Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 62 - Strider Joins, Woodland Critters, Operation Varsity Blues

Episode Date: March 20, 2019

What up stoke naysh, in this dank episode we're joined once again by our dawg, Strider, who lays down some dank wisdom and fire relaysh advice. We dive into an epic quesh about woodland critters,... the recent college admission scandal, and just have an epic time as usual. Dive on in for a rise in stoke!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stokers and welcome to episode 62 of the going deep in jet dude for jt podcast tolstoy read freaking wrote those reads dude dude yeah freaking guy used to get paid by the word dude dude it felt like butter when i was reading those you freaking flew through it like a legend dude oh thank you dude dude i've been reading the dictionary you said the word penultimate dude do you guys know what that means i know i know you the one before last exactly dude freaking well i know how you know that legend dude you know from that t.s elliott poem dude is it no that's not how you know it no no no damn it yeah wait but. Dude. No, that's not how you know it. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Damn it. Yeah. Wait, but I know something. Wait, the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock? Yeah. That one, the women, they come, they go. They speak like Michelangelo. You know what it is? You wrote like a joke version for me and you put the word penultimate in it.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I did. Yeah. So I got the origins wrong. But that's the first time I saw you use it. Legend, dude. I mean, I learned more from using it in that setting, dude. I've been freaking reading the dictionary lately, dude. Just looking up words and shit, dude. Well, your daddy used to force you to do that. Exactly, dude. I mean, I learned more from using it in that setting, dude. I've been freaking reading the dictionary lately, dude. Just looking up words and shit. Well, your daddy used to force
Starting point is 00:01:07 you to do that. Exactly, dude. And I hated it as a kid, dude. It was annoying. Plus it was 10 words. It's a little overkill, dude. I mean, maybe three, dog. Come on. I got homework. What's your favorite word that you've hit so far? I'm going to say it wrong, dude. I'm going to say it wrong, i'm gonna say it wrong but it's the uh freaking straight up uh epitomus epitomus epididymitis that's in your nutsack correct it's like the bullseye of your nutsack dude yeah is that the real world yeah dude it's like the very center of your nutsack dude oh dude yeah i was like this is dank y'all just made some music yeah oh dude what's up dude i was like cutting a record yeah nice dude one time in college i got a tender epididymitis really what yeah uh yeah yeah i dealt with it what happened dude what did you get whacked what's going on um dude yeah it's uh nah what happened hey dude i don't want to pressure you
Starting point is 00:01:59 as is personal yeah what's personal well my mom listens to this but um oh dude for sure well she needs to know something happened to your nuts. I mean, technically she gave you your nuts. That's true. To a degree. At least one of them. Maybe your dad gave you the other. My mom showed up on the other phone the other day.
Starting point is 00:02:12 She goes, John Thomas, I know you're an attentive lover. I love. Dude, that's amazing, dude. That's amazing, dude. Well, I didn't get an STD, okay? I'm just throwing that out there. But there was some sort of. clear some sort of an effect right that happens yeah dude utis i just woke up with a huge nut that's terrifying oh it just says like antibiotics went down but because like because like all right you're gonna need to wear a jock strap and take these antibiotics i'm like
Starting point is 00:02:45 the jock strap dude did you did you get your nuts twisted is that what happened no testicular torsion no it wasn't that bad that happened to my buddy dude testicular torsion that's bad yeah he was playing soccer went for a slide tackle and fucking got testicular torsion they're like they had to rush him to the hospital he'll never have be able to have kids yeah that's a lot at stake yeah big time dude that's a hard ride to the hospital. Totally. He's sitting there in like seventh grade like, I don't even know if I want kids right now.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Right. But I want to have the option. Yeah. He might not even have ever busted a load at that point. True. True. Oh, yeah, that's true. He might not have.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Depends where you're at on the puberty curve. True, for sure. For sure. Yeah, I remember that time. I can't remember exactly, but I remember there's some kids who were like lying about being able to jizz already yeah i was one of them i i would i stood there we all had like a masturbation party at my house and i stood i stood at the bathroom door like like hey let me in the bathroom i'm about to bust i'm about to bust and then i went into the bathroom because i thought it was
Starting point is 00:03:42 like p i probably told this story when i came out all my friends were like doesn't work that way bitch i was like i was like i was like it works like that for some people and they're like no it for sure doesn't have an older brother he's taught me everything there is to know about busting that's not how people bust and i was just dead to rights how would you extend the invite and how would you determine who's worthy well after at a certain point word got around what was going down at my house after hours and i didn't have to extend invites kids were coming up to me begging to be invited i heard you're having guys over on saturday can i please come and i was like listen i was like listen tob his last name's tob i was like you can come but can you be cool like can you can you jack off with other guys in the room and he's like yeah for sure i was like
Starting point is 00:04:22 all right you can come nice did you Did you have rules about jizzing? It was fluid, the rules were. I love that. It changed every time. As we changed, so did the rules. What was your food of choice? Pizza. Oh, it's got to be pizza.
