Going West: True Crime - Jacqueline Vandagriff // 328

Episode Date: August 6, 2023

In September of 2016, a 24-year-old woman’s body was found burning in a kiddie pool in the woods near a lake in Grapevine, Texas. She was last seen visiting a bar in search of a job, and after polic...e reviewed the surveillance video from her visit, they saw her speaking to her killer. And as it turned out, he had a history of stalking. This is the story of Jacqueline Vandagriff. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on to crime fans? I'm your host Teef. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to going west. Hello everybody. Today's case was recommended by somebody who did not include their name and they didn't reply with their name. So thank you to whoever that person is for recommending today's case. Sorry, this one's out a little late. Heath and I just got back from a really great family trip in Oregon. His dad broke his ankle while we went camping. Yeah, I was the most interesting camping trip of my life. Yeah. And then we went to the Oregon coast, and it was just really nice to spend time with my dad and he's parents, and so we just couldn't get this episode out
Starting point is 00:00:51 in time, but thank you for your patience. And do we have anything else today? I don't think we have any other announcements. So I guess let's just dive into this one. All right, guys, this is episode 328 of Going West, so let's get into it. In September of 2020, the first-year-old woman's body was found burning in the woods in a kitty pool near a lake in Great Vine, Texas. She was last seen visiting a bar in search of a job, and after police reviewed the surveillance
Starting point is 00:02:06 video from her visit, they saw her speaking to her killer. And as it turned out, he had a history of stalking. Jacqueline Van DeGryff, who went by Jackie, so that's what we're going to call her today, was born on March 4, 1992 in Carrollton, Texas. In addition to Carrollton, which is a suburb of Dallas, Texas, the family lived in Frisco, Texas, and the Colony, Texas, which is just outside of Dallas. That's an interesting name for a town, the colony. Yeah, the colony. So Jackie joined Sonia and Rick Van Degryff, and she had an older sister named Jenny.
Starting point is 00:03:15 More than anything, Jackie was remembered for her kindness. And according to her family, her greatest passion in life was to help others realize their own unique beauty and talents, and to lift them up in the process like she lived to cheer on others. Friends remember her as bubbly and social and said that she never met a stranger, having a knack for making everybody feel included. Jackie had a respect and appreciation for all animals, she was a vegetarian for most of her life and she advocated for no-kill shelters. As a kid, Jackie loved to read, especially the Harry Potter books, and was extremely physically active.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Like for example, she competed in statewide gymnastics competitions and at the World Olympics Gymnastics Association. She was also a gifted singer and had even performed the national anthem at local sporting events. Jackie loved musicals, especially the 90s classic rent. And after attending Wakeland High School in Frisco, Texas, she settled on a career as an esnetician and studied cosmology at the Palm Mitchell School.
Starting point is 00:04:24 However, when that kind of left her feeling a bit unfulfilled, she decided to return to school and pursue a degree in nutrition and food science with a focus on wellness. She enrolled in Texas Woman's University and moved near campus to Denton, Texas, which is about 30 minutes from where she had been living in Frisco, so not far at all. And at Texas Women's University or TWU, Jackie was regarded as a bright, passionate, and hardworking student. And by the way, Denton is a college town with about 150,000 people located right on the shores of the Lewiston Lake within the Dallas Fort Worth Metropolitan area.
