Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 67 - Amos Barshad Joins, Strider, Cabo

Episode Date: April 24, 2019

What up stokers, in this epic episode, we are joined by author Amos Barshad to discuss his new book, No One Man Should Have All That Power. Strider once again joins in on the discush to spre...ad his wisdom and we discuss our upcoming trip to Cabo. Check out Amos's book here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your theme? Going deep Chad and JT DeepinChadJT. My name is Chad. Kroger coming in with my compadre, John Thomas with the big chug. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. How are you? And once again, we've got our dog, the Relaysh expert, Dr. Strider. What up, dude?
Starting point is 00:00:35 Freaking amped to be here hanging with my dogs right now, dude. Dude, you still got a pumpkin on for Monday, man. Dude, that's true, dude. Freaking no joke, dude. Those boa constrictors. Straight up boas, dude. Damn, dude. Frickin' no joke, dude. Those boa constrictors. Those frickin' straight up boas, dude. Damn, dude. I know frickin' snakes are cold-blooded, dude, but I got some frickin' fresh plasma
Starting point is 00:00:53 pumping through that vein on the tip of my bicep head. You see that thing, dude? Dude, you could totally just squeeze the fuck out of a rat with that. Oh, there's no... Constrictor style. Any small rodent or a bat a squirrel oh a bat there's no
Starting point is 00:01:07 question my arm can take it down dude nice yeah i'm gonna have to be having blue drink right now yeah dude to quote slim charles from the wire the game hasn't changed it's just gotten more fierce we have switched from green drink to blue drink i ran into troy the certified health nut at arowan and i asked him if the green drink was all it was cracked up to be and he said uh no that some of the vitamins in it die once it gets put in the bottle and we needed to get something with more active bacteria so we switched to the blue drink oh it says probiotics that's what he's getting i think that's what he's talking about good good bacteria is probiotics all about the probiotics freaking legit i was just on antibiotics dude i had a inner ear infection
Starting point is 00:01:49 how'd you handle that dude just a little moxa cellin dude you know one dose every uh you know 12 hours and honestly dude i coupled it with my lifting schedule so that because you're supposed to take it with food and you know once i go and recruit fibers in the gym or just lifting stuff around my apartment, like moving the couch to get a good angle or putting up some new wall art, I'll just get a nice pump. So I'd taken some fuel after that plus some antibiotics. Nice.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Pretty dang. Did it affect you? What's that, dude? Did they affect you? Not like anything. This was a low-powerful powerful not very powerful antibiotic so i was chilling dude i was chilling only affected me by you know helping me create a little more mass after a lift but yeah forcing me to eat yeah so it's legit and take a little more to boost that
Starting point is 00:02:37 pump for sure anything to inspire you to get a little more of a boost you know what happened uh taking my amoxicillin forced me to eat more and therefore recruiting more fibers why did it force you to eat more because you you know me and my sensitive tummy but if you're typically on an antibiotic you got to take it with food because it's gonna it can cause like internal stomach bleeding when it breaks down the uh pill and stuff like that oh okay not good for your uh not good for your insides they say take it with food yeah you got a sensitive tummy but you're're an IPA guy, which I find interesting. Does that affect your tongue?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Absolutely does, dude. But it also affects my buzz in such a dank way that I have to go ahead and just still drink the IPA. You just can't have that many. Priorities. Probably two. Probably two. And that's honestly why sometimes you got to go 60 minute ipa maybe even a 90 minute ipa that's your double and triple ipas yeah you're
Starting point is 00:03:32 only getting about 10 ounces but you're getting a nice cool buzz helping you get creative in that space you know whatever it is either reading a dank book or you know getting creative in the apartment yeah speaking of books so we have a book in front of us guys it's amos bouchard's no one man should have all that power and later on in the pod we Yeah. Speaking of books. So we have a book in front of us, guys. It's Amos Bouchard's No One Man Should Have All That Power. And later on in the pod, we're going to be interviewing Amos. He's going to be calling in via Skype. So this is our first time interviewing a published author. Dude, I'm stoked I read a book. Yeah, we all read the book. Yeah. Yeah. In like four or five days. I mean, it's not the longest book in the world, but it's a book. Dude. And we all read it. I completed it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You know, yesterday I was like, man, I had like 140 pages to go. I was like, dude, I don't know if I'm going to do it. But then I got in the sun and just like locked in. And I'm like, you know, I should have done college this way. I would have read way more books if I had to do a podcast on that. Yes. I was thinking the same thing. I was like, oh, dude, my teacher from elementary school would never believe I prepared this much.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. But once you throw a podcast in the mix, that's when the pressure's on. Absolutely. I think you nailed it by reading the book in the sun. Dude, if you're a kid and you've got homework, go do it outside and get bronzed while you're doing homework. You've got a science project due? If it's sunny and 75 out, go outside and do that science project.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Get bronzed, maybe do a few push-ups, get some blood flowing, help you think. Reading outside was a good call about you, dude. Yeah, I read outside. And then like last night I was in my couch. I had the light on. I put on a cardigan, really set the tone. Nice. That just helped me lock in to get some intellectual autism.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Nice. Yeah, I think I've talked about Jason Segel. When he writes, he wears a suit. Does he? Yeah. Oh, you have mentioned that. To like get into the part. That's cool. Yeah, let the part be the part yeah smart great call dude dudes what did you guys think about tiger
Starting point is 00:05:10 woods the epic comeback once again at the top of the mountain after falling down into the gutter tiger woods it's pretty sweet it's sick i mean we love a comeback story there's no question uh tiger definitely hurt some people along uh you know, on that downfall. Oh, he made some mistakes. Definitely did. He slept with his neighbor's daughter, who he had known since she was a kid. That's the bad one. And when she was like college age and he probably couldn't get away from his family to go like
Starting point is 00:05:35 all the way to Applebee's to meet a girl, he just went next door and had his way with her in the back of his SUV. I was surprised he did so much blow. Was he doing blow? I heard he was doing lots of blow with these hookers. He was on drugs for sure, because I know he got the DUI. For being on antibiotics, dude. I thought it was painkillers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:54 He probably didn't eat. But, I mean, he was living it up, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing everything and anything. Yeah. But, I mean, dude. But he came back. We love, we're Americans. We were sensationalized by a great talent, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He came up, he was unstoppable. Then guess what? The six out of us, the Schadenfreude, we love to see those ahead of us go down. We love to see them fall. We liked the descend a little bit. Admit it. If you're listening and you're not admitting it to yourself,
Starting point is 00:06:18 just admit it because you did. So did I a little bit to see it come down. But what do we love even more? Redemption. Yeah. Hollywood writes them all the time.'s back he's on top it's pretty i mean dude i literally thought he would never play golf again dude all the surgeries when he got that dui i was like he's done dude like that's it and then he just won got the freaking green jacket dude i'm gonna go ahead and say right now laurie laughlin, she's going to have an epic redemption. I hope so, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And I think, honestly, it comes down to her attitude and how she's reacting. She seems kind of like, this is bogus. Like, what? I did that. Anybody would do that in my position. Oh, so she's not contrived. So she's not being apologetic, which is what people want to see. You have to be apologetic. That's bothersome.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I don't think you need to go to jail you probably gotta your your crime was monetary based i think now you got to pay up and i don't know start a charity where you pay for other kids who get into school that really don't and help out a kid who really deserves it yeah that's the pr move and that's the move that will maybe do some good but yeah dude if you're in trouble you can't double down and be like nah i, I would have done it. Yeah. Her reaction has been less than favorable. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I didn't know that. I'm just judging from a distance. I still want to have brunch with her and have bottomless mimosas. Of course. I mean, dude, brunch is a very dank meal, dude. And it helps you gain more mass because it's an added meal. I would take antibiotics at brunch for sure, dude. Oh, dude. Yeah. No question, dude. Cipro. There's a good Marianne Williams. mass because it's an added meal i take i would take antibiotics at brunch for sure dude yeah
Starting point is 00:07:45 no question dude cipro there's a good there's a good mary ann williamson quote where she says something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart a humility a nobility a higher intelligence emerges at the point just when the when their knees hit the floor i don't know can you say that again Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart. A humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor. Oh, yeah. So maybe Lori Loughlin is going to get,
Starting point is 00:08:15 maybe she'll come back and she'll win a Daytime Emmy for some beautiful work in a Lifetime movie. 100%. Or an Emmy for beautiful work in a Lifetime movie. And in today's society, everything's so accessible. I mean, by the time it takes that quote to reach fruition
Starting point is 00:08:31 or whatever, to have that moment of enlightenment, you probably have to go through some denial, some of that. And we're just seeing all the phases of Laurie's. Yeah, the Kubler-Ross stages of grief. Yeah, we're seeing all of that right now. And then we're mad at the one stage, but it's like, well, give it some time.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It's got to get to the next stage. Anyone's going to battle. Wait until she becomes a Buddhist. That'd be tight. Yeah. I like it when someone's like defending a family member who like committed a crime and everyone's like, this asshole won't even admit that their dad's a piece of shit. I'm like, what's their dad, dude?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Like, I'd really think the guy was a punk if he went on tv like his dad went down for like insider trade he's like that's a fucking bitch he deserves to go to jail everybody's right i'm like what no stand up for your criminal father it's kind of like uh in the book with kushner kind of getting back at chris christie yeah because chris christ Christie put his dad in jail. Yeah. And he's like, he got his revenge in kind of like a slick way. It's like George Bush. You know, Saddam Hussein tried to kill his dad.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah. So he came back and fucking killed Saddam Hussein. It's just when you're that powerful, you can't do that stuff because you're using a lot of other people's bodies to get the work done. Yeah. Dude, what about Notre Dame? The beautiful cathedral in France caught fire. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It's gnarly, dude. Dude, too gnarly. It's like, how did that even happen, dude? They still don't know. They're researching it, right? It seems like it's accidental, though. This was no nefarious activity, right? I don't know. yeah i hope but i've i heard someone was arrested in new york for
Starting point is 00:10:08 trying to bring in uh gasoline to like some cathedral there whoa today or something like copycat shit yeah dude's uh strider and i gotta talk about something what up dude when your calise was out of town i came over to watch the highwaymen at your place on netflix it was after all of us went to the dodger game yep and then um strider was like dude spend the night here calise's gone i live half a mile from him i wasn't drunk i wasn't stoned and he's like just stay here and i'm like ah come on now i'm just gonna go home but then after like 20 minutes i'm like yeah i'll stay here i'll stay on the couch he's like dude i got the king-size bed you come in there we won't even feel each other i was like nah dude that's weird i was like i'm just gonna stay on the
Starting point is 00:10:52 couch 30 minutes go by i'm like i am kind of lonely so me and strides just slept in the same bed did you tell like a baby bro did you slept so nice did you tell yourhaleesi? Slept like a baby, bro. Did you? Slept so nice. Did you tell your Khaleesi? Oh, yeah. What'd she say? She was like, that's cool. Was she weirded out at all? Probably a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I was a little weirded out. Yeah, but you know what? You got to weird yourself out a little bit sometimes. Absolutely. Good call, dude. Good call. And dude, but it felt right. And I think she respected how it felt right and i think
Starting point is 00:11:25 she respected how it felt she's like you know all right and dude honestly a little bit of it was like dude if you get a new sports car or like a new shred sled you want to show your boys that right dude i just got this new bed with my gf i was like dude hop in this thing fucking experience it dude tell me about your dreams in the morning. Is it legit? I wanted you to feel what I'm feeling in that bed. Test the firmness. Yeah, test it out. And dude, speaking of which,
Starting point is 00:11:51 more bonding coming ahead. We got Cabo coming up. Yeah, we're all going to Cabo together. The three of us, dude. I was originally going to be selfish and go on a solo Nicaragua surf trip, stay at one of those resorts, you know? No, I won't be going to Nicaragua.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Dude, I was going to say. I read about the political situation. I was like, whoa. nicaragua surf trip stay at one of those resorts you know like no i was gonna say from the book yeah i read about i read about the political situation i was like whoa like i love danger and i love to get scared but i don't know if i want to get kidnapped yeah nah dude i'll do cabo with my dogs yeah great call dude i'm i'm starting to get more into the idea of doing like solo trips you know like i've always been like i I want to do a cruise across the Atlantic and write a book. That'd be sweet. During the cruise.