Starting point is 00:04:37 But also Cool Whip. Oh, dude. Oh, you got to have something sweet for when you're done. When you're done nutting, you got to get something sweet. Cool Whip's nice. And something visual, too. And it comes in the bucket, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I love cool. A lot of people were coming to bucket. Here's the thing. I've done like four puns already. I love puns, dude. Me and my GF, we love puns. You know what we love, dude? A lot of Vietnamese restaurants, like especially pho restaurants, not all Vietnamese, but
Starting point is 00:05:00 like the pho have a lot of like 902-1. 902-1 titles. 902-pho or like uh fuck what are some other phone it in phone it in a lot of mattress stores too 902 one pho that's it but it's really pho so it doesn't quite work but no yeah mattress stores the lumbar yard yep the fucking oh yeah fucking i've heard did you come up with that or is that a genuine place nice legit one the fucking dude uh my gf and i went to i'm not bragging but like we went to thailand and uh cambodia and vietnam a few years back and do you know that pho is actually a breakfast dish whoa yeah and i total total american which also us referring to ourselves
Starting point is 00:05:42 as americans is a little bit condescending to Latin America because they're also Americans. And Canada as well, right? And Canada as well, exactly. But the Canadians are a little too polite to say anything, dude. And not that the Latin Americans do. But when you're traveling abroad, if you're like, oh, I'm American, it's like, well, yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But easy, dude. You're a US citizen. But I was a total American and uh i uh a u.s citizen in this instance and uh i was like we checked in our hotel at like 10 p.m got into vietnam and i was like oh i would love some pho like i want to have pho for dinner and the guy and the nice concierge was like i don't think you're going to be able to get it anywhere but like but this one place that's like a kind of like a diner or whatever it's a tourist place yeah and then he's like but in the morning we'll get you some gave me the whole lesson very nice i was like oh man i felt stupid but
Starting point is 00:06:28 had it in the morning got me going dude very dank for breakfast oh yeah super dank it's warm it's like really this wakes up the whole body i love breakfast it might be my favorite meal i know it's like kind of cliche to say you know when you're in a date like do you meet my gf dude when i was flirting with my gf first meeting i was like she's like what's your favorite food i was just like all laid back i was all breakfast dude what do you mean breakfast sweet and savory same time come at me bacon and french toast babe yeah it's good stuff it's the best dude that's a natural aphrodisiac for sure just saying that totally for sure dude what else so we had a fun weekend we went to the kings game together on saturday saw his fight yeah that was great fight the fight was so good like five or
Starting point is 00:07:11 six hockey games never seen a fight same i haven't seen one in years the way they the way they like took their time with the fists like there's from like the fucking 30s it was amazing theater was wonderful yeah and the way they kind of aim for like the helmet part when they're punching yeah you can tell there's like rules of engagement yes it's honor and when the dude won and they cut to him in the penalty box afterwards he was smiling ear to ear he was so proud of himself yeah dude when i saw those gloves dropped like i couldn't believe it i saw like the gloves on the ice oh it was unreal what yeah everyone was like yeah the whole arena was just quiet eating their freaking chicken fingers everyone's like yeah dude didn't you see two little girls dude no i saw there were the other girls next to us little kids and they were terrified they couldn't understand why all the
Starting point is 00:07:54 adults were screaming like the girl was just looking around like why is everyone so excited i don't think she'd ever seen like violence animate people that way but she got a she got a rude awakening to what really drives us. That's what it means to be an American. It reminded me of one of the fights in Gangs of New York when they go like this. Yeah, with the upside down hands. Old style boxing.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I couldn't believe my eyes. I was like, this is amazing. Nearly fish hooked my groin. Whoever decided like this would be the way you'd fight. Like what is the thing? JT, you know about freaking rumble. Well, I think because you do want to turn your punch over to get that snap. So this is kind of like forcing you to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:30 If you come underhand, then you're definitely going to get that torque on the hand. So it is effective. Sort of, but I think it's much smarter just to have your hands up like this. But I can see what the logic was at that time. Yeah. Dude, Strider and I hit Dave and busters hard nice dude i mean i i got mario kart it's gotta take the cake but to be honest it's true and there was a it made sense like there was a bunch of couples there was like a line for mario kart cruising usa was open which
Starting point is 00:08:59 was dank it was a good time playing cruising usa yeah but when you get on mario kart and you get on the freaking beach level what is it koopa troopa Beach or whatever Koopa Troopa dude you're having the dankest time dude it's so straight up it's bright dude it's a great time I was fired up but that other game gave me like PTSD I know I remember like being a kid and like you know those games where like it has like the enclosed cloth and like it's like a skeleton outside and it's like must be like you know like cannot if you have risk of seizure or like you know whatever like low blood pressure or pregnant like do not come in here and we're like all right dude let's go in here like no one's here let's just go play dude like literally i still think about like everything was like like every two seconds he was like a mad scientist
Starting point is 00:09:39 he's like you want to see my creations and really like what and he had like humanoids i'm like yeah and you're cruising through there shooting it. The music's all dramatic. Yeah. Strider and I were jobless and we would go to Dave and Buster's to just burn time. It's free. The games are free if you go at that time.
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's free play, dude. Yeah. Really? It literally doesn't cost you a dollar. It's free? No, because they're probably making money on the drinks. That's where their focus is. Totally, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:02 When's it free? If you go like a weekday at like noon yeah it's like you know there's you know there's happy hour yeah this would be called sad hour yeah it'd definitely be during sad hour which is i think regular business hours monday through friday like i hear nine to five at dmbs dudes i had a date last night nice how'd it go second date in three days it was great dude same girl second date same three days. It was great, dude. Same girl. Second date. Same gal. Yeah. She's brand director for a marketing company, but she might switch over to working exclusively for a sex toy company that does good sales. But I mean, we rep Douglas lubricant. Yeah. You combine our powers. You're going to have a slick, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:44 sexual situation. Dude dude my dog's loaded up with the puns tonight yeah thank you dog loving this and dude she um i was bitching to her about stuff yeah and i was like hey i'm sorry i'm bitching so much and then she rubbed my chest and she said bitch as much as you want to and i literally went i love you i love you i didn't say that but i i, but my eyes locked into her. Dude, that's the fire feeling, dude. When you're a significant other, dude, when my GF is like, dude, if I'm having a tough day
Starting point is 00:11:11 and I can open up and just be me, that's what it's all about, dude. She remembered my roommate's names. After she remembered that, that's when I kissed her for the first time. Really? Oh, yeah. You guys smooth?
Starting point is 00:11:22 I was like, I can't believe you remember that. She's like, yeah. She's like, I'm genuinely curious about you. I forgot she's Australian. And then I kissed her and then she was like so all I have to do is be nice to get like a kiss from you? I was like yeah. Yeah. She's like you're easy. I was like yeah. Now let's engage in smooth boning.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Can't even handle how freaking cute this is right now. Thank you dude. Sounds freaking lovely dude. It is nice. Yeah. Aussies are chill too. I feel like they're on the same wavelength as u.s citizens is there not a easier a brief for because you know if you're from columbia you can say you're columbian if you're from england you can say you're english is there like what what can what can united states citizens say that's not american to get the point across more conversationally?
Starting point is 00:12:08 I don't even know. I'm just going to say I'm freaking straight up from SoCal, dude. I think that's the key. That's the move, dude. Just be like, dude, I'm from SoCal. I'm from SoCal. What up? And they're like, where is that?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Be like, it's in the U.S. Exactly, dude. It is the U.S. That's what... Exactly, dude. The U.S. is the freaking... From OC. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Have you ever heard of the oc yeah i get ultra specific go sean and marissa go smaller than city be like yo i'm from bear brand gated community dude uh bear brand created community maybe you knew my guards amos and john day and night who respectively dude both former marines wait have you told the story about when your dad saw that you're a... Dude. That the guard gate guy was riding on your arms? Yeah, this is like crazy, dude. So, the freaking...
