Grass Daddies Podcast - Episode 68: We'll Keep it Right Here

Episode Date: January 27, 2025

In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Lena joins Jake for a highly intellectual conversation. The couple talk about the time Jake was called bigfoot by a stranger at a bar, the origin of the ca...vas image they have diplayed on set and after using the internet to talk about funny things, they wrap up the episode with some inspiring Dumbledore quotes. Dr Phil Live video: (Pauly comes out at 1:42:19) Lena's Podcast: Does the Cat Die? - On Spotify and Apple Podcast SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @lnelson4 @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The other thing I was going to say is... Would you let him dangle some chicken in front of your face and be like, Look at how territorial they are! No. You wouldn't want him to wrestle you like a croc? No, I didn't say no to that. She's doing the death roll! I'm Chris Hansen. welcome to that i have a headache but does it hurt if i yell podcast i do have a headache
Starting point is 00:00:35 i don't know did i use that last time we recorded did i say that last time i kind of also fucked it up i didn't say it i kind of stuttered a little bit. I have a headache, but it doesn't hurt if I yell. Yeah. Because I know the sound's coming. If you hear any... I'm Jake and I'm a grass daddy. And as my last resort co-host, I have Lena here.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Because my friends don't want to hang out with me anymore. I'm just kidding. And I'm forced to. I kind of put this episode, I didn't put it off, but I kind of didn't do any hardcore planning for this episode. And I had an episode banked up, so I've basically gone on like a two-week vacation from the pod while still being able to record.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It was kind of nice. I mean, there's kind of perks to banking up episodes but we are recording now and uh there are two gremlins in here with us yeah if you hear any what i was about to say was if you hear any scratching or if we randomly just yell hey like that my head hurts but it doesn't hurt when i yell it's because um our our cats are in here um because it gets kind of chilly in the pod studio because i've closed the vent oh i've got this climate control to my liking because when there's three or four guys in here boozing it up and yelling and getting all you know getting all larried up then it's kind of hot yeah um so i keep i like to keep it a little colder in the podcast studio you all right yeah you tired i am tired maybe you're just boring me maybe there'll be an energy
Starting point is 00:02:20 drink in the mini fridge or something i don't know know. But, uh, so I got the door open trying to let some warm air in and that's why our cats are in here. Maybe once they explore a little bit, maybe they'll, maybe they'll settle down. Yeah. But, um, yeah, here we are. If you see the camera shaking right now, it's because one of our cats is fucking with the tripod. I have to put my scent on this tripod. Come here, stinky.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Come here. Back twitch. Like I said, Lena is my love. What are you doing? I'm ready. I'm ready. No, that's not how it works. You don't just rip open the mini fridge.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You're sitting in a very important spot right now. You are in the mini fridge manning position. And I'm going to need some more responsibility out of you. I'm sorry, sir. Besides just grabbing the handle and getting ready to jerk it open. Yes, sir. Before we had the chance to knock don't call me sir i don't like that that's kind of weird what were you saying before i tried to
Starting point is 00:03:31 open the fridge i'm your last resort yeah something about that uh lena is sitting in i don't really have any topics per se prepared but i mean i do maybe have a couple a couple little things up my sleeve i'm just kidding it's it's not like we're gonna play a game for a trophy or anything okay but uh i do uh i do have something pulled up here but we'll cross that bridge when we get there he's scaring me why i don't know you're just being so secretive. All right. Once you... No, let me say something.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Once you get, like, four years into a relationship, any time your partner is like, do you want to do this thing? Or I have this thing that's somewhat of a surprise. You're like... Because you think I'm going to, like, dump you live on the pod or something no what are you nervous about then no not nervous necessarily i'm talking about a ring baby
Starting point is 00:04:33 oh but i think you know that's the very opposite of a breakup yeah that's why i said once you're like four years into a relationship. Oh. That was the important question. See, my mind didn't even go there. But I'm not a girl, so. Can I open this mini fridge? Knock, knock. Yeah, hold on.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh. Sorry, Phil. You gotta, you gotta knock. And you, you know, there's gotta be a little bit of anticipation. Anticipation. Anticipation built up. But. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Hello? So, we're having curry after this right yes i'm just kidding can i open it yeah you can open it scoot my laptop here go ahead and open it all the way up so the the display factor kind of loses its um it's voila when when we can only open it like 20 degrees. Ooh, a little PBR. You better behave. I'm drinking PBR. Not a lot of people get what that means. Bigfoot. Bigfoot cup.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Maybe we should talk about Bigfoot. I'd be down. You can close it. Okay. How many were in there? Were there two in there? Yeah there yeah oh that was a lucky guess well you could probably see it in the lovely video recording reflection it's awesome that they uh that the mini fridge gave me a bigfoot yeah when um i kind of have um an affinity for it
Starting point is 00:06:03 when you are bigfoot no i wouldn't necessarily call myself bigfoot have you told that story on the pod i don't know i mean there's i have to um i have to give i have said this what i've said, what I'm about to say on the pod before. Okay. When I'm listening to Two Bears and Bert. Tells a story he's told 500 times. Yeah. It's annoying to me because I'm like, oh my God, why? Like, we've literally heard you say this. And it also annoys me when Tom doesn't go like.
Starting point is 00:06:37 You've already told us. You know you've said this. Like, he just goes along with it. But not that I'm anywhere comparable to them but having been on a podcast now that's uploaded 67 episodes yeah and being a person that tells a lot of funny stories and encounters yes i get why he does it because i forgot who i've told it to before i don't know how many people i've told this story to i don't know if I've mentioned this on an earlier podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So I kind of get it. Having said that, I guess I'll tell it. And if anyone's like, you've already fucking told this before, I'm sorry. And you can help me tell it since you were there.
