Going West: True Crime - Maya Millete // 169

Episode Date: January 26, 2022

In January of 2021, a 39-year-old mother of 3 in Chula Vista, California went missing right before her daughters birthday trip. Between cryptic conversations with spell casters, lying about an alibi, ...and talks of a “safe house”, investigators narrowed in on one person in the woman’s life. This is the story of Maya Millete. BONUS EPISODES patreon.com/goingwestpodcast CASE SOURCES https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152889/Maya-Milletes-friend-reveals-gave-access-safe-house-disappearance.html https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/timeline-the-disappearance-of-chula-vista-mom-may-maya-millete/2515453/ https://conandaily.com/2021/05/12/larry-millette-works-at-navy-medical-center-san-diego-maya-millette-still-missing/ https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/investigations/missing-maya-millete-larry-arrest-missing-chula-vista-mom-mother-san-diego-timeline-disappearance/509-3d7f183a-ede3-4a67-9554-f135296ca211 https://www.the-sun.com/news/2640160/who-maya-millete-when-go-missing/ https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/investigations/larry-millete-phone-interview-maya-millete/509-1777daa7-1b5c-4d85-acca-a6fcbb37e9cc https://www.foxnews.com/us/maya-millete-disappearance https://nypost.com/2021/04/04/missing-california-woman-issued-ominous-warning-to-family/ https://nypost.com/2021/04/04/missing-california-woman-issued-ominous-warning-to-family/ https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/investigations/evidence-photographs-released-in-larry-millete-gvro-case-gun-violence-restraining-order-missing-chula-vista-mom-child/509-34d9acda-f46f-4c93-a754-29e2e694f3d2 https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/walk-through-maya-milletes-house-chula-vista/509-680c9746-260e-436d-87a2-3222d155e358 https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2021/10/19/larry-millete-husband-former-hawaii-woman-arrested-accused-murder/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on True Crime fans? I'm your host Teef and I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. Howdy howdy folks hope everybody is doing well happy Tuesday. Thank you so much for tuning in to going west today. We are covering a case that you may have heard in the news, you may be seeing on social media, but the details are honestly insane. So get ready. And with that, we really don't have much else for you guys as far as updates go. So let's get into today's episode. This is episode 169 of Going West, so let's get into it. In January of 2021, a 39-year-old mother of three in Chula Vista, California, went missing right before her daughter's birthday trip. Between cryptic conversations with spellcasters, lying about an alibi and talks of a safe house, investigators narrowed in on one person in the woman's life.
Starting point is 00:01:41 This is the story of Maya Miliette. [♪ Music playing in background, but we're going to call her Maya in this episode, was born on May 1st, 1981, in the Philippines to parents Noemi and Pabloito Tabalanza, alongside her sister Maracris and their three brothers. But shortly after Maya's birth, the family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, where Maya and her siblings were raised. So they are Maya attended Admiral Arthur W. Radford High School, and during her senior year in 1999, Maya met a man named Larry Miliette. Now I just want to say, a lot of sources say Millette. To me, it looks like Millette, but most people say Milliette. So it's M-I-L-L-E-T-E.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yes, but almost everybody says Milliette so we're going with that. Although I have been hearing Millette which I think Millette makes more sense but anyway we're going with Milliette. So Larry was also born in the Philippines but he grew up in San Diego and he and his family actually moved to Honolulu after Larry got into trouble with the law at the age of 15. More on that, so on April 30th, 1997, Larry and an alleged juvenile gang that he was supposedly a part of, attacked a 17-year-old outside of a thrifty drugstore
Starting point is 00:03:20 in San Diego, who suffered multiple stab wounds. So this teenager was rushed to a local hospital drugstore in San Diego, who suffered multiple stab wounds. So this teenager was rushed to a local hospital and luckily they did not die from their injuries, though he was in critical condition at this time. Larry Milliette was one of the three teenagers taken into custody and booked for this crime, and after he was released, the family decided to move out of the area and get a bit of a fresh start, which brought them to Honol of the area and get a bit of a fresh start, which brought them to Honolulu, and then he met Maya.
