Grass Daddies Podcast - Episode 70: Rambling Feud 2
Episode Date: February 18, 2025In this episode of the Grass Daddies podcast, Ben and Spencer compete in the second installment of the totally original game, Rambling Feud! Tune in to see if your answers were featured on this show a...nd thank you to all who participated in the survey! SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @grassdaddiespodcast @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
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my significant other with someone else oh good one that's a good one but it's not on there oh wow
that is a good one cheating i think when i tested these with lena no she said cheating for a
different answer for what you'd hide from your significant other oh and i was like what do you what we need to have a talk let me check your phone right now
welcome to the huda swiss podcast have i done that one before i don't think so i feel like i might have either way i'm
jake and i'm a grass daddy welcome back the usual suspects benser welcome back boys glad to have you
here we've got an exciting episode planned for you guys we've got rambling feud episode two
back by popular demand by no one no one asked for it back We asked for it
We want it back
A couple episodes ago
We were
We were in the lab
I think it's more than a couple
No no no
That we brainstormed the questions for this one
You remember that
Do you remember
That was more than two weeks ago
I was thinking
of when you sent the text yeah yeah but we brainstormed the text on the episode it was
like two or three episodes ago it was like two or three episodes ago we came up with these questions
you remember coming up with these questions right oh my god on the pod now i remember the uh the
girlfriend one the what do you say to your
girlfriend or whatever you remember coming up with that one on here yeah um that's good
it's almost better if you don't because you guys okay so a couple weeks ago i finally sent out all the questions like a survey to a bunch of people friends family what
have you and i actually got a really good number of responses i had like 20 some people respond
and fill out the survey and i wasn't really thinking but i had you guys fill out the survey
and you're the contestants sure so but we're only one answer, so. Right. Your answer may be higher or lower on the list.
It may not even be on the list.
I know one question that's not on the list.
One response.
One of your answers?
No, no.
Not mine.
The little guy.
The little guy.
Hey, you never know.
No one else on your chat is drinking 250 some beers in a month i don't want to reveal
anything but that that was not the number i'll tell you that well it was more than that i don't
know i guess we'll find out when we play the game but uh before we dive into the game like six beers
a night or something it's crazy before we dive into game, is there anything we need to debrief about? Any recent?
Yeah, where's the little guy at?
Any recent updates?
Where's he at?
Oh, yeah.
So, where last we left him, he was going to Antarctica.
Giving himself Blumpkin.
No, spelunking in a glacier.
He got out of there and thought he would try his hand at um joining
the kenyan military okay because he doesn't think that he will get malaria yeah he thinks his immune
system is too strong it's all the alcohol in the system right he thinks he's immune to malaria
that's the newest thing and so he's currently in Africa. Perfect. In probably one of the most dangerous regions in the world.
Have you ever seen those videos where it's like the longest walk you could take on land?
It's like if you start in South Africa, you can walk and then it's like connected to like Europe.
And you can like walk all the way through Russia.
It's like the longest continuous
road in the world or some shit like that you could almost walk from russia to alaska damn near
if you cross the bering strait if we had a bridge yeah but um ice age yeah the video talks about
like that's history i knew about that i knew about the ice age yeah i knew about the uh the uh video
the video talking about it talks about like the dangers along the way yeah and it was like you're
the first probably the most deadly part would be once you get into like the sudan like territory
or whatever either sudan or like kenya just because of not only like the gangs but
but the malaria like you would likely die from just disease yeah look um and the climate
scorching hot right yeah you go from scorching hot to a couple months and then you're scorching cold
yeah yeah once you get to the tundra get the russia. Once you fight through the malaria. It would be so cold it feels hot.
Once you get through the malaria and the gangs, you know,
home stretch is just walking a couple thousand miles through the Arctic tundra
and hoping a tiger doesn't pick you up.
You're dying anyway.
Where are you going after that, though?
To the North Pole?
You're like, hey, I made it.
And everyone's just like, dude, I haven't heard from you in like 13 years.
Yeah, where are you?
I'm in Serbia.
But that's what Cam's doing right now.
He's doing the walk, and he's currently about in that.
I don't want to say.
I'm going to sound like I have no idea, but it's either like Kenya or Sudan.
I heard he was going to try and win the war in the
ukraine too along the way i don't know how but he saw he saw forrest gump for the first time
it was like i think i can do this yeah that's the first thing i thought of when you said the
wall you know shout out cam for actually sitting through a whole movie can you really but doesn't
cam doesn't cam seem like the type of guy
that would be like dude i watched this movie the other day that was so good and we're like oh what
was it he's like i can't remember it was about this guy that uh like he was in vietnam and he
like ran across america we're like for his gum he's like yeah have you seen it i'm like dude
that's like one of the most famous movies ever. Yeah, actually, I have.
And he's like, oh, I just watched it for the first time the other day.
And it's such his personality to see something for the first time and want to do it.
Like the first time I took him to a Stars game, he's like, I'm going to be a hockey player.
Yeah, then we went ice skating.
Yeah. About 15 minutes.
And his excuse was straight to the bar.
I need more practice before I can go ice skating.
I'm like, how do you do that practice bike anyways slide around on hardwood like with socks on like yeah
so i do have a little bit of a story okay um i had kind of a conundrum happen to me
um the last few days if you guys want to hear about it sure but I think before
we do that any good conversation is better with something your system he's
waiting for me to knock oh just causes right back up. What do we got?
There's nothing in there?
God damn it.
What's going on?
Oh, okay.
Oh, man.
What do we got?
I would eat anything for not the coffee.
What do we got?
Hey, last, if I remember correctly.
Oh, man.
If I remember correctly, last Rambling Feud episode, we had buzz balls.
Actually, you guys made me drink two.
Looks like you're having two again.
No, I think there's plenty for all of us.
We got a little more.
We got a little more.
Oh, wash it down.
A little chaser.
Some flavored water.
I kind of miss when they used to be the old gray yum-yums.
Now they're just the white yum-yums.
Okay, so which flavors we got here?
We got berry cherry limeade.
I've seen that one a lot.
I don't know why.
Coco chiller.
The blue seems very good. Coco chiller.
So is it coffee or chocolate?
I don't know.
Makes me think chocolate.
If it was like mocha.
What the fuck?
Chocolate or choco chiller.
Choco chiller?
Oh, no, no, choco.
And then we got cranberry chiller.
He's going to choco you on the way down.
I'm about to buzz.
This is cranberry chiller.
No, but it's, yeah, choco chiller, but it's orange wine with cream.
Yeah, he just shit his pants.
I got nervous.
I got nervous.
Choco chiller in his pants.
I got nervous.
Which one am I getting?
I'll drink whatever.
I don't care.
Try the choco.
You want me to try this one?
That one looks heavy.
Now, per tradition, anytime we've had a buzz ball, we've killed them.
Are we sipping these or are we killing them?
I didn't know you could sip these.
You could sip anything if you just physically did it.
Yeah, you don't have to.
You could sip a shot.
You ever seen a girl take a shot?
That was sexist.
You know, I got a little story.
Someone at work asked me about me someone at work
asked me last week it was like tuesday and they go you want to go to the bars and i'm like hell
no and he was like you know every time you go out to the bars you don't have to get blacked out and
i go you obviously don't know me yeah you go then what's the point are we cheersing these? I guess Oh my god
Remember we don't touch table
That's bullshit
European bullshit
Right wasn't it?
It's almost like the king or something
Wait are we
So we're sipping them?
I guess
Mine's not bad
I kinda like that
It's like
Gotta burn
But it also
It's kind of excruciating but it's also kind of nice
yeah it's like a shock therapy yeah kind of it's got a bit of it hurts but i don't know what to
help it's got a two-stroke in it but yeah it's got that it's got that fucking in it but it'll
be all right the chocolate taste of this one is like the kind that you would get in like a protein shake where it's a little bit off this tastes like uh a chill blue gatorade with like just a little bit
too much vodka should we sample should we pass around a sample i don't know if i want that thing
or i'll try yours and you guys can just pass mine over
oh see that's refreshing The blue one's pretty good
That's not bad
That one
That one tastes like someone
Fucked up pouring a vodka cram
That's like a
Chill blue Gatorade
With too much vodka in it
That's like some shit
I'd make in high school
That's pretty good
What the fuck is that
That blue one's pretty good
Yeah I think that one Is the worst actually What the That's pretty good. What the fuck is that?
Yeah, I think that one is the worst, actually.
I somehow always manage to pick
the worst flavors. Last time you got
pina colada. Pina colada and
who was the other one? I think you only got one.
No, I drank two, but I might
have let you try one. The mini fridge didn't
know how to add the last time.
True. And there was three of us.
