Going West: True Crime - Faith Hedgepeth // 43

Episode Date: November 4, 2019

In Fall 2012, a 19-year-old college student went out with her friend/roommate in their town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina before returning home in the early morning. Her friend left so she could get ...some sleep but returned home hours later to find her dead in the apartment. This is the murder of Faith Hedgepeth. Cited Sources: https://truecrimedaily.com/2015/08/27/losing-faith-the-hedgepeth-murder-mystery-at-unc/ http://www.justiceforfaith.com/obituary-.html https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/comments/9wg63v/solving_the_murder_of_faith_hedgepeth/ http://statement-analysis.blogspot.com/2015/12/911-call-faith-hedgepeth-murder-2012.html https://truenoirstories.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/faith-hedgepeth/ Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans, I'm your host Heath, and I'm your other host Daphne, and you're listening to Going West. Hope everybody had an awesome and fun Halloween. We usually like to start off the show with some five star reviews that we get from Apple Podcasts. So thank you so much to Terry from Columbus, Ohio, Denise and JB and Misty from Austin, Texas. And a big thanks to Savannah from Long Beach, California, Kelly from the Bay Area and Mary Ellen from Bakersfield, California. Thank you so much for your review.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Lee from Tucson, Arizona, Chantelle from Utah, and Maddie from Utah as well. And then we have Jennifer from Texas, Leah from Columbus, and Jody from Board, Mino, Ohio. Big thanks to Alicia from Banger, Michigan, Dalyne from New Mexico, and Evan from Indianapolis, Indiana. And last but not least, we have Chris from LA, Anna from Ireland, Nadine from Ontario, Canada, and Paul, if you're out there in Chicago listening, your girlfriend says that you're stinky. Thanks Maria. And we want to say thank you to our new patrons who joined us on Patreon for some
Starting point is 00:01:21 bonus episodes. Thank you, Erica, Michelle, Jim, Jessica, Elizabeth, and Carrie. You guys are awesome. And for those of you who are not a part of Patreon, we just released a new bonus episode on the Texarkana Moonlight murders. That went up on Halloween. It's a great episode. There's six others to listen to that are already up there.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's $5 a month and it really helps out the show. Big shout out as well to Ashley for recommending this case to us. Thank you so much. If anybody else has case recommendations, go over to our Instagram at GoingWestPodcast and drop us a line. And make sure, guys, if you want to shout out on our show,
Starting point is 00:01:58 head over to Apple Podcast, leave us a five star review, but make sure to leave your name and your location. Without ado guys, this is episode 43 of Going West. So let's get into it 4 YEARS AFTER THE MIRDER OF UNCES STUDENTS AT FAITH HEDGE PATH HER FAMILY IS TILL NO CLOSER TO HAVE INCLOSURE. THE 19 HEROLE IS FOUND BEATON TO DATTH INSIDE OF HER CHAPLE HILL APARMENTS TO THIS DAY HER MIRDER REMAYS UNSOLVE.
Starting point is 00:02:48 CBS North Carolina's Boominic spoke with her sister who says she hasn't given up getting justice. She was a great person, an awesome student. Time heals nothing. You just adapt and go on with life because you have to. The UNC students body was found in her Chapel Hill apartment bedroom and autopsy revealed she died from a severe beating to her head. So you have people walking around who have done this to her and they think they'll get away with it.
