Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 9 - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Science, and Tommy Lee

Episode Date: March 14, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep into Arnold, discuss the scientific process, discuss the dire situation surrounding Tommy Lee, yoga, and then dive deep into beefs, legends, babes, and some FIRE questions.  Che...ck it out! For bonus content, join our patreon:  www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your team? No we're deep Chad and JT What up Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with my compadre JT, what up? What up dudes? How you doing my dog?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Dude, I'm doing well man Looking good You look good Thanks, I actually haven't I'm coming straight from the gym. I haven't showered, so I'm fresh off a pump. That's awesome, dude. I think when you share your pump with the world, everybody gets a little more flexed. For sure.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I think to just come out, you don't want to just shower off and get that. You were telling me last night, keep the musk on for a little bit. That's kind of what I did unintentionally. Yeah, I think if you leave the day before's behaviors on your skin yeah people subconsciously react to it and they like it because they know you're an adventurer you kind of just bathe in it before you put on dial mountain wash body soap and just wash it all away all that bullshit just scrubs away like the hard-earned masculine appeal that you've built up. It's almost like you go to the gym,
Starting point is 00:01:09 but you shower there, so it's like no one even knows what you accomplished. I go home sweaty. Yeah, if you walk in, people are like, wow, that dude's working hard. I walk through the courtyard of my mom's house, and I'm just like, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Everyone's like, oh my God, this person's really testing their limits. believe it i always do an extra set it's funny whenever i run to one of my boys and they're like wow you're drenched i'm like yeah i don't fuck around in the gym and they like try to talk to me at the gym like dude i'm doing sprints all right so just go beat it yeah i'm like you see this like i have a clock and it's running and if i don't like sync up with these one minute sets, I'm going to fail as a human being for the rest of my life. Those are the stakes partner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I don't wander at the gym. I have a mission. So fuck off. Yeah. No, I dig it. I was going to say too, like about walking around with a pump is like you could always tell
Starting point is 00:01:58 like when you'd be at the beach, like and your buddy will come down and he'll just be looking extra jack and like you got to call him out. You got to be like, hey everybody, he's not normally that jacked he just worked out yeah like his triceps are firing extra because he just put in 10 sets all right don't let him fool you for sure yeah you gotta call that out because you know eventually that pump's gonna go down and you gotta be like
Starting point is 00:02:19 know your place dude it's false advertising yeah it's like a mcdonald's burger like in the picture where you're like that's not what a fucking McDonald's burger looks like. Yeah. And some dudes don't get it. They'll be like, damn, Trevor's flexing hard. And it's like, yeah, for the next 20 minutes. Yeah, it's a pump, bro. Have you never experienced a pump?
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah. And then they get all self-conscious and they're like, no, I know what a pump is. And you're like, dude, it's cool if you don't. Yeah. It's like, why don't you go have an Arnold day? Yeah. And go watch Pump. Pumping Iron. What was the movie don't. Yeah. It's like, why don't you go have an Arnold day? Yeah. And go watch Pump. Pumping Iron.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Pumping Iron. That's right. Amazing movie. Yeah. Because Arnold Schwarzenegger is like such a confident weirdo. Yeah. Like he'll just stare to the camera and be like, when I'm at the gym, I am coming. Every time I get into my biceps brain, I am coming.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And then I go home and I am coming. Yeah. I can do better Arnold than that. When I'm at the brain, I am coming. And then I go home and I am coming. Yeah. I can do better, Arnold, than that. When I'm at the gym, I am coming. And then when I come home, I am coming again, but with a woman. I am coming. It's the pump. The pump is, you know, I'm coming at the gym.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I'm coming at home. I'm coming. And not to mention, dude, we got to call this out. He was always super bronzed. Oh, yeah. Amazing bronze bronze i don't know if it was fake that might lower my stoke a little bit but i mean in pumping iron you're just like whoa this guy he spent some serious time in the sun if my knowledge is correct i think fake tanner was invented in 1963 by vincent mcdulphy and he was the first person to uh bottle tan interesting totally made
Starting point is 00:03:49 that up arnold arnold is also like um he's such a smart competitor like he literally beats guys in flex offs by psyching them out like their muscle like they feel their muscles are smaller so then they present them as smaller to the crowd yeah just because arnold gets in their head and he's like oh your calves are looking a little tiny today yeah and they're like oh my god my calves are small and arnold's like yeah laughing all the way to the bank yeah i remember uh i read like 20 pages of his autobiography that's all you need i got bored but like the 20 pages i wrote i was like wow this guy's a beast and like there's one part where he's like competing with, I forget the guy's name, but he totally like psyched him out before. Or no, you know what he did?
