Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 8 - Stormy Daniels, Hangovers and Boy Bands

Episode Date: March 8, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep in this one.  JT nurses a hangover.  Chad comments on the Quincy Jones/Michael Jackson controversy.  We also dive deep into the ethics of brunch.  Lastly, we cover beefs, leg...ends and some fire questions.  Check it out! For more bonus content, join our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep For more Chad and JT videos: www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stoke nation this is uh chad with going deep with chad and jt podcast with my compadre who's downing a green juice jt what up dude what up guys how is that green it's good dude it's revitalizing what's that concoction these are the heavenly greens green juice really does it for me you know it's just like the boost that you need if i'm ever like tired or something i'll get a green juice because like caffeine i'll like down a red bull or something i'm like yeah i feel amped but like a little too amped but green juice it just gives me that boost where I'm just like let's go fucking take over the town yeah you're not gonna blow your engine on green juice yeah for sure and the reason I'm drinking the green juice is because um last night I had a day I was spectacularly inebriated yeah you look like you're hurting a little bit today yeah and it's a physical pain
Starting point is 00:01:05 but it's also a a soul anguish so it's one of those days where it's like you got too fucked up and you're like oh fuck i was ugly in public nice two brunches two birthday brunches for two of my friends jen and caroline uh-huh first i went to jen's i don't even like brunch like the whole concept of brunch i find to be pretty annoying you know yeah what what do i mean by that i just mean like 10 people sitting around talking about their french toast who gives a fuck yeah but yesterday i i hadn't been drinking for a week or two and i i got to the place and i made a conscious decision i remember the moment i just went i'm gonna get fucking fucked up today yeah and then i just started chugging yeah that's a good move and
Starting point is 00:01:57 it's bottomless yeah oh dude that mimosas are you can't go wrong with those although the hangover is pretty whack but you know it's such a uh such a heartwarming drink yeah it's there's something uh like the waiter just kept coming just kept pouring them and i was like this guy trey is a good friend of mine yeah like not actually i'd never met him before but like i was like this dude like i like what he's doing for me he gets he he's on board with my mission yeah nice and then so i left that brunch i got into a cab with jen and some of her friends and then at some point and i don't remember what it was about or what was even said but we all started arguing like me against all of them and i just hopped out of the cab at a red light and then i walked to the next brunch nice and then um yeah i just came out of a blackout and i was puking into some bushes
Starting point is 00:02:54 and then i woke up at my brother's uh place and he was like no you weren't that bad which is so like whenever you black out and then the next day someone's like hey you were really funny last night you're like wow at my deepest and darkest yeah i'm actually a pretty fucking sick dude yeah that's always heartwarming and they're like i really enjoyed you last night i'm like well i don't remember it so i'm glad i was a joy for you i remember one time this girl was like this girl i was crushing on for a while in college i like had like three 40s of mickeys or something i like or four i don't even remember but i blacked out apparently i was just jumping over this bonfire the whole time just like super dangerous and just sort of showing my lack of fear so she was like i was so impressed last night with your i've never seen you like that before i'm like i
Starting point is 00:03:42 don't remember but it's good to hear that i'm like kind of like an alpha when i'm blacked out yeah yeah i've like been like oh man what did i do last night like was i awful and then like my i come into like the living room and all my friends like clap for me oh nice and they were like dude unbelievable you like patted that cop on the butt and you told him to have a good day sir and he laughed how did you pull that off and you told him to have a good day, sir, and he laughed. How did you pull that off? And you're like, I was on to so much ecstasy. So you heard about this Quincy Jones thing? No. Tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:04:15 He did an interview, and he said that the Beatles sucked. He said that Marlon Brando had gay sex with all these famous people who people didn't know were having gay sex. And most importantly, he said Michael Jackson was very Machiavellian. I heard that. You did hear that? Yeah. That hurts me to my core.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Because you're a huge MJ fan. Huge MJ fan. I love him. to my core because you're a huge mj fan huge mj fan i love him um and my first instinct upon seeing that was like whoa watch your jealousy q man you know that's where you think it's coming from i think he thinks he doesn't get the credit he thinks he deserves but i'm like dude you weren't moonwalking i heard michael's early billy jean demo before you got in so you know what why don't you suck it dude because that demo was before you got involved and it was pretty fire you know mj's not around to say hey dude like i didn't steal that so i think to like come out and say that now
Starting point is 00:05:18 it's pretty whack because he's not here to defend himself yeah Yeah, that's true. Don't speak ill of the dead. Yeah. When I was a boy, my dad used to give me baths. And before he'd pour the water on my head, he'd go, Close your eyes and I'll kiss you. Tomorrow I'll miss you. And I was like, wow, my dad is a songwriter. And then a couple years later, we're driving in the car, and that song comes on the radio. It's beatles song oh and i was like dad you're a fucking liar he's a machiavellian yeah my dad was tricking me yeah into believing that he was like a pretty talented
Starting point is 00:05:57 lyricist turns out he was stealing beatles songs my friend jo Joe just texted me back and said, Oh, dude, you're all right. You just lifted Trano up a couple times. You lifted what? I lifted a friend of ours in the air a bunch of times, a girl. Oh, nice. Do you like bench her or squat her? You know, I don't think people really care as much as you think they do.
