Going West: True Crime - Gilgo Beach Murders Update / L.I.S.K // 322

Episode Date: July 15, 2023

On July 13, 2023, a 59-year-old Long Island architect was arrested in connection to three of the Gilgo Beach Murders. With the release of an indictment document today, a slew of evidence has become av...ailable, including cell phone activity and DNA connections. This is the update to episode 313 of Going West on the Gilgo Beach Murders, also known, as the Long Island Serial Killings. BONUS EPISODES Apple Subscriptions: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/going-west-true-crime/id1448151398 Patreon: patreon.com/goingwestpodcast https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/07/14/us/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-court-document.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans? I'm your host Tee. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. Alrighty, so we had an entirely different episode scheduled for release today that we already recorded, but this morning, Friday, the day this episode comes out, some major news hit headlines everywhere, and we figured that it's all any of you want to hear about today. So we're back in the studio with the latest on the suspect that has been arrested in connection with the long Island Serial Killer case. Yeah, just one month ago, we covered the case of Shannon Gilbert, an episode 313, and we also discussed the Long Island Serial Killer case, or the Gilgo Beach murders.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Because Shannon is believed by many to be a victim of the same serial killings that took the lives of 9 other people. So in today's episode, we're going to brief everybody on the case for a little refresher, but if you're looking for a deeper dive, go listen to episode 313 of Going West. And obviously we know that this feels super early to be talking about it, but with all the information that's come out both in the media and in today's press conference, we figured that we just go for it because there is a lot of information here. Yeah, I mean the suspect was called a demon in the press conference today and you'll see why,
Starting point is 00:01:26 but I wanna mention before diving in that our hearts really go out to all the families who are being deeply affected by this news today, because as exciting as this news is in a way, is a grim and difficult day for so many as they relive the same emotions that crossed them like 13 years ago. So thank you everybody for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Thank you to the incredible task force who arrested the monster in question. And without further ado, let's go. All right guys, this is episode 322 of Going West. So let's get into it. on July 13, 2023, a 59-year-old Long Island architect was arrested in connection to three of the Gilgobeech murders. With the release of an indictment document today, a slew of evidence has become available, including cell phone activity and DNA connections.
Starting point is 00:02:47 This is the update to episode 313 of Going West on the Gilgo Beach Murders, also known as the Long Island serial killer, also known as the Manorville Butcher, the Craigslist Ripper, and most popularly, Lisk or the Gilgobeego Beach Killer prayed upon numerous young women believed to be between 10 and 18 victims over 20 years from 1996 to 2010 in Long Island, New York. The reason he's referred to, albeit less often, as the Craigslist Ripper, is because most of their victims
Starting point is 00:03:41 were sex workers who advertised their escort services on Craigslist.org. The believed victims of the Long Island serial killer include 25-year-old Maureen Brainerd Barnes, who was last seen on July 9, 2007, 24-year-old Melissa Barthelemy on July 10, 2009, 22-year-old Megan Waterman on June 6, 2010, and 27-year-old Amber Ling Costello on September 2, 2010. These four young women were found together, covered in burlap by police officer John Malia during a training session exercise with a K-9 over the course of a few days in December of 2010 on Gilgobeech on Long Island, New York.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And thus, these victims became known as the Gilgoboch 4. For the suspect who was arrested today, he's believed to potentially solely be behind these four murders. But for the sake of this entire discussion, the other victims that have been grouped in with the Gilgoboch 4, although most disappeared years prior, include 24-year-old Valerie Mack in the spring of 2000,
Starting point is 00:04:46 20-year-old Jessica Taylor on July 26, 2003, 23-year-old Shannon Gilbert on May 1, 2010, and then three Jane Does and a John Doe. Jane Doe number 7, also known as Fire Island Jane Doe, whose remains were found on Tobey Beach in April of 2011. Jane Doe number 3, who was referred to as Peaches, found on June 28, 1997, alongside Baby Doe, a female toddler between 16 and 24 months, and then we have the Jando, who was wearing women's clothing, so we're not sure their proper pronouns, but they are listed as a John Doe. And this person died via blunt force trauma to the face and was believed to be between the ages of 17 and 23 years old, standing at 5'6". He
Starting point is 00:05:35 had been dead for 5-10 years upon discovery in April of 2011, meaning that he was killed between 2001 and 2006. In April of 2011, the remains of Jessica Taylor, Valerie Mack, John Doe, and more remains from Peaches and Baby Doe were found scattered along Gilgo Beach. So just four months after the Gilgo Four were found. Because all these victims were found on the same beach, and many of them had other similarities,
Starting point is 00:06:04 general age, as well as, you know, most of them being sex workers, they've all been collected together, because they might just all have the same killer. But it's also been heavily theorized that all these murders were not committed by the same person, but rather at least two people separately. Cause late last night, on Thursday, July 13th, 2023, a 59 year old man named Rex Heuermann was arrested for his potential connection to at least three of these murders. Today we'll dive into everything
Starting point is 00:06:37 that is currently known about this man because there's a lot. And what police are saying they have on him because that's also a lot. So let's go. Rex Howerman was born in September of 1963, some report states September 13th, but it's not officially confirmed as far as we know, in New York, specifically Long Island, to parents Dolores and Theodore Hewerman, and we know that he had at least one sibling, a brother named Craig.