Starting point is 00:04:32 He like flexed and then he made like a gesture to be like to act like he was done flexing for the judges. But it was like a pump fake, a pump fake flex. And so the guy, the other guy stopped flexing and then arnold kept going and he's like and the rolls just kept coming and like so arnold like flexed for like at least a minute longer than this guy totally he stole the show with that pump fake brilliant yeah like who would think on that level yeah just someone who's so close to the competitive spirit yeah and then he um he's like a genius like i heard him on timothy ferris's podcast and he's like he talked about how he never used like money he made from acting he only used like money he made from like real estate yeah and he was like
Starting point is 00:05:16 i remember in 1973 interest rates were at 7.8 percent so i bought a duplex in santa montica and third street and then i sold it a year later after I had split two of the units at a 22% profit. And I was like, Oh man, speculative real estate has a huge market in California. And I was like, dude, you've like owned like 9,000 buildings at this point. Like how do you remember the like exact details of it? And I was like, cause he's just, he's just a juiced up guy. Like not just on steroids. Like he's juiced up on like the action of life yeah that's super impressive especially because
Starting point is 00:05:50 a dude with that kind of stature you'd think that he would just like he'd get all that fame and he just like want to like hook up with chicks and like keep lifting but he's like they'd be like hey do you want to hang out and maybe hit hot dog on a stick and like come to my place he's like no i need to study buildings and interest rates and they're like what and he's like just shut up and he i don't want to say that just let me go study real estate and then we can pump after yeah because i think he definitely made time for uh for love making oh yeah i mean because there's that you know him and his wife split up i don't know if if it's official yet, but I do think they're split because he had an affair with the maid. And then a love child was born out of that.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And the kid would come over all the time. And he was like, oh no, that's not my son. He's a great kid, but he's not my son. And then after like 16 years, the kid turned into a Mexican Arnold Schwarzenegger. And his wife was like, no, that's for sure your son. He's like, no, no. i think when you grow up around somebody your fucking head just turns into their head she's like no that's not how genetics work and he was like maria come on calm down i did not sleep with the
Starting point is 00:06:56 maid 65 000 times with my super potent semen i'm so sorry babe pump the major i can't stop pumping he's like sorry if i produce kids i also produce the terminator movie so you know why don't you just be happy and just juggle both realities like i'm good at producing things i produce multi-billion dollar movie franchises and i also produce very handsome young men who may or may not be my son but I love you. Yeah you know diversity is hot right now and I want a Mexican me as well as my other son who's just a white guy. Patrick is a good kid but how's he gonna get parts in this new diverse community? This other kid is a beast and he's got the Latinoino thing he's hitting both boxes maria open your fucking mind let's go planning ahead maria maria i'll fucking blow you up do you understand i will blow you up
Starting point is 00:07:53 get in the car get in the car get in the car get in the chopper i met arnold schwarzenegger at a bowling alley one time when he was with his family and me and my friends got super jacked up we were like oh do you give us an autograph give us an autograph anyone like this chill he said just chill that's it and then he gave us no and then he gave us autographs but he was like uh just chill like our our vibes were like way too over there and then I met him again like four years later and my mom was like you met my son four years ago do you remember him I was like mom he doesn't remember me he's like oh yeah of course yeah you were the guy who needed to chill yeah he just remembers everything dude i uh i uh i was in some valley and i saw him that's where i saw him oh you saw him in some valley yeah i saw him at the ice rink you know the ice rink
Starting point is 00:08:38 yeah and uh he comes up he's like i see him walking he's a little bit shorter than i was expecting he's walking you know lats out just like fully squared up and he's just walking towards like the ice skating thing and uh i was just like oh fuck and he goes to like the lady who rents out ice skates she's like he's like where are my skates and she's like she's like trembling she's like oh back there thank you that was it. I didn't say anything. Wait, he said my skates? Like, did he have specific skates or just, like, skates for rental?
Starting point is 00:09:13 I think that's all I hear. I don't know. He's a true renaissance man. You wouldn't expect it because he looks like a Neanderthal a little bit, but's like dominant in like five fields of life yeah he's a fucking governor yeah and everyone there was like if you could change one law would you change obviously you are asking me this because of the american law that you must be born in the united states to be president and obviously i would change that law so i could run for president you're like dude is enough ever enough for you, dog?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Never. Like, is that enough to move from Austria and then become the governor of the most powerful state in the union? Yeah. He's like, ah, Trump change. Trump change. And then I'd sit in my head. Why stop there? I can be governor.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Well, let's get into another. This is sad because, you know, Chad and I, we have people that we grew up admiring, people who kind of set the tempo for us. And one of those people was Tommy Lee from the band Motley Crue, who famously was married to Pam Anderson, had a sex tape. He's fallen on hard times. Pamela Anderson just came out calling him a narcissist and a sociopath. And she said he has a really bad drinking problem right now that is ruining his life and the life of his family. Because he got socked by his 21-year-old son, Brandon, who knocked him out, left him with a fat lip. And Tommy Lee says he's going to press charges against the kid. Damn. For cracking him so good.
Starting point is 00:10:44 But Pamela is saying that the kid was just uh scared for his life and acted out of self-defense and what he was really trying to do was have an intervention for timely to get him into recovery because he's dating a vine star who's like a quarter his age and i guess is just uh plying him with booze all the time yeah it's just it's hard to see someone who was so epic on m Cribs yeah and had such a killer sex layer kind of falling to his vices not to mention he had a fire cameo in Viva La Bam and that Hollywood one I need a refresher so when Bam and his squad go to Hollywood and they're like getting Hollywood memorabilia,
Starting point is 00:11:26 they stop by and he's just banging on the drums like you'd expect. And he's like, yo, Tommy, I'm getting some memorabilia, some like merchandise from Hollywood for my new skate park back home. Do you have anything? He's like, yeah, totally. And gives him like his belt or something. Like, oh, no, he gives him drumsticks. Like, oh, thank you so much, Tommy. He's like, hell yeah hell yeah dude i want to see the park i just knew right there that's a cool
Starting point is 00:11:49 dude he gets skate parks like he's not just like a drummer who goes upside down and just you know makes sex videos he also understands like the importance of a skate park yeah he's a he's he's you know had some pretty prestigious moments but i mean his son fucking dropped him i feel for him dude i feel for his son as well i mean it sounds like they're going on hard times addiction is tough and i'm pulling for tommy pull out of this and not press charges you gotta know when the party turns dark you gotta know when it's time to rest and recuperate and recharge the batteries and i know i go here a lot and i feel terrible being a wet blanket but it's just because i want partying to have a little sanctity to it yeah yeah i think it's it's sort of like you know if you like
Starting point is 00:12:43 become roommates with your best friend start watching your roommate you know like fold his clothes and you're like i fucking hate you yeah you know and that's i think with partying you don't want partying to be your roommate you want it to be your friend that like lives like at least a mile down the road so like you have that distance that whenever you go see him you're stoked and then when you leave him you miss him but you know that you keep that distance my boy uh j-rod our boy you know like you know props to him dude he's staying strong now but there's a time he's partying way too much and we're like we're like dude i don't even think you like partying anymore you just get angry whenever you party.
Starting point is 00:13:26 He's like, I know. I've just been living with the party for too long. I'm like, it's time to move out. Right. Take some space. What do you think about, I was listening to Joe Rogan earlier, and he and Brendan Schaub were talking about how there's a lot of speculation now that dinosaurs, like raptors, had feathers.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Have you seen those images? No. Of what they actually think a raptor looks like? No. It's kind of like a huge departure from how Jurassic Park told us they looked. Oh, for real? Yeah. So here's some photos.