Starting point is 00:12:55 My bus stop was at the bottom of my gated neighborhood, which is why I never really got that hard. And my mom was notoriously late all the time, just cruising around doing I don't even know what, dude. And the bus would drop us off at 3. The kids would wait in the guard shack. Their parents would be there within 5 or 10 minutes. My mom, dude, 30 minutes, 20 minutes, sometimes an hour, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I'm just posting up like the guard shed is like a TV, and I'm just chilling in the guard shed, right? And there was this guard named John there for a while dude and i'm like 10 at this point i'm in like third grade whatever however you are then friggin uh i'm sitting at dinner and i used to sit like right next to my dad dude and he like looks at my arm i like my right arm he's sitting on my left looks at my arm and sees john written there j-o-n first of all that's the creepiest john there is j-o-n and uh he's like who's that is that your friend at school i'm all no that's the that's the guard the guard gate my dad just without skipping looks at my mom because you're never late to pick him up again my mom was on time for like two days dude dude my parents used to leave town and just let me
Starting point is 00:14:07 drive my brother around before i was 16 yeah that's amazing dude we go get dinner and go see a movie and what age like 15 and 13 really yeah dude i just pick him up and be like yo dude i remember how'd you get the whip we're gonna go see this new oliver stone movie and go get some wood ranch get some ribs ribs. Hell yeah, dude. I was like, cruise, dude. JT drove home from driving school one day, dude. Like the class you went to to all get your permits. We're all like waiting for our rides.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And JT's like, all right, later, dudes. And he gets in his car and drives home. We're all like, wait a second. Aren't we all like learning to drive? We're like, wait, what class is he in, dude? Is he like excelling or something? That's why I ended up losing my license for six months. Did you ever get pulled over? I got pulled over for just driving like an idiot and so i lost my license
Starting point is 00:14:49 for six months yeah dude how's your uh you did your juice cleanse you're on your juice cleanse i'm starting today how's it going uh i feel pretty low energy right now and irritable um to be honest i think a lot of it though is because i haven't drank caffeine right right um i think that's the big thing because uh i mean i you know i've had like a big avocado and apple a bunch of green juices that's what i've had today and then these other supplements or whatever um but no coffee so now like i was feeling good today. Like at like noon, I was like, I feel good. Like this is nice. But now it's like hitting me.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm like, it's hard to talk, honestly. Dude, I hear you. Dude, I don't get my cup of coffee. The burden of a podcast. Yeah. You're forced to communicate. Yeah, I'm just like, I'm like, think of something. Think of something.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah, there's times I'm like, I'd like to just take a half hour break and then tap back in. But people just don't have that kind of patience listening wise no chance yeah you gotta yeah all i want to do is grab some mcnuggets right now and just fucking eat go to work i love mcnuggets so we'll see my mom was really concerned she's like i don't think it's the best idea i'm like well i gotta try it so we'll see the lady told me she's like day three is the worst you're gonna feel
Starting point is 00:16:06 horrible you're gonna go through some emotional stuff and I'm like I was like I'm fucking ready you know strap me in
Starting point is 00:16:12 but now I'm like shit you know right this is gonna be tough but they say after
Starting point is 00:16:17 she's like after day four you're gonna have a breakthrough and I'm like that sounds cool nice so I'm looking forward to that but I'll be in Delaware
Starting point is 00:16:24 or I guess we can say that yeah we should talk about it I'll be in Delaware. Or I guess we can say that. Yeah, we should talk about it. I'll be in Delaware on the juice cleanse. So I don't think I'll be able to rage. Yeah, we're going to the University of Delaware to protect house parties. They've been banned at the university, which was actually rated the biggest party school in the country.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah, I had no idea. Yeah, and it's not just like some reasonable law where they're busting up parties that are destroying the neighborhood. They've put in provisions where if there's four people in an apartment at any time that can be considered a party yeah so we have to go there and kind of uh negotiate with the city and make sure that they put in a law that makes sense for all citizens including those who like to party yeah for sure because they belong just as much to the community as the people who don't i think they just need to see the
Starting point is 00:17:05 Effect that it'll have on future generations, you know I mean that their whole reputation is based on raging and you know You can't just you can't just cut off the caffeine of partying. It's gonna be a huge headache Yeah, exactly and no benefit no breakthrough a couple days down the road. There's no there's no breakthrough It's like putting him on a big ass juice cleanse of shittiness it's unchill dude when it comes down to it's very unchill like four people can be a party that's just like a technicality where they can write you a ticket for if you're not like if you're playing like if you're playing some halo with your boys or fifa having a few ipas having a nice night, and you're playing four-player, dude, you come in because your neighbor's like,
Starting point is 00:17:47 oh, dude, I'm trying to sleep. I got finals or whatever, dude. Like, I respect that, dude. Like, you got finals, but, like, we're not having a party up here. If we're having a party up here, guess what, dude? You'd be up here skipping your final in the morning, dude. Not that I'm saying don't study, but, like, partying is contagious, dude. And that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Like, more than parties are going to get shut down because of this. I mean, like you're saying epic game nights, robust orgies, all are going to be under fire because of this law. So I think it's a total overcorrection by the city. And I also think it's an aversion they have to being labeled a party school. Like this all came on the heels of them being named the biggest party school in
Starting point is 00:18:22 the country. So I think, I think the, the powers that be who have grown out of their partying days not that you have to but they've you know gone that route are like no we're not a party school you know we're a place of academic higher learning it's like bro they're not mutually exclusive and you know that if you were using that brain thank you yeah it's like accept who you are? Own it. Our country's run on the party system. Like, that's a fact.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like, it works. That's how this nation is, dude. Yeah, it's literally a party system. Why are you trying to get rid of it, dude? Yeah. Dude, I started watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Ooh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It's good. Dude, it's edgy. It's edgy? Like, they show boobs in the first 10 minutes. Oh, dude. Yeah. Not that that's why I was in,
Starting point is 00:19:04 but once I saw that, I was like, whoa, Mrs. Maisel's got boobs in it? Was it a whole free the nip statement? Read them and weep, boys. They didn't tack on. It might have been that in the subtext, but I was so shocked that Mrs. Maisel was like... And it's got curse words.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Oh, it's Mrs. Maisel? No, not her, but I heard that does happen later. This was like a extra. But it's a good show. It's really good. Yeah, I'm digging it. curse words yeah no not her but i heard that does happen later uh this was like a uh like a extra but but it's a good show it's really good yeah i'm digging it my gf loves it dude i haven't gotten on board and watched it i mean dude i was a little hurt because dude i told her i really wanted to watch it together but she was so amped and fired up on it that she finished it even without me dude she freaking straight up binged it and i haven't gotten around to watching it because i've been crushing freaking episodes of like re-watching the pacific re-watching band of brothers which i've heard you've hopped on
Starting point is 00:19:48 too recently which is dank dude i jumped off for mrs mazel really is it miss mazel or miss marvelous miss mazel anyway dude i was supposed to watch it but my gf went ahead and you know fired away without me which was chill dude but it's chill she was happy and said she watched it so it's tight but you know i did the same with my gf in westworld except i was the perpetrator really i was like i was i have to tell you something i finished westworld she's like i didn't even like the show and i was like sweet i was gonna say you did her a favor in hindsight dude because westworld was not dank dude you don't like it i mean i think i like the first season first season is better than the second season there's some amazing visuals that you're like,
Starting point is 00:20:26 wow, this is just incredible how they did this. But as far as the story goes, let's go, dude. Get it moving. I got work in the morning. It's a Sunday night. Speed it up, baby, because I got to be up at 5.30 and start hustling for some tippies, baby. And I don't have time to watch, like, I get it, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I don't need a slow-mo like 360 aerial shot of a bull's ass dude when you get when you get angry like that yeah what do you want to do to the showrunner of the show oh dude I want to sit him down and be like dude you got to make you you're a showrunner dude you got to be creative or do you maybe want to take him somewhere oh yeah dude I would like to take him like I'm not good do you want to go paintballing with him is what I'm saying I hear you I finally caught on you know what I was going to say I was going to take him. I'm not good at... Do you want to go paintballing with him is what I'm saying. I hear you. I finally caught on. You know what I was going to say?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I was going to say maybe into the boxing ring, but I'm not a good boxer. I just go fetal position. But, dude, give me the great equalizer. That is the paintball gun. Barrel plugs out. Speedball course, dude. Then me and the showrunner, dude,
Starting point is 00:21:19 and I would just freaking drill him, dude. And you know what, dude? I know he'd be moving in slow motion because that's what that show was. It was slow motion, dude. And you know what, dude? I know he'd be moving in slow motion because that's what that show was. It was slow motion, dude. So sorry, bub. You're going to get freaking drilled. I'm going to get the high ground and just.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's a positional game. The positional advantage is most important in paintballing. Correct. Get drilled. One time, this dude with no shirt on. I mean, he had no shirt and a rotund body he was very barrel bodied he was a sadist he was yeah this guy dude he was wearing those like camo shirts that were like arctic but like in the green in greenery yeah and uh
Starting point is 00:21:58 and he's paintball with no shirt on dude so like this guy he shot me in the throat dude i got shot in the throat yeah you were pissed because you didn't want to go i dragged you out yeah i got shot in the throat dude yeah well and after you had already shot him yeah he yeah yeah yeah he didn't leave dude those guys are the worst yeah it's like dude you're done he's like oh yeah you got me but then i'm like dude play by the rules dude he's not in it for the sport he's in it for the pain you know we got to cover this this was a huge story that's obviously been in the national news for like a week now the college admissions scandal all these celebrities and millionaires are uh being arrested and indicted for uh paying through the wazoo to get their kids into these cool colleges.
