad, dark, and cold. And that's where it's supposed to happen? And that's where the move is. The promotion's in Ohio. Okay. And he's in Atlanta right now,
Starting point is 00:26:13 which I've been to once, and it's pretty cool. Yeah. That's a big move from Atlanta to Ohio. Yeah, and speaking about my move, I moved from Southern California to New York, back to Southern California, which are both kind of like, you know, I think really desirable places to move to and from. Yeah. I would tell this dude that I think another promotion will come down the road.
Starting point is 00:26:37 So stay patient. Yeah. And maybe, unless it's like such a dream job and bump that you have to take it, but I think you would have mentioned that. So I think just be patient and a new promotion might come along in a place that kind of suits your social life and your day-to-day a little better. Yeah, I agree. I would, you know, for me, location is huge.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And if I'm in the wrong location, not happy. So, you know, yeah, I'd assess how much you need to promote um because if it's like a situation you know where you know it's it's not that huge and you can you can like you said hold out and uh get a you know possibly get a better one get one on equal level down the road and a cool location or even in atlanta then uh hold out for that that's the move yeah dude brass tacks i think you got to it location is huge yeah my dad always used to say about every business you go location location location yeah yeah because you're gonna have to hit the booth if you go to ohio the tanning booth it's not as fun as getting in the sun
Starting point is 00:27:40 no but i understand it yeah shane what's going on ambassadors of stoke i'm coming to you guys for advice in a time of need my squad recently boked my best bro out of the squad and it's put me in between a rock and a hard place my best bro doesn't burn or crush beers and i respect him for that but the squad doesn't he's not comfortable partying with the boys but he's always down to go get tacos and chill i'd love to rekindle the fire and try to get him out of his shell and burn or enjoy a couple brews with the guys or should i support his decision of being straight edge and hang with them without the squad dude harsh of the squad to boke this dude for his uh lifestyle choices yeah like they boked him i'm wondering if it was a hard boat where they were
Starting point is 00:28:19 like you know they gave him the the decision, like in person, they're like, you're no longer in the crew. Or if it was more of like a soft boat where they're like, hey, we're just not going to text him anymore. Yeah, it sounds like he's not an asshole or anything. He's probably just like kind of like awkward around the squad. Yeah, and he's not a party guy. My brother's crew had a guy in college who wasn't the party guy.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like on graduation, he'd come out and have a couple of brews. But for the most part, he was, you know, an at-home guy. Yeah. And those guys are great. Yeah. I mean, he's your best bro, dude. Try to rekindle. Yeah, it takes all kinds.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah, and I don't think you, you know, you can try to bring him out of his shell a little bit, but he might like being in his shell. It sounds like he knows who he is. So just spend time with him where it's just you two
Starting point is 00:29:01 getting food and try to have a balance. Yeah, put some lighter fluid on that, dog real dear chad and jt after two weeks of internal struggles i feel the only option i have left is to turn to you sultans of stoke i write to you with a question one that has consumed my thoughts and that of my squad at its root this question is about the ethics of boning and where it cannot be done. First. I feel it's important to give a brief backstory.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I am currently in school in the great state of Vermont at UVM. And a year and a half ago, I decided to buy a sprinter van and convert it into a sweet road trip machine and quasi dorm room. Cool. I'm living in it full time and it's pretty rad. It has hardwood floors, a kitchen,
Starting point is 00:29:39 the works. I started out parked behind my friend's apartment, but the Lord, but the landlords in Burlington are very strict. And I was quickly boked and found myself without a place to park overnight. Fast forward to two weeks ago when a local Lutheran church a few minutes from campus agreed to let me park in their parking lot overnight for free. It's not as fun as my friend's driveway, but it does the job and is close enough to campus. Now, regardless of what your opinion of the van life might be, it's important to note that it hasn't stopped the ladies from visiting. That is important. Here's where my question comes in. Is it morally acceptable for me to bring a lady with me back to the Holy land?
