Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 89 - Pro Surfer Anastasia Ashley Joins

Episode Date: August 28, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we are joined by pro surfer Anastasia Ashley. We discuss growing up in Hawaii as a young surfer, her recent years as a lifestyle ambassador, her experiences trave...ling around the world and the life as a social media star. Check it out! Check out our t shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh mama what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast uh guys oh first off i'm with my compadre john thomas what up what up chad boom clap stokers and we are joined today by Anastasia Ashley. Welcome to the pod. This is, I mean, I gotta say, I've been promising trying to coordinate, make this happen for like about a year. Since our inception, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I think I heard about this even before it happened. And I was like, yo, I gotta talk story with you guys. Well, it was in our, yeah, it's been in our domes for a while and we just have been persistent to make it happen. So, and yeah, we met probably like a year and a month ago. Yeah. US Open.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yeah, it was a good time. But I, yeah, obviously been a huge fan of what you guys do promoting stoke oh thank you from oc you know it's like i get it where are you from in oc st clementi nice yeah you know so when i saw the original video the message what you guys were trying to do yeah what you guys were trying to do down there you know because growing up in san clemente it was like this rumor like is paul walker from san clemente did he go to the high school did he go to a party i saw him surfing maybe um uppers when i was like you saw him surfing yeah
Starting point is 00:01:40 you ever surf with him yeah actually when i was like a sophomore oh wow and this is like when he was famous yeah and i remember being like a sophomore in high school being like oh my god paul walker there he is and um but then i'd heard rumors so i didn't know his actual connection or not connection to san clemente yeah was like, yeah, he needs a statue. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah. And like San Clemente is a place that I think it's kind of insane there's not more statues of famous people who's... Stoke legends.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, of San Clemente. Like there's like the Gadauskas. There's like Ryan Shackler. Nobody has a statue. They all froth too. Yeah. How was Paul in the water? You know, like I remember he could kind of surf.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Like he wasn't like a superstar shredder, but he was like on a smaller board. Probably what would be like, you know, they didn't have these like fun shapes back then. This is like vintage days. Don't want to date myself but probably about 20 years ago and they he was on like a short board but like a bigger one and he could hang like he was like decent like i remember being like because you know when you see celebs surfing
Starting point is 00:02:56 it's kind of like all right you know everyone surfs yeah you know but can hang surf and san jose no joke. It's real waves. Was it at Trussells? It was at Uppers, actually. Upper Trussells, yeah. Nice. I've never surfed either.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I mean, you can live the lifestyle. You don't even need to surf. That's the thing. I still hang at the beach. Yeah, you get it. I get it. Yeah. He gets tan.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I do get tan. He loves the sun and volleyball and all things that come with it. Yeah. And I like the general vibe at the beach, too. Yeah. It's just nice. I mean, that's what I say. It's like everyone's always like, oh, I want to surf.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I want to do this. I said, go to the beach. Catch a wave. Get a beer. Get a tan. Enjoy your life. Yeah. When did you start surfing i started surfing when i
Starting point is 00:03:48 was about four or five years old so really early on your parents took you out no actually i just kind of always thought it was really cool and i thought it was cool at four yeah i like knew i was like that's a vibe yeah didn't you like start on like a trash lid yeah like literally like i like well i i started surfing in um in uh san clemente and then i actually moved to hawaii when i was about okay so you were born in san clemente then you moved okay gosh yep and then i um moved to hawaii and like i had like borrowed people's boards like i like would see kids down the beach and i'd be like hey like can i like borrow your board and they'd be like sure and then i found a board actually that was like an old pro surfers broken shitty you know what have
Starting point is 00:04:39 you board in the trash can um you know they threw threw it away. It was still a good board, decent, at least for me at the time. And that's my first board. Cool. Until I got a sponsor and, you know. What island were you on? Oahu. So this was like North Shore back. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's cool. What was your first sponsor? That's a really good question that I never get asked. But my first sponsor was actually a local really good question i never get asked but um my first sponsor was actually a local surf shop there called tropical rush oh cool across from surf and sea and yeah i would get free boards um they had like an in-house shaper and that was like a bit i mean boards even now when i get them for free it's like a big deal they're expensive do pokey shops sponsor
Starting point is 00:05:23 surfers no but they should yeah that'd be cool that'd be awesome what's the one sweet fin yeah that's a great one when you got sponsored did you feel like different like when you went to school you were like yeah i'm one of the sponsored people now a hundred percent nice a hundred percent like flex huh do you flex it yeah it was like it was like this thing where growing up between san clemente and hawaii and being around surf communities and we're like surfers were like the heroes so it was like oh you just got a sponsor like you're gonna be a pro surfer or like at least you thought that at that at that time in your life and you're like yeah okay i've made it i'm like sponsored did
Starting point is 00:06:06 your parents surf uh not really no no they they you know athletic but they which is rare because a lot of people i know who have been professionals or ever competed like they usually have like the surf dad and right you know like especially if you start that young yeah like i was i was a competitive swimmer as well and so like they had like a swimming background but never surfing like i think they probably would have pushed me in like tennis or something else if i why did y'all move to hawaii um a little bit of a like i'd say kind of a random scenario like we went on vacation one year liked it and it was pretty cheap to live there at the time not like now and nice lifestyle yeah they wanted to move well what was it like in the water you know because i you know i know in the north shore it's
Starting point is 00:06:58 like pretty aggro intense dudes and so was it intimidating for you to go out there and did you like have to like earn your spot or were they pretty accepting um you know i at the bat i would say that most of you know back in the day like hawaii north shore was like very much like you need to show respect you need to earn your stripes like you know you need to uh wait your turn turn you know like it so yeah i mean definitely like you had to put in the work and the hours to like get waves even i would say like you know there's definitely guys back then too who didn't like girl surfing didn't really care if you're a girl guy whatever you're not getting any waves um yeah and so like yeah just you know like i think it's one of those
Starting point is 00:07:54 things like i was lucky enough to grow up there and a lot of the guys out in the lineup saw me like from a little kid to even say now like so even even i go to hawaii now like i still don't get good weight like i don't get the set waves at the best spots but like like pipe bombs no i'm not like piling out the back and like job and you know like derrico aren't like letting me go yeah but like if someone was the fall or like maybe you know rockies or sunset or you know depends though i mean everyone there nowadays is like there to get the clip there to get the photo so it's like people aren't really gonna give you the best wave because that could be like a clip or a photo for them you know and i get that was uh were you as a kid were you like fearless as a kid like you were just like all right i'm going straight to pipeline um a little bit like i definitely charged probably harder like in
Starting point is 00:08:50 certain parts of my life than now per se but like i definitely like as a kid you don't have that fear like it like you know i was like i have tons of scars all over my legs and body like from skateboard i used to skateboard pretty aggressively too but now i'm like you get scared now yeah oh yeah yeah when it's big i don't imagine how someone wouldn't it's terrifying yeah and especially now too it's like i don't want to like not to sound like you know um into myself but like i don't want to hit my face. I relate to that. Yeah, like even so it's just like I don't want to hit My face. I don't want to blow out my knee. I don't want to like Tear my arm out of my song like these are all things that like as you get older
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm like, oh I want to like be able to play with my kids one day. I don't want to like destroy my body Yeah, so that's kind of like where i'm at where it's like yeah like i'll surf like still pretty solid waves but like i'm not really trying to like go to waimea when it's like 20 feet like when i used to do that like a couple years ago you surf that big a wave whoa yeah what's going through your head when you paddle into one of those holy shit don't fall you're actually like you kind of black out because it's so much adrenaline at least for me anyways because i'm really scared and you kind of black out and you're like okay i just gotta like you're it's kind of a crazy feeling though with the amount of adrenaline
Starting point is 00:10:20 you feel it's pretty cool i see how people get addicted to that and when you adrenaline you feel, it's pretty cool. I see how people get addicted to that. And when you, do you feel the pressure, especially in Hawaii from like, you know, like Jamie O'Brien or something like, when you go, you go, like, you know what I mean? Yeah, well, so that's actually the thing is like, on some level, you know, I'm happy that a lot of the guys maybe aren't, you know, and I've actually been called
Starting point is 00:10:43 into like solid ways that like maybe someone couldn't get or they could see it shifted like swung wide or what have you and um basically like yeah when someone that's a guy out there calls you in and you don't go you won't get called into another way right so you need to kind of go even if you're like not ready in those Situations are yeah, or they just kind of like lose their spec like okay. She's not gonna go It's sort of like a gladiator arena feels sounds like out there. Yeah, I mean that you got a When you go out there you especially in Hawaii it seems like you gotta like you know You know what's the word? I'm for? You gotta like, you know. Earn your keep.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You gotta earn your keep. Yeah, you can't. Yeah. Yeah, like you're in the, you're in like that arena. Sorry, the headphones just came out, so I just got discombobulated. You're not just like. Yeah, I'm like, oh, there are the headphones. Okay, my thoughts are back.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Thank you, thoughts. This is like I said, guys, this is like legit. Well, we got wood. That's nice. You know, it's like a log cabin. You got graphics. And we got Aaron, thoughts. This is like I said, guys. This is like legit. Well, we got wood. It's nice. You know, it's like a log cabin. You got graphics. And we got Aaron, dude. Yeah, we got.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Aaron's a freaking beast. Aaron. I mean, shout out, Aaron. Aaron, what's the biggest surf you would paddle into? None. I'm terrified of sharks. Sharks? So let me just tell you yesterday.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So I was in San Clemente yesterday. And I'm blowing out the spot. So anyone i surf a lot of north beach okay 204s where where we should need a statue it's all greek to me so basically i'm like about to go someone dms me a forded video capistrano beach two miles up the road three great whites wow drone shots from like an hour before and i'm like seriously like all i want to do is serve and like it's like that weird feeling though and i so i'm with you aaron on the shark thing like i'm terrified of sharks. So you didn't go out? No, it wasn't that good either. Do you feel like sharks are like dogs in a way?
