Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip - JT "The Gimp" Parr

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up dudes, here's a clip from our new Patreon only episode. If you're interested in more content, go to patreon.com and subscribe to Going Deep with Chad and JT for more weekly content. I just found out my therapist got a bad concussion in November. Oh wow. We were talking on the phone yesterday, I'm like, hey, you sound a little out of it. He's like, that's what happens after you have an accident. And I was like, you were in an accident?
Starting point is 00:00:20 And he was like, I didn't tell you? I was like, nah. He's like, yeah, I got into a bad car accident. I was out cold. I came to, had to spend a day in the hospital. Then I got a little nervous. I was like, has your advice the last five months been colored by that at all? You have been making some weird moves.
Starting point is 00:00:34 What do you mean? Just like in general, your decisions in life have been pretty erratic. I wonder if that's connected. What do you think's been erratic? I'm fucking with you. Oh. Sorry sorry i took it really serious yeah yeah that's true well i mean he did tell me i was like should i should i keep seeing this girl should i break up and he's like no you should just go buy like six pounds of cotton candy yeah and i was like all right but i did feel better afterwards and me and her still seeing each other you did seem happy after you did that. It was cool to get all that sugar.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah. And then when you, uh, when you show up to the show and all leather, even with like a gimp mask on, he told me to wear it. He said it would really bring me out of my shell. I mean,
Starting point is 00:01:18 you crushed. I know now I feel stuck in the gimp suit. I've been wearing it to the last five shows and I'm like, do I want to do this forever? But at the end of my last set, everyone was chanting gimp, g in the gimp suit I've been wearing it to the last five shows and I'm like do I want to do this forever but at the end of my last set everyone was chanting gimp gimp gimp yeah and I was like well the crowd wouldn't lie well this was I was wondering after the last show are you going to be brought up as the gimp now I think it's going to be a slow roll I'm starting off as you know I was doing JT par for a while and now it's JT the Gimp Par. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And at some point I could see the JT Par falling away as I more fully inhabit my Gimp identity. Yeah. It's interesting too, is you don't change your voice at all. So you're wearing the Gimp mask and you can basically just see your mouth. What's up, dudes? I'm JT. What's up, dudes? JT here.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Grew up in SoCal. Get into the spiel. Yeah.? I'm JT. What's up, dudes? JT here. Grew up in SoCal. Get into the spiel. Yeah, so I'm a bro. Yeah, I've been a bro for a while. I just didn't gimp a tire. Dude, what a... Like, who gets pokey in Iowa? And I'm just wearing a gimp costume. Well, it's funny because, you know, before your set, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:26 they're like, you guys ready for your next comment? And you're like, hey, can you zip up my gimp mask? You know? It is tough to have someone else do it. Bobby Lee was really nice to do that. Yeah. I was like, Bobby, zip me up, dog. What else?
Starting point is 00:02:50 um what else uh yeah well i went to the theater to see batman in newport the oh the one on the peninsula not on the peninsula near fashion island and it's really like kind of old-fashioned like lit up like very cool lights i'm like this would be a good place to go to see a christmas movie i saw children of men there the day after Christmas nice or on Christmas nice it's fun I remember my friend was we had beers in there and he couldn't get him open and then he started trying to use a lighter and then I remember just looking over at him and he's housing his beer and his hand has like nine cuts in it yeah I'm trying to get the top off but he looked looked totally calm. He was just like sipping it. And his hand was just bleeding.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah. I never could do that stuff. You know the guys who can open a beer bottle with their eye? Yeah. Or they put it on a corner or something and punch. Yeah. Or with their teeth. That one kills me.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah. Can you do that? No. I have veneers. Are veneers tougher than real teeth? No. They're gentler? They tell you not to eat apple the normal way.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's why you slice it? Mm-hmm. But you're a big apple guy. No, actually, I use a Dell. Oh, nice. Yeah. That's a good computer. Good commercials, too.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. I like Windows. That was my favorite part of the Steve Jobs book, was just the way he would insult bill gates he'd just be like he has bad taste that sounds superficial i mean it is the deepest criticism possible just roasting this dude people just battling i might agree i mean i saw bill gates on tv because they were interviewing his now ex-wife. And I was like, dude, how do you not have clothes that fucking fit?
Starting point is 00:04:31 If I was a billionaire, everything's tailored. Yeah. Everything. There's this weird thing that dudes in LA do where it's like when they make a grip load of money, they dress down, but it's not actually down. It's like ostentatiously down. Like they're're like you'll just see a dude driving a tesla you know it's like a really nice car and then you look in and you'd be like he looks like he's trying to wear poor clothes but that he still spent a thousand dollars on them and it's interesting it's almost like they're trying to send two messages like
Starting point is 00:05:01 they're still trying to say i have money but they're still trying to say I have money, but they're also trying to say I don't care at the same time. Yeah. It's a, and I don't know if that exists in other places or if that's just popular here. Yeah. I don't know. I think if I had a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:05:16 I would, I would have like a, I would still have the same style, but with like very nice material, you know what I mean so it still has that look but it's just like sort of like so i can tell that's an expensive shirt that'd be fire with holes in it it's coming that's 150 bucks skinny jeans that's what i'm talking about that's the la look i'm talking about yeah yeah um so i get it

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