Going West: True Crime - Chance Englebert // 307

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

In July of 2019, a 25-year-old man and new father left his wife’s grandparents’ Nebraska home on foot after an argument, and never returned. He was spotted on multiple surveillance cameras in the ...area, but then, he seemed to vanish without a trace. This is the story of Chance Englebert. BONUS EPISODES Apple Subscriptions: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/going-west-true-crime/id1448151398 Patreon: patreon.com/goingwestpodcast CASE SOURCES 1. Charley Project: https://charleyproject.org/case/chance-leslie-englebert 2. County 17: https://county17.com/2021/05/03/moocroft-mans-disappearance-remains-a-mystery-nearly-two-years-later/ 3. County 17: https://county17.com/2019/07/12/wife-of-missing-moorcroft-man-fears-the-worst/ 4. News Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8-y96np3EE 5. News Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvZ7cL8Df90 6. Uncovered: https://uncovered.com/cases/chance-leslie-englebert 7. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MissingPersons/comments/11ntae9/the_mysterious_disappearance_of_chance_englebert/ 8. News Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6MVXWRMRZ4 9. Newsbreak: https://original.newsbreak.com/@fatim-hemraj-561392/2866034342473-in-2019-a-young-husband-and-father-went-missing-after-an-argument-with-his-wife-s-relatives-where-is-chance-englebert 10. Change.org petition: https://www.change.org/p/federal-bureau-of-investigation-fbi-needed-for-chance-englebert-disappearance/psf/share?source_location=combo_psf&psf_variant=combo&cbd_s=eyJleHBlcmltZW50TmFtZSI6InBzZl9jb21iby0xOTE5NzcxNiIsInZhcmlhbnQiOnsidmFyaWFudE5hbWUiOiJhNCIsImRhdGEiOnsiYW1vdW50Ijo4MDAsImFtb3VudF9pZCI6ImE0In0sInB1bGxzIjo1LCJyZXdhcmRzIjozMX0sInZhcmlhbnROYW1lIjoiYTQiLCJjb21ib0JhbmRpdEFtb3VudCI6OCwiYW1vdW50SWQiOiJhNCJ9&share_intent=1 11. County 17: https://county17.com/2019/07/12/wife-of-missing-moorcroft-man-fears-the-worst/ 12. Find Chance Englebert Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/findchanceenglebert 13. KNEB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hpvGf75TM0 14. NTV ABC: https://nebraska.tv/news/local/police-break-down-timeline-dispel-rumors-in-missing-mans-search 15. Cowboy State Daily: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2022/04/14/former-legislator-private-investigators-tracking-case-of-missing-moorcroft-man/ 16. Lyn's interview with Kody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WBjfPXYxYs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans? I'm your host Tee. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. Hello everybody. Today's case was recommended by so many of you, but not enough to not name you, so I'm gonna name you now. Thank you so much to Beth, Stacey, Sarah, Ali, Kasey, Kylie, Tim, Cheryl, Amber, Amy, Shania, and Austin for recommending this case. Thank you guys so much!
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah, this case has been on our radar for so long and so many of you guys have recommended this case. We're finally getting to it. Yeah, very mysterious story ahead of us today. I just want everybody to know I'm getting over a cold. So that is what's going on with my voice right now. Yeah, so if she sounds a little bit sick, that's why. That's why, because I am. But thank you guys for tuning in
Starting point is 00:01:02 and let's dive into this one. All right, guys, this is episode 307 of Going West, so let's get into it. In July of 2019, a 25-year-old man and new father left his wife's grandparents Nebraska home on foot after an argument, and he never returned. He was spotted on multiple surveillance cameras in the area and sent two very bizarre text messages. But then, he seemed to vanish without a trace. Chance Leslie Anglebert was born on December 3rd, 1993 in the Edgemont area of South Dakota, which is a small town in the southwest quadrant of the state near the border of Wyoming. He was joined by his parents Don and Everett and was the old disibling to two little
Starting point is 00:02:51 brothers Clay and Miles. In his teen years, chance was a bit of a rodeo prodigy, specializing in riding horses bareback at competitions, and actually won titles all over the state and was even awarded a scholarship to college for his radio skills, his rodeo skills. Wow, I literally had no idea that you could go to college for being good at rodeo. I guess you can in these states. But in addition to his endeavors on horseback, chance was an excellent athlete. He had been a swimmer and growing up on a ranch,
Starting point is 00:03:27 he was a skilled farmer and an outdoorsman like his favorite activities were hunting and fishing with his family. He also had a passion for cars though, and in particular, love to work on demolition Derby cars and compete in demolition Derbies with his friends. That's actually pretty cool. A lot of my family used to do demolition Derby's with his friends. That's actually pretty cool. A lot of my family used to do demolition Derby's as well.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Basically, you just crash cars into each other and the last one standing is the winner. Very interesting. Well, Chance loved it, but mostly he was a self-proclaimed cowboy and he wore this title very proudly. His mom, Don, called her son an awesome kid and said, quote, he would help anybody out. He partied, but he loved more.
