Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 95 - Strider Joins, Ellen Show, SF Trip

Episode Date: October 1, 2019

What up stokers, in this fire episode we are joined once again by the savant of romance, Strider Wilson. We dive deep into our Ellen appearance, our epic SF trip over the weekend, our love for Sh...ia Labeouf, and, as always, Joe's dong. Jabwow!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah, tickle my pants, take them off and say what up. This is Chad Kroger coming in with the going deep chat and jt podcast guys welcome to episode 95 i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers what up dog and of course the um the romantic buddha strider wilson what up what up dudes stoked dude stoked on that title enlightenment have i said that before is that no i've never heard that before yeah enlightenment's legit dude i mean you realize that we're all one and that a relation is just stardust didn't they say the the real buddha was lean too yeah like the image we have of him now in pop culture is
Starting point is 00:01:05 kind of like a heavyset fella it's kind of just something that sold well but in reality he was he was lean because heavyset looks jolly yeah but he sat by a tree and meditated for you know long like 40 days and i don't think you can eat carbs when you do that yeah that'll keep you yeah dude sitting up like but you're like that's why i say it it's legit dude freaking what's it called like the matriana buddha is like the heavyset one i think so something sadatha i think ugar sadatha is like sadartha sadartha right yeah he didn't he give up riches as well he was like a prince he's a prince he gave it all up to be a poor dude because he's like i need to detach myself from desire
Starting point is 00:01:46 to achieve enlightenment but nowadays they're saying you know what when you detach yourself from desire what kind of life is that you know because you need some kind of you need to take action a little bit you can't just be totally displaced you know what i mean but i think he was also trying to throw in with the uh the destitute he was trying to be yeah that's what he did right but newer teachings now right are saying that that that total detachment is not that legit no you got to throw in with something yeah you need to put boxing in there or something yeah of course with a bag you know i don't think that would be the Buddhist way to box other dudes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:26 No, no. You'd be shadowboxing. I feel like your greatest threat is you. Right. You know? Yeah. Your biggest enemy is... Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah. So you'd imagine yourself just throwing haymakers and... Oh, yeah. Bobbing and weaving. Dude, you ever try... Dude, JT will sometimes, like, you know, we first see each other, we bring it in, we do a nice little hug, we say, what's up, what's going on, dude? And then just naturally, dude, naturally, we kind of gravitate to where i'm just holding up some bags jt's throwing nice punches i love hitting the mitts yeah and he hits it well dude i mean i don't you do you do but dude i try throwing like one i try
Starting point is 00:02:57 throwing a punch dude it's like like you wind up like this yeah nah dude like you know like when you're imagining you know like when you're imagining you know like when you're going to bed dude sometimes when i'm going to bed i like to fantasize i'm like all right dude what if like a team of navy seals came in here and like for some reason they were like we're gonna force you to not even navy seals those are like good dudes but like some sort of like black ops like underground like you know hired mercenary soldiers but with modern equipment just came in to like take out me and my gf for no reason this is what i'm thinking of when i'm going to bed then i'm fantasizing though that i dominate them like you know right yeah like i have all the hand-to-hand combat moves but then i go to throw one punch like
Starting point is 00:03:33 and it's just so bad dude yeah or you can even i mean well i think anybody would fail in those circumstances but like what if it was just like a regular dude with like a knife i need i would need a paintball gun dude i'll need i'll say you brought a knife fight to a paintball gun fight you brought a knife to a paintball yeah if i would try to not get as i try to clock him like right in the forehead really catch him like if we'd honestly i got shot in the throat i'd shoot him in the throat yeah good call that would hurt bad dude right now i in the abs, Apple? Yeah, I'd be like, what is that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Dude, to be honest, I've never had those fears of someone breaking in. Or like people coming to murder me. People are like, oh, you'll get, you know. I had these, I was just like living in fear that I was going to get murdered or someone was going to come into my house. I'm like, I've never had those. That's good. I think I just have fantasies of finding a stage and dancing.
Starting point is 00:04:32 That's nice. Yeah. That's fire. For some people, that scares them too. Yeah. Maybe it's confronting that because it's something I want to do, like kick a dude's ass. That's like my kick a dude's ass is find a stage and dance
Starting point is 00:04:44 because you gotta commit i like both those things i love that what do you think about when i'm scared or when i'm fantasizing like when you're about to go to sleep what's your biggest like fear or fantasy oh not waking up yeah just dying but not a bad way to go right yeah that's what people say yeah and i do agree the best way to go i remember watching the movie with my god still sucks though oh yeah it sucks exactly you waking up is the best yeah fucking the best dude although i do hate waking up like the actual process but it's nice when you get to get vertical the next day very grateful but uh i remember
Starting point is 00:05:20 watching the movie the godfather with my dad and when i was young and this was so over my head at the time but he's like it's the scene where um was young, and this was so over my head at the time, but he's like, it's the scene where, why am I blanking on his name? Who's the fucking Godfather? Marlon Brando. Yeah, Marlon Brando. It's like playing with his grandson in the garden. And my dad's like, not a bad way to go. That's how he dies.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah. And he's like, especially like for, you know, all the people around him, how him how they go out and it's like he was having a happy moment yeah yeah sucks for the kid though yeah okay it's like oh dude yeah it's like wrong starring marlon brando is that cotton balls in your mouth yeah oh he had a big chin yeah it is funny it's like the best performance of all time yeah i know it's like so good yeah i don't know yeah but also how it's like one of those things where i mean it's good it's good i mean i guess if you know those but no one knows you know they never say the word mafia in that whole movie right they don't know but uh it's like we don't know any mob bosses right so like that's the only barometer of mob boss we have and it's good i guess it's accurate it was so impactful the movie
Starting point is 00:06:32 that mafioso started acting like characters in the godfather like it was like yeah life imitating art yeah was it the chicken or the egg and then there's that great documentary the art of killing about uh like this like about this mass murder, government-sanctioned murders in Cambodia. And they got a lot of their techniques and their ideas of how to be from American films. And so they would call the gentrifiers
Starting point is 00:06:58 who were doing all the killing, they felt they were really badass and they called themselves gangsters because they thought that was a good thing to be. They're like, we're gangsters. And they're like, no, a gangster is a bad thing. And they're like, what? They were like, no, gangsters are good.
Starting point is 00:07:13 That's why you've got to have healthy influence. Dude, film, television, powerful medium, dude. Dang, dude. Especially with nobody's reading books. That's why everyone's freaking out right now about Joker. People are nervous about it. I think it'll be fine. It premieres October 4th. because nobody's reading books. That's why everyone's freaking out right now about Joker. People are nervous about it. I think it'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It premieres October 4th. Yeah, I think it's this week, right? They're doing this on the 30th. They were saying incels were going to shoot him up. Yeah, you're not allowed to come. Some theaters, you're not allowed to come dressed up as the Joker or anything like that. Which you would kind of think is like, yeah, duh, because of what happened.
Starting point is 00:07:45 That is pretty scary. I thought you were going to say you weren't allowed to come if you were a virgin. Right. You fucked, dude? You don't look like you fucked, bro. Dude. What was it like, dude? There's just like a really cool older brother type who's there.
Starting point is 00:07:58 What's up, dude? You fucked? Yeah. You been fucking? That doesn't sound like you've been fucking, dude. I'm like, this dude's fucked, man. I think you're going to have to bail, bro. Wait until it comes out on iTunes. Oh, dude, yeah. You're drinking a slushie, dude? Your mouth's sound like you've been fucking, dude. I don't think this dude's fucked, man. I think you're going to have to bail, bro. Wait until it comes out on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Oh, dude, yeah. You're drinking a slushie, dude? Your mouth's all blue and red? Nah, dude. You're out. Dude, can I see your socks right now? Can I make out like that? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Are those socks not match? Come on, dude. You're going to have to go see Gemini, man. Yeah, you're going to have to see Gemini. That's the question. I'm her, dude. You've got to go get fucked by that movie, you gotta go watch then you can come here all right the studio's announced no virgins allowed to the joker there was a dude in in
Starting point is 00:08:32 a stand-up comedy scene in la who would dress up as the joker at like i remember that and it would always scare the hell out of me he's actually funny though is he funny yeah some funny jokes every time he walked into an open mic i was like dude get the fuck out of here yeah yeah it was scary it was chilling i mean i'm hyper paranoid about that shit but it was like uh i felt like he was leaning into it you know like when people like dress a certain way because they know it'll spook people those people always frustrated me the thing about him is like his jokes were so regular like he was, if you listen to his jokes, you're like, oh, this is like a normal white dude. Right. But he looked like the Joker, and you're like, this isn't matching.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, and he did that every night. He put on the makeup and the crazy outfit and stuff. Yeah. He's like, I went to Wendy's, and I asked for chicken nuggets, and they said, you want the loaded potatoes with that? And I'm like, the fuck? Loaded potatoes? I can't remember the joke my question after each joke would be like were you dressed as the joker when that happened yeah yeah exactly are you dressed at the joke as the joker during
Starting point is 00:09:34 all these encounters i went to wendy's dressed as the joker yeah and they gave me loaded potatoes i'm like that's funny dude yeah that explains it dudes we had a big weekend we went to a san francisco and did a show for a uh a huge fan of the pod and a great guy uh mason yeah mason straight up legend stoker total legend dude for those of you who've been listening for a while mason uh contributes the uh surfer mission statements that we were reviewing for a good chunk of the podcast. He's a beast in every way. Yeah, and it was a cool setup.
Starting point is 00:10:08 He had his friends do stand-up before us. They're good. Yeah, and everyone had talent. It was a pretty wonderful thing to witness. Yeah. Yeah, it was impressive, dude. Jamie on the guitar, dude, just bringing it, dude. Good punchlines, heartfelt bridges, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Some ball busting in there. Yeah, oh, it was just perfect, dude, just bringing it, dude. Good punchlines, heartfelt bridges, dude. Some ball busting in there. Yeah, oh, it was just perfect, dude. And then it was super fun to get up there. And that dude had plenty of craft brewskis, dude. I was housing Pliny the Elders. Yeah, you and Joe, we brought Joe with us too. And you and Joe were taunting me in the Uber ride home last night. That is true.
Starting point is 00:10:41 About how much you guys lapped me on booze. I felt bad about that. I was like, I had like five beers you guys like so do you have to fight sadness so much more than you do no no i had to like i felt like a punk i was like i should wear this yeah it was like i had well over 20 yeah i had 20 beers yeah i said i wasn't gonna drink today and then i had four beers oops dude he loved loved that bar he went to, that Chicago bar where they play the games. Yeah, that's his happy place.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It was so great watching him. Dude, Jamie, his song was like four or five minutes. Yeah. And there were just punchlines all throughout. I was like, he's still going. It's still hilarious. And he's in a band with Mason. Oh, is he?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yeah. I didn't know that. And dude, then Jamie, after the show, him him and another buddy i'm sorry i forget his name invited me to go to bohemian grove with them oh yeah so for like some of you who don't know bohemian grove is like supposed to be the spooky retreat place that uh like high-powered politicians go and choose who's going to be the next president what the direction of the world's going to be and i was like is it really like that and they're like nah dude we just get fucked up and perform for each other. It's like a place where guys go, they said, to be vulnerable in front of each other
Starting point is 00:11:50 and do a talent show. Yeah. Sounds nice. It's like summer camp lifestyle, dude. Yeah, I think it's summer camp. And then I was like, what about all the spooky iconography that they carve into the wood and stuff? And they were like, dude, that's just their version of what's cool.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's arts and crafts. Yeah, it's arts and crafts. They're arts and craft they're just expressing themselves yeah the big owl yeah i'm gonna go though and and and report back firsthand on on what's going on over there because i think i think people are going to be surprised to learn that that the uh the powerful are just as confused as everybody else oh yeah yeah everyone's just figuring it out man yeah but maybe there is a little side conversation where they're like and this guy's gonna be the next attorney general yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:12:28 by the way JT you support this right yeah yeah yeah make that an ad on the podcast yeah JT will have JT going deep with Chad and JT will become the most successful podcast we will make this happen regardless of topics content doesn't matter it will it will happen all Right, right, right. Regardless of topics, content,
Starting point is 00:12:45 it doesn't matter. It will happen. All you have to do is subtly endorse this cruise missile design that we have. Yeah, exactly. And you get the In-N-Out logo branded on your ass.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Dude, my mom and dad are freaking out about the In-N-Out logo. They are? Yeah, because my mom actually made a good point. She's like, Jean-Thomas,
Starting point is 00:12:59 I wasn't worried at first when you were just using the logo, but then I tried to buy one of your sweatshirts and I had the In-N-Out. If we're making money off of it that might piss them off yeah sued yeah then i was like mom but we have like like an agent like a manager they haven't warned us and then i was like well maybe i should email them tomorrow yeah yeah or a lawyer yeah right yeah it's such
Starting point is 00:13:19 a sick logo though dude i'm looking at it right now it's sick did you guys look good yeah it's keto i know it's so sick yeah it's so stoke inducing and great color it's hard on aaron it's homage dude yeah aaron i mean yeah sorry just not water burger dude it's really hard man thanks dude appreciate that though appreciate you being honest aaron when's the last time you had in and out it's been a long time uh Because the lines are always so long. I just skip it. Why go to In-N-Out and sit in line for 20 minutes? But that's why Chad and I go to 11 a.m. when it first opens. Burger for breakfast, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Here's the thing. I never shy away from a line, dude. Because when I'm in that line, I'm straight up texting my bros. I'm going, what up, dude? What are we doing later? I'm checking Instagram, dude I'm straight up texting my bros. I'm going, what up, dude? What are we doing later? I'm checking Instagram, dude, seeing what the dogs are up to, dude, seeing if we can meet up later that night, crush a movie. Not freaking Gemini.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Are you checking lines on the games? Definitely checking some spreads. Did you put action down this weekend? Not separate action. Because it was a wonky weekend. Oh, dude, away teams drilled it this weekend. And favorites didn't cover. Oh, dude, away teams drilled it this weekend. And my brother and I are doing a— And favorites didn't cover.
