Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 69 - Sam Tripoli Joins, Conspiracies, Living Your Truth

Episode Date: May 8, 2019

What up dudes! Welcome to episode 69! We are joined by stand up comic, podcast host Sam Tripoli. We dive deep into the world of conspiracies - talkin about the moon, UFO's, what the CIA is u...p to and everything in between. We also have a deep conversaysh about how living your truth equals freedom. Dive in! Check out Sam's podcast "Tin Foil Hat"! Sam's Insta/Twitter/Youtube: @samtripoli

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, I'm gonna get off my phone. What's your theme? Going deep. Chad and JT. Oh, what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. We got episode 69. This is a big event.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Whoa! You didn't tell me it was a big one. Yeah. We got my compadre, John Thomas. What up, up dude what up stokers boom clap and we are joined by sam tripoli yeah stand-up comic who what's your demographic on this podcast i think call high school late high school college to like early 30s i'd say one in 10 emails is from like a guy with kids. Yeah. Senior, I guess. It feels like most of the people are people,
Starting point is 00:00:48 the people who write in are like kids at the end of high school and they don't know if they should like stay with their girlfriend when they go to college. Nope. Yeah. Move on. Move on. Bang everything that moves.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I'm open-minded to it. Nope. I like that. Well, you know. Hit it all. Hit it all. Hit everything. Good looking, know. Hit it all. Hit it all. Hit everything. Good looking, short, fat, ugly.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Fuck everything. That's what I say. And then when you get bored, you get a little older. Hello? Oop, I hit this thing. God dang it. Yeah, I've never seen someone handle the mic like that. Am I ruining your podcast?
Starting point is 00:01:21 No, no. No, not at all. Yeah. Well, do you think some guys aren't meant for that life, though, of hitting it all? I think you got to do it. Can you hear me? Is it going? Wait.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Aaron? There we are. There we go. Thank you. Feet on the ground. Thank you so much, Aaron. Are we recording right now? Yeah, we're still recording.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Are we still recording? Sorry for that technical delay. Can you edit that out? No, we have to keep that. Perfect. Sam knocked out the audio. Because he's so horny. Did I or the cia do it i don't know it's out there we're gonna get into it we're gonna get into it we're gonna go deep i think you should date i don't think you should date until you're ready to just give up chasing stuff around what age you typically think
Starting point is 00:02:02 that is or do you think it's a mindset or 35 35 yeah that's why and then you hit 40 and you become an invisible man yeah so do bang everything moves till 35 then slow down girls don't marry any guy under 35 it's a giant waste of time they're never going to be settled down they're going to be a wandering eye women gotta date older men because older men are like pet rocks you leave them in the corner you come back an hour they're still in the corner you know what i'm saying yeah but do you have you don't have any boys who like married their high school sweetheart and it worked out i'm trying to think i know one guy who got married right out of college and he's still with him he's super happy but marriage in my family has been a fucking train
Starting point is 00:02:43 wreck dude just like yeah like everybody's except for my cousin Frank, everybody else, crash and burn. Have you been married? No, but I've been with my girlfriend for like 15 years. And when did that start? 35? No, you're- No, no, no. I mean, 30.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So, and then, I mean, dude, I wish we would have gotten married. I could have gotten divorced by now you know i'm saying i could have like called it a day and every day i google fake my own death i just i'm figuring out how i can just you feel you feel by mexico no i love her to death but it's just like her breathing drives me nuts you know what i'm saying it's like you just get to these little things where you just want to you sleep sleep over there, I'll sleep over here. I got a dog that just fucking, I pay for everything. I get no sleep.
Starting point is 00:03:30 The dog sleeps perpendicular. It's chaos. They always want to do things together. I'm a lone wolf. I got to go off on my own, do my own shit. Yeah, you've done well at that. You're very independent. You've built your own following.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's cool. Well, I had to because if I didn't, I wouldn't do, nobody puts me in anything, which I'm not complaining now because I've created this really wonderful thing, but I don't get put in anything. So I got to do all my own shit, which is a blessing because when shit goes bad for me, I'm so used to it. I just keep moving forward. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:00 The people who get everything early, they get really, they get like soft, you know, and it's just, they expect everything to work out. And then at one point, the train goes off the track and they don't know how to deal with it. That's why you don't want to get anything early. Look at the guys who hit late and how great their careers are. Marin, Burr. Rogan, to a certain extent.
Starting point is 00:04:20 To a certain extent. Like who he is now. Joey Diaz. They have great careers. Yeah. Because it took so long for them to get it. Yeah. They worked out all the kinks.
Starting point is 00:04:28 They did all the stupid shit. Now they're kicking ass. Yeah. And you know what else? Another thing I noticed. And their audience trusts them because all their stuff is like self-generated. Well, they're real. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:38 They're real and raw. And that's what I would tell everybody. Go hard in the paint. This political correct thing just is not working. But what if you just are a politically correct person well then you'll do really well like if you look at like uh but i'm saying whoever you are be be that you gotta be that guy but you're the heart in the your heart in the paint oh yeah dude always dude i remember actually when i first started doing comedy you were one of the first guys i saw at the store and i love the uh no dude i loved it
Starting point is 00:05:04 uh because i love that sort of like don't give a fuck attitude you know what i mean I saw at the store. And I love the... I'm sorry. No, dude, I loved it. Because I love that sort of like don't give a fuck attitude. You know what I mean? Dude. Like the first thing I saw you do was like you were like acting out Kim Kardashian sucking a dick. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, dude. It was so funny. Oh, because she's sleeping. I love that. Oh, yeah, dude. It's like that porno made a billion dollar empire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Dude, I love New York. Do you watch that? I used to watch... Is it back? No, no. It's like that porno made a billion-dollar empire. Yeah. Dude, I love New York. Do you watch that? I used to watch. Is it back? No, no. I'm talking about 2005. Oh, yeah, back. The Rock of Love and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Oh, I loved it. Oh, I loved it. The best. I love it. Just brain rot. Yeah. It's just fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Just, you know, I mean, like, here's my whole opinion. Reality television and minimalism was created to get rid of talent. Yeah. Like, I just shot the see W show, right? And the director who's my friend is like, dude, you're overacting. I'm like, I'm an over actor. Yeah. That's how I do it.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. Well, go small. No, that's not who I am. Yeah. You want to rock? Let's rock. Yeah. Minimalism.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I'm like, you watch these really pretty people do minimalism because they can't act. You're just like, how hot am i so like reality television is about getting rid of writers and actors and minimalism and acting is getting rid of acting yeah so you can just put mannequins out there so the beauty is to make what you guys did is with your own youtube your own instagram build your own pirate ship and sail dude it's fun yeah well what else um where are you from sam i'm from upstate new york just outside syracuse a little place called courtland new york courtland has the highest rate of incest and welfare recipients in the entire state of new york nice yeah we're shady all that oh yeah dude Yeah. I mean, my area, I call it ghetto country, like hood farmers.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah. Like, they're redneck, and they are hood. And it's like, I mean, we have cow crossings and meth labs. It's like shady as shit. Do you go back a lot? Oh, yeah. My mom's there. Nice.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I think I'm going to shoot my special there. Do you like going back? I love seeing my mom and my friends off and running. Do you have old buddies that you can keep in touch? Yeah. Yeah. They're all married so i see them here and there you know but i love it dude do you like playing with their kids
Starting point is 00:07:09 no i don't like to play with anybody kid it just creeps me out you feel creepy well i feel like you like i'm just gonna swear at any moment and i'm gonna be the bad guy but they might the kids might like you because they'll i mean the kids they can feel authenticity yeah i mean they all got porn on their phone so i mean they don't really care about swear words i think the parents care more you drop some truth on them yeah oh yeah just get these kids early yeah you know what's so funny i do joke about how like um the first conspiracy is santa claus if you think about it like it's the first time everybody's in on it except for you right and they're all lying to you and they're blackmailing you with it they're like if you don't do this you're not gonna get guests right like fuck and then one woke kid just comes goes it's all right right yeah like
Starting point is 00:07:50 that's how it was i've always been my dad was a very interesting person because he told me like he goes never believe anything in what you hear and half what you see right yeah you always tell me someone disrespects you you fucking go harder at them that's the worst advice to give to somebody in the fucking world especially in this town right you think he do you think he lived that out oh yeah man the blessings of my father's i learned all the mistakes and i saw them coming yeah yeah for sure but i mean he would um right i went to i went to upstate new york i was class clown in sixth grade class clown in uh 12th grade and i flunked first grade don't you think they should give scholarships for that if you're like
Starting point is 00:08:25 the funniest in school? You should get something. Like if you're the best athlete. You should get some recognition. I got no offers from Ohio State. Were you classed?
Starting point is 00:08:32 I was voted funniest. I was. Yeah. Now, did you get chicks in high school? No. I got none.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, none. None. I had a couple girls I fooled around with, you know, but then you go to college and it's just on. Dude, college was the best.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Where'd you go? Santa Clara. Oh, it's the best time. And these kids are all going there and they're all getting outraged and everything's about protesting and everything's, you're ruining the best years of your life. Yeah. College is literally like being a rapper. You're supposed to be in like swim trunks on a lawn, blacked out. Dropping molly, banging everything that moves.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I don't remember doing- Wearing rollerblades. I don't even remember doing homework. Does anyone remember doing homework? It is fun. I studied philosophy. That was my major. And people were like, who's your favorite philosopher?