Starting point is 00:07:26 But before I do that, I'm going to side pour this PBR right into this Bigfoot glass. Can I start to own it while you do that? Absolutely. Okay. So, we went to Music Bingo Night with a... Side note, is it weird to pour out of a bottle into another glass no i don't think so i just kind of wanted an excuse to use this i mean the mini fridge knew that i had it wanted to fuck cut it out cut it out no we'll leave it in we'll leave it in so we were at a music bingo
Starting point is 00:08:01 thing with a friend couple of ours and um we did the music bingo whatever was that a brewery you're telling a you're telling a story like cam i know but i'm getting to the point no that's all details that's not the way a story works you don't get to the point you build up to the point but that point has nothing to do with the story. It does, though. How? No, the story has everything to do with the point. Okay, so we were at Music Bingo. I got one beer. Jake got three beers.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Actually, I think I got a flight. How do you know how many beers I had? I don't know. I'm making that up just to put in fake details. So, we were at Music Bingo. We played a couple rounds. I don't think we won anything. That's the end of that part of the story.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Let me tell you. Okay. Let me say. Go ahead. You bared witness to it, but it was my thing. It was literally right there. Okay, but, okay, so here's the story. Okay?
Starting point is 00:09:09 You want to hear a good story? Here's... Okay, go ahead. Okay. You tell stories like my dad. Well? Excitingly? He does tell good stories, but sometimes you're like, okay, get to the freaking point.
Starting point is 00:09:23 All this extra fluff I don't need. I want to know. Okay, here is the stuff I wanted mentioned. Okay. That makes it a little bit more of a funny payoff. Okay, go. So, when we're out with a group of friends, Lena and God is my witness can bear to the fact that
Starting point is 00:09:42 when I get a little bit buzzed, the jokes start flowing a little bit buzzed the jokes start flowing a little bit more and i'm talking a little bit more and sometimes i get a little weird i guess like your inhibitions are lower just like any other person who drinks i'm already kind of a nut goofball but then you mix alcohol into it and you never know what's gonna happen so we're sitting there i'm kind of getting buzzed and i'm just like i like talking about bigfoot so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna bring it up and and what happened was people would come over to our table and i just started randomly asking them do you believe in bigfoot i don't remember that to be fair you don't remember eli's co-worker coming over and i go do you believe in bigfoot and she was like no and i
Starting point is 00:10:29 was like trying to vouch for him you don't remember that see that is a crucial part of the story i will give you that that is a crucial part of the story okay and this other guy that was a couple tables closer to us i can't remember if i asked anyone else it was eli and summer i was we were talking about big for a little bit and then eli's co-worker came over and i asked her do you believe in bigfoot so i was kind of on this do you believe in bigfoot saying to strangers yes and as we were leaving this guy was walking by and we were walking out the door have to be funny for you guys because it's almost like doing a callback joke later on in a set yeah as he was walking
Starting point is 00:11:13 out i pointed at him and i go you believe in bigfoot and he pauses turns and looks at me up and down he gives jake the up down i was getting there oh sorry he turns looks at me and goes like this gives me an up and down head to toe and he goes now that i'm looking at him and he turns and walks out and i go well that type of tomfoolery that i was performing just kind of backfired a little bit not really the best stories i love but it was funny that i was the one trying to be goofy and dumb and he was like he was quick with it and he was like i'm also funny and yes you are being goofy and dumb yes see ya yeah and just peaced out of there almost like putting me in my place comedically you know what i mean this pbr is pretty good i haven't really been drinking at all um basically all of january
Starting point is 00:12:12 besides new year's and when spencer and ben and i recorded and whatever i drank on that is all i've drank basically all of a damp january you're doing a damp january that's yeah our mechanic at work say said that he's doing a dry january and then he's like i don't i don't remember what happened they're having people over something or maybe i don't know some people were it might have been around new year's or something he was having some extended family and i think he was getting a little annoyed or something he's like i caved he's like so we're doing damn january like a moist january like we're doing a little but i've only got two beers here yeah and i'm pretty sure the rule is if you have two or less it doesn't count i think that's a general rule of thumb when it comes to soberness
Starting point is 00:13:05 and it also probably depends on the frequency of those two i was gonna say i think if you're like coming back from the bar going i'm only having two at a time so and you do it six times in a night yeah i don't think that really counts no i think as long as you like dramatically maybe not even dramatically decrease the amount of alcohol you consume as a person not you specifically then it can be called whatever the fuck you want it to be going from three to four beers every day after work and six plus on the weekends you did not have three or four beers every day after work i had some spurts yeah but it wasn't you don't know what i'm doing down in the basement
Starting point is 00:13:51 no to be fair i don't this is your domain it wasn't like every day i was having four beers but sometimes if i was getting on a roll playing games with the guys like two or three four days in a row sometimes i'd have like two or three or maybe four beers yeah i don't know why i'm yawning so much well like do you remember when cole and rachel came over for movie night and i was like buzzed yeah the one time it was i came home from the retirement party yeah but then the following week i was just buzzed from just drinking a lot of beers and it's just on a tuesday night so i was kind of you know i don't know but like i'm anyways doing that drinking quite a few
Starting point is 00:14:35 beers consistently versus drinking two in like three weeks yeah you're still gonna be in a it's like deficit it's like the question they ask you when you go to the doctor's office. You know, they give you the questionnaire. It's like, how often do you want to kill yourself? Zero, never. Oh, yeah, when you have to do the mental health thing. Yeah, how many drinks do you think you have per week? Or, like, do you have, like, one a week?