Starting point is 00:30:12 I'm not very religious, but feel the need to tread lightly here at the same time. Boning is bonding. No boning is boning. Both are true. So you can understand the quandary I'm facing. If a lady wants to get boked in the van does the location even matter i hope my dogs can help me work through this ethical dilemma as always thanks for spreading the stoke your work does not go unappreciated i met a girl at a bar recently and found out she listened to your pod we bonded hardcore you dudes make good wingmen even through the airways yeah that's awesome yes yes um dude i think you're i think it's even better that you're doing it under the supervision of god whoa my voice just cracked you think god's that chill where he's like legit yeah maybe maybe
Starting point is 00:30:53 god wants him to be like dude at least like give a little thanks before so maybe you have to like kneel down and pray before you engage in the act drop a couple bucks in the basket the next day oh good call and say thanks for the low case charitable. Yeah. That's just like having good manners. Maybe even be charitable in the boning too. And I think the other thing that's crucial here is he's not doing this in an intentionally disrespectful way. Like it'd be one thing if you were like, Hey, get in the van. I'm gonna drive us to somewhere we shouldn't bone, which I would understand too, because it adds a little excitement, but you don't want to be disrespecting someone's belief system. So if you're just there and she's there, I think, I don't want to say God's down with it, but I'm good with it. And I hope God's
Starting point is 00:31:35 down with it. I always imagine God being like, sort of like a bro who's just like, you know, reads the Kama Sutra and he's like super down with boning, you know, he's like. That's Eastern philosophy too. So your God like. Hell yeah. Goes both hemispheres. Hell yeah. I mean, I'm sure he's like, you know, the guy's probably like praying to him. He's like, dude, can I bone in your parking lot?
Starting point is 00:31:54 And the guy's like, dude, do a freaking wheelbarrow. Like get after it. Do reverse cowgirl. Like do your thing. But are there any parts where God would be like, nah, not there? Maybe anal. He's like, nah, not there? Maybe anal. He's like, I didn't intend for that. That was Pornhub.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Next up, Marshall. What up, Chad and JT? So I'm usually a man of peace, but I'm currently in the midst of a heated debate with my bros, which is seriously taking a hit, a fill in our stoke tank. So we cannot decide who would win in a fight between a grizzly bear and a silverback gorilla. To give you some specs on the fight, I know the specs. You don't have to worry about me on this one.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I've done the research. It's the bear. I wish it was the gorilla. It's the bear. They're bigger, stronger, and faster. It's like there's no contest. Really? Yeah. Aaron, do you want in on this? A gorilla or a bear? Yeah. And peak it's like there's no contest really yeah aaron do you want in on this yeah and and peak grizzly bear peak silverback gorilla i think the bear yeah the bear's got more the grill is strong but the bear's got claws oh shit claws and i think i heard i heard that a bear slap if a grizzly hits a hits a full strength
Starting point is 00:33:06 slap on a tiger it could break its back shit that's the kind of power we're dealing with with bears dude bears are like and they run fast too i feel like uh i feel like i i must say though um i feel like gorillas are probably good with like visualization and they have more of a conor mcgregor kind of flair so they'd sort of step into the ring with like more of like a like what's up dude like i visualize this win so i'm gonna poke your ass and then the bear's kind of like what like a funky whoop so dude i like you're like i like the mindset it's rare to like perceive the winner in an animal contest as the one with winning the mental edge of the war games. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:47 And that is true. If the gorilla trains and can study, it's got a better shot than the bear. Dude, if the gorilla crushed some law of attraction YouTube vids before, I think you could do it. That helps in a fight? Maybe to visualize the win. Right. I don't even think bears Well, maybe to visualize the win. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I don't even think bears are aware of visualization. Of wins. Yeah. They're kind of like, dude, stay away from my cubs. I'm going to go eat berries and salmon. What do you think? I mean, I think the bear is going to whoop ass. But you're even saying the bear might not even know to whoop ass.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. Where the gorilla is like, oh, dude, he doesn't even know we're in a fight. Just chokes him out real quick yeah i was just thinking about their diets too aren't bear bears are carnivores for the most part and gorillas are vegetarian are they not right well you know now you know where chad's going that completely flips the argument hi chad and jt huge fan of the pod you guys are the freaking men i need some relation advice i've been talking to this guy for a year now and he's probably one of the pod. You guys are the freaking men. I need some relation advice. I've been talking to this guy for a year now, and he's probably one of the best guys I've ever met.
Starting point is 00:34:48 He is funny, caring, and just an all-around perfect guy. We talked or hung out just about every day over the last year. We have been intimate, and we've even stayed the night at each other's places. I would say he was my best friend, but we weren't a fish couple. We have had a snap streak going for a solid 156 days, and it recently ended about a week ago and haven't had a snap streak going for a solid 156 days and it recently ended about a week
Starting point is 00:35:06 ago and haven't really talked since i kept the streak going for two days without him responding but he never responded so i said fuck it if he wants to save it he can but i got the hint that he didn't want to talk to me i sent the next snap a few days after and we had a few back and forth but it didn't really go anywhere then he snapped me the next day saying literally fuck today. And I said, ah, why he opened, but did not respond. Since then there has been zero communication between us. Was that him reaching out and looking for me to follow up again? Or did he just ghost me? Should I reach out or let him come to me?
