Going West: True Crime - Jolissa Fuentes // 237

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

In August of 2022, a 22-year-old woman headed out for a late night snack with the promise that she would be right back, but she never returned. Since then, her family, police, various organizations, a...nd locals have been scouring the area looking for evidence. And with cell phone pings and surveillance footage, they’re hoping to find answers as soon as possible. This is the story of Jolissa Fuentes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans? I'm your host Teez. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. We have a third individual in the studio with us today. That's right. We do. It is our new rescue bulldog, Dewey. The little doobair. He is so cute. We think he's around two or a little bit under two, so he's still such a puppy and has such puppy behavior, but we just got him over the weekend, and he is so cute. He's just licking his paws right now. I wish you guys could see him. Yeah, so if you hear any like, sort of snorts or noise, it's definitely the do-drop. It is, it is. So, but thank you guys so much for tuning in today.
Starting point is 00:00:51 For today's story, we have received countless requests to cover this case over the past month or so because it's happening right now and foul play is absolutely suspected. So thank you everybody who recommended it and thank you everybody for listening and don't is absolutely suspected. So thank you everybody who recommended it, and thank you everybody for listening, and don't forget to share. And since we're not sure what happened to Jalissa,
Starting point is 00:01:11 we will be speaking about her in the present tense. All right guys, this is episode 237 of Going West, so let's get into it! In August of 2022, a 22-year-old woman headed out for a late-night snack with the promise that she would be back, but she never returned. Since then, her family, police, various organizations and locals have been scouring the area looking for evidence, and with cell phone pings and surveillance footage, they're hoping to find answers as soon as possible. This is the story of Jelissa Fuentes.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Jelissa Nicole Fuentes was born on February 8, 2000 to parents Norma Nunez and Joey Fuentes in Selma, California. And before her came a sister Irene, and after her came three younger brothers. So she is the second oldest of five kids. Selma is a small city in Fresno County, hosting about 25,000 people, but with almost 1 million people in the county. It's located about 3 hours southeast of San Francisco, almost smack dab in the middle of California.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Her dad Joey says that Jalissa absolutely loves country living and being outdoors, and something that she really enjoys doing, especially in recent years, has been going to different lakes or to the beach, which is a few hours away, and just like bask in the beauty around her and clear her head. She loves doing that. But she is also described as a huge family person, like someone who loves any excuse to get together
Starting point is 00:03:38 with her loved ones. So it's no surprise that she's very social, and everyone seems to just absolutely love her. And I saw some posts on Facebook from her friends while I was digging into this case and so many people are sharing silly videos and photos of her and she just seems hilarious and everyone seems to be missing that right now. Her sister Irene posted this to Facebook on August 18th, 2022, quote, Jalissa is the person I love the most in the whole wide world.
Starting point is 00:04:09 My baby sister, funny as person in the world with a big heart, makes me laugh constantly. I miss annoying her on purpose, miss laughing all day and singing and dancing. Aside from this, we've seen people describing her as a courageous woman with a sweet heart, and someone who is just super carefree. She graduated from Selma High School just a few years ago, and this year, 22-year-old Jelissa worked at a packaging warehouse in Selma, and has been for about two years, and she was living with her grandmother in the area, and her brother Joey also lived in the house. And just to give you guys a bit of a timeline, so Jalissa's disappearance takes place just
Starting point is 00:04:53 one day after Kylie Rodney's, whose case we covered a few weeks ago and who has been found deceased in the back of her car in the body of water right next to where she was last seen. Whether she died due to a foul play or a car accident is still being investigated, and for reference, Kylie went missing 4.5 hours north of where Jolissa did. So, on Saturday, August 6, 2022, at about 8 p.m., 22-year-old Jolissa Fuentes had had just a minute up the road from her home to attend a family gathering for a very close family friend.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Now the party went until late, so she didn't leave until the early morning hours of Sunday August 7 after around 3am. When she got back to her grandmother's house, she noticed that her brother Joey, who hadn't been at the party, wasn't home. So she called him at about 3.30am and asked where he was. He explained that he was in Fresno, just about 20 minutes or so away, and Jelissa told him that she was going to grab something from the store real quick, and that she'd be back by the time he got home.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You know, she just said that she was going to be out for a few minutes. But Jalissa still has not made it home. So instead of jumping to later that morning when her family realized that she was missing, we're going to explain everything that happened from when she went to the store. Okay, so like Heath just said, after about 3.30 a.m., Jalissa headed up the street to a Selma gas station to get a little after-party late night snack. This convenience store is the AMPM located at an arco gas station near Highland and Nebraska