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'm like, what? Yeah. What are you talking about? Who is a good philosopher? I don't know. Plato? Plato, Kant. Nietzsche?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Descartes. Nietzsche's pretty good. I consider Viktor Frankl a philosopher. I have no clue who these people are. Have you gotten into philosophy at all? No. Coe? No.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Sartre? I went to school. Sartre's good. Oh, is he? What makes him good? I don't know, but I remember him being good. Are there any chick philosophers, Aaron? Yeah, his wife de bovar and she what what was her philosophy she was big in a feminist give me half your shit no no they were like partners in crime what's your show do
Starting point is 00:09:55 you like to watch i'm watching barry right now watching veep um always go back to seinfeld and then just youtube it up youtube On Truth. YouTube your podcast. Oh, thank you, dude. Dude, buy a tinfoil hat. Check it out, guys. Dude, yeah. For life. How long have you guys
Starting point is 00:10:11 been doing it for? A little over two years. It's fun. I love it. I love it. It's fun. The world is way more crazier than anybody thinks.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's so much better. Yeah. I love the UFO talk. I love Farsight of the Moon. All that kind of stuff. The moon's weird, dude. All the kind of space. The Moon is weird.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Should we dive into that? Yeah. The Moon's really weird. It's the only thing in the universe or our galaxy that perfectly rotates around the Earth. And it doesn't spin. We always see the same side. It's too big. It's like it's bigger than Pluto.
Starting point is 00:10:43 There's no reason why it should be stuck in our gravity force. It's the biggest moon in the galaxy, right? Yeah, it's bigger than Pluto. Yeah. Wait, what? It's bigger than any other moon. Oh, our moon is the biggest? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That's right. The biggest. That's damn right, dog. And it doesn't make any sense. It makes no sense. How did it get there? There's cultures't make any sense. It makes no sense. Well, how'd it get there? There's cultures that say there was a time with no moon. The moon affects the tide, right?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Affects water. We're, what, 80, 90% water? 95% water? Affects our moods, too. Is it that much? Yeah, when someone goes, oh, it's a full moon, that means something, dude. Yeah, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Wait, so what's your theory on how it got there uh do you really want to hear it yeah please i think it's an energy collector i think for what for um both our souls and just our fears and anger and like that's why everything's so crazy right now there's a group of people whose whole job is to make us super miserable all the time, make us fight, and it feeds off that energy. So the moon was created by people. It was created by the belief is Anunnaki, maybe. Yeah, you think it was Anunnaki?
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah, and then they created Reptile. Who's Anunnaki? I don't know much about them. They're like aliens that... Have you ever heard of Planet X? No. There's a, what is it, Aaron? 10th planet?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, that's what Eddie Bravo's jujitsu is named after, 10th planet. And supposedly there is a super advanced alien species there that came to Earth and created us. And that's the missing link between us and monkeys. They put their DNA in us and created us in the Sumerians and the Sumerians came out of the the the caves with full language full laws of society tools and science wait so you really so you really do think it's on you Anunnaki yeah when you start thinking about Anunnaki it starts making sense so they us, we were supposed to be like a kind of slave thing. We're a slave colony, a slave labor, and
Starting point is 00:12:51 we were supposed to mine gold. That's why gold is so important, okay? And then they created this kind of ruling class, which everybody calls the lizard people, right? And you kind of go back in history, there's always been this ruling class, i nobody knows why they're the rulers why did we have pharaohs why do we have royal families why do we have this elite group that's always in charge and the belief is that they are they were made direct descendants uh they're more reptilian they have more reptilian uh brain than us that's why people call them lizard people and their job is to hoard us and control us. It's like it goes all the way. There's always been some ruling class that's ran everything and made us all fight with each other.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And how come all the presidents except for one are related? Wait, are they all related? Yeah, all except for one. And it's not Baraka. But where does that information come from? Well, so this one girl, she was in like, I want to say fifth or fourth grade, right? She decides to do a project. And she wants to do all the family trees of all the presidents. And so she starts doing it, and she comes to find out,
Starting point is 00:13:58 when she does all the family trees, that they're all related. Except for who, Trump? No, I think Trump's in there too, man. He's a super elite as well. I forget the name of the one president, but it's one president that was not in with them. The rest of them, all related. Clintons are related to everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I mean, like someone's saying like Brad Pitt and Barack Obama are related. It's like this weird. I can see that. Are you a David Icke fan? Yeah, I love him, dude. I saw him when i was 16 my cousins hans and chapman took me to see him and they're both kind of like um similar thinking well you know he was in la and they banned his show his movie oh really yeah he's just in la supposed
Starting point is 00:14:36 to have a movie premiere yesterday and they banned it two hours before which i don't understand what is he saying that's so crazy my snapping a a lot of photos. They always talk about the secret societies. My stepdad was in a secret society. Oh, what was it? Not Skull and Bones. Another one. I don't know the name. It's that secret.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's that secret. But he said, maybe I shouldn't talk about this because he's like, don't talk about it. But they would just booze, I guess. What do you mean? In like a basement. That's what he said. That's not much of a...
Starting point is 00:15:04 Did they run anything or was it just like... No, he just said they would just meet up and just booze together guess what do you like a basement that's what he said that's not much of a did they run anything or was it just like he just said they would just meet up and just booze together they ran shit on the pickup basketball court for sure yeah so but i don't know but it's like it's not school doesn't sound like a secret society sounds like um like trying to be school a weird poker game maybe i don't bill clinton had that clever response someone asked him about that like republican place bilderberg the yeah is that the one in like northern california no no that is um where the fuck is that something with the giant owl yeah i remember but someone asked bill clinton is that where all the republicans get drunk and pee outside it's uh bohemian grove there we go
Starting point is 00:15:40 some shady shit back there dude when did you, uh, thinking what you were being told? Wasn't like what actually was, um, is, I mean, I, I really knew that JFK was full of shit, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:54 that the whole, that whole thing made no sense. Um, I remember when, uh, the iron chic and, um, hacksaw Jim Duggan got busted in a car together drunk and i
Starting point is 00:16:07 was like oh my they're supposed to hate each other yeah now they're fucking friends it's all a lie so then bill clinton his whole you guys are too young for bill clinton but during his whole presidency it was just like he fucked fat chicks and all this shit and it was all these awful like fucking like all these sex scandals and then when it was done, Trent Lott was getting his painting put in the Library of Congress. And so it shows up. Trent Lott shows up. Newt Gingrich shows up. Oral Hat shows up.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And Bill Clinton shows up. And I'm like, why is Bill Clinton there? And he's smiling with everybody i'm like these guys tried to ruin you and that's when i go oh dude they were just lying to us they're all fucking friends yeah and then you take a look at like trump and the clintons their daughters are best friends they're like so you don't think he's like a renegade no word is is that he gave uh he uses consent his casinos to launder drug money money for cartels because he's going broke yeah so he would launder money for them so he's always been in and then the cia
Starting point is 00:17:13 runs all the drug stuff so it's just really interesting but i just want to talk about chicks let's go no but i was wondering do you ever wonder though like what if you're wrong uh i mean like i'll always if I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I mean, Aaron thinks I'm more wrong than I am, but I'll admit it. But how but how would we know? How will we know if if we're wrong about these theories? Well, I mean, time will show that you're probably more right than you are wrong. Like 9-11.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Right. We were like, dude, it's inside job. Over time, we find out that you know the saudis fucking funded it john brennan cia basically created it but most people still think it wasn't an inside job right no i think more people now think it was an inside job and then the rest of people are idiots that's sort of the stuff like the ufos with like the ufos there's all this evidence out there of ufos and like existent but people just don't care you know what i mean like like they'll put out in the news but like in that one episode with sean joshy's i said he's like there's all this like
Starting point is 00:18:17 concrete evidence of pilots saying they see ufos and sometimes they put it in the news but it seems like the general population just doesn't it doesn't take hold well they the u.s government came out and said yeah we have a ufo program and nobody gave a shit yeah nobody gave shit instagram still taking pictures instagram models still taking pictures of the buttholes ass up face down couldn't care less that we have a ufo program nobody cared i just think people are slowly but surely weaning off the corporate news and slowly but surely just not really like you know what i'm just gonna take care of myself and be a good person and not give a shit about all that stuff do you think a lot of people are like
Starting point is 00:18:55 they'll like see this kind of like true stuff on the internet or whatever and they'll believe it but be too scared to be vocal about it there is that too there's a lot of people afraid to say something what are they afraid afraid of judgment or afraid of the government doing something judgment uh ruining their standing in the community yeah i think there's a lot like societal kind of yeah i'm guilty of it yeah implications or whatever yeah dude listen to me matt the most honest you are to whoever you are, the happiest you'll be. When you start making business decisions in your life for like how you're going to conduct yourself, what kind of art you're going to create, you're just going to be miserable because you're chasing something that's not guaranteed. When you are you to the bone and you treat people well, you're going to be able to go amazing places.
Starting point is 00:19:44 We live in assimilation, dude. I know people think I'm crazy. It really is assimilation. The more and more you look into it, it's assimilation. You know, do I believe in? Okay, so I believe in assimilation, right? There's people who believe in like flat earth. We live in a dome.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Anything's possible. I've done no research into it, so I always tell people that. I was raised thinking it's a ball, It's a globe. I still think that but I've done no research into it I've never looked into it. I've never done the test that they tell me to do to see if it is a ball I just go with it. Yeah, but what I really do is that we live in a simulation that is conducted Maybe under a dome and that just like when you see on Star Wars a holodeck, now there's this whole, you can go all these amazing places on the holodeck, but you're still in the middle of the holodeck.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So I do believe in space, and I believe in all that shit. But I just think it's all part of the simulation. And just like The Matrix, The Matrix was a documentary. We live in a video game. I can prove that that's not true. Okay. No, no, totally. Go for it. That it wasn't a documentary okay we live in the video game i can prove that that's not true okay no no totally go for it that it wasn't a documentary well obviously but the point is it's like when he says that you can control all yourself just like any video game right there's rules to the video game uh super mario can't fly you can't fucking do karate you can't shoot fireballs there's rules
Starting point is 00:21:03 there's rules of this one you can't fly in a simulation okay that because they want you to be what's that mario can actually do mario can't shoot fire if he uh if he touches a flower he can he turns red and white can turn you're right and then he flies if he gets no i was thinking donkey kong i was thinking donkey kong sorry about that you're right in. In the Super Mario game, he can. That's what I'm here for, guys. Thank you. I hate Aaron.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Open your mind. But it's just interesting. I just think that. So the point of that whole thing is that you can control your destiny. If you want something to happen, you can will it to happen. I'm totally on board with that. It's for having the intention and the vision and just working towards it and just sort of having that positive kind of,
Starting point is 00:21:45 uh, you just, I, I, that's why I kind of, you know, you have to kind of obsess over it, dedicate your life to it and you just work towards it as opposed to kind of
Starting point is 00:21:54 letting, like I deleted the news apps from my phone because I'm like, why am I, why am I letting this affect my day? They're lies. They're all lies. Why is this going to, this is going to put me in a bad mood where it's taking me
Starting point is 00:22:05 off course from what i'm trying to do it's all lies they're just lying to you to manipulate you i've learned through my podcast what is up is down it's an upside down world everything you believe in isn't real they were all just lies for fucking millenniums they've been lying to you so it's like don't worry about just control you and treat people well don't steal don't hurt don't harm anybody and you'll live a wonderful life that's my aunt and just be a hard worker and you'll be work smart not hard i think it's great i love it dude my life has changed in two years just by just realizing fuck everything yeah and when you you know when you do your art be you man go hard in the paint i not saying you got to scream and shout and be filthy.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Whatever you are, amplify that shit. Yeah. Don't try to please everybody. Cruise ships are full of everybody who played the game. Yeah. And it didn't work out. And now they're on a cruise ship doing jokes. And I have a lot of friends.