Starting point is 00:03:49 But Larry and Maya really hit it off and they began dating in high school. The relationship continued after high school when Maya headed off to the University of Hawaii at Manoa, which is right there in Honolulu. After graduating from college, Larry and Maya got married on a Wahoo, and then they both went into the Navy, and more specifically, Larry enlisted for five years, whereas Maya became a civilian employee and worked as a contract specialist for the Naval Information Warfare Center. When the couple decided that they were ready to start a family, they felt that it was a good idea to head back to Larry's hometown of San Diego, California to do so.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Maya kept her same job with the Navy, and Larry began working as a civilian employee as well, but in the optometry department of the Naval Medical Center in San Diego. It wasn't until a few years later that they started having kids, with Maya giving birth to their first child who was a daughter in 2010 when she was 29 years old. The following year they had another daughter, and then about five years later they had their third and final child who was a son. But over the years it seemed that Maya and Larry's relationship began to fall apart, and
Starting point is 00:05:00 in recent years Larry allegedly had an affair, and when Maya found this out in late 2020, she began looking for a divorce attorney. And aside from this, according to one of Maya's friends, Larry had been physically abusive towards Maya before, so it was clear to those closest to Maya that she was afraid for herself as well as for her children's safety. Maya told this friend that Larry had, quote, choked her to the point of unconsciousness, and that she had even told Larry her plans to file for divorce. Another good friend of hers had suggested that Maya stay at a secured safe house, which was a condo, you know, to kind of get away from Larry.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Her friend stated later, quote, I gave her an address that if she needed to go to, she could go to. She had just told me she was needing to use that address. I'd given it to her in person, but I told her, you're not taking the paper, you're not writing it down, I'm not texting it to you. This is where you can go if you need to go. Memorize this address and this is the code to get in. I just want to say first and foremost that this friend is a real one. I mean, in situations like this, a lot of people don't have resources, but just this friend being able to have this safe house ready for Maya is really incredible.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I agree, and I also like the way that she approached it like, I'm not going to text you the address because you know maybe Larry will see it. Exactly, really smart. Yeah, absolutely. I completely agree. But you know on the other hand Maya was known to have some concerns about using this house because she didn't want to leave her three kids behind.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And she even told this to her mom. And despite this, Maya wasn't about to use this safe house anyway, because on Thursday, January 7th, 2021, 39-year-old Maya Miliette went missing. At this point in time, the Miliette family was living in Chula Vista, which is a large coastal city in the San Diego metropolitan area. And that's where she was last seen, at home, that Thursday evening at about 5pm, just hours after speaking with this divorce attorney. Her disappearance was extremely untimely, because just two days later, on Saturday, January 9th, the whole family had planned a trip to drive up to the beautiful and snowy mountains of Big Bear, just about
Starting point is 00:07:21 a three hour drive from Chula Vista, for Mayan Larry's eldest daughter's birthday. Especially since Maya cared so deeply for her children, you know, it was just incredibly out of character for her to be gone like this. But even so, Larry didn't report her missing, despite the fact that Maya hadn't been answering at anyone's phone calls or text messages at all, and actually her phone was off. And she had no plans to go away on her own at all. When Maya's sister called Larry to ask where she was, Larry said she had locked herself in their bedroom for the whole day and wouldn't come out.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Now of course, she thought this was very unusual, but since she lived about an hour and a half away, their brother ended up going over to Maya's house at about 6.30pm that same day, which this is the day after she was last seen on Friday, January 8th. And he asked Larry if he could see Maya. He told Larry that he was worried about Maya because, you know, she was always reachable by phone, but no one in the family had been able to get in touch with her since the previous day. So he went up to Maya's bedroom, the brother did, and knocked on the door, but no one answered. So he then headed out to the street, and he didn't see a light on in the room at all,
Starting point is 00:08:41 and by this time it was dark outside. At first, Larry told Maya's brother that he had been at work, so he didn't know where Maya was. But later, he said that he and Maya had been at the beach with their youngest all day, their four-year-old son. However, it's been proven that Larry missed work that day, which his employer stated was unusual, and he was gone from the house for 11 hours and 21 minutes in their Lexus SUV, and he left his phone at home during this entire time.