Starting point is 00:12:28 That'd be amazing. Does that sound cool? Richard Linklater, before he started directing movies after college, just worked on an oil tanker and just read books and wrote out there. Yeah. And then he came back and made Slacker and Waking Life and School of Rock. Yeah, I want to write a book on optimal tanning situations while cruising across the Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:12:48 No one's a better expert on that than you, dude. Seriously. Your bronze is just so dang. I would do that, but I would get lonely, dude. I'd need my bro to freaking crawl into bed with me and say, what up? I'm here, dog. Thank you. All right, let's call Amos Bouchard, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:04 In my heart of hearts, I was hoping Amos would be here in person, just like be in L.A. and be like, I'll be able to be like, what if it's so sick? Hello? What up, dude? Amos, what up? Oh, dude, we're bummed to see your hair is no longer bleached. We bleached our hair to bring awareness to the coral bleaching issue.
Starting point is 00:13:23 But still chill. What up? How's it going, dude? it going dude good good how you guys doing thanks for having me oh dude thanks for coming out dude stoked to have you dude we all read your book we all finished we all finished it loved it it was great awesome that's sick thank you for doing that do you think you could explain to our listeners what the conceit is, basically, behind the book? Yeah, absolutely. Basically, I kind of use the real-life story of Grigory Rasputin, who was this infamous advisor, kind of best friend, spiritual advisor figure to the last Tsar and Tsarina of the Russian Empire. And he was mythologized during his time and after his death
Starting point is 00:14:12 as being this incredibly influential figure, a shadowy behind-the-scenes operator. And he became kind of this archetype, a stand-in for all shadowy behind-the-scenes operators ever since. And so I used them as a jumping-off point to basically explore other Rasputin figures throughout pop culture, politics, sports, some drug trafficking figures, politics, of course. And yeah, just trying to play with the idea,
Starting point is 00:14:44 what it means to be this kind of shadowy behind-the-scenes operator. uh politics of course um and uh and yeah just trying to try to play with the idea like what it means to be this this kind of uh shadowy behind the scenes operator yeah i thought it was interesting with uh dugan is that how you pronounce it the russian guy yeah how hard was it to gain access to him uh not not surprisingly easy actually uh he wasn't as tough as some of these other people uh i think he's just one of those people who loves to talk. He's not officially affiliated with the Kremlin, so he's a professor and kind of this self-proclaimed philosopher. What's up? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So where should we look? Sorry, man. Hold on. Let's look here. Okay. They want to see the moneymakers, dude. Look at these money makers right here so sorry continue uh am i good yep you're good i'll say you're great okay cool the
Starting point is 00:15:31 screen looks all right beautiful yep all right wait so like how hard was it not to laugh when he compares himself to a merlin oh that was gold no it was uh it was at the time i was just kind of enthralled you know i think later on when i yeah you know basically i asked him if i compare him he he he uh he is said to have influence over putin so i was asking him about about that and that he's explaining it and i get to the point where i ask him if he's actually similar to rasputin you know the historical rasputin he says no no no no that's you know that's not it i'm thinking thinking, oh, he's going to say I'm crazy. I'm coming out of nowhere. And instead he just completely doubles down and compares himself to Merlin, which is a fictional character. Uh, I like the self confidence. Yeah. Oh my God. I mean, I've never met anyone
Starting point is 00:16:16 like him and I don't think I ever will, which is actually kind of interesting because if you look at it, you know, the, the, uh, the amount of influence he actually has might not be as great as he sets himself out to be. So it's always the guy who's talking the biggest game that's not necessarily pulling all the strings. Right. Yeah. The whole time I was, like, reading that segment about that guy, I was like, this guy probably has very greedy sex, dude. Like, he's not looking out for the other individual, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:47 But then again, maybe he's got a magic hand Merlin style. Call me Dugan. I think, yeah, if you Google him, you can see that maybe he's the kind of guy who gets up to some unorthodox things, you know, who knows. Was there a lot of discussion with your editor over how much space to give to the size of Rasputin's dong uh it was a it was a running question and it's kind of one of those things like you know when you I don't know if you guys are familiar with Rasputin already but you always kind of know a little bit like someone it's the same with me I knew a lot about his um his murder and uh and then the penis is one of those things that comes up too people seem to know that he famously had a large penis.
Starting point is 00:17:26 At one point I told someone as I was reporting it I'm writing a book about Rasputin like figures and they asked you're writing a whole book about people with big penises and I was like no. You're like that's the follow up. That's what's coming next. That's a best seller. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's going to fly off the shelves. It could be interesting to stretch just stretch together the uh the similarities but no that wasn't it um and so yeah so it's one of those things that's known about him his like sexual prowess uh specifically the penis the penis is now said to be like pickled and is uh preserved in the uh st petersburg museum of erotica i think it is um so it's like part of the lore, you know, like you don't never know what's real or what's not with this guy.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And that's definitely one of those things. But it is funny that you asked that. Cause I did have a lot of, uh, penis mentions and my girlfriend happily read the book was very supportive, which he's like, maybe, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:17 cut 20% of this off. And I was like, yeah, that's a good point. You're absolutely right. I had to, we run into the same issue on this podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:25 The dong talk and just take over. Sometimes we have a rasputin in our crew basically for that reason alone that's what they share yeah yeah i wouldn't say he's like a malevolent like influence he just has a really big dong yeah i'm an anti-rasputin in that regard i have a very small dong but i you know i put forth a lot of effort you know and you don't have that small of a dog you make up for it appreciate that dude great charm thank you yeah thank you yeah and you don't need uh you don't need their penis can be any size and your dong sorry your dog could be any size thank you thank you for correcting that but i do love how um kind of towards the end of the book which i won't say any spoilers because the whole time you're like, what is he doing with this Tsar's kid?
