Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 13: 3 Spooky 5 Me

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

[Apologies for the late upload!] Happy Fall everyone! In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast the boys get spooky telling stories about times when they were the most scared! Jake talks about the ...time he was almost robbed and Kam talks about playing with an Ouija board! Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 in this episode of the grass studies podcast he has a knife out and he's holding it down by his side and he's walking towards me she texts me at 9 30 and she's like are you home and i'm like nope i'm sitting on cameron's couch and she's like well that's weird because i just heard a big bang in the living room uh-oh and then we heard demonic clown laugh, like, echoing across the campus. After I threw the fucking thing out, and I know it went in the ditch, because I heard water go... As it hit the... Don't even tell me what I think you're about to tell me. Oh, it's going there.
Starting point is 00:00:38 There you go. Welcome to the... It's only my third day out here. Podcast. That's Cam, I'm Jake, and we are the Grass Daddies, baby. Let's go. Boo! Ah!
Starting point is 00:00:51 Did I scare you? You actually are crying. There's like literal tears rolling down your face. I'm accepting new co-host applications on Instagram at grassstudiespodcast at grassstudiespodcast DM us for Kim is on one today
Starting point is 00:01:16 apparently I just got shit on in some NCAA yep and guess what you'll never beat the old man you'll never beat the old man. You'll never beat me. Like you always say, I'll dab all your ass. Are you already recording?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah. We're recording a little bit earlier than this week than previous weeks. Normally we record kind of after supper. But Cam's got some shit to do. We thought we'd just bang this out. That's also why we're still wearing
Starting point is 00:01:49 our uniforms from work. If you didn't believe that, we work at the same place. Wilderness Ridge, baby. Shout out to... Just kidding. Honestly. Shout out to the guy that asked us to watch our language as we were working and he was
Starting point is 00:02:06 in his backyard fuck you that was yeah we were uh what was it you had a bunch there was a bunch of sod we rolled up together and they had sod over there yeah and they had a huge roll of sod for this little like two by two square area and i just rolled up and i was like geez you cut enough fucking sod that's all i said and then i get out of the car and this guy in his backyard goes you mind watching the language and we all just turned we're like huh like what do you mean i thought we were all adults here yeah and i was like fuck you no but um so we yeah we just came right from work and uh i whipped cam's ass in ncaa real quick and uh we ate some tacos hopped right on had some
Starting point is 00:02:55 leftovers because you know us hard-working boys we need a we need a supper before supper right after work yeah he's in my supper after work is about three pounds of candy yep and then i go three pounds of candy is crazy that's a lot we got our new table that goes right how much of it is a york peppermint i had i haven't ate any york peppermint patty since i got home i was talking to ben and he was like he agreed with me that you had some wild takes on the last episode and he's like he said that he didn't like Snickers
Starting point is 00:03:31 because it sticks to his teeth but then he was like uh but then he was like milk duds are a B it's like what the fuck he's like I couldn't tell if he's like trolling or and I was like i i don't know i think he was being serious nothing that tastes better anyways what were you about to say um we have our i bought a table that goes right by my recliner because
Starting point is 00:03:58 i gotta have some place to sit my beer when i'm going to the side a side table yeah and bailey comes home she's always pissed because she goes to place to sit my beer when I'm going to the dad mode. A side table. Yeah. And Bailey comes home. She's always pissed because she goes to try to sit her water cup down. And it's just cans and wrappers. And Dorito bags. Oh. I went home yesterday, ate half a bag of Doritos. And you know like the Orschlunds?
Starting point is 00:04:18 You know what an Orschlunds is? Orschlunds? Yeah, it's like a farm, like home and farm store. Like, kind of like tractor supply. Mm-mm. Oh. Well, we had Orschlunds yeah it's like a farm like home and farm store like kind of like tractor supply oh well we had orschlunds back home but yeah we didn't they sell these big bags of just like that laffy taffy that's like rolled up oh yeah yeah like saltwater taffy or whatever the fuck i don't know what it is but yeah bailey's mom gave us some of that and i've been fucking just macking the fuck out of that. Just eating them like potato chips.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So I ate half a bag of Doritos and about 14 pieces of Laffy Taffy. And then I had gummy worms, a nerd cluster, a Kit Kat, and Reese's. Can you put me in your will for the soon-to-be death from you consuming all this shit? And the other day, I had about six pops and two energy drinks. Now, are you bragging right now, or are you just informing us all of your horrible diet? This is my third day out, yeah. Nobody built on me. Bailey walks in.
Starting point is 00:05:28 She's just like, holy shit, did you eat all that? You're like, this is only my third thing I can't eat. God damn it, Ruger. Oh, fuck. All right, we are in... I don't know. Technically, I don't know how this is lining up with when we're recording and releasing with... So I want to say week two of our October series, but it's technically probably like week three of October.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But second installment of our, I don't know, spooktober. Halloween themed. Halloween fall themed. Scary as fuck. Podcast theme. Last week we did Halloween candies. This week we're going to be telling
Starting point is 00:06:20 some scary stories. Show me Timber! We're going to be getting scared over here. some scary stories. Show me Timber! I'm gonna be getting scared over here. I told you to please prepare and I'm hoping you did prepare for this episode with some scary stories.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Not like fake scary stories. I meant like scary stuff that's happened to you in your life. Because I've got a couple things picked out. I have one story that I'm pretty excited to say. Because it's kind of funny but like if you really let your mind into the story
Starting point is 00:06:53 it really takes control. I'm not allowed to just laugh the whole time because it's a scary story like you like to do with scary movies. I'm just going to laugh the whole time. Maybe that's why I'm not scared of much. Do you think that's why I'm not scared of much. Do you think that's why I'm not scared of much? Because you're dead inside?