Starting point is 00:35:36 I'm thinking, let him come to me. I feel like my heart just broke and I've been crying quite a bit, but the silver lining is I've been hitting the gym heavy in the last week and got super swole to have a huge comeback right on please give me any advice that you can help with me in this trying time my reading is terrible today um i haven't noticed so you sent a snap saying literally fuck today yeah and then she she tried to follow up and he was unavailable or didn't respond. Yeah, maybe give him space then. Yeah, I think like it's a – yeah, it might not be a judgment on you. Like he should be like – it's weird that he broke the streak and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:36:16 without like acknowledging it. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't – it's not a sign that things are bad. He might just be like going through something. Yeah. Yeah, maybe just give him some space and let him – I think if he's going through something and you keep badgering him, it might bring out the result that you don't want. So I think the best move – I think in most situations,
Starting point is 00:36:42 the best move is just to do nothing. Oftentimes. Yeah. think the best move i think in in most situations the best move is just to do nothing oftentimes yeah i think uh also at this point it's not like egregious where he's at like hannah and i are really close friends but i'll send her text and she won't respond yeah and she'll send me text and i won't respond we kind of accept that the other one is going to be like a little bit selfish almost you know what i mean and that they have stuff going on and that we can feel overwhelmed yeah and now maybe you guys don't have that dynamic but there has to be a little room for that yeah and so if he keeps going with this shit and he's not responding like for a couple weeks and it's a longer established pattern then he can bring it up to him but at this point i
Starting point is 00:37:16 would just try and chill yeah what's up chad and jt it's brody and Timmy from Minneapolis we've lost a solid member of the squad and we need some advice our friend Connor has been in two long-term relationships that relationships that suck the life out of him and have made him completely disassociate from his bros his last girlfriend Chantel took seven years of his life age 15 to 22 where he missed out on the golden years of childhood he wasn't with us when we t'd Schmoll, snuck out, or played Halo in Modern Warfare 2 tournaments. He caught her cheating shortly after they moved in together and they broke up. It was excruciating to watch him skip out on quality times
Starting point is 00:37:55 with his dogs to pursue a false love. Less than a year later, he met his new girlfriend, Chandra, age 23 to 26, who seems to be a nice girl. But like his first girlfriend, he's given up his entire life for her and he's no longer stoked to kick it with the dudes i mean i i think i can there's more but i think we get it i think this is on the dude yeah he's the common denominator yeah you can't blame the chicks at all yeah i mean like they might have sucked even but your
Starting point is 00:38:20 dude is intentionally choosing these people yeah i think it's important to note Stokers, you know, uh, keep investing in yourself. Make sure you keep yourself intact at all times. Yeah. Cause then you're less likely to fall for, um, traps that could be very alluring, but could be traps.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah. Nut cuts both ways for everybody. Yeah. Stay on your mission. And then, you know, I think that's, that's, so I i think maybe maybe they
Starting point is 00:38:47 could like exemplify that to him but be the change you want yeah and other stokers or send some youtube videos and dude just party yeah you know party without him prove to him that you can have the most fun in the world without him yeah i'm a rager dude yeah make him jealous get all your friends up yeah make him jealous have the best parties ever yeah dance get jacked get jacked and then dance when you're jacked run like tom cruise that's what we're saying don't let this guy bog you down this guy's got his own shit he's dealing with you can't waste energy on it baby yeah it's it's a tough one to see though but there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can do except exemplify and tell him to work on his stuff yeah but you can't bring in the other person but it kind of applies to them too but like but like stay on your mission
Starting point is 00:39:34 you know make sure you have a lot of fun don't worry about what he's doing this emailer is getting distracted from what matters which is his stoke yeah so dude hit the water are you close to the water get in there boost your own stoke boost your tea i'll do boosting tea that was for you thanks what up boys my name is jared and i love the pod i broke up with my girlfriend about three years ago when she cheated on me and we both moved on the problem is that we both rage with the same squad things get awkward at these ragers and i don't know how to go about fixing things thanks bros and advice thanks bros in advance for any advice what's the question uh he sees his ex at parties they rage a lot together what's he want to do he doesn't know what to do he wants to know what we think he should do oh i mean dude rage yeah same advice as the last guy yeah if you're at a rager and you're worried
Starting point is 00:40:23 about her and i dude, I get it. It can be hard, man. If I ran into one of my exes at some parties, I might leave. Yeah. You know what I mean? But if she's going to be at all the parties at a certain point, I'm going to have to learn how to deal with it. Yeah. And the way I would deal with it is raging the best I can rage.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah. Really get after it. Get after it. And not even in a way to like flaunt to her, but in a way to just be like, I can have a good time no matter what. Yeah, just like I'm becoming my best self. Right. And then maybe she'll be like,
Starting point is 00:40:52 wow, he's becoming his best self. And you're like, what? Oh, I didn't even see you there. There could be that sweet aspect of revenge through improvement. Yeah. Like that's the best thing you can do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Just sort of get on that path and just like, you're like, wow, his pecs are really defined. And you like what are you oh i didn't see you right there that's the kind of that's what it's going to be like because you're so you're advancing so much that she'll be like there and you'll be like i even notice get ripped get shirtless at these parties yes and make it and make sure other people are getting shirtless so it doesn't doesn't so it doesn't seem like you're just doing it for that. You know what I mean? You've got to have a little subterfuge.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You've got to get all the boys to go, rip one of your boys' shirts off. And then he's like, crazy fuck. Then he rips your shirt off. You're shirtless. And if he instigates it, then he's like, wow. Whatever his name is, freaking is the most confident guy at this party because he got everyone to take their shirts their shirts off i don't know but let's call him alan yeah yeah alan got everybody shirtless i like the one just dude guys little uh tidbit and i'm sorry you guys do such a great job writing the questions but the more interesting the subject the more likely we are to pick it so really get specific and uh and tantalizing with the subjects.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Dude, I was at Black's Beach, and I saw this guy with his cock ring on. Really? Like the biggest dong I've ever seen. Wow. Yeah. I'm like, damn, he bought that and put that on. How many boxes is that guy checking? Right?
