Going West: True Crime - Shanquella Robinson // 262

Episode Date: December 17, 2022

In October of 2022, a 25-year-old woman went to Mexico with her friends for a birthday trip. But within a day of their arrival, she would be found dead of reported alcohol poisoning. After a video of ...her friends assaulting her surfaced across the internet, her family uncovered her real cause of death and who was likely behind it. But they are still fighting for justice. This is the story of Shanquella Robinson. BONUS EPISODES patreon.com/goingwestpodcast CASE SOURCES 1. WCNC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK6-O5ALb-c 2. Shanquella's Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/245689297/shanquella-brenada-robinson 3. Medium: https://jaylencoaxum.medium.com/a-timeline-of-shanquella-robinsons-case-b3dda326728 4. Sallamondra's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sallamondra_robinson/ 5. Roland S. Martin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7CbbiYRfYw 6. Insider: https://www.insider.com/shanquella-robinson-death-being-investigated-as-femicide-what-is-it-2022-12 7. Charge It 2 The Game: https://charge2podcast.com/products/charge-it-2-the-game-drinking-cards 8. Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/shanquella-robinson-funeral-services/topdonations 9. Radar Online: https://radaronline.com/p/shanquella-robinson-sister-raises-350000-funeral-mexico-death-investigation-homicide/ 10. Time: https://time.com/6237029/shanquella-robinson-north-carolina-mexico-fbi/ 11. The Cut: https://www.thecut.com/2022/11/shanquella-robinson-death-mexico.html 12. Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/30/shanquella-robinson-death-mexico-cabo/ 13. Villa listing: https://www.villaway.com/luxury-rentals/villa-linda-32-109741 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on true crime fans? I'm your host Tee. And I'm your other host Daphne. And you're listening to Going West. I don't know why I just said other host. Other host. You haven't said that in ages. This came out of me. How is everybody doing? Hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for tuning in to get another episode of Going West. Good to have you here. Today's episode, it's very important that everybody share this. Her family is actively searching for justice. This is a very recent case that happened just less than two months ago. So please make sure that you share. Thank you so much for advance for doing so.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Definitely want to share this case as much as we can. Also, a big thanks to Clizby and Amanda for recommending this case today. Yes, thank you guys so, so much. All right, guys, this is episode 262 of Going West. So let's get into it. We have a very disturbing story about the death of a young American woman in Mexico. They search for answers from the people she was traveling with, people she says, or thought were her friends. The 25-year-old mysteriously died while on vacation in Mexico with friends.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Now Mexican prosecutors are trying to get an unnamed American woman extra-dyed to Mexico to face the charges, they say that Robinson was killed in a, quote, direct attack, not an accident. Robinson's father told us, if it weren't for the disturbing videos that emerged, including one where she's being brutally attacked, he fears justice would have never been served. It was just a very outgoing person.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I mean, she loved people, just loved the friends that she was around her. Shinkula Robinson's father says his daughter's friends are to blame for the 25-year-old's death at a resort in Mexico in late October. The family of Shinkula Robinson is still slowly getting answers after her mysterious death in Mexico. The Mexican Attorney General has issued an arrest warrant for an unidentified friend who was on that trip. I hate to see my child leave here like that, you know. That was terrible way for her to die.
Starting point is 00:02:55 What for you just just look like for Shangkala? Let them to go back to Mexico and do the 20, 30, 40 years, whatever they give them. And they need to pay for what they did to her. Shinkwela Robinson was born on January 9, 1997 in Charlotte, North Carolina to parents Salamondra and Bernard Robinson, and she had an older sister named Quila. Shankuela is remembered above all else for how just utterly sweet she was. Her mother said of her quote, Shankuela was very kind.