Starting point is 00:06:22 If you're blacked out people people don't really give a shit unless you like seriously fuck something up and they're like wow like you know was racist yesterday then that's that's huge but if you were just being sloppy people are like people are more focused on the brunch that they're getting today dude that's a really good point too because there is that feeling when you wake up where after you come out of a blackout and i swear to god there's always this thought where you go fuck i hope i didn't say anything racist i hope i didn't say anything homophobic yeah like and i i really like i'm not even like just saying this to like you know virtue signal like i i generally don't say that stuff but there's something about it
Starting point is 00:07:06 where when you black out you're like did i fucking go on a tirade yeah about gays yeah did the deepest parts of my mind just come out right that's why it's nice when you come out of a blackout and people are like hey you were actually like really nice last night like you were really sweet and you're like oh so at my deepest i'm sweet yeah at my deepest i'm not a nazi it is scary though to like wonder like what the hell did i just fucking say did you hear the guy who ran the first four minute mile died roger bannister oh he did he died today oh boner jam yeah how old was he 88 oh so he had some age yeah what'd he die of i don't know bummer you drink you drink beverages like more intense than anyone I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It is kind of disturbing. Or I've had ex-girlfriends get mad about it. They're like, could you just enjoy it? Like, why do you just chug everything you drink? I don't know where it's coming from. Yeah, it's like every time I see that, I'm like, whoa, this guy's intense. Yeah. Set the tempo.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. You're like, okay, this is a nice get together. Let's all, hey, you guys want some water? And you're like, yeah. You're like, whoa, JT is on an entirely different level right now. Yeah. We're just trying to like have tea time and you just crushed a whole thing of Aquafina. We're just trying to like have tea time and you just crushed a whole thing of Aquafina.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm prepping for like a, for like a, um, expedition through like the Serengeti. I know. I'm like, everybody hydrate. At least two liters of water in you. All right. Here, have this water bottle. To JT. Here JT, have this water bottle.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Oh, thanks. All right. Gotta go pee. Okay. Well, we're at Easter brunch right bottle. Oh, thanks. All right, got to go pee. Okay, well, we're at Easter brunch right now, so why don't you just take it easy? And I eat fast, too. I eat fast and hard. You do.
Starting point is 00:09:16 You do eat fast and hard. Big bites. I'm just like... I don't know where it comes from, like what the urge is. Maybe it comes from back in the day when like we'd kill lions and then you just like you know you had to get your share so you'd like be like munching down you're like i was like tom come here eat eat with me eat with me before gunther comes back he'll want bites from the best parts here eat with me and then i just like lay on my back and my fat
Starting point is 00:09:49 belly's all distended i'm like oh i ate too much lion again oh when will you learn oh i've always had this like inner desire to eat like jabba the Hutt, you know, just like take like a fucking thing and just like throw it in the air with Princess Leia and a metal bikini next to me. Yeah. I think every dude has that fantasy. Who do you think's the best? Who do you think's the best boy band of all time?
Starting point is 00:10:22 Ooh, fire question. I'm gonna have to go with nsync yeah i mean it's i think it's clearly between nsync and backstreet boys i think those are probably the two top dogs i mean props to the backstreet boys they're still like touring i believe they're doing vegas yeah they're doing vegas they're on the nostalgia tour interesting yeah i wonder what that's like to watch them perform. Do you think they're, like, kind of slower now? They've been through so much, like, life. Like, AJ had, like, a massive cocaine problem.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Maybe they're, because they've stuck it through, and they're, like, true boy band. Like, NSYNC, they're like, all right, we're done, later. Lance went to whatever. Joey Fatone did like my big fat greek wedding and then um how do you know joey chazay and the other dude i don't know what they're doing and jt's like i'm going solo later but backstreet boys they really stuck it out and they're like no we're a fucking boy band guys we are a fucking boy band okay so. We are a fucking boy band, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:25 So you stick together, and let's keep cranking out these hits. Could you be in a boy band? Yes. So that brings me to our next issue. What did you think about all this Stormy Daniels stuff with Donald Trump? I'm not happy, I can tell you that. Not pleased. Donald, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Stormy Daniels is not even that hot compared to Melania. So it's like, you know, I guess you want to be kinky, but you know what? You made a commitment to Melania, and you shouldn't have done that if you wanted Stormy Daniels to, like, spank you and whatever else she did. I don't even know if that's a real name it's after storms uh i'm not a big fan of storms i'm a big fan of sun so whatever thoughts i mean i don't have girls throwing it at me like like donald does though that's true like donald's a hot dude i mean point blank period he's hot and he's jacked 63240 and he's president yeah that's true i didn't really take into account how hot he is
Starting point is 00:12:35 like he's a hot dude he's a hot guy yeah baby of the week my baby of the week is gonna be mel baby of the week my baby of the week is gonna be mel robbins um you might know her from her book the five second rule where she's like you know what if you want to do something you just count to five and you better fucking do it or else you're a fucking piece of shit yeah just thank you so much mel for your uh for your inspiration. That's all I got. I mean, how much more do you need? That was wonderful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Five seconds, dude. One, two, three, four, five. Do it. My baby of the week, Jessica Lange, actress. A lot of people know her from America's horror show. American Horror Story. American Horror Story. She is an incredible actress.
