Grass Daddies Podcast - Episode 64: On top of the World! [feat. Trace Johnson]

Episode Date: December 30, 2024

In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Jake is joined by the legend himself, Trace "Johnny" Johnson. Trace tells Jake about some of the weird dream loops hes been having before talking about his... recent trip to Vegas which also turned out to be a nightmarish experience. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11 (Trace doesn't have any social media but you can find him on Facebook to send him memes)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So second day, I wake up before Alyssa, I'm like, do I go gamble while I wait for her to wake up? I was like, yes, I do. No, but I will drink a beer, 9.30 in the morning. I will drink a beer. I'm in Vegas. I'm in Vegas. There is no time.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yeah, I'm not driving. Welcome to the You like that podcast i think that blew the mic out a little bit that's what i'm talking about you don't need to be too close with these welcome i'm jake and i'm a grass daddy welcome back trace this is your like third time third time yeah third time um it's been a while um but hold on first of all before we start oh yep maybe check that out maybe not blinking that might you know seizure yeah we need to put a warning up on the screen we'll put a seizure warning at the beginning of the episode but trace um for those of you that don't know is a good friend of mine um buddies from high school and we've been buddies ever since really middle middle school yeah but uh you know we've been we've been uh friends ever since i was the best man at his wedding because
Starting point is 00:01:15 come on let's be real we all know i'm the best man uh for the occasion but um yeah speaking of high school dude i had a dream last night about high school about high school but before we do that let's let's crack into this old mini fridge let's see what we got your laptop yeah no don't worry about it what do we got in here we got some bud heavies some bud have oh the christmas theme christmas theme you know going with the christmas theme even though it's not christmas the day late but um it was just christmas so it's basically still you know when is the when is the appropriate time to stop celebrating christmas Right after Christmas? I mean... After New Year's, maybe? I have a hot take, but I don't like to listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Fair. And then... Valid. I leave the Christmas tree up, though, until probably about, like, until after Easter, because we do Easter decorations. Damn! But all other... After Easter?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah, we do... Damn! do easter decorations on the tree uh but yeah all the christmas decorations besides the tree come down so you're like the opposite of like stores once halloween is done they're oh it's christmas already it's yeah let's go time even not even like i feel like the moment they're starting to run out of their halloween supplies they're like well let's move in yeah the next thing to fill the shelves and it's like already it's like i haven't even trick-or-treated yet yeah and we're already looking at but you're like the opposite you like, we'll do it right on time, but then it's going to stay up for a while. Oh, yeah. Which is valid.
Starting point is 00:03:10 But it's not Christmas anymore. But, and the other thing too is, like, we went to the Lincoln Children's Zoo today. Me with my girlfriend's family. And I was wondering about, like, the Christmas, christmas like the zoo lights how long they stay up and there was a sign there that said they stay on till like the 30th of december right okay so i wonder if like the normal kosher thing is like because new year's is kind of its own holiday it's not really christmas related but it kind of is because it's so close to christmas anyway i mean star city shore still had theirs up when i drove over here right yeah well and the other thing too is like they spend so much time and money to put that up
Starting point is 00:03:58 yeah they're probably going to try to get as much money return like from selling tickets and stuff when money's involved and there's a driving factor for sales and stuff they don't really give a fuck what people think is kosher yeah they'll just if you're gonna buy tickets then it's christmas time come spend money here it's christmas time yeah whether you like it or not right we might fuck around and put it up in july christmas in july christmas in july mother anyways it's been a while since we've had the camera normally because when i have three guys i have it set up over there um but my regular co-hosts are, they're dropping like flies. I mean, they're.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh, yeah. I'm just kidding. They're dead? Yeah. I mean, they're all deceased. I mean, you're the last. I mean, it's the podcast curse. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It's. I better watch my back. I'm next. You are next. No, I don't know. Everyone's on like i said it's yeah it's christmas i think i don't even know i haven't even been on a consistent uploading schedule lately because not that long ago i had covid and with this time of year it's kind of weird with people are in town some people are leaving but thank you for coming over back to my story back to your story yep
Starting point is 00:05:26 lincoln zoo no oh my dream i had oh yeah sorry yep so i had a dream last night and i'm glad i remembered this it was and i don't know about you but i have reoccurring dreams about high school a lot oh really you at all but i do have reoccurring dreams just not about the high school so my reoccurring dream i always have about high school is like i have a late assignment probably because i turned in a lot of late assignments and usually had late assignments yeah because i procrastinated a lot in high school um and i'm always having these dreams where i'm like super angsty because i'm like i have to turn this in but i haven't done it yet so in my dream for whatever reason it was miss jank's class it was like it was english class and we had to do a project where it doesn't really make sense for english but it kind of does it was a project um we had to design like a house or like an apartment some kind of building okay and then
Starting point is 00:06:34 give like a written presentation about it because there was so there was a writing element to it or whatever and i'm like walking in and it's presentation day knowing full well that I haven't done anything. Designed. I haven't even drawn a picture or anything. No rough outline or anything. And I get to my desk and sitting at my seat is like she must have like a default image queued up like ready to go for some people that forgot to do their assignment and she's gonna like make them wing it or something and like give a presentation anyways if they don't have anything so and then i looked over at your
Starting point is 00:07:20 seat and the exact same image of the default apartment was on there and i'm like yeah that's probably what it is because it sounds about right because trace probably didn't do his assignment either so he also got the default apartment image so i thought you would think that's funny because yeah that sounds like us it sounds exactly like us in high school and that's the dream i had last night so speaking of dreams dude have you ever had like a dream loop what do you mean so i've been having these recently and they scare the bejeebus out of me what but essentially it's like a dream where you keep waking up but you're still in the dream and so you keep doing something like everyday occurrences and then you wake up again but you're not awake and then eventually you start to realize i'm stuck
Starting point is 00:08:13 in a loop the first time it happened happened to me i thought i was in a coma like i was like i'm never waking up again yeah like it was that scary like i was but was it just all in the midst of a dream in one night yeah of sleep yeah so it wasn't so like what would happen like you'd be at jet splash and then you would like wake up in bed so the first one it started off where i was like at that dog house that we dogs at that pit bull yeah yeah that one and so i like woke up in the spare bedroom where we would sleep at and i you know got my jet splash clothes on i let the dog out i went to work worked a shift woke up and each time alissa was right next to me in bed and she'd be like just go back to bed and so then i would wake up and they felt like like