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's because I just like I don't have a soul? My ADHD brain just like thinks of the funniest possible outcome so it's just like Nothing to be worried about here, pal! Like you're watching a scary movie and you're just like
Starting point is 00:07:22 what if she farted right now? That would be so funny. Holy titties. Or you're watching a scary movie and you're just like, what if she farted right now? That would be so funny. Holy titties. Or you're just like, we were watching the third Friday the 13th movie. And you're just like, I could feel it emitting off of you. The energy of you just hoping that they would take their shirt off. Because it said brief nudity. It said violence language and brief nudity and you're just like oh she's definitely gonna show her tits no that girl's gonna show her tits oh she's about to show her tits okay guys if you
Starting point is 00:07:55 guys are going into a movie like oh yeah i'm gonna see some titties brief nudity do not do not look up brief nudity. Because I'll show you what you get. Whoa. Make sure that's plugged in. Hello? Okay, it's still plugged in. This is what you get right here. Oh my God. Just a little bit of side boob. A little bit of side boob and maybe a brief nip slip yeah and transitioning out of
Starting point is 00:08:32 how terrifying that was to look at let's get into some scary stories all right you or me first um i'll tell something that kind of i was thinking about what scared me as a kid and I remember one of the scaredest times I was as a little kid was when there was a tornado warning and we were in Grand Island at my aunt's house and me and my sister we were so terrified um because and i think i realized that when there's a tornado you're supposed to be in a basement and my aunt's house didn't have a basement it was like a brick house and we just went into this like brick entryway and we were just kind of hunkered down while this tornado warning was happening and i was fucking so scared i was like nauseous and i was like saying like you know kind of thing when you're a little kid
Starting point is 00:09:29 yeah yeah yeah and my and my aunt like i remember she like got me like a pot and then she got me and my sister like a juice box like it'll calm your stomach because we were just like scared to death. And Jake's over there. You're on one today, aren't you? Oh, yeah. Drink up. But what really comes to mind with me, I haven't had any like paranormal experiences or been in any kind of haunted
Starting point is 00:10:05 situations um but the number one thing i always think of was the time i almost got robbed oh so i was working at da vinci's um which is a pizza place as a delivery driver and um when you're a delivery driver they give you this wallet and when you start your shift it has like enough bills in it so you can make change for people's orders um well this was getting kind of towards the middle or end of my shift and so this wallet was now like fat with cash and um it was probably about this time of year um so it starts getting dark pretty early so i was at the point where my entire shift it was dark fuck that it was dark for my entire shift because i would always work five to ten and i walked up to this guy's door, gave him his food, got his change. I was walking back to my car and by the way, the, so the location that I worked at was like
Starting point is 00:11:16 in the most ghetto we part of where we live, um, which did not help because i ran into a lot of sketchy people down there or would see them or would deliver to them or you name it a lot of sketchy stuff went on down there but i was kind of prepared for it because i knew where i was at i knew who i was delivering to i was prepared for it um and you're just like motherfucker you want to get slapped with a peach box? What? Yep. I would say that. And so I was walking back to my car after making this delivery. And I'm like walking down the sidewalk and there's another guy walking down the sidewalk towards me.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And for whatever reason in my mind, I like i could tell somehow i don't know why i could just tell somehow that this guy wanted to interact with me i could like almost sense it i think it's like eye contact like i i noticed that like but it was dark i could barely see him well like if you ever like walk in the mall or something where it's like super light i feel like you can always like pick out the person that's gonna say something when you're walking past yeah i don't know because their eyes are just like fucking just i i don't know he probably was staring at me and he probably saw that i just made a delivery he probably even saw me take the guy's money and so he knew for a fact that i had money on me so he already had made up his mind he wanted to get money from me and somehow i i don't know if
Starting point is 00:12:48 i could sense i at first so what happened was i started walking um towards my car from like down the sidewalk towards my car and as the guy's coming towards me, he goes, sup brother. So I'm like, okay, he's engaging with me right now. My first thought was this guy's homeless and he's going to ask me for money, but I didn't want to engage with him at all.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So what I did was I just kept my head forward, kind of down. Didn't even, like, I didn't even look in his direction. I just kept walking towards my car. And I was like, I'm just not going to acknowledge this and engage with him. Because he's obviously engaging with me. And I thought in my head, this guy's homeless and wants money and you're like it's 8 30 and i it's dark as fuck out you're just walking around and you're trying to talk to a random person yeah what good can come from this anyways yeah so i just kept walking towards
Starting point is 00:13:58 my car and as i probably stepped off the curb and was about to turn left because i was walking around in the front of my car I kind of look out of the corner of my eye and I see him he's now veering off the sidewalk kind of and he's taking an angle and he's walking straight at me so as I veered off the sidewalk he veered off the sidewalk and he's now walking towards me and I look down and I can see he's holding a knife. He has a knife out and he's holding it down by his side and he's walking towards me. And I could see the shape of the knife. It was a round point.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So it was a straight razor for shaving. So I could see what kind of knife he was holding. He wasn't right up on me like we are, but he was close enough that I could see it. So at that moment, I'm like, oh, this guy really wants money from me. This is now an attempted robbery because he's coming at me with a knife for my money. So I stayed relatively calm. I just, maybe i sped up a little bit i don't know but basically by the time i glanced and i could see that he was walking towards me with a knife i was already coming around the front of my car i didn't have an automatic lock fob so i had to stick the key in and unlock it but i got in i unlocked it got in shut it and
