Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 54 - Strider/Joe, Golf, and a little Dong Talk

Episode Date: January 23, 2019

The whole gang gathers round to discuss sports, everything Arnold, how to make golf fun, and, as always, dong size. Dive on in for some good vibes! Check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoes...deep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep in Chad and JT podcast. We're coming in with Hot with episode 54. Yes. Whoa. That's a lot. That's like one year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:12 It's that one year anniversary, right? I think that's one year in two weeks. I think 52 weeks is one year. Yeah. Fuck. Happy anniversary though. Thank you. Aw, thanks.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Yeah, dude. Friggin' that's... Anniversaries are big, dude. As a dude with the GF, dude, it's important to celebrate your anniversaries and truly look back reflect and see the growth you know and you guys have come a long way to it from already being legends to straight up dank legends now oh thank you did you appreciate anniversaries before having a gf no dude not really like i mean you know i'd look back and be like with the boys like you guys be like oh dude i remember that one time like this is the first time we shotgunned a beer on the balcony or like you know like oh dude this is like when remember like
Starting point is 00:00:48 the first time we gargled a keg together or something but like wasn't like you know i didn't even think of it as an anniversary i was like that was just a chill moment it would be nice to commemorate those experiences with some kind of like yearly celebration though oh for sure dude like yeah like dude i mean i don't like that time we mooned the pirates of the caribbean line at the kikorian that'd be great we could celebrate that each year go back get a wahoo's like maui bowl or freaking you know some dank enchiladas right there and uh commemorate that with a nice meal and then maybe moon passerbyers of like paddington three correct yeah and we could like take pictures of our butts each time
Starting point is 00:01:25 and see how they've grown not from no no from not from getting fatter but from getting more robust correct from recruiting muscle fiber from freaking doing squats isolated freaking dumbbell pulls and just straight up rdls that's roman deadlifts it's all about the hammies baby you can always gauge the amount of tea someone has by, I think, their ass. Correct. Oh, dude, it's the motor. Speaking of getting jacked, you bros have been getting jacked recently,
Starting point is 00:01:54 dude. Thank you for placing me right there. Yeah, looking good there. Nipples out. But I think he's... Hey, show him off. This podcast just stepped up to pg-13 yeah i came straight from the gym i'm like i'm bringing the pump right into the
Starting point is 00:02:10 session i'm not gonna shower this musk off and there's a visual component to the pod now and i think chad's nipples are a hot sell yeah oh big time dude big time dude so you can see oh dude dude do you want to be thank you aaron for that camera shift in 2019 dude you're stepping up never mind pod listenership dude pod viewership dude that's what's up big move all encompassing dude you mentioned pirates the franchise movie crowds are the best ones to moon absolutely gotta get a comic-con moon those dudes and dude you gotta find like some niche um cosplay moments like we dressed up for inception which was very dank that was interesting one to dress up for people thought that we were working for the theater some lady
Starting point is 00:02:49 asked me to help her find her seat i did dude i did yeah just chill dude i think it's also fun to moon the line and then get in line with everybody for yeah like get behind the person not run away from what you've done but be like hey i'm actually just gonna kick it and if you want to talk about it i'm available but dude were you mentioning the pump because we lifted with uh arnold schwarzenegger who for those of you who don't know he was a bodybuilder action movie star and then governor of california quite a resume if you took any one of those things you'd be like life well done and he managed to compound all of that into one human life it's crazy insane dude insane dude he we were uh we're doing deadlifts with him oh and he gave me uh an inspiring speech and you know that signature look he has
Starting point is 00:03:39 where he just sort of looks at you he's like i, I got this. I know who I am in his being. He's like, you're going to lift this son of a bitch, okay? And, dude, he looked at me, and he gave me that look, and I was like, I could lift like 500 pounds right now. Dude, it was life-changing. He stressed you have to have a vision, and you have to give other people your vision. He's telling us how to protect house parties, and he's like, you have to tell them that if they come to your party, they have never been to a better party.
Starting point is 00:04:07 They will never have more fun than they have at your party. Your party can change the world. And I was like, as long as you're there, man. I've never thought about it that way, but that's amazing. And dude, then we toured his office, which is right by Gold's Gym. He has his office right next to, close to the gym. That's where he built his place of work, right next to the gym, so he could get it all in.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Dude, his office was insane. Like, it's like a museum for like a kid. He's got Andy Warhol's pictures with every president. He has a busk of Lenin, the Russian leader, that was an actual statue from Russia that he had his bodybuilding friends tear down and bring to America when the Berlin Wall fell. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah. I guess he's got other ones in storage that he just might bring out seasonally. Apparently, he just told them he likes statues, so they just keep sending them to him. He's like, I'm not a communist, but thank you. And he's got leaders from every walk of life, too. Republican, Democrat. He's just about, I think, significance. Yes. My favorite thing is he had a photo of him sledding with George H.W. Bush.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Dude, if you have a photo of you sledding with a president. Sledding? Sledding. I'm going to imagine. Yeah, not like one of the Kmart, like, plastic ones either, like an old school proper wood one with, like, the kind of, like, wave at the front of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 The reverse wave. an old school proper wood one with like the kind of like wave at the front of it yeah the reverse way apparently they slammed into a barbara bush and like broke her arm her shoulder or something what and he said when you get lunch with the bushes they always get bloody marys like if you try to get an iced tea they're like nah we're drinking love it dude break out the kettle one it's 90 just because you're you know the commander-in-chief of a country at war doesn't mean you can't cut loose at lunch and just have a little bit of a buzz. I'm all about that, dude. I'm all about that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Getting stuff done while having fun. Dude, one last thing. He had his desk, his huge desk, stuff from every movie he's been in, just memorabilia out the wazoo. And then behind him, there's a drawer. You open the drawer, you expect to see papers in there, papers in their folders paper clips whatever someone has in their office his drawer just had army knives in it it was packed with it just had huge knives had like 60 knives in it dude we got to hold the uh
Starting point is 00:06:20 shotgun from t2 whoa that's freaking sick, the thing he's doing the action with on the bike? The pump. Arnold's all about repetition. They said he practiced with it all day. He'd just be walking around swinging that thing so he'd get that arm action down that looks so badass in the movie. He had bloody knuckles from it. Dude, freaking Judgment
Starting point is 00:06:40 Day is one of the best action movies ever. Eye Hard, Judgment Day. What was that? action movies ever. I mean, Die Hard, Judgment Day. What was that, 97? 92, I think. 92. Yeah. So dang.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I do remember that. So dang. And then he's in Predator. I mean, he's in a lot of contenders for best action. I mean, dude, even Eraser. Oh, I love Eraser. Which is kind of, you know, because he has such a strong list of movies he's been in,
Starting point is 00:07:03 that one kind of doesn't get talked about as much. But, dude, it's fire. It's great. With that aluminum gun or whatever that frigging fires through like x-ray vision. And, dude, then we got to go to the Arnold Classic on Saturday at the weightlifting competition that he puts on with Strongmen. Sick. And it was a lot of cool stuff to see there.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But we tried to talk to Joe Montelel what's his name manjanjanu the super hot guy from uh magic mike and magic mike 2 joe montoya and from uh true blood and maybe it was because he was trying to have lunch and he was trying to chill with his uh very beautiful elegant wife uh sofia vagara but um he did not respond well to chat he Really? He's too cool for school. We were like, dude, will you say you support the coral? I don't think he knew we were filming him at the time. We're like, will you say you support the coral? And he goes, just all of the coral?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Like trying to be a smartass. And we're like, yeah, why would we be trying to support just like certain coral? Even coral in fish tanks. Why not? At orthodontist's office, we support that coral still. Because guess what? It's alive, dude. Sophia was with him. Do you support people what all people yeah dude yeah they're all alive dude when he was talking i was like i was like dude you're not a fucking joe you're fucking lance
Starting point is 00:08:15 dude good call he said that good call yeah i said to his face and then marisi would be ashamed yeah and sofia was with him yeah she was wearing a Steelers cap, dude. That got me excited. Ooh. Yeah. She was very kind of shy. She was very shy. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:30 I mean, she was at a strongman competition, so maybe it's not her ideal place to be on her Saturday. And we had just deadlifted on the stage, so we were probably pretty intimidating. Yeah, they brought us up on the stage in front of like 850 people or something, and they had us deadlift. That's sick. Yeah. did it make you like did it jack you up how many lbs did you think because you were on the stage did you we put up it was 55 pound plates which is a weird increment yeah two of them on each side so that's 220 plus the bar i think the bar is 45 so i'm guessing it was 265 bro that's that's not right. Not an inconsiderable amount of weight. That's no joke. I usually do just a plate.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like, so above 35. Dude, you sound so shy saying that. I'm like, what do I do? Yeah, it's weak. If you don't mind just getting out of your room. That's not weak at all. But I bought my two... It was a big plate.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You got me flustered, Joe, because you're messing with my weight. But I put up 265 okay so yeah and it looked like you could have busted out as many reps as you wanted you can't fail in front of arnold no dude are you doing the grip when you do the one hand like that one hand one supinated one pronated yeah i go i go pronated i go double pro yeah i don't do supinate what about you dude what are you doing dude i do double pro i agree yeah joe I agree. Yeah. Joe, you supinate, don't you? Yeah. Well, I haven't done it in years. Yeah. I was about to say, you do eight-minute abs, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, how much weight do you put on at eight-minute abs? Body weight. Hey. There's nothing wrong with that. Sorry, I didn't mean it. That came up. Yeah, we're not trying to come down. I'm getting over 50 reps in in 45-second intervals, so that's more than one a second.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yes. So I'm flying through that thing. And that's more than one a second. So I'm flying through that. And that's respect. And the core is, I mean, besides the glute, the core has to be one of the most important muscle groups. It transfers the energy from the lower body to the upper body. It makes you what we like to call a beast. Dude, have you heard of this new thing?
