Going West: True Crime - Ana Walshe // 270

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

On New Years Day, 2023, a 39-year-old mother of 3 went missing from her Massachusetts home. When her husband was arrested days later for misleading police, a slew of suspicious information was uncover...ed, including frightening Google searches, strange store purchases, and blood evidence in their basement. This is the story of Ana Walshe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on to crime fans? I'm your host Tee. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. Thank you everybody for tuning in today. We have been following this story so closely the past week and the developments just keep getting more and more unsettling. This has also been recommended to us by so many of you over the past few days, like way too
Starting point is 00:00:35 many to even name. So thank you so much everybody. And since we do not yet know for sure what happened to Anna, we will be talking about her in the present tense. And of course our hearts really go out to her sons and her family during this unimaginable time. But it's really important to share this story because they're looking for answers right now and what they do have is insane. So thank you in advance for sharing.
Starting point is 00:01:00 All right guys, well this is episode 270 of Going West, so let's get into it. The husband of a missing mother of three searched online about how to dispose of a 115-pound woman's body. Goodness. Well, that's just one of the disturbing new revelations about the disappearance of Ann Walsh. You can see a picture over there. Her husband, Brian Walsh, he has now been charged with misleading authorities. We're also learning that authorities were searching two locations last night.
Starting point is 00:02:07 He's on surveillance at that time, purchasing about $450 worth of cleaning supplies. That will include mobs, bucket tops, T-Vex, drop plots, as well as various kinds of tape. Blood was found in the basement area, as well as a kinds of tape. Blood was found in the basement area, as well as a knife which also contains blood. During the time frame when he didn't pour it his way, he gave various statements that allowed him time to either clean up evidence. Her disappearance has rocked the tiny seaside town the family called home and captured the attention of the world. What started as a missing
Starting point is 00:02:45 person's case is turning it to something potentially much more sinister and at the center of the mystery as on his husband, Ryan Walsh. Anna Lubachitch was born on April 13th, 1981, apparently 1981, but according to what her age is online, which is 39, she was probably actually born in 1983, but this is not clear yet. But we know that she was born in Belgrade, Serbia. Her mother's name is Malanka. Her father has sadly passed, and she has a sister whose name is Alex, and she lives in Ontario Canada.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Anna attended the University of Belgrade right there in her beautiful large home city in Serbia, and then in 2009, she she attended Cornell University which is an Ivy League school located in Ithaca, New York and she was there to study hospitality management. But by the time she was attending Cornell she was already working in hospitality and it made her move to the United States starting out as a housekeeping attendant at an in in Virginia in 2005. And in 2008, when Anna was 25 years old, she met her 2B husband, Brian Walsh, while she was living in the Berkshires working as the Reservations Manager for the Wheatley Hotel.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And for those who don't know, the Berkshires are located in Massachusetts. It's an incredibly picturesque place. It's very popular vacation spot. Has a ton of outdoor activities and it has insanely beautiful fall foliage. And the hotel that she worked at is a historic five star hotel that style is inspired by Italian mansions, located about two and a half hours from Boston. Over the next seven years, Anna and Brian developed a relationship, living in a beautiful seaside suburb of Boston together and just building their life.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Until 2015, when they married in Anna's home country of Serbia, and she became Anna Walsh, and she and Brian would have three sons together who are currently two, four, and six years old. Anna continued to work at hotels in Washington, DC and then in Boston until 2020 when she made a career change and began working in real estate. Then, in February of 2022, so almost a year ago from when this episode comes out, she began working as a regional manager for Tishman Spire, which is an American real estate company. So her real estate career has been in full swing.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Now because she works in Washington, DC, she has a condo there that she could stay at, because her actual family home that she shares with her husband, Brian, is located in Cohasit, Massachusetts, which is about an eight hour drive away. So obviously, this is quite far to be a normal commute, so it's known that she would spend a good amount of time in both places. But when she was in DC, she kept in contact with her husband and her kids every single day. But according to Anna's best friend, Alyssa, Anna was interested in moving permanently
Starting point is 00:06:06 to Washington DC and moving her kids down there in early 2023, so within the next couple of months. Cohacid is basically like an affluent seaside town of around 9,000 people just an hour from Boston, so Anna could fly to and from DC in Boston in an hour and 45 minutes, which she often did. Many people describe her as like ambitious, well educated, and a very loving mother. And her friend Alyssa added to that saying, quote, she's personable, passionate, fun, joyful.