Starting point is 00:12:54 So it's like if you are scared of them, they're going to be like, I'm going to get that guy. Whereas if you're like, hey, what's up, dudes? Yeah, I mean, we all know the reality of getting bit. It's like sharks are,'s you know you're in your their territory it's they're pretty safe for the most part but it's one of those things it's like yeah the waves are not that good today do it really neat you know it's still in the back of your head yeah yeah you're just doing the math yeah like is it worth it if the waves are bad and there's sharks what's the upside like i'm like'm like, I'll surf.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Just to prove I'm not afraid of sharks. Yeah, like, I'll surf tomorrow. It was, like, late in the day, and I was like, okay. And it's their living room. Yeah, that's true. You're in their house. That's how I look at it, too. Like, you know, anything that happens, it's like, well, you know, you're going in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah. Ian Edwards has that great joke about shark attacks, where it's like, you're in the shower. Like, you're going into their house, and it's like, you're in the ocean. Yeah. Ian Edwards has that great joke about shark attacks where it's like you're in the shower. Like you're going into their house and it's like you're in the shower. And it's like, or he's like, well, you're going in the ocean. That's their house. It's not like you're in the shower and a shark comes in. What's up, Leia? Shark attack time.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So, yeah, what do you think of that drink? Okay. So also saying this is how legit and like you guys are doing good here. This is like I've heard of this so much. It's like an LA thing, Erewhon. Yeah. It's phenomenal. But this is like when I walked in, I was like, ooh, you guys got me Erewhon.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It's grossly overpriced. But it's phenomenal. Oh, I'm glad you like it. Good. I get it. It's blue. I don't know what it is exactly, but it's phenomenal oh i'm glad you like it good i get it it's blue i don't know what it is exactly but it e3 trictolitis live e3 blue i really think that's what they say okay but i don't know what that stuff is but it's just like a blue drink it's a blue drink yeah almond milk
Starting point is 00:14:39 with blue it's solid it's like in uh vegas vacation when randy quaid's like i'll have some of the blue some of the yellow yeah that food yeah yeah i pretend it's the stuff from the star wars cantina oh you dog good call by the way i love i love his voice he's a jatooine right now he comes he comes in i don't think it's on that planet sorry star wars guys he's the voice of reason on the pod um and on other pods, too. I was going to say, many pods. He has a great voice. I'm like, who is this man?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Aaron's getting cocky. What were we talking about? We talked about sharks. Oh, yeah. We tried to get some guys. We got some shark experts to try and sign a truce that we punched up, wrote up between shark and man, but nobody would take it seriously and sign it. So unfortunately, we weren't able to broker the deal, broker the peace.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah. I mean, people, you know, you got to like. I think there could be a day. There could be a day. Yeah. I mean, it could happen. It happens now. I mean, there's people.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I mean, I see people free diving with great white. I mean, what people are doing in the shark world is pretty amazing. Yeah. Do you have friends in that world? A little bit. I know some people. But for me, I don't know if I'm there yet. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah. Not for me. Yeah. It's tough to break the ice. You seem pragmatic. Yeah. That's like a big step, I think. So. It's tough to break the ice. You seem pragmatic. Yeah. That's like a big step, I think. So after, did you leave high school to surf?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yeah. I'm actually a high school dropout. That's pretty wild. Were your parents cool with that? Yeah. Because I mean, the thing is, and I say that, this is an interesting thing because I dropped out the last semester of high school.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And up until then, though, I was a 4.0 student. I was phenomenal. But it got to a point where I was going to be pushing on how many days you could not, yeah, you could miss basically and not where they would automatically fail you and i was like look do i want to go to france do i want to go to hawaii i think that was i was going to hawaii for like triple crown north shore and it was like not to say whatever but I'm like hey I have people paying me to go surf right now I'm 17 years old I wasn't making a ton of money enough to like live on my own at that time and you gotta travel and I got to travel and I was like doing great so I was like
Starting point is 00:17:20 yeah I don't I don't have schools for me at the moment so you know maybe one day i go back i get the ged but uh to just finish it out but i yeah i i literally like started um traveling and competing really heavily like in high school so you're competing against adults yeah i was like doing like qs or whatever it's called now. Yeah, QS is back then. Was that like, were they competitive with you? Like did they? Oh yeah, they hated me. Because they thought you were like this young hotshot?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, they were like, oh, this little brat. So. What's it like in competition? Like did you like freeze up or are you able to adapt easily? I've gone through phases. Like I would probably say when I was like 17, 18, I was like probably at my peak a little bit i hate saying that because i'm like oh but um yeah like you know i've i've struggled
Starting point is 00:18:13 with things competing like my nerves being number one like yeah you know it seems like with surfing too because you're it's you have you have to work with nature and waves yeah it's not like you have like a half pipe or something where you can just drop in it's like there's like the added pressure of like waiting for the right waves and stuff and like it just seems so i've never competed so it but it just seems so difficult it is it's like it's a big mental game you know like you look at a guy like kelly there's a reason why he's like you know kelly slater is still arguably one of the best, if not the best surfers, because he can hang mentally. He can. Yeah, he knows what it takes to win. He knows he can be down in a final 25 minutes left. two minutes left and have it be like um you know he needs two nines he's comboed and he can sit there and pull them both out of his rabbit you know rabbit hat but the thing is is that most
Starting point is 00:19:15 people even though like talent wise say you're combo two minutes left you need these scores they mentally can't just lose it yeah they can't handle the pressure they fall and you see that a lot and then you see like some guys like kelly and like you know there's really it it's interesting seeing how people compete and the different levels of the mental aspect to it he seems to be able to just like call upon the waves you know what i mean yeah and bring these yeah i'm comboed right now i i think he he does something i don't know he has some like side deal going on i mean well i saw the documentary flying the champagne where andy irons is like he's read war and peace i know it or no he's read the art of war
Starting point is 00:20:01 he's like he's read the art of war he'll he'll act like he doesn't but i fucking know it yeah yeah he's got the i've yeah he apparently he can he's able to just like fuck with your head too and yeah he's like he has that patience but he also has that ability to intimidate the other competitor which is huge yeah like i want that thing is like i think some people could have been scared of me in a good way right because i i just i wouldn't make eye contact with people oh nice i would go like you know a lot of people i got when i got a little older and less serious about competing i wouldn't be down at the contest like you know i wouldn't be acting all like like dick like i wouldn't be like oh whatever but i remember when i was like really in it being like
Starting point is 00:20:46 people like other competitors people like hey what's up i'd be like sup like i like you're not here to make friends yeah not exactly and it's limited there's limited money limited sponsors limited stuff like if i want you to be a friend i'll hang out with you not at the surf contest did you have other tactics to intimidate them like paddle battling or any of that stuff yeah like i think really it was like the no eye contact and just like i would kind of like look up like through them like you know someone tried to talk to me or like said something i would just like just like stealth did you get some w's yeah what Yeah. What does it feel like when you win? I got to pee real quick.
Starting point is 00:21:27 When I win, oh, amazing. That's the best part about competing is winning, not the losing, but you have to take it both. How did it feel when you lost? Would you take it to heart? Oh, yeah, I would cry. I would like. It's probably good though, right?