Starting point is 00:15:28 locked it and as i was putting the key in the ignition and starting it he was up at my window at that point and he took the knife and he was tapping on my window with it and he was like kind of like looking making sure no one was looking and he was like tapping on my window with the knife like look what i have like you need to give me that money now because i have a weapon on me and i i like kind of was like and i just started the started the ignition put it in and drove off and i went down a couple blocks and it was starting to set in at that point on me because my heart was beaten really fast it was starting to set in on me like what just happened and then the next thing that occurred to me was I haven't punched in the next delivery location on my phone
Starting point is 00:16:20 because the first thing I do whenever I do a delivery is i pull up my phone and i type in the next address but i'm just driving down the road aimless me i was like what am i doing i just was such in such flight mode that my body just took over and was just we need to get out of here and forget about everything else and i pulled into a cvs and um i made the last two deliveries like well at least at least if something does happen, they have Band-Aids here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I was like, maybe I should get stocked up
Starting point is 00:16:51 just in case someone tries to slice me like a piece of pizza. Imagine he's coming at me with a pizza cutter and he's like, I'm just trying to help. No, so I did like two more deliveries and then I went back to the store and of course I told everyone there what happened. And the manager at the time was like, yeah, you should call the police. And I'm just like, huh, that didn't really occur to me that someone just tried to rob me with a knife.
Starting point is 00:17:15 So we like called the police. I told the police what happened. And to the best of my ability, my recollection of everything that happened. Then they're like okay we're gonna send an officer of your location which it's down the street from the police station so it didn't take very long to get there and the guy comes in and we go into the little like party room you can rent out because no one's in there and he like we sat down at a table and he had like a little notepad and i was telling him
Starting point is 00:17:45 everything that just happened and i'm just like it kind of like dawned on me like this is fucking crazy i'm just a pizza boy and i'm just trying to you know i'm clocked in right now talking to a police officer about a guy that just tried to rob me and he was just like yeah so if you could give us a description the best you could because um that was attempted robbery with a weapon so that is a felony and i'm just like oh shit that really is a felony isn't it like it i none of this was really even occurring to me it was more just like this guy's coming at me with a knife get away well at least you didn't do i got something to add to your little at least you didn't do like all the movies all the fucking scary movies it's like oh shit the killer's coming and then they grab their keys they like try to stick in the key like drop it it's like yeah dude
Starting point is 00:18:38 i feel like when you have an adrenaline rush your senses are so much more keen yeah like i had to be like if it really came down to it and you were at like a high adrenaline rush you'd are so much more keen yeah like it had to be like if it really came down to it and you were at like a high adrenaline rush you'd be able to like just pick out that key and just yeah everything else it's not like you're like yeah yeah yeah like i do i do believe that your body when your body goes into survival mode is kind of a crazy unstoppable force. The human body and its drive to survive is crazy. Dude, adrenaline,
Starting point is 00:19:11 when adrenaline like makes you so much stronger. I think that's why people do cocaine. Cause that's pretty much all it is. Um, but yeah, so then, so then the cop was like, okay, do you think you, if we found him, you could point him out in a lineup? And I'm like, what is happening?
Starting point is 00:19:39 I'm like, am I really about to leave my shift at this pizza place to go point out someone in a police lineup? Like, this is crazy. And I was like, I mean, maybe I didn't really get that good of a look at him but that in recent memory is probably the scaredest i've been because that was real life that was a guy coming at me with a knife i mean yeah what happens if i didn't get there in time what if what happens if i was like no i'm not gonna give you any money like he'd probably be like then i'm gonna use this knife like i'm intending to until you give me money yeah and it's a straight razor too it's not like he could stab me he'd be like slicing me i don't know i don't know unless he was just a barber and wanted to there was wanted to fade me up real quick line me up there was a situation i'm not going to
Starting point is 00:20:31 disclose the story behind it on the podcast but a cop was telling me that most of their like deaths they see from stabbings aren't from like big knives it It's from like little ass objects. Like small. Easy to conceal. Like, he was like, those little scissors. Like the scissors are like this. He's like, I've seen more deaths with those than fucking knives.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Like, that's crazy. I mean, if you cut in the right spot, you hit a vein. It's like, you have like a minute. Well,
Starting point is 00:21:04 until it's, yeah, yeah like unrepairable damage but that's my story well you want to go into your story or yeah or did you still have something you wanted to add well like back to like the adrenaline and shit that's like when like cops or like military or anything like that their adrenaline's so high they literally have to have people check them for bullet holes oh yeah because you don't even feel it at the time you don't know your body like goes numb but your senses are like all still there yeah yeah yeah i get you and like like oh shit i was shot there was like i was watching like a body cam footage of this guy was like up at this big dude's window and they were like stopped somewhere and he was like
Starting point is 00:21:54 just like trying to ask him for like his paperwork and the guy just like pulled out a gun well it shot him like through his like side like, like, where his body armor isn't. Yeah. At. And he, like, called it in, blah, blah, blah. Like, shots fired. Yeah. Got in his car. And was, like, chasing the dude.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And then he just, like, sticks his hand out. He's like, oh, shit. I'm bleeding. Like. Yeah, what the fuck? You didn't feel that? But, yeah. didn't feel that but yeah um my my the story that i was really excited to tell was it's not like something crazy like that that's happened to me but it's more of like uh mentally scaring myself
Starting point is 00:22:35 okay so my like junior and senior year of high school i was working at kozak country club and i would go to school for eight hours and then then I'd come into work, and I'd work eight hours. So I'd get off work at three, and I'd leave work, like the golf course, like two in the morning. Oh, my God. And so at this time, I was listening to my true crime podcast. Well, and most of the time, I'd come in and mow, like, fairways. Yeah. So we would mow with lights on, obviously, because it's pitch fucking black outside.