Starting point is 00:05:05 So in addition to her studies, Jackie worked at restaurants for extra money as she finished up her degree. In the summer of 2016, 24-year-old Jackie was a junior at TWU and was in search of a new job as a bartender. On the evening of Sunday, September 13, 2016. Jackie was strolling through downtown Denton and just dropping off for resume at various bars and restaurants in the area. And around 8 p.m., Jackie popped into Fry Street Public House,
Starting point is 00:05:34 which is a bar and restaurant on Avenue A in Denton, located next to a few other businesses. Now, during the week, it's more of a sports bar with multiple TVs for games, but on the weekends, it turns into a nightclub. Inside, Jackie approached the female bartender to ask if they were hiring, and she also dropped off her resume. Now, there have been some sources that say that she actually had been on a date nearby that night, but that it ended pretty quickly and that she kind of wandered into another bar
Starting point is 00:06:02 to kind of salvage the evening, but this has not been confirmed. So as Jackie stood there just chatting it up with the female bartender, a patron seated at the bar with a drink joined their conversation as well. This man was becoming a regular at Fry Street. He was heavily tattooed, he was fit, and always polite to the staff, and he seemed to be liked by the employees. So that evening he happened to be sitting at the bar by himself, but a few onlookers claimed it seemed as if he had been waiting for someone.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Surveillance footage captured his first interactions with Jackie, in which he appeared charming, friendly, and even a bit flirtatious. And at one point he actually touched her gently on the arm while the two laughed. At some point that evening, Jackie even tweeted, quote, "'I'm glad I decided to get off of Tinder and walked into a bar." After Jackie, the bartender and the man seated at the bar all chatted for about an hour. The bartender shift ended and the three left-frike street public house after that. Jackie asked the bartender if she wanted to join her and her new friend at another bar,
Starting point is 00:07:06 but the bartender was just kind of tired after her shift and she declined. But Jackie and the man hit it off so well that they decided to head down the street to another bar. They popped into shots and crafts, which was on the same street, just one minute away from Fry Street. Now while seated at the bar there, Jackie and the young man began talking to a group of women. When it started raining outside and it was nearing around 10 p.m., the group said they're goodbyes and then they just headed out.
Starting point is 00:07:33 By the next morning, Jackie had already been found deceased. Like it happened so quickly that she hadn't even been reported missing yet. Early on the morning of Monday, September 14, 2016, maintenance workers in a park in Great Vine, Texas, which is about 35 minutes from Denton, spotted some smoke. Now there inside Acorn Woods Park was a charred and melted blue rubber kitty pool with what looked like charred human remains inside. The workers immediately put out the fire and called 911 to report this, obviously very bizarre and disturbing finding. And their suspicions were correct because they were in fact human remains inside that kitty pool pool burned beyond recognition.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Now initially, officers couldn't even tell if the victim had been a man, a woman, or a child. And meanwhile, Jackie's roommates noticed that she hadn't come home the night prior. When police cross-checked the fingerprints between those found on the pool and Jackie's, you know, after she was reported missing, they were a match. While investigators scrambled to put together her final movements in the evening prior to her death, Jackie's body was taken for an autopsy, and the medical examiner's report
Starting point is 00:08:57 revealed horrifying details about what had happened to her in the final moments of her life. Before her death, Jackie had sustained stab wounds to her midsection and blunt force trauma to her head, but ultimately, due to her broken, highly bone and the bruising around her neck, her cause of death was determined to be strangulation. But the most disturbing aspect of her murder was what happened to her after her demise. So her murderer had partially dismembered her and had cut open her chest and removed her heart.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And then after that, she was wrapped in garbage bags and put in the kitty pool before being left in the park. And I mean, this is just insanely brutal. Like it's one thing to be the type of person who is capable and interested in taking another person's life, but another to be able to mutilate somebody like this and take their heart out of their chest. Like, geez.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I mean, you just have to be one sick fucker to be able to do something like that to another human being. Yeah, absolutely. And obviously, it's kind of hard because this does feel a little personal, you know? It does. It does feel quite intimate. So then you would imagine that maybe her killer
Starting point is 00:10:12 is somebody that she already knew, but we're gonna get into that. So of course, right away, please were frantic to figure out who had done this to Jackie and why. Because until they did, this monster would just be out on the streets and be able to do it to somebody else.