Starting point is 00:21:40 To cry? Yeah. I mean, no. Maybe not. I feel like you get it out but like yeah it's cathartic and it shows you care yeah i mean that's the thing like i see people now like when they lose say like even like a world title or something and i'm like dude i know they just want to go home and like cry yeah that's always the roughest part of like the super bowl when like they you see the team win yeah no matter who wins you're pretty excited for them.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I mean, I hate the Patriots, so I don't get too excited for them. But then they cut to the losing players, and you have to watch them walk hang dog into the locker room. Oh, that's brutal. As everyone's celebrating around them. Yeah, it's like, yay, you won. And it's like, losers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So what's your primary occupation now?'s a that's a good question i ask myself that every day really yeah me too i ask myself the same thing i'm like okay so i mean i competed for over 20 years sounds crazy that is crazy yeah i you know surfed competing, so professional surfer. I don't necessarily compete anymore. I occasionally will do a couple events or whatever. So my day-to-day is a bit interesting, though. I don't surf, say, every day like I used to, but I do a lot of fun opportunities now,
Starting point is 00:23:05 like all based around surfing. Even though I'm not putting on a jersey, I get to like travel, make surf videos, do photos, work with brands. You're kind of like a social media ambassador. Yeah, it's interesting because like my job has been the same for 15 years. I just now have my own platform. so like back in the day like i used to like call up surfer magazine surfing magazine and be like hey post my video
Starting point is 00:23:36 hey post my video you're gonna post my video and they'd be like no i'd be like okay no one's gonna see this video i made i edited like I was doing like making my own videos like even back 2008, you know, 2007. And now it's like really nice because I can just do it for social media. But back in the day, it was like a struggle. But to answer your question, this is a long answer, but you know, professional surfer, personality.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I do modeling sometimes. Yeah, it's sort of like you were, which I think was smart, you were able to transition, because I feel like pro surfer, that it's like there's a shelf life. Yeah. A little transition, like lifestyle ambassador.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I like, can I just use what you just said? I'm a lifestyle ambassador. Put that in your bio. Yeah, lifestyle ambassador i like i can i just use what you just said i'm a lifestyle put that in your bio yeah lifestyle ambassador i'll do a quote and i'll i'll put you in my bio because you're all you're always in like these cool like tahiti hawaii yeah i mean that's bali that's what it's about i'm trying to be everywhere awesome that has waves and and how do you decide what you put out you know that's a good question i used to be a bit more and i go back and forth like anyone like you know of course oh i'm gonna post a selfie oh my person surf video oh i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that i used to get kind of caught up because i would like be like i don't have that like many good like surf clips that i feel good or photos or something so like i a lot of people be like oh you't have that like many good like surf clips that i feel good or photos or
Starting point is 00:25:05 something so like i a lot of people be like oh you're not like posting good you're not posting surf stuff and i'm like well i don't have like solid stuff i feel good about that's how i'm a stand-up i mean i've done it on a smaller scale than you was surfing yeah i'm like i take it so serious right i don't want to post a clip if i don't think it's like perfect right and like so it's easy to get caught like not posting anything of like because you're like critical of yourself yeah but um it really depends like it depends what i'm doing who i'm with if i have someone taking pictures of me you know like i do a lot of stuff that i wish i'm like oh i wish i had a photographer i wish i was a friend but I'm alone a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:25:45 So it's like, I'll be traveling somewhere. Maybe like I have a job somewhere. I'm shooting something in a couple of days. And I'm like, frick, like I have no one to take a picture of me. So then nothing gets posted. But I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:58 it's really kind of like, I don't have a strategy. I don't have like a content plan. Like, you know, and it's smart too like whatever but i just like kind of post on the internet what i'm usually doing at the time maybe a couple throwbacks but i'll post pictures when i'm like on the couch not doing anything and i'll be like oh here i am at the beach that was like three days ago are you introverted no i just i like i'm just like solo like i'm
Starting point is 00:26:27 pretty extroverted like when i'm out bopping around i i i do my thing but you know i again my day-to-day is not necessarily being around people so it's like you know i'll just do things alone i go to work out alone i go to alone. How many times have you flown this month? Not too much, actually. Or I was in Japan like three weeks ago. I'm like, yeah, not too much. I don't think in Japan, like whatever. But yeah, I went to Japan not too long ago.
Starting point is 00:26:57 It was just awesome. They have good waves there, right? Yeah. And I actually went and surfed this like fake, I say fake. I went and surfed this mini wave pool. It's called City Wave. And it's basically a standing wave. And it was cool.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I was surfing literally in the middle of Tokyo. That's cool. Which is, who can say they do that? Yeah. And I was like, you know, I had an opportunity to go there and do that. And I was like, perfect. Now I'm in Japan for a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Have you surfed Kelly's wave? I have. Yeah. How was that? Was it intimidating? It was. And he was there too. So it's like.
Starting point is 00:27:38 He's watched. Yeah. The king was on his throne. Yeah. And you're like, okay, you know, I don't want to fall. That wave is super easy though to fall on. Yeah. It looks like,
Starting point is 00:27:49 like you, it's funny. Cause people are like, Oh, it's the perfect way. Perfect wave. It's like, it's is a really perfect wave,
Starting point is 00:27:58 but it's a perfect wave pool wave. It's not like any other wave when you're out in the ocean, it's like the way the machine works and how you kind of have to readjust your surfing. And also like, I think probably your boards might be a little different working out there because you're not in salt water. It might be a salt water pool. I don't know. These are things that are kind of mysterious to me. Go ahead. No, please.
Starting point is 00:28:21 No, you go. You, my dog. My dog. Yeah, it seems like so intimidating. Like people like people like you got to go to the wave pool and i'm like um i'm like i don't i don't really want to go out there like honestly fall yeah i mean there's a train coming that's making the wave and uh there's people watching there's people screaming at you at the jail on there's literally people screaming at you on the jet ski if you go get raymona to drive you he's yelling at you at the jail on there's literally people screaming at you on the jet ski if you go get raymona to drive you he's yelling at you the whole time he's the best driver though yeah like
Starting point is 00:28:52 what's the driver the jet ski driver oh so you get pulled into that wave no but they track you so you paddle in the machine comes you paddle in and then um they have a jet ski in the pool it's the craziest thing someone to coach you yeah because it's very easy to to mess up the wave like you kind of look at it you're like okay what's going on what's going on and so like if you have one of the guys like if it's raymana or like one of the other surf uh guides out there surf coaches that go on the jet ski. And that's something when I went out there too, I didn't realize. I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:31 But they're yelling at you. Squat, get lower, get lower, stay higher, stay higher. So you're on the wave. You're like the machine. There's people swimming around. There's people trying to take photos. And then the jet ski is like probably about 10-5 feet away tracking you yelling at you the whole time yeah it's a lot are you friends with kelly yeah yeah yeah yeah nice yeah cool yeah he's super cool i mean i grew up with his
Starting point is 00:30:00 girlfriend in san clemente actually went to high school together. Did you go to San Clemente High? I did before I dropped out. Tritons? Yeah. Right on. Yeah, they were rival high schools. Not really. Yeah. I went to SM and then J. Sarah.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I knew some people. We had this conversation before. Oh, we have? Yeah. Oh, damn, I'm circling the wagons again. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Do we know any of the same people? No, because I'm older than you. Oh, okay. I'm circling the wagons again. No, you're good. Do we know any of the same people? No, because I'm older than you. Oh, okay. I feel like I would know like... I ran with an older crowd though. Not really, but... You were like the freshmen hanging out with like seniors? Yeah, I'd get a lift sometimes from some older guys.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah, me too. My parents would never pick me up from anywhere. They just tell me to get a ride. I remember that too. Like I was always like walking. Really? Yeah, like... But also you think there was no cell phones either so it was like or actually you had cell no i didn't i didn't i was i just dated myself i'm like i was a holdout i didn't get a cell phone so like oh you're one of those kids i just didn't want to be found i didn't want people to know
Starting point is 00:31:00 where i was at so my dad used to have to call my friends and be like, hey, are you with JT? And then my buddy would be like, hey, dude, it's your dad. And I'd be like, what's up, dad? Yeah, I look at JT's phone. I'm like the complete opposite with this stuff. You know, like I look at his phone and it's like 300 text messages. Oh, are you one that- 40,000 emails and I'm like- You're one of those?
Starting point is 00:31:20 It makes my head explode. Oh, I hate that. That's like one of my pet peeves like people who leave like i just don't understand but then it's also like these 300 texts that you're not opening and mind you i shouldn't be like calling you out because i do ignore texts all the time but like are they like people you don't like no i love everyone who texts me but then what you just don't reopen it? All right. This sounds like a cheap rationalization.