The mini fridge gave us five
you're like it was a five for whatever and i'm like what you're like i mean um i just
mini finch forgot how to add yeah well you know that happens sometimes it's so funny
people accidentally slip up and like almost break cannon or break the fourth wall yeah not the fourth
wall traced it the other day he's like i don't know He mentioned something about The whatever but
Are all
Are all these 15%?
Me and him's are
Mine is
That one's bad
That one is
By far the worst
Well if you still want to hear my story
Oh yeah
It might be a little bit of a longer episode
Because I don't know how long this will take
And again
I can put a time stamp For those of you that are like just get to the fucking game already but
and i'll try to do this brief but you know how i tell stories so i woke up no just kidding um
so yesterday not yesterday friday i finally i was like i'm calling i'm gonna schedule appointment
to deal with my breaks finally i'm I'm going to deal with my brakes.
Holy shit.
I know.
And Matt's like, dude, let's just do it here.
And I was like, okay.
So I called and canceled the appointment.
Got the brakes.
Turns out it's way fucking cheaper to do your brakes yourself if you just buy the parts.
And Matt helped me, which was great.
So we get the front brakes done bada bing he's
like the front runs are probably a little more worn than the back and that's most of your braking
anyways and you know now that i know what i'm doing i could do the backs whenever so i'm leaving
going to target because i'm going to get a little valent Day for my little Valentine. Sure. Went in, got the little, you know, whatever.
Got her a card and some chocolate.
Mind you, everyone and their fucking mother is doing the same thing I'm doing
because it's on Valentine's Day.
So the Target parking lot is packed.
I start my truck.
I start pulling out.
I get to the end of, like, the lane of all the parking stalls,
you know, that lane in front
of the store yeah where like people cross and stuff oh right as i get up to that my truck dies
whoa the engines just start sputtering oh no and dies like it's losing power and i'm like what the
fuck and i'm trying to start it won't fucking start so i'm like uh i call matt again and because he wasn't far because I'm like,
I'm not going to call AAA right now.
I'm going to call our mechanic over to see maybe if he knows something.
And he came over and pulled up, and I had jumper cables.
And as I started it for him, he's like, I don't think that's battery.
That might be like a timing belt or something.
So he took a tow rope and pulled me through the Target parking lot
down to the other end. And we parked rope and pulled me through the Target parking lot down to the other end.
And we parked in the northeast end of the Target parking lot where there was no cars.
Go ahead.
Oh, sorry.
No, I just realized he doesn't.
He drives a truck.
I thought he had that little black car.
No, no, no.
He wasn't driving his Audi.
That would have been a bad day.
That would have been funny.
That would have been a real bad day.
He wasn't driving his Audi, no.
He pulled me down there.
And we hop in his truck, back to work and grab his code
reader plug it in and it throws us like a p00c6 i think which means something about like low fuel
pressure or something like that oh god did your fuel pump go out that's what we thought so and
we were looking it up and he's like dude everything is saying fuel
pump so we drove to o'reilly's got a new fuel pump slapped it in there he talked me through
how to do it because i could reach it because there's a low pressure fuel pump in your gas
tank and there's a high pressure fuel pump like on your engine yeah so we're like disconnecting
gas is spraying out and i get this thing on it goes to start and it sounds
different like it's trying to start but like before i would go to start it and it would like
start and it would be like and the whole like engine is like shaking and then it would die
but he's like hold on it's good it's like it's just got some air in there it's got to clear out
and then it starts up and matt and i are jumping up and down
in the parking lot high-fiving dude we're so happy i drive it home lean and i are gonna go
get our little valentine's day dinner i get in my truck i'm singing i'm listening to creed and
singing on my way home i was so happy i got away with because he's like dude i don't know and i
was getting nervous it was gonna be a fucking like multi-thousand dollar fix or whatever.
Lena and I are planning on going on vacation.
I'm like, am I not going to have a vehicle to drive?
Anyways, so I'm so happy.
I get home.
We're going to get our little Valentine's Day dinner.
It starts, shutters, and dies again.
I go from up here to way down i'm so depressed so lena and i were like fucking looking
up shit on reddit forums we're watching youtube videos of guys having the same issue well
i found a video where a guy is describing and the video was titled like before you buy a fuel pump do this and i was like
so i watched the video and he describes my vehicle's diagnosis to a t and he said what it might be is the fpcm which is the fuel pump control module which is it's like underneath
the bed of my truck mounted to like the frame you have to like drop
your spare tire and reach up in there and undo it and it's just a wire connection for like 90 some
bucks at um at the at the store right so i went and got one of those clipped it on and it started
and i was like well so then i swapped the old fuel pump back in.
I kind of sweet-talked the O'Reilly's guy.
Because I'm like, technically, I've, like, ran fuel and oil into this fuel pump.
Like, I don't know if I can return this.
And I was like, theoretically, would I be able to bring in a fuel pump that only has, like, six miles on it?
And he's like, honestly, yeah, it's just going gonna go under like warranty lifetime warranty anyways so i took the old one back and so far it's been running for me but my god i got home
from work and this was on saturday when you guys went to tanner's oh yeah i was crawling underneath
my truck i left my bibs and stuff on because we went in to take care of ice i was like i'm leaving my bibs
on and i was crawling underneath my truck fucking running back and forth from o'reilly's i was like
oh man hell of a saturday but fuck that i'm just like i don't know you know i'm still making
payments on my truck and i'm like it's so nerve-wracking because it's almost like what's
gonna go wrong on it next and you want and you feel like an asshole because you're like well
i'm the one that bought a nine-year-old truck with a hundred thousand miles on it and it's like i
can't be blaming anyone but myself yeah usually fords though last longer than get some good use
out of it like lena was telling me because i was like this thing's got to last until I get it paid off and I can get a different one.
She's like, do you think you'll ever get a Ford again?
And I was like, well, I don't know.
It's like, any vehicle can have any part go wrong.
And it's just, you just pray that it's something that's not too expensive.
You know what I mean?
It's like, there's not really a lot you can do to control it.
Like, what am I going to do?
Crawl under there every month and spray down the diodes?
It's not like anything I can do to upkeep it.
It's just you hope it doesn't go bad.
You could have probably put this cranberry mix in there and it would have started right up.
Jesus Christ.
So, I'm sure you all were fascinated by that story.
I sure was.
If it's all the same to you guys, I hope you're all excited.
Because it's time for Rambling Feud, episode two.
Oh, you want it?
No, I don't.
Oh, wait, that's Spencer's.
You don't want it?
Here you go.
There you go.
There you go.
Oh, I like how you added the echo with your voice.
So, briefly, let's go over the rules again um like we said
these are questions we came up with we pulled friends and family so we have a series of answers
here and what i did was whatever answer was the most common i put for like the number one
and so on and so forth going down the list, there's a couple of these answers that are just one-off answers.
There wasn't like, oh, there was 10 of this and 4 of this.
So, for that, I just basically chose what I thought was funny.
And kind of worked my way down the list.
You're done, buddy.
You're going to have to be.
Spencer is the reigning champion.
If you haven't watched the last one
It was episode 57
You can go back and watch that one
To familiarize yourself with the rules
So what we'll do again
Is we'll go back and forth
I'll read the question and you ding
Have your dingers ready
Which is your voice
Once you get to two
We'll go back and forth When you get to two, we'll go back and forth.
When you get to two strikes, you'll get a hint for the next one in line from the top.
That's right.
Now, if you guys want, last time what we did was if you got a question right, it was just a point.
Do you want to make the higher up questions
be worth more points?
All I did
was number them. So all of these
have eight answers.
And all I did was go eight through one
for the last one.
So it's not a whole
thing to add up. Or we could
just do if you get one right.
What do you want to do? I'm fine with how we played it last yeah just do it okay let's keep the game true yeah we'll keep it simple
especially because some of these are going to be hard yeah because there's no like i mean you know
the audience we were pulling from so yeah for the most part so sure i was able to get the X's to start working, so we will get the little X animation.
This is so professional.
So, without further ado, if you guys are ready, and I've got my little answer sheet here.
Let me see that.
Oh, oh.
Let me see that.
Before we start, I almost forgot.
I did not make a trophy.
However, you guys are playing for a prize.
And that prize was previously featured on the Grass Studies podcast
when I was giving Cam chances to win prizes.
So Cam actually won this prize and never took it home.
So it has sat in the podcast studio.
It has surpassed the 90 day you know trial so now
it is owned by no one he didn't want to pay the gift tax it is up for grabs if you win it is golf
pens golf pens with some little balls and a flag if you want to if you want to use your little golf
putter yeah and do putters.
So these are pens.
This is better than any trophy.
You can actually write with those things?
Yeah, hold on.
Let me pop one out really quick.
This might be a little bit of a longer episode, but I don't really give a shit.
I'm going to class with these.
I can't remember where it's at.
It looks like the part comes off.