Starting point is 00:06:36 Avenue, which is open 24 hours a day. The AMPM is. For those that don't know the AMPM, it's just like a food mart that is attached to a gas station. Yeah, they're pretty much, I don't know if they're on the East Coast, but they're pretty much everywhere on the West Coast. Yeah, they are scattered around at many different gas stations. And the reason that she didn't go to the AMPM straight from her friend's house is because she needed to grab her bag with money to do so. Which she hadn't brought because her friend lived so close by. So she probably just ran over there with nothing on her,
Starting point is 00:07:07 went back home, grabbed her money, and then went out again to get a snack. Right. Now let's describe the area of this gas station for a second. So directly behind the gas station is large, open, farmland, and orchards. And this whole area in particular has a lot of orchards,
Starting point is 00:07:24 because right across the street from the gas station is beautiful, vast farmland as well. And then diagonally, there's just another gas station, which is a 76 gas station with a food mart as well, and then just more farmland on both sides of the road for a while. Because this gas station backs up into tons of land. Though in the other direction where Jelissa came from, you start to get more into the center of Selma where it's more populated with suburbs and such
Starting point is 00:07:54 just up the road. And lots of other businesses, but where this gas station is, again, for the million times, sorry. It feels remote. Yeah, of more remote, lots of land. So I can imagine being at this gas station in the middle of the night has almost a deserted field due to the lack of buildings and people.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And we're not sure what Jelissa's address is, so we can't confirm how close it was to her home, but we can assume that it was just up the road and that this was the closest place to her that was open and why she went there. Right, and considering she said she would be back in a few minutes, sure it wasn't that far. And she told her brother like I'm going to the Amp-ym,
Starting point is 00:08:31 so that must have been somewhere that she went frequently. But still, yeah, there's not much around in that immediate area. So if there was someone lurking around, there wasn't really anyone there to see it. But without getting ahead of myself, let's talk about the next time that Jolissa was seen. At 3.59am, so just after Jolissa left her home, surveillance footage caught her at the
Starting point is 00:08:55 arco gas station as she drove in by herself. In her silver 2011 Hyundai Accent, she parked and then she walked inside the AMPM and approached the front counter. And it's noted that her rear windows were tinted, but it seems as though she was alone and police believe this as well. As it was a warm 73 degrees outside at this time, she's seen wearing a white Nike tank top, gray shorts, and black Nike slides. And she's holding a black Michael Cors backpack purse when she walks in and does her shopping,
Starting point is 00:09:32 only in the store for a couple of minutes. As she approaches the counter, a young man wearing white-corted earphones, with one earbud hanging off against his front side, helps her with her snack purchase. And you know, maybe that could speak to how slow it had been. Like this guy's just listening to music, doing his job and then she comes in. He takes out one of his earbuds and helps her and then probably goes back to doing just that. It was probably pretty slow.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, exactly. So after this, Jelissa is seen walking out of the store alone, getting back into her car and then driving away. The odd thing is that she turned westbound onto Nebraska Avenue towards the vast farmland that Daphne was just describing, and away from the center of Selma. Whereas to go home, she would have to go eastbound on Nebraska Avenue towards the center of Selma. And I can't imagine she would have made this turn by mistake because there were probably