Starting point is 00:10:17 And they call me that. The psoas? No. I got something to stretch it. The psoas. I mean, if you're a Rogan head, he's talking about it all the time. It's a muscle that runs from your gut, basically, down to your pelvis. And it's supposed to be where most back problems come from.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Bro, it's the Rick Wilsons. Yes. Those sexy abs that people get. You know the V? We knew a really hot guy. I don't think so, but I want to talk about those, though. Because we knew a really hot guy in high school who we didn't even know actually we just knew him by his abs yeah we'd see him at the beach and be like there's rick with his rick wilson's and those were just his abs i don't even
Starting point is 00:10:52 think i ever got within 30 yards of him i just like see his abs and i'd be like rick's here he had the v in high school yeah it was the guy his body was so good yeah he went to uc boulder i think yeah and maintained his abs for yeah He was probably drinking Bud Heavies and still just shredded. Really cool guy. What an interesting existence to have a V and also drink Bud Heavies. Dude, the way you were looking in Miami. Oh, thanks, dude. Shredded fire.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. What about, did you guys watch football yesterday? Dude. Yeah. Strider and I are heartbroken because we laid down sweet action sweet baby i'm 0 for 15 on the sweet action dude you're gonna put chad in the poor house yeah dude i like to look at it positively as like dude i'm teaching you a lesson early about gambling you have to lose dude if you taste victory too soon you're gonna
Starting point is 00:11:40 chase it and you know what you gotta you gotta be mature so now you know how to make good decisions going into it dude so yeah i'm sorry but also you're welcome dude no i'm i'm i'm stoked uh you know they say your greatest strength comes through loss i believe and so i'm getting stronger from losing those 20 bones and look dude, that's it? We went against. Yeah. Well, watch out for this guy. $20? I mean, who cares? No, but you're going to find when you start winning, you're not even going to care. If you lose so much, once you win, you're going to be like, oh, whatever. That's the problem with gambling.
Starting point is 00:12:22 The losing hurts a lot more than the winning. Yeah. It feels good. I do appreciate that they're honest about their losses, though, because I hurts a lot more than the winning yeah i do feels good i do appreciate that they're honest about their losses though because i have a lot of friends who gamble and they'll look frustrated all sunday like they're just like god damn it fuck shit god damn and then at the end of the day you're like how'd you do this week and they're like oh yeah i won yeah i'm like really i didn't see you happy for five seconds in a row so i'm guessing you're not working stress yeah you're pretty much paying for stress yeah
Starting point is 00:12:45 i i think we're i look at it as we're paying for camaraderie because those phone calls and when we put together bets it's just like i hit up strider and stride like baby baby baby baby and i'm just like i love this jargon the jargon is nice yeah i i used to get and i'm speaking from a place of degeneracy, if that's a word. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I used to – you become emotionally invested in Boise State, and when you're doing that, it's time to give it up. Dude, it's a bridge too far. Yeah, you're just like – That's the team with the blue field, am I right?
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah. You can't be – blue field, you're not getting my money, baby. So I would gamble on that. Well, Joe went to Iowa for a bit. They have pink locker rooms there. Really? For the away team. Yeah, the away team.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Oh, mental games. Yeah. Interesting. That's interesting. Also breast cancer awareness. Little did they know that would make me and Chad bubbly, and we'd be like, yeah. Yeah, they want to make sure. Yeah, they want to make sure the visiting team's aware of breast cancer.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Dude, if you want to intimidate the team, paint the locker room black. Yeah. This is dark. You can't see anything. They're all depressed and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:51 That would be good, too. Pump the Smiths. They're just in there. They're like, oh, man. Have Morsey, dude. Yeah, they're like. Have Manchester by the Sea playing. Can we turn this off?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah. Nah, dude. Yeah. Whole team just walks through the banner when they come out. They don't even rip it. They just walk around it. Heads are down. Everyone gets bunnies from Donnie Darko to wear.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Just, what's wrong? Yeah. And then they play one of those Sarah McLachlan pet adoption commercials. Oh, man. Really put them in their domes, dude. Yeah. That's the way to assault them with sadness. Man, yeah. Really put them in their domes, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah. That's the way to do it. Assault them with sadness. Well, I can't stop looking at your spider leg that you got up there on your eyebrow. I get that, too. This got so long. Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:14:33 I gotta cut it, I guess. It's kind of interesting, though. Yeah, I'm kind of like, maybe it's good luck. Yeah, leave it. I do like it. Yeah. Because it's unique. Joe, do you dislike it?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, I want to rip it out. Yeah. because it's unique so joe do you dislike it yeah i i want to rip it out yeah because i i get those too and i i when i get my hair cut she goes over my eyebrows now every time i like i don't tweeze i'm not gonna do that no pardon me um but yeah just take care of it. Just cut them. How does that happen? Is that like a high T count or something like that, dude? It's got to be. All of a sudden at night your body just got jacked. Well, you know what I've been doing? I've been eating sauerkraut straight, which is a straight-up probiotic.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Nice. And so maybe that's it. Oh, nice. Nice. I like sauerkraut on my dog, you know, the game. Hot dog. I thought you meant on your friend at first. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I mean, look, dude, if we're having fun doing drinking games or, like, playing some competition or something, I'll do that, dude. It's no problem, dude. you know the game hot dog i thought you meant on your friend at first oh dude yeah i mean look dude if we're having fun doing drinking games or like playing some competition or something i'll do that it's no problem dude dude i gotta say um sorry to change the subject back to football again but uh you know even though i beef with tom brady right now okay so he's a beast yeah but you know he is my beef of the week yeah good um good i'd never heard him talk before and then i saw really yeah and i i was like oh he looks so cool and i saw a video of him talking i'm like don't talk yeah it's high pitch like come on guys we're gonna win this game yeah yeah i'm like dude the one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time is a fucking dweeb talking in an interview or like that too my home
Starting point is 00:16:01 yeah well he's got like a he's got like a like that dude from the water boy voice he's like bobby boucher like kind of tossing back but it's a little higher yeah yeah and dude uh the best jujitsu guy in the world right now or i don't know if he's the best but i hear about him a lot this guy gordon ryan he's like hey everybody so right here i'm gonna be showing you how to pass the guard you're like dude why don't you have like a deep baritone yeah dude what about tyson all these like in like yeah beast mode dudes have these voices that aren't i like tyson tyson's kind of works for me it's scary yeah very terrifying yeah and the way he can talk with such clarity about the psychotic things he's done
Starting point is 00:16:35 like he's like i would help old women's back to their home back to their houses and i'd bring their groceries and then when we got inside their foyer i I'd punch their mouth out. And you were like, oh, my God. Yeah, just say it's soft. Yeah, dude. So gathered. Strider, how's the ballet? Oh, dude, it's dank, dude. Freaking. Dude, it's dank to be outside.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You know what I mean? Like, just cruising around, dude. You have a nice hue. Thank you, dude. Yeah. I'm getting a nice bronze on on my arms, neck, and chest. Do you do the light jog? Of course, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Of course, bro. I mean, and dude, we're on a hill. You got to take care of your knees and your joints, dude. Okay, yeah okay i'm not going too hard you know working on my force reduction in the gym dude just really like taking care of the joints and uh beautiful terminology thank you i'm freaking appreciate that dude just just trying to be some guys like wind sprinting to the cars some of the younger valets yeah dude like you know 18 year old valets it's good to see that hunger of course dude they're out there. They're fired up, dude, looking to score some fat tips and park some whips.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And that's what it comes down to, dude. And what's dank about it is you're outside. You're having a good time with your dank crew of dudes. And, yeah, I mean, of course, there's some schmoles in the valet group. Every group's got its schmole, dude. That's what happens. And, you know, dude, it's chill, dude. It's chill.