Starting point is 00:09:05 eight hour days yeah they felt like i was working a shift oh my god coming home alissa would be like just go to bed and then i would wake up in another dream so in real life you might have been like getting up to pee or something like yeah walking it could have been but in your dream mind it was like a full day yeah oh my god yeah and so then the second time we're back at our place i wake up next to alissa i you know do some laundry or some shit and come back up and alissa's like go to bed each time in the loop she just kept telling me to go to bed like just go to bed and so that makes me think you're like up and about and she's like come on trace go back to bed. And so. That makes me think you're, like, up and about. And she's like, come on, Trace, go back to bed. Like, you might be wandering around sleepwalking or something.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But I told Alyssa about this. And she, like, in real life, like, after the dream. And she was like, that's weird that I kept saying, just go to bed. So she wasn't actually telling you to go to bed. Yeah, she wasn't. In real life. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah. to bed yeah she wasn't in real life yeah oh shit yeah and so then like four or five dream loops in i'm like starting to realize that i'm in a dream like i just so now you're starting to get aware of it in the dream yeah and i don't know if you've heard the theory that if you have like a tattoo or if like you mark your hand and then you go to sleep and you look at your hand in the dream and if that mark's not there for me it's my tattoo if my tattoo's not there on my arm i know i'm in a dream that's crazy yeah and so i would crazy that you're lucid enough to think of that yeah dream so then what do you do when you look down and you don't see i don't see it yeah i just think i'm i'm in a dream like i'm
Starting point is 00:10:46 like obviously i have a tattoo there but then what do you do usually i can start lucid dreaming yeah usually i can start doing whatever the fuck i want but in this scenario i could still do whatever i wanted but if i like woke up it would be another dream and so this happened probably seven eight times that night and then you had seven loops in one night seven loop but yeah like when i finally woke up and you know me i'm not like the guy to fight someone or fight any entity or anything but when i woke up like actually i like pulled myself out of bed like i ripped myself out of bed and i like had my hands up like i was ready to box and i was like there's no one fucking here like other than alissa in bed and i told alissa about it and all she had to say was she was still sleeping she was like i'm sorry that happened to you and i was
Starting point is 00:11:33 just like i i know there's not much you can say it was it happened in my dream but that shit sucked like i didn't think i was gonna wake up i wonder if there's like a name for that or if it's like a condition or if it's i don't know but it's only happened this year never had it happen before kind of it sounds like it just like a fucking it sounds like a fucked up like mushroom or acid trip because you know some of those drugs like salvia there's like crazy time dilations that happen. That could be too. Well, you're not tripping. Well, no, but I could have maybe some residual effects from when I used to. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But it still wouldn't be in your system. I don't know how that works. But anyway, I would just thought I'd bring that up. But like a salvia is like it's 10 minutes of being high, but it can feel like a really long time. Oh, yeah. When you're tripping. But you're just sleeping. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Anyways. Anyways. Pretty good beer, huh? Pretty good beer. Are you still on the Budweiser? Not really. I mean, I'll get it occasionally just for the nostalgia. Them Clydesdales, baby.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So, the main reason we wanted to have you here was not only because it's been a while since we've hung out, but also because you recently went back to Vegas. Vegas, man. And you told me that you had quite a story to tell me. And I was like, hold on, hold on, wait, save it for the pod. Sounds like you've been itching to tell me some of the stuff that went down. So I'm all ears. I'm all headphones.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I would love to hear. So why did you go back? All right. We say it as if it's like, why did you go back? Why would you ever do that to yourself? No, we got, so we must have spent enough money last time we were there to get promos in our email. Because you know how we signed up for those membership cards. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:35 MGM. Yeah, the MGM. Yeah. So we got a promo for, I want to say it was like four nights free. What? Yeah. Four nights free. All we had to do was pay the resort fee, which was like $30 a night.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So it was $30 a night to stay back at the Excalibur. So we were like, we got to go. Like free, you know. Free rooms? So anyway. Can I get another beer? No. No, you may not. no no you may not no you may not there you go so anyway so we will fly into vegas so okay yeah so that'll start i mean
Starting point is 00:14:19 give me every fucking detail you woke up i woke up took a piss i was gonna say took a piss uh no but uh you know i'm a bad flyer like i haven't flown enough times to where i can easily enjoy a flight and the day we left it was cloudy okay rainy okay like the day we left like us when your mom took us it was cloudy rainy yeah but it was this time it was like heavy rain oh shit and so i'm telling alissa i'm like can planes take off in this heavy rain because i you know i haven't been on enough flights to know and she's like oh yeah i was like how do they see through the clouds she's like they've got a button for that or something i don't know why i was picturing alissa just going like i don't know i don't know and just my brain just circling back through it we're gonna die she's like trace go to sleep go to bed you're like no
Starting point is 00:15:16 so we get on the plane i didn't you had a couple beers before, right? Yeah, at the airport bar. Had two beers and a Godfather's pizza slice. That's my go-to. Let's go. Let's go. So the story really starts once we get there. Okay. Take me there.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So the flight was fine. There's quite a bit of turbulence, i i don't know it was fine and we we touched down we were in that same little uber pickup area didn't have a grid system yeah we didn't have a problem actually it's kind of efficient yeah and uh we get all our bags in there we get to the excalibur by the way our uber driver this time didn't say a word so I just I was like I'm not gonna say anything you know did you guys both sit in the back yeah yeah so I was I was like yeah but anyway sounds like you're being chauffeured around and this is where it begins we walk into the hotel and immediately get stopped by one of those employees kind of like that one lady
Starting point is 00:16:23 that was talking about that cow machine it was like one of those ladies yeah and yeah and so she was like how old are you guys and i was like oh i'm 26 at the time it was right before my birthday and then i was like oh this is 24 yeah what day when did you go it was the 18th or the 22nd, I want to say. Of November. Of November. Of November. Yeah. And so we get there and she's like, how old are you? And she's like, do you guys want free vouchers, free gifts and stuff?
Starting point is 00:16:57 And I was like, I like free stuff. I didn't have you there with me to be like, Trace, just ignore. But anyway. Nothing vegas is free and so she takes me and alissa we still have our bags we just got there we haven't even checked in yet right and so she takes us to this like front desk associate and he's like yo i can get you this this this and this for free if you guys want it like 200 in slot play two tickets to two different shows for free um 25 in free play like stuff like that like good stuff like i was like oh hell yeah and he's like all you gotta do is go to this two-hour meeting all you gotta all you gotta do is go to this it's gonna be like an hour and a half to two hour tour of this new casino that we're building and i was like that doesn't sound too bad we didn't have
Starting point is 00:17:51 anything planned today anyway and he was like like can we check in first he's like nope yeah i was like right now yeah essentially i was like so should we check in and go drop our bags off in a room and he was like no no no just drop drop your bags off at the bag concierge. And I was like. And they would take them, label them, grab a ticket, whatever. And so I'm like, okay. We'll label it sucker. They just put sucker on the tag.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Loser. Yeah, idiot. Idiot. So we're like, okay, we do that. We get back to the front desk guy. He's like, I got a taxi for you. Like, let me walk you over there. It's free.