Starting point is 00:19:06 It's like, oh, he healed him. He has this healing touch. And then Tom Brady's guy, Guerrero, has this healing touch. And I'm like, what is this? So specifically with Rasputin, the Tsar and Tsarina had a son who was supposed to be the heir to the Russian Empire. He was a hemophiliac. And at the time, that was, you know, very serious disease.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And for some reason, you know, there's multiple accounts of this, that Rasputin was one of the only people, if not the only person that could calm this kid down and could help him, you know, stop these horrible bleeding attacks. And you're just looking at it, and there's no scientific reason as to why. You know, there's really no explanation. But it's like this soothing nature. It's literally just the guy talking to you slowly and calmly, you know there's really no explanation but but it's like it's like this soothing nature it's
Starting point is 00:19:45 literally just the guy talking to you slowly and calmly and it just does they're like it performs miracles you know well so do you think it's a placebo yeah and i think it's a fine line you know because at some point it's like what does it matter that it's a placebo you know if it's if it's having the effect you know it's like and they can duplicate it yeah yeah and it seems to be specifically you know with the rest butin we don really know. He only really is documented to do it with the Tsar Tsarina's son. But with Guerrero, it's this crazy thing. So he's Tom Brady's, you know, kind of trainer, sports guru. He's become this larger-than-life figure, even though he's, you know, a guy who's just kind of coming up with, like, nutritional advice and trying to run guys' medical regimen.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And with kind of a shady background, too, where he was slinging some empty products. He legally can't call himself a doctor. Yeah, the FTC shut him down. He was pushing. It's literally one of those, you turn on the TV, late-night infomercial guy who's telling you these vitamins will help you, but his were supposed to actually cure cancer and a bunch of other diseases. And then you get into this point where he's put behind Tom Brady's kind of worldview,
Starting point is 00:20:53 which they call TB12, the TB12 method, and it's all this specific advice on how to live your life, like from eating to sleeping to what to wear to how to move, all this stuff. So you look at it, and he gets to a point where he's telling people how to live and he has this kind of less than clear background so so you you start to wonder and uh the big difference you know a lot of some reporters have gone to him with specific ailments and uh and have gone through the process of basically having uh them cure them cure having him cure them and they multiple times people report that he's that he's managed to do it you know that he's figured out some secrets of trick and he does it and they
Starting point is 00:21:30 feel better afterwards you know so you know you look at him and you're trying to figure out what the source of his power is and it's really hard to understand but all we know is we keep having these you know examples of people who swear by his abilities out of all the people you met where there's some where you were pulled in sort of by their magnetism? Like you could see what it is about them that draws them into people? Like was there anyone that you were particularly impressed by? You know, it's definitely like it's like a kind of a fine line between like charisma or anti-charisma or whatever it is, you know. It's not necessarily someone you'd want to like go on a road trip with,
Starting point is 00:22:04 but you're in that room and you are you are enthralled you know and i think dugan was definitely an example of that you know he was just kind of like to me i felt like giving me this performance and it just was like flowing forward like naturally like you could have just talked forever and you know it's uh it's like you don't want to fall for it or anything like that you don't want to you want you don't want to go to a second location with him necessarily you know but as long as you know what you're doing and staying in that room and making sure that he doesn't have one over on you uh you know i think it's uh was was my hope to kind of just to see that performance to see a person who claims to
Starting point is 00:22:36 have these great abilities and to hear him kind of sell himself like that so i think dugan for sure and then scooter braun on the on the more positive side because to me i think you know i call him the-rescuit in the book. And I see him as this example of someone who's positioned in this place where he has influence over these people, but, you know, is using it to. He was like, I would only do it for good. I've only done it to help Justin Bieber out of the tough times he was going through. I felt to me that he was saying, I have the ability to manipulate or I have the ability to influence, but I only use it for good, which is kind of a crazy, interesting thing
Starting point is 00:23:18 for someone to tell you that. They're like, yeah, I could. I could use my powers for evil, but I never would. He's very pious. This stuff about a Tom Cruise and Stanley Kubrick was really interesting. We're all huge Tom Cruise fans. And so, and it was so interesting that after that movie, he basically stuck to like blockbusters and never went into that kind of like
Starting point is 00:23:37 murky psychological like territory again. But I, it's interesting with Kubrick is is that you know he is a genius he was a genius you know you see it in the movies but working with him it wasn't one of those things i mean by most people's accounts he was very mercurial very kind of uh confusing you know it's hard to understand on set and he was not the kind of person to give you these really really specific directions he wanted you to provide what he wanted but he he wouldn't he would kind of like try to nurture you towards it in these very strange ways, which would kind of drive you insane, you know. But the whole time you're thinking I'm working with Stanley Kubrick and working with Stanley Kubrick, I'll do whatever he does.
Starting point is 00:24:13 And Tom Cruise, you know, literally that's, you know, kind of more or less the quotes that he gave about the whole situation that we are ready to like bend the knee to this guy completely, you know. And they did that. And, you know, it's like it's's tom cruise height of his powers uh still at the height of his powers yeah what a guy uh but at the time you know at the time uh yeah he was uh he was he just like went with it you know and and that and that the difference with kubrick and a lot of these other guys that want to be kubrick is that you see the end result and you see that he is a genius and maybe maybe he is allowed to manipulate because of the uh because of what he's made managing to produce with the manipulations with a lot of the directors i know it was cool it's felt like they all knew how to sort of treat life as this giant game of
Starting point is 00:24:55 chess right like the actors or their pawns or whatever and they they just were really talented at sort of moving those figures yeah in. Getting what they needed out of people. Yeah, it was cool. How old were you when you first saw Eyes Wide Shut? I was in, I think I saw it when it came out. So like maybe a year after. I was like 13 or 14. Dude, yeah, I was super young too.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. Don't you think like those like indie movies that have like weird sexual, like, I don't know, content. I think they really fucked up my brain about what sex was going to be when I was an adult.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Cause I, cause I'd see eyes wide shut. And I was like, it felt very honest to me and very real, even though it's like, now you watch it. You're like, this is insane.
Starting point is 00:25:41 But when I was like 13, I was like, nobody's talking about this. This must be what the truth is. I think all those movies made me think sex was like a way darker thing than it like turned out to be, especially when he's got that music behind it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:55 dude. Oh, you can't get out of your head. Yeah. I mean like, I love that movie and it's like, it's like a, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:00 not considered top tier Kubrick. I mean, a lot of people have kind of gone back and revisited it. And now particularly, um, uh, you know, it's tier kubrick i mean a lot of people have kind of gone back and revisited it and now particularly um uh you know it's the like the 99 1999 era everyone's kind of going back and checking out all these movies again um so i feel like it's kind of gotten a second life third life and all that but at the time you know it was kind of considered a bit of a flop a bit of a misfire but you know like for me like i saw 2001 after i saw eyes wide shut and i'm like eyes wide shut is way better you know like no one i can't defend that argument obviously 2001
Starting point is 00:26:30 changed movies forever but for me like eyes wide shut was the one you know and that's you know that's all i care about it's also like i don't know if you had the same experience but i was still literally like flipping channels you know on my on my parents cables it's just like you're like 20 minutes of this weird fucking thing and then 20 minutes of this thing and everything's just kind of like mushing in your head together and yeah i mean i think nothing has affected me more than the pop culture i watched when i was a teenager absolutely and you keep wanting there to be like a normal sex scene in eyes wide shut you know um no for sure i mean i think like i think that movie now that i think about it and more and more i look back at it and it's kind of like trying to get inside your head. And like maybe maybe you find this to be true.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like as you became an adult and had adult relationships more like emotionally, not sexually. But that movie manages to kind of get in your head and reflect what it feels like on the inside when you're completely twisted by something, by a relationship with another adult person. Yeah, good call. Nice call. Maybe Dugan was in that that like cult sex party. I could see that remove your blouse remove definitely definitely he definitely like if you if you got him to explain the weird parties he's been to i'm sure a lot of them were lame like he thought like you'd be a bunch of people showing up to get naked
Starting point is 00:27:39 eight people came but you know. The password is Merlin. I'm organizing sex party. He's in the Merlin club. He's like, he wants to DJ. He keeps hogging. He plays the iPod. No, no. This sex party comes from God. Wait, so maybe can we talk about you a little bit, Amos?
Starting point is 00:28:02 Like your background and stuff? Yeah, absolutely. How did you get into writing um well uh i mean i think it kind of goes back to what we're talking about just watching a lot of movies on tv in my in my parents great my parents had paid for the good cable i don't know why but my parents too dude it was huge so valuable because it's like an education onto itself like there's so much information in there i guess now the equivalent is like parents who don't put the parental control on youtube or whatever right like because they know when you don't need cable you just got to get the netflix
Starting point is 00:28:34 and a few other things and you're good but uh but yeah at the time people don't remember but like you're just literally sitting there flipping through the channel so anyways i got we also um moved to the u.s when i was uh 10 from uh from israel um and uh and you know it was like american cult pop culture was like obviously big enough to where it goes all over the world so i was aware of it you know like i had a but like for example like i had a bulls hat but i didn't really know how what basketball was you know like it just wasn't on tv that much it was on tv this is gonna make it sound like israel some third world country or something that's not the case it was on tv i just like you know what i mean it's not the same the time zone is different yeah you're not watching
Starting point is 00:29:10 primetime b-ball yeah yeah so i can't when once we moved to the u.s i just wanted to like consume as much pop culture as possible uh and i like fell in love with it like movies music everything and i feel like uh that led me to you know wanting to to write about it and to have my opinions, like share my opinions in that way. And from there, it was kind of the thing I was obsessed with doing. So by the time I graduated, I was interning. I interned at New York Magazine in New York, obviously. And so then you're trying to start pitching ideas. And all of a sudden, I felt like all my ideas were about rap music uh apparently like that was the thing that i'd like
Starting point is 00:29:50 you know fell in love with the most uh like 90s rap music so so i did that for many years it was really fun um and and from there i kind of realized i just wanted to branch out more and more to go back to like the original like broad outlook on life that i'd had you know um and i think that's kind of what the what the book is is like my attempt to like write about as many things as possible like in a coherent manner you know like have this through line but to be able to like hit pop culture and history and politics and crime and you know anything that that seems interesting you know just kind of like bounce between it so i've always been like super into like a little bit about a lot of things you know uh and uh and so and writing like lets you do that and reporting lets you do that in a way that i haven't found anything else lets you do you know just to