Starting point is 00:17:42 That 18-year-old thing reminds me of the parable of, the crude parable of, like, the dad and son with the sheep. Have you heard that one? No. It might not be a human one, but it's like they're looking down at all these sheep, and the young kid's like, Dad, let's run down there and fuck one of those sheep.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And then the dad goes, No, let's walk down there and fuck all of them. Oh. Nice. You know, it's about, like, putting your energy into the places where it belongs nice dude i don't know if i don't get it yeah the sheep i don't yeah i might have messed up what the animals were and what the optics were but the the thrust of it is like take your time
Starting point is 00:18:15 and then when you get to what actually matters that's where you put all your energy yeah that still comes through in that analogy despite it's a sheep or whatever yeah dude yeah i think the important takeaway is like father some bonding you know like true honest conversation if my dad said hey we're gonna like bond we're gonna go fuck a bunch of sheep i'd be like i'm in yeah dude i was honest to god like i used to be so rebellious towards my dad but especially as i've gotten older now you know in light of his illness if he asked me to go bone a bunch of sheep with him yeah i'm like yeah whatever you need dog yeah hell yeah dude it beats like you know going out on the golf course playing 18 holes freaking hearing about how i've got to get my finances in order dude yeah let's go bone some sheep dad fuck yeah dude
Starting point is 00:18:56 screw hole 11 yeah interesting yeah that dog leg kills me you can't get carnal on the golf course. No. I've seen fellas. We whizzed one time, all four of us. True. That's amazing. We once golfed with our buddy Ferraro, dude, in Cabo. So dank, dude. Just freaking straight up cracking ronas, dude. Just dipping on some tequila, having a nice round.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And our buddy Ferraro, who is jacked and played baseball, he literally thought he could drive the ball 500 yards. And we're like, dude, Tiger Woods can could drive the ball 500 yards and we're like dude your tiger woods can't hit the ball that far dude and like he'd hit the ball like shank it so far like into like the beach and he'd be like oh dude i found my ball he'd be like up by the green we're like dude you didn't fucking hit that he's like dude i'm so strong he's like such a big strong guy and he just must think because he's a baseball player that there's no never been anyone as strong as him to play golf yeah and we're like, no, dude, we're actively watching you suck.
Starting point is 00:19:46 That's not your ball by the green. He'd be like, no, it's up here, dudes. I found it. And then at the end of every hole, we'd see him count his shots. Oh, dude, yeah. He'd do it really physically, like over the top.
Starting point is 00:19:56 He'd be like, one, two, 15, 45. We're like, yeah, we're going to give you 10, dude. We'll move on. Don't worry about it. No, you just turned to me in the golf cart and you went, he's like, I got a five. And then you just turned to me and you're like, give him a nine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I hate the golf cheating. Can't stand it. Because you're cheating yourself, dude. You're like, who else are you? Well, and then when I golf, I secretly count everybody's strokes that I'm with because I know people cheat. Yeah, I've been with you, but you're on top of it. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:20:20 I like that because you bring a level of integrity to the competition that's needed. I think we'd be a dank foursome to play some golf right here. Yeah, I like golf. I play. It's frustrating. Everybody sucks at golf, so you just got to accept that you suck. Yeah, it's good to drink a few beers. That helps.
Starting point is 00:20:38 It's frustrating until you put Michelob Ultra into the mix. True, dude. Every time you see that cart girl coming around that's what i'm saying yeah in orange county they're always so beautiful too like oh my god this person's like a model for like early or something like that yeah yeah dude and then i have a funny story of like uh brotherly anger it was me and my buddy josh playing against his little brother and my little brother and his little brother was on a par four
Starting point is 00:21:03 from the fairway and knocked it in on two hit an albatross we're in the woods trying to cheat like we were literally cheating we're like just put your ball there because we're gonna lose to the younger dudes and then he hears his brother go oh i hit it i'm in it i got an albatross i had a two and then josh just goes fuck you runs out and punches his brother for having a good shot it was a two on a four yeah it was a two on a four. And he just ran up. And then even worse. I'm sorry, Josh, to keep saying that.
Starting point is 00:21:30 No, that's an eagle. Yeah, it was an eagle. But I think the fun name for it is an albatross. No, I think that's if you get three under par. You're right. That's a two on a five. That's a two on a five. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:21:40 My bad, guys. It's an albatross. Yeah. But Jason really wanted to hold on. Am I Jim Nance over here? Yeah. It's a need to clarify. Yeah, guys. Yeah. But Jason really wanted to hold on. Am I Jim Nance over here? Yeah. It's a need to clarify. Yeah, just go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Jason wanted to hold on to the ball so he wasn't going to play with it for the rest of the round. Josh ran out of balls. And he's like, Jason, let me borrow your ball. He's like, no, this is my eagle ball. And then Josh goes, give me the fucking ball. Promptly takes his swing and hits it into the water. Loses the ball forever. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:22:03 This is my eagle ball yeah then he just fucking but dude if that's your younger brother you're like just shut up you're like my eagle ball dude and you're the older brother like shut up yeah exactly dude we should get a scottsdale yeah oh yeah scottsdale eat a fucking ribeye dude play some golf dude like in the day i did that with my brothers my dad one time we went scottsdale we went to true north and then we went to the steakhouse at night fire day my brother got the lobster and he got a martini i had you know fucking michaelo boltra's and steak and nice i love and there's good guys there i love cougar yeah you do you might get old dude i love cougars you do they love you too though yeah yeah you got hair. It's a two-way street, baby.
Starting point is 00:22:46 They teach you so much. Yeah, that's what it is. You're a curious person. Yeah, teach me how to dispense wisdom and then let's bone. It's true. True, dude, true. All right, should we get into some questions, guys? Hell yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:00 We've got somewhat of a... I'm fired up. I'm feeling good. All right, this one's from Caleb. Yo, what up, council? I was hornier than a two-peckered billy goat the other night, so I headed down to the local watering hole. Long story short, I was taking this fine young woman on a weenie ride,
Starting point is 00:23:13 and this sex was hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock. As I'm clapping those cheeks from behind out of nowhere, I hear this noise that was louder than Paul Walker's 1993 Toyota Subra. She queefed right on my sausage. I didn't know how to respond. Do I laugh? Do I ignore it? And should I just count this as an L in my book or try to hit it again?
Starting point is 00:23:31 The sex was great, but I don't know if it ruined me for the future. I'm desperate for advice. Dude. Ruined it? I don't know. Sounds like this guy's got to probably try to lose his virginity based on the way that he wrote this out. Sorry to come down hard on you.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Dude, you didn't like the lingo? No, dude. I mean, I love the fire lingo. Dude, I love it. But if you put that much effort as the fire lingo that you just wrote into your lovemaking, you might have had a better experience, dude. That's all I'm saying, dude. Very mature.