Starting point is 00:10:28 When retracing her final steps that evening, it seemed as if Jackie's last few hours were spent in those two bars on Avenue A in Denton, and that her companions were all new friends that she had made that very evening. They specifically zeroed in on the man that she had been with, seeing that the two had left together and they had no video footage of Jackie after that. But at least they had that footage. They had something right. Like that's crazy helpful in this case. However, her cell phone data did show that she had been on the move until around 1.30 a.m. on the morning that her body was found. So it's after she left the bar, it's, uh, there was, they were obviously out doing something
Starting point is 00:11:09 else. So Jackie's cell phone connected to four different cell phone towers along US Highway 377 and I-35. Now from where she was last spotted in Denton, Jackie or at least Jackie's phone, headed south to Hazlitt, which is a northern suburb of Fort Worth, Texas. Now this journey would have taken about 40 minutes. Jackie's phone last struck a cell phone tower along the route at 1.30am, but between this
Starting point is 00:11:37 ping and when she and this mysterious man left shots in Crafts in Denton, please just couldn't account for her whereabouts. Police also couldn't locate her phone, but eerily, although Jackie had already been found deceased, on September 15th, 2016, that a after-her-body was recovered, she, or somebody, tweeted, quote, �Never knew I could feel like this. God, that's so weird. So creepy. Police now believed that whomever had murdered her had been using her phone in an attempt to convince her friends and family that she was still alive.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And like, what an idiot, because by the time you tweeted that, she had already been found a day earlier. Like, yeah, he's just trying to cover his tracks, but ultimately he's dumbass. He's just making it worse. stupid stupid person so while this is unknown it's possible that the tweet from the evening of her murder that red quote I'm glad I decided to get off tender and walked into a bar may have been sent by her killer as well posing as Jackie so investigators first step was to track down her companions from the bar obviously now initially
Starting point is 00:12:46 They were only able to identify the women who were in the second bar which is shots and crafts with Jackie and her new friend In a stroke of good fortune when these women were questioned one of them actually knew the identity of the man who was with Jackie That's really really convenient here. I know. So this woman had been talking with him about her fitness goals, and he had given her his business card, because he worked as a fitness instructor and trainer. So the man with Jackie that night was a 30-year-old trainer and bartender,
Starting point is 00:13:22 named Charles Bryant. He also happened to live in Haslet, Texas, which as Heath told us, was the location of Jackie's final phone ping. So in addition to bringing him in for questioning, the police were able to serve his home with a search warrant. And while they attempted to unravel the evening's events with Charles, another team of investigators was at his house, just combing every inch of his yard, his car, and of course inside. According to the search warrant, in addition to a possible connection to Jackie's murder,
Starting point is 00:13:58 he's also suspected on child sexual abuse material charges. A search of his electronic devices confirmed that this was unfortunately true, and Charles now had those charges leveled against him in addition to being the sole suspect in Jackie's murder, and the searches of Charles' home just revealed more damning evidence. Inside his trash was the black canvas Texas woman's university tote that Jackie had been wearing the day that she disappeared. And from inside his white Mitsubishi Outlander, they recovered a clear zip tie with Jackie's hair on it. At this point, there's really nothing you can do or say to get
Starting point is 00:14:42 out of this. Exactly, but also they found a cell phone battery believed to be from Jackie's phone, a stun gun that had Jackie's DNA on it, and then they also found condoms and erectile dysfunction medication. Inside Charles's home, they removed multiple guns, knives, and ammunition. The FBI stepped into assist in searching the property and removed six samples of soil from Charles' backyard, and close to twenty swabs of his DNA. When investigators spoke to his neighbors about his behavior in the days before and after Jackie's murder, one neighbor confirmed that Charles used his inflatable blue kitty pool in his
Starting point is 00:15:25 backyard, and that it's now missing. Of course. Come on. So near the circle of depressed ground where the pool had been, they found a piece of Jackie's bone. Another informant came forward stating that they had been in the vicinity of Acornwood's Park on the morning Jackie's body was recovered. And this witness claimed to have seen a man lurking in the brush near where her body was