Starting point is 00:03:39 She had a heart of gold. She loved everybody. She didn't mistreat anybody. No one could possibly ever say anything bad about her because she was a good person." Another friend said, quote, to know her is to love her. In 2015, Shenkela graduated from West Charlotte High School and enrolled in Winston-Salem State University, and she formed a very tight-knit group of friends there at her college, with whom she would remain close until her death.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And some of them would even be present for it, as we will get into. So Shankuela had a very entrepreneurial and fiercely independent spirit, and upon graduating from Winston-Salem, she founded not one, but two businesses. One was called exquisite babies, where she styled and specifically braided children's hair, and just a week before her death, she was proudly showing off pictures of the beaded braids that she did for two little girls on the exquisite babies Instagram page. The other was called the exquisite boutique, and that was a woman's online clothing shop. She had her college friends model her outfits for her and her very best friend from college
Starting point is 00:04:52 Khalil even designed some of them. Shen Quillal loved to travel and especially to tropical destinations. Her personal Instagram page shows her dress to the nines in Jamaica and Las Vegas. Personal Instagram page shows her dress to the 9s in Jamaica and Las Vegas. In October of 2022, celebrating a birthday in the group, she and her college friends planned a trip to San Jose del Cabo, which is a city on the southern tip of the Mexican state of Baja California, just a 30-minute drive east of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. They rented a private house with Cabo Villas, which is a resort of luxury Hossianna vacation homes, with stunning ocean views. Staying in the five bedroom house called Villa Linda 32, the seven friends were excited to drink, eat, and just spend time
Starting point is 00:05:38 together at the pool and the beach. And this sounds so fun. Like seven friends, five bedrooms, that's a really big house for everybody, maybe a couple of people bunked together. But like this was supposed to be such a fun trip. Yeah, it sounds like it would be an amazing time. So alongside Shinkwela, in attendance, were Winter Donovan, Elise Hyatt, Nazir Wiggins, Khalil Cook, Malik Dyer, and Desjane Jackson. The group, all of whom lived in North Carolina, left on Friday, October 28, 2022 for Cabo, with the exception of Nazir, who was joining them the next day.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So Nazir is coming separately. Shankuela called Salamondra that evening, again, that's her mother, to let her know that she had gotten a Cabo safely, were calling quote, this is a quote from her mom, it says, when I spoke with her, she seemed to be pretty happy. She was laughing. She seemed very happy on that trip. I said, okay, enjoy yourself, love you, I'll talk to you tomorrow, and I never spoke to her again. That night, the group had a private chef come to the villa, in which they were staying, to cook them a lavish Mexican meal. Shenquel's Instagram stories from the night didn't indicate that anything was about to go
Starting point is 00:06:55 awry. I mean, the friends seemed to be having a blast celebrating their first night. In one video that she posted to her Instagram stories, the six of them were gathered around the table, just siphoned to Keela Shots and Margaritas, and one of the men led a toast, saying, quote, Up to it down to it, fuck those who don't do it, we do it because we're used to it, so drink motherfucker drink, to which you can also hear Shankwala echo very happily, drink. Later, the group is playing a rowdy drinking game called Charge It to the Game, You can also hear Shinkwala echo very happily. Drink! Later, the group is playing a rowdy drinking game called Charge It To The Game, where players
Starting point is 00:07:29 take turns pulling cards with challenges like, all women wearing fake eyelashes, take one off or take a shot. And take a shot or text your ex I miss you. Shinkwala posted a video of the card, all players send hate mail to the people that flaked tonight. Later, she posted a video of a push-up challenge between Winter and Desjane. The video started with Shen Quail a joking winter. Come on now, as winter struggled to complete a push-up.
Starting point is 00:07:58 She panned over to Desjane, or Desja, as her friends called her, saying, quote, we know you weren't working on upper body when you were working out. The spectators were laughing and egging the girls on before Shan Kwella retrieved the card, which said, 10 push-ups or a double shot. In the last post that she ever made on her Instagram stories, she was wandering around the house waiting for her friends to get ready to go swim, and joking that it quote didn't take that long to get naked.
