Going West: True Crime - What Happened To Sean? // 233

Episode Date: September 6, 2022

In April of 2022, a 12-year-old boy was found dead in his backyard, and the police ruled it a suicide despite the baffling and bizarre details associated with the crime scene. His family is desperate ...for help in re-opening the investigation, fully believing that their son was murdered. This is the story of Sean Daugherty. Also known, as What Happened to Sean? PETITION https://www.change.org/p/what-happened-to-sean?original_footer_petition_id=32056726&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=10&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uACNpCgIAAAAAYwNllMPfaGhhYzliOTFiMA%3D%3D GOFUNDME https://gofund.me/c3ad6fb3 BONUS EPISODES patreon.con/goingwestpodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on true crime fans? I'm your host Teeve. And I'm your host Daphne. And you're listening to going west. Welcome everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in today! So this case that we have for you guys has been recommended by a ton of people lately so thank you to everybody who has recommended it. And special thanks to Michelle for being the one that made me actually dive in finally with a wonderful synopsis. So thank you so much to Michelle and everybody else. This story is happening now and it's absolutely outrageous. And Sean's family is seeking help and answers. So share the show, share and sign the petition that we'll be talking about later, and let's try to get justice for Sean.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, this is a very serious call to action, so please listen up and help if you can. Details on how to other than just sharing this episode and his story will be at the end of this episode. So thank you again to everybody. Let's not waste any more time. This is episode 233 of Thank you. In April of 2022, a 12-year-old boy was found dead in his backyard, and the police ruled it a suicide despite the baffling and bizarre details associated with the crime scene. His family is desperate for help in reopening the investigation, fully believing that their son was murdered. This is the story of Sean Dordy, also known as what happened to Sean.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Sean Patrick Dority By the way, a newscaster says Dority, but a lot of other people pronounce that last name Docker-T, but we're gonna say Dority because that's what the newscaster said, so sorry if that is incorrect. But Sean was born on November 8, 2009, to Ramona Rivas and Timothy Doerty, or Dockerty. And when Sean was young, his parents split up and Sean gained a stepdad named Jared and a stepmom named Vivi. He also had a sister named Maria, as well as two brothers, Ethan and Hunter.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Growing up in Virginia, Sean proved to be an incredibly kind, intelligent, and warm-hearted boy who showed love to everyone around him. I mean, this kid, seriously, just from everything I read, like I kept putting my hand on my heart, just reading all these details about him because he seriously seemed like such a good kid.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah, he really did seem just like like the kind of kid you just want to raise. Yeah, absolutely. He loved playing video games and he was a big fan of Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars. He was also a very big reader and a little fun fact at a book fair in recent years, he spent $107 of his own money so he could buy a bunch of books. That's how much he loved to read. Sean is described to have been an amazing spirit that spread joy.
Starting point is 00:03:55 He was just a happy kid who loved life, and he even dreamed of becoming president one day. He was a straight-a student and a gifted musician, and another little fun fact is that this boy was so sweet that he was known to bring extra food to school for his friends on occasion. That just warms my heart. I know, right? So in 2022, Sean was a 12-year-old sixth grader at Tab Middle School in Yorktown, Virginia, which is a census-designated place that currently has just under 300 residents.
Starting point is 00:04:27 It sits right on the York River and hosts an American Revolution Museum with the city of Newport News, Virginia, hosting 170,000 people just a 20-minute drive away. So they basically live in this very small town, but they're just outside of a much larger town. Exactly. And then just across the river from Newport News, Virginia, is the even bigger city of Norfolk. So there, you know, it is right next to two larger cities. Sean's mother Ramona, who grew up in Latvia, and his stepfather Jared are both Lieutenant Kernels in the U.S. Air Force. So his-old grandmother, Vihah, Ramona's mom, has lived with the family for many years to help out. Living with Sean alongside his mom, stepdad and grandma was his older sister Maria,
Starting point is 00:05:18 who was 16 in 10th grade in April of 2022, and his younger half-brothers, who were 5 and 2 years old who we mentioned earlier. Their beautiful house is in the Weith Creek Farms H-Away, which is apparently known for its immaculate lawns, loaf fences, and spotless upkeep. So definitely a nice and idyllic neighborhood that's felt like a safe place to live. So safe that even the Dottry Reva's household often neglected to lock their doors and didn't have a security system or a camera system in their home. And actually, earlier this year, the family had sold the house as they prepared to move to the Pentagon in Arlington,
Starting point is 00:05:56 Virginia, which is three hours away and technically Washington, DC, for work purposes. They were all excited for this change, but admittedly we're going to miss Yorktown. As of April 14th, 2022, they were only weeks away from this move. The night before on April 13th, 2022, Sean was reportedly in high spirits as he joked and laughed with his family before going to sleep for the night. So the family had just gotten back from a wonderful vacation on a Disney cruise for spring break. And according to his mom, Sean had such a great time on this trip because remember, he frickin loves Disney.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, I mean, I can't imagine any 12-year-old not having a good time on a Disney cruise. Right, totally. And even though returning home can often be a bit of a bummer, the whole family were in high spirits after such a great time together. And because they had such a marvelous time, on Tuesday, April 12th, Ramona took Sean to the library to get his passport renewed so they could go on yet
Starting point is 00:07:02 another Disney cruise trip in August. So you know, last month, August of 2022, to Alaska this time. And Sean could not wait to go. So this was something very exciting that was, you know, just a few months ahead. So this week in particular that we're talking about in April, just like pretty much every week according to his friends, teachers, and family, Sean was happy. There is a Facebook page with incredibly detailed
Starting point is 00:07:31 information about this story, and it's run by Sean's mother Ramona, and since the details are so specific, we don't wanna leave anything out by rephrasing things, so we're gonna just read each post. So this next segment is not our words and they were written by Sean's mother Ramona in the Facebook group titled What Happened to Sean? This post is from August 20th, 2022 and it's called
Starting point is 00:07:58 post three, the peach. But before we go into these posts and before we go into post three, the peach, because they're so detailed, I feel it would be beneficial for you guys to quickly hear the outcome, so you know how to think about the information being presented, because then you don't have to kind of think back later. So on April 14, 2022, 12-year-old Sean was found hanging from the swing set in his backyard, and his death was ruled a suicide. But as you'll notice in the upcoming details, the suicide angle makes not one bit of sense.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And that's why we're here today. So here's the peach. Quote. On April 14, 2022, Sean got off the bus at about 3.0.2 pm and walked the distance of two houses to his front door. Vihah, the grandmother, was home watching the youngest brother who again was two years old, but was in a rush.
Starting point is 00:08:54 As soon as Sean entered the house, she told him to watch the toddler, the five-year-old who was asleep on the couch, and then she exited. Ramona had just pulled up to the house to pick up Vihar for a medical appointment and called out to Sean as he entered the house and said that she would call him from the car. He was to watch his brother for an hour while she took Vihar to the doctor. Sean happily agreed, he loved watching the toddler. He said he had homework to do and would complete his chores before gaming with his friends. He submitted his homework assignments online.
