Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 93 - Chad's Mom Joins

Episode Date: September 19, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we are joined by Chad's momma. We dive deep into her life as an artist, growing up around the hippie movement, our favorite movies and more. Check it out, st...okers! Check out our t shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you nervous? She's like, she's trying to not act nervous. I think you talk about that being nervous. I think it's very endearing. Yeah, people like it a lot. Yeah, it's the vibe. Oh, scooby-doo bop and rub it down. What up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast um you can put the headphones on okay uh guys welcome to episode 94 yeah that sounds right 94 of uh 93. If I get it wrong, sorry. But numbers, I'm not big on numbers. First, I got my compadre, John Thomas.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Oh, you didn't have to do me first, but I appreciate it. Let me also say, I liked your new intro that you did today. What did I say? Scooby-Doo-Wop and Scooby Snacks. And Rub It Down, I think. I Met a Fly Girl and I Can't Relax. Something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Boom, clap, Stokers. I'm thrilled to be here and I'm thrilled by our guest. Yeah, we got my mom, Mrs. Kroger. What up, guys? How's it going? What's up, Mrs. Kroger? It's great. Happy to be here. We're excited to have you.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I'll be too, yeah. It's going to be fun. We're going to just chop it up. Sounds good. Yeah. Let's chop. Mom, I just want to start off by thanking you for supporting my tanning endeavors. Oh, of course. We have our priorities.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Was Chad always a big tanner? Let's see. I have to think back. Yeah, he was. When did he come? Well, I mean, a California boy. Right. When did you know it was his calling?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Probably when he was about eight or ten i think starting the swim team yeah with the speedo yeah because i cared about the thighs for sure dude i couldn't wear a speedo i remember i'd go to my neighborhood pool and my friend daniel would wear a speedo and i thought he looked so badass oh you did i was like i can't pull it off yeah he was muscular yeah even as a nine year old it is one of those buff kids it is a tough thing to get around i remember i would ask my mom all the time i'd be like you know how does it look but you're always supportive oh yeah i love speedos yeah yeah yeah do you think i should wear one again yeah of course i think so yeah you could totally rock a speedo thanks i think i have a
Starting point is 00:02:25 better bulge now sorry mom i'm sure it was always great yeah yeah i don't know yeah i don't know either but thanks yeah i wore tighty whities yeah for a long time i was my last friend to switch to boxers when did you make the switch i think i was like 11 or something or 12 yeah and i started going to sleepovers and i was just like i'm embarrassed to go to sleep yeah because everyone else was wearing like basketball shorts and boxers and i was just like in my little skivvies you didn't have like basketball shorts to like go over them no not until later yeah not until like late junior high high school yeah yeah we we got the, we got into boxers pretty quick, huh? Yeah, I was just trying to think there.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I remember we'd go like Old Navy. Oh, yeah. I think pretty early. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was fun. But mom, she always supported tanning. I remember we got a zip line over our pool.
Starting point is 00:03:23 What? Yeah. Oh, yeah. She's always very supportive of gnarly endeavors, like a zip line, our tree house. BB guns. Oh, yeah, my brother shot me in the neck with a BB gun. Yeah, my household was full of danger. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, same. We had, like, dirt bikes bikes and we'd shoot guns. Yeah. And my parents would let me and my brother drive cars when we were like 14. Yeah. Yeah. And just looking back, I'm like, just total reckless parenting. But I really appreciate it because it was fun as hell.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, yeah. But I'm just glad I came out of it with all my fingers and limbs intact. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I remember we got those go-karts. I was just remembering that, too. You must have been about 10. Yeah, I was just doing donuts in this little go-kart.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's the best, dude. Yeah. Those are great. Just tight, concentric circles, smoke coming off. Yeah. Oh, man. Well, I think Christmas is like your favorite holiday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, it really was. She's a great mom on Christmas. That, man. Well, I think Christmas is like your favorite holiday. Yeah. Yeah, it really was. She's a great mom on Christmas. That's awesome. I get just as excited as the kids, so it was really fun. To get gifts or to give them? To give them. You just like the joy that it elicits? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's like going back to being a kid again. That's nice. You can decide. You can think about what you'd really like and then get it for the kids. It was always overdoing it. That's so nice of you. You can decide. You can think about what you'd really like and then get it for the kids. And it was always overdoing it. That's so nice of you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Where'd you grow up? Where are you from? I grew up in the Bay Area. NorCal. Yeah. You like it? Was it a good place to grow up? It was a really good place to grow up.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. Maybe a little boring, but, you know. And we didn't have the good weather. Right. As SoCal does. but it was a nice place yeah i know chad spent some time up there and he's told me that the weather is just he curses when he talks about it yeah i i like the bay area but the the fog i i mean san francisco you're like what is going on here like why in the summer it's like 60 degrees
Starting point is 00:05:24 yeah and you're like i don't it just doesn't make sense they're not paying homage to apollo up there no i i think they did something too i mean it feels cursed to be honest i think i think so too but yeah but you're an artist so she loved the art you know yeah the art scene down there. And I went to Berkeley as an old Berkeley girl. How was Berkeley? It was pretty good. You know, I sort of missed all the crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Crazy 60s revolution stuff. Yeah, all the tanks in the street kind of thing. But I was still in the art department so you know i would hustle you know carry my canvases down the street and to my little apartment yeah because berkeley's kind of the tip of the spear for like progressive art and stuff like that right yeah so do you have like exciting classmates who are doing like weird avant-garde stuff uh mostly the professors i think there are weirdos yeah total judith butler who are the big professors there oh let's see um peter volkus was this seerly he's like a brain guy
Starting point is 00:06:33 i'm just throwing names i'm sorry i'll let you go yeah um let's see um uh let's see, Joan Brown was there. Let's see, Carl Kasten was great. David Simpson is still painting, still doing really well. I didn't know it was a whole cast of characters. And it was really sort of open and free, and it was the time when sorry everybody slept with everybody whoa oh yeah that's what art was about really art sounds cool yeah we're the professors oh yeah cross pollinating with the students oh totally whoa oh yeah no hr back then no oh that's i didn't know that yeah it was a mess really yeah it was hard to learn at that time.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Were there any scandals, or was it kind of just like a part of life? It was just a part of life. Interesting. I mean, if it went on now, they'd be in deep trouble. Might make the news. Yeah. Well, so were students and teacher ever upset at each other because the romance had gone south? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:43 So the kid would be in class staring at the teacher, burning holes into them because they're all mad that the teacher didn't show up to a date or something um you know i don't i can't remember any friends going through that but i went through some of that oh really yeah if a professor would come on to you and I turned him down and woof really yeah baby dicks about it oh yeah his comment was oh you'll never be an artist just go home and be a housewife really yeah don't shade did they ever do you ever get like intent did they ever intentionally give you like bad grades or fail you not that so much no we weren't um threatened in that way i never had that experience yeah probably did go on they'd just be rude to you yeah a scorned romantic
Starting point is 00:08:34 interest will really try to hurt people yeah yeah i like i know ryan adams and mandy moore had he said similar stuff to her oh Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Because they had kind of a toxic marriage at some point. I don't mean to. I feel bad dragging their business out into the street, but it's been on People magazine, so maybe it's all right. I wonder if it was tough to pick classes sometimes where you're like, oh, you know, Professor Nimbly, he's a horndog, so stay away. Nimbly in sculpture? horn dog so stay away nimbly and sculpture dude i can't trust it that dude loves
Starting point is 00:09:08 phallic shapes yeah yeah he's like all right class we're doing another nude sculpture yeah i'll be the model yeah every week feel free to mold just put a you going to put a cast on me. Yeah. We did do that. Oh, really? Yeah. What's your favorite kind of art? Let's see. So I've always been a painter. Now I mix it up.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So I will get really bored staying in one discipline. So now I just mix it up with photography and tech work. What's tech work? She has a really cool hologram. I'll let you explain. Like really cool holograms and stuff and works with LED lights. Oh. Yeah. You can explain it a little bit further, but they're so cool.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's so unique, like her work. You don't really see it anywhere else, I don't think. Oh, thanks. Yeah. like her work it's so you don't really see it anywhere else i don't think well thanks yeah um running animations through leds and making large displays um projecting on them um so it's you know you bring in all kinds of talents in that way and and you also get to collaborate with really fun people who know what they're doing and that way i think it's the best it's collaboration that's interesting yeah so a couple so you're which part of it are
Starting point is 00:10:31 you responsible for the idea right basically and then you kind of delegate to these and then i bring in people like animators or you know the guy the engineers that help with the leds i mean i'm sort of in with all of it, but I'm not. Jack of all trades, master of none kind of thing. Exactly. Yeah, I love that. That's so cool, too, that you work with all these people with different skill sets,
Starting point is 00:10:53 because then you can kind of glean information from all of them. It's like you're always learning stuff. It's really fun. Yeah. It's always a push. So did you push Chad to be an artist activist? I don't think we were pushing that hard. You pushed me to be creative.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I think if she saw creativity or something, you'd encourage it. Yeah, didn't you win the best artist in your class? Best artist? In the fifth or sixth grade. He's modest. But I think I saw that ribbon in your room still. Did I? What's that? No, I'm kidding. I'm like, I i think i saw that ribbon in your room still did i what's up no i'm kidding i'm like i think i still saw that ribbon in your room okay yeah no i i uh i did win in high school i think you remember this most likely to have a talk show whoa really yeah this
Starting point is 00:11:38 is a talk show yeah i know those kids knew what was coming most likely to go deep. Mom, you bring that up a lot. You're like, I knew. I knew. He was destined for something original. You told me he won a talent show in fifth grade for dancing. Right. He did. Out of the blue. I had no idea. You were on the low training for it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah, because I didn't want people to know I was dancing. I was kind of shy about it. But then when the time came, I busted out the moonwalk. Yeah. And his discipline when it comes to his craft is incredible. Oh, he taught himself the whole thing. Yeah, because I can imagine you just rehearsing your butt off in fifth grade, like whiplash style.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I remember I did it, and someone was like, do you teach yourself that by yourself? And I was like, yeah. They were, like, trying to clown on me. I'm like, well, can you do it? Right. Yeah. So suck it.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah. Oh, my gosh. But I think, and you lived in Paris for a while. I did. Was that after college? That was in the middle of college. I dropped out for a while. Whoa, nice.