Starting point is 00:14:27 No, not at all. But I'm lucky because I don't have to do against the spread now. I'm just doing—I stepped back, a little regrettably so, but I stepped back and I'm just picking winners and losers. But every game, and it's a season-long thing, so I don't feel tempted to go lay action because I already have it. Plus, I've got fantasy. But even with that, dude, I don't feel tempted to like go lay action because I already have it. Plus I've got fantasy. So, but even with that, dude, like I took these home teams.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I remember showing you the spreads and I was like, I was like New York Giants or Washington. And you're like, dude, take the Giants. You got too many. You just got to go Giants and you saved me. Although what I just said went against what we're saying all weekend, because that's a home team that did do well. But it was a tough week. Tough week, but but fun week my fantasy team drilled it dude sorry for some dude sorry i had to drill you dude how are you doing you traded my homes
Starting point is 00:15:15 right yeah i traded i was surprised by that why did you do it well so generally in fantasy football like even if it's some my homes could be an anomaly but generally in fantasy football, Mahomes could be an anomaly. He is an anomaly. But generally in fantasy football, quarterbacks don't have as big of a separation. The number 10 quarterback doesn't score that much less than the number 1 quarterback. So I also got Deshaun Watson in the deal, who I think will probably end up in the— he could even be the second best quarterback in the league, but he'll probably end up in the 5 range, I think, like 4 to 6 range. And then I also got DeAndrere hopkins who although he's had two
Starting point is 00:15:47 quiet weeks i think his head and shoulders the best wide receiver in the game and the difference between the number one wide receiver and like the number 10 wide receiver is he's steeper yeah right but i also threw into the deal leonard fournette who up until that point had been playing like shit and then he ripped off 220 yards on sunday so who the fuck knows man i mean initially in our league everyone thought i got the best of the deal. Me and my brother are co-managing. We got the best of the deal. But now, after last week, it looks like Brooks Swindle is.
Starting point is 00:16:12 So it's week to week. I don't know what happened. But I like trading. I like the juice of trading. I like the excitement. And I like owning the headlines on our fantasy WhatsApp thread. The more I make deals, the more people talk about me. The more people talk about me, the more real estate I got in in their dome and that's what i'm really after right it's true
Starting point is 00:16:28 when we're drafting we all draft together and there is a like a two to five dollar player tax just because it's the pars drafting where guys are like all right there's value here like let's get out let's get after there's something going on here i don't i'd say there's a little bump i don't watch as much as I used to. I know, dude. Look, and you've admitted it. I don't want to call you out, dude. For a while you're not watching, I don't want to call you out, dude. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:53 trying to protect yourself, dude. You've got to feel the juice. You've got to feel the heat, dude. You've got to be watching on Sunday. You've got to be watching every snap, dude. I tell my GF ahead of time, Smooch, dude, let's make some breakfast burritos i'll pick you up a coffee in the morning i do all this between 8 30 and 9 59 and then at 10 i'll see you later tonight i i know sally's she's like so on sundays you watch football for like two hours i was like
Starting point is 00:17:16 no babe no a single game is like three hours and then i was like and then after that there's three more games so generally i watch from 10 to 10 and she's like oh my god why and i was like honey you don't want to date a guy who doesn't want to watch a little ball on sunday so true and dude we're kicking it at joe's not true yeah there's there's guys that got other interests they're fine but she doesn't she definitely does want to keep dating you there's no question about that because it's my dog oh that's nice that's nice of course it's just fact dude but the thing is it's more than just sitting down like watching game like not talking to anybody it's like dude we're hanging out we're cutting it up about topics what did jt just read dude you what are me and my gf thinking about doing
Starting point is 00:17:57 next in the apartment dude and freaking joe your place looks sick dude thank you so much you're crushing books oh yeah dude i'm reading lost city of the monkey god right now oh my douglas preston dude it's legit it's like a modern indiana jones and uh super fun dude they go to the honduras the mosquitia uh um region of mont honduras which is like these uh super secluded isolated mountains where no one's been for like 200 years and before that like cortez was there for a second and there there's this myth, there's the white city, let's see that Blanca. And it's like, does it even exist?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Or it's like the monkey God city. And it's like cursed. And, but it's so remote, like even nowadays to get there. And Honduras has been in like a lot of turmoil, like drug cartels and like all this like crazy politics going on right now. And these guys just like cruise in there.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And, uh, I'm about like a quarter, quarter of the way ended and it's sick. so i'm excited to see what happens i've been listening to greek mythology podcasts nice they're great dude they uh the story of belarifant and uh chimera which you guys probably know from mission impossible 2 sure epic tale is pegasus in that one pegasus is in that he uh he fails belarifant because belarifant is trying to flee he's trying to get to olympus trying to be one of the gods right and he like
Starting point is 00:19:11 defeats the chimera which is a lion head with a goat body and a snake tail breathes fire right breathes fire yeah pretty gnarly beast you know that's something you don't want to go up against oh so the bone to make that thing happen? I think it was... Two humans. Yeah, two humans. According to ancient aliens, dude, they say that there's like aliens that came down and like do genetic stuff
Starting point is 00:19:34 that we are, that since humans' brains evolved so quickly, so fast, they think that like, they like genetically made our brains evolve. They're like, look, it took a million years for the brain to go like that to that. Then all of a sudden, the last like 100,000 or whatever,
Starting point is 00:19:48 like 500,000 or something, our brains like quadrupled. It's crazy. Then Randy boned this alien and look at us now, dude. Dude, that's what they say. A lot of aliens. Then we took flight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Built a pyramid. He's like, dude, I just plowed this alien. Let's build a freaking pyramid. Yeah, there was this smooth human. Like, the aliens weren't going to sleep with the humans. Yeah. And then there was one human who still, even though he was so much dumber than the aliens, still acted cooler than them.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Yeah. He's like, whatever, dude. I'm not that into your whole, like, Martian thing. That's chill. That's your thing. Yeah. And they're like, what? You don't want to hear about it?
Starting point is 00:20:17 He's like, nah, man, I'm good. And then the Martians were like, no, come on. Let us tell you about it. He's like, all right. If you want to bug me, bug me. But I can't promise I'm going to yeah they couldn't resist he wore like an ancient leather jacket and his chariot had flames on it oh no question dude yeah he's like somehow anciently dude like always combing his hair yeah dude uh but you know how like nagging is like a big thing what i was just
Starting point is 00:20:39 doing right there was like kind of nagging the alien but i'm not into that but like andrew when he's uh his i mean he's got that but like andrew when he's uh his i mean he's got a lady now but like when he's got like a technique for talking to gals he pays them a compliment right and he keeps moving yeah yeah love that yeah drops the bomb and then bounces yeah he'll just be like hey nice jacket and then he keeps walking yeah it's very cool it's very genius it's pretty mind-blowing and it's mind-blowing that that's mind-blowing yeah like when he told me that's what it what he does i was like that's the smartest thing i've ever heard yeah which is so basic it's like yeah hey just go be nice and then don't stand there and do nothing yeah yeah yeah nice t-shirt and you just stand there yeah you gotta act like you
Starting point is 00:21:20 got somewhere else to go but yeah nice t-shirt then you keep walking you gotta act like you got somewhere else to go. Hey, nice t-shirt. Then you keep walking. You got to act like the mayor. That's nice. Your earrings are lovely. I'd like to be rewarded now with love. Stand here. Are you going to say something nice back? Yeah. You don't like my new shirt? It's from Express.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'd like you to express how much you enjoy it. It's cool. It's got snap-on buttons. I don't know. I love it. No expectation. Expectations is how you manage happiness. What do you expect to get in and get, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:50 what you put in is what you're going to get back, you know, if you've got to think about it that way. Take an equation. Gratitude. Sorry. It's so hard, though. How do you let go of expectations? Constant work.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Because they're always going to pop up. Yeah. And then you just try to, like, breathe them out. Right. then go yeah because i was like i'm always like you know whenever i i've always noticed that whenever i have high expectations for something always disappointed um but i'm just like how do you how do you pull off the mind trick i think you taught me this it's gratitude oh gratitude for sure yeah. Like if you're just really grateful for whatever comes, you're just like,
Starting point is 00:22:27 this is just amazing I didn't even get to be here. Yeah. It's easier said than done though. Oh, of course. Yeah, it's constant. Yeah. This weekend it was easy though.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Mason, what up? It was sick. Oh, yeah. Such a nice weekend. Although I was a little disappointed in my set, but... No, you were great. You guys...