Starting point is 00:14:07 If you want to look at those top two left ones whoa so that's what they think raptors actually look like they think they were like half bird half reptile when you when you start talking about it i'm like wow this raptor is gonna look like a complete sally but that actually might be scarier looks like it's ready for war it's so odd looking. Like you're not used to like a feathered thing having a head like that. Yeah. Damn. It's just so weird though to me that like we had museums and they were like, this is
Starting point is 00:14:35 what dinosaurs looked like. And they like reconstructed them and they did like imaging for us. And so you go in there and you're like, oh, this is fact. Like this museum is telling me exactly what dinosaurs look like. And then like 10 or 15 years later, they're just like, oh, dude, our bad. Dinosaurs actually look radically different. Oh, dude, sorry. Yeah, I'm like, you're a scientist or you're like a, what is it?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Archaeologist. Like you don't get to make mistakes in that walk of life. You get it right the first time or you don't show me shit. know they keep they keep they always bring that up like well that's what science is you keep proving yourself wrong i'm like well then don't just tell me shit you'd be like all scientists speculate that dudes had three balls 100 years ago and then they just print that and you're like whoa did we have three balls like 100 years ago? Like, make up your mind, dude. Just get it right. Like, this whole thing with Pluto being a planet and then not being a planet. Like, oh, that's just the scientific process.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I'm like, well, maybe you need to like tuck your shirt in a little bit, dude. You know, don't be so sloppy with your process. Yeah. What is it? They're saying now that T-Rexes were scavengers this is all via joe rogan the only scientist i trust for sure like that they didn't like hunt animals that they would find like dead animals and then just like eat that oh lame so like if they saw newman at the jurassic park they wouldn't like eat him out of a fucking toilet no they'd wait for him to die from diabetes i guess it's smarter i mean hey if it works if that's how you live but that's i prefer the aggro
Starting point is 00:16:12 t-rex so you know what i'm gonna call bullshit on these dudes and be like all right you know have your day but i'm sticking with the original story you know what and if you want to get all scientific on me let it do let it be dog but i'm sticking with the idea that if newman were in an outhouse in jurassic park the t-rex would break through that fucking wall and pick him up and eat the fuck out of him all right let's get into the um into the running features of the pod oh first up let me say that uh this week we're being sponsored by um douglas lubricant it's a um lube for uh for lovemaking and um yeah it's it's it's a biodegradable and it's super smooth and i don't want to get into too much detail and be too forthcoming but it's a great product yeah and it smells nice i think
Starting point is 00:17:13 that's a huge thing with lube you know it like has like a nice sort of like strawberry smell but it's like very natural um and yeah just thank you guys so much for just providing us with like smooth boning amen our other sponsor this week is a meyers bonsai trees they just make really great bonsai trees and it's a great gift we send them out to people all the time yeah it's uh fun for people it's something people you know have to participate in but it's not like a dog where they have to like take care of it every day like you just got to nip some uh leaves every couple weeks but these guys have great deals on bonsai trees beautiful branches beautiful foliage and uh yeah i can't recommend it enough as a wonderful gift for a platonic
Starting point is 00:17:58 uh person in your life yeah i sent uh or for the love of your life yeah i sent a bonsai tree to my family friend Clarice, and she was just like super grateful, and she's like, this is like the best bonsai tree I've ever seen. I'm like, yeah, it's, you know, Myers. All right, dude, who's your legend of the week? okay so my legend of the week is the australian guy from vertical limit um there's like two australian guys but the the australian guy i'm talking about maybe i should look up the character's name he's the australian guy from vertical limit and he uh he's like the main mountain dude.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And, uh, I just had a chance to catch that movie the other night and I was like super impressed with his flow. I, I really value having flow, but sometimes I get outside pressure from like society or like my parents or like,
Starting point is 00:18:59 you should cut your hair, you know, and like put on some J crew clothes and like get real and then i have some like self-doubt i'm like maybe i should you know maybe i should go super cuts and just blend in but then i watched vertical limit and the australian guy had such good flow and i'm like no i'm i'm one of those guys i'm one of those mountain guys with good flow so i just want to say thank you to australian guy from vertical limit thank you so much for uh just showing me the value of having good hair and not to be ashamed or let society tell you how to cut your hair you know if you
Starting point is 00:19:37 got good flow rock it and you will be king of the mountain maya legend of the week is crazy cody crazy cody was a homeless guy oh crazy cody who lived at salt creek yeah uh a beach in dana point he was super tan so shredded like just like built out of granite and he just patrolled the beach he was always friendly he was always um an energized guy and he used to when he would like pump like when it was like triple overhead like one of those rare swells comes through that's like dangerous people would be out there like nervously looking for a wave crazy cody would be just swimming in the waves yeah and literally like howling as he got like thrown over the falls. Like he'd get taken. And we'd be like, man, like Cody has sacrificed some things,
Starting point is 00:20:34 some, some things of comfort. A lot of people said he came from a wealthy family and he just decided to forego that. In a lot of respects, he just chose to love meth, but what he's gained is oneness with nature. Yeah. Like he would be just doing handstands at the beach for like 20 minutes at a time. Yeah. He built himself into this like perfect warrior
Starting point is 00:21:00 and he was a legend. Dude, crazy. He was always so inspiring and like i love the fact that he just like lived the life that he wanted to live you know and like doing handstands going out in the waves like that like that guy is enjoying his time yeah he was very present yeah which i dig all right who's your, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my yoga instructor, Ursula. I just started doing yoga a few days ago.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I always sort of was like, I don't need to do yoga. It's kind of soft. But then I went to yoga, and I'm like, whoa, this is like a whole other level of testing your body. And then flexibilities, I really started to value it and she just showed me she just introduced me to this whole world of like even more stoked than I was before like I didn't realize that yoga actually makes you stoked you know I just I was like some of my boys would be like yeah I'm gonna go do yoga and I'm like nice dude are you gonna go like eat waffles too why don't you carb it up and they're like what and I'm like fuck yeah but now I'm the clown because I realized that
Starting point is 00:22:13 they were on a whole other level of stoke does that make sense yeah I mean it makes sense on multiple levels I think it's just dope that you were open-minded enough to take like one of your like violating principles like yeah like the third rail like there's no way i'm touching that yeah and you still went there and gave it a shot yeah now i'm like super stoked on it and ursula thank you so much like not only is she very in touch with zen and just like she understands chi and flexibility but not to mention she's just a mega babe and I just I'm super stoked to have a new mentor