Starting point is 00:31:47 But if I'm going to respond, I'm going to go. Most of the time, it's a question that has a lot of threads to it. So if I'm going to respond, I'm going all in. We're going to talk for another 15 minutes with each one of these people. Oh, so you get engaged. Yeah. So I got to pull back and just let it float by sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That's good restraint. Yeah, but then I circle back. I always come around and I pick up the thread that I let sit for a little bit. The email thing I could see happening, even though that would bug me looking and being like, oh, there's thousands of emails on my phone. Because there could be spam. There could be like companies,
Starting point is 00:32:26 like whatever. But the text is like such a personal thing. It's like anyone who's texting me, I'm like gonna text them back. I think that's great. I mean, I, but I'm,
Starting point is 00:32:39 I don't, I don't get lengthy on the text. I'll just like heart it. Yeah. Oh, I do a lot of that now. I mean, that was revolutionary when the hearts and the thumbs up
Starting point is 00:32:47 and the exclamation points came in. It'd be funny if you just start thumbs downing everyone. Because you never know if you're supposed to respond to the last text message that someone sends you. Like with Chad and I,
Starting point is 00:32:57 we text all day. So it's like, we'll send it and it can just be hanging there. So you can come back and say sweet to his sweet. Yeah. But then you're like,
Starting point is 00:33:04 do I need to do that? And then now you can just throw the thumbs up on it. But that's true. Like when someone says sweet, like. Do you say sweet back? Like cool or like, yeah, the thumbs up or the heart. Yeah, it's nice. But the heart.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It's like a half text. The heart can also be kind of like, or the liking. I don't know if that's called a hearting or liking the text, but like. I heart everything. It could also be like passive aggressive. Yeah. You have to, I feel like that's a new thing that we have to like be aware of, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Because it's like. Sometimes when people like, like it, I'm like. But then they don't respond. You're like, I like this. No, when I heart it, I'm, I'm hearting it. Like you love it. Yeah, I love it. It's a sincere. Yeah, I'm sincere. I'm i'm hearting it like you love it yeah i love it it's a sincere yeah i'm sincere i'm like i fucking love what you just said right there you're like boom like yeah yeah i heart that i like the emphasize one where you know the exclamation
Starting point is 00:33:54 points where you're like yes if i'm excited i throw that one on yeah i'm excited i like that one too but the thing is like yeah if someone like maybe hearts it likes it whatever we're calling it but then doesn't respond it's like i can see how that can be a little passive aggressive oh man i don't mean it that way no there's all kinds of stuff now it's like yeah i don't think it comes across that way okay good good good he's like they're like hearty hearty he's like yeah i'm gonna go through my text and D heart stuff. I want to go through your text messages right now and be like, if you have like, let's see your bubble.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I think it's like if your mom says. Oh, no. How many? No, no, no. Look at the. Wait, you got it. Oh, 48. I think it's like if your mom says.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Who are these 48? But they could be actually like five messages. Some group text too. Yeah. Oh, okay. I just put those on silent. Oh, so those don't even register. Those don't even get.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I think they do. But I, I mean, you're essentially doing that too. You're not responding. I think with the heart thing, if it's like your mom says, I love you. And you give her a thumbs up. Oh yeah. That's, that's the
Starting point is 00:35:05 bad move yeah that's that's not cool you're like nice mom that's like yeah mom i figured i gotta keep it moving though thanks mom he actually i was really what what's how's the like you're a high profile person on social media what how's the relationship with the audience i mean i think it's good i i again like i do a lot of things on my own i travel i do things so it's like it's cool when i actually meet people in real life right that like follow me or like get amped on what i'm doing because um yeah because i'm like yeah i'm usually alone so if you see me like come say what up but that's cool yeah it's cool and then you have a beautiful engagement ring thank you i know this is new yeah when you got uh engaged what was it like uh i got like uh like june almost two months
Starting point is 00:36:00 ago whoa congrats yeah how did you guys meet? We met actually through mutual friends and he's from California randomly and we were out in Florida and just kind of naturally happened. Yeah. What does he do? He's a doctor actually. Oh, what kind of doctor? Surgeon. What kind? He does right now general surgery, but he's going into vascular. Oh, nice. Yeah. So he right now general surgery but he's going into vascular oh nice yeah so he right now does all the fun like stabbings gunshots car accidents you never if you see him you're having the worst day of your life oh really yeah and vascular too that he's got to work he probably uses microscopes right he actually has stitching together Yeah. He actually has these really cool like goggle things with magnifying. Like it looks like Inspector Gadget type of thing that it's a, they're called loops, but
Starting point is 00:36:52 they're, all the doctors use them, but they're pretty funny looking. Interesting. But they, you can see like a thousand times. So like everything is magnified. So he's got to deal with death a lot? Oh yeah. How's he handle that? Everything is magnified.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So he's got to deal with death a lot? Oh, yeah. How does he handle that? I mean, I think anyone in that field, you know what you're signing up for. But, I mean, you know, I think the best way that I look at it, I know a lot of people in that field look at it, himself included, is people are coming into you already either, at least in his specialty, like, you know, people are coming in from a car accident.
Starting point is 00:37:33 People are coming in from a stabbing. Like, these people are walking dead, basically. So you're giving them a chance at life. Right. If they can't be saved and you know it's that would have been the outcome that die was already cast right like that would have been the outcome if they hadn't gone to a hospital right is he able to like disconnect or does he sometimes like bring his work home kind of thing yeah i mean i think like a lot of people himself and a lot of he referenced a lot
Starting point is 00:38:07 people in the medical field it's like you know people do their best to disconnect but it's i mean it's a real it's a crazy job i mean yeah you could be on call doing a surgery and then an hour later having to go to a birthday party, you know, after work. And it's like, you know, a lot of people can, you know, it's just another day. And you're like, I watched a man die. Yeah. Yeah. And it's interesting. That makes, I'll say this, for how was your day at work is always a very interesting conversation
Starting point is 00:38:47 when people ask that. And you're like, I can tell. He's like, oh, do you really want to know? Right. My dad's a doctor too. So he has hand surgery. But he deals with traumatic injuries as well. People cutting off their hands.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah, and he's so desensitized to it. He's like, yeah, this guy stuck his hand in a lawnmower. There's one instance where some lady, she got bit by a dog, and then someone stabbed her with a sword. Very interesting stories. I mean, the stories are, it's like, it's all the things that you think could maybe happen. Yeah. They see.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Exactly. Yeah. And they see like they see everything. And he's so desensitized. He'll show me photos. He's like, well, I was working on this. It's just these mangled like he does like orthopedic as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:38 But he's also like, you know, he is similar to your fiance. He goes by Abe or Abraham abrahamster abraham yeah uh stir stir yeah he he works in uh he does sort of vascular stuff too so he's like yeah stitch together this nerve took me like six hours and you can't even see it i'm like damn that's crazy he's got steady hands i mean so did he ever push you to go into the medical field then yeah i mean he knew i you know he pushed me to be an er doctor he's like you should do er doctor uh because i was going to high school in santa cruz and her college in santa it was in santa clara i'm sorry and he's like this is what you need to do you need to be
Starting point is 00:40:23 an er doctor so you have two 48-hour shifts, and the rest of the week you can surf in Santa Cruz. And then. Not a bad life. Yeah, and then. That's what my buddy Tom's doing. Yeah, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And then after a while he's like, all right, we know you can't be a doctor. You didn't score well enough? I was just, you know, I was drinking Four Loko. Yeah. And he's like all right you're gonna be a dentist they have a great lifestyle it's like you you know be a dentist and i'm like dad i'm an ambassador of stoke yeah so what was that conversation like he actually encouraged me to go into entertainment oh okay yeah because in like a senior year um i was like i was like i'm
Starting point is 00:41:03 gonna go be a producer like i had any idea what that meant you know sounds cool um i was like i was like i'm gonna go be a producer like i had any idea with them you know sounds cool yeah i was like yeah i'll be a producer like you know i can i didn't know anything and he's like um i think you should go into performing and um and then once i because that's what i always really wanted to do i just i'm the youngest of five. So, and they're successful. So like, I never really had like that. I was like, am I going to be the one that like goes into like the riskiest field? But once I got the green light from him, I was like all in. I was like, oh, this is my passion now. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. So it was all, he's like, yeah, I'm like like oh stoke yeah i can do that so so ambassador of stoke yeah i mean first of his kind i i would say i think if you know a couple years ago if people said
Starting point is 00:41:56 that they would be like you know even probably then people were like what now it's like i don't know what you guys do what a lot of people do. Zuckerberg probably sounded crazy when he invented Facebook too. Yeah. I mean, this is all uncharted territory. Yeah. You know, Stoke, Facebook. I mean, like I said, I'm here in Burbank drinking Erewhon. And I mean, you guys are doing great.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Oh, thank you. Thank you. I'm like, this is good. I keep saying that, but I'm like, you know, dad, I get to go to Erewhon. That's like. Right. You made it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. What do you think is like the biggest misconception about being a lifestyle ambassador? I'd say that like you probably aren't on your computer or on your phone, checking your emails, checking your text messages but i think a lot of you know like it's still like if you work and i see this too with a lot of freelancers and even surfers like i i mean it's like you still gotta like run that part of the business i think there's a lot of people are are like, oh, especially for me, you know, oh, you're at this place, at this place.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Like, I think a lot of people show the more glamorous parts of the job, which is everyone. No one's posting like, oh, you know, the worser things. But I think there's maybe a misconception that like, oh, everything just happens for people right like i never thought that like i don't really think things are accidents like you know like people get discovered or people just even good surfers it's like there's tons
Starting point is 00:43:38 of good surfers that like never could get sponsored and not to say there's a lot of great surfers even now that don't have sponsors that deserve sponsors but they they gotta run that part of the business they gotta like hustle they gotta meet people they gotta get the sponsorship right send their clips to surfer magazine yeah like they gotta bother people and i think there's i mean even you gotta bother people yeah i think that's something i've really learned is that like if you want people to notice you you have to bother them and i think people get worried that if they bother people they won't like them but they really don't care and i yeah i think like even myself like i'll talk to people and like they'll be like yeah let's work together let's do something and i'm like yeah and then like i get distracted and like forget maybe i open their text read it don't text them back i don't know
Starting point is 00:44:25 if that's what's worse leaving the text unopened but you know it's like you know i if some if someone keeps like hitting me up like oh like following up following up it's like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like instead of like i don't find that annoying at all especially if i'm already talking or engaging with you like and they got to be thinking about you. Yeah. Like it puts them top of the head. Because again, like I think if you're in a position where maybe you're not in a traditional field area or something, it's like you don't work on a traditional schedule. And that's to answer your question too. Like people thinking maybe like you're not really working going in office nine to five but
Starting point is 00:45:05 sometimes i'll be even for myself i'll be on the computer from like 5 p.m to 2 in the morning you know and with all the stuff of the internet it's like it's cool how it um it's sort of like a double-edged sword because it gives sort of pretty much everyone the opportunity to to make their presence known to like build up a following. But then at the same time, you know, it's not like the old days where you just get like an agent or something. And then they,
Starting point is 00:45:32 they're like, Oh, I'm going to make you a star or whatever. It's like, you gotta be your own producer, own publicist. Um, which you got to create that for yourself,
Starting point is 00:45:40 which I think is great. Cause I think back in the old days, I, I really do think in certain industries, whether it be entertainment, music, you know, I'm sure a lot of things, too. It was really like there's gatekeepers. Yeah. Really. Like and I think now the Internet and even for corporation businesses, too, the Internet's kind of opened the playing field.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah. It's democratized a little. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which is cool because it's like, you field yeah it's democratized a little yeah yeah yeah which is cool because it's like you know it's like if you anyone can make a video and make a website now figure out how to make a product and you can start your own business you can start you know doing entertainment you can start doing. You can start doing all these things and be successful. That wasn't reality back in the day.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You had to meet the right agent. You had to meet the right person. Otherwise, good luck. Yeah. What do you think about the state of the world? Man, I can't answer that. I say the world right now i'm drinking an arowan blue drink i'm in burbank it's a beautiful day i'm about to probably go to arowan after this and get some food test out the food nice state of the world state of my world today is great. The rest, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I can't really comment properly on that. But it's a crazy world we live in. I like that perspective of just like, well, you know, things are good right here. I mean, again, not saying that things aren't good. There are people, you know, not to like discount what other people are going through. But I don't, I think it's tough. We can do both. Yeah, it's tough to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Yeah, I'm not trying to do that, especially right now.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah, I think it's a balance. I have not decided to go into politics just yet. Yeah, it's a balance. You know, again, state of the world, you know, anything's possible. I think about it sometimes, but I've done so many awful things, not awful things, but embarrassing things that I just know if I ran for something,
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'd be, I'd be ensuring that all that stuff came out and had maximum humiliation. Like for me, everything about me is all on the internet. So I'm like, you feel transparent. Yeah. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:48:03 here I am. Is there stuff you don't share with your audience though? That like you feel transparent yeah i'm like here i am is there stuff you don't share with your audience though that like you want to um i would say yeah i i that's a really good question because i am pretty transparent however like you know i don't really share my bad days like i'm not because i want to share what you guys share, the stoke. You know, like, being positive. Like, I am a very positive person. And so, like, you know, if I got a ticket and, you know, if I got a ticket and got pulled over in L.A.