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's true. With your GF, dude, you've got to look. The reason they say ladies first, dude, I mean, through the door, also, you know, in the bedroom, dude. So, you know, you've got to really be there there to to make love dude not trying to get yours be selfish but dude i do appreciate the fire lingo yeah there's a lot of fun analogies at the beginning but i think i think that but the core of what you're saying i think it's true like dude you gotta do your job so no matter what noises come out of the person you're with you gotta finish
Starting point is 00:24:22 strong and you gotta play as if you know everything's 100 dude if they queef i get pumped yeah i'm pumped you're creating air pockets yeah i'm like if they queef and they get embarrassed i'm like don't be embarrassed that was awesome and then be yourself intimacy and you give them eye contact and you're like we got this and you know what that does to the other person gets them more hype yeah hyped. Because they're like, this guy's cool. Yeah, hopefully a louder queef comes out. Yeah. And then so maybe the thing is keep the lingo and just up the acceptance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah, dude. Yeah, it's a good call. Dude, you got to accept her. All right. What up, Chad and JT? I've been loving the podcast. And you guys are giving me some serious Stockholm syndrome off your guys' positive vibes. My question is about the motive to go to the bar.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I used to love hitting up the bars with my boys when they still went to college with me. But since they graduated, I've just been hitting the bars alone. It is noticeably less fun when you're going out alone. We used to fit up and go out trolling for sliz. But nowadays, I just find myself trying to find anyone to talk to regardless of gender. I found that the most solid conversationalists are older dudes drinking alone. And I always ask them if they were ever in the service. It always leads to a solid convo of these retired stokers reminiscing about their days long gone they always seemed hype that someone has taken interesting them and the
Starting point is 00:25:32 feeling is mutual i love hearing their tall tales but i can't help but think that i'm actually just looking for a more serious connection that can't be fulfilled by a two-hour bar chat anyways i was just wondering if i'm dodging the obligation of finding a new squad or if you guys think this is an all-right practice behavior. Much love, Midwest Bob. Dude, JT, this reminded me of a combo we had recently about times in our lives when we've both been kind of isolated and how much we grew from that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Dude, take advantage of the isolation. Yeah, and talk to some chicks, bro. Dude, this is nice what he's doing, though. Don't go to the bar and start talking to guys, you know what I mean? Well, you are so full. You talk to more dudes at the bar than anyone. Yeah, but guys that I know. I'm not going to meet guys.
Starting point is 00:26:20 But that whole Bears crew you hang out with are dudes that you met watching games with at the bar. Yeah, but those guys that I know. No, that was a pre-grouped thing. Oh, okay. Those guys are all invited out. I'm not going out of my way to talk to dudes. You know what I mean? I think it's cool, man.
Starting point is 00:26:37 But there are guys that do that and introduce themselves. It's like, well, you're a guy. It's something kind of weird about it. I hear but you're a guy you know it's kind of something kind of weird about it i hear what you're saying i don't go to i never go to bars with the intention of talking to dudes but uh for this guy i think like if he's like feeling a little lonely you know like i for me personally take some time to dig deep inside your own dome and like figure out but yeah i mean if you're there solo the the natural inclination would be to talk to everybody. But I would save the effort.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I like that he's in this moment where he doesn't really have a crew to influence what he's doing. And he's just making these decisions to go do this stuff. Yeah, I appreciate the independence. I've gone to bars solo before years ago. I still do it once in a while. It is kind of weird. It's hard, it's really hard But I think it makes you stronger Yeah, I think it's good Maybe you don't want to be drinking too much
Starting point is 00:27:31 You want to enjoy a nice little IPA Maybe a little bullet on the rocks Not too much, you've got to get stuff done the next day But dude, maybe it's not always a bar Where you're going out to meet new people Maybe it's like, dude, you freaking Dude, my younger brother Joined a kickball league, dude. And he's having fun doing that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Maybe you joined like a team, dude, or something like that. Immediately you've been crewed up in that way. I don't know. Join like one of those rock climbing gyms, dude. Dude, great place. Although, yeah, I'm not going to say it. What were you going to say? Oh, dude, I was at a rock climbing gym one time,
Starting point is 00:28:06 and I was like, I don't want to be negative about rock climbing dudes, but I'm going to leave it at that. Sometimes, dude, sometimes when it comes to the subculture, if you're new to that subculture or whatever, dudes are very possessive of it. You know what I mean? They're like, no, this is my thing. We've talked about that with paintballing.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Like, put your barrel plug in,ob dude yeah yeah where's your fps face mask down dude all right or you get off my course you're like yeah we got it it's my friend's birthday we're trying to have a nice time dude yeah yeah we got it you play a sport that no one else is competitive about so by default you've become the best player exactly dude exactly well it's just like you go to rock climbing gym and you go to have like a tom cruise mission impossible 2 kind of experience then you hear then you're like trying to you know feel that vibe then you hear ring the bell dylan ring it ring it dylan and you're like who's that damn dude you don't even ring the bell you just walk away yeah retire yeah then you then you like unbillay
Starting point is 00:29:03 whoever's rock climbing. You're like, sorry, dude, you're on your own. Dude, I was gonna, I think for this guy, like, if you wanna meet some gals, yeah, there's some other work
Starting point is 00:29:13 that's gotta be done. Maybe get on some dating apps. But I don't see anything wrong with you going to the bar and talking to servicemen. Yeah. I think that sounds like a nice experience.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah. And dude, who knows? Maybe I'll meet a dank dude and then you guys go sarging together, dude. Yeah. You could introduce you to cougars. Yeah. And dude, who knows? Maybe I meet a dank dude and then you guys go sarging together, dude. Yeah. You could introduce you to Cougars.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Amen. Hey. Good point. You like Cougs? That's the best point. Oh, yeah, yeah. Nice. You could be like,
Starting point is 00:29:35 my wife has lots of friends and you're like, perfect. Yeah, dude. And then you guys go out together. It's like when Forrest Gump and Gary Sinise and Forrest Gump
Starting point is 00:29:43 pick up those girls, you know? And Forrest is like, I Sinise and Forrest Gump pick up those girls, you know? And Forrest is like, I didn't lock or taste lock cigarettes. And Sinise has to be like, dude, you're the worst wingman in the world, Forrest. He can't even say it to me. He doesn't even get it. All right, guys. Next up.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Please keep your boy anonymous. Well, it's just his first name. Social security numbers. What up, br bros i have a major problem but first i have to provide some backstory in high school i was player of the year for football in the state and a three-time all-state baseball player yes all right dude you're becoming less anonymous dude i chose baseball and i'm currently playing college baseball baseball not for uci sorry bros and had some pretty solid accolades while here my problem begins now I have dated plenty of fire babes and never got attached to any except for one she knows from
Starting point is 00:30:30 she knows me from high school and we still talk quite a bit but after this year we will once again be in the same town I've tried to date since but none give me the stoke that this babe radiates this babe makes me feel every way Strider feels about his GF but I don't know how she feels about me anymore I decided to try and become the best me I can be for when we were back in town what do you bros think i should
Starting point is 00:30:48 do to prepare for this future endeavor i guess i just want to be better than i was last time we were together instead of be on the downhill thanks my dogs much love bro stay stoked just do what you didn't do before i guess no like uh like make the move you mean well he's like how do i do it better just if you did it wrong just you know it's like in uh stand up you know like if you bomb do it different the next time right but i guess without yeah it sounds like he bombed the first time around so learn from that did he bomb things different sounds like he bombed yeah i feel like maybe the first time around he said he dated some fire babes dude so maybe now no but with that one chick he wants to rekindle it he said it yeah like he messed it up the first time so don't he's being a
Starting point is 00:31:42 little uh maybe i don't know exactly the details of what there was a lot going on in that email yeah joe you're joe go ahead well i mean these people with these long emails dude what's the most what's the best way to email joe like i would love to hear joe's ideal i would stick i would stick to one topic don't be like so i was dating these girls and then uh well there was this one and then uh i i was a three why does he have to brag about being his athletics well i think it's good context because it makes me wonder why he's so in his dome when he's such a prodigious young man sounded like you know he's like hey you guys i'm cool and then he's talking about
Starting point is 00:32:25 how he sucks with the chicks it is cool though that is chill well yeah i thought it was gonna be in a sport related email and then maybe his subject line should be like chill bro good at baseball liked boning thinking about getting late yeah i mean we didn't know that he was what do you say three-time all-state baseball but i like what i like about that though is that like people listening and for me too it's like wait so a guy who can be a three-time All-State baseball player? But what I like about that, though, is that people listening, and for me, too, it's like, wait, so a guy who can be a three-time All-State baseball player still gets nervous around a gal? That means it's universal.
