Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 85 - Strider Joins, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Nicolas Cage Naked

Episode Date: August 8, 2019

What up stokers, we've got an extra dank and extra long episode for you all. The relaysh savant Strider joins us as we discuss Quentin Tarantino's new movie, the significance of being naked, and ...furniture. Check it out! Check out our t shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh mama, what up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas, what up? Boom. Clap, Stokers. And we are joined by the Relish guru, savant of Relish, Strider Wilson. Maestro.
Starting point is 00:00:34 What up, dudes? Legends. Empresario. Appreciate that, dude. I prefer maybe maestro, dude, like a Beethoven, you know? I said that, though. That's what I'm talking about. Fired up on that.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Fired up on all this. You need like a conductor's baton for relationships be like let me just exactly this out and the thing is yes you must listen in a relationship is a very key aspect of it but also you must feel and Beethoven was deaf dude so he had to feel those notes dude that's how he listened he put forth that extra effort and that's what's up that's actually my relationship to wave runners as well which i'm going to talk about later oh my dude i respect you so much when you're on your own two feet but you want a wave runner cutting it up in the water i mean my best it's the apex predator i'm not saying you're looking to go out there and hurt anything but killer whales orcas look out dude talk about poseidon with your respect there talk about poseidon with a freaking triton and a steel
Starting point is 00:01:28 dong yeah no question and uh we're also brought to you by douglas lubricant the best in the biz guys you want a bone and you want to bone well but most importantly you want to bone smooth okay and when you bone bone right with douglas all right back to uh jt on a wave runner well i was gonna ask strider now that you've gotten so much feedback about your uh understanding of relationships and how how profound it is when people ask you questions about that now do you feel like more like you have the right to tell them or do you see more clearly or any more confident in your in your takes on relationships because of all the people who give you credit for it there is definitely a boost in confidence dude like i'm walking around like feeling like
Starting point is 00:02:16 you know like if you you know you step out on the basketball court you drain a couple tray balls you see it go in i'm gonna take another i'm gonna take a jumper and you know what dude if i'm playing some pickup i might even like you know your, dude, if I'm playing some pickup, I might even like, you know, your team's like, all right, let me feed this guy the ball. Like you've earned yourself that extra shot while playing pickup, whereas maybe you gotta go to the guy who's better than you.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So there's no question that the confidence has been boosted and I appreciate that for sure, dude. But the thing is, I gotta check myself because every relationship's different. All I can do is speak on the knowledge of the one that I have and hopefully raise the stoke of other dudes out there in their GS. Dude, I was worried that, you know, because I always, whenever you come on the pod, I was introduced to you with such, you know, grand titles.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And I was worried that, you know, like kind of heavy lies the crown. You would kind of be like, oh, dude, I don't know. We had a disagreement over a vase last night and like am i still the relationship expert yeah and maybe that would affect your relation because like you're like we argued over like you know shoes oh dude we for sure dude i mean look today we were waking up i was going to freaking valet my gf was going to her freaking job dude had a meeting in the morning and dude you know what we were in each other's space a little bit dude she used my comb i was like why are you using my comb dude and she's like oh uh i just kind of like the way it straightens my
Starting point is 00:03:28 hair out and i was like all right ty and like pardon me for a second was like oh i wish you would have asked but at the same time i was like i just need to go crush an apple right now dude get some get some food in me some nutrients and then i'm over it dude way to take yourself out of the moment and see the big picture yeah I think so often like when I'm feeling like angry or down I feel like that feeling is my past present and future but it's just a moment correct dude it's funny I was driving thinking I think I was cruising around listening to this song dude by Jonathan Brie called you're so cool it's legit dude check it out that's an endorsement it's legit I love it just discovered it and so I was
Starting point is 00:04:04 cruising over the hill dude just cruising dude the weather's nights and hot august night i'm going down i'm having fun and i'm in the moment but then in my dome i was like you know they always say be in the moment but you got to be in the moment but also have a greater understanding of everything around you because it's very dangerous just to get caught up in one thing even though it's a stoked moment it's like you know i got to be cognizant of things that are going on always you know game plan and what i got going tomorrow dude making moves that's mindfulness dude yeah awareness of the awareness you know like and i always one thing i'm trying to come to terms with is like whenever i'm like really amped or really stoked in the
Starting point is 00:04:38 moment i get this fear i'm like is this stoke fleeting you know is this gonna leave me and i'm gonna go drop into a freaking despair of uh lack of froth and um you know like today i was i was leaving the movie theater and i was blast and no easy way out by robert tepper fire jam from rocky four soundtrack and just so amped the sun was coming in i was like this is socal you know i want to crush some like steak right now like i'm so stoked and then this thought came in that was like this is socal you know i want to crush some like steak right now like i'm so stoked and then this thought came in i was like is this stoke fleeting like no easy way out will end and i was like i just you know what i literally just took my hand and physically just pushed it away enjoyed the moment indeed i would argue that that is partially and correct me if i'm wrong
Starting point is 00:05:22 the beauty of stoke you know the ephemeral nature yeah you know you appreciate its fleeting quality correct yeah and that's and you're always seeking your next stoke while and the trick is raise the stoke of those around you my friends and you're still yeah if you're in a stoke environment you're going to experience stoke more often no question guys we've got a new engineer this week sean aaron's got to crush his softball playoffs what's your philosophy on stoke i mean now that you're new to the the pod on uh on stoke yeah how do you mean like what gets you amped or like how do you view being amped like do you think how important is being amped in your life yeah honestly i started taking a lot of cbd this year nice so i'm not usually that
Starting point is 00:06:14 but there's a mellow in that it's a chill am a mellow froth yeah yeah you are like a geyser of stoke dude like you may not see it but beneath that service it's just straight up dank chilling going on down there like an iceberg an iceberg of stoke that's even a better analogy dude there's more of an underwater than above yeah i was thinking he has like buddhist stoke yeah you know yeah like a monk who's just like he's just rating it but he's not showing it outward he's not saying like i'm so stoked like a guy at the x games right he's more just like sitting there in like full lotus for sure just like beaming out yeah internal stoke which is probably more meaningful it's like you look at him and you're like oh he doesn't look like he's having a dank time but if you could go inside his brain you'd be like oh this looks pretty dank yeah and dude
Starting point is 00:07:15 there's levels of amp dude you know what i mean like in like there's amp is conditional like if i'm amped in a library and i look up and i find a book on like a U-boat, I'm not going to be like, yeah, dude, I'm going to respect my environment. I'm going to be like, oh, sick to myself. Yeah. Like amped at a funeral isn't being like, fuck yes, this fucking guy's dead. It's like crying and being like, I love this guy. Correct. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'm glad I knew him. Yeah. And hugging somebody else. By the way, dude, my funeral, which is pretty much the last party you throw for yourself, bagpipes are going to be there. Oh, shit, dude. I'm not even Scottish, dude, but I want bagpipes, dude, my funeral, which is pretty much the last party you throw for yourself, bagpipes are going to be there. I'm not even Scottish, dude, but I want bagpipes, dude. I'm getting Pearl Jam to sing Last Kiss. Bro, I hope I'm never at your funeral.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I hope you're at mine, dude. But damn, dude, I wish I'm there to see that, dude. I hope you guys have 100 years happy together and me 99 years in a day so I never have to know good people like you are going. Oh, fire line, dude. I'm going to have a Dodge Charger do a burnout. That's a great call, dude. That's awesome. And maybe a wheelie.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And maybe you get one of your boys. Who's driving? My wife. Fire. That's a great call. I'm like, go live your life. I stoked my way through my life. Like she does a burnout and she drives off to another place.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah. But not to another dude's house. More to like Disneyland or something. And she's got the kids in the back. She's not going to see some weird dude. And they're going to be shirts off like, again, like dudes at the X Games. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Dude, yeah. Stay stoked, family. Yeah. They're helicoptering their tees, dude. Just cruising to go crush breakfast burritos at like A's or something, dude, in your honor, dude. Yeah, or Togo's. Do they have breakfast burritos? I don't know if Togo's does.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I just drove by one. That's why it was in my dome. But do you know what? I'm not like a huge fan. Rare is the occasion you see a Togo's, though. I haven't seen a Togo's in a while. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Jersey Mike's popping up all over. Respect them. Love Jersey Mike's. Oh, for sure. Love, love, love. Yeah, Jersey Mike jersey is great i think as far as your sandwich eateries go like jersey mike's quiznos subway like a witch witch uh what else they got going on over there um i gotta say quiznos already quiznos i mean like uh jersey mike's is the upper echelon of yeah jersey mike's and their cheese steak is like ridiculous it's fire dude
Starting point is 00:09:21 it's better than any of like the like philadelphia knockoffs we got out here true like booze or whatever the other ones are like it's dank i've been to booze it's dank i'm not saying it's not as bad but bro jersey mike's number freaking 43 is for sure dank just because people love it and that's dank but yeah yeah i find more dankness at jersey mike's even though it's a chain i think that's why some people are averse to it good call dude i like ralph's i'll go to ralph's i'll get a dank sandwich yeah bro the sandwich yeah dude they got some good chipotle mayo sauce which is also what's on the cheesesteak and good traditional mustard and i like to get pickles on there and just like you know just lay them on artichoke hearts just freaking i'm like just put it all on there you know yeah bro
Starting point is 00:10:01 when you get a deli sandwich and i see boar's Head. When I see that Boar's Head thing behind the deli, I'm fired up, dude. I see that. Yeah, bro. You kidding me? And then you get that little container. It's got a pickled wedge in there. I'm all, oh, Jimmy John's. That's the one I was trying to think of.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Right. Jimmy John's does have the best pickles. No question. Legit. As far as sandwiches goes, not pickles. For sure. I fucking love pickles i love i love jalapenos i love banana peppers all that shit fucking put in my mouth and then my freaking gullet yeah dude right now no dude you gotta get nutrients dude you feed the beast dude
Starting point is 00:10:38 what was that what was that slogan who said feed the beast what was that was that? What was that slogan? Who said feed the beast? What was that? Was that Mountain Dew? No, they said feed the machine. Chevy's like a rock. Like a rock. Is it a Dodge Ram? I'll look it up real quick. Dude, my dad got my little sister a truck. Really?
Starting point is 00:11:02 He's like, I got your sister a first car it's a fucking truck what's that like 150 damn dude it's a i think it's a chevy maybe silverado i don't want to sound like i was spoiled let's see i mean dude you know your dad wants your your sister to be safe dude yeah no that for sure i'm i'm super amped on that i'm just like i'm like uh yeah i i didn't mean to say it in like a not in like a complaining voice like i'm stoked for and i'm like amped but it's just like you think it's an odd fit it's a lot of car yeah and it's like it's like she's like a ballet dancer and so but i think it's cool to offset you know to be like yeah i'm a ballet dancer but i also have loads of tea totally don't don't get it twisted like i'll freaking you know i'll take this to a monster truck rally and i'll put in work what up grave digger no quite oh dude yeah i used to have a
Starting point is 00:11:52 grave digger t-shirt legit thank you yeah you can i knew a girl in high school who was a dancer but she loved froding like we'd go off running in her four 4x and just whip through dunes and shit. So yeah, I think you'd be surprised if you go out to Ocotillo Wells, the diversity of people who are ripping on different off-road shit. Yeah, bro. You hit Holy Gems on a freaking midnight off-road sesh, dude. You never know what you're going to find out there. Yeah. Maybe you find yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Dude, that's so funny yeah because like uh that dude we knew uh dylan uh brunson like his mom was out there one time at holy gyms just ripping it up yeah she was like burning off some anxiety i think she was like having trouble as the soccer mom and like you know with the redecorative her house and she just took her car out there for some hardcore ripping dude that's what's l430 i think mercedes totally which is a functional soccer mom type car it fits a whole like you know bag of balls fits all the kids you know snacks when it's your turn for snack day to load up on capri suns and freaking orange wedges and freaking something surprise dang after the game and so yeah dude she had a practical car for soccer but also for ripping it up off road dude never understated moms my mom got she was really
Starting point is 00:13:04 amped on camping for a little bit. And she got the Volkswagen Euro van. And we would kind of clown on it because it looked goofy. It would be like all the freaking urine van. And she's like, watch, wait till we go floating, dudes. We went floating in it. And we were in the freaking back bed just bouncing around. I'm like, mom, I knew you had that much tea in you.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And she just flexed. And she had good definition. And I'm like mom i knew you had that much tea in you and she just flexed and she had good definition and i'm like how do you have such a good definition she's like because i have five kids motherfucker yeah from carrying children and i was like mom i love this side of you dude you know what's a good call that my girlfriend had the other day dude we were talking and she was all um you know she was like i forget exactly what the instance was but she was joking around like I think I was complaining that my my tummy was hurt and I was like oh I'm being such a pussy about this right now I said that I did and she was like no dude don't say that because a pussy aka vagina and in my GF's honor I'll you know discontinue saying that because she doesn't like that, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I mean, it's a part of the body that withstands quite a bit of physical activity throughout a lifetime. And she said, if you're trying to call somebody weak or wimp, which I think you're trying to do with that word, you got to use limp dick, dude. And I'm like, that fired me up because a limp dick's pretty much good to no one i don't think besides the person using it i don't think you should say pussy but i don't think limp dick is the better alternative really i'm sorry i like limp dick no because then you're just trashing guys the same way you were women i say let them both you know live in their bliss if that's the right way to describe it i think like maybe balls even because like balls balls what about grundle or gooch because that's the pretty much useless part of the groinal region that with the manscape lawnmower 2.0 you can make look pretty nice oh clean things up get it nice
Starting point is 00:14:57 and smooth down there yeah because because i think like with limp dick it makes guys who have boner problems which i've experienced before feel pretty bad yeah i didn't even think about that and then it's like it's like even if you do have a limp dick like if you're a tender lover and you're paying attention like you're still going to have a really wonderful experience that i bet leads to a hard dick so it's like like that mentality that can inhibit us sometimes it still has that we're useless if we're not hard it still has tons of potential too yeah and it still looks good just as it is. It may be floppy, but don't underestimate the power. It's like Keanu Reeves at the beginning of Matrix.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah. It will become the one. Dude. Straight up singing in binary. Dude, learning lessons left and right from my GF and my bros. That's why you've got to surround yourself with legit people, dude, with different perspectives, dude. That's what's up. Okay, so I'm a week into sobriety.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Nice, dude. Thank you, Stokers, all the Stokers who checked in. It was very heartwarming to see how many people wanted to get on board. A lot of people were like, this is the kick I need to get me into gear. And I was like, oh, dude, I love that. And, guys, if you reached out and say, them's coming fast so i may have missed yours so if i didn't respond dm me again say you're on the train the the froth train and uh and i'll acknowledge it so we can be in this journey together but it feels great yeah you look great oh thank you i was in new orleans just with my bro with my bros just you know getting after some physical activity and
Starting point is 00:16:22 bonding on like a real level because i remember all of it that's nice dude yeah yeah it was fun i feel good ready to tackle the world that's what's up dude with bud light at the end zone run straight through it yeah dude you freaking you can drive the silver bullet train dude you don't need to be on it drinking silver bullets. I love that. Because if you're the conductor of that train, hopefully he's not boozing, too, because that train might derail. Oh, yeah. So now you can be the freaking conductor of that, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I'm punching tickets. Or the engineer. Or is it conductor? I'll be the guy putting in coal. I like that guy. That would be tight. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Keep your front end shut. It's freaking legit, dude. Because it's nice physical activity. So we've all seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood now. What's your guys' takes? Dude, well, I heard you guys' reviews before. So I came in prepared to not like it. And I got to say, you know, I was watching the first four-fifths of it.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I'm like, I see what they're saying. There's not much of a story here although brad pitt's character is fire yeah he's badass cliff is a fucking beast but i gotta say i fucking loved the ending i could see how people would hate it but for me i thought i was dying laughing i thought it was so fucking funny the ending so the ending got me so amped i'm like i like that movie now that's how i feel about it i love that hilarious violence i think is so funny like the tarantino violence it just it was it was killing me too so i left i'm like i'm like brad pitt was awesome leo was awesome i could see why people don't like it because of the you know it was kind of slow but that ending
Starting point is 00:18:03 was fucking it killed me so that's how i feel what do you think doc yeah dude i thought it was so so i mean i've been thinking about it more and then you know since we're coming on the freaking paw dude i was like all right we gotta be ready to talk about it i want to straight up like invent a new genre in my own dome for this type of movie and i'm trying to think of if anyone's done it outside tarantino because like it's like in glorious bastards where he kind of reinvents his history yeah where i call it like historical whimsy dude yeah that's what i'm gonna straight up coin this i love it and it's like you know it uses some it uses some factual stuff and then it it's fun to reinvent and by the way you know like maybe there's some sort of spoiler alerts in this