Starting point is 00:07:04 According to an obituary that we were able to dig up online, his father passed away at the age of 50 in 1975 when Rex would have been only about 12 years old. But while his dad was still alive, he built furniture, which is something that he taught Rex how to do, and worked as an aerospace engineer who built satellites. We don't know too much about Rex's childhood other than the fact that he grew up on Long Island in Nassau County where the list case takes place and he attended Berner High School actually alongside like random fact Alec Baldwin and his brother Stephen, Daniel and Billy
Starting point is 00:07:39 Baldwin and Rex was in Billy's graduating class. We know this because I think Billy was posting about it today, so that's kind of circling the news. But at that high school, Rex was in drama club graduating in 1981. He was said to be bullied in school, obviously, which isn't cool, and seemed to kind of be rejected a lot, specifically by a student, a female student that he was interested in.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I guess he would leave her love notes in her locker. She said that the feelings were not mutual, but that she was nice to him, and she kind of felt that he was unassuming in character. Like he didn't necessarily give up bad vibes, but he was very persistent. Yeah, she said he was also just a little bit nerdy. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:21 So for a bit more on his life, actually, here's a clip from an interview of Rex by Bond Jor Realty from February of 2022. Or at least that is when it was uploaded to YouTube. I don't know if that's when it took place, but it seems like it was around that time. You know what you're from and I don't give being in New York. Okay. Rex Jorman, an architect.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm an architectural consultant. I'm a troubleshooter, born and raised on Long Island, okay, been working in Manhattan since 1987. Oh wow, very long time, okay, so uh, this brings uh, directly to my first question, so you know, can you explain to our audience what is it that you do? I do troubleshooting, architectural troubleshooting and negotiations with the building department. What I mean by that is, do we do the standard stuff with the building department, handle your filings. I have other clients who are, a lot of other architects, and we'll handle their interactions with the building department, especially out of city architects because they're a little
Starting point is 00:09:32 afraid of the city. I'm dealing with the building from the 1880s right now, you know, how they react. But it's the people, how they're all so different and how you deal with the people. I think it's one of the more interesting aspects that have come out of this. Yes. Okay. Alright, my last question. If you were a tool or an object to help you in your, to bring your business to greater heights. What would it be? I have one tool that's pretty much using almost every job.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And it's actually a cabinet maker's hammer. Oh, okay, Kevin, let's make a hammer. Okay. It is persuasive enough when I need to persuade something. Not someone. Something. when I need to persuade something. Not someone. Something. And it always yields excellent results.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And at the end of the project, whatever piece of furniture or what I'm working on, it always helps it come out beautifully. Sometimes I have to be the heavy framing hammer. The heavy frame. Other times, I'm the lightweight hammer just to nudge things along. All right. I guess it's a hammer.
Starting point is 00:10:53 We got it. So that's obviously kind of interesting. This interview is 19 minutes long. So I just included a few different clips. But I thought a couple of the things said are kind of, I don't know, I guess they make you think So after graduating from high school in 1981 Rex went on to attend the New York Institute of Technology, Westbury, New York with a degree in architectural technology
Starting point is 00:11:17 Before starting his own architectural firm He was employed by Greer Construction Corp which was based in Freport, New York, which is also on Long Island. And here, he was an intern architect. At the age of 24 in 1987, he began working in Manhattan as an architect, and then started his own business seven years later in 1994, called R.H. Consultants
Starting point is 00:11:41 and Associates, which now has clients like Catholic Char charities and American airlines, among many others. Rex was previously married to a woman named Elizabeth Ryan, but they eventually divorced and in 1990, when he was around 27 years old, Rex married Aisa Ellorup, a woman that he has a 26 year old daughter with, and they also have a son who comes from Ace's previous marriage. And actually, like Rex's, Ace's DNA was found on multiple of the victims bodies, but we are going to get into that very soon here. Currently Rex and Ace live in Massapeque-Wapark on Long Island in the same town where he actually
Starting point is 00:12:21 grew up, which is right next to Amityville hosting around 17,000 people. They live at 105 first Avenue in Massa Pequip Park, the Cross Street is Michigan Avenue, and they have been living there since 1994 when he bought the property for around $170,000. Right now, the bedroom count isn't listed online, but it's a burgundy single story 1300 square foot house in a modest suburban neighborhood. One neighbor just described the home this way, they said quote, their house was way more rundown than every other house on the block. Someone else added that he always had pieces of wood strewn about in his front yard and
Starting point is 00:13:02 this could have been for furniture building because that was a hobby of his. But someone else said that his house is, quote, dilapidated inside and out. Now as far as the neighborhood goes, a neighbor stated, quote, at night, you could hear a pin drop. Their house sits just a 15 mile or 24 kilometer drive from Gilgobiech. So they are very close. Now before we get into what police have on him, let's talk about what people in his life think about this guy because it's very interesting. So here's some different quotes from neighbors.
