Going West: True Crime - Anastasia King // 127

Episode Date: June 30, 2021

In 1997, a beautiful 18-year-old woman from Kyrgyzstan joined a matchmaking service to meet an American man. Shortly after that, a man almost twice her age inquired and promised her a perfect life in ...the US. But after financial distress, abuse, and manipulation occurred, the young woman disappeared. Then, someone came forward claiming to know exactly what happened. This is the story of Anastasia Solovieva King. BONUS EPISODES patreon.com/goingwestpodcast CASE SOURCES https://victimsupportservices.org/memorial/anastasia-king/ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/78005918/anastasia-king https://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Indle-King-found-guilty-of-killing-mail-order-1081224.php https://web.kitsapsun.com/archive/2002/04-01/0050_anastasia_king__the_hopeful_life_.html https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-apr-07-mn-36626-story.html https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=20020222&slug=timeline22m Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans, I'm your host Tee and I'm your other host Daphne and you're listening to Going West. Howdy Howdy Going West Gang Howdy Heath and I are recording this a little bit in advance because we're going away for his birthday, which is on June 26th. So a few days before this episode comes out, we're going down to California. Yeah, so this is pre-recorded. So I really wanted to mention that mostly because of our Patreon shout outs that we do in the end, we're going to have to do those next week.
Starting point is 00:00:44 So everybody who joined Patreon in the past week, thank you so, so, so much and we'll give you a shout out next week. We love you guys so much and Heath, do you want to tell everybody about the crazy bonus episode we just dropped? Yes, so we just dropped a bonus episode on the Ryan Family Massacre. And that occurred in 1983 in Chino Hills, California. There's a lot of controversy about that case. Some believe that the person who's incarcerated for those murders is guilty. Others believe he's innocent. So we're going to tell the story and let you guys decide really excited to tell you that one. Yeah, so if you guys want to listen to that and many, many, many, many others, we have well over 40
Starting point is 00:01:22 bonus episodes total by now. So head on over to patreon.com slash going west podcast. And just for everybody else listening today, we love you so much and appreciate all your support. And also, by the way, I know we haven't mentioned this in a long time, but we do have merch available for you guys. We haven't said that in a while. We really have not. If you go over to our website, going west pod.com,pod.com You can click the click click you can click the shop tab
Starting point is 00:01:49 You can click the shop tab and get shopping. Yeah, we have some awesome merch lots of summer items like Fanny pack beach towel tote bag T-shirts. We have sweatshirts lots of good stuff hats. I might I think our merch site does bucket hats now I'm thinking about adding adding a bucket hat. What do you guys think? I have to do that, yeah. If you guys are down, I'm personally into the bucket hat thing. So you let me know. All right guys, this is episode 127 of Going West.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So let's get into it. In 1997, a beautiful 18-year-old woman from Kyrgyzstan joined a matchmaking service to meet an American man. Shortly after that, a man twice her age inquired and promised her a perfect life in the US. But after financial distress, abuse and manipulation occurred, the young woman disappeared. But then someone came forward forward claiming to know exactly what happened. This is the story of Anastasia Solaviva King. Anastasia, Solaviva King was born on December 24, 1979 to parents Anatoli and Alevtina Solaviva in Bishkek City, Kyrgyzstan, and Bishkek is an impoverished city in the former Soviet block with a population of roughly around a million people, and it's also the capital of Kyrgyzstan.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Anastasia was an only child, and her parents were music instructors, so early in life, Anastasia learned to play the piano, sing, and she also studied English. She was an honor student, and also learned to speak three different languages. She was described as radiant, vivacious, and loving, with dreams of getting out of Kyrgyzstan and one of her biggest dreams was to live in America. And I just want to make a little side note here, we posted photos of her of course and photos for all of everything we refer to in this case on all of our social medias and I just want to say just from looking at her photos, I don't know what it is. She just seems kind just by looking at her photo. I just got this vibe instantly from
Starting point is 00:04:34 her. Like the photos where she's smiling, she just looks really genuine and very sweet. Yeah, everybody who knew her said that she was just like the most amazing person. She looks it just from a photo. So during her teen years, Anastasia baby sat for an American diplomat in Bishkek. And this gave her excitement because she would hear all about what the United States was like, emboldening her thoughts on escaping poverty
Starting point is 00:04:58 and living a life of freedom. In 1997, Anastasia's parents found out that a cousin of hers had joined a matchmaking service, or what a lot of people refer to as male-order bride service, and she had found an American man to marry her and bring her over to the United States. And this was, of course, Anastasia's dream, so they relayed the message to her and she seemed keen on the idea. Anastasia's parents knew that America could provide their daughter with the life that
