Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 57 - Big Time Raging, Primal Nature, Valentine's Day

Episode Date: February 13, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we dive deep into our raging over the weekend, exploring the ice baths and tapping into our primal nature with Troy, our plans for V-day, and the grammys.  Dive in, s...tokers. Check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going day deep with chad and jt podcast we got jT chugging hard right now with that green juice. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. I think it's episode 57. I think so. Wow. Dude, it's been a long ride.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yeah. Dude, this is my third green juice today. Yeah, you mentioned that, dude. You are photosynthetic at this point. Yeah, because Troy Casey, if you guys don't know, we had him on the podcast once, and then we did certified health, not certified health, not Instagram. We did a ice bath with him. He he turned me on to this.
Starting point is 00:00:52 He's like he calls it liquid sunshine. Yeah. The spirulina. Yeah. I think it's like wheatgrass and spirulina. It tasted pretty good. Yeah. It's like an apple berry flavor.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. And kind of interesting. And he's a very convincing salesman. Yeah, he looks so good. Because he's super healthy looking and he's very intense. His eyes are like... Bulging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But they're so clear. There's so much energy. Yeah. I saw him down in Venice the other day. He was just shooting Kamehamehas at the sun. He looked good. Yeah. I remember last time we saw him, we were talking about how he probably typically has a strong erection at all times.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, which is always good to hear. Yeah. And something that I suspected about him. Yeah. Just by looking at him. He wakes up and gives thanks to the god of virility.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Oh, yes. A fantastic tent. Yeah. Ever since I took ice baths and drank my liquid sunshine, I can shoot cum 20 feet. Par, you have the potential to have an erection as strong as mine. If you can tap into your primal beast and really give thanks to the infinite wisdom that fills all of us, your cock will be strong as rock. I'm like, all right, let's do it, Troy.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Dude, when he got on the ice path he was so excited he's like jt parr tapping into his primal nature baby facing your fears find that center dude breathe breathe i was like dude you got an erection yeah yeah he had a boner while he was doing he had a huge boner dude i'm always deeply cynical at the start of our hangs and then by the end of it i'm like a total convert i know yeah dude just give me the recipe for all of this i kind of come in just like ready to go and you're just like this you're like you're like am i gonna die i'm like damn am i gonna die yeah there's a lot of b-roll or extra footage of me at the beginning of shoots being like hey is this gonna kill me and sometimes like when i watch it i'm like you thought you were gonna die taking an ice bath you pussy what's wrong with you why did you think an ice bath
Starting point is 00:02:49 was gonna kill you but it's just i don't know these guys and all the shit they're doing seems pretty extreme but then every time i do it i come out the other side i'm like no it's totally worth it yeah well we did walk in and they're i mean you know they look like fucking hattori hanzo from kill bill yeah you know but they weren't even japanese yeah and they're like blowing powders up each other's noses yeah they're doing amazonian tribal drugs and they're in like a makeshift sauna and but they're nice guys super nice and they're all super healthy yeah they all look like state of the art yeah they look super healthy super energetic but they're great guys.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And I mean, all this stuff, I felt amazing after. Yes, for sure. Dude, we had a busy week last week. Yeah. Super busy. We did a lot of stuff. A lot of pressure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:37 On our stuff. Yeah. It was fun. It was really fulfilling. But man, it was we did we were auditioning for america's got talent we were doing a slam poetry which is so cool because well so like to get to the end result like they weren't crazy about the poetry they liked us but they were like we're not sure about you guys doing poetry it doesn't feel as authentic as like some of the
Starting point is 00:04:00 other stuff you've done yeah which i think was fair yeah but um but it was still fun to write like 40 different slam poems with you and to perform like 40 different iterations of it it was a different type of energy that we were putting out there yeah more aggressive yeah and feeling it and it was yeah our poems were about partying and some of them were about partying and world issues and they wanted us to streamline it just to partying, which was smart. Dude, it's so weird just being in like, so we get there, it's like an hour drive, we're rehearsing like crazy,
Starting point is 00:04:32 and then we get into this room, and you really get to see like a snapshot of what talent is in America. You've got like, everyone who was singing or playing instruments was doing songs from Moana, which I'm totally for. It's got great music.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's primarily little girls with violins. There's a geisha. There's a dude with cards, a jacked dude, a dude who's just jacked. I can't imagine what any other talent he could have had besides being jacked. Yeah, that would have been interesting if he went in there and he sang like an opera singer or something like that. Yeah, like a breakdancer. Maybe he does magic.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah. I think he was just muscles, though. Because the way he was carrying his muscles was like, these are my money makers. Yeah. Yeah. He's definitely flaring out. Yeah. And everybody was kind of like fixated on their talent, you know, like playing with their violin or playing with cards.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah. But he was just like sitting there. He was standing there just flexing he was just staying there jacked yeah just being jacked and there was a baby walking around i was like what's your talent baby and then the mom was like he's just here to support his sister yeah and i was like oh okay because i thought i thought he was coming after one of my spots on the show dude honestly i didn't buy it yeah and the mom said that i'm like nice fake i'm like he does sudoku Honestly, I didn't buy it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah. When the mom said that, I'm like, nice fake. I'm like, he does Sudoku. Yeah. Yeah, that was crazy. That was fun. It was cool being in that room like for the producers, but it's nerve wracking too.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, well, it's a big room. Yeah. They kind of just like, you know, you're standing on these two X's and they're like, all right, go. Yeah. I forgot a line for like five seconds. I think it played though. You think so? Yeah so yeah it was charming i think it'd be nice no because it showed because because you were so mad at yourself when you forgot the line it showed how seriously these bros take poetry dude that's
Starting point is 00:06:14 true i really cared about the performance yeah but the thing is i just i knew it fucking what no i just like you know when you're trying to memorize something and you're like i just i feel like i can't get this down 100 i felt that way with that poem 100 yeah yeah because we talked about i was like dude this is the hardest thing i've ever had to memorize yeah because the wording's a little tough like it was kind of free form yeah we're more like the walt whitman yeah well to slam poetry to collide some folks. Dude, I like the original version, though, just because combined war with partying and stuff, it's very, you know, that really,
Starting point is 00:06:52 I think that would have really dug deep into the noggins of the audience. I think it would have had a bigger impact. And it was really top of our intelligence. We were like, what's the craziest, most all-encompassing poem we can write and then we wrote it and then we performed it we felt good about it and then agt said that's not you yeah you guys just party bro just talk about keg stands please party bros we need you to party bro
Starting point is 00:07:16 and i was like oh all right war love what the fuck yeah and i was like but it's like we don't want to let them into the party but you can't keep these things out of the party they're just part of the party yeah and then he was like i hear you i hear you well what do you think we'll end up doing impressions or something are you gonna learn how to sing dude i'll do anything i will do anything that is the truest thing you could say and i 100 agree i'll fucking dance oh you'd be great at thatuest thing you could say, and I 100% agree. I'll fucking dance. You'd be great at that. I love to dance. You could take a judge's seat.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, I'd love that. That would be fun. I was like, yeah, well, if you're not going to have us on as performers, maybe we could be like correspondents or judges. We could come in and just be audience. We could just be audience that you cut to a lot during the show and reject the whole show. It's like,
Starting point is 00:08:05 yeah. Like how did the party bros feel about that ventriloquist from North Dakota? And we're like, yeah. Yeah. Or you act like you're ventriloquizing my head and I'll be like, ah. I don't think they could ever have us go negative if we were audience.