Starting point is 00:22:46 People are loving it. Oh, people love it. They're getting their comeuppance now, dude. Strider, do you love it? I'm loving it, dude. I'm loving it. It's great. Look, you know, you got to feel the kids, dude. I mean, how much did they know and all that?
Starting point is 00:23:02 You got to think they probably knew. I mean, we're from the OC, dude. I mean, you got to think a lot knew. We're from the OC, dude. You've got to think a lot of these kids probably knew what was up. And, dude, I think the sick part of it is the parents do it because it's like a status thing. It's not like – I mean, Yale obviously is an amazing school, but with USC and stuff, it's like USC is a good school, but it's still not Harvard or Yale.
Starting point is 00:23:23 But these parents want to be able to tell the other parents at the country club they can brag that their kids there oh yeah you know whatever got into USC so and then it's like then they're like planning social outings around it like it's all like around social things and like then there's kids who work hard who are getting jacked out of a spot in school because somebody's going to pay for it so that they can like be like yeah and that's that and like take a sip of like a freaking hors d'oeuvre or something like that yeah some olives they had quotes from one dad who was asking if an other dad who was also arrested for it was part of the scam he's like every time i talk to mr wilson he acts like he's not helping to get his son like tyler Tyler into college. Is he doing it too? He makes me feel shitty about myself every time I see him.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And it was like these two dads weren't admitting to each other that they were both doing the same thing to get their kids into school. Dude, I love the idea of all the fake athletes. Oh, hilarious. Like, yeah, just get in this crew boat and just start rowing. The obscure sports that no one wants to do. Yeah. I heard they found, they found one of the coaches
Starting point is 00:24:25 they showed the fake water polo photo and he's like, no one sticks out of the water that much. You have to go retake it. Love this guy. Details, dude. Well, yeah, he's like, I can't bring this to the admissions board. They know enough about water polo. You're going to get me fucked. Hilarious, dude. And dude,
Starting point is 00:24:41 the FBI had William Singer was the guy, wear a wire. Yeah. Apparently he told some dude. And dude, the FBI had William Singer was the guy wear a wire. Yeah. Apparently he told some parents, he's like, look, don't say anything because you're going to incriminate yourselves because I'm wearing a fucking wire. Oh, he told them that he had a wire on? Yeah, he's getting in trouble for that too. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:24:56 They found out. Damn. Is jail time the punishment for these parents? I mean, what's the deal? No, I don't think any of them are going to do it. I don't think you got to go to jail, but it's like you've got to probably pay some money. But who does the money go to to fix what? Well, Lori Loughlin just lost all of her gigs.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Hallmark cutter and fool or house cutter. I mean, that's a bummer. That's a bummer. Public shaming. And then the kids now, everyone knows they're dumb. Like they corrected their SAT scores, and the kids probably thought they genuinely got those high SAT scores, which is so funny to just realize you're like 400 points dumber on the SATs than you thought you were.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But also, dude, I thought I fucking ripped at English. I'm not that good at English? I don't have good comprehension? What the fuck, mom? I would have studied harder. She's like, no, you wouldn't have. You're an idiot. You're like, all right, whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Fair enough. Sorry I made you feel that way. Dude, you write an essay and get this amazing score, and you're like, I didn't know anything what I wrote, but it was good like yeah like what does that make you think you're like god i was just winging it and i got a 760 what the fuck i was so hung over and i just beasted the sats yeah amazing dude i can't even throw stones though because like um i went to jc and my dad was like yo i can help you get you into loyal and merrimount college if you get like good grades and then um he was like he had like two meetings with the admissions board
Starting point is 00:26:11 at lmu he's like greasing the wheels telling him stories about how great i was and how i turned it around and then he got my transcript from uh mesa college in san diego three c's two f's my dad was like what the fuck am i supposed to do with this? I cannot get you into college with these transcripts. I was like, yeah, dad, it didn't come together the way I thought it was at the end of the year. I saw a small hole. Like, I thought I could thread that needle, and it just didn't happen, dude. But she's dropping out, right?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Oh, she is? I think they're all dropping out. Whoa! Yeah, dropping out. No, they're getting kicked out, dude. Yeah. They're getting kicked out? You've got to be getting kicked out. You're getting kicked out, dude. Yeah. They're getting kicked out? You've got to be getting kicked out.
Starting point is 00:26:46 You're not dropping out, dude. Okay, so there's some consequences. Yeah. Well, I mean, look, I don't want to come down with a heartache because, you know, these kids are going to get bullied, so they're saying they're dropping out for bullying. That's what they used? They said it was bullying?