Starting point is 00:22:42 Everybody did well, dude. Everybody did well. It was fun you were amazing pirates you did like 10 minutes on pirates i've never seen anybody do something like that in eric came out fine strider did he did a stand-up set he did 10 minutes of like informative comedy on pirates dude that's not easy i credit it's one of the hardest things i've ever seen accomplished yeah dude you just got to be fired up on something passionate point of view if your point of view is Dude, that's not easy. I credit Robert. It's one of the hardest things I've ever seen accomplished. Yeah. Dude, you just got to be fired up on something passionate.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Point of view. If your point of view is locked in and honest, it'll work. I forgot that Pirates weren't cool before Jack Sparrow. He put them back on the map. Yeah, Cutthroat Island really put them in the shitter for a while. Yeah. Remember Swiss Stanley Robinson? Yeah, they definitely did some bad stuff but they also were interesting in certain ways well because orlando bloom they're like pirates of the caribbean and orlando was like pirates right
Starting point is 00:23:38 get out of here mate yeah i remember how shocking it was that that movie was so amazing i know i saw it in theaters i was like that was so good i was a little doubtful going in and i was like that was fun his tan was so deep it was amazing dude but why is the rum gone i remember that yeah yeah she's i remember being like so weirded out that johnny depp wasn't the main character i was like wait what whoa it's orlando bloom's the protagonist here and jack sparrow's just like taking us all along for a ride well i guess he wasn't even that big of a character and then they saw him doing it and they're like oh we got to amp this up that's cool oh in in real time they're like this is crushing in the script yeah they're like like jack sparrow's you know he's
Starting point is 00:24:20 this side you know he's he's you know second on the call sheet or whatever but he's just not a big presence yeah and he starts doing it he's like why is the room going and they're like this dude's gotta be huge yeah that's what i heard yeah i know i heard judd apatow does that on his movies like he doesn't he doesn't have a full script when he shoots yeah he just goes into it he's like well who's ever killing on set we'll just amplify that part and then if you're not killing your part gets smaller yeah which is kind of like ruthless in a way like if i was acting in that every day you're like well i hope it don't suck today because then i might not get called in tomorrow yeah you're like paycheck to paycheck your second
Starting point is 00:24:58 day now you're wrapped yeah yeah we just like your character died yeah yeah character died last night at my laptop yeah do you show the death at all nah nah turns out he died before the movie got made yeah yeah so we're gonna just burn all your dailies yeah that's tough um dude so we did ellen ellen was rocking you're rocking the t nice ellen degenerate and dude when you walk out the like because i didn't before the night before i didn't sleep enough like i i was jet lagged from hawaii i got it i got in bed at like 10 and before i knew it was like 2 a.m i wasn't sleeping i was freaking out i was like oh fuck dude i'm gonna be on ellen i haven't slept at all so like i was i did sleepy time tea i did the calm app i was trying to meditate hypnotize myself fuck, dude, I'm going to be on Ellen. I haven't slept at all. I did Sleepy Time Tea.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I did the Calm app. I was trying to meditate, hypnotize myself. Eventually, I fell asleep. I woke up that morning and called my mom. I was like, Mom, I fucked up. I'm going to be on Ellen. I've slept like five hours. I'm a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Then I did hot yoga. Shout out to moto yoga. Then I did an hour of meditation. It came out. to moto yoga and then i did a an hour of meditation that came out i was like that moto yoga is murder it just rejuvenates yeah really didn't tire you out no stuff it got you ready to go yeah i mean after yoga i was like kind of like i was like oh fuck i fucked myself up even more and then yeah i think it was the meditation mostly that that like i got that depressed that i needed it was scary though it was yeah we mostly that like I got that deep rest that I needed. It was scary though. It was.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah. And we brought – we have a publicist now. And she told us that we were bringing too many people. She's like, it's going to get you guys in your head. And it's like a small room. And we did. We brought like 12 people total. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And it did make us nervous. But everyone was really chill. And we walked away and did a lot of prep with the producer on the show and then uh but then afterwards it was great having everybody there yeah because it i you know i think it went really well and then oh yeah it was really fun and then we got to just bask in it with uh all the homies yeah and our moms got to be in the audience sitting next to each other cool yeah yeah that's what i realized about those things is like my people like yeah i'm gonna come in my mind i'm like no like you're gonna freak me the fuck out but uh it always ends up great because uh i think them being there actually like helps in a way you know it gives
Starting point is 00:27:16 you the right kind of nerves to where you're like all right i gotta step it up and you know i can't that's how i feel anyways but i mean it was so cool walking out the energy in there is just absurd yeah like they're like all right you got to be stoked so i'm like in my mind i'm like all right be stoked when you walk out there and then you walk out and like ellen's saying she's like from uh southern california chad and jt and we walk out and the audience is just like yeah in my face i was just like oh yeah let's fucking go i was so pumped yeah yeah it's because that was like their mandate to us they're like just make sure you're stoked and we were like when we were rehearsing we were like a little bit stiffer you know yeah but then
Starting point is 00:27:58 once you get out there and 500 women all dressed in their sunday best yeah are screaming like banshees yeah it's a sight that will, you just can't help but get hyped up. It's so good. You're just like, let's go. It's like every mom from like your junior high is cheering you on. You're just like, yes. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Let's go. You did it. You did it. My whole neighborhood's behind me. Yeah. I fucking did it. I fucking did it. And Ellen's like ellen's
Starting point is 00:28:25 smiling at you and you're like ellen what up dude she was hilarious she's awesome she was so funny yeah and then like in the so we had like a commercial break so we were like doing the interview and like she was awesome and then the during the commercial break they pump up the audience so much they're just like let's go let's go and they're just like and i was like in the chair and i was like yeah let's fucking go i was so pumped yeah it was hyped it was really fun yeah it got everybody hyped i was stoked everyone on the fantasy football thread was stoked we were sharing that thing dude the east coast guys were like we just watched live it was sick yeah west coast dudes waited for it to roll around watched it was sick oh that's nice you guys got to scoot on tv dude that was amazing dude just freaking busting nice little
Starting point is 00:29:10 360s hover pattern yeah we got some good gifts we got the scooters which i haven't i just got in the mail today and i'm you know i've been negligent i haven't ripped that thing already oh dude and then i know i know i'm behind but you know once I get on it, I'm not getting off, and I'm going to drive that battery until it's out. True story. And then we got a onesie jersey. Oh, yeah. Which is pretty legit. That's so sick.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Like, it does your bottom side, too. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you can just lounge in that, dude. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I think it's going to accentuate? Bulge.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. Nice. Bulge. Dude, speaking of that. Bulge is when I put it between my legs and when it's just regular straight up I think that might have been the longest we'd gone
Starting point is 00:29:49 since inorganic dong just coming up although that was bulge you did write me a little note and pass it over that said
Starting point is 00:29:56 get to the dong talk it's a true story and I've been texting both your phones dude blowing them up dude oh dude I need to check my phone let's get to some dong talk, dude. Well, I felt something was missing.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I was like, why are we talking about the Buddha? Right. I know. The Buddha had a hog, too. Yeah, dude. We got to discuss it. The Buddha had a hog. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:15 What do you think his hog was like? Nice. Yeah. Enlightened, achieved, relaxed, but, you know, sprung when it needed to be. In terms of profit pieces i think it's amongst the largest yeah totally totally yeah i think the greek gods though gotta have the fattest most legit balls yes yes you know traveling with joe i could feel the weight of his hog at the airport oh yeah because he was such a uh determined traveler he doesn't lollygag he's like i got a big hog yes let's get on this plane do not walk on the walk
Starting point is 00:30:50 do not stand on the walkway very true very true yeah and it took a little bit more for the plane to get going i could tell the captain how to push it a little bit yeah it's like well i didn't it wasn't accounted for he's like damn she's heavy today yeah yeah a little more weight to it you know real tipping left i feel it yeah like we took off a little bit and then hit the ground took off hit the ground yeah yeah and then he juiced it what's that quote from firefly where nathan fillion's like talks about piloting he's like you feel the stern of her key. Oh, that's a great one. Oh, we should do that as a quote of the week.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah, it's a great quote. You treat her right, she'll fly you true. Yeah. The way they do the dialogue is so good. It's amazing. Josh Whedon. Josh Whedon, yeah. Josh.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. I would say Josh. I know. Well, it seems like it should be. Like, dude's named Alec instead of Alex. Mm-hmm. It's Alec. I was doing a pick-em about Chase Daniel this weekend,
Starting point is 00:31:49 and then Joe was like, Daniels! And then I was like, oh, he's a Bears fan, so he knows. But it is Daniel. But you never know. Yeah. You never know. Exactly right. Did you feel the landing, though, on that flight?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Which one? The one to San Fran? Both. Just stomped on the landing. Yeah, the one. I felt the one on the way back. Yeah. But you guys were talking about the one there. Yeah. I agree. The one on the way there san fran uh both just stomped on yeah the one the one i felt the one on the way back yeah you guys were talking about the one there yeah i agree the one way there i really felt the added weight dude yeah totally because because we we squeaked the tire on the left side i was like oh that's where joe's sitting yeah yeah i'm surprised you didn't have to get one
Starting point is 00:32:18 of those like pulley things you know that like you gauge like you crank it up like cargo style when you strap in tanks and one of those like you know freaking big old like transformer style like you know michael bay movie planes dude and just i'm surprised joe's hog didn't need one of those you know i'm surprised they have to pay a fee the flight attendant on orders from the pilot was looking for whoever had the big dong on the plane to tell them to sit more towards the center. And then, yeah, they didn't even have to look for very long because Joe knew what they were looking for, and he just nodded. Then he and I switched seats.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And Joe was originally in an exit aisle. And, you know, when they say, hey, you're in an exit row in case of emergency, we'd be willing to assist. I need a verbal confirmation, a yes from everyone. You know, the plat attendant points, points. then uh once you pointed at joe he said yes but his dong uh chose to not reply he for something with that much weight the flight attendant did need a yes from his dong but the flight attendants also say in case of an emergency you have a flotation device under your seat or between joe's legs yes yeah yes i think in terms
Starting point is 00:33:24 of the emergency row, it's a fire hazard because it's hard for people to get off the plane because they have to go around his hog and it blocks the seats. So, you know, and he gets hard when there's danger. No question. And Joe did doze off and get a,
Starting point is 00:33:37 uh, you know, a no reason boner in his sleep and then RB and nobody could put their tray tables down to enjoy ginger ales or tomato juice in the entire row yeah i did my boners used to be so small i used to call them nrbs not real boners dude you got you got a fantastic one i came around yeah i just stayed focused and i worked hard and my penis got bigger yeah there were push-ups when joe got the nrb there was a confused passenger that was like who brought a tent on this
Starting point is 00:34:07 plane and i like sat her down i was like look that's that's joe's hog joe has his own manual on the plane that says you know in case of emergency like put your mask on first then secure the child next to you and joe's manual says in case of emergency put your mascots first and then put one on your dong next because his dong needs that much oh too yeah dude for sure dude yeah keep it breathing dude so we read a bunch of articles this week too dude this one was a i thought special because it's a it's in line with what ch's been talking about, the power of YouTube for learning. This guy basically suggests in his Medium article that the YouTube revolution in knowledge transfer
Starting point is 00:34:51 will equal the way we talk about the printing press. Because for a certain kind of learning, tacit learning, which is learning that can't be passed through word or audio, where you actually have to you know visually take it in and watch the craft you know um like steel working done yeah like steel working like knife work metal working amateur public speaking assembly line oversight rapid problem solving and heart surgery yeah man i mean people always say like oh don't waste your time watching videos on youtube i'm like but if you use it the right way you can learn a lot of shit like i feel like
Starting point is 00:35:30 i've learned so much more from youtube i mean i i learned a lot in college but i've the knowledge i think because i've been able to specialize a little bit because of youtube with the search i've been able to learn knowledge that i really want to learn so it stays in my dome for longer you know a lot of times in college like you got to learn about you know uh antiquity and you're like that's legit but you know i'm trying to learn about you know how to um how to weld right now so i don't think that applies exactly you gotta you gotta cater to your current passion i just like i mean they say they say they say you can or can't learn public speaking very well like public speaking they're like you got to go do it to learn it or can you
Starting point is 00:36:16 learn it through tacitly no i think this article is suggesting that it's works really well with uh youtube tacit information transfer okay good because i agree because i would watch like i can't even tell you how many times or like dead serious like i would watch like sketches of like will ferrell or whatever just like watch his delivery and like watch listen to comedy albums and then watch them like on youtube later it was like amazing same with like netflix like you can use that task you can there's all sorts of stuff i think we do subconsciously so much we don't even realize it oh for sure yeah and yeah that's why i like dude well i'll revisit my the freaking speech from gladiator a million times dude i'll revisit freaking william wallace's like did we get all
Starting point is 00:37:00 dressed up for nothing yeah even though that's brandon gleason's line but still sick well like with stand-up when i first started doing stand-up i watched stand-up 24 7 all the time and i was like i have so much of a so much of a bigger advantage than people from like the 80s and stuff they had like a few albums they could listen to how much video did they have you know they had like eddie murphy some specials but you just you can watch hours of stand-up new stand-up all the time it's nice i mean yeah in 80 or you had to go to the club even in the 90s you had to go to the club yeah watch guys probably get into smoking probably have more drinks than you should be up late and now it's so convenient yeah so i'm stoked on that yeah i thought that was very compelling though that the youtube could be so profound for um
Starting point is 00:37:51 you know just increasing your brain capacity aaron what's the coolest thing you've learned on youtube i fixed my stove nice yeah dude i took like brake lights off a car like you can type in whatever car you have and there's a video on how to fix a bunch of parts on it what's the coolest thing you learned on youtube strider probably like um freaking my gf and i's uh smoke alarm broke and i learned like i was like what the heck Like these things should be new. They just replaced them. And they're like, no,
Starting point is 00:38:27 no, it's just like some of them aren't adaptable for these batteries. I learned that like way to get these like V nines or something like that. And we had the wrong ones and just how to like hold down the button for a long time, press it, set it. And like,
Starting point is 00:38:40 just like Aaron said, like we had like a weird model and they had a video for it. It was fricking sick, dude. So just sick how to figure out how to fix those things. But the most legit thing is just memorizing epic speeches, dude. What's the most cool thing or helpful thing you've learned from YouTube? How to do a cartwheel. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh, dude. Yeah, I couldn't do a cartwheel until I was 24. That's awesome. Yeah. What was the video? It's just like can't do a cartwheel until I was 24. That's awesome. Yeah. What was the video? It's just like how to do a cartwheel. Was the guy cool? It was a,
Starting point is 00:39:10 it was a girl. Okay. She's super chill. She's like stretch because I mean, I always felt left out and it was like this kind of thing that I was really felt very insecure about and I'd never wanted to talk about. Uh, like,
Starting point is 00:39:21 but I'd be at like the, you know, Halloween fair and people would be cartwheeling all over eating candy apples getting dunked in the dunk tank and i would just sit in the corner just like breaking water balloons over my head because i felt like such a turd because i couldn't pull off that gymnastic feat dude that's triumphant yeah so i learned to do it in my room and my roommate saw it and he he was like, good cartwheel. I mean, just thanks to YouTube for fixing that part of myself. It's also bold that you learned inside.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. That's badass. You moved out some furniture and said, I'm just going to get this done right here. Yeah. I was very determined, very driven, and Shelby was her name. She was just a peach. Nice. And the $20 sandwich a peach. Nice. You know. And the $50 sandwich, or $20 sandwich you learned from YouTube.
