Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip: Addressing the Crooked Frame

Episode Date: April 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, maybe we should address this too. The frame behind you. A lot of criticism on this crooked frame. And I think we should clarify it's a choice. It's intentional. It's askew and we want it that way. It's character. And really we're testing you, like the audience.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Like you guys, we've had comments that say people are completely, they can't focus because they're so fixated on this. And I would challenge you, don't be fixated by it. There's always something in the background that can distract you. Stick to what's in the foreground. Stick to what matters. Yeah. Don't get distracted by the, you know, unimportant minutia. Minutia is a good word.
Starting point is 00:00:44 For sure. you know an important minutiae minutiae is a good word for sure and we're uh we're creating a a look a feel you know this is this is this podcast this is where you come to with your boys this is the basement you come to after your mom makes grilled cheeses and you guys just want to chop you know chop it up over sports or sick movies or who's jacking off and who's jizzing first and all that kind of stuff. Dude, it's huge. You don't want to be the first one to bust. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Because then you're the first one to be, hey, let's turn this off. When you're at a jack-off party when you're in like seventh grade you bust for i'm just talking about myself and you bust first and then you like think about what you're all doing you're like guys can we turn this off i'm kind of tired everyone's like you bust like no i'll do the post-nut clarity at a jack-off party is probably the worst post-nut clarity you could have because you're surrounded by your boys six of your friends like yeah yeah yeah that's the thing at a jack-off party you can't like get into it facially you know everyone just keeps like a stoic face yeah and he's just like
Starting point is 00:01:55 so you can't even tell if someone's about to yeah cream right yeah some guy comes loud at the jack-off're like you can't come to the next one dude it's the third time you made noise yeah it's really disturbing everyone's cheat oh i'm busting dude i'm sure i'm sure that happens too because you know if you watch porn dudes are so loud with the way they do it where they're like they're like oh oh oh oh, oh, oh, oh. And you're like, you know, young men are impressionable. I'm sure that they bring that into their real lives. I think about that all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Like what influences pornography had on my actual sexual acts. Like, but it's funny. It's still, it's almost as hard to pull off some porn moves as it is it's like it's almost like watching basketball and watching like you know lebron hit a tomahawk slam and then you go out to the pickup court you're like well i can't do that yeah like sometimes i'll see positions they do in porn and then i'll try them and i'm like i'm not a good enough athlete i can't do that yeah like these guys are on a different level yeah i mean they're incredible athletes like they do stuff that i I mean, they're incredible athletes.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Like they do stuff that, I mean, how many, they're like the only ones who could do that. Yeah. I think there's that false notion where you're like, Oh, I could do that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's kind of like real, like not real acting. All acting is real porn acting included, but it's like, people see like what Al Pacino does in the Irishman. They're like, I could do that. It's like,
Starting point is 00:03:20 no dude. Yeah. Yeah. And like, then they see what like, you know, Johnny sins does in a video and they're like, I could do that. It's like, come, dude. Yeah. Yeah. And then they see what Johnny Sins does in a video, and they're like, I could do that. It's like, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:03:27 He's a special dude. Yeah. Like, he's uniquely talented. Yeah. He was meant for this. Yeah. Totally, dude. That's talent.
Starting point is 00:03:35 To stay hard that long, to bust that huge of loads, you know, to all of it, dude. With a camera? Yeah, with a bunch of people watching? Dude. Get the fuck out of here. That intensity? Yeah.

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