Starting point is 00:15:51 found, and that the man then took off in a light-colored SUV, which obviously matched the description of Charles' vehicle. Meanwhile, with Charles in custody but no confession, police brought in a member of the Texas Rangers in hopes of coaxing more information out of him. And when they ran his background check before questioning him, they discovered that he had a protective order placed against him from another woman. The day after Jackie was murdered. So before that quick break, Daphne was telling us that Charles actually had a protective order out against him from another woman.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And so that story goes basically three months prior to Jackie's murder in June of 2016. Charles, who was 29 at the time, and 18-year-old college student Kaitlyn Mathis met and then they began dating. Kaitlyn, who had just graduated from high school, was headed to the University of North Texas in the fall, and in the meantime was working as a server at Buffalo Wildwings in grapevine. It was there that they met the day after Caitlin graduated high school. Though he was 11 years her senior, Caitlin fell for Charles quickly, describing him as quote, smooth talking and charming, and said that she was drawn to his muscles and also
Starting point is 00:17:40 his tattoos. The two enjoyed their budding romance, but within weeks, Caitlin began to notice warning signs of narcissism. Caitlin claims that Charles was quick to become jealous, and that he would often contact her obsessively and pick fights with her when she made plans that didn't involve him. So basically after this,
Starting point is 00:18:00 Caitlin just kinda started falling out of love with Charles, and she was also scared about what he would do if he became angry with her. By mid-August, after less than two months together, Caitlin broke things off with Charles, but he was definitely not ready to give up. So the following day, he showed up at her family's house to beg for her forgiveness and ask her to take him back. He promised that he would work on himself and swore that he would be a better partner to her. And apparently, whatever he said to her was
Starting point is 00:18:30 convincing enough because she agreed to get back together, but of course it did not last. About a week later, Kaitlyn left for the University of North Texas in Denton, where Jackie later disappeared from. She still had her doubts about Charles and decided that she needed to break things off for a fresh start at her new school. She ended things with Charles once and for all via text this time, and she basically did this so that he couldn't try to convince her to stay. Caitlin then happily moved into her new dorm, ready to put her tumultuous relationship with Charles behind her.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But once again, Charles was just not ready to take no for an answer. He raced to her college campus to persuade her to take him back, driving erratically, he was pulled over by a campus police officer and was issued a traffic citation. But because he hadn't been drinking, he was then released. As soon as he was left alone by police, he continued to search for Kaitlyn. And somehow he actually tracked her down and figured out which dorm she was in. So after finding her building, he later told police that he wandered the halls until he found the door with her name on it. He pounded on the door, flowers in hand, pleading and begging her to take him back.
Starting point is 00:19:45 But Caitlin refused and was so alarmed by the situation that she called campus security to have him removed from the premises. Caitlin was now aware of how manipulative and scary Charles could be when he wasn't getting what he wanted. But since he had already said his sights on her, it seemed as if it was too late to reason with him. Caitlin blocked his phone number and also his email, as well as all of his social media accounts, but this guy just doesn't seem like he wants to stop.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Well the day after Charles' surprise visit, Caitlin spoke with campus police who were now very well aware of the situation, following two run-ins with Charles from the day prior. So police issued a no trespass order banning him from the University of North Texas campus completely. But still, that did not stop Charles. Because a week later, he showed up at the restaurant that she was working at just hoping to talk to her. And her coworkers even told her
Starting point is 00:20:43 that he had been there the day prior as well. So terrified, Caitlin just completely quit her job that evening and went back to working in her hometown which was half an hour away, just in hope that he wouldn't track her down there. On September 6, 2016, Charles, who is now 30 years old, again showed up at Caitlin's dorm, violating the protective order, obviously. And while he knocked on the door and pleaded for her to come talk to him, Caitlin hid in the closet and called the police. But frustratingly, by the time they arrived, Charles was gone.