Starting point is 00:13:33 She's so good in Tootsie. She's so good in The Postman Always Rings Twice. And in The Postman Always Rings Twice with Jack Nicholson, the sex scene they have is like, I it's real oh for real like i think they actually bound on camera nice yeah that's like what the the rumors were and when you watch it it's like super intense super intense like not safe to watch with like children or your parents yeah like it's a movie you watch alone nice wink wink intent i echo what you mean and then um another thing i really like about jessica lang i mean she's stunning too she's so beautiful but another thing i really like about
Starting point is 00:14:12 her is that um she uh married interesting men she was first married to a mikhail baryshnikov the ballet dancer who's like incredibly bouncy and then she married sam shepherd the playwright oh she did yeah that's cool and a lot of his plays were about incest which must have weirded out his family a lot yeah and they were like sam you want to stop writing plays about boning your sister and his sister was like yes please stop writing those and then sam was like no it's my art and jessica could like understand that and and i don't want to distract too much by talking about the men i mean she is like such a good actress it's interesting about sam shepherd you know it's like so did you guys enjoy the play it's like yeah well you're just boning your sister the whole time he's like yeah it's
Starting point is 00:15:03 great right yeah like do you want to do that he's like no i don't want to bone my sister why did she say anything did cheryl say anything she mentioned me well you're her brother yeah no i know off limits i mean she like asked about your birthday. She like the play? Um, yeah. I, you know, I think we all just feel a little bit kind of, like, weird. I'm sorry. I mean, it was a great play, Sam. Like, you know, you're an amazing, talented artist.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But, like, you know, this is the fourth play where where you the guy's boned his sister and it's um that's weird yeah it's it's really weird i should stop except i just won the pulitzer motherfucking prize yeah for sure no like total props for that you know but like i'm your mom I'm your mom, okay? Are you flirting with me? No, Sam. You know, you said this to your aunt, too, and your aunt does not want to play Twister with you.
Starting point is 00:16:15 She was definitely flirting with me. Well, can you stop inviting her to play Twister? Nothing. Twister's not against the law. She doesn't want to play. She doesn't have to play. can you make your next play i don't want to like try and stomp on your art but can you try make your next play about like you know like maybe like a fantasy about like game of thrones or something there's a brother and sister fucking each other on Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Is that all you think about? Most people don't even remember that. They just remember that old, that little fella. Why, you stepped into it there, Mom. Yeah, I have dementia. But that doesn't stop me from noticing that all your plays are about you boning your sister well sometimes they're about me not boning my sister but i mean it's still talk about it but i just don't get to do it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So do you want to do that? No. Did she say anything? Why do you keep asking that? You brought her up. No, she did not say anything, Sam. You sandbagging me? What? Put in a good word.