Starting point is 00:03:18 They walk around living their lives when they still hurt. When Faith was just a year old, her parents divorced, so she moved with her mother and sister to Hollister, North Carolina. Faith and her family were members of Mount Bethel Baptist Church, and Faith was always very active in the church, and she was also a part of youth choir. In high school she was a cheerleader and also an honor student and she had a ton of friends and she was also really close with her family so even when she did go off to college, she saw them as much as she could and she didn't go far away anyway. When she graduated high school, she got an academic scholarship and started going to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which was just about an hour and a half away from her hometown. During college, Faith was hoping to become a pediatrician or potentially a teacher, but
Starting point is 00:04:36 in the meantime, she worked as a server at Red Robin. After her first couple years of studies, she got an off-campus apartment near school with one of her best friends, who she met at school named Karina Rosario, and Karina's boyfriend Eric T'Koi Jones. This was a more temporary living situation for Faith because she was hoping to get another apartment when her financial aid came in and her first semester of junior year. And she moved into the apartment in August of 2012, so just a few weeks before the school year started.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So Karina and her boyfriend, Eric, had a lot of problems because Eric was very abusive towards her. He was kicked out of the apartment on multiple occasions since it was their apartment before Faith got there, and would then try to break in afterwards when Karina changed the locks. Right, and it's my understanding that when Eric moved out, or when he was kicked out, is when Faith came in, and my understanding was sharing a room, so it's not like Faith had her own room, she was just kind of staying at a friend's place until she got her own place. So Faith was basically helping Karina during these very hard times with Eric, and she even
Starting point is 00:05:43 helped her get a restraining order against him. So in turn, this whole thing made Eric hate Faith even more since she was supporting he and Karina's breakup. And they even talked on the phone and Eric said that he would kill her if Karina wouldn't get back together with him. So even though a lot of people say things like this and don't mean it literally, he was sort of blaming faith for everything. Fall semester began and on Thursday, September 6, 2012, faith decided to rush. Alpha Pio
Starting point is 00:06:13 Mega is a Native American sorority historically and so she was interested in joining. So that night around 5.45 pm, she went to the sorority house for the rush event and stayed until about 7.15pm. Even after leaving, she was really excited about the possibility of joining Alpha Pya Omega, but she had to work on a school history paper about Hallowasopone, which again was her ancestors tribe. So, Faith and Karina went to the library together on campus around 8pm that night, and they stayed for a few hours studying. Just after 11pm, Faith left by herself for a little while before returning to the library and Karina stayed there the whole time, so she went back to the library, got Karina, and
Starting point is 00:06:59 then at around midnight, they arrived back at their apartment where they got ready to go out for the evening. At this time, Faith was 19 almost 20, like just a few weeks away from being 20, and Karina was already 20. But the legal drinking age in North Carolina is 21, but this club was known for letting people under 21 enter to dance. Faith drove the two of them and her niece on Ultima, and they got to the Thrill Night Club at around 12.40 am, and dance for almost an hour and a half until 206 am when they went home because Karina wasn't feeling well due to drinking too much alcohol, which she actually reported later.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Around 3am, they got back to their apartment. Just 8 hours later, Faith Hedgepeth would be got back to their apartment. Just eight hours later, faith hedge path would be discovered dead in the apartment. She died from blunt force trauma to the head, and it was determined to have likely been from an empty Bicardi peach rum bottle, which had been found at the scene covered in blood. Police found semen samples at the scene and developed a DNA profile from it, and that DNA profile matched other male DNA that was found in the apartment. And by the way, that bottle wasn't actually broken, but they did test this theory with a different bottle of the same kind against a dummy, and the bottle was so thick that it didn't
Starting point is 00:08:18 break, which is why they still think that it was the murder weapon. So going back to when Faith and Karina arrived at their apartment around 3am, a little after 3am, a witness heard something strange. There was a woman who lived in the apartment directly beneath them, and just after 3am, she heard three loud noises, which she said sounded like something heavy dropping or furniture flipping over. But at 3.40am, there was a text message sent from Faith's phone. It was to her ex-boyfriend Brandon Edwards. The text said, Hey Bee, can you come over here please?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Rosario needs you more, aha, you know. Please let her know you care. And just a reminder, Rosario is Karina, and that's her last name. Just three minutes after this text was sent, yet another text was sent to Brandon from Faith's phone, and all it said was the word THAN. So some people now believe that this was her correcting an error in her previous text message when she wrote a HA, so it would then read, Rosario needs you more than you know, which obviously makes more sense. So really quick, there might be some confusion on this.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Brandon is Faith's ex-boyfriend. I don't know how serious they were, but there was also a rumor going around that Karina and Brandon at this time were hooking up. So it's kind of confusing to me why Faith would be texting her ex-boyfriend that her best friend needs him? That doesn't really make sense at all, but that's what happened. Well, somebody texted him from Faith's phone, but we can't confirm who that actually was.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Right. Around the same time as these text messages were sent from Faith's phone, Karina's phone was trying to call Brandon's, but he didn't answer. Then she called Jordan, who was a male friend from school. At 4.25am, Jordan picked up Karina and apparently said that she thought Faith was sleeping at home. Karina and Jordan went to another friend's house in the area named Jacob and got there just a few minutes later. Jacob was known to be a potentially romantic interest of Carinas. They both spent the next few hours there until 10.30 a.m. when Carina tried to call Faith, but she didn't answer the phone. Then she called her other
Starting point is 00:10:34 friend Marisol to see if she could come pick her up and take her home. At about 11 a.m. they arrived at the apartment and they both went inside. That's when they found Faith and Carina's bedroom, dead. At 11.01 a.m., Karina called 911. I could only find about half of the actual recording, but the rest we have as a transcript that we'll explain after. Here's the first half of the 911 call.