Starting point is 00:18:27 The taxi ride there was free. So we go. I'm like, oh, we're getting free stuff. I'm sitting in this taxi. I'm like, I was like, yeah, I was like, Loki, hour and a half, two hours. That's not too bad. And we get there and we had to wait in a lobby. Like we gave him our names and they're like, okay, just sit down.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Where was it? It was down on the strip, but way down. Like you couldn't walk to the other hotels down. Like that's how far down it was. We didn't go this far down last time when we were there. And so the only thing next to this casino were pretty much just like restaurants and one other casino across the street. That's all there was.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I was like, man, this is pretty far off the strip. Anyway, we get there. You feel like you're not supposed to be there? Yeah. We wait for 30 minutes for them to call our name. I was like, you know. Are there a bunch of other people there? Yeah, a bunch of other people waiting in this waiting room okay they finally call our names we get this bigger
Starting point is 00:19:29 lady who's supposed to be giving us the tour but she's like oh yeah and i forgot to mention the dude at the front desk said there's gonna be good food uh there's gonna be free drinks you know stuff like that so what time of day is this it would have been like 3 30 p.m on the dot okay and so we get there we finally get called it's a bigger lady so she's obviously moving very slowly and i was as they do i was like alissa this is gonna be terrible and so she starts giving us the tour but first she's like i'm gonna get her like one of those walmart scooters on god yeah i would have been faster but uh she was like let's eat first and i was like okay they i was like they promised us some good food you know you don't say this lady wanted to eat first in my mind i'm picturing like shrimp and like i don't know steak buffet something yeah buffet style free food no the worst ham and cheese sandwich on like a hamburger bun
Starting point is 00:20:40 with worse than a school grabbing right yeah one piece of lettuce and one tiny little tomato slice just a little tomato slice and then one bag of lay's potato chips baked or unbaked so i'm like uh okay i eat two bites of this dry ass sandwich like can a brother get some miracle whip i yes that's what i was thinking but i was like i'm just not gonna eat this i'll wait till we get back to the hotel and like i said he said an hour to two hour or an hour and a half to two hour tour we were there for three hours oh my god and it wasn't really a tour it was to buy a timeshare the timeshare the timeshare and so we're on this three-hour tour she keeps asking us she's like pointing out some cool stuff about this casino don't get me wrong but the whole time i'm like
Starting point is 00:21:39 i'm just here for the free stuff and so she's pointing out they got like a whole was this like a a casino that was being built or something because they said a new casino so there was going to be a casino built across the street from it but they wanted to get rid of the rooms at this one like so for those of for people that don't understand a timeshare plan scam whatever notorious tourist destinations will have something like this where essentially they're trying to goad you into like purchasing like a room or a condo in some sort of resort resort villa whatever and then like when you're not there because obviously this is just going to be a vacation spot for you then someone else can use that room and essentially pay you rent yeah yeah like you would have to try to find clients to fill this timeshare to even make your money back right right which is probably improbable
Starting point is 00:22:54 that's why they have to try to scam people into doing it yeah because it's not the most advantageous business plan no so that's why they kind of try to sucker tourists into it by throwing stuff in their face like, free this, free that. Free that, yep. No offense. No, I mean, he didn't say it was a timeshare. He said it was a tour of a new hotel. Right. So he lied.
Starting point is 00:23:21 He essentially lied to my face. I'm tired. I just got off a plane. It's only 3.30, you know. So you get done about 6.30. It was like, yeah, 6.30. So it's dark at this point. I went in.
Starting point is 00:23:35 It was day. I went out. It was nighttime. I did not like it. But anyway, so yeah, I mean, a lot of the stuff at the hotel was really cool or like casino they had like a podcast room in the middle of the casino floor yeah where like people would go in i don't i don't even remember what the i think it was called the grand view but i could be wrong on that you can fact check me later i believe you okay good point and so yeah a lot of this stuff was really cool they had bowling
Starting point is 00:24:07 alleys that if we did purchase you know it'd be free for us to use like you would have access to this to all these free stuff they had grills outside that we could just use like we could just buy so was it like apartments like condos it was like condos yeah essentially and and all of this sounds cool but they're pretty expensive if i'm not mistaken right that's part of the reason why it's not that advantageous so okay yeah so she kept asking us every about half an hour so are you guys gonna say yes we're like, no, no. We just came here for the free stuff. She's like, all right, I'm going to keep pitching it to you, though, every 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Well, she's getting paid to pitch it to you whether you want to or not. Yeah. And so finally the three hours have gone by, and Alyssa was like on her phone checking the time just because she was like, if it goes past three hours, I'm going to say give us our free shit and let's go but oh yeah because i was thinking about i wouldn't be as nice and i'd probably be like i don't want to do this can i leave and then they'd probably be like well you have to stay till the end if you want your free stuff yeah and at that point if i'm this far in you kind of have to right but uh i'd be like can we cut the bullshit like
Starting point is 00:25:26 we're not buying this right you lied to us this is a timeshare thing yep i just wanted 200 in free slot play right yep and so i don't even give a fuck about carrot top i just want the 200 and so we get to the end and some she's like let me go get the dude with the paperwork and he's gonna get you your free stuff i was like okay we finally got out of here all we have to do is make it through and then leave no this guy proceeds to bring a paper with the pricing on it for the timeshare and he's like slides the paper across the table and he's like do these numbers look good for you like to buy and i look at it do you remember what they were the total cost was like fifteen thousand dollars thought you would just have to pay right there no just i would make
Starting point is 00:26:20 monthly payments but then there was a thousand dollar deposit. I would have had to pay right there. Right. And then I think it was like, I needed to pay $200 a month. But even if I did all of that, I would still have to pay $259 to come here. Essentially whenever I wanted, even though being a member,
Starting point is 00:26:41 I'd still have to pay $259 to stay for a week. Granted, like $259 for the whole week isn't bad. But like you said, it's like you kind of have to find people to fill those slots. Otherwise, it's just not worth it. And so I'm like, no, like this number you're showing us is way more than either of us had in our bank accounts. Like what the fuck i was like i physically cannot pay you yeah and he was like okay let me go get your free stuff and we wait another five minutes he comes back with a new piece of paper
Starting point is 00:27:14 a new offer slides it to me the difference was it was now like 11 000 with a like 800 deposit dude you've got him right where you want him johnson and i was like bro i was like we cannot afford this and he was like why not you're like read my lips right where's my free shit right and so he's like why not this is a really good deal and i was like no and he's like okay i pretty much told him bro i'm i'm ready to leave i cannot pay i cannot pay that i've we just got here like i'm fresh off a plane our luggage is god no god knows where in the concierge room i haven't seen my room right i haven't even checked in and so he was okay. And then he finally gets us the free shit. We walk outside.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Another couple walks out. And they go, did they try to get you too? And we were like, uh-huh. We were just here for the free shit. And the husband was like, Lord knows. I was here for the free shit. And so finally. I thought you were going to say a couple was walking in and you
Starting point is 00:28:25 were like leave if i would yeah if i would have saw a couple trying to walk in i would have been like don't do it get out get it out now get out now worth it and so we get all of our free shit the 200 in free slot play was to one specific hotel called the casino royale we go there not same day not same day but i'm just trying to give you a premise of how where's the casino royale it was in between so it was on the other side of caesar's palace but it was in between caesar's palace and paris in the paris hotel so you know where we uh drank at beer park that bar sure it was in between caesar's palace and paris in the paris hotel so you know where we uh drank at beer park that bar sure it was just a little ways further down kind of by the guitar yeah yeah across from bellagio me yeah yep and so we get in there we're like hey we got this two hundred dollars
Starting point is 00:29:22 free slot use and the lady's like yep you're gonna have to go over there to the sign that says like waiver slot games like pretty much for this use we go over there there's probably 12 machines eight of them don't work and the only way to win money off this 200 free slot play was if we hit the jackpot oh my god so it's not a universal 200 nope it was for specific slots at a specific casino and even if you won like it said sometimes you'd win like a buck 52 it would just go zero it had to be the major yeah whatever yeah which is impossible which is impossible oh my god yeah and we were supposed to brendan and chloe were there and we were supposed to hang out with them that night and i tell them i'm like bro i we just wasted three hours of our first day here like we'll just hit you up tomorrow and meet up they're like all right that we'll meet you
Starting point is 00:30:26 after our we get this uh meeting for this new hotel i would be like no don't do it don't do it and okay so there was one event so that was your first day first First day. And like I said. The moment your wheels hit the tarmac. Yep. And like I said. Ready to play some quick hit blitz. Those, the $200 and free play ticket or whatever, we didn't use the same day. We were just, I was just trying to tell you how fucked up that was. But everything else turned out as good as it could have been. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:31:01 But, okay. So, second day. I wake up before Alyssa. I'm like, do I go gamble while I wait for her to wake up? I was like, hmm. Yes, I do. No, but I will drink a beer. 9.30 in the morning. I will drink a beer.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I'm in Vegas. I'm in Vegas. There is no time. Yeah, I'm not driving. So, we wake up. We down once elisa wakes up we gamble for a little bit and then we went to because you're at um excalibur right yeah take your time take your time you're welcome. Thank you. So the second day, we gambled.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I hit up Brendan. I was like, yo, what are your plans for the day? And he was like, we're going to go to Area 15. Where did they stay? They stayed. I'm trying not to interrupt you, but I'm just trying to give you details about your story. You're good. To be honest, I don't remember where they stayed.