Starting point is 00:13:36 First, a man who lives on his street called him a recluse, adding quote, I understand he was an architect in the city. I used to see him on the train because I take the train to the city every morning as well. He would walk past my house. I would see his wife driving a beat up green Dodge charger. I never really thought they were involved in something crazy like this. Another said quote, they kept to themselves, they were like loners. Another said quote, if they're outside we say hi, how you doing? That's about it. Which obviously that's normal.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I mean, some people don't have like relationships with their neighbors, but can still be cordial. So let's get to the kind of juicier stuff. So he was also known as the neighborhood creep, though reports don't state yet why. But to piggyback on this, a neighbor said that kids were told not to visit the heroine's house on Halloween, saying quote, most people don't knock on his door. During Halloween, the kids are told to stay away. He's not a very nice person. Now, that's about all we have from neighbors at this point, but there's another interesting account on him from another neighbor saying quote, he's an architect with real-t interest. The first review I saw said, if you're going to hire him be very careful. It's a genuine risk.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So right now obviously because this case is like blowing up, people are really beginning to flood his business with bad reviews and it's kind of horrible because people are saying things like, oh he cleaned my house and left behind clothes and bones it's like why would you say that yeah horrible things to say yeah like you know i don't and giving his business a bad rating isn't gonna do anything at this point the man has been arrested and it's just i think spreading misinformation but anyway so there are two real Google reviews one from a year ago and another from five years ago they're both one star now the one from five years ago doesn't have a comment.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It's just a one star review and the other one from a year ago says, use them at your own risk and as a last resort. Set me a bill for a thousand dollars when they moved to a new office space. Literally, yes, build me one thousand dollars because they moved. And obviously, as you can imagine, this news is life-changing for the employees of his business, with one saying today, quote, shocked, shocked, total shock. At first, the shock of hearing this, then obviously the next thing comes to my mind, what happens to my job and my family.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I've never witnessed him be violent, but he gets aggravated. This industry is a roller coaster ride. So this is all that's currently known about Rex and his life, so finally, let's dive into everything that police have released that they have on this guy for these murders. So on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 8.30m. Rex Hewerman was arrested while leaving work near 35th and 5th avenue in New York City. And he was immediately transported to the Suffolk County Police Department headquarters. And by the way, his business is in Manhattan, so very much in the city. He was arrested for three charges of murder in the first degree against Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman
Starting point is 00:16:45 and Amber Castello, which are three of the Gilgo Beach 4. He was also charged with three counts of murder in the second degree against the same victims. Police stated in a press conference today, as well as in a detailed indictment document on the new charges, that the investigation into the death of marine brain or barns is ongoing, but Rex is the primary suspect in her murder. And Maureen is, you know, the first of the Gilgol Beach 4. Yes. So the indictment document states, quote, there is substantial evidence of defendant Hewerman's involvement in the disappearance and death of Miss Brainard Barnes, which
Starting point is 00:17:24 evidence closely fits the modus operandi of the defendant in relation to the deaths of the other three women in which supports the current charges. So back on February 1st, 2022, the Suffolk County District's attorney's office formed a new task force for the Gilgobie murders in hopes of finally getting answers to the crimes that plague the area for over 15 years. Less than two months later, on March 14, 2022, they were able to determine via a database that the defendant, Rex Andrew Hewerman, owned a first-generation Chevrolet avalanche at the time the murders of the Gilgobeech 4 took place.
Starting point is 00:18:05 At the time, Amber Costello went missing. A witness described this very pickup truck as the vehicle believed to have been driven by her killer. And this was one of the biggest witness tips at the time, but back then, such a database that was used to narrow down this vehicle to Rex didn't exist, which is why it took so long to find him as a particular suspect. So the witness had also described that Amber's believed killer was between 6'4-6'6'6' was large and heavy set, wore glasses, had dark hair and white skin.