Starting point is 00:10:30 no cars around. It's not like some stressful situation where she got distracted or she had to turn a different way due to all the cars and then she was going to turn around. It feels like she probably made this turn on purpose. So was she just planning to pull over next to an orchard and enjoy her snack with some music before heading home? Because it doesn't seem like she was planning to meet someone as her sole purpose for going out was to get a snack and then come home like she told her brother. Exactly. And I don't know what else would be over in that area.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Like if she thought, oh, I need to make one more stop somewhere. But like you said, it's just vast farmland. So, where would you really be going, unless you had like a friend that lived out that way, and you had to go pick something up. But like, it's 3.30 in the morning. Actually, it's 4 in the morning now, so it's so early or so late,
Starting point is 00:11:19 depending on how you look at it. And I'm gonna post photos of this area on our socials by the time you're listening, they will be up. And I'll show you the map area where you can see like there's no businesses over that way, at least for a little while, because it's just all these orchards and farmland. So it seems like the only reason should go that way is to maybe just pull over and, you know, have a moment to yourself. But that's such a weird part of the story is that turn. So alongside the various orchards were vineyards as well, and according to her family, she did like to go visit them
Starting point is 00:11:54 to just relax and clear her head, like she did with lakes and such, as I mentioned earlier, and particularly since she lost her good friend just last year. But when she do this in the middle of the night, it's not known. So after this, it's unknown to the public where Jelissa went and what happened to her. But at 5.24 am, so nearly an hour and a half after leaving the gas station, she facetimeed her sister Irene. Then one minute later, she faced him again.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But Irene was asleep, so she didn't see these calls until she woke up later. Now the weird thing about this is that we know Jalissa didn't come home, so what happened in that hour and a half and why did she call her sister twice knowing it was so early? Like was she in danger and hoping her sister would pick up? But Selma police say that they have retrieved other surveillance footage of either her or her car after leaving the AMPM. But they're not releasing where or when this was. It does seem like she was in her car, but when I say that, I mean, was it her car
Starting point is 00:13:08 or do we know that she was in her car? When the police chief Rudy Alcarez was stating this early on in the investigation, he also added, quote, right now there's nothing that is insinuating foul play. But again, we don't have much information. It just seems weird considering, like, I do believe in my mind that those calls
Starting point is 00:13:31 were like reaching out because she was in danger because I don't know. It just seems weird like it's foreign the morning. Why would she wake her sister up for like, basically no reason just to FaceTime her, and she does it twice. Yeah, the end like right after the other. So it seemed like she needed something and you know, you could also say, oh well, she didn't call police. She could have called 911
Starting point is 00:13:53 if she was in danger, right? But it does seem really bizarre to the family that these calls were even made, especially at that time. And then we have to think about the fact that that that is an hour and a half after she left the gas station. Why would she still be out at that time? Exactly, yeah. And, you know, going back to the footage that police have not released, whatever this is, it must not be suspicious, like maybe just
Starting point is 00:14:16 it's her car driving, though that in itself would indicate where she was going potentially. And even Jelissa's family have not been given this information. And the only thing they know is that Jelissa's car was seen driving back into Selma at some point, though a time has not been released. So the police at least said her car was seen going back into the city. But when was this was this before or after the call to register? Was she the one that was driving? Yeah, like where, where are the
Starting point is 00:14:49 cameras? There's so many questions with this, but we're going to touch on it a little bit later. But it was very clear to Jelissa's family that something was not right when they all awoke for the day. Irene had received those strange FaceTime calls from her at just 524 and 525 in the morning, which was very unusual. I do want to just point out a discrepancy even though it really doesn't matter. Some articles state that it was 525 and 526. I just want to get that clear in case anybody is like, you're wrong. There's conflicting information about
Starting point is 00:15:22 which two minutes these were, but that's when it was. But you know, somewhere around 525. Yeah, somewhere around 525. So then her brother Joey and her grandmother noticed that she hadn't gotten home after her quick outing. So with all of this, her mother Norma tried calling herself phone, but she did not receive an answer. And Jalissa didn't answer anyone else's calls in the family that day, nor did she return any of their calls, so everyone just knew that something was not right. So that evening, on Sunday, August 7, 2022, at around 7pm, Norma called police to report her 22-year-old daughter missing.