Starting point is 00:09:18 So obviously really suspicious right off the bat, the fact that you say, hey, I was at work and then all of a sudden you're saying, oh, hey, you know, actually we were at the beach. Yeah, oh my God, it's so suspicious. And then by the way, too, you're probably like, how did they prove he was gone for this long? You know, when police got involved as we'll discuss, they did look at the different surveillance cameras
Starting point is 00:09:40 from different homes in their neighborhood. And that's how they determined that he was gone for 11 hours and 21 minutes, but he was not at work. The following day, which was Saturday, January 9th, Maya's family still wasn't able to reach her, and that was the day that the Big Bear trip for their daughter's birthday was supposed to occur. But when Maya's father arrived at her house to check on her himself, everyone was home, except Maya. Larry claimed that Maya was still in her room, but strangely enough, he had a key to their
Starting point is 00:10:11 bedroom and just hadn't used it to open the room and check on his wife himself. This is weird to me because, like I just said, the brother came the previous day and was like, where is she? Why isn't she opening the door? And if Larry had a key, he could have just opened it and been like, there she is, you can talk to her. Exactly. But while her father was there at the house, he opened it, and nobody was in that room.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Larry explained that Maya was probably on a morning walk, or maybe even a hike, or a wine tasting with friends, but that he didn't know where she was. That afternoon, Maya's sister had had enough. So she went to Chula Vista herself to see if she could find Maya, but there was just no trace of her. So at that point, Maya's sister, Mary Chris, called the Chula Vista Police Department to report her missing at 11.18 pm. So Maya's sister was the one to report her missing and not her husband Larry. So originally it seemed that Larry had cooperated with police and in his initial interview with police in January of 2021, he admitted to them that he had recently had arguments with Maya. But Larry proved to be an incredibly suspicious character in this case, as we will discuss.
Starting point is 00:11:26 So the first official search for Maya began six days after she was last seen, on January 13, 2021. But Larry wasn't a part of that search. It was just mostly volunteers and other family who banded together to look in the Mount San Miguel Park area for Maya. Now according to an unnamed source who has since come forward claiming to know Larry, Larry thought Maya was having an affair in 2020. And he told this person that he was interested in hiring a hitman to kill this boyfriend
Starting point is 00:12:02 and that he quote, seemed pretty serious about it. The one thing that pisses me off here is the fact that guys like this, they will end up cheating, but then when their wife cheats or their partner cheats, they just fly off the fucking handle. I fully agree, but I will say now as we'll say throughout this episode as well, there's no proof that Maya was cheating, and actually I didn't find any concrete proof that Larry hadn't affair either, as Maya had allegedly thought. So, I'm not saying that neither of them were, I just we don't know. So, according to this witness, Larry wanted to pay someone $20,000 to murder the man that he thought
Starting point is 00:12:42 Maya was cheating with. And also according to this witness, the most recent occurrence that Larry brought this whole thing up was just before Christmas in 2020, so a couple weeks before Maya went missing. But allegedly, the deal never happened. So of course, police did investigate this, but they couldn't find any proof since it never happened. It's just kind of this witness's word. And apparently the reason this person is anonymous
Starting point is 00:13:10 is because they fear for their life and the life of their families if their identity came out. And there's actually a very interesting story that goes along with this, but let's get back to the investigation and we'll come back to Larry later. So two days before the first official search for Maya occurred, and two days after Maya
Starting point is 00:13:29 sister reported her missing, so on January 11th, police started their investigation into Maya's disappearance. Then a few days later, on January 15th, 2021, the first vigil was held for Maya, and Larry didn't interview with News 8 on the phone regarding his wife's disappearance. And we're going to play that clip from the interview right now. Maya Miliette's husband spoke to News 8 back in January. One week after the chilevista woman went missing. As more information in the case continues to be released, News 8's David Godworths and decided to take a closer look at that recorded interview with
Starting point is 00:14:05 Larry Miliette. David joins us loud live. David? Hi, yeah. This is a telephone interview with Larry Miliette, recorded three months ago on January 14th by my reporter colleague, Abby Alfred. Abby used her cell phone to record this interview in the field in the back of a news 8 vehicle while she was at the scene of a Maya Miliate vigil. Now, Dr. Phil
Starting point is 00:14:32 used a little bit of this interview in his broadcast yesterday, so we decided to retrieve the entire interview off of Abby's cell phone and take a listen. It's been almost a week now and you have a senior or a hurt from her. You have three kids with her. I'm in this isn't it like her? No, not this long. It's the concerning and alarming part is she wouldn't be gone this long. You guys were married 21 years? 21 years, maybe 21 years.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So, 20 years, they'll be 21 this year. Wow. What do you love about Maya? Oh, I love everything about her. She's very smart, kind, basically just her herself or personality, just everything. And probably her love for life, she loved to hike, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. She, you know, just her outgoing personality. And probably a great mom. Oh yes, yes she is. How are your kids taking that?