Starting point is 00:18:45 i don't know if we've said that at all but if anyone hasn't seen it but like uh um i'm glad like after sitting through that movie and like i read this uh i was at valet 6 a.m just crushing this la time spread before the movie came out like all about the manson family and the murder so like it was all fresh in my dome going into the movie and i was like dude i spent i'm about to sit two hours to watch like sharon tate and the folgers lady and the other dude there just get murdered like what what i thought they would either do it in the very beginning and then have the movie after that but when it wasn't happening for a long time i was like why why would i want to watch that so it was nice that he went this new direction with it and uh i didn't have a problem but i did think like overall i think tarantino's main editor that
Starting point is 00:19:30 woman jt told me she passed away right i think this new movie needed some heavy editing some heavy trim down and then you probably have something good if it's like a half hour shorter way less cutaways uh punched up funnier cutaways a lot of those missed for me they weren't that funny or didn't drill it that hard the favorite part of my movie was the performance like it became kind of a tarantino's own little ego stroke rather than like a good solid tight movie if someone else could have but when you get to that level of yeah i said it didn't feel like mastery it felt like masturbation yeah that's a great call yeah that's for sure I did I did that's fucking legit yeah I love that so true and uh yeah dude it was just it was okay it wasn't it wasn't as crisp as like yeah the other movies
Starting point is 00:20:14 the acting was my favorite spot and I haven't seen the hateful eight yet either I wasn't a big fan of that yeah but I heard that one it seemed like it suffered from the same kind of problem it's too long yeah way too long way yeah like the scene with the tarant like the little girl scene with with leo and the little girl like that little girl was great but way too long way too much dialogue way too long i did like the idea that like stuntmen are the real badasses and the actors who portray them are often like melodramatic psychos you know and i love that i think that's a great crux for like the the character dynamics but i just thought yeah i could have been told in such a leaner
Starting point is 00:20:50 um more thought through way was the was the part on the boat a reference to the uh natalie woods yeah with christopher walking or whatever i thought about about that. Yeah, I think it was. Okay. Sean, did you see it? Yeah. Sorry for spoiling it. Sorry. I mean, we haven't said anything. We haven't said anything to... I think as opposed to Hateful Eight, because I didn't really enjoy Hateful Eight.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I was kind of disappointed by that, but I think with this, like with Brad's character, and then I thought Leo did a great job. Yeah, he was great. I like Brad's disappointed by that. But I think with this, like with Brad's character, and then I thought Leo did a great job. Yeah, he was great. I like Brad's character so much. I think that was a very redeeming part of it. Yeah, he was awesome. Yeah, you want to be like Brad's character so much.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah, he's like cool, but he's not like force. Yeah, it's like tough, but he's not like belligerent. Yeah, it's more like I'd want to watch it again just to, you know, watch Brad's character. Yeah, that's not like belligerent yeah it's more like i i'd want to watch it again just to you know watch brad's character yeah that's not for this story true i mean there was really no story zing and do uh to that movie to be honest but um also pacino's in it and he doesn't do anything he was really bad i mean he wasn't even like he was nothing i can't even go as far as to say he was bad because he did nothing dude like why even put pacino in that role when you have pacino dude he's like some weird agent like i was expecting him to go like to bat for leo at some point like yell at someone or like someone at moose when frank's messes up like the way he gets his lamb chop done and he's
Starting point is 00:22:19 like you know some nuance it's like christoph waltz would have played that part i think it would have been good oh yeah i think you would he would have had a stronger take on it that's what i mean there was no take put some more performative flair into it as an actor dude you got to be freaking specific you got to be consistent you got to be malleable dude i didn't see any any specificity i mean maybe he was malleable i don't know what tarantino told him to do but he's old like yeah yeah he is a like uh really great director though not that i'm breaking any ground here but like when you see one of his movies you come out of his movie kind of like moving and talking like one of his characters for a little bit like i went into the bathroom and i like unzipped my pants like it was like being shot and inserts
Starting point is 00:22:58 i was like yeah i was like all right like he does yeah dude i went i was driving like brad yeah dude i went to an mma gym where a bunch of Brad Pitt-style bulldogs are, and I just fed them all out of cans, dude. I bought a bunch of canned food and just freaking fed all those dogs. I was like, here you go, dude. That was one thing, too. It made me want to get a dog. Totally.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Dude, I would rather watch a movie. I would love to watch a movie about Brad Pitt and his dog just going around and kicking ass and getting kicked off sets. What did you think of the Bruce Lee scene? I thought the guy did a good job. Guy nailed it. That was amazing. Bruce Lee's daughter is really offended because she says it makes a mockery out of her dad.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But I don't think anyone's taking that seriously as an actual truthful depiction of him. It was clearly super amped up and and it was supposed to be cliff booth's memory of the moment which is the character's like own fictitious thought of like is it supposed to be that's what i read dude i missed that directorially and i missed it in the movie but i was reading an article that said that i didn't pick it up either did they treat it like a flashback because they after he's on the roof and he's on the roof he goes yeah and like sips his beer oh interesting so it's kind of like it's supposed to go on his head but they don't front load it yeah also why is there a narrator to think he's like an unreliable yeah i don't know they they go into it like it's present moment yeah that's
Starting point is 00:24:18 giving him a lot of breaks i think yeah exactly and then the narrator that's what i mean i didn't pick it up it's like we're two-thirds of the way through the move or no like four fifths of the way through the movie yeah this is an existing character already in the story and all of a sudden he's like the omniscient narrator you're like why why did you do this it's like very flagrantly like putting his thumb in the face of people and be like i'll do whatever i want yeah yeah totally dude oh and uh margot robbie i was i enjoyed watching her. Yeah, she's gorgeous. And she's so, I loved how...
Starting point is 00:24:47 Bubbly she was? Yeah, and just sort of like how excited she was about everything, going to the movie and stuff. It was just, it was very, made me feel good. It was weird they didn't give her more dialogue, though. Yeah. She's like, she doesn't really have a character. I know. I'm trying to think, like, maybe was it...
Starting point is 00:25:07 Because of the fact that she goes to the movie and she's kind of sweet and self-underspoken, does it make you empathize for this woman who was murdered more? Yeah. You're watching her do the kick, and you're like, oh, she loves her craft. It's a movie of acting.
Starting point is 00:25:21 She's so into it. And then her life is so tragically taken so early. So it's a movie of acting like she's so into it and then her life is is so tragically taken so early so it's like yeah i mean you could have made her sweeter i don't know i did like yeah she's just a class actor with no lines i did like the uh the friendship between oh it's good yeah especially at the end yeah it just uh it was it nice. They're so loyal to each other. Yeah. It was great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:48 That was a good, made you like them no matter what. What else, dudes? Did you guys see these science articles about how in China and Japan they've allowed putting human organs into animals for harvesting? Dude, gnarly. First thing I thought, i was like joe better watch out dude because there's a lot of horse dongs coming in yeah 100 percent dude you could grow a spleen on in joe's dong like it's a functioning organism in its own yeah big enough to grow a human spleen yeah we're saying that our dongs could get replaced by bigger dongs
Starting point is 00:26:23 dude and then joe's value as the big dong man yeah would be in jeopardy because we could all have big dongs pretty soon so going off that with these new that angle these new horse dongs you could grow like a liver in these new ones oh yeah exactly yes yes yes because they're so damn big i'm amped to know that joe could grow a spleen in his that's what i was imagining maybe he could grow a new kidney so if one of us needs one we'll be like joe without that dong dude we need a kidney i think the big takeaway is we were all thinking of joe's dongs reading this article which is nice immediately yeah which is nice immediately consistent with all the articles i read correct yeah yeah dude i was reading that once upon a time article and i was thinking about joe's dong in the back of my dome
Starting point is 00:27:04 for sure. I bet Brad Pitt's character has Joe's dong. I think about it 20 seconds out of respect every day. Do you think Quentin Tarantino's like, Cliff Booth, Joe's dong. Correct. And Brad Pitt's like, all right, I got it. That's his journal every day. I know exactly how to play this.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Joe's dong. It's in his email signature, dude. It's just down there. Would you guys take an organ from a pig? That the thing is this ethical thing dude i mean that's the whole point like they're saying like oh it can harvest organs for people for medical use and then immediately you think of your loved one do you think of yourself what if i need that oh great idea but then the debate is what about this animal that's a living thing i started thinking about like that's like what alien movies are about.
Starting point is 00:27:47 When aliens come down, they're this more powerful being, and then they take us and harvest things from us. We're doing that to these animals here. We're essentially aliens to these animals, dude. They've got to be terrified. Dude, they have emotions. Dogs have emotions. Pigs have emotions.
Starting point is 00:28:00 They're smart animals. So it's fucked up. I think it's, like, crazy. The whole time I was reading, I was like, that's a great great question i don't know if i'd be ready to take one but then again put me in that position is it that different from eating them though i thought about that reading it too you're eating them too and i mean you know i don't love bacon that much so i'm all good in that department dude with the pig but i love me a piece of steak i love me some just some chicken salad so or eggs which is just like taking little freaking babies and drilling those.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I don't really like the idea of playing God so much. I feel like eating them, it's more of a natural way of things. Animals eat other animals. That's what happens on Earth. But you don't see zebras growing hearts off of antelopes. So the whole idea, it's just creepy to me and uh feel bad for the pigs dude you know it's just like let it be an oscar meyer pig you know what i mean yeah i agree with you guys but i do think i would take one i think if uh if i was having like kidney failure and they like, we can get you a kidney,
Starting point is 00:29:06 I wouldn't want to be the first person to get one from a pig. I'd want them to try it on other people first. But if I was number 10,000 and they'd had a good 90% or above success rate, I'd be like, fuck it. Fill me up with whatever organs you got. Totally. That makes sense. I'd also be like, honey, go buy that charger.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And how long does it take for things to get normalized, dude? It's crazy. Super quick. Too quick. It made me think, too, down the road in the future, if this becomes normal. Often, sometimes I'll be thinking, just driving, cruising, thinking dank thoughts. And I'm like, imagine, or especially when I'm going to the doctor or the dentist. I was going to the dentist, and I hate going to the dentist dude it's awkward it's uncomfortable but then i'm like dude
Starting point is 00:29:47 imagine like in the 1800s or the old west getting a tooth pulled what a disaster dude like the medicine back then like you get sick horrendous dude even if you just have hemorrhoids dude doing valet dude sometimes you have too much info you know things act up but i'm like luckily now there's medicine for that there's outlets thinking of people looking back like a hundred years from now they're gonna look at us and be like how did those savages do that like how did they it's crazy or like well we probably don't even know what's killing us either like we have yeah you know it takes a little bit of a catching up to figure out what we're like the obvious mistakes we were making i'll tell you what's not killing us stoke no oh no that is keeping us alive and well that's keeping us buzzing like uh you know totally a cell tower in china it's the ocean's panacea correct it's you
Starting point is 00:30:38 know sun's panacea a telling thing are like those old uh like cigarette ads you know like when you see someone like smoking in nature like enjoying themselves young and healthy but back then no one knew like world war ii dude none of these guys knew that this was bad yeah when cocaine first got popular in the 70s they were like it was on like the cover of time magazine and they were like the new hottest drug and it's not addictive really yeah that's funny dude yeah heroin was used in medicine to get people off of like to like wean people off of other drugs like morphine and stuff but it's heroin which is more addictive we're definitely gonna look back on the pharmaceutical uh crisis the opioid crisis that's gonna be huge i think big time dude especially with like
Starting point is 00:31:16 athletics dude dude it's out of control well i think the main family behind uh oxycontin is being sued right now are they yeah for being like negligent in their reporting on it or or in their information about it so maybe there will be some kind of like reckoning soon but i don't know dude actually speaking of this right now i was kind of telling you before we hopped on the pod dude and usually we save it for the pod so this was a little faux paw of me dude i mean dude even like so you guys know when we cruised in dude i cruise in freaking pull right between chad and jt's cars dude we're all just sitting there chilling in our cars listening to tunes get just meditating getting in the jt's meditating dude i don't know what chad's doing dude i was
Starting point is 00:31:56 meditating and i love and uh i don't know what else i was doing i love that i was meditating and jeweling night okay dude so what i'm about to talk about is jeweling we did a video where we were uh the heat was getting us so down dude you know we're trying to stay cool staying cool dude and we had this great shot of you just jeweling dude in this open space hardcore and then a young stoker uh hit me up dm me and he was like yo i bought a jewel dude i saw how sick that was i went and bought a jewel oh no and he goes how stoked are you on that i was like dude not that stoked i mean i'm like there's nicotine in that it's a hundred percent addictive like yeah and he's like but luckily he responded he goes oh dude i'm gonna throw my jewel away and i was like oh nice that was nice yeah i was like you know i was thinking about that i'm like
Starting point is 00:32:37 are we promote because i we sort of promote because it's like funny like jewel you know like get the jewel like it's just like a it's just like comical inherently i think yeah but i was worried i was worried we were influencing stokers to start jeweling stokers do not get into it it's not uh it just raises anxiety overall and then there's that conflict with like um like do i really want to like tell everyone about all my bad behavior because i don't want to like make people think it's cool if they're listening to me doing it you know what i mean so you're like well do i not tell them but then you're like but i also want to be honest and i don't want to be acting like better than i am you know what i mean so you're like what what is my responsibility
Starting point is 00:33:16 yeah to which direction because yeah it's it's because it's not like just telling like yeah i did this you know and there's it's sort of just like it's kind of ripe for comedy. Yeah. All that stuff. Totally. And I don't know if they sell non-nicotine Juul packs. Probably not. That would be pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But I was like, dude, I would get one of those. Like a Beck's beer of Juuling, dude. Yeah, dude, just straight up water vapor. Yeah, exactly. That tastes like grapes. I mean, really cool. You're just like, oh, I'm buzzing, dude. Oh, dude, buzzing.
Starting point is 00:33:48 But dude, you know what? Even with smoking, like, and you guys were just talking about meditating, like it's part of the breathing and all of that. And like just literally taking time to yourself, closing your eyes. That's what you're doing when you're smoking. When you're stepping outside, like, dude, when I'm at valet, a lot of coworkers and like people from other departments go and smoke in the lot. And i think about it all the time and i'm watching them with their body language is just like chilling yeah what are you doing meditating you ah and like
Starting point is 00:34:15 you breathe and fucking i don't know i don't you guys know more about it than i do you can get that same you can get that same buzz through oxygen you know just keep breathing in breathing out yeah um yeah dude uh but i do have to say i do think i looked cool as fuck you did look fucking tight i was pretty proud of myself i looked at the video back and i was like you know i was like from an objective standpoint that's fucking cool yeah i mean smoking cigs on camera always looks cool once upon a time in hollywood i was like damn dude i'm gonna go smoke some cigs right now give me the palm all baby that's like francois truffaut said about war movies like there's no way to not make war look cool in a movie it's all glorification yeah that's just the nature of film and stuff that's why you got a paintball because then you realize
Starting point is 00:34:57 how terrifying it actually is it's true it's true that's why when we were paintballing i was like the whole time i was like damn dude if we were in a real firefight i would not leave this bunker dude it is very terrifying for the other people out there on the course when i'm exactly i think that's good i was you know there was some terrible shootings this weekend not to oh yeah bring it down but i mean it's what ha is happening and uh you know it's just one of the saddest things ever. Horrific. It's like, I feel so bad for all the people who got killed and for all their families and stuff. But this one dumbass I went to high school with, his comment was like, hey, aren't there like a lot of open carries in Texas?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Like, how come nobody took the guy down? And then one of his friends was like, oh, it's because El Paso, this and that. He's like, okay, good to know. I just figured someone had just done something you can bet if i was there i would have been like counter striking like a compound a like some reference to a video game and i was like dude that is so like dumb and insensitive to say like yeah what are you thinking i heard the guy in ohio he got taken out after a minute but he still shot you know like 20-something people yeah yeah like more than that like 40 was it I don't know how many like nine or seven was nine in Ohio who
Starting point is 00:36:14 died in like 20 who were injured and then ready he died oh right yeah either way dude like even when people were talking about oh yeah we got to give guns to the the the good dudes like there was that guy outside another shooting like a security guy like who was there and was armed but didn't respond i mean like we're saying with the organ thing like dude you don't know how you're going to react and unless you're in that scenario yeah uh and then unless you're like a trained soldier you know i mean or a police officer like those people and even then like that's you haven't seen the action you still don't know but like they're training for this with their gun like
Starting point is 00:36:48 That this guy who you know who plays Call of Duty and he's like, yeah, dude, I'd freakin frag Go out leave your room dude. Go go go talk to some people dude Like you can just go go communicate with your barista dude and you get some humanity in yourself. That's pretty unbelievable, dude Do you I read this article by this guy Kieran healy where he said the united states has institutionalized a mass shooting in a way that dirkheim who studied rituals would immediately recognize like the way we now kids when they go to school they learn the language of active shooters safe corners shelter in space run hide fight like all this different stuff that basically teaches them to think it's normal.