Oh, yeah.
So the grip comes off and the pen is underneath.
That's awesome.
Your little iron there.
So there you go.
Whoever wins gets the golf pens, and I hope you take them home.
I really want to test the pen out.
Because Cam never did.
Can we try the writing feel on that thing?
Well, if you don't want it, it's going to go to the other guy.
So be grateful for what you get.
And, yes, you can stick the flag in your little practice putting green,
even though the holes are over here.
Oh, wait, there's a little one right there.
Anyways, without further ado.
I just get so excited.
I'm stalling.
That's a great gift.
So this is what's up for grabs.
This is what's up for grabs. I can't believe Cam didn't pick that up. This is what's up for grabs.
You can't?
You can't believe it?
Or does it sound exactly like something Cam would do?
I mean, it's something Cam would do.
It would.
Something Cam would do.
So I'll leave these here for your guys' motivation.
It's a great little gift.
Right here.
So without further ado, if you guys are ready.
It's like the car.
If I win, I'll give you the driver.
It's time to play the feud. Is that what the driver. It's time to play the feud.
Is that what he says?
It's time to play the feud?
All right.
I've got the answers here.
Let me see them.
Remember, you have to look at me when I read the question.
Because we don't want any cheating.
Can't happen.
I'm reading the question.
I'm reading the question. read the question and you guys ding ready
how many beers alcoholic beverages do you think you drink in a month ding how many is it like
can we do like zero to a number or do you have a specific answer there's only one of these answers
on here has a range the other ones are an exact number okay
i was thinking about going back and changing it but sure okay go for it i'll do five
five is not on there oh oh wait i'm only gonna do so there we go that's so sweet we got the x
but that's an x for spencer i'm not gonna be able to do it again for you, which is fine, whatever.
I kind of forgot about that.
It's still a coin.
So it goes to you.
Back to me.
Let's go 30.
So that's going to be just worth one.
Okay, so I'll write your name next to it.
Then you got it right, so you go again.
50 is not on there.
Oh, wow.
So that's an X.
Another X.
Can I click it again?
I already clicked it.
So 30.
I'll meet you in the middle.
We'll go 40.
40 is not on there.
Spencer has two X's.
Ben has one.
40, 35, 10.
10 is not on there.
Damn, what?
I don't know.
Oh, is that the range one?
Oh, okay.
This is, I don't know.
I should have done a range.
It would have made it better.
That's not how family feels.
You do get a hint since you're on two Xs.
All right, I'll take a hint.
Less than 30.
Let's go zero.
Oh, that's a fair answer.
That is an answer.
That's the number eight answer. So Spencer's got one. All, that's a fair answer. That is an answer.
That's the number eight answer.
So Spencer's got one.
All right, we did five.
So you go again.
Hang on.
Let me go through what we did. We did zero, five, 10, 30, 40, 50.
Less than.
I don't know how to give a hint for a number.
Yeah, less than 30 is the hint for the number one yeah that's the highest yeah even odd that's what i'm trying to
it's a nice odd number it's a it's an even number i'll tell you it's yeah it's an odd
okay like i'm going out and i'm drinking 17 beers. I think Connor did.
Connor's answer is not up here.
He put 34.
And I'm like, what?
He's a liar.
Oh, my God.
It is his turn because he got zero.
Let's go 20.
It's got to be up there.
The number one answer is 20.
Less than 30.
All right. Now we got 20, 30, 40, 50 but you don't get a hint for
3 because I already gave you
but if you get it wrong then he does
let's just shoot the moon here and go like
60's not on there
so Spencer's done Ben you get a chance to rack up a couple here 60. 60's not on there. Okay, really.
So Spencer's done.
Ben, you get a chance to rack up a couple here.
Take my hint, I guess.
Your hint is less than 10.
I said 5.
And 0.
No way!
I did four weeks, two drinks a weekend.
Something like that.
So you both got two.
Now you're on your own for the rest of them.
I feel like there's going to be some real boozy answers in here. Like a hundred.
Boozy or boozy?
What's your answer?
Hundred is not on there. Hundred. Third third strike so you guys tied that round number seven 140 to 150 can put 150
and i had another person put 140 sure so i put so i just put that 12 nice yeah it gets like a 12 Nice. A 12-er. A 12-er. Four.
I was going to say four.
So it's kind of interesting how towards the middle,
the middle is like your lower range because the average is probably like a nice mid-range number.
And then on the extreme ends, you've got the really high or nothing.
That's kind of how stats work.
That is.
You almost can see the bell curve. It's like a reverse bell curve almost. Yeah. So. That's kind of how stats work. That is. Yeah. You almost can see the bell curve.
It's like a reverse bell curve almost.
And the pretty normal distribution.
Shout out Matt.
Look at me.
Here comes your next question.
How many times do you wipe before it's clean?
The number one answer.
Benjamin. Keep going. Just keep going down. answer. Benjamin.
Keep going.
Keep going down to four.
He's racking them in this one.
Man, there's going to be some nasty-ass motherfuckers out there, too.
Let's go with, like, one.
One is not on there.
Oh, shit.
So is it four-two? Sorry, I didn't catch you shit. I'll say... So is it four, two?
Sorry, I didn't catch you off.
I'll say two.
I know Cam's a dumbass.
So it is...
With a lot.
You want me to keep a running...
Yeah, just keep a running...
I'll keep a tally up here.
So, Ben, you have one, two...
Dude, there's eight hands.
Three, four.
How many fucking times do you want me to throw? I'm really confused about eight. two, three, four. Dude, there's eight answers. How many fucking times do you want?
I'm really confused about eight.
Spencer has three.
Yeah, four, three.
Fuck it.
Let's go like.
I'm doing tallies.
Go ahead.
Fuck it.
Let's go like six.
What the fuck?
Two answers.
Again, these are. majority the higher the majority of answer is higher up so i was the most i saw was three and then working my way down yeah that's incredible that's awesome a lot
of people were putting a lot of people would put like four to six and so i would look at whatever the majority was and put that on there
i will also say that for whatever reason this question was confusing a lot of people well it's
tough to pinpoint because you know each shit's kind of its own well i had people say till it's
clean right and i'm like well no but what is that number because that's what the question is, you fucking idiot. We're looking for a number.
We'll do five.
Five on five.
Five on five.
Five on five.
That's a good one.
Wait, hold on.
So you have one, two, three.
I got three this one.
Four, five.
Four, five.
Yeah, it's four to five.
Four to five.
You know, I'll take a wild guess in ballpark.
Go ten.
I was going to say.
You know who put this number?
I know who put.
Was it Cam?
It was Early.
Fucking little ass Early's wiping ten times.
I think he put, I think he put like definitely ten or at least ten.
I was like, Jesus Christ.
I wonder if he was thinking about maybe like squares.
Again, for whatever reason, this question.
Ten squares is a lot.
For whatever reason, this question was confusing a lot of people.
Ten squares is.
My mom, like my mom put like, depends what I eat.
And I'm like, can you give me a number?
Come on.
Well, we're missing seven wipes.
You are missing seven.
And it's right here.
Wow. Well, what number is it on there eight yep or nine yeah moneymaker round for spencer
the fact that early the smallest human being you'll ever see is driving 10 times it's crazy insanity so update ben has four and
spencer has eight so you've got some ground to make i took off i took off now i thought about
like reordering these a little bit because i'm like well doing two numbered ones back to back
sure but this was the order that we asked the questions in so if anyone's going back and they
they're wanting to see anyone who participated wanting to watch this to see if their answers are on here, I thought, well, better just leave them in order.
All right.
Question three.
Look at me.
Here we go.
What do you say to make your significant other think that you're still listening?
That's crazy.
That's crazy is not an answer um yeah yep yeah yeah
let's see
oh boy trying to think what I do.
That's crazy.
That's crazy.
Oh, by the way, I'm your host, Steve Hardley.
I think I forgot to introduce myself.
You know, this is Rambling Feud.
Not to be confused with that copycat show, Family Feud.
No, that's not.
Nobody's watching that.
Nobody's watching that bullshit.
Let's go with like
What's her jingle again?
I'm counting it
For sure
Yeah yeah yeah
That counts
I think that's close enough
Spencer's at 10
It's also fun that These are questions you would never see on family right
like what kind of question is this yeah for sure yeah for sure that actually is what i would say
like that just one those two combined is what i would use yeah for sure um for sure for sure
um i'm doing it to you. I guess. God damn it.
Like the.
The number one answer.
That was without a doubt the number one for that question.
That was a majority of people said that.
I didn't know if that was going to be on there.
I think you might have put that.
I might have.
Again, you guys. If you can remember what you put that might
help give you a hint as to what might be on there it's almost like a free point i don't even remember
what i put to be honest a lot of answers um damn i don't know i might have to take an x here i don't
know anymore can't think one x okay i'm at 1X. Okay. I'm at 1 now. Take a stab.