Starting point is 00:23:11 But it's not like the lights aren't like your car headlights it lights up enough that you can see like three foot in front of your reels and you can see your reels so but this like moon being out i'm assuming you guys have been outside when it's like a full moon like oh please tell me this is a bigfoot encounter no it's like bright enough that you can see silhouettes of stuff and like we had a couple pawns well this it happened to me multiple times but this night was like a four-part episode of my podcast i was listening to and so it started that's kind of ballsy to be working at night while listening to a true crime podcast you are an adrenaline junk you are really seeking that like i would get like we'll get into it but like i think part of me was like i hate this but i really like it yeah yeah it's a thrill so
Starting point is 00:24:06 in this episode it was talking about these like people in europe and i can't remember what did it what the case was for sure but they're abducting little kids and like it was some fucked up shit yeah they sent their like parents videos of them torturing oh my god these like six-year-old kids on camera on the day of christmas and these kids like were missing for like years like sketchy ass story and so like i could see like silhouettes and we had ponds so like i could like see you know you could see the pond and like like where the edge the outline of things is so it's not like pitch black like i can't see anything around like my lights i can still see like things so i was listening to this podcast and then i was just like started getting in my head
Starting point is 00:25:05 i'm like yeah i started getting creeped the fuck out like i'm like dude i'm fucking out here alone i can't see anything somebody could 100 be watching me oh that's you don't want to do that you don't want to get the i feel like someone's watching me well and then i went to fuck i can't remember um it was the railroad killer i think is what what he was called it was like it was a hispanic dude he would travel in to texas like on his visa for work what he said but he would like ride like hop trains and wherever the train he would jump off in the town and but he would like ride like hop trains and wherever the train, he would jump off in the town and then he would kill somebody. So that was getting in my head.
Starting point is 00:25:53 And then our golf course is right by highway 30. So it's by a busy ass road. Yeah. Which my lights are bright enough that if you're driving down the roads, you could, so you were like worried someone would see, Oh, there's someone out there. I can stop. you can kill them like yeah you can see their lights
Starting point is 00:26:11 like catch your breath catch your breath and so i was like well and then the interstate runs like right past cozad so we always get different people in there that interstate's here railroads here and highway 30 is here i'm like this has all the fucking means for somebody just go whoop whoop yeah see ya yeah so so you were getting in your own head like crazy yeah which in i knew that golf course so i could literally drive i drove the golf course backwards in a golf cart in reverse the whole entire golf course yeah but i was like something's off well and then you start to like it's like that moment where you wake up from a nightmare or something and you wake up and everything in your room looks like a silhouette of yeah yeah yeah you you start putting yourself in that mindset and then you're just like we said the human body survival instincts you start
Starting point is 00:27:05 freaking yourself out tripping yourself out and then all of a sudden that could be something to harm me that could be something to harm me like you're seeing yeah figures that aren't figures well and then just like yeah like i we had a bunch of like small like trees out there so i'd be like i'd just be mowing along which i'm still like watching my reels and then out of the corner of my eye i would see something like what the fuck yeah you think he's on movement so i was like tripping fucking shit i was fucking so sketched out and then i was like this is honestly probably the most terrified i've ever been and it's not even like something nothing's even actually happening yeah like i'm just
Starting point is 00:27:50 tripping myself out yeah yeah yeah and so like i would go home which the best thing was is i would like essentially i would just eat separate or like a heavy snack at work yeah because they had like those like telkies like refrigerated sandwiches so i just go in after school and we got like a free one of those every day so i just throw it in the microwave and fucking eat that and then go work and i got home and i was sitting on my couch after i got home because i'm like still like like i'm still on edge i felt like i just made it out of a war zone like i'm like how the fuck did i like well and it was just like that's why i think i liked it because like i was fucking terrified like
Starting point is 00:28:36 it was a rush like everything was like terrifying but like my body was just like like my brain was tripping the fuck out my body's like you're fine you know what i i feel like when you're so you're so heightened but you're doing something so calm and monotonous it's gotta make the feeling even worse because like you said you were sitting on a mower just going like this not moving around when your body probably wants to be like up and going like this yeah like you want to be moving around and you want to be active so you can like defend yourself but then you're sitting you have to be sitting there still yeah doing nothing essentially and like the other thing was, is I was like, man, if somebody is out here, it's going to be, like, I was like.