Starting point is 00:05:27 they desperately wanted to give her, but couldn't in Kyrgyzstan. At this point Anastasia was almost 18 and she was mature for her age. She had long blonde hair and the looks of a model, something she thought would help her attract an American suitor. So with the help of her parents, Anastasia signed up for a matchmaking agency, and she was ready to find love and happiness. And before anyone judges the male-order bride's system, we have to remember that most of these girls are just trying to escape the hardships of their own poverty-stricken countries in search
Starting point is 00:06:00 of a better life, so this situation isn't all that strange or rare depending on where you're from. And it really didn't take long for potential matches to come flooding in, as we mentioned Anna Stacia was young and she was extremely beautiful. Letters were being sent to the Soul of Eva Home on a daily basis, and most of them were coming from one man, a 37 year old man from Seattle, Washington named Indle King. I'm glad you made that comment about not judging this, you know, her decision to try to become a male or a bride because we have to understand how hard it was for her to live in her own country. And also how hard it is to kind of say, I'm going to go marry a man I've never met and move to a
Starting point is 00:06:42 different country just so that I can live a better life that itself is really devastating that you have to do that and just kind of hope that whoever it is you get along with and that you can have a good life with them like it's actually very sad. Yeah and I mean anesthesia's parents loved her. It's not like they were bad parents. They were very good parents and if they believed that she could have a better life in America, then that really speaks volumes to this situation. So let's talk about Indo King. He grew up on the very wealthy Mercer Island in Seattle. His father, Indo Senior, was an award-winning industrial designer and his mother Rosalie was a university art professor with a doctorate in education.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Indle attended Mercer Island High School where he learned to play the clarinet and saxophone and he lettered in tennis. When Indle was a sophomore, his parents bought him a gray sports car with red leather interior which he boasted about and drove around blasting music to try to impress his classmates. But although Indle had the money, he wasn't very popular in school and hung out with the Fringe crowd, which spent their time watching the movie, a clockwork orange, and reading science fiction books. And by Fringe crowd, we just mean like the outsiders. Indol's father designed and built their mansion on
Starting point is 00:08:01 Mercer Island and gave a wing of the home to Indole, where his friends could hang out, listen to music and play the board game risk, which is a game where you compete to take over the world. And Indole's friends noticed that he took the game a little too seriously, getting stressed out and even sweating when he wasn't able to dominate the other players.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah, so from an early age, it was clear that he had insecurity issues. He wanted to be in control and he wanted to dominate other people. And that's just kind of funny that he's that guy. He's that, you know, obnoxious person who shows off and flaunts all the things that he has, but is also a huge dick to his friends. And I do also want to mention if you're not familiar with Mercer Island, like there's a lot of wealthy people that live there so we can imagine that he wasn't the only wealthy
Starting point is 00:08:49 kid that went to that school, just in case anybody didn't know. In 1984, Indle graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in accounting, and he went on to work for an oil company as an accountant. He lived in Anchorage, Alaska, and Houston, Texas, before deciding to enroll at the University of Chicago to pursue a business degree. He graduated from the school in 1987 with a master's degree in finance and then went on to work for a plastics company in Pennsylvania, but he was fired after just one year. After that, Indle worked as a pricing analyst in Dayton, Ohio, and a professor at Wright State University Teaching Business.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So this guy was all over the place. I mean, he lived in Alaska, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois. So throughout all of his jobs, Indle had acquired a substantial amount of frequent flyer miles, and he decided to use them to take a trip to the Soviet Union in 1990, with a high school classmate and friend of his, Cartlin-Demoncin. Indle and his friend spent 10 days exploring Russia, and when they arrived back to the US, Cartlin recalled Indle being love-struck by the young girls he saw in clubs and cafes
Starting point is 00:10:03 in Russia. Then soon after this trip, Indle told his friend that he wanted to place an ad through a Russian publication to meet a woman. In 1993, Indle was in his 30s, he was overweight and wore a hair piece. That sounds really judgmental, but bear with us. I mean, that's just the truth. Okay, so he was also juggling teaching jobs at local colleges in Ohio, and it was then that he finally decided to try and find his Russian bride, but he wasn't very straightforward.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The ad he placed claimed a Russian female would have the opportunity to study in America and stay with him. It didn't mention anything about marriage. He started corresponding with an 18-year-old biology student from Siberia, named Yacaterina Kazikova, and in September of 1993, she flew to the US. At first, she was just an exchange student, but by October, Indle had convinced her that the only way she could stay in the US and continue to study was if she married him. So in December, the two got married in Indals hometown of Mercer Island, Washington.