Starting point is 00:15:03 Do you have one a day? You know what I mean yeah so i was just recently filling that thing out at my last visit and i was like the questions were like how often do you think about harming yourself and i'm like never and it was like how often do you feel unmotivated and you can't like get off the out of bed and i'm like never i'm like if i answer all of these as if i have perfect mental health are they going to be like okay you don't need meds anymore no or is it just to make sure the meds are working yeah that and just to like make sure that the patient's okay i think yeah but also i mean if you're on meds because the meds are helping that so you would right but i just i think it's funny if
Starting point is 00:15:47 you're basically filling out a questionnaire telling them i don't need meds but it may be because of the meds yeah exactly i'm medicated no anyways so you are medicated and i'm medicated and i also and dr phil's medicated and dr phil's medicated and he believes in other people being medicated too the idea that holly shore is probably medicated you should be on lots um there's such a i know that there's such a glare on that that it's probably not that visible but we'll explain it in a minute can i get through what i was saying yeah i mean if you keep interrupting me i'm gonna have to unplug your mic or something though i think it was the other way around anywho um half a beer gets me kind of now my tolerance is so low we also haven't ate anything
Starting point is 00:16:36 i think if i had a glass of wine right now i'd be fucking drunk really starving yeah um what i was saying is the idea that some people and i have specific people in mind i won't name them um but the idea do i know them yes the idea that some people like i don't want to take medication to feel better is stupid to me why wouldn't you take medication to feel better right i think sometimes those people are like if i can't figure it out myself then that makes me weak and i don't want to be dependent on a drug well that but then like those same people that i know are also like on fucking birth control it's not honestly one is probably doing worse shit to you than the drugs for your mental health birth control is probably worse for you than
Starting point is 00:17:31 fucking sertraline or lexapro or shit and what i'll say to that is um you know the word depression can mean different, there's different versions of being depressed. Yes. There are some versions of being depressed that are situational or short-term. Agreed. Like, if you got dumped or if a family member passed away, you might be a chemical imbalance in your brain yeah that you can't control no matter what kind of mindset you have and that mindset is probably being affected because of the serotonin levels in your brain 100 so and if it's hindering your everyday life
Starting point is 00:18:20 right if it's causing you emotional distress anywho i the why would you want to wallow in it is what you're saying why wouldn't you want to feel normal why and and like better yourself by doing so i don't know um the podcasts are never as funny when i'm on i feel like i'm i'm a very you am i serious person i'm you like talking you like talking about serious topics yeah i really do because because you're too smart to sit here and talk about poop and boogers well i will talk about poop and boogers or jerking off but which are like the well shit drinking being drunk and talking about jerking out it's basically the three main topics i don't even know if i said three things but are basically the backbone of this podcast i'm pretty sure i brought up poop and boogers on the podcast with
Starting point is 00:19:20 bailey and but i know you were just trying to fit in and you were but what i'm trying to say is you're an intellectual person yeah i like you like talking about politics you like talking about real topics that are going on like thinking about shit yeah um and talking about it with other people and like seeing what they think about shit too and i can talk about that stuff too but that's not the primary focus i wanted for this podcast not saying that what we're talking about is wrong no yeah because you're more you can you are very intellectual but you can also be very funny yeah and why not share the funniness with like and then save the intellectual shit for when another intellectual joins you spencer no sure no i'm just kidding everyone that's ever been on here
Starting point is 00:20:15 no i think i think ben could have a deep conversation with you i think trace i think he took a couple bong rips i think cam any one of those guys could yes but usually i have some stuff and i'm steering the conversation where i want it to go yeah and it's usually towards to talk about something funny or get them to say something funny or yeah now that i think about it all of them could have a very deep conversation oh yeah that i didn't mean to discredit anyone and i was 100 joking no one come for me please they're not watching this none of them are oh i come on and they're like fuck fuck jake's podcast they don't watch it oh in general okay cam doesn't watch any of the episodes of his co-hosted podcast. I mean, do you watch?
Starting point is 00:21:08 And I'm not throwing shade at Cam. No, because do you watch it? I usually listen back to the episodes because, A, stuff like the mini fridge, cutting out the mic audio. When you're editing or after you've published it? After I've published it. Oh. B, if a funny clip happens, then I timestamp it and use it for a short on TikTok. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Because when you're recording, it's so much more of a feel or a different vibe than um consuming it as a listener yes because i can kind of detach yes and pretend like i'm a listener listening to these guys even though i'm one of the guys yeah yeah and i can view it from a listener's standpoint and i don't know i mean i have no issues with listening to myself talk, and that maybe plays into my narcissism or sociopathy. I don't think you're a narcissist. But I do kind of view it as self-research. No, I think... So I can build off of different things that we've done or talked about or
Starting point is 00:22:26 just, I don't know. Or sometimes I just like to go, that was a good pod and I kind of want to just listen back on it. I mean, when I edit my podcast, does the cat die? I, when I edit it, um, shameless plug. Yeah. Um, but when I edit it, I listened to the whole thing, which is why editing before you edit or
Starting point is 00:22:45 while you're editing while i'm editing i don't like skip ahead at all because i want to find like anything that's wrong and also i say um a lot because it's also different when oh my god but it's also different when i'm talking to you versus like when i'm telling a story i say um a lot more and like or like we'll have to pause and do stuff and so i listen through the whole way when i'm editing it but then i don't listen to myself again but i've already listened to it so i don't cut out every time you say um do you no unless there's like a big pause if i'm like um there's some dead air okay yeah then i would like cut it you know what i mean now i'm gonna have to time stamp that pause and edit it out i'm like um there's some dead air okay yeah then i would like cut it you know what i mean now i'm gonna have to time stamp that pause and edit it out i'm not gonna but i was gonna say but yeah finding funny clips especially going back and um listening there was a nice um going
Starting point is 00:23:39 back and listening to old episodes to find old clips yeah because i didn't i used to not really listen to very many of them yeah but now i sometimes if a funny clip happens that i know is going to be a good clip i'll just type it in right now while we're recording yeah i'll look at what time that was that's smart the last episode i just uploaded with uh ben and spencer ben said something really funny right at the beginning like a minute and 30 in and he was like i felt like the pod went downhill from this point i was like no it didn't it was really funny though go ahead and check it out on the grass eddies tiktok i just i just uploaded it today since we still have tiktok we do still have tiktok hey don't get political i'm not going to not on this podcast you can
Starting point is 00:24:33 listen to does the cat die if you're wondering do you talk about politics on there oh fuck yeah the last one the last one we recorded and uploaded i just uploaded not that long ago like the first 10 minutes are dogging on certain politicians on that same topic do you want to get me my second beer oh yeah we need to figure out a better way because what you're opening it right now is like 90% of the way it gets opened. And so, like people, there's actually no point in having it as a display purpose up here because they can't see. But it's more magical. It just comes out the side. I mean, I guess, yeah, maybe there is still an illusionatory. That's not a word.
Starting point is 00:25:19 An illusionary. An illusionatory. An illusion. An illusionatory factor to it striving factor i said that the other day in normal conversation and i said i have a striving factor yeah but i think i was kind of like trying to be funny about it but it just stuck in my head i don't know why did you say it to someone yeah what'd they say did they correct you no they're like what the what the fuck what jack of hearts i don't know if i have that one yet i think cam's like little clip of i have a striving factor just got stuck
Starting point is 00:25:52 in your head yeah let's see if i can spill some more stuff on my computer jake's computer is the keys literally like stick down for three seconds i actually almost did it's amazing it still works to be honest and i hate typing on it i don't know how it doesn't bug you so we really need to get shock mounts for these mics even i don't know i don't even know if that would help for what did you hear that fucking boom when i just set the bottle down on the table? Oh, yeah, that's 100% getting picked up by the mics. Yeah, but it's not bad. It's not blowing out the...