Starting point is 00:06:41 She's someone who you want to get to know. She's so interested in everyone and everything Just a really beautiful wonderful passionate joyful woman Brian on the other hand has some knocks against him Piece of shit. Sorry that that may be a little too early for the piece of shit But I just you know how to throw it in there right now. I think they'll agree coming up You know, you're you're not you're not wrong here right? So we are gonna get into him and it his past a little bit before getting into today's case because it's definitely important backstory.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So not much is known about his life in general quite yet, but what we do know is he's an only child of Diana and Thomas Walsh the third. His dad was a physician and Brian had a very privileged upbringing. But in 2012, Brian Walsh stole two Andy Warhol paintings from his friend and sold them. So this friend lived in South Korea and Brian told him that he would take the paintings to the US and sell them for him. But when Brian arrived back to the US, he stopped answering this friend's phone calls completely. And then years passed, obviously this friend is so upset.
Starting point is 00:07:52 He had said something along the lines of how he would be so pissed if he didn't make money off of these paintings. Well, yeah, I mean, they're original Andy Warhol's, like what? Yeah, and Brian took them to sell them. So obviously this friend would never have let him do that if he didn't think that's what was gonna happen. Exactly. But that's not what happened.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So Brian, basically years later in 2016, he was able to sell the pair of paintings to someone in California for $100,000. And the buyer owns a warhol gallery in LA, and this is why they wanted these paintings. But to avoid eBay fees, this is so weird to me. Brian offered a deal to sell off eBay for $80,000 instead, and the buyer agreed. This is kind of the first red flag. Maybe the first red flag is that he's selling them for that price. But the second red flag is that he's saying,
Starting point is 00:08:48 oh, let's get off eBay because eBay has these guarantees and all this kind of stuff. But especially, I can't imagine that the eBay fees would be more than $20,000. I mean, that seems like a lot of money in fees. Yeah, it kind of seems like the reason why he's doing this is because he doesn't want those paintings to be traced in any way. Oh no, he definitely does, but that's what I
Starting point is 00:09:07 mean is this is like really sketchy. Yeah, obviously this is coming off really weird, but the buyer, you know, fully, basically the painting had like a painting number and there's ways to kind of authenticate it. And this buyer who has bought many warhol paintings over the years felt that the information that was given in the listing made it feel like it was legit but that little stamp of authentication. It's a gamble of approval authentication, yeah. That was hidden by the frame.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So they're kind of like, oh, okay, we'll go, we'll check them out, everything's gonna be fine. This seems legit. It just didn't seem like anything was weird. Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling now. But this is what the ad said before it went off eBay. We overpaid terribly in 2007 for the art. Price paid $240,000.
Starting point is 00:09:57 We are trying to sell on eBay because it is much cheaper and because Christie's won't be able to auction our pieces until May 2017. So that's what I mean is you're saying you paid 240 grand for these less than 10 years ago and now you're trying to sell them for 80 like what? No, no. So he's lying here because he did not buy these paintings. We know at least that at this point.