Starting point is 00:18:38 So when Rex came up in the database as owning this very particular vehicle they were on the lookout for, they realized that Rex matched this description to a T, standing at 6'4 database as owning this very particular vehicle they were on the you know look out for. They realize that Rex matched this description to a T standing at six foot four and being a large white man with dark hair sometimes wore glasses. Thus they do further into him as a secretive person of interest because they're really trying to keep this under wraps. They can't tip him off in any way that they're on to him as a potential suspect.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Absolutely. And I also heard that he was described as quote, an ogre. Yeah, a lot of people are calling him an ogre. Motherfucking Shrek over here. Yeah, literally. Yeah, and he kind of looks like that too. So anyway, the investigation into Rex Huerman
Starting point is 00:19:21 was deep. As the document says, quote, the discovery led to the comprehensive investigation of defendant Huerman, which consisted of over 300 subpoenas, search warrants, and other legal processes to obtain evidence. And Heath, before you read more from the document, we're kind of jumping in here. We're going to go into a little bit more detail
Starting point is 00:19:42 of everything that we talk about. But your Heath is about to bring up burner phones, and it is known that Rex had multiple burner phones. Yeah, yeah, seven burner phones. Exactly. So when Heath is saying burner phone, that's what he's talking about, because they are, you know, then of course, once they're looking into Rex, they're looking at his phone records and they are trying to match them up with the phone records of the Gilgobie 4.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yes, so continuing from this document, it says quote, Among the items uncovered were cell phone billing records for defendant Hewerman, corresponding to cell site locations for one, the burner cell phones used to arrange meetings with three of the four victims, two, the taunting calls made to a relative of Miss Barthelomy. Three, a call made by a detective to Miss Barthelomy's cell phone while looking into her disappearance. And four, calls checking voicemail on Miss Brainerd Barnes' cell phone after her disappearance. In addition, Hureman lived in Massa Peak, Wap what park where the victims were believed to have disappeared from. And he worked in Midtown Manhattan in the vicinity where the taunting calls were made to the sister of Miss Barthellamy.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Interrupting your quote, we are going to go into the Threatening Calls later. We did talk about them in the Shannon Gilbert episode, again, 313 of going west. But basically, Melissa Barthellamy and sister was getting these threatening phone calls after she went missing And that's all you need to know right now Exactly. So continuing this quote Defendant Rex A. Hewerman is believed to be the person who used the burner cell phones to communicate with each of the four victims Prior to their disappearance and who used Miss Brainard Barnes' cell phone and Miss Barthelome's cell phone after their deaths.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Both defendant Hewerman and these burner cell phones had significant connections to both Midtown Manhattan and Massapique-Waparck, New York. So let's first dive into the specific evidence in Maureen Brainard Barnes' case. But before we do, a quick break. So here's what the July 6, 2007, Miss Brainerd Barnes' cell phone was contacted by a burner cell phone, so this is three days before she went missing. Between July 6, 2007 and July 9, 2007, there were 16 interactions between this burner phone and Brainerd Barnes' cell phone. On July 9, 2007, the last cell site location for the Brainard Barnes cell phone
Starting point is 00:22:48 was at approximately 11.56 p.m. in Midtown Manhattan near the 59th Street Bridge. Thereafter, the Brainard Barnes cell phone had no further activity until July 12, 2007. On July 12, 2007, three days after her disappearance, two outbound calls were made from brain-eared barn cell phone, checking her voicemail from a cell-site location near the Long Island Expressway in Islandia. Next, was Melissa Barthelemy, and this is what the document has to say about her disappearance. Quote, Melissa Barthelamy was last seen on July 10, 2009 in New York City.
Starting point is 00:23:29 At that time, she was believed to be working as a sex worker. On July 3, 2009, Miss Barthelamy was contacted by a burner cell phone. Thereafter, the Barthelamy cell phone was contacted by this burner cell phone on July 6th, July 9th, and July 10th of 2009, which was the last day that she was seen alive. On July 10th, 2009, cell site records indicate that the burner cell phone traveled from Massapique-Waparque to Midtown Manhattan. Which is, you know, two places that Rex goes. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:03 One place where he lives, and one place where he works. Later that evening, the Barthelome cell phone traveled from Midtown Manhattan to Massapiqua Park with the last cell site location being in Massapiqua on July 11, 2009 at approximately 1.43 a.m. On July 11, 2009, Miss Barthelome cell phone was used to make an outbound call checking her voicemail from a cell site location in Freeport. On July 11 and July 12, 2009, the Barthelemy phone made two more outbound calls checking her voicemail from cell site locations in Babylon.
Starting point is 00:24:40 On July 17, 23, August 5, 19, and August 26, 2009, the Barthellamy phone made taunting phone calls to Miss Barthellamy's family members, some of which resulted in a conversation between the caller, who was a male, and a relative of Melissa Barthellamy, in which the male caller admitted to killing and sexually assaulting Miss Barthelemy. As described below, the cell site locations of the Barthelemy phone during these taunting calls were all in Midtown Manhattan. Next, Megan Waterman, I'm continuing
Starting point is 00:25:17 with the indictment document, quote, Megan Waterman was last seen alive at the Holiday Inn in Hophawk, New York on June 6, 2010 at approximately 1.30 a.m. At the time, she was believed to be working as a sex worker. On June 5, 2010, Miss Waterman's cell phone was contacted by another burner cell phone, which had just been activated that day. Thereafter, the Waterman phone communicated with this burner cell phone on June 6, 2010,
Starting point is 00:25:47 at approximately 1.31 a.m., which is around the time Megan Waterman was captured on video surveillance, exiting the holiday in and hop hog for the last time. Following that communication, the burner cell phone had no further phone activity. However, cell site records showed that the Waterman phone traveled to Massa Pequapark with the last cell site location being in Massa Pequapark at approximately 3.11 a.m. in the vicinity of the residents of Defendant, Hugherman.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Now finally, we have Amber Castello. Quote, Amber Castello was last seen alive on September 2, 2010, leaving her residents at 1112 American Avenue and West Babylon during the late evening hours. At that time, she was believed to be working as a sex worker. On September 1, 2010, the day prior to the disappearance of Amber Castello, Miss Castello's cell phone was contacted by a burner cell phone. On September 1, 2010, this burner cell phone had communications with the Castello phone at approximately 11.33 pm, and also 11.34 pm.