Starting point is 00:22:50 I can't wait to meet her you gotta meet her dude alright my babe of the week is Tane Tane was a girl I went to high school with she was beautiful like when you saw her you were like oh this is just like one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen I went to high school with. She was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Like when you saw her, you were like, oh, this is just like one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen. Then I'm in religion class with her. We're watching the movie The Sandlot. And it's early in the movie
Starting point is 00:23:16 and the kids haven't accepted Smalls, the new kid in the neighborhood. Tane raises her hand and goes, well, I have noticed that with groups of young people, they tend to be very myopic. And I went, what? And the teacher was like, yeah, that's very true. Good, good illustration of what's going on. And I was like, hold your horses. Guys, everybody look up myopic. It means like narrow vision or narrow minded. And so I was like super intimidated because it turns out she was
Starting point is 00:23:47 a bonafide genius. Like she knew everything. Like she was a Buddhist freshman year and she was like, and we're going to this Catholic school. And she's like, but you know, there's actually a lot of counter philosophy that says like, there's less moral driven ways to be religiously inspired. And I was like, yeah, for sure. For sure. Donnie, she was like looking for stuff like that to do as like a freshman in high school. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I mean, all I was doing was like trying to like fit in and pound my boner. Yeah. And she's over here, like learning about Buddhism, studying traditional dance and being a smoke show at the same time. Wow. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:24 she was so hot. She could have just like to be that intellectually inspired and that hot is harder to do because everyone's telling you you're great already. Like we already love you. You're hot. Yeah. But she wasn't satisfied with that. She was super ahead of the curve.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah. And she would let you know gently that you were a novice in the kingdom of knowledge yeah like when i was with her i was always like hey i'm like stupid and she's like you're not stupid and i was like the fact that you just told my moronic ass that i'm not stupid means a lot to me tony it's just you're not stupid john you just you're obsessed with pounding your boner you're burning a of calories, putting third degree burns on your cock. And you're letting all that energy hit your bed sheets. Or my closet floor.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, or your socks. You're just spraying all that energy all over. Whereas if you would just take that energy and hold it in, you would have this huge respect for philosophy i'll one day get there tony yeah life is more than jizzing i know but it's so much easier to do than finding out all this stuff or accomplishing these goals well how much time did you take out of your day jizzing yesterday well not much time jizzing but getting to the jizzing part a couple hours okay now granted i understand even though i'm a chick um and i have to finger myself
Starting point is 00:26:02 i understand the urge like everyone has that urge like you just like i'm sure dudes just want to like spray out and just like claim what's theirs but like have you ever thought about if you like keep the jizz inside and you use the energy that you would use to like look at hardcore anal scenes and use it to like read about like the dao de ching what that would do for you jt i just wonder if like i don't know i get scared like having all that energy it makes me anxious i'm just gonna like explode with knowledge you're scared of your potential but once you keep that potential in you and use it to learn like chinese or
Starting point is 00:26:47 something you'll be a fucking beast and then i'll go out with you 10 years later i walked up to her as i hopped out of my lamborghini and i said it's mandarin chinese i mean it's good to see you, honey. It could still happen. Hey. What up, Tani? All right, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with,
Starting point is 00:27:16 you know this guy, Gary, one of the main knee boarders out by the pier. You know, respect to you, Gary. I understand that your joints are kind of whack now you're a little bit older you can't stand up on a fucking board uh yeah i kind of get that but you know what dude you don't have to drop in on every fucking wave okay and you don't have to claim every barrel getting barreled on your knees is not the same as standing in a fucking barrel gary all right so i get that you're stoked but you're kind of diminishing the rest of the lineup stoke when like we're all
Starting point is 00:27:52 shredding we're all trying to shred but you're dropping on every wave because you're in a fucking knee board and just the fact that you claim those barrels too just makes me so much more pissed because like claims are pretty whack in the in the themselves but unless you're getting spit out at pipe that's when you should claim okay so you know what gary like a cool view to like be out there in the water being one with the ocean like i respect that and i respect that like your knees your ankles suck or whatever's wrong with your legs but like just know your place dude like your knee border take some of the not as good waves I don't know maybe I'm young still and I just don't respect that the body deteriorates as you get older but like I know for a fact that if my knees get all whack and I have to become a sponger, I'm not going to claim barrels, Gary.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So that's my beef. Yeah, Gary, right size your confidence. You're a junior rider, and that's something you need to think about every time you do anything. Thank you. That's infuriating. My beef of the week is with Noel. Noel and I were dear friends in high school we were thick as thieves we were both a little bit of rebels used to get in trouble a lot
Starting point is 00:29:12 but overall we had good souls we just uh had a lot of energy and and sometimes like to uh you know shake the hornet's nest at our stodgy high school. And then I ended up getting kicked out, went to another private school. Not a lot of kids there, but I kept up my mischievous ways. But I also tried to maintain some purity of my soul. And then, if any of this is making sense, and then Noel ended up getting kicked out
Starting point is 00:29:39 of the same high school. And he went a different route. He really got into the whole badass thing like he he started taking roids he started hitting punching bags he started saying he was having mma fights then every time he tried to go to it he'd be like oh it got canceled because the guy was too afraid of me you're like okay that checks out and uh he joined a a gang called deuce with uh 12 other buff white dudes and um they just got cups made that said Deuce and they'd wear necklaces and gaudy tuxes to winter formal and stuff like that. And it paid dividends.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Noel was getting a lot of ass and he was getting some props from people for being a genuine tough. And I didn't mind that Noel was doing all this. You know, I thought it was kind of cool to have a friend on the other side of the law. And I had a nice car bmw3 series that uh my parents were generous generous enough to give to me and i used to leave the keys in it at night because i didn't want to misplace the keys and i didn't believe people would steal it then one day it gets stolen my instinct is it was noel because he had told me a week earlier that he was planning on stealing a car. But I was like, Noel's not going to do that. He's my friend.