Starting point is 00:17:45 What? Hook it up good word. What? Hook it up. Hook what up? Me and Cheryl. So what are you saying, Sam? Nothing. I want a boner. I want a boner.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Oh my, oh. I do, I want a boner. Oh my God. I do. I want a boner. My baby boy. I want a boner and I want to bone you too. Alan, Alan, get in here. What's Sam Shepard's dad's name? I want to bone Alan. That's your father.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I want to bone him. That's your father. I'm sorry. I'm weird. I want to bone my whole family. All right. Well, you can take your Pulitzer Prize and just go to new york with all the other freaks later yeah then he died oh bummer yeah do you believe in reincarnation totes totes my goats who's your beef of the week my beef of the week uh this one's personal because it's uh beef that i have uh my beef
Starting point is 00:18:46 of the week is with the ocean uh the ocean has not been producing waves this winter i don't know what is going on poseidon like i pray to you every morning dude you know i don't know if you're like beefing with whatever i don't know what's going on with the ocean but it's like you know it's really affected my stoke you know the winter you just look forward to it because you know it's going to be pumping but like every time i look at the forecast especially like for the last month it's like oh no one to three two three feet and i'm like all right you better make up for this shit in the summer because this has been fucking bullshit and i'm pissed you come into winter where you're like it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:19:25 cold but I have one thing that I can hold on to and that is a solid amount of good waves so at least I have that but then the winter comes around and it's like no it's gonna be cold and flat and you're like this is probably the worst winter ever and like I can only watch so many Bruce Irons and Julianian wilson videos and i'm just fucking pissed dude you know it's just like what the fuck and like you know i make a gratitude list every morning i'm very thankful and the ocean has not been holding up its bargain you know i'm like thank you ocean for providing me with waves but then like it doesn't provide them and I'm like what the fuck so yeah
Starting point is 00:20:09 thanks for letting me vent well I hope you and the ocean can work it out yeah I mean you know it's just like I don't know I don't know what's going on you know it's just We're going through a rough time right now
Starting point is 00:20:26 But I'll be back One of the The second birthday girl From brunch just wrote me You were great No worries at all Thank you for coming
Starting point is 00:20:35 Just take what she said And run with it You're right I was at my best Yeah No Hey John don't worry about it You're at your best i mean you did pick me up and throw me into a fountain but i just i hate that i kept picking up a girl like
Starting point is 00:20:53 showing how strong i am oh all right my beef of the week is with my parents friend maureen she's always really rude to me and her husband Frank's like my dog like we get along great he's like super into sports and movies and we just chop it up all day but Maureen like I can tell she dislikes me and she like makes cutting remarks towards me really? yeah we'll have like big like you know
Starting point is 00:21:17 12 person dinners with all the families and she'll just like openly talk shit to me interesting how so what'd she say? she's like oh really it's your opinion that's so interesting she like comes out and says shit like that yeah damn and she's she's being sarcastic this is out of nowhere you don't know where it's from i mean i i just think i she just doesn't like me just for no reason i don't like have you ever like come front and be like
Starting point is 00:21:44 what's the beef? Like seriously. I think maybe you should say I was like a know-it-all or something. Oh, okay. But I don't know. It's weird to have like a 60-year-old lady talking shit to you though. Yeah, usually parents' friends are like very accommodating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Did you like flash her at some point or something? Like show her my dong? Yeah. Yeah, I did. I used to moon people a lot when i was a kid especially but i was like five well there you have it you think that was it it's crazy that you sussed that out so quickly that settles that who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week goes to my brother's dog, Nash.
Starting point is 00:22:37 He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is, if you guys know, so my brother, Nash is about two years old. Shout out to Nash. I love you, dude. My brother's dog, Nash, he's a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Rhodesian Ridgebacks, if you do not know they are known for hunting lions in Africa so this dude and like so like every time I look at him I just see how much potential he has you know you just see that built up in him he's like even if he's just like chilling i'm like he has this presence where
Starting point is 00:23:05 he's like dude i kill fucking lions but he's also on top of that he's just like a super mellow dog super down to earth just like really chill great to have a conversation with um we watched sopranos together and like he's just like such a good companion and um you know just a good looking dog you know very uh he has a great bone structure so you know you could pull chicks and my brother i'm like when we when we first got him i'm like i'm like how's nash he's like dude let me explain nash to you in three sentences smart as a whip built like a brick shithouse, and hung like a mule. I'm like, well, I don't think you need anything more than that. I think that's a 10 out of 10 dog.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I hope they put that on my gravestone. Yeah. Is that like a fire description? I mean, you got the brain, you got the body, you got the cock. It's like, what else do you need? Yeah. So just props to Nash. You know, you're a fucking legend dude uh big ups to you you know