Starting point is 00:30:32 ask someone if you can spend an hour or two with them you know and they say yes you know like i mean you guys you know obviously you interview people so you know what i'm talking about it's like if you ask the guy to go get a coffee they'd be like why but if you sit there and go tell me your story and i'll write about it and they are so happy to share like intimate details of their lives you know and it's fascinating right i love that in the book how like each chapter you kind of step into a different realm yeah through the lens of rasputinism but like you like us you go to you go to mexico then you go to you go to tom brady's trainer then you're in russia and you're in like two white house you know uh presidencies so it's yeah I love that I love the five mile wide with like you know seven or eight feet deep of yeah yeah it's great I mean even deeper than that if you think about it
Starting point is 00:31:17 like the Rasputinism I freaking love thinking about a deep level I'm sorry go ahead no dude I freaking love thinking about it as a deep level of the just your title of like no one man should have all that power but we're fascinated by rasputin because he has all that power and maybe we want all that power yeah i was i'm curious about that too yeah like the do you think like are you motivated by power too as like a writer like do you want to like uh or like does that even go into your head or does that make sense you mean like power over over the like interview like the interview subject or something like that or i guess just influence you know what i mean is that like one of your
Starting point is 00:31:56 main motivations like you want to like um i don't know i don't think so obviously there's certain people who you know are columnists and have amazing opinions that they feel like they need to share with the world i've never like necessarily felt like you know people needed to hear you know my my like this is the way the world should work like according to me you know but i do like to think that you know if you're trying to tell someone's story there's some value in it like you think someone could learn something from it uh that would hopefully make the reader think about things differently in a clearer way in a better way like maybe would cause them to make some difference in
Starting point is 00:32:33 their life and change something about their lives or you know just telling people stories i haven't been told um and then just something like trying to trying to uncover this like weird power dynamic that i do think exists in all these fields uh you know it's just it's just uh it's just fascinating it's just like you know it's more curiosity yeah yeah it's like a way we a way of understanding like the world like a way of understanding the world around us a way of understanding like each other like our connections to each other you know love it what do you think's a more desirable position being the rasputin or the front man um at this point after you know obsessing with over all these figures for so long i'm i'm definitely i'm heavy on the Rasputins you know i think uh i think it's more interesting you
Starting point is 00:33:12 know like uh it's just their stories end up being weirder you know and uh and the real Rasputin himself i've totally come out on the other side loving him like i'm on board yeah i mean i find i think uh the history has like done him wrong you know he actually was probably a much more benevolent figure than we understand. So based off that, then you jump to all these other figures, and it's just fascinating. It keeps coming up, and people keep sending them to me. Someone sent me, they're like, this is Martha Stewart's Rasputin. Slobodan Milosevic's wife died a few days ago,
Starting point is 00:33:44 and the Times obituary was all about how she was probably the one who like led us into the Balkans conflict. I was like, whoa, this is crazy. I never heard about this. You know, like there's all these people that are always there and like they're kind of hinted at or kind of talked about. It's kind of like a lot of time feels like almost like an open secret or something like people in that orbit know all about it. But, you know, no one no one ever explicates what it actually what it actually is you know like how actually all this happened so yeah for me i don't know how you guys feel but for me it's the rasputins all the way yeah and so do you respect the rasputins more who are able to stay behind the scenes because it seems like some of these rasputins they they can't do it like bannon or someone like that they yeah they crave the spotlight too much.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Oh, for sure. I mean, I think, yeah, you look at Bannon and you're thinking like you got, you know, you had it all, you had everything you wanted. You were in the white house with this, with this guy who couldn't care less, like read it, read a book, you know, read a few pages of a summary even, you know, you were there and you could have pulled the strings, but you just were so, you know, Bannon was so obsessed with media coverage for himself that you realize that he actually wasn't that good at doing what he claimed to be doing like he has all these quotes where he's calling trump like a imperfect vessel you know like we're gonna we're gonna fill this vessel we're gonna ride this vessel you know it's he's our guy we're gonna get the world of you carried out through this vessel but you know you were there and you fucked it up you know you were obsessed publishing magazine covers and talking to the media. So absolutely, I do find it distasteful when these Rasputins get obsessed with the limelight and lose the focus.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And that's an interesting thing about the specific skill set that this requires. It requires you to want to be near power. It requires you to care enough about influencing power. But it requires you also to be okay with being in the shadows like you have to be somewhat egoless or somewhat like just maybe a little dead inside or something i don't know what it is that leads you to do this but you have to get in this very specific groove very specific place and and absolutely stay out of the limelight for for basically as long as you can it seems to me like the oval office was kind of immune to having one
Starting point is 00:35:44 single respite too many people are competing for the spot seems to me like the oval office was kind of immune to having one single respite too many people are competing for the spot yeah sort of like the checks and balances kind of thing like they kind of get weeded out after a few months or a year or something like that one guy got involved with like a prostitute or something like all right he's out you know people don't last very long with that position who is that with the prostitutes again clinton's guy right yeah yeah right dick morris that was the craziest yeah dick again? Clinton's guy, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dick Morris, right. That was the craziest.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, Dick Morris was like Bill Clinton's kind of whisperer, and he had the craziest run ever because one week he was on the cover of Time, and they literally photoshopped him on Clinton's shoulder saying, you know, the man who has Bill Clinton's ear, the next week he had been caught in a sex worker scandal. The next week it was him apologizing for it, also on the cover of Time. So it was like the highs and the lows all covered on the cover of Time. Do these guys agree to be on the cover of Time?
Starting point is 00:36:36 I remember when Bannon was on the cover of Time, and I was like, oh, Trump's not going to like that because it was like the dark whisper or something like that. And I was almost like, is Time doing that? What was it? The great manipulator right and i was like his time doing that to almost drive a wedge between the two of them or was that something that like was bannon was bannon aware that they were running that story and and covered i'm sure he didn't know the cover uh i'm pretty sure he said for an interview because he usually usually does but it is interesting to think because there is also that book Devil's Bargain which is
Starting point is 00:37:08 all about Bannon and Trump and that drove Trump crazy too so yeah you do think about I'm sure the guys reporting it are very aware that they're sitting there watching Bannon like self implode in front of their eyes the more he's not going to like this
Starting point is 00:37:24 why can't you see this coming which is really interesting because now like you guys were saying like it's the white house seems to have this like constant churn of would-be rasputins and and the current one for trump is stephen miller a hardline immigration uh uh aid and he's like obsessed with you know closing the border trying to close the border trying to cut you know even refugee um allowances to the country to like historically low levels and he's been able to do it specifically by sticking to this playbook like you go he goes on tv when trump asks him to but otherwise he's just in the background not taking credit for anything but i am i am curious now to see what happens because it does seem like he's
Starting point is 00:37:58 getting more and more credit so you know this is my my take my prediction like if we see stephen miller go down it'll be this moment in time where he kind of got too big for his britches, got too much attention. No doubt. Yeah, I was wondering about, I thought Dick Cheney would have been more of a, highlighted a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:38:16 but it seemed like he kind of, his sort of, the tale about him is sort of exaggerated and he didn't have as much influence. He only had influence for like that one term Is that no he absolutely yeah, I mean he definitely is like Hall of Fame Rasputin I I felt a little bit you know that he had been covered I wanted to go and hit some other people if yet if he had sat down with me for an interview
Starting point is 00:38:38 I would have happily included it if he still wants to talk, you know if he's listening to that I'm sure he writes in every week. He's a stoker. Yeah. He's a stoker. I'm planning a razor to get tan and work. Email us about his problems with ladies. My wife's been kind of a schmole.
Starting point is 00:38:56 My wife's been down lately. What should I do? Dude, I accidentally shot this guy. How do I amend that? People really think I'm a dude. There's been beef for like six years over that my dad was a rasputin of my little league baseball career dude fizzled out on that
Starting point is 00:39:11 dude lean in take a pitch to get on base not it i just want to go get chicken fingers dude my dad was a recipe to my brother's swim career yeah for sure dad's a lot of dads are rasputin my dad rasputin my sex life Brother I was like, why'd you keep the speedo on so long? He's like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know wild dude They were successful Respective the respect of Rasputin dads like they got they created greatness in in your brother thank you and us yeah in the pod my brother's family college he was good i have a question but i'm glad that it's being answered so there was no other answer
Starting point is 00:40:01 and so now are you with one place or do you like just come up with an idea and then you try to find the right place to pitch that idea to uh yeah i'm i'm a freelance writer uh so i'm i'm basically like yeah i have my i have my contacts at various places you know i write for you know uh some of the same places repeatedly you know definitely have like connections with editors but yeah that's kind of like the most fun part about being freelance is you know you come up with an idea you figure out where would make the most sense and you like go target that place and it
Starting point is 00:40:32 feels really great when they say yes it can sting when they say no but when they say yes you know it feels great so yeah so that's basically where I'm at you know I finished the book pushing it now to have a nice chat with you guys. Yeah, just pitching. That's awesome. Sounds like a fun life.
Starting point is 00:40:50 That's sick, dude. You'll have to pitch to a place. Maybe they shut down your idea, but then you've got to come back to them with the next idea and just stay chipper about it, I guess. Oh my god, yeah. I think I naturally ...
Starting point is 00:41:04 You've got to god yeah that's like i mean i think like i naturally uh uh one of my likes like you know you gotta like be you gotta figure out this is the right thing for you and one of the things that suggests to me that is the right thing is that i am able to shake it off but like for 30 seconds i will be intensely angry you know and the key is to not send the email right then and there you just gotta do take a walk clear your mind you know complain send some angry texts like this fucking place you fucking blew it again so fucking mad at you dude yeah oh my god yeah uh you know and people and people say things in the and when they're rejecting your pitch that you think don't make sense you know but you gotta like it's just a practical situation you got to figure out like am i gonna convince them or like
Starting point is 00:41:44 it's time to cut loss and move on to the other thing. And you just hit them with the, oh, my God, thanks for reading. You know, be back to you soon. But it truly is, like, the best way to go about it because, you know, they are just rejecting that pitch in that particular time. And, like, I've been in-house on staff in various magazines. I know how it goes, you know, at every given time.