Starting point is 00:30:46 My mom had just given him a graduation gift, $50 gift card to Best Buy. She only gave that to my best of friends. But then I started hearing rumors that Noel stole it. He's been riding around in it. I was actually at the gym one time when he showed up and my buddy Mike was there and Mike saw him outside and Mike didn't recognize that he was in my car. It was a whack move. We could have settled this a lot sooner, Mike, if you just would have put two and two together. Noel ended up having the car for like a month or two and I never called him out on it.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I was too afraid. I don't know of what. Maybe I felt like I didn't deserve the car. Maybe I was afraid he'd beat me up. I don't know. But I never did anything. I ended up just doing roids and working out a lot that summer. Well, you put the energy somewhere. And I still didn't want to officially believe it was
Starting point is 00:31:36 him. That was the big reason. I didn't want to believe it was him that stole the car, so I never did anything. But then the car got found and I went to the impound and his detentions and his bong were all in the car. And I was like, it was Noel. So he wasn't discreet. No, he even got a speeding ticket in the car, but he switched the license plate with a similar model. So then when he got pulled over, they didn't put it together. Oh fuck. A lot of people not putting it together. I didn't
Starting point is 00:32:02 realize he did that. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It's intricate i think he got laid in the car which is something i never did oh nice how'd you feel about that i was pumped yeah okay yeah so there's a dichotomy in there yeah no because i thought it was badass that he stole the car and i thought it was badass that he got laid in it yeah like what a beast yeah yeah he stole my car he got laid in it he drove it around all the time and got a speeding ticket never got caught the guy's a fucking beast yeah and i never did shit about it so he totally got away with it scott free like that dude dude what a uh i was watching your face during that whole thing and it was like you could see it was it was like watching robert de niro like it went from like piss to to joyous.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Stoked. I called him out at an Angels and Airwaves concert for being a bad friend. Yeah. And I really regret that because he wasn't a bad friend. He was just a badass dude. And sometimes being a badass dude
Starting point is 00:32:54 means you're not going to be a very good friend. Yeah. Sometimes you're just going to steal a car. And then he got sober after he went to jail and he said he was going to call me and apologize. And he never did. And I was like, of course you didn't like you're busy being a bad-ass dude.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like don't call me. I'm the fucking bitch. You just let me have my car. Like you should be moving on to other people's cars that you're going to steal and fuck girls. Yeah. I mean, maybe you should have just been like, dude,
Starting point is 00:33:19 I saw God in 60 seconds to totally get it. And I rooted for Memphis rains. So I rooted for memphis rains so i'm gonna i rooted for noel when he stole my car did he talk to your car like memphis rains i think so yeah nice i think he would rub his fingers across the side of it and be like boosting cars having sex boosting cars while having sex dude fuck yeah no shout out to noel for being a beast he's a beast dude should we get into our questions? Yeah, let's do it. All right, guys, question time.
Starting point is 00:33:49 First up, I apologize for the length of email, but I feel a proper foundation needs to be laid in order for you to fully understand the predicament I'm in. Back in college, I met my best bro, Landon. Although we were super different,
Starting point is 00:34:00 him being a bodybuilder who went Bane in the gym and me being a pussy who could barely bench two plates, we instantly hit it off it was like we were long lost brothers who banged that same chick before we knew one another which actually happened by the way hashtag estimo bros so many a night was spent pre-gaming with 40s and then having an epic rager in our local watering hole bogeys while waking up on the couch in my living room the next morning with half-eaten wings and the hangover dvd menu playing after we fell asleep during the movie.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Simply put, he was the yin to my yang, the honey to my vinegar, the chad to my JT. After we graduated, we both decided to pursue our education, me going to law school and him going to grad school at the Johnny Hopkins U. Although my... Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Although my stoke was down to see him move away, I was not super stoked to see him further his... I was also super stoked to see him further his intellectual abilities while also not serving as a distraction while I did the same. I was always expecting him to come over so we could continue the bro-fest that was our life. After he got his master's, he tells me he wants to start training for the Navy SEALs
Starting point is 00:34:57 and was moving to Knapp City, Annapolis. Mad respect to his ambition, but I honestly never saw him becoming a SEAL, mainly because he is a huge pussy who would rather spend his Saturdays getting a pedicure handy and the little Asian tugging pool, but more so because he has such a soft heart and loving personality that I can never see him killing anyone. So it was all for him training. Turns out, he tells me the other day that the SEALs actually picked him up and he is flying off to basic in a few months. Now I'm having a
Starting point is 00:35:22 midlife crisis. I want to support my boy and see him kill some motherfucking terrorists in the name of freedom hashtag america but i also don't want a bunch of navy jabronis showing up at my door telling me my bro was k i a killed in action how should i maintain my stoke while at the same time being a supportive bro p.s if you ever need a legal correspondent for the pod i'd like to submit my application we will keep that in mind tim that's tough man i always thought about my brothers if they ever like joined the army it's a tough move because you're like stoked for them and you're stoked for what they're gonna do and you're like fuck yeah like bradley cooper an american sniper but um it's also like you get super worried.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I think in relationships, what really dictates how they turn out and how successful they are is how much correspondence exists and how much each person wants to grow. What normally ends relationships is people go in different directions in what they want and what they do and how they choose to live their life.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So I think the most important thing right now is, you know, be afraid for your friend because that means you care. And I love that. But let him grow. Yeah, I was going to say the best thing you can do is support him. You know, I'm bummed for you, but you know i think i think your support for him and seeing him go along this journey and survive like basic and then like killing terrorists that's gonna be like i think your stoke is just gonna go up exponentially once you see that realized yeah and i think you guys sound like a killer friendship like you're doing awesome ambitious
Starting point is 00:37:01 shit and he's doing awesome ambitious shit and it's a bummer you're gonna miss him and you're gonna be worried about him but i got a good feeling you guys are gonna see each other again and have some epic stories to exchange yeah it's gonna make the uh the bonding sessions like even more awesome yeah and if things go a little haywire when he's over there. He's going to need friends who knew him before, during, and forever after. So you can be that rock for him. Be his Navy SEAL. Yeah. Be a Navy SEAL in the army of your dog.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. Sup? And do some deadlifts with him. Yeah, and keep lifting, bro. Mark. Sup, Chad and JT? I have a serious issue ruining my stoke my roommate and i are having serious beef we were all out partying when his sister was visiting i slugged too many brews and