Starting point is 00:08:19 No. We can never go negative. No, I would never, I don't want to tear down any of those people. They're doing their best out there. And I know how nerve wracking it can be. afterwards though we freaking cut loose dude before but i was like there's so much stuff we were doing yeah that was like after my set if i do well i'm chugging a bud light yeah and that's what i did dude i was just gonna do
Starting point is 00:08:38 wine i chugged a bunch of wines and then pretty soon the tequila started coming out oh yeah you bought you bought some shots at the den. I started doing shots. And then, yeah, we went to a second location. And I was firing on all cylinders. Yeah, I was tanked. I was going up to, like, people's table just sitting down there. Like, who are you? I was like, who are you guys?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Let's have some fun. Let's talk it up. And then I ended up, I got so hammered that I started forgetting things. I don't have a clear memory of the night. But i do remember i got thrown out for climbing on a table at the den yeah it was just kind of obnoxious that i did that but so they threw me out and then i wanted to i just was like hey to the bouncer i was like yo can i get back in to get my jacket like it's freezing out and i need my jacket it's in there and he was like no you can't get your jacket dude and i don't know what happened but at some point he grabbed me by the collar and drove me back like 30 feet and uh was
Starting point is 00:09:31 like screaming in my face oh damn yeah and i started uh laughing nice yeah i laughed so what happened after that i think chudwin our good friend chudwin uh separated us good dude and then i never brought my, he had me, and I just kind of let my body hang limp. And then I laughed a little just to let him know that no matter how angry he got, I was still going to have fun. And then he walked away, and we just kind of went our separate ways, I guess. And then I went into a diner with Chudwin, and I fell asleep at the diner. And I said, all right, I have to leave.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And I went into a diner with Chadwin and I fell asleep at the diner and I said, all right, I have to leave. And I went home. I, uh, yeah, I was kind of just like hanging out with Caroline at the bar. Nice. I don't really remember, but I think smooching. Nice, dude. And then we went to like Pinchas to get burritos. Great spot. And there were some young stokers, so they, they wanted some advice.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So I think I was eating carne asada fries. Oh, it wanted some advice. So I think I was eating carne asada fries. Oh, it wasn't even fries. Yeah, I was eating carne asada fries. Those were the best. Sorry, dudes, I eat carbs. But I was drinking, so whatever. And just gave these young stokers advice. And then that's it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah, and then the steam blowing off continued. The next night i had people over you came over tanked hammered you came in hot yeah you were having a good time to watch the ufc fights there's like eight guys over i got pizza from three different places yeah so it'd be like a sampler competition but uh yeah you came over freaking brought the fucking ruckus i like barely remember then you passed out on farnie's lap yeah i was at well i was yeah i got into bottomless mimosas was chugging hard because it was just bottomless they keep going yeah and uh but i wasn't really hungover the next day because i like had a full night's sleep because i fell asleep at like nine i think
Starting point is 00:11:24 you slept good yeah dude the only time i've done bottomless mimosas i blacked out yeah yeah i talked about it on the pod that was like a year ago yeah because they just keep going they're like i might as well chug dude it's fun that was my mentality yeah we watched youtube clips after the fights for like four hours yeah i woke up at like 1 a.m i'm like you guys are still watching shit we're just watching youtube clips dude were you getting uh hammered no i didn't drink or smoke i was totally sober yeah yeah just from the night before just just nourishing the soul with youtube clips with the guys that's good yeah some classic clips classic fat people um going through difficult
Starting point is 00:12:02 situations like i don't know you know the fat kid falling on a bike where he hits the jump and he makes the, ooh, noise. That's a classic. The fat kid almost falling off a roller coaster. He's like, Janet, Janet, I'm falling, I'm falling. And he like almost dies. But it's really, and she can't stop laughing, the lady. These are like old school classics.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Yeah, I remember it, yeah, yeah. Fat kid getting shot with a paintball gun. Oh, amazing. Yeah, and he he yells he rips off the sunglasses goes i'll fucking kill you you motherfucking bitch and uh then we watched fights from reality tv shows saquon barkley highlights someone shushing people in the library a guy karate kicking the catcher in a baseball game and then rufnet odor from the texas rangers punching Jose Bautista right on the chin. And then the announcer, Sogreat, goes, Rufnet Odor is two for five today now. Smart call.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And, yeah, we just did that for four hours. Who's we? It's me, Farney, Austin, Reggie, your sleeping body, my brother Chris, Joe P., and robert vortrees that whole squad yeah we remained intact for most of the night yeah i mean a couple guys peeled off at some point but for the most part we were at full strength yeah yeah it was really nice dude it's so fucking good for my heart to just hang out with dudes and just watch stuff that makes us all laugh yeah sorry i slept dude it was great too because i was like i'm kind kind of like a, you know, we talked about it, like how we'll hog the, like if you're at my place, I really enjoy curating what
Starting point is 00:13:31 we're watching. You know, I'm kind of a psycho that way. But everybody was throwing in suggestions. I was like, all right, you got to let other people make suggestions. Everybody's suggestions were good. Like no one tossed in one where it like slowed down the energy of the group. Everybody's suggestions were building. And I was like, thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Thank you for taking this seriously. And thank you for tossing in potent ideas. You got to keep the momentum. You got to keep the flow. Yeah, because sometimes people throw in ideas and you're like, all right, I got to play this guy. This guy wants me to play one of his songs. And you play it and the whole room just dies. Yeah, people leave.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah, and you're like, way to go, man. You destroyed Cafe Disco. Yeah, you've got some authorship now in the evening and your little paragraph sucks. Yeah. just dies yeah people leave yeah and you're like way to go man yeah you destroyed cafe disco yeah you've got some authorship now in the evening and your little paragraph sucks yeah so go fuck yourself yeah so just get out of my face man i can't even look at you yeah i mean you just don't you don't have the right to to make those kind of suggestions yeah but it was good and then yeah yesterday i went on a date that was nice oh yeah Oh, yeah. It was a long date, huh? Yeah, it was a couple hours. All of our dates are like hours. You just talk a lot?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Just talk and talk and talk. Yeah. It's nice. What do you talk about? Everything, man. Yeah? Yeah. What's the main topic?
Starting point is 00:14:39 Politics? I think the main thing is like ourselves. Like who we've been in the past versus who we are now. A lot of like self-mythologizing, but it feels honest. Yeah. And yeah, I feel like I'm really getting to know her. Yeah, like we're spending, now we're going to hang out on Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That's big. Yeah, I mean, I really could care. I'll hang out with anybody on Valentine's Day. It could be a second date. I'm like cares but then like months later i'm like that was reckless i should not have done that yeah yeah i made a reservation at a place at 10 10 all the places were booked up so i had to make a reservation at 10 30 so i messaged her i was like hey it's gonna be a little late nice but she's a night owl so that's like european though yeah very cool dude my dog or yeah you're getting back to your latino roots yeah exactly you. You guys are going to probably eat at like midnight, and then you'll probably- Top of style.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Yeah, you'll hit the clubs at like four. That's the plan. Yeah. I love where your head's at, dude. Thank you. Do you have Valentine's Day plans? Yeah. Caroline and I, we're going to-
Starting point is 00:15:37 Where are we going? Did you make it? The reservation? Actually, she made it. We talked about it. We're like, we're going to do Valentine's Day. And then she was just like, like a week ago, she was just like, oh, my friend suggested this place, so I just made reservations.