Starting point is 00:42:02 It's not necessarily about the idea. It's about how the idea fits into your place and if at the time if it can make it happen if it can afford it you know all these things so you can't take it personally i mean uh yeah if any like and if anyone's like aspiring to write and listening to this like you know that would be my biggest advice is like don't take it personally keep going i've had pitches get rejected i don't know what my like all-time record is but i swear i think i've had a pitch rejected like seven or eight times and then end up somewhere and i've been like amazingly happy with where with where it ended up you know i got to write the piece that i wanted it's like if you want to write that you should stop thinking about anything else other
Starting point is 00:42:35 than than writing it you know right are there any movies about writers that have inspired you too like i remember watching midnight in paris and i was like damn i need to go to paris and write any any movie about writing where they make them look miserable i think that's yeah that's the key that have inspired you too? Like I remember watching Midnight in Paris and I was like, damn, I need to go to Paris and write. Any movie about writing where they make them look miserable, I think that's, yeah, that's the key. All right, so Amos, can you hang out with us for a little bit while we answer some of our readers' questions? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:57 All right, so first question from Stoke Nation. What up, bros? Avid listener of the pod here and love what you guys do. My girlfriend of three years is at college and i'm finishing up high school this year and she's super busy and it feels like sometimes i'm the only one making sacrifices to see each other i don't want to drain her stoke not for one sec she's totally my rock in my center and puts my stoke through the roof but she's pretty deep into engineering and school activities how do i go about telling her
Starting point is 00:43:23 how i feel we're totally in love and she always expresses it. Am I in danger of draining her robust stoke tank because I'm selfish? I always want what's best for her, but sometimes making the sacrifice is hard. Thanks, bros. You guys keep me fired up. Amos, you want to start it off, dog?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Well, it sounds like they're in college, right? They were saying he was in college she's in college he's about to graduate high school okay okay he's about to graduate high school wow um it sounds like it sounds like he has the answer in the question you know he knows he has to he has to let her fly i mean they're so young maybe they're in love they'll reconnect later she's got a lot on her plate with the engineering stuff just let her fly, man. Don't try to control her. I agree, dude. That's a great call, dude. You put it in perfect words. Question, the answer is in the question. It's like, if you love something, you got to set
Starting point is 00:44:14 it free, dude. Let her fly a little bit. Let her get that engineering degree. Go work at like Boeing and freaking build a spaceship or something, or maybe even a time machine. And guess what? Then you guys can see each other if you're doing long distance because you're freaking genius gf just created it dude because you let her fly free freaking love that i love that scenario you just came up with yeah i created that dude i've been i've been freaking in amos's brain dude i'm having straight up legit thoughts dude right now dude dude i need that i need that for clarity of thinking it does that's the blurb for the next book. Reading this will give you legit thoughts.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Thank you. The one thing Dugan did say, he's like, if you are not reading, read, read, read. Always read. If you think you're reading, read more. It's like, he is right. I know. That was actually the part that I felt the most empathetic to him.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Absolutely. I'm like, yeah, I agree. I love reading, bro. And I've interviewed writers that are like, yeah, I write to read. It's like an excuse to just sit and read all day long, which is nice. That's so true. You should put that review on the book from Strider. I know, I think that. It'll give you legit
Starting point is 00:45:15 thoughts from Strider. With a photo of Strider. Damn, do you get a review from Strider? Do you have anything for this dude, Chad? I'm sort of in the same thought as you guys. Be honest with her. Tell her how you feel, see what's going on. But don't be afraid to fly and let her fly, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And I think he's gripping it a bit too tight. I think he might be overthinking it. He's torturing himself. And she has a little bit more going on than him just because of where she is at and where he's at. So I would just tell you, dude, get a badass hobby that can occupy some of your brain space and help you feel fulfilled without her he should literally skydive with a wingsuit so metaphorically and literally fly but be safe out there dog yeah just get sponsored by red bull or something that'd be sick and yeah if skydiving
Starting point is 00:46:01 and wingsuits your hobby that's legit legit, dude. Watch Free Solo. Oh, dude. Oh, dude. All right. Sultans of Stoke. I haven't seen it yet. Oh, you got to see it. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I got you. I got you. The guys of freaking nature. Sultans of Stoke. I work in an operating room in the PNW and recently got in a confrontation with a surgeon. He has a reputation of being a hard ass, and he recently gave me what for in the form of a savage roast in front of my peers. I decided to fire back and told him my two cents on what I think about him.
Starting point is 00:46:30 He then boked me from the room and said I wasn't ever allowed back in his operating room. Not going to lie, this earned me mad respect from the staff and anesthesiologists, but still left my stoke tank on E. Honestly, I stand by what I said, but after reflecting on this sit sitch i feel like cooler heads would have prevailed this reminded me of that time jesse waters threw jt mad heat on fox for his bleach dome by calling him a chia pet that was way lame but the way jt handled stood out as honorable i guess the question is how do you keep the cool when facing dudes who are obviously trying to get the better of you love the podcast and fuck puzio puuzio is a kid I fought in high school. Oh, I do tend to run hot in general. Nice dog. I like that. Yeah. So I feel this kid a lot. Like it's always like you want to, you want to let go in the moment. Uh, but then you know that it's not necessarily the practical
Starting point is 00:47:15 best solution. Um, but, uh, I think, you know, at work, it's probably a bad idea, but in other situations, you don't want to be sitting there going, Oh, I should have said this. I should have said that. Um, cause, uh, well uh this is a ties into the story i i live in london now i moved to london uh four months ago as i got it i got into a fight uh with a with a guy at a pickup soccer he was actually on my team and we managed to get into a fight and then you know halfway through the screaming at each other he called me a fucking tit which is not necessarily something we'd say in the u.s and i was just so confused so i just was i had to stop and be like is that bad is that really bad i'd be right now dude like what does that mean i went home and googled and i
Starting point is 00:47:54 couldn't really get the context of what you know he's like you fucking tit you fucking tit i'm like i don't you just gotta be like i love jugs or whatever you like those are great yeah those are great so jokes on you man um but i think yeah i would just say like uh like at work no anywhere else go ahead just let it fly man but not violently not violently yeah for sure true but you can physicalize it in the sense of like occupying some space like someone's like you know trying to you know alpha male you or something dude just hit them with like a nice flex of your try and just let them know what's up and the power of that stillness, that moment, that pregnant pause, then you can go into your, you know, whatever you're thinking. Dude, I think that would really throw your boss too. Like if
Starting point is 00:48:36 your boss just like totally just chewed you out in front of everyone and then you just hit a double bicep flex, hard eye contact for 30 seconds. even a calf pull up your pant leg roll down your sock a little bit the time it takes to do that and then get that horseshoe calf going yeah yeah using more obscure muscles is a smart move dude like just hit your forearms out be like bam dude you like those ham hocks it shows glutes and be like dude i got power like i do that's the motor ass is the motor yeah that's where all real strength comes from. It's huge. Correct. But the core, dude, I got six reasons why you're wrong, dude. Let me go over them, dude. In the operating room, too, where, like, anatomy is huge.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Like, you like anatomy? Well, look at this anatomy dog. Dude, that's beautifully done. That's beautifully done. Dude, here's the thing. So we go on Jesse Waters' show, Waters World, sometimes, and he made fun of me for my bleach blonde hair. And I was just like,
Starting point is 00:49:25 Oh dude, you burned me. And I learned that move from Strider, which is when someone goes high status on you, you go low status. And then it reveals that they're trying to be high status and it kind of makes them look bad. But sometimes that doesn't work and you do have to stand up to someone.
Starting point is 00:49:40 So I would tell this dude, it's all right that you did it once, you know, just don't make a habit out of it. So people think you're a hothead, but think yeah you don't want that bucking once is kind of like it just lets people know you stand up for yourself and can we just take note of the fact that a surgeon is listening to our pod yeah what up what up dude i'm glad we have some stoked um medical professionals out there absolutely i like the idea of having tactics,
Starting point is 00:50:05 like pre-set tactics in your head. You know, you got to be ready for war. So you have the three things that you might do in any situation. We got this one. What's up, bros? My best friend Adam turned me on to your epic cast. I am a father of two
Starting point is 00:50:17 and I probably fall outside your age demographic. Anyways, I keep shit real and I like to party. I recently lost my job and my Stoke levels are at an all-time low. Listening the advice you give to Stoke Nation is truly epic. Anyways, here keep shit real and I like to party. I recently lost my job and my Stoke levels are at an all-time low. Listening the advice you give to Stoke Nation is truly epic. Anyways, here's my question. Since I have a lot of time on my hands, I want to bang out some movies and shows. I have never seen a Star Wars movie from start to finish.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I was never into sci-fi. I want to start watching them, but how do I go about it? Do I go all in and watch each movie or stay stubborn and never know what I could possibly miss? Or is Star wars overrated and i'm not missing anything if that's the case what should i do heavy rollers for life love the cast i love star wars same dude yeah me too i think it's great phantom menace 10 times in a row phantom menace dude phantom menace oh dude you got Qui-Gon Jinn in there laying the heat. Whoa. Qui-Gon. Interesting, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Mesa think that's a good idea. Yeah, dude. Jar Jar's time, dude. Wado, dude. Oh, Wado. Who's the bad guy? What's his face? Darth Maul. Darth Maul.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Darth Maul. Good bad guy. Good bad guy for sure. The fight at the end is incredible. It is legit. I can't buy that. Ewan McGregor's a beast. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yep. Absolutely. Decent. Yep. I think this guy's got to do a full-on marathon. One day, order a Buffalo Wild Wings and go to town. I 100% agree with that, but I do think, and I don't want to come down too hard on this guy because I like him, he likes to rage and party,
Starting point is 00:51:37 but you did just say you lost your job and you have two kids. So maybe you put the Star Wars marathon on hold get that workflow going again because you know if your number one job is being dad dude and freaking what did luke lack a dad dude wouldn't you know anakin didn't have a dad well yeah i mean look how successful he included those he included those details for a reason he knew we were going to tell him that he needed to get that situated so good call i mean in a way he he didn't have to include those details for a reason. He knew we were going to tell him that he needed to get that situated. Good call. In a way, he didn't have to include those details. We respect the transparency, my friend.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Maybe it was a test. I feel like it was a test and I failed it because I did just pass over the two kids, unemployed dad of two kids and went right to the Star Wars recommendation. Who knows? Maybe he's unemployed because maybe he's got an injury. I don't know what it is. Respect on the transparency. You're right, my dogs. Maybe he's unemployed because maybe he's got an injury so i don't know what it is respect on the transparency you're right my dogs maybe he's a new age dude stay at home dad exactly
Starting point is 00:52:29 maybe he works from home i don't know yeah all right we got what up chad and jt super stoked on talking to you guys so i went on a date with this girl we got stoned and went to a movie afterwards we made out of my car and she gave me top but it was her first time she was really bad and after 15 minutes i told her she could stop, even though I didn't get to shoot my goo. How do I tell her she needs to get better without sounding like a douchebag? I mean, that shit sucked. I'm just trying to keep both my and her stoke up.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Keep it real, stokers. No comment, no comment. How old is this kid? This is crazy. You guys go first. Dude, I would just be happier you're in the situation you're in and, you know, just be encouraging. Yeah, dude, manage your expectations.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yeah, dude. Don't be a douche. A little bit of a humble brag on 15 minutes. A little bit of a humble brag. Yeah, I feel bad for the poor other person who's just, like, slaving away. Yeah, dude. Oh, man, it was the worst. Yeah. Oh, man, I'm a little the poor other person who's just slaving away. Yeah, dude. Oh, man, it was the worst. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Oh, man. I'm a little fired up right now. I want to bring the thunder on this guy right now. Amos, we'll probably cut this, but you should let it rip, dog. Yeah, let it rip. This guy's – dude. I edit the podcast heavily. We'll probably cut this preface.