Starting point is 00:26:34 Whatchamacallit? It's not blowing it out, but it's still getting picked up. Anyways. So, are we going to talk about our Lord and Savior, Dr. Phil? Our Lord and Savior? Yeah, we can talk about him. Talk about this picture. So, let me tell you a little bit about this picture.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Or do you want to? Why don't you? I've done a lot of talking. Okay. I'm going to mute my mic. Oh. Okay. You can still, like...
Starting point is 00:27:03 My mic's muted. I can't say anything.'s muted i can't i can't say anything um so jake and i went through a phase there where we were watching a lot of dr phil live if you don't know what dr phil live is it's not dr phil it is can you unmute what is his name adam ray thank you adam ray who dresses up as dr phil and does like uh set during each of his lives um he's a comedian it's funny what can i say and you join can i give a little backstory yeah go for it so i was listening to a two bears as i was as i always mention and there was a podcast and i had seen glimpses of him am i getting that buzzed off of just fucking two one beer i'm fucking slurring my words anyways i can act drunk too if you want um no better. No, I had seen glimpses of him on Kill Tony.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And I didn't really think anything of it. And then I listened to the two bears, the first one he was on. And there was multiple times that I was LOLing. And I know what I was spraying weeds on the driving range. And I was just like driving back and forth and i was just listening to it like this is the funniest fucking podcast i've listened to in a while yeah and i think i told you to listen to it or maybe i listened to it again with you or i think we listened to it and watched it well i don't remember he definitely showed me the part where he talks about grape soda there's so many funny parts but i think we listened to it in your truck like the whole thing we just listened to yeah there was and cam i was like dude you have
Starting point is 00:28:56 to listen to this i still don't think he ever did he's like i'm gonna listen to it don't i'm gonna listen to it i think there was one time he snapped he's like i'm gonna listen to it i think there was one time he snapped me he's like i'm gonna listen to it today because i'm not doing anything important i can listen and he didn't i miss cam but um bailey i miss him um so we we were on a kill tony streak well actually just the doctor phil live yeah dr phil live um and which is kind of like kill t, but not really in the sense that he would have other comedians come on as guests. And then, dude, just... He does a lot of crowd work. That's usually how he starts it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah. I forgot I was letting you tell the story. So, while Jake throws up over there, I'm going to continue. My God, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was just... Into the mic um and we were watching this episode and they're at the comedy is it called the comedy club it's called the comedy mothership no no i'm sorry the comedy store the comedy store the comedy mothership is where kill
Starting point is 00:30:03 tony does a lot of his episodes and it's And it's like Joe Rogan basically paid for it or whatever. Like made it. Yeah. Like a comedy club. But this is the Comedy Store. Yes, yes, yes. So, and... I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I can't help myself. And I almost said Jake. Dr. Phil, it's like almost the end of the episode. Cut me off if I'm not doing this justice well just so the outline of the show is he comes out does some crowd work goes tonight is all about and he has like a theme yes he goes miriam's webster dictionary whatever describes you know and then he has like a guest come out talks to them he basically does like an interview yes and it's filled with like jokes and whatnot and we'll be some crowd work yeah mixed in every now and then and then he usually has his buddy
Starting point is 00:30:56 who's like a lesser known comedian come out and he beats up yeah who's like dressed up as a character yeah sometimes like a prisoner sometimes like an old yeah shanks yeah it's the prisoner one one time he came out as like a starbucks window employee yeah yeah one time he came out as ai mark norman which is hilarious um but he like essentially is like breaking the rules i put in quotes or like doing something wrong and then dr phil's like i told you tonight was gonna be all about blah blah blah and then they do like a fake fight yeah he like fake beats him up with like sounds like punch sounds so that had already happened in this episode yeah this was like the very end because at the end of every episode dr phil then like the lights come down and it's like a spotlight
Starting point is 00:31:45 on him and he's giving like a wrap-up like motivational emotional whatever even though he's still like working in jokes and he's not like serious necessarily so he's doing that in this episode he's basically doing like an emotional closing monologue yeah exactly so he's doing that in this episode and he's saying he's saying something i don't even remember what he's saying i know exactly what he was saying what was he saying he was doing some crowd work because earlier in the show there was this lady that had a weird name and they were basically memeing her yeah and he like looks down at her and he's like what's your real name sweetheart And then you just hear someone yell.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And then. And then. So Dr. Phil looks back. What's the dude's name again? Pauly Shore. Pauly Shore. It's just hanging out like in the curtains behind him. And Dr. Phil looks back, looks back forward towards the crowd and then does a double take and looks back again and he's just
Starting point is 00:32:46 like dumbfounded he doesn't talk for a couple of minutes and then paulie shore is just like standing there like he's got his shoulders kind of scrunched up he's got on orange sweatpants and a flannel the sweatpants always almost remind me of like uh when i first saw those i was like is he wearing like a fred flintstone yeah they're orange with like black lightning bolts he looks like he's had a day and it's not been a good one he looks for okay so there's for the audio only listeners he basically looks like a homeless man that's strung out and what kind of acts like it too and what happened in the episode is while phil is giving his closing heartfelt sentimental monologue yes you see polly shore just emerge in the background
Starting point is 00:33:33 but since they have the spotlight on on phil and they have the house lights down you don't even know who it is because you just see a shadowy figure. And then they basically move another light onto him to illuminate him. Because the crowd yells. Yeah, because someone points him out. And Phil obviously had no idea. Because you can tell it's a genuine, what is happening? Because you hear someone yell. And he turns around and sees Polly.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And then he double takes because he's like, holy shit, that is Polly. But he doesn't say anything right away like he doesn't double take and they're both just like staring at each other there's a moment where they're both just and he doesn't know why he's some more background on this which makes it even funnier is that polly shore owns the place polly shore's mom started it missy or mitzi i'll look it up i'm gonna sound i'm gonna sound like a fake fan for not knowing i think it's mitzi i think you're right i think it is mitzi but i'll look it up while you're talking so
Starting point is 00:34:36 basically like his mom maybe even his mom and dad i don't know i think it was just his mom his mom at least that's what they say in the episode like started the comedy store in la for like comics to come in and do mitzi mitzi so what's even funnier about this interaction is it's almost like in my mind the big boss is coming in in my mind knowing that like his mom had like started this i'm like is paulie short just like lurking around at the comedy store just like walk in the halls and just like since he has sitting in on a teacher he's just like popping in on some of the shows does he have so much street cred in the comedy store that he can just walk out on stage during other people's sets unannounced and dressed and dressed genuinely like he got dressed in the dark he's got he's got like a flannel shirt just strung over his shoulder i think he literally
Starting point is 00:35:41 has kind of like swag he's kind of like sagging no he looks like he's got like dirty black like new balances he does actually and he does not his facial expressions he is blank as shit like he is just no facial expression whatsoever and he made no attempt to to we are really dissecting this scene but i love this scene this is why it's so funny he and i'm not kidding you we we round we rewound this and watch this like 15 times because lena was crying laughing i was dying laughing too but what's also funny about this interaction is he made like no attempt to like come further up the stage like he was content with staying in the back come here paulie well yeah like he looks at him right after this moment like paulie just like kind of went for like an awkward salute like
Starting point is 00:36:36 keep doing your thing man i'm just popping in and phil was like come down here come down here paulie and he basically like put his arm around him and was like talking continuing his monologue yeah with polly there and then he basically just like once phil was like done addressing him he just walks away slowly he just like turns around and walks away but he doesn't walk away he doesn't just like leave the stage he kind of goes like he walks away and then he kind of looks back a little bit like he's confused maybe like he literally yeah it's so funny um we might have to like and then phil goes i'm not actually sure that was paulie that was the last little thing he says about it and then it's just it's so and then that was it.