Starting point is 00:48:38 and rear-ended someone, I'm probably not going to post about that. But if I'm going to go surfing after and be at the beach, I'm not trying to take pictures of non-good situations also, or necessarily. Today, I'm going to post what I'm doing because this is awesome. Got my Erewhon. Got Chad. Got JT.
Starting point is 00:49:04 This is a great day. But after this, I don't know. We'll see. got my air one got chad got jt this is a great day but you know after this i don't know we'll see but yeah i'd say like i don't really show my bad days but maybe people want to see my bad days yeah i don't know i think they just like knowing you have bad days yeah i do have bad days and all right i mean for anybody yeah yeah but i i agree like now that i've been doing it a little bit i'm like yeah i don't think i need to tell people about all the bad stuff or and maybe i need some more time to digest the bad stuff before i talk about it yeah
Starting point is 00:49:34 also so it's not so like burning yeah because also too it's like i feel like the the not as positive things in your day, you're usually not probably like taking pictures or videos or like unless you. Yeah, that'd be a funny video. You're like, I'm getting a ticket right now. Like, yeah, like this is my Instagram day. And it's like, oh, like my trash fell over, you know, like here, you know, I got a ticket.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I got like, you know, all the things that people. I haven't moved from the couch in six hours. So literally, yeah, like, you know, and I would say like I should show maybe more of that because there's days I don't move from the couch for six hours. Like, you know, but again, it's like, but then if I go outside after that. Can I ask you something?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Is it hard to get so much male attention? Yeah. Yes and no. I mean, I think it's like, you know, that's a good question in terms of like wanting of what I want to post or not post. picture in a bikini looking pretty on the beach is going to get a lot more likes than me posting a picture with like my fiance or me posting a picture of my cat right you know and like i'd probably say i one thing i don't share enough like is like posting pictures of my cat i have if you look at my phone it's like literally thousands of pictures of my cat. Again, I'm not naive to think people follow me to see my cat.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Well, then you're more self-aware than like, I mean, so many people post photos of their animals. Like Joe Rogan posts photos of his dog. That's the most beautiful dog. But I think Marshall's special. Marshall's the one dog. I'll look at Marshall all day. And I have friends who only post photos of their dogs and cats. It makes me think they're a little weird sometimes. But because
Starting point is 00:51:29 I don't have a pet, so I don't understand that. You're not like a pet guy. I think I am. I'm not in a position right now to do a good job taking care of one. So I have 48 unread text messages. I mean, we gotta work on this. I don't understand that bond. But I think if I did have a dog, I'd probably end up.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But I'm also like, you know, these photos I take, like, yeah, I do share some. I'm not just, you know, no cat photos ever. But it's like, you know, oh, there's my cat sleeping. There's my cat sleeping in a ball. There's my cat sleeping on his back. There's my cat sleeping in a ball. There's my cat sleeping on his back. There's my cat eating. It's, you know, it's like, it doesn't, if I shared every day how many photos I took of my cat,
Starting point is 00:52:10 people would think I was like a crazy cat lady. Maybe I am. That's what I just don't show. I do understand the impulse of that. Cause when I, like, like JT, whenever I see photos of like only their dog, I'm like, you know, do you do, you know, whatever. Yeah, you're like, what the hell is your life? But then when I go see like like only their dog I'm like you know do you do you know whatever yeah you're like what the hell is your life but then I go see like my mom's dog with the golden retriever I'm like I
Starting point is 00:52:30 want to do like a photo session with his dog all day yeah it's like there's especially golden retrievers you just want to so cute there is something inherently about avocado toast that makes you want to photograph right 100% what's what's of all the places you want to photograph it. Right? Yeah. 100%. Of all the places you travel to, which place has the best food? Ooh, good question. Southern California. I mean, again, not saying traveling. Southern California has some of the best Mexican. Yeah, that's what I'm going to think of it.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And Asian food. I mean, which are my two favorite food. Japan actually had amazing food um i was really blown away and i actually i'm like like i'm like oh i love uh hawaiian food so hawaii is great too but overall i'd say california is like pretty solid oh that's something like mexican i mean best tacos burritos pedros Pedro's, I mean. Oh, yeah, I got a t-shirt from there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah, bright green. I love it. It's, I mean. I don't really remember the food that well. It's not the most high-end food, but. Better than Los Gal? It's solid. All right. It's like the best post-serve pre-serve meal pedro's pedro's good
Starting point is 00:53:50 you guys got to get a pedro's deal i had a subpar fish taco last night where from that kept me in the dark for days um public public school yeah i think I know that place. Yeah. Yeah. Where is that Culver City? That sounds so trendy Oh, yes. Yes is trendy and it was not authentic. Yes. Yeah, I like like street tacos Like I want the guy with the cart. Yeah, I want the al pastor. I want you know, the molitas Yeah, like I want like what I want authentic like like the pub, someone called public school fish taco. I mean, what were you thinking? Yeah. You know, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I should have gotten the Reuben. You're right. Like, you know, like that's why I'm like, where did you go? You're in Southern California. Public school sounds like I was like, you're at a public school. Like what? That serves mimosas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:44 How is the mimosa though oh i'm not drinking for uh at the moment i'm on the i'm doing like a six month the stokers are joining yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry i forgot about that i saw that oh did you see it yes where are you in that now i'm about three and a half weeks in damn so we can't go have a mimosa right now? Unfortunately. I can watch you guys drink mimosas. So six months. I don't really drink mimosas that much.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You don't? I do once in a while. That's kind of like another basic thing. It's like you would do your avocado toast mimosa next to it. I do love mimosas. Do you party a lot? Yeah, I drink. Yeah. Recreationally. When you were on tour, were you like? No, no, no. mimosa next to it i do love mimosas do you party a lot yeah yeah i drink yeah recreationally when you were on tour were you like no no no you were just dialed in i was like pretty serious like i
Starting point is 00:55:32 always would like to have like a beer or something or like one drink but no no like now that i don't compete i'll like go out my friends or like go to dinner like I love cocktails I love all that stuff so for sure who doesn't yeah I don't like cocktails that much you don't yeah not to I'm sorry I'm always contrarian but like but you like these like fancy blue drinks I like beer and wine and I like shots
Starting point is 00:55:58 okay but I don't like mixed drinks my brother's trying to keep the calories down or what it's that and it's also I just don't like the taste of alcohol I just like being drunk. So I just. Yeah. So I'm not going to sip something for pleasure. I'm just going to drink something to get me where I want to go.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Utilitarian. Yeah. Yeah. I can respect that. Whenever I see vodka, whenever I order vodka soda, it's sort of like a burden. You know, I'm like, I have to taste the vodka. Yeah. But I have to like.