Starting point is 00:09:30 One of which included him submitting a photo of himself holding up his homework at 3.09 pm. There was nothing out of place. From the car, Ramona called him a second time. She had just talked to her husband who said that their two-year-old had been napping for almost two hours and needed to be woken up or he'd never sleep that night. Ramona called Sean to revise the plan and asked him to wake his brother up, give him a snack, and maybe watch a movie with him downstairs. Sean laughed and said, quote, mom, I'm pooping. I got it. And they had a chuckle. His bathroom was on the second floor. And quick note, also according to this Facebook
Starting point is 00:10:13 group, geez, Sean's stepfather Jared was also out of the house with Sean's five-year-old brother. So the only people home are Sean and his two-year-old brother. Right. We're going to go into that a little bit more later, but I don't want anybody to be confused here. It's just Sean and his two-year-old brother. So I'm going to continue the peach post. Quote. Ramona called a third and final time from the car at 3.27 pm, and Sean answered right away.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And remember, this is less than 30 minutes after Sean was left with his brother at home since his mom and grandma left at 305 PM about. So I'm going back to the quote now. Ramona said she realized he had been excited to play his games since he finished his homework and suggested that Shawn bring his brother with him up to the second floor so that he wouldn't have to change his plans. Shawn loved the idea and said that he would get his brother all set up on an iPad upstairs with him.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Perfect. She told him where the iPad was charging on the second floor so he could grab it and get everything set up. But first, before he woke his brother up, he needed a snack. He took some jarred peaches out of the fridge, one of his favorite after-school snacks, and put one in a bowl. Sean's chore was to take out the trash, and we believe at 3.30 pm, his alarm went off on his cell phone as he was preparing his snack, and he went upstairs quickly to complete
Starting point is 00:11:42 his chore. He gathered the trash for the two upstairs bathrooms and came downstairs to gather the trash in the kitchen. This is where things get weird. The kitchen trash was never taken out. His crocs were found next to the trash in the kitchen. No one in this house was ever barefoot, And in fact, Sean had a strange thing about being barefoot. He never walked around like that. He couldn't stand it. What happened
Starting point is 00:12:13 as he was gathering the trash? Sean's two-year-old brother recalls only that there was a friend chasing and chasing Sean around and punching him. He also said, quote, the man touched his arm. Was someone in the house? Who? Ramona's last call before she entered the appointment was the last time she or anyone spoke to Sean. He never logged in to play Fortnite with his friends.
Starting point is 00:12:43 He never took the iPad off the charger for his brother. His crocs were found upside down next to the trash, and the trash was never taken out. On the counter, sat an untouched jarred peach." And we're gonna post a photo of the peach that his mom, I think his mom took this picture. It is a single whole skinned peach that is sitting in a white bowl on the granite kitchen countertops. And to me, it looks like there's a fork mark from where he probably collected it from the jar. But otherwise, the peach is untouched
Starting point is 00:13:20 and uneaten. Originally, when I saw that photo, I thought that maybe he had started taking a bite into that beach. I was like, oh, it kind of looks like there's some teeth impressions. Yes. But I think you're right that maybe it was just the impression from the fork.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I thought the exact same thing, and then I looked at it, and I was like, oh, those are definitely from a fork, you know, especially because it was jarred. There was probably that like grape juice or whatever is usually in jarred peaches. Right. But let's talk about this for a second. So he seemed to have been excited that he was going to play Fortnite with his friends
Starting point is 00:13:49 because he loved video games. And before doing so, all he had to do was finish his chore and then grab the iPad for his brother. Right, which was taking out the trash. Yes. And then everything just stopped. He didn't take out the trash. He didn't get the iPad for his brother.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And I also want to just touch on the fact that I don't know his brother's birthday I don't know how far into two years old he was. I don't know how many months old he is So and I don't know a lot of two-year-old kids so I actually asked my mom and she said that at two you can you know You're talking a lot. Yeah, but usually And especially if maybe he was closer to three or he was like two and a half, I think that his brother definitely would have been able to say something like there was a friend or somebody chasing Sean and punching him.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Well, apparently he did. Well, right, apparently he did, but at first I was like, can two year olds talk, and then I learned they can. So all the moms that are listening to this are probably like a dud Affney they can talk but yeah so how but that is such a scary detail to me in this case that the brother said that yeah and also it's really interesting to me just knowing the type of kid that Sean is he's responsible he's a good kid he would have gotten his chores done before going and
Starting point is 00:15:03 playing you know fortnight and the crazy thing to me is that if he has like happened to skip his He's a good kid. He would have gotten his chores done before going and playing Fortnite. And the crazy thing to me is that if he has, like, happened to skip his chore or skip getting this iPad for his brother, you know, he probably would have just, like, logged on to Fortnite, but that wasn't the case either. He didn't log into Fortnite. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Right. You would imagine like any kid would skip their chore to go play video games, correct? Yeah, and just the fact that he collected the trash from upstairs brought it downstairs and never took out the trash like it seemed like he was interrupted. Yeah, there was intentions for him taking out the trash. Exactly. And that's another detail of this case that is so weird. It just seemed like he was in the middle of something and he was stopped.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But we haven't even scratched the surface. We have not let's keep going. The craziness. Okay, so now let's carry on to the next post on what happened to Sean. And this is again from that Facebook group. This post is titled post for where is Sean. Quote, Maria, Sean's older sister, had been at her tennis match after school. She was rushing home because her boyfriend AJ and his mother were picking her up to go to his lacrosse game. When she got home, the front door was locked, so she rang the bell and knocked and no one
Starting point is 00:16:18 answered. Where was Sean? He was supposed to be home. She called her mother Ramona, who told her to call Sean, and advised that he was probably gaming upstairs. Maria was frustrated. She was in a rush. She called Sean twice and texted him three times at 4.50 pm, but there was no response. She decided to run around back and try and enter through the back door, and that is when she saw him. She froze at that moment, entering a state of shock as she tried
Starting point is 00:16:52 to process what she was seeing. A person was hanging from their swing set, unnaturally, with a bag over their head. She looked around trying to figure out if she could get into the house before this stranger got to her, but she realized the figure was not moving, nor was it facing her. Utterly confused, she scanned the yard to make sure that she wasn't alone, and locked eyes with a landscaper mowing the neighbor's yard, who was also very puzzled and just standing there. Suddenly confidence since she wasn't alone, she came within a 15-foot radius and called out, hello? But there was no response.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Thoughts chaotic ran through her mind as she tried to process what she was seeing. The hands and legs looked so familiar. It was Sean. Before continuing again, this happened at 4.50 pm, which is about an hour and 45 minutes after Sean's mother Ramona and his grandmother left for the doctor. So they were gone for about twice as long
Starting point is 00:17:59 as they had originally anticipated. Now I'm gonna continue where is Sean. Quote, and finally anticipated. Now I'm going to continue where is Sean. Quote, hysterically, she ran up to her brother and confirmed it was him by looking closely at his hands, which were both bound to his waist by a belt, and discolored from lack of circulation.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Screaming, she lifted her brother with one arm in hopes of releasing the pressure from his head and called 911 at 454 pm with her other hand. She removed him from his hanging position by simply lifting the shoelace type string over his head with three fingers, brought him down to the ground and performed CPR for six minutes with the assistance of the 911 dispatcher until the EMTs took over. Sean was dressed in men's clothing. His arms so tightly bound to his waist, the EMTs made note of how difficult it had been
Starting point is 00:18:59 to remove it. They had to unbuckle and move it so that they could administer shocks with the AED. He had a bag over his head and his glasses were broken and found in the vicinity. His eyesight was so poor he could not see without his glasses. How could this clumsy 12 year old suspend himself in such an awkward position with a bag on his head while his hands were belted so tightly to his waist without being able to see? Yeah, and by the way, these are not the words of us. We're not calling Sean a clumsy 12-year-old.