Just take a stab.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Say nothing.
Silence is on there, I'm sure.
Oh, shit.
Lotion. Watch out.
What is lotion?
I accidentally skipped a slide.
Oh, God.
Okay, you guys got a free one for the next one.
I'm just shooting in the dark, man.
I got nothing.
I don't know.
Someone did say, some people said, like, I don't say anything or body language says it all.
I'm like, okay, silence.
Sounds like a chick answer to your body language says it all. I think like, okay. Silence. Sounds like a chick answer to me. Body language says it all.
I think my mom did say it.
I don't know.
You can take a next.
Do you want to take a next?
Yeah, I'll take a next.
I need to get Ben out of here.
Ben, over to you.
I need to get Ben out of here.
Say something.
We've got four answers here.
Like, oh, wow, or like...
I don't know if I can take oh wow.
I'll let you rephrase it instead of oh wow.
How the fuck do you rephrase it?
Yeah, exactly.
Not rephrase the word
no I know
it's a different word
but it kind of
it kind of correlates
I'm giving you
a little hint here
just cause you're down
so bad
if you were like
someone said something
holy shit
holy shit no no i'm giving you your second x so something but oh
wow all i can think of is like oh gosh no two x's for you all right give me the hint
the hint for number five.
Jake says this.
Jake says a lot.
It's a word I've recently been saying
when someone's talking to me.
Oh my god.
God damn it.
If you say something
that's correct, I'll say this.
A different word for the word correct.
That's right.
I don't know.
All right.
Yeah, okay.
All right. Wait, what'd you just say? Yeah, okay. Right. Right. Right. Yeah, okay. All right.
Wait, what did you just say?
Yeah, okay.
Okay, so you got two more, so you're at six.
Does that sound right?
Got two more.
You said, oh, wow, and it was close but not correct.
Oh, jeez. Oh, jeez.
Oh, jeez.
I don't know.
So you're done.
Can I get a hint?
Spencer's got a hint.
But not, but not mm-hmm.
What does Zayn go?
And what is that?
What did you just say uh-huh oh
uh-huh damn it oh is that the other word for oh wow is uh-huh nope the last one the last one
god damn
so the oh uh it's not oh uh it's not oh gosh
oh oh man i don't know oh really oh so no one gets that one
ben six spencer 13 does that sound right yep oh yeah oh yeah So no one gets that one. Ben 6, Spencer 13.
Does that sound right?
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.
Look at him.
Nate, something on your bedside table.
Hold on.
I can still answer, right?
He said ding.
Oh, wait, but...
Oh, no, wait.
I'm not giving that one. Oh! I don't know if I can give that one. Oh, wait, but... Lamp. Oh, no, wait. I'm not giving that one.
I don't know if I can give that one.
No, but if I guess...
Oh, wait.
Or do I give him the point because he got there first
and you had every opportunity to do it first?
Yeah, it was a fair opportunity.
You saw that answer.
I'll leave it up to you.
Do you want to give it to him
or do you want to say that's not fair?
No, whatever.
I was just thinking like how in Family Feud, if you get the higher answer at this point,
then the first question, you know, the other team gets to go, right?
Oh, do they do that?
They do, but we've never played that.
This is rambling, dude.
We've got our own set of rules.
Not that other bullshit show.
So do you want them to get lotion since you both saw it?
Give them lotion.
Okay, you can have lotion.
All right, all right.
Show me lotion.
Let me just double check here.
Spencer has one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.
You do have fourteen.
I don't know if anyone has these anymore.
Yeah. People like that
You wanna know what Pig said?
I don't have a nightstand
I'm like
If you did what would you put on it?
The floor is my nightstand
Yeah like
I'm guessing like
I don't know like alarm clock
I don't know how no one put that.
That's not on there?
That's not on there.
I don't know how no one put that.
Again, it's not lamp, but it's kind of close to that, but not a lamp.
And I don't know why no one put that.
I don't know.
So you both have an X.
Like a phone charger?
Nope, not on there.
Jesus Christ.
What the fuck do people put on there?
I only got one other question.
Not wallet.
Hint? Yeah. question. Wallet. Not wallet. Hint?
Is it a gun?
I was going to say gun.
Gun's the number one answer.
A fucking protection.
I had like three or four people.
I know.
What was I going to say?
Home defense? God damn it. Fucking.. I know. Condom. What was I going to say? Home defense?
God damn it.
God damn it.
God damn it, Bobby.
All right.
So, Ben, you have another one.
Like a.
You know what I mean?
That's what I was going to say, but then he.
Ben, this is your chance.
Do you have two?
You don't have two yet.
No, he does.
I have three.
He has two.
Wait, wait, wait.
How do you have three and he only has...
Because I haven't given you a hit yet.
So let me get my hit.
You want a hit now?
Napoleon Dynamite what is something that Napoleon
has that he
that he needs
I know what it is
oh it's like glasses?
Oh, I was going to say glasses, too.
All right.
Are we done?
All right.
Number seven.
Close to lamp.
Nail file and clippers.
I had a couple.
A book.
Ah, yeah.
Sleep mask. A couple. Okay. A book. Ah, yeah. Sleep mask.
A couple different people put sleep mask.
Shout out, Broads.
Any other guesses on what Napoleon has?
What does Napoleon have?
Well, glasses.
Besides glasses.
What is something when he calls and he wants someone to bring him something,
what does he want to bring him?
Chapstick. Chapstick. Chapstick. What does he want to bring him? Gatorade? Chapstick.
Chapstick. What the fuck?
Alright, we're halfway through.
Spencer has
Ben should have 8, I think.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Ben has 8.
I give it back.
What's up?
Did you just finish your buzz ball?
Yeah You were really
Hocked her in that thing
God damn dude
You were really babysitting
Alright alright
Time to get back
Get her get back
Alright you're gonna need to
Those golf pens are just
Slowly creeping away from me
I told them I'd give them the driver
I think I've been climbing back
I told them I'd give them the driver I was down seven Now been climbing back. I told him I'd give him the driver.
I was down seven.
Now I'm down six.
Climbing back.
Climbing back.
Whenever you guys are ready.
Name something that you wouldn't want to walk in on.
My parents having sex.
Number one answer.
Family members getting after it.
I don't know what else.
You're up.
I'm trying to think of something else.
My significant other with someone else.
Oh, a good one.
That's a good one, but it's not on there.
Oh, wow.
That is a good one.
I think when I tested these with Lena.
No, she said cheating for a different answer.
For what you'd hide from your significant other.
And I was like, huh?
I was like What do you
We need to have a talk
Wait a minute
Let me check your phone right now
I don't know
Show me murder
Show me murder
Oh fuck
Now I'm out
That's number nine
Someone jerking off.
Somebody jerking off.
You jack off.
We already did that.
We already did our one X.
I wonder if there would have been a way I could overlay two sets of three.
If you did six in a row and then one could be the first X
and then the other player would be like the
fourth x but i don't know if i could the way so you have to like download a powerpoint that and
you like copy one slide and like paste it over the other oh yeah so like the things covering the
answers are like a from a separate slide and you like post it over it and then as you click them
it like i see huh it has it all set up in the thing like someone did it yeah and you can download it
but something you wouldn't want to walk in on your house getting robbed
bow burglar someone also said um homeless people living in your attic so i was like okay yeah i
guess you wouldn't want to walk in on someone using your house.
Yeah, that would suck.
Makes sense.
That would suck.
Oh, boy.
Let's see.
One X for each of you.
Let's see.
This is a tough one.
I can't even think of anything.
What do I do?
That's actually kind of satisfying.
Your pet dead. Dead pet? Yeah, dead pet. I wouldn't want That's actually kind of satisfying. Your pet dead.
Dead pet?
Yeah, dead pet.
I wouldn't want to walk in on that, but that is not an answer.
Dead pet.
I'm thinking.
Slaps him.
Harry, you're up.
Harry, wake up.
Need I remind you what you're playing for here?
I'm on two, right?
No, you've got one.
No, you have one eggs.
You got a murder.
Golf pens.
If you want someone to know that you love playing golf and you pop out,
I want you to take this to a lecture in the box just like this
and just unsheathe your pens.
Those golf balls in there, I'm just going to start hitting them.
Just start putting around while you're taking notes.
Then someone goes, what the hell?
Do you like golf?
And you're just like, yeah.
And you're like, I got a sleeve of Pro-V1s in my backpack.
You want them?
You're like, sure.
That would be actually pretty sweet.