Starting point is 00:56:24 That's why i just chug it down but i do love mimosas because it's like you get you could just open it up and especially bottomless you know you can just dive in keep going and get in that bubbly world go deep i miss go deep a little bit though i haven't been raging you're missing it now is it because he's because he's i mean this so it's six months and you got people doing it. It makes it easier when people do it with you, right? Yeah, accountability is legit. And I've really been enjoying it, actually.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I've been like in love with learning, amped on learning, you know. I want to learn French. And he's really fun when he's sober, so it's like. Oh, thanks. Yeah, I was like, you're not, there's no difference. Yeah, people say when I'm drunk, although I think maybe i was a little more introverted in college so that's why i would drink more and i would be like you know while i'm crazy and people are like oh you're so like fun last night to them but then now when i drink people like you're the same you're just a
Starting point is 00:57:16 little bit dumber yeah and i'm like oh that's that's good to know um So, but yeah, now I'm, you know, I'm taking on, I'm learning. I like sobriety a lot. I'm learning a lot. I'm into it. I mean, that's the thing. There's, I think there's a time and place for everything. For sure. And, you know, for me, like if I have a couple of drinks at dinner, I still get up early,
Starting point is 00:57:43 go to the gym, do whatever i need to do it's not good to excessively drink everyone yeah yeah our buddy nick i was telling him about that he's like how's it going i'm like i'm just amped on learning right now you know like i'm gonna learn a bunch of languages and he's like he's like oh that's interesting to know you know alcohol's a depressant and see what it's depressing i'm like oh yeah so nick's a beast nick nick is a beast i like this where do you identify as being from like do you are you like i'm a socal person or i'm like hawaii yeah i that's the thing is i i kind of go wherever i'm at at the moment and but i identify like you know i'd probably say orange county so if you win an award you're
Starting point is 00:58:23 gonna be like this is for Orange County. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I bring it to the OC. Yeah, me too. Yeah. I mean, it's the best place.
Starting point is 00:58:31 It's, I mean, arguable, but OC is amazing. Would you ever want to go back full time or? Yeah, I mean, definitely. Like, I, you know, I spent my time there still, but it's, you know, it's hard. Not too much happens there. You know, you got, it's hard. Not too much happens there. You know, you got to be up here. You got to be traveling. But yeah, I would love to just like chill in San Clemente, go to Pedro's, go to the beach.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Yeah. Every day of my life if I could. It's nice. It's a nice lifestyle. All right. Should we answer some questions? Yeah. Chad and JT, Lords of Stoke,
Starting point is 00:59:05 major props on everything you do for the community. I feel like you're a prime example and a shiny beacon for all the dudes out there trying to better themselves, expand their mind, and refuse to conform to the notions of society. I don't know. You have built a career and a life pursuing your passion along the way.
Starting point is 00:59:19 In my eyes, found purpose. This leads me to my question. My brother and I graduated from college a few years ago and are now both living back at home in SoCal, working pretty mundane, run-of-the-mill jobs. He works in software sales and I'm in real estate finance, although neither of us are that hyped about our careers and lack fulfillment. Now, after spending some time in the working world, withering away in an office all day, the stoke levels we built during our time in college have been depleted and are running dangerously low. We both aspire to do more, something different, although the burden and obligation of the working life has stripped us of
Starting point is 00:59:48 our niss. We often end our days attempting to ease the pain by seeking the devil's lettuce and diving into some form of mindless TV. We know we would rather be creating content and exploring the world, but it feels like society has dictated otherwise. So here's my question. How did you guys break free from the shackles of the man and live the life you intended? What initial steps did you take when you first embarked on this journey yourself? Thank you again for your constant words of positivity and encouragement.
Starting point is 01:00:11 You've really shown what's possible with hard work, dedication, creativity, courage, and a desire to do good. Sincerely, T. Damn, that's a question. This pertains to you as well, since you created a career. I mean, I think we kind of touched
Starting point is 01:00:25 on this a bit yeah i the first thing i'll say he's asking you guys but i'll interject my opinion as the woman here the guest of honor is that a both their jobs don't sound bad i was like real estate finance i was like lucrative yeah i was like that's a solid job to me sales solid job I think um you know probably if they were to apply those skills into something else they maybe more enjoy doing that'd be great but also like realizing them being in an office working eight hours a day is what they're gonna have have to do no matter what you're doing. If you're following your passion or not, it's not going to be a three-hour-a-day thing. But, yeah, I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 01:01:16 That's the thing. I always followed what I enjoy doing, and it happened to work out. But I know that doesn't necessarily happen for everyone um so i'm pretty conscious of that reality but i mean what do you guys think on that yeah i agree with you in a lot of ways like and i think that i was really really lucky that my parents not only supported me emotionally in pursuing this but also supported me financially so it's like it made it a whole hell of a lot easier i mean if you shout out parents yeah shout out to my mom and dad um but uh yeah i don't i never know what to tell people with this stuff because i'm like i'm not gonna you have a good job that so that means a lot
Starting point is 01:02:01 what i think is interesting though is you take though, is you take what you know. You take what you're good at. They have this job. Sounds like a probably on paper good job. Maybe they don't enjoy it. But what can you do with your current skill set that you enjoy doing? That's what that's, I think, the question that needs to be asked. And I think also it really doesn't matter what I say, if you're meant to leave that job and do something
Starting point is 01:02:31 else, no matter what I say, you're still going to go do that. Like that's already who you are. It's already in your head. You might just need that little tip, but even if I didn't do it, it's coming. I think if you want it, you're going to it a hundred percent and I also think though in their situation start a side business start something on the side don't leave your job until your side hustle whether it be creating content starting a business doing whatever test it out you know you work full time, you still got the weekend. You still got Saturday, Sunday. I think something too people need to realize is how important utilizing your free time is and what you utilize it for.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Because I have so many friends that have corporate jobs and do blogging on the side, that do a side business that kill it to a point where eventually then they leave their corporate job and do their own thing so that's what I think and it's like I think figuring out what you like to do what you're good at and how to make it financially work for you yeah I agree. And yeah, I definitely agree with the reality of the situation,
Starting point is 01:03:50 especially for us and stuff. But I'm totally on board with the fact that, you know, it sounds like they want to create content. You know, they have their job, but, you know, they've got to have time on the weekends. There's opportunities to start doing that and um and then if they really want to take that route i mean uh for me like personally it was it wasn't like i just sort of like tiptoed into it i was just like it was like a certainty in like my heart i was like i was like this is what i'm gonna do no matter what you told your dad you're
Starting point is 01:04:25 like i was like i'm like ambassador of stoke that's what i just came out of the womb to do so i think you know with any of that kind of stuff it's got to be a certainty to the point where when you're pursuing it you're happy sort of regardless of how much success you have or not 100 because a lot of things too you could be very successful and not make money at it for a while and then oh it's almost guaranteed if you're into one of the arts or yeah i mean exactly so that's the thing like even a lot of my friends who do art and stuff like they do their other job to do their passion which i totally respect as well even my friends that surf it's like i have so many friends that do construction corporate jobs and they work to surf you know and then they go and
Starting point is 01:05:12 do a surf trip and it's like you know maybe they could have made it a pro surfer maybe they could have but they their life did a different way so yeah i just finished the book about phil knight from nike and um he was working other jobs when he started Nike for like the first five years. And it turned out great. Yeah. What up, dogs? Frodo here. I had a chugging contest with Carl and dominated.
Starting point is 01:05:37 But here's the sitch. He keyed Boner into my car afterwards. Should I continue chugging? Of course, dude. You've got to continue chugging of course dude you gotta continue chugging yeah yeah i had a friend who upset a girl like he slept with her and like didn't call her back was rude or whatever and she keyed an asshole into his car nice so he had to come into work every day with just this fat how long did he wait to get fixed you know i i it was like i was only at the job for a couple weeks so
Starting point is 01:06:04 i didn't even know when it got fixed. It might still be there for all I know. He's just proud of it. He's like, I am an asshole. Yeah. Dude, I love that. I think that's the... Very Carrie Underwood.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Dude, that's hilarious. It's a very OC story. But if I did that to somebody, if a girl ghosted me and I carved asshole into her car, that'd still be pretty hilarious some girls driving around it says asshole on her car she'd be like i think i kind of like jt yeah i ghosted this guy i like that level of intensive intensity though yeah like i like that someone cared enough about you right like that's like like like she you know like maybe they rethink that i think about stuff like that a lot like with taylor swift she writes songs about all of her ex
Starting point is 01:06:50 boyfriends and everyone's like like she dated harry styles for like a month and she wrote like 20 songs about him i'm like that's amazing like the impact that he had yeah and then i would i would be more afraid of being the guy that she didn't write any songs exactly yeah like or like she didn't she i mean you dated for five years don't have a single song yeah like good good for this guy you know yeah good on him like he did something right yeah you must be chugging good if guys are carving boner into your car afterwards yeah i'd say double down on the chugging double down it's time to go pro what up legends i come to you in a dire sitch i love shredding on two wheels but i'm not on a
Starting point is 01:07:24 motorcycle or bike you guessed it i shred on a scooter i got no shame about it me and my scooter have a similar relation to chad to his hair and tan both of which are fire thank you when i go to the skate park i get looked at all askance which is a bummer but so be it the sitch has escalated though and a skater named rick who goes by puck no lie threatened to beat my ass for getting in his way which is bs because i take considerate lines in the bowl he also lobbed in some offensive remarks about greek people of which i am what should i do there's a lot of stuff going on in this question um dude i mean you know the first who, the revolutionaries were always taken down. You know, I mean, the public is, you're going to take some hits because you're the first,
Starting point is 01:08:13 he's like one of the first guys who's really, you know, taking strides in this sport. So, you know, I'd say feel, you know, be honored that, you they're if people are hating on you it's because you're doing something right i think yeah so i and he says he can he carves considerable lines you know the uh ethnic slurs i think are a little over the top so i'd maybe take umbrage with that and just be like hey you can call me like a boner or something but you know leave that out of it but i'm gonna scoot regardless dude fire i think you said it perfectly thanks yeah yeah anastasia do you want to stay with us while we do our beeves base and beave babe of the week yeah all right let's do it i'm staying like i
Starting point is 01:09:02 said i i'm making the most i'm probably gonna go to Walgreens and then see where the day takes me. I'm going to get to Erewhon. I'm going to be the Erewhon Don. Oh, nice. It's tough. That's a very coveted position. There's a hierarchy at the Erewhon that I go to. Really?