Starting point is 00:37:29 So like to kids coming up in America, they think of these school shootings as something that just is inevitable and always happens. Yeah. It's crazy. It's like an earthquake. Yeah. Kids that were born in the 2000s. I forget when Columbine happened, which was the one. 99. 99, which was the, you know, the first one of like our modern era. And yeah, there's kids that have known no world different than that. And that's crazy, dude. Yeah. It's crazy, dude. Even when I do, when I was in middle school,
Starting point is 00:37:52 there was a kid who like threatened, you know, after that. Oh, really? Because there's a lot of copycatting and like there's stuff. Yeah, that's the scary part. I thought it'd be interesting to like, if we had more information on people
Starting point is 00:38:03 who almost did school shootings you know and we could figure out like what led them to it and what stopped them because i i just uh i don't know how to get through to the people who are doing it you know what i mean correct and it's a better mental health awareness you know better resources for that stuff i think a lot of what drives it is isolation we're becoming more and more isolated as a culture and a society. People are just, you know, they're on the internet. They're just looking at screens. The sense of community is sort of disappearing.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I feel like there aren't, you know, like growing up for us, you had like your neighborhood and like all the kids on your street, whatever. You guys would all go, you know, throw water balloons at each other, whatever. But I feel like we're kind of losing that a little bit, and I think that maybe drives a lot of that. I think isolation, when you're in your own dome like that, it just fuels the fire. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:38:57 And, I mean, look, the high-power weaponry is unnecessary. If you need to defend yourself, statistically it's shown in your home. You have a double barrel shotgun. You do not need to aim it. You are going to be operating within 10 yards, which is still 30 feet. You're going to be way less than that.
Starting point is 00:39:15 You're going to be eight to 15 feet probably. That's the most effective home weapon. That and a revolver. If you want to say, look, I need my 38 special to get to my shotgun. Okay. Knock yourself out. You're not going to, you don't need any of the hunting rifle. Like, a revolver if you want to say look i need my 38 special to get to my shotgun okay knock yourself
Starting point is 00:39:25 out you're not going to you don't need and if a hunting rifle like i think that's a smart compromise is to just get rid of assault rifles and handguns yeah and you can leave like bolt action rifles and lever action rifles for the hunters and then shotguns like pump action for home defense but you don't have these devices where you can kill multiple people in just a couple of seconds and do you need a when you go hunting a gun should be an at-home thing correct to protect your home yes you don't if you want to feel that way but if it's i think yeah if it's big like that you won't be able to just like yeah well i guess they walk around with assault rifles too but i don't think you'd be able to inflict as much damage it's hard hard to whip out. Yeah. Correct. It's no good, but we live in a world of compromise. And I hear people who are like, it's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:40:11 People aren't going to give it up. And I'm like, I hear you. I really do. But we could try it. Correct. We haven't tried it yet. If we just tried it, and then we could course correct as we go. But maybe taking a more dramatic step might actually mean something.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Even just symbolically. Like I think symbols matter. You know what I mean? Like it's obvious, like more people die in car crashes in school shootings, but it's not having the same psychic impact on all of us. And so I think like doing something symbolic to stop it might actually mean something to all of us. Totally, dude. And like some of these, oh, dude, the revolution's coming. You see this insane rhetoric speech and you're like, let me tell you what. Or the government's going to come for me. If the government comes for you, once again, they're going to be trained soldiers.
Starting point is 00:40:55 It's a drone missile. Yeah. And you're never going to know it got you. Your AR-15 or whatever you need isn't going to stop them from getting you, dude. Have you seen Zero Dark Thirty, dude? They've got silent helicopters. You're done, dude. ar-15 or whatever you need isn't going to stop them from going getting you dude like have you seen zero dark 30 dude they've got silent helicopter like you're done dude you're already you're already done and that's never gonna that's not gonna happen anyway but there's probably some extreme people listening who like who probably agree with that or who like do like tactical
Starting point is 00:41:17 training and like feel like they're like keanu reeves type training for like yeah exactly john wick yeah and they actually know like they think they know about all the weaponry that the army and the military and the CIA has. But it's like... I feel like go do that training, but like paintballing, rent the AR-15 there. That's where it lives. It lives there. You get a sick ass course.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Go and do your training and have fun in that experience, dude. Become a member of that little training facility or whatever. I don't know. It's crazy, dude. I agree. It's crazy. And we're fired up about it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:50 But, like, dude, you like the normalization. Like you're saying, the other valets and they go, oh, dude, another one happened. And that's, like, how it's sick that we say that. It's crazy. A couple of my friends were at the Gilroy one. Oh, really? Yeah. How are they doing? i think they're fine yeah
Starting point is 00:42:06 but they were there which is like it hits closer to home because you're like like yeah yeah i was with a guy this weekend who had a friend who was killed in vegas oh yeah yeah there's some uh some lady from manhattan beach too a lot of a lot of la people i think yeah dude there was the one in thousand oaks remember that one at that like cal like cowboy thousand oaks one of the like valet operating guys like the uh one of the managers his daughters were there really they kicked out a window got out really chaperone damn gnarly dude all right well on to uh let's raise the stoke yeah this, this is a tough one to get into. But Vin Diesel, The Rock, and Jason Statham, there's been two articles that came out about their kind of protectiveness when it comes to getting their own asses beat in their movies that they share.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And I talked about it last week where I thought it would have been cool if these guys would just not only teach us how to kick ass, but also how to get our ass kicked. Because I think that's just as valuable a lesson. And it seems like they can't because they'll lose top billing to the other one. So it's like this standoff where neither one of them is willing to give an inch
Starting point is 00:43:13 in terms of being the one who gets his ass kicked. This plays into what Pacino says in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He's like, you need to start winning fights. You don't go out there losing fights. You're going to go to Italy and you're going to win some fights and you're going to be a star. And I think it's like in this article it says too it's
Starting point is 00:43:28 like oh it's like an actor wanting their close-up but dude the most hilarious thing too and look we love vin diesel we love dom toretto he's about family dude he's got a code he's an honorable guy we love the character but dude the fact that vin diesel created this point system which definitely meant that he was probably losing these fights dude like to the rock and statham i was dying laughing he's like all right dude well if it's an elbow to the face like that's two and like i'll take like three of those but dude duane i'm gonna really i'm gonna need to land a left roundhouse to your face dude duane honestly dude you can hit me three times like with the right straight but uh and like whoever the director is probably going through the director yeah he's probably not saying he's probably too embarrassed to stand in front of
Starting point is 00:44:02 the rocks he's like can i talk to you for a second? He's like, yeah, the fight choreography is good, but I'm going to need to land at least two more right hooks in this next setup, thanks. Just make it happen. When I first heard it, I was like, dude, just get your ass kicked. You'll be more noble and people will probably like you more. But then after watching Pacino,
Starting point is 00:44:21 I was like, it sounds like you've got to land those roundhouse. For your career. Your career is on the line. You need to fuck some dudes up. watching pacino i was like you know it sounds like you gotta land those uh roundhouse for your career yeah this is your career's on the line you need to fuck some dudes up it's true you're just like what if you compromise you're like how about i just beat the fuck out of like a shit load of henchmen i think also like just plow through them there's got to be a way to get your ass kicked and make yourself look cooler than the guy kicking your ass yeah like maybe if you just smile the right way at the end of the ass kicking yeah i mean i guess you got no way of knowing if the
Starting point is 00:44:47 editor is going to keep it but so maybe you just got to smile in every shot but like if you just smile while you're getting your ass beat that kind of that's kind of an alpha way to because then it looks like the ass beating is not beating you so maybe they don't but they don't like it that's i was thinking maybe like he like gets like tortured or something but then like powers through he's like no one survived this and he like electrocutes him he's like and then he like breaks out of it it's like you can get your ass kicked that way and then you're a fucking beast that's the mel gibson school of acting yeah totally brave heart like brave heart lethal weapon yeah he gets tortured like crazy and he's just like yeah but and then he directed the passion of the christ which is like a whole movie about that.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. His movie Payback, he gets like really screwed up in that movie. Dude, Braveheart. Yeah, legit. Free. The prisoner wishes to speak. The prisoner wishes to say something. Freedom, William.
Starting point is 00:45:41 No, no, what do they say? Mercy, William. Oh, yeah. Mercy. Oh, yeah. Even the Irishman and Brendan Gleeson are like, Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And even the people who hated him were like, Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Just cut off your balls. These people who are starving who have letters to throw. And they're like, Mercy. Mercy.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And then just, Freedom. Oh, you're just like, and then the freaking bagpipes, dude. You're like, yes. And then Longshank from his deathbed oh dude yeah oh yeah he hears it dude long shanks is such a maniac and that who is this man who
Starting point is 00:46:09 speaks to me as if i am an infantry and then he's like i am skilled in archery and he's just like oh throws him out the window yeah his soldier sees the king they're like all right
Starting point is 00:46:19 later bitch slaps his son do that strider at your funeral you should also have like a recording of you saying freedom oh that's a fire at the end of it dude strider at your funeral you should also have like a recording of you saying freedom oh that's a fire call like strider wishes to speak mostly strider mostly dude dude have you seen this thing from the grave have you heard of him obviously we all know about embalming right yeah dude they do can do you can pay for this service now where uh and it's very tragic and kind of blue but uh not blue but um morbid uh freaking
Starting point is 00:46:47 you can't like uh only because like it was like a young article i read but this like young guy passed away and he loved gaming and his family embalmed him like gaming and he loved having a dr pepper yeah like next to him and like it was just him like at the at the viewing for the funeral doing what he loved doing which i'm like that's amazing how sick is that dude so instead of like an open casket or a closed casket he's gaming really embalm the body and you know of course put all the chemicals and everything and like make it look amazing and you know he's he's has like a happy you know expression and that's what the family wanted maybe that's not everybody, but that raised the stoke of this family, and that was amazing.
Starting point is 00:47:28 What would you do if they could embalm you that way? It would take belief from the audience at my embalming, but the audience would have to know that my GF is in the bedroom reading a dank YA novel or something legit by Emily Geffen. And I am posted up watching a World War II documentary, or maybe Ken Burns' Civil War on my couch and crushing Kavita, which is like a dank probiotic drink that me and my GF freaking love having. Oh, that's nice. It's fired up. Probably texting you bros, too.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Like, probably on my phone right here. We got a nice, I mean, bros, me, Chad, and Jt have a nice little three-way text going that will respond on just send each other fire on there so that'd be open on my phone that's legit dude i thought you were right i thought you would have said uh putting together ikea furniture fuck that's just like you with an allen wrench just like a huge smile on your face once again all the article board maybe it would take you guys being the docents of my embalming and you could like you know give people an audio tour if there's other languages which would be available for them uh for a small feed kidding that would go to a charity for the coral and uh it would be understood that all the furniture in my embalming was put together by
Starting point is 00:48:37 ikea by me and my gf as well fire call fire call legend fire what about you guys what would i be embalmed doing yeah podcasting legend oh wow maybe jet skiing dude i'd be for the crowd yeah maybe i'm can i can we set up a podcast set up on the wave runner fuck yes dude are you kidding and i'm naked fuck now i kind of reverse i kind of want you to die before me so I can be there to see that dude kidding dude kidding dude never dude what about you Chad I'm thinking hard about this I can't decide between scootering tanning uh dropping in on a mini ramp although I haven't done that in like 10 years but that is on my list of things to do and the next year is get a mini ramp so i'm really stoked on it at the moment um what else is well i just can't land on one single thing did you already say just straight up bronzing yeah i said straight up bronzing okay i feel like something more actionable maybe putting on sunscreen that's what it is putting on sunscreen
Starting point is 00:49:39 so like i'm in the motion or somehow they can like configure my fingers. So like is continually spraying. Whoa. Yeah. Spraying copper tone. Like the, uh, like the eternal torch at Arlington. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Oh, yeah. Yours is like the eternal aerosol can of sunscreen. Yeah. So fire never runs out. Yeah. Yeah. SPF 15.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That would be so inspiring to people who believe in tanning and stoke. Yeah. Dude, I want that so bad. God, SPF 15 that would be so inspiring to people who believe in tanning and stoke yeah dude I want that so bad god if you're listening make that happen and instead of at
Starting point is 00:50:12 Robert E. Lee's house which is in Arlington where the eternal flame is it would be in front of Laird Hamilton's house is that a fire call or is there a better guy whose house it could be
Starting point is 00:50:20 in front of who's like a general of stoke and bronzing Chad Paul Walker I mean yeah honestly yeah it might have to be just in front of who's like a general stoke and bronzing chad paul walker i mean yeah honestly yeah it might have to be just in front of your house dude yeah dude should we get into some questions yes fired up this is from anonymous is there something wrong with being a virgin and jacking off all day um i don't think there's anything wrong with the first thing and And the second thing is not the worst thing in the world,
Starting point is 00:50:47 but I think we can improve on it for sure. Yeah. Totally, dude. Look, you got to drill yourself. You got to enjoy. You know what I mean? There's no question about that, dude. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:50:57 But not all day. You got to go out and be active and get your job and freaking be interacting with friends and people and bettering yourself. Yeah you journal and hit the gym and then like hang out with your boys and then maybe um watch something inspiring that's outside your wheelhouse i think you're gonna feel a lot better about your day yeah if you just tag on one beat session great call it's hard to feel a sense of accomplishment after spraying out all day you know yes like you want to conserve what's in there harness that energy that you have and put into something a little more constructive not harping on jay
Starting point is 00:51:30 and off you know because i i engage and i freaking touch my schlong and you know unsavory ways but um you know i'd find some other hobbies yeah i feel like maybe for one day you like set a record for yourself oh and then you're capable of taking pride in that yeah but that doesn't need to happen every day yeah you know what i mean i think if you do that then you realize that it's not all it's cracked up to be correct like i went yeah no keep going like afterwards you're like i don't feel that great like i could have built a house today but instead there's jizz everywhere. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Yeah. I mean, yeah. One day of the year, check yourself into a super motel eight and try to turn that into a motel 11 or 13 or whatever you can do. You know? That's really good, though. I think that's... I think that's the right time and the right place. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:52:20 You know, it's going to be affordable. You can even go by the hour, depending on how quick you are. Exactly. It's going to be affordable. You can even go by the hour depending on how quick you are. But dude, like JT was saying, and we've talked about terminology for jacking off, but beating off is good for this because a beat in film, literature, life, whatever, is a short-lived moment. And if you're beating off, it's a short-lived moment. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:42 It's not all day long, dude. So just remember that. What were you gonna say i was gonna say that it's gross but i did enjoy jacking off a ton in one day but i just learned that there was more to life and i know i can do a lot of that in a day i've let that battle go now i'm moving on to new battles you've lived it yeah exactly i went skydiving once yeah i don't really feel the need to do it again yeah you know yeah yeah and maybe anonymous has to have that realization yeah and it's he's i don't know guy oh he's gonna get there yeah girl is coming to that moment you know it's like hey it's like
Starting point is 00:53:19 it's like what bode says in point break some people only live to get radical no it's like some people some people like snort a line for it. Some people jab their arm for it. All you got to... And some people stroke their slong for it. All you got to do is jump. Boom, baby. I think I just trashed that or butchered that.