Starting point is 00:19:38 This is straight quote. This is a straight quote. And this is when things get really bizarre because it doesn't make a bit of sense how Sean could tie a belt around his waist with his arms underneath it so tightly that it cut off his circulation and then somehow suspend himself and put a bag over his head. And the broken glasses are concerning as well because this would more so indicate a struggle to me. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And there's another detail with the glasses, I'll just tell you right now. One of the lenses was never found. So one of his glasses lenses was not in his glasses and they didn't find it. Yeah, that's a really strange detail because... Where did it go? Where did it go? Yeah. So continuing post for Where is Sean? Quote.
Starting point is 00:20:23 He was suspended by his chin, not his neck. At any point he could have stood up and saved himself, but he did not. His feet were dragging on the ground and his bent knees were mere inches from the ground as well. In fact, normal hanging injuries weren't present. It looked like he had been killed elsewhere and propped ornamentally outside, displayed in men's clothing and suspended like a doll. His knees were so close to the ground that you could see the bottom of his feet, and
Starting point is 00:20:57 they were clean. How could he have perfectly clean feet if he had walked barefoot from the house to the swing set through their swampy spring yard. I mean, just truly insane. Like the fact that he was hanging by his chin, like that means the shoelace or the shoelace type string that was tied around his neck wasn't even around him to properly commit the act. And his arms were tied so tightly to his sides that it cut off circulation. So how on earth, what do you've done this to himself?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Yeah, and the clean feet thing really just gives me chills because knowing that he walked through such a swampy yard and they couldn't find any dirt, no mud, no indication that he had walked through that backyard to get to that swing set. Even if you walk through not even a whole backyard that has mud, but even if you just walk outside for a minute barefoot, you're gonna have some kind
Starting point is 00:21:49 of dirt on your foot or some kind of crud. And also the fact that he could touch the ground with not only his feet, but almost his knees, like he was touching the ground. Yeah, and we're gonna get to a detail that honestly makes this whole thing look so much more staged. So continuing the post, quote, it was April and the whole yard was mud and dust.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Ramona arrived home from the appointment to find her house swarmed with emergency medical personnel and she jumped out of her SUV and ran toward the commotion. She saw them working on Sean, and in that instant, the life she had lived ceased to exist. As Sean's body jumped through the air with each shock from the AED, she knew that they were too late. Through heroic efforts from Maria, they were able to get a heartbeat, but there wasn't enough
Starting point is 00:22:43 electricity to sustain it. They would find out later that Sean had actually been gone for some time, and there was no chance he could have been revived. The belt that completely immobilized his arms and hands, a bag over his head, broken glasses suspended by the chin, clean feet dragging with knees almost touching the ground, a string so thin and loose it didn't even need to be cut. Men's clothing and Sean was gone.
Starting point is 00:23:17 We're now going to read the next post on the What Happened to Sean Facebook group titled Post 5 Red Lights. Quote, As Ramona was driving home from the appointment, Maria called to see that Sean wasn't opening the door. She told Maria to call him. He was probably gaming upstairs with his brother. Oddly enough, all of the traffic lights were green on the way home,
Starting point is 00:23:41 except the last one. As she sat by the light, a fire engine and an emergency pickup truck came blazing past and she suddenly felt ill. She muffled under her breath, please don't turn right, but they did. She sped up and watched them take the next ride into her neighborhood. She thought, please God, don't let them be at my house. The sirens stopped and she couldn't see the vehicles anymore. She turned left onto her lane and saw them all in front of her house. Ramona threw her SUV into park, told Vihah she was going in
Starting point is 00:24:20 and ran towards the backyard. They had an entrance on each side of the house, but the one on the right was never used. In fact, from the road, you couldn't tell that it was a gate because a bush was too close to it. Everyone was gathered near the gate on the right side of the house, but the gate on the left was wide open.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Why? Before that break, we quoted Sean's mom, Ramona, explaining that the left gate to the house was wide open, which was never used. And this really stood out to her. Now let's continue reading this post. Quote, Ramona ran through the open gate on the left and saw everyone gathered under the swing set. She tried to focus and figure out what was happening. Suddenly, she saw this long body with naked legs laying on the ground and EMTs working
Starting point is 00:25:38 around him. An officer rushed toward her and told her to move away and let the medics do their job. She heard the AED and saw his body rise from the ground and slam back down. As Sean's body continued going up and down, a million thoughts went through her mind. What was Sean doing outside? Did he fall? Was there an accident? As these thoughts were racing through the mind, she heard someone yell,
Starting point is 00:26:05 heartbeat. The police officer again insisted she stepped further back so they could do their jobs. It then occurred to her that her toddler wasn't out there. Realizing that he wasn't outside, Ramona turned around to just see Maria running towards her. They both ran into the house with the officer right behind them. As Ramona turned the door knob, it opened immediately. The door was unlocked. She ran
Starting point is 00:26:34 forward and saw the crocs upside down next to the two closed garbage bags on the floor that were ready to be taken out. She scanned the living room for her toddler and noticed two little legs hiding beneath a pile of laundry on their chair. She yelled his name, scooped him up, and he opened his eyes and started to cry. He was really limp and just out of it. He didn't seem like his normal self. Continued quote, Ramona ran to the front door and it was locked as Maria had stated. They opened the door and ran outside to the front yard. She noticed a neighbor standing nearby with a landscaper.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So she ran up and yelled out, what happened? Did you see what happened? The neighbor said no. She turned towards the landscaper who mumbled, I don't know him who did it. That's what it says. She ran over to the other neighbor on the other side who was also mowing the grass, and he too said that he didn't see anything. How could all of her neighbors be outside doing yard work and not see anything?