Starting point is 00:12:44 That's fun. Yeah, I ran away. What was Paris like? Oh, it was great. middle of college. I dropped out for a while. Whoa, nice. That's fun. Yeah, I ran away. What was Paris like? Oh, it was great. It was challenging. How so? I had very little money, and I knew very little French. Did you go out there solo?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Uh-huh, I did. I wanted to be a painter, you know, an artist. So I'd read all these books about all the painters living in Paris um and so I just took myself there and it was quite a challenge what was the art scene like out there um I think I just did a lot of studying on my own and took a few classes and went to the museums quite a bit. And, you know, I just had very little money. I lived in a little hovel place with the bathroom down the hall and, you know, sort of a classic little Paris atelier. And I worked with a sculptor for a while to make money.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Was it fun? Yeah. It was fun. What prompted you to come back? Well, that's sort of a long story. Okay. We don't have to tell it. Yeah, we can keep moving.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah. Maybe for the follow-up episode. Okay. How long were you there? I was there for a year. Okay. And I planned to stay andup episode. Okay. How long were you there? I was there for a year. Okay. And I planned to stay and live there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But family things got in the way. Right. So that's basically when I came back for a visit at home and ended up staying and ended up getting married three months later. Wow, fast. I know. That's a whirlwind romance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Did you see the proposal coming or no it was pretty fast yeah so you're a little surprised or no no i think i knew it was coming but it was a whirlwind for sure oh i like that yeah that suits my romantic soul yeah okay that's it it sounds kind of rom-commy yeah Yeah. Or maybe more romantic than rom-commy. Yeah, maybe not even a commie part. Yeah, maybe just rom. Rom-communist. Yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:50 That's a different genre. Was Aunt Bonnie engaged to Chris at that point? Yeah. So her best friend married my uncle. Yeah. From growing up. Yeah. So they were engaged before?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, because I had known both of them through high school. So I came home actually. Oh, so they were together then? They were together. I came home for their wedding, to be in their wedding. And Chris is your dad's brother? Yes. And that's when I met his dad.
Starting point is 00:15:17 So you guys' families have known each other since early in y'all's lives? My parents and his parents, more or less, yeah. I knew... Because your siblings were doing it. Yeah, I knew his family from long ago because his granddad was a surgeon as well. And I used to candy stripe at the hospital. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah. That's nice. So I met him. I knew him. And I'd been over to their house before. But we remet at the wedding of my best friend. And then it was three months later. All these details are kind of fuzzy to me.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So it's interesting to hear again. Weddings are fun. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Do you guys have a fun wedding? We did. to me yeah so this is a it's interesting to hear again weddings are fun yeah yeah oh yeah do you guys have a fun wedding we did but the wedding in those days um was a lot more low-key yeah it was pretty it wasn't like an industry like it is today no where it's like everything has to like be a certain level of like no not at all like uh what is it grandeur or something yeah right yeah no wedding planner i mean um we made our dresses for instance oh really yeah all the bridesmaids made their dresses yeah oh cool we just had hors d'oeuvres and a funky band really yeah
Starting point is 00:16:39 that's cool and um and then our uncle mike too he's he's was he in the art scene kind of or more like because he was like grateful dead kind of stuff and my brother mike um still does now he he drew psychedelic posters and very very talented and um yeah his posters are in that grand book of old a collection of old psychedelic posters and for like the grateful dead right um or just in general just in general but he was at uc santa barbara and so he made a poster for all all those guys um jesse winchester let's see i can't remember the band's name so he was kind of deep into like the deadhead like hippie scene sort of a little bit or just a fan of it after that he loves any kind of music so right he's into um let's see sort of buffalo springfield oh the best yeah yeah i mean for
Starting point is 00:17:39 what it's worth it's just such a yeah beautiful song and, I know that's like the biggest hit, but that's the one that comes to mind at least. Joni Mitchell. Sure. Big favorite of his. Yeah. Did he get to meet
Starting point is 00:17:53 those folks? I don't, a few, a few, yeah. When they came into town? I think like, they used to give
Starting point is 00:18:00 concerts down there. Yeah. Yeah. Bill Graham and like, Oh, totally Bill Graham. Jan Wenner and all those guys. Young down there. Yeah. Yeah. Bill Graham and like... Oh, totally Bill Graham. Jan Wenner and all those guys. Young Bloods.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah. It's a really interesting scene. I mean, there's books about it from like every witch perspective. It's crazy. Because it's like so much stuff was born out of that. He was right in the middle of it. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Altamont. Oh, yeah. Altamont. It's cool. The Hells Angels got hired to the rolling stones hired the hell's angels to be their security at a concert oh right i heard that and they just killed a guy yeah yeah which kind of ruined the concert and some people say ruined the 60s really along with the manson murders and the death of like hendrix and morrison yeah they they parted ways after that yeah i think i think they stopped hiring the hell's
Starting point is 00:18:45 angels to do anything like you took it too far yeah it was an open container the hell's angels were interesting too because at first the hippies loved them because they were all living outside the law and the hippies kind of romanticized the hell's angels yeah but then like during vietnam the hell's angels volunteered to go kill all the vietnam people yeah they were like hey we'll go kill them all for you. And the hippies were like, no, don't do that. And so they kind of were at loggerheads about that. I don't think it was ever a perfect marriage.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Kind of different sensibilities. But I'd love to be in a biker gang. I'd love it. You ever see a biker gang drive by? Oh, yeah. Oh, they're roaring. You can hear them from three miles down the road. Those bikes are beautiful, too. Yeah, they look cool.
Starting point is 00:19:23 The camaraderie, leather. Yeah. All look cool. The camaraderie, leather. Yeah. All that stuff. Chaps. You get patches. We ran into some of the Mongols, another gang in Mexico. And it was really scary,
Starting point is 00:19:35 but I was drunk and dancing, so I kind of disconnected a little bit from it. But guys had in-training patches that said they were not full members yet. And then I think I've said it on here before. The women had property of tug, property of which guy they date. And then you'd go into the bathroom and they'd make you wait. And then they'd tell you when you could use a stall.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Wow. Yeah. I can't believe they still exist. It's crazy. We should start a non-violent. I don't think you'd support me on motorcycle, but maybe a a non-violent sort of scooter gang we're gonna do a scooter i mean we are a scooter gang yeah we're taking some photos and stuff yeah and we ride pretty deep around town i think you'd rock some scooter leather i could see you no but he's a mom of chad
Starting point is 00:20:21 yeah yours could be progeny of mrs crowe she'd be stoked on it i think but i do have the picture of you three you two and strider in my studio oh you do with your with your scooters oh yeah that's so nice with the wheels yeah the wheels yeah that was a fun we had a great background it was so it's such an opportune moment yeah that was so fun everyone had good poses too yeah yeah those are fun the longer we do this stuff the better i get at posing for things yeah now when people take like photos at like family functions i'm like oh i'm ready for this yeah turn it on real quick oh that's yeah yeah before you know people try and take a photo i'd just give a half-assed
Starting point is 00:20:59 smile you know but now you know i have four or five looks just in the chamber just boom ready to go boom boom what do you sound like i'm like you guys have variety i'll leave it to you that's funny yeah you're like circle number three and five i think those were the best yeah um that's cool mom yeah mom she had a studio growing up all the time you're always doing art always doing art yeah Always doing art, yeah. What's the process like for you? Do you listen to music while you do your art, or is it quiet? What do you do?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I'm more on the quiet side. I get really distracted if I have heavy music on. But I know this sounds kind of dorkyy but I'll put on spa music or something so it's not distracting to me and then when I'm doing the work after I've sort of figured out what the point of it is what the goal or theme is then I can play better music but I'm pretty much by myself every day in there for five or six hours and where does the inspiration come from like you guys know just sitting down and getting out the notebook quieting your mind and writing
Starting point is 00:22:19 I think I think I have a lot of moms I have a lot of her inspiration in me, because in artwork, because her artwork is so, if you look at it, it's kind of like stoke-inducing. Like, some of her paintings, very, like, those, the pink ones, remember? They just lift you up. Like, her work's always been very,
Starting point is 00:22:39 it lifts you up. And then the Cosmos. She has this piece, maybe you want to explain it but it's it's leds and it's sort of like an animation of like the beginning of the universe yeah yeah maybe you could dive into more of the details about um eight feet long by five feet high um it's like a big led display but you don't realize they're leds There's a screen in front of it that diffuses the light. So it's real slow-moving animation, but in real saturated colors. Well, I was inspired by the movie Melancholia.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Did you ever see that? Oh, the Lars von Traum movie? Yeah. Whoa. You know, i've never seen it i know a lot about it i know it's very heavy and it's got some like deep existentialism oh yeah it does uh-huh is a planet's colliding with earth yes yeah but it's like very slow right it's like very slow and drawn out it's not like an armageddon it's sort of like
Starting point is 00:23:40 they're like slowly inching yeah yeah i mean i've seen a lot of his movies, and he's got kind of a bleak worldview. Yeah, it's pretty bleak. He's a psycho, too. He's a weird guy. He's a weird guy. Have you heard about his directing habits? Oh, no, not too much. When he directed Bjork in Dancer in the Dark,
Starting point is 00:23:58 she plays a woman who's going blind, and he used to lock her in her trailer. She'd go to leave to go use the bathroom and he'd lock it and then I think sometimes he'd like switch off the lights in there just to get her into like a chaotic mindset where she'd be freaking out like let me the fuck out of here once he heard that he's like okay she's ready and then
Starting point is 00:24:16 he'd like let her out and be like alright let's shoot and I mean you know he got a good performance out of her but I think it probably could have been there without that stuff well there's a lot of stuff going on with melancholia too because right i think right away there's some feedback with kirsten dunst um i'm not sure i can't remember exactly what it was about if it was about how he directed on set yeah something i think n Nicole Kidman, too, said it was kind of, she did a movie with him and said it was a hard thing to do.