Starting point is 00:27:02 During those communications, the burner cell phone connected to cell-site towers in West Amityville and Massa Peak, Wapark. Thereafter, the burner cell phone traveled to West Babylon in proximity to the residents of Amber Castello and had contact with the Castello phone at approximately 12.05 a.m. on September 2nd, 2010. And then, you know, as Daphne discussed, a witness later told police about the vehicle and the description of the suspect. So this indictment document is pretty long. It's 32 pages, but it details even more about the burner phones purchased by Rex Heuerman.
Starting point is 00:27:42 So as stated in the press conference today, the cell phone records compared to the Gilgol Beach for victims' phones showed countless areas of commonality. They were always in close proximity or the same location and were, quote, completely consistent. Rex, like we said, had seven different burner phones, and there was actually a bunch of different surveillance footage of him buying them in cash.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And he also had numerous fraudulent email addresses, including Springfield, Man 9 at AOL.com. He was also on Tinder under a fake name, Andy Roberts. Remember Rex's middle name is Andrew, and this was in use under one of his burner phones But I I tried to figure out when exactly like what dates he was on Tinder because that's in more recent years like after the Gilgobie 4 but I don't know exactly when he was on Tinder. Yeah, we're not entirely sure But on his Tinder profile there's a bunch of selfies of him and It's also known that he was, he used Tinder to quote, solicit sex.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So with the finding of his alternate email addresses, a slew of incredibly disturbing Google searches were found. So I'm going to list them now, but just a warning that they're very graphic and sexually violent. They included, Mistress Long Island, mature escort Manhattan, girl begging for rape porn, teen girl begging for rape porn,
Starting point is 00:29:13 pretty girl with bruised face porn, torture redhead porn, ten-year-old schoolgirl, hen-tie plump pussy lips cut off porn, skinny redhead tied up porn, short fat girl tied up porn, Hen Thai Plump Pussy Lips Cut Off Porn Skinny Red Head Tied Up Porn Short Fat Girl Tied Up Porn Tied Up Enraped Porn Asian Twink Tied Up Porn Tied Slave Force Fed Cock Cumshot and Crying Porn Girl Hog Tied Torture Porn Ten-Year Old Blond Hair Girl Shelby Ten-Year Old Girl Black Girl Ten-Year Old Girl torture porn, ten-year-old blonde hair girl, chubby ten-year-old girl, black girl ten
Starting point is 00:29:46 years old, girl with face beat up, chubby ten-year-old girl crying, thirteen-year-old schoolgirl, age twelve child girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, teen-girl-oiled bodies, pre-teen girl with makeup, nude slave girls, old janitors gagging little schoolgirl, and crying teen porn. So I know that was probably a lot for you guys. My mind was absolutely fucking blown when I was reading through that list and just how disgusting this piece of shit is. Like, disgusting, like beyond disgusting. And, but I just wanna, like, kind of talk about a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So, the search is for escorts and mistresses, just feels really eerie knowing that, you know, most of Lisk's victims were sex workers. Like, that's really interesting that we know, and we know in general that he was looking for escorts. He was looking for, to meet up with women to have sex. But just especially like mature escort Manhattan, like I just think about the fact that for example,
Starting point is 00:30:51 when we covered Shannon Gilbert's case, she was an escort in Manhattan. So I just think about that these searches were made by him and look at the case that we're looking at that we're talking about. You know what I mean mean seeing the connections in the ties to not his google searches and then what we know of him now
Starting point is 00:31:10 but just i mean knowing that he googled all these other things like he's a sexual predator but i also want to talk about asian twink tied up porn because i'm sure most of us know what a twink is but for those who don't it's it's like a slim gay man who has boyish features or like a boyish appearance. And the interesting thing about this search to me is that the John Doe that Heath described earlier was an Asian male. Remember wearing women's clothing?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Most likely a trans person. Absolutely. Yeah, so again, we don't know their pronouns, but they were believed to be between the ages of 17 and 23 years old. So when Heath and I were reading these searches today, we both like gasped when we read the Asian twink tied up porn because it just made us think of the John Doe who is believed to be a victim of the Long Island serial killer. And obviously, as we know now, Rex is only being charged for three of the four Gilgop
Starting point is 00:32:03 beach murders, but also, you know, it could come out in the future that he was responsible for many more murders, which could include this, this John Doe. Yeah, so obviously, yeah, Rex is not linked to the John Doe or any of the others besides the Gilgop Beach Four, but there's more to come, actually, he's, I think you're gonna get into it here in a minute, that will really make us question some stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Absolutely. Yeah. So, let's talk about the Google searches relating to the case itself, because that feels pretty damning, too. Okay. This is what I was talking about. Let's go. So, Rex had another email address. Thawk0Thawk.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Oh, my God. Is it T-hawk or is it Thawk? Yeah, it's T-Hawk. T-Hawk080672 at gmail.com posting under the name Thomas Hawk. Yeah, so he's pretending to be this guy. Thomas Hawk, you know, T-Hawk. I don't know why I thought Thawk. No, I mean, because it looks like Thawk.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I'm a dumbass. Anyway, no, you're not. So under this Google account, between March of 2022 and June of 2023, Rex searched the following. Why could law enforcement not trace the calls made by the Long Island serial killer? Why hasn't the Long Island serial killer been caught? Long Island serial killer? Long Island serial killer phone call?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Long Island serial killer update? Long Island serialial Killer Phone Call Long Island Serial Killer Update Long Island Serial Killer Update 2022 FBI active serial killers serial killers by state 2023 Map of all known serial killers Unsolved serial killer cases America's five most notorious old cases 11 currently active serial killers, 8 terrifying active serial killers we can't find John Bitroff who is you know a list suspect and convicted serial killer Megan Waterman, Melissa Barthelemy, Marine Brainard Barnes, he searched for a relative of Melissa's and a relative of Megan's and Cops launched Gilgo Beach homicide investigation task force mapping the Long Island murder victims