Starting point is 00:32:07 But I should also give you this background, too. While we were there, the F1 races were supposed, or like they were setting up for the F1 races that were that weekend. And so you know how easy it was for us to walk this strip when we were there? Just like pretty much you pick a side and you can just walk. Yeah go across one of the yeah bridges and you can just keep walking yeah right every everything was so confusing they had shit blocked off left and right you had to like go up into a casino go around go down fucking little barriers or whatever yeah all the barriers they were putting up i mean like it was non-stop just how do we get over there how do we get over there let's keep trying to figure it out
Starting point is 00:32:52 and so you have to ask someone and they're just like you'll have to pay me for the answer yeah um you have to go through that casino but you got to pay to get in because there's a cover you're like it's a fucking casino that steals money from people right and so that first day we try to go find that casino royale to use those bogus ass slot plays because brendan and chloe are going to area 15 i'm like i don't really want to do that again like it was fun the first time when we went but imagine they were like oh yeah that's on our east coast location the casino like completely across yeah like you would have no no no oh oh like you can't get to it anywhere close to here anyways so you went to area 15 that's where no i we didn't go, so you went to Area 15. That's where. No, we didn't go, but that's where they were going.
Starting point is 00:33:48 But that's where we went that had that Meow Wolf. Meow Wolf. Yeah. And I was like, yeah, that was cool and all, but. It was all right. Yeah, we don't really need to spend. What was it, like 40, 50 bucks a person? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Something like that. So we're like, nah, we'll just catch up with you later. So we go, we walk around um we did something else i can't remember but we used those slot tickets that were bogus shit terrible never do it timeshare is a scam um and then we met up with brendan and chloe at beer park later in the night okay yeah yeah and so at this point i've had probably like six maybe seven of the the the only beers that they sell in the casino the 25 ounce the big silos yeah the big silos that's all i had been drinking which we recently learned on the
Starting point is 00:34:41 last pod are called hobo cans have you ever heard heard that? Hobo cans or Hobokans? Hobo. Hobo cans. I could understand why they would call it that. Because hobos drink them? Yeah, it's like the biggest size they can get for the cheapest price, I guess. And they barely have any money. I usually see them with like 40s.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I don't know if you remember at Da Vinci's, they would have the 40s in their hand. But we go to Beer Park. We're eating with them. You know, Brendan, he's pretty chill. I've had a few. A couple more than a few. We drink more at Beer Park. Beers?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Or did you get like a... Alyssa and I split the truffle fries, like fries like what they had that area 15 but it was at beer park and those are really good no i meant like did you get like uh like one of the like the slushy oh i didn't know i was just drinking straight beer pretty much that whole day straight beer straight beer um and then you know we chatted up we go our separate ways and i'm drunk as shit and we're trying to walk back to our hotel alissa's a little buzzed um smelled a beer so she had like buzz she had like two drinks and she was like i'm feeling it and she at one point she was like holding onto my arm when we were in the casino and she was like don't lose me oh god i was like i don't think i could possibly lose you but anyway we ate at
Starting point is 00:36:07 public house again and we shared those nachos oh that one sports bar yep and they had those shirts that say do it in public on the back i don't know if you remember that i don't know they had an eating challenge didn't they yes it was like nine dollars or some shit yeah and it was it was like you had to eat like five double cheeseburgers in a in a whole milkshake stack wasn't it yeah yes and i was like i don't think i could do that within a day and all you get is like an hour i think or something yeah it was like a shirt and then your meal was free but i was like ain't no way anybody's then your meal was free, but I was like, ain't no way anybody's doing like, I was looking around trying to see like,
Starting point is 00:36:49 does anyone have this on their plate? No, no. They've got it specifically designed so that they're going to make money off of that. Oh yeah. And they didn't card us either. I have public house.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Nice. I might be getting them trouble, but anyway, we'll bleep the name anyway so so now it's probably pretty late in the night hey don't tell anyone pretty late in the night and this is like the first time we're like actually just gonna gamble until the night's over and so we're gambling alissa's getting pretty tired. She goes to bed. I stay up. And I'm like. Take a couple runs to the ATM, did we?
Starting point is 00:37:30 I'm like, no, honestly. Okay, okay. First night. Did you give yourself a limit? 200? Yes. This time my limit was, I think it was 400 again. 400? Yeah, because that's what I lost last time.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Okay. And I go to the virtual roulette table. Okay. And I go to the virtual roulette table. Okay. I'm sitting there for probably about an hour and a half, maybe two hours, feeling good. After she goes to bed? After she goes to bed. So I put in one $20 bill. Are you hitting darts?
Starting point is 00:38:00 I'm hitting darts. Yeah. Because I can only smoke cigarettes when I'm in Vegas. Right. Oh, is that your rule he has made for you? Yeah, or like if we're at a party and someone has cigs. Okay. Drunk cigs. Yeah, I just can't buy them unless I'm in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Okay. So Alyssa goes to bed. I'm hitting this roulette table. Let's go. Virtual roulette. Black, red, red, black, black. I put in my 20. And I'm playing both of the machines oh like i'm at first i was just focused on one until i went up like i went up
Starting point is 00:38:32 50 bucks from my original 20 i was like you know what i'm pretty drunk i think i'm gonna pop this hat at all and i'm hitting both of these that's how it felt low-key i was just so buzzed off the nicotine and drunk off of drinking because they they come up and offer you free beer when you're at it at a place for so long and you're like yes like before they keep them coming i would see one out of the peripheral and i was get over here hey you and i'm sitting there like said, hour and a half goes by. I'm up 120 bucks.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Hey. And I was like, this is fucking awesome. So you put 20 in and you're up 120. I'm up 120. And then this gay couple sits down by me. And I did something. Two girls or two boys? Two boys.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Two boys. And I. Yeah. Guys. I hope. down by me and i've i did something girls or two boys two boys two boys and i yeah no guys i hope wait what anyways anyways and i did something i probably shouldn't do when you're in vegas and drunk but i'm just winning my money placing my down. I see them sit down behind me. They have like a tall can. It's okay. That's emotional. They have a tall can, and it's lime green. I was like, hey, what are you guys drinking?