Starting point is 00:04:09 In college, Chance studied diesel mechanics, or the study of fixing up diesel engines, and also trained in welding. In October of 2017, when Chance was 23 years old, he started talking online to an 18-year-old girl named Bailey, and the two really fell for each other So, Chance and his best friend Matt Miller made the trip to Bailey's hometown of Scottsbluff, Nebraska And exactly a year later in October of 2018, the two were married And by April of 2019, 20 year old Bailey andold Chantz had welcomed a baby boy named Banks. According to his wife Bailey, Chantz adored being a dad and used very proud of their growing
Starting point is 00:04:53 family, just working his hardest in the early days of their relationship to be able to afford to buy them a house. And he did, and the family settled in morecroft, Wyoming, which is a town of less than a thousand people around an hour and a half away from where Chance grew up. But at this point in time, Chance was met with a huge setback in the summer of 2019. Chance and his best friend, Matt, had been working at a coal mine in Gillette, which is about 30 minutes west of Morecroft, and Chance had been taking home a decent salary doing this. But then, while juggling a new baby in a new house, Chance, along with 600 other employees
Starting point is 00:05:31 of the mine, including Matt, all lost their jobs. At the time, Bailey was staying home with Banks, and she was planning on entering nursing school soon, which would eventually bring them home a competitive salary, although they would also incur a large expense for her schooling. So thankfully, Chance was able to find a replacement job fairly quickly, and again was fortunate enough to work alongside his best friend Matt. Chance's next job was for Blakeman Propane, which is an energy company with locations all over Wyoming.
Starting point is 00:06:03 However, this position came with a pay cut, which is what sparked the very fight that may have led to chance's disappearance. On 4th of July weekend that summer, which again was 2019, chance, Bailey and three-month-old banks loaded into the car and spent the holiday weekend visiting Bailey's family and garing Nebraska, which is just minutes south of where she had grown up in Scottsbluff. On Saturday, July 6, 2019, Chants reportedly headed to a golf course with Bailey's parents and brother while she stayed back at her grandparents' house, where the three of them were staying for, you know, that weekend.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So Chants and Bailey's family spent the hot Nebraska day drinking and golfing. And discourse over Chants' case has been filled with speculation about this, but it's been alleged that Bailey's father, so Chants' father-in-law, made a few comments about Chants' new job, which he was starting that Monday, and how he would be making less than he had been making at the mine. Which is sad because like this isn't chances fault. So many people lost their jobs at the mine. Yes, 600 people were laid off. Yeah, and he's just doing his best to keep his family afloat in these hard times.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah, so I mean, I feel like it's very insensitive to even mention anything about that, especially you know, being the father-in-law of a person and saying those things. It's, you know, it's very cutting. Exactly. As you can imagine, these comments apparently really struck a nerve with chance who pried in himself on being the family's provider. He said that he was just ready to leave immediately after this conversation. He was like, I don't want to be here anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He called his wife Bailey from the golf course just fuming and asked that she come pick him up. So she and Banks loaded into the car and grabbed chance, returning to Bailey's grandparents house at around 7.30pm. And remember, since this is a summer night, it still would be light out at 7.30pm. So Chant then told her that he wanted to go back to their house, you know, their own home. He wanted to leave her family and just drive back to Nebraska because he didn't care to spend time around her family after what had just happened. Like, he was just really over the situation. So Bailey remembers having trouble reasoning with Chance in this discussion because he
Starting point is 00:08:21 just seemed really angry and he was also a bit drunk. So after this, Chance walked away from the house by himself as she was getting banks out of his car seat. She last saw him walking the 700 block of O Street in Garing, and basically Bailey ran into the house, she put banks into her grandmother's arms, and then ran back outside, but by then, chance was already gone. So initially she thought maybe he was just taking a walk around the neighborhood to clear his head, which he had done multiple times, but this time just seemed different.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So Bailey hopped into the car to comb the town of Garing to look for him. She called him numerous times as she was circling the town, but he failed to answer the phone for a while at least. Until 7.46pm, so about 16 minutes after they arrived to her grandparents' house, he finally picked up the phone and told Bailey only that he was heading south, and then he hung up. Now strangely, security cameras later captured him clearly heading north, but it's not known whether he intentionally misled Bayley so that she wouldn't be able to find him