Starting point is 00:22:57 God bless them. But it's like, man, the people who are true to their shit with the internet, you can find your following. Yeah. And they will grow with you. Yeah. And it's beautiful, dude. And you don't need a...
Starting point is 00:23:09 Dude, I ripped into Judd Apatow. I like laid into that motherfucker. Nothing happened. Yeah. Have you seen Judd since? He called me. So some... Texted me.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Oh, what'd you guys talk about? He texted me about Brody and then I never heard from him again. And to be honest with you, I don't give a fuck. But when he called you... I don't have anything against him did you guys did you guys talk about because no we text he's just for some for some context uh judd uh trashed louis ck after the set got leaked of louis performing at a club and he didn't know he was being recorded and he did some jokes about the parkland kids and judd apatow said he was punching down and it was
Starting point is 00:23:41 representative of our culture's inability to feel empathy and then sam you responded by saying what uh i'm on team lou ck go fuck yourself judd apatow you're a weekend warrior you do this when you took a cheat code to get to where we are basically yeah that's what yeah i think that is what you said you know it's like and again you mean in the stand-up community because he left stand-up became like a super successful director and now he's doing stand-up again and got a netflix special well he his family were mean in the stand-up community? Because he left stand-up, became like a super successful director, and now he's doing stand-up again and got a Netflix special. Well, his family were big in the entertainment business. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Oh, and you also think he kind of soft pedals how much of an advantage he had. Yeah, for sure, dude. I mean, for sure. Imagine, do you think Judd, listen, I have nothing against him, man. I moved on. It's good. But do you think Judd Apatow would ever tell any directors the rules of comedy, of directing, what they can or cannot do?
Starting point is 00:24:29 He'd never do it. Right. He would never do it. He'd be fucking ran out of Hollywood. Yeah. Right? Oh, you can't do this. You can't.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I mean, dude. Yeah. Who's selling tickets? Bill Burr, Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz. Dude, Anthony Jezeldink Cause they're fucking raw What about Mulaney But he's not in LA
Starting point is 00:24:50 But he's funny dude I mean he's a great writer But I would say that's him Yeah right That's him I guess that's the thing I'm always saying Jerry Seinfeld's a very clean guy
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's not about being like It's not that there can't be A good PC comedian It's just that Anti-PC comedians Should be allowed to If you're a politically PC comedian. It's just that anti-PC comedians should be allowed to... If you're a politically incorrect person, you should be that on stage. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Well, I don't know. I see a lot of idiots, though, who aren't good enough at those kind of jokes doing those things. And all they're doing is... And maybe that's just the process. But they're doing... Those guys like Bill Burr are so brilliant that they can take those offensive subjects and make them palatable to a huge audience but i see a lot of like white belts doing trying to do bill burr so but if you think do you think if they did clean material be going better for them are they just not great comics well i just think like some of that stuff requires like black belt skill and like
Starting point is 00:25:38 maybe you don't know until you practice to get there yeah but but yeah but bill burr did start off doing clean material, right? Like he did say for the first like six years he didn't like curse and stuff. Maybe. Maybe because that's what he had to do.
Starting point is 00:25:52 But his big thing when he blew up was when he was screaming at Philadelphia. That was a big moment for him. Well, that was very authentic like you were talking about. He was doing clean material
Starting point is 00:26:00 and then he came to LA. He got like a sitcom and then it went under and then it's when he dedicated himself to stand up and that's when he sort of found his true self and i always kind of wanted you know it's like find your true self it's like i think a lot of us are like for example i was grown up i was taught to be very polite and all that kind of stuff so like when do you kind of know you're being your true self? If you're saying something yourself offstage, you should work it onstage.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Gotcha. You think everything, every thought? Yeah. Whatever you do offstage should be amplified onstage. Do you share everything about your life? Yeah, pretty much. I'm convincingly going to be blackmailed by the CIA, so I just talk about it onstage.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm the same way. You know, like I fucked a couch when I was in like fifth grade. And like, I talk about it. I'm convinced they're going to fucking tell me that. Pay attention to what, what you're saying in your head offstage.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. And write that down. Turn everything into a joke. Yeah. Everything. Yeah. Your thought, if you see yourself saying something over and over again,
Starting point is 00:27:03 bring it to the stage. That was kind of a big moment for me where i was like because when i first started stand-up i was like yeah everyone was doing lucy k so i was like oh i got to be self-deprecating vulnerable and then i took a step back i'm like what do i really care about it's like my hair you know what i mean there's nothing talking about that and that's where that started to connect that's something that's important to you that's why it resonates yeah because it's authentic yeah that's me if you're sitting down and like dude listen not all clean comics are assholes but most asshole comics were clean okay it's just the truth dude dude I've been around for a long time the nicest guys
Starting point is 00:27:46 out there David Tell, Nick DiPaolo, Bill Burr, Joey why because they get that they get it out on stage and they could just and they're just laid back they don't have to bottle it up when people start making business decisions on stage it affects their mentality i'm telling you i've seen it happen a thousand times look at ellen she's a notorious bitch she's a bitch why because she's dancing with kids on that's not i mean i don't think i mean deep down inside i don't think that she enjoys that yeah but she's done it to get to where she wants to be well so who's like who's like a nice comedian on stage like uh ellen's a good example um that's an asshole or that's is there any nice comedians who are nice steve steve uh steve simone is clean as shit and then literally the nicest human being ever met brody stevens was one of
Starting point is 00:28:37 the nicest people he ever met yeah i mean we could just go down the list is that an enjoy it tattoo you have yeah that's cool oh you got it tattooed yeah actually passed which is weird because they didn't know which hand which wrist to put it on because they jerk off with this one right so i was like do i want to have brody it's the right message i'm like he's 10 gay so i said fuck it dude that's one of the best clips on the internet 10 have you seen that oh when he's on rogan i love so i'm so sad he's gone yeah you know but again it's like he just let uh he let the industry get to him fuck the industry do you yeah you guys are doing it with your youtube yeah yeah you're one of our first big supporters
Starting point is 00:29:17 thank you oh you guys are funny from the start i love that clip oh thank you yeah the house party clip sam was one of the first guys to share it. And you guys are smart, man. You work the internet, dude. I try to tell everybody, like, I'm Harriet Tubman. I'm telling these slaves how to fucking escape. That's what the eyes are, the internet. Work on your YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Even if you're not even in entertainment, work on your YouTube. And also because we just start doing this stuff ourselves, that's sort of where it's like our truest art, I guess, because it's what we love. You're great at it and you're fearless. And that's what makes it work. You guys have no fear. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You know what else is like that? Steve Randolph. I think I have no fear. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think I have a lot of fear. Well, what it doesn't show in the video is you guys go into some shit and just stay in the pocket. That's a that's fine thank you yeah it's fun the adrenaline rush is fun yeah I tell people when they're dealing when they're
Starting point is 00:30:14 doing crowd work when they're dealing with hecklers don't think just talk first did it take a lot of work to get to that yeah I feel like it does no you know so interesting man is like I've had a very interesting life i was never good at school and the only thing i've ever been good at is just ripping people new assholes i don't know why it's just been a thing i had is that new york well so i i came from a generation where all the kids all their parents got divorced and it was the first generation that happened to and it was fucking them up Yeah, their skull they couldn't handle it and they were really broken I mean you think about it being like the first generation where that happens and there's no like Precedent or anything to relate it to and it just and they became very angry bitter
Starting point is 00:30:59 Nasty, so at some point we just stopped fighting with each other and we just and my parents stayed together until my brother left high school but um we became very nasty with each other like verbally we would just fucking annihilate people we'd go to this pizza shop and we'd sit in the booth and if you sat in this one particular seat you would just get lit up by everybody and you just learn you had to learn how to return fire very quickly. And it just became a natural thing that happened to me. Was there places you guys wouldn't go? Was there like a no-fly zone? No. They used to call in college a triply low blow.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Like I would say it. And I would say it. Did you ever feel bad afterwards? No. No. I mean, that's what I do, dude. That's just what I do. And it's just like I talk mad shit.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And so I got really thick skin at this. So I go to college. And like I had like two girlfriends in high school. And so I got really thick skin at this. So I go to college and like, I had like two girlfriends in high school. And so I go to college and funny guys, suddenly sexy. And it's just on join a fraternity. And I'm just lighting everybody up. That's my, I just lied. They, they, they don't want to fight me because then if you fight your friends, you lose and they try to spark. And I just light people up. So I started doing standup and I remember I do a show at UNLV and they try to spark and i just light people up so i started doing stand-up and i remember i do a show at unlv and i went to unlv and i've done two shows there i've bombed both times bombed at my colleges so i i do show early and my friend who would come from la he's like
Starting point is 00:32:16 hey dude there's another show later tonight here i go you can go up twice in one night he goes yeah i go oh fuck i'm gonna go and it was at this place called played against sam's so i go up there and i'm doing stand-up and this drunk mechanic comes up to me and he starts talking shit to me and dude it was like when neo just goes and he goes i'm the one i just fucking ripped this guy and the place explodes and i'm like whoa i know kung fu right yeah and from there it's always been my thing dude that's cool but then i you know crowd work i think is too easy so i like to write jokes but then it took me a long time to learn to be a good joke writer and that just takes time and it's just but i love it dudeup. How much time did it take you to build your first hour? I didn't put out my first hour until I was 10 years in. I think you should put out content now.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Boom, boom, boom. Put stand-up now? 20. I mean, 20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20. I do like putting out a smaller set. Do smaller sets. I've been doing it for like five years, and I don't want to – I've been really hesitant to put out any stand-up stuff
Starting point is 00:33:25 yeah i get that man okay then don't do it maybe waiting over a couple years but people get so like oh it's gotta be perfect you know ari shafir said something to me one time he goes triply you're always trying to work up here everybody else is working down here yeah their expectations are so much lower and not that you should lower your expectations should always work hard and demand the best. But you have to kind of be like, it's good enough, man. That's a good point. Yeah, there's something about putting stand-up out, though.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It's harder. Because it's different. You just don't know how people watching a screen will react to it as opposed to a live audience. Do you know what I mean? Or is that just something you get over once you start putting it out? I'm at a place where I'm more comfortable saying the craziest shit to a crowd. But I don't know if I want that crazy thing I said to exist forever.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Oh, yeah. No, you do. The crazier it is, the more you want it out there. Dude, I mean, we're just talking Kardashians, right? I mean, that is train wreck publicity, marketing. They make the biggest train wreck they can, and everybody comes to see it. So the crazier it is, the more you put it out. I'm just getting tired of it.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I don't know if I'm as tough as them. They're, like, tough. Dude, you went in front of a fucking city council and fucking argued about house parties. Like, that's pretty fucking brave, man. This will probably come out by the time the videos come out, but he sang Toxic by Britney Spears in front of them yesterday. Dude, that's brave, bro. I guess that feels more true to me than like...