Starting point is 00:53:37 You paraphrased. I think the essence was in there. I think, yeah. No question. Plus something else. Thanks. Yeah. All right, thanks.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You put some stank on it. With a dash of dank.ank oh dude i love the idea of turning into a super you know whatever did you ever do that super saiyan just check into a super eight and then turn it into a super like 20 oh did i ever do that honestly yeah yeah yeah a lot you did yeah how was it it's cool i wish there but i but i didn't but it wasn't cool like i had a lot of pleasure but i didn't have a lot of fulfillment did the bellhop know what you were up to they don't got bellhops dude one time i am super right that's true but i did it once in a while what that i did it a classier joints once in a while one time i missed checkout and when the maid came in i thought i'd put my dong away but i'd stuck it
Starting point is 00:54:33 straight up behind my jeans but i'd accidentally tucked my shirt behind the head of it and so she bolted and i was like oh man how'd she how'd she know i was up to weirdness in here and then i looked down and i was like because a third of your bone are sticking out dumbass she saw your bell end yeah i tipped her well and i apologized on my way out would you say sorry for the bell end here's a 20 i just said hey i'm really sorry about that i hope i didn't offend you yeah you weren't doing that on purpose it'd be a different story if you were doing that on purpose what's that called a texas belt buckle is that what that's called i think so when you flip into the way i know there's a term for it yeah there's got to be a term i don't know if it's a texas belt buckle i don't know why it would be texas but
Starting point is 00:55:11 maybe because there's a lot of belt buckles there i was thinking you erect the bell you know you like you put the bell end up oh a bell like a bell okay okay oh erect the bell, yes. Or you ring the bell. I feel that. I feel that. Dear Chad and JT, what up? I'm a pretty young dude from Texas, and I'm about to go off to college in the Bay. That means Colin quits with my girl, sadly. I really like her personality and presence, but that's just not the point of the email. But that's not the point of the email. The point is that she is objectively the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I'm worried that she's spoiled me and that I won't be able to look at other girls the same way in college because they just can't compare. Can you offer me any advice on overcoming this? Love the pod, Jordan. So he's trying to overcome his lady? Yeah, he's just got a fear that this girl, he hasn't even called it quits with her yet. He's about to. that this girl, he hasn't even called it quits with her yet. He's about to.
Starting point is 00:56:09 But I guess he's having cold feet because she's awesome, but even more worried about losing it. She's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. So why does he have to call it quits? Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. It sounds like you like her so much, just stay with her. Yeah. Exactly, dude. and then if you want
Starting point is 00:56:25 to break up later you know the option's always there yeah and you'll be fine sounds like he's trying to find out if the grass can be greener and he's already kind of realizing that it's not because they always say the grass is greener but then you go oh my i had this perfect legit gf this whole time so i feel like he's kind of has that little bit of foresight and don't shy away from that dude well and there's that thing where it's like look we basically tell people like when you go to college you should probably break up with your high school person because you don't want to have one foot in the past you want to like fully embrace this unique experience that you can have. But that doesn't mean you have to. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Correct. Yeah. And a lot of times, and I don't know, maybe there's guys in his life. And a lot of times when you're hanging out with older bros, they're like, dude, you're young right now. And like, you know, maybe he had a night out with like some older bros. And they were like, dude, this is the time you got to go live it up. You know, whatever her name is, Chelsea. She's great, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:22 She's chill. She's super cute, dude. She's super cute, dude. She's legit, dude. But dude, you're young. You got to go enjoy yourself Chelsea, she's great, dude. She's chill. She's super cute, dude. She's super cute, dude. She's legit, dude. But, dude, you're young. You got to go enjoy yourself. And then trust me, dude. Trust me, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:30 You'll come back. If it's meant to be, it will be. And you hear that speech so much. It's so annoying. And sometimes it's like, well, dude, that can be okay for other people. But he might not want that, dude. And he might be feeling pressure from those bros to go do that now. And it sounds insane of like, oh, I feel like pressure that i gotta go like live life the way that i'm supposed
Starting point is 00:57:48 to be told to go like get laid it's like no dude you kind of like this girl it's don't don't chat with it's always older dudes who are like you're in your 20s you're in your late teens you gotta go bang anything that moves i'm like did you do that because that's not it's not fulfilling i think they didn't and so they're trying to live vicariously through you because they regret their choice a little bit yes but you're like you might regret it also because you made a lot of choices that you don't i don't think it was just that choice you know what i mean totally my advice to this guy would be you know live your life as much as you can. Don't stay, you know, 100% focused on the relationship. But if you like her this much, I'd try and stay with her.
Starting point is 00:58:30 But just, you know, try not to let the relationship prevent you from fully enjoying college. And enjoying college doesn't mean hooking up with a bunch of chicks. You know, it could be, you you know going to parties and bonding with dudes and finding the friendship that leo and brad had and quinn tarantino's new movie amen yeah you can still meet new people see new things yeah you know you got options dog bros hey i'm a huge fan of all your work thanks for crushing out there i have a dilemma on my hands i was hoping you could help before i dive in i want to say there are many layers to this situation, but I'll keep it brief. Anyway, I'm from New Hampshire, East Coast represent, and I'm interning in D.C. this summer for a research company.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I met this lovely lady in my intern program and we hit it off. We don't work together, but I see her frequently as we live in the same building and attend the same conferences on a weekly basis. After going out a couple of times, we built a decent rapport and found common interest. However, I also noticed that she was somewhat of a feminist and followed far-left ideology, which I respect, unless it's to the point that they cannot see another person's point of view. But this does not appear to be the case. I would say I'm a moderate, yet I don't like discussing politics in general as it is normally futile. So her and I were talking one night, and she kept prying about my thoughts on my roommate, is also in our intern group after she sensed
Starting point is 00:59:45 That I was keeping my opinions reserved as I transition into adulthood in the professional world I'm trying to incorporate the phrase if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all more into how I operate But on this particular night I had a little too much to drink and conceded honestly to her question to which I want to do a lengthy rant Rant about how he was a shitty roommate. I concluded by calling him a self-absorbed pretentious cunt. She said she did not like that word. And there was a long pause. I broke the silence by saying, maybe we should go. And then I proceeded to walk her home on the way home. I tried to explain to her that I used that word frivolously because I placed little significance on that word
Starting point is 01:00:20 and semantics overall. I continued this thought by saying to me, it is just another word. I followed my reasoning by rehearsing the childhood rhyme. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. But she couldn't or didn't want to understand. I know I messed up and apologized to her, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right? Is she making this more than what it should be? After all, it definitely wasn't directed to her. I just got carried away.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It was more of a way to get my point across. Then again, maybe I'm just being ignorant and inconsiderate fool. Now that I'm fairly sure certain she isn't interested in me anymore i find myself more attracted to her i know that i'm i know i'm fucked up therefore my question is this should i let it go or give it another shot with this girl thanks bro you give it another shot and even though that word i mean a lot of girls don't like that word because the connotation and mainly girls are, that word is used towards women in a negative way. And dude, if any word bothers anybody, even if it's like, we had a friend who didn't like the word moist growing up, right? Moist.
Starting point is 01:01:16 And that's not a bad word or anything like that. But she didn't like that word. And so we wouldn't say it. Of course, like, you know, joking around, this was when we were way younger, immature. But then one time she's like, no, I don't like that word and so when we wouldn't say it of course like you know joking around this was when we were way younger immature like huh but then one time she's like no legit i don't like that and it's like you just got to respect people if it's something that they don't like and it's not like you're in love with it you feel like you can't be yourself without saying it sounds like you you kind of realize that there's more at stake for her on that end it's more more meaning for her go talk to her about it say hey my bad um please enlighten me
Starting point is 01:01:46 on on more i think i could probably get the idea but let her express her opinion and freaking hear it out and it'll help you grow and then honestly dude yeah don't give up bro because of this one awkward interaction yeah i don't think he needs to be so as hard on himself to sort of without the self-doubt like what should i do what you know like i think you know he made a mistake with her and we all make this mistake yeah we all say something that our partners don't like that doesn't fit with how they want us to talk yeah and and it's not like it wasn't aimed at her like he said you know it's like you know i'd say both ends need to relax yeah i think i think you could have short-circuited the argument a little bit more by not arguing about how you
Starting point is 01:02:33 use the word and like what it means to you you could have just been like look i'm sorry i use that word i just fucking hate my roommate so much yeah you know because that's what really it was about you just hate your roommate so you just find a way to convey that without saying the word and then you let her know you feel bad about hating him because i think that's part of what like all this buildup led to and and then just say hey like i didn't mean to use the word but like i feel really judged when you shut down on me because i use the word and then it scares me so I get defensive and I think she'll understand that
Starting point is 01:03:08 That was deep. I think that's fire. What up stokers? Please keep me anonymous for this write-in I write in today with a rather serious question Recently my squad heard a couple rumors that our bro hooked up with another dude at a party a few months back He doesn't know where we've heard this rumor and we aren't He doesn't know that we've heard this rumor, and we aren't, he doesn't know that we've heard this rumor, and we aren't sure if it's true or not. This bro has had a girlfriend for a year and a half. We don't care if he's gay or not,
Starting point is 01:03:30 but whatever he is, we want him to feel comfortable talking to us about it or coming out to us. What should the next course of action be for the squad? Love the pod. Thank you for consistently opening my mind and my heart. I'm sorry, I got distracted again. They think one of their friends is gay.
Starting point is 01:03:45 They heard he hooked up with a dude and they want to make him feel comfortable about coming out because they want him to be himself. So they want to know what they should do as a group next. Dude, what I would do is not ask him because I don't think that's the move. I would just create a warm environment where he knows you guys are chill. And so I would stay away from saying any kind of gay pejorative. I would like be super, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:13 subtly forward about how, like, I, I love like different, you know, things that are from the gay community, most of all the people. And,
Starting point is 01:04:22 uh, and then just try to live that out consistently so that when he does feel ready, he'll want to tell you dudes. Yeah, I totally agree. Let him come in his own time. Not come, whatever. Let him do his thing in his own time. You don't have to force it. You don't have to try and get it out of him to let him know.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Just be a good bro. Yeah, he's going to decide to do it when he wants to do it and respect that. Yeah. And it's not your job to make that decision for him. Totally, yeah, that's his moment. And as far as the rumor goes, which could change things, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:00 Like that rumor that's going around, I don't know if you actively address it. I don't know how vicious of a rumor this is. I don't know the tone of it that's going around i don't know if you actively address it i don't know how vicious of a rumor this is i don't know the tone of it that's going around your group of friends i would say you know you handle it i don't know if he knows about the rumor that'd be something that maybe you would want to find out uh but if he doesn't know at all i wouldn't bring it up you know if he brings it up to you, be open to talk about it and have his back.
Starting point is 01:05:27 He's your bro. And yeah. And I think also it's like, maybe he's not gay. Maybe he just likes hooking up with dudes like once in a while. Like maybe he doesn't even want to identify as that. You know what I mean? He's just experimenting maybe.
Starting point is 01:05:38 So, you know, like Marlon Brando. Yeah. The most you can do that without like, you know, probably putting labels or judgment on it probably the better he's gonna feel and then you're gonna feel better about
Starting point is 01:05:48 yourself as a friend and then you guys are gonna have a fucking dank squad yeah that's that's fucking legit dude yeah you just have your bro's back dude rule number one yeah because if you do too then when you look back like in like 10 years you're like oh dude i had my friend's backs i was a fucking legit dude yeah and then you'll be amped to tell people stories because like you sound like a fucking good dude and all the stories correct yeah and what does the rumor even really matter dude oh dude i heard i heard whatever i heard his name hooked up with the dude whoa and i get like why kids do that and like why i don't i should say kids people do that like it's different or something
Starting point is 01:06:25 that maybe is outside of his character that you've believed up to that point yeah that's why it's news but it's like what does that really change nothing dude he's still your boy he's still the same guy unless like he's like doing tons of cocaine and like driving around gnarly like you know doing stuff that's like harmful but oh yeah there's versions of things where it's like too destructive and you gotta step in but this yeah this is like this has none of that yeah this is fine but he's there's good dudes you know they're just trying to do honestly dude i wish that you'd be as stoked like and you know you gotta take me but imagine if he hooked up with a chick at another party and it wasn't this thing you'd be fired up for him i think you should be fired up these dudes
Starting point is 01:07:01 are you got a hookup i think they are oh they're fired up yeah okay good they're just trying to do right by him legit okay your heart's in the right place all right good yeah you're fired up you're fired up and you got your bros back didn't you let him be the master of his own destiny as far as coming out as concerned dude yeah you don't you don't shoehorn that you don't muscle that in any which way or the other you he's the captain of that ship dude and you are freaking on the crew dude yeah maybe you uh maybe that's what they want to do they want to revel in the hookup with this dude and they're like just trying how do we do that like like dude come celebrate with us you know let's shotgun to celebrate that's fire that fires me up that fires me up too yeah it's always nice celebrating yeah sup chad and jt and any guests strider what up thanks for the pod and
Starting point is 01:07:45 the positive vibes you guys spread it always brightens my week to hear you guys chop it up especially when joe and strider join what up also the episode with tony hawk was epic my question is a bit of a downer unfortunately one of my bros from college called me up a few days ago and was clearly stressed out he told me that while his dad was in europe on vacation he had a pretty bad stroke and he had to fly out overnight to say his final goodbyes by the time he got to the hospital his dad's situation had improved from a zero percent chance of survival to 50 the increase in hope has helped my bro's mental state but he's still stressing about what the future holds he is the oldest child in a pretty traditional muslim family and feels that he will be shouldering a large financial responsibility on top of this emotional turmoil
Starting point is 01:08:21 my question is what can i do to support my bro during these trying times? We live on opposite sides of the country now. Him in Boston, me in California. But stay in almost daily communication through group chats, calls, and gaming. Even with steady communication I just feel like I could be doing more than giving someone to vent to and echoing cliches like take it one day at a time.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Thanks for the advice, Max. You know, dude, you're a good dude. Yeah. It sounds like you've done everything like I could ever recommend doing. I mean, any suggestions at this point
Starting point is 01:08:54 would be above and beyond type stuff. I mean, you got me so fired up that I was like, I mean, I don't know how he needs with the space or what your dynamic is and what your work schedule is like. And he's taking on his dog feels homeless, not homeless, helpless.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And he feels helpless, you know, because you're feeling what your dog's feeling. And that's beautiful. Totally. I think maybe what you do, since he's worried about the burden, he's going to have to take on the financial situation. I mean, you know, you have to see how things play out i've seen tons of go fund me's for people i've seen all those type of things but maybe what you do is it sounds like he's worried about that stress and maybe you go bro i'm gonna plan a day where i got you dude we're just gonna cruise out and we're gonna get a nice little skate me and you maybe we go paintball maybe we go
Starting point is 01:09:42 sip a freaking dank ipa together or just go see a movie or whatever you guys love doing together growing up and just go have a day just you two bros chilling where he can like sort of sort of get away such a good vacation from his problems for just a just a little bit you know what i mean yeah and you're making time for him and that's that's gonna mean a lot to him yeah and i don't know if that takes it. The distance is tough. I guarantee you, you would have already done that and maybe it's got to happen. Not right now.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Maybe that happens in a month. Maybe that happens. Or maybe you just say, Hey, at some point we're going to go do that together and maybe that'll fire them up. I don't know. What do you guys think? No,
Starting point is 01:10:18 I think dude, I think you're right. Like if you want to go above and beyond and you got the time and you got the means, like, you know, I was trying to just be, you know, uh, uh, not put more pressure on the dude you know what i mean because it's
Starting point is 01:10:30 it's a tough spot and we have very little control over these things you know but uh but yeah if you can make the time and you got the means go visit him yeah say what up and even if he's like in a bad mood you just sit by him when he's in a bad mood. And then it's going to get through. Totally. I like that. And on top of that, I don't think he needs to stress as much because it sounds like he's giving the proper amount of support and space. So know that you're doing the right job. You're doing a good job already.