Starting point is 00:32:52 It doesn't just happen to dudes from this crew or people from this crowd. It can be anybody, for sure. I mean, we know getting chicks can be tough. Yeah. Dude, I have some advice for this dude. I'd say stay on the path you're on of self-improvement and then when you present yourself to her don't try to pull any tricks don't try to like do any like you know math or whatever yeah just present yourself in the most positive way
Starting point is 00:33:15 and be like yeah everything's going great you know i've freaking put up 265 and not you don't have to say that off the bat but just like present yourself in the most positive way possible and then she should respond to it i think i think it's gonna go better than he thinks i think that's great advice dude and then maybe that backfires on you which it won't because it's fire but if it does just get yourself a nice all leather outfit dude oh i mean fire all leather outfit collarless leather jacket and just show. It looks like a muscle car, dude. That should be plan B every time. Yep, that's plan B, dude. Plan B, if your plan A backfires, plan B,
Starting point is 00:33:50 a leather jacket, dude, and a vape, dude, and just all you got to do, here's the three words you say, for sure, whatever. Nice. Dude, if it doesn't go well with her, he should be like, give me five. And then roll up in a Corvette with leather. Great.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Or dude, what if you were birding in all leather? You ever seen anything like that? That's fire, dude. I guess that would be cool. All right, we got Luke. What up, Stoke Nation? Wilson and Luke here. We're big fans of the pod.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Such a positive influence on our Stoke ratio. Need your input on our problem here. We live at a frat house, and all day we've been pretty bummed. We both had some dime pieces that were DTF, and we were skiing with them all night. Turns out both of us got coke dick and didn't really get to bone them. Woke up pretty bummed and honestly contemplated putting the blow to rest. Any ideas with how to deal with this situation next time?
Starting point is 00:34:44 I don't know. I've never done coke, so. blow to rest. Any ideas with how to deal with this situation next time? I don't know. I've never done coke, so. Damn, dude. Well, if you're going to do blow, you're kind of dealing with that. I didn't know coke dick was a thing. Yeah. It makes it hard to get an erection, but it makes you super horny. Oh, it sounds like a good drug to do.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Which is kind of the weird dual push that it gives you. But coke also makes you want to talk. So if your dong's not working, just chat it up with her all night. You guys will mow through like 6,000 topics before sunrise. Yeah. True. Dude, I place the blame on Hollywood on this one because I was watching Nip Tuck,
Starting point is 00:35:22 and he was boning and doing blow off her ass. That was a great show. And I'm like, that's not how it goes doing blow off her ass. That was a great show. And I'm like, that's not how it goes. That's how you want to stop the sesh, in my opinion. It's true. But I think if you're on the blow, and you know it's not going to work, just keep talking and lay the foundation for next time when you're not on the coke.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. And forgive me for being a little blue, but look, dude, just because you're on the blow and you can't get yours, maybe do a little bit of yeah you have other moves exactly dude you're just you're kind of thinking about number one there dude you got to think about the lady too and you know what dude she doesn't got blow dick you know what i mean yeah you got yeah you got you got your fingers you got your mouth you you got your mouth. You can use your toes. Yeah. Maybe down like a liter. Just toe her.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Because you can get caught in mouth. Oh, toe her. Nice. Yeah, if she's into that, then yeah, that's chill. You know, run it by her. Yeah, let's not just jump to the toe move. But you could get creative and be like, look, I'm not like every other guy. Like, look out for my foot.
Starting point is 00:36:21 For sure. Yeah, that'd be a – sounds like it'd be a coked up move. At the beginning of that email, I was fired up. I thought they were actually night skiing, which is a very dang good thing. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. That sounds fun. You're with your GF.
Starting point is 00:36:32 You're looking at the moon. And then he's got to go to drugs, I guess. Yeah, which stokers would be way cooler if you were actually night skiing than doing blows. And, dude, barring any accident with a tree, your dong's going to function properly after night skiing. Yeah. Oh, dude, you're going to be flowing gonna be flowing yeah you're gonna be feeling good so i'd say i'd say put the blow to
Starting point is 00:36:50 the curb and hit the slopes yeah for real the real slopes yeah also you could probably get cottonmouth too so maybe before you go down you know down like a liter of fiji water good call for some reason fiji water feels extra wet for water i think because in fiji it's like it's wetter it's dank there yeah yeah it's like island higher liquidity what up stoke nash i currently reside in the burbs of atl and me and my squad had quite the altercation on new year's we went to rage at a girl's house on the other side of town and it was dope for the first few hours but then these schmoles walked in at like 11 55 vibe switched real quick we were vibing with them for 30 minutes and we were chilling out of nowhere one of my boys said something to one of them and he wasn't feeling it both squads argued for a good
Starting point is 00:37:33 30 minutes we didn't want to fight because we were being hosted by the girl we didn't know that well things broke out my dog got hit in the face but one of my other boys broke a kid's sunglasses he was heated the girl boked us out of the house, and they were waiting for us outside. We hopped in the car quick, and we evaded. We live in a small town, so we will see these fools again. If we see them in public, do we let it fly or avoid a fight? We're in high school, by the way. Love the pods.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah, I mean, I think I could speak for the podcast. We don't condone violence here. Thank you, Joe. Appreciate that, Joe. Thank you. Is that all right to say? Absolutely. Dude, my move is squash the beef.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And I think if you need instructional materials on how to do that, watch Trent in the movie Swingers. There's an altercation towards the back end of the film. A gun gets pulled and they're dealing with definite schmoles. I mean, the guys they're fighting with are not cool. But Trent is cool enough to find a way to bridge a gap with definite schmoles. I mean, the guys they're fighting with are not cool. But Trent is cool enough to find a way to bridge a gap with the schmoles. And I think that's part of the reason that movie's so dynamite. Fire. Fire response.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. Be the better man. Maybe send them like a steak or something. Some cinnamon rolls. Yeah. Yeah. Because you want to maybe. It's kind of tricky because you're being nice, but you're sending them carbs.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Like, here's some treats. Maybe a Giordano's deep dish stuffed spinach. The next time you see them they all look fat you're like they don't even want to fight anymore because they're so like tired from all the carb lethargy and if you're nefarious it's going to slow them down if it does come to dukes you'd probably win they're all lethargic adonis hey bros my name is donnie and i have a question i got a tinder date and i'm pretty sure i'm being catfished by a larger woman i mean nothing wrong with being thick, but I'm way more into thick ladies. Nah, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Anyway, should I call her out on her duplicitous ways? Nah. See, that's one where you need more. Like, how does he know that she's thick? Maybe he's looked at different accounts or something. It could be angles. If you're getting a lot of photos where she's like,
Starting point is 00:39:25 it looks like she's getting someone from a hot air balloon is taking her picture, then it's like she's probably fat. Dude, speaking of Joe, you have the best dating app photos, I think, of all of us. Oh, thanks. Tell that to the broads. There's one of him taking out the laundry. Fire. Yeah. I love that, dude. I's like that's true to life too because that one i got laundry than any human that's ever lived so well i got rid of that one because my arms looked small
Starting point is 00:39:55 oh dude you gotta throw that back up there dude i don't know what other dude has a laundry photo all right i don't know if women care about arms as much as men care about arms i remember i was talking to some gals in high school, and they were like, man, the guy, Dermo Moroni, from My Best Friend's Wedding, he's so good-looking. And I was like, his arms are puny. And they were like, we don't care about arms. And same thing with David Beckham.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I remember I saw him shirtless on the cover of a magazine. I was like, he's not even jacked. They're like, no, he has a nice body. I'm like, I need some more musculature. Some chicks dig arms, dude. Some don't. Yeah, but I respect core, and I respect Rick Wilson's, and I respect good glutes.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I respect functional strength. Nice. And I think that, honestly, it's going to make you bone better. If you're athletic, fluid, motion. Yeah. Good call. Yeah, when we were with the strongmen at the competition, they looked huge and jacked but i was like you know looks like you have a tough time boning yeah i mean you got to have a