Starting point is 00:34:54 But your stand-up's pretty true to you. Yeah, my stand-up's pretty authentic, too. Yeah, thank you. Here's the thing. I'm 46 years old. You look great. I should be irrelevant. I should. I should be at an age where I've been pushed out.
Starting point is 00:35:07 But the younger generation thinks there's rules to this shit. And that's why they're not doing anything. So old guys, I remember Bill Burr said, he's like, dude, now it's old guys are the edgy ones. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We just go out there and I just say, I go, what can I talk about?
Starting point is 00:35:22 And then I write jokes about it and I go up on stage and I talk about it. And I just call them out on the bullshit like comedy has real world consequences so nobody ever went to a comedy club and went on a fucking crime spree but i but i do i don't know man i do i i mean this is like the least violent time in human history but i do think that like getting to meet some of the people who listen to our podcast like the depth to which something and i'm don't mean this in a braggy douchey way but like it's it's it's something i've experienced like the depth to which people stuff can hit them like it can change their perspective like even like commercials the notion is if you do a joke about something means you don't like them that's just ridiculous right like the notion that like i can't talk about funny things black people do is ridiculous because people are like oh we're
Starting point is 00:36:11 just gonna go back to separate fountains like black people don't do funny shit and i can't talk about it it's dumb if i'm fucking doing hate speech yeah hate that shit but these rules of comedy so that fucking white chicks can feel comfortable with themselves i do joke about it's called oppression math and they just let some people say stuff and some it seems like also with your podcast you're able to build a fan base because that's when you sort of i've only known you since you've done it but it seems like you you were able to just say this is why i I believe. I don't give a fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like, I believe in, you know, Anunnaki, all this kind of stuff. And that's when the fan base just grew because it's sort of your truth. Be original to yourself. Yeah. Now, you can play the game and hope it hits, but it doesn't hit for everybody. Yeah. But authentic people can find a fucking crowd. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah. And that, to me, is amazing. And they won't leave you they'll just keep growing with you yeah and that's what you want to do like i did a show in tacoma me and eddie bravo and i was on stage i'm getting laughs i'm like wow this sounds like burt kreischer laughs like i found my crowd for bill burr had a great saying he goes until you're famous every show's an away game yeah i've heard that and then when you're then when you're um famous every every show's a home game now i'm not famous at all but within this group of people
Starting point is 00:37:31 i'm famous and it's just like boom boom boom and it's like such an amazing thing because i'd rather do that because i've been a wandering fucking ronin know, just playing any crowd for like 23 years. And like I was born and bred at the comedy store, came out of Vegas, went to the comedy store, stayed there forever and just went on the road when being raw. I mean, like you think politically correct right now is weird. It used to be super conservative. They were the original censors. Can't say swear words.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Can't talk about sex. Can't do all that stuff. That was censorship came from the right. Now it's coming from the left. And feelings. We got feelings. But nobody goes to shows anymore because nobody gives a fuck. Pissing people off is an emotion.
Starting point is 00:38:20 They enjoy it. Gets them out of their fucking head. Yeah. Just go for it don't pull punches and don't apologize who are you talking to I'm talking to fucking you on stage don't go oh I shouldn't say that if you think it say it right be what do you what about the culture at large it doesn't exist it's fake it's it's an internet it's an internet social social media, mainstream media bullshit.
Starting point is 00:38:47 But do you think most people outside of performers are being too PC? I think when you're at work, like the office, you got to be PC. But I think when people leave there, they want to fucking hear the truth. Right. But you just mean in comedy, though. Yeah, and here's another thing. Now we don't know who the racists are. Nobody talks about who they really are. comedy though yeah and here's another thing now we don't know who the racists are nobody talks
Starting point is 00:39:05 about who they really are i like knowing who the assholes were the racists and the scumbags and the sexists and all those fucking people and the homophobes so i wouldn't hang out with them now everybody's we're creating a culture of liars just like in washington washington dc our politicians lie to us we know and we just accept it. Now you've got to be a really good liar to make it deep into entertainment. I say, fuck that. Be you. Be authentic. Your
Starting point is 00:39:33 biggest crowd might be 300 people in any fucking market. That's still pretty fucking good. While you're trying to be Seinfeld. Dude, I used to co-headline with Sebastian Mascalco. He just played the Madison Square Garden four times. If I did him, would I be there?
Starting point is 00:39:51 No. I'd be fucking miserable. You got to do you, dude. Don't worry about what people think. Worry about what the people that love you and feed them. Fuck the haters, dude. Don't come to the show. If I don't't walk a table i haven't done my job i love walking tables i love it get the fuck out of here yeah you can't hear it's
Starting point is 00:40:15 and guys dude nothing's worse than guys who get mad at dirty jokes like you're a scumbag you know it yeah you're you're into weird shit right and you're getting offended by words it's annoying that's like patrice said um whenever he felt like he was losing the audience he would just go harder and they would stay as opposed to trying to win them back that's when he'd lose i'll give them five minutes if they're not on board i'm grabbing i'm fucking hijacking the plane and i'm flying into a building okay you want to do this. You want to do this, dude? You want to do this? I'm going to go fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah. My whole philosophy since I started was your will to kill has to be stronger than their will not to laugh. Yeah. That's nice. That's cool. Wait. So we were going to, I was going to catch up real quick.
Starting point is 00:40:58 We do some sports talk with Chad. Let's do it. He's one of the smallest sports fans I know in terms of the size of his fandom. So we're in the second round of the NBA playoffs. Chad, can I get your picks? Who do you think is going to win in the most high profile matchup
Starting point is 00:41:15 between the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets? Warriors at this moment are up 2-0. Golden State. It's golden. That's the best analysis i've ever heard my life yeah who do you got it's golden baby portland trailblazers versus the uh denver nuggets i love chicken nuggets so denver boom that's it i like that pick eastern conference we got philadelphia versus toronto philadelphia versus toronto it's one one 76ers versus the raptors raptors or toronto um you know i'm always pulling for canada so
Starting point is 00:41:52 you guys ever gig there no i've never you should it's the best go to toronto you'll love it i've heard it's i heard it's amazing all the chicks are hot they're all it's the biggest melting pot it's like san francisco just with fuckable people. Oh, nice. So you got Toronto. Toronto, yeah. And then in the last one, who do you have? The Boston Celtics or the Milwaukee Bucks?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Let's go Milwaukee. I like that. I like Milwaukee beers. Are you a sports fan? Yeah, big time. What about you? Yeah, you do a sports podcast. I love it.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I think this is the best round of playoffs I can ever remember. Are you a Raiders fan? Raiders? Dodgers, Clippers. Oh, Clippers. And then I have second teams, which are, I like the Bills because I'm from that area. Yeah. I like the Angels because I'm from that area. Yeah. I like the angels because I like Mike trout and then a Nick fan.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Cause I was a patch queuing. What do you think about this landing zone conversation that's happening in the NBA right now with a hardened? Cause he jackknifes his legs out. So there's, there's a big argument whether he should get those free throw. I don't think he should. I think the only time a foul should happen is if the ball is still in your hands.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Right. If it's all left to your hand, you could fucking hack him for all I give a shit. It doesn't affect the trajectory of the ball. It's too much touchy-feely. It's too much, man. Steph Curry, I mean, I love him to death. I think he's the greatest shooter ever to play. For sure.