Starting point is 00:16:04 The next day, Jalissa missed work at the packing warehouse, and she just continued to miss work as the days went by, and her whereabouts remained a mystery. Her mom is adamant that she was hardworking and would never have just not shown up to work. She even bought her own car with cash from money that she had saved. That's how responsible she was and how much she cared about showing up to her job and saving money. And her family was her life. There's no way that she would go missing like this on purpose. So with that, the city of Selma and the surrounding areas began looking for Jalissa. And here's what they were looking for. Her car, since that was also missing,
Starting point is 00:16:48 which again is a silver 2011 Hyundai accent with the back windows tinted, and she has California plates on it that read 8MPU766. And there is a dent above the passenger side tire. Jalissa on the other hand was just a day away from 22 and a half years old with her birthday being on February 8th and she stands at 5'3, weighs around 220 pounds, though some sources state that she was around 180 pounds and she has long brown hair and brown eyes. She also wears black-rimmed glasses.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Now, police were also looking for Jelissa right away and were even able to get a ping on her cell phone on Monday, August 8th, 2022. So technically the day after she was lashing since she was lashing at about 4am on Sunday, August 7th. But later on in the morning, the Selma police said, quote, the phone did not continue to ping. The search began in the area of which she was last seen,
Starting point is 00:17:55 so in the area by the gas station, by law enforcement, jealous' family, and other members of the community. And drones were also used in the search, but it didn't reveal any helpful information in the search for Jalissa. A few days later, on Thursday, August 11, 2022, the phone company in which Jalissa's cell phone is affiliated with released cell phone records to police, and it revealed her last known location. What we know about these pings is that it led police to investigate the Pine Flat and
Starting point is 00:18:31 Avocado Lake areas, which are located about 30 minutes northeast from the Arco gas station and the AMPM food mart, meaning in the opposite direction in which Jelissa exited the parking lot, because remember, she headed west, not northeast. And Avocado Lake is about 30 minutes away, but Pine Flat Lake is just pasted a bit further along the rural road. Before we talk about these lakes, I want to talk about that because so we know that police stated she was seen or at least her car was seen driving back into Selma.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So what I'm curious about is if her last ping was in the Pine Flat Lake and Avocado Lake area, or if that was just one of the places her phone last pinged. Because if it was the last place, then that would be really suspicious if her car was seen later driving into Selma. Right. Yeah. But, so that is information that we don't have is if this is the last ping or one of the
Starting point is 00:19:32 last pangs. Sorry, carry on. So let's talk about avocado Lake first. So there's a park that's called Avocado Lake Park and and it's a 210-acre day-use park where people enjoy picnicking or going to the water to fish or swim. The park is open from 7am to 10pm and appears to get very busy in the summers. An avocado lake is located in Sanger, California, and then Pine Flat Lake is also in Sanger, then that's described as a reservoir in the Sierra Nevada foothills in Eastern Fresno County.
Starting point is 00:20:09 The lake is 18 miles across, and it's known for boating, fishing, swimming, and hiking on the outskirts. So as we know, whenever a body of water, or in this case two bodies of water are involved in a case, things get a lot more difficult because searching them takes a lot of manpower and resources. But the Fresno County Sheriff's Office joined in with the Selma County Police Department to search both areas by helicopter as well as on the ground. But a few weeks into the search on August 25th, 2022, adventures with purpose started to join in on the search for Jalissa at both of these lakes. And I'm sure a lot of you guys know who adventures with purpose are.
Starting point is 00:20:55 They are actually the organization that found Kylie Rodney's car. Yes, and I'm going to dive into that in just a sec. So, but also for those who don't know, adventures with purpose is a search and rescue dive team out of Bend, Oregon, that helps families find their missing loved ones. And then the two years that they've been doing this, they have solved 23 cases, which is absolutely amazing. So they're incredibly hardworking,
Starting point is 00:21:23 and they use underwater sonar equipment to get answers. And just to quickly, again, bring up Kylie Rodney, adventures with Purpose were the ones who found her car and body. So it's awesome that they also joined in on the search for Jalissa. Because if it weren't for adventures with Purpose, who knows when Kylie would have been found, because she was found in the body of water that police had previously cleared, but there she was. So there is a lot of hope that they can bring the same kind of justice to Jelissa and her family if Jelissa was sadly met with any kind of foul play.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Oh and I also want to know that it was stated how difficult it is to get an accurate location via ping when you're in canyon terrain like this area. So they did also search outside of the zones of these lakes. They didn't just search the lakes, but also the surrounding area. Yeah. So basically, the scenario in my mind right now is that if something of foul play happened here, it's possible that her phone or herself
Starting point is 00:22:27 are near the lake. Or her car. Well, but seeing that the car driving back into Selma, or police having that footage, it's like, did somebody do something to her out there and then drive her car back into town and get rid of it or something like that? So I keep forgetting that they caught her car on camera, and get rid of it or something like that. You know what I'm saying? I keep forgetting that.
