Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 7 - Treasure Hunts, Supplements, Hollywood's Sexy Terrorists

Episode Date: February 28, 2018

Chad and JT cover the crazy world of supplements, discuss getting ditched, dealing with lost love, treasure hunts, Chobani Yogurt, real life Paul Walker sightings, and being the best babe you can be.�...� Check out our Patreon for bonus material! www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stoke nation this is chad kroger with the going deep with chad and jt podcast with my compadre jt what up dude what's up dudes how you feeling man i'm feeling pretty good man yeah yeah i'm having a good day yeah you look yeah you, yeah, you look jovial. Thank you, brother. Yeah. And you got me a fresh green juice, which I'm stoked on. Thank you so much. That's gonna keep me stoked for at least four hours. To be able to party, you gotta keep your engine running clean. For sure. Yeah. I think it's, uh, you gotta to revitalize your bod after a hard night. It's raging, you know? Absolutely. Because, uh, you know, my brother actually, he said something interesting to me today, as you, uh, as you know, he's, uh, in school right now studying naval
Starting point is 00:00:59 architecture. And he said, um, you know, he cited that a lot of people in his classes don't really seem to care about fitness. And he's like, look, you can be smart all you want, but in 10, 20, 30 years, all that will matter is your physical state. Well, and like what makes humans special is that we can inherit knowledge from the previous generation, but that information doesn't get passed to the next generation if a bigger guy kills you before
Starting point is 00:01:27 you can pass it along for sure yeah so you could see like a guy who's like studying a fuck ton and he like knows every like albert einstein for example but he's just super like scrawny or whatever and then some dude flexes on him at a bar, takes him out, and you're like, all right, well, that was all for nothing because you didn't do any Olympic lifts, any squats or whatever. You stayed weak. He was out of balance. Yeah. Moving forward?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, there was this rich dude, Forrest Fenn. He told the world that he had $2.2 million worth of treasure buried somewhere in the Rockies. He did this like 15 years ago, and he's been releasing more and more clues as to where the treasure is. The issue is four people have died in pursuit of the treasure, most recently like a couple days ago. A guy took a tumble down a mountain chute. So a lot of people are upset at Forrest because they're like, look, you told all these people there's all this treasure out there, and now the consequences of it is four dead people because they're trying to find this
Starting point is 00:02:27 treasure they just think it's unsafe for him to have done this like it's like a real life treasure hunt i mean i'm always up for adventure paul loved adventure he looked for treasure and into the blue so you know i think it's a bummer that lives are being lost looking for the treasure but i think that's what you know you got to be willing to pay that price to go on that kind of an adventure i mean what's the point of a treasure hunt if you're not putting yourself at risk so you don't think forest fence should be held accountable or punished at all for these four deaths? No, because I think he's creating a fun game for everyone. How fun is it when, not to take issue, but how fun is it when people are dying?
Starting point is 00:03:14 I think it's even more fun because it's a little more extreme. Sorry to the people who died. Okay. Okay. So there's some espionage going on in the world of yogurt uh as a lot of people know dannon popular yogurt brand they had a guy who jumped ship from the company in 2017 who had been working there since 2010 and he he went to Chobani, and Dannon is saying that he took a lot of their secrets to Chobani. Chobani now is the number one yogurt brand in the country. Their Greek yogurt is just flying off the shelves.