Starting point is 00:27:42 The fence is only three feet tall. No matter who she asked, nobody saw anything and nobody knew anything. One neighbor even had several cameras fixed to his house that pointed into her yard, but they were disconnected and hadn't been recording in years. That is such a frustrating detail. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And it's not the neighbor's fault because if you don't feel the need for them, that's fine. But oh my God, if they only were working the entire thing would have been on camera. It's just, yeah, it's just an unfortunate detail. Okay, back to it. Quote, Ramona's husband was in Williamsburg with their middle son at ABA services,
Starting point is 00:28:20 and at least 35 to 40 minutes away. She needed help immediately, so she called her boss and told him that she thought Sean was dead, and he said that he'd be right over. She called her husband Jared and could only say that Sean was hurt really bad, and that they were trying to revive him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He ran into the building, grabbed their son, and jumped in the car. Okay, so after all this, this is not a quote, this is me talking, after all this happened,
Starting point is 00:28:51 after Sean was found and taken away, Ramona went to the emergency room where they sadly told her that her 12-year-old son was gone. Her 12-year-old son, who had been in great spirits that day, and died in such a suspicious man or while being left at home for less than two hours, was dead. And by the way, for those wondering about Sean's relationship with his biological father, Timothy and his stepmother, Vivi, we're not sure, but it seems many people are wondering about this, of course, but we just don't know. And I'm now going to read post 6 under the blanket.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Quote. Ramona said she wanted to see him, and they made way for her to enter the room. He was lying on the gurney, and she knelt beside him on his left side, and just grabbed his feet and kissed them. They were so clean and perfect. She knew this would be the last time she would see him. The sorrow and grief was indescribable, but Ramona's analytical mind was working over time. What happened?
Starting point is 00:29:59 She needed to look. She was alone in the room with some sort of female chaplain, and everything was covered up to his neck with a blanket. She went over to his face and took a look. He was angelic, peaceful, and his face was unharmed. There was no swelling anywhere. His teeth were all intact, and he had clearly been inabated as the tube was still in. He had a neck collar on, and his eyes were half open, clear, green, and not swollen.
Starting point is 00:30:29 There was no redness or damage that she could see. She opened his eyelids and saw that his pupils were blown, and in that moment realized that his soul had left his body. Continued quote, The pain was unbearable. She kissed his forehead, pushed his hair up, and just wanted to smell him one last time. He smelled musty. His right hand suddenly popped out from beneath the blanket, and she leaned over and put it
Starting point is 00:30:58 back. She went back to the left and grabbed that hand and held it one last time. She put his left hand into her own and noticed blood in between the fourth and fifth finger. She thought to herself, good, there is evidence. Something told her to get her phone out and take some pictures. Later, she would notice that these pictures clearly show the marks on his wrist from being bound by the belt, even though the medical examiner reports that by the time she received the body, there were no marks. Ramona stood up and lifted his arm to take a picture, and she suddenly froze.
Starting point is 00:31:36 She stared at it in the picture for a second longer, and then let out a scream. Something's wrong, my son is wearing my husband's dress shirt. Did someone put him in these clothes? Is someone in the house? The female chaplain ran out to get help. The investigator was in the hall speaking to the physician. Ramona called Jamie Cell, Jamie is Maria's boyfriend AJ's mom, and told her that Sean was dressed in Jared's clothing, and that someone could still be in the house. Now, Ramona's brain was racing. What was happening? Why was Sean wearing his dad's clothing?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Suddenly, she saw a replay of Sean's body being hit by AED and the black underwear, and her stomach felt queasy. That wasn't Sean's underwear. That was Jared's. The investigator came into the room to ask what was going on. Once she explained, the investigator asked Ramona to leave the room since it was now considered a crime scene. Ramona didn't realize that from that point on, she would never be able to hold or touch him again. The entire family was robbed of saying their goodbyes and the doors closed. So there are 9 posts total. We started with the third one. We're going to go up to 9,
Starting point is 00:32:55 but the next post that we have for you guys is post 7 and it's called yellow tape. And I will read that now. Quote. The ambulance pulled away and Maria was left in shock and distraught in the driveway. Two officers were left at the house, a male and a female, and they were waiting for detectives to arrive to begin the death investigation. AJ and his mother, Jamie, began to console Maria, talked to the officers on scene, and helped with the toddler.
Starting point is 00:33:24 The distress call from Ramona came in on Jamie's help with the toddler. The distress call from Ramona came in on Jamie's cell regarding the men's clothing and a potential intruder in the house. Jamie ran to tell the officers what Ramona had said and they told her that they would take a look. They searched the house and did not find anyone inside. A few moments later, a detective arrived and asked to question 16-year-old Maria. Jamie sat beside Maria to supervise the questioning because she was underage, and Maria began to detail what she saw. Almost immediately, it was clear that the detective thought it was suicide. The detective asked if Sean had ever tried
Starting point is 00:34:05 to harm himself, and Maria said that she didn't think so. He asked if she had ever seen any marks on his neck, and she told him that he might have had a scratch the week before, but she thought it was from one of the younger boys who is autistic and often grabs necks. He asked if Sean had any problems at school and she said that he had an issue with three girls at school who had been teasing him around Christmas, fuck bullies, my words, but that it was months ago and the issue was resolved. He had friends and had been on a Disney cruise the week before and was high on happiness as a result. Sean had given no indication of depression or suicidal ideations. She could not recall anything out of the norm. She insisted several times that the position
Starting point is 00:34:53 Sean was located in would indicate that he had been harmed. It was unnatural and it didn't look like a position that one could put themselves in. He was hung and dangling near the ground. So much so, they could have stood up fully at any time." Continued quote. She described her account of events in as much detail as she could as she was still in shock. She sat with AJ and sketched what she saw, but the investigators did not take her sketch. Jared arrived home to a swarm of marked and unmarked vehicles, and people he didn't recognize. He handed his son off to Jamie and Ramona's boss and hugged his two-year-old who had
Starting point is 00:35:36 also been home. One of the officers approached Jared and asked a few questions. Jared asked him what happened, and he said that when he and another officer had arrived, he knew something was off, so they called in the investigative team. He said, this doesn't sit right with me. I don't think your son did this to himself. Jared agreed and said Sean would never hurt himself. The house was locked down, and the remaining family members couldn't go inside. One neighbor, an older gentleman who lived alone, the one with the non-operational cameras,
Starting point is 00:36:12 brought a folding lawn chair so that Vihha could sit down. He hugged Vihha and told her that he was sorry. An older gentleman across the street looked on, but would pretend to be busy if his gaze was met. It seemed like the entire neighborhood was watching. The investigators went through and took pictures of the house. They took pictures of the back swing set and began to look around and document their surroundings. The family has not been given access to these pictures. A neighbor, Michelle, had stopped by with some pizzas, and the kids ate on the front steps. While loading up the car to transport the kids to another location, a female neighbor walked over and insisted on talking to Maria. She was really skittish, and Jamie kept telling her to leave. She seemed to be well-intentioned, but something was really
Starting point is 00:37:05 off. She kept walking away and walking back, just trying to talk to Maria. She kept telling Maria everything was fine. She would be fine. Jamie had asked her to stop approaching Maria, and she and Ramona's boss took Vihah in the kids to a hotel on Langley AFB. They all sat and waited for Ramona and Jared to return, knowing that Sean was gone. The fact that a female neighbor seemed skittish and was walking up to Maria, I don't know, I wonder why Jamie told her to go away, like that's kind of weird to me, but also maybe she was like just leave her alone, she's going through a lot, but this seems like this woman was trying to tell her
Starting point is 00:37:47 something. Well, either that or, you know how sometimes, like when something like this happens, there's always one person that seems to be quite nosy, it wants to kind of be in the business and figure out what the news is. Right. And I think that the whole family was just in shock.