Starting point is 00:43:21 But they just let that guy tiptoe down the tulip through the fucking lane hit him who do you think is gonna win the title well if golden state gets through this yeah i think it's gonna be golden state i think durant's leaving in the offseason i think this is the last year yeah but if they don't get past houston it's it's over uh i think i think boston's gonna come out of the East. They got a lot of talent. They probably have the most good players on one team. They're very deep. I mean, Al Harford is the most underrated player in the history of the NBA.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Think about all the shit he's done. Won two championships at Florida. Went to Atlanta. More underrated than George Mikan. Yes. It's close, though. Good point. That was very close. Old white guy who moved like a ladder versus
Starting point is 00:44:09 I think they had to change the rules for Mikan. They had to make the lane six feet wider to stop him from dominating in the post. I think you're talking about Walt Chamberlain. He was the next one. No, he was before Will. He was one they didn't let black people play. No, I mean, Will, they changed the rules after mike and like wilt they changed he was already gone but yeah
Starting point is 00:44:29 mike was the first one but they gave mike and credit for it's like hey it's will but we're no so mike in place they changed the rules then wilt comes in they changed the rules again well dude that's what uh that's how you know you're a great player When they make rule changes for you Yeah I think LeBron James is going to fall off From his ranking On top of everything I think if Kevin Durant wins, there's an argument He's better than LeBron
Starting point is 00:44:55 It's an interesting thing Normally right now we answer questions From a Did I ruin this podcast? No Before we go into questions i just gotta because this is so near and dear to my heart what's going on in malibu with that underground military base is that base yeah summer is this submarine like port yep dude it's out there dude
Starting point is 00:45:19 what about the fire we should cover some more because you got some other ones. What about the fires, man? Oh, yeah. So we saw metal melt. Metal melts at 1,500 degrees. The hottest a forest can get is 1,200 degrees. No, excuse me. Metal melts at 2,500 degrees. The hottest a forest fire can get is 1500 degrees how did that metal melt?
Starting point is 00:45:48 wait how do we know that's recorded I guess what? that a forest fire can only get up to that temp so you think direct energy weapons you really believe that? 100 are what are direct energy weapons uh they're just basically the base that has the direct energy weapons is located in north california and basically if you look at the way the fire burnt
Starting point is 00:46:21 houses burned houses didn't burn they incinerated and trees were left you're like well sam there's waters in the trees okay why was there a fire there's a drought oh but i thought there was a drought why would the water be in the trees if we had a drought it doesn't make any sense you don't see metal melt like that from a forest fire so you do you think they started the fire or they like or it's like a direct energy thing that just sweeps across? So Diana Feinstein's husband is part of a billion-dollar high-speed rail system that they want put in California that goes to Las Vegas,
Starting point is 00:47:00 and it goes right down where the fire was. It would be too expensive to buy all that land. Oh, interesting. So you think that's why they did it? There's something called Agenda 21, which is they want to move everybody into big cities. They don't want anybody in the country. They want everybody in big cities.
Starting point is 00:47:20 That's a big push to do that. Get everybody in the city, get everybody in the cities. Look at where they burnt look at all the weed places they went they burnt all those weed farms down because all these fucking corporations want that weed money dude it's like it's crazy dude wow that's crazy it is dude it is i mean those fires were freaking nature for sure dude i i know people came up to me when they were in Santa Rosa said they saw people relighting fires.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Oh, I've heard that, yeah, yeah. I saw the burn marks in Santa Rosa. It was interesting. What are those? Like where the fire went. Oh, interesting, yeah. What did it look like? It just looked like where a fire was burned.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So not that interesting, but I saw where it burned. Cars melting. I saw the carnage, yeah. Cars melting with trees sitting right by them. Yeah. Weird. You got any other ones? Do I have any other ones?
Starting point is 00:48:18 UFOs, I mean, the formation, 1952. Like, Mandela effect, that's cool. Donald Trump, the time traveler. Well, you know, I think we do have time travel. I think the CIA and the government have figured out how to time travel. So it's interdimensional? Well, yeah, there are multiple dimensions, which the Mandela effect's all about.
Starting point is 00:48:43 So the CERN thing, which is a particle collider has been smashing smashing smashing particles to see how small they can get to and the smallest one they've gotten to is a uh basically um something that's the form of a pentagram how crazy is that wow so you get this uh so ever since they did that they think they ripped a hole in the fabric of time and and everything's just interweaving oh so there's all these things that people remember but it's not that yeah you remember like queen song at the end of the song how's it go what's the last line of what of the queen song um we are the champions no time for loot because we are the champions of the world okay sing it how's it go because we are the champions. No time for loot. Because we are the champions of the world. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Sing it. How's it go? Because we are the champions of the world. That doesn't exist. You don't sing that part. Of the world isn't part of the song. But everybody remembers it as part of the song. Oh, yeah. There's tons of stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Tons of stuff. But what's the cereal box? Wait, so. isn't there a cereal box yeah i forgot i forget what wait so are you saying that they the someone working for the illuminati started chanting that at the end of the when people were singing the song no that's from a different dimension people think we're in a two you Oh. So like they sing it that way in... In a different reality. In a different reality where Queen did put that part of the song in.
Starting point is 00:50:09 There is a belief that there's... And it sips through somehow through like cosmic osmosis. Yeah. There's so many dimensions that every decision you make, there's a dimension you may be able to decision. I really dislike that theory just because I love my life so much. I don't like the idea of the different decisions. Yeah, the reality where you're not into tanning.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Or a reality where you married your high school. Go to Little Baron Trump, the book. Oh, yeah. Donald Trump, the time traveler. So Tesla. The guy or the company? The guy. The guy.
Starting point is 00:50:43 See that? Click that where it says the first book. Click it. See that book? Now open it up a little bit. Like kind of fucking spread it open. You know, like widen it. Widen it.
Starting point is 00:50:55 There we go. Now look who that kid looks like. Who does that look like? It looks like Donald Trump. It looks like Donald Trump's son, Baron Trump. That looks like his dog. That's almost like a fidget spinner. That book is called Little Baron Trump.
Starting point is 00:51:11 It was written in the 1800s. So you think that's like their earlier incarnation of Baron Trump? Well, so Nazis killed Tesla. There's a Nazi said he choked Tesla out. Before the government went and got all Tesla's plans, Donald Trump's uncle, who went to Yale, went there and grabbed all of his plans,
Starting point is 00:51:42 including his time travel plan. So there's people who think that you could time travel and that, and that they've had time travel for a while. And that's how they can, they find out who's going to win, who's going to win the presidency. They go back, they blackmail them, they control them and all that shit. It's like the ultimate weapon of destruction. Now here's an interesting thing. When, you know, Iraq, we went in Iraq. Oh, it's weapons of mass destruction. Everyone's like they didn't find any. There is a belief because that area is a place called Mesopotamia. That's where Mesopotamia was.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And that's where all the wars are forever. There's always fighting over that area. Why is that? Well, it's very special, the civilization of mankind. And there's this belief that there's a Stargate in Iraq. And that was the weapon of mass destruction and that when the U.S. soldiers went into Iraq, they didn't start fucking attacking cities.
Starting point is 00:52:33 They went to all the museums and started taking artifacts out. That was the first thing U.S. troops did in Iraq. Not gauging war, they went and they took out all these old artifacts from way back in the day in Iraq. Where did you hear this? I've studied it. Why did they do that? Because it's...
Starting point is 00:52:51 So there's this thing called eagle versus serpent, right? And this is old, old, old knowledge. The eagle represents overlooking power, control. Like the eagle flies higher it's higher it's looking down it's controlling everything that's what it symbolizes the serpent symbolizes knowledge okay and over time they demonize the serpent and the snake so people would not look into the snake and the snake isn't actually what the big thing is. The snake basically is like a caterpillar that turns into a moth.
Starting point is 00:53:30 It becomes a dragon. And that is the higher form. That's a symbolization of the higher form of knowledge. So that's the battle of everything. When they say knowledge is power, knowledge is freedom, that's what they're talking about. The more you know, the more free you are. So it's's eagle and you'll see all these fucking flags with the eagle on because that is over that is authoritarianism control the big brother and then the the the serpent which is like when
Starting point is 00:53:58 you go back to adam and eve the serpent came and gave them an apple it wasn't sin he gave them knowledge and that's why they left the garden of eden but that's the big thing over time so um mesopotamia is this place where all the sumerians were ancient ancient things and they had a time machine they uh basically stargate where you could time travel through and that's what they say they went in there for okay okay i want to talk about chicks. Let's talk about them. Yeah. A lot of our questions will be about that. First question we have from Brian. I ruined this podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm sorry. Boom. Clap, Stokers. I'm speaking out in regards to a problem I've been having recently. Whenever I'm drinking milk, I can't get the thought out of my mind that I'm drinking cow jizz, and it's degrading and disgusting. How do I fix this and be able to enjoy milk again? Because it's not jizz. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:48 That's why. I agree. It's not from a dick. It's from a nipple. I was going to say just eat the cow, but that's better. Maybe like jizz. Yeah, maybe hide inside. Why do we still drink milk?
Starting point is 00:54:59 We're the only mammals that do that. I don't know. How about that? Stop drinking milk. It tastes good. Why do we drink it? Nobody else does it in their adult age. I don't know how about that stop it tastes good well it's why do we drink it nobody else does in their adult age i don't drink it but either unless it's in a milkshake and then i i like it i like milkshakes i do please keep this anonymous hey big lifter jt and surf icon chad i have quite the predicament on my hand sorry for the lengthy message but it's important
Starting point is 00:55:23 so i've been with my girl for a few years. We started dating in high school. We're at the same college now We're super happy together, but I wouldn't have written in if everything was perfect before we started dating I had a crush on one of her friends. I've been crushing since seventh grade We've always been in contact and we're decent friends not super close though over the years I go through times where I crush real hard and I'm going through one of those times right now What do I do? I could 100% see myself marrying marrying my gf but i need to figure this situation out do i keep quiet for the rest of my life do i tell my girlfriend and work it with work it out with her and likely not be able to talk hang with my crush anymore do i leave my girlfriend and follow the girl who must
Starting point is 00:55:57 be my one true love thanks guys keep doing what you're doing what's your thought how old is this kid sounds like he's towards the end of college yeah i would say don't tell your girlfriend that'd just be a weird yeah don't tell her yeah that's just really gonna get in her head and yeah f with her without getting any positive out of it you won't accomplish anything yeah lie they'll save you trouble. But also maybe you got to really minimize contact with this other person so you don't let that get too out of control. It seems like he's playing out a fantasy. Yeah, have fun. Do it while you can.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Are you saying do it? Yeah. Go for it? But sleep with her friend? No. Or just jerk off to it. But you can fantasize about it. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You can definitely masturbate to it. Yeah. So jerk off to it. But you can fantasize about it. Right. Yeah, you can definitely masturbate to it. Yeah. Just jerk off to it. Yeah. Listen. Yeah. It's interesting, dude. It's just like, I don't want to give bad advice, but it's like, dude, you're young.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Have fun. Go have fun. Yeah. Don't cheat on your girlfriend. If you want to sleep with other people, break up with your girlfriend and go do it, man. Right. This is the time to do it. I know everybody thinks forever it's going to last forever.