Starting point is 00:09:33 or if he was actually confused about the direction in which he was going. A few minutes later at 7.50 pm, chance called his best friend Matt to come pick him up, but Matt was over four hours away in Gillette Wyoming so he couldn't be there quick enough. Now according to Matt, Chance didn't seem inebriated, but he was very upset about what had happened. Fair enough and seemed to need space from Bailey and her family. Chance told Matt that he was planning on walking the 35 miles or 56 kilometers to Torrington, Wyoming.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But why he had made that his final destination that evening is still unknown. It's possible that he may have had a friend or a family member there with whom he could spend the night, but his exact plans were not clear. So after he and Matt hung up, Matt, who was obviously concerned about Chance's welfare and the rapidly escalating situation, called Chance's mom Dawn, who was in South Dakota at this time, and alerted her about what was going on. Matt also apparently called some mutual friends to see if anyone who was nearby could maybe make the trek to Torrington to go get him after he arrived.
Starting point is 00:10:41 At 7.49pm, Chance was spotted by patrons at a Domino's pizza walking north towards Scottsbluff on 10th Street in Garing. And remember, that is just three minutes after he picked up Bailey's phone call. Right. So two minutes later, at 7.51pm, Chance was again captured on surveillance footage nearby. In apartment building just north of the Domino's, caught him walking past, appearing to follow map directions on his phone, and looking slightly disoriented. He walked one direction, looked at his phone, then walked the other way.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Chance was then spotted on surveillance footage again near the intersection of Terry Boulevard and stable club road in Terrytown, Nebraska, which is the community nestled in between Garing and Scottsbleff. So now he's in between these two towns. But while none of the sightings of Chance captured on security camera footage are confirmed to be him with 100% accuracy, his family is still basically certain that this is him. I mean, yeah, you can tell most security footage. You can, you can just tell by a person's appearance and their physique, whether it's them or not, as well as his clothes, you know, they'd be, they'd be able to, to tell.
Starting point is 00:11:57 After this sighting, his phone ping near the Western travel terminal truck stop in Scotts Bluff, which is about a mile or 1.6 kilometers from where the intersection was where he was last pictured on surveillance cameras. Some have claimed that this points to the possibility of him having hitched a ride with someone and maybe gotten into trouble, which is definitely a possibility, but obviously because cell phone tower pings are not a precisely accurate determination of where, you know, someone is located, and because he was never actually picked up on security camera footage at the truck stop, there's no way to know whether or not he had gotten into a car with someone.
Starting point is 00:12:36 But maybe he did, and that is a huge question in this case that we sadly cannot prove with these resources. Yeah, and I think when we get into theories, we'll talk about that a little bit more. So his mother, Don, was continuously texting and calling him, hoping to receive some sort of a response, but he never got back to her. So panicking, she began reaching out to other family members, just hoping to ease the tension. And chances Aunt Kate had actually even texted him earlier just to let him know that they all knew that he was providing for his family The best that he could and that she loved him because he's probably walking around with a lot of self-doubt or just A lot of kind of disappointment that somebody doesn't believe in him or doesn't think that he's doing a good thing for his family when
Starting point is 00:13:20 He is when he's trying his best here. So his own family is saying, hey, we see you, we know that's what you're doing. We love you. Like everything's going to be okay. But he did not text and Kate back either. Then at exactly 8 p.m. So just over 10 minutes after he had gotten off the phone with Bailey, she texted him again asking him to call her. Over an hour later at 9 o 8 p.m, he finally texted her back and he said, I'm emoji. So I, apostrophe M, emoji and the emoji is like a face with open eyes and a flat line for a mouth. Like it's an upset face. Yeah, it kind of looks like maybe you're numb or you're feeling numb or upset. Yeah, you're just like flat face. So he said, I'm this kind of to indicate maybe I'm upset. And then he texted his aunt,
Starting point is 00:14:09 Kay, a jumble of letters that maybe seemed like an auto-crect accident. And this red, I don't know if I should read this or, let's say the letters. Yeah, maybe we should just say the letters. It does so really G. Like I B D E S E R E A L L Y G, all one word, like it's just like a jumble of letters.