Starting point is 00:38:02 They really didn't need this person up in their space. Right, which I get, but it just makes me wonder if she saw something and she was trying to tell Maria or what, like that's such a weird detail to me. Okay, so we're gonna read one more. It's the second to last post that we're gonna read on the what happened to Sean Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And this was just posted just a few days ago on August 30 30, 2022. It's titled Post-8 Empty, and it reads, quote, The 20-minute drive to the hotel on Langley AFB lasted an eternity for Ramona and Jared. Shock and confusion were setting in. They mustered up whatever strength they had left and made their way to the hotel room to reunite with the rest of their children. Long hugs and kisses were exchanged, and it was clear that no one knew what to say.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Jared's phone rang and he walked away to take the call. Ramona scooped up her youngest son who had been bouncing around on the hotel beds and asked him what he did with Sean today. He said, a friend came over and was punching Sean and then proceeded to demonstrate punching motions with his fists. Jared finished his phone call and announced that the investigators had cleared the house and they could go back in. It was practically midnight.
Starting point is 00:39:23 How could they be done so soon? A family decision was made to return to the house and they packed up and drove home. Continued quote, they pulled up and nothing seemed out of place. The neighborhood was eerily quiet and from the outside their house looked untouched. It was hard to believe that anything had even happened. They grabbed the kids and walked inside. A few things immediately felt out of place, but they couldn't quite pin it down. Everyone gathered in the living room as they all tried to think about next steps. Ramona went slowly into the kitchen and noted the peach in the bowl on the counter. She then noticed the two trash bags tied up on the floor, and Shawn's crocs upside down
Starting point is 00:40:11 on the floor in front of the bags. She opened the trash drawer and saw that it was lined with new bags. Shawn had gathered the trash and put new bags in and left the old bags tied on the floor. She pointed this out to Jared. She also noticed two additional garbage bags on the floor all ripped up. She picked one up and took a look. Strange she thought. These aren't ours. The bags she picked up had bluish handles and she only bought bags with red handles. These bags also had large rips in the middle on the side. Whose bags are these?
Starting point is 00:40:51 Why are they ripped? This all felt wrong and they were all uncomfortable. More things felt out of place, but everybody wanted to go to sleep. Ramona and Jared walked upstairs to look around. Continued quote, the house felt really hot upstairs. The heat was set to 85. Who touched the thermostat? Ramona proceeded toward the bedroom and gasped when she entered. In the middle of the path from the bedroom door to the attached master bathroom was Sean's underwear on the floor.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Jared ran downstairs and grabbed gloves and a large ziplock bag, and Ramona picked up the underwear and bagged them for the investigators. This was really puzzling. Why would Sean's underwear be on the floor in their room? Jared's dresser drawers were also open. What happened in this room? Jared called the police immediately and asked them to send a patrol car because they didn't feel safe. What if the person who hurt Sean came back? Jared locked all of the doors and barricaded chairs against them. They both could not believe they had never invested in a security system.
Starting point is 00:42:07 How naive of them to feel so untouchable, so safe. All the kids, including Sean's older sister Maria, went to lay in their parents' room that night. Ramona stood up and went into Sean's room. Her eyes drifted to the top bunk, and she saw his de-shevilled, unmade bed that he had jumped out of the morning before. She saw his AirPods charging, and wondered where the investigators had found his iPhone. She was told it had been found in his room. But where? Why wasn't it on him? She grabbed one of his hoodies and held it close to her chest, hoping it would provide some comfort. It did not. She sobbed and heaved for hours, afraid she might never sleep again.
Starting point is 00:42:52 What happened to Sean? All right guys, so that was the end of that quote, but now let's talk about Sean's cause of death. The autopsy report stated that Sean was found partially suspended by a shoelace-type string that was tied to the swing set. When he was found, there was a nylon bag over his head, and a belt strapped around his abdomen, which actually pinned both of his arms to his side. And there was a chair, multiple feet away from him completely out of reach, and we posted a photo of the aftermath where you can see the chair next to the swings.
Starting point is 00:43:29 The autopsy also states, quote, "...Shon had no chronic medical problems, no history of substance abuse, and no known history of depression or suicidality." We found a very out-of-focus version of this autopsy and WTKR News 3's short segment on the case from August 23rd,ace type string. It continues with quote, a few superficial abrasions were present on Sean's forehead, right cheek, and right shoulder, possibly sustained when he was pulled down or during resuscitation attempts. No life-threatening blunt force injuries were present, and no defensive or scrimmage type
Starting point is 00:44:23 injuries were present and no defensive or scrimmage type injuries were present. His death was ruled as suicide, though no details surrounding how he actually died have been released, or at least released to the public, except, quote, by hanging, which is how he was found, but does his actual cause of death match up with that? I really wish we knew. Now, here is the most recent and last post by Ramona that went up on Sunday, September 4th, 2022, so just the day before we're recording this episode.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's titled Post Nine Prince, and it reads, quote, they awoke the next morning, hoping it was all a nightmare, but Sean was still gone. Jared called the investigators and asked them to come over to discuss what they had found the night before. Before the investigators arrived, Jamie, A.J.'s mother arrived with some food. On her way, she had called the High School's guidance counselor to let her know that Sean had passed away the night before, and that Maria and AJ would not be in school that day. She also said that Maria and AJ would need several days off and quite possibly some extra help when they returned.
Starting point is 00:45:34 The guidance counselor was really upset and said that she would take care of everything. Jamie came in and started cleaning up the kitchen for Ramona. While sweeping around the kitchen table, she noticed a very large hand print on the window of the back door. She stopped and stared at it for a moment. Huh, she thought. That's really large and in a weird spot, why would an adult place their hand on the window pane so high for what?
Starting point is 00:46:11 She put her hand up next to the print and saw that it was much larger than her own hand. She called Ramona over to take a look. Ramona agreed that it was an adult print and it didn't belong to anyone in the house. It wasn't just a print. It seemed like there was something on the hand like a residue or film of some sort that really made the print stand out. Ramona said that she would show the investigators when they arrived. At that point, Ramona showed Jamie the garbage bags with the bluish handles, and they both went through all the boxes of trash bags in the house. They all had red handles. Ramona exclusively shopped for garbage bags at Costco and bought hundreds at a time. Where did these bags come from?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Continued quote. The investigative team arrived at the house. Someone upstairs and then to the backyard to look around. And two set at the dining room table and interviewed both Maria and Ramona, one after the other. There was one female investigator and one male at the dining room table. They asked if Sean had any enemies, if he had been bullied and asked if he had had a bad day at school.