Starting point is 00:57:06 But once you hit 40, you become the invisible man to 20-year-old chicks. So bang everything that moves. I want to tell you guys a weird thing I heard yesterday. Hit me. Hit us. If you're having a teethache, drink your pee. Why? You're talking to the right guys.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I'm telling you, man. Supposedly, like like it's not um i forget what someone's tell it's almost like pee is almost like um your teeth don't get enough blood so there's like it's not that it's like um waste it's more like just body fluids and you drink your your urine and it it soothes your teethache. Dude, we had a health guy on, Troy. He's like certified health nut in Venice. And he does urine therapy where he drinks the middle stream, he said.
Starting point is 00:57:56 What's the middle stream? Not the initial piss, not the last drips. Oh, he lets it pee, throws down a shot, boom. Yeah, his friend, who's also a health instructor, posted on Instagram yesterday a photo of his face covered in blood, and then the caption said that it was the menstrual blood from his girlfriend. O negative. He told me what kind of blood it was. Probably healthy did.
Starting point is 00:58:22 He's a healthy guy. He looks great, but I have to wonder if he'd look the exact same without applying the menstrual blood well you know it's like uh through uh big pharmaceuticals we natural remedies have been just pushed away demonized and there's many things you do naturally that you don't need any prescription to do uh yeah that's i like that episode a lot too because holistic kind of medicine gets kind of pushed to the side because you can't make any money off that
Starting point is 00:58:47 there's no money in prevention there's only money in fixing the problem yeah well no not even fixing the problem just having you be a patient for the rest of your life yeah when is the last time they cured something I wonder if
Starting point is 00:59:02 because my dad's a doctor I don't think doctors are that sinister but i just think that's sort of how it's set up just because it's for profit listen your dad's probably a wonderful guy i'm not talking about him no i know i know yeah i'm not talking about i asked my doctor if drinking your pee could help yeah and he was like no way man and then another doctor confirmed that i've. I've asked like the last three doctors after. But I think a lot of this holistic stuff, it like looks cool, but there's not much. Drinking pee looks cool?
Starting point is 00:59:31 Like, I think, yeah, right. That's a good point. You're on Pornhub. I think people are like, oh, it's natural. Like it's piss. It makes sense that we'd be healed by what we evacuate. But I don't think there's much research into it. Well, I mean, I'll tell you, man, you start looking into these holistic doctors.
Starting point is 00:59:46 They say they've cured cancer. This one guy died after, say, cured AIDS. He brought in the patients. He was on trial. He brought the patients in with their doctor. And they're like, yeah, he cured me of AIDS. And he got killed. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:01 That's what they do, man. Aaron won't believe it, but they do, man. They don't want. Aaron, I'm with you. Dude man they not aaron won't believe it but they do man they don't want and dude you know i'm with you dude they have a cure for cancer in cuba oh they do yeah they've been curing cancer for a long time in cuba but they don't have it here because there's too much money in cancer and they want thin the herd as well so it's like it really sucks i mean dude you look at mexico the the holistic medicine that they're doing down there rehabs putting people on ayahuasca and all that shit it's unbelievable all right we got another i'm sorry no yeah and it's just living a healthy healthy lifestyle so you don't have to enter that system you know i think you know getting your discipline with your mind eating
Starting point is 01:00:47 right sleeping enough i do breathing exercises i love them working out working out just stay on top of it what you do yeah yeah but getting the sun not too much but enough to get the vitamin d hey dogs i'm in a newish relation about three months and i'm worried that all my boyfriend wants to do is bone don't get me wrong i a good bone, but I feel like we don't know each other as much as we should. I often find my stoke tank drained after we hang out because it feels like we hook up to avoid talking. I really like the guy, but I want to go deeper. Interesting. I think I've been, with my new girlfriend, I've been too horny. Like she got a UTI and she was spending the night at my place.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And she's like, oh, I forgot to take my UTI pill. So I was like, so does that mean it's going to be longer before we can bone again? And she was like, yeah. I was like, I'll drive to your place right now. We'll go get that pill. But I was so like intense about it that like even though I was offering something nice, she was like really turned off. She's like, we don't have to have sex.
Starting point is 01:01:40 And I was like, what? And then it took me a while to be like, all right, I'm gripping it too tight. It's a game you have to play, man. You you know you got to take care of them you got to show them tension you got to listen to them you got to do all that stuff and if you're good at they give you ass that's how it goes and they love it too yeah your boyfriend just needs to relax a little bit and that'll turn you on a bit more have a conversation yeah listen it's interesting to be interested yeah i mean you're always going to be able to bone have a conversation then bone because she likes boning too i think the whole thing is that
Starting point is 01:02:10 girls don't like women love that stuff dude the big secret is that women have way more sex than men think dude like i know a female comic not gonna say her name but she's like yeah sometimes i'll bang three guys in a day like female comics are different, though. I wouldn't date any of them. I think they're a little different in their sexual appetites from what I've noticed from people who I've dated outside of comedy. Really? Yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:02:34 I just think women... Maybe not. Listen, Matt. Imagine if you were in a place where the opposite sex wanted sex all the time. You'd have sex all the time. You could because you like it. That's women. They're constantly getting hit on all the time and they're wonderful not letting anybody know.
Starting point is 01:02:52 That's why drug dealers always get busted because they're guys. They don't know how to smuggle shit. Women know how to fucking do a long con. My hot gay guy friend Jared, like I went to a gay bar with him. I was like, bro, the amount that he got hit on, the amount of like sex that gay bar with him. I was like, bro, the amount that he got hit on, the amount of sex that was available to him.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I was like, if I was gay- There's no defense. If I was gay, I'd never stop fucking. And if I was handsome like Jared. And guess what? That's what they do. They don't stop fucking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:16 They fuck all the time. No, it's a lot of gay dudes at the sex addict meetings I go to. Oh, yeah. I go to those too. I go to- You go to SAA? I go to some-
Starting point is 01:03:23 We're not supposed to say. Yeah, I talk about it. I go to an AA meeting because it's SAA? I go to some. We're not supposed to say it. Yeah, I talk about it. I go to an AA meeting because it's near my place. It's all gay guys. And it's the most honest meeting I've ever been at. I pray that people have, they can find somewhere where they can be as brutally honest as these guys have let me be. How long have you been sober?
Starting point is 01:03:41 I now have 150 days. In AA? I've had five now have 150 days. In AA? I've had five years at one point. In AA? Yeah, I don't drink. I used to do coke. I don't do that anymore. And I'm weaning myself off everything.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah, right? It's a little bit like whack-a-mole. You get rid of one and then another thing kind of slides in. Yeah. All my hobbies are felonies pretty much. So that's what I shine at now i can't do them anymore so i'm a boring person well i don't know if you want this on the pod we can edit it out but the crack story oh yeah the time i smoked crack with that guy that's so funny what happened
Starting point is 01:04:16 so i just moved to la and um i was just walking around la the first day i was in town and uh i saw the silver robot guy that's in the on on hollywood boulevard and he's dancing he just stops and he looks at me goes dude you're gonna be a star i'm like fuck yeah i've had guys say that to me in la too right yeah so i go back to my week i go back to this apartment i lived in it was a weekly and on the floor with like shady people and i go to my i go to my door to unlock my apartment i look down the hall who's their silver robot guy he's on my floor i'm like holy shit hall. Who's there? Silver Robot guy is on my floor. I'm like, holy shit, Silver Robot.
Starting point is 01:04:47 What's up, buddy? He starts breakdancing right there because he's like Daniel Day-Lewis of Crazy People, right? Always in character. So I'm like, what are you getting into? He's like, hey, man, you want to come hang out? I'm like, fuck yeah, dude. So I walk down and go in his room. It's messy as fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:00 But for the next like half an hour, he just breakdanced for me. I'm like, yeah, go. Go, Robot. Go, Robot. You're fucking great. So after half an hour he just breakdanced for me i'm like yeah go go robot go robot you're fucking great so after half an hour i'm like bored he goes i go hey man what do you want to do now he goes i don't know man you want to um smoke some crack i go what he goes i got crack i go i don't do crack i did coke so then i smoked crack with him for like two hours right we just smoked crack and uh so after two hours, I'm cracked out of my skull. And I go, Hey, robot, I'm bored. He goes, I don't know, man. Why don't you let me suck your dick?