Starting point is 00:14:33 So Kate responded to this saying, you are what, and then are you okay, but Chance never got back to her. So what, you know, what is that text indicate to us? Was he about to text her and then something happened and that was some version of like, you know, a struggle text, like what is that about? Was this a pocket text?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah, does it mean absolutely nothing? It could mean absolutely nothing, but this is the last text that anyone got from chance. Well, and actually, his mom Dawn maintains that these two texts were not even sent by her son. She believes that they were sent from someone else using his phone. Because she explained that he never used emojis, like he was not an emoji guy, and that whole exchange just seemed really out of character for him.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Isn't that so interesting that now we can determine if somebody is an emoji person or not and that kind of helps us with things like this? Like, oh yeah, that's not how they would normally text. Yeah, I mean, if he doesn't use emojis to say, I'm, and then emoji, and using the emoji to kind of signify a word instead of just saying, I'm upset, like why not just say that, especially if you didn't use them. So.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, and we've also seen this in a lot of other true crime cases where, you know, someone will get a text message from their loved one, and it's really somebody else texting, and they're like, that is definitely not my loved one. I know how they text. Everybody's got a rhythm. Everybody has a tone. My dad uses 100 exclamation points after text.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Your dad uses a lot of periods. Zero exclamation points. Everybody has, or your dad uses a lot of mimojis. Everybody has their style. But again, his mom, Dawn, did not believe that this was his style and she just thought that it must have been somebody else. And then, soon after, those texts were sent, his phone was either turned off or the battery died, which makes that whole situation even weirder, that shortly after sending these two
Starting point is 00:16:39 really bizarre texts, his phone just went dead. Now shortly before it did, it pinged off a cell tower near the Riverview Golf Course on County Road 19 in Scotts Bluff, just west of downtown. So at this point, he had already walked over 5 miles. And this is something that's important to discuss because walking over five miles in about roughly an hour and a half time span is a lot of miles. You know? The average person can walk two and a half miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So if he's walking over five miles in about an hour and a half or less, that's a lot of walking to do. Maybe he was walking fast, but just from what we know of the security footage that he seemed kind of disoriented, he was walking this direction looking as phone, then he had to turn around because it seemed he was going the wrong way. This didn't seem like a super determined, I'm walking high speed to a destination. It's like, oh wait, I'm going the wrong way now. I'm walking casually. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Unless he kind of figured it out and then was just kind of like on a mission. Like because you know when you're upset or you're your pissed off Walking quickly is something that a lot of people do very true. So it is it is technically possible to walk that distance He just would have needed to been going quite fast. But then you also wonder, well, was he picked up? So while this was all happening, the weather was turning very sour, like the evening brought a thunderstorm, a downpour of rain, and a dip in temperature, which obviously has to come into play here during this walk. So Bailey's grandfather also headed out to look
Starting point is 00:18:25 for him that evening, while Bailey hoped that he had maybe ducked inside somewhere to take refuge from the storm. Along the route that he seemed to be walking is the North Platte River, which that night in the midst of this kind of significant thunderstorm would have been swollen with rain. So that night basically nobody had heard from Chance.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So early the next morning when Chance still had not returned back to Bailey's grandparents' house, and no one had heard back from him in hours, Bailey reported Chance missing. Searches began promptly the next morning, among the debris that the previous night's storm had left in its wake. In addition to Bayley's and Chance's friends and family, about 150 people from the community came out to help search for chance that morning, and over 2,400 acres of land were searched in the initial efforts alone. Nearly 20 different law enforcement agencies participated in this search, utilizing cadaver dogs and search helicopters along the route that Chance was believed to have taken while he was walking.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Cadaver dogs also search ten areas of bodies of water, and authorities even drained the canal that ran through gearing. Over 380 square miles, or 611 square kilometers, were searched by air with Nebraska State Police helicopters. Within two days of chances disappearance, investigators were coming to banks of the North Platte River near where Chances Phone had last pinged. But there was no sign of him, the clothing that he had been wearing or his phone. Investigators obtained the surveillance footage believed to capture chance from the area businesses
Starting point is 00:20:09 and housing developments, but were offered no indication as to where Chancid ended up. But it did show the direction which he had been traveling that day, which was not of much help. So on July 10, 2019, so four days after Ch chance had last been seen, Bayley's and Chances families pleaded with the public for information via a televised press conference. Don said through tears quote, We just ask anybody to send any information. Somebody had to have seen something and knows something.