Starting point is 00:37:52 said something to her and made her cry my roommate won't talk to me now or like any of my instagram pics what should i do mark time heals all my dog and apologize for whatever you did and just let him be. You can't force him to not be pissed, but you can just do your part. Yes. Some of this is sort of contingent on how awful the thing you said to her was, but you guys are bros, so you guys will get through it. Just next time you're around his sister, just respectfully keep distance.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah. Prove to him that it affected you how much you affected him with this faux pas maybe offer like a gift like some green juice or like a bonsai tree from meyers or like some lube maybe some douglas lube you know just sort of like a care package maybe a um helix beer bong just like all three of those Sam what up Chad and JT a couple weekends ago I wingman my boy Boomer way less chill than Kingsley to a Betty's house because he was on a dry spell and this chick can't spell no the female in question was having a bunch of her friends over and he needed to keep
Starting point is 00:38:57 the ratio under control one of the girls that was there is one of the hottest babes in our grade and we were hitting off right off the bat however I should let you know that although she's a solid nine point seven and possibly the white buffalo She doesn't operate like regular Betty's obviously I say nine point seven with all due respect and in no way just see her as a number over the course of the night I kept making moves and she was totally going for him the next week in school I kept a scheme going strong all of her friends told me that she was down and then I should ask her to chill this Weekend on Friday night. I took that leap of faith. I hit her up and she popped me with a hard friend zone.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I was crushed. I'm doing my best to rebound. The only comparison I can make to my current stoke level is how Johnny Football must have felt when the Browns put the crack down on his raging. How do you guys deal with the friend zone and should I continue to pursue a scheme that I was so passionate about?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Help a brother out. My dog, I got a hard truth for you. There might be no way out of the friend zone that's a reality once a girl puts you in the friend zone you could end up becoming elon musk and she'll still think of you as that guy who was like putty in her hands or putty in his hands it cuts both ways but the best thing you can do is become elon musk yeah because then you're gonna make it impossible for other people to put you in any kind of box because you're the one defining the boundaries yeah i remember one time i was in college i was hooking up with a senior i was like whoa this is awesome and like i was a sophomoreoking up with a senior. I was like, whoa, this is awesome. And like,
Starting point is 00:40:26 I was a sophomore and like all my, my whole squad was like, whoa. And I'm like, yeah, whoa. And I'll like, I'd be like, you know, I'd spend the night and they'd not come back next morning. It'd be like, they'd be like, whoa. And I'd be like, yeah, whoa. But it ended after like a month and I was just like, oh fuck. fuck you know I thought like my life was over you know I'm like I'm never gonna match up to like that level again but then like you were saying I took that hurt and that failure and I spun around I'm like I'm gonna become just like an even bigger beast and just like you know keep my distance and the next time she sees me she'll be like she'll be the one saying whoa and her squad will be like damn like whoa you know and I'm like yeah I flipped that I flipped
Starting point is 00:41:19 that on you you know and that's what happened so uh you just got to take that you know i think failure is the building blocks for life you know you take the failure and you just take one step up you know a successful person is someone who's failed a lot yeah so you just you know this these things happen and then you know white buffaloes i hate say it, but they are a dime a dozen. They keep coming around. You don't think they will, but then next thing you know, next day, you're out at Burger King, and you're like, whoa. So wait for those whoa moments because they'll come. Seth, what up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:42:00 My name is Seth, and this chick named Bree has really brought my stoke down. I got fucked up one night and told her she was the one, she ghosted me what do i do next please help me bros thanks seth i think you could be like although she did ghost you but you know i think i think over explanation never really leads to anything worthwhile you know you keep sending him texts you're like no i didn't really mean that then but you did and you're like well you know i'm but just please don't and they're like no later so i would just uh it's a tough one man but and i hate to say it but i think you just have to keep your distance for now and let her come back to you because i remember at any time when i like would just like confess my love and then it would go south trying to like show up and just be like oh will you please let me explain you know just
Starting point is 00:42:52 like would you like you please love me like it would just never work out so i would uh i would just like keep your distance and play it cool. Be a hard body. Seth, I would own it, dude. I would tell people. I would tell your friends, dude, you hear? I told Bree I loved her and she ghosted me. And don't take it personal.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Say, I'm just fucked. I'm snake bitten. Just look out at the world and say, fuck you. I'm hurting, dog. Next time you see Bree, laugh about it. Be like, it's crazy
Starting point is 00:43:22 that I love you so much and that you won't return my text. I'm really suffering over here and then just make your pain Because people run from the pain people are afraid of people seeing them in pain But if you put that pain out there if you don't let the pain define you because you're so open about how it's inside of you then You'll learn how to live with pain and you'll learn how to take the next step. Not running from the pain, but attacking the pain. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:43:52 Yeah. Right. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, I would have a different approach, but I respect what you're saying. For me, that was just me. Like I was in love with this girl, Jessie. Yeah. And she ended up just boning my friends. Yeah. And all respect to my friends are hot dudes and they bring the wood for sure but
Starting point is 00:44:08 she was into them and i was always the one like reading her poetry and telling her how much she was the one yeah and then i just let it be known i was like dude jesse rejected me she's i would tell my friends like congratulations you slept with the love of my life and i was like i'm a fucking loser i can't seal the deal. I'm Nosferatu over here. And everyone was like, damn, dude, par is like really. Like I dealt with it in real time. Like I didn't stow it away. And then years down the road, she came back and was like, you were the one all along.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Oh, she did? Yeah. Oh, so it worked out? Yeah. It's not for her in the long run because I ended up moving on. But no disrespect to you if you're listening to this, Jesse. You know the seesaw goes every which direction in life. But what I'm saying is, Seth, is that like if you just own it, then it's not about – she can't take away how you felt about her, how pure that was for you.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And if you hold on to that purity, it becomes less about what she did to you and it becomes more about how you're going to live the rest of your life. What do you think, dude? You know, I mean, total respect for that way. I mean, that's like the complete opposite of what I would do. But like I have a ton of respect for that. And maybe that's the right way. I don't know. I respect your methodology too, though. I mean, I think there's more than one way to skin a cat yeah so i think it
