Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip: Reincarnation

Episode Date: March 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And you guys are going on a trip this weekend, right? You're heading out to New Orleans. How long are you leaving for? Friday to Sunday. Nice. Quick little hitter. Yeah. That'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Hit Bourbon Street. Go on a ghost tour. I want to go on a ghost tour. Nice. That's cool. Although the last ghost tour I went on was bullshit. Because literally they're just taking you around French Quarter. They're like, someone died over there.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Someone died up there. Someone died right here and you're like we're on the street yeah like i want to get scared you know what i mean like yeah someone died right there i think there was like a police shootout over there you're like i was like what the fuck man that? No background information at all. I'm sure they did. I was so heated. I wanted to be in a haunted place and to hear some banging or something or see some hot older woman ghost trying to serve me tea and then turning into a demon.
Starting point is 00:01:03 You know what I mean? Where they're just like, oh oh i'm a flapper from the 20s do you want some tea and then they turn to a monster and eat your face you know yeah you want your like ghost ship moment yeah yeah that's bullshit they don't offer that yeah that should be on the menu it should dude ghost ship have you seen that? Of course. You know when everyone gets cut in half? Dude, of course. Legendary scene. Dude. With like piano wire.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah. That scene's insane looking. Dude. Can you imagine? And they're playing like dramatic music. It's like smashing pumpkins or some shit. Yeah. That scene rips.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah. Literally. I'm talking about the Isaiah Washington scene where he, there's a naked chick and he walks towards her. He's like, goes to put his arms around her, which he walks towards her he's like goes to put his arms around her which why do you think he's just allowed to do that I don't know and then he falls down an elevator shaft well that's right it's that ghost seduction too there's something about like ghosts and vampires and like hot uh you know she was hot for sure non-human
Starting point is 00:02:01 kind of creatures that seem to beckon you in with a siren call like yeah I don't know many dudes who could turn down a ghost no dude no dude no that's my one weak spot ghosts ghosts yeah also see the tour guides thing like someone died there someone died there like the universe the the Earth is like people die everywhere a billion years old someone has died probably what do you think on like every square foot of this apartment yeah i feel them all watching me play call of duty and they're all saying the same thing step your game up step your game up some of those ghosts probably some of those deads probably fought in war too you know like this is pathetic he's more scared in call of duty than i was in
Starting point is 00:02:52 real war yeah did he know that you know there are people trying to like extend life for like as long as they can what if we're what if this physical plane we're on is like hell or like purgatory but then but you only realize that when you die you go to like a paradise or whatever so then they're looking back and you're like oh dude you're just trying to extend your time in hell you know what i mean whoa that's a fire concept on several levels yeah because i really like that we're fighting too hard for something that's not good for us yeah and then also i like the idea that this is as bad as it gets right because i think this is pretty sick yeah but then if the next thing's sicker what the fuck is that even gonna look like can you imagine that i can't yeah
Starting point is 00:03:41 but i but i'm excited to check it out but But I can't. I can't imagine it. Like, literally, my brain's going, bloop. It's a wall, dude. That'd be epic. That'd be really tight. That's, like, a good overall answer to have when someone asks you if you're spiritual or religious. You're just like, I think this is pretty sick, but the next thing is sicker. That's my philosophy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:04 That's my religion yeah that's my religion ready to go like in your will be like what up family yeah this place is pretty sick but i know i'm off to someplace that's way sicker so you know you can have my xbox um i think i have life insurance i don't know I can script that yeah it's guys don't mourn me my life was sick
Starting point is 00:04:29 but I'm going to a sicker place so enjoy being in a shittier place later later nerds later nerds I'm off to the best place possible just talking shit on your deathbed can't work
Starting point is 00:04:42 and you're just like this peace I'm off to a place away sicker dude i'm just gonna choose to believe that i think that's what we all do and you you choose what works best for you and that's gonna fucking work perfect for you dog and for most people it's sick yeah i feel like what do you think happens when you die i just think you go somewhere way sicker if a priest said that to me in seventh grade, a lot of my existential dread would have been kind of flattened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Dude, speaking of peace signs, can you rank all the hand gestures real quick? Number one. Number one, the shaka. Number two. Peace? Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Number three. The rock and roll number four shocker i think this is i love you yeah oh that's i love you i think so it's love strong number four um you're leaving out a very important one you're leaving out a biggie yeah baby yeah if i were a more negative person this would be number one but i believe in a place way sicker so this is number five this is in the five hole um are there any others oh shocker shocker number one yeah i don't know why i picked this as the shocker i don't know where the thumbs yeah what kind of shocking are you doing? Two people.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Two in the gallon, one in the dude's butt. And they're back to back on each other. It's fucking fun, dude. Super fun. Don't knock it till you do it. You did miss one other biggie. What? Thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Oh, yeah, thumbs up. Dude, I remember in college I gave a shocker one time to a lady yeah i told everyone i was like bro i shocked her yeah you gotta tell people you gotta tell the inner sanctum you know they respect it and they're all really nice guys and they were all very dignified about it yeah they're like chad we're happy you went through that stage of life it's an important thing for everyone to sexually experiment so kudos to you and your lady for having that kind of open dialogue and and and safe space to experiment i'm gonna get back to studying physics now they were legends those boys they were the best guys ever that was a sample clip from our patreon only episode if you want more bonus content each week, go to patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Subscribe to Goin' Deep with Chad and JT. Become a Patreon, and we'll see you there.

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