Starting point is 00:39:57 He was like, Bud Light Lime. And I was like, I've never had one of those before. He was like, do you want to try it? It was already open. He had already been drinking from it. Sober me would have been. You took a drink from the stranger's can? Sober me would have been like, oh, I might have to try that sometime.
Starting point is 00:40:16 But drunk me was like, yeah, I'll take a sip. I'll put my mouth on anything. He could have drugged it. He could have been like i'm gonna rape this guy tonight but they were pretty nice they were from uh where were they oh they were from france no shit yeah from france uh and we had a conversation we're chilling and now i'm up like 180 damn i like place a bet i checked drinking my beer i'm drinking his beer i hit one more hit waiting for the ball to spin i check my phone it's 2 30 in the morning yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:40:53 and so i'm like okay and then i think i lost that one but i was like i'm gonna put one more 40 bet on What bets were you making? Were you just betting on colors or numbers? Just colors. Colors and the 1 to 18 and the 19 to 36. I was just purely looking at odds. Like columns and... I thought I broke the system like we thought with the quick hits.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I mean, we did. I was winning so much money. I mean, we broke Vegas. Yeah, we did. We stole. We stole money. We ended up losing but we if we did quit while we were ahead we we would have had money we would have had money and not been broke
Starting point is 00:41:31 hey i i would argue that i because it's a trip right if you're up 40 you're not just gonna be done especially on the first second day you're gonna be done when you leave because you're on a vacation trip yeah but let's say you live by vegas and you go i'm gonna stop in real quick and hit the quick hit blitzes until i get a bonus and then i'm gonna go home yeah that's that'd be perfectly fine then i feel like i would have a good system down yeah anyways anyways so 180 i'm up 180 i lose you know whatever 20 bet i had so i'm up 160 i'm like i'm gonna hit this 40 bet and go to bed i put it on black i'm pretty sure is what it was and i look over at the gay dudes and i kind of like look at them in their eye and i'm like
Starting point is 00:42:31 if i hit this i'm leaving like i said it like that i was like if i hit this i'm leaving and so it's spinning and they were like good luck bro it's spinning it's spinning hits black and i go i'm on top of the world and i was like i yelled that you yelled that in a vegas casino even though i was only up at that point 200 200 and my drunk ass to 20 to 200 that's a what 200 percent yeah yeah essentially i might have got that wrong out of zero i don't know you know and so i don't pull my card out i forget my card in there i don't realize it yet how many times did you do that only that night because you did that all the time all the time alissa would usually remind me but she wasn't there with me that her handler wasn't there my handler wasn't there and so i get up to the hotel room i open the door mind you it's 2 30 in the morning and i walk into our hotel room and i go i'm on top of the world in case you didn't hear it from downstairs
Starting point is 00:43:38 right and alissa goes great go to bed it was a dream no oh my god no but i i thought it was one of your dreams no no no oh you fucking but brendan thinks that that's where i got that part from my dream telling you to go to go to bed so i'm like okay i'll go to bed i'm like putting my wallet away and i noticed i don't have my card on me. And I'm like, I forgot my card downstairs. She was like, it's fine. But did you have your ticket? I had my ticket. Your $200 ticket?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah, just not my card. She was like, that's okay. You've done it before. We can just get it, a new one down there. I was like, no. I got to go get this. Not this one. Not this one.
Starting point is 00:44:20 It's my lucky one. Not this time. So I sprint down the hallway hallway get in the elevator go down sprint through the casino i'm sure people were looking at me like i mean they're like that guy's on top of the world i didn't put my shoes back on i'm running around with my socks and i walk up to the gay guys and i go i forgot And they were like, yeah, you better grab that. Like casually, like as if I didn't just scream, I'm on top of the world and left. Yeah, you better grab that.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And so that ended that night. Then the next day. Oh my God. It's funny how, because the last time we had gone to Vegas, I came back with quite a story. It seems like if you just apply yourself a little bit, when you go to Vegas, you will come home with a story.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. But the next day is where everything kind of went downhill. So, so I'd say first night downhill, second uphill. I mean, on top of the world. On top of the fucking world. You're on Mount Everest.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Third day, we go eat lunch. At this point, Alyssa's like, I kind of want some comfort food. So there was a food court. She's still down from the timeshare thing. She's still down on the dom. Well, no, she had fun. She had fun the night before. But yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:43 She was like, I kind of want, I saw Panda was in that food court. And I was like, okay, I won't get Panda, but I'll eat. Oh, there's a Del Taco in Excalibur. I was like, I'll go with you to Panda and then we'll get me some Del Taco because I had never had it before. Were those one workers still at that one burger place? Oh, I don't know. I don't think I ever walked past there this time because we were in your tower
Starting point is 00:46:05 this time we were in the oh yeah the resort yeah you were in the resort strip yep and the view was pretty good we got a pretty good suite so we go to panda surprisingly with how expensive all the restaurants are the fast food places were only like two dollars more than what they would have been here so because i looked into canes and i was like i was like trying to just figure out what a box combo would be it was only like 16 bucks so i was like honestly that's not as bad as i thought it would be but anyway uh so after we do that alissa's like i want to go to new woo don't even say that fucking word i want to go to new woo so we get new very we go to when you sent me that fucking picture of new woo i was out of ptsd
Starting point is 00:46:59 not really but i was like god it's even more ominous in the daytime. You saw that picture and you're like. No, no, no. So we get there and you know. But I did say I took it and I showed Lena like that's the bench that I went to sit down on. And then I promptly got up and ran to the bathroom because I thought I was going to throw up. Yep. into the bathroom because i thought i was gonna throw up yep and to give you a little a little background it was only like 60 degrees at best there yeah like in the sun it felt good but alissa got a joint and i got a drink this time a thc drink yeah a thc drink that was called margarita and i was like okay sounds not like marga weeda or anything just
Starting point is 00:47:46 margarita i was like but it wasn't a margarita no okay no alcohol in it whatsoever okay tasted like a margarita but anyway alissa chooses to she wants to smoke on the bench i'm like okay that's fine i can sit down and drink it's kind of chilly pre-rolled joint we were in the shade i was like i'm not packed for this like right i was like fuck it's cold so like the same bench we sat down on yeah yeah like i think it was the exact same thing no no no and uh so she got a pre-rolled joint she got herself yeah and i got the drink and that's all we got right and so i drank pretty much half of my drink and take i took maybe like two puffs off the joint i was feeling it i was faded into hope it was bad do you think like from
Starting point is 00:48:36 the from the drink or like how do they i don't know how do they determine the strength like i don't know how edible in terms of milligrams yeah i think it is in terms of milligrams like this is a 30 milligram drink but i don't know how that equates to like a gram blunt you know i don't is that how much the blunts are one gram i think the joint she got was either one or 0.75 gram. So it was close to 1 gram. But then how do they determine the percentage of how strong it is? I couldn't tell you. But I felt high from the joint.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And they didn't have Royal Gorilla, right? They didn't. Because it should be banned. That shit was laced with PCP. It had to be. But no, I had a couple of hits off the joint, and I was feeling it. And then we get back to Excalibur. You were on top of the world in a different way.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I was on top of the world in a different way. And, oh, I forgot to mention that morning, since I did feel on top of the world, we went to the Primrose, and I got those bottomless mimosas again. Okay. So I pretty much used that ticket to pay for like, pretty much it paid for the whole meal and I still had like 80 some bucks. Right. Because I got the steak and eggs because I was like, I'm balling out. Steak and eggs.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I'm balling out. Because I was like, last time I think I got the biscuits and gravy and they weren't that good right anyway right now you're on top of the world right now i'm on top of the world yeah we get back to the hotel we get to our room and i'm like i kind of need to lay down i'm zooted i was like i'm i'm feeling like i didn't know if it was like the drink or just the two puffs off the joint, but I was like, I need to lay down. So I lay down. Friends was on the TV. Alyssa's enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:50:30 How's Alyssa feeling? She's enjoying it. She smoked pretty much that whole thing. I guess she left a little bit so she could smoke the next morning or whatever. And so I'm like, I need to take a nap. So you're super high. I'm super high need to take a nap so you're super high i'm super high i take a nap the rest of the day i felt like jittery and so then so like i said i'd cash that voucher out so i had it all in cash on me we're going to meet no we did something i can't remember anyway we were walking by a group of people that were like yo yo you want to buy my c or you want a cd like they're a group of rappers i was like no no