Starting point is 00:11:02 911, where are you sure you're marching, C? I just want to see my friend. half of the 911 call. address. I just moved here. I'm up here. Oh my god. It's six, three, nine old tapas who wrote in Durham. Listen to me, somebody's already here. I need me ambulance. Okay. I need to get some information from you and I'm gonna I'm gonna help. I'm gonna tell you how to help her, okay? Okay. Okay, how old is she? Yes, she's not in sync. Okay. I don't know. I don't want to touch her, but listen to me.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Is she breathing? I don't know. You need to check and see. Is she breathing? Yes. I don't know. You need to check and see, is she breathing? Yes. Hey, I don't think so. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Okay, listen to me. I think I'm going to be put everywhere. There's what? I think I'm going to be put everywhere. Okay. I need for you to help her. I need for you to go up to her. We need to see if she's breathing or not.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Okay. Okay. You listen to me. Go up. The paramedics are on their way. I want you to stay on the line and I'm going to say you what to do next. All right. Are you right by her now?
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yes. Okay. Listen to me. I'm going to say you what to do next. All right. Are you right by here now? Yes. Okay. Listen carefully.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Lidding. She's not moving. Okay. Can you move? You touch her arm. Tell me just you have a shield. No, no, please. Okay, man.
Starting point is 00:13:01 We need to find out if we can help her or not. You've got to do as I'm asking so we can help her. All right. So as you can tell, Karina is crying on the phone to the dispatcher. She started the call saying hi, which doesn't seem like she's very urgent, but it's also natural to start a call with higher hello, so that might not be too weird. Throughout the rest of the call, the dispatcher asked her what happened, and Karina said that she just walked into her apartment, and her friend is unconscious.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Mind you, there was blood everywhere, and she says that many times. When the dispatcher asked her to see if she's alive, Karina states that she doesn't want to touch her. Even when the dispatcher wants to know whether or not Faith is breathing, she says she doesn't think so. In turn, Karina just keeps repeating, there's blood everywhere and I don't know what happened. So many people noted that Karina made some mistakes. First of all, she didn't even know her own address. She actually also gave the wrong apartment number.
Starting point is 00:14:06 She had to look up her apartment address even though she had been living there for at least a few months. She also made a point to say a couple times that she wasn't home when whatever happened to Faith happened and that she had just gotten home. Someone also noticed that during the call, Karina doesn't seem to be asking the dispatcher for help to save her friend, despite the fact that she supposedly thinks that she's just unconscious. She also made a point to say a couple times that it looks like someone else had been in her bedroom because there were things in there that weren't before, but she doesn't say what
Starting point is 00:14:41 those things are. By the way, the comments that Heath is making and the ones that I'm about to make are in the second half of the call, so these we know because of the transcripts. So first to kind of piggyback on what Heath just said, I think it's really interesting that she makes a point to say that she believes someone has been in her room, but doesn't seem afraid to be in her room, despite the fact that the killer could still be in there. So when the dispatcher is simply trying to figure out if Faith is dead or alive, Karina tries to figure out what could have happened instead of trying to help.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like when she said, she's on her back, I think she fell off the bed because she's like off the bed. There's blood all over the pillows like in the comforter and I just don't know what happened. It's also interesting that she says she thinks there was someone else in the room because like we and Karina have said there was blood everywhere. Like it was a murder scene so the fact that Karina keeps stating it looks like someone had come into her room is kind of odd because that's what had to have happened because Faith didn't just die like this on her own. And throughout this call, Faith's name is actually never even mentioned. Karina just keeps calling her my friend. The call lasted just over seven minutes as the paramedics arrived. Faith was pronounced dead at