Starting point is 00:45:29 depends on the kind of dude you are you know like if you want to be passionate about it let it out but if you want to play it cool play it cool feel it out what kind of dude are you and um but i do think it's awesome that if you know like one of the boys would be hooking up with her, you'd be like, oh, you're going to go bone the love of my life? All right, have fun. I try to take it in stride and like not let it fuck me up. I mean, it hurt, but. I can see they're just like walking away and you're just like, hey, where are you guys going?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Like, oh, what up, par? Well, and some nights she would be like, I'm going to hook up with you tonight. And I was like, I'd be like, cool. Like, and try not to get my hopes up. And I was making her like so many playlists and like reading her like Walt Whitman quotes. And then at the end of the night, she would just like go into a room
Starting point is 00:46:15 with like my buddy Andrew and I'd be like, oh, that's her choice. Yeah. You're just sitting out the room crying. People would be like, why are you crying? I'm like, I'm in love with Jessie and she sleeps with my friends. And they're like, oh, that's a good reason to cry. I was like, yeah, how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:46:35 That would be interesting to be like your dad in that situation and just like, what's wrong, JT? And be like, this girl's boned like all my friends except me and I made her poetry and you're just like fuck brendan yo what up broskies i am currently a epic 45 year old rager i still have a shit job and have sex with randos i love my life my friends live vicariously through me but when should i hang up the gloves and slow this brendo train down love y'all and all the groovy vibes you send on your pod thank you brendan it sounds like uh you know if you love your life if you truly love your life what you're doing if
Starting point is 00:47:12 you love it my dog then keep doing what you love you know it sounds like you know you might be uh society might be trying to dictate you know your move. But you got to look for that within, you know, you can't just like, be like, well, I'm 45 now, maybe I should finally get that telemarketing job. And then you do it and you're like, fuck, why did I do that? Like, I like what I was doing, you know? So, you know, I'm not 45, but upon hearing that, I would say stick to what you love, dig deep inside and be like, is this what I really want to be doing? And if it's a big yes, then do it. Brennan, it all depends on the quality of the randos you're sleeping with. That's a good point. If you're sleeping with like girls that you're not reallyandos you're sleeping with that's a good point if you're sleeping with like
Starting point is 00:48:06 girls that you're not really into and you're kind of just like matching up with the dregs and they feel the same way about you then yeah it's probably time to find a more meaningful life but if you're like dan bliznerian without like you know the heavy douche vibes then i see no reason to slow it down yeah if he says he loves it 45 is still young yeah it could be you know he says he loves it but like at this point you know like the randos are just like some of his boys would be like yeah if your experiences are like The randos are just like, some of his boys would be like. Yeah, if your experiences are like, yeah, I'm going to go take that mother of three with the drinking problem and horrible eczema into the port-o-potty outside,
Starting point is 00:48:54 and we're going to shove fingers up each other's asses while we choke each other. I'd be like, yeah, maybe it's time to slow down. But to each his own, dude. If you're a finger butt guy, respect. The details aren't as important as the overall message of these experiences are not enviable. If it's enviable, continue. Hey, dude. Isn't that the crack whore from the corner?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, Marissa. She has a name, bro. Oh, her name's the corner? Yeah, Marissa. She has a name, bro. Oh, her name's Marissa? Hi, Marissa. What's up? Oh, she's so eloquent. Come here, babe. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Oh, God. What? You don't want me to wear a condom? Good. I don't want to wear one anyways. I want to be risky with you tonight. Let's do the most dangerous sex possible. I got to go, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Aiden, what up, my dudes? So I've had my girl over to my place a couple times and my brother's cat's been getting pretty handsy. What? It makes sense that pussies attract and it seems consensual. But I still don't like to see it happen. You guys always give spot-on advice and I love the pod. So yeah, what should I do? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Maybe just try and embarrass the cat a little bit i know i would always have fun embarrassing my cat when he'd be like taking a dump in a litter box i would like laugh at him and he'd get all shy and stuff and i'd be like yeah i dominated you so you could do that i think that's the answer we were looking for yeah oh scott okay real talk jt on previous episode, you share that you quit porn. What are the steps you took to escape the lion's den? I've been trying to quit, but keep going back. Help a brother out. Um, I take this super seriously cause I really did, um, watch way too much porn and it hurt me in various ways. I mean, most basic, just
Starting point is 00:50:38 wasting time and most serious and personal. I think it, it hurts your brain. Cause you start thinking of sex and like way too intense and stimulating of ways. I think that you have to have willingness if you want to quit porn. And one of the hardest things about porn is that it's accessible. You know what I mean? It's on your computer. You need your computer. It's it's on on your phone now it's everywhere and so it's not like booze where you can just keep it out of the house you know what i mean like your crack pipe is always right next to you so whether that's your penis or your computer so what i would do dude is like and i don't know if you can take these steps but i gave my laptop to chad for a couple months until i was like sure that i was like out of the woods and it was a pain in the ass because then if I had to do like work or like take care of shit I had to like coordinate
Starting point is 00:51:28 with him but it helped me a lot and the main reason it helped me is because it showed myself willingness like I took a drastic step that made my life more inconvenient in order to help myself and my subconscious took that that that, that truth that I was helping myself and it made me stronger in my abstinence from porn. So you gotta be willing, man. And it sounds easy, but you have to then take steps that show willingness. Yeah. I, um, I actually quit porn too. Um, not that i had a serious issue with it but like i learned about how it affects your your dopamine like so it it lowers your happiness and also makes it you know like i had some issues i um in college i was this girl visited me and i couldn't get a boner
Starting point is 00:52:21 and i thought it was because i was watching too much porn turns out I was doing too much coke go figure one of the life's big conundrums is it too much coke or too much porn I think even though I didn't have a huge problem with it when I was able to cut it out I think the way I I would just you can go on YouTube and you can always find videos that will remind you why you did because I think the feeling of like getting a full-on rager for like a beautiful natural lady is so much more fulfilling than like uh bukkake well said and uh scott another thing you can do is is um there's like groups you know what i mean like there's a if if you really seriously feel like you have a problem you really really seriously need help, look into some recovery groups around that. And actually, Scott, just email me and I'll give you my phone number and I'll give you my email.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And I can get you started off the mic and help you on your journey, dog. That's beautiful. Yeah. No, for real, man. It means a lot to me. So I got your back if you want help getting into this getting into this getting out cameron what up my name is cam and i work in the corporate world where full flow is unacceptable shame goddamn shame shit we need the australian guy from vertical limit to just walk into that