Starting point is 00:24:47 He's a weird guy. He's a weird guy. Yeah. And you were inspired by Melancholia in your Cosmos piece? Yeah. So the animation is the moon rising and another moon coming in, another planet coming in, and they explode. They collide?
Starting point is 00:25:01 They collide. And then it goes into the universe sort of disintegrating into pieces of energy yes yeah so what are when you when you do something like that are you thinking about the end of the world when you make that or is it more metaphorical for you or you just like the the way the images work um i don't think I was thinking about the end of the world so much as sort of what the universe is made from. Right. And, you know, like we say sometimes we're all stardust.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Right. Deepak Chopra. We went to the Deepak Chopra Center together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we are, right? We're all the intergalactic guts. Yeah, we are. We're all one, yeah. We're all made from theya together. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we are, right? We're all the intergalactic guts. Yeah, we are.
Starting point is 00:25:45 We're all one, yeah. We're all made from the same stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So it was more like about that and sort of disintegrating this world into smaller particles. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, because when you watch it, it's very, it's an uplifting piece. Yeah. Like the music to it is kind of, it's, I don't want to say it's like an uplifting piece yeah like that the music to it is kind of it's unless it's like Space Mountain but has that sort of like you're like ooh like it's it's very mesmerizing and it feels like rebirth as opposed to like death yeah right yeah yeah that's the way it should yeah it doesn't end with the end the end is the beginning of the next thing yeah it feels like a regeneration of life just like a more positive spin like circle of life i think that's the best way to look at it just keeps going yeah yeah in some iteration yeah and
Starting point is 00:26:35 then it loops so it does go on right yeah yeah oh the piece keeps playing yeah yeah nice i love that you mentioned stardust mom mom took me to the Deepak Chopra Center. Yeah. She took me to this program. It was like healing the scars from your past. People have been through much more traumatic things. Yeah, there was a lot of trauma there. Yeah, I was like the youngest guy there by like 15 years at least.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And do you remember that? So they had a part where it's like you have to write down the worst things you've done in your life and confess them to the guy person next to you and i was just there like mom like we were just kind of like oh deborah chopra this will be fun yeah and it was much more heavy than we anticipated and i was next to this guy and he's like he's like uh you know he had to write down like the worst things he'd done like say it to the person next to you and so the guy next to me said something like horrible it was like I don't want to expose his secrets but you know traumatic stuff yeah or
Starting point is 00:27:39 like someone would be like my parents molested me or something right and then i'd be like yeah i ghosted someone one time oh man you did that no i'm kidding and the guy's like the guy's like thank you for sharing that and everyone's like crying and i'm just like i was like mom what are you doing they have to take everyone equally seriously yeah yeah treat yours like it's as grave as theirs yeah thank you brother right you are a better man now and i'm like yeah and they all wanted to talk to chad because he's sort of an enlightened young man yeah i find that it's stuff like that people are attracted to the young people yeah you know what i mean yeah because most people they feel like they get into it too late or something so they're always yeah there's like they're drawn almost by their envy to this young person who's like kind of figuring it out yeah yeah that's really true
Starting point is 00:28:28 yeah yeah i guess we we always we always sort of vibed off that stuff we love that sort of like spiritual kind of like meditation or whatever it's it's just fun oh you're on top of it and it's well it's just very um it's kind of, you go there and you leave feeling good, which like, you know, you listen to like Deepak or whatever, you're like, that's very nice. I'm ready to go tackle the world now. It's nice just to be in proximity to it. It's inspiring. Because I'm always like, yeah, I got to stay on it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:58 And keep trying to be happy, you know? And you got to try. It's like, it's the effort counts. Yeah. You know? And you got to try. It's like, it's, it's the effort counts. Yeah. Yeah. It puts things in perspective too. So that you can sort of feel relief and you can look at things a different way. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's sort of like, it's uplifting. Like shifting your perspective. So you can just feel better about things in general. And then,
Starting point is 00:29:20 you know, he has to do like meditations, like guided meditations and you do feel great after. So you're like, there's really no, whatever beliefs you have, at least you leave feeling good. Yeah, and he can spin. When I say spin, I mean he can talk. I've watched him in debates against atheist writers that I used to be really keen on.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I mean, I still like them, but I just don't visit it as much. But he's unbelievable on the mic. Yeah. but like he can he's unbelievable on the mic yeah yeah and then my mom actually went to landmark forum which is like a place where you go to like get over trauma and stuff like that yeah and she for the first session like the first couple days she loved it yeah she was like it's the best thing that i've ever done john thomas it's changing my life yeah and then she called me a couple weeks later she's like i left fuck those people and then i go i go i was kind of disappointed i was like you should have finished it i'm like what'd they make you do she goes we were in a big circle and they wanted us all to
Starting point is 00:30:07 say that we hated ourselves and i wouldn't do it they were like say you hate yourself and she's like i won't say it and she just walked out i'm out of here i was like it was probably part it was probably a step in a bigger thing mom where at the end you were gonna love yourself and she's like no fuck that i wouldn't say she'll like drink like a little bit of the kool-aid yeah yeah that's great she'll like she'll like join every cult for like a minute yeah yeah yeah that's hilarious that is hilarious um mom you've been lifting lately oh yeah she got into lifting like three months ago oh really have you been enjoying it yeah a lot i just got back into lifting i had some shoulder issues and i went to the gym yesterday i and I was throwing around some weight.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, really? Yeah, but that felt great. Some hand cleans. Oh, it felt so good. Yeah. Did you have a rotator cuff problem? I have, like, hyper-elasticity, so the ball and socket just get super loose, and then I get all this crepitus, and then other muscles compensate,
Starting point is 00:30:57 and I get out of line. And I just got to be aware of it and listen to my body. But so you're doing, like, squats now and stuff, right? The fundamental compound lifts. Well, Chad inspired me. It was more like Mark. And Mark. I mean, he was always inspired to work out.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Then my brother, he's much more like persuasive. He's like, Mom, listen, you need to do squats. Yeah, he did. And you need to do cleans. Do you remember what he said to you no i don't i'm very tall he's there he called me he's like just had a conversation with mom she's gonna start doing squats now hey that's good looking out yeah but you love it yeah and then bill texted me and he said it's all in the squats well because bill bill does march like a
Starting point is 00:31:43 tank and but bill's really strong too Right Yeah Because I saw him doing Crossfit photos When we were in New York And it was like He was moving weight Oh really
Starting point is 00:31:50 He has big arms now Oh yeah Yeah All of them are really fit I went to Crossfit With Bill in New York And he got me a trainer And that was really fun
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah it's cool To work out in his gym I've never done The full Crossfit thing But I've done some of the lifts and stuff. No, for me, it was just a workout. He's doing the full thing. Yeah, I've done two classes with him. How was it?
Starting point is 00:32:12 It's good. We just, you know, carried sandbags around a block. I'm like, all right. Up and down over the bridge. Yeah. Yeah. But you do feel very accomplished after. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I'm glad. I think there's the teamwork and then being outside. Yeah. Yeah. But you do feel very accomplished after. Right. I'm glad. I think there's the teamwork and then being outside. Yeah. And then just carrying something like a sandbag. I think it feels much more raw than like lifting like, especially like machines and stuff. Yeah. So there is like a more, you know, you get more in touch with your, what's the primal primal nature yeah i totally agree those functional like kind of movements too you know because if you're just at the gym and you just
Starting point is 00:32:51 have some like shoulder press that's just stuck on like kind of an axis yeah it's like very rigid yeah when you're outside like flipping tires or swinging hammers yeah you feel like a man you're like all right yeah i'm doing some it some it's functional it's really man stuff yeah you're like I'm a man yeah but then I go home and someone's like
Starting point is 00:33:09 hey can you use this screwdriver I'm like no shit yeah but I'm like but I can lift a wheelbarrow I can flip a tire
Starting point is 00:33:15 yeah mom what's your what's your workout consist of well I have to I have to say that Mark was really great and
Starting point is 00:33:23 he was he inspired me to start as well. And he called and found a trainer for me. Oh, he found a trainer? Yeah, Ruth, and she's the best trainer in the whole world. Yeah. Just mellow and really cool, but really strong. So she does a little bit of everything.