Starting point is 00:03:57 That's interesting because yogurt's always pretty much tasted the same to me. So I don't know, you know, unless that's like a yogurt parfait yeah because it's like oh he took the secret from dannon and brought it to chobani how we can also make mediocre tasting yogurt yeah it's like hey what up chobani they're like aren't you with dannon he's like well we need to talk about that well then at then at Chobani, they do Greek yogurt. So I don't even think there's milk in their yogurt. What is Greek yogurt? I don't know. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:35 This is hard for me to talk about. As a lot of you guys know, I'm a huge fan of Joe Rogan. He's an inspiration. And he talks about this product called Alpha Brain, which is supposed to help with clarity, focus, and forming better sentences. All things I found super appealing. So I tried it for the first time on Wednesday and didn't notice anything in the first four or five hours, and then I had a massive panic attack. Yeah, you told me the next day.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I wish I could have been there to help you. I appreciate it, dog. I'm not here to slander Joe. I think the alpha brain probably works for a lot of other people who aren't as emotionally and mentally fragile as I am. But I wanted to do kind of like our history with supplements do you take supplements do you support supplements have you ever been on supplements me yeah um have i taken supplements i took i took i took adderall that's just a straight up drug i think oh for sure
Starting point is 00:05:42 just protein yeah but i don't really like protein powder because it makes me doughy i'd rather just eat like a fuck ton of steaks what about you i was a heavy supplement user in high school i really wanted to be jack i would take no explode which was something you're supposed to take before workouts and supposedly gave you a huge pump it's good for pre-gaming too supposed to help you with your pumps then i also took creatine glutamine and i have to say i noticed zero difference after spending so much of my parents money on those vitamins or supplements rather and um yeah i tried variations of all of those all throughout high school. I tried steroids. It made me super bulky and buff, but my shoulders couldn't handle the stress.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And now they click like this. Oh, geez. That one kind of backfired, but it was a fun summer. Taking shots in the butt and some HGH in the waist. But then there's a lot of side effects from that that can manifest themselves over time. So I'm a strong no recommend on that. In terms of bang for my buck, supplements have done very little for me.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And I know it could work for other people, but for me, supplements, all they did was make me hate myself. That's profound. That's why you guys stick to green juice, I think. I feel like it's so hard to not beat what steak can do. You know what I mean? You can't put steak into a pill.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So quit trying, GNC. People will be like, hey, do you want to take some protein before we go before we go lift i'm like well there's a black angus a block away so why don't we just hit that up all right who's your legend my legend of the week is pat tillman um a lot of you guys probably know pat tillman he was a asu strong safety beast, long flowing hair, locks like Chad's, just beautiful do. And he played in the NFL for the Arizona Cardinals where he was like the NFL's leading tackler. Doesn't mean you're the best defender in the league though just because you have the most tackles. A lot of it's system or guys breaking off or you have a bad defense because he played safety. So guys are getting to the second level and he's got to lay him out but he was a very good football player and then after
Starting point is 00:08:08 9-11 he left the NFL and that fat paycheck to go fight in Afghanistan and then he was killed in Afghanistan initially people said he was killed by the Taliban in a gunfight but his family went through the records and stuff and fought for the truth. And it turned out that the government had lied. He was actually killed by friendly fire by other guys in his troop. And they just mistook him for somebody else and they killed him. But his family fought hard for the truth, even though the perception at the time of his death was like the most heroic one possible. But in the long run, it was even more heroic because his family chose the truth over glory. And I just think he's a guy who always put his personal ethics in front of personal rewards.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And I think that's something to aspire to. Like he really put his money where his mouth was and uh yeah i just have a great deal of respect for him i think uh he was and is and will remain a hero and in in my eyes and in the eyes of the public so thank you pat for your sacrifice and uh thanks for just being a badass dude who uh tried to do everything b for babe who's your babe of the week babe of the week goes to hallie berry uh she holds a special place in my heart because uh i saw swordfish with my bros when i was like eight and it was the first time i saw like a real pair of cans she just holds that in my that place in my memory and i'm just really stoked on her um
Starting point is 00:09:51 so thank you hallaberry for exposing me to the wonders of the female body and form you're a total babe and you really crushed it in that movie too um ginger was just like such a unpredictable character i didn't know what was going on pretty much the whole movie and i still don't really understand the ending so props to you for just creating that mystery and that movie was funny because it was like um i think it was before 9-11. So it was a weird time in Hollywood where they made terrorists sexy. Yeah. I think they stopped doing that after 9-11. But, like, John Travolta is an international terrorist,