Starting point is 00:10:22 However, once the deal went through and Brian cashed the check, the buyer looked at the art and removed the frames and realized that there was no authentication stamps from the Warhol Foundation because they were fakes. So the buyer then tried to contact Brian by phone nearly 20 times after this, but they were consistently ignored. So so wait so the friend that was living in south korea had fake warhol paintings no so i'm gonna get into that this is honestly very confusing i'd read so many articles to kind of clear this up and it still fear it feels
Starting point is 00:10:56 a little wishy washi basic i'll just tell you right now basically uh... he was he was selling the real ones, not to this buyer, but then he also had essentially made fake ones to sell as if they were real to try to double his money and by the way, not give a dime to the friend that he took them from. Oh, God. Okay. Yeah. So he is a POS.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. But obviously, this income without consequences, as we're going intoOS. Yeah, but obviously this didn't come without consequences as we get into it a second, but eventually the buyer was able to find Ana through Brian and contact her and say, hey, what the hell is your husband doing? And then because of this, she contacted Brian and said, you need to deal with this. I said in so many words, I don't, that's, I'm making that up.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You're making me look bad. Yeah, I mean, probably just like, what the hell figure this out? Yeah. Anyway, he paid back $30,000 of the $80,000 and made various excuses of why he could not return the full amount. So Prana was probably horrified when she learned about this because he's trying
Starting point is 00:12:05 to scam people. Yeah, and like imagine if you're, you know, in a relationship with a person and then you find out that they're like a fraud or they're writing bad actors or selling fake art, like you'd be like, uh, what? I don't know you. Yeah, bizarre. So carry on with the, the legalities. So carry on with the legalities. So the gallery eventually sued Brian for this matter in 2018, and in 2021, Brian pleaded to one count each of wire fraud, interstate transportation to defraud, and possession of converted goods, an unlawful monetary transaction. But he's still apparently awaiting sentencing on these charges.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Though it seems that he was on some sort of house arrest and possibly probation, but we're not sure exact the exact limitations of this, because obviously he was allowed to leave the house. Yeah, this is still, this is an active thing. So many articles about this case will say, oh, Anna went missing and her husband's on house arrest. So it seems like he is still on probation
Starting point is 00:13:09 and some sort of house arrest. But again, the limitations of that were not sure. And by the way, for the art fraud case, Ana's mom actually wrote a letter to the judge in May of 2022, and this is what it said. My name is Malonka Lubachich, and I am Honours Mother and Brian's Mother-in-law. I live in Belgrade, Serbia. I'm writing to thank you for giving my son-in-law Brian Mercy since last October.
Starting point is 00:13:36 On December 21, 2021, Brian found me experiencing what he thought was a stroke. He immediately got my daughter and called emergency services. I can safely say that without his presence, I would have not survived. He further continued to take care of me during my recovery at the house. He's making my diabetic meals daily. He was taking me to the doctor's appointments, etc. Now almost six months later, I am making a full recovery in my country home in Serbia, and I look forward to seeing Brian, Anna, and my grandchildren again upon my return in
Starting point is 00:14:12 November. Brian is a kind and loving man who always puts me at ease. He is there for me even when he's having a tough day. He always says that I'll get to see all of my grandchildren graduate from universities. Any time I think Brian for saving my life, he is quick to give credit to all those who are a part of my recovery. The doctors, my daughters, and you, judge woodlock. He made it clear that he was able to help me because of your mercy, and that he was able to take me to Doctor's appointments because you allowed it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 The first responders who came to the house all knew Brian. They knew him from visits to the co-hacet fire station during the annual 9-11 service acknowledgement campaign, and this made me very proud of my son-in-law. I wish to thank you for my life and for a chance that you gave to my grandchildren to get to know me, as they had already lost both their grandfather's. Thank you also for giving Brian a chance to live a life worth living, sincerely Malonka. And here is what Anna wrote about Brian during this ordeal.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Quote, he was taught to lie and hide. He was told that he was a loser, that his parents should have not had him, that he had no chances of making anything of himself in life, and that he was a lost cause. A deep sense of shame governed his life. She then went on to say that he had a big heart and was the love of her life. And us bringing these two things up, this is obviously directly about this art fraud case. I don't know how much of this is true on either of their parts. We're not trying to use their words against him for the present situation, but it is just important