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah, for fear of bullying. Come on. But let's be honest. The university is going to kick you out. You're not going to be able to stay at that school. You lied to get in. You're done. Right. It's like telling your boss university is going to kick you out. You're not going to be able to stay at that school. You lied to get in. You're done. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's like telling your boss he's about to fire you, fuck you, I quit before it's on my terms. You know what I mean? Yeah. Do you guys hear the name of the investigation? Varsity Blues, baby. Varsity Blues. What a great movie.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Someone at the FBI has got good film taste. What's-his-face was a... I didn't see his response to it, but it was the star of Varsity Blues, not Paul Walker. Oh, James Van Der Beek. Yeah, he had some response. I didn't see his response to it, but it was the star of R.C. Blues, not Paul Walker. Oh, James Van Der Beek. Yeah, he had some response. I haven't read it. Nice size dome on Moxon.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah, don't want your life. Dudes, what about, so I was trying to do some more local news, so I went to the OC Reg to see what was popping off on there. And then at the bottoms, the top articles of the day, I clicked the top one. It's a mrs double d december winner from the k-rock like beauty pageant contest from 2012 i was like why is this circulating as the top article today it was just a bunch of photos of like ralph garman and the
Starting point is 00:27:57 other hosts at k-rock and it was like today this woman won she did like a puppet show and then won the bathing suit competition i was like from six years ago like was there's just like some dude who like really had a fixation on that girl and then like clicked on the article and that's all it took to be the number one article on the oc reg and then for preparation she did a spray tan and yoga yeah i got into like those like threw it out there and can't believe the results six years years ago, top article on OC Register. It speaks to the interest of the OC Register clientele. True.
Starting point is 00:28:32 They're like Bobos, dude. I was pulled in. Don't tell my GF, dude. I mean, hopefully she doesn't listen. She doesn't like when I say that, dude. Sometimes I can say cans if it's at the right time. Yeah, cans you got to throw it out sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But also, dude, I want to... This lady in the article seemed like she was pretty legit dude like she was a uh she worked in uh what does she work in like a sales industry or something like that like some some form of sales or something I think and uh she's like yeah I'd never really go for it I figured I was 26 if not now then never you know and that's nice that's what gets you the double you dude. All right, should we get into some questions? Abso-frickin-lutely, dude. What up, dudes? What tunes bring maximum stoke on a spring break trip? Looking to create a fire playlist.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Dude. Jagged Edge, Where the Party At. Good one. Dude, you came to the right shop, my friend. For sure. Dude, what's that Kevin Little song you used to play on? Turn Me On. Oh, fire, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Very good song. Fire. Kid Rock, Cocky. Ooh. Talking Heads, Naive, This Must Be the Place. Ooh, fire. And my number one, Aesop Rocky, Problems. Dude, all fire freaking jams right there.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Dude, I mean, I even like to put on a little, my GF calls this dad music, dude, but I'll put on some Paul Simon or some Billy Joel. I mean, maybe not for when the whole party's around. We Didn't Start the Fire? But dude, yeah, a little We Didn't Start the Fire, a little, I go walking in the middle of the, remember when you walked in on me in the shower when I was jamming out to that?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Fire song. Dude, yeah, that was it, Billy Joel. You were so alive. In the middle of the night. Oh, dude. Dude, what's that other kid rock song uh well that's all that's fire but uh you took my it's more recent all summer long all summer long yeah that that gets me to want to go on a boat little hybrid of werewolves yeah let the wind flow through my flow oh and sweet home alabama what up my sultans of stoke i recently
Starting point is 00:30:24 met a rad chick we went on a few dates and my stoke levels were at an all-time high last week we were at her house and she wanted to watch a movie i picked out one of my all-time fave paul walker movies running scared to set the mood and i think it said something off in my new lady friend she asked if i was in a squirrel play for some backstory this babe worked at some animal rescue shelter and consistently fosters animals, and at some point, she ended up keeping a pet squirrel. Last time we were together, we finally crossed the line to Bone Town.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I used a Jimmy hat, of course, because I could tell she's into some freaky stuff. The entire time we were knocking boots, the squirrel sat on the bed and stared in my eyes. At one point, I pushed it off the bed, and she got mad and grabbed it and put it back in prime viewing location. I'm in general not really comfortable with a woodland critter watching me pound, so I had trouble finishing. I guess what my question is, should I be trying to boke this squirrel from the bedroom or should I boke myself from the situation in general?
Starting point is 00:31:14 I appreciate you guys always bringing the stoke, and I look forward to your wisdom. Thanks. James. I mean, dude. At valet, there's these two squirrels that go around, dude. And these squirrels, they bone, dude. I worked the early shifts.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I've heard them. They're like, ehhh, and they'll bone. It's kind of violent. But I have found that if you give a squirrel a donut, it's probably just going to be preoccupied with that donut, dude. It's going to go to this little area. It's going to go chill. So bring a donut, dude, and slyly place it there, dude,
Starting point is 00:31:43 and then get your bone on except for the squirrel feet on yeah but that's not that's only a quick term fix well i don't think there's anything to fix i think this is cool i mean let the squirrel watch yeah wait but but is this is the squirrel watching only that doesn't that doesn't yeah i mean but if it bothers him and he can't get his freak on then you know he's being sexually inhibited. He's got to be able to let it go. Once he can cross that barrier and have a full connection with nature. But is his fear what my fear is?
Starting point is 00:32:12 That is true. You get to the natural, which I like. Is it that, does she want to do like squirrel play, like get the squirrel involved? Like, I don't know how that works. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I think at this point, what's most exciting is that this girl feels totally uninhibited with him and she's really letting him see all of her she's like yes i like it when my squirrel watches and i want you to be the one that he watches me with here's what you do or that she watches me with there's no you one
Starting point is 00:32:39 up her with a more exotic animal that you like to let watch you good idea you watch bone i love that i mean otter watch you get up yeah get an otter dude get a shark perfect animal get like a three foot shark that requires like a 250 gallon tank and you can only bone at your house maybe unless you got a way of moving it so maybe not the best option otter though you can put that thing on a leash imagine how much more his bond with his lady will grow when she knows that a squirrel approves. It's a family. Yo, what's up Stoke Nation? Recently my basketball season just ended. We lost to
Starting point is 00:33:14 the eventual state champs. I'm bummed that the seniors won't be there next year, but excited for the increase of my role on the team. All my best bros are on the team with me and are looking forward to next year too. We have an issue though. A new kid moved to our school last year. He is really athletic and tall and also pretty good at basketball. We took him in our squad at first and quickly realized our mistake.
Starting point is 00:33:31 He was a schmole. He is very caught up in himself and thinks he is better than others. This season he noticeably distributed, I think you mean disturbed, the chemistry on our team has had with each other since we were kids. He is a ball hog on the court and it cares more about his stats than wins. However, even though we have great coaches, they're obsessed with this kid and let him get away with it.