Starting point is 00:51:13 i don't have any money to give you you're like you know what i am kind of into new music they're like you just got to take a three-hour tour you're like no not again not again uh but they were like oh no it's free i'm like okay again like i said i didn't have you with me to just be like no because last time we went when anybody tried to scam us you were just like no good or no we're good thanks and we just walked past them alissa didn't help me with that she would let me she would let me interact with these people and he's like here it's free i was like oh if it's free i'll take it he was like we would just like any donations you can give us i was like okay i think i got a five in my wallet he's like anything up to
Starting point is 00:51:55 20 would be good so i'm like i'm like you know? I'm on top of the world. Here's a 20. Another guy runs up to me. Yo, but I'm part of the band too. Yo, hook me up. And I'm like, fuck, I just gave this guy a 20. I was like, okay. Like, I just gave your boy a 20. You guys can go split it.
Starting point is 00:52:17 That's what I said at first. He was like, no, no, no. Like, he gets to keep that. And I was, I don't know. I was high. Like, I was out of it. I was like, okay, here's a 20. And the third guy comes up to me. No. He was like like I was out of it I was like okay here's a 20 and the third guy comes up to me and no he was like I'm the one who introduced you guys and Alyssa just grabs my
Starting point is 00:52:30 arm and she pulls me away and I'm just like I'm sorry guys she's pulling me away so I got didn't she do that like 30 seconds ago I she was letting me learn and it was I mean that she's also and she's also high so it's probably for the best that i just kind of went with it and uh so i lost 40 bucks to a couple of rappers on the street was the music any good i don't i didn't even listen to the cd but you got the cd i i don't know what happened i think alissa threw it away and so I didn't even get to listen to see if the music was any good. I know. I didn't even get to enjoy the CD that you paid $40 for.
Starting point is 00:53:08 $40 for, which is like 30 times more than a CD. Imagine you pop it into a CD player and it's just like, I scammed your bitch ass. You shouldn't have bought that shit, you idiot. And every day we keep walking streets get more and more blocked off by the f1 stuff and also this is kind of shady or not shady but i'd say on some fuck shit they were like tarping the side i don't know if it was for our safety or just so that we had to pay to watch the F1 race, but they were tarping it.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So you couldn't see through. What do you mean tarping it? So they were putting up like the blocks or the barricades and then they'd put up fences and then they'd put these black tarps on the fences so you couldn't see through them. Okay. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Just like on the street. That's what you'd think. So I was like, well, maybe if we went up there. No, like where were the black tarps? Oh, yeah. They were along the street. And I was like, oh, well, maybe like everywhere pretty much where the track was going. I was like, oh, well, maybe if, if you know like it wasn't supposed to start like time trials or practices were on the last day we were there last night
Starting point is 00:54:30 that we were going to stay and so i was like i i bet we could probably like go up on the bridge or something and if we got there early enough we'd get in front of a line or something to watch watch them go by right no they tarped those two wait so because what day were you there we were there like what day did you get there we were there monday tuesday monday was the first day tuesday wednesday thursday was the last night and when was the f1 starting the f1 wasn't gonna the races races weren't gonna start until i think saturday but they were doing they were gonna do practice laps and time trials gotcha so i was like oh you know eventually i was thinking on our last day we could go try to watch them nope on that on that third
Starting point is 00:55:17 day i noticed oh they're tarping the bridge too cool so they're like are they driving part of the route on the strip yeah yeah some of it was on the strip and alissa's co-worker was there at the same time we were but she was staying at the bellagio and she was high enough up and had a view of the strip to where she could see you might even say she was on top of the world she was on top of the world. She was on top of the world. That's what we're titling this episode. We might as well. We might as well. I'm on top of the world. And.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I will forget. I will forget. And so. Back to where I was going with this. So we went to the Hershey factory. Yeah, I was going to say, did you go to any exhibits? Like, did you make it a point to, like, well, because that was my biggest thing with Vegas was, like, there's so much shit. You can't do it all.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Right. Everything costs money. Mm-hmm. You know, I can't do it all right everything costs money you know i can't do it all and it almost feels like you're missing out while you're there because like for example while we were in the luxor there's like a titanic exhibit yep they still had that we're not doing that because we're doing this playground thing and they also had the king tut exhibit right so like what all like the hershey's like what all did you do that we didn't we went to the king tut exhibit that was one of the tickets we got for free from doing that time share bullshit so was that legit yeah actually i did fuck with that because i mean i i'm sure you remember we learned a lot about Egyptian stuff in our religion class just because the Jews were in Egypt for a good section of Genesis or whatever they were there for.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Whatever books they were in. Exodus. Yeah, they were leaving. Okay. So, yeah, that. Anyway. So, that was pretty cool it was king tut's tomb they showed us all about how you know his dad i want to say was wanting one god which was the sun god but then king tut took over and he was like nah fuck one god when i can have all the gods and then you know talked about how he died and whatnot and showed us like all the different types of like weapons they would use
Starting point is 00:57:53 during that time era in ancient egypt yeah and they had like a whole bunch of obviously they were fake relics and i even pointed at them i was like those aren't real like look at the painting on them yeah that's not real but i get the gist of what they're trying to do it was worth it and then the hershey's didn't cost anything like it's just a store you can walk into oh it's not an exhibit or no museum or anything but they had these massive hershey bars like i'm talking like like it was actually chocolate and i was i was i would hope i was concerned for anybody's life who would buy them because they were just like two foot long yes like like i wouldn't but god they were fucking big like how thick were they how much do you think they weighed oh i want to say they were like 25 pounds
Starting point is 00:58:47 or something like that that's a hefty job bar yeah like giant chocolate bar it was like 60 bucks and i just looked at those and i was like we ain't getting those on the plane ain't no way you're doing that no and so we did that we did the m&m store which was also free and then we went to this art museum okay and we meet this very funny character i was gonna say are there any characters on this trip oh besides the heavy lady and the gay couple. And, and like all the actual characters that are on the street that are dressed up, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:59:33 But that actually. The rappers. Yeah. I guess you have told me a bunch of characters. Yeah. Anyways. That actually brings me to a funny point. It's short and sweet, but there is these two guys.