Starting point is 00:15:56 to bring up everybody's accounts of him in the past and in the present. Yeah, and it's very interesting that Ana says that he was taught to lie. Very interesting. it's very interesting that Anna says that, you know, he was taught to lie very interesting. It's interesting comment because that is ever present in this entire episode as you guys will continue to see. So Brian's mother Diana also wrote on Brian's behalf, stating quote, my son is the only reason I get up in the morning. He is the only person to take care of me and he is always there for me. He is the only person to take care of me and he is always there for me. He is the main caregiver for all three of his sons. He cooks, shops, cleans,
Starting point is 00:16:31 plays, communicates boundaries and reads bedtime stories. However, Brian and his father were not close at all because Brian allegedly destroyed his father's will and stole almost one million dollars from his father. So a close family friend who decided to remain anonymous told CBS News, quote, �Brian was not like other young people. He was always dressed in our money and penny loafers when he was like 13. I never saw him in Dungarees. He just wanted to find us things in life. This
Starting point is 00:17:06 is a kid who never gave his father an ounce of teenage angst. He didn't smoke, he didn't drink, he didn't do drugs, he was very close and very respectful to his father. He was charming. And when he did this when he stole the million dollars allegedly, it like stabbed his dad in the heart. He was not trustworthy. He did something that was shameful and horrible to someone he cared about. So after Brian had allegedly stolen money from his dad, they didn't speak for 10 years. And then Brian's father Thomas died in 2018, and he had cut Brian out of the will for what he had done to him.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I mean, that makes sense. I agree. Try to scream me over, I'm screaming you over. Absolutely. I mean, and they didn't talk like why should I give you a dime. So Brian actually destroyed the will, allegedly, and appointed himself the personal rep of the estate, liquidating over $100,000 from bank accounts in his father's name. So, the alleged dealing of $1 million from his father happened
Starting point is 00:18:11 before the art fraud case, and then the changing of his father's will and taking over $100,000 was after. So clearly, very much money hungry, like for years. Yeah, well, things get a whole lot worse because back in 2014, so the year before Brian and Anna got married, Anna told the DC Metro police that someone threatened to kill her and her friends.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Now, many reports alleged that this person that she was referring to was Brian, but apparently she didn't follow through with the charges and never named the person, though she made it seem as though it was the person that she was dating, which would have been Brian for six years at that point. Four months later, they were married. There's also a lot of discussions going around about an edited Instagram caption from
Starting point is 00:19:01 2018. We're covering all the bases. Yeah. The photo is on Anna's page and it's a picture of her sitting on a couch with a busted up eyebrow. The original caption is currently unknown, but it was changed months later while her husband was in court for ArtFraud to read, quote, mild concussion, bruised hip and a cut, hashtag vulnerability. So some speculate that he was the one to hurt her and that she changed her caption to make
Starting point is 00:19:31 it seem like it wasn't him, but we're not really sure why she would put domestic abuse on her Instagram, so this is pure speculation of what this could mean. Yeah, again, we're just bringing everything up so we can talk about everything that's out there for those who have read certain things and are wondering about them I think people do just think that maybe she changed it from something else But I can't imagine what it would have been like it's not like she's gonna be like Brian punched me today on her Instagram You know what I don't see her doing that so I don't really know what this could mean But she got hurt somehow