Starting point is 00:15:34 That's what I mean focus for now. That's why I'm very thankful for my sister in law in America because she's handling all this media attention. She's actually doing everything that I should be doing, you know, out there. But at the same doing everything that I should be doing, you know, out there. But at the same time, I'm just making sure, you know, it's as normal, like a normal day for them.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But I try to minimize the impact that it has on them. But although even though I'm trying to do that, I notice they know what's going on. What about the other way that I'm not with you, but they can. Yeah, that's the thing about the media part, you know, it's upsetting sometimes that, you know, people, you know, make implications and, you know, like domestic violence. I'm like, really, her brothers are here, her three brothers, and they know our relationship. I've always not
Starting point is 00:16:16 opened to the family while I'm a relationship, and they're not never such a sister. So they're like, yeah, the media is sometimes they don't get their stories straight before putting it out there. We get it. I mean, you know, whatever makes the biggest impact. And I'm thankful for that because whatever promotes helping find my wife, my, whatever takes. So after reviewing more surveillance footage from the neighborhood, police came across one that captured some possibly suspicious audio.
Starting point is 00:16:43 What sounded like six loud bangs that police speculated sounded like gunshots. And these bangs occurred at 10 p.m. on January 7th, 2021, the very same evening that Maya was last seen. And for reference, here's a clip of that banging. So we're not going to say whether or not these sounds actually are gunshots and neither will police as it hasn't been confirmed. So you guys can just use your own judgment here. On January 23rd, so over two weeks after Maya went missing, investigators searched the Milliette home for the very first time.
Starting point is 00:17:46 From the home, we know officers seized at least the family's black Lexus SUV, the one that Larry had been gone with for, you know, over 11 hours the day Maya was last seen. So neighbors also reported saying, quote, forensic lights being used by police at the home. After this, months passed as police tried to collect more evidence and interview anyone who could know where Maya went or what could have possibly happened to her. And they also waited on evidence to come back from the labs to see if anything inside the Miliette home could bring answers. So nearly three months after Maya's disappearance on April 1st, 2021, police executed a search warrant on Larry's Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ricky's home in the San Diego
Starting point is 00:18:35 area, and they seized numerous guns as well as other evidence from their home. And they were only on the scene for a couple hours during the middle of the day. Regarding the search on the Milieté home, we know that there was no trace evidence found regarding blood or evidence of a gun being shot within the home, so it's definitely interesting to think about what those bangs would have been. As we can all imagine, it would likely be pretty tough to remove all the evidence regarding six shots inside or even outside the house. But anyway, three weeks after searching Larry's aunt and uncle's home, the FBI became involved in my investigation.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And then a couple weeks later, on May 7th, the Miliate home was searched for a second time. Now, investigators entered the home with cadaver dogs and spent about seven hours looking for more evidence. There, they seized even more guns, 17 to be exact, and ammunition. They also used a 3D crime scene scanner in order to animate the scene and determine if a gunshot would have occurred inside the house. Luminol was also used around the house once again in an attempt to find any blood trace evidence.