Starting point is 00:20:42 This just isn't chance. He's just not like this. He definitely would have gone for a walk for a few hours to clear his head, but he would have been home. He would have been with his son. He's a family man. He loved his whole family, and he wouldn't have done this to us. Behind her, Bailey tended to their son Banks, and remained mostly quiet, except when asked
Starting point is 00:21:02 what kind of person and husband chance was, saying, quote, extremely responsible. He handled all of his responsibilities before he did anything else. On July 11, 2019, the family received a bit of false hope in the form of a potential sighting in Wyoming. So three hours away from gearing in Casper, Wyoming, multiple tip-line collars reported seeing a man who looked like chance, attempting to hitchhike along I-25. However, by the time police arrived to the area, this man was gone. But then, the following day, another tip came in from Casper this time from a Walmart. The caller believed that she had seen chance in an East Casper Walmart store.
Starting point is 00:22:14 So a garing police officer working chances case went out to investigate this himself. Even after reviewing six hours worth of surveillance footage, the officer was still unable to confirm whether or not the man inside the store was Chance. A few days later, with tips really dwindling and the family just kind of starting to lose hope, Don posted this on Facebook, quote, So here we are coming up on two weeks' chance and we hurt more now than before. Not sure if you keep running, busy like, or lay down, but we want you home. We're sorry if we push too hard or not enough.
Starting point is 00:22:53 We all love you so much. So please send us a sign. We're here to help you and support you. I have to believe you're out there lost because anything else is not acceptable. Both Bailey and Don continued to maintain that he never would have left on his own accord and feared that he had been met with foul play. But many signs seemed to point to the weather, possibly having something to do with it, because as we know he was already walking near the path of the river, so maybe chance had
Starting point is 00:23:23 been overtaken by the water or something or maybe caught in the storm and he wasn't able to get himself out, but chance his family really rejects the theory that it was an accident caused by the thunderstorm that evening. And Matt, who again is his best friend, was asked in an interview about the possibility of that.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And he said, quote, I'd say chance was born and raised for that kind of weather so this this rain was not new to him i mean he's a he's a country boy you know he knows he knows like how to get around rural land exactly so obviously it's not to say that it couldn't have happened that the weather did not
Starting point is 00:24:02 play a part here but his family just doesn't think that it went in that direction. Well, we do have to think about the possibility of him falling into the plat river because he had been drinking that day. I mean, that's something that we do know. And that is a possibility in any sort of scenario like that.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Well, and there was a local who argued that the storm may have been worse than Chances Family thought that night, and this is what they said about it. Quote, we couldn't even see the road because the winds were so bad. It took us nearly two and a half hours to get home, which was 27 minutes away. The storm was so bad that we barely missed hitting a roof that was sitting on the road and the guy in front of us went into the ditch because of the roof. Okay, so that's a different story. So it sounds like it was extremely treacherous. A pretty bad storm here. Right. So but then that made his family wonder, well, so maybe the weather had something to do with it in a different way.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Maybe to get out of the storm, he hitched a ride from somebody or something like that, you know? Yeah, yeah. That it wasn't a direct cause. Direct cause, yeah. But maybe because of it in a different way. But of course, this is all just speculation. Right. And as it always seems to in small towns, the rumor mill just really churned here.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Chances family and friends were active on Facebook and avidly putting the word out It always seems to in small towns the rumor mill just really churned here. Chances family and friends were active on Facebook and avidly putting the word out while aiding in the search efforts, but people following the case closely began to notice that Bailey was suspiciously missing from the conversation. Now while it's important to remember that Bailey was only 20 years old at this time, and she had a three month old baby to worry about. Many thought that she seemed kind of cold and unfazed in interviews, including the press conference that she had done with Dawn and the other members of Chances Family on July 10.