Starting point is 00:37:29 You might have to list the episode in the description of your podcast. I'm down. Because we can't talk about it and then not list what it is. Okay, so I'll list this podcast in the description of this episode. I don't know how well it'll translate to Spotify. The link will... It should be a URL. But definitely YouTube. It'll put a nice URLl in there and apple scroll to the very end of the episode and you'll see this interaction and if
Starting point is 00:37:53 you're on youtube i'm 99 sure it'll it'll be the most replayed so if you scroll if you scroll all the way down to see where it says most replayed yes you'll get to this part yeah i don't know maybe maybe not everyone would appreciate it as much as we do no but the subtle nuances and everything that happens in this moment were just so funny look at this naturally funny look at the camera martin martin's taking over the podcast it is martin is our poly Shore in this moment. Marky Shore. This is going to... No offense to Pauly Shore. I think Martin is more aware of his surroundings than Pauly Shore was in that moment.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And that's saying something. Now, again, I may sound like a fake comedy fan, but I'm not really sure much of Pauly's background. I mean, I've seen maybe a couple movies that he's in. I'm pretty sure he voices that one dog in the Goofy movie, doesn't he? I'll look it up. He voices, I swear he voices that dog, because they're all dogs. In the Goofy movie, the one with the glasses, that's kind of almost insinuated that he's a hippie stoner. I can't remember what his name is yeah what's his character what's that character's name i'm sorry guys i need bobby
Starting point is 00:39:15 zimmer bobby bobby something bobby zimmer something that sounds that sound i don't know just the name bobby sounds like i don't know it sounds like a funny character's name for polly shore but and the other movie i remember him in is like some military movie where he like shoots a rocket launcher backwards i think that there was but i don't remember the name of that movie nor do i really remember anything else about it besides that um with that being said in the army now that's the name of the movie he's got a lot of movies he he wasn't a stand-up comic was he martin i'm sure he probably was your cousin come here i don't know again i probably sound so like oh my god you don't even know about paulie's comedy career who cares you never claimed to be a fucking i know him well
Starting point is 00:40:14 enough to know that this interaction is comic gold yes and that's frankly it we didn't address what you pulled out of the mini fridge what did you got what do you got there so it's an ollie pop cream soda i put another little soda in there too it's a taste it you did what taste it you did what i put another little soda huh i put half of another soda in there, too. Oh, I'm sorry. What are you talking about? The mini fridge put... Did you sneak something in there without the mini fridge's permission? Yeah. Don't tell.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Don't tell the mini fridge. Try it, though. Try it. I'm not going to drink that. I might get cursed. Just try it. Okay, fine. There's not very much left.
Starting point is 00:41:02 No, I know. So don't drink all of it, please. Do you always smell something before you try it no I never do that you don't have very good survival instincts my uncle Kevin does that I feel like that's basic survival 101 smell something before you try it maybe
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm going to smell it again it kind of smells like cotton candy tastes like really flat I'm going to smell it again. It kind of smells like cotton candy. Tastes like really flat raspberry Sprite. Yeah, it's raspberry. Is it really? My raspberry, like magnesium soda, and then the olive pop cream soda. 10 out of 10 combination.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Anywho, you said you had something that. I did have something in case the podcast lulled oh well do you want to do it oh yeah we can do it i mean we got about 20 minutes here so uh 20 minutes left to do yeah we're at 40 minutes and i typically try to go for an hour yeah but uh there is no i mean hard set rules sometimes we go for one time we went to two and a half hours and that was a fucking anyways so as always whenever i'm struggling to come up with a podcast topic or you know if i'm ever needing a little more inspiration just hop on the good old interwebs and uh i like to keep it basic last time i we did this, I believe it was an episode. I don't remember the number, but I titled it Best Podcasters
Starting point is 00:42:34 because I thought, in my mind, we're so good at podcasting, we can talk about any topic. And I just searched up random things to talk about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This episode, I searched funny things to talk about yeah yeah this episode i searched funny things to talk about okay let me tell you there are some funny things that the internet has come up with for us to talk about hit me i mean i don't think you're ready okay first thing on the list if you got to choose your name what would it be and why i wouldn't change my name what a fucking hilarious question
Starting point is 00:43:15 i think if i was one of the boys i'd be laughing at you but i'm just so used to you don't think i'm funny it's okay we'll move on i live with you i'm with you like i love my name i love the name jake such a clean would you change actually i have a better question if would you change my name no oh okay i would make i would make it so you have to go by Magdalena for everything. I'm just kidding. So long. I'm just kidding. Such a mouthful.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Magdalena. No, Lena's a good name. I would change your name. I'm just kidding. Okay. Jeez. I'm just kidding. I had a...