Starting point is 00:47:21 They showed Ramona a video of Sean walking the hall with a buddy at the middle school, and nothing seemed out of the norm. He was bouncing around and joking with his friend. This video helped them identify the jacket, flannel, and shorts that he was wearing that day. The selfie he took when he submitted his homework identified the shirt that he was wearing, but they weren't given that picture from the school until about three weeks later. The jacket and flannel were found hanging together in the house, but they could not locate the shirt or the shorts. This is such a weird detail that they were not able to locate those items in the house,
Starting point is 00:47:59 because, you know, just like I said earlier, there was a lens from his glasses also missing. It seems like two garbage bags were potentially brought into the house, and then we have items that seemingly were taken out of the house. Yeah, I mean, the only thing that you could think of here is if his shirt and shorts were missing that it's possible during gym class or something like that could have been put in a locker. But that wasn't the case. They didn't find them there. Yeah, but also he wore those home that day.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Right. So it's like, what? Yeah. Where, how did they get out of the house? Yeah. And Sean didn't take him out of the house. They didn't just get up and walk out of the front door. Yeah, and this is his shirt and shorts,
Starting point is 00:48:35 which make it even weirder because if somebody did kill Sean, maybe they were worried that their DNA would be on this clothes or whatever, so they took his clothes away and put him in his dad's clothes or a step-dads clothes. As well as possibly the lens from his glasses because I mean that's just too weird as well. I know God these details are just so strange. And I feel so so bad for the family that they have to go through this. And all of these strange details are there, and I'm sure just like thinking about these different details for hours
Starting point is 00:49:11 and trying to figure out where those clothing items went. You know, just all the strange occurrences. Yeah, and know that all this weird shit is going down and they're finding all this crazy evidence and the police are just like kind of waving them away. Right. And then also to be afraid to be in your own house because they're worried that some perpetrator could come back. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So let's get back to the quote. They stayed for about an hour questioning both Ramona and Maria about Sean and his state of mind on his last day. Maria and Ramona, due tofully answered every question that they could, hoping that any information they provided would help them figure out what happened to Sean. They had taken Sean's iPhone, laptop, and iPad the night before. They asked if the family knew the passcode to get into the iPhone, but they did not. They tried a few things, but couldn't figure it out. The
Starting point is 00:50:05 investigators said that they would take care of it. Ramona asked if they were going to talk to Sean's friends, and they said that they would. She gave them contact information for his close buddies. Jamie was washing dishes in the sink in e-dropping. She couldn't help but think that they were not taking the family's concern seriously, as each response from the investigators seemed to, quote, poo poo, the family, and circled back to suicide. She was confused as to why they weren't acknowledging the family's concerns. Ramona asked them to take the underwear that she found and had bagged the night before. They reluctantly took them, but did not provide a receipt. She also pointed out the handprint on the back door, and asked them to lift the prints
Starting point is 00:50:52 to see if they could find a match. There hadn't been any fingerprints taken the night before, and she didn't understand why they didn't take any, or how they could have missed it. They lifted the fingerprints and said that they would send them out for testing. Continued quote, the two investigators that had been at the table joined their colleagues outside. They congregated underneath the swing set for a few minutes and had a discussion. They walked back to the house, gave their condolences, and headed out. The family was left without any direction, guidance, or any answers whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Was there even an investigation? Why were they leaving? Ramona and Jamie went into the backyard and looked around. They both found themselves looking up at all the houses with second floors that could peer directly into their backyard and see everything. They counted six. Six houses with a direct line of sight into the yard at all times from the second floor.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Who was watching? Ramona called the FBI. A few weeks later, the lead investigator would tell them that they did get a good print from the lift of the hand, but that there weren't any matches in the system. A month later, when they came back from more prints, he said there weren't any good prints lifted, and therefore nothing viable to test.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So this is different information than what she was told previously. Yeah, at first they said that they got something good, and now they're telling her, no. Which is very concerning because they're like, what do you want to do with lying to me? Yeah. The family does not know if the initial handprint
Starting point is 00:52:33 was ever sent out for testing and they haven't been given any documentation to support that it was. Sean's underwear were also never sent out for testing and they don't know what happened to those either. I know we're referencing a lot of different Facebook posts, but there's another one that we want to read from the what happened to Shahn Facebook group. And this is in regards to police responding to the family's public pleas for help in this
Starting point is 00:53:03 case. First, here's a clip from the video from the York Pico's and Sheriff's Office. Our investigators are recognized in the Hampton Roads area as professional, caring, competent major crimes investigators. They have investigated and solved numerous cases that include homicides, suicides, rapes, and robberies.
Starting point is 00:53:24 We conducted a thorough, rapes and robberies. We conducted a thorough, professional and exhaustive investigation. There is nothing whatsoever to indicate that there is a killer in our community. And here's the response by Sean's family. It was posted on August 24th, 2022, and this is what it says, quote, We are disappointed in the response from the York Pacosan Sheriff's Office to our please for help. They've released a video that is cold, uncaring, and defensive. The attempted discredit our account of events by stating that our story is untrue.
Starting point is 00:54:01 We are asking for them to allow an outside entity to investigate this case, since they have no interest in going any further. We unfortunately do have to address some things that were said in their video. One, over the course of several weeks, we filmed the property and its surroundings to see if anyone would revisit the scene of the crime.
Starting point is 00:54:23 There is an individual who was filmed numerous times throughout several nights. And there is a short video that was posted of this person walking and we posted it, but it's not clear who this person is or if they're suspicious in any way, like maybe they're just somebody who lives in the neighborhood and takes a walk every night, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:41 So it definitely could be that, but we will post it just in case. And of course, they're looking at this differently because they're like, they're looking at it from an investigative standpoint, you know, Sean's family is, so. But who knows who this person is? So here's the next point.
Starting point is 00:54:57 They show a red mark on the wall from May 20th, 2022. This was a new red mark. When you wait five weeks to collect evidence, there will be new marks. This was one of many spots throughout the house that were pointed out to the investigators. 3. No one knows if the two-year-old was asleep during the hour that he was alone. No one else was there. Initially, it was assumed that he was, and Ramona was grateful that he was unharmed and said so.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Later in the evening, when she was reunited with her son, he said that there had been a man in the house. This was disclosed. 4. We refer to the string as a shoelace type string, because that is what the autopsy describes it as. It is similar in size. shoelace type string because that is what the autopsy describes it as. It is similar in size.
Starting point is 00:55:47 It was from a motorcycle bag and that bag was also on his head. The string of course had his DNA on it as it was on his body. So let's talk about this for a second before you continue heat. This is interesting. Yes. This is interesting to know. It's not a shoelace. It is a...