Starting point is 00:11:11 So already there's some manipulation going on here. Hey, yeah, you can't stay in the US and study and continue to live with me unless you marry me, or else you'll be deported out of the States. And this just speaks to how much these girls want to be in the United States if they're willing to marry Indol King. He said that with a disgusted face. He's older than them and he's just a creep. I also just want to mention that earlier when I said you know you wore a hair piece and it's overweight. This is not to to talk shit on people who are overweight or have a hair piece. Yeah, this is to talk shit on Indle King.
Starting point is 00:11:49 This is just specifically against this dude, so please take no offense to me saying that earlier and just go look at a photo of him on our social medias. So you Catarina and Indle, they married pretty quickly, but after just a few short months, things kind of started to fall apart. Endal's teaching contracts kind of dried up, and no one seemed to want to hire him. On top of this, his cars were being repossessed, and he was in a financial tailspin. I mean, this guy was just not doing so well financially. Yacatarina was working as a pharmacy technician while she was attending school and living
Starting point is 00:12:27 with Endel, and he would often ask her for money as well as force her to try to get cash advances from the bank, because at this point, Endel's credit was completely shot. But after a while, Yucaterina would refuse to help Endel out, which led to very violent altercations. Three years into their marriage, Indle took the only job that he could get at the time, which was a grocery store clerk, and on July 5, 1996, while Indle was at work, you canterina finally left him, and I'm sure you're asking, you know, why did his parents not give him money, and I believe it's probably because he wanted to be independent
Starting point is 00:13:06 and self-sufficient and he didn't want to rely on his parents. And I'm sure he did probably ask for financial assistance from them at some point, but I can't really confirm that. So anyway, Yucaterina filed a restraining order against Indole claiming that he had threatened to kill her if she ever left him. She also said that he had physically assaulted her on numerous occasions and sexually assaulted her.
Starting point is 00:13:30 The divorce was officially finalized a year later in July of 1997. Indole convinced his hometown buddies that Yacaterina had just used him to gain US citizenship and that he was the victim in the situation. One friend back in Washington offered Indle a job at his travel company and Indle took him up on the offer. One high school friend was quoted saying, Indle had this great need to be married. He wanted children and he wanted money. Indle then told his friends, this time I'm going to find someone who's a little less independent than my first wife. And just like clockwork, Indle was back in the ad space looking for another Russian bride.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And this is when he would meet 17 year old Anastasia Soloviva. So when we left off, Indle was back out there on the prowl looking for another Russian bride. A 17-year-old Russian bride at that. Yeah, and at this point, Indle was 36-37 years old. So Anastasia's cousin had found her marriage through a matchmaking service and moved to Florida to live out her dream. So Anastasia felt that she could do the same. After countless letters to Anastasia from Indole, he finally made the trip to Kyrgyzstan
Starting point is 00:15:10 to meet her in December of 1997. Indole wasn't the Prince charming that Anastasia's parents thought he would be, like I said, he was 37, he was balding, and he was a fast talker, which they didn't really like, but he did however have a good education and somewhat of a sense of humor, and he actually impressed Anastasia, telling her that he would make all of her dreams come true. He boasted about having money and promised her financial stability as well as educational opportunities, just like he did with his first bride. Indole told Anastasia that he would show her the University of Washington campus, which she actually wanted to attend, and that she could stay with his parents on Mercer Island
Starting point is 00:15:54 while she got a feel for the U.S. Of course, this was her dream, so she accepted his offer. Then, a few months later, just like his first wife, the two would get married in April of 1998. And I mean, this really does seem like a good opportunity. She gets out of her country that she desperately wants to leave, and she has an opportunity to live in a beautiful house and go to school. This really did seem like a great, great, great choice for her. Yeah, and being married to Endola's, at this point, basically the least of her concern.