Starting point is 00:15:54 But we can go somewhere else if you want. But I'm like, I'm down with whatever. No, I think that's nice that she, you know, took the reins on that one. Yeah, yeah. I don't like planning on holidays and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. And I don't like how it traditionally falls on the man when we're worse at that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, yeah. In my estimation, at least. No, I was pumped. That was, like, sweet. Yeah, nice. V-Day. Yeah, but then do I have to, like, get flowers or something for a fourth date with somebody?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Do you? Yeah. I don't know. I think you got maybe... I got maybe one flower. Maybe, like, a rose. Yeah, I'm going to get her one rose. Yeah. I hope you don't listen to this think you got... I got maybe one flower. Maybe like a rose. Yeah, I'm going to get her one rose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I hope you don't listen to this, Cassie. Yeah. Because I don't want the surprise to be spoiled when I show up in my dashing... Prius. I'm going to wear like this outfit. Maurici, every time I leave, he's like, yeah, keep dressing like a seventh grader.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Because he freaking went on a date the other night was wearing a dress shirt and a tie but he didn't yeah and he didn't tuck the shirt and i was like dude you look goofy tuck the shirt and he's like okay he's gotta lose the tie i'm not taking advice from you jt the tie is fucking it's like were you dressed by some designer in nordstrom's yeah it's because julie it's julie's influence she's changing the way she told you the tie i can just tell like now he dresses like more of like a guy who goes to nightclubs where he used to just dress like a guy who like was like a car mechanic or something she's the ryan gosling that his steve carell yes well said interesting yeah he's like what's this combination of sexy and cute that's so like alluring about you?
Starting point is 00:17:27 How do you do? It's weird. How do you do that? Yeah. He's like, I don't know. He's like, I got a huge hog. And then they, you know. There it is.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Hit the bullet points, baby. The hog is on the list. Yeah. Do you think when he like takes his pants off, there's a thud? Do you hear that in your apartment? Yeah. I hear a lot of noises from him all the time he probably makes more human noises than any person i've noticed that yeah yeah when he pulls his uh hog out i hear a like um i hear the thud but i also hear angels songs
Starting point is 00:17:59 like i hear like and he's like oh oh, not again. Come on. The angels got to sing every time I pull my hog out. I'm just trying to take a piss here. I'm not trying to hear a sonata from, you know, God's friends. Come on, please. You're embarrassing me.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, I got a huge hog. Do I need to hear about it all the time through a freaking harp or something no um that was like most of the time oh did you watch the grammys i watched highlights i watched highlights as well yeah any takeaways lady gaga one that was cool yeah i liked uh i like drake's speech oh you did i wasn't expecting i mean yeah, yeah, I thought it was a good speech. He had a badass walk up to the stage. He was just like, I'm the coolest motherfucker on earth. Yeah, I saw that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Just swaggered up. Like he didn't need it. Yeah. I think musicians of any kind of entertainer, I think musicians are the most up their butts. That was my takeaway. Like their speeches are so cringeworthy like i love alicia keys but like her like opening thing about like how music brings people together i was like oh i was like just save it for the songs because you
Starting point is 00:19:17 know what it is they speak in lyrics when the music's off and like you need music behind the lyrics to make it like not the cheesiest thing you've ever heard i and i think too when you do concerts like that the audience reaction that's gotta do something to you totally they have they're they're like the biggest audience reaction yeah and they have like the most like messianic complex like yeah like i saw edward sharp and the magnetic zeros and after four songs i like, this guy literally thinks he's like the fucking Messiah. Yeah. Like he'd be like, we're here to free you from your internal slavery and to let you loose.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And you're like, no, dude, you're here to play that fucking Alabama, Arkansas song. Okay. Like I don't need the fucking self-help shit in between, man. Dude, when I saw Benny Benassi, and he was just, like, just arms up like he's God the whole time. Yeah. I'm like, dude, you aren't doing anything. It's just you're, like, playing the song. And he stayed. Like, he stayed over his set by, like, at least 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And they're like, oh, Cascade has to go on. And he's literally, like, they were, like, pushing him off the stage, like, his whole set. And he was just still dancing. He was, like, more. And, like, And he's literally like, they were like pushing him off the stage, like his whole set. And he was just still dancing. He was like more. And like security was just like pushing him off. Yeah. They're like, we don't know what to do. This guy won't get the fuck off the stage.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Dude, I heard he was in the outhouse afterwards. Same thing. Dude, I saw him. Yeah, just like, come on. Yeah, yeah. You know you love it. Yeah. Just hear him next door.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You're like, what the hell is that guy doing? Yeah. I remember in an interview, they asked Michael Jackson, they're like, what's it feel like when you're up door. You're like, what the hell is that guy doing? Yeah. I remember in an interview they asked Michael Jackson, they're like, what's it feel like when you're up there in front of like 80,000 people? He's like, love. It feels like love. Yeah. He's like, it just feels like love.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And they're like, cool. That is crazy, though. It is like, I get why they're like that. Yeah, but could you imagine? I always think about it. though it is like i get why they're like that oh yeah but could you imagine i always like yeah could you imagine like like you get you get like risen up on stage to one of those like elevator things and you like come up on stage and it's like dark and then like the music comes on all of a sudden and the lights come on yeah like the reaction of that it's just like and if you're
Starting point is 00:21:22 at one of those shows feeling ever where it's a hundred thousand people yeah and they're literally like hanging on your every word yeah yeah dude i had like a youtube live album yeah where uh bono was like talking in between and it was a live show in italy and he's like he's like storytellers like the films of old but i guess you guys know about that because your churches are kind of like the first films the stained glass windows that adorn the piazza then he takes a beat he's like i really don't know what i'm talking about he had like a moment of self-awareness and he was like i'm kind of just talking right now i was like good for you, Bono. Yeah. Way to catch yourself, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You know, I think Aerosmith's cool. Yeah, absolutely. It's such a cool vibe, I think. Yeah, Steven Tyler's a pretty phenomenal performer. And who else feels like that guy? Yeah. Like, there's no one else who looks or sounds like that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And he's pretty entertaining when he's on Howard Stern. Yeah, well, he's got some crazy stories. Yeah. And he was, like, in the 90s he's probably in his like 50s and he still has like the energy it's like iggy pops like that yeah where they're like these older guys but they have like the vitality of like a 25 year old yeah how does that happen i think they're just good at their jobs man and they work at it hard yeah iggy pop like um would did like he was like in a that like punk rock like cutting yourself shit yeah where he'd like literally like cut himself on stage and he was still doing that in his 50s i was like how do you still have like the resolve to do that like i'd be so fucking over
Starting point is 00:22:56 it at that point but you would still do it but he's still ripped like if you look at pictures of him he's like still shredded so i mean he's i mean keith richards like looks pretty good for his age now yeah maybe they've been through so much they're like bodies are like resilient yeah yeah i don't know perhaps but yeah musicians most up their butts that's my vote dude should we get into uh some cues yeah all right let's see what we got first up we've got a question from taylor what up administrators of stoke love the podcast can't get enough of it the amount of steezy all exert is worthy of royalty my question is for my gut wrench and i the v card left my possession when i was 12 and the body count is high enough to turn any good soul of a woman away i'm 20 now
Starting point is 00:23:41 and not to shuck my own husk but size size is not a problem, and I'm pretty damn talented with the old whistle wetter. The problem lies within the duration of said activities. Within the few serious relationships I've been in, I've gotten comfortable enough with the chicks, and they don't seem to mind that I usually can only hold the kids back for about 30 seconds before the bus door releases these young souls into the world. This has made hookups quite interesting. Considering I don't want to stick my dome piece in between the legs of any random chick I'm hooking up with,