Starting point is 00:33:50 We believe his selfishness could affect our ability to have a successful season. I've realized we're going to have to do something about it. We have narrowed it down to two choices, but are still open to other options. Here are our options. Option one, bring him into our squad,
Starting point is 00:34:02 deal with his schmoolness and hopefully improve our team chemistry. This is a decent option. However, this schmole is worse than most and always ruins the vibes and could potentially ruin some of our greatest memories making opportunities with the squad this summer. Option two, harass him and his family until they are forced to move.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I like this option personally. However, not everyone in the squad is on board as we might get into some legal trouble since his dad works for the city, but at least we wouldn't have to deal with the schmole this sounds like a good screenplay i think also it's like how good is the person who wrote this email at basketball like to be the person to rein him in you might have to be as good yeah or provide as much value as he does to the team like i didn't like some of the leaders on my football team but i couldn't i only piped up like once or twice because i was a
Starting point is 00:34:52 scrub you know like when we played the deaf school and we got worked at halftime our best player talked to our running back i was like why don't you go down from another arm tackle but it was actually a game i started so i felt like i had a little more of a voice so i was like, why don't you go down from another arm tackle? But it was actually a game I started, so I felt like I had a little more of a voice. So I was like, Mikhail, shut the fuck up. We're on the same team. And then he went, what, bitch? And he started to come to beat my ass, so I put my helmet on so he couldn't hurt me as much. But the coaches broke it up.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But the coaches only got mad at me because they were like, dude, don't throw Mikhail off before second half. And I was like, no, I totally get it. I'm sorry. It's like... Dang, talent wins. Yeah, basketball especially is a strong link
Starting point is 00:35:25 sport where your best player kind of determines your outcome so I think it sucks and try and be a good model to this kid but
Starting point is 00:35:32 if you suck I don't know how much leeway you got you could maybe have a downhill rollerblade race yeah
Starting point is 00:35:41 and you know whoever wins that gets the town gets the girl smart you could like stay you're stoked you could stage like a um a kidnapping or something you know to like put him in like a serious situation to show how much you know he needs the other squad members of the squad you know true but he shouldn't know right when he's in there he's like oh i don't know he's like i guess i love my team and then you like curtain comes up and you're like that was a good choice smart you should think about the lesson you just learned that's good so maybe like hire
Starting point is 00:36:14 some actors or to do that that's a good idea yeah contact the local improv group yeah that's a great great move yeah yeah brethren as a man of both moral and stoke, I've come upon an extremely trying inner controversy. I'm sure you are both well aware of the allegations against the king of pop, MJ, and the fact that he is now widely seen as a perpetrator of child molestation. However, I get extremely amped and just want to dance when songs such as
Starting point is 00:36:38 Don't Stop Till You Get Enough and Billie Jean come up on my party playlist. My question is this. Should I separate the artist from his art in this situation and keep jamming to MJ? Or should I take a stand against all pedophiles and erase all of his music that I have? Thanks for the weekly stoke. Y'all are as real as they come.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Dude, you hit me right in my core. I'm a huge MJ fan. But I haven't watched the documentary. So. But it's a huge dilemma. You know. I wouldn't play at any kids' parties. No.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah. No. What's up, broskies? The name's Brose. If you guys bring the heat on the pot and it fires me and the boys up, I'm in a situation, I'm currently working at a big company
Starting point is 00:37:15 and climbing up the ladder to get mad guap, but working with a bunch of older dudes that they think they are more dominant than me. We have a weight room at our office and I show them the 500-pound deadlift and 350-pound bench press, and then we throw on the gloves and I've dropped two of four of them. It's a chill ratio. My advice to this guy would just keep throwing up weight. Yeah, dude. I mean, don't go too heavy.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Mix it up. Do backs and switch up muscle groups, dude. Yeah. Keep just showing your high levels of T. Yeah. Stretch. Stretch. Help.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I'm in a moment of Christ. The wife went away and I have dabbled in a green goddess. Aunt Mary in the garage. Now it reeks bad. Please, Chad and Siv plaît jean thomas please help me as soon as you can get this as i how can i get the dank smell out before she gets back in four days the wife you know she's chill she'll let me light up on the cage or to help me with my insomnia but other than that you know she has her boundaries and i respect that she says i
Starting point is 00:38:21 shouldn't for recreation purposes which is exactly what I'm doing. Killing it in here, frigging making dang shit out of bike chains. But she won't be cool if she comes in here smelling like that sweet ganj. I love you guys. You guys give me stoke and motivation every day. Thank you. I love this guy. And screw Puzio.
Starting point is 00:38:39 But, yeah, let's give him another shot. I love this guy. Look, I don't think you can good smell your way out of it. You're not going to be able to get car fresheners and think you're going to get rid of the ganj. What you have to do is get a bunch of dog shit, you light it on your porch, say it was a prank, and then she's not going to notice the ganj smell at all. That's exactly what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Very good call, dude. It's those damn kids again. Yep. Very good call. Find that doo-doo. What masters of so stoke i've somehow quickly fallen in love with a young lass she's a distant family friend of sorts and still in high school i'm one year older than her and in my first year of community college i can't get her off my mind i figured it might be weird if i traveled across towns to ask this girl out that i don't really know so as something of a romantic i've resorted to writing a love
Starting point is 00:39:24 letter poem. I know we were both old fashioned, so I've got that going my way. My question is, are love letters poems dead? And should they be used to initiate a possible romance? Keep up the great work. Waiting till you guys blow up. Sincerely, Jack from the Windy City. Nah, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Love letters are not dead because good intent is not dead, dude. So it's your intention, dude. And if you want to write that love letter, intent is not dead, dude. So it's your intention, dude. And if you want to write that love letter, dude, write it, dude, and enjoy the process of it, my dude. I think that sounds pretty dank to me. Good call, dude. What's up, dudes? I like how you guys try and keep a non-biased narrative about politics on the podcast and don't get too into it. That being said, I was wondering if you heard of the Jussie Smollett situation and wanted
Starting point is 00:40:06 your opinion on the subject matter. Keep up the good work. Peace. Yeah, it was a bummer. All right. Two more guys. I'm loving it.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Hey, I need some advice on a pretty serious issue. Got my stoke meter running on empty this morning after the events of last night. Long story short, I blacked out drunk at this party and fucked my ex-girlfriend on this guy's lawn. Bare ass naked in plain sight essentially. The kicker is that the girl I'm currently talking to is attending this party also. Not really sure where I should go from here. I've already apologized to the other girl and that's over. But my bros are pretty upset with me as
Starting point is 00:40:40 well. These type of drunken antics aren't super out of character. They're thinking I rage too hard and I'm heading into serious drinking problem territory. I need some serious advice. Thanks, bros. Love the pod. Look, I think part of your friends being upset at you is also a little bit of jealousy because I think what you're doing sounds kind of cool, but you have to be an ethical hedonist. If your friends think that you'll always put your own pleasure before looking out for other people, they won't trust you. So you can't just be doing this stuff all the time. You got to space it out with a lot of good behavior in between
Starting point is 00:41:14 or people are going to write you off. And, dude, coming from a dude who's, you know, getting a nice apartment together with his GF dude, some dank interior decor, and I mean, dude, they say you know, getting a nice apartment together with his GF dude, some dank interior decor. And I mean, dude, they say you don't mow another man's lawn. You definitely don't mow on another man's lawn, dude. So, I mean, I don't know. Maybe he had some nice hydringes out there or he just laid down some good sod.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And then you're going to go on there and freaking spray your, excuse me for being blue, seed on there, dude. I mean, that could jack up his whole sitch, especially with spring right around the corner. Actually, it's even here. So, I mean, dude, just be mindful, dude. I think it's just exactly what JT's saying. You got to keep all that stuff in mind.