Starting point is 00:16:27 She doesn't really care too much about that. She's just excited to be in the US. And also at this point, she thought that they had a good chance at having a great marriage together. She was like, he's not perfect, but maybe I can love him. Well, that's the thing, as she doesn't know him very well. So she only knows what she's seeing and what she's being told. So he can be manipulative if he wants to be and and lead her on to believe
Starting point is 00:16:55 that he is better than he is. Right. And we have to remember that. This guy is, you know, feeding her lines, telling her that he's got all this money that he's going to show her the world. He's going to show her the US, you know, giving her all these promises. So she's a little bit love struck at this point. And that's why at first things seemed great. Anastasia moved into a small subdivision just north of Seattle with Indole, and by all accounts, Anastasia was happy.
Starting point is 00:17:22 She began working at a seafood restaurant in downtown Seattle which she loved and had dreams to attend college. But after a short time, problems in the relationship began to occur. Indle became increasingly controlling, wanting to know where Anastasia was every second of every day. He was also pressuring her to have children with him, but Anastasia told him she wasn't ready. Yeah, and that's completely understandable. So Indole grew increasingly irritated with her. And on one occasion, Anastasia came into work in tears because Indole had hit her during a driving lesson.
Starting point is 00:17:59 He had become a bully towards his wife and a person she hardly recognized. Yeah, so if you guys are curious about this, obviously she had just moved to the United States. She doesn't know how to drive in the U.S. He's basically trying to give her instructions and teach her how to do different things in the U.S. And one of these things was teaching her how to drive, but he became really irritated with her very quickly and yeah, he hit her. I don't know what the extent of that physical abuse was if he punched her or slapped her, but it doesn't really matter. It should never put your hands on your person or anyone. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So, again, we mentioned that Indle was kind of in a financial tailspin and things hadn't really changed by the time he met Anastasia. He was still not doing so well. So Indle then took a job at Costco in Seattle, but Anastasia's hard work had finally paid off. She actually began attending the University of Washington and enrolled in business classes while maintaining her hostess job at the seafood restaurant, so she's doing really well,
Starting point is 00:19:04 he's not doing so great. So Endel was getting worse because his new wife was becoming more successful than him, which he absolutely hated, and he was now asking Anastasia for money, just like he did with his first wife. Endel even tried to take away her passport because he didn't want her getting too far away from him.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And so, yeah, now things are getting even worse, so he's like, I'm gonna take your passport so you can't go anywhere. It's sad because she's totally thriving. Exactly. And all of her coworkers and her friends thought so as well. So Anastasia began to keep a detailed journal of all the abuse that she was enduring at the hands of her husband. But to ensure that Endal would never find this journal Anastasia got a safe deposit box in which she kept her journal
Starting point is 00:19:53 $2,500 cash and a list that her husband wrote detailing 48 traits that he hated about her Geez Yeah, so he wrote down all these things. He's like, I don't like this about you. I don't like this about you. And basically, he wanted her to change. He wanted her to be what he wanted her to be. Like he didn't want her to be herself.