Starting point is 00:29:31 They're probably faster than my mower. Especially in fucking rabbit. And mowing speed, eh, maybe. It depends on if you have the slower or faster one. Slow and slow, like, slow, slow. Okay. But, I was like, well, and it's not like so the lights don't like wrap around like it just shows a little bit in front so you just don't run over something essentially yeah
Starting point is 00:29:52 like the sides are dark and so like when i would come around like get off the fairway and i'd make my turn like three quarters of my turn is just like completely dark so i'm like now facing the dark and i'm just waiting for my lights to just like reveal something oh my god that's like you're almost like jump scaring yourself yeah like in a movie the way the camera would pan and something would be in the frame it's like your beams you were waiting for your beams to illuminate someone just standing there with an axe and so then oh you really so that's creepy this night happened and then my brother it was a high school golf tournament and my brother fell behind on rough and i was like it was like a friday night i was like i'll stay out here or it was a thursday night and we didn't have school on friday and i
Starting point is 00:30:39 was like so i'll stay out here i'll get the fucking rough mode this night it was fully cloudy like super dark i wasn't even that tripped out like i wasn't like psyching myself out i don't even think this night i was listening to like actually i like started out with true crime and i just kind of moved into music because i was getting tired and i was just kind of cruising along but then that last night started to like reflect itself like i was like oh shit like i was like worried about being out here last night yeah i can't remember what i was doing i was like i was on my phone while i was like we had this like huge open area that we had to mow whatever reason i don't know and i was just cruising along and it was so dark out that i forgot and like i forgot how far
Starting point is 00:31:36 away i was from the fairway so like on this hole i'm talking about there was like the fairway there was the fairway and then there was like a like, a tree, like, six passes away. Yeah. Well, it was so dark, I, like, forgot how many passes I was away. And so I was, like, on my phone texting, and then I, like, looked up. Which is smart. I looked up. When you're driving around at night.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I looked up, and there was just a fucking tree right there, and it scared the shit out of me. I, like, hit reverse, and the mower went, like, wham! Just lunged but that was that's honestly probably the most scary scared i've ever been in my house oh we'll get into that story but my house has had some paranormal type shit in it so you've got some you've got a little bit of some ghost a little bit but i'm a skeptic so i don't know okay Well, when I think about being scared and tripped out, I can't help but think about some of my days at Midland because when we started there, it's right around fall time.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Corbin and I, when we were roommates, we'd like to be like, should we trip ourselves out tonight? And what we would do is we would just sit in our one of we would sit in our dorm room and watch just creepy fucked up videos on youtube until we were just like oh my god and then like turn it off because yeah so freaky um the other thing we did we were like let's go and get masks and all black and just walk around campus and just like and just stand and just like look at people like scare people that lasted all of about 10 minutes because we went out and we like stood behind i it was like some kind of statue or something we're like standing and then this one it took
Starting point is 00:33:18 one person and i think it was maybe like an ra or someone um they were just like hey what are you doing and like we didn't say anything and they're just like do you want me to call campus security and then we just like took our masks off and they're like you guys can't be out here doing that like people did that last year and like shit went down and so we're just like okay we we were just trying to have some fun. Yeah. But people, everyone thought, like, the men's dorm was haunted, which some of those dorms were so old. And, like, the men's dorm was super old. And the basement was, like, super sketchy. And there was this one room at the end of the hallway in the basement
Starting point is 00:34:01 that was always locked. And it was, like, the old weight room. And we would always go down there and like peek through the crack and we kind of like okay there's a table in the middle of the room and there's like a chair there and we would go down every so often and like see if anything moved on its own and uh so there was kind of this lore of like the basement or whatever and of course we would like go down there and shut all the lights off and we'd like stand at the end of the hallway with our masks and like some other some other people came down one time they're like they were like scared to go down there like they're like shining their lights around the corner and you could just see like only like the white face of the mask like illuminated in the darkness um but there was
Starting point is 00:34:45 one time we went down there and like our head of the ras i can't remember it's like a rhd or something like that i can't remember what it's called but um he had a key to everything and corbin and i were kind of tight with him and he let us in there and we're just like oh this is the room that like everyone is like, like looking in here to see if stuff's moving around. We're like, let's fucking set some shit up. So the next time someone comes to look,
Starting point is 00:35:13 stuff's been moved around. So we like put this table in the middle of the room. We put all these chairs around it. And then we put a water bottle in the middle of the table and we like just waited until there was one night someone was like let's go look in the crack and we were just like oh yes they're about to go look so we went down there with him this guy walked up to the door and went in and he just went fuck that and he turned around and walked away and he like went back to his room he's like fuck no and everyone was like what what looking in there and they're like oh there's no way like somebody set they're like somebody set that there look
Starting point is 00:35:48 there's a water ball in the middle of the table and so we were both just like no we probably shouldn't have done that and i gave it away as like something that someone did but the other thing that happened in midland one time was maybe the ghost got fucking thirsty guys come on open up your minds a little bit fuck ghosts need to drink too um do you remember the clowns the clown thing yeah we had that was right at when i was at midland it was like 2016 yeah first of all do you have any clown encounters did anything happen to you we had there was a dumb like fucking graduated high school kid still lived with his parents came by our middle school was like haunted like anybody you ask about the middle school is haunted i'll tell you i'll let you finish your story but i'll