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think what assured me that I liked my name is there was a period on like all the nickelodeon and like disney shows that all the whenever there was like a hot they were love interest their name was jake like in hannah montana there was a jake and i carly i think there was a jake yeah and i was just like yeah because everyone who's anyone that's hot but you don't name jake so i'm just like yeah i'm definitely in jake you know what the girls say guys with j names are the worst you don't trust a guy with j name but i think you're fine i am fine next question what tv show would you want to be in which one would you not want to be in not want to be in naked and afraid correct agreed let me correct that uh to catch a predator either one those are both great that is definitely not a tv show you would ever want to find yourself no yeah um No, yeah. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I mean, okay, but you don't want to be in To Catch a Predator because... At that point, being on the show is... Even if you aren't a predator, your reputation is then ruined because you're on To Catch a Predator. You know what I mean? If you're not the predator, I think you're pretty much fine. I know. a predator you know what i mean if you're not the predator i think you're pretty much fine i know but the only reason you would what i'm saying is like the only way you would be on that show is if you're helping what's his name chris right uh chris hansen chris hansen or if they but why would you be a bad guy if you were helping the guy catch a predator
Starting point is 00:45:39 no am i missing something here listen to me i said the only two ways you would be on that show right is if you specifically and me specifically for that in instance the only two ways we would be on that show is if we're helping if we're oh yeah true okay maybe three ways for me if we're helping chris if i'm the bait or if they've mistakenly thought we were a predator and then they barge in the fire oh okay but i guess they have the bait there so there's no mistaken there's no mistaking i mean they're blurring them in with texts i kind of forgot that there was how would you accidentally stumble i forgot there was the bait i thought they just did it like online like they found like i forgot there was a girl quite literally there that they think is under a
Starting point is 00:46:31 specific address to show up at yeah i don't know how you would accidentally show up there i forgot about that part of the show clearly you don't watch it anywho whatever yeah naked afraid no fun what show would you want to be on what show would i want to be on i don't know why i immediately went to seinfeld but that's not like a real show no i think it has to be like a reality show i've never really had any affiliation or with like survivor or anything like that any of those shows that are like game shows i'm always like i would be too dumb for this i wouldn't want to be i don't know i i mean i'm already in a relationship so it wouldn't negate it anyway but i wouldn't want to be on like too hot to handle or the bachelorette or shit like that i guess it would be pretty cool like being on animal planet
Starting point is 00:47:21 and watching steve irwin like wrestle a clock i was thinking that or like nat geo has a new show it might already be out i don't know oh i know what it is i know what it is the aquafina no no i know what i know what the real there is a correct answer can i finish yeah absolutely so i would either want to be with see and here's the thing. I would either want to be on a show with the Irwins, but really only so I could get close to Robert. And then the other one. Me too. He's a snack.
Starting point is 00:48:01 The other thing I was going to say is. Would you let him dangle some chicken in front of your face and be like, look at how territorial they are? No. You wouldn't want him to wrestle you like a croc? No, I didn't say no to that. She's doing the death roll. I'm Chris Hansen.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It all comes together. And there's our funny clip. Ha ha ha ha. Oh. Or. I am jotting it down. Okay, good. So, I'll get to finish my sentence then while Jake gets preoccupied.
Starting point is 00:48:37 So, or I would want to do, like, Nat Geo has a new show coming out and it's like A Bug's Life. So, it like is all about bugs but aquafina is narrating it and they just had one with like uh ryan reynolds where he was narrating it too i think it was called the underdog or something that would be kind of cool i don't even have to be on tv i just could narrate it but i don't know if i have a voice for narrating this point i'm just talking to fill the space because jake's oh, I'll tell you what the correct answer is. Okay, hit me. Drivers, dine-ins, and drives.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Oh, fuck yeah. That is 100% the correct answer. You would be Guy Fieri. Oh, yeah. Just driving around the country and eating tons of amazing food. Yeah. Yep, that's the answer. That's what show you'd want to be on.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Or like the Anthony Bourdain... Well, I'm down to try anything so anthony bourdain might not be the one for you but i would enjoy that you could be like cam and say i'll try everything once even though the saying is i'll try anything once but cam says i'll try everything once i'm kind of with him on that well actually i'll try everything once that's why it doesn't work because it can't be everything. It's anything. I'm not trying hard drugs, no. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Number three, do you have a secret talent? And it says, can you do it right now? I have lots of double jointed. I feel like that's everyone's go-to to having a secret talent, but it's really not. Like, oh, I can kind of bend my elbow the wrong way a little bit have you seen me by my elbows i don't know why i said that like you know what my secret talent is joel point my boss pointed this out the other day um well yesterday he was trying to push my buttons fair enough enough. That's fine. I was clearly stressed out.
Starting point is 00:50:25 He was trying to lighten the mood. And he goes over to my other boss and whispers something to her. And I heard it from across the room. And they were all so surprised that I could hear it. But I do have pretty good hearing. I mean, I don't know if that's a secret talent. It might just be like a biological then a biological superiority maybe it's my superpower i don't know if i have a secret talent being tall pretty good at being tall as i just say a biological spirit i was gonna say that's not a secret talent either but see being so funny
Starting point is 00:51:02 and charismatic without it's not secret oh you're right it's... It's not a secret. Oh. You're right. It's not very much of a secret. That's the thing. Who has a talent that they keep a secret? In this day and age, you don't have a talent that you keep a secret. That is an interesting caveat to the question. Is that it's a secret?