Starting point is 00:41:54 When you're blacking out, it's essentially saying like, I'm going to be someone else's problem. Like you can't, you literally cannot handle yourself when you're blacked out. And I mean, I love my boys, but dude, sometimes I get fucking annoyed when someone was blacked out. And, I mean, I love my boys, but, dude, sometimes I get fucking annoyed when someone was blacked out. I'm like, dude, I'm trying to party.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You're lowering my stoke by being blacked out, and now I'm worried about you. And you're like, but, dude, don't worry about me. It's like, well, dude, no. You're going to fall off a balcony. I'm worried about that. Right. So your boys have something to say.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It's lowering their stoke. It's legit that you're boning. It's pretty chill, dude. You know, maybe you're hurting some people's feelings. So I think just be a little wary of that, dude, and hopefully you didn't bone on some hydrangeas and it was just like, I don't know, some nice stucco or something like that. For sure.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Try and take some precautionary, you know, measures. You know, maybe stick to just brewskis or something. Maybe do some things that will make you not black out. And then maybe try and just repeat in your mind, like I won't bone on the lawn. Stay away from lawns. Yeah, stay away from lawns. Stay away from anything that's enticing to bone on in public.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Remove temptation. Stay away from balconies, you know. Just sort of maybe just get like a bouncy house and rage in that. All right, Chad. Who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the lack of caffeine in my body right now. I'm fucking dying, dudes um my noggin's
Starting point is 00:43:27 throbbing so i guess my beef of the week is with caffeine you know i didn't realize how much uh my bod depended on you and you know what i just want to give a sincere fuck you to caffeine right now i don't need you okay and i'm gonna fight this i'm gonna get through how many however many days i need to get through to say you know what suck it i don't need you anymore okay? And I'm going to fight this. I'm going to get through however many days I need to get through to say, you know what, suck it. I don't need you anymore. Then I'll probably go back to you right after this cleanse is done. Legend. Oh, it's a drug.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Yeah, this is like I'm experiencing heartbreak from coffee. For sure, dude. It makes you do crazy things. Here's your beef. Yeah, my beef has got to be this Tradere's butternut squash raviolis that i bought dude um i freaking try to heat those things up for me and my gf dude and it said just add olive oil and i did that and i wanted to surprise my gf with a nice meal dude and um turns out dude that the uh butternut squash definitely needed more than just olive oil dude and then i added
Starting point is 00:44:24 some freaking marinara with to that and it was my bad and freaking the marinara doesn't go with that the butternut squash definitely needed more than just olive oil dude and then I added some freaking marinara with to that and it was my bad and freaking the marinara doesn't go with the butternut squash because one's a little bit sweet and then that's like more savory so I mean I guess like what I'm trying to say is like maybe my real beef is just like me projecting right now dude like I'm projecting on the butternut squash it was was my bad. Just it was not a good purchase. And just that I freaking let my GF down with that surprise dinner, dude. Because usually I freaking nail it. So that kind of freaking just got me pretty fired up in a negative way, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:59 So I definitely won't be purchasing that ever again, dude. I feel you on that, dude. It's out, dude. I feel you. It's not in the rotation. Legit. Dude, my beef of the week is with Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters, dude. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Dude. Let me take you back, dude. I go to Almost Acoustic Christmas rolling deep with maybe eight bros. We are raging, dude. We are getting after it for every act, bringing the intensity. Dave Grohl gets up there, starts ripping Foo Fighter hits. We, of course, start bringing the mosh pit. We're just banging into people, getting after it.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And then at one point, Dave just goes, Hey, everybody, you see these dudes down here in the pit roughhousing? And we're all like, God, dude, Dave Grohl's calling on us. He goes, All these dudes are virgins. Whole amphitheater goes ballistic laughing. And we're like, no, no. All these dudes are virgins. And he was right, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:54 He was, dude. Dave, we were trying to honor you, dude. And in the process, we lost our way. And you're probably doing what was best for us and what we needed to hear. But it hurt. And you're my doing what was best for us and what we needed to hear but it hurt and you're my beef of the week dude chad who is your babe of the week uh my babe of the week goes to the dude at the skate park it gave my brother a mountain dew let me just uh take you guys back so you know when my brother and i we were like nine and ten we we hit the rollerblades we bladed
Starting point is 00:46:26 we were blader boys i was getting after it we were at the skate park we were going hard you know some skaters trying to beef with us they're like dude you wait for the skaters okay and i'm like whatever dude i'm at the skate park i'm on my blades i watch brink anyways my brother goes up this vert ramp because he's a beast and he has no fear. He goes up this vert ramp, loses, he catches an edge, falls, lands on his arm, and there's a nasty break. And he's sitting there and he's like looking. He's like, oh, oh, oh. And I go and I'm like, that's my brother, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm just like, oh, oh, oh. And all these skaters come. They're like, what happened, dude? What happened? Oh,. I'm just like, oh, oh, oh. And all these skaters come. They're like, what happened, dude? What happened? Oh, dude. Oh, oh, dude. Oh, dude. And we're all kind of staring.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And, like, the ambulance is coming. And we're all just kind of like, what do we do? And then this one, like, hero sort of, like, emerges. And he's like, hey, dude. To my brother, he's like, you want Mountain Dew? Yeah. Yeah. He goes to the vending machine, gets Mountain Mountain Dew? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He goes to the vending machine, gets Mountain Dew.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Brother chugs it. I think it took some of the pain away. What a legend, dude. So that guy was a babe and a half. Mountain Dew'd code back. Although it turned out to be a bad decision because my brother had to get operated on. And because he drank that Mountain Dew, he had to wait an extra 12 hours. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Dog, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week this week's got to be my GF, dude. We freaking just got a dank Eastern King bed, dude. And we straight up went into sit and sleep, dude, with our boy Dennis, who was selling us our mattress, dude. And he wanted us to get in like this machine that measures how you sleep like it like gauges your weight and it like lets you know because everyone goes in there and Dennis is like everyone says they want a firm mattress but
Starting point is 00:48:15 then 30 days later they bring it back and they go I can't sleep I'm in pain but they develop this machine that has like science behind it or whatever dude and uh you lay on it and it tells you exactly how it is and uh dude me and my gf freaking straight up match with the exact same amount of firmness which was like the green firmness which is like medium firmness dude then we freaking tried out a few different mattresses dude lay on one and we've been freaking sleeping like angels dude it's been so freaking nice, dude. We freaking lay down, straight up cloud, dude. So nice. Not even hearing dogs barking
Starting point is 00:48:50 or helicopters going over the neighborhood. So just my GF for being a straight up legend, dude, and finally helping me pull the trigger on the new mattress and just both of us just getting good sleep, dude. Good sleep. So I'm freaking enjoying that, dude. So I just got to give it up for my babe. I love it.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Dude, my babe of the week is someone I mentioned last week. This dude's a babe. This dude's a legend. This dude's all time. It's Lou Glassie. He's a listener of the pod. And he suggested that we switch beef from the end of the week segments to the beginning. So we start with the beef, you know, with the negative energy. And we start with the beef you know with the negative energy and we