Starting point is 00:36:39 tell you after like a quick brief summary of it but there was a dumb fucking high school kid that lived with his parents and was like that weird kid like some people might be that weird kid like his name was kyle sure was it i don't know if you guys listen you were that weird kyle i'm sorry but he was that weird kid that like, everybody's like, what's, what's wrong with this motherfucker? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Like, I hate to say it, but was he like school shooter type material or was he just kind of like, this kid's weird. Like, yeah. Like barely graduated fucking high school. And it wasn't like he was dumb he was just anyways i don't know he was weird as fuck like made me uncomfortable just to be around him normal
Starting point is 00:37:37 and yeah one day he fucking like after this whole thing with the clowns he came outside our middle school well our middle school we lined up we had basketball courts and we'd line up on the basketball courts or stand in sections by grade and so they would like bring us in in the morning by grade oh this was at the start of the day yeah like at the very morning we'd go out to the basketball courts and they'd bring us in by grade or we would just stand out on the basketball court and like hang out with our friends talk to yeah and yeah and so this kid just fucking standing like on the corner of our school which was not the right deal there
Starting point is 00:38:19 was a cop that came out of nowhere and just fucking smoked him what do you mean tackled him because one of the teachers called the cops. So, he was standing down. They, like, came behind him. Like, we were just watching this all. Like, because there was, like, three of us out there. So, he was standing there in a clown costume. Yeah, and the cops, they came around, like, they walked down the alley and they were, like,
Starting point is 00:38:38 there was, like, a tree line and fence line. Yeah. And one cop just, like, walked in between the fence line and like the train line. And you could like just barely see his head just like walking along there. And then it like broke right at the end where he was like standing. Yeah. And he just came out of nowhere just fucking. Just fucking.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Ed Reed just. Yeah. Came over the middle just head hunting. Yeah. Form tackled him. And then he was like. Well, I didn't do anything. No, I didn't do anything wrong and then
Starting point is 00:39:05 i'm just scaring a bunch of kids later it was like his parents filed a lawsuit against the city and the police department i'm like you're a fucking idiot you know what's going on yeah you know what's happening yeah like you have to hear about it. Fucking, it was just stupid. And so then everybody was like, for like the next month and a half, two months, they're like, we need to come inside. We need to hang out inside. Yeah, ruined it for everyone. Well, I didn't really have any, I never saw a clown out in public. I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:39:44 We would go. I really hope to. Like, we would drive around out in the country at Midland, hoping we'd see a clown out in the country. Because it seemed like that was, like, a safe place for them to do it. They would, like, come out of a field or something. Yeah. It would be an easy place for them to hide.
Starting point is 00:39:58 But that's the thing, though. Like, Nebraska, I would not want to pop out of a cornfield in Nebraska, honest to God. Yeah, well, that's why those people are idiots. And they're probably in more danger than the people that they're trying to prank. But the one encounter, I'll say, that I did have was we were out one night and... I'm trying to remember exactly what happened there was these guys we were on the basketball court right outside men's dorm and it's completely dark out it's nighttime and these guys came walking up and they were talking about i think i heard them talking
Starting point is 00:40:38 about um someone in like red and white pants like striped pants i'm just like oh like they were describing a clown outfit yeah and they're just like yeah we saw a guy wearing these pants running that way we're like what uh and then we like i think what happened was we were all standing there and we're like this is bullshit like this isn real. And then we heard like a demonic clown laugh, like echoing across the campus. And we all just looked at each other and sprinted inside. And so I went and got my bat. I had a bat. I was on the football team, but I brought a bat.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And so men's dorm, picture it like this. Men's dorm is a big L. So here, it's an L. The basketball court is here. The laugh sounded like it was coming from over here, down at the very end, like from this way. And the room, the door we went in was right here at the crotch of the L. So I came out and I was like, I wanted to go see if there was someone down here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And I was like, I don't want to walk down this sidewalk right here because then he'd be right around the corner. Yeah. So what I did was I took an angle and I was walking way out like this until I could see around. Because then if they came out,
Starting point is 00:42:03 then it would both be a straight line for us to get to the door if they were to chase me that was my thought process yeah I had my bat with me I was walking out I kind of looked I didn't see anyone and then we all ended up like walking over there and we were like looking down the street either direction didn't see anything and of course all the paranoia about this was you don't know if they're just being funny if they're trying to scare you or if they're trying to prank you or if they're using this whole clown fiasco to actually hurt people well i think there was actually some cases of like see exactly so nobody knew they were scary in and of themselves, but there was an added element of danger because you had no idea what their intentions were.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So we're standing there going, you know, where did this guy go? Like, we heard the laugh, and it was creepy as hell. And then all of a sudden this helicopter with a spotlight came flying directly over us, and the spotlight was going like this like it was searching for someone yeah i was like i'm going back inside because what if i don't want to get tied up people are getting killed tonight yeah and they're looking for someone and the clown that we just heard is nearby. Yeah. So, well, what really sucked was that whole thing.
Starting point is 00:43:30 The clown thing. I was super interested by it, but I wasn't old enough to drive yet. So we couldn't like go drive around. Yeah. That's, that's make me feel old. I was in college and you couldn't drive yet.