Starting point is 00:25:55 According to Dawn, she had attempted to have a death certificate issued within days of his disappearance, which many found very suspicious. But Dawn came to her defense claiming that Bailey was simply worried about caring for herself and her child. Brian Eads, who's an investigator with the Guarang police, remarked quote, She had a son to provide for. She was not working at the time. Chance was the sole breadwinner for the house.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And in discussing it with Chance's mom, they discussed that if she was to get on Chances Social Security, they would need to have a death certificate in order to show that. She's always been very cooperative with me, very cordial. Interviewed her at length, my first interview with her was probably a couple hours long. So she's always been very cooperative. Bailey also hired a lawyer to help her with all the negative media attention that she was getting during this time, which she received even more criticism for. Brian Eads again explained, quote,
Starting point is 00:26:53 Bayley hired an attorney to protect herself but never invoked her fifth amendment rights or refused to answer questions. She's been interviewed multiple times at length and very willingly. There have been a lot of rumors and accusations on social media towards all members of the family, She's been interviewed multiple times at length and very willingly. There have been a lot of rumors and accusations on social media towards all members of the family, but I can only speak to the ones that involve law enforcement as I can't speak for them. But Bailey quickly disappeared from the limelight and stopped granting interviews altogether
Starting point is 00:27:19 because of how she and her family were being portrayed online and really just being dragged into suspicion. She also reportedly called his new job and told them that he would not be reporting to work but inquired about cashing out his 401k. So I understand why people are a little bit suspicious of this, especially people who are not directly involved in the case and don't really know how things work, but this would then lead us to believe that she was confident that he was deceased immediately after he disappeared.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Sure, but we have to remember, you know, she's a 20 year old girl, she is a new mother, she's got this young baby, and she doesn't have a job. So she's basically looking for, she knows that it's been a few weeks since chance has been missing and she knows that she needs to somehow now provide for her child. Absolutely, but you know, obviously getting a death certificate for somebody is such a serious measure
Starting point is 00:28:19 because that is you saying they are definitely dead. Yes, sure. Because of that kind of confidence, I think that is why a lot of people speculated. I'm not saying I agree with them. I'm just saying that it's such a sure thing. And that's why I'm trying to kind of remain unbiased towards this whole situation because I can see it
Starting point is 00:28:39 from both sides, really. Well, as Bailey really pulled away from the search efforts and, you know, chances family did, even more speculation stirred. And a lot of people that were close to chance claim that he and Bailey's relationship had already been tested leading up to chances disappearance because allegedly, Bailey had accused him of cheating on her and would sometimes call his mom Don to vent and complain about him.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And Don even apparently suggested that they go to couples counseling, but the two had yet to go, so there were some existing problems in their relationship. In one of the last interviews that Bailey granted, she joked that if she really wanted chance to come back, she could sell his Derby car saying, quote, that should get him hauling home. But the conversation got heavier when she continued saying, quote, honestly, I think he's either severely injured or dead. He would never leave his son. He loved being a dad. So neither Bailey nor anyone in her family has ever been named a suspect or even a person
Starting point is 00:29:46 of interest in the case of Chance's disappearance and it just remains a tragic mystery. But sadly, the rumors and the weight of the circumstances became insurmountable for these two families, which really caused a major rift that has not healed. Don says that she has not seen her grandson since 2019, and that her family no longer has any contact with Bailey or her family, and that Bailey just really keeps a low profile now. But the speculation continued regardless of Bailey's public involvement in the case. One former senator was so convinced of Bailey's public involvement in the case. One former senator was so convinced of Bailey's involvement that she visited Bailey and banks at their home completely unannounced.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Lynn DeSanto, sometimes also known as Lindy DeSanto or Lindy Meyer, is a former South Dakota State Senator and former South Dakota House of Representatives member. She's mostly withdrawn from her political career and now lives in Montana selling real estate, but in her spare time, she pursues justice in unsolved cases, and she took a particular interest in chance's disappearance. Now, according to Lynn, she had seen the press conference
Starting point is 00:30:59 and watched as Don tearfully pleaded with the public for answers. A mother to three sons just like Don, Lynn vowed to help dawn seek answers. Lynn said in an interview later, quote, People really care about this case because he's a small town boy who is well loved and well regarded by everyone and people just can't believe that he's disappeared. She publicizes her journey seeking answers on her YouTube channel, which is called Lynn Seeks, whose description reads, quote, Lynn Seeks is a channel that looks at situations with mysterious circumstances, focusing on missing people in crimes that haven't received justice.