Oh, shit. That would be pretty sweet. Someone just gave you $15. Yeah, that would be actually pretty sweet oh shit that'd be pretty sweet
someone just gave you $15
yeah that would be pretty cool
I wouldn't mind that
Jesus Christ
your house on fire
I don't know
how would you walk in on your house on fire
I guess like a snow fire yeah walking in on your house on i guess like a snow fire yeah
walking in on your house not being there yeah that would i'll take a hint
so your hint for number three is i will say um
ghetto whoa well that might be a little racist
I didn't specify race actually
I just said ghetto
Like a drug deal going down
Was that too revealing of a hint
Or it still made you think a little bit
Yeah I had to think about that I'm always worried if my hints are too revealing of a hint? It still made you think a little bit Yeah I had to think about that
I'm always worried if my hints are too revealing or not
It still made me think a while
So you're still up
With two
Damn dude
The last ones
Aren't going to be hard to get
I'll just be honest I figured I can't really think of any The last ones aren't gonna be hard to get.
I'll just be honest.
I figured. I can't really think of any.
Because these are like one of a kind answers that I just picked as
kind of funny ones.
Just think about some of the people
we had answering.
Yeah, I know I'm answering. Yeah, I know.
I'm trying.
Dude, I don't know.
You can pass it off.
Yeah, I'll pass it off. All right.
I am not.
You've got a good lead.
You've got a good lead.
So your hint would be.
Four. So your hint would be... Four? Um...
I've got two answers.
And I'm gonna... You only get one.
Go with my gut.
And then go away from it.
What? Someone shower. And then go away from it. What?
Someone's showering.
And then come back.
Someone's showering.
Now, if it's someone using the bathroom, I will blow my breath.
Is that the answer?
It's not number four.
But that was an answer?
It is an answer.
But you said shower.
He did say shower. But that was the two I had, and I coin but you said shower. Fuck. He did say shower.
But that was the two I had, and I coin flipped them off.
I should have gone with my gut.
All out.
Number eight.
Horse's birth.
Who said that?
That was a funny answer.
Someone talking bad about you behind your back.
Oh, shit.
That would have been a good one.
Connor put that, I think.
That would have been a good one. I was like, I think. That would have been a good one.
I was like, holy shit.
That's actually a pretty introspective and kind of sad thing to be worried about.
That would be a good one.
That is a good answer.
Yeah, it is.
Someone puking.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, wait.
I'm sorry.
It's talking shit.
And I thought I wrote taking shit.
But still, it would have been wrong so someone
talking shit bad about you let's kill myself someone puking and number four someone shaving
their body someone two different people one put shaving your ass and someone put shaving your back
and i'm like well that is an answer that got multiple a question that got multiple answers for it. I mean, I guess. So, updated total.
A horse's birth.
That is like...
That was just a dumb answer.
I know.
Who said that?
I can't remember.
There wasn't a lot of great answers for this one, so...
Yeah, I feel like that would be a tough one.
So, the updated score is...
I got three there.
Ben got one.
You have 17, and Ben has nine.
Does that sound right?
I can go back and count them all if you want.
No, you're good.
I'm still in the lead.
I mean, if you were ahead by like one, we could go back and do a recount.
All right.
Look at me.
That's right.
What is the first thing that you would say when you get in a car accident?
Oh, this one's going to be easy.
Number one.
This one's going to be easy.
It's over.
Oh, no.
Who the fuck says that?
Oh, no is not on there.
You got some girls. Oh, no. Oh, God. Yeah. You got some girls.
Well, you got girls in that message.
You never know.
Show me shit.
Show me a big old shit.
Keep it rolling, him.
I don't know if this is a legal question to ask.
So I'm going to ask it, and you can choose not to answer it.
But is mother fuck the same as fuck?
To answer that question, no.
Again, probably wouldn't see any of these answers on a whole family view.
Show me motherfucker.
Could you imagine if they did like an explicit family view?
That'd be so funny.
I always wanted them to do that.
This is totally off track, but the NFL on HBO and just mic up. Can you imagine if they did an explicit family feud? That'd be so funny. I always wanted them to do that.
This is totally off track, but the NFL on HBO and just mic up.
No announcers, but just everybody's mic'd up and just to hear everything.
That would be crazy.
You shitting ass motherfucker. Patreon.
NFL has a Patreon.
Fuck, shit, motherfucker.
God damn it.
God damn it.
It's not on there.
1x for both of yas.
Let's go with...
Fuck me.
Fuck me is not on there.
That's 2x's.
Someday one of you needs a hose, because I'd like to participate in this.
That'd be kind of fun. I'd do it. I'd get in full because I'd like to participate in this. That'd be kind of fun.
I'd do it.
I'd get in full.
I'd wear a suit.
Wear a little.
Bald cap suit.
Blackface too?
Shave your head.
Would you do blackface?
Shave your head so then you don't have to do a bald cap.
Is blackface wearing a Steve Harvey mask?
You can wear a Steve Harvey mask.
So as long as there's no paint involved.
That's kind of funny how that...
You know what I mean?
As long as you can take it off immediately,
it's not racist. Because there's like Barack Obama
Halloween masks. Which everyone's
like, that's funny, but if you painted your face
black and you're like, I'm Barack Obama, you'd be like,
whoa, dude, Jesus Christ.
Now David Duke was in the room with us.
All right.
No shout out to David Duke, by the way.
I want to make that clear.
He said no shout out.
Jesus Christ.
You said, oh, God.
Jesus Christ is not on there.
Two X's for both of those.
Give me a hint.
Give me a hint.
Number three.
Think about
the logistics behind a car crash.
Yeah, like your bank account but i don't know what you would say well don't this one is a little bit more broad i'll accept anything that has this word in
the answer my money it's my money
I almost want to
I almost want to skip this but honestly
Spencer is pretty far ahead
so I'm going to pass it over to you
give him a third strike
take that as you will
I don't know how my money would be
well he said finances
I don't know
my money
how do your finances become involved
in a car crash oh uh but what would you say yeah it's not necessarily a saying no something you
would say but anything because a couple people said something that included this word oh um let
me see your insurance yes something to do with i hope my insurance covers this or i
don't know if my insurance will cover like a couple different people said something about
insurance so i was like okay i gotta put that on there so ben gets another one that brings him up
to 12 12 um but i did giving you a hint so you don't get a hint now for five.
That's why you gotta take advantage
when the other guy gets his hint, you gotta
use it.
I just
bought, or, like, I just got this car.
Oh, shoot, I just got this car.
Oh, mother. So, here we go.
Was that my fault?
Hmm. Some broad put that. I'm sure she did it was my sister i hope that kid's okay jesus man two is multiple people answer that or no i think
this whole right side was one hell or oh. Did that really just happen?
Oh, fuck.
Kind of cheesy.
I think it's it.
Flip the card four times.
How many more rounds we got?
We've got two more questions.
Two more questions.
16 answers.
16 potential answers, so theoretically it's anyone's game if you go on an absolute tear.
It is 12 to 18. right here we go oh here we go
here we go name something that you would hide sorry ding i realized i was looking at the screen
okay hold on do it again ready yeah name something you would hide from your significant other.
You had a second chance and you're like, oh.
Because I still didn't have an answer.
That's if you didn't know it was coming.
I still didn't have an answer.
That's why.
Show me like sex toys or toys.
Sex toys is not on there.
Where the butt plugs at?
Someone put dildo, but I didn't put it
Drug stash
And I believe that was your answer
Oh fuck
He's cheating now
Take advantage
Like porn
Browser history Browser history like porn browser history
he's got 14 now he's within 4
oh yeah
this might be too close but like
follow like instagram chicks or whatever
nope not counting it
one strike each
like cheating not on there Graham Cheeks or whatever? Nope. Not counting it. One strike. Go. Like cheating?
on there, but that's what Lena said
and I was like
Wait a damn minute.
So two
Like nicotine
tobacco product.
Two for both of you.
Shout out Gabe.
I guess your bank account history.
Or your spending history.
A purchase or spending.
My insurance claims.
Fuck, what else? So drugs, browser history, or spending. My insurance claims. Insurance. Fuck, what else?
So drugs, boundaries, free purchase, spending.
I got one.
It's probably not on the...
But, uh...
Like an engagement ring.
That's a specific thing for a more broad word i i cannot oh chris i don't know
i kind of want to count it but i don't know if I can...
Show him and have him decide.
Well, but then I know the answer.
But then he doesn't get credit for the answer.
Yeah, then I won't get the point.
And then we just show it.
Yeah, we just show it.
I don't get the point.
So we'll show it, and then you determine if he gets it or not?
So we get a proposal?
Yeah, he said engagement ring.
Is that too specific?
Or does that count?
No, I'd count it.
Because I think on Family Feud they would count that.
You think they would count a surprise?
Yeah, they're very broad about their answers.
If you want to give it to him.
Yeah, I'd give it to him.
Okay, he's at 20.
He's still going with one strike.
Two strikes.
You have two?
You didn't get a hint.