Starting point is 00:53:38 That's the ultimate – go ahead. We're probably off the record here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no. No, I feel like back to the original theme of our conversation, transparency, honesty. Don't write in a question to a podcast before speaking to the person that you're dating. You know, that's the key. That's going to cut our questions in half, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:58 That's a good call. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Next up, we got, hey, guys, big fan of the pod since day one. I have a bit of a strange scenario apparently when i wear headphones and masturbate i have i am unaware of how loud i breathe i even moan a bit without really knowing sometimes i just recently became aware of this i graduate college in a month and i live in an apartment off campus with a roommate for sure
Starting point is 00:54:18 him and his girlfriend have heard me they are far too nice and non-confrontational to say something i feel bad they are good people and probably think I'm gross I'm really cool with my roommate and we hang sometimes but I have a feeling he and his girlfriend don't want to hear me Come in the past. I've had very open-minded and free-spirited roommates We would fucking masturbate with each other in the room only with the lights off I used to even have a roommate whose girlfriend would ask me if I wanted a jacket to them She loved having an audience my current roommate and his girlfriend are really cool people, but they probably think I'm gross.
Starting point is 00:54:46 She's over all the time. I think rooming with other sexual deviants really made me less aware of things like this. I've been on a dry spell for a while because my senior classes are really tough. So I ended up masturbating every night. I learned how dangerous porn can be from this pod. I've had porn problems.
Starting point is 00:55:01 So I now only watch it sometimes when I do it's tasteful artsy stuff. That's targeted at a female audience and couples instead of soulless jackhammer fucking. So it won't fuck up my head and my mental concept of sex so much. Shout out red Reddit chick flicks. Anyways, I know that my porn habits are under control, but now I feel really uncomfortable around my roommate. Nothing seems off when we chill, but I'm worried that his girlfriend thinks I'm a disgusting
Starting point is 00:55:23 creep. She's a bit more shy, and this might be why she's uncomfortable around me sometimes i feel really guilty any idea of what i can do to fix this i move out in three weeks but still this feels wrong i'd appreciate your wisdom i consider you two some of the wisest philosophers of our time keep up the work happy i'm sorry go ahead no no it's just you know it was gratuitous what were you gonna say oh no that was so much information it was gratuitous. What were you going to say? Oh, no, that was so much information. That was very engaging.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I just want to say that guy's email was really, I mean, I think he should keep going and write the whole story of his senior year. You know, that was nice. That was great. Yeah. Just a tip of the hat, really engaging, a lot of information packed in there in the form of that question, the turn into the how he had rumored all those sexual deviants before. I did not see that coming at all.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Fascinating, fascinating stuff. And to be a deviant on that level, but with his level of self-awareness is a pretty potent package. So while he should have shame over his habits, I think to have a published author like yourself kind of validate his perspective is is super powerful man so thank you amos yeah and i'm sure i'm sure listening to you guys has led him to become uh this open and to be able to share this information so back at you guys loving the stoke i'm hearing being around here so he needs ability is key but he needs to be he needs to be more quiet when he's nutting maybe not use headphones and put it on mute. Yeah. So he's a little more... But dude, you want to
Starting point is 00:56:47 experience the audio though. He's in his environment, not isolated from his environment. But then you inhibit yourself when you're drilling yourself. You want to be in the moment. And the audio is... It's a visual and audio experience. But dude, I mean, the power of using your noggin, you know, use that imagination
Starting point is 00:57:04 and really sort of walk into that. mean the power of using your noggin you know use that imagination really sort of walk into that and the power of limiting your pleasure out of self-control kind of unlocks new pleasures that you wouldn't otherwise have if you were just like only serving that that that spillage i do understand with bow's headphones it's probably gotta make it pretty sweet yeah you hear like the bass uh no audio just subtitles yeah get artsy about it maybe black and white compromise spanish subtitles el diablo instead of fuck that's what they write for the subtitles in spanish instead of fuck they write el diablo maybe you should own who he is and start wearing like a kimono and stuff and just be like you know know. Yeah, like on the Craigslist ad, be like, beware. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I'm clean, I'm nice, and I come like a freight train. Yeah, like a freight train. Great roommate, but I will jack off, and it's going to be loud. Yeah. All right. What up, Stokers? I have a situation that I need some advice on. So I've been trying to hook up with this girl, but girl dad's on me it's basically the friend zone but worse
Starting point is 00:58:08 however then my boy stoney he bummed super he burned super hard went and hooked up with her however stoney couldn't get hard so he didn't actually bone so i have two questions can i make fun of stoney should i be mad at my boy stoney yeah you can make fun of him sure in a in a productive positive manner let's talk you know let's let's laugh at stoney and also talk about what's going on what's going on in stoney's head you know yeah i think this is kind of an ideal situation for both where you can be like dude that's what you get yeah because you have bad karma you know the gods of sexuality struck down your dong and that's what you get, dog. So it's not
Starting point is 00:58:45 really coming from a place of malice. It's more just like explaining to him your feelings in a broader context. Absolutely. This is like, this is, I mean, basically it's like that, the, the, the answer is always like, you know, get therapy, but like also have like this kind of open therapeutic ish conversation with all your, with all your best friends. I mean, that's hard to do, you know, that's hard to do. That's tough for these guys, this guy in Stoney, but for anyone. But I think that's cool, man. That's cool that he's leading it towards that place
Starting point is 00:59:13 where he wants to have this conversation, a frank, difficult conversation. Amos, you get it. You understand the spirit of the podcast, and that's fucking sick, bro. Amos, I would love to have a nice micro brew with you dude yeah i like when you were having him who was it that you were having like the cheap beer with like the bud light with like 2 p.m numgen trump's guy yeah yeah yeah that guy seems like a total liability just housing beers like with all his sensitive information but he saw my weakness which is like he saw a guy that also would love to just get after it with some Bud Lights on a Thursday afternoon.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Nothing wrong with that. You're a fucking good dude, dude. As long as you're being productive in other elements of your life, nothing wrong with taking a little time out. Oh, dude, for sure. Absolutely. What's up, Lords of Stoke? I'm a 24-year-old lady from Texas, and I'm a longtime listener of the pod.
Starting point is 00:59:59 It has kept my Stoke level high during dire times. However, I have a super bummer ish bummer sits. That's got me pretty down in the dumps lately. I quit my job working for a sucky religious organization and I've been living with my parents for the past two months while job searching out. I'm stoked to have parents that will let me kick it with them while I figure my life out. But my mom has been harsh to me.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We've always had a toxic relationship, but over the past couple of years, I've noticed that it has affected me negatively as a person because she has always been unwilling to hear me out and or change. My question is, do you think it's okay for me to boke my mom for good since she has brought my life nothing but negative vibes for years or just keep trucking and relive the same bad and dysfunctional relationship she has with her mom and just deal? Wow. Wow. That's a good, this is a, this is intense, man. I don't know. You never want to tell someone
Starting point is 01:00:45 to cut your mom out of your life, but I feel like, I feel like that might be the move. Like it would break her mom's heart, but it's like, it's not about, it's not about the mom's life. You know, it's about your life. It's tough. I think it's extra bad right now because she's living with her. So when you're in close quarters with that person, it exacerbates all the issues. I think, you know, definitely take space, go out west, go to therapy, talk about your mom, learn how to hate them effectively and juggle the idea that you love them,
Starting point is 01:01:12 but they also kinda let you down. And then with the idea being that you'll come back in time, but take that time. Yeah, it's kind of, I wonder if you can do a soft estrangement where you don't tell the person that you're gonna be estranged, it's just like you I wonder if you can do like a soft estrangement where you don't tell the person that you're like going to be estranged. It's just like you slowly like just fall out of their life. They're like, oh, we don't talk anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:29 What happened? And you're like, oh, I don't really know. Soft estrangement. Think about it. That phrase is going to get reused on this podcast. Soft estrangement. I love that because it's just setting a boundary. That's what it's a boundary issue at Seals.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And now you're living at home, so your mom probably feels like she has more right and more say in what you do and what you, so once you create that space, the boundary is going to naturally be created. And then the soft estrangement will, I think will be very effective. She'll value her more.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Correct. And she'd be like, I want to go, you know, Easter egg hunting, especially if you're on the West coast, you're going to want to come out and get bronzed up and fricking have a nice fricking,
Starting point is 01:02:02 you know, BL smooth or something like that. Yeah, I agree. I agree. All right. Can we get your quote of the week Amos before you sign off? you're going to want to come out and get bronzed up and have a nice freaking BL smooth or something like that. I agree. I agree. Can we get your quote of the week, Amos, before you sign off? Thank you so much for doing this. Thank you guys. Appreciate you guys reading it and saying all the nice things. Very, very cool. Now I'm doing
Starting point is 01:02:17 a little bit of the plugging as well. There you go. It's the quote that prefaces it. I believe it's called an epigraph. And this is actually something Dugan, that we talked a lot about, said to me. So the first question I asked him was basically like, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:33 is influence ethical? Is it moral? And he quoted Oscar Wilde's A Picture of Dorian Gray, like kind of off the dome. That's the kind of guy he is. You know, he just wants to like, kind of give me some verbatim quote from some classic
Starting point is 01:02:46 real quick. It's a character, Lord Henry, and he's talking to Dorian Gray. Lord Henry says, There's no such thing as a good influence, Mr. Gray. All influence is immoral. Immoral from the scientific point of view. Because to influence a person is to
Starting point is 01:03:02 give him one's own soul. Whoa. Yep. I know. Amos, thank you, dude. Thank you for coming on. Great job on the book. We'd love to have you on again when the next article comes out.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But yeah, thank you so much for joining us, man. Have fun. Thank you, guys. Thank you, dude. Later, dude. Enjoy it. Take care. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Good dude. Good dude. Good dude. That that was tight should we plug the book again yeah go for it stokers once again it's called no one man should have all that power by amos barshad is that you say i think so and uh it's legit so check it out i got mine off amazon mine as well same all right chad who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with a nightmare I had about a week ago. Whoa, dude,
Starting point is 01:03:51 what happened? This was one of those nightmares that I will never forget. And like, I was, I was visiting my mom. You know, we had a nice evening. We had steak.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Nice. I played with a golden retriever. I was amped it's perfect i was jacked sounds like heaven i go to bed you know sweet dreams i watched uh some south park then i laid my noggin on the pillow and then my dream started i had this dream like this nightmare where i just like all of a sudden i just like woke up, woke up, and I, like, had, like, a boyish, super short haircut. No. And not just, like, a short haircut, but, like, like a bowl cut, you know, like, straight across.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Like a flowbee haircut. Yes. And it was, like, literally, like, I'm not even joking. It was, like, one of those dreams where it was, like, such a nightmare scenario for me that I was in the dream. I was, like, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up wake up it's horrible i had to meditate for like two hours the next morning do you worry at all that you're still in a dream and when you wake up from this dream you'll have short haircut in the next stage of the dream don't even like it's just worth thinking about dude strider what is your beef of the week dudes we've kind of broached the subject
Starting point is 01:05:05 as well and this is a nice transition from chad's horrible uh nightmare my beef of the week is with my brand new king-size bed dude whoa yeah dude don't get me wrong i'm sleeping on it well very comfortable and i've had dank uh dank dreams and no nightmares yet except because it's so roomy and spacious which jt has experienced honestly dude my jeff and I aren't able to cuddle that much, dude. I kind of miss being able to roll over, have an arm go over my GF and be like, oh, this is dank. I'm feeling loved and legit and protected right now. And my GF's feeling loved and legit and protected.