Starting point is 00:10:34 but, like, he just, like, clubs all the time and drives, like, an Aston Martin. It's like, damn, I want to be a terrorist. Yeah, and has, like, slicked back hair and, like, just hangs out at the discotheque. Yeah. Dude, his hair was fire in that. Do you think they – I always wonder if they're like, all right, you got to play this part and you also got to have this haircut. And he's like, I'm going to need 5 million extra dollars to do that haircut.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And it's also his flavor saver that went all the way down to his like Adam's apple. That was intense. And then I also liked when Hughman uh believably playing a hacker at 6 4 2 20 john travolta's like prove to me you're the best hacker crack into this thing that typically takes 10 hours you have one minute while you get a bj yeah and then a girl starts blowing him and hugh jackman's hacking and then he just goes the bj's so good he goes oh god damn it god damn it and then he goes back to hacking. It was way before I'd ever gotten a BJ.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But then later in life, I got a BJ. And I'm like, man, I don't even feel like punching anything. This is kind of like, it was a little more regular than I believed it would be. Because Hugh Jackman and Swordfish made getting a blowjob seem like it was impossible to ignore. If you were getting a BJ, your whole body just shut down. And you like oh fuck it's like you want the ultimate test it's like i've gotten bjs before and i've thought i've thought about that scene i'm like dude i could totally hack into something right now although this does feel fire it's amazing it's one of the most wonderful beautiful feelings in the world but i just think swordfish whatever 10 year old wrote it was like when you get a bj
Starting point is 00:12:05 your whole body just ceases to operate and then the other hacker in that movie was also a super hot dude he was a hot european guy they're like where's which one's the hacker look for the hottest dude at the airport and this guy with like a sleek leather jacket, he's like, oh, what's up? Beef of the week? Who's your beef of the week? All right, I got a legendary beef of the week coming in, super duper hot. We got Kelly Slater and Andy Irons, one of the biggest beefs rivalries in surf history. One of my favorite surf films is Flying the Champ the champagne which is narrated by the phenomenal sal masakala what up sal i think that just that rivalry it was major because it really elevated
Starting point is 00:12:53 the sport of surfing to a whole new level which was like really dank and um you know like i've watched the movie just to get some context and andy said something that really stuck out to me also r.i.p to the great andy irons um love your surfing love your style we miss you legend he says there's a time when i would go to bed at night thinking of ways to punch kelly slater in the face which is a you know that's that's a heavy thing to say i mean but yeah you know they settled their differences and i believe 2009 when this movie came out and had like a really solid surf session to mentalize and like i think when they both got barreled with each other i think that was like all right props to the beef we had that both elevated our games to like a legendary level but like let's
Starting point is 00:13:47 be boys now and so i'm super glad that they reconciled their differences and just like two kings at the top yeah there's a fly in that champagne but let's chug it now my beef of the week is um kim cattrall and sarah jessica parker from sex in the city i heard about this now they've been beefing i guess since the show was going and at some point i think they were thick as thieves but that is no longer the case kim cattrall tragically her brother passed and then sarah jessica parker sent out some love on twitter saying hey like sorry for your loss you're in my thoughts i care for you deeply and kim took a break from her morning to write back don't extend your condolences to me to make yourself look like the good person you so
Starting point is 00:14:40 desperately want to be we're not friends i mean that is as savage as it gets it just pains me too because i watched sex in the city with my mom sometimes back in the day it just pains me to know that that whole squad was not as tight-knit as they made it out to be you know i feel you say no i feel you 100%. It's tragic. All right. Should we get into some questions? Yeah. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:15:14 First question is from Emma. What up, dudes? I've been dating a guy I met on Tinder that also goes to college with me for a little while. But the other day he wanted me to cool things off to focus on himself. While I'm bummed about the circumstances of the relationship, I also think it's a prime opportunity to work on being a better me any tips for becoming the optimum babe yeah i uh first off i just want to give you props for your attitude towards the whole thing i mean you could be bummed out but i think you're switch this around you're like all right how can i be the best babe i can be and i think that's what you need to focus on because you know what this guy wants to focus
Starting point is 00:15:50 on himself let him do what he wants focus on yourself dive deep into your passions optimize your life you know and then some dude who matches your level in like all respects of levels will come along and he'll be like, whoa, because I took this time to become the best babe I can be, some dude who's like as big of a babe as I am came along and now we're going to create this bond that's going to last through the centuries. In terms of tips for becoming the optimum babe, I would say, like Chad was saying, zone in on what your passions are
Starting point is 00:16:31 and just try to propel yourself as deeply as possible into those and really find your creative, personal, and professional nirvana. Nice word. And when you're in that epic flow state, life is going to provide you with so many wonderful connections from a myriad of people. And yeah, this dude's missing out on a lot
Starting point is 00:16:58 because Emma, you seem really, really cool. All right, Chad and JT, I've been reluctant to write into this show because I'm at an older life stage and thought you guys wouldn't be interested in my stuff, but some issues may be universal. Totally. I'm 42, married with kids.