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, but you know interestingly enough mean, but she got hurt somehow. Yeah, but, you know, interestingly enough, here is what Brian's dad's friend Fred had to say about an incident that he witnessed regarding Brian's violence. He said, quote, I witnessed firsthand what Brian was capable of. I saw Brian attempt to smuggle out antiquities from China. When Brian was confronted, he picked up a stanchion and literally attempted to kill four or five guards that had come to talk to him about his crime. Brian is not only a sociopath, but also a very angry and physically violent person.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And this was said back in 2019 in an affidavit regarding the dispute over Brian's father's estate. So, this was said well before on his disappearance. Right. And really quick, I want to mention something that I meant to mention when we were talking about money, I know a lot of people are probably wondering about life insurance policies taken out on on a. I did not find anything online regarding
Starting point is 00:20:59 whether she had one taken out on her by Brian or anything like that. I did I don't know I don't think anybody knows right now right and this may be something that comes to light as you know more information Comes out about the investigation totally. I'm actually surprised that I couldn't find anything on it yet because I feel like that's always Emotive that comes up especially when we're talking about husband and wife, but I did not see anything Yeah, and it seems like something you know know, obviously just judging from what we already know, it seems like something Brian would probably gun for. He's a con man.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Right. So now that we've heard all different kinds of accounts on Brian's behavior, what's up with Brian's, by the way? No offense if your name is Brian. Oh yeah, we've been talking about a lot of Brian's. Well, I think I know some really good Brian's, all you good Brian's out there. Good on you for those who don't know Brian Laundry, Brian the co-worker Brian Walsh, it's a lot. So let's finally get to what this whole story is about. What happened to Anna? 39 year old Anna Walsh was last seen on
Starting point is 00:22:01 January 1st, 2023, New Year's Day. She spent New Year's Eve at home and co-has it, hosting a dinner with her 46-year-old husband, Brian and her friend, Gem. I want to say some reports say he's 47, but most say that his birthday is in August of 1976, which would make him 46, so I'm going with 46. So according to Gem, Anna and Brian went to bed just after he left around 1 or 130 a.m.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Anna had an apparent and sudden work emergency, so it was known at this dinner that she needed to leave for Washington DC hours later to deal with whatever it is that was going on. After she was reported missing, Brian told police that Anna got ready to leave in the morning of the first and kissed him goodbye before he went back to sleep.
Starting point is 00:22:53 She was to take a ride share, so an Uber or a lift to the Boston Airport between 6 and 7 a.m., so about six hours after her friend left. Maybe five. As you've probably realized thus far, it doesn't feel like we can really trust what Brian says, but Anna was not seen after this, and it's been reported that she never ended up taking a car to the airport nor did she make her flight to DC that morning that she had already booked in advance by the way. That afternoon, on January 1st, at around 3pm, a babysitter arrived to watch Anna and
Starting point is 00:23:29 Brian's three very young sons, and Brian told her that he was going to go get some groceries. Later, he explained to police that he went to his mom's house in Swam Scott at about 4pm, and Swam Scott is roughly an hour and a half drive from Cohacet and he spent some time with her there. It should be noted that Brian did not have his cell phone with him during this time and after being at his mom's house for apparently just 15 minutes he said that he left to go to Whole Foods and CVS which is CVS is a drugstore in the US for those who don't know, to run errands for his mom. But during this time that he was allegedly running these errands, he also told police
Starting point is 00:24:13 that he got lost for like 30 minutes. So I would just be interested to know how well he knew Swamp Scott and that general area because his mom and his dad when he was alive four years, four almost five years ago, had lived in swam Scott for a long time. So they had been living there for many years and she still lives there right now. And I read in his dad's obituary that the dad is from Virginia, but that he moved to Boston very early in his career. So although we don't know right now where Brian grew up, it seems like it was likely Boston. And Swamp Scott is just outside of it. So it's interesting that
Starting point is 00:24:49 he claims he got lost when he likely knew this area quite well. That's weird to me. And you don't have your phone. So you're just missing. You're just somewhere doing God knows what? Getting lost. Yeah, but the, you know, the really interesting thing here is that he placed himself in Swamp Scott at two different stores. So if he said, oh, I went to Whole Foods, I went to CVS, they're gonna go and they're gonna look for you on security footage.