Starting point is 00:42:23 But if you do have a huge cock and you have a cock ring you're definitely going to black's beach that's a nudist beach drop and yeah you've got a lot to show people dude it was flopping and that guy's only got one place in the world where he can really show off who he is dude he was in a power pose he's like i'm not lying down i'm standing up everyone's got to see this i love that yeah one of the most critical things when you're naked is to establish you know for me it's not like an intimidating pose but a confident pose yeah established dominance no no because i don't want there's no sexual that sounds sexual i don't want there to be a sexual component it's more it's like a comfort
Starting point is 00:43:00 thing okay i'm comfortable with this dong drop sorry black speech is also unofficial it's not actually a official nude beach oh really yeah i was there i was there one day this summer i saw all kinds of things i'm talking beaver oh really i saw beef what'd that do for you i was stoked dude it is pretty cool i ran into the ocean with a little more zest. Yeah, you're going to perform a little bit more. Yeah, I was like, I'm going to serve right in front of you. What up, Chad and JT? My two friends who are currently roommates and we're best friends are having some serious friction because Bro 1 is dating Bro 2's sister.
Starting point is 00:43:38 However, Bro 2 never talks to his sister but is mad at Bro 1 after Bro 1 asked for bro two's blessing and bro two gave his approval what bro two's beef is if he doesn't maintain a relationship with sister and gave his blessing anyways what's bro two's beef if he doesn't if he doesn't maintain a relationship with his sister and gave his blessing anyways it's setting everyone's stoke meter to an all-time low every time we go over to their place to chill help us help them so i think the bro gave approval for the other bro to date his sister but he wasn't being truthful so he's pissed though i think it like he was he felt like obligated maybe he was like yeah you can do it but underneath it he's like no fuck this and that's what's coming through maybe they should get sock and boppers and just go at it yeah settle this through honorable combat get that energy out see how you feel afterwards and then reassess yeah like it's
Starting point is 00:44:33 safe and if you guys don't want to like get headaches because like boxing it's a nasty headache afterwards um uh talk over chess and beers yeah Yeah. Dude, have them watch the original Fast and the Furious. See how Dom handles it. I think Dom was, yeah, in the end he was proud. Yeah. I think what this guy needs to do, because this guy probably feels threatened, the guy who has the sister,
Starting point is 00:44:59 he should be like, you break a heart, I break your neck. That's what it is. Yeah. You nailed it. Because Dom knows that Brian's intentions are earnest. Yeah. If this guy is like being fast and loose with your sister, then you have full permission to be like, dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I'm not all right with that. But if your sister's like, I am all right with that, then what do you do? Like if Mia was like, yeah, I just want to have casual sex with brian yeah what would dom have done i guess he would have been okay with it right he'd have to be as long as mia's okay with it yeah he'd have to be i guess but dude if you love your dog though if your relationship was with your dog before yeah the sister maybe maybe maybe loyalty to your dog maybe that's what's causing the beef Is because he's like I know this dude and I wouldn't say he's the most honorable
Starting point is 00:45:49 With the ladies Or maybe he's the honorable dude with the ladies You don't think I'm good enough for your sister? You don't think I'm good enough for your sister? That's what I said Oh yeah? What about when Gino Montoya was gonna take a bat To the back of your head and I defended you
Starting point is 00:46:04 I had your back there Or head and I defended you? I had your back there. Or what about the time you didn't have any money and we were at the taqueria and I bought you those ten tacos? You think I haven't seen you with those whores? Wait, wait, wait. Don't call them that. They're nice girls. Yeah, they make a living. Yeah. I see you with those whores every day out the back of Burt's. It's not every day. It's every day. Oh yeah, I guess who was there with me most of those
Starting point is 00:46:27 days. You. Don't bring me into this. You. No. And your dad. Ah, shit. Don't bring my dad into this. Look, I didn't want to, alright? I'm not here to sandbag your family. It doesn't matter to you that my dad bangs who was. I'm here to love your family. My dad does.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Stop calling him that. Sex workers. to you that my dad bangs whores. I'm here to love your family. My dad does... Stop calling him that. Sorry. Sex workers. It doesn't matter that my father bangs sex workers. I don't think it matters either. I think your dad's fun and I have a good time
Starting point is 00:46:57 with him when we do that. But like I told you, I'm taking a little break from that and I'd like to take your sister to a... Oh, a little break? It should be indefinite, chief. Well, I don't want to get cocky, but I'd like to take your sister to a- Oh, a little break? It should be indefinite, chief. Well, I don't want to get cocky, but I'd like to take your sister out for food.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Where? It's a good question. Il Fornayo or bust. I'll get a reservation then. Get her angel, her pasta. Is that what she likes? I don't know. That's what I like.