Starting point is 01:11:01 So if you can do more, that's great. But if not, you're still doing a good job. For sure. know if you can do more that's great but if not you're still doing a good job for sure yep and everybody's different you know sometimes some people like bury stuff down they never talk about it but you know a good rule is yeah when they're when they want to talk about it be there to listen but you know maybe don't bring it up or it's monitor the situation yeah chad jt i've been listening to the you kings for a long time now i think i finally got one of the best questions for you boys along with an awful situation july 3rd i had a party on the beach and brought it back to my beach house i left my dirt bike at a parking lot down the road
Starting point is 01:11:35 on the water some chick knew i had it and wanted to go for a quick ride so i said follow me and we left we got to the parking lot and got on i proceeded to drive like an asshole and did a wheelie past a cop with a girl on, not knowing he was there. I knew he was going to light me up, so I did what I thought was the right thing and pulled over. I said, get off, and continued my run. I ended up running the cops around the same loop on my bike before finding the strip and absolutely smoked them and lost them. Not saying it was the right thing to do, but this is how it happened. Dropped back to my house on the beach, and when I parked there, they were waiting for me and shoved my face in the sand and arrested me.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I would have been okay if it didn't come down the girl getting interrogated by the cops, and she brought them right back to my beach house while the party was on. She ended up giving all my information away, but was scared. I understand that. She feels so bad and doesn't want to lose me. But what I'm asking is this chase sparked a lot of romance and some some killer bones but left me with a ui because she gave out my information i dig her but i feel that the one thing that doesn't make her but i feel like that's the one thing that doesn't make her ride or die should i even continue banging this chick thanks guys i appreciate it if you would get back to me on this one
Starting point is 01:12:38 um sounds like katherine bigelow directed this email dude oh dude straight up point break style night dude i mean yeah you're living in a different realm than me so it's hard for me i don't know how important having a girlfriend that doesn't like rat on you to the cops is i mean of course we'd all love a girl who like doesn't rat on us to the cops but at the same time we'd also love to not put girls in positions where they have to do that yes you know but i know she somewhat like was culpable because she wanted to get on the dirt bike too but i mean you're the one driving uh i don't know man it's up to you it's like how how valuable is that i mean like yeah that'd be if you can find a girl who
Starting point is 01:13:18 won't rat on you to the cops that's fucking amazing but is she gonna be like the healthiest person if that's the way she handles things like i don't know well like is he anticipating a life of crime because if that's the case and you want the bonnie to your clyde you know maybe you know she didn't pass the test but you know if if this isn't going to be a regular occurrence for you then i think you're all good that's true i mean if she's a nice girl she was a little scared but like yeah what's your game plan down the road is like are you and your crew gonna pull off heists yeah then at that point she might not she might not make the cut dude she might not have what it takes to be your gm but be the test of the day there is there is a little bit of a double standard here because if the roles
Starting point is 01:14:01 were just totally reversed and the guy narked on the cops and got the girl's face put in sand and arrested i feel like instinctively we'd be like you got a bail on that dude yeah but maybe not i mean would it would it be the same advice maybe it would be i don't know that'd be tough the cops are just like where is he where is he like what do you do yeah totally what if the cops are like where is she like what if your girlfriend did the driving and the cops had you cornered? Oh, dude, Michelle? She's right over there, dude. I'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Like, would I drop? Would I put the heat on Sal? Nah, you wouldn't, dude. But would you? But I don't know. But would you? If you're in that situation, I mean, that's a lot of heat coming at you. If I did and then Sal didn't want to be with me because of it, I would understand.
Starting point is 01:14:53 But maybe that's the wrong advice. But also, I don't know. It also would depend what you did. If it was this dirt biking thing, I actually don't think I'd say anything because I don't know what the cops, what they could even do. He did a wheelie. It was like a speeding ticket, but then I guess you're running from the cops. And, dude, cops can – they have bully tactics. He ran from us.
Starting point is 01:15:13 That's eight years in jail. If you don't, it's this for you, and it's like you can't – I don't know. They scare you. Sean, what do you think? I don't know, man. I've never been arrested. I stay out of trouble. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:15:33 I feel like I got to step back from this one. Yeah, me too. I mean, here's what we're missing, dude. Sorry to cut you off, but why did he tell her to get off the bike? Because he knew he was faster? Yeah, because he was going to outrun the cops cops and he couldn't do it with her on it. You're in this together. He should have kept her on.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You looked at her and you go, are we riding? And she goes, let's ride all night. She goes, go faster. He goes, hold on tight. And then you cruise. I think that's a bad idea. Baja. Dude, I love it.
Starting point is 01:16:02 You're all in. I love it. I'm all in. We're going to Baja. Dude, I love it. You're all in. I love it. I'm all in. We're going to Baja? It's me and my GF, and I'm on the back, and she's driving. And she's like, look, I just busted a wheelie strider. And I know that your lanky dome almost grazed this event. And those cops are lighting us up red and blue.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And you're starving on the way down, but you don't have time to really get food, so you have to just rob. Yep, we got no money. All got on our board shorts you rob a food truck you drive it and she brings you tacos while you drive it definitely i love the idea of the time i would need that and we go to ball i love the idea of striders gf ripping a dirt bike and him just on the back. And she's doing a fat wheelie just right across the border. And then the cops and the freaking federales are like, stop, stop. They would respect when they saw that. Oh, dude. They would respect.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Dude, maybe the thing to do is give her a second chance and set up a fake bust. Where you're like, hey, my buddyvin gave me seven kilos of coke yes i'm just gonna stick him under the bed honey and then you have your other friends come in dressed like dea agents yeah and then they're like where's the coke where's the coke and you're like looking at her with fleeting eyes like don't say anything and then if she says under the bed you're like all right well guess what dinner plans on fred. No longer going to Javier's. No more margaritas. For us.
Starting point is 01:17:29 You're done, dude. I wonder if he's asked her to take another ride on the bike. You know, he just gets on the bike. He's like, you want to get on? Let's ride. These are the rules. Dude, it's like in that Gone 60 Seconds. What do you like better?
Starting point is 01:17:44 Having sex or boosting cars? Having sex or boosting cars? Having sex while boosting cars. Yeah. And then they start getting a little hot and heavy. Angelina grabs the stick. And he goes, good brakes. Oh, yeah. Good brakes.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Good chassis. You know, 10-speed switch. Fuel injectors. 17-inch wheelbase, and good brakes. Yeah. And then he's got to hit it. Memphis rains, dude. When it rains, it pours.
Starting point is 01:18:11 And then the lights go on. Good brakes, too. And he goes, let's ride. Eleanor. Great movie, dude. Yeah, it is really good. I've got to watch that again. Fire movie.
Starting point is 01:18:21 What up, Savants of Stoke, especially Aaron. Ah, Aaron's not here today. Damn, but we're going to relay that message. Keep bringing the heat, dog. You guys have been spreading Stoke and keeping America juiced on positivity for a while now. I've seen firsthand that national Stoke levels are through the roof. That being said, I'm ever curious if you get lost in the Stoke. Thanks, Henry.
Starting point is 01:18:38 All the time, dude. All the time. That's the point, dude. It's an endless journey. It's a never-ending journey. It's the pursuit of stokefection, and it's almost impossible to attain, except for the Dalai Lama. What up, stokers? I'm a fat fuck.
Starting point is 01:18:58 How do I get the energy to eat healthier and work out like a dog? My girl gives sympathy fucks at times but how do i switch it around um it's mental dude i mean get yourself a fire soundtrack maybe some 80s movies maybe some rocky dude maybe some freaking you know some van halen dude some freaking you know some legit you know pearl jam or some vetter dude on there and just you got to get amped you got to get amped dude you got to get amped, dude. You got to, and you got to be disciplined, dude. It's freaking, it's in your dome, you know, and set a time. What I've been doing is I, I, I, uh, kind of put it in tandem, like with something else
Starting point is 01:19:35 that I would ordinarily do like showering, right? I shower every time I shower. When I get out, I bang out 50 pushups as a rule that i've set for myself now i started at 20 banged out 50 today that's how many i can do in a row now nice totally fine so but dude it's just let me tell you the hardest thing is starting dude step one is the most difficult step and if it was easy everyone would do it so you just got to go do it dude and then you got to turn those sympathy fucks into freaking straight up legit joyous lovemaking sessions dude i'd say on top of that watch the first hour of fight club every morning good call um good call and then um you know put on some slayer and uh put on the rocks Instagram and just hit some kettlebells.
Starting point is 01:20:26 There's nothing better than that sense of accomplishment once you do an 800 with 30 pound kettlebells at your sides and you're just doing it. You got to get the motion in the ocean, baby. Get some steak.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Run those laps and just start working those endorphins keep boosting them up boosting up those dopamine levels build that habit by the time eventually you'll be david coggins yeah yeah and dude i listened to farasa hobby the mma trainer on the joe rogan experience and uh he said they both basically agreed that the most important thing is consistency like consistency even over intensity so i wouldn't drop like a super long workout plan. Just go to the gym with the idea that you'll do one exercise, like one set of one exercise.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And so you're not putting too much pressure on yourself. And then you do that one set and then you're like, I'm here. I'll do a second one. And then everything after that is like cake. It's like, it's like, uh, just extra. And, and then you see you don't feel as like uh much pressure you're just like all right yeah i'm just i'm just doing whatever i want right now and then you just keep doing that a couple days a week and then you'll just get into the habit of it and rely on the squat maybe get yourself a one of your bros who wants to get in some shape and do it
Starting point is 01:21:37 together and also if you don't have a row that wants to do that tell your buddies about it or your co-worker it will make you accountable i've been thinking in my dome like i've told chad and gt i've been banging out these push-ups dude and when i don't want to do them and sometimes i'm tired and i did a long valet shift in the sun and i'm over it dude but i go i need to have integrity myself and my dogs and maybe get like a bottle of oil and be like just set that on your desk and say to your gf like in three months i will oil myself up and it will make you super hot that's a good call like turned on hot that's a good call and so just have that as your goal be like i want to be able to oil myself up in three
Starting point is 01:22:18 months time and i'll just keep driving you wake up you look at that oil and you're like three months baby three months i'm gonna oil myself up and we're freaking speedo hell yeah all right last question this deep question is for strider wilson what up mr big nuts you're the relation guru and damn it if your love advice doesn't bring me to tears of joy as someone who is recently engaged i can't help but wonder when you're gonna plant that knee in front of your girlfriend and say, Hey, baby, let's do this? My dog, dude. Bringing the pressure, putting me in the kitchen, dude. Stepping it up. I like that, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Look, dude, this is a thought that's on my dome all the time. You know, right now I'm parking whips and scoring fat tips, dude. And I do believe, you know, I'm not like, I do believe in progressive thinking. And a lot of times, you know, people now are like, dude, I mean, you're together. You guys live together. you're practically married but anything in life you know you do that has meaning you put in contract dude you buy a home you freaking you know you have any deal with you know a lot of dough going with it you put it in contract in a marriage the fact that you do that and that have that uh that ritual is is big dude and so I want my gf to be fired up.
Starting point is 01:23:25 I want to be fired up about it. I want to do it in a right way. And I've already got the plan in my dome. It's just a matter of executing and getting to the right spot, right timing. So, yeah, dude. And, you know, I mean, if I'm being totally honest, bro, I mean, me and my GF, dude, we, you know, this past year, dude, we were having a little more tiffs than you usually do. I mean, don't get me wrong. We're always stoked, always staying fired up.
Starting point is 01:23:51 But, you know, that's part of the process of being in a relationship is finding those things. You know, thinking that long-term thought and overall, like, yeah, dude, I mean, I couldn't tell you when, but I could tell you definitely a year or two, my dog. All right. It's in the ether now. Yeah. That's for Anonymous, dude. Whoever said that, dude, Mr. Anonymous. I got to use the bathroom, Chad.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Do you want to use the restroom and we'll let Strider soliloquy for a little bit? Yeah, I'd be fired up to do that. We're going to cross swords. I'd be so fired up to do that dude well my god well my two dogs go take a leak right now dude now i'm just on a straight up solo mish dude thinking about my my future based on that last question dude but i'll tell you this dude that's not in the so so distant future it's in but the more near future dude what i'm about to do once i get off this fire podcast say later to my dogs chad and jt cruise to my abode dude turn on some dank tunes dude
Starting point is 01:24:54 been listening to this guy orville peck dude don't know if you guys know him in fact probably no one knows him because he's a mystery dude straight up uh country folk singer from canada dude guy wears a mask when he sings has a lot of dank songs i want to put that on dude little song called queen of the rodeo maybe even dead of the night cruise home with the windows down and that blasting at volume level 28 in my dank hyundai santa fe, dude. 285 ponies on the ranch, dude. Just hopping around, dude. Cruising around, dude. Straight up.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Cruise over the hill with those ponies, dude. Get me home tried and true. Open up a dank little smooch my GF as soon as I get in, dude. Think, she's the one, dude. Think about, look at my knees and go, these things ready to get dropped upon. Am I going to do right or left? Probably depends which, which you know where the sun's hitting me dude because it's going to be coastal dude when i freaking do that pop the quash dude then dude what i'm gonna freaking do
Starting point is 01:25:54 cruise inside my abode dude smooching my gf dude just painting this picture for my dogs then i go look at our dank coffee table that we got at West Elm psych dude it's from West Elm my gf found a dank deal for it on Craigslist dude we got it from this dude named freaking I don't know Mike was the guy who sold us the credenza I don't remember the dude that got us the coffee table but he was probably legit dude anyway dude my book's just posting up there it's called shadow divers dude I've got I, like 68 pages left, dude. But maybe I turn it over to make it 69. And then I freaking straight up read the rest of this book about WW2 U2 freaking U-boats, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Not U2, but maybe I'll put on some U2 in the background. Anyway, my dogs walked back in. But that is in my very near future. So I'm fired up, dude. dude sometimes you got to get yourself stoked give yourself a little treat at the end of the day dude and that's what i'm about to do fired up my dogs are back what up dude what up dog how are the leaks did you guys cross the streams dude do you guys play swords yeah kidding dude oh me and my brother growing up dude we used to play swords and uh i don't know if my brother and i played that much we played but it wasn't like the go-to no mainly when you're outside if you're like in the pool or on vacation the pool yeah it's a nice vacation activity is playing swords with your bro
Starting point is 01:27:14 and dude you know growing up dude very fortunate dude uh had a dank pool dude and my brother and i for some reason maybe we were done being in the pool or something like that but But I know it's summer because I'm not a big sandals guy. I'm either barefoot or I'm wearing my shoes. And I had sandals on. So it must have been summer. And my brother's like, I got to pee. I got to pee. I was like, all right, fine, dude.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Come in, dude. And we're taking a leak. And I'm like, dude, if you pee, he's like, let's play swords. I'm like, no, I don't want to play swords right now. He's like, let's play swords. Fine, dude. But if you pee on my foot, I'm going mad dude sure enough dude he does the whole thing but you know as soon as like when you're done peeing the stream gets like weaker and weaker and i was still
Starting point is 01:27:51 going dude he's smaller than me smaller bladder doesn't have as much in the tank dribbled all over my big toe dude dude dude i got a really gnarly story from using an outhouse where when i was five i was at like a cowboys and like native american reenactment and then i went to the outhouse to you know drain my dong and uh i'd never been in that house before so i looked down at the hole my cowboy hat fell into it what'd you do i just cried for like a week, you're not fishing that thing out, dude. No. Hell no.