Starting point is 00:16:00 the scene. Many 911 call analysts have stated that they found Karina statements to be very deceiving. And of course it's worth mentioning that everybody reacts differently to traumatic situations, so we're not automatically incriminating her just for the things that she said in this call. I just found a lot of information online about how it didn't really all add up, and so we just wanted to mention those things. That in having a 911 analyst who is a professional say that these comments seem deceiving, kind of gives us a little bit of a hint, but we're just going to try and remain unbiased and just give you guys the facts.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Faith was found on the floor against Karina's bed, which was turned slightly off the bedframe and a pool of her own blood. Karina did slightly move her body to check her and Karina told the dispatcher that faith was cold. She had a blanket on top of her and her shirt was pulled up and she had no other clothes on. When I initially read this, I instantly thought of the Amanda Knox case. When I was watching her documentary on Netflix when it came out originally, I remember the mentioning that her roommate who was found dead had been covered by a blanket, and investigators immediately felt like this crime had been done by a woman,
Starting point is 00:17:13 because a man wouldn't care about covering up a woman's naked body, whereas a woman would. So I'm not saying that means a woman committed this murder, but I do think that that's an interesting point. This also kind of reminds me of the Nora Jackson case, and if you guys haven't heard of that case, we covered it a little while back, so make sure to go listen to that, because there are actually a lot of similarities between these two cases as well. Other than the semen and other male DNA found at the scene of the crime, they also found
Starting point is 00:17:41 a white paper bag, which was from a local takeout place called Time Out, with a note on it that said in capital letters, I'm not stupid, bitch jealous. Investigators think that this note had something to do with her death, and that was potentially written by her killer. But that just makes me wonder, why would the killer leave a note for someone that they killed? I don't think that this note would have been written after Faith had already passed, but if it was, I don't know what the purpose would be, but I also read that the note was left on Karina's bed, which would mean that it would have most definitely been left by the killer.
Starting point is 00:18:18 But since the note would be pretty incriminating, it's surprising that they would have done this at all, which is why police think it may have been a red herring and was put there to throw police off. And that's kind of what I think as well because if the note was left there, we already know that Eric Ticoi Jones had some issues with faith, so if this was in fact some doing by Karina or her friends, writing that note would be the potential reason for this. Also, there was no blood found on the bag, meaning that police believed that the killer took their time by washing their hands before writing it, and carefully placing it on the bed is some kind of message.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Also the note was written with a ballpoint pen, and both the pen and bag had male DNA on it. The police also pointed out that the note didn't necessarily have to be too faith. It could have been a message to Karina, assuming she's innocent. Another observation, it does sound like this note would have been written by a woman, but it's also believed that faith was sexually assaulted, especially since there was semen found on her body. But this obviously wouldn't have been done by a woman so a male had to have been there committing this crime.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Well, there was actually a voicemail found that could put a woman and a man at the scene of the crime, but it wasn't released until four years after Faith's death. There was a voicemail left for one of Faith's friends by Faith. It's incredibly hard to make out, but a professional pocket call analyst determined that he believes he can hear Faith talking, and this was confirmed by family and friends as well, and also another woman's voice and two male voices. He and Faith's father believe that they hear Faith
Starting point is 00:19:59 in distress. Here's a clip of part of the voicemail. Here's a clip of part of the voicemail. Mereci, a la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la So this voicemail was left at 123am, which was the same time she was at the Thrill Night Club. And this also doesn't align with the testimony from their downstairs neighbor since she heard thuds just after 3 a.m. it doesn't mean that those thuds had to have been the murder occurring but it sounds like it probably would have been. yeah it definitely sounds kind of suspicious if you hear thuds like that pretty loud at 3 a.m. you're probably gonna think something is up. to me in this voicemail it's so loud that it sounds like it has to be music. I feel like if it was from her murder, it would have been much easier to understand.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Police agree that they hear music. I think it was actually a tea-pain song, but they also think they can make out some of the dialogue, and they believe that they hear a man saying, I think she's dying, and another man saying, do it anyhow. They also think that they hear Faith saying, ow, help me. And they're pretty certain that they hear the words Eric and Rosie. And Rosie was known to be Karina's nickname since again her last name is Rosario.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Police do believe that this call was made at the nightclub, meaning that her attack could have started there. And if you read along with the dialogue that the police and some analysts think is being said, it sounds like an argument could be happening. And you do kind of hear some yelling, and you definitely do hear a little bit of dialogue, but the music is just so loud in the club. But part of the transcript includes things like, don't be a pussy fight back and put her hands behind her head and some other aggressive discussion. But to me a lot of the transcript