Starting point is 00:22:45 They caught her car on camera, but it's just so hard to talk about because we don't know what time it was seen. So it's very complicated, but yeah, you're right. But luckily, they are searching the lakes to make sure that she's not in there. Absolutely. Which, of course, they don't want to find her there,
Starting point is 00:23:01 but they have to look. Exactly. So not long after Adventures with Purpose joined in on the search, Doug Bishup, who was a member of the Adventures with Purpose team, told news outlets that they were able to officially rule out Avocado Lake, that they didn't find any evidence that connected to Jalissa there, and that they could concretely say that she was not in that lake. And then they were able to say the same for pine flat lake. And Jelisa's family was there at both of the lakes during the searches,
Starting point is 00:23:32 and they were just kind of hoping that they would not find anything. And due to not finding any evidence of her there, it only made her family more confident that she is out there somewhere alive. more confident that she is out there somewhere alive. But the thought of her being abducted, or in a scary situation, is still heavily believed by both her family and the police, despite the fact that nothing concrete points to this being true. Police chief Alkarez stated QUOTE, There's nothing overtly that leads us to believe that a criminal act has occurred, though he also admitted that he and his office are treating Jelisa's believe that a criminal act has occurred, though he also admitted that
Starting point is 00:24:05 he and his office are treating Jelissa's case as a criminal matter. And this is because, again, her family insists that she would never just go missing like this, and that this isn't her character at all. Especially considering at this point like today, it's been almost a month and a half, and there is just no sign of her at all, like no phone activity, no clear sightings, it's weird. And here's another quote from Alcarez. Quote, this is not normal behavior for Miss Fuentes.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So we are treating this as a criminal matter. Yeah, and we have to picture, you know, the fact that she was out at 4 a.m. run into the store to get a snack, it's not the fact that she was out at 4 a.m. running to the store to get a snack, it's not like she's running away. She didn't, you know, it's, she didn't pack up her cart at 4 a.m. to go drive off somewhere and police know that and her family knows that. And also the fact that she was so close with her family, there's just no fucking way. It was no. No, there's just no way. So as I mentioned in the beginning of the episode, Jolissa was known to frequent lake sometimes
Starting point is 00:25:05 if she wanted to clear her head. And Avacado Lake was one of those spots. But would she go there in the middle of the night when she was simply going out for a quick snack run? I just don't, I mean, it may be, like it's possible. She drove over to one of these spots and was met with some bad person while she was there. And then this person took her out of the area.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Or was she met with some person before this and they had her phone in this area. Like, I don't know why she would go out that far so late, even though she does frequent that area on occasion. Like, unless she was in a weird mood, but she had just come back from a party. Like, she just wanted to get a snack. Why would she take two hours out of her day
Starting point is 00:25:47 to go to a lake in the morning? Like that. And my brain goes back to what we were talking about with the tinted windows, and how it appeared that she was alone when she went into the AMPM. It's like, if the possibility is there that she was not, and somebody was...
Starting point is 00:26:04 That she was not alone? Yeah. Oh yeah. And somebody forced her to drive out to this lake. That could explain why she went out that way. But then again, it's like, how could you know that? Exactly, I mean, exactly, excuse me. These are...