Starting point is 00:25:17 As we shall get into. So, well, after running these supposed errands for his mom, he returned to Cohacid at around 8 p.m. that same night. So roughly five, after running these supposed errands for his mom, he returned to Cohacid at around 8pm that same night, so roughly 5 hours after leaving. But here's where things get really interesting. The day after this, on January 2nd, 2023, Honest Phone pinged for the last time in the area of their Cohacid home. And it had actually been pinging there, both on the first and
Starting point is 00:25:47 on the second. Two days, which Brian says that Anna wasn't home because she had left to go to DC. So why was her phone pinging at the house? Well, on January 2nd, Brian told investigators that he took one of his sons for ice cream or a smoothie at pressed juice bar in Norwell, which is about a 15 minute drive from their house. It doesn't really matter, but all the reports say they got ice cream and I looked at the menu there, so ice cream, this is like a juice bar, so I saw some reports say smoothie too. We'll go with that.
Starting point is 00:26:18 We'll go with that. Well Brian said that this is all he did that day in public, meaning that he hadn't gone anywhere else. Ryan said that this is all he did that day in public, meaning that he hadn't gone anywhere else. And investigators were able to confirm that this smoothie trip did indeed take place. However, according to surveillance footage caught at a home depot in Rockland, Massachusetts, about a 30 minute drive from their home, Brian wall shopped that day and spent nearly $500 on cleaning supplies, including gloves, mobs, a bucket, tarps, and various kinds of tape.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And he also paid in cash. Before that quick break, we told you guys that Brian had purchased a slew of suspicious supplies from Home Depot on the day he supposedly did nothing but go for a smoothie with his son and he paid in cash. This was on January 2nd, the day after his wife Anna was last seen. And although Anna and Bryan were apparently in the habit of speaking every day even when she was out of town, especially so she could talk to her kids. She did not make contact at all after apparently leaving for DC. Though remember, there's no trace of her leaving for DC and she did not get on her flight.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Two days later, so three days after Ana was last seen, her employer in DC called the police because she hadn't shown up for work in days and didn't call or reply to calls or emails either. On as last Instagram post is from December 31st and it's a quote that says, take the risk of optimism. Before that, she posted one week earlier on December 23rd with a photo of her wearing a Washington Capitol's hockey jersey at the game with the caption officially a fan.
Starting point is 00:28:29 The post before that was five days earlier on December 18th, and it was a video of four different cute baby boy outfits with the caption, the Walsh Boys' first outfits get a special frame, and in the video you can kind of see like different frame options, so it appears that she was in the process of framing these outfits. The post before that was from the day before this on December 17th and it's a five-photo post of
Starting point is 00:28:54 her and one of her sons with the caption reading, baby B turns to today. Like it was yesterday, we were on the way to MGH, which is the Massachusetts General Hospital, during a snowstorm in Boston. A few hours later, baby bee came at 10.5 pounds and fully blonde to our surprise. Grateful for this recessive gene in his golden locks. Happy birthday son, I love you. So basically, she posted on Instagram very frequently, like usually at least twice a week.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And most of her photos are of her family, her kids, her travels, food, and her coworkers. And her Instagram bio reads, confident, generous, loving leader, serving those who lead. So at this point in time, has posted, she last posted almost exactly two weeks ago to Instagram. Yeah, which means that it's obviously suspicious that she hadn't posted anything else to her
Starting point is 00:29:53 Instagram after having posted about, you know, two times a week in the past. And her phone is not pinging. She's not spending money. She's not talking to her family, etc. Right. So according to Brian's attorney, before Anna's employer called to report her missing, Brian had called them to ask if they knew where she was. And this is what prompted them to report her missing. Thus, cohasit police arrived to the Walsh home for a welfare check. And that's when they spoke to Brian for the first time, and he explained the past few days.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So after not hearing from her for three days, he wasn't even the one to officially report his wife missing. The next day, January 5th, the co-hacit police officially announced that 39-year-old Anna Walsh was missing and asked the public to come forward if they had any information regarding her whereabouts. The next day on January 6, police launched their first official search for her in the wooded areas of her home with rescue teams and canines. And that search continued into the next day as police searched for her on the ground and also determined that Brian had lied about going to Whole Foods and CVS the