Starting point is 00:24:07 i love you and um you know thanks for watching sopranos with me my uh legend of the week is my buddy joe what up joe joe p one of the the most awesome things a person can do is like be good at hosting you know what i mean joe's like a fucking beast at it like you go over to his crib you're like man i feel good when i'm here like this is comfortable it's got good feng shui it's got a fat fucking tv and we play fucking video games on it i fucking wreck him at fifa wreck him at ufc3 he wrecks me once in a while He's just a great guy too He's like always super cool to hang out with He's funny
Starting point is 00:24:48 He told me I wasn't too wasted yesterday So I appreciate that too Nice We went to a golf tournament together The uh Waste management something Nice It's like the biggest party on the PGA Tour
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah I've seen that I got thrown out of it For what? Being too drunk Nice And I got thrown out of it. For what? Being too drunk. Nice. And I got a ticket for pissing in public. Joe also, like, a super legendary thing about him, he's got a Laker tattoo on his butt. He does?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah. I've never seen that. Yeah, he's got a Laker tattoo on his butt. Joe, when'd you get that? I think he got it, like, four years ago. Is it big? It's pretty big. It's probably like three by two.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Next time I see him, I'm going to have to ask him about that. Yeah, make sure he shows it to you. Yeah. That's interesting about the peeing in public thing. When I studied in Australia, as you know, I lived in Gold Coast for three months. For some reason, I was just hammered, i was just pissing like on the sidewalk like not being discreet and on top of that next to like a a fucking public restroom i was like pissing on the building of a public restroom and uh these cops were like oi what are you doing mate and i was like what and then like
Starting point is 00:26:08 then i started like running because i got scared and they tackled me and then i pissed my pants even more whoa so like i get to the police station and i just have like pee all over my pants and i'm like dude i'm a fucking wizard right now. And they're all making jokes like, look at his mate. He pissed his pants. What are you scared, mate? And I'm like, can you just let me go? I'm a fucking American. And they're like, oi, we'll let you go if you do a moonwalk.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I'm like, I actually can moonwalk. Can I show you? They're like, oh, I'm like, I can moonwalk. Let me you they're like oh i'm like i can moonwalk let me show you and they're like you can't moonwalk mate i'm like i can do it if you just like uncuff me and let me do it they didn't let me do it i'm like you guys offered and i had like the thing to let me go but then they just let me go with but they gave me a ticket i um yeah i went to weenie roast it's the um k-rock concert in orange county and i think i got a concussion because i was like so drunk i was laying down during rob zombie and my friend
Starting point is 00:27:12 stepped on my head um so i was kind of woozy and then i went to the bushes to pee and there was like a big plant like a potted plant and i started pissing on it and i didn't realize it really got on the other side of the plant and he's like oh dude you're pissing all over my back dude and i was like oh i was like so dumb at the time i was like oh what oh yeah okay like i was like i tried to act like too cool yeah i was like sorry i'm pissing on you and then he was like yeah you're like whizzing on my back dude how'd you like it if i whizzed on your back and i was like yeah go for it and then i just walked away um but joe's a legend all right should we get into these questions yeah we got a lot of questions this week this is from jimmy dudes seller job with the pod just want to start off with that thank you what do you think
Starting point is 00:28:01 about the most recent transformers film is there a comeback to be made or is michael bay losing his stoke after a pure gem and megan fox wasn't able to return post t2 however transformers 3 was spectacular yeah i think there's totally a comeback i mean yeah i think i think i think maybe he just needs to find his next megan fox i think um transformers needs to pick a new direction to go in. Like, we've seen intergalactic warfare between the Transformers. Yeah. But have we seen, like, a domestic drama about what it is to be a Transformer? Oh, dude, I like that.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I like that direction. Like a husband and wife Transformer. Yeah. Trying to, like, assimilate into regular culture and then also raising their child transformer. Maybe like Cara Delevingne is their therapist. That sounds really hot. Yeah. I would love to see that.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Maybe we should hit up Michael Bay and be like, hey, let's turn this you know let's talk about the real issues yeah jake what's up chad and jt so i've been out of the game for a while which has been causing a severe lack of stoke i recently matched with a chick on tinder who's hitting me up big time but she's not my type at all do i give it in boner or hold out for my own good i'd say you hold out and wait for someone you really like because you don't want i mean you got to think about her feelings in this matter you know like but at the same time if you've been out of the game for a long long while boning could really be what the doctor ordered like you might you're probably walking into rooms right now like slouch shouldered kind of heavy