Starting point is 00:56:04 So the bag that was on his head was a motorcycle bag and the string from that is what was used to hang him. So it's like, that's weird. And the, are we, the motorcycle bag was not the family. Well, so I don't, I don't know. Well, that's the thing. I couldn't find that information. This is pretty much all the information
Starting point is 00:56:24 that has been released on this case. There's like a few articles online and then this Facebook group. So this is what the family is saying. So I wish that they had said it was our motor. I feel like if it wasn't, they would have said that. You know what I mean? Yeah. But it is weird to know, okay, this string is from the bag that was on his head when he
Starting point is 00:56:43 was found. Right. Very found. Right. Very bizarre. Definitely. So, five. We did provide leads to the police in the hope that they would look into people who were in the area at the time. We didn't realize that we'd be mocked for doing so.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Shouldn't they be the ones that are looking for new leads? This is what they choose to focus on, instead of answering a few questions that have been lingering for some time. 6. Sean's arms were belted tightly to his body. How did he put the bag over his head and a string over that while having belted hands? 7. Sean's glasses were broken.
Starting point is 00:57:20 He could not see. Where is the missing lens? 8. Sean did not leave a note. He did not search how to commit suicide. He did not communicate with any strangers online. 9. Sean submitted all of his upcoming assignments online as soon as he got home from school. He also prepared himself a snack, which was left un-eaten on the counter. 10. Sean was babysitting his little brother. There are dozens of things that do not add up here.
Starting point is 00:57:51 We are asking for another entity to take the case over and investigate with a fresh set of eyes. Isn't everyone entitled to a second opinion? Man, this is such a frustrating case, and I still am very, very curious about the female neighbor who tried to talk to Maria. I'm wondering if she saw anything. It's so crazy to me that six different houses could see into their backyard. And then also their neighbors, they only had three foot high or three foot tall fences, which is extremely short.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. So if someone had been outside or one of those people were in their house on the second floor, they would have seen something. So did someone see something or did really nobody happened to look outside towards their house during that time? Because that would be just incredibly unfortunate, if that was the case that nobody happened
Starting point is 00:58:40 to look outside in this area at that time. Also, the fact that there's three-foot tall fences doesn't even have to be a neighbor on a second story. There's three-foot tall fences. You can see right into the backyard. Yeah. So somebody could be on the street looking through yeah, into this backyard.
Starting point is 00:58:57 So weird. And then just, of course, we have already discussed the frustrations with the police not taking this seriously. You know, they claimed, as you you guys heard that they are taking it seriously but there are many people online that suggest that Sean could have been killed by a police officer I mean this is a baseless claim we're not stating this is our belief but people do point out that it would make sense why they told the medical examiner ahead of time
Starting point is 00:59:25 that it was a cut and dry suicide and why they didn't really investigate it further despite that one officer at the crime scene allegedly saying something about the whole thing not sitting right with him and that he didn't believe Sean killed himself. Yeah. It's just weird that they some officers got to the scene and they were all kind of like, this is weird, we're calling investigators. This was weird enough to you that you called investigators, right?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah, yeah. To me, I think a lot of people say a lot of things online and there's a lot of speculation about a lot of different things. Doesn't mean that that's the case. Well, of course. And maybe they just, this is, again, this is a very small town maybe they just never
Starting point is 01:00:07 have seen anything like this and this is what Ramona thinks is that they just don't have the experience it's not that you know maybe they just don't know how to investigate a murder which we've seen in a lot of other cases in very small towns yes we have and we've also seen the rumor mill that tends to happen in these smaller towns as well where things get misconstrued or rumors just spread You know baselessly right, but it's also, you know, this is a thing where If a death looks like a suicide oftentimes they're going to believe it is one because that's what it looks like just
Starting point is 01:00:43 Looking at it, you know, yeah, but the evidence here really says otherwise. The fact that we have the chair, and when you look at the photo, when you look at this photo, you see the chair, and it's nowhere near Sean's body. Yeah, to me, the biggest... Or the swing set. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:01 To me, the biggest thing is just the fact that his arms were tied to his side. That is such a creepy detail to me, and he had clean feet. Yeah, right. And also, typically when things like that happen, when there is hangings like this, the chair will typically be flipped over. It's right side up, and it's not near the swing set.
Starting point is 01:01:23 But also, would Sean have needed a chair because- Right. Well also, yeah, you wouldn't even need the chair, so then why is the chair out there staged like it was supposed to be that? I don't know. I think we all agree that this probably, I mean probably we all agree that this does seem like it was a staged suicide. Yeah, it really does.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I mean, a 12 year old kid putting a bag over his head and then also just the belt thing, tying it around yourself so tight that it cut off circulation, I don't think so. You can't slip your hands out of that. No, you can't. Not at all. So let's kind of talk about then what could have happened. Of course, we're speculating here.
Starting point is 01:01:55 There's no evidence of anything, obviously. Right at this point. Yeah, at this point, any evidence of anything was documented by the family, but anything like fingerprints or any other kind of DNA that would have been very helpful in this investigation, were not taken by the police. So that's a huge disappointment here.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So another potential is that someone had been watching the house and maybe they saw, maybe they were able to see, oh, Sean's alone because I saw him go into the house and then they saw they maybe they were able to see oh Sean's alone because I saw him go into the house and then two adults just left maybe he's by himself right. So maybe they went up to the door and Sean opened the door and they ambushed him and went inside. Yeah, because we know that the little brother said that this man or friend was punching
Starting point is 01:02:41 Sean. That's so huge to me that's such a creepy detail. It's big. And also, or if not the front door, we have to remember that Ramona said to left gate. That was never used was open. Right, and that was on the side of the house. So did somebody enter through the side of the house?
Starting point is 01:02:57 Who possibly? Potentially, yeah. And then, you know, this could also make sense as to why Sean's underwear were in his parents' room and why he was dressed in his step-dead clothes. Like is it possible that a predator had, I hate to say this, but sexually assaulted him or at least attacked him? Because like you said, according to Sean's little brother, there was a man in the house. Now to a two-year-old, a man could be any age, sure, an age, you know, male. But, you know, this
Starting point is 01:03:28 would explain somebody just entering the house, would explain why Sean was seemingly stopped right in the middle of taking out the trash and eating his snack before planning to go upstairs and play Fortnite with his friends. But also the underwear being left in the parents room and then him being dressed in his dad's underwear and dress shirt. That's hope is our. That says to me that somebody likely, uh, just after something happened, likely just didn't want to, you know, they're not going to go into Sean's room and go find his clothes to go put him in his own clothes. They're just going to put him in some clothes and then take him outside.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Right, but also this makes more sense, like I kind of mentioned earlier, that he was not in his day clothes is because maybe that person took them away from the scene, either for DNA purposes or whatever, right? Yeah, and we know that his shorts and his shirt that he was wearing that day at school and when he got home are now missing from the house. And it's unexplainable. And it's also unclear if a rape kit was conducted. It doesn't appear that one was,
Starting point is 01:04:30 which I think could answer some questions for sure as well. Yeah, definitely. So very, very disappointing that one likely wasn't done. I say likely because I don't know, but there wasn't any sign of it in the autopsy that one was. And I don't really see them doing that if they think it's a clear cut suicide that they're gonna do a rape kit.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Yeah, and also, Ramona claims that there was no DNA found on the belt at all. And if that's true, there's no way that Sean could have put it around him anyway. Yeah, that's really bizarre. And I don't know if she sent off the belt and maybe they said there was no DNA or if they misspoke and they just said
Starting point is 01:05:04 there was nobody else's DNA on it and sure cuz you would imagine that if shan somehow somehow did this to himself that his DNA would be on that belt and i think that if police did look into this if they actually did try to collect DNA from something in this case if there was no DNA on it that would have been kind of like a red flag to them.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Sure. So this I wish we had some clarification on. And then also, I wonder about the blood that Ramona says was between his fourth and fifth finger on one hand. Was that his blood? Did they test that? Probably not. Was it there?