Starting point is 00:19:45 During this search, Larry Miliette was detained for several hours after being pulled over on the freeway by Chulavista police, and they placed a temporary gun violence restraining order on him. And he fired back that all the guns he owned were legal and that he didn't understand why he was being detained, nor why his guns were being seized. Larry stated, quote, "'I am not a violent or dangerous person and I have not hurt nor harmed anyone. My wife approved of my gun collection, and I am not responsible for her disappearance, and I have
Starting point is 00:20:19 fully cooperated with the police investigation. It is our continuing prayer that my wife will return home. Larry continued with quote, My wife's family and their attorney have been appearing on television, uttering statements implying and highly suggesting to the public and the media that I am to be blamed for my disappearance. And I am not a suspect according to the police authorities. But nevertheless, the Chula Vista police have searched my home twice. And I just want to say really quick to, like, it makes sense that they're searching the home twice because not only do you live there, but it's like that's where Maya was last seen. So they obviously want to see if there's
Starting point is 00:21:00 anything in the home, even if it doesn't relate to you? Yeah, it kind of seems like he may be getting a little defensive here, but you know, it's literally just because you said that the last day she was seen, she was in her bedroom locked away. Exactly. So Larry also tried to show that he kept the guns in a safe away from the kids, and that he had various gun safety certificates. And he also claimed that he needed the guns more than ever to protect his family after all the recent death threats
Starting point is 00:21:28 as he continued to live in the house with their three children. And something I think is interesting is that Larry seems to always paint the picture of hoping his wife will return versus believing that someone took her or murdered her. And I feel like a lot of family members of missing people fear for the worst, typically while they hope for the best, but Larry's statements always seem to point to his wife going off willingly.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Like he seems to kinda imply that he hopes she chooses to come home, but that it's weird she's been gone for so long. Like as if he isn't worried that something very bad happened to her, like the rest of her family thinks. And this is just what I have personally gathered based on his statements, but I don't know, I think that's kind of interesting. Yeah, definitely. I think the implication is there that she's just gone willingly. And we're actually going to touch on those statements here in a minute. So, on July 1, nearly six months after Maya went missing, the Chula Vista Police Department
Starting point is 00:22:28 executed a third search warrant of the Miliette home in order to, quote, obtain additional evidence and clues to her current whereabouts. When police arrived at the house, Larry's father was at home with the three kids, and he actually went outside and told neighbors that Maya abandoned the family and that they're, quote, waiting for her to come home. So it definitely does seem like this is the message and the narrative that Larry and his family are sharing. And to give a little bit more context here, when the police arrived, neighbors went outside and asked Larry's father if he was going to help search for Maya.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And that was his response. He said, she abandoned the family, okay? And all the neighbors suddenly fired back and said, oh hell no, I know her, she would never. And with that, Larry's father just kind of went back inside the house. And that day, police seized Maya's jeep from the home. So at this point, a lot of you guys are probably wondering if they checked Maya and Larry's cell phone pings to see if any evidence could be found with that information. And of course, police did. In June, police focused another search for Maya based on her last cell phone ping that
Starting point is 00:23:58 allegedly occurred around the time she disappeared. But police have not released that information to the public, nor to Maya's family. Regarding Larry's phone, we know that the day after Maya disappeared, it was at the house all day. So this doesn't really help us. But after Maya went missing, it's been confirmed that her cell phone and credit cards had not been used. And some reports online state that Maya's purse and car were at the house, but her family explained that her driver's license, credit card, and possibly her cell phone, quote, appeared to be missing, so we cannot confirm. Three weeks after the Miliette home was
Starting point is 00:24:40 searched for the third time on July 22nd, 2021, Larry Miliette was officially named a person of interest in Maya's disappearance, and that her case turned into a criminal investigation, though they did not state whether or not they believed Maya was killed. Also during this time, photos of Larry's arsenal were released to the public that had seemingly been taken by Larry himself previously, and in one of the photos was their four-year-old son. Basically the son is standing on the dining table amongst all the guns in ammo, which did not bode well for Larry in his claims that he kept the guns safely away from his children. Even so, Larry remained with the kids at home and was still a free man while police continued
Starting point is 00:25:24 their investigation into both him and his wife. A little over a month later, on September 8th, 2021, Larry stated in court papers that he believed his wife was still alive, and this is 9 months after she was last seen, and that she left voluntarily. He stated, I considered her still alive because she had voluntarily left our house at least twice in 2020 without saying goodbye to me or our three children. We've been praying for her safety and well-being. On October 19th, 2021, 40-year-old Larry Miliette was arrested for the murder of his wife, 39-year-old Maya Milia Te. Although they had not found Maya, or her remains for that matter, California law states
Starting point is 00:26:13 that a murder charge can be filed without one. So Larry was arrested on a slew of circumstantial evidence that investigators believe prove without a doubt that Larry murdered Maya. And some of the evidence that law enforcement was willing to share included the fact that Maya contacted a divorce attorney on the day she went missing, the fact that Larry was gone for over 11 hours the next day and didn't show up to work when, you know, this is when police believe that Larry was hiding Maya's body somewhere, as well as some other pretty suspicious information that we will get into now before getting into what has happened since Larry's