Starting point is 00:51:21 That is kind of funny. What's the next question? Yeah, okay. That's kind of... When you were a kid's kind of when you were a kid what name did you give your favorite toy or stuffed animal um i had a uh little beanie baby husky and um his name was juno that's cute but i don't think i named him that. I think he already was named that. Oh. Actually. Okay, I'm so glad I remembered this.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Okay, go ahead. Well, my blanket's name was Blankie. Very creative. But, and I was worried I forgot his name, but I do remember. I had, like, a little stuffed, like, beagle. Yeah. That was about yay long and about yay tall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And its feet had, like, like beads in it so they're kind of heavy i'm pretty sure i named him brownie do you guys see where all the creativity comes from he's had it since he was little what i'm so creative having him named brownie yeah was he brown well he was white and had a little brown on his like head are you saying that's not very creative because it's just a color with the e at the end fuck you if you had a pet parrot what would you teach it to say fuck you fuck lena fuck lena fuck lena motherfucker get me a beer no what would be funny to have it say martton markton we say that we're basically the parrot i know that'd be so funny if it like called the cats and they're like why is it saying my name
Starting point is 00:52:55 what if we had a parrot and taught it to say the cat's names and they viewed it as like an authority extension where they're just like i think it can say my name too and call me over to it i don't i don't think rue would bow down martin probably would what are we talking about a bird with cats they would try to eat it yeah what's the next question yeah rue would fucking go straight for that thing's jugular if you could make the ultimate sandwich what would be on it what the fuck are these i actually think that's a great question that's a good question because a good sandwich all sandwiches are good but a good sandwich no no good scene if you were to make the ultimate sandwich i know and what i'm saying is like a top tier sandwich when you have that
Starting point is 00:53:42 it fucking hits right do you have an answer for the ultimate sandwich basically whenever i'm preparing something for myself to eat i'm trying to make it the ultimate version of whatever it is yes but you don't always have access to the ingredients to make that sure so what would i guess i, I love hard salami. You do love hard salami, yeah. I like crunchy pickles, but I don't always put the crunchy pickles on it. So sometimes I'll have them off to the side. And I don't know if this question is incorporating side items. I think it counts.
Starting point is 00:54:19 So many sandwiches are served with a pickle. I think it counts. I like crunchy i like having kettle cooked chips with it i don't know if i put them on there i don't know if i always would put them on again with the pickles and chips i might have them on the side and like pop them in while i'm eating it so i can experience it because sometimes putting the chips on you can only get a finite amount on there before they're falling out of the sides and you're trying to pick it up and it makes it more cumbersome to hold yeah um a little bit of hellman's
Starting point is 00:54:58 mayo um and just some kind of cheese. That's it? That's your ultimate sandwich? Yeah. I mean, I don't, I'm not like, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Okay, I'm putting caviar, some prime rib,
Starting point is 00:55:20 fried in liquid molten gold. I don't know. That doesn't really make any sense. So I've had a sandwich at bison witches that was a croissant and then it had cream cheese bean sprouts avocado turkey cheese and that was pretty fucking good the other thing i will say is i've had a few jersey mics that hit the fucking spot and it usually is an ital Italian sub with a little bit of oil, a little bit of vinegar, a little bit of salt and pepper.
Starting point is 00:55:50 You got those Italian. You want the works. So I think if you, and I feel like it should be a cardinal rule that you have to be Italian and work in a sandwich or pizza.'m gonna just kidding i don't know i just think it they make it it it makes it a little bit better i got the ambience of the fair enough what you want on it huh yeah um i also think yeah moving on shutting that right down i also think you can't forget the vegetables because that always adds freshness to the sandwich.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I can forget them. Jake does not have any. The pickle is as vegetable as it gets. But I would probably do like shredded lettuce. I'll fuck with some lettuce. Some lettuce. Maybe some sliced cucumber on there. The tomato's got to be good if it's going to be on the sandwich
Starting point is 00:56:45 is it's if it's a mushy tomato no not the ultimate sandwich so somehow i would have a baby between those two and that's my ultimate sandwich what's the funniest thing you've read recently no we're going to breeze over that because you're going to say something not good what item do you hope will be obsolete in 20 years probably also want to breeze over that because you're going to say something not good. What item do you hope will be obsolete in 20 years? Probably also want to breeze over that because Lena will probably say something political. If you were famous, what would your stage name be? Big Jake. Big Jake.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Grass Daddy. The Grass Daddy. What would mine be? Daddy Lawn Legs. I don't know what mine would be. Bean. Bean Sprout. The Bean. Lil Lean. Yeah. Bean. Bean Sprout. The Bean.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Lil Lean. Yeah. Sippin' Lena. That's more nickname than... The fuck? Like Sippin' Lean, but Lena. Oh. Lean on me when you're not strong.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Lean on me. What's next? What character from a movie, book, or show do you relate to the most and why? Danny Midsommar. What the fuck? I'm just kidding. what character from a movie book or show do you relate to the most and why danny midsummer what the fuck you realize she's going through like a bad relationship in that movie after her entire family is killed it's the first thing that popped into my head worst person anyone could ever be associated to uh no i'm just kidding that was a joke what do you think will be on oldies radio in 30 years we're skipping over the higher by creed nickelback those are already kind of considered oldies no
Starting point is 00:58:20 but they're not being played on the radio yeah they, they are. Nickelback. No, the fuck they're not. Nickelback is for sure. On the radio? What radio station? Nickelback is for sure being played on the radio. What radio station? 107.3. No way. 94.1.
Starting point is 00:58:37 98.5. They for sure have. You're just naming stations. I have yet to hear. I literally grew up listening to it on the radio. You grew up, but not now. You grew up listening to it when it was out in its time on the radio. But the question is when they're going to be.