Starting point is 00:43:46 That's that's that's scary. OK, so I've never had a paranormal thing happen to me, but sounds like you might have. Well. I'm a skeptic. OK, and just say what happened and you can just say. So I was going over to my best friend at the Times house and I, my mom, I told my mom, I'm like, Hey, this was how old were you? This was like probably like my senior year, junior year of high school.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yeah. Somewhere around there. And I was like, I was like, I was like, Hey mom, I'm going to go over to Cameron's and she's like, okay, you know, whatever. And I get a text from her, and she's like, are you home? I'm like, no. Because, like, when I wasn't, like, doing all my stupid shit, like, my junior and senior year, well, ever since I started talking to Bailey.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, it kind of got straight since I started talking to Bailey. Yeah. I kind of got straightened out. So, I wasn't, like. Thanks, Bailey. I wasn't, like, casually staying out until, like, 2 and 3 in the morning. Like, I was, like, maybe midnight I would come home. Mm-hmm. Well, and this was, like, I just, like, left. It was, like, 7.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Was this, like, a Friday night? Yeah, it was, like, Friday night, like, 7 o' left. It was like 7. Was this like a Friday night? Yeah, it was like Friday night, like 7 o'clock. Going to hang out with your friend. It was like a Thursday night or something. Like, it was a weekday. It was a weekday. School night, going to hang out with your friend. But my mom didn't really give a shit.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Her only thing was, literally, you have to be literally stupid not to pass my senior year i'm pretty sure it's my senior year so my mom really loosened up because i literally had four classes i had four classes that's all i had to sit through that's all i had to manage was four fucking classes two of them didn't give me any homework classes you only have four fucking classes to pass yeah um and literally i had one semester of three other classes and the other only other class i had to pass was my math class because i failed it my freshman year is this gonna be a ghost story yeah so i love i love your setup for stories because you just give so much unnecessary detail. You got to lead up to it. The other podcast, you're like, yeah, we had our neighbor friends over to watch this movie because we had some extra taco meat.
Starting point is 00:46:17 We had some extra taco meat, so we were going to have tacos. And the cheese we got was actually a special kind. I'm just like, would you get to the fucking story already anyways i didn't have any over the cameron's i didn't have any classes my mom didn't really give a shit as long as i woke up the whole reason why you said all that was just to say my mom didn't care if i went over to my friends and if i was out later then okay your typical so you had a little bit longer leash yes so like midnight was like the time i usually get home and it's like i left at like 7 38 so it's like and this was around like 9 30 9 o'clock so there's plenty of stuff you guys can fuck up with your city yeah before you
Starting point is 00:47:05 have to be okay so she texts me at 930 and she's like are you home and i'm like nope i'm sitting on cameron's couch and she's like well that's weird because i just heard a big bang in the living room oh and i was like in the living room like from where was she at so she was in her bedroom so our house is no this is no this is this is gonna be important in the story let me pull up the blueprints of our house this is gonna be important in the story okay okay so we it's just like wide open pretty much kitchen to living room but it's like a little like l kind of thing okay like it kind of tucks behind a wall blah blah blah and then there's just a long hallway to there's a bedroom at the very end
Starting point is 00:47:57 on the right and my mom's bedroom was very in the left and mine was like halfway down the hallway on the right and then the bathroom was straight across my bathroom, my bedroom. Okay. And this is a house. Yes. I don't know why I was picturing you living in a trailer. Your whole childhood growing up. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Anyways. So the TV was like, would be, I don't know how you'd say it, like on this wall. Okay. In our corner. Yeah, our corner yeah and this painting she was talking about was like right next to the door so it's been knocked off like when you slam the door okay okay like it's like fell down or so a skeptic would say yeah but she would always leave our living room light on for me when i got home so i wouldn't be loud and my hurt our dogs we had really liked to bark and especially if they couldn't see me so we'd leave the living room
Starting point is 00:48:54 light on because then they would go out into the hallway and they'd like wait to like see who came around the corner yeah and then they would like they noticed me they wouldn't bark as long so we'd always leave the living room light on and so she was just like on her phone like on facebook or i don't know what she's doing um but then she's like are you home and i'm like no and she's like i just heard a big bang in the living room i'm like okay like get up and close your door i'll be home me and cameron will be over there in like 30 seconds like we don't live in a big town so it's like driving your vehicle so we like hauled ass over there and we're like what the fuck like what's going on like i turned the light on didn't
Starting point is 00:49:34 even notice anything like walk back to her bedroom she's like well i just heard a big bang and then the lights shut off out there oh fuck and fuck. And I was like, okay. Well, like, nobody's here. Because I thought, like, somebody broke in. I was like, nobody's here. Like, just chill the fuck out. Like, I'm trying to go hang out with my friends. So you were kind of just like, you're just being paranoid.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Like, I was just like. Maybe she was just being a little. I was like. It's all right. Okay. Well. A lot of things could make a banging noise. Maybe you forgot to turn the lights off.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Actually. Or off. The painting that ended up. So, I walked back out. And I turned the corner. And I'm like. That painting's on the ground. There's something missing.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Well. So, I had it wrong. wrong so the painting that ended up falling never fell because it was like on one of those like wire like the like its own weight is holding its weight onto the nail yeah it's like the just like the wire hangers not like the little metal ones that like yeah yeah just catch the nail it's like one of the wire ones that like hangs down yeah i know what you're talking about it came out and so then i made this like little like tv stand for my bedroom when i was like 10 and my mom used it to like hold her plants because she loved her plants our whole fucking living room was covered in plants yeah which so this was like