Starting point is 01:05:35 How about that one? I go, why? He goes, Hey, dude, don't you don't smoke my crack and not let me suck that dick. I go, dude, you didn't tell me there was a second part of this plan, man. We were just going to do smoke crack and do crackhead shit. And he tried to jump me. I punched him and I ran down my apartment. There's so many stories like that in the program too you know what's so funny about aa you have a story you ever go to na meetings no i never you're just another motherfucker i mean that is the gnarliest of gnarly they have great i love doing na comedy shows like they'll be like hey you want to come do an na mean do stamp fuck yeah dude they shot heroin in their dick are they gonna get offended by fucking jokes no it's great you can t off they laugh at everything they're uh yeah they're so honest too yeah i performed at a
Starting point is 01:06:16 rehab facility and the people are you realize that like a lot of people who are in rehab aren't like they're not bad people they're very like sensitive sensitive people. Well, dude, it's like, why are street drugs bad and pharmaceutical drugs good? Right. Why are drugs a felony? Who are you hurting? You're hurting yourself. Now, if I go steal something or I go mug somebody for, that's a crime. That's stealing.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Okay. But I'm doing drugs myself. I can stop doing drugs. I've done it. I've stopped, you know, i used to fucking do a lot coke i don't do it anymore but i can never stop being a felony and it's just meant to get to keep you in the system in the system in the system do you mind me asking what preceded your last relapse i mean i i just i get in my head all the time so i smoked weed okay so that was you didn't like
Starting point is 01:07:03 go into like a binge or anything? No, no, no. No, no, no. But you had to reset your time? Yeah. And so you were distressed and that was it? Well, my head, I can't turn my head off.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm the same way. You'll see me, I talk to myself all day. Me too. I never write jokes. I've never written a joke. Do you think you're- I talk to myself all day.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Do you think it's manic? No. It's just your chemistry. It's just my chemistry. I'm not bipolar. I'm not, you know, I'm just, I have an active brain. That's your frequency. And that's, you know, I got on like Ritalin or Adderall for a second.
Starting point is 01:07:35 My brain, like, I'm like, fuck that. I like being crazy. Right. That's who I am. What does weed do for you? It makes me paranoid. I want to beat off the whole time. So I just sit staring at the door like,
Starting point is 01:07:47 the fucking CIA is coming. That's exactly what weed does for me. And I enjoy that. Yeah, I enjoy the paranoia. I enjoy the intensity of it. I kind of like questioning everything. But I'm very agitated when I do it. I don't like to hide.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I used to like to drink. And then at the comedy store, there was a lot of coke at one point. So you know at the comedy store there was a lot of coke at one point so i was doing that and there was a lot of coke and fucking and but now it's like i want it's like i'm an old man i don't want to do it anymore i just want to go get go home sleep was there anyone who's was sort of like a mentor to you when you first started that where you're just like or someone that inspired you a bunch that you kind of wanted to be around um pablo francisco was a big um a big big well bill hicks was big you knew bill bill hicks no but like when i started
Starting point is 01:08:33 he was he was a big thing so inspiration yeah he kind of how he like how he went hard in the paint on that shit richard pryor sam kenson you know uh and Dice Clay, Eddie Murphy. I loved all that raw shit. I loved real shit. So I started in Las Vegas, and they had only one open mic every other week in the entire city. There was one open mic. So I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to start my own thing.
Starting point is 01:08:59 So I basically started the L.A. comedy scene. I had the Las Vegas comedy scene i had an open the las vegas comedy scene there was nothing they would the local comedy clubs wouldn't let locals play there so we had to make our own thing so i literally had a comedy show every night in a bar at a different bar then uh i have my own improv troupe and a bunch of casinos so that's that's how i did i've been producing comedy since like 93 and that's kind of why i do it at been producing comedy since like 93. That's cool. And that's kind of why I do it at the store. I've always been producing.
Starting point is 01:09:27 So I've always had to produce my own thing. And I come from Vegas and they're super raw up there. Super raw. All right, we got another question. Yo, what's up, guys? Big fan of the pod. For this question, I'd like to stay anonymous. Okay, here it is.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I am a senior in high school and I get super nervous before I hook up with a girl, especially at parties. I don't have trouble with the steps leading up to hooking up, like flirting with a girl, creating that attraction. I can through it too. And just fucking be a G, dude. Believe in yourself. No means no. get shot down i still get in my head and overthink stuff he needs not dude just know she's going through too and just fucking be a g dude believe in yourself no means no she doesn't want it stop but just be confident and go in it's good enough yeah give her some smooches you can do this yeah dude and you're gonna kiss a little goofy that's okay something sniff her armpits that's the shit you ever sniff armpits maybe Maybe build up to that. Have you?
Starting point is 01:10:26 It's so good. Yeah. I licked my girlfriend's armpit last night. I'm pretty gross. I get in there. You get into the armpit? Oh, I mean, I get all over. Oh, yeah. Are you an ass-eating superstar?
Starting point is 01:10:36 You know it. Yeah, dude. All right. This is the last question we got. This stoker wrote in on the Instagram. He said, I accidentally flooded my dorm building when I touched one of the fire sprinklers, not knowing that they go off extremely easily. Everyone had to be moved out for the week.
Starting point is 01:10:51 The school released an article in their newspaper a few days after the fact with my name, making me sound like I planned a premeditated thing. I've already faced consequences from the school, but I feel pretty bad about. Besides some of the dorm dudes being pissed at me, I can't even go to get coffee without people I don't even know staring and pointing at me. I'm trying to stay positive, but it kind of blows that everyone assumes
Starting point is 01:11:11 I'm super schmole, that I'm some super schmole that ruins the dorms and stuff. That probably sounds pretty jumbled. I tried to fit the different stages of what's going on and short as message as I could. I think you did a good job
Starting point is 01:11:22 of describing the events. Here's what I've learned about life. Nobody's thinking about you, dude. When you learn that, it's a very blessing. Nobody's thinking. Those people are all white knuckling their life,
Starting point is 01:11:33 trying to get through their shit. It seems like they're looking over you. Yeah, they're like, that's the guy who pulled it. At the end of the day, nobody's going to remember it. By this time next year, nobody's going to give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Yeah. Don't sweat it. They're not, dude, I'm telling you, man, nobody's thinking about you. Everybody's dealing with their own bullshit and trying to survive. And if someone's treating you like shit, they're probably treating everybody like shit. And it will all come out in the wash. Be a nice person. Admit, hey, dude, yeah, it went weird.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Fuck it. I don't know what happened. And you'll be fine, dude. Yeah, it's just another part of his story and dude you're supposed to fuck him yeah i think i think in the long run it'll be a funny thing that it happened yeah yeah and i don't think you're not a schmole because you didn't do it on purpose and that'll be figured out over time people will realize that you're not like someone who does stuff like that yeah time will heal yeah dude sam thank you so much for i feel like i tanked it no that's
Starting point is 01:12:27 great you crushed got deep it got everyone everyone's gonna be i love both you guys i think you guys are doing such great things oh thank you thank you man what you're doing right now is only the beginning thank you and it's only gonna grow you guys are super creative you guys get the internet and uh you built your own pirate ship and you're going to be doing amazing things and you know things will happen that you want to happen when it's time for it to happen until then just enjoy the ride dude yeah paul mooney told me that when i was young it's like dude the time you're running around just doing gigs that's the fun stuff when everything's a check that becomes work and it changes everything yeah dude paul mooney j i'm a i'm a regular at the comedy store because
Starting point is 01:13:09 of paul mooney oh that's oh yeah i've heard that story sat down with uh mitzi and told her to make me a regular without him i wouldn't probably wouldn't be there i love you guys i think you're the best i love you too i'm gonna go to the bathroom but do you want to do a yeah yeah sounds good dude sam thank you so much i I love you, bud. Dude, I love you too. No, it was awesome. Let's go, poops. Thank you. You guys are the best.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Aaron, can you let me know about that 2 o'clock? It's a really big guest. All right? What's up, Stokers? Hope you enjoyed the ride so far. It's just me, Chad, right now. JT is draining his one-eyed snake, and it's really going to let loose because we just had a green juice man so much stuff to think about but the only thing I can
Starting point is 01:13:51 think about right now is green juice you know why why did the universe choose green you know some may say it's because of chlorophyll. But I think there's a higher thing there. It's like, you know what? Green is going to be it. That's going to be the thing that gives you vitality. That's going to be the thing that makes you want to just freaking eat and then drink. You want to eat and drink green if you want to have huge biceps like Popeye.
Starting point is 01:14:25 And then you want to just, you know just hop on a ship and steer it. Because that's what human beings are meant to do. They're meant to get on these vessels, go onto the ocean, and steer. And just navigate the waters and then find something epic and gnarly like south america or north america what up dude my dog jt just drained his dragon yes sir how'd it go it was nice man nice that was a whirlwind that was great yeah He fucking cracks me up. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with Dairy Queen. What up, Dairy Queen? I usually love you, but I'm beefing with you right now. So we were in a show in San Diego last night. On the way back, I wanted to get a Blizzard. It closed early, so I didn't. So I'd like to extend a sincere fuck
Starting point is 01:15:25 you to the dairy queen and san juan capistrano you're my beef because i didn't get to have a blizzard after the show that's it who's your beef my beef of the week is with a game of thrones whoa yeah i watched the recently super hyped episode battle for winterfell this i'm talking about it the th Thursday after it aired. And I have to say I was underwhelmed by it. And I couldn't say it in the moment because I was with a lot of people at a viewing party who very much enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:15:53 And I didn't want to be the pee in the Cheerios, but these are my genuine feelings. I think Game of Thrones has kind of lost its way. Since they got past where the books were, they lost a lot of the meticulous storytelling, the logistical realism. I know it's not not realistic but they were much better like when it when people traveled it felt like it took actual time for them to travel now they just jump to a new part of the globe and uh with like nary a scene between and i think the thing that they're really lacking
Starting point is 01:16:21 now is that they're just not as ruthless as they were at the beginning of the show. They would make you fall in love with a hero and you're so accustomed to the hero winning that you just expect them to always be there. And then they would fucking take his head off without a second's notice. And you were like, holy shit, this is real. Like the real game of Thrones is brutal.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And now it feels like it's set up too much to just make the fans happy. And it's just playing to the audience. Yeah. And it's good guys versus bad guys. And it feels like it's set up too much to just make the fans happy. And it's just playing to the audience. Yeah. And it's good guys versus bad guys. And it's like, we know you want this good guy to have this heroic moment. So we're going to give it to them. Yeah. And they used to not give that to us.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yeah. And I think that it was just a better Game of Thrones. And now there's so much about like, this is the biggest episode ever. Like you thought Battle of the Bastards was big. You thought Blackwater was big. This is going to be even bigger. And I just don't know if that's even where the show thrives is in creating the bastards was big. You thought, um, Blackwater was big. This is going to be even bigger. And I just don't know if that's even where the show thrives is in creating the biggest battle scenes. Like I've seen bigger battle scenes.