Starting point is 00:40:09 That too. I got to give Kevin credit because he sent me the video. Right, right, right. But I did have a how-to video on YouTube from him. So, yeah. I mean, there's a lot of cool things you done. What's your favorite thing? I learned how to tie a tie.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And that always came up huge until Joe moved into my apartment. And now he just ties my ties for me. But can you do it now? If I watch the YouTube video prior, yeah, it's not stuck in my brain now. But I can relearn myself. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And also how to do my boxing raps. I learned that on YouTube. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I learned how to edit from youtube too oh yeah edit videos that's huge uh would it be like too much if you were to like how to like fill in as like a stepdad or like a psa announcement you know it's like talking points with like a kid you're trying to relate to or like you know date points or something like that i bet you they have stuff even like i watch videos like that now even though i don't have kids yeah just get ready yeah you're you're doing the knowledge ahead of time yeah and
Starting point is 00:41:13 i just think it's i want to be better at like you know talking to my friends kids and stuff like that yeah i like it when people think i'll have a good you know i'll be a good dad i think you will be a great dad no question i think you'll be a good dad appreciate that dudes we read another article chad i think you'll be a really good dad too and aaron i think you'll be the best dad you're already good dad to that dog over there dude oh you take care of him like freaking yeah yeah he's a good boy he's a really good boy dude i want to get a dog soon. You're going to, right?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah. I was seeing the Bay Area. I saw this cream white golden retriever. Nice. What up, dude? Dude, someone in the Chicago bar had their dog just like... I saw it. Their dog must have just been exhausted.
Starting point is 00:41:59 It was a puppy, but it was going to be a big dog, like an Alaskan Malamute or something. It was just passed out in the middle of the bar, but it kind of united the bar because it was going to be a big dog, like an Alaskan Malamute or something, and was just passed out in the middle of the bar. But it kind of united the bar because it was so cute. No one was bothered by it. Everyone was like, oh, this is very cute. And it was sprawled out. And it was big, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Dude, it was chilling hard. Yeah. I thought it was dead at first. So did I, dude. Guys, we read another article about uh having a new crime system where rather than it just being uh you know being punished by the state you actually have people vouch for each other and that's how it works i couldn't quite wrap my head around this article and i'm not sure i could explain how this system even works but it seemed provocative yeah it seems like a sick futuristic
Starting point is 00:42:42 movie with like colin farrell like a minority report style movie yeah it Yeah, it seems like a sick futuristic movie with Colin Farrell, like a Minority Report style movie. Yeah. It's like vouching system. And then vouching becomes like insurance, but for crime or something, where it's like if you think you're not going to commit a crime, then you can pay a lower premium,
Starting point is 00:43:00 but have it like, you can be like, yeah, if I kill somebody, you can kill me. That's a sentence I'm willing to accept because i know i'll never kill somebody and then like then with the premiums you pay then there's like a secondary market where they take the money and like help people who had committed crimes get jobs or something yeah so it sounds nice but it also sounds like you're putting your hands and like you know the insurance companies are already difficult to deal with right yeah i if if i interpreted it correct interpreted it correctly i feel like it's like you know because certain people they commit crimes and they're doing for
Starting point is 00:43:39 like the same punishment as everyone else but a lot of times it's like a mistake i don't know they like kind of fucked up but they're like a good person right but they're still they still have to it's like the the state doesn't really take that into account is is that what it was trying to say so it's more like a character i think they defend someone is there to defend your character kind of thing yeah i think so yeah are they are. Yeah, it's almost like they're like, well, I'll read it real quick. So he says, I propose requiring everyone to get an insurer to vouch for them regarding any crimes they might commit. If you are found guilty of a crime, your voucher pays the state a fine and then pays to punish you according to your contract with them. This fine in part pays the private bounty hunter who convinced the court of your guilt.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Competing bounty hunters obey law because they can't maintain a blue wall of silence. To lower your voucher premiums, you might agree to one, prison, torture, exile if caught. Two, prior limits on your freedom like curfews, ankle bracelets, and they're reading your emails. And three, co-liability wearing you and your buddies are all punished if any of one of you is found guilty sounds kind of scary yeah i like that there's bounty hunters that sounds sick dude freaking bubba fets just cruising around yeah what up heard you ran a red light dude get over here dude then we read about the ceo of we work or now
Starting point is 00:45:06 formerly the ceo because we're supposed to do this pod last week but uh and at the time he was still the ceo but now he has a step down yeah after investors who were going to take the company public decided he was too much of a wild card and after reading articles about him in a profile about him he's a pretty wacky dude yeah these charismatic folks they can really go places but sometimes they i don't know they overextend i guess yeah it's like it's like freaking uh is he like the dude like daniel day lewis from there will be blood where it's like he needs to be out there and getting after putting getting his hands in the oil like he's the only dude who was built with like the i guess
Starting point is 00:45:45 moral like you know his compass being like that allows him to go do that and like get something that maybe we work you know it's not oil but it's like what's it going to be like data information which is like more powerful than freaking oil now yeah and he went and did it but then just like daniel day lewis at the end the movie's like not happy and he like kills his own i don't want to spoiler alert but it's an older movie but uh but it's like once you have this thing that's created other people's personalities can come in and probably manage it better right you were in it but it's it seems crazy but but it takes someone with like wild kind of like because he he he has a lot of quotes in the article where he says like i'm going to change the world i'm going to fix the problem of like
Starting point is 00:46:22 he goes he's so grandiose at times he says i'm gonna fix the problem of there being parentless children yeah yeah oh yeah like a community workspace where people who are like you know sell ads uh all buddy up together in the same office yeah by leasing this office space yeah i'm gonna get rid of orphans yeah he said he wants to be president of the world i think at one point yeah and the first trillionaire and he wants to live forever i i don't hate all of his goals but you have to wonder like but why do you want all that stuff yeah i don't even think he has a why i think he's just like wouldn't that be fucking sweet yeah yeah well apparently he talked to uh elon musk and he's like what up dude so we're gonna put a we work on mars right and he was like what dude and they i forget what he said to apple he said something he like met with apple he's like tim cook and he was like i don't know what
Starting point is 00:47:13 he said do you remember what i forget but he was cocky as hell and apple was like whatever you're offering us to do we can already do ourselves like you use office space and we build iphones right that was one of the things he really amplified what the business was like he didn't want people to think of it and it seems to be like part and parcel of what a lot of people do today yeah where he's like no it's not like a community workspace where i just rent buildings and then rent it out to you know and then rent out space to to workers in the city he's like no like this is going to revolutionize the world and the way people bond and it's a tech company.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And it's like, well, it's not really, but it's fun to talk that way. Seems like a fun guy. He definitely seems funny because I watched some interviews with him. He's a good talker. But then he did some unethical stuff. Like he gave the rights to use the word we to the company and they had to pay him $6 million, his own company.
Starting point is 00:48:03 That's hilarious. It's the word we too. That's great. And then we were talking to somebody, and they said they found out how they came up with the name for the company. And it was because the prior generation of tech revolutionary stuff was all iPhone, iPod. So the next generation is we. You got to take care of you first, and then let's go out. Let's find out what's going on with my neighbor now.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Now that I'm all set and comfortable, ready to go. And I like he was always an ambitious guy. Before he started WeWork, he had a business, which was knee pads for babies. Yeah, and his punchline. Yeah, the slogan was, just because they're not complaining doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Yeah. So good. I can see him pitching that at a meeting.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's pretty genius. Yeah. I like that he's ripping tequila shots. And Don Julio 1942 is legit. I love Don. Is that what he would serve? That's what he'd serve. All the time.
Starting point is 00:48:55 In the morning, he was drinking it. I want to work for this guy. Yeah. All right, guys. So we got some questions this week. First up, MJ from Phoenix. What's up, Epic Stokers? Love the pod and your efforts.