Starting point is 00:58:57 What's the one item you can't live without? Diva cup. No. Okay. diva cup no again i could use a tampon if i needed to true you could live without it so there's what's your answer one item i can't live without coffee maker but you could bed i mean that's kind of a cop out like you could go get coffee like you could still get coffee if you didn't have a coffee maker martin he's not an item i don't know if that counts he's our property i want to think of it logistically like refrigerator like obviously i can't live without a refrigerator but that's boring yeah a roof a house can't live without that that's boring i think anything you could argue like you could do this alternative
Starting point is 00:59:53 honestly probably like my smartphone i was thinking that i mean i was without for 12 hours and i was tweaking the fuck out actually i wasn't i was kind of okay i mean i wasn't happy about it but i was fine i love youtube you do love youtube it is jake will watch anything that he finds interesting you will pull up and this is a compliment you will find the most random interesting video and i'm like okay and i'll fucking i'll sit here and watch this it could be like geography based statistic based it could be some dude in the woods building a fort right we got invested into a guy building a fort that was on like an old tree yeah we're like what else does this guy have like there's so much content on youtube yeah and i
Starting point is 01:00:47 find a lot of things interesting yes so i think it's honestly good you've got more knowledge about a bunch of things you've not necessarily ever done but like and i'm not necessarily using it to gain knowledge or expand my it's just there's a lot of things i find interesting and there's so many things on you can search basically if you're thinking about like i wonder you know like just there's so many things like i like watching like recently i was watching like some video game speed runs yeah i like watching speed runs because they're super satisfying how people have found the most like optimized way to complete a game the fastest way possible yeah it's like super satisfying to watch yeah and that's kind of when i like showed you about like that controversial like video game
Starting point is 01:01:37 thing and you can just like if you can think of something it's on youtube it's on youtube and you can watch it yeah it's basically like a free it's almost like a person's imagination in real life that's how i think of youtube if you can imagine it you can search it on youtube and watch it yep literally anyways that got a little deep and introspective we're on an hour we can quit or keep going there's a couple more decently questions decently funny questions a couple more what is your favorite line from any movie dead air i have a i have an answer but it's it's not funny should we do should we do funny line um serious line motivational line i could probably think of a couple i don't know can i tell just the
Starting point is 01:02:39 one i have and then you can go and then i can think yeah so the the one i have is the proposal no oh i thought you were gonna go no it's from the lorax and it was also my senior quote and it's unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing's going to get better it's not that's my favorite quote of a movie that's good good. That's a good line. Thank you. Go ahead. I mean, where do we begin? There's so many. I mean, you bow to no one.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Got a tear out of you at the end of the third Lord of the Rings. Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Yeah. I mean, like 300 has some badass fucking lines in it like i brought more soldiers than you did or we'll fight in the shade that's a badass line um this isn't a favorite line but recently i used it so i got a promotion at my job recently keep the applause down but no keep the applause down but there's a line in the dark night that harvey
Starting point is 01:03:53 dent says and i've i told it to my co-workers that well there are now my subordinates not well yeah i guess i'm i'm above them and i'm technically their boss now but i said you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain since i'm their boss now but uh that's not necessarily a funny line but that's just a line i've been thinking of i don't know there's probably a lot of like lord of the rings types of things oh a good one is um dumbledore has some good lines dumbledore has some great lines what is what is his big hitter it's the darkness one what is it he says something like oh you just need to turn on the light yeah turn on the light let's look up some double yeah look up some double door quotes and that'll be a good way to end it let me before you read them off i'm trying to think of the one um it is not our actions that defines us it's our choices i believe that's
Starting point is 01:04:52 his line because he says it at the end of the first one i think when he's talking about or it might be later on when harry's worried about if he got mischosen by the Sorting Hat and he thinks he's supposed to be in Slytherin. And Dumbledore says it's not our actions that define us. He's like, do you know why you got picked in Gryffindor? And he's like, because you wanted to be. Something like that, yes. Do you have him pulled up? Yeah. like that yes do you have them pulled up yeah um it does not do do to dwell on dreams and forget
Starting point is 01:05:27 to live yep to the well wait wait that is it doesn't tell me what it happens but you can try and guess what is it when he's looking oh it's when he's looking yeah it's when he's looking at the mirror yeah in the first movie and he sees his parents because it shows you whatever you truly want um to the well-organized mind death is but the next great adventure that's got to be like in a book i don't think that's it yeah it is our choices harry that show what we truly are far more than our abilities again i think that's from the book but oh you don't think that's the that's not from the movie it might be that line but they just did it different for the movie yeah and also i think that quote might be when he's at king's cross um when he's dead yes but again might be
Starting point is 01:06:18 from the book because he doesn't say that in the movie. Yeah, true. Okay. I don't think. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light. That's in the fourth one, Goblet of Fire. When he goes like this. And the candle flickers back on. Yes, and he's speaking to all the students. Yep.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Because he's talking about the... Yep. I can't remember. I think he's talking about the... Yep. I can't remember. I think he's talking... Wait a minute. It's not The Goblet of Fire. Is it when... It's The Prisoner of Azkaban because it's when he's talking about the Dementors.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yes. I think. Which is the first movie that that version of Dumbledore is in. These people are like... I think. Which is the first movie that that version of Dumbledore is in. I love Dumbledore. I love Dumbledore. These people are like, these people. The guys listening are like, these people cannot stick to one fucking topic on this podcast. Like, oh, you want to listen to the Grass Studies podcast?
Starting point is 01:07:16 What do they talk about? Fucking, I don't even know. They talked about Dr. Phil and Pauly Shore. They talked about fucking. We're well-rounded people. There's two more. Do you want me to keep going? Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. It's got to be... Probably after... Voldy's... Voldemort has showed up yeah yeah probably again that might be a book I don't know I'm trying to think I'm pretty good with movie quotes because I can picture their face saying it because I'm a super organizer anyways what's the last one
Starting point is 01:07:58 wait what I found some better ones okay just pick a couple of them pick a couple save the best one and have it be the outro quote okay and i'll let you give the outro quote and then i'll drop the beat i'm gonna do but do a couple first okay um people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right uh your blood is far more precious than mine harry that's not a that's not a quote but that's a funny quote curiosity but it is so funny when he's like he's like you should have let me do that and he's like oh no like why would you anyways it matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be is that what he's talking about gotta be book and i have read the books i just don't remember it's hard to remember specifically when
Starting point is 01:09:00 he said it when it's when it's not movie version saying it because i can picture when and what it's about honestly he's got so many all right pick the best one to do for the outro first thank you guys all for watching um spotify and apple podcast for audio only subscribe like comment on youtube go follow us on tiktok instagram for updates and funny clips and whatnot thank you lena for sitting in on me for me with me what did you pause did you stop it no it's still going um you weren't actually a last resort even though you kind of were but we probably should record more often the only reason i don't have lena on more often is because it would be too it would be so easy for you to just sit in and i don't want it to just be like
Starting point is 01:09:56 every other episode it's just jake and his girlfriend not that there's anything wrong with that i'm gonna shut up but thank you guys all for watching until next time words are in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic capable of both inflicting injury and remedy that was me dropping the beat i think that was a very fitting one considering we just talked for an hour right using words right they're our most inexhaustible source of somebody's got some dandruff martin are you ready for supper martin i'm hungry martin are we done martin

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