Starting point is 00:20:16 He wanted a puppet. He wanted a puppet, someone that he could control and dictate. So then in the summer of 2000, things began to spiral out of control. Anastasia was beautiful, smart, loving, and well liked, and her friends in Seattle knew that she deserved much better than Indole. She began to create distance between herself and her husband, avoiding him as much as she possibly could, which wasn't hard considering she was busy with work in school. Anastasia's mother said that their marriage was, quote, war fair at this point.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Anastasia began seeing other men behind Endel's back, and she continued to keep a list of the abuse that he put her through. From forcing her to have sex with him, to hitting her during arguments, to not allowing her to see a counselor, it was clear that Endel needed to be in control, but felt that he was slowly losing it. But even Endel was getting tired of his rocky marriage, and he had even started looking for new male-order bride prospects. Like, he was like, this is not working. I know she's unhappy, I'm unhappy, I'm gonna start looking for new male order brides.
Starting point is 00:21:27 But this is his second one, and instead of finding a new wife, he needs to realize that he can't have everything his exact way and that that's not where the relationship is, but because he wants what he wants, he's not accepting that. Yeah, the issue is is that he wants everything his way. He doesn't want to have to change for anybody.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He doesn't want to have to do anything different himself. He just wants somebody to cater to all of his needs and his wants. And that's why it's funny, because he acted like he was this wealthy, amazing guy who could provide this woman with a great life, and he's the opposite of all those things. So why he thinks he's entitled to having exactly what he wants doesn't make any sense to me. But anyway, that summer, Anastasia flew back home to spend some time with her family and think
Starting point is 00:22:18 about the next step in her life. But while she was gone, Indole got fired from his job at Costco and was cited for shoplifting from a store in Seattle. He stole two bananas and a 12 pack of soda, explaining to officers that he was in a financial bind because his wife was divorcing him. The weird thing here is that, even though Anastasia probably thought about divorcing Indole, she hadn't followed through with any paperwork or inquiries to do so. While Anastasia was visiting her parents back home, Indole made the rash decision to file for divorce himself, almost in an effort to beat Anastasia to the punch.
Starting point is 00:23:01 But then in September of 2000, Indle apparently had a change of heart, buying a ticket to Kyrgyzstan in an attempt to heal he and Anastasia's broken marriage. Somehow Indle smooth-talked his way into convincing Anastasia to come back to Seattle with him. The couple arrived back in the US on September 22, 2000, and after that that Anastasia would never be seen alive again. So when Anastasia didn't return to work or school as expected, her co-workers and friends grew very concerned, especially because they knew all about the issues that she was having with Indle. Then when Anastasia's parents didn't receive any emails from their daughter, which was very common for them, they would email back and forth almost daily, they decided to reach out to an English-speaking friend in the US to inquire about her disappearance.
Starting point is 00:23:57 A missing person's report was filed, and of course the first person police questioned was Indle. He told detectives that he was in Moscow trying to patch up his marriage, but that Anastasia refused to return to Seattle with him. Indle said that he had flown home alone, but this was his first mistake, because police were undoubtedly going to look into the flight records to confirm this, and when they did, it was clear that Indle was lying because record show that both he and Anastasia returned to Seattle together on the same flight September 22, 2000. Police then learned that Endel and Anastasia had been dropped off by an airport shuttle
Starting point is 00:24:40 at their home in Mount Lake Terrace at 2.30pm, but after that, no one knew where she went. Indle of course changed his mind when he was confronted with the records, and police felt strongly that Indle King was involved, but they had no proof and most importantly, they didn't have a body. They tracked down leads for months, but nothing substantial was discovered. That is, until police realized that Indle had been making regular visits to these Nahomish County jail, which is in Washington, in December, just a few months after Anastasia went missing. Indle had been making these trips to see a former tenant of his, a 20-year-old man named Daniel Larson.