Starting point is 00:17:15 That's awesome, man. Recently, my best bud from high school and my roommate in my early 20s asked if he could crash with us for eight weeks. Eight. While he's on a work assignment. I can't believe my wife said yes. This dude is a very loose cannon.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It has been incredible chilling with him every night, and somewhat predictably, we are picking up a head of steam. Now other dudes from the neighborhood are swinging by to see what's up. The basement is becoming an HQ for dads on the loose. My question is, do you have any advice for how to make this a sustainable situation and or manage the momentum that is clearly building? How does this not explode spectacularly badly with my wife? It reminds me of living with my mom and keeping a lid on the activities in the basement in high school.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Given that analogy, I thought you'd have some experience and wisdom. Thanks and keep doing what you're doing. This podcast is the best. Garrison. garrison i think in our culture you know we think that grown men hanging out to with each other is only bad things are going to come from that or it's like immature it's like no like if it's grown men who want the best for each other it can be a wonderful combination this guy's obviously bringing out some joy in you and he feels good being around you. That's why he came to stay with you. He could have stayed with somebody else, but you're his dog.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And there's going to be moments where it's tough and annoying, but as long as this guy's acting right and doing right by you and you're having a good time with him, let the party continue. It's really life-affirming to hear that bro intimacy can be extended into maturity. And it can not only be fun for the bros involved, but for people from outside that initial circle. is involved but for people from outside that initial circle we should look to this as a as a real symbol of encouragement for all of us to stay close to those we've known for a long time who know us well and who despite outside perception can bring out the best in one another
Starting point is 00:19:22 i'm i'm curious i want to know more about you guys. Please write in next week. I want to know, like, what are you guys doing down in HQ? You guys, like, passing around the vape pen? Getting a little naughty with the bud? You guys playing foosball? Ping pong? Shuffleboard?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Billiards? What game are you guys into? I mean, are we playing video games? Is it a little FIFA action? A little Madden? Or are you guys just trading stories? Just remembering the fond times you guys had together beautiful innocence all right we got what up chad and jt i just discovered your podcast the other day and i instantly knew i found what i need. An epic podcast with kindred
Starting point is 00:20:05 spirits discussing the real shit I can relate to. Five minutes of your podcast blasts me with inspiration to tell you a 100% true story, which in turn brings up a super important life question. Here goes. From 2005 to 2013, I lived in Santa Barbara and went to college. And without trying to one-up anyone or boast, I got to be honest and admit, I do feel pride in how hard we raged at UCSB. It's truly a lifestyle. Anyway, like a year before I moved out of SB, I went to Rite Aid one afternoon to grab some essential supplies real quick. And I had a real life run-in with Paul Walker that really changed my perspective on a lot of things. Wow. I was walking out of the store about to push off toward home on my Sector 9 when I heard some some beefy ass car engine revving in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:20:47 For a second, I thought it was some douchebag trying to be cool in a souped up rice rocket. And when I looked to see what was up, the convertible Porsche came around and it was fucking Paul Walker pulling up with two ridiculously gorgeous women in the car. One, I was wrong. It was the opposite of some D-bag revving his engine to be cool. It was just Paul Walker being super-bag revving his engine to be cool. It was just Paul Walker being super careful going over a speed bump. The sound was just because his car engine was literally that sick, not because he was showing off. Two, then Paul Walker did something that blew my mind. Millionaire Paul fucking Walker with two models wearing 100 Gs worth of clothes
Starting point is 00:21:19 and jewelry, waiting in his 250K Porsche, rolls into Rite Aid. What was he after? I lit up a cigarette and watched it play out five minutes later paul walker rolls back out the door with i'm dead serious and i swear to god this really did happen two two racks of keystone light 230 racks of keystone light and a bag of red solo cups my man dude this story is fucking phenomenal amazing then he just got in the car and hauled ass out of there. I didn't even say something to him. He didn't see or notice me.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Nothing happened at all, but it was profound. He was just living life, being humble, and grabbing some stones on his way to a rager somewhere. It was a transcendent moment, and for the last time, it's a true story. Anyways, that's my real-life tale of Paul Walker. If you guys ever do a segment about real life Paul Walker stories, I'd love to hear you guys analyze and find the deeper meaning of that one. I know I've thought about it quite a bit over the years on my journey towards enlightenment.