Starting point is 00:22:32 just doesn't really make sense to be happening at a club, especially since Faith appears to be totally fine when she's seen leaving the club on surveillance. But I don't think that she would leave with Karina and other guys if she thought that they were going to hurt her. So I know that some professionals did look into this voicemail, but to me it just doesn't really make sense. In 2016, a lab was able to develop a composite from the seamen that they collected at the seam. They configured the genetic blueprint of this male and from that, they were able to build the potential appearance of this person. The people from the lab who developed this genetic blueprint were confident that it wasn't
Starting point is 00:23:35 a white person, but were very confident that this guy was either Native American and European or Latino. They said that it was not a person of African descent. They're thought to have medium, dark skin, dark brown eyes and black hair, and you can find this image on our Instagram at Going West podcast. We couldn't find Karina's official statement to police online, but we do know that she told them
Starting point is 00:24:00 the story that we just told to you guys. We also know that Karina mentioned that she didn't lock the door when she left the house to hang out with Jordan and Jacob. There are a lot of things that are suspicious to me about Karina. First of all, it's very convenient that she left for the entire rest of the morning and then faith ends up murdered. Also, she was the reason that they went home that night because she wasn't feeling well. The bar was closing anyway, but it's pretty weird that she reportedly didn't feel well
Starting point is 00:24:29 and then went to her friend's house for the rest of the morning. And the fact that she went into her apartment with her friend Marisol, who had dropped her off around 11 a.m. when Fates' body was discovered, is really strange to me. It's possible that they had a plan to hang out at Karina's for the morning, but Karina had been up super late at her friend's house so I'd assume she was just going to go home and sleep. Roland, who is face father, firmly believes that Karina knows what happened to faith. When police arrived to the scene, Karina was calm.
Starting point is 00:25:01 There's actually a video of her walking towards her car after and she looks completely unbothered by the situation. You would never look at that video and assume that she had just found her best friend brutally murdered. Her car was also searched, but nothing suspicious was found inside. Another strange piece of the 911 call is that Karina never mentioned that anyone was with her when she found faith. But both of their really good friend Marisol was supposedly there at the time and you couldn't even hear anyone else in the background of the call and at one point The 911 dispatcher even says to Karina. I don't want you to be alone right now when she's waiting for the police to arrive and Karina says okay And the neighbor who heard thumping at 3 a.m., the one who lived under their apartment,
Starting point is 00:25:48 had come outside around 11 a.m. when the police showed up and she saw both Marisol and Karina look completely normal and this was just a few minutes after they would have found faith. And she said that it didn't look like they had just witnessed as something as horrific as they did. So this proves that Marisol was in fact there, which makes you wonder why she wasn't able to be heard on the phone and why Karina didn't mention that she was there
Starting point is 00:26:14 or even speak to her at the time. I don't want to look too much into this because I don't really know what it could even mean, but this call lasted seven minutes. And for example, Heath and I were in a car accident a few weeks ago, and I was the one who called 911. And within that call, which lasted probably about five minutes, I was talking to Heath back and forth to let him know what was going on with the police and just to kind of talk to him and make sure that he was okay with everything that was going on since we were experiencing it together. So again, not to say that everyone experiences things in the exact same way, but it's just
Starting point is 00:26:49 kind of odd to me that Marisol isn't heard or mentioned on this call at all. And some people actually even suspect that Marisol was the one who made the call and was for whatever reason, pretending to be Karina, because they think the 911 call sounds more like her voice than Karina's based on hearing both in interviews. But just for the record, Marisol has not ever admitted to making the call Karina said that she made it. This is just someone's theory. So despite the fact that Karina was acting pretty suspicious, it doesn't answer the question, why would Karina want Faith dead? Eric Ticoi Jones is a very big suspect in this case, but his DNA was tested against that found at the crime scene, and it was not a match.