Starting point is 00:59:43 One was dressed up as Mario and one was dressed up as mario and one was dressed up as luigi and one of like this family was walking by and they're like oh look it's mario and then the guy in the luigi costume goes well what about luigi they're like luigi's a murderer have you seen the news anyways anyway so we go to this art museum. And it was all virtual. Like there's no actual paintings there. Just all virtual. Like projections and stuff? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Like the wall was a screen. Right. Like all the walls were screens. And you know me. I love art. But I don't need the physical painting there for me to enjoy a painting. But anyway, we get there. It's supposed to be $ enjoy a painting but anyway we get there it's supposed to be 40 bucks a person we're like that's fine we expected that in vegas but this guy comes
Starting point is 01:00:31 out he's wearing he's wearing one of their branded sweatshirts okay and we're like this guy wants to talk to us he's like hey are you guys about to buy tickets we're like yeah he was like well here's how you do it on here and so we start pulling it up you start pulling it up and uh he's like do you guys have cash and we were like no even though we did he was like well i could get you a better deal if you guys had cash on you and alissa was like i've got cash on me and he was like okay so here's what we're gonna do oh my god what and here's what here's what we're gonna do you're gonna hand me your phone with the cash underneath i'm gonna pretend to scan it and then i'm gonna escort you guys in and so i'm looking at a list i'm like this sounds like a scam this sounds like a scam so bad and so she put only 40 bucks under her phone so enough
Starting point is 01:01:35 to get one person in you know if we would have paid for him legitly and we're just like this seems so sus like i don't I don't think this is real. So we give it to him. He just goes, beep, and takes it away from him. Did he make a beep sound with his mouth? Yep. With his mouth? Legit beep sound.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And he's like looking around. He's like looking around. Beep. Scans the second one. So is this just a guy that's trying to do a side hustle? I think so so because then he in fact escorted us in it was like these guys are good and so i was like so he was posing as a worker i think he was a worker you can just give me 40 dollars and i'll just let you guys go in
Starting point is 01:02:20 right for the price of one yes and make them think i scanned your 80 dollars worth of tickets and so this whole time we're thinking oh my god we're gonna get scammed that is 40 bucks bro and he did that for us escorted us in the whole place was beautiful i don't remember what it was called but it was kind of by uh it was by that one that has the drinks at the top that you were talking about. The Melapolitan? Is that what it's called? Neapolitan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:50 No. No, that's not it. Is it Neapolitan? Neapolitan is the ice cream. Yeah. Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan, yeah. That's a drink.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Yeah. Cosmopolitan. Oh. It was where that hotel is. But I think that's what it is. Cosmo. oh it was where that hotel but i think that's what it is cosmopolitan las vegas yep cosmopolitan it was by there it was beautiful that's what you thought with the drinks because that's what it's called yeah it was beautiful there's a whole bunch of art and there was this one room where it was like you can cut it was like an animal coloring page it was like you can color what colors you want on the animal
Starting point is 01:03:31 and you can scan it and that animal will go up on the wall that's sweet yeah and so it's like interactive too yeah it was like all of these animals that other people had made and put up on the screen and so alissa and i drew one in, put it up there. Someone fucking made a swastika or a dick or something. Honestly, I was surprised no one used any profanity. Yeah, you would think. Or like drew a dick or like any of the... Well, they might be able to scan it.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Or like see that and delete it. Yeah, that's very possible. So we did that we went to the bellagio to see the garden again yeah it was a hundred percent different the whole garden was not the same they had winter flowers out the whole thing they have like the carriages and like the princesses and whatnot the princesses or oh yeah yeah they had like the mockingbird the teapots when we were there they didn't have that this time none of it was the same what it was they change it a lot yeah it was set up for christmas oh giant teddy bear big gingerbread house they had a big tree they had this train track with a train on it that had a gopro that you could like they had these screens set up that you could watch what the train scene
Starting point is 01:04:52 as it goes around the the velagio garden vegas is such a fucking tourist crazy bro and we're going back in june or july but. Anyway. You love Vegas, huh? Don't you? Well, that one's going to be for Alyssa. She's got some girls going to a pageant. Right. And you're like, well, I'm going to Vegas. I might as well tag along, I guess.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Ah, fuck. You played some quick hit blitzes, though. I did. I saw some videos of you and Alyssa. Yeah, I did win some money. And the majority. Were you doing our system where we would get the bonus hop hop get the bonus hop seat yep and i'm telling you man that's the strat that's the strat and this lady had to have been pissed one of these times that we did it because she was not winning and i was on the machine next to her and she was like fuck this i'm going to this
Starting point is 01:05:45 one so then i hit the bonus on mine i hopped over to hers it took me like three tries and i got the bonus i was like while we were doing that did she see you hit the phone yep she watched me she watched the whole mini game and everything just to see she's probably preying on my downfall and i won like i think i won like 50 bucks you hopped two seats over and then well at that point i was like i'm just gonna go around you know that corner that had more on the other side i was like i'm just gonna go over there yeah there's like 12 of them yeah dude when we were doing that and then we ran out because we hit all of them because it was two of us going at once so it went twice as fast i remember like we we went to those like one of them had like chicks on it or whatever i remember when we were doing that there was a lady playing her machine
Starting point is 01:06:37 that must have ran out and she got up to go get more money oh yeah we sat down in her seat i won the bonus and i hopped up and left before she even saw me there the seat was still warm she had just left moments ago to get more money and i stole her bonus and so then we met up with brendan and chloe again and ate at just like a bar that was inside the excalibur i got some chicken tenders because i was still kind of like faded like i wasn't high but i just the third day still yeah i just wasn't feeling right you know like i was just like i don't know you know like i'm just not feeling good vegas weed man and so i took one bite of these chicken tenders and i was like didn't feel well i didn't feel like eating them but then i like had a beer and i downed the beer
Starting point is 01:07:36 and i felt drink your way out of it yeah i drank my way out of it the chicken tender still tasted like shit so i was like well i'll find something later i'm sure i'll stay up and so then that night i hit those roulette uh the virtual i went back and this was like this was like she i think pulled out 100 she either pulled out 100 or 200 because she lost inevitably 200 but she also lost a lot of the money that i won but to be fair i was like i came into vegas with more money than she had and i was like yeah like you can use my spare money i mean you are married now yeah technically everything should be split 50 50 so i was like yeah here you go she'd come back up to me i need more money can i have some more money i'd be like well i did just win more on the roulette table did you feel like just
Starting point is 01:08:31 an absolute pimp i i kind of did like at some point i was like handing a list of money i need another one how many you need baby how much you? How much do you want, baby? 40? 40? See how long that gets. So she... You better turn that into 80 now. She was playing on some like... I don't know why it became like... She was playing on some Alice in Wonderland type slot game.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And then she... This might be out of the time preference or the timeline, but she came up to me and showed me the Snapchat video. You know how I said her coworker went there? Showed me the Snapchat video of her coworker's slot machine going up, up, up, $2,000. What? She won $2,000. What game?
