Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip: Deep Water Review (spoilers)

Episode Date: April 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up dudes, here's a clip from our new patreon only episode If you're interested in more content go to patreon.com and subscribe to going deep with Chad and JT for more weekly content Oh, dude. Did you watch deep water? No, what's that? Oh, you haven't watched it yet? No, I thought you watched the Ben Affleck What do you think I Thought was hot as fuck it but was it hot as fuckers was Anna de Armas just hot as fuck Anna de Armas I mean the part where she asked him to eat her butt I was like I'm so glad
Starting point is 00:00:30 they kept that in that was a good scene she's like kiss my butt I was like but that movie it was kind of like it was tough to watch because she was so like she's awful to him in that movie, I mean, it was kind of like, it was tough to watch because she was so like. She's awful to him in that movie.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah. If she's going to be fucking around on him like that, they needed a scene in the beginning where she like is nice to him, like cook some breakfast and then is like, maybe he's like stressed out at work and she's like, it's all right, honey, you'll get through it. And like, you can see that she's like, not that she has to even do things like that where it's like traditional
Starting point is 00:01:04 wife roles, but just anything where it seems like she's nice to him or additive to his life yeah like she's like mean to him even when she's not fucking other dudes you're like what are you doing dude yeah the whole time you're like why is he still with her you're like like she makes the point of like of like you'd be bored if you weren't married to me and i'm like i'm like i don't really i don't think so might be worth exploring yeah like there's no redeeming factors and then he just starts killing everyone and it's so obvious that he's killing them yeah yeah it's like so everyone's like bro you know she's she's fucking that right? The guy winds up dead and he's like, crazy. He just drowned in my pool.
Starting point is 00:01:47 The third guy who had had sex with her and then died, like you think someone would be able to piece it together? There's like no cops in the whole fucking movie who like could just easily be like, who has a motive here? Look around like, wait, all six of these guys fucked your wife? I think it might be this guy. There's never a moment like that. And then all of his boys just have his back which is kind of sweet i guess but all of his friends are like kind of laughing she goes ballistic on him he's like you killed him and he
Starting point is 00:02:12 obviously did because he was like in the pool with the guy like five seconds before he died and then his friends are like oh come on you didn't kill him you're being crazy and the cops are like you know she just accused you of murder and he's like come on yeah he just gives looks he's just like yeah it was kind of tough to see ben in that role dude i have a theory that the reason he and this is like gross but like i think the reason he dated her in real life beyond the fact that she's anadarmous and you know probably she's beautiful and seems really cool and incredible but like i think part of him was like yo if i'm gonna play a cuck in a movie i don't want people to actually think i'm a cuck yeah so i'm gonna date her and then people will know it was just for the movie that makes sense like it gives you you have that real world context in your head the whole time so
Starting point is 00:02:58 you never quite believe he's a cuck because you're like well yeah but they were like making love off camera why do you think he took the role dude good question i have no idea i think ben affleck kind of like dislikes himself yeah and likes to play guys who are like losers a little bit because maybe he feels like a loser a little bit even though he's my hero and i really admire ben affleck and think he's the fucking man but i think he kind of i think he maybe takes pride in like beating himself up a little bit yeah that's my theory on it that makes sense or my dude is adrian lynn like that director made like fatal attraction and like right the new erotic thriller he does the he's the best erotic thriller director ever he did unfaithful which was like kind of a mess but like really fun to
Starting point is 00:03:41 watch and i'm like they probably just thought he was going to bring the heat and then it just turned out kind of a little bland and just too ridiculous yeah well because that first scene was like you know when she's like making out with the guy like staring at ben f like while she does it i was like i was like wait i thought they were married are they like not together and it turns out they are and i was like what yeah i mean he's just like and he's like yeah i don't know where she is the guy's just saying like it's so yeah there's no subtlety and the neighborhood just has parties all the time and there's just like a bunch of unaccounted for smoke shows at all the parties yeah and everyone knows that his wife is fucking all these guys like people just walk up to him like hey like ben like it's kind of pathetic that you just let her fuck all these dudes and you're like yeah it's kind of
Starting point is 00:04:27 pathetic and you're like wait everyone knows and it's kind of making fun of you about it like i don't know it just felt it was too much yeah it was too too much and then although i gotta admit the guy who was really suspicious of him and uh you know spoiler alert um at the end when he dies. I was kind of like, yeah. It was hilarious. Yeah. But he dies because, total spoilers, he can't stop texting people that he was right about him being a murderer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And he's texting so much that he dies, crashes his car. Yeah. And then also it's a high-speed chase. He's in a car. I know. And Ben Affleck's chasing him in a bike. He's like keeping up with him. Yeah, he's like taking shortcuts. And then the dude is Affleck's chasing him in a bike. He's like keeping up with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:05 He's like taking shortcuts. And then the dude is bombing, doing like 100 miles an hour to get home. I'm like, bro, you're in a car. He's in a bike. Yeah. Like if you're doing 40, you're safe. He's not going to catch you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Well, he doesn't have a gun. No, he doesn't have a gun. He's got a stick and a bike. And he's like a fucking idiot. Yeah. It just, there was just too many moments where i was watching i was like this is ridiculous dude and why did he show up there did his wife tell him to look for the scarf too no explanation yeah yeah also dude i mean you can poke holes in this movie forever he accuses ben
Starting point is 00:05:37 affleck of being a murderer his wife and him are confiding in each other that that ben's character might be a murderer then ben invites them over for dinner and they go yeah they go to dude if i accused you of being a murderer yeah would i go to dinner at your house the next day probably because we're boys but in most circumstances no yeah yeah i don't know man although i mean you know i gotta hand it to that director because all i think about is that ass-eating scene. Outro Music

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