Starting point is 00:08:27 When she finally found them, they were all in the same room with the door closed, talking among themselves. The next day, Saturday, October 29, 2022, around 2.16 pm local time, the final friend, Nazir Wiggins, arrived in Cabo. Now after landing, he called his friends to get the address of the house and let them know that he was on his way. And during this phone call with one of the five members of the group who was not Shinkuela, they informed Nazir that Shinkuela was not feeling well, that they guessed that she had alcohol poisoning and that a doctor was on the way to the house.
Starting point is 00:09:05 The friends also called Shin Kwella's mom telling her the same thing, that they assumed her daughter had alcohol poisoning and that they were having a doctor come to the villa to check her out. So Salamondra really remained calm in this situation, you know, just hoping that everything would be okay. But of course, she asked that they take her
Starting point is 00:09:23 to the emergency room so she could get the proper help that she needed despite the fact that a doctor was coming over she just want to make sure her daughter was going to be okay so her friends protest against this saying that it was going to be a five thousand dollar charge because shank well i didn't have local or travelers insurance now this struck her mom as odd, you know, that they were, that this was their reason for not taking her to the hospital, but she just tried to remain calm and asked Shankwella's friends to just keep her in the loop regarding her daughter's condition. But what's really strange here is that she didn't have the opportunity to talk to her
Starting point is 00:10:01 daughter. Yeah, and that's even more alarming that the friends are just saying, oh, we're calling on her behalf and she's not doing well. We're on top of it, but she's not even well enough to come to the phone. So at 2 p.m. that day, a guest, supposedly, you know, a guest of the villas, supposedly alerted the staff at the resort where they were staying, that Shinkuela had drank a lot of alcohol. Although it is still unclear whether this was someone else staying at the resort or just
Starting point is 00:10:31 someone in Shinkuela's group of friends. I don't personally know why somebody else would call and say this unless they were drinking in a public space or at the bar of the resort and it bothered somebody, but I feel like it would have caused more of a commotion than that. So I don't know, my bet is on this being from a friend but who the hell knows. So the police report claims that winter, one of the friends, called for a doctor at 2.13 p.m. that day. That is just a few minutes before Nazir landed that day.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And then at 3.30 so a little over an hour later is when Nazir Wiggins, the final friend in the group, arrived at the Cabo Villas. According to his account, he found his friends gathered in the game room, and Shankuela was alone on the floor of the bathroom, so she was by herself despite her being in this condition. Shortly after, a doctor arrived at the house. Dr. Carolina Beatrice or Nela Gutierrez worked at a nearby hospital, which was called the American Medical Center, and upon arrival, she found Shinquella slumped on the bathroom floor alive, but in poor shape.
Starting point is 00:11:43 This is according to her. Her vital signs were reportedly stable, but she was unable to communicate. Her friends once again called Salamandra to let her know that the medic had arrived and that they would keep her posted on Shankuela's status. And Salamandra remembers just the frustration of being so helpless in this moment, just knowing that her daughter was in trouble, but she was so far away. She remembered, quote,
Starting point is 00:12:09 �I�m not sure if anyone ever arrived because I was never allowed to talk to them. I asked them to let me speak to the doctor when they arrived, but they told me that the doctor was busy with Shinkuela. Now, according to the doctor's report, Shinkuela was, quote, dehydrated, and it was recommended that she be taken to a hospital, but her friends continued to protest this. Around 6.15 pm, Charlotte time, Solomon Drim Bernard received word from her friends that Shankuela had passed away. The story went from Shankuela feeling ill and having a doctor on the way
Starting point is 00:12:45 to Shen Kuella suffering an alcohol poisoning induced heart attack within the span of just a few hours. Her parents were understandably shocked, horrified, and most of all, they were confused. The police report detailed that the doctor implored the group to let Shen Kuella be taken to the hospital, but they insisted that she be treated at the home. The doctor gave her an IV to attempt to rehydrate her, but that was unsuccessful. And Shankuela began to have a seizure. At this point, it was 4.20 PM, when they're finally called in ambulance. So this is