Starting point is 00:33:43 We're doing some lifting, and we're doing some boxing now i love she's hitting the mitts it's so fun the mitts it's great it's great for your hand eye coordination too yeah i just got back into that i started doing muay thai this week oh really what is that muay thai it's eight point striking system so boxing is just your hands but muay thai is a hands elbows knees and feet okay yeah So some of the same fundamentals, but just slightly tweaked and probably more comprehensive. Yeah. I saw Willie Dynamite there. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. He was teaching the kids class. Oh, really? And then we did the same class together afterwards. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Lovely guy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:16 How's he doing? Jacked. Yeah. Yeah. Super buff. He's huge. Yeah. Great name.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Willie Dynamite. Yeah. He's a good comic. Yeah. He's a funny, funny guy funny guy oh that's great yeah do you like do you like throwing the hands oh yeah it feels great and do you and ruth you guys talk a lot like do you have good uh chemistry yeah that's really fun yeah it's really fun when you're working out with someone and you can just like also just like enjoy it socially yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:34:49 socially yeah yeah we're best friends really yeah that's awesome yeah um boy i don't know what else we could talk about i mean my child mom's she's the mother of five i'm the fifth one yeah i mean how was it having five kids um busy you spaced it out so yeah there was like it was like three and two yeah um wasn't really like cheaper by the dozen. Yeah, it was like three and two. Yeah. It wasn't really like cheaper by the dozen kind of status. It was like you had three, and then they were pretty much grown up, and then Mark and I. Well, let's see. It's ten years between Mark and Bill.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah, what's between me and Bridge? Eight? No. No. Nine? Yeah, no. No, no, nine. Yeah. No, 10,
Starting point is 00:35:28 11, 12. Yeah. Yeah. So you kind of, they were, they're almost like in pods. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:32 three in the one pod and then two in the second pod. Um, that's Mark and I were in the second pod. Yeah. The older ones are Bill Bridget in the wall. It was really fun. I have to say, I love doing it
Starting point is 00:35:45 really but it was a lot of heck of a lot of work i i i always like i kind of i'm like a very positive person but i think of things in kind of a negative way and i'm always like it seems so scary to have kids you know like i just be nervous all the time or do you just kind of adapt you do you just adapt i know i think when you you ahead, when is a good time? I know it's such a scary time to have kids and all this stuff right now, which I totally understand. But once you get in it, you go with the momentum, I think. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And you get more into it, and then it's fun. What's the most fun age to have? Like, when is a kid the most fun? Probably from 3 to 12. That's a big one, though. Yeah. Yeah, 12, they start to get a little vicious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. Middle school kids are dicks. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We had fun, though. We had kids are dicks. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We had fun, though. We had a lot of fun. Because my brother went off to boarding school for high school. So we would watch Last Samurai together.
Starting point is 00:36:55 We watched American Pie 2 together. That was great for my development. And we watched Last Samurai. Just you two? I learned a lot, too. Yeah. We were like dynamic duo, just crushing movies. The Last Samurai.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Then we got these, we watched Troy. Then we got these like samurai swords. We would just have katana fights. And Star Wars. That's awesome. Star Wars. I was in like seventh grade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah. We were just dual. Yeah. With these plastic swords. It was fun. It was really fun. And then my stepdad stepdad Jack came in. He's like, what are you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Like sword fighting. What does it look like? We had fun. That's great. What's your favorite movie? Oh, boy, that is a good question. I liked really dramatic, heavy, melodramatic movies like cries in Ingmar Bergman movies. Whoa, nice.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah. Whispers. I tried to watch wild strawberries the other day and I got too bored. Yeah. I failed. Yeah. Yeah. I got to go back to it.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. Last Tango in Paris. Oh, nice. The Marlon Brando movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Bernardo Bertolucci. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I just watched his movie The Conformist it's good beautiful filmmaker like the cinematography and the shot compositions and stuff oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:38:12 but Last Tango in Paris now there's all there's a I know it's a whole other side of it yeah it's like kind of ugly now yeah
Starting point is 00:38:18 why because so the main actress in it was young probably a teenager even at the time oh right and Marlon Brando and the director kind of took liberties with her without telling her
Starting point is 00:38:29 what they were going to do before they shot the scene. Oh. Yeah. Oh, right. And so Marlon Brando was kind of like. He was really creepy in it. Yeah. Very creepy.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And that's the character, but they didn't separate how they made the movie to what was in the movie. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I can't understand why I like that movie, but I think it was so... It was brilliant.
Starting point is 00:38:48 People, it's a good classic movie. Yeah. It's in Roger Ebert's great movies. Oh, is it? Yeah. And I was a teen. It was sort of like enlightening at the time. Really erotic and...
Starting point is 00:38:58 Sorry. What? No, I hear you. Yeah. Oh, mom. I felt the same way about like a Clockwork Orange or something like that. Yeah. Oh, mom. I felt the same way about like a clockwork orange or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Oh, mom. Erotic? Listen, I didn't even know what manscaping was until you guys started talking about it. Oh, right. Yeah, I did drop that bomb on her. Yeah, when we were coming here, she's like, so do you do the manscape thing every time or is it a plug? I'm like, it's every time.
Starting point is 00:39:24 What do you think about manscaping mom i have no idea fair that's a new one for me manscaping yeah girlscaping i know womenscaping i know but you should start that company I think that trains past gone out of the station or whatever women's scaping that would be a funny a competitor comes out women's scaping yeah yeah it started by your mom and then there's like a fierce family rivalry over it. Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like a movie. I'd watch it. Yeah. Talking about movies, though, Legends of the Fall was a really great one.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yes. She loves Brad Pitt. Yeah. Tristan in that movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's beautiful in them. I think that's actually him at his most beautiful. In his time.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. And he's such a mysterious badass in it, you know? I had a big poster of him. He's brooding. Over the fireplace. Oh, time. Yeah. And he's such a mysterious badass in it, you know? I had a big poster of him. He's brooding. Over the fireplace. Oh, you did? Yeah. Oh, right, you did.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Because you were my brother, I'll forgive you for that once. Once. When his brother Aidan Quinn challenges his love. Yeah. Yeah. From Julia Armand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Oh, my gosh. Because the brother dies. Samuel's dead. Then he goes, how convenient for you whoa whoa shots fire all the details that was a big movie in my household yeah we all loved it yeah that was great good music too yeah i think i think you really sort of uh instilled yeah like you need to have respect for brad pitt oh yeah it was brad pitt tom cruise um who are the dudes yeah tom cruise um that's probably the top of the heap right there yeah
Starting point is 00:41:12 who's the guy that i remember she would just see brad pitt she's like he's the man he's the man so now today i'm like he is the man oh, Mel Gibson was the man for a while. Yes. Tequila Sunrise. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Him and his peak hotness. I don't know why I went there. He's a great actor, too.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. And then he did that one, What Women Want, with Helen Hunt. He's so charming in that. Yeah, he was very charming in that. And then the shit hit the fan after that, I think. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's funny. All these things were mentioned. They have like a shadow side to them yeah yeah he's an interesting guy i mean
Starting point is 00:41:51 because he directs too and he does it like like apocalypto did you see that one no yeah so it's like an action movie that takes place in like mayan times in central america oh i remember yeah yeah they use their foreign language right yeah they use like the mayan is it mine i forget which civilization it was but it's something some something adjacent to that they do a sacrifice in it oh that's right yeah he likes to break bodies down he breaks his own shoulder and like all right yeah he's got a lot of blood and guts in all of his movies yeah yeah and the Patriot oh
Starting point is 00:42:25 that was huge yeah how can I forget about the Patriot you got Heath Ledger in there too yeah that's a great movie
Starting point is 00:42:34 yeah that was fun to watch he's a tough dude but like Apocalypto I feel like he was on I think he does a lot of cocaine if I had to guess
Starting point is 00:42:43 really yeah I think that's where those movies come out of yeah it's a lot of coke even the Passion of on, I think he does a lot of cocaine. Oh, does he? Really? Yeah, I think that's where those movies come out of. Oh, interesting. It's a lot of coke. Even The Passion of the Christ, I think is. Do you think he ever comes out of it and he's like, maybe this isn't the best idea and then hops back in?
Starting point is 00:42:55 I think that's exactly what he does. Yeah. I think he comes out of it and then he hops back in. Yeah. Yeah. We've actually had some meetings now and heard stories about other super famous actors who are just off the rails half the time yeah yeah and hear that about big comedians i think if you get to a certain
Starting point is 00:43:09 level of success you can insulate yourself with enough substance enough substances and people to look out for you when you're making mistakes oh yeah yeah that it that it doesn't ever fully get off the track yeah yeah yeah i i noticed some i was on set for a show this week um and you could see it with like the makeup people they're like your skin's perfect you look great you're like tom cruise and i was like they were saying that to you yeah that's great i was just like but then i was like oh this is i think this is what happens people just like compliment you all day it goes to your head when you're on set and then you just leave and you're like the skin is on fire right i don't know and then you went to park yeah so in the park was awesome uh did i tell you about that no so it's just like this dj's at his like outdoor concert and uh it was fun he puts on a really great show he actually uses a lot of leds oh he does yeah
Starting point is 00:44:15 a lot of lights and there's a lot of like pyrotechnics and stuff and like so uh he puts together like a really fun mix so um, fun. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Cool. Yeah. But the light show, I was thinking about you, because it was like, before he comes out, it's like space kind of, and then he just appears, and it's like, do-do-do-do-do.