Starting point is 00:27:33 His car was also searched and no evidence was found. He was known to be very cooperative with police, but there were some suspicious things surrounding him at this time, other than what we've already stated. The day before Faith was murdered, Eric texted one of his friends saying, �Forgive me for what I'm about to do� and he also posted that on his Twitter. Three days after Faith was found dead, he changed his Facebook cover photo to an image that said, �Dear Lord, forgive me for all of my sins, and the sins I may commit today. Protect me from the girls who don't deserve me, and the ones who wish me dead today. So these are obviously some pretty suspicious things to post and say,
Starting point is 00:28:12 and that doesn't mean that he killed Faith, but I'm wondering what else that could potentially mean. I mean, people post a lot of cryptic and vague things on the internet, but to post this before Faith's death, and then another weird thing after she died is just really suspicious to me. Yeah, it kind of seems like it's really bad timing for him to be posting something like that, especially since he may be a suspect in this case. But I also don't know why he would say that, because I feel like those comments alone are pretty incriminating, so I don't know why he would want to put that out there if he was guilty. So many of the men who were at the Thrill Night Club the night before were found and tested, as well as every male in Faith and Karina's apartment building, but no one came up as a match. Brandon Edwards, who remember Faith or someone using Faith face phone, texted the morning of the murder, was checked out and his DNA also didn't match
Starting point is 00:29:10 the DNA found at the crime scene. However, his former roommate, who knew this group of people and was questioned by police, never gave his DNA to police and he has a history of rape and violence towards women. So we're not sure what his name is and he was never really considered a suspect in this case. David Bell was a young man who had been dancing with faith at the thrill that night, but he didn't know her very well and police didn't think he had anything to do with the crime.
Starting point is 00:29:37 But he also wouldn't give his DNA because he had touched faith that night since they were dancing. He was also seen on surveillance walking out of the club with her. And apparently, his statements were also inconsistent with other people who were interviewed about that evening. Jacob Beatley was the guy who Karina was hanging out with after 4 a.m. the morning that faith had been murdered. He also didn't give his DNA and he was caught lying about his whereabouts. Phone records show that he was in the vicinity of Karina and face apartment when he said that he was at home.
Starting point is 00:30:10 He is also known to have sexually assaulted women. Another young man named Reginald Leonard Jackson the second was a person of interest since he had been texting Faith the night she died, but we're not sure what they were talking about. He also had a history of rape, he tried to avoid police, and he refused to give DNA. Then there's Jordan McCraery, who had driven Karina away from her home and to Jacob's home that morning. So early in the morning, remember this was around 4am. People think he could have been an accomplice by helping Karina
Starting point is 00:30:42 leave the scene of the murder if she is in fact guilty. Side note, how is this group full of rapists? You're looking at all these people and you're thinking any of these people are capable of doing this to faith, but which one or ones was it? Right. I mean, just like every guy we mentioned, you know, like we said, Eric T'Koi Jones, he has a criminal record, you know, assault against women. He had a restraining order put against him. He hated faith. And then there's Jordan who picked up Karina and he could have been neccomplice.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And then there's Jacob who's known for sexual assault and lied about his whereabouts. Like everyone surrounding this case seems so sketchy. And that's exactly why this case is so frustrating. I think a lot of us can agree that this crime seems to have been committed by one or more people that we've mentioned. The murder itself seemed brutal, personal, and violent, and it seems like one or more of the people in this group are lying and knows more than they're leading on, and this also seems like there's a lot of jealousy involved in this group, and they also seem to be hooking up with each other, and Faith was
Starting point is 00:31:48 apparently interested in Brandon, yet so was Karina, meanwhile Karina was also known to be hooking up with Jacob and had more recently broken it off with Eric, so it's honestly a big, huge cluster fuck of people. I definitely think it's possible, like you said, that one or more, especially the or more people, at least no or were involved in this crime. And a lot of people think that the note that was written on the takeout bag, the one that said, I'm not stupid, bitch, jealous, that that was written by two different people. And that potentially, Karina wrote the part that said, I'm not stupid. And then maybe later,
Starting point is 00:32:25 faith wrote bitch jealous, or potentially the other way around. Because although it's all in capital letters, it kind of seems like the two parts are in different handwriting almost. And you can find this note on our Instagram, which is at Going West Podcast if you wanted to look at the handwriting yourself and kind of analyze it and see what you think. So going back to Eric, I think it's interesting that he texted his friends and tweeted to apologize for what he was about to do. If he did have something to do with Faith's death, I really don't know why he would incriminate himself like that, but this would prove that it was premeditated murder.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Just because his DNA wasn't found at the crime scene doesn't mean he wasn't there or he wasn't in a complice. It just wasn't his semen, but it's also believed that multiple people committed this murder. Within a few days of Faith's murder, the Hull of Usopony tribe, Faith's apartment complex, her university and the local crime stoppers, all donated money
Starting point is 00:33:25 that totaled to around $29,000 to use as reward for information leading to faith's killer. Police believe the person or person's responsible, new faith, had been interested in her and expressed it at some point and possibly showed interest in her case afterwards. Her autopsy report wasn't released until two years after her murder, even to her family, which was in September 2014. In addition to the blunt force trauma to her head, she had cuts and bruises all over her body and even had blood under her fingernails, and police think that this means that she fought back.