Starting point is 00:29:42 my hey what's up guys how you doing yeah it's good to see you guys yeah i'm doing all right and then after you bone you might walk into a room like what up dudes hey good to see you guys yeah what are we watching oh cool yeah let's go do something yeah that's a good point i didn't think about that i've seen the boning boost before in people yeah i've seen the way boning can take people from the doldrums of like, oh, everything's boring to just being like, whoa, the whole world's colorful. Well, then I think you got to think about this lady too. Maybe he's got to be like up front with her and just be like, look, I'm not that interested, but I do want to bone.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I do think that you got to say that. You got to let her know up top that you're just in it for fun. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:30:29 that, that brings us actually to our first sponsor. Uh, we're being sponsored this week. This is the first time we've had a sponsor by a Helix beer bongs. They have some of the best beer bongs in the industry. Um, super clean funnel,
Starting point is 00:30:43 easy to arch. Doesn't pick up much foam nice transparent tube yeah the valves are just like they they're so durable they last for like they last for like 15 years and they really cut it off so like when you when you hit that valve it cuts off and dude i just want to give a shout out to their flabongo i took their flabongo to coachella last year that was a huge hit huge yeah i've been using helix beer bongs since i was like a kid so to be sponsored by them is literally a dream come true and i wouldn't yeah let someone sponsor this podcast unless it was a product i truly believed in and helix beer bongs is just as good as it gets in that space. And I recommend it with a full heart and a hungry,
Starting point is 00:31:30 thirsty belly tested and proven strong by us. Yeah. They did a double blind tests on it against other beer bongs and Helix every time, uh, was picked as the best beer bong. Nice. All right, we got one from John.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm in a bit of a jam with my bro, Ryan. One day a few months ago, we went to our regular Subway to discover they hired a new sandwich artist who's an absolute babe. A month into the spring semester, we find ourselves frequently back at Subway asking this babe for her cookies. But every time we go, we suddenly flex on each other looking for her cookies. But every time we go, we subtly flex on each other looking for her attention. One time I asked for a tuna sandwich attempting to model Paul, but she missed the reference and said she didn't have tuna
Starting point is 00:32:11 and then laughed at Ryan's Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. I very much want to win this battle. I feel this war's cost will outweigh its reward and our friendship as well as Stoke is suffering for it. Please send guidance in this trying time.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Well, I mean, my first impression is you got to find a sandwich artist. Because she doesn't know Paul? Yeah. Charlie. I love my life, husband, kids, quality work, great health, nice home. I've really got it all. Interestingly enough, I've discovered that being in my 40s has triggered some serious horndog appetites. Just yesterday, the young man whom I bought a delicious green juice after going for a run was super cute and flirty. Oh, JT, you're handsome too.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Thank you. My imagination ran wild and my stoke meter was well on the rise. Here's the thing. I've been with my husband for close to 20 years. And while we have a great marriage, the one thing that is not available to me is the fun feeling of fresh, most romantic thing is the chase, right? Is there ever a scenario where it's okay to haul past it? I keep my shit tight and I know that my ability to get a
Starting point is 00:33:14 glance won't last forever. So worried my opportunity to ever have that will we or won't we feeling has an expiration date. No question has ever tested me more. I'm literally at peak horniness right now. I want to tell you to run wild and to bone like crazy because it sounds super hot, but I cannot. I think you got to holster it. Flirt with this guy, get that feeling, wonder about what if, because guess what? The actual wondering is going to be better than the doing. flirt with this guy get that feeling wonder about what if because guess what the actual
Starting point is 00:33:45 wondering is going to be better than the doing i mean it's tough because like you made me so crazy hot there charlie but i think what you got to do is just take that flirty energy and then bring it home to your husband yeah like be like oh i was being bad today and then maybe even talk to him about it like maybe you guys could get into some weird dirty talk where you can be like, oh, I was flirting with the Chad lookalike at the green juice place, and your husband will be like,
Starting point is 00:34:13 like Chad from Chad Goes Deep? Oh, that's so hot. Yeah, some role playing. Thanks for writing in, Charlie. JT's super horny right now i can tell man i'm vibrating all right what's up dudes i just moved to south africa i missed my squad at home i'm forging a new squad here though but i need to the crew to get more rambunctious how do i encourage gnarlier moves and top off the stoke tank
Starting point is 00:34:39 uh my first instinct is jackass too i think uh whenever i want the crew to get wild and rowdy um i put on jackass too and that usually gets us in the mood to really buck shit up ryan what up guys just listen to the pod where you discussed your lack of stoke for zip lining if you're looking for more adventure i bungee jump and it would be rad if you both came out on one of our trips i'm also curious what's the craziest thing you've ever done? I think the craziest thing I ever did was go up to Sandra Bullock at an airport and ask her if she was Sandra Bullock.