Starting point is 00:44:38 But it was cool. Guys, we have some topics, too, to keep it on Hollywood. Todd Phillips, the director of the new Joker movie uh did an interview with the new york times and he talked about how joaquin phoenix was like so deep into the character that he would just walk off set sometimes while they were shooting but the article notes never with robert de niro because i guess he could keep his neuroses in line for the legend but when he wasn't around, he was on his own thing and just was like, look, I can't take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I got to get out of here. But I don't think he said that. I think he just took off. But I kind of like it. I like that there's guys who have the latitude to do that stuff and also they're not ashamed to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I think some people would be embarrassed. I like that he's like, no, I can't do it. I got to just walk. And he would just walk out of a scene while the cameras were rolling. Really? Just walk out.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Really? Yeah. That's heavy stuff. Yeah. I remember what you were saying about the Joker part. Yeah, it's creepy. Really creepy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I saw a trailer for that movie the other day. Ugh. And it always reminds me of Heath Ledger, too, right? Right. Isn't that the last part that he played? I think so. One of the last ones yeah he had one more after it i think yeah i'm not there or the brother's grim maybe yeah oh
Starting point is 00:45:51 the smeared makeup and the oh lipstick that's off you know all around his mouth it's so creepy you don't like that creepy stuff well you're kind of like why are they doing it again it seems like a curse yeah yeah let sleeping dogs lie yeah i don't know uh yeah i think i i i i can understand it he's probably he's working hard yeah he's a really good actor he's incredible yeah yeah have you seen her no i just watched her he's good in gladiator too really really yeah comatose yeah did you like her remember that i liked her yeah it was uh it's i thought the ending was kind of whack the ending was kind of it got weird you know because he's like i'm in love with my i'm dating my computer i didn't think he told i didn't think yeah i did
Starting point is 00:46:45 see you did see that yeah i didn't think he told people about it i mean i was kind of weird he was very open about he's like i'm dating my os right oh scarlett johansson yeah yeah she's good yeah yeah which i thought was an interesting aspect of it that he's like telling people about i thought it was like something he kept him before i saw the movie i thought he kept to himself yeah well it's kind of normal in the movie like other people are doing it yeah yeah i thought it was like this whole novel thing where it's like he's the first guy to actually fall in love right but i don't think that could happen i mean so easily i mean even when i talk to alexa you know yeah i to ask her to tell me something nice so i'll feel better yeah you know what i liked about you really yeah what do
Starting point is 00:47:25 you say i just say i'm sort of down today could you tell me how good i am oh what does she say that's awesome yeah she'll give you compliments does she say you're great yeah really stuff like that yeah maybe we should try it right now. Can I try it? Oh, yeah, try it. Give it a shot, yeah. Alexa, I'm feeling down today. Can you, what do you say? Oh, you have to do Siri on this phone. Oh, right. Oh, does Siri do it?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know. You have to try. Siri's not as nice, but give it a shot. What do you say? I'm feeling down today. Can you cheer me up? Yeah, yeah. Siri, I'm feeling down today.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Can you cheer me up? I don't know what you mean by, Siri, I'm feeling down today. Can you cheer me up? I don't know what you mean by Siri, I'm feeling down today. Oh, she's playing games with you, dog. How about a web search for it? No. I don't think she's into you. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Shoot. That's so funny. Yeah. You know what I like about the movie Her? Oh, sorry, go ahead. How long do they compliment you for? Oh, just a couple good compliments, and then you can ask another question.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I mean, you could do it all day. Does it help? Yeah. That's so funny. I love it, though. I want to get Alexa. Yeah, I like Alexa a lot. We read an article about farm entertainment, which is that a lot of farms are having a hard time making money right now.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I guess it's just a tough industry. So to compensate, a lot of farms have put vegetable blasters, like rockets, on their farms. So people come and visit, and they just shoot corn and pumpkins out of heavy artillery guns at cars and stuff like that. Dude. Yeah. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It's awesome. And agritainment, they call it, is a $1 billion industry. No. Really? Yes. Already? Yeah. Where is this happening?
Starting point is 00:49:10 Goat yoga, corn mazes, and then these blasting the shit out of vegetables. Yeah. And onions don't work. They explode in the air. So just keep that in mind. Where are they doing this? Just in the Midwest? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I think so. Weird. Yeah. You guys could doing this? Just in the Midwest? Yeah, I think so. Weird. Yeah. You guys could do that instead of paintballing. Yeah, good call. I'd love to try it. Yeah. There was a great quote, too, from one of the farmers
Starting point is 00:49:33 when they asked him why he does it. He goes, we're fat Americans and we play with our food. Dude, I love it. That's hilarious. Dude, cannons are so fun. I remember the guy, our neighbor, he had a potato gun. Potato gun launcher. Damien.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Damon? Oh. There was always a neighbor named Damien. Yeah. Damien. Which is a devil name. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:00 He was a tough guy. He became a Marine. But before that, he was launching potatoes at trash cans on the street. Beast, dog. Yeah. I remember my dad came out and he just has this thing. And just nailing our garbage can. My dad's like, what the hell are you doing?
Starting point is 00:50:17 He's like, got a new potato gun launcher. I remember one of my first memories, mom, is of you shooting a wedding cake. She was shooting a wedding cake with a shotgun for a wedding photo, for a photo. Oh, yeah, for another artist. We were doing a video, and I had to put on the cowboy boots and a hat and shoot the wedding cake. Nice. With a shotgun. Was it a 12-gauge or 20?
Starting point is 00:50:41 I don't know. You like shooting guns? Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. But don't get me wrong. I hate guns, really. No, no, me too. We've talked about it on here.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I don't want to get into it. It upsets some people. I think it's really fun to shoot them, but it's just... Yeah. It's hard now. Yeah, it's really hard now. Some of the joy has been stripped.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah, but another good thing about this agritainment is that the farmers, they use their worst produce, so they're not really wasting food. Okay. It's stuff that wouldn't even be sold on the market. That use their worst produce. So they're not really wasting food. Okay. It's stuff that wouldn't even be sold on the market.
Starting point is 00:51:07 That's nice. Yeah. But I just love the innovation. Like these people aren't just sitting on their hands waiting for their market to improve. They're creating new businesses with all the same stuff
Starting point is 00:51:16 that they already had. Like goat yoga is really popular right now. Yeah. People do yoga with just goats walking around. I guess it's mainly baby goats and the baby goats love to play with people.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah. That's great. But city regulators are getting in the way but it's like i mean you know and with the with the rockets too i mean that's it's a very american thing you know just throw gunpowder on it yeah that's true you have a business yeah guys so let's get into some questions um this i haven't read the questions sometimes i i've told you stokers, I prep them. And, uh, again, I did not, but we have three messages from this young lady. And here's the first one. I really need some advice on this, my fellow stoker. So my freshman year of college, I was dating a guy who treated me like dog shit.
Starting point is 00:51:55 So we finally broke up. One of my good friends from high school reconnected with me and we began hanging out a lot more. We've been hanging out maybe once a week for like two years straight. And unfortunately I caught the feelings, bro. The worst possible thing that could have happened has happened i told my homie i had a huge thing for him and i got the response of you just aren't my type but this guy's the only guy i hook up with and it's the same for him he's kind of shy and doesn't talk to many girls he doesn't already know from high school so we chill on the regular with the bros and have great time
Starting point is 00:52:20 throwing back brews the only problem i have here is i text him constantly like all times of the day and he's not that big on texting constantly, but he's the only person I want to give my time to. After the usual, we always cuddle, and we both are super touchy-feely people. The way he looks at me and acts around me makes me think he does like me, but just doesn't want to tell me because the bros aren't the biggest
Starting point is 00:52:38 fan of me. Stokers, what the fuck do I do? This is a girl? Mm-hmm. I do? This is a girl? Mm-hmm. Oh, and she sent the same email a couple times, so there's no follow-up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:54 So are they hooking up? I think they are hooking up, yeah. Sounds like it, yeah. And he's the only guy she's hooking up with, and she's the only girl he's hooking up with. But he's telling her she's not his type. So she, okay. I think if someone tells you that, you have to kind of listen to what they're saying. You know what I mean? I agree.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And I think, you know, it sucks because you seem to really like the guy and you've been really patient with him. But I think there's probably somebody out there who's going to be better for you and reciprocate the way you deserve. Yeah, you don't have to force it. I know it's probably what she wants is to be with him, but you can't make someone do something they don't want to do, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So I think I would just you know keep your options stay open to whatever comes your way and uh you know because i think there's someone better out there for her so yeah i agree maybe develop some new interests so that all all of her focus is not just with that group and hanging out with him. Yeah. Maybe find some new interests that takes her focus away a little bit. Yeah. I was listening to the question. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:13 it doesn't sound she's being treated that well. Yeah, I agree. No, not at all. By like this guy or this, the crew of dudes. Cause it's like, they're like,
Starting point is 00:54:19 she's like, they're not a fan of me. And I was like, I was just listening to it. I was like, it sounds like you got to like branch out. And she yeah really cool and i think uh i think the more you can like not give this guy um like so much power i guess over how you're feeling yeah the more powerful you're gonna feel you know what i mean like you'll saying no to this guy like when he
Starting point is 00:54:44 wants to hang out and not hooking up with him is I think going to be really good for your self esteem. Yeah. Cause you'll know you're looking out for yourself. I agree. Maybe baby steps doing that, but her self confidence is just going to go down the tubes if she keeps following this guy.
Starting point is 00:55:03 So I know it's hard, but maybe take baby steps saying no sometimes yeah develop some new interests maybe meet some new people yeah yeah i think break out of the mindset that this is the only guy there is because that's not true and uh i think you can find a way better situation but someone who you know fills you with amp and froth instead of non-froth yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:55:32 what up Chad and JT and hopefully Strider absolute fire credenza my lord I'm sorry Strider's not with us today but we do have a wonderful guest my GF and I have been dating my GF and I have been dating
Starting point is 00:55:44 for four years and i'm thinking it's about time to pop the cue i haven't looked too deeply into it but i did some browsing for rings on the web at work with a friend my gf and i live with one of my best bros from college and everything is perfect or so it seems recently my work friend mentioned the ring shop into my roommate i had expected him to be stoked for me as i consider him one of my closest friends not only was he not stoked but he was pissed that I would consider proposing while we all live together. He said he will move out if I do so. His reasoning is personal
Starting point is 00:56:10 discomfort and eternal third wheel. Do I let him dictate how I go about this huge stage of my life, or do I move forward with my plans and leave it to him to stay or go? Thanks guys. Boom clap. Do you have any thoughts? I definitely try to talk to him more about the situation, the sitch.
Starting point is 00:56:26 And I would go ahead with his plans and with his life. I mean, he can't let his roommate dictate his life. Don't give in to threats. Yeah. I mean, this is your path. And if your roommate doesn't want to stick around because you want to get engaged, I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:46 that's been good riddance. Yeah. I think you gotta, you gotta propose to your girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah. Your, your roommate being a sourpuss.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I mean, it sucks. You want everybody to be on board with your big life decisions. But I mean, if he's a good dude, he's going to come around. He's not going to like telling you not to get married because he doesn't want to be a third wheel is ridiculous. It's sort of like a rom-com if he was going to propose and his roommate's like, if you propose, I'll move out.