Starting point is 00:49:06 My dogs and I love to golf. Golf is a tough game, but I'm getting a sense that my dogs are getting pretty aggravated with me. They're getting danker with their games, and I'm consistently going south. We kick it at the 19th hole and have an epic time consuming mass quantities. I may sound like a paranoid schmole, but I'm worried I may get kicked out of the golf squad due to my shitty game. I practice and take golf lessons but nothing seems to work any thoughts mj from phoenix he wants to get better at golf he's worried that he plays with all of his buddies and he's worried that he's so shitty that they're
Starting point is 00:49:35 gonna boot him from the squad not the squad completely but from the golfing squad yeah i mean dude i wouldn't you're definitely not a schmole there's no question and also it is a bummer when you do get slowed down by the group or you do slow the group down i mean, dude, you're definitely not a schmole. There's no question. And also, it is a bummer when you do get slowed down by the group or you do slow the group down. But, dude, you're doing everything. You're taking lessons and you're fired up to go play. I mean, dude, just focus on hitting the ball straight. That's it, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And work on the short game. I mean, it depends where you're slowing things down. Like if you can't drive the ball very well and everyone has to wait. But distance is tough, dude. But, I but i mean dude just keep doing what you do and honestly what gets you in the golf group is being a sick guy to hang out with so you know i don't think the group's gonna hate on you that much dude unless they're all like scratch golfers and like i don't know you're wagering and you're blowing it every time but like no dude i i mean i think you just gotta keep taking the lessons and getting better, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Dude, I totally agree. I think you got to, you know, being a good golfer, me, doesn't mean you, you know, shoot for par every time, you know, you're sinking birdies. It means you're, you have proper etiquette and you're a good time, you know? So if you are worried about your game, make sure that you hustle on the course, you know, if you're, about your game make sure that you hustle on the course you know if you're you know slicing it off into the um into the rough then make sure that you are just jogging over to get that ball not holding up the game making sure that you're keeping up because uh that's you know that's what people care about if you're not hitting it well they don't really care but if you're taking your-ass time and you're holding up the game
Starting point is 00:51:07 and then you're holding up people behind you, that's when they care. So make sure, you know, you're keeping on pace with the dudes, and that can mean, you know, sacrificing some balls here and there and just being cognizant of that. And also just being a fun time, you know, be a fun time on the course. Be joyful. Just be happy to be out there with your bros, just kicking it, drinking Michelob lights and eating Fritos dude because yeah at the end of the day that's what golf is all about having a good time yeah I feel conflicted because it's like um
Starting point is 00:51:35 it is better with golf because your poor play doesn't directly impact the quality of the game that everybody else can play it's not like volleyball or tennis where if you play with someone who sucks it's you're literally you can't play um but with those games i have had friends who are so bad that we kind of like wouldn't let them play um like uh i won't name their names but we have some buddies who aren't good at volleyball and they're and they're just not meant to be good at volleyball and i have some buddies who aren't good at volleyball, and they're just not meant to be good at volleyball. And I have some buddies who aren't good at tennis, and they're just bad at tennis. And, yeah, it's not fun to play with them. They're awesome guys, and they're a lot better at a lot of stuff than I am. But, yeah, I think if you – and if these guys are really taking golf seriously
Starting point is 00:52:21 and you suck, and I really commend you for having your heart in the right place and being worried about the crew. yeah i don't know it's uh it's tough man it it really depends if you really feel like they're getting frustrated it is it could be honorable to uh to dip and to just meet them at the 19th hole um and some guys are so nice that they'll never tell you that uh you're too shitty to play with them and those are good friends so it's really up to you you can keep playing that's good too yeah that's if you're real if you're bad dude like if you're losing like if you're doing snowmen that's true too it's all relative yeah if you're shooting under a hundred or whatever you're fine yeah and if your buddy like if you're
Starting point is 00:53:10 if you're but if he's hitting like in the 120s 130s yeah and the other guys are all like eight handicaps yeah you you're doing a blizzard on the front nine that's a bunch of eights a bunch of snowmen dude then you know what dude you got to take yourself out and let me tell you your friends are going to like you more and they'll probably invite you at least once a month for the honor yeah and it seems like you're self aware about it i love that you're taking lessons and that you're trying so hard and that you really you know your heart's in the right place um and maybe you know those guys who played tennis and volleyball weren't doing those those if they were doing that extra work i definitely would have thought about that more when we were picking teams or setting up who was going to meet at those
Starting point is 00:53:50 places totally i would have been to mother friends i'd be like dude you gotta pick them on your team dude dude i was just thinking if he doesn't affect the pace then he's all good if he hits a slice and he's like all right i'm done with this hole later and just like keeps up i don't see why they wouldn't want to not have him around i mean i guess he gets his own cart maybe like he's got but then it's always like hey dude i'm hitting and you're like all right i think if that's your son that's like ideal like if your son's like just you know yeah if he comes to play with your buddies if he's just crushing brews and if he hits it out of bounds and he's like i'm done with this hole if he's a super fun hang then it's all good it's all if he hits it out of bounds and he's like, I'm done with this hole. If he's a super fun hang, then it's all good.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It's all good. Yeah. Yeah. It really doesn't affect it. Golf's not like those other sports where it has like a direct impact too. Because I remember a lot of great golf hangs where some guys just could not hit the ball to save their life. Yeah. So I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah. It's not like snowboarding where you have to wait for the dude for like an hour. Oh, yeah. That's the worst. Where is this guy? Yeah. Yeah. yeah it's not like snowboarding where you have to wait for the dude yeah for like an hour yeah that's the worst this guy yeah yeah i had a friend who sucked at tennis and then he was like i'll beat you like just play me and literally at one point i was like i'm not gonna play you because it's not fun yeah i was like i'm not not playing you because i'm afraid of losing you i'm not playing you because it's literally because you suck because it's not fun to play you dude i was like hysterically crying laughing because dude that same friend who will remain nameless out of his own honor was just like he would not he'd like on his delusional
Starting point is 00:55:15 like he just like what he'd like double fault every time he'd be like i got this dude i got this i told you you were on the same team as him and you were trying to get him pumped up you're like strider was like you got this dude you got this, dude, you got this. And I was like, I was talking to some of the show, I was like, dude, don't double fault every point to lose this game. And then he's like, I'm not going to. I was like, yeah, don't, because that would be, like, really embarrassing. And then he double faulted every,
Starting point is 00:55:36 and by the time he got to, like, the last double fault to lose the game and the match, Strider had been trying to cheer him on the whole time. Finally, by the time he got to the last one, Strider just put his head down it was like fucking dude it was more amazing that he did that than did it yeah it's pretty tough to do yeah dude i have a friend who played basketball but he couldn't he would shoot it like this push shot yeah oh yeah i couldn't have him on my team yeah it's tough with those sports that require like
Starting point is 00:56:06 some sort of mechanics i mean every sport does have mechanics or skills but some of them are more skill oriented than like just athletic or like you could be like football yeah you can just toss the ball to a fast guy and even if he hasn't played much football yeah he can make sense of it especially backyard style you're like oh that guy's fast and strong like just run flies all day yeah yeah but like even like wiffle ball you can kind of swing a bat like catch it with no gloves Especially backyard style. You're like, oh, that guy's fast and strong. Just run flies all day. Yeah. But even like wiffle ball, you can kind of swing a bat, catch it with no gloves, it's whatever. But basketball, you kind of have to have some skill.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Volleyball, you kind of got to be able to have a little bit of grace to your game. You can't just be all speed and power. You got to have a little grace. And that's where it gets tough. Yeah. speed and power you got to have a little grace and that's where the you know it gets tough yeah because well yeah no yeah i just think in anything if you're affecting the overall performance of the team bow out yes yeah and if you're affecting the pace those are good rules go to the lodge dude because you just got latered exactly dude sometimes you gotta know less is more dude yeah yeah when i play pickup basketball i'm generally not one of the better players.
Starting point is 00:57:06 It's fun when I am. Generally means we're playing kids. And then I go to work. Yeah, yeah. Act like I'm freaking George Girvin. But yeah, I'm just like, all right, I'm just going to do the things that I can do and try to do them well, like play defense and pass.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah. That's also a thing with basketball. But it can get embarrassing. Like I'll be playing so bad and like the other team will isolate me where I need to score and i'm just like not comfortable being the scorer and then i'm just like i'm like i just want to go home now yeah but that's but most of the time the teammates are pretty forgiving but if you're playing with guys you don't know that can be really tough yeah because then you're letting down just strangers just some random
Starting point is 00:57:44 like 35 year old guys like, you suck, bro. Dude, I got a babysitter for this, dude. I took a shot one time. I had an open shot. And this 35-year-old just went, no! No! He was on my team. He was like, don't do that!
Starting point is 00:57:58 Just screaming. I just took away any potential for fun I could have in the game. Hilarious. He was so mad at me. Yeah. I was like mad at me. Yeah. I was like, dude, you've shot 65 times. I'm not allowed to shoot one errant jumper? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Dude, that's like when I tried to play poker in Vegas. I sat down next to this old lady, and she was like, oh. She gave me this look. I bet one hand. I was like, I'm out of here. Like, I'm not. I know I'm going to fuck up your card somehow. Like, I don't was like I'm out of here like I'm not I know I'm gonna fuck up your cards somehow
Starting point is 00:58:27 like I don't know what I'm doing I just say hit and hope for the best and uh so I was just like later I'm gonna go play roulette
Starting point is 00:58:34 yeah gamblers that like really want you to know the etiquette and like have your hand bust so that they can win
Starting point is 00:58:40 it's like I'm playing my hand dude I just wanna like play it this way and it's like we're at a $5 table. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:58:47 don't take it that serious. I mean, if you are, then you should not be gambling. Yeah. All right, dudes. Hey, Chad and John Thomas. I want to thank you guys
Starting point is 00:58:55 on raising my stoke level tremendously throughout the few months of listening. However, my best friend since birth is going through tough times. He's currently attending the architecture school at the University of Clemson
Starting point is 00:59:04 and an aggressive jewel user. Now I quote him, I def can't live like this forever. This shit sucks. I pop Adderall like they're candy just to stay up until all hours of the night and then wake up early the next day just to repeat. I'm beating the shit out of myself.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I go through three pods a night in the studio. My mind is absolutely fried. Dude, it's absurd. I can't think of anything else or my mind gets fucked i told him he's got to take care of himself that means dropping out and figuring out another path so be it i can't stand watching one of my boys suffer like this and i'm in need of insist and i'm in need of assistance best brett three pods a night how many riffs is that well it's like the equivalent of three packs a pod is i think an equivalent to a pack
Starting point is 00:59:46 damn dude that's a lot i'd say in that case professional help probably how do you get them to open up to it i mean i don't know man yeah it's tough dude yeah it's hard i mean you got you know I think the direct route is probably the best one. Just, and you come from a place of love and you say, dude, I really care about you. And I can feel that you're struggling and that it's hurting you. Yeah. And I think, you know, I'm not one to say I'm like better than you or I got it all figured out. But I think it's obvious that these things are impacting your life negatively.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And I want to see you happy. So like, can you try for a bit to give this stuff up and the thing with that always is like if you're not willing to give something up for a little bit of time just to even prove to your friends that you can or to yourself that you can it can speak to an issue right you know what i mean yeah especially if your life's not going well overall and you don't have much reason to to stay the same um and then you know if he doesn't change after that you can try again but it's it's hard but but you can definitely talk to him and you know you can reach people people i i'm for me when i've had friends talk to me about that stuff
Starting point is 01:00:58 you know it doesn't always hit but it does a lot or oftentimes it has and it's changed my course yeah i agree dude yep i think jt is exactly right and then just getting yourself in your It does a lot, or oftentimes it has, and it's changed my course. Yeah. I agree, dude. Yep. I think JT's exactly right. And then just getting yourself in your own good head space of being like someone who suffers with addiction, they have to want to change themselves. You can't be responsible for that, but you can definitely let them know how you feel and encourage them to change for the better and give it up.
Starting point is 01:01:24 But just don't beat yourself up if you don't get the answer you want or you get a lot of pushback. It's going to be normal. It's part of the process. And, you know, like JT said, you just approach it with positivity and love and not judgment. And, yeah, you're going to be solid, dude. You can't, at the end of the day, be responsible for someone else's happiness. They have to, you know, find it on their own, and then own and then you can augment it hopefully yeah you can't force this stuff um for sure yeah i agree with both of you i mean he yeah i mean i think you got to talk to him about it because i
Starting point is 01:01:57 think you know it's going to weigh on your conscious so you got to say something but you know you got to approach it in a gentle way and just let him know that you're worried because that's gonna that's hurting his heart pretty bad yeah two stimulants like that all the time that'll fuck you up so uh yeah i, I would just express some sincere concern and, you know, hopefully he, uh, comes around and gets some, some sort of help. Yeah. And, you know, you tell him he's going to be a lot happier. Yeah. I know it's hard to really believe that when you're stuck in that kind of cycle, you know, because the highs are so high.
Starting point is 01:02:54 But you don't need to spend 85% of your time in the lows just recovering, you know. And I've done that cycle, and you can't do it for very long. I mean, you know, you guys are super young. Your body can take a little more, but it can't take a lot yeah yeah you got it you got it chill all right I remember I was thinking a lot at our own college and then I just like a cutoff point for myself when I finish I finished this quarter early and I just like got rid of the prescription, and I was just done. Because I just knew I was abusing it. So, yeah, he's got to learn to cut off the source somehow. You very gently told me to slow down with the Adderall and stuff. I told you I was worried about how much I was taking,
Starting point is 01:03:38 and I felt like I needed it for creativity. And you would just be like, no, man, I think you'd be more creative without it. Yeah, it takes away your personality i think yeah i mean i guess depending on the person but for me for sure like i would just it destroys me like anxiety wise i'm just like oh yeah i can't function i fall off a cliff the next day oh yeah um all right what up my dudes what up listeners i'm kind of a long one fellas hope everyone is having a good day. First of all, I want to say I'm stoked Chad took up rock climbing. I spend most of my free time developing boulder areas around Southern Oregon. So if you're ever in the area, I can show you some spots and you can get some first ascents to your name.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Now to the question. Five years ago, I met this beautiful Adonis. We hit it off instantly. We went on a few dates and hung out on the reg. And when we weren't together, we would be texting each other all day and night. This went on for two years and eventually she ended things with me because she didn't feel anything when she kissed me. I want to chalk that up to her being my first kiss and me being overly excited to kiss on this beautiful woman. I was in love with her and having to let her go was one of the hardest things I've done.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Eventually, I moved on and found a girlfriend. The Adonis also found a boyfriend shortly after I got with QD2. I dated QD2 for three years a few months ago we broke up because things were not working out and i couldn't see myself being with her forever the night we broke up my adonis texted me for the first time in about a year besides our yearly happy birthdays to each other she had no idea about the breakup just really good timing sometimes it works that way um now back to the present i've been talking to the adonis more frequently and we've gotten coffee together here's the cat she's still with her boyfriend her boyfriend is one of
Starting point is 01:05:09 my boys not one of my close friends but still one of my other boys i was honestly happy for them because i thought he would treat her well but i was wrong one of my close friends told me he cheated on her a couple times he told the adonis that he only made out with the other chick but he stayed at the other woman's house for three days. Fuck, dudes, this shit makes my blood boil. After having the Adonis more present in my life has brought back my love for her, though I don't think it ever left. Even with my last partner,
Starting point is 01:05:34 I thought for the Adonis often and missed her like crazy. Now the question, how do I go about the next few months? Do I tell her the truth about her boyfriend? Do I wait patiently for them to break up? I love this girl and would give up everything to be with her. I just want her to be happy and I truly don't think that's possible with her current BF. Even if I'm not the one for her, neither is her BF. He lives at home, is unemployed, won't move up to her city and wants to stay in his hometown his whole life. She deserves so much better and I want to be the one to give her that to her.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I want to cherish her, help her grow, help her with her art, find new music and go to shows together. I want to do everything with her and for her i love her i love you guys too thanks for your time and keep crushing it dude first off stoked on the bouldering you're carving your own past that's legit i love that nice dude and i used to hit up the rogue river in southern morgan like medford dude grants past legit dude i mean dude i think that last part really came together for me it was tough for me to track like the adonis qd1 qd2 but from what i gather you've always known your heart of hearts you cared for adonis number one despite everything else and then he has this tidbit of information that her current bf is unloyal and sounds like
Starting point is 01:06:42 not a chill dude from From the outside perspective, we need to see how much you're painting it that way, how much of that's actually true. But then at the end, when you were like, I want to do these things with her and you got, I wanted music and concerts. I think you just got to tell her that dude.