Starting point is 00:47:17 It's a good suggestion. She's got a good palate like you. You're a good guy. Oh, you're too kind. No, you're too kind. I'm sorry i did this i fucked everything up how about i take you to dinner that'd be really nice beautiful there it is guys sorry for the whores uh no it was real i was just thinking of sopranos i mean imagine if in good
Starting point is 00:47:39 fellas they didn't use the language they actually used yeah you know what i mean yeah i was just thinking of ralph ralph he was the best at saying that too and he loves the movie gladiator does he yeah he always brings it up that's hilarious he's like oh he's doing quotes from it he's like strength and honor all fucked up on cocaine you guys are all looking at him sideways and ralph he sort of wanted to be a whore yeah a sex worker yeah because he'd have janice dildo him and he'd uh pretend he was a woman of the night yeah complicated guy we're about to feature a new segment on the podcast it is the surf apparel mission statement of the week chad what is our mission statement this week this comes from our dogs at Ruka.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Ruka, if you want to sponsor the pod, we would not be opposed. Just letting that go out there. Ruka mission statement. For Ruka, it is about today, tomorrow, and life is the big picture. It is about inspiring our generation, providing something of substance and culture, and above all, doing it with integrity and as a united family, a close-knit community. Beautiful mission statement, Ruka. As read by General Patton, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Right? You. Oh, thank you. I thought you said you wrote it. I don't even know who that is. I got like a vague idea. He was like our Western front leader, I think you said you wrote it. I don't even know who that is. I got like a vague idea. He was like our Western front leader, I think, in World War II. Oh, beast.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. He probably gave the order to save Matt Damon. Dude. Dude, I heard a good critique of Saving Private Ryan. Hit me. The screenwriter, William Goldman, I was reading his book of essays, and he was saying the flashback, the fact that it's Matt Damon's character's flashback
Starting point is 00:49:25 makes no sense because he wasn't there for the first three-fourths of the movie. It should have been Edward Burns having the flashback. Yeah. And he should have been talking to Tom Hanks' grave and said, you know, he turned out to be a pretty good guy. Maybe not as good as anybody, but pretty good.
Starting point is 00:49:40 And it would have had a little more of like a melancholy, realistic ending. That's interesting. I know. I mean, he's a good screenwriterwriter so he knew how to nail it yeah wow that does make yeah it's true yeah matt damon didn't know vin diesel and he had another good point no he doesn't he had another good point that uh instead of them just agreeing to stay and fight for private because private ryan won't leave he was like they should have just tried to go home
Starting point is 00:50:04 at that point and then seeing the tanks coming and they should have just tried to go home at that point and then seen the tanks coming and be like, hey, we have to go back and fight anyways because it didn't really make sense that they stayed to fight after he didn't want to go.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah. But they are heroes. Yeah, they're heroes for sure. I'm going to give another look to this Ruka statement. It's legit. It's legit. The mission statement's legit.