Starting point is 00:21:21 He left behind the flowers and a lengthy note, but thankfully police were able to track him down and he was still lurking around on campus, and that's where they arrested him. But Charles made bail and was released mere hours later. And this is extra frustrating because this is only one week before he met Jacqueline and before she would subsequently be murdered, so just take that into account here. So after he was released, he continued to make new accounts on social media and via email to get in touch with Caitlyn, and he emailed her from an email that she didn't recognize writing, quote, here I am heartbroken and with a criminal record for bringing the girl
Starting point is 00:22:05 I love flowers. Dude it was way more than that. Yeah chill. Ow. But that just shows like his state of mind like he clearly doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Yeah. And he's legitimately stalking this woman.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah he's trying to play the victim now like oh like I'm such a good guy and now I'm a criminal because you wouldn't let me bring you flowers like she told you to fuck off leave her alone Yeah, for real. So that same day on Facebook He wrote quote, there's no reason if you speak to him He's suffering and very much in love Unrequited love kills more people than cancer every year and in matters of the heart people do foolish things I'm not shallow or seduced by cheap glamour. I value substance and character. What is age? What is time? Nothing
Starting point is 00:22:53 means anything if you're actually in love. Sleepless nights and distracted days I speak of platitudes. When it's right, you just know it. T Trials are inevitable, but love, well, it can conquer all. The strange thing here is that this is a 30-year-old man, and not that, you know, there needs to be a huge thing about age difference, but she's a freshman in her college dorm. She's trying to, you know, be an 18 year old going to college and you're like this sad 30 year old man who's stalking her, like figure it out, man. Yeah, like she doesn't like you, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Move on. Yeah, so basically after this, a few days later, he posted again and he said, quote, foolish thoughts. He said to himself, trying to hide the pain and embracing another half-heartedly. So while he cast himself as the scorned lover and the hero of his tale, Kaitlyn lived in paralyzing fear of this guy. Charles seemed to be spiraling out of control, and she didn't know how dangerous he could actually be. Kaitlyn later described this harrowing time saying, quote, I think that he really wanted to kill me.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I think that he wanted me dead. After his release from jail, police sought him out at his home and arrested him for breaking the protective order by continuing to reach out to Katelyn. So he was arrested for the third time in two weeks. But again, of course, he posted bail and he was released. Then just days later, two weeks, but again, of course, he posted bail and he was released.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Then just days later, he found himself sitting at a bar on Avenue A in Denton when Jackie Van DeGryff walked in that fateful evening. Police now believe that he may have actually been hoping to run into Kaitlin that night, as he knew her dorm was just a half a mile or 8-10s of a kilometer away. And also that strip of bars in Denton was a notorious hangout for local college students, but instead of finding Caitlin, he met Jackie. The date after Jackie's murder, September 14, 2016, Charles again began reaching out to Caitlin via email, writing her quote, I'm not going to lie, I miss you, as well as sending her a picture of a tree at grapevine lake.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And this is where he and Caitlin used to picnic, but also near where he dumped Jackie's body with the message quote, first kiss under this tree once upon a time, XXO. And this Caitlin backstory just really fills in all the gaps because when we look back at Jackie's murder and now we know that he was this heartbroken angry person and everything that we know that was done to Jackie was done by somebody who was very, very angry and probably not at Jackie, but at somebody else. Right, possibly, Kaitlyn, of course. And that's why, you know, when we were talking about the fact that this seems like a very personal murder,
Starting point is 00:25:54 because of how, you know, brutal it was, it's possible that he was just taking out all this rage and anger, and like revenge on Jackie. Exactly. Like it totally clicks. And obviously the most disturbing way. So Charles sat down with Texas Ranger James Holland who is notorious for getting confessions out of serial killers. And initially Charles kind of played dumb and claimed that he remembered seeing Jackie at the bar on the evening that she was killed,
Starting point is 00:26:23 but that he had no further information to offer them like he didn't see her after that, they didn't continue talking, etc. But when they revealed that they had recovered her bag from his trash, he had no explanation and continued to play dumb. Then, they revealed how much more they knew about the situation than what Charles had thought. In addition to the surveillance footage from the bar that night, they had footage of Charles at a Walmart