Starting point is 00:40:53 joe size hog to like get past all that muscle true yeah you have to really bury it in there true that's why i keep it lean dude you know my hog, not large, dude. Just kind of very, I would say, on the lesser side of medium, small. And, dude, I think that's why I keep it lean, dude. You know what I mean? I don't want to get too jacked because I already have a large frame, like 6'3", dude,
Starting point is 00:41:20 so I don't want to put on too many LBs because I wouldn't be doing myself favors. Yeah, you don't want to. You don't want to have to add your quads to the mix. Correct, but yet I need strength. I want to be functional. I want to be able to move. It's tough to buckle.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, definitely, definitely, dude. All right, last question. This is from Max. I'm a senior at college this year, and my residential college is in a little bit of a bind. We have these fun traditions where we initiate freshmen through strange and elaborate drinking games, e.g. making them learn a poem in a dark room with strobe lights, and then they recite it to us, and for every mistake they make, they have to hit the beer bong.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Short digression, my compadre bought a He Helix beer bong, and they're unreal. Unfortunately, college admissions has cracked down on these types of games under a new strict policy against hazing. I just want to know if you guys have had any experience with initiation type rituals and what some potential new rituals could be that we introduce which are far cry from hazing thanks so much fellas so much love max dude yeah i was in a fraternity and uh with my interviews and so you do like interviews i just got weird with it i didn't like you know i'd be like hey let's drink together but you know i did one where like one guy was like my lloyd he's like my assistant and uh he would just like sort of like i don't think it was hazing he would just fan me with a palm frond and bring me margaritas is that hazing no i think a lot of people would
Starting point is 00:42:39 volunteer for that job yeah absent of even being able to get into the frat yeah and then his his name was aaron but now everyone knows him as Lloyd. It's a tremendous amount of authorship to have in someone's life. Yeah. So maybe change their name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I was in a frat. Yeah, I didn't do the frat thing either. I think a fun thing that we were talking about prior to getting on the pod is that like, dude, what if you hazed people
Starting point is 00:43:01 with positive things? Like you were like, so for your hazing, you have to drink three green smoothies today. Yeah. Great call. And then you're like, and if you don't, dude, we're going to pin you down and hit you with a shot of vitamin B12 in your butt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So you have like a lot of energy tonight when we go out. Dude, for your hazing, you need to play backgammon with a WW2 veteran. You know what I mean? Yeah. Go visit some elderly people, dude. They like youth. They like good energy. Yeah. You have to get a horny elderly guy yeah um late late yeah be a wingman that's actually a functional or you don't even have to get them laid but you got to go because like i
Starting point is 00:43:34 don't want to be too results oriented true but you got to try make them have a nice time yeah i mean exactly pretty much a scent of a woman style make this guy have a nice time you know you'd be like uh they'd be like hey um so what are we gonna do for my interview you'd be like we're gonna hit the cryotherapy chamber i'm gonna boost your endorphins well yeah dude for your hazing that girl you've been in love with for three years you have to publicly declare your love for her oh good love it i do kind of and if you don't dude we're all gonna chant things at. Like, you have love in your heart. You won't let out.
Starting point is 00:44:06 You have love in your heart. You won't let everyone. He's like, shut up. Yes, I will let it out. Jenny, I love you. And then the whole frat goes nuts. I love her. He loves her.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Dude, you're stoked, dude. Your bro just found a GF, dude, and that's freaking dank, dude. I was freaking to get jacked on love. I love love, dude. You love it. I love it. bro just found a gf dude and that's freaking dank dude like i'll freaking get jacked on love i love love dude you love it i love it joe if we had if you were giving me an interview what would you make me do uh push-ups good call yeah till failure all right guys do we have a mission statement of the week oh fine let me look at me look at that. All right. Well, while Chad finds our mission statement of the week, maybe we can get into our... We'll do that after this next part then?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. Okay, cool. We'll start with you then, Strides. What up? My dog. Legends, dude. Who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's freaking got to be my GF, dude, because, dude, we just got...
Starting point is 00:45:03 We logged onto this website. I forget the name of it, dude, but we we're gonna get these dank renderings for our apartment dude where uh it's gonna give us some great ideas for interior decor and i'm fired up on that dude my gf she did the legwork she found it dude i ven motor so we split the costs dude it was pretty cost effective and we're gonna get some good ideas dude for you know what to do with our curtains dude what to do with like you know some wall art dude maybe even i don't know switch up the tv couch sitch i don't know dude so just freaking freaking just total yeah dude my gf's just killing it right now dude just fired up nice joe who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Mrs. Myers
Starting point is 00:45:47 She makes a hand soap That I've recently discovered that I love There's a scent called geranium That's really kind of giving me a good boost I've gotten off the dial and the other stuff and you know i used to be a big spring water soap guy but now i like geranium and basil i'm really getting into the uh clean body stuff nice uh i get fired up on that and you know what dude that right there is what i'd call gf bait dude gfs love nice quality soaps dude yeah
Starting point is 00:46:26 that's great soft on the skin yeah you you really dude you really sparks joy when you're rushing your head you feel something nice dude you know yeah yeah i'm fired up on hearing that right now is that sparks joy thing coming from marie kondo absolutely dude we're reviewing that in a couple weeks on the pod are you watching it oh bro uh dude bro. Dude, my GF and I read it, dude. Oh, you read it too? Yeah, dude. Beast mode. Fired up, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Fired up on that. And yeah, dude, I think there's a new Netflix movie with that, right? A TV show, yeah. Yeah. So for those of you who don't know, Marie Kondo is a home cleaning expert, I guess would be the way to describe it. And now she's got a show on Netflix. Dude, I'm stoked on this newfound knowledge.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I didn't know soap had so much power. Yeah. Dude, anything can. Beyond just like cleaning properties. Yeah. Wow. Anything that you... Dude, I don't wash my hands after I piss.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Oh, dude, you got to, dude. It's flu season, dude. I fake it, dude. I'm awful. I waste a little water. I just put the thing up to like fake people out. And then I just... Oh, that's a great move when they're hanging out in the other room.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Great. But flu season, but is the flu on your dong yeah oh it's everywhere dude your hands the number one thing i don't think the flu is washing your hands dude my mom called me yesterday and goes strider dude uh she didn't say that dude but she's like okay the flu's killing people get your shot all right i'll talk to you later. Yeah, dude. Moms are hardcore, dude. Yeah. People are always like, dude, do you get your flu shot?
Starting point is 00:47:48 I'm like, I take cold showers. That's true. Your immune system's... And, dude, we're drinking green drink. We're fired up, dude. Hey, you're healthy as a horse. Who's your babe of the week? Chad.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Strider, dude. No. What up, dude? What up, dude? Oh, dude oh dude that's freaking dank yeah when she gave birth to strider she's like oh that's a dank baby okay my babe of the week is high energy 80s music nice people ask me all the time chad what's your inner monologue like and i'm like well why don't you throw on the 80s playlist on spotify because that's my inner monologue you know constantly in my dome living on a prayer walking on sunshine no stranger to love maniac freaking huey lewis freaking
Starting point is 00:48:38 too hip to be square no hip to be square sorry sorry. What about Kenny Loggins? Steve Winwood, dude. Bring me a higher love. Oh, yeah, dude. 80s music. Oh, Never Gonna Give You Up, Rick Astley. That's probably the number one. Never gonna give you up.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, for the Stokers. This is constantly in my dome. This is my inner monologue yeah did you have a job interview or something did you need to go to apply for a loan or something dude you just frickin okay yeah it's good fire so yeah 80s music thank you for bringing the good vibes thank you for bringing the positivity and thank you for just making my day all overall just amazing and uh that's my babe dude my babe is super similar my babe of the week is um covers like music covers dude i just i get such a different like excitement when i hear a good cover of a song. And I oftentimes think the cover can exceed the original.