Starting point is 01:09:21 Yeah. There's people who run the show, and I admire the hell out of them. I'll see this. You will. You will? Yeah. There's people who run the show and I admire the hell out of them. I'll see this. You will, you will. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. We'll go first so you can formulate.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week, sorry to be crude here, is my bladder. In my family, we are known for having small bladders.
Starting point is 01:09:41 So, you know, I do have to, you know i you know i i do have to you know hit the hay how i want people to think i'm diabetic but you know a fair amount and you know it gets in the way i had to go pee although i do drink a lot of liquids i don't know i was struggling to come with a beef and i had to pee so i'm like my beef is with my bladder right now because I have to pee. What up, bladder? Maybe I should do Kegel stuff. But you interrupt movies.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I have to pull over for drives to the gas station, and you interrupt conversations. So I'd say be a little more cognizant of my activities. This is to my bladder. Be a little more cognizant of my activities and try and say what up when it's not mid-conversation. Does that make sense? Yeah, because I mean I saw, I mean I was sitting here,
Starting point is 01:10:40 you had to go pee and I was a little bit like, whoa. I got to go pee pretty soon too though. I can hold it forever. i got oh really yeah yeah i it's it's in my family like right now like i'm not gonna get up and go pee so i get that i could answer my pants too and i just want to hop out for a second yeah i think i think i have a little bit of that too if we're gonna have to like go on stage or something i have to pee like 10 times and it's really well it's all psychological it's not you are very hydrated too i am hydrated yeah that's my problem i'm dehydrated probably you gotta drink the water it's the number one thing all my doctor
Starting point is 01:11:17 your your doctor soon to be hubby he must be telling you yeah he tells me stuff all the time i don't listen yeah it's kind of like a dad it's like oh i'm the same way if someone's like telling me what to do i'm like yeah i'm gonna rebel yeah i'm not gonna drink water i'm gonna drink coffee and dehydrate not around i drink so well my thing is i drink so much coffee that it's just like i love coffee who doesn't my beef some people sorry my beef of the week is the indian whatsapp lynchings it's a spate of mob related violence and killings following the spread of rumors primarily related to child abduction and organ harvesting via the whatsapp message service so um in india people have been sending around fake messages on whatsapp that gain a lot of momentum within the community that someone
Starting point is 01:12:02 abducted a child and then without any due process they're killing some of these people and it's just not fucking cool all right should not be doing that damn yeah and it's further complicated because whatsapp in india has actually been used to stop a lot of child abductions. Wow. Yeah, so... When did this start? Like... 2017. Okay. So it's been around for a bit,
Starting point is 01:12:29 but I just hadn't heard about it. And I guess, like, kind of mob violence and vigilante justice has been an issue in some of the, like, interior places in India. But they're mostly localized events. But now it's, like, kind of spreading like a... Like a contagion. Like it's going viral. Yeah, exactly but now it's like kind of spreading like a like a contagion it's going viral yeah exactly like it's like okay this let's get together and yeah and it's a good example of just people being irrational and fueled up with energy about
Starting point is 01:12:55 something that they haven't really thought about all the way through so just not chill so that's not not chill i mean it sounds like know, we have next door here. If you guys ever go on next door app, there's a lot of neighborhood. Oh, is that like a crime reporting one? Yeah, it's crime. It's missing animals. It's missing, you know, people selling. It's everything.
Starting point is 01:13:22 And then there's another one citizen. Have you ever stolen something? No. You've never stolen something? No. You've never stolen something your whole life? I mean, maybe. I don't know. From like a store or something? No.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Respect. But like, it's like, this is a typical post on Nextdoor app. Missing cat. My cat ran away. Find my cat ran away find my cat find my cat whatever missing cat reward then the cats come back and then there's like conversations about people seeing the missing cat other places like oh i thought i saw a cat posting a picture it looks nothing like the cat and then someone starts fighting with that person like are you stupid did you not look at the first picture and see what the missing cat looks like and then they get in a whole confrontation
Starting point is 01:14:14 so it's a lot of like people it's almost like facebook but its own fighting realm where people will then just start commenting their opinions or like let's say like there's a broken streetlight. Like someone will be like, well, you know, there shouldn't even be a streetlight there. Can't believe they don't have a stop sign. And then people will fight with each other on it or discuss. But it's these community groups, basically. It's like a community group chat. Yeah, my girlfriend got a text the other day from one of those services
Starting point is 01:14:48 and was like, man, with knife, 100 feet, reported 100 feet from you. I'm like, I don't want to know. That's citizen, I believe. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, my friends are getting those alerts too. I don't do that one because that one seems scary. But that one's like you get the alerts of things. But it's informative. But again, it's like at what point it's like you get the alerts of like things but it's informative but again it's like
Starting point is 01:15:06 at what point it's like oh i saw you know guy with blue jean deli hat on you know somewhere doing something and then there happens to be someone with a blue jean deli hat on and someone confronts and like the situation you're saying is like not chill i would never do anything i'm just using that as an example because you have the hat on i stole when i was young okay that's why i was asking you yeah so you you might get on that app yeah i might for stealing a book from barnes and noble but then you return it when you're done but you don't even need to do that because if you return it within two weeks on red they give you a refund really yeah but it has to be on red but they don't close you oh that's that's good yeah library yeah i stole a tanning bed sash but i don't think it's on record yeah when you said still i was like okay what like have i like been at a restaurant and like
Starting point is 01:16:08 them not ring up all my drinks and me not say anything sure i appreciate you like yeah like but did i like go in there and like rob intentionally yeah like was i like ill intent? Yeah. You know? For sure. Chad, who is your babe of the week? Wait, I didn't get to say my beef. Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh, man, my bad. My beef is you. What? Now for just forgetting that I had a beef of the week.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Nice. I deserve it. I was, because actually I was like, shit. I was kind of glad. I was like, did I just steal this one? Like, did I just steal? He asked me, me i said maybe he forgot and i'm like because i didn't really have any beefs of the week like again i'm like life's
Starting point is 01:16:49 good i'm chilling like everything's good and then when you just passed me over i was like okay i'm sorry i gave you the beef okay or my bed chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is my nike running shoes uh they've been with me for gotta say six years and they have been fire they have carried me through i don't even know how many miles of sprints i mean i've been using these things i probably ran across the entire world cumulatively in these shoes damn and people are telling me they're like dude you gotta get new shoes you're gonna ruin your feet and i'm like i can't leave them behind so you know i just want to call them out make sure that they know that you know i care about how much they've done for me and like you know if i do have to move on to a new pair of shoes like
Starting point is 01:17:44 to move on to a new pair of shoes, like my Nike running shoes, like you mean a lot. You're lime green, and you've toned my calves, you've kept me lean, and you've carried me across a lot of treadmill rubber. Amen. Solid. My babe of the week is Juju Smith-Schuster, wide receiver for the pittsburgh steelers we're coming into the season he's the number one on the depth chart at wide receiver we're taking over the spot from antonio brown the greatest receiver in steelers history
Starting point is 01:18:15 and someone who um i just don't connect to anymore and i'm really excited for what juju schuster could do this season i think he's's going to go for 1,500-plus yards and 10 tutties, and this is for the fellas in my fantasy football league. I can't even help it. I've got to say it. I'm going after him, so I want him, and I'm going to get him. Anastasia, who is your babe of the week? Again, another one that I'm just a little stumped on but
Starting point is 01:18:47 when I think of babe I think of my cat and you know we're talking here we're being open honest baby week gonna go for my cat Gloria she's you know I could show you some pics i was looking at my phone to pull up some pics she you know she's done a lot of like laying around eating you know like cat things but i mean she's she's pretty amazing at the end of the day i mean she gave cuddles she makes biscuits you know the cat kneading thing and uh she's she's a pretty big babe i mean her body type she's definitely a bit heavier than she probably could be but she looks good this is like a photo oh wow she's so cute, she's a babe. She's a star. Yeah. I'm glad to... Snuggly.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Can she come be a guest on the podcast? I mean, are you... I would love to talk to a cat for two hours. I think that'd be... No one's done that before. Yeah, she's cute, right? Yeah, she's the new Garfield. I'm just showing a pic of her.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Yeah. I mean, that was actually kind of easy for me. Yeah. I thought it was... I was like, oh, maybe... No kind of easy for me. Yeah. I thought it was like, oh, maybe, no, definitely her. I felt it. I could feel the passion and the love. Yeah. The beef, though, like I was getting,
Starting point is 01:20:14 so I'm glad that whole thing just happened. Yeah. Chad, who is your legend of the week? This one's actually kind of sad, but my legend is my buddy Robert, who unfortunately passed about a week ago. I'm not sure if I want to say his last name. But yeah, he was just, you know, I've known since high school and college. And, you know, super smart, charismatic, cheerful guy guy had a great smile loved music was passionate
Starting point is 01:20:49 about music and art and uh we had some great times together you know so i just wanted to um honor oh my voice is cracked uh honor him and uh i miss you buddy and um yeah he was just a great guy. And yeah, sad moment. Damn. It's awesome that you're honoring him. I'm sorry that he passed. Yeah, no, he's a legend.