Starting point is 00:13:22 apparently two hours later. so two hours after they called a doctor and after they talked to Salamondra. Right. And then, at 4.49pm, Shankuelas Heart finally stopped. The doctor, with the assistance of one of Shankuelas friends, administered CPR. Paramedics arrived and they continued to administer CPR and even attempted to resuscitate her with a defibrillator, but then Shankwala was gone. The time of death on her police report is 5.57 pm. By 6.15 pm, the State Attorney General's
Starting point is 00:13:59 Office was contacted and they dispatched agents to investigate the scene of her death. Back in Charlotte, Shankwala's devastated family just tried to put together the contacted, and they dispatched agents to investigate the scene of her death. Back in Charlotte, Shankuela's devastated family just tried to put together the pieces of what they could glean from Mexican authorities and the people in attendance. In the days following Shankuela's mysterious death, her six friends, Winter, Elise, Nazir, Khalil, Malik, and Desjanae made the journey back to Charlotte, North Carolina from Cabo San Lucas. And when they got back, all of them did visit Shankuela's family to pay their respects.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But according to Salamondra, Khalil, who was supposedly her daughter's best friend, was in constant contact with them. And Shankuela's mom remembers just always having treated him like he was one of their own, that Shinkuela and Khalil were part of each other's families. They had even taken trips with each other's families in the past, so they were just super, super close and had been for years.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And then, Dejane on the other hand, brought Shinkuela's luggage and some of the contents of her purse back to her family. I know that sounds really weird and maybe it is, but some of her things were left behind in Mexico and we don't know if this was for evidence or if it was a mistake, it's just unclear. Getting their daughter's body back home for a proper burial only added to the cruelty of the sudden loss.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Her dad Bernard describes having to cold-called government agencies to locate the right person to consult and being passed around for days without getting a straight answer. They eventually had to pay $6,000 to ensure that their dollars' remains were returned back to them, and they never received all of her belongings back. But as Salamondra and Bernard mourned and planned a lavish funeral for their beloved daughter, cracks in the story they were being told by Shankuela's friends began to show. Bernard eventually spoke with a member of the management team at Cabo Villas saying quote, she's an angel. She's the one who first told us the truth.
Starting point is 00:16:07 She said, Mr. Robinson, your daughter didn't die of alcohol poisoning. She died from a broken neck. On November 4, 2022, an autopsy was completed in Mexico, and on November 10, the results were released to the Robinson family. Shankuel's official cause of death was a spinal cord injury, an atlas luxiation, or instability in the first two vertebrae of the neck. A few from the group came by the Robinson's house that day, but Salamondra got a different story from each of them, and she stopped believing their accounts. Salamondra remembers asking them, quote, what did you all do to my child?
Starting point is 00:17:17 She recalled Khalil breaking into a sweat and leaving suddenly. Which is so suspicious because, like I said, Khalil is her best friend. Like, this is somebody that is essentially a part of her family. And that's their reaction to not their mother, but almost, you know, this is a woman who is very close to them personally. Yeah. And that's what they do. Yeah, and what's even more alarming is that she hasn't heard from him since. But they were still left wondering what had happened to their daughter on that Saturday
Starting point is 00:17:50 afternoon in Mexico. Until video footage was eventually leaked. On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, a video of a fight between Shankuela and another woman on the trip started making the rounds on social media, eventually getting picked up by news channels and circulating on social media. Now, the extremely disturbing video shows one of the women lunging at Shankuela before savagely beating her.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Shankuela tried to hold her off at first, but eventually fell to the ground, where her friend continued to wail on her. The woman who initiated the altercation was later identified as Dejane. And the most heartbreaking thing about the video is that it really wasn't a fight. Shankwela didn't act aggressively, and in fact barely even fought back against her friend. It was a deliberate attack, and Dejane beat her ruthlessly. Yeah, and this is inside one of the bedrooms. We have like a screen grab that we're gonna post.