Starting point is 00:50:23 To be honest, I don't really know what they're trying to say except like inspire but they have fire apparel so yeah it's more vague than our new year's resolutions but it's all positive yeah i think they're like all right guys we need four words in here inspiring generation culture and community good words yeah i like how they're like it's about uh it's about today tomorrow and life is the big picture i'm like so it's about everything you can't really write that though loses a little bit of the poetry for just like it's everything
Starting point is 00:50:54 and anything else you think of ruka that was fun though dude i think that's gonna be a fire segment i'm curious to hear the rest of them yeah shout out to the Stoker who suggested that. Hit me with your Instagram handle because I lost it in the DMs, but I'll give you a shout out. Thank you, Benevolent Stoker. Yeah. Dude, if you had to bet which company is going to have the best mission statement
Starting point is 00:51:18 by the time we finish this exploration, which would you go with? Easy. Volcom. You didn't even hesitate who do you think i think hurley oh all right dude are you ready i'm ready who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is bill's tattoo parlor this is my brother bill's tattoo parlor when we were kids when we were like you know ages 5 to like 15 we would often go to visit bill's tattoo parlor what was the tattoo parlor is my brother drawing on us with a sharpie and we were sitting in a chair and dude he laid down
Starting point is 00:51:56 some fire tattoos on us like my favorite one was i got a neck taco it was beautiful um i remember during my birthday party i got like a pirate on my ass or like a skull i don't even remember what it was but like everyone at the party was watching me just getting like a skull drawn on my ass by my brother and like dude there were some days when we would hit the tattoo parlor my whole body was covered in sharpie you know like i remember one time actually in high school we hit the parlor hard and uh he gave me like a bow tie he gave me like a freaking mustache he gave um he gave me loafers like he drew loafers on my feet and just like you know tons of dicks as always and uh of course a neck taco and just
Starting point is 00:52:40 my whole body was covered in sharpie and i showed up to water polo practice. Coach was less than stoked, but I was like, you know what? You just haven't been to the parlor. So I want to give a shout-out to Bill's Tattoo Parlor. Thank you, Big Brother Bill, for drawing on me and drawing all kinds of dicks and, like, all kinds of different things, like neck tacos and loafers. And hit us back with some, if you're listening to this, and loafers and hit us back with some,
Starting point is 00:53:04 if you're listening to this, hit us back with some suggestions of like stuff you want, stuff that you drew that you remember, because my memory is a little fuzzy because there's so much ink on my bod. I felt like a freaking, I felt like Kat Von D in male child form. I can't explain the stoke from that. So that's my legend. Dude, that's awesome dude thanks it sounds like a good time dude you mind if i rip my tea off rip it thanks
Starting point is 00:53:32 dude you hot dude my legend of the week is um therapy and podcasts that give advice so i am including us in our legend of the week nice because dude i saw this uh polish movie last night called um cold war and it's about this really um uh like dramatic romantic relationship that takes place in like um uh partially in like soviet russia and this couple is like really gnarly to each other but they're really in love and like when they every time they make out they like walk away from each other and they run together and they make out. But then they end up doing kind of bad things to each other
Starting point is 00:54:09 that really impact their life, but they can't quit one another. And I was like, dude, and my friend Dustin came up with this guy's super with it. He was like, dude, like they needed like a therapist or a podcast that they could run into and be like, hey, my girlfriend and I are like getting each other in trouble.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And now we're stuck in a work camp in like Warsaw for 10 years. And it's like, dude, if you would have written in before that, we would be like, dude, we know you really love this girl. And I think she really loves you too, but you guys are toxic for one another. And what you need to do is focus on improving yourself and staying in Paris where you have more rights. Cause dude, honestly, they were so bad to one another. You couldn't even blame Soviet Russia. You were like, dude, you're kind of fucking up. I wouldn't even put the onus on you know the big red and so had he had that podcast then or had he had a therapist then it would have been somebody can be like yo this is called codependency
Starting point is 00:54:55 dude and while it looks like a lot of fun in the long run it might not be the best thing for you wow so what up to therapy and what up to podcasts that give advice? Nice. That's beautiful. Thank you, dude. Dude, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Mount Baldy in Sun Valley, Idaho. Dude, we conquered you. Yeah, my brothers and I, we set out on a mission to go anti-chairlift and climb the freaking mountain. We got some skis with skins on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And it was a cold week, dudes. We morning it was about 10 below 10 below and i was wearing a hoodie ski jacket um pit viper shades uh a freaking headband i was wearing i was wearing my bacon beanie first and a bunch of layers and we just like you know those first 10 minutes i was wearing i was wearing my bacon beanie first and a bunch of layers and we just like you know those first 10 minutes i was like starting to feel the cold i'm like damn like we're there's not many people out here you know you see an occasional like like dude on a freaking snow jet ski um ripping through but like he's not stopping for us i could get frostbite and you know what the frostbite the fear frostbite made me do work harder and just keep going up that hill and mount baldy i just want to give you props you are a babe because when i got to the top
Starting point is 00:56:18 my endorphins were going through the roof i felt like a freaking tank i felt so good it's because of you for being a mountain for um the tectonic plates that created you so that i could conquer you and then feel good about myself just know mount baldy because you're such a babe you made one dude feel really good about himself and then you made that dude shotgun a monster energy. Dude, I love picking a babe with an unconventional body type like that. Thanks, dude. Shout out to Tectonic Plates. Huge shout out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:53 What's your babe? Dude, my babe is a redux from one that Mr. Joe Marisi did. It's Julie. Ooh. So Julie is one of Joe's best friends. I live with Joe, and as a result, I've spent a lot of time with her. And Joe's right, man. She's Julie. So Julie is one of Joe's best friends. I live with Joe. And as a result, I've spent a lot of time with her and Joe's right, man. She's awesome. Like she goes above and beyond in these really subtle ways. Like you'll text her and be like, Hey, I'm bothering her. Cause I'm always asking her for advice, mainly with like how I correspond with women. And she just has