You just gave me a hint.
Yeah, you gave me a hint for number one.
Oh, yeah, and you used it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
All right.
All right.
Let's see.
Hide from your significant other Damn dude
What's something you would hide from Courtney?
My cash
My war horse witness
Alright three for
you get a
yeah I'll
take it
you can use
a hint
I'll use it
oh like
eat like
I don't know
eating habits
like fast food
like you're
buying shit
I'm gonna give it to him I'm going to give it to him.
I'm just going to give it to him.
Food or snacks.
Sneaking in a bag of Mickey D's late night.
15 to 20.
No, I think two about that.
15 to 20.
You're on your own for the last three.
If you get all three of these, you'll bring it within.
It's 15 to 20.
Oh, jeez.
I'll say this.
You're not going to get these last three.
I got to think out of the box here.
Say something that there's no way
that anyone would put this.
Gay lover.
That's not
on there, but I think someone
broad terms, this kind of does
cover it. So we'll do what we did
for you.
And this
doesn't necessarily count. But for you yeah it's better you decide and this this doesn't
necessarily count but if you want it to true identity oh my hint for that one was going to
be spider-man or batman because that's what i took it as and if i said i was being funny if i
said i'm a superhero would you have given me true identity yeah i would have given you that okay i
don't know do we count it we can it's because if you were gay that would have given me true identity? Yeah, I would have given you that. I don't know.
Do we count it?
We can.
Because if you were gay, that would be like your true identity is you're a gay guy.
I think we count it.
But he gets to keep going.
I'm out of answers to those.
Thank you.
That you're a cowboy twin?
The last two.
The last two, there's no way.
Throw it out there.
I secretly love soccer.
Same thing.
That'd be the true identity thing.
Second family.
I don't know if that's cheating, but I'm going to say second family.
No, not on there.
This was a really good answer.
I think Courtney might have put this answer.
Watching a show ahead of them.
Probably, because I'd fucking get pissed at her.
I was like, that's a really good, like, such a real life answer.
This was Cam's.
And that's exactly the amount of laughter it deserves.
So we'll go into our last question.
So last question.
Ben, you are down...
by four?
16 to 20?
Do you have what it takes to bring it back? And win! By four? 16 to 20? Mm-hmm.
Do you have what it takes to bring it back?
You got to get five out of the eight.
You got to get five out of the eight.
The coveted repeat prize that was given to Cam and not taken,
the golf pens.
I want you to look at this.
I really need you to dig deep here.
I'm setting the flag up.
I cut a fresh cup this morning.
Sure you did.
Why are there two different size cups?
I don't know.
For practice reasons.
I just want you to look at this.
Get some motivation going before I click on this next slide.
I want you in a good place.
Are you in a good place?
Do you need to crack another one?
I'm going to crack my second one. I'm getting to my happy place, though. Yeah, go to your happy place. Are you in a good place? Do you need to crack another one? No. I'm going to crack my second one.
I'm getting to my happy place, though.
Yeah, go to your happy place.
You got it.
There's only two left.
Where is your happy place?
You know what I did is I imagined the happy place from Happy Kill Party.
With that chick just in white lingerie with pictures of beer.
The chick from Modern Family or whatever.
I don't know that actress's name.
Something Bowen, I think.
Alrighty. Claire Bowen. I know the last question. Is it Claire Bowen? Can you look up Claire Bowen? I've been thinking about it. in family or whatever i don't know that actress's name something bowen i think all righty claire
bowen i know the last question claire bowen can you look up claire i've been thinking about it
no he's mulling it over if you have a good memory you have a leg up because you answered these
questions so you would know what the last question is i don't look at me and proceed to ding whenever
you're ready or just don't look at the screen. Right. Ding whenever you're ready. Name someone that you wouldn't want to get a call from.
The police cops.
Cops or police.
It's the sound of the police.
Let's go.
A dead relative.
Did you put that?
No shit.
Did you look at these somehow?
That's a joke answer.
A dead relative can't call you.
I was going to put it.
That's what I thought of it.
Someone else put that as a joke.
And I thought it was funny and put it on there.
There's no way. That's what I was going to put. I don't. Someone else put that as a joke and I thought it was funny and put it on there. There's no way.
Okay, so hold on. That's what I was going to put. I don't remember what I put.
You've got 22.
Ben is at
16. You need five. Six.
I need the rest of them.
You need the rest
of them to tie. So he needs to get all these wrong
and you need to get all of these right
to win. So if he gets one more right
it's over.
But we'll play it out for the fun of it.
Let's go
Let's go like a
How many people want to get a call
from a doctor?
Like a doctor.
Boss. Ben. A boss. Bose.
Got one.
Like a Bose.
Like a.
Don't call it a comeback.
You need four more, and you'll never get the last one,
so it's impossible for you to win.
That's what you said about number seven, though.
God is not on there. That's what I thought number eight would be.
Let's see.
Let's see.
What do you not want to get a call from?
Spencer gets one more.
It's over.
I don't even know.
Let's see.
He's got one earphone off, guys.
He's really thinking hard on this one.
Let's go.
How bad do you want those pens?
Pretty bad.
They're kind of cool.
If you really...
Hey, side note.
If you really want them, they're like $15 on Amazon.
But it's more fun if you earn them for free in a game.
You got to earn them, boy.
I just want to hit one shot.
On the Grass Daddy's podcast, the latest up-and-coming podcast.
We've been up-and-coming for like a year.
At what point are we not up-and-coming anymore?
Three years.
Once you make it, I think.
Yeah, once you make it.
Okay, yeah, that's a good point.
You got to make it.
Yeah, you got to make it.
I don't know.
Just skip it.
I don't know.
I'm going to need a hint.
Going for his second X here, Benjamin.
Him, a.k.a. Ribbit, a.k.a.
Like to make it interesting.
a.k.a. Mikey, a.k.a. Special Needs Mikey from the Hayrack Ride, a.k.a.
Shout out Matt's fucking.
Shout out Broads.
Hold the sauce.
Hold the sauce.
Oh, your parents?
The keeper of the void.
Why would you not want to get a call from your parents?
I don't know.
Family member.
Got it.
Someone, I think, put my mom when I'm playing video games or something like that.
That's fair.
Oh, well.
No, I can't remember.
Oh, like an ex-girlfriend.
Oh, my God.
That's a good one.
That's a good one.
I didn't think about that.
It is 20 to 22.
Oh, my God. I don't know how we'll do a good one. I didn't think about that. It is 20-22. Oh, my God.
And I don't know how we'll do a tiebreaker.
Just split them.
You guys can, I guess, have joint custody and just pass them back and forth if you really want.
The important part is...
Yeah, why don't you just win then, huh?
You have one X.
So you're not on the hint yet.
Spencer is on the hint.
I really want to get this sixth one because I feel like the eighth one is impossible.
It might be possible with a hint.
Ah, shit.
With a hint.
Number eight?
I could see Ben maybe getting it, but I don't think you would get it with the hint I have in mind.
Not that I'm catering it to him.
Actually, I don't think either of you would get it with the hint.
The more that I look at him wearing that cowboy's stocking cap, I'm like, there's no way.
It's moral.
But only because Ben will surprise you with his knowledge of random shit.
He'll be like, oh yeah, that's something something.
And you're just like, how do you know that?
And he's like, how do you not know that okay the so let's talk about what did you say that was not
correct i don't even remember i don't either uh the army recruiter no two x's spencer hint this is a very broad wide answer
that's the hint yep that's the hint i you'll understand when you see the answer why i can't
really say more because this is kind of hard to give a hint for.
Broad and wide? What a fat chick?
Well, actually,
I have another
I have,
okay, I'm going to do this.
I'm going to give you a hint
and you ding for it.
Are you ready?
Yeah. Bryce. What? We ding for it And you ding for it Okay Are you ready? Yeah Bryce
Who would Bryce not want to get a call from?
The pens are off the table
You said
I said any But you didn't ding.
I didn't.
If you would have just said it, dude.
I was like, no way.
All right.
Number A.
Number A.
I want to get number A.
The pens are off the table.
Put a number A to two point.
Spencer, go ahead.
I defeated Devin Ross.
Go ahead.
Hit a ball.
I want to see the ball get hit.
We're still playing. Oh, that's right. Well, the game is over. Hit a ball. I want to see the ball get hit. We're still playing.
Oh, that's right.
Well, the game is over.
Spencer officially won, but there is...
That actually did kind of come down to the wire.
Didn't the last one come down to the wire?
Oh, yeah.
The last sector.
Number eight.
Who do you not want to get a call from?
Do you want me to do the hint?
My hint is The View.
The TV show The View.
I've never seen that.
Fucking Whoopi Goldberg?
Not her.
Someone else on The View.
Oh my god.
My mom put this answer and I was like, what?