Starting point is 01:28:26 My brother, when he was like 11, he drained his dong into a mayonnaise jar and buried it in the backyard. Are we talking about drain the lizard leak style or are we talking about he drilled himself and Jackson Pollocked into the jar? That same place in the backyard where you guys have that big weeping willow tree? Mm-hmm. No, he peed. Word. And now there's a huge tree. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:28:53 I've climbed it a bunch of times. I put a treehouse in there. Because he's older than me. And so there's a creativity the gold golden shower into that into our backyard speaking of kind of you know grosser type things that we're talking about you know it's getting late in the night uh yeah do we have anybody after us okay so we might go a little bit long is that cool legend dude um you guys see antonio brown's feet do you see that what's wrong with that dude he's got some infection it's pretty gross dude i mean i wouldn't he put out the images
Starting point is 01:29:31 he did because a lot of people are giving him grief because they're like oh he wants to leave the steelers then he got paid and now he's being a baby he doesn't want to go to training camp he's not practicing and he's like i'm not practicing because i'm injured and my feet are messed up look at my feet and dude he's got like a nasty infection on there like a staff and i don't know what it is dude but it's pretty gnarly dude and jt i mean i imagine you're still an antonio brown fan him and he did good work for yeah for sure i mean i'm a little bit annoyed with him i think he has like changed not to you know join the chorus but i do think like i follow him on instagram and like he does like when you look into his eyes he looks like
Starting point is 01:30:11 he's on another planet a little bit maybe he always looked like that but i don't think so yeah i mean dude he works hard like all of his instagram videos are him just like doing like every which kind of training and he's's still shredded and runs great routes. He still takes his job very seriously. But I think as a teammate, he just has been successful for so long that he's just not relatable. Yeah. How about Michael Thomas, dude? Getting 100 mil.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I think he's second best receiver in the NFL right now. Who's number one? Hopkins? Yeah. You drafted him first, dude? Yeah. I'm'm gonna put a lot of money on him and i'll say it right now and i know the boys and i could be thwarting my own intentions you know i could i could be making my own job harder but that's the fact boys i'm going after deandre hopkins do you do you think you could get so stoked that you lose relatability um yeah actually even on the lost in the stoke question
Starting point is 01:31:08 i was like dude i have been lost in the stoke sometimes when i get lost in stoke i get so stoked that i stop remembering like uh that like some like stuff shouldn't be like broken and stuff you know what i mean like i used to get so stoked in high school i would like put my head through my microwave and then my mom was like john thomas what are you doing and i'm like and then now i'm like that's just too much unregulated stoke it was collateral ampage dude yeah you got to keep your your regulator honed well one time that's like on the the fun juvenile side of it even though i i took away bacon from my family for weeks because of my own selfishness. That's not stoke. One time I got so stoked that I ordered three Mountain Dew shirts, four Mountain Dew jumpsuits, like racing suits, and five Mountain Dew helmets.
Starting point is 01:32:00 And my dad's like, what is this? And I'm like, it's my attire and he's like you're he's like Chad you're too stoked right now you're too stoked and I'm like why because I want to wear Mountain Dew stuff every day like Superman and I'm embarrassed yeah because you're being vulnerable though dude I think it's sexy yeah I think it's hot as fuck oh I love that yeah I do I think it's sexy. Yeah. I think it's hot as fuck. You ever got too stoked? Yeah. I do. I think I almost got too stoked up on the credenza my GF and I got.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And I was going around and not even realizing, but just calling it my credenza. Oh, fuck. I was like, dude, my credenza is so sick. My credenza is the sickest thing. Dude, like, tell them, you guys, about it. Tell them we're on another, like, couples date with my GF's friends. And, like, her boyfriend, he's a tight guy, David. And I was like, oh, dude, my credence is sick, dude.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It's fired up, dude. Mid-century wood, dude. Freaking creme de la file marble. Fucking tight, dude. Function, form, legit, dude. Really pulls the room together. Mine. And at the end of the dinner, my GF was like, yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 01:33:01 It was fun. But like it's ours. Like this stuff is ours. And also, she did the heavy lifting finding that. She found mics on Craigslist. I pretty much helped lift it. Dude, not to judge y'all's lifestyle, but do you ever worry you guys are worshiping false idols? I mean, dude. Or is it a legit idol?
Starting point is 01:33:18 I mean, dude. Because it is a fire credenza. It's fire. So part of me is like, par, you have a point, but then also look at the credenza. When I first saw it, I was like, I was born a Woody off it. I'm just. Dude, I gotta be honest. I've been calling it my credenza.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Yeah. I'm like, you should go over to Strider's place and see my credenza, dude. It's fucking fire, dude. That fucking fires me up. That fire. Dude, honestly, like it is yours. It's ours. Like if I've learned any lesson tonight, it's ours, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Dude, I like it when my roommates eat my food that I leave in the fridge thank you i'm like good because we're all a collective right yeah we're basically like a freaking you don't just fucking say me casa su casa dude like literally when you come over my house is your house dude like you cruise in like what up dude cruise in yeah can i put my goosebumps book collection in there yeah bro i always got room for rl stein dude i'll freaking bookend my gfs freaking book collection in your yeah bro i always got room for rl stein dude i'll freaking bookend my gfs freaking book collection in your goose well then you can read them too dude yeah dude i fired up dude because they're your books dude whoa oh dude that just fired me up oh yeah i didn't even think about that do you want to put do you want to put our books in our apartment dude
Starting point is 01:34:21 i'll drive it in our Prius. Fuck yes, dude. We're going to have to get a freaking Penske truck, but I'm in. Oh, from our friends at the dealership who let us borrow our truck. Exactly. With our business. With our credit card. That our dad loans us.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Thanks, dad. Yeah, thank you, dad. Dads. Dad, that's for your credenza yeah dad thank you dads appreciate that i love you dude i can't wait to put my book or i can't wait to put our books in there legit fuck dudes chat who is your beef of the week? Fired up for this. My beef of the... Sorry. Fired up for this.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Dude, I'm fired up. Dude, that segwayed perfectly. I forgot that we were even doing that, and I was like, yes. Dude, who's fucking our beef of the week, dude? I'm going to get vulnerable for a sec on this beef of the week, and I'm going to say my beef of the week is with my dong, dude for a sec on this beef of the week i'm gonna say my beef the week is with my dong dude damn i get pee shy sometimes dudes sometimes i sit over the
Starting point is 01:35:32 toilet um when especially when there's other people around i just stand there and if it's someone that i kind of like look up to or whatever and they're like they're they're draining their lizard and you can hear they got like a really solid nice stream and i'm just like oh that's such a good stream how am i gonna match that nothing comes out dude do you know what i would do what i would just say to the guy like dude hey man i just want you to know i really respect you because i can't pee right now that would mean a lot yeah dude i should just be vulnerable yeah someone said that to me while i was peeing they're like hey par i can't pee around you because like i admire you i'd be like thanks dude hell yeah yeah i'm gonna use that thank you so much yeah dong and to my dong like i understand um you know uh but you know just try to let it flow a little more and i respect
Starting point is 01:36:17 your stream and uh but one time dude i was like with my gf andF and I, we were like, all right, let's pee together in the same room. And she went first, and it was fire. Like, good stream. I was really proud. I was stoked. I was like, this is awesome. Then I went to go. Pee shyness came up.
Starting point is 01:36:37 And she's like, are you pee shy? I'm like, what? What? Took me like 20 minutes, dude. Yeah, but that's hot. on both levels yeah dude you know one time i was next to my boss dave and uh i got pee shy thank you dude i was yeah i got pee shy and i was i literally he peed for like two minutes and i just stood there not peeing for two minutes with my dong out and And then at the end, we both shook. But I wasn't shaking anything.
Starting point is 01:37:07 And then we just walked out. And, like, I ran back into, like, my office space. And I was like, oh, my God, man. I can never see Dave again. Dude. Dude. But if you're Dave, it's like. Does he notice?
Starting point is 01:37:20 I think he did. But I think to him, he got it. Yeah. I just want to say to any other dudes, if I find myself in a B room with you and we got some nice buffer space at the urinals or we're actually next to each other at the urinals and I notice that you aren't letting your lizard fly,
Starting point is 01:37:37 I get it, dude. Totally. Don't be nervous. Totally. Strider, who is your beef of the week? Dude, my beef of the week is the freaking air conditioning company, dude. And I don't know the name of it.
Starting point is 01:37:50 It's like a weird name. It's like some letters, dude, like V-E-Z-J or something like that. And it's a symbol I don't even know. But it's been leaking on the freaking carpet in my GF and I's bedroom, dude. And it's been pretty toasty in L.A., dude. on the freaking carpet in my gf and i's bedroom dude and it's been pretty toasty in la dude and uh the reason i have beef is not because their um their unit malfunctioned which i don't think it did i think it was improperly mounted after doing some research and that caused the excess liquid which ac units this is a mounted ac unit in a window they'll always leak fucking
Starting point is 01:38:21 jacked i get when i realize that your judgment is based on thorough analysis and not just on gut reaction? Fucking thank you, dude. Thank you. And honestly, dude, it took a lot for me not to do that based on gut reaction because I'm literally heated. You know when you're heated, dude? My body's overheating, dude. I run hot. Not because it's summer.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Exactly. I'm fired up emotionally dude i'm freaking feeling warm in my bedroom and i'm double even more mad because my freaking gf isn't as comfortable as she should be sleeping dude she's got important meetings due the next day so i'm freaking mad about that dude so thank you for that recognition dude i appreciate that but honestly dude like i started getting on the internet i hopped on there dude because i was all warm and couldn't sleep and i was like just all right i'm gonna go surf the web dude freaking find out what's going on turns out this thing's got a little bit of a tilt and so the water's coming in the bedroom dripping on the carpet past my valley uniform dude and
Starting point is 01:39:21 honestly dude at one point the dude the neighbor below us this dude jerry rolled up there and he's like what what are you guys doing like why is there like what there's water leaking down the ceiling so i feel bad for jerry dude this is like a lot of negative externalities here and so i call the landlord i let her know and she's legit dude she's nice to our landlords our landlords dude freaking three ladies dude very legit ladies and um i'm like this unit's doing that i think it's the way it's mounted and they're like they don't want to hire a guy to come out dude because of freaking business ideas dude and freaking business practices dude saving budgeting which i respect but also come on dude um anyway long story short dude finally we ended up getting a replacement
Starting point is 01:40:01 unit and here's what the ac unit requires and demands from us in order for this unit to be replaced which works and is probably mounted incorrectly and it's just leaking in there but the now the landlord wants it out because it's going to cause water damage so we're not allowed to we just want us using it even though we're freaking toasty warm dude and it's honestly dude if i'm being quite frank has affected our bone schedule it's affected our bone schedule it's yeah not that we have a schedule but it's affected did you say that to the people dude i wanted to tell the landlord dude honestly i want to send a stern email i want to send a sternly written direct email dude and go we appreciate you keeping us cool we appreciate what your unit does we appreciate you sending out this extra this new unit but honestly i'm heated
Starting point is 01:40:44 up and i haven't boned in some time. Can I do like a little just friendly rewrite on that? Yeah, of course. Dude, I would head it up at the top with the subject just being like urgent. Good call. Wrecked bone schedule. And then I would lead with the bone schedule. You're saying subject line, urgent, colon, all caps, wrecked bone schedule.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Yeah. Fire call. Put the bone schedule there and say, how does this pertain to you? I'm holding you personally responsible. Yeah. I'm saying, dude, Sunday nights, we cook dinner. Probably bone. Too hot to do that.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I'm saying Monday nights, she went to work, had some good meetings, a little bit stressed. Probably not going to bone. You guys are all good. And if this maintains into the football season, guess where I'm going to put that extra energy that I haven't been able to share with my partner, my soulmate. I'm going to put it in throwing my fantasy football trophy out the window every time my RB2 underperforms. Exactly, dude. Then I will start to project on other things dude and i do not want to project dude i do not want that so that's a fire rewrite on that email urgent wrecked bone schedule let me even attempt it dude i mean you obviously no dude honestly i'm so heated up that
Starting point is 01:41:58 dude that's why it takes your bros in a set a extra set of eyes to steer you in the right direction dude and that's why it's a crew it's our bone schedule dude you just came in and dropped the fire hammer like that like that right there dude just got me fucking damn and you can throw that fantasy football trophy out the window because guess what i'll be downstairs to catch it hell yeah dude and you'll get a half point for that because it's half point ppr dude strata take it to the house we're backed up with you dude thank you dude but So, dude, honestly, I'm so fired up now. I don't even have beef right now.
Starting point is 01:42:28 I feel like I don't even need to send this email, but what they made me do was cut the cord, destroy the unit, be completely wasteful of all that plastic, metal, and all that shit
Starting point is 01:42:38 and send it to them, sorry, so that it could freaking get replaced. So that's my beef, dude. I'm not boning. I'm hurting the environment when does it end thank you and dude what we did right here and i think the lesson to be learned is we took a negative and turned it into a fucking positive
Starting point is 01:42:52 seven signs oh dude i didn't even tee it up first my beef of the week is with um all the articles online about identifying a psychopath and like how to know if you're a psychopath. I'm very intrigued by these because I'm always worried that I am in fact a psychopath and reading these articles, it's easy to convince yourself that you are because they'll be like, oh, you don't feel bad when you go through a breakup and you're like, well, I don't feel bad all the time. And yeah, there was actually a couple of moments where I was happy and then you're like, oh fuck, I'm a psychopath. You know what I mean? And like this most recent one for men's health, I think is like a perfect example of like how vague and just not on target these psychopath tests are. It says they're narcissistic. They behave unpredictably. They're experts at reading people. They're charismatic. They're risk takers. They have a low threshold for boredom. And then it ends again with they're charismatic.
Starting point is 01:43:48 This person sounds awesome. They started off a little rough, but like the last five sound like every person I want to read a book about. Totally. Like if that's a psychopath, I think we got the wrong name for it. And is the article seven signs psych? It's actually just six because charismatic's twice dude yeah they didn't even label the numbers right dude wrong dude it's like how seriously are you guys taking the notion of psychopath honestly dude i think are you just peddling out their
Starting point is 01:44:15 broad definition so that you can scare us all into thinking we got the issue dude and then we resubscribe for the answer they're trying to take down the cool dudes but dude if i have to say like you're the most legit loyal honest fucking tight bro with great form I've ever seen in the gym. And have my back through anything. But you might be a psychopath the way you fucking murder Bud Lights, dude. I throw the cans away, so I like to think, you know, I'm an ethical psychopath. In the recycling? Like every psychopath, you have a routine. You take take you crush the bud light at the pong table three buds
Starting point is 01:44:50 per game and then you recycle them well and i'm only doing the recycling because i know people see it and then they think of me as an environmentally conscious person which gives me more virtue points with them so in fact yeah i am a psychopath you can't you compartmentalize your psychosis be like i'm a psych i'm a psychopath at dropping dong on a jet ski yeah yeah at tanning yeah at bleaching my dome i'm a psychopath when it comes to like hydrating yeah but when it comes to empathy and human beings? I'm a psychopath about empathy, dude. I'm a risk taker, dude. I'm going to go out of my way and try not to get mad.
Starting point is 01:45:29 I'm going to go out of my way and try not to get mad and take a risk. See what happens emotionally to me, dude. Nice, dude. I mean, except when it comes to the AC company. Dude, by the way, Stokers, if you're listening, hop on the YouTube and you kind of see how many high fives we've thrown down this sesh it's true it's freaking it's so many high five i got tennis elbow oh dude we've been throwing them down and especially in this this second half of the pod which honestly i really feel like we're hitting our fucking stride right now and dude like like we had an author on the last episode it was through
Starting point is 01:46:01 skype and i was like i would go up for high fives you know like every like 10 seconds you know because i'm like this guy's legit and then i'd be like oh you're in his screen and uh one at one point he tried but he was carrying his laptop so we were like oh dude you're gonna drop it you know yeah because he got amped and he lost that mindfulness and that's when stoke gets you into trouble yeah Yeah. Oh, yeah. Dude, because I was holding it for like 10 seconds. I'm like, why are you leaving me hanging? I'm like, oh, fuck. He's virtual.