Starting point is 00:22:12 With that, here's my question for you guys. Given what we now know about the humble taste of Paul Walker, the man who could have bought anything in the world and could have any beer he wanted, but proudly walked out with 60 stones like your everyday college kid trying to catch a buzz my question is what is your guy's beer of choice when you're thrown down at a barbaric backyard rage fest thanks and peace out ivan g well dude first off i think that just goes to show that paul was he was in both worlds at the same time. It's like Lao Tzu says, find the middle way. I think he found the middle way. In the Rudyard Kipling poem, If, he says, if you can walk with kings but not lose your common touch.
Starting point is 00:22:59 He's a man of the people. Oh, what do I choose for a rager? Well, I would say, you you know it's a it's a tough one because i usually go with stones if we're playing like beard eye or beirut or any of those solid games but then you know if it's more just like a chilling vibe i'd go with bud light um and i would not say dilly dilly while buying them. Yeah, for me, in my youth, I was a Coors Light guy. And then my brother got me into Bud Diesel, Budweiser. And that's probably my favorite tasting beer. I just think it's got the perfect amount of kick.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Justin, what up, protein shakes? That's darling. I love it. I started dating a girl recently and she's only been referring me to her parents as friend. They're really conservative and I'm catching the vibe. She's keeping me a secret because I have a bunch of tattoos. Does she want, does she not want them to know about me because I give off a bad boy image? I would say that's a, her problem, dude., if she's choosing to love you, then she needs to accept you. And it sounds like she's worried about her parents not accepting her because of you. So, again, it doesn't really have to do with you. And also, if she's calling you friend in front of her parents, you should, like, hint to her parents.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Like, you'd be like, hey, this is my friend. What's his name? Justin. This is my friend Justin. And you'd be like, like, maybe to her dad his name justin this is my friend justin and he'd be like like maybe to her dad just be like yeah friends right maybe give him a little nudge just so like you know if she doesn't want to spread the message maybe you just want to spread the message and be like and she'd be like why'd you do that i'm like i didn't do anything
Starting point is 00:24:38 tats are in now too if if her parents can't handle a fucking sleeve then uh i think you need to question their values dude every like badass chef on bravo has a sleeve of tattoos yeah she'd be like i'm a chef you could be the dude that convinces her conservative parents to get inked up r Rick, what up, dogs? I'm a fellow party animal engineer at Cal State Fullerton. Pretty mellow, stoked dude who only talks to super hot chicks because I got standards and I just love hot chicks. Okay, Rick.
Starting point is 00:25:17 So I'm kind of talking to this cute redhead with green eyes. Took her out on two dates already, but I just can't read her. Trust me, I can pull no problem, but I'm not sure if she's into me totally or not. Hate wasting my time because I could have spent that time on another dime piece. She's a genuine girl with goals and shit. You can tell she's not a certified bop chick. Has some morals, and I dig that.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Huge turn on. I'm a shooter, and shooters shoot. How should I approach this? Because as a bro who has needs, I'm trying to get these needs addressed. Should I just go in and try to mack or play it play it slow ride the wave not sure how to deal with this man help a casanova out yeah be a little more discreet because and props to you for your abilities with the women but uh in my experience whenever i'd encounter a dude who said he could pull at any time usually he was secretly just jacking off all the time so maybe take a little
Starting point is 00:26:17 bit of the you know don't be so revealing about how about your prowess uh just be cool man wally boys as you know valentine's day is coming past i didn't have a date but was stoked to find out a betty in my class didn't have plans for the evening she complained openly the class about being single on v-day i gained the confidence to ask her would you want to get brewskis tonight she replied with i would love to but i can't because you said brewski the class laughed and her roast of me bummed me out later while drinking brewskis alone i didn't know whether or not this negativity was actually just her jokingly playing hard to get do i show her persistence and shoot my shot again or do i look onward to find another betty personally i'd like to find a Chica who uses the word brewski.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So to hate on the word brewski, that's a big, huge red flag for me. I would tell this dude, too. I like that you took your shot in front of the whole class. Like, that takes some major cojones. Huge. To use another word she probably doesn't like. Yeah. But that is a big balls move, man. And I think she may have clowned on him in the class,
Starting point is 00:27:31 but for sure she was impressed by, as you were saying, the cojones to ask him out in class. I mean, a huge part of her must have been flattered, but maybe she's just like, oh, I got to clown on the word. Yeah, so dude, Wally, such an innocent name too. Solid guy guy you can tell i think uh i think you got a shot with this girl and i like that you're letting your dong hang out and you're asking people in front of other people to love you dude there's nothing more romantic than the chase you know keep going after and uh you could have your own rom-com in real life and i think we both know what the name of that rom-com is going to be