Starting point is 00:24:09 even though I'm confident the tongue could do the satisfying itself. Going for a round two usually works, but after I come, as a great man Lil Wayne once put it, I come to my senses and usually find myself looking for an escape route to ditch the sitch.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I normally can get the perfect amount of drunk and go for hours, which is the route I find myself taking more times than not. However, I don't want to have to be off my rocker in order to elongate the magical experience of visiting Bone Town. Any tips on how to soberly tear a pussy up
Starting point is 00:24:35 for longer than half a minute would be much obliged. Stoke on, Stokers. Dude, before we dive in, I think even if you don't last long in bed, I think you probably will last long as a creative writer. Because that was amazing. Every sentence was like, you put a lot of thought in that. Or maybe it just flowed through him like Hunter S. Thompson.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Dude, nice. I don't know. My advice would be, might be kind of crude, but maybe try and desensitize yourself a little bit. Watch a drill-do, which is like a dildo on a drill. Oh, wow. That'll, you know, because I feel like if you're watching drill-dos and then you just dive into regular boning, you know, it's going to be like, your brain's going to be like, all right,
Starting point is 00:25:22 it's going to take a little bit longer for me to make you come. Yeah, it's like training at altitude. So when you fight at a normal sea level, you're fine. You can go for longer. Yeah. Yeah. Does he say he doesn't want to go down on girls? No, he says he's into it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 But he wants to do better work with his primary sex organ. Yeah, maybe just slow it down another thing to do is i would just say get really good at thinking about baseball while you have sex that's what i do i think about baseball like i'm like i'll just try to like in my brain say what the starting lineup is for the dodgers and then i'll be like wait who do they have in left field right now yasil and right i think jock peterson's at center who have in left field right now? Yasiel Puig's in right. I think Jack Peterson's at center. Who's in left? And that really does help. And then you go back to sex for a couple seconds, and then you go back to baseball,
Starting point is 00:26:11 and you just learn how to switch back and forth. And if you don't know about baseball, think about one of the other sports, although I do think baseball is uniquely beneficial for thinking about during sex. All right, we got this one from uh colton greetings to the kings of charisma sultans of stoke and the dukes of dank chad and jt thanks for the read here's the quiche question my squad and our my squad has our plan set for college spring break in a couple months and we're all pumped the reason i write is because last year a friendly female squad from another
Starting point is 00:26:41 college raged with us there a couple nights at At the time, one of the finer femmes to whom this question pertains had a boyfriend, ruling out anything from happening then. But she has since dropped the man. She and co. will be headed to the same beach as us this year as well. And though I wasn't able to make any real connections with her last year on account of the BF, this seems to be a second chance. Do you guys have any advice to prepare me to prepare me to prevent losing out on this opportunity to bond a second time and make make the most out of the week we are there
Starting point is 00:27:09 thanks for the input and shout out to my boy blake for putting me onto the pod back in the early days signed a water polo playing stoker p.s any solid spring break raging stories from either of you would be great to hear um dude i would say first off enjoy yourself go in there going to have fun okay don't focus on just hooking up with this chick because then it might give off some vibes where you're just like kind of following her around like trying to hook up you know you want first off you want to enjoy yourself but also do some things to make yourself stand out you know maybe enter a wet t-shirt contest. Go parasailing. Make sure she's watching you at high altitude.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Defying gravity and just being a frigging daredevil in Cabo. Dance hard as fuck. Make yourself stand out. Yeah, I think that's wonderful advice. Because I think I've gone into too many parties in my life, like fixated on a girl, and then at the end of the night watched her leave with upperclassmen or even worse, just some D-bag.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So yeah, I don't think putting pressure on yourself is ever the right solution. I've said it on here before, but maybe it's worth saying again, is the parable of the unicorn. If you go into the forest trying to get the unicorn and you're chopping down trees and burning down grass and you're doing whatever you can to find it, you're going to end up just burning down the whole forest and you'll never find the unicorn. But if you just have a lovely picnic and you play the ukulele and you put out a nice spread, the unicorn will come walking right up to your situation. So, you know, just have fun. And that doesn't mean don't make
Starting point is 00:28:49 a move, but just, but just try to make sure all the other parts of your spring breaker are good. You know what I mean? And really enjoy spring break with your friends. And then I think this might just fall into your lap without you having to do too much. Yeah. Enjoy yourself. Yeah. Yeah, exactly exactly have a nice experience for yourself that'll be fucking sick then i don't know funny spring break stories one time i i ran across the street naked and i was holding my side and i was like someone stole my kidney did anyone react yeah people were staring at me yeah Was your dong out? Yeah, I was butt naked.
Starting point is 00:29:26 One time my senior year of college, went to El Squid Row for the night, drank a pitcher of Adios Motherfucker. Oh, yeah. So I really got after it. Classic spring break drink. Yeah, and then the next morning I woke up hammered, went right back to drinking.
Starting point is 00:29:43 So I was just blacked out at like 9 a.m and there were like some like cougars on the beach and i was like gyrating my hips for them for like an hour i think whoa nice but it ended up really impressing some of the uh junior girls they were juniors and uh they were like big fans after that so i was stoked on that that's awesome yeah great performance so i was stoked to entertain the coogs and um get some new uh female fans fuck yeah yeah what up stoke council please keep me anonymous because i show all my bros the pod when my ex dumped me about six months back my stoke was completely drained for a while but i bounced back harder than big sean and started hitting the gym and dieting hard my body is looking a lot better and my confidence is soaring like a bird scooter but my ex recently hinted at getting back together
Starting point is 00:30:28 which is whack because she's currently dating some schmole when i showed interest she said she is confused and doesn't want to make the wrong decision she said she wants to be friends until she knows what to do i'm worried that i'm just a backup plan but i've never been so stoked on a girl should i send it and try to get back with her or just move on i would maybe pull back a bit and sort of like set the the uh bear just be like kind of like you know it's either me or him kind of thing right you can't have both of us yeah i'm not gonna like entertain you while you still date this schmole i think i think she's the schmole yeah that's kind of how i yeah i think like boz lerman's song, Wear Sunscreen,
Starting point is 00:31:07 there's a line where he says, don't be reckless with other people's hearts and don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. And I think she's fallen into the latter category here. Dude, yeah, I don't like it. Yeah, I think you gotta move on because this is not a healthy situation. She's not being fair to you or this other guy.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So just do your thing but you know to quote the other part of the song if you don't listen to me don't berate yourself either we all fuck up but you are fucking up but we all fuck up yeah hey chad hey jt love the pod so some fellow stokers and i are in the west bank studying abroad we met some cool palestinian stokers and tried to throw down a cool rager on a rooftop. But the only table we could find for BP was an old pallet propped up on some plastic chairs. And we taped on some old pizza boxes
Starting point is 00:31:54 to cover up the open slats on the pallet. The cups were also smaller than solo cups and the ping pong balls weren't even one star. Needless to say, my new Palestinian brothers weren't impressed by our method to consume alcohol. In your professional raging opinion, how do we salvage a party that has gone South by poor alcohol consumption
Starting point is 00:32:11 materials? P.S. Here's a pic of our makeshift BP table. Oh, that is awesome. Yeah. I saw the table. It looks so,
Starting point is 00:32:21 it looks good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My advice is you guys are legends keep doing what you're doing never change yeah this was a freaking phenomenal email great job with the freaking pong table and i would say if people if like vibes are dipping or like you know it's starting to slow down a bit start shotgunning asap good advice i think shotgunning is the best you
Starting point is 00:32:42 know everyone gets a can you all shotgun just keep shotgunning and i guarantee vibes will go up and thank you stokers for the good work you're doing out there yeah spreading the right kind of vibes stokers i'm going to get right to it my friend hosted a baseball beer pong tournament at his apartment last weekend if you haven't played i would highly recommend it oh yeah dude i'm a fan we were partners during the event and he got very intoxicated he even started beef with many of the people there after we lost and then stormed out of the apartment to uber home to his dad's house the friend in question is an absolute spaz and he regularly lets his emotions run high which we are stoked which we are not which we are stoked about i think they mean they're not stoked about, right?