Starting point is 00:31:06 day that Ono went missing. Remember I said they're going to go look at that security footage. But basically he was unable to provide receipts and he was not captured on surveillance footage for either store that day. Which means he didn't go to them but he told police he did. Exactly. Why else would you do that? Lier. So because he flat out lied to them,
Starting point is 00:31:26 the next day on Sunday, January 8th, Brian was arrested and charged with misleading a police investigation. Insane development of this whole story because after he was arrested, so much more information came out which we're going to get into in a second. But first, I want to mention something weird
Starting point is 00:31:44 that happened the same day that the official investigation began which was on uh... january six so on january six a fire broke out at the walches former house in cohassa that they sold back in march of twenty twenty two but this did seem to be some kind of like odd coincidence that occurred naturally due to damage piping that was connected to a natural gas fireplace insert.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So at first people are like, is evidence being covered? Is this connected, but it just seemed like a total weird coincidence. Yeah, so strange. Yeah. So after Brian's arrest, like I said, is when a lot of other suspicious information came out, like his involvement in art fraudud, the Home Depot trip, etc. Well on Monday, January 9th, the day after, Brian was arraigned in court, and he pleaded not guilty in regards to misleading the police, even though he was literally caught in multiple
Starting point is 00:32:39 lies. But considering he told them that Anna had taken a ride share when she hadn't and all the other lies, police felt that this really delayed their investigation. But even more disturbing were the details that were about to come up as police obtained a search warrant for their cohaset home. Because inside, they found blood in the basement, along with a bloody and broken knife. In addition to this horrific discovery, police also scraped Brian's internet searches, and they found that he had looked up
Starting point is 00:33:19 how to dispose of a 115-pound woman's body and how to dismember a body. I mean, it almost feels like enough that they found this blood in the basement and a bloody broken knife, but then to... I mean, it's come on. It's always so interesting when these idiots search up like, how to dismember a body. Are like, literally, are you dumb? Yeah, are you a stupid person because you to think that they're not gonna check your internet history? I mean, and that's so specific a 115 pound woman's body like wow that is like that's just to a tea like it's almost like you want to get caught yeah
Starting point is 00:34:00 Crazy crazy crazy, so obviously this was just sickening and incredibly suspicious so police moved their search to a trash transfer station in P body which is an hours drive away from their co-hass at home just hoping to find any trash that has that had previously been at the wash home and after pouring over surveillance footage around swam Scott and finding Brian near a dumpster on January 1st, the day he got lost, going to Whole Foods and CVS where he didn't even go. Crime scene tape was put around said dumpsters
Starting point is 00:34:33 in an apartment complex near Brian's mom's house in Swam Scott. So if they found anything in there and in the transfer station, which it seems they may have, it has not yet been reported what those items were, but it's known that the state is currently processing and testing a number of items, which most certainly includes the blood found in the basement.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I mean, it definitely does. It has to be, yeah. Also, I will say, as we do know, we don't know everything that was found in the Peabody trash, but we do know some of it that was found. Apparently, they did find a hatchet, a hacksaw, a rug, cleaning supplies, and bloody towels in the Peabody trash facility, and it's believed to be connected to this case, but there are
Starting point is 00:35:22 waiting DNA evidence. Yeah, so we are waiting for that as well, because hopefully that comes back soon and will give us very clear answers. Those are some terrifying things to find. Yes. So as we mentioned earlier, Brian was on some sort of probation,
Starting point is 00:35:36 and many of the trips that he made after Anna went missing had not been approved beforehand, which is a direct violation of the terms of his probation. So right now, other interesting information is coming out, including information from Mike and Mandy Silva, who are former tenants of the Walsh's since the Walsh's have purchased, rented, and owned many other properties over the years, and have known them for eight years. Mandy said just this week, quote,