Starting point is 01:46:31 I just want more accurate psychopath things. Like, you're a murderer. You know, you want to murder people. Yeah. Cool. That's a psychopath. Yeah. I don't think calling people who are averse to boredom psychopaths is
Starting point is 01:46:45 is very cool yeah they're charismatic what is the rock it sounds like you're describing the rock yeah i don't think the rock likes being bored yeah yeah and is he a psychopath i hope not because he's gonna be the president of this country got my vote no question dude kidding me dude i can already see what people will say to him though combining the article from early earlier like they're gonna be like i'll teach you how to take a beating the rock dude. I can already see what people will say to him though. Combining the article from early earlier, like they're going to be like, I'll teach you how to take a beating in the rock. You can't,
Starting point is 01:47:09 you can't write this beating out of the script. It's coming for you. Dude. All right, Chad, Chad, who is your babe of the week? My baby of the week.
Starting point is 01:47:22 So I went to New Orleans to visit my brother and most of all to meet my new niece so my baby the week is my new niece baby taylor what up what up and also not only that but also my sister-in-law bronwyn who's uh she's been a mom for a month she's a fantastic mom i watch her in action she is just on top of it very calm cool collected and loving this baby is in good hands um so i want to give props to bronwyn stoked on your new motherhood your freaking legend when it comes to um everything but you know she's she's dominating in this aspect as well it's it's really inspiring to see and very heartwarming and i really i really loved it you know and they're like my uh my brother and and bromwyn they already have a fire relation with
Starting point is 01:48:11 this baby you know um in terms of my relation with taylor the baby um we didn't really chop it up too much because she can't talk yet um but i can tell you guys this i'm fired up to take her to her first x games was there any telepathy oh that'd be dang dude yeah well we kind of just stared at each other for like 10 minutes because i would just like look at her i love that be like i'm your legit uncle like i'm the coolest uncle ever and she kind of look at me like sort of like you know like i'm a baby this is a lot of stimulation but you're tan and i'd be, that's fucking right. And we're going to go to the X Games. Dude, that baby had some pretty strong observational power.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Yeah, dude. She really, and she has like striking blue eyes, you know? Did you see her crawling to get outside to get some sun? She was trying. That's always a good sign. She was trying, but Brahma was like, she's a little more susceptible to sunburn right now. I'm like, respect, respect.
Starting point is 01:49:05 For sure. To all the listeners, douse your babies in sunscreen when you take them tanning. I was like, respect, total respect. But you got to bronze that baby ASAP. Dude, I mean, your baby, your niece, and I don't want to alarm you. She sounds pretty charismatic. Like maybe she gets bored easily. Maybe she cries often.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Maybe a psychopath, dude. What, dude? Do you think your niece what maybe a psychopath dude what dude do you think your niece might be a psychopath because those are some signs dude dude sean bailed oh dude honestly dude that's a sign of a psychopath like dude honestly he just said bye i didn't leave maybe he's getting bored easily over there listening to this nah he's a chiller dude you got me fired up in a negative way but although you just just say cries a lot, this baby does not cry a lot. Ooh, okay. Then you're safe, dude.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Yeah. Then you're safe. Yeah, because I was like, whoa, is this? But nah, she's chill. That's awesome. Yeah. Straight up philanthropist, dude. But yeah, I can't wait to take her to Taco Bell for the first time.
Starting point is 01:49:57 I can't wait to. What are you going to get her? Definitely Mexican pizza. Definitely a cheesy gordita crunch. Yes. And some cinnamon twists yes dude and a baby that doesn't cry is like an adult that doesn't complain great could you imagine like just a human that just never complained i think that would suck no I'm complaining about the dude. Nah, dude. Fuck, dude. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Strider, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week is definitely my GF. Frickin' this past Saturday night, dude, we had a dank little date night in, dude. We watched a little movie. Maybe you bros have seen it. What film? I've never seen it. It's from 1995, dude.
Starting point is 01:50:42 My GF got fired up when she saw it on Netflix. She's like oh i used to love this movie when i was little i used to watch this movie give me a hint first okay yeah okay okay okay here's your hint uh it's an ensemble film uh female leads um first wives club no no uh did i already give you the year 95 95 um it has a star studded cast but this was often a lot of their first roles i'm not a lot of their first jane austin no sense and sensibility brendan frayer or frazier makes a cameo in this it's a this is a deep cut if you know that he makes a cameo in this as a vietnam vet then you're a stud oh now and then yeah oh my god you are a stud dude thank you that's amazing you got that holy shit dude nice fuck uh you should have told me it's
Starting point is 01:51:37 about teenagers i would have got to a question but i no no no i wanted to that that was that's too good of a hint yeah i was coming i was starting vague and building up work for it correct baby i'm making you work i appreciate that yeah no i'm not just gonna come out and go That was too good of a hint. Oh, that was coming later. Oh, no, I was starting vague and building up. You wanted to make it work for her. Correct, baby. I'm making you work. I appreciate that. Yeah, no, I'm not just going to come out and go, oh, it's about four young girls on the summer, on the best summer of their lives. Dude, when they're stuck in a rainstorm.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Oh, dude, the rainstorm's gnarly, dude. It's scary. Yeah. And then some of the parent stuff, too. Totally, dude. Yeah. Impactful. All of it's very heavy.
Starting point is 01:52:01 And dude, my freaking GF loves this movie. I'm watching. I'm like, which character do you identify with dude it's legit got a great cast dude Christina Ricci Janine Garofalo's in it the girl from freaking
Starting point is 01:52:13 American Beauty Rosie O'Donnell yep the girl yeah Christina Ricci oh yeah G.I. Jane is in it what's her Demi Moore
Starting point is 01:52:20 Demi Moore yeah who's the girl from American Beauty Thora Birch is that her name Thora Birch. Is that her name? She's also the girl in Hocus Pocus, the little sister.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Yeah. Um, but dude, yeah, legit movie. And, uh, so my GF is my baby of the week for making me watch this movie, but also for letting me know,
Starting point is 01:52:37 and this possibly the biggest star in this movie and you've seen him and he's a stud dude this kid is a stud you might know him as junior from hocus pocus freaking devin sawa dude my gf's like i had the biggest crush on devin sawa yeah and let me tell you right now so did i so did i so did i that fucking guy dude is the dude he like dude this this is gonna sound weird he's a fucking hot kid dude like that kid's fucking dude i don't know if i'm not allowed to say that you're right you're right you see that kid it's edgy but you're right it's edgy and it's and i but if you land that hard on the truth it's undeniable that's what i'm saying dude i mean it's a it's he's a spade and i'm calling it a spade dude it was the confidence and he fucking he's quarterback of the little giants he's casper the friendly fucking ghost
Starting point is 01:53:31 dude devin saw yeah he was put in roles where he was the epitome of young dude excellence correct i saw that dude growing up look chicks wanted him Guys want to be him. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. And that's the truth when it comes to Devin Sawa. Devin Sawa. Stokers, if you're listening, Devin Sawa is the closest babe of the week I've ever had that is not my GF, dude. There it is. Just laid it down.
Starting point is 01:54:01 You heard it here. Going deep with Chad and JT. I got to see this hot kid, dude. Dude, you know him, bro. You've seen him in every movie, dude. Yeah, pull Chad and JT. I gotta see this hot kid, dude. Dude, you know him, bro. You've seen him in every movie, dude. You know who Devin Sawa is, dude. Wild America? Yeah, Wild America. JTT got nothing on Devin Sawa.
Starting point is 01:54:17 I gotta type in young Devin Sawa, because they're throwing a lot of adult garbage at me. Correct. How does he look as an adult? He's doing good. Oh, dude. There it is. That really captures it.
Starting point is 01:54:31 Yeah. I could get derailed just talking about Sawa. He was the dude. Yeah, he was the dude. Tough one to follow. So my babe of the week is the Wave Runner. Fire. It's an aquatic machine that you ride on lakes or oceans.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And I have really never had a relationship with like a vehicle the way I have with the WaveRunner. Like when I'm on a WaveRunner, I don't feel like it's me and the WaveRunner. I feel like we're one thing. And we're having this interaction, this conversation. You know what I mean? It's talking to me and I'm responding to what it's saying. And we're creating this beautiful chapter in a book of adventure, you know, sorry. That's it. And then I, I, I bring it up cause I was in big bear this weekend for a bachelor party for the small Kevin who,vin who um it speaks to his uh other
Starting point is 01:55:26 non-schmole qualities that he was able to assemble such a good group of dudes like everybody was legit but i was watching guys wave run around the lake when we were on a pontoon boat and i was like he's muscling it he's trying to control it too much he's not in rhythm with the machine and you know he was just strong on the water. Dude, dude, geez, pushing it too hard into the wake. And I was like, baby, let the let it go. You're gripping it too tight. All right, and there's a time to grip it tight. But it's just for a couple seconds. And then and then we realize we're gripping
Starting point is 01:56:01 it too tight, and then we let it go. And then we realize we're gripping it too tight and then we let it go. I think you have this language with a jet ski that is not tangible for the rest of us. It's French. Yeah. The closest thing I could think of is French in something that exists in our world. Another relationship I'd say, have you seen the movie Pacific Rim? How the guys, they connect their brains to go in these things.
Starting point is 01:56:26 The drift. You are in the drift when you are on a jet ski. I really feel that way. Yeah. Dude. Yeah. It's fire. You become one. I've seen JT charge the death run on Cabo clothed and not clothed.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Seals galore all around. Yeah. And a lot of people think when I'm naked on a WaveRunner, it's all about flashing dong, but it's also about me being as elementally me as I can be with the machine. Well, it's important to be authentic. Yeah. And if you're rocking boarders on a WaveRunner, it's not authentic. You're hiding a little bit.
Starting point is 01:56:58 You want to honor Poseidon. You want to honor the Osh. And you want to honor your dong piece. And you want to honor the WaveRunner. And the only way to do that is to get you know al natural yeah and push the gas and hit the wakes and you might say to yourself oh but the next user to who rents that wave runner might you know their experience might be depleted you know jt's b-hole might be sitting down on that but if you've ever seen JT on a jet ski you'll know he is in a post which is typically a
Starting point is 01:57:31 horseback riding term when you're in a nice healthy post you know you're you're not really in the saddle you're moving so his b-hole is really never making contact with that seat it's it's it's poetry and I'll tell you this if I were to go to the beach in Cabo and I was to barter with them I'd be like you know they'd point to a Jessica they'd be like 100 bucks and I'd be like was JT's b-hole on this jet ski maybe like see maybe like I'll give you 200 she'd pay more mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah because I want to I want to get some of that essence you know I want to get some of that essence.
Starting point is 01:58:05 I want to get part of that b-hole into me so I can really drive it well. You got it, dude. It's like I run my b-hole all over you. It's our b-hole. It is our b-hole, dude. Fucking yes, dude. You're a stalker, dude. You can't hear the contact because it's away from the mics.
Starting point is 01:58:21 Dude, I don't know the gain. But we're vibing over here. We're feeling it. We're vibing vibing and again pull up to youtube we have thrown down like 50 high fives that have just been solid contact i haven't been left hanging for more than two seconds and you know i got an additional babe of the week at the bachelor party we got a little risque and we had some exotic dancers come over to the house love it and they were the nicest gals and and and i could tell right away that the drive out to Big Bear from Riverside had really tired them out. So instead of them dancing, we just had them sit down and post up.
Starting point is 01:58:54 We got them some drinks and some of the tri-tip we were munching on. And then we just danced for them for a while. That's literally the most legit thing I've ever heard in my life. Yeah. That's not an easy drive up from i think it's the 39 correct me if i'm wrong coming up you know climbing making the climb to arrowhead and that's one of the most fire moves i've ever heard of a crew of dudes doing for some nice ladies yeah and i was really in the zone i was like because i've always wanted to do that
Starting point is 01:59:20 so i was really dancing hard and you dance well this has been established this is territory we know no i mean i'm not just saying like look it's just true and it was i realized if i was a strip So I was really dancing hard. And you dance well. This has been established. This is territory we know. No, I'm not just saying like, look, it's just true. And it was, I realized if I was a stripper, I'd want to do it where we had like a moat leading to the stage so I could pull up on a wave runner already butt naked. So I don't even strip. I just come out fully nude. Dude, you know what I would love?
Starting point is 01:59:42 And I just walk. You know what would be amazing, dude? I don't dance for the first couple of minutes. kind of present dude i love it that's very uh feline it's like a big cat show in vegas yeah in fact you know what dude i feel like i don't know what they're using that space at universal studios for where they did the water world show which by the way live water world show hands down 10 times better than the film. No question. It's really good. It's fucking sick. The golf joke's hilarious. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 02:00:08 It's a great joke. Yeah. And those, you could have been almost stuntman on the jet ski. I'm not just saying. You could have done that. Thanks, dude. Well, I'd love to do. But what I would love is, now if that space is probably done, I don't know if that show's
Starting point is 02:00:17 going on anymore. You guys, for your fucking, you know, your next cause, you take up. I mean, you've got tons of fire causes instead of getting on your soapbox as they say to pontificate not that you'd be pontificating you would you would be expressing true feeling and you know thoughts that are empathized widely among bros and their gfs and others but doing it from fucking jet skis in that with pyrotechnics and fireworks as you make salient fucking points during your speeches dude dude i love that that's like you make a point you're like we need to stand together bleach our domes for coral boom like maybe a firework or two
Starting point is 02:01:01 dudes cross on a jet ski maybe you shoot a crossbow at something to reveal like you know like a map showing you know where the most endangered zones are but the way the maps revealed is from a crossbow shot it drops down i'm gonna for sure do a high dive i'm gonna shoot a fake gun a fake cannon i'm gonna shoot a fake gun i'm gonna shoot a fake cannon and i'm gonna be nude the whole time. And also, I think presidential candidates now can learn from JT. If you pull up to the debate nude on a WaveRunner, you got my vote. You don't even have to talk.
Starting point is 02:01:34 I mean, you know I get fired up on jargon and words, but candidate comes from the Latin candide, to be candid. That's the English derivative. Candide, candid, candidate candid candidate means honest and open i thought what is who is more honest and open than jt no dude come on i appreciate it dude i also think of a candidate walked out there butt naked off the wave runner and then like someone was like hey why were you just naked on a wave runner i'd be like dude that's ad hominem like stick you're attacking me but you're not attacking my points.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Like, challenge me on the substance of my policy, not on the way I get in the zone. It's like, what do you want me to wear, a suit and tie? Correct. So I can be phony like you? Then they're done then. Yeah. I think a problem a lot of Americans have is that politicians seem like they're lying. But if a guy's naked or a gal naked off a wave runner i think right away you're
Starting point is 02:02:27 like all right maybe this person's a little crazy but i don't think they're lying yeah for sure dude i think you know the french new know it best you know get nude yeah it's authenticity at its best and i think uh i think that's a big thing in amer right now. You know, guys, if we could just, like, be open and rip off our sleeves and, you know, just, like, show everyone how manscaped we truly are without, you know, shame or guilt or any of that. I'm starting to tear up. Jean-Paul Sartre, the great French existentialist, he said that Che Guevara was the most complete person he ever knew. And he said that after he saw him naked.
Starting point is 02:03:12 As he went through the factories. And he reestablished a new, more equitable order. I love that, dude. I'm fired up on that. Dude, if Con Air, if Nicolas Cage were nude the whole time? If Cameron Poe were nude? Yeah, often I ask myself, how could I have loved him more? It's hot out here in Carson City.
Starting point is 02:03:33 If I'm going to save my friend, I better lose these draws. We're at Lerner Airfield. Here at Lerner Airfield, it's just a strip of nothing. So I'm stripping down. I'm digging hard out here for you, brother. And I'm tellingfield, it's just a strip of nothing. Cyrus. So I'm stripping down. I'm digging hard out here for you, brother. And I'm telling you, it's too hot for clothes. Look, look, Cyrus.
Starting point is 02:03:54 It's your barbecue and you want me to put my dong away and I get that and it smells good. But my dong's got to come out, Cyrus. How could I be wearing a wire if I'm butt naked? Where is it on me? So break out the fine china and baby powder because that is a hanging dong. Tie a ribbon around the old oak tree. How can I live without you? And he walks up to his daughter that he's meeting for the first time butt naked. He's on the Vegas strip.