Starting point is 00:33:26 I would have to imagine. Yeah. The next morning, he is awoken by his dad, who tells him there is pee inside a drawer in their house that holds their iPad. By process of elimination, his dad quickly named him the culprit of the urination. My friend has Apple products
Starting point is 00:33:38 and has since noted he does not have a beef with Apple. How should he rectify the situation with his dad and Apple? Keep enlightening the stoked nation. Shout out to Nebraska as as well send us some of the rays out in california dude i would uh be humble with your pops and write a sincere letter to apple yeah i'm not even sure what the question is here but it's a good story yeah and i hope that young man um yeah doesn't pee on his dad's expensive stuff anymore yeah maybe write a letter to both his dad and apple and just be like apple what up like i pissed on the ipad but thank you for teaching me to not pee in drawers you know what's funny about some of these wizards too
Starting point is 00:34:24 it's the lack of shame maybe about some of these wizards too? It's the lack of shame. Maybe it's just the wizards I know, the Robbie and Ross brothers, both guys who wet the bed at night. And Robbie was, I was so envious of his confidence when I would call him out for it. I'd be like, I was gone one time.
Starting point is 00:34:40 He slept in my bed. I come back, he pissed it. I go, Robbie, did you fucking pee my bed last night he's like yeah dude i had two gatorades like i should get it yeah like yeah wake up par i had two gatorades like you know a lot of us drink uh fluids after 10 p.m don't wet our beds oh so he wasn't drunk no oh he just had two games? He was just super hydrated. Damn. And he thought that was like, I think his mom, their mom, must have just was such a nice lady that she was cleaning their piss-soaked beds every night that they just started to think it wasn't an issue. Yeah. Like, she kind of spoiled them.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Dude, ass clowns like that. Yeah. He'll fucking piss the couch and, you know, yell at us the next morning. Right. He'll be like, what are you fucking, are you talking to Mora? I saw you talking to Mora. And it's like, dude, the couch is soaked. We put flour on you, now it's caked on the couch.
Starting point is 00:35:36 He's like, fuck you, dude. Can you apologize? Dude, I got one more good Robbie story. We went to Notre Dame to visit my brother, and Ross was playing Notre Dame in football, and Ross comes off his team bus, and we're all standing there, and we're all so jacked for Ross to be playing football D1 against Notre Dame. We're like, yeah, Ross, yeah, Ross.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And then Robbie goes, yeah, Ross, kill those Catholic cunts. And then me and my brother are like, whoa, whoa. I literally grabbed his head and covered his mouth. There's like kids all around. That night, Robbie gets so jacked up. He gets drunk. Bare knuckle box is a guy. They like beat the hell out of each other.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Faces are like bloodied and mashed up. Incredible fight. He stays up all night, vomits on his shirt too. And we pass out in my brother's bed. He was like shacked up with a girl and then the next morning his dad who's former sas military just comes in the room goes robbie get the fuck out of bed robbie gets out of bed he's like i just act asleep his shirt's bloody there's vomit on it his dad looks at him he's like you're a fucking disgrace you're supposed
Starting point is 00:36:41 to meet me two hours ago you're a fucking piece of shit look at you you're a fucking disgrace and then after like 10 minutes getting berated Robbie's like can I say my side and then his dad just goes go ahead and then Robbie just like hesitates he's like oh then his dad goes go brush your teeth they leave I'm just acting asleep I like after they leave I hear them go up the stairs I come out of the room my brother lived with like eight other guys they They leave. I'm just acting asleep. After they leave, I hear them go up the stairs. I come out of the room. My brother lived with eight other guys. They all come out of the room.
Starting point is 00:37:10 They're like, what the fuck was that, dude? We were terrified, bro. Terrified. Get out this case. Get out this case. What up, Stokes saviors? I've got a question about dealing with back acne, commonly referred to as back knee. It's a total stoke killer and always makes me nervous to take my shirt off at the pool i try to hide it all the time i need help recovering from this total stoke killer do you have any advice or tips for kicking acne's ass
Starting point is 00:37:32 thanks bros um dude get in the ocean or take cold showers salt water and sun is what i always used yeah but what if this dude's not coastal yeah make cold showers yeah and then dude see a dermatologist dude i mean and i struggled with acne man and i it can really take the fun out of like going to like wild rivers or a pool party or something like that yeah but if you can manage to like still be confident i've known dudes with it who still lived full lives you know what i mean yeah so a lot of it's what you can manage to like still be confident, I've known dudes with it who still lived full lives. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So a lot of it's what you can accept in yourself, but definitely go see a dermo, dude. I knew a guy in high school who took a medication because he had some kind of thyroid condition and it made his skin just like explode with acne. But he was super good at volleyball and he had a cute girlfriend who loved him. So he still seemed pretty happy.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Nice. Yeah. That's cool. What up? i told my mom she ruins my stoke and she said i need to be considered committed to an asylum my dogs any advice i would uh sit her down and watch fast and furious smart uh i think she just needs to know what stoke is. And you can't really define it with words. You need to show it. Show her Fast and the Furious. Show her Point Break. Show her all the Mission Impossibles.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Then show her the Tom Cruise interview on Jamie Kimmel from 2014 when he's promoting Edge of Tomorrow. Nice. Dude, good specific instruction again. And she'll get it. Yeah, dude. Also, I think find out what makes your mom stoked and then help facilitate that for her.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And then when you see her like get into that state, be like, mom, that's called stoke. Yeah. And then she'll kind of see things. She'll walk a mile in your stoke shoes. Yeah. Yeah, get your mom stoked. What up, Chad and JT?