Starting point is 01:05:36 It's almost like we're on a long distance relationship while sleeping. So although I do love my dank new king bed, my beef of the week is that it is quite spacious and I'm going to have to adjust my sleeping and cuddle positions. Although I do love my dank new king bed, my beef of the week is that it is quite spacious. And I'm going to have to adjust my sleeping and cuddle positions. And that's going to take some time. So just frustrated at that, dude. Just frustrated at that right now, dude. Dude, that's a bummer, dog.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Thank you, dude. Like all beef, it's complicated. Dude, my beef of the week is with the independent film High Life that came out last week or this week by Claire Denise. One of the bleakest films I've ever seen. It had Robert Pattinson in it, so I appreciate his taste, and I think he's turned into one of our better actors. So I went in with a lot of optimism. I think it had like a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, which you can't even trust now because all these critics are so conscious of the tomato meter that they give everything a boosted value. Back in the day, High Life would have been a 65 percenter yep and i watched this movie with an open mind by myself
Starting point is 01:06:29 a little stoned ready to be impressed and i couldn't take it i had to leave the theater three times because it was such a despairing view on humanity i mean there's rape close-ups of jizz and just unnecessary violence that doesn't say anything or not enough, at least about the human condition. Okay. And a lot of the scenes were brilliantly shot, but they didn't push the narrative forward. So it just seemed to me like an exercise in, in them getting their jollies off and not worrying about the audience getting their jollies off. So High Life, me feel like shit you know i did not want to see a close-up
Starting point is 01:07:09 of jizz nope especially one that's not totally justified yeah i saw it dude i agree with your assessment dude it's bleak bro yeah dude it was yeah you really nailed it i was like and i don't want to have a spoiler but like it's a it was was kind of sold as a sci-fi film. Yeah. And that movie could have very well not taken place in space. It could have been like a frozen dungeon. Death row inmates on a ship going towards a black hole. And, you know, which is kind of like a cool conceit, but like it didn't take advantage of any of that. It kind of wasted everything just on these brutal scenes that are
Starting point is 01:07:45 you know effective and well made but you're like what's the point of watching this why do i need to see some you know just like the worst versions of humanity andre 3000s in it who's like this amazing versatile dude he's so talented he does nothing it was yeah that's what reggie said too dude yeah that's i'm ripping it from my dog reggie dude reggie mla format you dude that's exactly right and uh yeah dude it was just and it should have been told linearly the flashbacks didn't help either all right so i was i fucking did not like that and i like a lot of the people involved dude as my spiritual guru abraham x would say you just gotta leave the room dude there's any negative you're gonna gotta leave the room because then you won't manifest what you want and dude i think you're right like you don't like sad movies sometimes and i think
Starting point is 01:08:28 it's because you're too sensitive i'm too it'll fuck you up i'm very sensitive yeah i don't i don't like i've never understood it you know i it they'll fuck me up for days yeah yeah i don't like it i like i like I like bright colors and butts. Every guy in the theater was alone, myself included. It was 40 schlubby dudes. Yep, makes sense. And all the people who pretended to like it on Rotten Tomatoes, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Starting point is 01:08:55 You're all phony critics who just buy into pretentious art house bullshit. Dude, and literally it took a student. So what's up, dawg? There's a scene. Sorry. I don't even mind spoiling it that much. There's like 40 minutes of movie. Then they cut to a train scene exposition,
Starting point is 01:09:11 which seemed like the studio was like, no one knows what the fuck's going on in this movie, dude. Have like a authority figure explain it to the audience right now. And you're like, that was like a student film move, in my opinion. Clunky filmmaking. Rotten Tomatoes has officially become rotten. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Carrie Fisher.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Carrie Fisher showed me lightsabers and love at a young age. I was asking if you should watch Star Wars. Hell yeah, you should watch Star Wars once you get the mortgage figured out um yeah so carrie fisher she's just epic you know the daughter of debbie reynolds and eddie fisher um she was up against some heavy hitters for star wars you know like jodie foster and some other name and uh she thought she nailed the audition but when she thought she didn't get it, she has this famous quote. She's like, well, I guess I'm not going to get to have lunch with monsters. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I like her. She has a great sense of humor. She was a script doctor, too. She rewrote a lot of scripts because she has that ability, that turn of phrase ability. Amazing writer. She wrote a bunch of books. So she had an amazing sense of humor.
Starting point is 01:10:21 She loved to party. She had her mental issues. She's like bipolar. But she also seemed to have like a passion or a zeal for life. Absolutely. When she died, she had Molly in her system. Dude, she loved to rage. Legit, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I've never even done Molly, but before I go out, I'm going to freaking put it in my system. And dude, who could forget her bikini in return of the jedi i'll never forget a metal bikini i was like when i first saw that i was like seven years old and i was like why is my dong like a freaking twig right now yeah it's because it got hard sorry carrie but george lucas apparently when they were filming he made her not wear a bra because he thought she'd be strangled by it in space uh but she has a famous quote from that she goes i tell my younger friends that no matter how i go i want it reported that i drowned in
Starting point is 01:11:15 moonlight strangled by my own bra so carrie fisher you're my babe that's an awesome nice strider who's your baby of the week dude my baby of the week's gotta be my gf um dude she went ahead i freaking came home uh from the late valet shift worked the night shift came home dude went to my fridge to freaking grab a little snack in there dude and what did i see dude fridge was cleaned out dude and it was it was ripe time for it to clean out and honestly i felt bad it was my turn to clean it but she went ahead and did it and she didn't even be like i did that did you see that no dude she just did it was and she didn't even be like, I did that. Did you see that? No, dude. She just did it, was chill about it, said nothing,
Starting point is 01:11:51 and then even freaking helped me gain knowledge by putting in new – do you guys do this, put baking soda in your fridge to make it smell good and stuff? You ever seen that, dude? You know I don't know about it. Dude, yeah. Sorry. Dude, that's what you do. You just put it in there, and it helps the sense and stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I don't know. There some like stuff in there so just my gf for being a freaking just straight up freaking so dank for cleaning out the the fridge like that and keeping our apartment where it needs to be and i enjoyed my snack and so just want to say thank you that's what's up dude my babe of the week is a dame lillard point guard from the portland trailblazers he's having a moment right now they're up 2-0 on the oklahoma oklahoma city thunder i think only one in 20 espn writers uh pick them to win the series and a lot of their lead has to do with him he is just a maestro at the basketball he can shoot from anywhere and my favorite thing about him is he's such a cold-blooded killer at the end of the shot clock or at the end of a quarter like he'll just hike host up host throw up a 30-footer swish and then just turn around just mad dog the camera
Starting point is 01:12:50 and i just love that badass flair that he has and he gets lost in the shuffle of all the great point guards in the league right now like steph curry and what russ westbrook yeah i don't know if he'll ever win a title but he'll always have a place in my head and heart because he's a damn good entertainer so dame lillard you're my babe of the week love that chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is a spiritual guru wayne dyer wayne dyer uh check out his youtube videos if you ever want to like feel better that's how he always just made me feel good nice um he's big on the dao de ching by lao tzu ancient book on uh basically the dao is like sort of like yin and yang balance you know you should live a life of balance you know don't go to extremes you know stay on you know and the more
Starting point is 01:13:36 you give the more you get kind of stuff and you're just always in balance so you know it's just living in that middle you know without, without ego, without expectation. So he always talks about that. And he's just like a very calming presence. He lived in Maui. He's now deceased, unfortunately, RIP. But he lived in Maui and was a beast and just loved like the ocean and waves. And so there's some things he like, his principles.