Starting point is 00:28:11 bruski bruski's in love beauty all right yo what's up chad and jt i wrote in a couple of weeks ago you guys must have missed my message or just merged mine with another similar question no worries matter fact still hey brothers i messaged chad about my crazy adventure in london a few weeks ago and how having an absurd amount of stoke ended up getting me laid and turning up with some rugby team. However, now I am in Spain studying. I've continued to have an absurd amount of stoke and want to rage all the time. The problem is I've been going to bars or clubs raging with Spanish and American babes, then going back home at 6 or 7 a.m., then going to class at 9. So the lack of sleep seems unhealthy. Not sure if I should be worried. The main problem is the funds. Do you have advice on how to ball out on a budget? Love what you guys do.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Big fan. You know, you want to look for the balanced life. You want to make sure you have balance in there and have your fun, but don't get too partied out. It's like in the NBA, you know, they don't play four games in five nights anymore because by the last game, the players are are on dead legs and nobody can dunk. So I'd like to see you 360 slam it. So maybe to accomplish that, you need to rest a little bit, dog.
Starting point is 00:29:14 For sure. And with the funds too, I think the biggest lesson I learned when it comes to low funds is you don't have to buy drinks at the bar. Pre-game, hard. That's the biggest thing for me usually i get a plastic handle of vodka and like a two liter of squirt and we just pound it watching like julian wilson's surf movie or something yeah man i think that's always the number one is just rage at home before you go out what up dog so there's this girl i've been snacking cheek with and she has this weird thing where she gorilla grips my scrote and balls way too firmly i want to let her know
Starting point is 00:29:50 it's not cool to yank my coin purse that rough but i don't want to sound like a puss how should i approach this situation without boundaries like in football players would just run sideways forever. Yeah. You need boundaries to know what the field of play is. And once you have that established, you can have a really good game. Score the touchdown of coming. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But you can't do that unless you're directing players from running too far away. My question is for Chad specifically, but JT, I would love your insight too. Chad knows what it's like to have the one, but not be able to be around her. Secret service, bummer. I have a situation where I asked out this girl and she rejected me, and now I'm too nervous to be around her. How do you deal with knowing you'll never be with the girl you love? deal with knowing you'll never be with the girl you love i don't uh i don't allow negative negative statements like that in my universe connor me and my girl broke up last year and
Starting point is 00:30:57 since then i've been filling the extra time by really living it up with the boys i started lifting olympic lifts shout out to jt what dog? And began to assert my newfound dominance in the herd. As I got back on my feet and started chasing tail with the squad, I developed into quite the silverback. And since then, I've found myself in a bit of a mare's nest with one of my boys, Smitty. He used to be super chill and we would rage all the time. Smitty saw me transforming into the alpha of the friend group and started getting super jealous and even started bad-mouthing me to the rest of our squad. Not cool. super jealous and even started bad-mouthing me to the rest of our squad not cool last weekend he went around sending some vicious texts to my boys about how i've been flying too close to the sun
Starting point is 00:31:28 and saying he doesn't want to chill with me anymore the boys totally have my back shout out to easy but smitty is throwing off the zen of our unit by showing up and bringing bad vibes into the mix how do i continue to let things settle out as they do you know i wouldn't take an aggro stance from his point because the more smitty acts like this the more he's gonna look like an asshole you know i would say let him do his thing you know he's obviously jealous and lao tzu says in the dao Tao Te Ching that the best way to compete is to not compete. So why don't you just stay true to your alpha self, dog? Congrats on your lifts.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And for sure, JT, what do you have to? I mean, so like one of your options is like ritual combat. Like you could both just like set up a time and a place and fight it out and really settle who the alpha is. And if you beat his ass, there's not going to really be a place for him to go. But then also there's different ways to be an alpha. Like you might just be better with chicks and he might just be like losing some of his swagger because he doesn't know how to keep up with you.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And in that case, there's like nothing you can do for him. You just got to keep living your life and let him grow on his own, and if he can't, well, then you might have to cut ties with him, but I probably foresee him just getting a girlfriend and relaxing at some point. Yeah. What up, Chad and JT? This is Jay and Ryan.