Starting point is 00:39:24 I'd prefer to keep this anonymous. Love the pod and how you guys are helping the youth. After listening to your podcast on a road trip, I discovered that I might be a schmole. Not your typical schmole. I'm like a slow burn schmole. Start off strong, but eventually fade out. I've bounced around from multiple friend groups over the years, not by choice, and have found that I tend to clash with one person, typically the other alpha male in every friend group. Regardless if I am liked amongst the others, my schmoly mammoth ways allow for that person to influence the rest to ghost me. This isn't always the case though. With certain groups, usually action sport enthusiasts, I thrive and I am the one kicking out schmoles.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I recently dropped out of college because I never got invited to anything and was often left out. This led me to a pretty bad depression because this problem has been constant throughout my life and I have literally no college friends. Am I hanging out with the wrong people or am I just a schmole? What are some tips for schmoles that want to change? I would say find your squad. You know, like
Starting point is 00:40:18 he's saying he vibes with certain people, he vibes with some people. Not everyone's going to like you. You know, so you may be the schmole of one group but the the freaking alpha of another so um make sure you're not forcing it just because you want friends you know just maybe be patient and try and find people that vibe with you. And, you know, if you want, maybe ask some former friends. Be like, am I a schmole? What are my schmole ways?
Starting point is 00:40:49 That's smart. Yeah, get some feedback. Educate me, dog. Yeah. Dude, I think I'll speak directly to you. I think you're too intense. Yeah. I think you need to take it down a little bit
Starting point is 00:41:00 because I think the fact that you're consistently getting into conflicts with the other alphas it sounds like and i can relate man i've been that dude and still can be it's just it's a power struggle you know what i mean and what if you just let go of that you know what i mean what if you didn't jump in every time you disagreed with someone like what if you just let that slide and you could just be like all right some people just don't feel the way i feel you know what i mean i think if you could if you could do that and you could have be like, all right, some people just don't feel the way I feel. You know what I mean? I think if you could do that and you could have a smaller footprint
Starting point is 00:41:28 in these social situations, it might actually make it easier for you to get on with people and you'll realize you don't really even need to pick up that sword all the time. Because I think you do get more bees with honey. Like just be cool, be nice. Just try that.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Just try to be super easygoing. Even if it doesn't just try that just try to be super easy going even if it doesn't feel natural just try to go with the flow and then see what that does for you because i mean also like i don't know how long you were in college but there might have been like a uh an adjustment coming where you were gonna make some friends you know i think i think the fact that you're like oh i fucked it up it up. I have no friends. It's like it's not always going to work out exactly how you want it to. And you kind of just have to let things work out how they're supposed to sometimes and just be OK with that. But I mean, I've struggled with that same stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It's really tough. This is a tough one. But oh, sorry. What up, Chad and JT? Yeah. So in a bit of a pickle here and an effort to get closer to this girl, I told her that I was gay so we could bond. But now I think we're at the point where I'm ready to bone.
Starting point is 00:42:33 How do I break the ice that I'm straight and ready to get intimate? Okay. I would. There's a movie where this is chronicled called Three to Tango with Matthew Perry and Neve Campbell. Oh, really? Yeah. And it didn't get very good reviews. It didn't get very good reviews.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I liked it. Maybe show her three to tango. That could be the move. And just be like, this is written about me. Yeah. Even though it was before my time. Just nudge her as the movie's going on. And then give her these kind of like longing eyes. Like, do you
Starting point is 00:43:25 understand yeah i think a lot of times you know using art to explain stuff to people about what you feel works really well not to harp on it but again when my parents were like going through a tough time i made my dad watch this movie the squid and the whale with me about like a kid who's suffering through his parents divorce and my dad was, I understand why you showed me that movie. So maybe you'll show her this movie, and she'll be like, I get it. Yeah. Or maybe have her walk in on you watching regular porn,
Starting point is 00:44:00 or on your Instagram looking at models. Yeah. And just be like, she'll be like, what's up? And I'd be like, I guess change your heart. I'd like to see the way this guy acts around the girl. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Hopefully you're not doing, like, a broad kind of caricature.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I mean, I don't know what's the best way to do that. Dude, it's like there's something about Mary. You know, when the guy acts like he's handicapped. Right. But his name is Norm. My name is Norm. I'm a pizza delivery guy. I love her. I love Mary, man.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I love her. I love Mary. I love her, man. I'm in town to play the dolphins, dumbass. Hey, Chad. Hey, JT. Let me give you a little context on this situation last week my dogs go out to the bar to party and have a good time and chill out i end up talking to this total babe we can call her samuel jackson for ambiguity purposes who's dressed like she just got back from winter park colorado crazy pink ski suit type thing we talked for like two hours played some d darts, and got us some drinks. She ends up coming back in the squad's Uber with me and
Starting point is 00:45:07 spends the night. We didn't bone, but I was very generous because his strider said, you gotta use different moves. It's a week later now, we've texted a few times, and I can sense she's just not feeling interested anymore. I recently found out that she's a vegan and doesn't like football. Well, I myself love meat and football. Should I basically let her fade away into the wind?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Do you guys think the vegan, non-vegan, and football difference have anything to do with it? Would love to hear your advice, bros. Thanks and keep on keeping on. I think he's giving up too early. Yeah. I'd ask her out. See how she responds, you know? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:38 If the passion is real, then football and veganism does not matter. Totally, dude. And gene flow is good, baby. That's how populations get stronger. You take people from different groups, you spread them together and the best traits pass on. You need that, dude. Yeah. I love dating people that I fundamentally disagree with. Yeah. It adds a lot of energy to the relationship. Yeah. And I find we make each other more accountable because you can get stuck in stuck in your feedback loop but you bring
Starting point is 00:46:05 somebody else in it who's like constantly keeping you accountable it can be annoying but it can also make you better dude imagine the you'll see the benefits of eating meat and veganism and you'll be like compare and contrast and you'll be like you'll be like whoa like maybe i should do this maybe i should do that and maybe she'll start playing football. Who knows? Right. You know, you have a chance at a great relation. Yeah, you got to battle test your ideas too. All right. Guys, that's it for questions. Thank you again, Stokers, as always for writing in.
Starting point is 00:46:35 You guys are wonderful, lovely humans. Even the one of you who's acting gay for reasons I don't even understand, but I do get it a little bit. All right. and gay for reasons i don't even understand but i do get it a little bit all right chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is cabo nice have i done that before no okay my babe of the week is cabo cabo what up i'm talking about cabo san lucas baby um guys if you want to do spring break right and you have the funds and the time and the squad go to cabo okay it's got tons of things it's got uh many locations you got to hit it up you got to hit up l squid row if you want to break it down and get jiggy with it
Starting point is 00:47:18 move those hips freaking break it down you want to go to the office on the beach yeah that is where you know you get those pictures of amfs get down some guy in a sombrero with uh uh tequila shots is coming around he's gonna make you fucking take those shots and then the mango deck yeah wet t-shirt contest there's jet skis very picturesque view you know there's that big ass rock with like the arch and it just that's where i do the death run that's the death run yeah oh really yeah every time i see that rock i'm just like i'm like the ocean like it makes me feel like brad pitt and troy so uh kava you're a freaking babe thank you so much for being the babe of Baja, California. And I love you. Beautiful. Who's your babe?