Starting point is 00:57:17 And then, like, go ahead, dude, propose to her, and I will move out, dog. I will leave, Chad. What? If you propose to Caroline, I'm out, dog. All right? I'm not going to be playing second fiddle to her. Caroline, do you hear what he's saying? Yeah, she heard me, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:35 She totally heard me. I can't believe it either. We can't move forward because of this dude. I'm sick of it, dude. Oh, man. I come home, you guys have cooked dinner. There's never enough for me oh man i cooked for two dude oh how nice for you guys to have someone who cares about you
Starting point is 00:57:51 i'll just sit on the sidelines and watch you guys score touchdowns of love dude am i supposed to make you like a freaking you know a egg quiche look at my eyes dude what do you think my answer is you want the quiche. Yeah, dude. Well, she made the quiche. If you propose to her, you better propose to me too, dog. I think we have to go. I think we have to leave right now, Chad. I can't leave this place.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I know, but he's giving you an ultimatum. But he's my roommate. I can't leave him. That's right, dude. I am your roommate, bro. Well, maybe you could come around on this situation. What? How dare you maybe you could come around on this situation. What? How dare you ask me to come around?
Starting point is 00:58:28 But I can't leave this apartment ever. Hey, dude, why don't you just live forever in the sidecar of me and my wife's dank-ass fucking motorcycle? Excuse my language, Kevin. Is that what you're saying to me? Yes, dude. What? I'm drawing up a gross hypothetical that's basically a metaphor for what situation you're putting me into. And you know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:58:46 I've turned down so many ladies so that we can maintain a perfect roommate relationship. You turned down ladies? Yeah. Yeah. Mom, I want to get married, but my roommate won't let me. Oh, man. Chad, you've got to move on with your life. I think we need to have a...
Starting point is 00:59:04 I can't leave my apartment, man. Chad, you've got to move on with your life. I think we need to have a... I can't leave my apartment, Mom. I can't leave my roommate behind, but he won't let me get married. That's right, dude. Don't ever leave. Be here with me forever, dude. God dang it. Well, I don't know what to do. Well, I feel bad for JT.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Let's find him somebody. Oh. Yeah. I'm in. I also think you could... to go back to the dude, although that was the dude, I think you got to just talk to your roommate and be like, hey, man. I think so, too. Like, I love you, but I think you're being a little bit unreasonable here.
Starting point is 00:59:36 And I'd really like it if you were excited for me. And maybe you can explain to me why you're not. And hopefully your roommate can be sincere when you ask him that. Yeah. You want me to be the eternal third wheel, dude? Fuck that. Yeah. No way, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I'm either number two or I'm out. I will not settle for three. You proposed to me, too. Sean, what do you think? I just think there's some emotional work that needs to be done there. Yeah. Well said. I just think there's some emotional work that needs to be done there.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. Well said. And that can happen either on his own or with the help of, you know, the dude asking the question. So you think by proposing to the roommate too? It's not the option I would choose, but, you know. It is an option. It is an option. If that's what he wants.
Starting point is 01:00:23 This is from Victoria. Hey, Chad. Hey, JT. I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. My sister is getting married in a few weeks in Italy, and my whole gang is going there for it, but I'm deathly afraid of flying, especially over the Atlantic.
Starting point is 01:00:33 It's an eight-hour flight. I've done it once before, but it was almost 10 years ago, and since then I developed this crazy intense fear, and I'm not so stoked about this upcoming event. Do you guys have any tips for staying chill on long flights when really anxious? I also really want to give a quick shout-out to my BF for turning me on to the pod. He's the best. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Keep doing what you're doing. Oh, yeah. Mom, you got this in the bag. Oh, yeah. Handle it. A couple glasses of wine and a Xanax. Be careful, though. Be careful mixing that stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:02 No, no, that's true. That's true. That's not a good prescription. Those do work they do work yeah i remember you gave me um when i flew to australia you gave me sorry uh the law yeah uh but you gave me a xanax for the flight i had a glass of wine in la and that's right and i woke up in sydney that's right i had i was i'm afraid of flying and one time i was taking'm afraid of flying and one time i was taking xanax with my brother like not with him like but we were flying together yeah and i kept taking it in little like quarter increments and i was like dude it's not working
Starting point is 01:01:32 so i just kept taking quarters yeah and then he dragged my lifeless body through lax yeah yeah i woke up in my bed i was like how did i get here he's like dude you passed out and we're not waking up yeah yeah it was an 18-hour flight. I slept the whole time. But if you want some... Don't tell anybody. I did that. I got them from Frodo. Frodo, you dirty dog.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Frodo gave me his annex. I had a friend who passed away. I made it up. I'm afraid of flying, and I got on a plane, and I was like, hey, man. I was young at the time. I wouldn't do this now. He's like, do you have anything to give me?
Starting point is 01:02:09 He's like, yeah, just take one of these. I didn't even ask what it was. I wake up on the flight. I'm having a panic attack. I go sleep in the bathroom of the plane for like 30 minutes. Someone bangs on the door. I leave. I get into my seat.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I'm sitting next to a teenage girl and her dad. I take off my t-shirt when i'm sitting and then the dad looks at me and i thought he i was like i thought he thought i was joking around i go i'm not kidding dude i was like i'm not kidding and then i moved all the fans onto my body really yeah what did he give you he ended up telling me it was like some kind of tranquilizer or something but he did not agree with me oh that's why i thought you're panicked because you woke up flying no no no i panicked from however i'd never taken something like this drug induced yeah but if so maybe if you want to try
Starting point is 01:02:50 it without drugs there's an app i use called calm yeah that's a good app and they have a uh they have like a flight uh meditation and it's it's like hours long so you can go in and out of that and then um another thing is like i'm really afraid of flying and these stats don't always help me in the moment but it's a one in 2.5 million chance that you will die flying it is the safest form of travel the most heavily regulated and um flying like five hours is as safe as a 12 a 12 mile drive i think in terms terms of your potential for losing your life. So you're, you're, it's really a safe form of travel.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And I think the meditation is the best bet with your noise canceling earphones. Yeah. Yeah. How'd you do, what'd you do on the flight today? Oh, I'm sort of fine with flying now. So do you meditate?
Starting point is 01:03:43 I actually close the window and bring a really trashy magazine smart you know just gossip magazine yeah and i'll sit there and read yeah from the minute i get on the plane and you know what i'm not afraid to tell the people who i'm flying next to that i'm afraid yeah and i'll like if i'm sitting next to them i'll be like look i'm afraid of flying and most of the time they'll grab your hand or they'll pat your back and they'll help you out. And that human to human contact can help a lot.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Yeah. That's a good point. I fly with Chad and he sees me like every time we hit turbulence. Yeah. I just start, my eyes just start beaming
Starting point is 01:04:14 around the plane. We'll be in different like aisles and we'll hit turbulence and I'll see his head pop up like sort of like a gopher just like, like what's up, dude? Like a whackable.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Like a whackable, yeah. I'm just looking for other people who are afraid, because if there's someone more afraid of me on the plane, it calms me down. Yeah. Yeah, because I'm like, all right, they're kind of being... I'm like, oh, you're being kind of crazy. So if we were in, like, heavy turbulence,
Starting point is 01:04:38 and some lady's like, ah, ah, ah, would you be, like, super calm? It would calm me down a little bit yeah because it sounds ridiculous all right but but if i'm the most scared on the plane yeah i don't want to be i'm the opposite other people are scared i'm like oh fuck i should be scared well i'm sure if we were going down or something i would know yeah if people yell out during tournaments like oh then i get really scared i'm like why are they freaking out? I was on a flight to the Dominican Republic,
Starting point is 01:05:07 and all the Dominican people on the plane, they cheer. They were cheering when they hit turbulence. They go, oh, and they clap and stuff. And I was like, cut it out. What, do you guys have a death wish? Yeah. I was like, you think this is fun?
Starting point is 01:05:18 Yeah. Take it serious. It's an awful thing. I used to have a really bad anxiety about flying, and I'd look around when you're getting on the plane. I used to look around at all the people and think, this is the last time I'm going to see these people. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And there's 200,000 planes in the air at any given moment. Yeah. And all of them land. Yeah. The numbers are huge. That's interesting to think about.
Starting point is 01:05:39 All right. Last question. What up, counsel? I'm writing in because I have a major prob in my living situation. I currently post up in a two-bedroom apartment with my GF, my number one compadre, and his girlfriend. My problem is that my boy's girlfriend has the ass of a varsity linebacker, and I'm constantly trying not to be caught staring at it. I want to be respectful to my girlfriend and my dog, but that ass has a gravitational pull all its own. Do you guys have any tricks to keep my eyes loyal?
Starting point is 01:06:03 Hmm. tricks to keep my eyes loyal hmm i think you you you should try wearing something ridiculous at all times i don't know i think if you're always wearing something ridiculous you won't even think about what other people are wearing or what they look like you'll just be like you'll just be like thinking about how you're wearing a sombrero. You'll be so embarrassed that you can't admire her ass. Yeah. Yeah. I was picturing him writing this, and his buddy's just like,
Starting point is 01:06:37 hey, what are you writing, dude? He's like, oh, it's a question into a podcast. My buddy's girlfriend's ass has a gravitational pull right but yeah dude i don't know what to tell you man that there's uh you have uh stumbled onto man's kryptonite and uh i would um i would associate a negative thought with looking at it you know like maybe like think of like in the apocalypse if you're like if I look at this the earth will end and and look everybody slips up yeah but just try to just catch yourself just be self-aware yeah yeah just you know
Starting point is 01:07:19 there's gonna be moments where it goes there and then you just gotta yank your head the other direction yeah and don't be afraid to yank it yeah i'm your head yeah i mean i understand that you're a human being and you know this is in your biology i tried to breathe but didn't work uh this is in your biology and uh you know it's it's a natural response but like jt is saying you know just you know finesse your mind you know work it out so that when you start doing it you just whip it back and play this song whip it a lot too yeah and work on your own butt right get your own butt to crush on yeah yeah good point build up your butt through squats and then take a gander at that. Yeah. Have a better butt. Do you have any thoughts?