Starting point is 00:34:18 Inside the Long Island serial killer and Gilgo Beach the Gilgo Beach killer criminal mines and finally This was the last one on this list and In long island serial killer investigation, new phone technology may be key to break in case. Man, I mean, my search history looks very similar to this particular collection at this time, but like for him to have this, that is so suspicious. Yeah, I mean, you just got arrested for murder and then for them to find all this.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And you know, just the fact that we're able to go back and we're able to see all those disgusting internet searches that you had and connect those to these other ones is just mind blowing. And it's interesting that he's doing these under the accounts of the burner phone, like under his fraudulent email account. So it's like, those are through Google, by the way because it's uh... while signed into these fraudulent email account so i don't know if that was done purposefully to try to you know uh... not have them under his own name if he was trying to search these and hope
Starting point is 00:35:18 that police wouldn't find them and or find because obviously you get a burner phone for a reason you you want it to be anonymous absolutely but they found them strange enough he was actually using Google pay Right to pay for to pay for Tinder and stuff exactly so So I mean they were able to uncover all this which is incredible because these burner phones and the fraudulent emails Really come into play in this case evidence-wise fraudulent emails really come into play in this case evidence-wise But also something I find very interesting is that he's looking up the Long Island serial killer so many times instead of just the Gilgobie For so is that because he's behind all the murders?
Starting point is 00:35:55 I mean that's a really really good thought because you would imagine if he was only responsible for the Gilgobie For yeah, he would have researched just that but you know of them are long-end zero-kill, long-end zero-kill, like over and over. Right, so it kind of seems like, you know, he's researching his own crimes, trying to keep up to date with the investigation. Yeah, because again, obviously I know a lot of us would search the same thing like, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:20 updates in the case, or why hasn't the long-end zero-kill are been caught, but it's like, it's completely different when you are a suspect in the case or why hasn't a long island zero killer been caught but it's like it's completely different when you are a suspect in the case and this is what you're looking up he's trying to keep updated on where the police's heads are at. So he also by the way search for a number of podcasts and documentaries pertaining to the investigation we don't know which ones, and repeatedly viewed hundreds, hundreds of images of the victims and members of their immediate family. Like he, and that is interesting to me because we know that like Heath said
Starting point is 00:36:54 he was looking at particular relatives to two of the victims. And he's looking at just a bunch of different photos of the family and the victims. He made those threatening phone calls to Melissa sister like it's like what are you doing well in the press conference from earlier i believe the uh... the attorney general was talking about uh... or was it the attorney general and the uh... district attorney district attorney sorry um... was talking about how
Starting point is 00:37:21 rex was possibly trying to get in contact with these other family members. And I mean, these are like sisters, daughters, mothers of these victims. So, so creepy. So now let's talk about, since we're in this discussion already, let's talk about the threatening calls that came into Melissa Barthelomew's family just for a moment. So we did discuss this again in our episode on Shannon Gilbert, which was 313 of going west. But according to the court document, quote, on August 5, 2009, between approximately 650 PM and 711 PM, a male caller used the Barthelomy phone to con the Barthelomy phone is Melissa's cell phone to contact Miss Barthelomy's family. During said time period, the Barthelomey phone
Starting point is 00:38:06 utilized the following cell phone towers in New York City, which showed like a map, and it said which are 2,230 to 3,280 feet from Hewermann's then office space. So they're just trying to show how close these, you know, how close the cell phone pinged to where his office space. So they're just trying to show how close these, you know, how close the cell phone pinged to where his office is. Right, so, you know, he was making these calls
Starting point is 00:38:32 in Midtown Manhattan, probably not very far from his office. Or he was in his office because this is just, it's just pinging to a tower that many thousand feet from the office. So that's very true. And we know how kind of wonky cell towers can be. So he could have made those very calls to Melissa Cister from his freaking office. So on this same date during a similar time frame between approximately 6.46 pm and 7.05
Starting point is 00:39:00 pm, Hugherman cell phone listed billing locations in New York City. On August 10, 2009, based upon subpoena travel documents, Huermann departed for Iceland and all phone activity for the Barthelemy phone stopped. On August 18, 2019, eight days later, Huermann returned from Iceland and phone activity for the Barthelemy phone resumed the next day. Also just to explain the Iceland thing, Rex's wife Asa is from Iceland and actually, during all four of the Gilgobeech murders, Asa and their two children were in Iceland
Starting point is 00:39:39 while Rex remained on Long Island. Exactly. He's basically like, hey, the fam's out out of town time to have fun and go kill people it you know because the nobody was there he was all by himself yeah and messapequa park and also in manhattan so exactly because he's just taking that opportunity to do what he really wants to do right right you would imagine and also um like i said when he was arrested yesterday he was he's fifty nine years old right now, but around