Starting point is 01:17:11 It felt like in Braveheart. Yeah. What made game of Thrones good. Wasn't that. And I go ahead. No. And I just feel like it's good, but it kind of reminds me of breaking bad where it gets to the last season.
Starting point is 01:17:22 And they're so worried about just making us happy and serving this big beast that they kind of stop making hard artistic choices. We got your foot on our neck and then you just crack it down. Yeah. Like the end of Sicario. It seems like what's cool about that show. I mean, I watched the first two seasons and I lost HBO. So I lost my way with GOT.
Starting point is 01:17:43 But I watched The Red Wedding. Dude. That's what I I watched The Red Wedding dude that's what I mean The Red Wedding was dank and you know what there's a couple episodes left in the season so maybe that's coming
Starting point is 01:17:50 but this big battle episode just didn't do it for me and either did The Night King as a villain yeah I never understood who he was I wanted an episode with him yeah
Starting point is 01:17:58 I just I was never as afraid of him or as in awe of him as I was of like Tywin Lannister yeah yeah I think what's cool are the the mind games and the the the basic the the maneuvering the cunning yeah like peter dinklage
Starting point is 01:18:14 yes and like all those other people of how they they're able to use the power of persuasion to get there what they want that's that's cool to me and i think a lot of that stuff is gone because they don't have the books anymore for source material. Yeah. Where you're taking this huge source material and you're paring it down. Now they're just kind of like,
Starting point is 01:18:29 I know he's still helping, but it feels more concocted. Yeah. And then, what was I going to say? Fuck. Oh, and then like another thing that I thought they missed out on
Starting point is 01:18:38 was that like Daenerys and Jon, now that what we know about Jon, I don't want to do any spoilers, but the reality of who deserves the throne can legitimately be called into question now. And they both have their own armies and they're fighting a mutual enemy. But I thought they should be arguing between them over whose army should suffer more losses. Because then in the aftermath of that, who's ever got the bigger army is going to have more claim to the throne. But none of that three-dimensional
Starting point is 01:19:04 thinking was in the episode. The planning for their fight battle was so dumb i was like none of these people should be on the throne they're all dumb they're bad at their jobs yeah all right that's my beef of the week nice chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is uh amy driscoll amy driscoll what up she reached out to us um yes amy she's let's go she's in a battle uh against cystic fibrosis um she's currently awaiting her second double lung transplant whoa in north carolina so huge operation but you got this she has to go through a pulmonary rehab workout program every day to keep her body in good shape for the transplant. She wears her Stoke shirt and listens to the podcast while she's there. She's making sure her Stoke tank is always full so she can crush gym time.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So I just want to give her major props for it. She's got this big double lung transplant coming up, but she's maintaining high levels of Stoke, and she's in the fight, and she's just like, you know what? I have this huge thing looming, but I love it. I love the ride. I love life still. I'm stoked.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I'm amped. And I just want to give her major props. That's how we got to live life. We love you. And she says, I'm living proof that anything is possible when you fight for it for sure she encourages everyone to be a registered organ donor and uh you can follow her story at amy's cause.org that's a-i-m-e-e-s-c-a-u-s-e.org so stokers check out her story uh amy you're our
Starting point is 01:20:43 babe of the week anything you want to say it means a lot to us that you wrote in and that you're sharing your journey with us yeah thank you yeah you're in a babe and a legend who's your babe my babe of the week is fausta um i don't want to be gauche but i had two nannies growing up amelda and fausta i already already shouted out Imelda who used to drive me home from school and let me flash my dong out the window. And actually my butt, just my butt, sorry, I overstated. But Fausta was my other nanny and she's the fucking greatest. She's so sweet. We had a nice conversation yesterday. I hung out for a while and I just realized like, she's basically like a mother to me. Like we've just been through so much together and like,
Starting point is 01:21:24 I got to tell her good news about us. I think yesterday was the best day of my life. Yeah? Yeah. Nice. Because I woke up at my GF's place. We snuggled. Then she moved my car for me because it was illegally parked.
Starting point is 01:21:37 And where she moved it, I still got a ticket, but it was cute that she tried. Sorry, babe, I had to burn you. Then me and Chad had a really exciting uh Chad goes deep meeting with someone that we could add to the team uh behind the camera and then um then I went down to San Clemente and I hung out with my moms and hung out with Fausta and we just had a nice talk and she's the best and then um and then we had a stand-up show in Encinitas and I ran and I came and uh I read and then we had a show in Encinitas. And I ran, and I came, and I read.
Starting point is 01:22:06 And then we had a show in Encinitas. And Encinitas, we had so many fans, and they were the fucking best. They were so cool. And then we both had good sets, and then we drove home together. It was fun. It was a good day. It was a good day. I had In-N-Out, Flying Dutchman.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Maybe the best day of my life. You had three, right? Yeah, I had three today, too. It was a great day i got a problem but faust you're my babe of the week because you're just fucking awesome and funny and hilarious and just such a solid figure in my life and provided so much stability for me through my high school years and i'm i'm uh so lucky that i i you know get to kick it with you still so love you fausta what up fausta all right dude who's your legend of the week my legend is alex p alex p what up you guys may know him from uh my spring
Starting point is 01:22:50 break in cavo stories he and i were just two soldiers in the fight you know we fought and we raged harder than ever chocolate chocolate combaca baby that's what we got after we got those uh adios motherfuckers in a freaking pitcher. And, dude, we both woke up hungover. But we powered through, and we raged as hard as we could. And he came to the show last night. Wanted to give him a big shout-out. And his brother, Andrew, what up?
Starting point is 01:23:16 And the rest of his squad. Thank you guys for coming out. And he's expecting a kid. He just had one, I thought. No, it's, like, coming in, like, two months. Oh, that's what he was saying. In one, I thought. No, it's like coming in like two months. Oh, that's what he was saying. In eight weeks.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Yeah. Okay, nice. So, dude, major congratulations on that. Stoked to meet the little one. That's going to be amazing. And stoked you're living it up in San Diego, my dog. Chad, what is your quote of the week? You know, I forgot to do a quote. Dude, my quotes are a little rough.
Starting point is 01:23:45 So I had one quote that I was going to do of Anthony Jeselnik on the Joe Rogan podcast saying that men aren't evil. Men who do evil simply mistook it for happiness. And I was like, oh, that's so true. Like people just do bad shit because they think it'll make them feel better. But then I heard Yuval Harari on Mark Zuckerberg's podcast. We were going to talk about that. I think we uh, Yuval Harari on Mark Zuckerberg's podcast. We were going to talk about that. I think we touched on it. So boring. Mark Zuckerberg's podcast is so boring, but Yuval Harari said, let's not forget that some of the people with
Starting point is 01:24:12 the highest self-esteem have done some of the worst things in human history. And I was like, oh man, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe some people do evil and they just don't care. Chad, what is your quote of the week? You know, we both listened to the Mark Zuckerberg podcast. Yep. I didn't understand it at all. You listened to a different episode too. The one on law? They're just talking, you know, and I'm we just can you just tell me if you guys are
Starting point is 01:24:46 watching me watch porn or not right um there is there is a feeling like mark isn't there a lot more interesting stuff you could be addressing yeah but i thought i'd go with this quote because it's the first episode mark's like he's like i challenge. I challenge myself to write AI or learn Mandarin. And then this year I'm doing a podcast. And I'm like, you know what? Your nerd jargon is bugging me. And the fact that you chose to learn Mandarin seems kind of pretentious to me. Or write AI.
Starting point is 01:25:18 But I like the core message there. Yeah, of get after it. Of challenge yourself. So that's my quote. No quote no dude like the picture of him that they use for the podcast you're like mark like i don't want to go low hanging fruit here but it's like one of the nerdiest photos i've ever seen like you couldn't get a photo of yourself picture yeah and it's just so boring yeah he just He just is not a dynamic speaker at all. He does a lot of like ums and shit.
Starting point is 01:25:48 He's like um, and I think I'd like to unpack that in two general directions. I think for one, you can separate the systems of social media from, you know, AI. And then you're like, snooze alert, dude. You know what they should do? I just had this idea. Yeah. They should get like cool translators they don't need someone to translate you know like a different language although it is when i hear them talk i'm like this is kind of a foreign language but they should have
Starting point is 01:26:16 like people like us to be like to translate for them yeah you know to be like all right dude so yeah we're not really stoked on, um, this coding. So we're going to go with encryption. Encryption is basically like, you know, if you're trying to get into the beach, but it's private. And so, you know, you're blocked off by David Duchovny's like private gate. Imagine if the podcast sounded like that, people like, yes, tech. I love it. Yeah. If, if, if your message isn't getting across, maybe you're not communicating it effectively. Yeah. Try using different words.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Have some solid dudes like us translate what you're saying. Fuck yeah, dude. I'm down. All right, dude. That's it. That's it for episode 69. I'm going deep in chat, JT. Thank you guys so much for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Thank you to San Tripoli check out his podcast tinfoil hat and you can check him out on Instagram let's see what it is it's just Sam Tripoli so yeah thank you guys thank you Sam for coming on and JT
Starting point is 01:27:22 what up thank you for doing for being an integral part of the being the second half of this pod i don't know i don't know why i was thanking you i was like thank you for doing them i'm like you're you are the pod no you're the pod yeah we do thank you for uh we do do it for uh mind melding with your high yeah samski for uh siamese twinning me on the does that make sense yeah i'm happy to be an extra head on your body yeah i mean that you too yeah These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do
Starting point is 01:28:14 Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just have them throw these signs You're going free You're going free Seems to have the throat beside you Going deep Going deep Let's get deep I'm going deep
Starting point is 01:28:35 I'm getting deep

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