Starting point is 01:14:04 He's like, you got to live without ego let life unfold itself to you um when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change decide you live in a friendly universe not a hostile one from einstein he always talks about that he's like that's he's like a scientist who's saying that so like the best scientist uh there are no justified resentments what you think is what you become. I've been big on mental discipline as of late, so I think that's legit. Try and be cognizant of your thoughts
Starting point is 01:14:33 and try and work on that. Train your brain. Be open to everything and attached to nothing. Don't die with music still in you. Oh, I love that. I like that. That's a good one. Get those notes out. What up, Wayne Dyer? Music in you. Guys, I love that. I like that. That's a good one. Get those notes out.
Starting point is 01:14:45 So, what up, Wayne Dyer? Music in you. Guys, Stokers, check him out. He's got some good stuff to say. And he's Oprah certified. Dang. Strider, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the wall art
Starting point is 01:15:01 in my GF and I's apartment. Because just above our couch area, dude, and this was a little addition before you slept over. That wasn't there when you slept over, actually. We just put it up the other day. And I'm loving this wall art, dude. It's a risky item for us, dude. Usually we have a lot of vintage, a lot of wood going on.
Starting point is 01:15:20 This is a statement piece. It's some mirrors that go right above the couch, right when you walk in. And I love this wall art, and it is my legend of the week because I freaking straight up get to see my GF in the reflection of those mirrors, dude. And that makes me freaking amped and stoked, dude, because that is the best, most beautiful decorative piece
Starting point is 01:15:42 that could ever be in the apartment, dude, the reflection of my dank GF. Also, and I don't want to sound a little braggadocious here, but the reflection of my dank boa constrictors when I'm lifting stuff at home by myself, dude. So that fires me up. My wall art, the reflection of my GF in that dank wall art. Nice, dude. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:02 My legend of the week is my dear friend Tom Hall. Ooh, dude. G grew up with this guy he is a interesting combination of traits he's super smart good athlete um very eccentric hot dude but not that into being hot more into like uh sci-fi and the lord of the rings so you're like looking at this like brad pitt from legends of the fall tristan type of dude but he just wants to like go into nature and like listen to the soundtrack from how to train your dragon you know exactly harvard graduate now a doctor in fresno he's he's had so many great quotes yeah throughout our friendship together that have really inspired me like um one time on new year's we weren't hooking up with chicks and i was like
Starting point is 01:16:51 oh man so i guess i'm just doing this with you right here just like gonna hang out with you for the the countdown and then he goes i don't know any of these people and frankly i don't care to know them i'd rather spend this time with you my best friend and i And I was like, whoa, way to reorient this shit. Let's go, dude. That's what's up. And then one time I was talking to him about love and I was like, dude, maybe our idea is about love or juvenile. Maybe you don't want to love that like makes you feel dizzy and crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Maybe you just want something that grounds you. He goes, I don't want to love that grounds me. I want to love that sets me on fire. He's a man of passion. He said if he saw aliens, the one piece of art he would give to them to describe humanity is the herring. And that's a cool piece of a dad and son fishing together in, uh, in the ocean. And if you look at it, I think you'll, you'll quickly know what he's talking about the herring net rather. I'm sorry. And then the last thing I want to say
Starting point is 01:17:42 about him, well, two more things. I'm sorry. One time we were playing in a volleyball tournament in his neighborhood and there was the main court and then there was the side court and the side court had hotter sand. And I was supposed to be on the main court and Tom thinks he's better at volleyball than me. So he goes, dude, come on. You know, everybody wants you on the side court. They want to see the big dogs on the main court. And I was like, you mother fucker.
Starting point is 01:18:04 So he lives there. So he fixes the situation. So he's on the main court they want to see the big dogs on the main court and i was like you mother fucker so he lives there so he fixes the situation so he's on the main court how does the big dog play he cramps up and has to leave the game 12 points in even though his mom had been giving him these like nutter butter sandwiches she makes with bananas packed with potassium yeah he still quit all right way to go big dog but the last thing you said was i made i made fun of leonardo i didn't make fun of i said i didn't like leonardo caprio when he plays badasses i prefer when he plays a dandy and then tom heard that on the podcast and here's what he wrote by the way been meaning to have some respectful but serious beef with your judgment on leo's lesser performances being blood diamond and departed and that he can't really sell the
Starting point is 01:18:40 tough guy because that's the whole beauty in those characters they were forced into war and chaos not by choice nor nature and you can tell deep down they aren't hard and they have real humanity and pain behind their eyes and that's why it brings such heartache to those scenes where diamond leo's reminisces about his parents being killed or when departed leo is confessing his tortured soul in therapy because yeah his hand may not shake and his aim may be true but his heart beats just as fast could also argue argue Aviator Gatsby were great for similar reasons. Men trying to fulfill roles and dreams that can tell are in conflict with their nature. Revenant, though, yeah, basically a lesser Liam Neeson in the gray.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Dude, I get text messages like that from him on the fucking regular, dude. When he visits to hang out, I make him write papers for me. I go, bro, write a paper on authenticity in comic books or something. He's like, yeah. And then he'll just bang it out real quick. And I get to keep that forever. Wow I go, bro, write a paper on authenticity in comic books or something. He's like, yeah. And then he'll just bang it out real quick. And I get to keep that forever. Wow. Yeah, he's a genius, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Photographic memory, dude. Smart dude. So, Tom, you are my legend of the week. Definitely a week on the volleyball court, though. All right, we've got to hustle. But, Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Tom Skerritt. Topkin.
Starting point is 01:19:43 You know, Maverick's unsure of himself. Goose died. He's blaming himself. Tom Skerritt goes, a good pilot is always compelled to evaluate what happens so he can apply what he's learned. Up there, we got to push it. It's our job. Love that.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I love that. Respect that. Don't on-chair quarterback yourself. And that was the Stoker Von Geist turned me on to that. I love that. Respect that. Don't unshare quarterback yourself. And that was the Stoker Von Geist turned me on to that. He's like, dude, you should make that your quote. And I'm like, I will. So thank you, dude. Thank you, Stoker.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Love that. Strider, what's your quote of the week? I was thinking about the other day just like, you know, having thoughts while driving, dude, and parking cars. And I was like, remember AOL Instant Messenger, dude? And like when you'd go and sign off, you'd always put like a quote from a song or something and you're like sign off that someone would read.
Starting point is 01:20:27 And like, obviously it was meant for a chick or whatever and all that. But for a long time. You're from Ski Patrol? Dude, I was going to even set up this and go, you probably already know what this is. And even before I was able to say it, he already knew what it was.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Well, it stuck out. That's my dog. It stuck out for, because I never understood how such a creative, intelligent, funny person could have such a lame oh dude but dude i love i don't know just you know it was my childhood i watched this movie like every christmas i just loved it dude and i just get roasted just getting roasted but guess what dude you gotta take risk and you gotta bring that even if jd doesn't love it and that's what this quote's about it's from one of the side characters and it's, live life, taste death, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:05 That's what's up, baby. Thank you, Stratter. Frickin' legit. Thank you, Stratter. My quote of the week is from the movie Two for the Money with Matthew McConaughey and Al Pacino. It was before the McConaissance, so he was just doing generic bad movies
Starting point is 01:21:17 and this is one of them. It's not a good movie, but it's kind of stupid in a fun way at parts. But there's a line from the trailer where Al Pacino's talking about Matthew McConaughey's character, John Anthony, who's a line from the trailer where al pacino's talking about matthew mcconaughey's character john anthony is a former football player that's now a gambling expert who's like rising up the ranks because he's hot and makes good calls and this is what he says about mcconaughey this guy is a machine all he does is work out and pick winners and i'm with two
Starting point is 01:21:41 you know gambling connoisseurs two two guys who like to let it ride. And I got to say, they're machines who all they do is work out and pick winners. With the picking winners thing, maybe a little bit more in question. True, true. I did blow a few parlays. Yeah, we did. We've won once. Yeah, bonus on a few parlays.
Starting point is 01:22:00 All right, guys. For review of the week, I actually have kind of a beef with this. Yeah. This guy, it's called the Stoker's Prayer, and he goes, All hail the Stoke Lords, for they shall reign upon their disciples, spreading the good word upon those who follow. Glory shall come to thee upon practicing the pillars of bronzing, powerlifting, and kicking it back with the squad. Thanks be to Apollo.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Jabwow. Nice, right? Yeah, beautiful. He gives us one star. What?! Sorry, I didn't mean to scream into the mic. That's gonna blow some eardrums. But I mean, that's shocking. Bucket hat B. What the fuck, dude? Did he fuck up our five star rating?
Starting point is 01:22:30 No. All right, good. But I'm just like, what? It must be a mistake. Yeah, bucket hat B. He must have been doing that while driving. Yeah, bucket hat B. Living life and tasing death.
Starting point is 01:22:37 If that was you, fix it, dude. Guys, as always, we're brought to you by Douglas Lubricant. Guys, you have a body. Love your body. Treat your body like the sacred gift that it is. Don't wish it was another body. Don't think about being another place with your body. Just be here now with your own body.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Start at your chest, rub down to your waist, and get to your dong. And really enjoy the process because you are beautiful. And enjoy that process with Douglas Lub the process because you are beautiful and enjoy that process with douglas lubricant because you deserve it all right guys i'll be it for episode 67 of going deep in chat jt thank you guys so much for tuning in strider thank you so much stoked to be here thank you bros big thank you for to amos barshad we never really played it live. We wrote it right before we went into the studio. And it means so much to perform it for a camera
Starting point is 01:23:30 like right here on the spot. We'll be fine. We'll be fine. I drive on the streets She's my companion I walk through a hill She knows who I am She sees my good deeds And I walk through a hills cup, she knows who I am She sees my good deeds and she kisses me when I'm dead
Starting point is 01:23:51 And I never worry, now that is a lie I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day I was in a sad, lonely mood and I was driving home from a rehearsal one day while we were in pre-production for this record and I just felt like in the face of 10 million people I was all alone and I couldn't connect with a single soul in the universe and so the only thing that made me feel better was to sing to myself and that was the song that came out. Under the bridge downtown Is where I drew some blood Under the bridge downtown I could not get enough
Starting point is 01:25:12 Under the bridge downtown Oh God, about my love Under the bridge downtown I gave my life away

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