Starting point is 00:40:06 the time of the Google Beach 4 murders, he was around 46, and just because we know of his Google searches, his daughter was about 13 years old at this time, just FYI. So when he was supposedly killing these women. And also searching up these child sex abuse material yeah things we don't know when those those Google searches exactly were made I feel like I think those were in more recent years yeah you're probably right but still just knowing that he had a 13 year old daughter and also a son who were not sure how old he was at this time but he had this you know young teenage daughter at home and he's out there killing young
Starting point is 00:40:44 women just living a complete alternate life yes so this But he had this, you know, young teenage daughter at home and he's out there killing young women. Just living a complete alternate life. Yes. So, this brings us to the biggest question in this case. How did Rex get caught? Well, it was DNA. Marine Brainerd Barnes was found restrained by three leather belts, one of which had an HM or a WH on it. And knowing Rex's last name starts with an H, it made us wonder if he had, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:12 possibly a relative with a W initial. Well obviously we know that his dad was Theodore, but the DA said in today's press conference that Rex does have a W relative, but they're unsure if this means anything with the belt. Yeah, I wonder about this because the, well, post a picture of the belt, but I feel like if that was a brand, because it's been out for so many years, somebody would have determined that that was a brand of some sort, that that was their logo or something. So then it just makes you wonder if this is just an inscribed. Why can't I think of the words?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah, an inscription. An inscription. Yeah, a stamped initial. Exactly. Of somebody in the family. And that was a question for so many years of, is the killer's initials HM or WH? I swear, it was not my belt.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I promise. Heath Maryman. It was not me. OK, so also on Maureen's's body it was a female human hair, and it was recovered from the buckle of one of the belts. This hair was later determined to belong to Rex's wife Asa, and the same origin of hair was found on Megan Waterman's body as well as Amber Castellos. But at the time that the hairs were found, suitable DNA testing was not available yet.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And it wasn't until Rex became a suspect that police collected multiple items of trash from their garbage and tried to match the DNA to the crime scenes that her DNA matched. So how the hell did his wife's hair get on all of the bodies? This just befuddles me. Like, it weirds me out, yeah. So we're gonna get into his DNA in a second, but four of the, sorry, three of the four Gilgothor. A piece of her hair was found on each of their bodies,
Starting point is 00:43:04 on three of them. Yeah, how does that happen? I mean, sorry, I just said that like, I'm a really confusing manor. But I get it, they live together. So hair, you know, can be anywhere in the house and maybe it got onto a belt or duct tape or whatever. But come on, they're on, it's on all three.
Starting point is 00:43:19 For the sake of this conversation, I'm just going to spoil what I'm about to say. And it's that only one of his hairs was found on one of their bodies. So how is it just comparing it to that? How were three of hers found on their bodies? Was it, I mean, I can't imagine that he would plant it, but it's like- Right, when he's the killer and only one of his are found on one of the bodies. Yeah, and then three of hers are found.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That's really difficult, but obviously as we we said, she was in Iceland when they were killed, but then it kind of makes you wonder, this is not necessarily being theorized at least publicly, but it kind of makes you wonder, honestly, did she help conceal the bodies at the very least? Right, right. Or was Rex just trying to throw police off by including some hairs from his wife? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Or was this just happenstance? That they just happened to be on the belt that Rex had and it was already connected and he didn't do a very thorough job of making sure that everything was clean. Like it just really throws around a lot of questions in your head, you know? Absolutely. So as we stated before, the Gilgill Beach 4 were covered in burlap
Starting point is 00:44:28 But they were not like the burlap you're probably thinking they're camel flage. Oh my god I'm like stumbling so much today. I think I'm so anxious about this case They were camo flage burlap used in an attempt to conceal their bodies and this burlap is often used in hunting So we don't really know necessarily if he was a hunter, but apparently he did have hunting licenses and was a registered gun owner. So that kind of maybe tells you something. But in the bottom of the sack covering Megan Waterman's body, one single male hair was found. And after taking a pizza box discarded by Rex outside of his office, police were
Starting point is 00:45:05 able to lift DNA from one of the pizza crusts and match it to the hair found on Megan's body. Or, you know, in the bag on Megan's body. Right. So, although this was huge, the cell phone records are what really did it for police, because they stated, quote, this all came down to phone data. Because obviously as we know, there's a lot of phone data, even more like I said in the document, but it just feels kind of repetitive and it's really just detailing further the fact that
Starting point is 00:45:37 his phone or burner phone was in the same location as the victims. We already went through a lot of it, so I kind of felt like that was enough, but there's even more evidence proving that he was in the same location as the victims. Yeah, and I would say if you guys are really, really interested in diving in super deep,
Starting point is 00:45:56 I would say go check out that 32-page document because there's a lot of information in there. Yeah, if you want to read through it all, just and it is double space 32 pages. So it's not really 32 full pages. And a lot of them have like images on them and maps. We're going to post some of the maps on our socials by the time that you guys are listening to this.