Starting point is 00:48:08 My babe is Chuck Yeager, former United States Air Force officer, record-setting test pilot, and the first man to exceed the speed of sound in flight. Wow. Basically a total badass, still kicking at 95 years old, memorialized beautifully in the book, The Right Stuff, which I'm cracking through right now and the film, The Right Stuff,
Starting point is 00:48:29 which I re-watched this weekend. It's such a badass movie, dude. First Man was a great movie about space exploration, but there's none better than The Right Stuff. It's like the shaggy dog epic about these super brave men. And it's just really inspiring. It's about the first guys who went up into space and what it takes to just have that kind of courage to strap yourself to a tin can and just shoot yourself at fucking high velocity into the unknown and chuck yeager was like the most badass of all of them he had the right stuff he would take up a bunch of different just you know brand new vessels and just take them screaming across the sky and he he did a lot of it without credit for a long time because a lot of what the right stuff
Starting point is 00:49:11 is about is about like how narrative fuels like a lot of the exploration and like what gets funded so like people just got into space travel and kind of forgot about these guys who like were breaking speed records but the whole time he just kept chugging along and he's just a bad-ass dude. And I think anybody who reads his Wikipedia page is going to come away inspired. So yeah, check him out, check him out, Chuck Yeager. And like in world war II, he shot down like 13 different like enemy planes and he was, you know, he's a good dog fighter. Oh, and most incredible, most incredible Tom Wolfe, the author from the right stuff says that the basic patter that you get from pilots on planes right now when they're like
Starting point is 00:49:51 hey this is your captain speaking we're at 40 000 feet should be a little bit of a bumpy ride so keep your seat belt fastened and yeah we'll get you there in one piece thanks guys he says that whole like cool patter originated from Chuck Yeager. Oh, really? Yeah. That it's based on his West Virginia draw. That part of what made him so cool is that when he was up there, like breaking records, he'd be like, Hey, uh, coming into headquarters, I'm just going to try this switch right here. And Whoa, look at that. It's working while he's doing like a thousand miles an hour. So this guy literally invented the talk that we all just take for granted. Every time we get onto an airplane, he's the originator of it beast the godfather of making passengers feel safe on flights thank you
Starting point is 00:50:32 chuck yeager epic yeah who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is p diddy uh stokers right before i came to do the pod i stumbled upon a motivational speech by p diddy and um you can just tell with some of these successful people i think with a lot of them they're sort of like cheerful attitude optimistic attitude about life you're like oh i can see it right you can see it with p diddy you know he was just like you can tell he had that sort of like um mystical view on life he's like you can be anything you know remember how powerful you are at night i'm flying i'm flying i'm a unicorn i wrote down his like main three points he's like in life one never be afraid to make a decision don't be afraid to fail nice be fearless and he's like
Starting point is 00:51:26 he's like i'm still failing every day you know so i thought that was cool very cool so yeah get out there make decisions fail a lot keep getting back up and just fucking make a bad boys for life song and uh wear all white on a yacht in miami uh number two remember the power of you feel that power believe in it remember that you're powerful and that's like the where he's like at night i'll be flying i believe i can fly we are unicorns like that which so uh yeah and he could see in his eyes too he's just like at night he's just like i'm a fucking unicorn so i thought that was pretty dope and then three can't stop won't stop just keep going keep going keep making hits keep changing your name keeping people guessing i love that puff daddy p diddy i don't know what's coming next maybe he's diddy right now is he Diddy right now I don't even know dude he's all of it to me yeah so yeah P Diddy you're a legend he inspired me to you know
Starting point is 00:52:33 go to Miami wear all white and get on a yacht oh dude he's a fashion icon dude yeah those jumpsuits that he used to wear with the bright colors and like my money, my problems video. I was like, there's nothing cooler than that. Yeah. Dude. So flashy and so exciting to look at. Yeah. Maybe I don't pay enough attention to the VMAs now, but like back in the day, maybe like the VMAs and like when like Diddy and like Nelly were huge. Like when he did all be missing you after he died.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Dude. Amazing. A lot of heart. Yeah. Nice dude. My lot of heart yeah nice dude who's your legend my legend of the week and i think this is his second time is the man who portrayed chuck yeager in the right stuff sam shepherd sam shepherd is my favorite playwright he won the pulitzer prize for buried child which is a fucking amazing play so is like curse of the starving class true west which john
Starting point is 00:53:24 c reilly and philip seymour hoffman did together on broadway and it's all about the fluidity of identity and they would switch parts every night so cool i mean i never got to see it but i just think it's awesome those titans of acting did that and uh yeah he's also a great actor he's so good in the right stuff and he married jessica lang who for my money is the most beautiful woman who ever lived. But what I really think is so cool about him is that his plays are so fucking weird, but they still got national attention. And what's most notable about him is like 10 of them are about incest.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Like he's got like Fool for Love and Curse of the Starving Class. Like they both have brothers who are trying to bone their sister. And I don't think that's cool to bone your sister. I think that's kind of a bad idea, actually. But the fact that he wrote those plays and how uncomfortable that must have made his hot sisters, I really just admire the integrity to be like, no, I have these ugly feelings. I'm not going to act them out in real
Starting point is 00:54:25 life, but I'm going to put them into my art. And through my discomfort, I'll bring enlightenment to other people. And I just think that's bad-ass. And he didn't have to do that. I mean, he's got cowboy good looks, you know, he could have just skated by on, on the more superficial stuff, but he went deep into his guts and he brought out some weird fucking shit and uh i really appreciate it so sam you're my legend of the week nice who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with uh supplements good beef dude yeah it's bottomless i'm not buying it you know i mean granted i am drinking the freaking um liquid sunshine i don't consider that supplement that's not a supplement
Starting point is 00:55:05 it's like wheatgrass and spirulina yeah but dudes you know i keep listening to these podcasts and stuff and all these diet experts and they're like you got to take this supplement you got to take that supplement to like take care of your freaking receptors in your knee you got to take this supplement to make sure that your joints don't squeak you got to take this supplement to make sure that your joints don't squeak you got to take this supplement to make sure you don't get um like your balls don't explode and you're like what i think you got a bit too much lithidithiasism in your body right now which happens when you eat too much chicken that comes from kentucky yeah so we're going to give you some mitochondrial boost to help offset that so you can get your baseline back to a
Starting point is 00:55:43 good equilibrium it's like what yeah dude i'm trying to like live my life boost stoke with my squad yeah i can't be thinking about mitochondria and plus i'm not buying it okay i'm not buying it chief you know i think you know you need the essentials you need like in my opinion steak greens avocado i'm not i'm not gonna take all these like pills that you know help my freaking frontal lobe and it's like how much time do you have what's up how much time do you have how much yeah you have to analyze all that shit like even like uh ketosis and stuff people like check to see if they're i'm like i'm not gonna do that shit fuck that and dude in bigger stronger faster that documentary they talk about the supplement industry there's no regulation no regulation so there's no oversight
Starting point is 00:56:30 to make sure all those ingredients are really in the stuff you're taking yeah and it's just like i've also heard an argument that vitamins when you take vitamins it doesn't do anything yeah like you don't your body doesn't like absorb it you just get bright yellow pee yeah um i mean live healthy but but yeah like what but there's no need to stress out too much about it you know and i think when you think you have a problem it manifests it you know you're like i'm not enough i need more stuff yeah yeah just be sort of like be like yeah i'm like i've been trying to do that more like the other night i got fro-yo and i was pumped on the fro-yo because i enjoyed the fro-yo yeah and i didn't feel too shitty afterwards i was like fuck yeah i got fro-yo live it up baby i ate in my car alone loved it and then it's like in terms of like what's the
Starting point is 00:57:14 bad stuff you can do late at night like late at night i'll be like oh man i want to like smoke some pot or like or like go have like unprotected sex but then i'll be like you know what i'm gonna do instead is like eat nachos yeah like that is the lesser of those evils yeah yeah maybe not getting stoned but for me at least i think the nachos is better yeah i don't think you have to you have to beat yourself up about that shit right now it's too much you know it makes you feel bad and plus you know they're they're trying to make money you gotta think about that for sure for sure you know, they're trying to make money. You got to think about that. For sure, for sure. You know, so supplements, you can't replace steak, all right? So go fuck yourselves. That's my beef.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Nice, dude. What's your beef? Dude, my beef of the week is a personal one. And I wish this was a legend of the week right now. But John, my dear friend John, you're my beef of the week. We just booted him from our fantasy football league and nobody wanted to do it I adore this guy
Starting point is 00:58:10 he's one of the most effortlessly cool dudes I've ever met I've always loved his spirit and his demeanor and his attitude and his talent he's a very talented guy physically, mentally, musically he checks a lot of boxes but
Starting point is 00:58:27 John you deserve the heave-ho from the fantasy football league you don't set your lineup it's disrespectful okay we all set our lineup we put thought into it and it shows we care you didn't make it to the fantasy football draft that we all flew to now you had a decent excuse but once you combine it to the fantasy football draft that we all flew to. Now, you had a decent excuse, but once you combine it with the other mistakes you made, it hurts your case because you lost this season and you didn't pay the $100 to Brooks who won. And he got a lot of messages saying, hey, pay your $100, and you didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And he never even responded, which is the biggest problem. We got a thread with 14 of us and it's constant communication. I'm not the most responsive, but I get on there and I give some color and John doesn't do it. He doesn't participate. So you're not setting your lineup. You didn't make it to the draft. He didn't pay your due and you're not having fun with us on the thread.