Starting point is 00:31:35 What's the truth? Seeking hope, truth, freedom, love, justice, and meaning. Lynn was so enthralled with Chance's case in fact that on February 9th, 2020, she took an unannounced trip to Bailey's home to speak with her, just kind of hoping to seek resolution for chance. And in her video describing the trip, Lynn explained, quote, I ended up taking a trip to Nebraska. The reason I didn't make a deal that I was going down there
Starting point is 00:32:02 is because I like there to be a little bit of element of sort of surprise I hate to say it but even for law enforcement. I don't want them to prep that I'm coming I'd rather just show up and say hello. How's it going? So that's what I did I just think you get more of an authentic response from people when you just sort of show up and you say I have some questions And they don't have a lot of time to say okay,, let's figure out what we're going to say or something like that. So that's why I did it the way I did it. But obviously, Bailey was so rattled and disturbed by this very unsolicited visit that she called the police.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And I mean, to me, this is so wrong. Like, Bailey has never been appointed a suspect or a person of interest. To us, she is a grieving widow. And you show up on her doorstep and try to interview her to get justice for somebody that you don't even know, but that she knew very well. Yeah, I mean, I don't really know how I feel about this, because I can understand what Lynn is saying But that's just definitely the wrong way to go about it. Well, that's the problem is
Starting point is 00:33:11 people's speculation of Bailey's involvement is all Just it's random. It's there's no actual evidence That Bailey or somebody else in the family was involved. So without some more, I don't know, sometimes there isn't physical evidence, but there's really good circumstantial evidence you know, and you're like, okay, we don't have any physical evidence, but they totally did it.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Like we don't have that here. Yeah, there's nothing to suggest that Bailey was involved. I mean, we have security camera footage of him walking in certain areas of different towns. By himself. By himself. Yeah, I mean, I think if you want to personally look into this yourself and you think that somebody in the family might be involved and you want to kind of dig into that on your own, but to show up at this woman's doorstep, unannounced, and just demand answers, it's like, hold on
Starting point is 00:34:01 here. Yeah, I think if there was any evidence to point or suggest that they were involved, it would make a little bit more sense, but that's just not the case here. Exactly. So Bailey, obviously, called the police. And then in May of 2020, a judge placed a protective order against Lynn on behalf of Bailey and Banks after stating, quote, it appears there exists a clear and present danger of future stalking or of serious adverse
Starting point is 00:34:26 consequences. Like, that's pretty serious. Yeah, I mean, if a judge is saying it, then yeah, it's pretty serious. Yeah. So, a member of Bailey's extended family named Cody, who is, well, his brother is married to Bailey's sister, met with Lin via YouTube Live to kind of dispel rumors and condemn the language being used to speak about Bailey and her family in regards to chances disappearance. So Cody explained that Bailey and everyone else in her family would be much more willing to speak with news outlets if they weren't being subjected to such a public smear campaign on the internet. So yeah, obviously there is a ton of people talking about this on the internet, on the news, but there's also other people weighing in like psychics and tarot card
Starting point is 00:35:11 readers and one in particular weighed in saying quote, Anglebert is likely no longer alive and is buried in a field killed by someone who held a grudge is now paranoid about the situation and one day we'll snap. Obviously not a ton of weight to that, just wanted to read you what was out there. Yeah and in cases like this that are unsolved, that where there's such weird circumstances of somebody walking away and they're walking in a storm and you know and there's all this weird these. It's like, there's gonna be this huge rumor mill and it just makes it so much harder for investigators to do their job. Like, if there is some sort of evidence leading
Starting point is 00:35:53 in one direction, then I think it's okay to maybe speculate on that evidence, but come on. There's just, we just have nothing here. Exactly. And chances family also weighed in on the rumors and the misinformation that was floating around on their Facebook page. And they said, quote, people are welcome to ask questions here. We do ask you not to harass, bully, speculate, or gossip here. We want this to be a page in which information is being shared and people are coming together to bring chance home.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, like keep it respectful, stop hurting this poor family that is hurting enough. But I mean, even after all of this, Bailey's family again caught Flak when they apparently paved their driveway in the week following chances disappearance, prompting some to speculate that they were concealing chance his body. Which, you know, we've talked about on the show, home remodels and such after somebody goes missing, it seems like convenient timing. But something that we do know is that chance his phone pinged away from the house.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Um, he was apparently caught on surveillance footage as well. He did not only talk to Bailey on the phone, but he spoke with his friend Matt, telling him that he was walking that he had left. So the only way that the family could have been involved is if they themselves found Chase picked him up and something happened, but there's just no evidence pointing to anything. Yeah, and actually, Chances family did address this on Chances Facebook group, explaining that this possibility