Starting point is 00:32:58 We are coworkers and boys and both really love your podcast. You guys are very profound. Recently, our company got acquired by one of our competitors, and unfortunately, it looks like layoffs are coming. Not chill. With everyone bugging out, levels of stoke are at an all-time low. We want to ask, what are some ideas you have to not only bring the stoke back to our old compatriots, but also to introduce the new folks to a world of stoke that may have never even known existed?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Please give us your most valued guidance in these trying times. And also, boys, keep frothing. You've got to throw a rager. Yeah. That's the best way to bond, you know? Yeah, on Friday, be like, guys, we're meeting at this bar, and then after that, we're coming back to my crib. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And, you know, welcome them with open arms, you know? Provide hefty amounts of booze and weed, and then, you know, maybe put in, like, a little text, be like, is there anything else you need because we go hard because that's how you're going to form an intimate bond like super quick i think a really fun thing to do is to get a hoverboard you know the two wheels ones and um bring it to the office and have everybody ride around on it and then um when it's like kind of waning hours of the work day and the boss isn't around uh sit on it like with your chest and ride it around like you're like a speed loser and that
Starting point is 00:34:12 people have a lot of fun with that yeah and then you can also get people in their office chairs to like um be like um like a big caterpillar like stick their feet out and hold each other's feet and then you get in the front on your hoverboard and you pull everybody around. That'd be sweet. I want to do that. That's fun and games. Brian, Chad and JT, what up bros? I cannot determine yet who I adore more.
Starting point is 00:34:37 You both have great attributes and you compliment your strengths so endearingly. That's really nice. Thank you. I write to you in such troubled times where my stoke has been diminished more than I think I could handle. Me and my coworker roommates, who I thought were busy, who I thought were boys, but I could also see me crossing, left me at a bar with my girl.
Starting point is 00:34:55 We all went there together after chugging and launched out for a good night. My roommates and the one roommate's girlfriend were hellbent on hiking the Devil's Punch Bowl in SD, which I totally love and dig SD. But me and my girl had other plans. I'm wondering if you think they were trying to establish dominance or do their own thing. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but we all went together and they said they would get the lift back. Please help me in these trouble-stoked times.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Humbly, NY to Newport. I wouldn't assume the worst. Maybe they just got tired and left. Although if they left without saying goodbye, that's pretty whack. Especially if they'd agree that they would lift back. Yeah. I'm kind of sensitive on this one. I went to Cabo with my boys one time, and they left me at El Squidro and left in a cab
Starting point is 00:35:37 without me on our first night there. Yeah. And when I got back, it was one dude's birthday that we went for, so he was kind of like the ringleader. And there was two different friend groups that he was trying to merge together yeah it was his high school boys and his college boys and i was like i was trying so hard to have everybody have a good time together and then they fucking just left me at the fucking club i was so fucking mad dude i really blasted him but i've been in situations where i've been the aggressor in that situation
Starting point is 00:36:03 where i've ditched a dude a lot of times you're in the heat of the moment you know and like especially in like cabo or something you're like the taxi's leaving you're like what about and you're like there's no time even though there is time when you're partying like that you're like we'll never get a taxi again i don't know being ditched is such a horrid feeling it's the worst feeling in the world to be ditched. Yeah. Nothing feels worse than being ditched, especially by your friends. I don't know how to resolve this one. My vote is,
Starting point is 00:36:33 and I appreciate you being on the other side, I would blast the guy. I'd be like, dude, you fucking ditched me. I mean, I would leave his girlfriend out of it. Yeah. Unless you're tight with her too, but whoever you're tighter with, between the guy and the girl,
Starting point is 00:36:49 I would blast whichever one you're tighter with and let them know it's not cool that they ditched you and have it out fucking put those feelings out in the world i like it light them up tom what's up light them up my approach would be a little more uh i would just be like hey did you ditch us they'd be like yeah we did you'd be like fuck you so get confirmation first that it was intentional yeah yeah although when you come in hot like that then people are like oh i'm so sorry dude but if you come in and yeah that was my thing is i knew my boy like i knew because he ditched me and because i'm a grown man, he thought I wouldn't call him out for having hurt feelings. He's like, no way. JT is going to be like, Hey, you hurt my feelings. You shouldn't have ditched me.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And I was like, don't ever underestimate me, dog. I was like, you fucking hurt my feelings. You hurt my feelings bad. And I am wounded like a child, dude, because you ditched me. You ditched me. And I feel like a third grader right now in terms of my pain and my personal maturity. And that is because of you. And then was like oh fuck dude jt's not being at all ashamed of what a pussy he's being and i was like i'm not ashamed at all i'm a huge pussy and i'll say it in