Starting point is 00:26:50 purchasing a shovel at 4am on the morning that Jackie's body was found. Like, how much more suspicious can you get? Right. Yeah. You're not just seeing a shovel at 4am. In the middle of the night, what are you doing? So when asked why he had been there, he said, quote, I can't recall. But with this information, his facade just began to crack. And he explained that because it had been raining that evening when they left the bar, he may have offered Jackie a ride home. Oh, he may have.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, may have. He wasn't quite sure. But finally, after hours of interrogation, he explained that he and Jackie had engaged in consensual sex in Charles's car and that she had asked him to choke her with a zip tie during the act. I feel like we've heard this same excuse before in another case that we covered. I think it was a case for Patreon, add a Canada, but basically this guy was like, oh yeah, she wanted me to choke her during sex, and that's how I killed her. It's like, tail is old this time.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Tail is old this time, come on. But that's how they can kind of justify, like, oh well, she wanted it. Of course. So Charles claimed that the zip tie had snagged on something and that it had tightened by accident, which was unbeknownst to him, until she, you know, kind of like lost consciousness. Now the story that he was telling investigators really started to unravel here, because
Starting point is 00:28:14 according to Charles, Jackie was unresponsive so he started to shake her. Apparently panicked and facing what he explained away as a tragic accident, he said he drove her back to his house, which happened to be in Hazlitt where Jackie's cell phone last panged. He then drove her body back to his house where he wrapped her in garbage bags, put her in the kitty pool, and then dropped her along the trail leading to Great Vine Lake inside Acorn Woods Park. Okay, but then how was she basically mutilated? Like you tried to take her heart out of her chest. Exactly. And also, if you accidentally killed somebody during what you're saying
Starting point is 00:28:57 is consensual and something she's asking you to do, you take her body, you wrap it in trash bags and you burn it and you put it in the woods like... Right. And then you're a mutilation point. So he purchased the shovel at Walmart in kind of an attempt to dig a shallow grave for her, but when the ground proved to be too dense to pierce, he burned her instead. After hours of interrogation though, he finally fully broke down, but he maintained still that it was an accident
Starting point is 00:29:25 and he said, I can't fight it, it's obviously me. But yeah, and then we know. Then we also have to talk about, you know, the fact that her heart was removed. Yeah. What, how do you explain that? Well, and, you know, despite this whole confession, investigators were just obviously not satisfied with this whole story that he was giving them. So they decided to ask him about Caitlyn. Specifically, they wondered if he had pursued Jackie that night because he was waiting at the bar for Caitlyn and only went after Jackie because she bore a passing resemblance to Caitlyn.
Starting point is 00:29:58 That and or she was just a girl giving him attention? Sure. Yeah. And we see this sometimes what we've seen this with other serial killers where they tend to go after victims that look like, you know, a past girlfriend, you know, stuff like that. They usually kind of pick people that look similar. So the horrifying news of Jackie's death sadly didn't come as much of a surprise to Caitlin who had known that he was capable of something like this all along.
Starting point is 00:30:26 But it was a complete shock to her to learn that she was already friends with Jackie on Facebook. This is how creepy this gets. Caitlin reported that after Jackie's death, she had received a friend request on Facebook from Jackie, who she didn't know, and she later realized that it was Charles keeping tabs on her. Obviously Charles denied this and made light of the allegations of stalking altogether, claiming that his obsessive behavior and fixations were because, you know, he had been molested as a child. But despite his claim that Jackie's death had been an accident and that his stalking of Caitlin was all just a misunderstanding.
Starting point is 00:31:05 On September 19, 2016, four days after Jackie's body was found, Charles was officially charged with Jackie Vandergriff's murder. As expected, he played it not guilty, claiming that it was a simple accident that occurred during consensual sex. However, according to the Medical Examiner's report, there was no evidence of a sexual encounter at all. So Charles's lawyer, whose name is Glinnis McGinty, built her case on Charles' claim that Jackie had asked him to choke her during what she described as kinky sex and that he had obliged. She strangled herself by accident and he panicked when he realized that she was
Starting point is 00:31:46 unresponsive. They also claimed that he should have called for help but that he had been drinking and was in shock so instead of reporting her death or even attempting to seek help, he just tried to cover it up. Glynnis claimed that his only charge should be for tampering with evidence. And Charles' legal team also perpetuated the story that his obsession with Caitlin had nothing to do with Jackie's murder. Oh my God, such bullshit. Yeah, but even Caitlin herself disputed this, saying, quote, how he was stalking me
Starting point is 00:32:19 was completely related to Jackie Vandegrift's death. And the prosecutors, of course, agreed. They called Charles calculated an evil, destructive figure. According to the prosecution, the narrative that the defense was painting that, you know, it was just an accident and a hurry disposal just born out of sheer panic was totally ludicrous. Prosecution lawyer Lucas Allen said to the court, quote, why cut out the heart? What does it have to do with disposing of a body?