Starting point is 00:25:26 So investigators began to visit this Daniel Larson because they're like, why is Indle visiting you so often? And this person Daniel Larson had been arrested in November for attempting to have sex with a 16 year old Ukrainian girl in a mall restroom near Seattle, and when I say have sex he was trying to physically, or I mean sorry, sexually assault this young girl. They believe that due to his seemingly close relationship to Endal King, that they would be able to press Daniel for more information about Anastasia King, but what they got was a lot more than they could ever hope for. During one jailhouse interview in late December, Daniel told detectives that he knew where Anastasia's body was, and he also knew who killed her.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He said that Indle King was the killer. See in the summer of 2000, when things got much worse for Indle and Anastasia's marriage, Daniel had moved into the King's Mount Lake Terrace home and rented a room there. He had been living there for months and told police that he knew about Anastasia's murder and where she was buried. On December 28, 2000, Daniel Larson led investigators to a shallow grave on the Tulalip native reservation about an hour north of the king's home in Mount Lake Terrace. Detectives begin to press Daniel about the crime, feeling that he could
Starting point is 00:26:48 possibly be involved because they're like, why do you know so much about this situation? And he seemed really anxious and often mixed up his story. And after many interrogations, Daniel was finally ready to tell the full truth. So Daniel said that on the night of September 22nd, he was at the King's home waiting for Anastasia and Indol to return from their flight. But while waiting, he got a call from Indol, who called from the airport, saying that he was on his way home with his wife, and that he was ready to end her life, and that he wanted Daniel to help him do so.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Indle then gave Daniel instructions to tie up the phone line by logging on to the internet because remember this is in the times of dial-up, so that Anastasia couldn't use the phone when she returned home. Daniel agreed, but when the King's returned home, the house computer had automatically logged off due to inactivity. Anastasia then actually did make a phone call, but to this day, no one knows who that call was too. And while she was on the phone, Indole yelled at Daniel for messing up his orders.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Indole then told Daniel to wait and hide in the garage with a necktie, ordering Daniel to strangle Anastasia with it after he lured her into the garage. Indle then told Anastasia to meet him in the garage because he had something he wanted to talk to her about. But when she did, he explained that he wanted to give her money for college tuition. When the conversation was over, Anastasia asked Indle for a kiss, and he approached her. But when he did this, he wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, and a second later, Daniel came running in from behind with the necktie, placing it around Anastasia's throat
Starting point is 00:28:41 and he began pulling. The trio then struggled, but eventually made it inside the house. After that, Indolade on top of Anastasia with all of his weight, which remember, he's a pretty heavy guy, while Daniel pulled tighter and tighter on the necktie. Within minutes, Anastasia had run out of air, and her body had finally went limp. Indolade and Daniel then caught off Anastasia's long blonde hair in an attempt to cover a And Estasia had run out of air, and her body had finally went limp. Indolin Daniel then caught off Anastasia's long blonde hair in an attempt to cover up her identity and case her body was randomly found.
Starting point is 00:29:13 They also removed her wedding ring and her clothes in this process. Then the two men put her in Endel's car and drove north where they buried her body in a shallow dirt grave underneath of a dirty old mattress. At first, police were unsure if they could really believe anything that Daniel Larson was saying, because he had already lied to them a few times before, but when Anastasia's body was discovered, they knew Daniel was telling the truth. Daniel also told police that Indle and him were secret lovers and that Anastasia found out so that was part of the reason for
Starting point is 00:29:49 taking her life. The other reason was because Indle was worried that he would lose a substantial amount of money if a divorce was finalized because he had lost like $55,000 in the divorce to his first wife. Indle was quickly arrested and a trial was set for both Daniel Larson and Indle Kang. Daniel Larson's defense team stated that he should be charged with the lesser sentence of second-degree murder because they felt the crime, at least on his end, wasn't premeditated. Meanwhile, prosecutors went heavily after Indle King for the first-degree murder charge. But Indle's defense team tried to say that Daniel Larson was the sole killer because he was worried Anastasia was going to evict him from the King home.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So lots of different ideas running around here. Yeah, lots of different angles. They're thinking because Daniel was the only one to confess to this murder, and Indle hadn't confessed, but implicated in the murder, that it was possible that Daniel did this himself, and that Indle had nothing to do with it, but, you know, as we'll see, that's not the case. Like I just said, that really did not work though, because eight letters were eventually found that Indle sent to a good friend of his in Seattle named Jay Yannick in which Endel had asked Jay to lie for him, giving him an alibi for the day that the murder occurred.