Starting point is 00:37:56 front of all these people that i am hurt dude i really admire that because i hold everything in and i think that's why I black out more often so props to you for being open like that maybe I need maybe I'm being the pussy here and I need to rip open my rib cage of emotions and just let it out yeah because this guy doesn't think that you're gonna call him out for having a hurt for having a broken heart over him ditching you and you need to let him know yes I do care I do care about being liked, especially by my friends. And the fact that you ditched me and made me feel unliked made me feel small. And I want you to know that you hurt another person.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Now, are you such a dude that you can't sit there and say you feel sorry for hurting another person? Or can you dig deep behind your facade and say i'm sorry i've never been one tenth near that level so i'm just sitting here in awe right now and i just want to give props to the guy who wrote this question thank you for your compliment up top and also beautiful compliment and also you're kind of making me think about my own life and how maybe I should be more open about my emotions because I do black out a lot. And maybe there's something behind that.
Starting point is 00:39:10 This guy sounds sweet, right? He sounds like a sweetheart. I love him. I love him too. I love you, dude. Yeah, you came up top and you were paying us compliments about how we're both great. You're seeing the best in people.
Starting point is 00:39:19 You gave your friend an opportunity to be the best he could be. You're even open to the other stuff that they wanted to do. You're like, yeah, SD's fun. The devil's punch. I mean, I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. But he understands. He says it's all fine and good, even though he's not that into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And then your fucking friend fucking didn't, took you for granted that you're such a nice guy and he fucking ditched you. And when someone ditches you, the way you get them back is you let them know, mission accomplished. You hurt me. You fucking bitch you piece of shit dude i remember one time i tried to come in hot because i thought some dude in my in college stole my couch you know and so i come in i'm just like i literally this is like
Starting point is 00:39:55 the hardest everyone i was like you fucking piece of shit you fucking piece of shit you stole my couch he's like no derrick has it i'm like fuck I should never be open again wait why why did Derek have your couch I don't know I don't remember I was so blacked out that whole year I just I don't even fucking know and then I was like you know what keep it closed Chad keep it closed so you went out on the wire one time you're like I'm gonna let it all hang out yeah and you missed I'm like it's time to show the world who I am and they're like this is not your time and I'm going to let it all hang out. Yeah. And you missed. I'm like, it's time to show the world who I am. And they're like, this is not your time. And I'm like, fuck. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Well, so I think you got to miss again until you hit the target. I'm scared, dude. No, you got this, dog. I'm scared. No, you got this. You're right. I'll lay it out more. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And thank you. What's his name? Rick. Thank you, Rick. You're a legend.'ll lay it out more. Thank you. And thank you. What's his name? Rick. Thank you, Rick. You're a legend. No, no, no. Rick was the guy who says he bones a bunch of chicks. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Rick was the guy who's like, I'm a shooter and I fuck. And we're like, all right, good to meet you. All right, guys. Thank you so much for joining us on episode seven of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Check us out on our Patreon. We're going to be putting out bonus episodes each month and then extra audio content and video content. So check that out. Patreon.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Chad goes deep. Check out our website. Keep writing in questions. We love them. Sorry if we don't get to your question, but we're trying to get to all of them. So keep writing in. Thanks for all your support, guys. We love you.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And shout out to Jermaine Parra at the Scorched Earth Podcast. Yeah, suck it, dude. Yeah, just eat a dick. Nom nom. But check out the Scorched Earth Podcast, but eat a dick, Jermaine. And yeah, JT, you want to say anything? Yeah, have a fun weekend. Keep it fun.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys.

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