Starting point is 00:26:51 arrest. So according to Maya's family, during a camping trip in early January, so just days before she went missing, Maya allegedly told them that if anything happened to her, it was Larry and that she was about to divorce him. And by the way, regarding Larry's absence from work that day. So as we know, he didn't have his phone with him all day, but he was out. Larry's boss kept messaging Larry and Maya looking for Larry, and they even contacted Larry's dad asking where he was, because he basically didn't call in sick. He didn't explain that he would be late like he just didn't show up.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So Larry's dad texted Larry saying, quote, Larry, please turn on your phone because Terry your boss is calling regarding your job. We know that on January 7th, 2021, she scheduled an appointment with a divorce lawyer. According to Maya's family's attorney, Billy Little, he himself visited the Miliette family after he was hired just four days after Maya's disappearance, so a couple weeks before the house was searched. When he got there, he saw Larry cleaning.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Billy Little stated, the windows were all open. The fans were on full blast. It was a little chilly. It looked like he had been cleaning. He also stated that he noticed property damage, saying, quote, I talked to him a little bit. I asked him if I could see the bedroom. I went up to the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That's when I saw the hole in the door. Right next to the door handle. When Billy asked Larry about it, Larry allegedly blamed the damage on Maya. Billy said the hole was probably around 10 inches long by 6 to 8 inches tall, kind of in the shape of a rectangle right next to the door handle. But the area had been freshly painted, and Billy seemed to insinuate that maybe whoever did this was trying to unlock the door, stating quote, let's say the door is locked and you want to break in the door, or get through the door.
Starting point is 00:28:54 You could punch through that hole, reach through the other side, and unlock the door from the other side. Now some of you guys may be aware that a freezer was missing from the home, so we wanted to touch on that quickly. Billy noticed a freezer was missing from the garage, so he told the chula vista police about it who allegedly didn't investigate this. So Billy looked into it himself and noted that one of Larry's relatives had been planning to pick it up for a while, and finally did so in January.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Billy took a photo of the freezer in the relative's home, which is stocked with frozen food now. Yeah, and we shared that photo on our socials. I just wanted to make sure that we brought that up because when I had originally heard about that, I'm like, that's suspicious that a freezer is missing, but it actually just went to one of his relatives, and luckily Billy Little did look inside
Starting point is 00:29:43 of the freezer just to kind of clarify that it was being used properly. But arguably one of the most bizarre things to come up in this case is the use of spellcasters. San Diego County District Attorney Summer Steven released information regarding Larry Miliette contacting people online to help him achieve certain things regarding Maya. So these conversations between Larry and these spellcasters occurred throughout 2020, but towards the end of the year, Larry became much more aggressive and threatening. Originally, he wanted them to help him keep Maya in their relationship.
Starting point is 00:30:26 But later, he asked for an accident or injury upon Maya that would keep her in the house. Yeah, that's not suspicious at all. We're going to really just dive deep into this, because this is proven, the police have all the conversations like this is a real thing. have all the conversations like this is a real thing. So Larry wrote on December 31, 2020, one week before Maya disappeared, quote, quote, Can you hex to have her hurt enough that she will have to depend on me and need my help? She's only nice to me when she needs me or is sick. Larry also wanted a spell to make Maya fall back in love with him.
Starting point is 00:31:07 D.A. Summer Seven stated that Larry sent his, quote, personal spellcaster, daily messages that just seemed to get more desperate as the days went on. So as we mentioned earlier, Larry allegedly wanted to hire a hitman to kill whoever Maya was supposedly having an affair with, though again, this affair has not been proven. Well Larry also requested help from the spellcasters to kill this man, and then his focus moved
Starting point is 00:31:35 on to Maya. Eventually, Larry messaged them that it was, quote, time to take the gloves off, which kind of seems like it means it's time to get serious, time to get something done, pretty weird. After Maya disappeared, Larry continued to talk to the spellcaster, but he suddenly shifted his focus away from Maya and back on the man who allegedly had ruined their marriage. A San Diego Filipino language teacher did speak on this matter with Fox 5 San Diego news, stating that some Filipinos secretly believe in magic, voodoo, and ghosts, and explain
Starting point is 00:32:13 that Larry and his family being from the Philippines is likely where the idea of spellcasters fell into play for him. By the way, this is not coming from us, this is coming from this Filipino language expert. So another suspicious finding in the case against Larry was a photo that he sent to one of Maya's family members at 12.13pm in September of 2020 just four months before Maya disappeared. This part is crazy. Yeah, it is fucking creepy. So basically, it's a photo of what looks like an altar.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah, so basically, there's a red cloth that's against, it's like a, it's like against a wall, it's like a backdrop, I guess, with a table and on the table is a white cloth. So on top of the white cloth is a photo of Maya and Larry, with four lit candles around it and one candle in the back. There also appears to be, like, maybe twigs and, like, wrapped wooden sticks of some kind, and splatters of what looks like blood on the entire scene. And for anyone who wants to see this photo, or actually anybody who could shed some light on what exactly this altar could symbolize,
Starting point is 00:33:27 check out our socials, Instagram at Going West Podcast, Twitter at Going West Pod, and then we have two Facebook pages. And those are Going West True Crime and then are Going West Discussion Group. So yeah, like a pawn first glance of this photo, it's very disturbing. And he didn't give any context for this photo.