Starting point is 00:49:46 So I wrote some down. Like the BBC One Radio Lounge YouTube channel has some super solid ones. I'd recommend checking out One Direction. They do some good covers on there. The 1975, that band does a good cover of Rather Be and also What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. And then Donald Glover's cover of tamia hill to me until to me
Starting point is 00:50:07 to mill so into you is one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard and then we got haim does that don't impress me much tainted love was a cover remember or a remake rather yeah there was an original tainted love that's like more of like a, I don't know what era I would compare it to. It's almost like a doo-wop version. Really? And then there's the English rock version that we got, which is like the standard now. Yeah. You know, All Along the Watchtower is a cover of a Dylan song.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Guns N' Roses, Stairway to Heaven, and then Live and Let Die by Guns N' Roses are just, I think, improvements. Guns N' Roses did Stairway to Heaven? Oh, yeah. No, they did Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Oh, yeah. Thank you, Joe. Thank you. Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door. Ow, ow, ow. Yeah, yeah. And so
Starting point is 00:50:59 I just think covers, man, it's a fun way to look at the world. It's a slight spin on stuff and I think, you know, sometimes the duplicate is better than the original so that's my pay of the week did you boy strider who is your legend of the week dude my legend of the week is my gf dude because if she recently got these new shoes they're freaking eco-friendly shoes dude wow yeah i don't know exactly the science behind it or what's going on dude maybe it's just the way they make them but dude first of all they look chill it's a nice pair of sneakers dude that she has and dude it's just freaking dank and i love knowing that my gf is cruising around with comfortable feet and it hurts she's literally leaving a low carbon footprint with that shoe dude
Starting point is 00:51:39 so very dank dude very mindful of her dude uh Looking out for all of us with some legit footwear. So, could be my GF, dude. Nice, dude. Nice. Joe, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Joe Morisi. That's myself. So, yeah, I mean, I got a birthday coming up this week,
Starting point is 00:52:01 and just happy where things are. Like you said said i do a lot of laundry i just i'm keeping up with things rooms clean i got money got a birthday this week and uh just happy with where i'm at and uh i'm i'm the man you know yeah so uh agreed i'm gonna tip my cap to myself the week of my birthday. I love you, Joe. Love you, dude. And you know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Love you, Joe. Practice self-love, dude. I mean, so many of us want to, you know, you don't want to be boasty or braggy too much, but dude, what you just said right there is fire, dude. Yeah, you got to acknowledge that. Give yourself a pat on the back. Thanks. Joe, if I could hug you for the rest of eternity, I would.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Joe could give himself a pat on the back with his dong Dude you could literally do that Have you ever done that? Yeah There you have it Chad who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is eye contact Whoa
Starting point is 00:52:59 Dude fire Eye contact Dude eye contact is powerful dudes You don't want to hold it for too long to come off as creepy, but you want to make sure that you lock in solid eye contact in every situation. You know, whether you're in a job interview or you're boning, make sure you lock in that eye contact. You did mention to me that you were boning recently
Starting point is 00:53:22 and that you increased the eye contact. Passion through the roof. Oh, yeah. Dude, Stoker, do you want to increase passion in your boning? Especially if it... Yeah, lock in that eye contact. Let them know you're there and you're present.
Starting point is 00:53:37 We're all staring at each other now. Yeah, dude. I'm loving it, dude. Remember when we did the podcast in shades? It was difficult, dude. It was harder. Yeah. Now I can just see you. It is hard hard i used to have sex with shades on i was so embarrassed yeah really and then once i took them off it changed the game was it on the beach kind of
Starting point is 00:53:54 edgy too though oh yeah was this outdoor sex because then it's functional no no it's in the bedroom oh yeah no lights on nice just my aviators nice oh you wear aviators i mean that's kind of cool though yeah i did i think i did look cool but i think i do think it also you kind of futz about and they get mixed up on your head and stuff yeah you switch positions yeah there's nothing nothing that nothing that'll kill the vibe more than like glasses askew yeah but have you been throwing the eye contact outside of the uh dude all the time you know because i i i realized earlier in my life you know people would throw me the eye contact and i'd be like i'd look away you know can't be weak
Starting point is 00:54:31 like that lock it in uh that's one of the arnold's things they did he locks in that eye contact in like the coral video we just posted he takes like a two two maybe one or two second pause and he just looks at the camera and just holds it you notice that yeah that's why he's the governor he commands the moment yeah because if you don't the moment commands you oh my dude my legend of the week is ron meyer super agent helped start the uh very powerful talent agency caa with michael ovitz and michael ovitz is kind of like the more conventional like Darth Vader leader or the emperor leader where he's like kind of like manipulative, at least in the book Powerhouse, which is where I'm getting all this.
Starting point is 00:55:12 It's an oral history. It's really easy to read. A lot of fun. But Ron Meyer is actually kind of like super cool and everybody loves him. He basically got to where he is by just being like a mensch. You know, he's an ethical hedonist. He's an honest broker. He just does his job and he loves it. And that's what makes him good at it. But he's an ethical hedonist. He's an honest broker. He just does
Starting point is 00:55:25 his job and he loves it. And that's what makes him good at it. But he's also kind of a badass. He was a Marine. And then he was gambling like after he was already like a powerful dude with Michael Douglas and another like rich, powerful Hollywood type. And some guys were being rude to that guy's daughter. And Ron Meyer threw down with both of them at a bar in the South Pacific. Weeks later, he's like, oh, my ribs are still sore. He gets them checked out. They're broken. He just kept going, and he didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And, I mean, so this is a guy who checks a lot of boxes. He still works at Universal as a vice president. And he's just like a beast, but it seems like he did it the right way. So I just wanted to highlight that. All right, dude, who is your Strider Beef of the Week? Beef of the Week, dude, has got to to be i don't know his name dude i don't know what he looks like dude but um my girlfriend was trying to park down in venice and parking in venice is hard dude and uh she's pulling into a space and like has the blinker on it's like this is my space we've all been in that scenario you know what i'm saying freaking dude rolls up because they got the way that the person like backed out kind of created a little gap you
Starting point is 00:56:28 know like how they screen you and then it kind of leaves room like but it's too aggressive like you got to cut that in tight to get in that guy does that takes my gs parking space dude then my gs a little fired up dude and he goes he gets she's like what are you doing like that's my space like not aggressive but like enough to be like and dude respect on her for calling out a lot of us sometimes just be like bite that bullet and just move on she's like what are you doing like i clearly had my signal on you know and he's like i'm from here yeah dude the local card i'm from here it's a great line you gotta that's fire that's a walk-off that's fire drop the mic but here's the thing dude i i love the car get out he won no one joe i hear what you're saying
Starting point is 00:57:11 dude but here's the thing dude that's like you gotta respect for him you see that he goes i'm from here dude honestly i want to fact check it i bet he's not yeah i don't think he's from here just i bet he's just a rich dude who has a house in venice probably a second house or whatever it is is like around abbott kinney legit dude and uh um so dude freaking i'm from here it's a great line but you know yeah so joe just dropped the cap from the green drink joe pulls that in chicago all the time if you're afraid you will you can tell someone i bet you joe says that everywhere joe's in the shitter at a burger King, and he's like, I'm from here. So that was gold. I mean, the gold line, dude, very frustrating from this guy, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I mean, I would not exact violence on him, dude, but I'd like to be like, I'd like to find out, are you in fact from here? Because I bet you he flew here. He did not. I would like to say grew, but he did not grow here, dude. And even if you did, that doesn't give you the right to jack someone's parking space when they clearly had it dude absolutely so that's my beef of the week dude treat my gf without respect did you get the spot no dude the guy left and bailed yeah yeah she's like i thought about
Starting point is 00:58:15 getting bird seed i'm like dude that would have been pretty fire what do you do with the bird seed put it on there and then pigeons crap like seagulls because you're by the beach oh smart you should have egged this dude i like that your GF even knows that. Next time, egg. My GF's fired up, so you got great ideas, dude. Next time, egg him. Egg is great. I held that for like...