This is so random.
Who else is on the fucking...
Who's that redhead?
That's the answer.
That's the answer.
He at least knew whoopie goldberg.
Oh, he can't even make it.
Wait, I think that might be the problem.
What's the...
Have you seen The Longest Yard? Have you seen The Longest Yard? Joey Diaz? What's the What's her name?
Have you seen The Longest Yard?
Have you seen The Longest Yard?
Joey Diaz?
No, no, no.
Oh, not that one?
But the first letters of his name
have a lot of
Have you seen The Longest Yard?
Joey Bayhart.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
My mom put Joey Bayhart.
I was like, what?
That's so random
Got a lot of break in her
Yeah I think it's
Those greens have a lot of break?
Thank you all for playing
I hope you had fun
Never lost
Thank you Jake
For setting all this up
My pleasure
It's a great game
Thank you to all of
We're not necessarily
Ending it right now But thank you to all of, we're not necessarily ending it right now,
but thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.
If you're listening right now, thank you for giving me all those answers.
That was a lot of fun.
That was good.
I would really love to sometime do a hangout with all the girls
and actually do teams and have someone host.
And we could do it just like Family Feud style.
Where we go down the line and do answers.
Five people or whatever.
That would be a lot of fun.
You made it.
That was a small hole, dude.
A small hole.
That's impressive.
It is a big hole.
Did you guys enjoy your round two of Rambling Feud?
Oh, yeah.
Spencer, the two-time Rambling Feud champ.
God damn it.
I suck at everything.
You said you were.
You came back.
And the fact that you got her name without me saying too much.
Because you remember that guy in longest yard he's like
they're like recruiting guys and that guy's watching the view and they're like he just
loves joy behar and they're like what and they like go and watch him and he's just this thug
smoking a cigarette and he's just and they're cackling watching the view let me look at what
i put i think i put i don't remember oh yeah do you want
me to go through what some of the people put yeah i'm pretty sure i put irs not gonna lie
i'll tell you what you guys put i think i put 50 yeah i put irs maybe six oh i'm the one that put
dildo for the seventh question yeah yeah yeah so ben because i know you probably don't
remember fair uh drink some month 50 or 60 you put 50hmm damn I put fuck
for nightstand
you put lighters
I put handcuffs
you put
kinky ass
do you actually
have handcuffs
on here
okay okay
trying to make it
more funny
that's my story
and we're sticking to it
you specifically
put parents
oh yeah god damn you're like yeah I know I mean that'd be All right. Yeah. You specifically put parents 69ing. Oh, yeah.
God damn.
You're like, yeah, I know.
I mean, that'd be wild.
That would be worse, I think, than just walking in on a normal set.
It just seems like.
It's a freakier form.
It's a.
And I don't know.
All our parents are older, so it's like.
You hear the hips popping. i'm stuck i'm my knee oh my god
i'm creeping up oh fuck uh for the uh accident you put motherfucker for the hide from your
significant other you put my weed stash in parentheses what am i made of money and then for
the don't want to call you put law enforcement a lot of your answers spencer got before you yeah
it's probably it's fucking funny so you want me to read you off all the people that answered
yeah actually i did tell people that it was anonymous. We could do it off cam.
We could do it off cam.
But some people that I,
I'm sure none of these people really care.
Because I also kind of want to thank them.
I'll say their names,
and we don't necessarily know who said what.
And then,
I won't give last names.
I'll give the last.
my mom, Spencer, Camden Wellmanman claire a friend of mine from high
school the girl that you met at the rail yard oh yeah oh yeah do you know that no courtney
courtney ben bailey as in cam's girlfriend lena wife wife i keep messing that up dude
i'm here uh dylan he's this guy that was at the cornhole
tournament connor bookie ben connor ho connor ho bookie ben richie lena's dad trace uh ian
another guy from the cornhole zane corbin yep shout out rachel cole's girlfriend shout out
zane rachel Maddow.
I don't think Cole answered.
Maybe he... I don't think Cole ever answered.
Rachel, Furby, Pig, Early, and my sister.
Thank you all.
If any of you are listening, I won't read off your specific answers in case any of them
were truthful and you don't want that divulged to the internet.
Specifically about drinking and wiping and whatnot. I don't know if people want to know that well we already you
already threw early under the bus for 10 yeah but you know it's early i don't really care early
doesn't care i could read off early it's like i could read off early's or connor's they wouldn't
care or pig pig put five to ten for drinks. A month?
Three wipes.
Wait, what?
Answering significant other, he put right.
It's got some weight to it.
Don't have a nightstand.
People fucking.
Accident, he put are you kidding me?
Watching a TV show ahead of them was pig.
Which is a good answer. I felt like it would be Courtney.
You said it was Courtney.
I thought it was.
You want me to read off Courtney's?
Because you can answer for her.
She doesn't need to hide any of these, does she?
I don't give a shit.
The she?
That was the question.
If it's an answer that I'm like...
So for drinks, she put one to three.
Does that seem accurate?
For the most part.
For wiping, she said, hopefully less than five.
For when you're just John and she's trying to shut you up she says oh really for nightstand she put toenail clippers i'm like oh shaving their back was what she would
want to walk in on son of a bitch i hope i have my insurance card was the accident um i'm not gonna read that one and law enforcement why the one that was
hide from your significant other because i don't know if she'd want that divulged
fucker what is it how many times i go to the bathroom a day
she tells me yeah i don't know maybe she's embarrassed if she's wait which one does she
have a little bladder?
Oh, the wiping one.
I'm going to call her right now.
Oh, yeah.
Call her right now.
Hopefully less than five.
Jesus Christ.
Tell her she's live on the pod.
Tell her she's live on the pod.
And put the mic up to the speaker up to the mic.
She just snapped me.
Hello, this is your chugging partner
What the hell
What the fuck why is my mom with Courtney right now
What the fuck
You guys are live on the pod
Courtney and I just wanted to hang out today
What the hell is happening
Wait what are the chances?
At first I was like, did you accidentally call my mom?
I don't have your mom's number.
What the fuck is going on here?
Spencer, we gotta keep this on the down low.
Oh, yo.
Jake's right here.
I'm not stupid.
I told you not to call me on Courtney's phone.
Spencer, you guys have to say.
Are we getting a TikTok clip right now?
We might be.
This is crazy.
Holy shit.
It's right there.
We just did Rambling Feud.
That you guys answered the survey for.
Yeah, the survey question.
Courtney, seriously? Five wipes? feud that you guys answered the survey for yeah the survey question courtney seriously five wipes five wipes courtney
she put she put hopefully less than five hopefully less than five you
obviously don't know how to take a survey
your your your answer you want to hear my mom's answer to wiping
your answer for wiping mom was ew depends on several factors fiber level of hydration
chocolate some crimes requires a wet wipe i'm like that didn't answer my question
i didn't know what this was for you want to hear what's on my mom's nightstand?
Besides a sexy CPAP machine, books, books, books, and a sound machine.
My favorite is night noises.
A sexy CPAP machine.
Oh, Lord.
And my mom, I put Joy Behar, Mom.
You did make the list on Joy Behar.
She put Joy Beart or nancy pelosi i put
joy behart because it caught me so off guard i want to know why i'm only semi-funny i think
i think i'm hilarious who said you're semi funny i included a lot of your answers kind of request to me oh all right we'll
let we'll let you guys get phones oh and her drinks a month was four ish four ish so sometimes i guess
tell me when that episode's ready okay i won again so you can listen to the first 10 seconds and then click out Depends on if it's filthy dirty
It's not
She's like
The other day I was helping them take down their Christmas lights like a good son
And she goes
You still doing that podcast?
And I was like yeah are you listening to it?
And she's like
I tried to listen to it the other day
But then I heard something about someone's cock and balls
And I was like that was the opening 10 second clip
So you listened to 10 seconds and then clicked off? like that was the opening 10 second clip so you listened to 10
seconds and then clicked off this one was very pg-13 yeah okay yeah okay extremely pg-13 yeah
what is it that's crazy how the fuck this is your chugging partner we called to see about the wiping never got an answer and instead talk
to my mom here this is your chugging partner jake's like huh i heard it i was like oh jake's
mom and i was like wait jake's mom's on the fucking phone i've been meaning to get her on
the pod she's i think i might have gotten my humor from her okay because she fully played
along with the whole spencer people aren't supposed to know about yeah yeah she just
she went along with it that was oh it's funny too is this a tiktok i think we just made a tiktok
clip she you call courtney and then courtney was like oh it's spencer here yeah well yeah
obviously that's what happened no i, but that's just such a...
I don't know.
It seems so funny.
Well, Courtney's probably busy typing stuff out,
and she's like, it's Spencer.
Can you take it?
Talk to Spencer.
Can you handle this, please?