Starting point is 00:33:49 He just sent it to one of Maya's relatives. And Larry was later asked about the photo of this altar, and he simply didn't respond. So why he sent this to a family member out of context was very disturbing to them, and it's possible that the spellcaster that Larry was in contact with sent him that photo, but who actually put this altar together is unknown to us at this time. But back to the day that Maya went missing. So Maya's last phone call was on January 7th, 2021 at 3.48 pm, and it was to her divorce attorney regarding another appointment for the following week to occur after her daughter's birthday trip.
Starting point is 00:34:30 She sent a final message at 8.15pm that evening, and it was to a family member via Facebook Messenger with a link for an RV toy hauler, and then her phone activity ceased completely just a few hours later at 1.25am. Larry also used his phone that day, of course, and according to DA Summer Stevens, he sent his spellcaster an email saying, I think she wants me to snap, and I'm shaking inside ready to snap and I'm shaking inside ready to snap. Then at 4.39pm, Larry emailed them again saying, Make her realize that we are meant to be with each other.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Make her miserable without me. Make her want to sleep on the same bed for all eternity. So this is like pretty intense stuff and this is the day that Maya went missing. So as we said, Maya's phone activity stopped forever on January 8, 2021 at 1.25am. But one hour later, Larry sent an email to a spellcaster again and he didn't email them after that until the following morning at 6am. And his email said, Remove or stop Hexing my wife, May. And after that is when his focus switched to Hexing the man
Starting point is 00:35:53 whom Maya allegedly had no fear with. So pretty suspicious, he had spent so many months including the day she went missing trying to have Maya Hexed and then she goes missing and he says, okay, remove all the hexes. Maya's family had an incredibly tough time throughout the entirety of Maya's disappearance, including with suspicion against Larry and his arrest.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Since Larry allegedly wouldn't let Maya's family see or speak to the children at all throughout the entire investigation, they started to grow suspicious of him themselves. Maya's sister, Marikris, stated, �It's really hard. He's our family.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's hard to go against a family member. He's been with us for 20 years. My sister did love him. Here's the summary of probable cause regarding Larry's arrest, and I'm going to quote it directly. The investigation has revealed that in the days leading up to January 7, 2021, May Miliette, remember many people called her May, was taking affirmative steps to divorce her husband, and that Larry Miliette was determined to stop her.