Starting point is 01:08:07 No, I think what you guys are saying is great. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Do you ever, like, stare at, like, another golden retriever sometime? Does Luna get upset? Yeah, yeah. Sometimes that happens.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I'll look into the eyes of another golden retriever and luna will she just yeah she'll come over put her nose right in my face yeah all right chad who is your beef of the week my beef of the week is with Subway's lack of B-rooms. Guys, I don't know if you've been to Subway recently. We went today. I got a salad. Do not worry, Stokers. I did not eat bread. I ate a salad with chicken.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Mom can... I got proof right here. Yes, you did. Mom's my alibi. Right? Right. You did. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Thanks. I got chicken salad and i had to pee and because i just downed a full bottle of water and it's uh sustainable um not plastic just checking all the boxes here yeah um and i really had to you know drain my lizard sorry mom and uh subway has no bathrooms I don't know if you guys ever been to a subway recently but every time I go a lot of times when I'm on a road trip I always forget and I'm like oh there's a subway I'll go to the bathroom no bathroom and I just want to know what's subways deal you know do they just not recognize this part of uh human life that sometimes you have to go to the bathroom? I mean, they're serving Diet Coke.
Starting point is 01:09:47 That's a diuretic. People are going to have to pee. I mean, you serve big-ass soda cups of Diet Coke, and you're not going to give a sanctuary for people to drain their hogs? It just really rubs me the wrong way. I don't know what's going on. And I don't have to talk about their other... Misdeeds.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Their other, you know... Yeah, like they have straws there. I was surprised. Oh, good call. Yeah, I didn't even think about that. Yeah. Dude, they have so much dirty laundry. And the fact that they don't have bathrooms, I mean...
Starting point is 01:10:19 Oh, that's really bad. It just keeps getting worse and worse for Subway, so... Check yourselves. Mrs. Kroger, what's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is people that give you the finger when you're driving and you don't deserve it. Well said. I hate it when people give me the finger when I'm driving
Starting point is 01:10:39 because I'm doing my best, and they're so mean. Yeah. And I'm not going to do it back because then I feel terrible. No, you're more honorable. Yeah. So, I mean, it just seems to have gotten so much worse with angry drivers. And even people walking across the street will give you a finger if they're looking at their phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:03 And somehow you're in their way or something and they'll give you the finger. they're looking at their phone yeah and somehow you're in their way or something and they'll give you the finger really i don't know it just seems like resorting to the bottom of the pile yeah it's low-hanging fruit right it's the easiest way to go that's right yeah yeah what's your what's your most common response? I usually wave and smile. Oh, you do? Yeah. You know what I've been doing, too, sometimes? What? Is I'll give someone the middle finger, but I'll be smiling so they know I'm upset at them, but that it's not like, I'm not angry.
Starting point is 01:11:36 I'm just like, hey, for right now, you're my enemy, but I still respect you. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, I still respect my enemy. Yeah. That's good. Like this. Like, hey, I had to do it to you. That's really good. I had to do it to you. What do you do, Chad? I just laugh. enemy. Yeah. That's good. Like this. Hey, how'd it do to you? That's really good.
Starting point is 01:11:46 What do you do, Chad? I just laugh. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just like. That's a good one. I like moms that you just wave and smile. It's so just like.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Because it could think that you just don't get it. I know. You're like, oh, thank you. So they're like, no, that's not what I was. That's not my intention. I was not trying to be friendly with you that's right like you're from a different planet yeah no you're on earth yeah i do this it means you're in trouble no no i don't understand that i'm saying i'm saying f you okay that's what i'm trying to say here no no no no no don't smile yeah mom's the goddess of stoke so she's she's just like, I don't even understand that language.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah. Love that. Nice work. You guys are delightful. What's your beef? My beef is kind of a, I wrote this beef before we knew you were going to be on, Mrs. Kroger. So it's about a bad addictive habit that I have that is kind of gross. But as a lot of you stokers know, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:45 you know, I've, I've had my battles with porn and, uh, uh, I've been porn free for stretches, but, um, I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:12:52 My beef is with myself for not being totally honest about it because, um, I'm in a program for it, which is anonymous, but I just want to say that I do it. Um, but I've, I'm actually in my program now I'm allowed to watch a little bit a week.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And I still try not to, but I wanted to keep it real with the Stokers because, you know, I get messages where people are like, dude, you inspired me not to watch it anymore. And I appreciate that and I respect that and, you know, stay the course. But if I'm being totally candid, you know i still watch some um but i i try to keep it limited and hey in time i might go back to zero because it might turn out that this is untenable but uh yeah i don't want to judge my own situation and be like i have to be one way or i'm gonna be like letting people down or whatever it's not gonna seem like i'm really trying but that's
Starting point is 01:13:43 where i'm at right now so that's what's up st right now. So that's what's up, Stokers. I think that's great. You can't be too hard on yourself about those things. Right. You know, having an either-or situation puts a lot of pressure on you. Yeah, I worry, like, but if I remember talking to someone who's, like, in Alcoholics Anonymous or something, they're like, I haven't had a drink in 20 years.
Starting point is 01:14:00 And they're like, so you're sober? And I'm like, well, actually, I watch, like, a little bit. And they're like, oh, so you have, like, three vodka sod vodka sodas a week like it's like a different kind of sobriety yeah which i know sounds wonky to a lot of people well it is a little that's a little more difficult because like not having a drink it's not attached to your body right well that's what they say sorry mom they say your crack pipe's attached to your body. Yeah. So it's, and working in absolutes, I've found is like, it's too much stress. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:32 You need to be forgiving. Yeah. Yeah. Because then if you're like, no carbs completely or something like that, then I feel like that causes more stress than just trying to stay healthy, but knowing that I can enjoy myself a little bit too. Forgive yourself. Yeah, don't hate yourself if you're not perfect.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Right. I think I'm still heading due north. I'm in a good direction. You know what I mean? Live by the Tao Te Ching. Oh, yeah. The middle way. That's right.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Is that what that is? The balance, yeah. Hell yeah, man. You don't go to the extremes. Yeah. Stay right in the middle way that's right is that what that is the balance yeah hell yeah no you don't go to the extremes yeah stay right in the middle real good one chad who is your babe of the week oh my baby is my mom was that before yeah that's nice yeah mom you're the best oh the goddess of stoke um you and jt's mom the goddesses of stoke and uh that's really nice yeah i'm just pumped that you're visiting this weekend and we can uh you know watch some movies have some popcorn and just crack some jokes m&ms diet coke you bet and just uh crack some jokes that's gonna be M&M's Diet Coke you bet and just crack some jokes that's gonna be great
Starting point is 01:15:46 it's gonna be fun yeah Miss Kroger who's your babe of the week my babes of the week are Leo and Brad oh
Starting point is 01:15:56 nice just saw their movie it was great you loved it I loved it Chad loved it I loved it I loved it too
Starting point is 01:16:04 that's great yeah they are some a lot of eye candy there oh mom oh dude come on um my babe of the week is a dearon fox he's a basketball player from the sacramento kings he there's a clip of him online that's really funny where he's running a basketball camp for for youngsters and he's picking his team. And this one kid's like, De'Aaron, please pick me, pick me, pick me. He's like, you got a Steph Curry basketball. You brought a Steph Curry basketball to my camp. He's like, I'm not picking you. And then I was like, oh, that's pretty hilarious. And then the kid's like, please, please. I've been a fan of yours my whole life. And then De'Aaron Fudge just goes, you ain't been alive
Starting point is 01:16:38 that long. And I just love, like, I know I complained about when Shaq was rude to me, but watch. And then I watched another clip of Demarcus Lawrence not signing a kid's autograph because he was wearing the wrong jersey. And I don't know why I like it, but there was, like, a shot in front part of me that was like, it's pretty funny that these athletes, like, don't turn it off and that they're competitive even with, like, little kids. Yeah, that's hilarious. Yeah. And it just cracked me up. Those responses are pretty quick. pretty they were witty too
Starting point is 01:17:06 yeah you're not old enough yeah Demarcus Lawrence just kept walking by those kids guys please please please he goes get a different jersey kid
Starting point is 01:17:12 and just keeps walking yeah Chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is rock climber Tommy Caldwell I recently watched
Starting point is 01:17:22 the documentary The Dawn Wall guys check it out it's pretty awesome the dawn wall did nick tell you to watch that my voice is cracked nice uh congrats thank you nick told me to watch it and so did uh jess the hairdresser oh hell yeah um and um so what's it called again the dawn wall okay d-a-w-n so it's the part of el capitan and yosemite it's like the impossible side that no one's ever climbed before and he's the first with this uh who's the other guy climbed with he and this other guy um they climbed they were the first to climb the donwall but he's just
Starting point is 01:17:58 you know like alex honnold you know alex honnold's the guy who did el capitan without a rope free solo but tommy caldwell he's just he has a super interesting background you know alex honnold's the guy who did el capitan without a rope free solo but tommy caldwell he's just he has a super interesting background you know he's been through a lot he was uh in a hostage situation in kyrgyzstan and had to kill one of his captors although i heard that 15 years later they discovered that the guy lived but it was a heavy burden for him to carry around that uh like he was with his girlfriend at the time. They were taken hostage because they were rock climbing there. And then one of the captors went to go do something.