Starting point is 00:32:50 He cut her heart out. I want that image to sink in. Exactly. That's what we've been talking about here. It's like a huge point of this story. It's a huge piece of it. Like, the defense that they had been engaging in consensual sexual relations
Starting point is 00:33:05 was shaky at best, as there was no evidence to suggest that theory. And there was no DNA found on Jackie, there was no condom that was recovered, and the blow that she had sustained to her head before she was strangled was so forceful that it could not have been an accident during sex. The prosecution on behalf of Jackie instead painted a picture of a cruel and relentless killer taking advantage of an opportunity to pray on an innocent victim, luring her to his car under the guise of giving her a ride home, and then stabbing her, clubbing her on the head, and strangling her with a zip tie.
Starting point is 00:33:45 And what he did to her body afterwards, obviously, was even more heinous. Lucas Allen continued quote, if the purpose is to dispose of a body, why are you cutting out the heart? Unfortunately, Caitlin was forbidden by the judge to testify with Charles' legal team saying that there was no direct link between the two women, despite Charles' involvement with both of them and his behavior towards both of them. But Kaelin's account of Charles' treatment of her was arguably the strongest defense that the prosecution had, and was a huge loss at the trial.
Starting point is 00:34:22 But despite her testimony being forcibly admitted, the judge and jury still ruled in favor of a life sentence. So on Monday, April 16, 2018, Charles was sentenced to life in prison. Jackie's parents, Rick and Sonia and her sister Jenny opted to stay out of this for the most part, deciding that it was still too difficult to talk about. Her dad claimed in his testimony that they hadn't celebrated a single birthday, holiday, or occasion since Jackie was taken from them.
Starting point is 00:34:56 He said, quote, we just can't celebrate it in the house and look at her chair. Jackie's uncle Randy read a statement on behalf of her family as they found it like I said just too taxing to do so. So Randy read quote, although it has been 19 months since we lost our precious daughter, not a minute, hour or day goes by that we do not think of her, her kindness, her compassion, her enthusiasm and love of life. What would Jackie say if we could talk to her? She would say, remember me, remember my hopes and my dreams for the future and my plans
Starting point is 00:35:31 to get there. In her memory, her family established a scholarship for fellow nutrition majors at Texas Women's University, which they called the Jacqueline Ray Vandergriff Endowment. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys and thank you for being patient. I know this episode is coming out late. We were hanging out with some families So we appreciate your patience here and we will also see you on Tuesday for another new episode for you guys to dive into Yeah, just a couple more days. We'll have a new one for you and then we're gonna be getting the first Of two bonus episodes out this month on apple podcast subscriptions and on Patreon. We've
Starting point is 00:36:26 released two last month as we have been for, I mean at this point it's been like four years. Yeah. So we have over 90 bonus episodes for you guys that you can subscribe to and get if you're looking for more content. It is gonna be a busy next couple months for us because we've got our wedding coming up in September. We're so excited. Well, we're not gonna forget about you guys. Yeah, absolutely. We're gonna just try and get all of those episodes out as needed and on time. But we love you guys and thank you so much for listening. And also, if you want to leave us a review, please do. We do read those. It makes our
Starting point is 00:36:59 day. So, yeah, especially if they're nice. Especially if they nice Exactly not like all these guys fucking suck. We do get that we do get that yeah, all right guys So for everybody out there in the world don't be a stranger 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh
Starting point is 00:37:38 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 tbh 1 t 1, 1 Thank you. you

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