Starting point is 00:57:20 great advice. Cause dude, we respond so emotionally. You know what I mean? We're always scared that they don't like us or worried we're coming on too strong or not enough. And she can just like settle me down. And she always takes the time to explain it to me. And you know, sometimes she makes little jokes at my expense, but I know she's just like, you know, busting balls and it makes us closer. And then I give it back to her a little bit in subtle ways and then we just go. And it's really been enriching. And she's just awesome. And yeah, I feel blessed to have her in our lives. And thanks for all the good advice, Julie.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And she's just super fun to like go get lunch with. Nice. Yeah. Well, what's the main thing you've taken from her advice? It's always different. Like one night, this girl like responded to me at like 1 a.m. And she said something kind of funny. And I was like, oh, I shouldn't respond, right?
Starting point is 00:58:05 And then she was like, no, this is where you respond. And then we talked for two hours. Oh, interesting. Messaging back and forth, just like ripping on like Laguna Beach, the show, and A Star Is Born. And like afterwards, I was like, whoa, we had so much fun. Why did she say this is when you respond? She was like, she's trying to have fun with you right now.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Like she's trying to connect with you. Yeah. And I couldn't read that. So I was like stuck in like, oh, don't respond mode because like she's trying to have fun with you right now like she's trying to connect with you oh yeah and i couldn't read that so i was like stuck in like oh don't respond mode because i don't want to come across like i want it too much and she's like no this is where you go yeah and then there was other points though where i wanted to go and she's like no chill yeah and it just helped to have like because we try to help people but it's tough man nobody knows what the secret there is no secret yeah you know what i mean yeah it's it's a people are complicated and it's hard to connect and julie is and connects with me through helping me with this stuff yeah and other stuff
Starting point is 00:58:50 too she like redecorated our place it's not just about that like she she just she's good advice on the career she's just cool that's cool yeah man i was like i'm not gonna be like joe i'm not gonna be like i was like trying to be like tough like i I was like, it's hard to win me over. And then like after a week, I was like, she's the coolest. That's awesome. Shout out to Julie. All right, dude. Who is your beef of the week? Dude, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I didn't even realize. I forgot to write one down. I think I was working on feeling good. I love that, dude. You're feeling good every day. You didn't have any space for beef. Yeah. Let me.
Starting point is 00:59:30 No, you're a beast, dude. Yeah dude yeah you don't gotta conjure the beef I don't have a beef stokers it's 2019 I'm ready to freaking go my beef is with not playing walking on sunshine when driving the slate is clean dude you're beefless yeah beefy what's your beef dude I was in Wyoming and I went to the million dollar Cowboy Bar with some old family friends and I put some quarters on a billiards table to play. And when I walked up, when it was my turn, this lady was like, hey, my quarters were there first. And I was like, no, no, I might've been here for a while. She's like, no, my quarters were here first.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And I was like, no, I'm like, I was really nice. I was like, no, I'm being serious. Like my quarters were here first. And then she was like going back and forth with me about a little bit. And then at some point she just went, fine, if you admit that my quarters were here first, I'll let you play. And I was like, no, I'm not going to do that. And then she jumped down to put quarters in the machine to take my game.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And then, so I popped down, I was like, yo, you can't do that. And then she was like, you're being a jerk. And I was, she, no, she said, you're an asshole. And then I looked at her, I said, no, I'm not an asshole. And then she was like, you think you can just like take this game from me? I'm like, no. And then I was like, you're being rude. And then I looked at her. I said, no, I'm not an asshole. And then she was like, you think you can just like take this game from me? I'm like, no. And then I was like, you're being rude. And then she's like, no, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I'm like, yeah, you just crossed over. You're being rude now. Nice. And I took the game. And then she walked away to her friends. And it was a couple of guys. And I just put my palms up in the air. And I was like, I don't know what to tell you guys.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I was here first. And then I walked back to my group of friends. And I was like, I did have my quarters there first, right? They're like, for sure. And I was like, all right. right yeah and she gave me some dirty looks after that but i just kind of gave her like uh like a quizzical look i guess or like a bit music like i just look kind of confused like i just looked at her like what like i don't know what i could have done differently basically yeah yeah forget her and that was my beef i love it
Starting point is 01:01:00 Forget her. And that was my beef. I love it. Forget her. Dude, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from the band Slipknot. My brothers and I were listening to a live album, and I was just taken away by this one quote where the guy, he's introducing the song,
Starting point is 01:01:26 and he's like this next song this next song is about a girl in a box what and then they start playing what's the song about it's about a girl in a box is she all right i don't think so dude i was like not the it wasn't the subject matter but i was, way to be concise. Yeah. I was stoked on how concise he was and just like, he's like, he didn't play around. He's like, so this is about how I feel about this. He's just like, this is a song about a girl in a box.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And you're like, all right, sweet. Start playing. Because he doesn't say like what kind of box it is. Like it could, she just could be playing hide and seek. Oh, it could be a mental box too. Yeah. It sounds more ominous though. Yeah, it is Slipknot.