Starting point is 00:18:51 We're not gonna post the video, and Shankwella herself is blurred out, but you can see that she is laying on the ground. I don't know if it's Dejane or who it is that is over her, not on top of her, but standing over her, moving, like, motioning down as if they're beating her up, but there's a bed behind them.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So this is happening in the place they're staying in the middle of the day. So, I don't know if it was the middle of the day, but it was light outside, and we know that they call the police around, you know, 2.13 p.m., so it was in the daytime. So the video continues to show the other women in the group, taking turns hitting Shinkwilla, and these are supposed to be like her good friends,
Starting point is 00:19:33 and one of them even body slammed her. In the background, you can hear one of the men say, Quella, can you at least fight back? Bernard, again, Shinkwilla's dad, said that this was typical of his daughter. Quote, she's not a fighter, she didn't believe in drama. And Bernard had actually been at the graveyard searching for a spot for Chen Kwella's grave when he was made aware of the video saying, quote, it hurt me to the heart. Salamondra was equally disgusted saying, quote, these people looked at me in the face and
Starting point is 00:20:08 told me there was no fight in Cabo. On her Instagram page, which is at Salamondra, 2Ls, underscore Robinson, Salamondra depicted what she believed she could glean from the events in the video and here's what she wrote. When her Donovan, girl who fought her second, she body slammed her. Malik Dyer, the guy telling her to at least hit back. Dejane Jackson, girl fighting her on video, she claimed Shankuela fake jumped at her. Khalil Cook, her best friend that has the beard in the video that did nothing. Elise Hyatt, the girl who leaked the video, fought her second.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Her reason for leaking the video is because she claims she was scared. Now the official source of the video has not been announced, but many who knew those in the group claim that it was Elise. And I'm really sorry to interrupt. I'm really surprised that this even was leaked, especially if Elise did it because she was in the video, like she took part in this beating, and the fact that these are all her supposed friends, and not only are they beating her up when she's not fighting back, but they're videoaping it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah, and I don't know why Elise would leak this unless she had like a guilty conscience. I mean, glad she did. Or unless she was trying to roll over on the other people, maybe snitch on everybody else, but she was in the video. It's just so fucked up. So this new information obviously called into question, the whole account that ShenQua's parents were given, and also the credibility of the investigation at the resort on the day of the death. The responding doctor, Carolina Beatrice Orniela's Gutierrez, is now being investigated
Starting point is 00:21:54 as well, as many claim that she would have known the extent of Shenquil's injuries, and pushed for her to be taken to the hospital. Well, yeah, if you think about it, if she was beat up so severely and then this doctor comes to the home that they're staying in or the villa that they're staying in, there's just no way that there's not gonna be obvious injuries that would lead you to feel like something happened other than alcohol poisoning. Yeah, I mean, it's just,
Starting point is 00:22:18 it's strange to me that this was ruled alcohol poisoning at this complete bullshit. So while the responding doctor obviously had nothing to do with the injuries Shang-Quel sustained, before she arrived to attend her, the timeline listed on the police report and given by the doctor did not match the timeline ascertained by the autopsy. Given the time stamps on the video and the severity of her injuries. The autopsy concluded that Shankuela died just 15 minutes after sustaining the damage to her neck and spine and listed her death as 3 p.m. meaning that the attack had likely concluded by about 2.45 p.m. and remember I mean that's 30 minutes after they
Starting point is 00:22:59 called police so this is just so weird to me that they're claiming that she had alcohol poisoning. And then 30 minutes later, they're beating her up. Like what happened? Yeah, you know, what's really interesting here is that the autopsy didn't even mention alcohol at all. So it's not known if she'd actually been drinking before the attack or not, but definitely debunked the group's claim that she had been suffering from alcohol poisoning. or not, but definitely debunked the group's claim that she had been suffering from alcohol poisoning. However, even after the leaking of the video, the US State Department announced that there was no clear evidence of foul play, and that they would not be seeking an investigation in the case of the death of Shinkwela Robinson. So insane to me. Obviously, her family was so furious about this, and Shinkwila's sister Quilla responded, quote,