Starting point is 00:34:03 This is definitely a very frustrating case with seemingly a lot of evidence. Yet for some reason, it has not been solved. Today, Faith Hedgepath would have been 27 years old. Like Heath said, this is definitely a really frustrating case because there is so much here. You know, we have DNA. We have a 911 call.
Starting point is 00:34:22 We have a roommate and another witness downstairs, and we have all these people that were involved that night. They talk to people at the club. They have video surveillance of the club. They have all this stuff. And so it's just doesn't make any sense how it hasn't been solved. But I mean, when you really look at the case and you see all these people involved whose DNA has been tested and hasn't matched up yet the attack seems so personal You know even sitting here researching all this I have no idea who did it how many people did it was it one person Was it a few and why it just doesn't make any sense But another thing I think is crazy is how the lab came up with that genetic blueprint from the DNA and how they basically
Starting point is 00:35:03 Determined what the person who did this likely looks like because I've never seen that in any other case. And like we mentioned earlier, that photo is up on our Instagram. And I think they put on the news and they put it out there, but nobody called and they didn't have any good leads on someone who looked like that. So unfortunately, that hasn't brought anyone into the case, but it's still really cool that they unfortunately that hasn't brought anyone into the case but it's still really cool that they did that. Yeah that's definitely very cool and you know this case happened in 2012 so now that we have genealogy DNA testing I think that that's really where they need to kind of steer
Starting point is 00:35:38 their investigation because that is going to help solve this case. And so many other cases aren't fortunate enough to have DNA evidence and the fact that they have two different types of DNA evidence in this case and that they still didn't crack it. I'm sure someday they will, like you said, with genealogy, I'm sure that will be a big help in this case down the line. Yeah, I'm really hoping that investigators will go down
Starting point is 00:36:02 that road and try and see if they can solve this case through genealogy testing so that we can get some justice for Faith and her family. If you have any more information, no matter how seemingly inconsequential it is, about the murder of Faith Hedgepeth, please contact Chapel Hill UNC Crime Stoppers at 919-942-7515. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you so much everyone, and like I always say, next week we'll have an all-new episode for you guys to dive into.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Please let us know what you think about this episode and give us your theories. We love reading theories, but in particular this case is super frustrating and we'd love to know what you guys think. So go check us out on Instagram at GoingWestPodcast. And don't forget to go over to Twitter and visit me at GoingWestPod. Also, we have a Facebook page. Just go on to Facebook and look up GoingWestTrueC And you guys have been super super awesome lately. We've got a lot of new patrons it's getting really fun over there. We've got seven bonus
Starting point is 00:37:13 episodes for you guys to get into. So go over there, subscribe. It's only five dollars a month. That's like basically just a coffee. So make sure you go over there, sign up for some bonus ad-free episodes. Yes, and we just released a new episode on the Texarkana Moonlight murders. So that just came out last week. We know you guys are going to love it, we have another one coming in a couple weeks from now, so stay tuned and check us out, patreon.com slash going west podcast. So for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 00:38:06 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 00:38:22 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh
Starting point is 00:38:38 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1, 1, 1, Thank you. you

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