Starting point is 01:06:59 What do you guys think? I think he's just got to go. And I don't know when, and you know, you might blow up. That's the thing is she's happy now. I don't't know how much i don't know what the boundaries are blowing up her relationship with that item of that like little piece of information that you know that's negative about this guy i don't know like about quote unquote bro code but that's not chill of
Starting point is 01:07:16 this guy to do that and it's not and you never want to see somebody you love hurt or betrayed like i would tell somebody i like if like you know somebody did something to one of my friends and that was bad i would like tell them you know i don't know dude i i just find it i i like a lot of what you said i just wonder like but should he should in your scenario is he telling her that the guy cheated on her or that he suspects he cheated on her did more than just make out i'm torn because if he does that if he's like hey i know this about your boyfriend he cheated on you also just so you know i love you and always have so it sounds kind of like crazy yeah so it's like it muddies your motivation correct it sounds a little bit slimy yeah it's slimy right yeah that's why when i was
Starting point is 01:08:03 hearing him talk about it i was like what's the code with this because obviously he cares for her so much but it's like yeah it's a tough one to just come on say hey i heard about this what this dude is doing and it's i don't know yeah i don't know i i think maybe you just need that to motivate you maybe you don't need to share that maybe that's like a thing that you needed for yourself, dude. But maybe you just go tell her and don't mention any of the stuff about the guy and just tell her like straight up how you feel. It sounds like she knows kind of that he cheated. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:37 That's the thing too. Yeah. It's like she's kind of already been shown the light. How much more can you show her? I get where he's coming from, where it makes your blood boil like that's upsetting yeah but what to do about it is is tough yeah i don't know i think i mean by her credenza maybe she's just into dudes i mean credenza will never do you wrong it's is she into dudes that live at home with their mom and sweat and sweats and chill? Move back in with your mom, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Get a pair of sweats. Just chill. Get stoked. Buy a new fish. You know? Get stoked on that. Start putting that on Instagram. Then she'll be like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Never leave him out. Date night in with my mom. Never leave him out of town. In jeopardy. Exactly. She's like, I like this type of guy i would i would write a lot of i would it sounds like you're into music i'd write songs about her and stuff oh good call yeah i like that i'd write a lot of songs about her do make her a playlist
Starting point is 01:09:36 maybe yeah i would rock climb for her do it maybe carve out a route and like el capitan that makes the shape of her face yeah if a girl came up to me and was like hey your girlfriend's cheating on you um you want to go in and out i'd be like i'd be a little bit i'd be turned off i think yeah i'd be turned off by her yeah yep i'd be like i'm going to i'm gonna get i'm gonna get a flying dutch woman with aaron you can see that crevice that you need to grab. Aaron, Flying Dutchmans are dank, dude. So, yeah, the fries are garbage. So, this girl, I don't think you should be calling a girl Adonis.
Starting point is 01:10:23 That's just weird. Yeah, I wasn't going to comment on that. But I kind of like the gender bend of it. But it is conventionally Adonis is a term for a jack dude. Yeah, it was very confusing. I was literally picturing just a girl like running track the whole time. But I appreciate that this new crop of language users are mixing it up. So does she, I forget, does she know that he's available?
Starting point is 01:10:53 Yeah, I think she knows. And she's still with this dude? That might be your answer, man. Yeah. Dang. Aaron coming in harsh. Sometimes that's what you need to hear. Yeah, I thinkaron is speaking the
Starting point is 01:11:05 truth i've been that guy so yeah yeah maybe to increase your chances take some photos of you rock climbing shirtless yeah maybe recreate the mi2 scene go call go call and just like you know smile in the face of danger and uh say what up to joe's hog and also if you've been calling her and adonis this whole time that you guys have been chummy maybe let her know that you didn't mean that she's a jack dude yeah that might have confused her yeah what's up adonis she's like what she's like rick always just talks about how jack time he calls me adonis all day everyone's like that's weird it's like i prefer cutie one. Hey, Adonis, are you going to Dairy Queen tonight?
Starting point is 01:11:49 What's up, dudes? I'd like to get a question out to you and the boys. I split up with my high school sweetheart five years ago and have since remarried and started a family. While I'm out here living my best life, I still think about my ex constantly, even after all these years. What should I do to raise my stoke
Starting point is 01:12:02 and get my ex out of my head for good? Dang. You know what dude i think i'll take this uh you got it block her on all the soc oh good call good call yeah ron i did that with my ex and i've never looked back dude fire dude i'm starting to think aaron has a huge hog yeah oh yeah i've always thought it day one yeah it's always been in my in the back of my dome um yeah dude i think uh i think also what you're doing is you're living in fantasy which is a nice thing to do you know you're probably when you break up with someone and it's been a while especially if you had strong feelings for them or if it was like your first love you can romanticize them and you start thinking that it was just a few mistakes that threw you guys off. And that had it not been for those things,
Starting point is 01:12:48 you guys would have been perfect. But the truth is what you got now is probably a hundred times better than what you would have had with this other person. So I think it's also just about accepting the reality that you're in and really embracing it. Totally, dude. And you get stoked for new possibilities you know dude passes in the past
Starting point is 01:13:06 dude use it to freaking to grow and become better dude and freaking get out there dude and just freaking go and shred it dude you know what i mean doesn't matter what your sled is surfskate or snow just get out there and get it done dude whether you're climbing up a freaking rock face or carving down the face of some rocks on some snow dude just freaking get out there and just go go find you dude find you dude discover you do you and then you know what you're gonna meet someone along the way yeah i like what you guys are saying i think take an outside perspective on your dome and just understand that this is what the dome does you know it creates this grass is greener scenario but what you got to do like strider was just saying is cultivate that inner happiness you know keep digging that garden and eventually
Starting point is 01:13:51 a snake plant's going to come out and get strider sprung so true dude um so true so aaron's good advice block all on all social media and uh practice some gratitude cultivate yourself and um watch watch once upon a time in hollywood it's sick brad pitt's sick in that movie he's so sick my dogs all right one more question then we'll get to the uh of the weaker hell yes you have work tomorrow yeah 10 not bad time you're working till five do i haven't given you any high fives i just realized we got a lot of high fives in san francisco though oh dude we were throwing them left and right it's legit on the some trolley fives in San Francisco, though. Oh, dude, we were throwing them left and right. It was legit.
Starting point is 01:14:46 On some trolley fives? It was the best, dude. That trolley ride was fun, dude. That was really fun. That was cool. That might have been my legend of the week. I remember it being faster. Although it was pretty dangerous.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Dude, it was super dangerous. When we got close to that big bus i couldn't believe it i like couldn't believe that that's okay to do that yeah it's like you want to hang out the side go up there yeah all right what up my dudes i wrote you legends for some advice on a party i was throwing my dogs you came through like a hurricane thanks to you boys the party was truly legendary so legendary in fact that an actual thunderstorm the like of which the pnW has never seen before, started. The squad banded together and got the party undercover lickety-split so raging could continue.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Kevin Little was blasting while ping-pong balls rained down into cups for no rebuttals. Shirt buttons were popped every hour on the hour, thanks, Strider. Keg stands were performed, and Marshawn Lynch, a whole-my-dick 2010 beast mode run, dove into the kiddie pool in the rain after an amazing 10-2 come from behind pong victory. Your help was the best birthday president a stoker could ask for. I want to give a shout out to my older brother
Starting point is 01:15:54 Mo for bringing a frothy keg loaded with liquid good times to the party and like a good older brother, Jazzy has introduced me to so many legendary things, including this pod. I just want to know he's my legend of the week. Now if I could bother you kings once more for some much needed advice I'd be deeply indebted to you. I just want to know he's my legend of the week. Now if I could bother you kings once more for some much needed advice, I'd be deeply indebted to you. I'm in serious need of some style advice. I normally rock solid
Starting point is 01:16:10 colored and some graphic tees sporting my preferred board shorts logo and some jeans, but all my dogs say I need more stylish clothes. Even if I went so far that we spent 30 minutes going through my clothes before a function just for me to throw on a flannel and jeans. I don't know. I just don't understand fashion and what's cool to wear. Help, bros.
Starting point is 01:16:25 How can I get my style on track? Sorry this was a long one. Chad, JT, Strider, Joe, Aaron, and Sean, you are all legends. Love you, dudes. Thanks, man. Dude, legend, dude. I mean, dude, look. I'm the same type of dude.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I love having the jeans on and a nice dank tee, dude. I've had this O'Neal shirt I'm wearing right now for probably 12 years, dude. Really? Yeah. I've had this shirt forever, dude. Yeah, you've had that forever, dog. I love this shirt, dude. It's quality, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:58 But you've got to step things up, and there are occasions that pop up that you've got to have, dude. JT and i used to work the stockroom at nordstrom dude so we got like some dank deals on some clothes with our employee discount and i was like dude this summer i'm gonna step it up on i'm gonna make a few purchases dude some adult purchases dude get yourself a black or blue suit that you can wear at any occasion solid nothing risky there fashion wise white collared shirt boom base solid colors done dude you can go to any occasion basically in that and be good to go um get yourself a dank
Starting point is 01:17:34 pair you know brown or black leather shoes you got to get some leather uppers at some point dude no laces dude or or laces are even stylish fine boom that's handling your shoes and as far as dress goes dude we live in a casual time. Get a dark wash pair of jeans and then get yourself a dank, solid gray, blue, navy, black, button-down polo, short sleeve, and long sleeve, or a knit, dude. And then you're good to go, dude. If anyone's giving you flack after you do that, and then get yourself a sweater. Honestly, dude, the third piece is what really sets it apart, dude. You got the two main items of the shirt and your pants, top and bottom.
Starting point is 01:18:09 You throw the third piece on for a layer, and you're good to go, my dog. So the third piece in your instance is usually a flannel over a shirt. This case, get yourself a V-neck sweater. Get yourself a crew neck sweater. Put it on some dark wash jeans with some lever uppers. People are going to be hiring you lickety split, dude. You want a valet job? Let me know, dude. You're in, dude. It's my take. Yeah, I love it. Yeah, I've always been very particular about my style. I always wore things that spoke true to me that made me feel amped and pumped to go out
Starting point is 01:18:44 into the world and just let people know, hey, I know my style and I know how to flaunt it, and this is what's up with me. Even to the chagrin of my dad, he'd be like, why aren't you shopping more at Banana Republic? I'm like, because I know who I am, Dad, all right? And what I am is not a long-sleeved button-down, all right? So back off, but I love you, Dad.
Starting point is 01:19:07 But this is my go-to I keep it simple. And again, you don't have to follow my formula where what speaks true to you, but this is what I love. I go to top shop because a lot of people ask me about this. I go to top shop. I get the, uh, stretch skinny black pants. I also have some gray ones. They fit me well. I like the fit. You cuff them up a little bit because I like to show ankle. I like to give people a little bit of taste, and I wear the no-show socks. You can get them at Vans.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Vans has great ones. They don't slip on your feet. Then I get blue Vans. I also have a variety of other Vans. I like checker, but that's about as loud as I get. I like white vans. I like blue vans. I like Checker vans.