Starting point is 00:37:24 had been investigated to their satisfaction. So yeah, it was looked into and it didn't seem like that was the case. Right. So after a year had passed since Chance had last been seen or heard from, his family held a prayer vigil and a walk for him, marching past some of the landmarks that he would have passed on his route, including the Domino's Pizza. The Englberts really hoped that this would lead to renewed interest in the case and potentially bring in some new information, but unfortunately, it did not.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Then on October 18th, 2021, human remains were found in Scotts Bluff County, just north of North Platte River, which is near where Chance had been walking. The remains were confirmed to be a human arm bone, and there was also a piece of cloth found nearby, but it was later confirmed that the remains did not belong to Chance. Sadly, there have been no clues leading to Chance's whereabouts at all. It really is like he just vanished. An update on the family's Facebook red quote, Chance is still missing, his family is devastated. Chance may have walked off on his own accord to clear his head, but few of us believe that Chance has stayed gone of his own free will.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Chance is reliable and responsible. Chance is loyal, dedicated and hardworking. Chance loves his family, especially his son. He would not have willingly left his son. According to Don, the garing police have made their best effort, but they are, quote, overworked and underpaid. The family has launched a Change.org petition just hoping to bring in the FBI to assist with the search.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So we will link that in the description of this episode and on our socials. Chances grandma is also now offering a $220,000 reward for information that leads the Anglebirds to chances whereabouts. This fall of 2023, the Anglebirds are holding a memorial demolition derby in Chance's hometown with the proceeds going to charity. Chance Anglebird is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs about 195 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. He has a scar on his hip. He was last seen wearing a short-sleeved button-down Wrangler brand shirt, Wrangler brand Blue Jeans, and a white and black baseball cap. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts
Starting point is 00:39:53 of Chance Anglebird, please call the Garing Nebraska Police Department at 308-436, 5088. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going Last. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode and on Friday we'll have an all new case for you guys to dive into. You know, this case is really difficult because it's just one of those frustrating cases where there's really no signs or not a lot of signs or any evidence to indicate what really happened. So, it feels difficult to speculate without feeling like everything that you're thinking
Starting point is 00:40:38 is completely random because it is. I mean, it is just so strange because you do have text messages. You do have phone calls. You do have security camera footage. But there's nothing in any of those that leads you to where he may have gone. Yeah, I want to say just based on other stories and cases that we've covered over our whole catalog, it just makes me think that because of the weather or because we know that he was trying to get out of this area that he did hit to ride from somebody and something
Starting point is 00:41:11 happened that way. But again, like I'm just saying that based on nothing, nobody saw him getting into a car, nobody saw him in a car, like I just made that up, you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. And you know, it's hard because you can think about it from so many different angles. The fact that he was he was walking 30 miles, 30 miles to get to this other town. And he was also walking near a river and it was during a storm. It's just, I mean, your brain could turn for days thinking about possibilities and scenarios. Right. But then we also know that his phone
Starting point is 00:41:42 last panged only about five miles away from where he was last seen about an hour and a half after he was last seen on the footage. So it's like, it's it really is so confusing. Did he ever make it to his destination or did something happen to him in Scott's bluff? Like we just don't know. So please make sure that you share this episode and thank you guys so much for tuning in. All right guys, so for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ� you

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