Starting point is 00:59:23 So what are you doing? You're bumming us out. And nobody wanted you gone, but it feels like you wanted you gone, and you gave us no choice, so you're gone. And I wish this was a Legend of the Week. You know I do, but this is a beef. You earned this beef, John.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I hope you know that. Thank you for being vulnerable about that. It's tough, man, because I was always defending him. I was like, no, he's cool no he's cool he's cool he's cool and he is cool but he's not good for the league and now you miss out on all that bonding and he knows football he knows it well he's probably the smartest football mind of all of us save for me and uh it's a But I'm going to be a Grimsman at his wedding next year, and I'm looking forward to it. I think you and Dory are going to live a happy life. Sick. Chad, what is your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:00:12 My quote of the week comes from Les Grossman, played by Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder, 2008. So he's negotiating with Matthew McConaughey, who's Ben Stiller's agent. Yeah. And they're like, let's let Ben Stiller die so we get this insurance settlement. I'm talking G4.
Starting point is 01:00:33 No, I'm talking G5 for the PECA. That's Matthew McConaughey's name. Yeah. So Matthew McConaughey is like, you can't be serious, right? Tom Cruise looks at him as Les Grossman. He goes, you kick in the door to my house, all ants in your pants,
Starting point is 01:00:53 sucking my left nut to get a TiVo scrap for the third runner-up, Sexiest Man Alive 1998. And you're asking if I'm serious? Dude, nice. He fucking... Put that into perspective.
Starting point is 01:01:08 You can't argue with that. Sucking his left nut to get a TiVo scrap for the third runner-up, Sexiest Man Alive 1998. It's powerful stuff. Choo-choo, baby. He really just put his client in a box there. Yeah. Sexiest Man Alive 1998.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah. That's 10 years ago what have you done for me lately it's pure hard stats that kind of dates the movie too a tivo scrap yeah who's using everybody else has cut the cord yeah now it'd be like he didn't have three million hits on his youtube channel yeah i don't know to get tivo scrapped for a 500k subscriber youtube channel there it is david dobrik david dobrik david dobrik dude i had no idea who he's talking i didn't know he's talking about either i've watched all these guys now i'm like i guess i get it please do the pod though yeah i'll take a bite of that audience um all right dude my quote of the week is trick daddy i love a song that pumps you up
Starting point is 01:02:14 and one of the best ones for my money is trick daddy let's go let's go if you want it we can get it let it go oh yeah and the best line from that song is when Trick Daddy goes, everybody knows somebody that knows somebody that knows something about it. It's so true. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, but it's true, man. Everybody does know somebody who knows somebody. I think what he's saying is everybody's got a connection to something, but who are you?
Starting point is 01:02:40 That's what Trick Daddy wants to know, and I think he's on the right line of questioning. Let's get into it it's my quote of the week my dog oh yeah do we have a mission statement from a surfing have we done have we done vulcan i think we did do vulcan it is this history of innovation and love of the ocean that challenges body glove to make products fitting every waterman's needs body glove is proud to be one of the last family-owned dive surf businesses and pledges It's good. I like that they hyped up the family angle,
Starting point is 01:03:17 but at the same time, it doesn't have the aspirational philosophy that Rip Curl has. Yeah, Rip Curl's killing it. Rip Curl, they got the best writers over there. Yeah. How's that video performing? Let's see. It's pretty well. How many comments? 82.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Oh, that's pretty good. Good. Good. Like when we hit that 100 mark. Yeah. Guys, of course, we are brought to you by Douglas Lubricant, the best in the biz. Stokers, you want to bone, and you want to bone hard, and you want to bone well. And when you bone, you need to bone right with Douglas.
Starting point is 01:03:54 We have tons of flavors, vanilla, cherry, honey, anal. And Douglas has gone industrial, so make sure you, if you have an engine, it can lube up the engine. So what up, Douglas? And as always, we're brought to you by Danny Babone and the UCI baseball team. If you're a young buckaroo who's swinging the stick or throwing the ball, you know where you need to go to college. You need to go to UCI. They should call it UC Newport Beach
Starting point is 01:04:25 because it's right there. Get under the tutelage of Daniel Babona. He is everything a baseball man should be. And then, dude, I was going to, at the end of this episode, I'm going to put the audio from Aaron Donald at the Super Bowl, getting himself hyped up before the game.
Starting point is 01:04:43 It's really inspiring. And I think it's a good way to end the podcast and send you Stokers off with some fuck this day up, let's go, I got this shit, I can run through a wall energy. Yeah. Which, you know, there's never too much of that. Thank you. Guys, that'll be it for episode 57 of Going Deep in Chat on JT.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Thank you guys so much for being stokers. Check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash chatgoesdeep. And stay stoked, dudes. All right, later. CBD. That's CBD. Do what you work for right here. Do what you work for.
Starting point is 01:05:20 All that training you did. Everything you do is for this right here. Come on, hey. Come on. You're living the dream. How you do is for this. Right here. Come on, A. Come on. You're living the dream. How bad you want it? How bad you want it? How bad you want it? Make the big play, huh? Make the big play. Huh? Control the aggression.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Control the aggression. Come on. Control the aggression. Control the aggression. Control the aggression. Be great. Be great. Be great. Nothing less. Come on. Lock great. Be great. Be great. Nothing less. Come on. Lock in. Lock in.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Come on. What you here for? What you work for? Right here. What you train for? Right here. Come on. Let's be great.
Starting point is 01:05:55 You hear me? Let's be great. Let's be great. Let's be great.

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