Starting point is 00:31:15 So he also asked Jay to try to convince Daniel Larson to change his story as well. So this guy is just out there trying to manipulate the situation. It's good Jay came forward with that. Yeah, exactly. And Jay was not interested in covering for Indle. And he handed over the letters to police right away. It was also discovered that while in jail awaiting trial, Indle had asked other inmates to intimidate Daniel Larson into changing his story.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But that didn't work either. Daniel Larson, however, took a plea deal for the second-degree murder charge in exchange for his testimony against Endel King. And by the way, I also have to mention that the safe deposit box that Anastasia kept, her journal in, and just basically all of the abuse that was going on in the marriage, that was used as evidence in this trial as well.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But defending Daniel Larson would prove to be pretty difficult because he wrote a letter to a convicted murderer and cult figure, Christopher Turgan, in which he admitted to killing Anastasia by himself because he believed that she was an evil cheater and God wanted her to die. So he also claimed that he was in the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and that he had had ice cream with Kevin Costner, which is definitely not true. Does there have to random things to claim? Yeah. And then he went on to tell a correctional officer that he had a microchip implanted into his head when he was six years old, which increased his strength and agility. So
Starting point is 00:32:51 Daniel probably needs some help here because he's not really making a good case for himself. In the end, Indo Kang's attempts to swindle the jury and witnesses didn't work. And on March 27, 2002, he was sentenced to 28 years and 11 months for the murder of his wife. He was 40 years old when he was sentenced and Anastasia would have been 22 at the time. Daniel Larson was sentenced to 20 years for his role in the crime, and in a closing statement after the verdict, Anastasia's mother stated for the court,
Starting point is 00:33:29 This is what you've come to at the age of 40. A criminal. You murdered Anastasia. You murdered us. You murdered your parents, and most of all, you murdered yourself. After the trial, the Solaviva's moved to Washington so they could be close to the memory of their brilliant daughter, whose life was cut short by a controlling man who failed in marriage and in life.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode and next week we'll have an all-new case for you guys to dive into. I really don't think that 28 years was enough of a sentence for Indle King. Oh, because he's going to get out one eight before he's 70. Yeah, especially knowing the fact that Anastasia was such an amazing person, it just doesn't add up to me. And it's really upsetting because no murder needs to happen,
Starting point is 00:34:26 but she was in her home country. They had pretty much, you know, they were not on good terms, they were gonna split up. He went back there, got her, returned to the United States and killed her almost immediately. So it's like, why? Why couldn't you just let her go? Yeah, I mean, this guy had a huge ego
Starting point is 00:34:46 and unfortunately it cost Anna stage her her life. Yeah, really, really sad case today, but thank you guys so much for tuning in and listening. And again, thank you so much to our patrons who are gonna give shout outs to next week since we're recording this in advance for Heath's birthday. Yeah, and if you wanna know where I'm going for my birthday, just ask us. Or we could just tell you.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I'm going to Catalina Island. It's going to be really fun and excited to celebrate this guy and all the hard work that he's done for the show. And just one an amazing partner he is. I love you so much. Oh, thank you so much, babe. I'm a lovey-two. And we're going to post photos on our socials if you guys wanna see just from our trip, as we always do, we might do a Q&A while we drive down there, cause we're taking a road trip.
Starting point is 00:35:29 So if you guys wanna see, head on over to our Instagram at GoingWestPodcast, Twitter at GoingWestPod, and then our GoingWest discussion group on Facebook, and we also have photos for this case and every other case on there too. So thank you guys for tuning in, and again, next week we will have a new case so we'll be back, we're just recording this in advance and we're excited to give shout out to all the
Starting point is 00:35:51 patrons next week and if you guys want to join Patreon head on over to patreon.com slash going west podcast for a ton of bonus episodes. Alright guys, so for everybody out there in the world, cheerio and don't be a stranger. you you you

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