Starting point is 00:58:32 We got it. We got it on camera. All fired, dude. Chad and Strider had a high five and it almost didn't happen. I was like... All right, Joe, who is your beef of the week? I got a beef of the week with rice cakes. I've been buying.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I've been seeing you eating them, yeah. Yeah, trying out different snacks. Now, the rice cake, okay, so I take a big bite into it, and it just crumbles in a million pieces. So now it's rice. So I'm just going to make rice and not bother with the cake. So I'm not going to just buy something with rice crumbled together. It's just going to break apart anyways.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I'm just going to make rice then. What am I doing with this cake? It does look hard to eat and like a frustration. That's drier than rice. I need water immediately too. True. I mean, I guess. Swallow it.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah, dude. It's like the only way you should eat that is if you're on the move, I guess. Yeah, I guess. No, because you're going to get crumbs all over you. True. And in your car. If you're in your car, if that's what you're thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I'm going to eat this in my car. No, you're not. It's going to get all over. All right, Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week, sorry dudes, is with news apps. Stokers, I deleted all my news apps, and let me tell you, I'm not missing anything. Life is good.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah, no, I have no idea what's going on in the world and I feel better than ever. I'd rather watch Vin Diesel do a wheelie in his Charger. Why not start the morning like that? Alright dudes, my beef of the week is
Starting point is 01:00:19 with Tom Brady. Dude. Dude, good. Enough is enough. As far as I'm concerned, and yes, I'm a hater. This is pure hate. I just think the guy,
Starting point is 01:00:34 he's too successful. Him and Bill Belichick both. The way I see it, they should have won that first Super Bowl against St. Louis as the plucky underdogs, and we always would have celebrated them as these can-do, underest know, gritty player and coach. But now it's just been a dynasty for my entire life. And I'm just tired of them winning every year. It's just over
Starting point is 01:00:56 and over again. They win and they win and they win. And the worst part is they always somehow managed to make me think they're going to lose because the whole game I'm like, the fucking Patriots are going to win. The fucking Patri fucking patriots are gonna win but then there's always this moment in the game where i'm like wait no the patriots are gonna lose yeah like yesterday for instance on like third and six or something like that clock coming down in the fourth quarter they're down brady throws the pass goes off the top of gronk's hands picked yeah i'm like there's no way they can win now that's the game all of a sudden flag oh of course late flag offsides he was offsides yeah it was like lined up in the back it was a fair first but it was a fair call and then yeah and i'm just like way they fucking got me
Starting point is 01:01:36 again and after that i knew the patriots were gonna win i knew they'd win the toss in overtime i knew they'd fucking score the fucking chief's defense sucks and i mean geez look i'm just sick of it can you guys just stop fucking winning and can you just go away thank you and dude and then last year at the super bowl i was saying fuck tom brady and there was a girl from boston there and she's like do you know how much more successful tom brady is than you i was like yeah i fucking know dude i Yeah, I'm under no illusions. And then after the game, I watched a clip of him and Gronk being like, we ain't going nowhere.
Starting point is 01:02:10 That was horrible. I thought it was badass. I was like, I had a begrudging respect for him. Yeah, it's pretty legendary. You hated it? No, they deserve to do that because people have been hating on them this year. But he could have gotten a way better smirk.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Dude, I'm just like I want the Rams to go on and Dominic can sue to freaking sack Tom Brady. That defense is going to happen. I literally want Tom Brady. I was saying this yesterday during the game. I'm not proud of this. Stokers, this is hatred. This is not Stoke.
Starting point is 01:02:42 But when I was watching the game yesterday, I was like, I hope Tom Brady and Bill Belichick die. I wanted them to fucking die, dude. I'm so sick and tired of watching these motherfuckers win. And, dude, they're the best. But on my all-time list, I have Brady as my fourth-best quarterback of all time. I got Belichick as my ninth-best coach of all time. That's my list.
Starting point is 01:03:01 There's no way. Aaron Rodgers, well, I don't care if Aaron Rodgers never wins another Super Bowl and Tom Brady wins 10 more by the time he's 50. I'm going Aaron Rodgers over Tom Brady. Love that. I love Rodgers.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Joe doesn't like Rodgers because he's a Bears guy, but you know what, dude? I love Rodgers. I respect him, but he's not Brady. He'd probably write the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:18 The guys. God damn it, dude. Makes me so mad, dude. All right, Strider, do you have a quote of the week? Yeah, dude. My quote of the week is, really, dude, I was going through, I was chilling uh my gf went to bed a little early
Starting point is 01:03:28 dude she's been working hard lately dude and i freaking flipping through the channels dude and this dank movie comes on dude dank movie now it's not from this week but i watched it this week and let me just hit you with a quote because you're gonna know exactly what it's from dude my name is maximus desmus meridius command of the armies of the north general to the felix legions father to a murdered son husband to a murdered wife and i will have my vengeance in this life for the next fire dude yeah dude you are fired yeah that is yeah mic drop bro you should have said that back to the guy who took jill's parking spot dude don't yeah oh dude gf's parking spot yeah dude my name is strider wilson boyfriend to a dank legend yeah this parking space was transgressed upon and i will have my
Starting point is 01:04:15 vengeance in this parking lot or the next dude well done from here yeah i'm from here no no this is rome dude great so dude just fire dude the way he just like delivers that line dude gets you so fired up he just embraces the moment dude he knows that he's caught but he's like i'm a freaking just straight up come at you right now dog and he does and it's just pure fire and i love that movie dude so excellent fired up joe who's your legend of the week? Your quote of the week? Oh, I'm sorry. Who's your quote of the week? I love this quote.
Starting point is 01:04:49 This is a quote that I've, it's from Johnny Cash. Oh, yeah. Speaking of remakes, hurt. Is this from the coffee shop? Yeah, this is from a coffee shop that I've been to a few times. They have it posted up there. It's Johnny Cash when he was asked on what his description of what paradise would be. And he says, this morning with her having coffee.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Ooh. Yeah, it's just beautiful. I mean, everything about that. It's so tight. It's simple. It's, you know, it's just that's all you need that's that's what i need that's it there's nothing extra and there's so much implied yeah that's awesome with her you know he's talking about june man it's beautiful that's awesome legend i love
Starting point is 01:05:37 that chad what is your quote of the week dudes i gotta go with arnold i gotta quote arnold the best active the best i'm not gonna try the accent the best activities for your health are dudes, I gotta go with Arnold. I gotta quote Arnold. The best... I'm not even gonna try to do the accent. The best activities for your health are pumping and humping. I'm gonna throw in eye contact, too. Pumping and humping with eye contact.
Starting point is 01:05:57 The eye contact adds a lot. Big time. Personalizes it. Dude, simplify. All these nutrition people, they make it seem so confusing. They're like, you need to do all this, you need to do that, you need to do that. And Arnold's like, you need to pump and hump. And you're like, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Now I can do that. Takes the pressure off too. You're like, all right, as long as I'm doing that stuff, I'm doing well. Yeah. All right, my quote of the week is from a short in the movie Paris Jetem. Paris Jetem is like a bunch of vignettes where different directors made little shorts about paris and they combined them all together
Starting point is 01:06:31 it's from the one called bastille it's all voiceover narration and this guy's about to break up with his wife she like annoys the hell out of him and he's gonna leave her for a mistress but when he sits down with her he actually finds out from his wife who starts crying first that she's sick she has cancer so instead he breaks up with the mistress and all the stuff he hated about his wife he ends up starting to like as he supports his wife through what she's going through and then at the end it says his wife like got sick and passed away and the man never recovered and it says by pretending to be a man in love he became a man in love and i really love idea. It's the same idea in like the movie, the postman where it's like Kevin Costner is just like this actor dude,
Starting point is 01:07:08 but by pretending to be a postman and pretending to stand for like something bigger than himself, he actually becomes that thing. And I think that's like a good message. I love that. Love that dude. All right guys. A mission statement.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Mission statement comes from our dogs at Hurley. Through creative outlet and provision, Hurley upholds the standards for freedom of expression and the importance of an individual's voice. Strong. Nice. But not, I think it's too short. I need more from Hurley.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yeah. Strong, concise. Can I read it real quick? I think we still got to go with Ruka as the number one so far. Yeah, Ruka so far. What does provision mean? Through creative outlet and provision. I get the feeling that all these surf companies,
Starting point is 01:07:55 they just like look at a dictionary. They're like, all right, what are some big words? Yeah, provision is a big word. So congrats on that, Hurley. But unfortunately, you're not taking the top spot from Ruka. Respect. Guys, that'll be it for episode 54 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Joe and Strider, thank you guys so much
Starting point is 01:08:11 for coming in. Yeah, never better than when we have our dogs. We love hanging with our dogs. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Stokers. Boom clap, Stokers. Do you have time to throw a review in there? Boom clap, Stokers. Do you have time to throw a review in there? Boom clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 01:08:27 There is a review that I'd like to say. Very Che Duo by Teddy Bruschi. Starsky and Hutch are the pod universe solving the mysteries of life for small time Stokers like you and me. I could Che for days listening to these two preach positivity today in their pursuit of justice. Thank you for writing that review, Stokers. Write in reviews. That helps us a lot. We really appreciate them.

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