Starting point is 00:36:05 over time within the last 6 months, things started to get really strange with the waltches. Anna was selling all of her assets in the Boston area, including our unit, that they were in a rush to sell. Why are you in such a rush to sell our unit? It doesn't make sense. This was very out of character for them. Mike added, quote, they never stated a property for more than a year, so I figured maybe
Starting point is 00:36:31 they're running from something or hiding from something. I mean, she sold all her properties and walked away with a lot of money. I mean, especially since she's in real estate, I think they're just trying to flip or make a profit on houses, which is very common. So my mind doesn't go to them hiding or running. Yeah, yeah, mine either. They're probably just trying to make some money. I think the most intriguing part is that she seemed to be
Starting point is 00:36:56 in a rush to sell if that is even true. Like, that just makes me wonder if she was trying to make money on her own so she could potentially Leave Brian and bring the kids to DC like she told her friend. She wanted to do right, but that is total speculation I don't know how on par that is but also is something interesting Mike had texted both Anna and Brian separately to say happy new year on January 1st But Anna of course never responded to this text, but Brian did, yet not until January 2nd, and his response was, happy new year, sorry for the delay, I misplaced my phone and my son just found it.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So this makes me wonder if he was kind of planting this seed of losing his phone so that he would have a reason to why he didn't bring his very Traceable cell phone with him during his errands on January 1st and January 2nd. Yeah, or I just don't want my phone to ping in Certain areas. No, that's what I mean because it's so traceable like this is his way of saying You know, why didn't you bring your phone then? Oh, I lost it very a very convenient thing, right? Regarding the blood that was found in the basement of the wash home and in the pee body trash, once they determine whether or not it's on us, it would be really big for the case in her potential murder. Now, investigators are currently hoping to collect blood samples from honest sons so that they have a direct bloodline sample to be able to
Starting point is 00:38:25 compare it and confirm or deny the identity of the DNA. The FBI and co-hacet police are still actively looking for information regarding this case and what happened to Anna Walsh. Brian Walsh is still in custody for misleading investigators and more serious charges are expected soon. The Department of Children and Families confirmed that all three Walsh boys are in their custody at this time. Former Boston U.S. Attorney stated, quote,
Starting point is 00:38:56 �We haven't confirmed 100 percent what happened to her. We don't have a body. At the end of the day, you're going to want evidence that establishes proof that a certain act occurred and that there's no doubt about that. You want to make sure you get it right. Although the evidence already seems like a lot, it is largely circumstantial, but hopefully police will get answers soon for on his family. So if you know anything about what happened to Anna Walsh, please call
Starting point is 00:39:26 the co-hacet police at 7-8-1-383-1212. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode, and on Tuesday we'll have an all-new case for you guys to dive into. I just can't believe all of the information that is coming out every day about this case. I stumbled upon it randomly about a week ago, and when my dad was here we were just talking about it constantly, because all this information just keeps coming out and it's looking worse and worse. Yeah. And it's so sad because Anna seems like
Starting point is 00:40:08 this truly amazing woman and amazing mother and she had her career and her life seemed so wonderful and now here's her husband being so suspicious and doing all this shit and you're like, why? Yeah, I mean, it's really devastating and thank you to everybody again for sending this case to us. Yes, I didn't put the names because there was so many and I was already on our radar, but thank you for everybody who did want this episode and please don't forget to share it. Yeah, the biggest thing you can do is help share this case.
Starting point is 00:40:41 You never know, somebody might have some information that might be helpful to the investigation, so please make sure you share with your friends and your family, and thank you guys so much for listening. Yes, we are on social media, we're on Instagram at going West Podcast, Twitter at going West Pod, and we're also on Facebook, if you search going West, there's two different pages. So you can always repost our posts,
Starting point is 00:41:01 we're gonna put photos of Anna and just any other photos associated with this case. You guys can see it and share it. Thank you so much. Yeah, hit that discussion group. If you wanna hear more on Facebook. Yeah, on Facebook. If you guys wanna talk about this case
Starting point is 00:41:14 and maybe go through some theories and whatnot, it's a great place to do that. So thank you guys again. And for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. Thank you. you

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