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
She doesn't answer.
She goes, silver medal finalist.
Amy Chugging Killam.
I went to college.
I went to college Killam. That's what she told meem I went to college I went to college Kill'em
That's what she told me
I went to college
Besides chugging
What other things could you respond to a question by saying
I went to college
Beer bong
Any drinking game
Anything drinking.
Hey, do you know what the quadratic formula is?
I went to college.
I went to college.
Is your body count over 35?
I went to college.
Sorry, I was too busy trying to think of the quadratic formula.
Jesus, man.
No one cares about that. X equals negative.
It was a song.
Is that the quadratic? Yeah. X equals negative. Here's a song. Is that the quadratic?
X equals negative B plus or minus the square root of B squared.
Or is that A?
Oh, yeah.
B squared over 2AC.
All over 2A.
B squared minus 4AC.
All over 2A.
All over 2A.
Something like that.
Do you remember that song, Spencer?
I didn't listen to no songs.
I ain't going to no school.
I was too busy headbutting linemen.
Too busy jumping off roofs.
It's good to have you guys back. Yeah oh it's good to have good to have you guys back yeah it's um i don't
want to necessarily dig at some of my other co-hosts i've had on here but i'm gonna um so
yeah cam this is at you walking through south africa and i straight up told i actually did
tell it to their face and this this is... It's just because...
So I'm talking about Ben and Trace.
I had them on.
I was...
While recording, I was like, this isn't a very good episode.
And after listening back, I was like, it's not bad.
And I felt like I was talking so much.
But it was because any time I would pause,
I could tell they're a little bit not as comfortable behind the mic as you guys are.
Because I would stop talking and they would go.
Yeah, you can't have silence.
And I was like, and then I keep talking and I'm like,
I feel like I'm talking so much to fill the void.
Because like when I'm with you guys, you guys will.
We'll go back and forth and interject and interrupt each other. like that's in my mind that's how a funny podcast should be
well you can't have dead air dead air kills all there's never any dead air when we're on because
you get that side combo going on over here and now that we got the headphone jake just goes
it actually does kind of help he can hear this like side combo and then he just stops
going and he's just like stupid i just waiting for it to finish hurry the fuck up not hurry the
fuck but i wait for it to finish because okay because i can hear it in my ears yeah well i'm
i'm half listening to what you guys are yeah but. Yeah, but, like, before the headphones, you were just, like,
you couldn't hear it. Yeah, you couldn't hear it until, like,
you were editing.
Yeah, and then I'd be like,
what the fuck is this?
It would be like this.
It would be like this.
No, no, no.
Yeah, it would be like this.
I'd be, like, trying to explain the rules
or search something up, and then it would be like, fucking, are you going to finish that?
Fucking hand that to me.
What are you doing?
I don't.
What are you fucking.
What are you doing?
And I'd be like.
So good.
Oh, yeah.
Just you guys like bickering.
Oh, yeah. And then, and then, and then this has been. Oh, yeah. Just you guys, like, bickering. Oh, yeah.
And then this is Ben.
Sorry, what?
What did you say?
Something about your dog or something?
Oh, by the way.
Who died?
I did lotion up before this episode, and I'm not itchy.
It's not my face, brother.
It's not my face, brother. It's not my face, brother.
I don't know.
Did I tell you Abby found the... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The lotion?
Found the lotion.
The baby oil.
The podcast.
Oh, yeah, the baby oil and the podcast.
Oh, oh.
And the TikTok.
And she went through, like, every single one of them.
Oh, no.
And we were on FaceTime.
When you say she found it, was this something you were trying to keep hidden from her?
Yeah, are you trying to hide it?
Or... She's got VHS tapes
of the grass. This guy's just
letting loose on the pod. Now Abby
found it, he's like, fuck!
Well, you know.
It was...
Letting loose or just being himself?
Letting loose
for sure.
A mixture of both
But before you know
I was single
Didn't have a
Worry in the world
Now I gotta like
Worry about
Worry about what?
You don't give a shit
I really don't
It's not like you're
Coming on here
Going like
Fucking my girlfriend
It sucks
Like it's not like that
But I don't know
I don't know what my
Problem is
But yeah she found it
Okay okay
Where was I going with this
I don't know where you're going
You're saying she found
Like the YouTube
No the
The TikTok
The TikTok
We were on FaceTime
And she was like
She said something about lotion
And I like
I don't know
I said like
And then she started
She did the
What I said
The whole like
Stone cold thing.
And I'm like, wait.
She went, what?
And I was like, what?
How the fuck?
Where'd you hear that?
And she's like, I found the TikTok.
But it's got a head on it.
Dude, it's crazy.
Like a bunch of my buddies from Sterling have found the TikToks.
And they send it to me.
They'll be like, is it you?
You're on a pod?
I'm like, yeah.
Oh, got to shout out Bean.
Shout him out.
Shout him out.
Bean, I know you love the pod.
He loves it.
He sends me messages all the time.
What's Bean's real name again?
Oh, yeah.
He loves it.
Bean, shout out to you.
Thanks for listening.
Hey, sometime you and Spencer can come on.
Whenever you want.
We don't have a line for the guests for this.
Cam's going to be a while.
Once he gets to that Tundra, it's going to be another few another while so it'd be so funny if we like if we were able to like get cam
like a green screen set up with like a face cam we could put like a jungle behind him after how
many months he's been walking we could do we get him like some brown like eye black or whatever
to like put on his face so it looks like he's been trudging through the place.
Cam, how you doing out there, buddy? We didn't even need to get him eye black.
That dude would go out there and make mud
and just fucking...
True. That's so funny.
You know Cam would just throw mud on his face
just because.
Oh, we're getting an incoming call from Cam.
He's like, guys, I just found a snake.
I killed it. I'm making turkey.
Like, good. You guys like this bracelet it's like this bracelet i made this bracelet out of a vine it's a little garter snake oh god found two coconut you know what on one hand, Cam would be so good at survival, but the most unexpected trivial thing would be what killed him.
He would be fashioning a hut, finding coconuts, finding a way to get him open.
I feel like the thing that would kill him...
He would trip over a rock and crack his head open.
I feel like the thing that would kill Cam is he'd get bored.
Yeah, he would get bored.
His ADHD would kick in and be like,
Oh, fuck this.
He's like, I bet I could jump out of that waterfall.
Not die.
He just dies.
He could probably surf that 100-foot wave.
He's up in the canopy of a 50 foot tree and he's like
oh drop foot got me and fucking trips over a little knot
oh god that is the water would probably get him that's funny
like i thought i could drink it and i just was peeing out of my butt for a day.
Try to make a Bud Light out of rat's blood.
Did it work?
I could see him, like, being brought in by, like, a group of gorillas. Like, part of their instinct is, like, he's close enough to a Neanderthal.
Yeah, he's close.
Might as well.
They just like bring him in.
He's like, yeah, I made friends with a group of apes.
If you're wondering what I'm up to, I'm the alpha of a pack of gorillas.
Oh, we got to go clean fucking bozos.
Oh my god, that's so, that's so.
I'm already picturing him being like, I have like three wives and I'm just... They're just getting it.
They're just getting it.
It's my little wife just getting it.
I have something hilarious to tell you off air.
I can't say it.
I can't say it off air.
Oh, we better end it.
We better.
We're going on an hour and a half, so I hope you guys enjoyed that episode.
I know I did.
We're mid- mid sunday afternoon just
enjoying a buzz ball just getting it a couple just getting after it um thank you guys all for
watching um until next time spotify and apple podcast for audio only go over yeah go over to
that tick tock and uh that's Hit that red button on the TikTok.
That's where all the fun, funny shit
is happening over on the talk.
You don't got the time, the TikTok.
30 second clip.
30 second clip of the funniest thing you'll watch all day.
I mean, I don't
All week.
Maybe a month. Ever.
Maybe a year. Maybe your life.
We just keep topping ourselves.
Every video, we're just coming out with new.
We got to get in the lab and come up with some merch, though,
because I did make that TikTok where I'm like,
I got a nice little half a buzz going, and I was just like,
it's going to be my New Year's resolution.
I hit you guys with that.
He's moving on.
Was that when we at Spencer's before the
yeah okay.
Yeah and I had
Connor filming me.
Subscribe on YouTube.
If you're listening
to audio only
you probably could have
played along
with the Rambling Feud
and if this is a huge hit
who knows
we may do Rambling Feud 3.
So I had a lot of fun
doing it
putting it together
getting questions i was just when people were sending in their answers and i was typing them
into a little spreadsheet i was giggling it was a lot of fun so thank you guys all for watching Until next time, keep your balls buzzed. Balls.
Keep the lotion on.
Keep the lotion on where it needs to be. On the little head.
Keep the lotion on where it needs to be.
Keep that lotion on the dresser.