Starting point is 02:04:16 He's running away from the exploding point. I got you a bunny, but it's gone. I got you a bunny. I got you a bunny, but it's gone. Why got you a bunny. I got you a bunny, but it's gone. Why is daddy naked? She's so young and cute. Why am I naked? Or even the first scene where he has to fight that guy is like, he's just nude.
Starting point is 02:04:35 Please, I'm just trying to dance with my wife. It's raining out here and I'm butt naked. You're hanging dong, dude. So you're naked in the establishment. You're naked in the bar, dude, and we want you to get the hell out, you weirdo. Hey, I'm just trying to have a nice night with my wife. It's 830, fucker. There's kids eating here.
Starting point is 02:04:51 Get out of here. I'm over here with my family. My kid just graduated from high school. Yeah, I'm not trying to look at your dick, man. Look, I just cut back from war, man. Look, man. I just cut back from war. You don't get it, man. Dude, I'm picturing Nicolas Cage with that hair. Just hanging dong, man. I just go back for more. You don't get it, man.
Starting point is 02:05:06 Dude, I'm picturing Nicolas Cage with that hair. Just hanging dong, dude. Yeah, gold. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week, it's two. It's my brothers Mark and Bill. I saw them. We went to New Orleans, saw them over the weekend.
Starting point is 02:05:20 It was just so legit. They beat my ass, which, as you guys know, I freaking love. I they beat my ass which as you guys know i freaking love i love getting my ass beat not saying if you see me out there stokers to beat my ass um i'm just saying i like when my brothers do it because they do it in a tender way so i don't have any bruises but i do feel the pain that hurts so good um dude we just got after we did a strongman class early in the morning just you know stokersers, I got to say, there's really nothing better than carrying around heavy sandbags for at least 45 minutes.
Starting point is 02:05:50 The feeling you feel after that, endorphins are flowing off. You know, my balls felt bigger. I grew some chest hair. And I flexed in front of a pit bull. I mean, what else do you need? Then we just hit the town. We got some dank seafood. Met an honorable stoker.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Two stokers. One of them proposed to his girlfriend, who's now a fiancé. And I was honored to be in their vicinity during that experience, which is legit. My brother's just the best dude. You know, Bill's in New York. Mark's in New Orleans. They're just crushing it, you know, in their their respective fields and they just raised my stoke and uh i'm just honored to be uh related to them by blood and some of my fondest memories are taking
Starting point is 02:06:36 fireworks and blowing up action figures with them and we just did my luke skywalker action figure we fucked that thing up. Dude, I bet you that guy was like nervous about proposing. And he was almost at the point where he's like, I'm just going to holster it until another night. And then he saw you and your dank brothers freaking bonding. Yeah. He was like, I'm not going to get this chance again. I'm making it happen now.
Starting point is 02:07:00 He, you know, and I'm not just making this up. He said he dropped to one knee after he heard me order the John Dory fish fire that was the that was the jewel that broke the freaking dankness back Strider who is your legend of the week There's no question, dude. Oh, dude, that was so fire. Strider, who is your legend of the week? Dude, my legend of the week's gotta be my GF. Listen to this, dude. I'm not a napper, really.
Starting point is 02:07:35 You know what I mean, dude? I'll freaking give myself an ample amount of rest at night, dude. If I've got a day off, dude, and my body clock wakes me up early, then I'll take an immediate nap, maybe until 9, 9.30 or 10. You know what I mean? And get my extra Zs, get it out of the way you're ready to go out and freaking you know freaking make this day happen and uh i was tired dude i worked the 6 a.m shift i was tired from valet and uh dude my gf goes i get back you know it's early because i worked 6 a.m i get back to our place around three and when you. We're talking dinner plans and stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:06 My GF had the day off. We're talking dinner plans. It was a weekend shift. She's like, I'm going to go for a run real quick. Then when I get back, we'll do some dinner. My GF goes for a run. She's like, I'm just going to do two miles. Goes and drills four miles on her run, dude.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Why'd she do it, dude? Why, dude? Not only to push herself but go you look like you were tired look like you need maybe a little more rest so she went out and freaking made more gains well i got more z's legit dude legit that is really cool so thoughtful so dank and she also got freaking worked up a sweat but, you're so good at finding these little moments in life and extrapolating the beauty in them. Like, sometimes I'm like, am I missing all this good little stuff? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:08:51 You're perceptive on that, dude. Dude, you feel it. This one, no, she let me know. She told me she wanted me to get more Zs. I wasn't like, I didn't do the math. Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn't get, like, too many of the things. But I preach, my dog.
Starting point is 02:09:03 No, dude, you are a very perceptive guy. You pick up on nuance what all the time ah dude you fucking dude uh dude my legend of the week is jfk so i've been on a little bit of a nuke uh kick since we read the bastard brigade by sam keen check it out stokers about the race to beat the germans for the nuclear bomb and uh so then after that i followed it up with dan carlin's um blitz like uh wrath of destruction or something like that i got the name wrong but it's about world war ii and nukes and then it goes all the way to jfk and the cuban missile crisis and dude jfk gets satellite uh info that the Russians are putting nukes on Cuba, but they're not operational yet.
Starting point is 02:09:48 And the Russians were betting that they would get operational before we found out. So now JFK has got a decision to make. How does he respond? All of his generals don't think he has any war bona fides, even though he was a hero in World War II, as we mentioned on this Monday's podcast. We mentioned on last, uh, on this Monday's podcast, JFK decides to make his own call and create a quarantine where they put ships all around Cuba so that the Russian nukes can't get there to finish making them, uh, usable. All of his generals are like, this is a stupid decision. JFK is embarrassed afterwards.
Starting point is 02:10:21 He's like ghost white. He's like shaking. He's like, oh, I totally fucked up. Looks super weak. Turns out to be the right call. Crew chef backs off at the 11th hour, sends the ships back. JFK made the right call, but he super doubted himself afterwards. He felt like he had fucked up. So I think that's really good historical inspiration because we often make the right calls, but we doubt ourselves. But it's okay to doubt yourself. Even JFK doubted himself
Starting point is 02:10:48 when he saved the fucking world. Fuck yes, dude. Validation, dude. If you're not... No risk, no reward, dude. You gotta have that risk, dude. If it was easy, everyone would do it, dude. Love that, dude. Dude, are you talking into the mic when you talk to us? Oh, Aaron had me not enable it
Starting point is 02:11:04 so it hasn't been on. Whoa. We're going to have to cut all of this. Oh, shit. You might be able to hear it. You think so? Might be able to get something. Yeah, maybe I'll sub to it.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Might have a charming effect from the back. Yeah, set me up over here. Sorry about that. Chad, who is your... Are we doing the get after thing? What's it called? Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 02:11:22 Armageddon Prophecy for Armageddon? Yes. Something like that? Armageddon for Armageddon yes something like that or armageddon for doom prophecy of doom fuck i loved it we love dan carlin yeah he's a beast yeah chad what is your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from ace ventura you just wanted that dookie so bad you could taste it fire line that's awesome dude someone wrote that i want to write that you got to be so in the zone the word if you meditate enough that'll come to you when you're writing the word dookie cool a lesser writer would have said shit yeah i love dude you ever seen that movie sideways when he's like i'm like a he describes like i watched that you never seen sideways i've seen it but when i was
Starting point is 02:12:13 young and i don't rewatch it adult sadness it's fire it's good it's so fire all right i'm gonna watch it the metaphor for pinot noir and giamatti it's fire. Thomas Hayden Church, hilarious. Sandra Oh, phenomenal performance. Virginia Madsen. Amazing, dude. Dude, this is a small... You're a Solvang guy. I love Solvang. This is in Buellton. It's in Solvang.
Starting point is 02:12:37 That's where it takes place. Dude, it's a fire movie, dude. I wish... I might have to switch up my quote and go for... Because my quote's not even that dank. I mean, it's pretty dank, but... I mean, Sideways has such fire quotes. Do Sideways, baby.
Starting point is 02:12:52 Because I did an Alexander Payne quote on two episodes ago from The Descendants. Did you? Yeah. Oh, dude. So I'd like to keep... I like hitting that button. This movie has got to be...
Starting point is 02:13:02 I mean, dude, it's so good. Damn, I'm trying to think of like something great from it, but I mean, the obvious one is not drinking fucking Merlot. And it's a great moment in the film. It's all context, which is what makes that film so good is because if something doesn't, if you're like,
Starting point is 02:13:20 I like, if you're looking at something and you're like, where are the jokes on this? But then you have to take a look. You got to look at what's the moments before and the moments after, if you're looking at like a script or something and you're like, where are the jokes on this? But then you have to take a look. You've got to look at what's the moments before and the moments after. If you're looking at a script or something, you're like, oh, this thing might not read funny, but it's going to be fire gold with the performers in it. I love those type of things, character-driven, moment-driven stuff.
Starting point is 02:13:38 But I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but what he says about the pinot noir and that grape is he speaking about himself what's he speaking about i'm gonna find out you know and is virginia madsen you know the other part of that analogy he's speaking about but my other quote of the week because i kind of feel like i let everyone down and this is a very quick one is and that is why your name will never be remembered from troy the opening scene it's like the first thing he says to this little kid and it's so out of place it's so mean for no reason after brad pitt gets woken up from having a threesome and and it's hilarious like with two girls from like coachella and uh it's hilarious dude and so for like i remember at first i started laughing and and the kid totally looks up to him, and he's like,
Starting point is 02:14:26 that's why you're going to be a loser forever, dude. All right, later, let me go win this battle. Boagrius! Yeah, exactly. Boagrius, so good, dude. Boagrius has this effect on many heroes. Yeah. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 02:14:42 Amazing, amazing. But that move he does with that jump like back thing. Achilles! Where is he? I sent a boy to look for him. Yeah, I sent a boy. And then it follows the boy and then you find Achilles. Camera tracks up there.
Starting point is 02:14:58 Yeah, I was having a dream. A good dream. A very good dream. Dudes, my quote of the week was going to be from the movie unforgiven but then i decided to do 10 things i hate about you it's at the end of the film and uh kat stratford has declared her love for heath even though he hurt her she can't she can't deny the fact that she loves him for heath's character he fledger's character patrick and uh he buys her the guitar she's been looking at the whole movie leaves it in her car and then they start making out and then she's like you can't
Starting point is 02:15:28 just buy me a guitar every time she stops to make out to go you can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up you know and then he goes yeah i know but then you know there's always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine that's actually a really good ledger you just did right there dude that was good dude and i love that line and then the camera freaking i want you to want and they're playing on top of that high school and then they got that really cool school yeah that's the school in like seattle or something like that fire nice and i mean dude honestly that line so far you would have thought shakespeare would have wrote it himself because that play that movie's like taming of the Shrew. Taming of the Shrew, yeah. Legit, dude. What's your guys' favorite Shakespeare movie?
Starting point is 02:16:09 I gotta go Leo, Romeo, and Juliet. Mine as well. I mean, I have a least favorite, dude, and it's gotta be Coriolanus when you brought me to that, dude. I boned you, dude. You totally boned me, dude. Look, you know what? I dragged Schreider to a three-hour Shakespeare movie,
Starting point is 02:16:22 one of his lesser works, according to even the people who were in the movie. And one of his most lengthy works as well. And I slept the entire time. Yeah, JT, he was out, dude, just comfortable, dude. It was a matinee, dude. It was a nice day. We should have been bronzing.
Starting point is 02:16:35 Stratford-upon-Ambien. Yep, dude. I was just sitting there, dude, sober as the day I was born, dude, just watching this, sipping on a freaking D-pepper, dude. And was like, nah dude Ray finds that actors alive it does sound dank deep pepper deep ever told me that I haven't that had that in the friggin long time yeah you're see the not the constant Constant Gardener. Is that the one? Who is Dr. Pepper's like loser brother?
Starting point is 02:17:07 Mr. Pibb. Mr. Pibb. Yeah, his half brother. Dude, I love Mr. Pibb though. Pibb Extra. He was cool. That puts a fire lightning feeling in my dong.
Starting point is 02:17:17 Is that like, is Pibb Extra considered like an energy drink? I don't even know, dude. All I glean from it is extra flavor. Extra flavor. That's what's up.
Starting point is 02:17:30 Extra flavor. Not like Mr. Pibb. He's not as pretentious. Like doctor? It's like, all right, dude. You're like, can I call you something more casual at this point? I've been drinking you for like eight years. Like if they have one of the same flavor named Steve, totally drink that one, dude.
Starting point is 02:17:43 That would be a dank soda. Good call. Steve, dude. Steve. Good call. the same flavor named steve totally drink that one dude that would be a dank soda good call steve dude steve good call chad what is your phrase for getting after it this week all right so you guys know the term wet my beak yes i think for getting after it you're frothing your beak nice oh nice strider so let me catch you up for a couple weeks weeks, we've been doing a phrase for getting after it, however you get after it. And my first one was, let's patch Adams. And Chad's first one was knocking boots with Hunter S. Thompson.
Starting point is 02:18:13 And so now we try to each week come up with a new fun way to describe getting after it. Is there on the spot with very little buildup, what are we thinking? And we can give you time, baby, because I can cut it down. I would say freaking straight up unjoy with unjoy, which is something that we say at valet. Because there was this French dude, and whenever we would – he was like a very polite and very nice guy. And when we – like later in the day, you'd go to drink your energy drink or sip your coffee. When he'd open it, he'd look at you and he'd go, enjoy.
Starting point is 02:18:51 And I just feel like that's a mentality taken to freaking, you know, when you're trying to get after it, do you want to go and freaking just enjoy yourself, dude? Undrill yourself. That's the fire term right there un-drill yourself would be straight up whacking off dude and having a nice time giving yourself a treat you know maybe de-stressing you know but just you know just once dude go ahead and un-drill yourself once dude uh mine would be let's remember what's up i like that oh that's fire do you want to remember what's up let's do it oh that's fire like when you're saying these uh let's get after it phrases are
Starting point is 02:19:31 you putting yourself in a scenario like all you guys are about to go out we're all about to like cheers or freaking you just cruise up your buddy's house and it's like let's do this like is that the sentiment we're going for i think that can be there's just so many different ways to package it you know i picture walking into your buddy's house with a 30 rack and you say the phrase and then everyone jumps off the couch like it's a kool-aid commercial or something and they're like yeah i picture it like you got a friend who's like on the fence and he's like hey dude i might just go home and get some sleep yeah and then you just tap him and make hard eye contact and then you deliver the line and then he's like you're right yeah yeah you look at him you're like undrill yourself dude dude
Starting point is 02:20:13 undrill yourself and then he's like you're right yeah fuck yeah dude that's fire alright dudes is there any more meat on the bone or did we eat it I mean I think it's clean that felt good poor Sean here Sean what up dude thank you for sticking it through dude he went above and beyond
Starting point is 02:20:39 you're a legend dude you bore witness to probably one of our most epic pods so thank you. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you so much. Dude, next time, though, let's get that mic operational so we don't miss out on that gold you're spitting back. I'm usually on Talkback because I produce a podcast with my buddies. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 02:20:57 But yeah, Wednesday night? Yeah. So I'll be here. We got a guest, dude. Coming up on Thursday, guys. Coming out next week on Wednesday, though. Sal Masekela. Woo, legit. All right, dudes. Is that it? That's it, guys. Coming out next week on Wednesday, though. Sal Masekela. Legit. All right, dudes.
Starting point is 02:21:08 Is that it? That's it, dude. Guys. Strider, thank you for coming in again. This was epic. Dude, I freaking un-drill myself
Starting point is 02:21:16 every time I'm here, dude. I freaking love this, dude. Are you kidding me, dude? Fired up in there just hanging out with the bros. The pod ended for a second. I can feel it.
Starting point is 02:21:23 So sick. All right, guys. Strider, thank you. Thank you, dude you chad thank you as always brother that was legend that was fun guys thank you for tuning in stokers um write those reviews baby chad goes deep.com keep manscaping you guys want to say anything boom clap fucking legit. It's your barbecue and it tastes good. That's a great one. Your barbecue and it tastes good. It's your barbecue and it tastes good. To Nicolas Cage, dude. Dude, that was great. If you need advice, these guys are really nice.
Starting point is 02:22:07 You want to know what to do, where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have a trophy side. You're going to be, you're going to be. We'll see you next time.

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