Starting point is 01:19:50 And then I like just solid colored tees, white, gray, black, pink. And then I like some tees with a logo on them, but I also don't like to get too loud with that. I like just a simple one, maybe that says something cool, you know, like it'll be like, you know, Freddy's yachts. And people are like, ooh, what's that? And you're like, it's from H&M. So that's my formula. Keep it simple.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Make sure it gets you stoked. And I stay consistent with mine so I don't have to stress about it too much yeah i think chad's really emphasizing the right part of style too which is the lower half i think a lot of people get fixated on the top stuff but i think finding a pair of pants that fit your body right and then some shoes that complement that is like the most important thing so my dog get some good pants and good pants is fluid it's it's the pants that are right for you so yeah that's what I want to see you in dog I really like I wear light blue jeans I get them from our Urban Outfitter and I did they kind of look like Levi's but they have a more stretchy quality to them and I really like the way they fit
Starting point is 01:20:55 me I really like it so I'd like to see you wearing something that's your own but that fits nice hmm and dude don't force anything to i see a lot of dudes who like force style on themselves you're like they look like you know like their mom or sister like it was like this is what's gonna look good on you and it's just too much you know when they're wearing like so many items and stuff it's like you don't even look comfortable yeah it's like it's and it doesn't feel like true style it's like it looks like, this is what someone told you to wear. So true. Justin Timberlake in a 2008 article of GQ said,
Starting point is 01:21:32 I put on my whole outfit and then I take one thing off. Like he always takes one accessory off. Beast. Love it, dude. Love it. All right, dudes, let's get into it. Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with myself.
Starting point is 01:21:48 I was a little bit too aggro at the gym last week. At the rock climbing gym, there's only two treadmills going, and I boxed out this hippie for the T-mill. He was coming for it, and I just straight boxed him out, dude. I picked up my pace, sped walk, and just grabbed it. And I was like, you know what? That was unchill. That was unchill of me, you know?
Starting point is 01:22:11 Because he wanted to get his cardio in, and I forced my way into it. And now I can't enjoy my cardio as much because I know that I'm taking away from someone else's cardio. And karma rang true because my sprints were not as good. You know, I could only do about 12 minutes. And I was like, you know what? Thank you, universe. I freaking deserve that. So to the hippie that I boxed out, I apologize.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I hope you got to get ample treadmill time in. I hope I didn't, you know, stop you from getting the full amount that you were looking for. And that's just a little reminder to myself, you know, next time, you know, be more generous with the team mill, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:48 because I'll come back around to me and someone will probably do the same for me if I'm more generous with it. So sorry, dude, for boxing you out. I'm sorry for not putting in my full effort on the team mill after I stole it from you. And,
Starting point is 01:23:01 um, I know better. Hell yeah. Nice. Strider, who is your beef of the week? Do you want beef of the week? and I know better. Hell yeah. Nice. Strider, who is your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is hills in San Francisco, but only half of the hill, the downward half,
Starting point is 01:23:19 because I still remain stoked and enjoy the jackness that my legs get climbing up a hill and knowing that my dogs walking with me are also getting jacked climbing up that hill and i like climbing up hills and conquering and feel legit when i get to the top but going down a hill is unchilled it does not feel good on your knees feels good not good mentally you're like what what this thing keeps going down forever and dude these hills in san francisco are insane they're deadly i'm like dude if you're like an older person going down these hills it's dangerous dude i almost took an old lady out too she was like i should i should you know stand corrected because i was a novice to these hills and i like almost ran into her because
Starting point is 01:23:59 i was coming down at like too fast of a pace and i was like oh sorry i'm not from around here she goes yeah i know i was like getting used to the hills she's like yeah it takes time and she was so she was a pro so you know i guess if you've been in san francisco your whole life you know how to handle them but just the downward half of hills dude and the relationship that those downward half of the hills have to the tops of my patellas dude hell yeah dude yeah dude my beef of the week is uh maddie he was my room my first roommate when i moved to new york i went out to new york you know eager to discover new parts of myself and i came in a little hot first night i was there he was one of the cooler guys in the building i was in the
Starting point is 01:24:35 ehs building it was like a amalgam of kids from all these different schools and um and he was like showing me the ropes and there was a party going on on the seventh floor he He took me to it, introduced me to his boys, Benji and Joel. And no, those are the names of the guys from Good Charlotte, but it was something close to that. And I came in just way too hot. Like I was like, all right, we're all into the arts. I'm going to show them how much I know about arts. And I was being a little bit of an info lord, like just trying to be a know-it-all.
Starting point is 01:24:59 And they were patient with me, but I just came in too hot that night, you know, had too big of a footprint and I kind of annoyed them but then like i was the schmoll but then like maddie would just like after that night just disrespected me for the rest of the six months we were together like he was always condescending to me like he'd like to smoke pot and i would smoke pot with him and he'd have some friends in there smoking pot and he was like yeah i'm teaching how to i'm teaching par how to smoke pot correctly he's learning i was like shut up dude i was like you whack-ass motherfucker i'm fucking smoke pot fine i did put my lips on it too much but it was just unnecessary and then he would just come up and like just call me out all the time he'd
Starting point is 01:25:36 be like hey bro like you don't go out enough and i was like well i'm just getting used to the city he's like all right bro you can make excuses but that's what it is. And then he'd leave and I'd be like, well, you could have invited me to come with you. And then one night we went to a bar and we were coming home in the subway and this guy just like him and this other, like this guy, the guy he was talking shit to was like just some like college dude, like not a threat at all, like not a threat.
Starting point is 01:26:03 And then the guy was like, you think you're freaking cool? And they started started arguing somehow and he was talking to my roommate he's like you think you're freaking cool in your jacket he's like yeah bro i'm way cooler than you the guy was like you're so freaking annoying he's like nah dude you're annoying and i just sat there quietly and i was like what the hell is going on and then the guy left and then maddie turned to me he's like bro you're a real bitch right there like you gotta learn how to stand up for yourself i was like what the fuck dude how the fuck am i a bitch dude i didn't do shit i was like i want to fight you now and then maybe that's what i should have done but i was just like whatever man and then i just thought about him the other day and i was like man i was the schmole but like he
Starting point is 01:26:37 could have been like you know i had the ability to de-schmole and he just like kept me in that Schmoll box yeah and then revealed himself in my assessment to be a Schmoll I think it's good to be a Schmoll in that type of group dude you don't want to be in that guy's but the guy Benji was actually really cool so I'm kind of regretful that I because he wasn't like handsome but he like killed it with the ladies well you know and everyone in the building wanted to hang with him he's always down at the pool table and people were just lining up to play with him. He was just a cool guy. And he had anxiety. He was like the first cool guy I met who had high anxiety.
Starting point is 01:27:09 He's like, bro, I had a panic attack at a wedding. He was like, I was hooking up with my sister's friend who was one of the bridesmaids. And then I just started getting anxiety. I was like, dude, you're awesome, dude. Whoa, cool stuff. Very cool guy. He's like, I love my old apartment. I lived right under this bakery.
Starting point is 01:27:22 They give me free bread. I was like, why are you having such wonderful experiences in the city dude are you kidding me dude all right chad who is your babe of the week my baby of the week is shia labouf yeah dude um he's he's had a rough go in the past you know eight or nine years yeah i fucking love him dude and i watched that interview with him on the Hot Ones or whatever he's hilarious and he seems like a fun time to be around you know he actually reminded me of like a more
Starting point is 01:27:51 chaotic JT oh thank you and also with a new accent he's got a new accent he has a southern accent now he talks like he's from like the bayou that hot sauce will get ya yeah that hot sauce got something on there right there. That's got something on there right there.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Yeah. Yeah, my mom, she was a sweet darling. He went like the Jeff Bridges route. Yeah, they've been in L.A. so long they've turned southern. Dude, why does Jeff Bridges talk like that? It makes no sense. I think he's misunderstood. I think he's a sensitive, thoughtful dude who has his moments.
Starting point is 01:28:27 But at his core, he's a good guy. So, you know, Shive, if you hear this, let's kick it. I'd love to, you know, hang with you. And they were going over photos of him in the interview. And there's a photo of him just, like, after he got fired from this plane in New York. He's just, like, bumming in the snow. He's like, oh, yeah, yeah. This is when he got fired from this play in New York. He's just like bumming in the snow. He's like,
Starting point is 01:28:45 oh yeah, this is when I got fired from a play in New York and I was walking around like Edgar Allen Poe or some shit. I remember when he got fired from that
Starting point is 01:28:54 because even Alec Baldwin couldn't get along. Right, yeah. And then he was like really grateful to the host. He's like, I know you let the Jonas Brothers open up last season
Starting point is 01:29:01 so thank you for choosing me. Wish I had some brothers. You know what he said? That's amazing. That's amazing. That's awesome. And then he goes, sometimes I feel like I'm living a meaningless life, and I get frightened. And he goes, oh, I've been in love with every woman I've ever worked with.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Dude, these are great clothes. He's the man, dude. He's the man. I like his style, too. He has cool style. And his dad was in a biker gang, too, which is cool. He was doing stand-up at like 12 years old or something, 14. And the whole biker gang would be in the bar.
Starting point is 01:29:38 So he was like, yeah, you don't heckle that kid. And he can freestyle, too, right? He can freestyle. I didn't know that. And then, dude, I swear to God, the most intimidated i've ever been seen it like physically intimidated like scared i was coming out of a tender greens and shyla buff was walking in oh you saw him in person yeah dude he was walking in yeah like he had to kill the manager of the tender greens who just disrespected his family he just came in there with so much intensity and purpose i was literally like
Starting point is 01:30:01 dude i'm scared shitless yeah he was walking at me i was like dude i would never ever fight that dude yeah yeah he had he had an energy to him he's jack dude i 100 believe that we valeted his car at the hotel dude yeah and he's like he wanted to first of all pull in by himself and we're like usually we don't let anybody we're like well we know who this guy is and everything we're like all right just go pull out there parks the car he's like thanks fellas tosses the key and just walks up barrels dude super hard dude we're like oh all right dude yeah what is he steps out of his own energy and brings that energy yeah into everything dude dude hilarious oh and he told this story about how he like he's staying at a hotel for like a press conference for some movie and he saw like in this like conference
Starting point is 01:30:41 room there's a bunch of chickens like yes i went up to start eating the chicken and they're like this is a bilderberg meeting he's like he's like i stole chicken from a bilderberg meeting which is like where like you know the clintons and like the elite kind of meet up right right to talk it's sort of like uh what's it called amy and grove yeah it has that same lore right right uh i stole chicken from a bilderberg. Legend, dude. I know it's Shia LaBeouf, too. I was mucking around. You were mucking around. You were having fun with it.
Starting point is 01:31:11 You put a little something on there. Yeah, I put a little sauce on that. You put a little sauce on it. It's good right there. My mama, she's beautiful. She's beautiful. Tanging up my perspective over there. Were you doing an accent on Even Stevens then?
Starting point is 01:31:23 Did you sound like this then? Yeah. That'd be more impressive. I'd be like, whoa, this guy's got range. Like when they said cut on even Stevens,
Starting point is 01:31:30 12 year old shot, I was like, I'm going to be back in my trailer. Come get me when you want me. Come get me when you want me. I'll be ready to act. Just tell me to say action.
Starting point is 01:31:37 I'm going to need a Capri Sun Pacific cooler. Make it stand. Let's go. What do you got, Aaron? Put the bunny back in the box. Put the bunny back in the box. Put the bunny back in the box.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Man, is there a hoedown going down tonight? My dad was in a biker gang, and then he went to jail with a little guy named Cameron Poe. Yeah, that'll put a snake right in your boot, huh? What's he say? Don't get my dander up now with this hot sauce. Did he say that? No. Come on now.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Don't get my dander up with this hot sauce. Ooh, you get me good with this hot sauce did he say that no come on now don't get my dander up with this house you you get me good with this hot sauce oh he's the man oh yeah call it some of his movies holes stanley yelnats what up even stevens i crushed that as a kid yeah i never saw that his horror he's like thriller that disturbia disturb i never saw i love that movie he's great yeah transformers he's great in transformers dude the lead love that movie he's great Transformers he's great in Transformers dude the lead in that movie Sarah Romer
Starting point is 01:32:29 just started dating some rando dude we went to high school oh really who wasn't even like he's a cool guy but like you would not have been like
Starting point is 01:32:35 oh he's gonna date a movie star yeah and we went to a USC tailgate we're like he's dating that chick yeah it was wild whoa whoa
Starting point is 01:32:42 oh now that tickles my fancy now yeah we were like well it looks like we all were playing from behind. We got to let go of the fans, you know? Looking like a combat. Yeah, we should all start doing that. Just talking like this. Just talking like Shia LaBeouf. Just you.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Just develop a Southern accent. Yeah. Can we go back on that one? Well, it's good to see you now, Alan. If you live in L.A. long enough and you do enough TV appearances, you just become Southern. Yeah. Yeah. It sounds cooler. Yeah. That sounds cooler.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Yeah. Oh, totally. Strider, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF, dude. When we were freaking crushing it in San Francisco with the bros this weekend, dude, my GF and I, we just had dank phone calls together, dude, just chilling, talking, catching up, dude. So she knew I was missing her hard, dude, and she freaking reached out.