Starting point is 01:02:10 But I was like, dude, props to you Slipknot head lead singer for that Hemingway style introduction. You know, concise to the point. What's it about? It's about a girl in a box. Oh, okay. Thanks. Eloquent in its brevity.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah. Nice, dude. What's your quote? the point what's it about it's about a girl in a box okay thanks eloquent and it's brevity yeah nice dude what's your quote dude my quote of the week is from the wonderful emma thompson the actress from love actually and sense and sensibility and howard's end the last two i haven't seen when she won for best screenplay in 1996 for doing an adaptation of sense and sensibility uh written by jane austen she goes oh i'm so honored i uh visited jane austen's grave before this night to um tell her about the grosses like how much money the movie made i was like you are funny dude and she probably actually did go to the grave and say that she's that adorable and i just think british people crush it when they win awards colin firth when he won best
Starting point is 01:03:00 actor for a king speech he went up there and he's like, I'm sorry, I have stirrings in my stomach that if I'm not careful might lead to dancing. And they do this like real like fun, well-worded jokey joke, who can resist it? And yeah, Emma Thompson, that's just so cool. You know, that you won best actress for Howard's End. You parlayed that juice into adapting Jane Austen. And then when you won the award, you had a good sense of humor about hey it is about that
Starting point is 01:03:28 jing a little bit yeah that's awesome shout out to emma way to go emma um anything else no dude i think that's it should we do some ads yeah guys we are brought to you of course by our dogs douglas lubricant. Douglas Lubricant, the number one name in lubricant in the industry. Guys, you love to bone and you love to bone hard. So when you bone, you need to bone right. You need to bone smooth. That's why you should get Douglas Lubricant. They have tons of flavors, strawberry, orange, original, anal. And they're also going industrial. So if you have an engine, hit up Douglas for some lube for whatever kind of lube an engine requires because they're trying to make the move to engines now.
Starting point is 01:04:15 So they're both sexual and industrial. That's awesome. Yeah. Dude, I want to do an ad for my dear friend, Anthony, who was my older brother growing up de facto. He created the kind of environment where he didn't have to give me a swirly. I gave myself a swirly just so they would like hanging out with me more. And I think that speaks to his charisma and the kind of respect that he engenders from the people around him.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He has turned into a wonderful winemaker and his two different brands, Jackson Hole Winery and Premonition just taste great. And I don't have the best palate, but I know when something's good and these are good wines. So if you're of age, pursue them online and buy some because he's a great guy and he's a great winemaker. Sweet. And as always, we're also sponsored by danny babona at uci baseball best pitching coach in the country got a brand new beautiful boy colt in the family he'll probably turn into an ace and you could too if you go to uci for baseball they should call it uc newport beach because it's right there that's my favorite ad i love do i too. No, for sure, yeah. I love them all.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I love all the sponsors. Hey, when you get to UCI, bring some Douglas. You're going to need it. Dude. Nice. All right, guys. That'll be it for episode 52 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Thank you guys so much for everything, for being stokers, for just knocking our socks off.
Starting point is 01:05:46 And check out the Patreon, patreon.com slash jagosdeep for bonus content. And stay stoked, guys. JT? Dude, it's braggy, but when I was in Wyoming, I met someone who told me that when their submarine that they work on comes to level, when it comes out of the water, they download the pod. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:04 It's not Denzel washington is it close sweet thank you so much that was ridiculously cool yeah it's jacked it's sean connery isn't it dude same vibe but actually a nice looking lady oh cool yeah but same vibe that's awesome yeah all right guys that's it thank you what up stokers that was fun

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