Starting point is 00:35:16 That's crazy. It was nuts. Liam, my stoke is pretty low right now and I need your guidance. I was at a house party and the whole squad was there. I got a little too stoked and put my head through my bro's wall and he won't talk to me what can I do to revive my friendship with my closest bro so the squad can party on I think your bro's gotta come around on that one
Starting point is 00:35:36 I think he's gotta have respect for that move I remember one time um I don't know if you remember this my buddy uh our buddy Mason um we were at this, we were at a party, this was in college, we were at a party, and, uh, he, uh, he was in his room, and we're like, Mason, come out, and he's like, all right, I'm coming out, and he just, like, kicked through his door, plowed through, and then just, like, went literally through his door plowed through and then just like went literally through his door like your door's not
Starting point is 00:36:09 working anymore but totally worth it so i think you need to like try and explain to your boy like hey me putting my head through that wall was pretty freaking cool dude yeah liam i think you're a badass and there's a super simple solution i mean you put a hole in his wall you gotta let him let him ram his head into your wall that's a good that's a good point yeah like dude have at it just be like bring him over and be like hey dude i'm super sorry about your wall i got this nice sweet spot in my bedroom if you want to get a running start bury your head in there and i mean mean, knowing guys, I'm pretty sure he's going to be chomping at the bit for an opportunity to put his cranium through some dry
Starting point is 00:36:49 wall. I totally would. I'd be super stoked. Crack. I'd be like, take a video of it. Let's do this shit. Caleb. Hey guys, you helped me a lot with my ass eating question a few weeks ago and I'm back for more advice. I recently had a mom me on snapchat and things got heated pretty quickly i went to her house after she put her kids to sleep the kids are two and three and i had full intentions on getting my meat log in her sauce gross i was stoked to the tits as the fire was fueled between us and things got touchy-feely i started to hear a crackle behind me i thought thought she had a bad sound system, but it was a baby monitor. Her kid's cock blocked me. My dick was harder than Chinese math.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I got blue balls so bad I couldn't beat off for a week. My stokes had an all-time line. My testosterone was through the roof. Should I hit the mom back up for another round and see if I can get the knockout, or should I really stay out of the octagon and train for the next bout? Really need some help here, bros. What would you guys do? And have you ever been in this situation? Caleb, I've seen so much maturity out of you
Starting point is 00:37:51 in these last few weeks from your ascending question to now this. I think the logical solution is that you're ready to make the leap. This is American Pie to the next step. I think you should marry this lady. Excellent point. step yeah i think um you should marry this lady excellent point and become those kids new male father yeah i think from this story you were given a great great challenge you know
Starting point is 00:38:16 you were tested the universe was like i'm going to present you with this babe and then i'm going to take her away and let's see what your next move is and i think you know what the next move is you gotta continue and persevere and really do your thing caleb and i hope you instill some of that ass-eating wisdom into your next move samuel what up fellow stokers i've always wanted to go to a nude beach with my girl but the sound of the crashing waves amps me up and gets me stoked as've always wanted to go to a nude beach with my girl, but the sound of the crashing waves amps me up and gets me stoked as fuck, causing me to sometimes get a semi-chub
Starting point is 00:38:49 with the potential to turn into a fool on steel pipe. I can't have her thinking I'm rising up from looking at another chick's rack. How do I address this problem, should it arise? Oh, dude, you just gotta be up front with it, you know? Just be like, look look waves get me hard um so i think you should know that up top and just be like listen babe waves get me like super aroused so i know we're going to a nude beach and i know you're worried about me staring at other chicks
Starting point is 00:39:19 rigs but you know what dude you know what babe um it's the waves that get me hard so um all i want is your melons and if you see me getting hard it's either for you or the sound of crashing waves be honest my dude and look there's a potentiality that your girlfriend's gonna be like do you like waves more than me like are you more sexually attracted to waves than me? And then you got to say look babe. It's not like that Like I'm aroused by waves, but I don't even know how I could fuck a wave so I love you. Yeah J-hop what up chat and JT J-hop here I was listening to rude by magic the other day and i can really relate to the merits
Starting point is 00:40:05 of the song i'm pretty stoked on this babe but her pops is not stoked on me i'm a pretty chill guy and live a pretty fire life any advice on how i can impress my female compadre's dad challenge him yeah i'd say like um if you're jacked maybe show him your muscles yeah if you're smart maybe uh recite just spend some big words in front of him yeah or yeah or write a really good poem or recite a good one yeah and then also i think a lot of this stuff uh can just happen over time if you're like super good to his daughter and you're just like consistently polite at a certain point his iciness will thaw and he'll uh he'll just give in to the fact that you're a beast alan what up stoke council one of my boys recently got gonorrhea what should i do
Starting point is 00:40:57 uh i'd say go to planned parenthoodarenthood and get him a shot. Joe, I've got a real conundrum here. I'm getting married in November, which I'm super stoked about. Congratulations, dog. My squadron and I are raging in New Orleans for the bachelor trip, and my fiance is not so stoked about the potential visit to strip clubs while we're there. What do you dudes consider acceptable?
Starting point is 00:41:22 I personally see nothing wrong with a little glitter on my face from some big Cajun hooters before a big day i would say this honey i'm gonna go get some big cajun hooters in my face but just so you know i'm not being unfair i brought this police officer over to watch you while i'm gone wait why is the police officer taking his shirt off oh he's because he's a stripper and so you let her have a good time get some butt male butt cheeks in her face and then you'll be like fair is fair no i get to get some hooters yeah holly i'm writing to you from a dark place work sucks sucks, but I met a legend at my job. This babe is so chill and has a noggin filled with a great deal of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:42:11 We raged so much at the beginning of this year and became incredibly tight. However, she has been totally bummed lately. A lot of people have been completely aggro towards her, and it's not chill at all. For example, she's been a beast at the gym lately, but some D-bag that she didn't know had to ruin her stoke because he kept staring at her and called her a hot bitch repeatedly all quiet and creepy that was super shitty it makes me bum seeing a key player in my squad being so bummed can you give my girl sarah any advice or sage words of wisdom to refill her stoke tank you should all know we live in the midwest so winter has been completely gnarly in the worst possible way so this dude has just been kind of like harassing her yeah it sounds like she's just
Starting point is 00:42:47 having a tough time at work and then like also like she goes to the gym for some that's her sanctuary but that's been sullied by some sloppy weirdo yeah i think you just gotta remind her that haters exist and uh if you have haters, that means you're doing it right. Yeah, I think gold is tested in the fire. For sure. And she's going through these trials and tribulations because she's a point of focus for a lot of people because she's special.