Starting point is 01:33:23 You know, sometimes a lot of guys are on trips. They're like, oh, dude, I got to go call my girlfriend, dude. My girlfriend would call me, dude. We'd catch up. I'm just crushed fishermen's with Chad, dude, about to go meet up with JT right now and crush a freaking green drink, dude, this place we don't even know about yet. So just fired up, dude, just being in touch, dude, and freaking just straight-up technology allowing that to happen.
Starting point is 01:33:41 So, yeah, just fired up. Maybe a week's got to be my GF, dude. I got to tell you now, just fired up you know baby we got my gf dude i gotta tell you now that is a damn fine baby of the week oh my yeah my baby always got to be my girlfriend geoff my geoff yeah that's funny that's funny you like your girlfriend that's good we got down right and good there's some where i picked up the cell phone and call my girlfriend we've done had a conversation together. It was incredible. Don't make me eat too much chocolate now.
Starting point is 01:34:08 That'll give me a goddamn cavity. Yeah, I know I'm at Ghirardelli, and that's a San Francisco specialty, but, you know, I'm going to get a cavity for how sweet you'll be in over the cell phone right now. My babe of the week is meditation. Nice. I've been consistently meditating lately, and, dude, I'm telling you, it helps. I feel like I got a little space between my emotions and my reactions to these
Starting point is 01:34:29 emotions. And I also think it's, I catastrophize a lot where I'm like, Oh shit, everything's going to fucking go haywire. And then now there's like a new voice. It's like, it might go haywire for a little bit,
Starting point is 01:34:39 but we'll get it under control and then we'll be all right. And I'm like, Whoa, where'd that voice come from? And I think it came from meditating. So, uh, yeah, meditating's hot. Chad, who is your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:34:52 I gotta go with Ellen. Dude, yeah. She was, we touched on it earlier, so I won't play the same tune now, you know what I'm saying? Don't play that song over again. I won't hit that c chord but she was just the best so delightful uh such warm energy she runs a well-oiled machine over
Starting point is 01:35:16 there at warner brothers lot so i just want to give a shout out it was awesome to meet her thank you for having us on the show thank you for supporting our causes um and uh she was just great and uh shout out to jenny the other producers there and uh for uh prepping us for scouting us essentially getting us on the show and uh shout out to warner brothers for providing the facility dude nice very complete shouts and mbc for airing the show yes legit for lenny kravitz too lenny kravitz being on there before us yeah always shout out to lenny kravitz dude strider who is your legend of the week dude um first and foremost i'd like to say probably we all have an uh shared legend in mason dude we did bring him up at the beginning
Starting point is 01:36:00 birthday boy mason dude legit legendit legend, dude. Great guy. So dank, dude. And also, without Mason, I wouldn't have had my legend of the week, who is the trolley operator, dude. This guy was a legend, dude. Just freaking, dude, riding those things, driving those things is not easy, and riding it's dangerous. I couldn't believe they still let you do that, dude.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I'm like, it's kind of nice. And it kind of sucks that my brain thinks of like we're still allowed to do this like why do we have this self-check system yeah so later goodbye to that thought brain but like dude this guy just going down there such a pro dude and just seeing everything a million times i felt so safe he saw this bus that was literally like six inches from my face before i was able to see it somehow he's like lean in bus on your right all the way in and just like dude just guiding us on that thing yeah and dude like the pulley pull lever thing i'm like i just seems all like i can't understand how any of it works but i love it dude so yeah this
Starting point is 01:36:55 operator was a straight up legend dude and you know what dude his his counterpart we was like seven bucks a ticket and they couldn't make change, and he's like, you guys got a free ticket? And we're like, stoked. That's legit, dude. Yeah, dude. And you feel so free, dude. Breeze is blowing in your face. It was so fun. That's the benefit of downhills.
Starting point is 01:37:14 I do like downhills if I'm in a trolley. Hell yeah. It's a San Francisco treat. It's like rice-a-roni. Yep. I got to say, though, Mason is the spur in your boot. Character of high quality um dude my legend of the week is um Al Haynes he just passed away a lot of you guys might not know who Al Haynes is he is uh an airline pilot who on flight united 232 lost the tail engine which cuts through the hydraulic system which made it impossible to steer
Starting point is 01:37:46 and then him and two other co-pilots and then a gentleman on the plane who asked the flight attendant what happened she said we lost the hydraulic system he said that's impossible there was no procedure with how to deal with this and they had no way of steering the plane other than leveling off the other engines and using like the tips and stuff like that so these four people basically improvised a way to get down somewhat safely uh 180 out of 290 people ended up surviving and uh al haynes just was like cool under pressure some of the things he said when they were coming down he still kept a sense of humor he said i'll tell you one guy said i'll tell you what we'll have a beer when this is all said and done haynes said well i don't drink but i'll sure as hell have one and then um they were telling
Starting point is 01:38:29 him where to go and they gave him a very you're clear to land on any runway and then um he kind of laughed and said you want to be particular and make it a runway huh so and this is all when you know he's in charge of 300 souls and he told the the people on the plane before they went down pretty honestly i'm not going to kid you we're going to make an emergency landing in seok city it's going to be a very hard landing harder than anything you've ever been through please play close please pay close attention to the flight attendants briefing and we'll see you in seok city and then um yeah the plane ended up flipping when they hit but he saved a majority of the people's lives and he said,
Starting point is 01:39:05 he never felt like a hero that he actually just felt survivor's guilt, uh, for not being able to save everybody, but nobody else could have done better. They ran a bunch of other guys through simulations. Nobody could land the plane. So these dudes really did just stay cool under pressure and, and kind of,
Starting point is 01:39:21 you know, deliver more than you could ever hope someone would so i think you're just an absolute legend and then he umpired little league baseball for like the next 25 years that's cool just a solid guy from the front to back of life and uh yeah you know people like you that you know are inspiring and i'm sad you're gone, man. Thank you for what you did. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from my mom. So when we came out on Ellen,
Starting point is 01:39:56 she said that she was in the audience, and she involuntarily was just like, that's my son! That's awesome. Which I think was a very heartwarming thing. Pretty cool. pretty cool moment to have mom there my mom loves your mom
Starting point is 01:40:08 she said she had the best time oh really yeah it was cool to sit our moms together yeah that was cool my mom was singing her praises
Starting point is 01:40:14 she was like it was really great that we got to sit together yeah my mom was so excited to meet your mom that was really cool she was like Monica's so funny
Starting point is 01:40:20 but we couldn't see them out in the audience I was looking for her I was like where is she couldn't find them amongst in the audience. I was looking for her. I was like, where is she? Couldn't find them. Yeah. Amongst the sea of just screaming their heads off ladies.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Yeah. Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! My mom's like, that's my son!
Starting point is 01:40:39 It's like religious, like revival or whatever they call them. Like, you know. Oh, yeah. What's that church? Pentecostal. Pentecostal pentecostal yes yes just super they could get some spirits out of people at ellen strider what's your quote of the week dude my quote of the week's also nice short and sweet and uh since we were in san fran i'm gonna do a quote from the dankest movie the rock also starring our boy cage our boy michael bay did a legit movie and um just to give you a little context they're talking about the gas and uh there's like a soldier you know ex navy seal
Starting point is 01:41:12 sitting there and he's like had a knife and he's like do you know this shit works and then nick cage holds up this green gas and he goes you know how this shit works great line great line i thought you were gonna say i'll take pleasure in gutting you oh dude that's a great one yeah that's what he says right before he said that right after right before i don't know but it's that same scene right i think they're different scenes is that the one with like the guy that's like the kind of the wily like clown looking face that says that yeah yeah um no no no the black guy says i'll take pleasure in gutting you with the okay and also said you know how this shit works yeah he's got the knife i think that might be the rocket man scene
Starting point is 01:41:48 the rocket oh benny and the jets john the rocket yeah rocket man rocket man yeah dude i should have gone with that quote that's such a better quote though dude it's you who the rocket man it's you and he takes off dude michael bay genius always has people like dude the first guy to make a movie where someone went out of a building or window and landed on something pointy like you know when someone like falls out of a building then they just freaking land on a spike that's awesome and then there's the impale shot where they're like yeah yeah and sometimes you're worried like they're gonna hit the ground and survive and then like a car lands on top of him you're like all right good he's dead yeah yeah he might live he landed it then i love ensuring the death yeah the death he didn't die i'm not sure the audience is gonna understand that this person is dead
Starting point is 01:42:38 let's throw another car on him oh totally that's like in mcGruber. He machine guns him on his way down. So funny. And he pisses on him. Fuck you, dude. He's pissing on him. So funny. The best. I quoted this movie, American Factory, which was really good, about the Chinese auto glass company opening a factory in, I think it's Ohio. And it's just about the culture clash and the sweet moments between all the different people and then it ends up being you know kind of an awkward fit uh for a variety
Starting point is 01:43:09 of reasons but the owner of the factory this chinese uh you know mega millionaire uh business tycoon at the end he's kind of reflecting on his life and he goes i have a sense of loss i miss the croaking frogs and chirping bugs in my childhood. The wild flowers blooming in the field. The past few decades I've built many factories. Have I taken the peace away and destroyed the environment? I don't know if I am a contributor or a sinner. I only think that way when I'm unhappy. I liked it for some reason.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Chad, what's your line of the week for getting after it? I forgot to do this, but did I? But let me just improvise one right now. Let's steal the chicken from that Bilderberg meeting. Nice, dude. You got to say it like that, too. Yeah, it has to be done in an occasion accent. Let's put the spurs on our boots and steal the chicken from that Bilderberg meeting.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Strider, what's your line of the week for getting after it? Mine is it comes via text message from a nice little thread we have called SF Crew from San Francisco this weekend. And you'd get a nice little text. And all of us did it pretty much at one point. It was lobby in five. And that just meant we were ready to roll that just meant we're rendezvousing and we're about to go and do a dank activity so lobby in five i was so grateful when i was an sf that i wanted to get spiritual but i don't really have
Starting point is 01:44:36 like the language for that because i don't you know really align with any specific denomination or anything so i was trying to come up with with a way to be grateful to the universe that still jives with what I'm up to. And I came up with, what up earth? Thank you. Aaron, is there anything you would like to contribute to this section? Let's put this bunny back in the box. Oh yeah. I mean, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:58 You are just speaking my tune, man. Just purifier, dude. Just putting the lead back in my pencil with that big ass bunny. Tile ribbon around this podcast and roll out the fine china and break out the red carpet, because we'll be bringing this thing home. Oh, dude, that's
Starting point is 01:45:14 a way to end it. Bringing it home for good. Well said, brother. Those pink coconut things sure do make me popular. I know Daryl. He likes them a lot. Now I didn't know that there were 269 cats on cell block D and I didn't know 268 of them. All right, fellas.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Is that it? What are you going to do? I'm going to save the fucking day. I'm going to save the fucking day. I'm going to save the fucking day. I'm going to prove to you God does exist. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:43 We good? I think that's it. Anything you guys want to say dear casey i would be stoked if you did the whole thing i don't know if i could do the whole letter dear casey you want to give it a shot today what is it daddy i don't like going to school well you should well you should i don't know i don't i don't like going to school. Well, you should. Well, you should. Fuck, dude, I don't know. I have it all jumbled together because I've seen it so many times. I mix and match eight different scenes together, but it's just,
Starting point is 01:46:17 Dear, dear Casey, today is July 14th. Actually, I like doing Casey Poe's perspective more of, My birthday is July 14th. My daddy comes home on July 14th. Today is July 14th. And then comes home on July 14th. Today is July 14th. And then she has one hell of a day. Dear Casey. Alright guys, that'll be it
Starting point is 01:46:34 for episode 95 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Thank you so much for keeping your trims pubed, for going to Dave.com and being stokers. Thank you for the reviews. Keep writing the reviews. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for staying stoked. Keep writing reviews. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for staying stoked. And thank you for just being
Starting point is 01:46:47 straight up legends. Legends. Stay stoked, guys. Stay stoked. Wow. Wow. you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do
Starting point is 01:47:10 where to go when you need someone to guide you she's the half of the world beside you call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call I'm going deep. I'm going deep.
Starting point is 01:47:28 I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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