Starting point is 00:37:03 When Larry's desperate begging and threats failed to stop May from seeking a divorce, the thought of losing his family was unfathomable to him. May was dedicated to her career, loved her family, and she was committed to and cherished her children. There is no evidence to suggest that May left and disappeared on her own accord, or that she had the financial means to do so.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Rather, the investigation has revealed that Larry had an overwhelming motive to prevent his wife from divorcing him. On January 7, 2021, May Miliette was determined to leave the marriage, and Larry Miliette was determined to stop her. Based on the totality of the investigation and circumstantial evidence including surveillance video, phone, text and social media communications, and motive, we have probable cause to believe that Larry Miliette unlawfully killed his wife May and disposed of her body on or about January 7th to the 8th, 2021. Also in the Declaration and support of a rest warrant,
Starting point is 00:38:17 it states that Larry searched plant-utake to never wake up online in March of 2020 and then water hemlock in November of 2020, which by the way is a very poisonous plant. In December of 2020, Larry searched, my wife doesn't want me to touch her online. Man, I can't imagine why she doesn't want you to touch her. And then he searched, flew in a trasapam, Rohipnall, and Diphon Hydramine. The document goes on to explain that these are central nervous system sedatives and depressants that could be used to incapacitate someone. And by the way, Fluna Trasapam is the generic name for Rohipnall, both of which are commonly known as date-raped drugs.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And I mean, let's talk about this for a second, because this is pretty insane. Like, he looked up, plant you take to never wake up, then a, like, poisonous plant, water hemlock, and then these three, like, roofy drugs. What the f? Slash also, why does my wife not want to touch me? I'm a fucking weirdo.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah, I, what a weird thing to Google, as if like a concrete answer was gonna come up through there. It was like, Google's like, hey, this is how you solve that problem. Yeah, pretty weird, but I mean, just all of these searches amongst each other with all the stuff about the spellcasters, like it's really not looking good for him.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Then it also goes on to explain that Larry sent hundreds of messages to different companies that sell spells and offer spellcasting services, psychics and energy workers, and most of the communication occurred between September of 2020 and January of 2021. And financial records prove that Larry purchased numerous spells, like He didn't just purchase like one spell, he purchased a lot of them. On November 24th, 2020, Larry emailed Maya
Starting point is 00:40:11 with a link to an article titled, What Men Want From Their Wives? And Maya's response was super bad at. She was like, how about maybe you focus on also what women want from their husbands? All these things you send me are just about you, which further solidifies the whole idea that you really think I'm the problem, and then if you could only fix me, everything will be okay.
Starting point is 00:40:33 As long as I go back to the wife you liked, the one who didn't rock the boat, who didn't assert her feelings, who didn't care about how much she was hurting so long as there's peace and harmony, then things will be okay. Because really, I'm the problem, right? And I do think this speaks a lot about their relationship because he's sending her this article like what men want from their wives, amongst you know also while he's googling, why does my wife want to touch me? Thinking that, oh like I'm this amazing guy, how could things be going so wrong?
Starting point is 00:41:04 And she's like, no, you're seeing this the complete wrong way. So yeah, she totally owned him. And we know that Larry knew about Maya filing for divorce because she texted her friend on January 6th, 2021, quote, I told him I'm filing for divorce, whether he likes it or not. I'm done trying to make it amicable for the sake of the kids." She then said regarding her daughter's birthday trip, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, the first degree murder charges as the search for Maya continued. In November, Maya's sister
Starting point is 00:41:46 Maracris worked hard to petition for temporary and permanent guardianship of her nieces and nephew. But a judge ruled that the children would remain in custody with Larry's parents, which was very devastating to Maya's family. Around this same time, Larry was denied bail on grounds that he is, quote, a danger to the community. And currently, he remains in custody as the case against him remains in pre-trial stages. And the latest hearing upon when we're recording this episode occurred on January 19th, 2022, at 8.45am, where a trial was requested to be set for a future date. So I'm sure a lot of the questions that we've had throughout this episode will be answered once the trial occurs, but as of right now, no date has been set.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Currently, police, Maya's family, and the Chula Vista community are still working hard to find out exactly what happened to Maya and where she is. If you have any information that can help, please contact the Chula Vista Police Department at 619-691-5139 or San Diego Crime Stoppers Anonymous Tip Line at 888-580-8477. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode, and on Friday, we'll have an all-new case for you guys to dive into. Yes, and also as this case against Larry and, you know, the search for Maya continues, we will definitely keep everybody updated on our socials, and after the trial, we will
Starting point is 00:43:41 definitely do a update episode because I'm sure there's a lot of information that we discussed throughout this case that will really come to light once the trial occurs. And also make sure you head over to our social media accounts and give us a follow, Instagram, at Going West Podcast, Twitter, at Going West Pod, and then we have two separate Facebook pages. So we have a discussion group
Starting point is 00:44:04 and then a regular group just called Going West True Crime. Yes, go follow us. That's where we post everything. We post photos from the cases. We post updates from cases all over our socials. And then the Facebook discussion group is super fun. Heathenair always on there commenting back to everybody.
Starting point is 00:44:21 So go join that and thank you guys so much for tuning in. All right guys, so for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. Thank you. you you

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