Starting point is 00:26:18 Sorry, I love you. So I mean, these are all questions that everyone is wondering, but no one has answers to. Before that break, we discussed how searchers had ruled out both avocado lake and pine flat lake in the search for jolissa, even though this appears to be the last place that her phone may have pinged. Right, or at least one of the last places. So since then, her family has been searching the nearby farmland and orchards, as well as scouring off-shoot dirt roads,
Starting point is 00:27:06 and just the whole area in general trying to find some clue that could lead them to Jelissa's whereabouts. In late August of 2022, during the third week of the search, the Fuentes family expressed their concerns with the police's investigation, with Jalissa's father stating, quote, �What I don't understand is, if you've got all these resources and other agencies involved, please say that the FBI is getting involved, we should have something. These are some of our top trained agencies in the United States, supposedly. They were also frustrated by the lack of attention Jalissa's case received
Starting point is 00:27:44 in the beginning, since most news outlets were focused on Kylie Rodney, which she absolutely deserved as well, but Jalissa didn't get that same deserved attention until after Kylie was found and people started to realize that another girl in California had also disappeared in her car. And I know we are bringing up Kylie a lot in this episode, but it's just because it was happening at the same time, not too far apart.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And there are a lot of similarities as far as them, both going missing from their cars, and adventures with purpose getting involved. So that's why these cases are often linked. So the police had this to say about it, quote, we're doing all we can with the resources we have. Adding that they have spent hundreds of hours searching the area and using 16 off-road vehicles covering nearly 2,000 ground miles. Yet, of course, since no answers have come, the family is looking
Starting point is 00:28:40 for alternative ways to try to get answers, so they hired a private investigator. But with 44 days behind us, it's still unclear what happened to Jelissa. So let's talk about some of the ideas that are floating around. Obviously, with other recent cases, it's pondered if she accidentally drove into a body of water. You know, it was very late at night, or very early, again, depending on how you look at it. So maybe she was tired and somehow ended up in water
Starting point is 00:29:11 or got into some kind of accident. Now, she had been at that family friend's party for hours, and we're not sure if she'd been drinking it all, but she wanted a snack at nearly 4 a.m. So I can't imagine that she was that tired or else she would have just gone to sleep. And sure, maybe she wanted to watch the sunrise at 6.10 a.m. and just enjoy like a slow early Sunday morning
Starting point is 00:29:35 and then something happened. But her face timing, her sister twice just after 5.20 a.m. feels important. Like, she, like she needed help maybe. Now, she didn't call 911 as I said earlier, but these calls are just really suspicious to me. And, you know, just because she didn't call 911 doesn't mean that she wasn't in distress. True.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Because a lot of times people will contact a family member without thinking, oh, hey, maybe I need to contact 911 instead. Yeah. And like, I could see myself even doing that. I need to contact 911 instead. Yeah. Like, I could see myself even doing that. I would probably contact my dad. Right. If I was in any situation before, I would contact please. Or imagine if maybe she was being followed
Starting point is 00:30:14 or she saw someone weird and she didn't want to jump to conclusions by calling 911 because a lot of people don't call 911 because they're like, oh, that's too serious or what if it's not something bad and then it call 911 and it's not a big deal. So maybe that happened, she saw someone or she had a weird feeling about something
Starting point is 00:30:34 so she called her sister, hoping that maybe the vibrations or the ring would wake her up so that she could tell someone that she knew and trusted. Right. And in my mind, the biggest thing in this case to me is where is her car? Like, obviously, where is Jalissa? Right.
Starting point is 00:30:50 But a car is huge. But a car is huge, and that's very important. If you can find the car, that could tell a story. And oftentimes it does. Yeah, it really does. So finding that is super crucial as well. So if you are in California, just remember the description of her car again, a silver 2011 Hyundai accent with a dent on the side. The back windows are tinted.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And then her license plate number again is 8 m p. U766. One of the more obvious thoughts here is that she was abducted. And this could have happened easily if she had driven somewhere to stop and have a peaceful moment. Because someone with bad intentions could have driven by and stopped, or even someone on foot, which would make sense considering her car is missing too. Or if someone had come upon her, they could have come back for her car at another point,
Starting point is 00:31:44 which is why finding her car is so important because like you said it could give us a lot of clues like if someone else's DNA was on the steering wheel or if there was any blood in the vehicle etc. But also the location of her car could help a lot as well and this could help us determine why her car was seen driving back into the city because it also makes me wonder did she go to avocado lake did she decide hey i'm not tired my brother And this could help us determine why her car was seen driving back into the city.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Because it also makes me wonder, did she go to Avocado Lake? Did she decide, hey, I'm not tired. My brother's not home yet. I just want to go see the lake and watch the sunrise. And then I'm going to come back. And then something happened to her on the way back in somehow. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's important to note that her car
Starting point is 00:32:22 is seen going back into Selma. Now, we don't know much about that particular advice. I hope that comes out soon. Yes, God, I just want to know. Exactly, but we do know that it was not leaving Selma. So that is an important clue here. And I also want to mention that Jelissa wasn't known to be dating anyone at all