Starting point is 01:18:33 So the guy, he was walking with them along a ridge. And Tommy shoved him off the side so they can escape. Whoa. So they can escape, yeah. On top of that, he climbed with Kevin Jorgensen on the Dawn Wall. So on top of that, he went through a heavy divorce. He cut off half of his index finger. But he persevered and he kept climbing.
Starting point is 01:18:55 And now he is one of the top climbers in the world. And he was the first to ascend the Dawn Wall. Did he lose his finger climbing or because of the divorce? No, neither. He was doing some housework. And it was on a table saw. the dawn wall did he lose his finger climbing or because of the divorce no no neither he was uh doing some housework oh and it was on a table saw oh which like and you watch him climbing with without this like without half of his finger you're like and he's better now apparently right so he just persevered through that and has half a finger and he's still rock climbing and if you watch the documentary you'll see some of the holds they have. It's just like their fingertips.
Starting point is 01:19:26 I can't even imagine the strength you have to have in your fingers to do that. It's crazy. One of the greatest guitarists ever, Django Reinhardt, was missing a couple fingers. Oh, really? Yeah. I think that's an injury where you're able to,
Starting point is 01:19:40 if you use your hands for a living, maybe your brain is just like like we have to overcome this yeah i think the limitation the rest of your body adapts and and builds itself stronger yeah because like his friends are saying that he got even better at rock climbing afterwards but you'll watch these clips of him on the dawn wall climbing it you know and it's these tiny holds and half a finger missing you're like oh fuck amazing It's literally like they're hanging out. It's basically like flat wall. And you're just finding these little cracks in there just to hang on to.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Amazing. It's really inspiring to watch and definitely a tearjerker in the end. Because he makes it, so it's inspiring. Tommy Caldwell, what up? You're a legend. Ms. Kroger, who's your legend of the week? Well, that would be Chad and JT. Oh, thank you, Mom.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Of course. Are you kidding? You guys are the best. Thank you. You raise my stoke all the time. That's nice. I love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:41 I'm so proud of you guys. Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it. Well, your support, and also not just emotionally, but also artistically, a lot of the Stokers might not know this, but you're like the number one person we go to for notes on our city council speeches and on our videos. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:57 And you've always had really great instincts for what works for us and what we should lead with. Yeah. That's humbling. Thank you. Every time I write a speech, I run it by her first. You always give the best notes. And when I'm talking to Chad
Starting point is 01:21:09 and we're kind of like at an artistic impasse or something, I'm like, did you check with your mom yet? Yeah, she really does text me. It's so much fun. I'm honored that you ask. It really helps and we appreciate it. It's a lot of fun. Thank you. My legend of the week, I want to do two because the finger being cut off thing reminded me of a really great football player, Ronnie Lott, maybe the best defensive back in history, who one time had to leave a game.
Starting point is 01:21:33 And they said, well, if you want to go back in, we'd have to cut off part of your finger. And he said, OK. And he literally sacrificed half a digit to finish the game. Really? Really. And I think it's that commitment that made him a four-time Super Bowl champion. And just imagine how intimidating that is if you're on the other team.
Starting point is 01:21:48 You're like, they're like, I thought Ronnie was out of the game. They're like, no, he decided to cut off his finger so he could still hit you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:53 That's crazy. And he, I know people who played with him who said he changed their entire perspective on football. Yeah. And then my other legend of the week is another football player, and I think he's one of the most underrated athletes
Starting point is 01:22:04 of all time. It's Bullet Bob Hayes, who was a four-time pro bowler, took a long time to get into the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, he didn't get in until after he passed, which always bums me out. But what really makes him special is that he was the 100-meter champion at the Olympics. Gold medal champion, fastest man in the world. Then he transitions from that sport to football, though he played in college. And he ends up being wonderful at football. And a lot of track stars don't do well at football because it's not about straight line speed. You've got to have hips.
Starting point is 01:22:28 You've got to have hands. You've got to have awareness. And he had all those skills, too. So I think when we talk about, like, Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, we also need to throw Bullet Bob Hayes in there. Oh, great name, too. So that's my legend.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Nice. Nice. We'll keep it moving. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week? I don't have one yet. Do you want me to circle back? Yeah. Mom, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week? I don't have one yet. Do you want me to circle back? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Mom, what's a movie we watch together a lot? The Patriot. What about Mary? Hilarious movie. I think maybe I'll go with The Patriot. Yeah, that's a good one. What does he say to Jason Isaacs? Before this war is over, I will stand over your dead body or something like that.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Yeah. Colonel Tabington. I always love lines like that. I love a good threat. Sean, you got a quote of the week? Gosh, you might have to circle back. I'll circle back. I can do mine real quick
Starting point is 01:23:18 if you guys don't mind. All right, so mine is from this wonderful documentary I watched last night called American Factory on Netflix. It's about the Chinese actually building a factory in America. And you get to watch the integration of their workers with our workers. And this is an early scene.
Starting point is 01:23:31 It's at like the eight-minute mark where one of the supervisors for the Chinese is kind of giving the Chinese people a breakdown on Americans. So he goes, all right, we need to get to know Americans. It's like a PowerPoint presentation. There's like 100 workers in there. And it'll take me a while to get through this. But he goes, America is a place to let your personality run free. This really made me appreciate America and to think about us with the view from 30,000 feet. As long as you're not doing anything illegal, you're free to follow your heart. You can even joke about the president. Nobody will do anything to you. America's cars are big and huge, very comfortable. This represents the American sense of casualness. They don't place a
Starting point is 01:24:13 heavy importance on outfits and attire. If you travel in Europe in the summertime and you see someone walking in front of you, if he's wearing shorts, vests sports shoes they must be an american americans say what they are thinking directly they don't hide anything they are very obvious kind of a burn everything is practical and realistic they dislike abstraction and theory in their daily lives time is limited today so i won't keep going the list here is really long yeah so when when the chinese supervisor had to do a breakdown of what america's like for and you know he has to make it relatable to the people he's talking to so maybe it also has to do with their culture as well because that's maybe the stuff that matters to them but i thought
Starting point is 01:24:53 that was a really interesting way to describe american life i like it that was good chad what is your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from the patriot heath ledger goes to uh mel gibson i'm not a child you're my child dude you found the best line from the movie yeah because the way mel gibson shakes when he says it too he's like powerful but he's scared too he's like you're my child yeah yeah that's really good do you have your quote of the week? Yeah, I do. It's from Picasso, actually. Oh, nice. Dude, my favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:28 The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. Got to be a little wacky. And it takes a long time to become young, which I think is really good when you're doing creative work. I love that. Kanye West said, he's like, oh, my first album was 11 years old. Oh, my second album was like nine years old. And and he's like i'm trying to get younger with each album that's cool yeah he's like oh my favorite album will be two years old yeah that's great sean do you have a quote yeah i mean i got one i've been sitting on for a long time um i went
Starting point is 01:25:59 to music school um i'm a huge fan of joni mitchell no and i had this quote in my um my phone for a long time and it's part of an interview where she's talking about pop culture and music and pop culture in the current time and she says something about relationships and how they're portrayed in music
Starting point is 01:26:18 that caught my eye a while ago and so I'm going to go with that but she says surrounded by this shallow glossy society we develop a shallow side too and we become attracted to fluff uh that's reflected in the fact that this culture sets up an addiction to romance based on insecurity the uncertainty of whether or not you're truly united with the object of your obsession is the rush people get hooked on and uh and as a songwriter i find myself like, I don't know, I can only write songs about my relationships.
Starting point is 01:26:47 So I feel like I kind of live in that headspace a lot where I'm kind of like prodding it, you know, how like listening to popular music now. And I hear people say things in their music that pertain to relationships. And I'm like, I don't know if you should be perpetuating that kind of idea. You know, I can get like really, you know, purist about it. Yeah, so you don't know if you should be perpetuating that kind of idea. I can get really purist about it. You don't think music has to be that way. It's not in the DNA of music that it has to be about that kind of illusory love. I don't know, because there's two sides to me. There's the pure side of me, and then there's
Starting point is 01:27:16 the humanist that just says if people connect to it, then it's important. So a lot of that is just me being the pure side of me. It's just like, don't talk about these sorts it's really it's important right you know um so a lot of that is just me like being you know the purest side of me is just like don't talk about these sorts of things you're perpetuating you know bad behavior that you know if we could rid ourselves of as a society we'd be moving forward at a faster rate um but yeah i don't know i love joni mitchell so when she said that i was just
Starting point is 01:27:38 like yeah that is a little bit of a chicken or an egg thing too is it like does the music make us feel that way right exactly the way we feel about love make us like that music? Such a valid point. Yeah. Well, I think that was beautiful. I think we don't have time to do the other stuff, so. Yeah, I think, yeah, then we got to roll. I did have a review that I wanted to.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Oh, nice. Yeah. Oh, yeah, right here. So here's a review of the week from Just Happy to Be. Love the pod. I recently read a few things that made me think of the dank cast. Arthin Skopenhauer once wrote, one should use common words to say uncommon things. And Cyrus the Great, a.k.a. the King of Persia, wrote, diversity and counsel, unity and command.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Wow. That was a review? Yeah. That's awesome. Super informative. Yes. That was awesome yeah very awesome well uh you were very awesome yeah mom thank you thank you for stopping in thank you guys it was just a total pleasure yeah thanks for having me on my end such a great time yeah yeah this is awesome thanks thank you um guys thank you for tuning in. Episode 90-something.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And wow. Boom clap. Sean, thank you. Thank you, Sean. Thank you, Sean. And next up is the dads. Oh, yeah. That'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:28:55 And then as always, we're brought to you by UCI Baseball. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. If you can swing or throw, that's the place to go. And Douglas Lube, of course. Stay Lubey. Stay Lubey. Sorry. Stay Lubey. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. Where to go When you need someone to guide you Step out the door beside you Go deep Go deep Let's go deep Go deep Go deep Go in deep. Got to get deep.

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