Starting point is 00:23:47 �This statement is unacceptable and we are beyond devastated. We continue to fight for the truth.� Quilla actually started a GoFundMe in her sister's name to just campaign for funeral expenses, and also launched a guerrilla campaign across social media platforms like a bunch of different ones to spread the word of her sister's horrific death. And the fact that those responsible or seemingly responsible were getting off just because it occurred in a foreign country and the State Department didn't care to get involved. But thankfully, Mexico came in to save the day, because on November 17, 2022, just two days after the video began making its rounds on the internet, the Attorney General for the
Starting point is 00:24:33 Mexican State of Baja California, his name is Daniel De La Rosa, announced that he would be launching a full investigation into Shankuela's death. And Daniel said that he believed her death was the result of direct aggression and that he wished for those responsible to be extra-dited from the United States back to Mexico, held in prison, and held accountable for their crimes against their supposed friend. He also announced that he would be treating the case as Femiside, and if you're a Patreon subscriber of ours, you are probably familiar with this term because we covered just a crazy and devastating case of possible Femiside in our episode about Mexican law student,
Starting point is 00:25:18 Debeni Escabar. We covered that over the summer. And Femiside for those who don't't know is defined as the killing of a woman simply because of her gender. And this has been a huge epidemic in Mexico because, and even more serious over recent years, because they have lost over a thousand women just last year alone to cases of Femicide. Mexico's swift response encouraged the FBI and Charlotte to open an investigation as well. And with this, Interpol, or the International Criminal Police Organization, became involved as well, and also launched their own investigation, which is freaking awesome, and Daniel remains
Starting point is 00:26:00 confident that Shankuel's family will see the justice they deserve. Saying quote, we are already carrying out all the relevant procedures, both the inner pull file and the extra-dition request. And Shankuelis friends have come to be known as the Cabo Six. That's what everybody is calling them. So it's unclear how she arrived at this conclusion, but Salamondra also claims that after her death, Shenquelis friends stole about $10,000 from her. As news of Shenquelis deaths spread around Charlotte, reporters and seekers of justice alike
Starting point is 00:26:36 began showing up at the homes of the six friends, as well as calling them, incessently, asking them for quotes and opinions, others demanding answers and justice. According to local news reports, none of the group are answering their doors, and may have fled to family or friends houses. All but two have changed their phone numbers. The two who have not are not picking up phone calls, and their mailboxes are full. I mean, at this point, they're just completely avoiding the situation. Yeah, because they're probably scared as hell.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, they're just hoping that it's gonna go away. So, friends, family, and people hoping for answers about Shankwila's murder took to social media mourning the tragic loss of such a bright light. Salamondra remembers, quote, she had a kind heart. She loved life and she loved people. Tributes for Shang Kuehla on social media popped up on every corner of the internet. Thousands of people shared her story, pictures of her, and details about the case, along
Starting point is 00:27:36 with the hashtag, say her name, and also Justice for Kuehla. Many were frustrated at the lack of action from the US government into what was clearly a murder case. And were critical of the approach stating that if Shankuela hadn't been a young black woman, the outcry would be much louder. Salamandra said quote, even though a month has passed, I don't know anything about how my daughter died. And Bernard added, I just want justice for my daughter. Yeah, I hope this case gets bigger and bigger because of course we were recommended this by a couple people,
Starting point is 00:28:12 but you and I both individually saw this case on social media as well. So we even saw it making the rounds, but I just hope it gets even bigger because it's still unanswered even though we feel like we know what happened to an extent and we know that these the Cabo 6 need to be held responsible for beating her to death. Yeah, and I mean the pressure is really on right now so that's why it's so important to share this story. Exactly. So in the midst of the impending investigation,