Starting point is 00:32:41 when she went missing. So the thought that she was out with someone she was romantically involved with is not believed to be the case. And according to her family, Jelicit kept everyone in the loop of what she was up to. So despite the fact that she liked going on drives and like seeing other areas, she didn't just go.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Like she always told someone what she was up to, just like how she told her brother that she was going to the ampium for a quick snack. So again, I just go back to, you know, if she was planning, if she did just decide to go up to avocado lake or pine flat lake, why didn't she call or text her brother and say, hey, you know, I'm gonna extend my little trip,
Starting point is 00:33:18 I'm going up to the lake to watch the sunrise or whatever she would have wanted to do. I'll be back a little later than expected. Yeah, and it only makes sense because if she notified him in the first place that she was actually going to the AMPM to get a snack, don't you think she would have probably notified him that, hey, I'm gonna go up to this lake?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Right, which then brings us back to the phone calls to her sister, but if she wanted to just say, hey, this is where I am, I could see her more so texting knowing that it was so early and that someone wasn't going to answer. So that's why I still believe those phone calls were to warn her sister about something that she saw or something that was happening to her. Jalice's mom Norma recently stated, quote,
Starting point is 00:33:59 I think Jalice's disappearance is out of the ordinary, and there is suspicious activity. Someone surely did something to her and people know something. We are still doing search operations, and we will not stop until our baby is home. We go out every day and look for our baby. Her mom also stated that she hasn't been able to return to work due to the distress that she's been experiencing every single day not knowing where her daughter is. Though she has reportedly had to go back to pay the bills, but it's incredibly difficult.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Norma posts a Facebook daily to write a message to Jalissa. The most recent post is from just two hours before we're recording this, and it says quote, �Day 45. It's 45 days, Lissie, since you've been gone. I just can't with this hole in my heart. We need you so much, our life is incomplete, and this emptiness is unreal. Each day that passes by becomes harder. I pray for answers.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I pray for our detective. I pray for our Steve and Annabelle. I pray for law enforcement to look for my Lissy as she were their own. I pray that this country sees you and someone says something. We love you, Jelissa, and we will never stop. Jelissa's older sister Irene has also been posting consistently about her sister on Facebook, and her latest post is from just yesterday, September 19th, 2022, and it reads, quote, easier. I miss my sister so much. I would do anything to have her back. Life will never go on for us until we know where she is." Jalissa's cell phone has not been used since she went missing and neither has her bank account. There is currently a $15,000 reward ready to be given to someone
Starting point is 00:36:02 who can help bring answers to the case. If you have any information regarding the disappearance of 22-year-old Jelissa Fwentes, please call the Selma Police Department at 559-896-2525. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening and on Friday we'll have an all new case for you guys to dive into. Please don't forget to share Jelissa's story. We're gonna post her missing poster and just everything related to this case on our socials.
Starting point is 00:36:43 So please go share her missing poster, share her story, show the episode. Like, much more people need to know about this story so that she can hopefully be found very soon. Also, since we're going to post all of her information on our socials, please let us know what you think happened here, because it is good to get the conversation going. I want to hear what you guys think of this case. Yeah, I absolutely agree. It is really good to talk the conversation going. I wanna hear what you guys think of this case. Yeah, I absolutely agree. It is really good to talk about this and to speculate.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Despite a lot of people don't like to speculate, but it is good because that's how people figure things out and that's how cases are solved. So please keep sharing. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Our hearts really go out to Jelissa's family who has been just searching for her every single day. So let's all help them by sharing her story.
Starting point is 00:37:25 And sorry for everybody if you heard little dewy snoring in the background. God, he snores so loud. He's like a little piglet. He has been sleeping this whole time and he looks so cute. We posted a photo of him on our socials too. If you guys want to see, he is adorable. But yeah, he has been snoring up a storm.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Absolutely. Also, get ready for the dark parts that's coming back in less than a month. I mean, we're just a few weeks away. October 6th. And that she is drop in. We cannot wait. We're gonna drop two episodes on October 6th.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And then every week after that on Thursdays, it will be one new episode a week. We're super excited. It's gonna be really fun. So check it out. And thank you again. Also, I just wanted to mention that if anybody has any suggestions for interesting topics or urban legends
Starting point is 00:38:10 that you think would be great for the dark parts, please let us know on our socials. I'm always looking for new, creepy, scary stories to cover, so let me know. Yes, also, the best way really is to email us at the darkpartspodcast at gmail.com. We love your guys' suggestions. It helps us make really fun episodes
Starting point is 00:38:27 that we know you guys are gonna be interested in. So thank you so much. All right guys, so for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. Thank you.

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