Starting point is 00:53:43 office and be like i can sell whatever you're selling, and I can do it with long hair. My name is Cam, and I work in the corporate world where full flow is unacceptable. I said it one more time just so the audience would understand the depth of this nastiness. I feel way more stoked when I've got that fire flow, so this really bums me out from time to time. Do I just let it roll and keep firing or get out,
Starting point is 00:54:02 make less muns, and grow some fire ass flow were you out on this let me just reread it so i can get the full because this question this is like the porn question for you at a time after college where my dad was like it's time to fucking man up chad cut your hair go to banana republic and get a real job. And I spent two months. I cut my hair. I went to Banana Republic. I put on some sweaters. I put on some like salmon colored pants. It was horrific. And my stoke level dropped so low that I was even less productive than I was before, but, and then going there made me realize, I was like, I cannot live a lie like this,
Starting point is 00:54:55 I cannot give in, and I grew my hair back out, I went back out to the beach, I got bronzed, I got bronzed. I got those blonde highlights from the sun. And I went from, I'd say I started out with the flow at about a level six dude. And then I cut my hair and went to about a level two. And then when I re-realized who I am, I became a level eight. And then, so I think, I mean mean you're saying here do I do I cut do I let the flow go out and make less months but you know what dude if you stay true to who you are I think you're gonna find that if you own that you own your flow you're gonna make
Starting point is 00:55:46 own that you own your flow you're gonna make way more months and just like live your best life so i'd encourage you to grow that flow out and be who you are cam i think that's ideal direction number one. The only point of view I can share that involves staying at your job is that Nelson Mandela knew in his heart that apartheid should end. And he knew that he would be the right leader for a healing South Africa. And he knew that when he was in jail, when they had him in a cell on a small island for decades, he maintained that truth in his head, even though everything in his practical reality told him it would never come to fruition and that he would always be stuck, unable to fix what was going on in the world around him. But he maintained that optimism.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So while you're at this job, maintain that optimism that one day you'll get out of that job and you will take over a company of your own and you will encourage flow and you will build the kind of world you know is better. JT, that was profound. And I just want to thank you, express gratitude to you for finding a comparable analogy to what is happening here. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I dig Mandela and I dig Chad's flow. Quick quote from Nelson. Fucking internet's moving slow shit. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. Dear Chad and JT, I sent in a question last week, but it seems that you guys didn't get to it in the eighth episode.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I'm not bothered by this since I know the life of an internet slash surfer bro slash entrepreneur can be quite a daunting one, at least sounds like it. I thought I would try again with another email. So here's my question. So this girl I dated for about one year
Starting point is 00:58:02 goes to school with me. We broke up over the summer and ever since the school year started, she's really been killing my vibe, telling people all these rumors about me, giving people I don't even know that well, a terrible impression of me. I tried waiting things out, but it seems like she hasn't stopped. How do I settle beef that I'm not contributing to? I'd be stoked if you enlightened mentors could shed some helpful wisdom on a fellow bro. Best, Edward D. could shed some helpful wisdom on a fellow bro best edward d man edward this is a tough one so she just spread rumors about him like just because they dated and then she's just unprovoked just according to edward she feels jilted or or she's pissed off and she's lashing out by saying bad things about him to other people in his circle you know i think this goes back to i think we had a similar situation um uh on another episode where it was similar in that people this guy was just creating beef out of you know for no reason and i think this is one of those situations where you can let her just do her thing and the more she does it the worse she'll look trust me i know it hurts right now and then i think the biggest thing for you is to sort of lead by example and just be
Starting point is 00:59:16 like a strong fire dude so people will be like you know whatever her name is jane was saying all this shit about him, but he's actually like a really cool dude. Maybe Jane's the asshole. And eventually things will slowly turn around, and that's what will happen. I totally agree, dude. Just take yourself out of the muck.
Starting point is 00:59:36 She's going to date another guy at some point, and then she's going to pull the same game on that guy, and then people are going to be like, wait, the common denominator is you. Yeah. And then I would also point to the michael douglas movie the american president he's getting bad mouthed by the guy on the uh he's running against and the guy keeps calling him a like a bitch and all this shit and he's not responding and his crew is like hey you're the president respond to this bitch
Starting point is 00:59:59 and he's like nah like i'm the president i don't respond to bitches like that. But then at some point he realizes that like, since this other guy's the only one talking, people are just believing what this guy says because it's the only narrative out there. So then he just steps up at the end and he throws down a fucking monster five minute speech where he rips the fucking bullshit out of this other guy, puts it out on the table and says,
Starting point is 01:00:22 you see this nonsense? This is what's wrong with everything. I don't support it. So I'm taking it down and I'm not letting you run over me anymore, motherfucker. But the fact that he was patient about it and he only did it once is what gave it power. So let her talk shit. And then if the moment's right, watch the speech a lot so you can bone up on how to deliver a magnanimous, rousing call to arms. You'll come in and you'll fucking bring the fucking what up
Starting point is 01:00:46 what up what up on her and then everyone at the school be like oh my god edward maybe right yeah maybe you could have a political platform like maybe run for like special events coordinator and then in your speech you'd be like by the way i'm gonna throw a rager for the entire school and then you go into your spiel yeah and then you'd be like and by the way lisa was only mad at me because i didn't want to date her anymore but you know we're more eloquent watch american president though that would start that would be somewhat effective it's a start i think you'd have to have a little more confidence in the delivery Yeah and maybe some better details But I like where your head's at
Starting point is 01:01:29 My head's in the right place But you're going to have to do some of the leg work Edward You got this dude Watch the American President It's a great movie Guys that will be it for episode 9 Of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast Thank you guys so much for writing in.
Starting point is 01:01:47 We love your questions. I'm sorry if we don't get to your question. We are trying to get to all of them, so just know that. And you guys, check out our Patreon. We have bonus content on there. We have a new monthly episode and some audio video content you can check out. So we want you guys to check all that out if you want
Starting point is 01:02:05 thank you guys so much check us out leave us a review or rating on iTunes we love that keep writing in stay stoked guys JT stay stoked brothers
Starting point is 01:02:19 alright later guys All right. Later, guys.

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