Starting point is 00:28:40 Shankuela's parents began planning a beautiful funeral fit for the beautiful person that she was. Shenkella was buried in a pink and yellow coffin, which were her two favorite colors, adorned with pictures and memories from loved ones. It was pulled by a horse-drawn carriage to the cemetery where she was laid to rest, and everyone who knew and loved her donned brightly colored outfits that Shenkella would have loved to celebrate her short but impactful life. And her obituary read that it was a service of beauty. Doves were released and the hundreds in attendance remembered what a kind and special person she was.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Quilla, her sister, posted on the GoFundMe page for her sister, quote, we face a tremendous unexpected financial burden and a great deal of pain as we prepare to lay my sister to rest. Any support you can contribute to our legal fees and other critical expenses is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for all of your support. And hoping to raise enough to cover the transportation cost for Shankwella's body to make the journey home, the Robinson family was shocked to receive almost $400,000. The Girl Fund Me, which is still active, has gotten donations from basketball player kai reurving who donated sixty five thousand dollars john ledger a business man and formal ceo of t mobile donated forty thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:30:12 author grant card on donated twenty five thousand dollars and basketball player kamba walker donated twenty four thousand dollars which is just that's so amazing that is huge that's really huge i mean that's it that's a huge help for our family to kind of give them hopefully some time to you know take a break and really figure out what happened to their daughter yeah and i mean it goes down to private investigator costs funeral costs all sorts of different costs yeah very true very true because they
Starting point is 00:30:42 might have to hire private investigator right. Right. So on November 29th, it was falsely reported by a Mexican reporter, Herardo Zuniga, that Dejane had been arrested. Many were thrilled at this news, and it was crushing when it turned out to be falsified clickbait. Dejane Jackson has not yet been issued an arrest warrant in the United States, but Daniel De La Rosa assured the public that he was pushing for Dejane Jackson has not yet been issued an arrest warrant in the United States, but Daniel De La Rosa assured the public that he was pushing for Dejane Jackson to be arrested and brought back to Mexico to face the penalty for her crime. Salamondra expressed extreme relief at this.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Although she realizes that there's a long journey ahead of them. She said quote, I feel so good, that's a good feeling. That's what we've been waiting for, for someone to finally be held accountable and arrested. I just can't wait for justice to be served. Activist Tamika Mallory weighed in on the crime on the Ronald S. Martin show, explaining it probably started as a joke based on the way you can hear the others like egging day june on saying quote this seem to be a joke and probably until it wasn't funny anymore i mean i don't know what friend beats their friend up
Starting point is 00:31:55 and i think you know why is that fucking humor no it's not stupid it's not and then doctor nola haze who is a george town professor added to this saying quote because we live in a moment where everyone has their cameras out and everything is entertainment, you know, it really worries me about some of the lengths that people will go to create entertainment.'" Though the promise of action from the Mexican government is reassuring, the Robinson's know it will not bring their daughter back.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Just this past Saturday, Saturday, December 10, the Robinson's held another rally in Charlotte for their daughter, lighting candles in her honor and hoping for answers and justice. As of right now, Charlotte's FBI, Interpol and the Attorney General of Baja California, sir, are still investigating this case for foul play. But all six members of the group, Wyshen Kwella, the day that she died, are walking free, likely in and around the Charlotte area. If you have any information regarding the murder of Shenkwella Robinson, please contact the FBI at tips.fbi.gov.
Starting point is 00:33:09 The GoFundMe remains active as well, if you'd like to donate and for updates on the case, you can follow Shankwella's mom on Instagram at Salamondra underscore Robinson, and hopefully we'll all have answers soon and we can do an update episode. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West. Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode and on Tuesday we'll have an all-new case for you guys to dive into. This case is just so shocking. Like when I learned that they had determined that she had died from a broken neck
Starting point is 00:33:50 and just knowing all the things that her friends said before hand about alcohol poisoning, like this is just such a shocking and insane story. And our hearts really go out to her family. We really just wanted to share this today for anybody who does not have this story on their radar because everybody needs to know about this. Yeah, I mean, they're not her friends. Those are not friends. That's not what friends do. They don't treat their friends like that. No, not at all. It's just so horrific, but luckily that video did get leaked, so we have that point of perspective because if not, there would be so much more mystery to this. So really hoping for answers soon. Thank you guys so much for tuning in, thank you in advance for posting, we appreciate all of you, and we'll see you next week.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Alright guys, so for everybody out there in the world, Don't be a stranger. Thank you. you

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