Starting point is 01:09:20 Just some slot. I don't even remember what slot it was. What do you mean going up, up, up? Like, the numbers just kept going higher and higher until eventually it stopped at $2,000. And then she went and bought a Gucci bag. Was it like an older-style slot? No, it was one of the newer ones with all the images and stuff on the screen. Okay, so it wasn't like the three roller whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Shit. $2,000. Could you imagine if we would have done that? I would have quit. I would have been able to feel way better about my spending on the trip. I was going to say, we were winning like $75, $50 here and there. Our bonuses were like 80 yeah but if i would have won two thousand dollars yeah i would have stopped i would have been like jake i'm taking well i
Starting point is 01:10:13 wouldn't have stopped i would have put aside right at least like 1500 of it and exactly i'm gonna give you have 500 if you win 2000 you can still walk out of there with money and like when we went our we put our limit at like two three hundred you could take two three hundred from that and still walk away with 1700 right and so i was just like bro i would not especially in vegas i would not go buy a gucci bag that thing's probably about 100 200 more maybe even 500 more than it would have been worth here yeah i don't i don't know i don't know either but yeah so ultimately the last day came and, you know, we're about to leave, get on a plane, whatever. And I was like, you know what? I'm already down 300. I was like, what if I put...
Starting point is 01:11:18 I left it all back here at the airport. No, not at the airport. Right before we leave the casino. Oh, okay. I was like, what if I put $100 on red or black and call it good? I put $100 on black. Granted, in my excuse, the five numbers previously drawn were red. So I was like, there's these two guys sitting next to me. I was like, should I put 100 on black?
Starting point is 01:11:52 And the guy sitting right next to me was like, nah, you should probably wait. And I was like. I was like, weren't you that guy that was previously on top of the world? No, not the same people. But I was like. You want to try my beer? I was was like should i put 100 on black he's like no not this time just wait a couple more and i was like i'm putting 100 on black don't tell me no and i was like if it hits i'm walking out if it doesn't hit i'm walking out it doesn't hit i lose 400 yeah i lose 400 total damn alissa lost 200 total
Starting point is 01:12:27 but it was it was worth it you know like i had a fun time alissa had a fun time even wait are you counting the 200 you were up yeah i lost that i lost that the two are you counting that as part of your 400 yeah yeah so you really only lost 220 yeah and technically i did use some of that money to buy our breakfast at primrose so which so i mean lost yeah so but like i wouldn't count food as losing money lose it but it was if you're thinking about it as a total that you came with. Yeah. I don't know. It's however you want to define it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I usually define it as how much I plan to lose. Yeah. Like if I plan to lose 400 and I do lose 400, that's fine. But I don't count food and stuff into that because i'm gonna have to eat anyway right so you kind of saved money there yeah in that aspect yeah or broke even yeah um spencer was telling me that and we might have to try this next time or when you go to vegas i want you to do this i'm giving you an assignment okay apparently he said the connecting airports or like the airports that you land at apparently the machines are more likely to pay out because they want you to go into vegas with
Starting point is 01:14:00 more money really to spend that so if it's who knows if it's true it'd be beneficial to hit them when you're leaving when no no no oh well maybe if those are the same if it's the same airport that you land at uh-huh i don't know is i don't know is it the same it was the same airport but we had a different gate so maybe they do it by gates like these are the gates that come in right these are the gates that go out i would when you land in vegas right when you land in vegas i would play a couple machines because they might be more likely to pay out because you're there coming in and they want you to have more money to spend in vegas huh That is actually interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:45 That would make sense, though. Granted, those are probably also Vegas' machines anyway. Right. That's what I was... They may or may not have the... Everything, you know, there's no true, well, if you do this, there's no real system. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:03 But, I don't know. It kind of makes sense. so who knows but i mean brendan's the type of person to not gamble and i think vegas is a place where if you don't drink and don't gamble it's still fun to go there yeah there's still like at least once or twice because yeah there's so much to do that you would not even possibly get through it all in one visit there's a lot of sites museums unless you your one visit was a whole year in vegas that would be the only the only possibility unless your first visit the first night you go to a dispensary just kidding that was that was why i retold that story to a couple friend of ours, and they were dying laughing,
Starting point is 01:15:47 especially when I said Alyssa was like, I thought it was raining. I told a couple guys at work today because I was telling them how I was going to come over here for the podcast, and they hadn't heard that story yet. So I was like, let me tell you this. So what you should have told them was to go listen to episode, I wish I could remember. I think it's like 42 oh that was actually close we both said that i think it was 44 i want to say it was a two-parter so i think it might be 43 and 44 no the two-parter was with you and oh and ben so that would have been earlier than that um the the way i remember it was the the episode four on our podcast where we do the four locos
Starting point is 01:16:39 is when i told the crazy wheelchair story yep and. And then I was like, how serendipitous that the next crazy story I'm telling is episode 44. I think, I could be wrong, but I'm going to go check. Because I do kind of want to plug it since it's on the same topic. Mm-hmm. But we'll also have to hit...
Starting point is 01:17:03 Yeah, it was okay that it was two parts but it wasn't you weren't on it it was me and cam oh episode 44 titled royal gorilla yep is the episode because right before that you and i were on and we weren't talking about that story no because we hadn't gone yet so yeah so that was episode picture this. Yeah. Because that's what we would always say. Picture this. Picture this.
Starting point is 01:17:31 So I think that about does it. I'm glad you had fun on your trip. I'm glad you brought some good stories back that you could share with me and provide some content on the pod. You know, I like using my friends for the interesting stuff that happens in their lives. And I see them as no value except for the stories they carry. Just kidding. I love you dearly. And thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Thank you guys for watching and listening on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you want audio only. YouTube. If you want to see our pretty faces and our pretty sweaters. And all that shit what i need to do something to where i could like so you know have you seen those tiktok videos where they're usually having like a podcast video over like someone playing a game i've always wanted to like see if we could like do your podcast underneath my just blank stream that doesn't have any audio true just to get you know both of it in the same sure rule of people you
Starting point is 01:18:33 know what is your stream so my name my streamer name on twitch is taco johnson taco johnson and pretty much i just like play any pretty chill game yeah just i've played you've been on it a couple of times where i just whenever i'm in whenever you're on yeah because you're never on but but yeah no check this guy out his podcast has what now like 60 episodes i think this is episode like 64 yeah two there's like 64 65 i don't know yeah check them out guys if you haven't seen them go back watch all the episodes yeah this is the first episode you're ever listening to go back listen to them all then comment on this video. I don't know. And then go to Vegas. And then go to bed. And then go to bed.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Thank you all for watching. Until next time, don't do a timeshare plan because it's a fucking scam. Don't do it. No matter what they tell you. It's bunk. Bunk in the night.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Stay on top of the world. I'm on top of the world

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