Starting point is 00:43:23 All right, we just got a couple more. Jason, I listened to your last podcast and that dude's story about Paul Walker. I too have a story about Paul that I'm very ashamed of. I was young and thought I was too cool for school. P-Dub was downtown filming something for National Geographic and I had parked in the lot I was working.
Starting point is 00:43:40 As he came out, he stopped to talk to me and said someone told him he could park here for free. I said, it's cool. I know who you are. And as he reached out to give me dabs, I turned my head and denied him. This moment has haunted me and I don't know what to do. Do you think Paul forgave me? Do you think if I make it to heaven, he will punch me in the face?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Having a hard time and seeking your advice. Yeah, hopefully he'll punch you in the face when you make it to heaven. How can you not give Paul dabs? You've made a pretty deep karmic mistake, and you're going to have to suffer for it. Yeah. I mean, Paul forgives. I mean, I think that's something we all know,
Starting point is 00:44:14 but I think you've got to pay for what you did. Last question. My name is Kevin, and I'm in a serious bind that is affecting my stoke. My best friend Paul and I are the most popular bros in school. I am the good-looking athlete, and he is the good-looking dude who drives fast cars. I was dating the most popular girl in school until she dumped me for a reality star. I was really bummed at first, but my boy Paul had my back. To get my mind right, we went up and hit a few ragers where I was able to get out of my slump by slaying a few grenades.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Now that I got my stoke back, Paul and I made a bet. I said that I could turn any chick on campus into the prom queen. Paul took me up on the bet, but he got to pick the girl. He ended up choosing the dorky girl from science class, Stacy. After a few weeks of being my girl, I started to have legit feelings for this babe. When Paul realized that he was going to lose the bet, he told Stacy about our bet. Stacy won't talk to me anymore, and I feel paul really betrayed me should i give up on stacy and get back with my old babe or fight with stacy and win state or fight with or fight paul and win stacy back fight for stacy dude i think you gotta fight for i think you gotta like go over to her dad's place dance with her yes you gotta fight for her i mean i think you should try and show your love in a way do a science experiment like maybe make one of those volcano things and like just show her that
Starting point is 00:45:39 like you care about her so much that you'll do science for her. She's going to feel like she's just a bet, but you've got to let her know that she's more than that. Yeah, maybe explain, like, hey, at first you were a bet because I was trying to, like, prove a point. But then I got to know you, and you're the most amazing creature I've ever met. A lot of beautiful stories have ugly origins. Yeah. It's how you finish the story story it's not how you start it just be like you know what babe this has been a journey of self-discovery
Starting point is 00:46:13 i started a not so cool but very popular and good-looking dude and now i'm a still very popular and good-looking dude but i'm also cool because i understand science chicks yeah you've grown a lot and you're not the same person you were when you made that bet all right this question's from kellen what up dudes i just found out that i have the smallest dick in my crew we all got naked after a rager and I have the smallest dick by a considerable margin. I'm feeling super inadequate. How do I deal? It's tough. I think that just gives you, you know, I think people use like big dongs as like a crutch.
Starting point is 00:47:00 They'll like in life, they'll be like, well, I don't have to do that because I have a huge dong. And so I think this is an opportunity for you to really maximize your maximization to where you can be like a full on just beast of a dude because you're like, I may have a small dick, but I started like 10 businesses. I also charge Toto Santos. I also know how to make fire fish tacos. And I also still bone more chicks than the other dudes who have bigger dongs. All right, guys. That's going to be it for Episode 8 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Thank you so much for all your questions. Guys, we have a Patreon. We're cranking out material on that Patreon, which I think you guys are going to love. There's more video, more audio stuff. So join our Patreon. It's just go to Patreon, Chad Goes Deep. And, you know, thank you guys so much. Check out ChadGoesDeep.com.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Or you just go to YouTube or whatever. And, yeah, thank you guys for joining us. Thanks for all the questions. We love you. dot com or you just go to our YouTube or whatever and yeah thank you guys for joining us thanks for all the questions we love you JT you want to say anything? I love you. Later oh check us
Starting point is 00:48:17 yeah we're on iTunes so if you want to if you dig the pod leave a review give us a a rating and we'd love that thank you guys so much all right later

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