Starting point is 00:49:25 end with the more positive vibe because we were leaving it dangling with the beef super smart call thank you for improving the pod and thank you for being an active listener dude you're a beast look forward to kicking it one day chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is the video game Mario Kart. Great game. Long overdue. Dude, you know, when did Mario Kart come out? Like, 96?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Still number one in my mind, you know? Still the best game out there. Because it never fails to bring a good time, you know? You can play so many games along with it. You can do drunk driving. You can chug when you... I don't know the other games, but I just do drunk driving you can uh chug when you i don't know the other games but i just do drunk driving but anyways you know anytime someone suggests mario kart i'm in you know it's not like a lot of these other games where you know a lot of times you just have to you have to have
Starting point is 00:50:15 an intricate knowledge of the game to play it which is kind of my beef with like games nowadays it's like it's like i don't want to spend like two days learning how to play this game you know I want to go back to Mario Kart where all I have to do is shoot shells and be freaking Yoshi Be freaking toad You know go to Bowser's haunted house go to Koopa Troopa Beach go on a rainbow road of goodness You know, thank pick up tank tank pick up mystery diamonds of just you know bananas and freaking shells and just you know and freaking shells and just speed toads. It's just amazing, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I just love that game so much. Thank you, Mario Kart. I'm sure I will be playing you until the day I die. And a great game to play with your GF. I mean, GFs and Bs playing Mario Kart together, I mean, that's like spaghetti and meatballs, dude. My GF and I have yet to play Mario Kart. So I'm gonna suggest it's gonna be a pivotal moment dude and i think it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:51:10 a dank one we'll probably chug together too hell yeah you will dude bl smooth strider who is your legend of the week dude my freaking legend of the week this week it's my freaking gf dude i mentioned we got a dank eastern king bed dude freaking sleeping like freaking angels on that thing dude it's legit and she went ahead dude she went ahead and without my knowledge dude because she knew i was gonna freaking love what she was doing without my knowledge got some dank organic cotton sheets dude organic and i you know sometimes I, you know, sometimes you're like, all right, dude, I can eat organic food. That sounds legit, dude. Like sometimes like my clothing material is organic or whatever. Dude, my bed sheets now organic, dude. Very soft, very comfortable,
Starting point is 00:51:56 dude. Just took this bed from fricking, dude. The Eastern King was the penultimate dankness. Dude, the Eastern King was the penultimate dankness. The organic cotton sheets, the ultimate dankness of my sleep. Fucking what up? My legend of the week is Diego Chico Corrales. Boxer. On Saturday night, I YouTube some old fights. Him versus Jose Luis Castillo, supposed to be about the second best fight of the last 25 years behind Mickey Ward, Arturo Gatti.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But here's what made it so legendary. Chico Corrales could have beat this Mexican slugger by just playing on the outside and using his jab and being on his bicycle and moving around. Instead, he makes the conscious choice to go forehead to forehead and battle it out toe to toe and see who the stronger dude is. And he took a fucking beating. He gets dropped twice in the 10th round from huge shots, gets up and stops the fight in the 10th. So he wins. He wins after being dropped twice in that round.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And he chose a harder route to get the W, but one that was very gratifying for the audience at home. So for that, I say thank you. All right, dudes. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week, once again, comes from Ashley Schaefer, owner of Ashley Schaefer BMWs, now Kia. Ashley Schaefer goes,
Starting point is 00:53:20 You are now here to seek your retribution, Kenny Powers, in front of this gift shop, complete with a nautical-themed shark edifice constructed by none other than Bob Duato. And I was just like, damn, dude. First off, great wording there, Ashley Schaefer. And he's about to announce the fight. But while he's doing it, he credits Bob Duato for his shark edifice nice shredder what's your quote of the week last night dude my gf and i we watched this movie called instant family with walberg and
Starting point is 00:53:53 roseburn very cute dude i definitely recommend it to all gfs and bfs out there dude very cute movie that movie ends my gf goes a bit a little bit early i've got a little energy left over so i'm cruising hbo i'm cruising netflix there's no game of thrones there's nothing i've seen everything on netflix right now pretty much dude plop something in my dvd player dude and now i'm going to quote this movie and i hope you guys can guess it your hint is this this is not the quote that everyone says from the movie all right and it's a little bit older probably the 90s dude let's see if you guys can get it dude freaking dank movie dude no no no i mean i knew it from the beginning but i wanted you to finish your reenactment did it did it require the pump
Starting point is 00:54:37 action for my hands for you to get it god no thank you tombstone thank you kurt russell as wyatt herb a very troubled production they thought that movie was going to be a bomb. The early buzz was that Lawrence Kasdan's parallel movie, Wyatt Earp with Kevin Costner was going to be the hit. Garbage. Does not hold a card. No one watches it. No one sees it. Never heard of it. For all Tombstone fans.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Tombstone is the Wyatt Earp tale, not Wyatt Earp. My quote of the week is from Harry Truman. The only new thing in the world is the history you do not know. You get it. All right, dudes. That's everything.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Fired up, dude. Stoked to be with my bros. Hell yeah. Nighttime recording. I feel like we were very chill, laid back, dude, but it fired up. Yeah, I mean, chill is the brand so love it even if inside i'm a stressed cadet you know the doc holiday of bros dude
Starting point is 00:55:32 legendary dude you're legendary holiday oh an educated man now i really hate him so genius what great wit poignant dude as poignant with his wit as his pistol Johnny Ringo Johnny Ringo I'm your huckleberry
Starting point is 00:55:52 alright alright dudes that'll be it for episode 62 of Go Deep and Try JT Stryer thank you so much for coming in aw stoked to be here my bros thank you for having me
Starting point is 00:56:02 freaking amped and uh check out our Patreon, and thank you guys for listening. Write those reviews. We love those reviews. And keep being stokers. Stay stoked. All right, later.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Later. Boom, clap. That's tomorrow, and that is it for us today. Okay, I don't know. Whatever it is, it's not right on the teleprompter. I don't know what that is. I've never seen that.
Starting point is 00:56:29 No, there it is. We are going to do Sting, yeah. Okay, but, now, I can't read it. There's no words on it. Okay. I mean, sure. There's no words there to play us out. What does that mean, To play us out.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Sting is going to do, it's a video. Sting video. For credits. I don't know what that means, to play us out. What does that mean? To end the show? Yeah. Alright, go. Go. In 5, 4, 3. That's tomorrow and that is a...
Starting point is 00:57:07 In five, four, three. That's tomorrow, and that is it for us today. And we will leave you with a... I can't do it. We'll do it live. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I'll write it, and we'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I'll write it and we'll do it live! Fucking
Starting point is 00:57:30 thing sucks! In 5, 4, 3... That's tomorrow and that is it for us today. I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks again for watching. We'll leave you with Sting and a cut off his new album. Take it away.

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