Starting point is 00:46:14 But yeah, just Google like Rex, Hugherman, indictment, document, and it should just come up. You just have to download it. But something else that I wanted to mention is, we obviously covered Shannon Gilbert's story. I know I've said except a million times now. And although some people don't believe that she was murdered nor believe that she is a victim of the long-ion serial killer, we have to remember that she went missing in May of 2010, which is within the very same time period
Starting point is 00:46:37 that the Gilgolfo did. So in my opinion, he really could be connected to her case and the others. But I just think this is interesting that like as far as we know, he only searched the Google Four names individually. Like we know that he specifically searched their names because you read his Google searches for us. Yeah. But he didn't search any of the other victims of the long Island serial killer, just the Gilgol Beach 4.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Right. a long-out on Tiro Keller, just the Gilgobeech 4. Right, and as police and as many other people theorized, there could be another suspect out there. And a lot of people theorized that the doctor, we talked about it in Shannon's case, could have been involved. I think his last name was Burke or something. Right. So yeah, people theorized that there was more than one person
Starting point is 00:47:21 that was responsible for these killings. Right, and it's definitely possible, but I don't know. I mean, hopefully they'll be able to find a lot more out just looking at the rest of his phone data and anything that they find in his house because they are searching today his house. So there might be other things that they are going to find that they haven't found yet or they haven't announced yet. That could link him. Didn't you say that they took a cooler out of his house? Yeah, so they took his truck off the property and they also removed a big cooler from the house.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I don't know what that means or... It always feels weird and scary when a cooler is involved. Yeah, it does. So we obviously don't know anything about that yet. But the thing is, is that, you know, this is the very first update in this situation because this just happened. I'm sure in literally the days, weeks, and months to come, we're going to find out so much more about this story. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And I want to piggyback on our conversation by talking about the fact that at the time of Rex's arrest last night, he had a burner phone on him. And this is the one that linked the T-hawk or Thomas Hawk email account. And he's still like over the years continue to look for escorts, continue to try to have sexual encounters with escorts and meet up with women. Right. So, that means does he have other victims? Maybe he got scared off when they found the Gilgobiech 4 and he started discarding of
Starting point is 00:48:52 remains in other places. How long has he been doing it? Was, you know, was he killing people up until 2023? Yeah. And obviously, it's not like he was taking any time off because obviously, as you just said, he's still using burn burner phones to get escorts. Yeah, and we know of his horrific Google searches. We know that he's interested in keeping up with the Long Island serial killer case.
Starting point is 00:49:14 So it just makes you wonder if he has killed anybody else over the years and of course if he's connected to the other murders that are known to this case as well. So just yesterday, before Rex's arrest, a driver called in a tip when he pulled over and found human skeletal remains around 7 a.m. on Long Island near exit 40 off the Robert Moses Causeway and West Islip. The remains are believed to be male, and although they have not been directly linked to Rex, the remains are just about 15 minutes from his home and 20 minutes from Gilgo Beach. And it just, you know, it just kind of feels a bit strange. Yeah, I mean, they may not be connected at all, but it just makes you wonder,
Starting point is 00:49:59 especially because that news broke just hours earlier. But since this was just yesterday, the story is very much developing, as is the case against 59-year-old Rex Hewerman. So if you have any information that could help the case against Rex Hewerman, or anything involving the Gilgobiech 4, or the Long Island Serial Killer, please call 1-800-220-TIPS. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode, and on Tuesday we'll have an all-new case for you guys to dive into. We will obviously be following this very intently as I know all of you guys will be two, so there
Starting point is 00:50:49 may even be another update episode, you know, who knows, maybe they'll find a slew of information or a slew of additional information that connects him to other murders or connects him more concretely to these ones, or you know, maybe he'llests. Who knows what's gonna happen. So again, our hearts really go out to the families involved and thank you guys so much for listening. Well, as of today, he did plead not guilty to the charges. Oh, we forgot to say that. Yeah, I forgot to mention that.
Starting point is 00:51:16 He did plead not guilty to the charges against him, but obviously there's just a mountain of evidence against him at this point. So I guess we'll see how it goes. Yeah, for real. So thank you guys again, and we'll see you on Tuesday. All right, guys, so for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Starting point is 00:51:46 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Starting point is 00:52:02 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% you

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