Starting point is 01:21:12 That's the thing is like, that's why there's legends. Because legends don't die. I love it. They keep going. Yeah, we... And I mean, you got to remember the ledge status. Yeah. He lives on. Yeah. I mean, you got to remember the ledge status. Yeah. He lives on.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, sorry to bring it down, guys. No, not at all, man. No, it just got me thinking. I was like, damn, ledge status is, like, real. Yeah. I had to honor him.
Starting point is 01:21:42 He's a great guy. Did you do a paddle out? Are you going to do the paddle out to honor him he's a great guy and um you do it did you do a paddle out are you gonna do the paddle out no he's from new york so i don't think anyone else no but you gotta do a paddle out for him regardless just solo yeah like like you know it's nice to go for a surf and go in the water and just like look at the sun like you know like yeah do something once with him in mind yeah do something like just where you're zen and you're just out in the water thinking of him and and think of the good times yeah and the ledge the things that the ledge status yeah he would have liked that i'll do a
Starting point is 01:22:18 paddle that actually inspired me because i had a friend who passed and i haven't talked about it yet but uh pay on my my buddy from high school, who was so larger than life. And yeah, it was almost like a person out of folklore. Like just was one of those guys who was like 15, but looked like 30 and acted like a 30 year old. Yeah. And like talked about things like a 30 year old.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It was just so far past me. Say yes to being a legend. That's what Payone did i i love it i mean my legend of the week is you know again i'm kind of drawing blanks on some of these some of these questions and we didn't prep you yeah i didn't know but i like i like kind of going in and thinking of things on we go, but I say like, and I don't want you guys to get emotional because we've been doing a lot of emotional things, but I think JT and Chad, you're my legend of the week. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I think our last guest had us as his legend too. Brad? Yeah, did he? I think he did. Maybe we're just not that creative. No, it's not that it's not that but i'll say why i think you guys are ledge and i've touched on this many times i had no idea i was gonna get some expensive drink for marijuana it's like you i mean that's like a ledge status right
Starting point is 01:23:41 there it's like i i actually had texted chad being like, I'm like, I stopped at the gas station. Do you guys want some drinks? Remember? I said, you need to pull up the text to show him. And he was like, yeah, he got the proof. Evidence. Show the evidence. You show him.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Oh, it's now? Just to say. And he was like, Chad basically was like, texted me back saying, nah, nah. I'm running late. Deal with it. No, I said it didn't go down that way. I said I wasn't late.
Starting point is 01:24:13 I stopped to go get a drink of some water from the gas station. And I said, do you or JT want something? And he was like, nah we we cool we we chill i'm always stoked when someone buys me a drink food something yeah they thought about you yeah like how i with this it's like they were like health is in mind it's gonna lift wellness yeah it's good hospitality too yeah my friend joe you go to his place you're just like you feel taken care of oh it's it's good hospitality too yeah my friend joe you go to his place you're just like you feel taken care of oh it's it's wonderful i'll go to this you have like every type of drink and yeah he's just got a robust fridge and then just the feng shui of the living room is like so well
Starting point is 01:24:56 designed for kicking it and uh my place is not like that so okay yeah i live in a spartan bachelor pad that has too many fridges stacked on top of each other okay which is pretty badass is it filled with air wand juices though or no so this is some days yeah podcast days okay we also do a quote of the week chad so if you want to chad who is your quote of the week? It comes from Superbad. No one's gotten a handjob in cargo shorts since Nam. I love that. My quote of the week is...
Starting point is 01:25:40 I have two, and my brother just sent them to me. The first one is, Please, sir, don't kick my ass. I'll do anything to get out of a beating from Detroit Rock City. I love that honesty, you know, at the moment of truth. And then a really big one. And I'm so glad my brother sent this to me. I wish I knew how to quit you. I wish I knew how to quit you from Brokeback Mountain. Beautiful. A love so powerful, it feels like it could break them. Like you'd almost be better off if you didn't experience it. But in the end, we're all better off that they did. Man, I don't know if I have a quote of the week.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Is there something, is there like a pearl of wisdom that someone gave you throughout your years that you think has been especially valuable sure sure but i don't know who said it that's okay you could quote yourself i don't want to quote myself that but i could we don't know who said a lot but i don't know who said this but i like the quote and the mindset of it's a marathon not a sprint i dig it very true but i also don't know who said it should i just make that my quote now someone who is slow i'm yeah you should a sprinter no yeah a marathon not a sprinter yeah marathon runner yeah marathon runner? Not a sprinter. Yeah, a marathon runner? Yeah. Yeah, I think you should hone that down.
Starting point is 01:27:10 But that's the thing. Does anyone know? Aaron, do you know who said it? I said what? It's a... It's a marathon, not a sprint. That was probably... Oh, man. Tony La Russa
Starting point is 01:27:28 I was trying to think of someone with no legs oh my god Colonel Colonel Dam what's his name Lieutenant Dan Lieutenant Dan not Tony Robbins
Starting point is 01:27:40 or someone no no I don't think so he I was I should have just Googled some stuff of him. I think it's a great pearl. I just don't know who said it, though.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I think it's kind of one of those quotes that's like universal. Yeah, it popped up out of the ground and started floating. I don't know if anyone owns it. Nor should anyone. But that's kind of like, should I own it? Imagine if it's not trademarked
Starting point is 01:28:07 when does this when does this launch yeah next next wednesday so like i got some work to do this week we are to our last question of the the podcast thanks again for joining us i mean this is special is special. I got to come back. I'll just come back for the drinks. I love them for you. Chad, what is your line of the week for getting after it? So this comes from that song
Starting point is 01:28:36 TikTok by Kesha, where she says, bro, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. So my getting after is let's go to dental school with Kesha. I like that. I like that a lot. Smart shit.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Mine is from a stoker who sent it to me. Ckeeds on Instagram. He had two. I'm just going to do one. He said who's ready to bring up the sun? Parentheses for when you're ready to rage all night resulting in the sun having FOMO therefore coming out to tan your bods wow so you're like lifting up the sun with your raging wow that's cool take the day off Apollo
Starting point is 01:29:17 so this is again something that I should have thought about before I came here, but I'm here. And I like that you went with like a song lyric, but a song lyric that speaks to me a bit is Katy Perry, Firework. Because, baby, you're a firework. You know, I'm just going to leave it at that. But it's like a metaphor as it's like an explosion. Like you're spectacular. In the sky that everybody can see.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Yeah. You're going to be the party. Yeah. And there's no embarrassment. No, no. It's like you're a,'re like it's a leveled lyric you're something there's levels to that we marvel at you yeah but then like you're there but you're on display but then you're doing your thing and you're ephemeral too
Starting point is 01:30:20 you don't stay in the sky no and that just kind of hit me when he when he said song lyric and he brought up kesha and i was like you know thinking of songs i was listening to and i i thought about that today i like picturing a bunch of dudes getting ready to rage or ladies and everyone's just like because we're fireworks yeah no baby i love katie perry gonna go high high high i think i think we're sky sky sky so that song though think about it it gets people amped oh her early stuff was just like... I love Katy Perry. And it's because, you know why? She would take the top off my car even if it was a sedan.
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's like there's levels to that song and that lyric. For sure. All right. She's a firework. She is. Are we wrapping it up? I think so, dog. All right, Anastasia, thank you so much for coming in.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Thank you, guys, for having me. Episode 90 of Going Deep. Damn, 90. Yeah, we covered a lot of stuff, but it was deep. It was everything. Now I'm like, I should have come for the 100th. Yeah. Maybe I come back.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Next time. We'd love that. that guys thank you so much for listening um thank you for writing in thank you for being stokers keep writing those reviews keep being beasts jt you want to say anything thank you and boom clap stokers later that's it that was fun if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need
Starting point is 01:32:19 someone to guide you there's a half of those beside you go and see To God you Seem to have The earth beside you Go in deep Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep Get in deep

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