Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip: Chad's Barry Experience

Episode Date: June 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up dudes here's a clip from our new patreon only episode if you're interested in more content go to patreon.com and subscribe to going deep with chad and jt for more weekly content and then you got other big news we can finally talk about it oh barry do you watch barry i do watch barry do you see my dog on the sneak peek i haven't watched this season but i didn't watch the season catch up bro catch up i'm not in no it's just chad just chad i'm sorry bro hbo max subscription has not been paid for in a while so i apologize understand but it is one of my favorite shows oh it is it is very good so yeah that was uh you're the entire sneak peek for the episode it's just 15 seconds
Starting point is 00:00:38 uninterrupted of you just looking you look great oh thanks super movie star looks oh appreciate it i um yeah that was crazy um yeah it happened last fall yeah we just so yeah just got an audition and then bill hater just knew us from uh the city council stuff so like agent submitted my stuff for the audition then he saw that i was auditioning and then just sort of, it went from an audition to just a Zoom with Bill Hader to read the part because he knew our work. So he knew that I could, you know, that I could probably do the role. And I just like, and it was super nerve wracking. But I mean, when I got the sides the writing was so um next level you know
Starting point is 00:01:28 when you when you a lot of times when you get an audition you read the sides you're like okay I could see how this could be funny like this but reading it I was like I was like oh this is like sort of top tier writing it's just sort of unden when you read it when I read it I was like oh it's pretty it's like undeniable and then I I was so nervous because it's just a Zoom with Bill Hader. You're like, you know, he's like a comedic hero. And hop on the Zoom and it's just like him and, you know, it's a bunch of producers and the casting director. And he's just like, hey, man.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I was like, hey, what's up? I was like very honored to audition for you. And then we do the audition. So it's just me and him and everyone else cancels video on the Zoom and just read with him. And then I did my sort of take on the character. And then he gave me some direction. And that was it.
Starting point is 00:02:20 It was over in like 10 minutes. And then after a couple of days, they got it. And it was fun, man. It was was really fun and the set was great um it was literally just a morning of shooting just three scenes but with each main character which is cool like with barry sally and noho hank and uh and i was nervous too, cause we're, we're editing something. And, you know, I was, you know, I was like, when I did it, I was like, I think this is integral to the episode, but you never know with editing. They'll catch you out or not.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah. Because it's like, you know, from what we saw, you know, stuff gets cut out all the time. The majority. Yeah. If it doesn't serve the story, if it's, you know, so I was, I was like cautiously optimistic. I was was like I hope they keep it in and yeah I think they kept in all my scenes as far as I know I haven't seen it yet I did ADR and stuff so it's very exciting yeah it's really fun to watch yeah so are you gonna be back from Vegas when it comes out uh yeah i'm coming back sunday so you'll you'll watch it with the lady at your crib or
Starting point is 00:03:31 something yeah i don't know if she wants to watch with me i'm like uh like you can watch it it's very vulnerable yeah it's tough i might just stay in her room while she watches it i was i was i had to say the thing that we made i we have like cuts of it and i showed it to the girl i've been seeing who i'll now refer to as hold me close yeah because it's the same gal so i was hanging out with hold me close and uh and uh she works in the industry so she wasn't like she wasn't like uh she was complimentary but she wasn't like oh my god she was just like oh that's really good oh yeah that's good oh you should have had more coverage there stuff like that yeah which is
Starting point is 00:04:08 how i respond to things so yeah but i was sitting there and i was like i started jumping up and down i was like i i don't like this feeling i'm feeling a bit nope nah what it's like you want them to watch it and you don't want them to watch it at the same time yeah you want them to watch it and you don't want them to watch it at the same time yeah you want them to watch it and love it but the fear of them not loving it and just that vulnerability is is paralyzing and a lot of people especially who aren't in the industry don't understand that and so they'll be like i want to watch it with you and you're like i you know you can just watch it and then i'll come out i'll come over after and i want to hide yeah Yeah, they're like, why don't you want to watch? I'm like, because it's very vulnerable. Yeah, we put our whole lives into this. And then it's so easy for someone to just be like, yeah, it was all right.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah. Okay, well, it was three years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess you just have to love the process. But it's sometimes easier said than done. I think for the most part, we do just enjoy the process. But there's these acute moments of self-consciousness that come from it which overall i'm grateful for but in the moment you just feel your emotions spiking and jumping out of your body and it's hard to uh
Starting point is 00:05:17 it's hard to sit through i don't know how you know directors and actors and whoever how they just have to sit through screenings and premieres. Yeah, we were talking about doing like a screening of our thing, premiere thing. I'm like, yeah, I can show up after. It is funny too because before I started doing stuff, like when you hear about Joaquin Phoenix, like never watching one of his own movies,
Starting point is 00:05:41 you'd think it's some kind of vanity almost. What a self-serious actor. Yeah. Well, it's kind of important to you gotta protect yourself a little you gotta preserve your authenticity a bit and not get too into your head but it's uh i know the berry thing's gonna rip you're a great great actor so thanks man it'll it'll turn out good it's a good show you know the editors and everyone is top notch so yeah and it was funny on on set everyone was wearing masks you know because it was last fall and uh bill hater comes up he's wearing a mask and just this guy's like hey man and i was like hey i didn't realize it was him at first i was like oh hey
Starting point is 00:06:17 but you know what i like about him a lot is he and what I think a lot of people like about him is he's like a he's a huge sort of film buff he loves films movies tv you know he just loves it at the level of like Tarantino and Scorsese where he just knows everything about it and you can tell
Starting point is 00:06:40 that he just that's he just he just loves making stuff. He loves comedy. He loves, you know, he just loves telling a story. And it's very genuine. And also he's like one of the best laughers. He's a good laugher. He's a great laugher, which is so, I think is so,
Starting point is 00:07:01 it's just so nice to be around because it just puts you at ease especially with someone who's that funny yeah where like he's shown forever that he's a writer on south park one of the funniest guys alive yeah and then so him to be so generous with his laughter you instantly recognize it as like yeah okay i'm this is i'm in the right direction if bill hater's laughing yeah yeah and he's and i did an audition too and auditions are scary or not an audition. I did a rehearsal and,
Starting point is 00:07:28 you know, I was waiting like four hours to do my scene, my first scene and, and, and then I go, we're going to do rehearsal.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Whole crew gathers around, you know, it's like HBO and this, you know, 60 person crew, everyone gathers around and I'm with like the actors like all right do
Starting point is 00:07:47 the scene i was like i was like don't fuck this up so i start reading it and everyone starts laughing i was like it's like stand-up i was like oh thank god but then the ad was like he's like man we never laughed in rehearsals i was like that's that's nice oh that's great yeah um but the show's so good it's so funny have you watched any of the new season i haven't watched the new season it's so i was using jake's hbo account dude there's one part and i mean the last episode episode five was so good and there's just they just know how to throw absurdity in there mixed it has like every you know it has like there's like tragedy mixed like everything, so. It's a good combo.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. I've seen the influence for writing something else. And I think it kind of has some of that. Oh yeah. The most recent thing that you put into it. Oh, yeah. I felt a little bit of like a very connection there.

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