Starting point is 01:05:40 Because she took photos, and the photos of his body, obviously, are not on the internet. But if she has a photo of the blood on his hand, that would prove that it was there. So who's blood is that? Right, yeah. So now I'm going to read about some things that I found online. I just decided to look this up because why the hell not? So in a two mile radius of Sean's house, there are 17 registered sex offenders residing in Yorktown are just on the outskirts, six of which have charges related to minors. Now although we agree child pornography should be referred to as child sexual abuse material, we're going to say child pornography because that's what's listed.
Starting point is 01:06:22 So the charges include one male with one count of possession of child pornography in 2005, another with one count of possession of child pornography in March of 2021, one with one charge of forcible salami in 2008, one with one charge of receipt of child pornography in 2014, one with one charge of attempt sexual conduct with a minor in 2005, and one with one charge of possession of child pornography in 2002. And these are just the ones who have been caught, right? And not to say any of these men could be behind Sean's death but it's definitely disturbing to know how many registered sex offenders surround the
Starting point is 01:07:08 area and just how many exist in general I think if you have not done this search around your house if you're in the US you might be surprised at how many are around you very true yeah and this data was found on the National Sex Offender Public website, which is nsopw.gov, if you want to look into that. And then just some other questions I have, you know, how did these blue handled trash bags get into the house? Why? That's one huge question I have.
Starting point is 01:07:38 And why were they ripped up? And if this scene was staged by a killer, how did they kill Sean? Like, how did they kill Sean? Like how did Sean actually die? We know his feet were clean and he could have easily stood up from the swing set, so why didn't he? And why was he in his step-dads clothes? Was his potential killer seeking revenge on his stepfather somehow? Possibly a military thing, and then they staged his death to look like a suicide? Or was this a neighborhood bully who you know use this opportunity and dressed him in Jared's clothes to embarrass him,
Starting point is 01:08:10 but if so, why go so far as to murder? Why was his two-year-old brother covered in a pile of clothes? So many questions. Yeah, there's just two, I think too many questions honestly in this case, but yeah, the garbage bag thing is really weird, obviously. Yeah, so's just two, I think too many questions, honestly, in this case. But yeah, the garbage bag thing is really weird, obviously. Yeah, so freaking weird. Especially if, you know, Ramona is saying that she doesn't buy those garbage bags. And she seems very adamant about it. Like she's mentioned it multiple times
Starting point is 01:08:38 that this is a weird thing to her. Like I don't buy blue handled trash bags. Yeah, and then also, you know, the fact that they determined that the string was found around his chin and not his neck. That's why I wanna know what his god's a death is so bad. Yeah, what happened here? Because it really does appear that he was not strangled
Starting point is 01:09:01 because there weren't any ligatures around his actual neck. Well, they said that there were ligature marks that made sense connecting to the shoelace-type string, but that would have left a mark anyway, especially if his body was hanging there for over an hour, you know, because they said he was there for some time. So this ligature mark would have been there anyway, but is that what caused his death? Yeah. That would be very good to know to connect these dots. And the fact of the matter is that Sean's family truly
Starting point is 01:09:31 does not believe that this is a suicide, and they know the situation better than anybody. And I think we can really, again, all agree here. This is weird. This is a weird case. Something is not right here. I mean, yeah, you could put all of the things down and have a page-long list of all these different weird coincidences or strange things that have happened here. So earlier, we read Posts 3-9, but here's the first post on the what happened to Sean Facebook group.
Starting point is 01:10:07 On April 14, 2022, Sean Dority passed away unexpectedly at his home in Yorktown, Virginia, under suspicious circumstances. He was a sixth grader at Tab Middle School and was only 12 years old. at tab middle school and was only 12 years old. Never in our wildest dreams, specifically in 2022, did we think that an investigation could be so biased and assumption-based? We have been dismissed repeatedly. They will tell you that we're crazy, unable to let go. They will tell you that it was a suicide, and it's a cut and dry case. They will say suicide never makes sense. All we ask is that you pull up a chair, hear us out,
Starting point is 01:10:51 and come to your own conclusion. We think you'll agree that there are way too many things that don't add up. Help us find out what really happened to Sean. If you have any information that would aid the investigation, please email what happened to Sean at gmail.com or call our tip line at 804-905-8613. There is a petition online to help get Sean's case reopened, so please take one minute out of your day right now if you can safely. And google change.org what happened to Sean. And the link will come up or just click the link in the description of this episode. There is also a go-fun me
Starting point is 01:11:45 that helps the family pay for the private investigator that they have recently hired, and the link for that is also in the description of this episode. Every person listening to this can help in some way. Whether you sign the petition or donate or just share this episode and his story, we need to put the pressure on and get this family some answers. This is a serious call to action and we're asking for your help. Daphne just said it but I'm gonna say it again. Please sign that petition. Please share this episode. This family needs answers. And his family is so smart to do what they're doing and post all this information on Facebook and unravel it in the way they did with each
Starting point is 01:12:25 different post in such great detail because otherwise there would be no information on this story at all because there's no investigation, there's almost no articles online about this case, no one on the news is talking about it, it's insane. And it gives us a lot of context, you know, like we actually have the full details. Yeah. And in a play by play, every moment in every discrepancy and every detail that seems fishy. Yeah, and it seems like, you know, obviously this happened in April and I, I, I, I've Ramona started posting these posts in August.
Starting point is 01:12:57 So I think after a few months, she was just so fed up and she's like, I need to get this out there somehow. And they thought of this and they did it. And this is how we found the case because so many of our wonderful listeners sent us that very Facebook page. So thank you again to everybody who has sent us this case. Thank you everybody who has already donated
Starting point is 01:13:17 or signed the petition or shared. This is just really one of those cases that we're super passionate about helping in and we really appreciate all your help as well. Alright guys, so for everybody out there in the world, don't be a stranger. Thank you. you

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