Starting point is 00:51:06 up against the wall she had plants on it and then our our door to walk in was right next to this you walked in there was plants here and the painting was on the wall and the painting somehow came off the hanger slid yes slid straight down the wall like straight down the wall because it would have knocked her plants off of that table slid straight down the wall somehow turned the light off so the light was like lights like right here hit the light as it came down here put like just picture this is like this is the edge of your light switch okay the pictures like lined up like yeah above it no like away from it so it'd be like on your wall like not oh it's not like right above the light
Starting point is 00:51:59 switch like okay like i can see that if the picture fell, it would hit your light switch. Oh, okay. So light switch was off. That's the reasonable assumption, but that's not what happened. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, what the fuck? That's weird. And so then I was like, I was kind of thinking about it all night. And then we went hung out and we were like running around. We like to play car tag.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I don't know if you guys, you got to get in such close distance. So we'd haul ass around town, find people in there oh yeah we'd chase each other in cars and then you got to get in so close and then they're it then you turn around and run i haven't done that but i've heard of it so i after that i was having fun with my friends i completely forgot about it i get home and i would stay up to like two or three because i had so did you like put the picture back up no i left that shit down it was just on the ground like leaning up against the wall just normal i'm like a skeptic but i believe like it's weird it's obviously on the ground yeah it's on the ground so it crossed my mind is something had to move. I watch like, I don't know if you know who Sam and Colby is like,
Starting point is 00:53:06 they do all that paranormal shit. I watched it. If it's hanging on a nail, it can't just fall through the nail. Something would have to lift it off of the nail because the wire would catch on the head of the nail. Yeah. Well, and so it's impossible for it to slide off whenever I,
Starting point is 00:53:24 like I helped her hang like most of our pictures or her boyfriend helped her hang most of her pictures yeah and we always toenail them like that at an angle yeah they slide back towards the wall so like i don't know how you would put it i'm a skeptic i'd that's something sketchy is going like I'm the person like okay like yeah it could be possible like there really could be ghost optimistic but I'm only gonna really say there's ghosts when I you're an optimistic pessimist yeah is that the right okay I don't know but so you're out with your friends you forget about the picture forget about the picture. Forget about the picture. And before I left, I'm like, I'm going to leave that shit down.
Starting point is 00:54:08 If it fell down, it's supposed to be fucking down. Whoever wanted that thing down, they can have your way. Because that's the part of me like, okay, there is ghosts. When that took over. That's something I don't want to make it worse. Yeah. I was like, fucking what? Who wants that fucking?
Starting point is 00:54:22 I like it better on the floor anyways. It's a picture of fucking John Wayne. Not John Wayne Gacy. It's the ghost of John Wayne. So. I hate Xenius. So I left it down. I was like, not going to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Turn the light back on. Locked the door when I left. Actually took my key because usually we just leave the door locked. Took my key because usually we just leave the door locked um took my key left went out and did our shit ran around and it's it was i came home probably 11 11 30 midnight it was later and my adhd medicine gave me really bad insomnia. So I wouldn't go to bed until like 3.34. So I'd just be watching YouTube. And I was, I woke up in the middle of the night, went and, and I don't want to be that guy, but I literally think it was around. Beat off. I literally, no.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Oh. No, I literally think it was around like three o'clock. Okay. Which. The witching hour. And so I went and I literally have to walk straight across the hallway to the bathroom to wipe yourself out. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yep. No, I fell asleep at this point. So I was asleep. I woke up. It was a wet dream. Yeah. I woke up. I woke up and I had to go take a piss.
Starting point is 00:55:44 So I went and took a piss and i know the shower curtain was closed i know the shower curtain was closed when i went in there the most textbook place for a scary thing to scare you from well and so we had a bougie ass toilet seat it had the light on the lid so So whenever you lift the lid, if you lift the lid, the light would come on. So you could see the toilet seat. So I didn't have to turn on the light. You could leave the light off and go in there to pee and you wouldn't miss. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I was wondering why I was getting so close. It's good. It'll make you talk into your mic. So I was taking a piss, took piss took a piss went laid back on my bed and i usually always close my door but for some reason i left it cracked and i just heard i heard oh you heard your door shut no i heard oh and i was like from the shower curtain that really sounds like a shower curtain wait so you peed and went back to your room went back to my bed was laying in bed and then you heard the shower curtain whip Wait, so you peed and went back to your room. Went back to my bed, was laying in bed.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And then you heard the shower curtain whip open. Yeah, and I was like. I was like. And at this point, I'm like. Did I hear what I just heard? Yeah, I was like, did I hear what I just heard? And do I really want to find out if it's what I just heard? I was like.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Did you get up? Do I just want to go to bed? And I was like. I don't know know well come on i think at this point there there was a bunch of break-ins going around town like kozak goes through these fucking waves of like break-ins like it'll just be random people breaking in we'll get like a note from the police department hey make sure you're locking all your vehicles and so i was like okay like i should probably get up and so i walked in there and the shower curtain was right open i was like i went in there and i was like my mom knows how to have fun so i was like she might know that i'm like kind of creeped out about what happened earlier. Your mom was pranking you at 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I thought my mom was fucking with me at 3 a.m. So I walked in there and I just go, what the fuck mom? And she woke up. Well, I was just like, you walked into the bathroom. I like walked in on her side of the bed.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Oh, and like, I thought she's like pretend sleeping. So I was like, what the fuck so that right there proves to me that you were entirely convinced that what you heard is what you heard because you were convinced enough that you'd be willing to go wake your sleeping mother thinking she was pretend sleeping i walked into the bathroom and i seen the curtain was open yeah but i know it was closed when i went in there because we always close the door because my mom's
Starting point is 00:58:30 dog would jump in yeah and would get super annoying because it would lick the bottom of the bathtub yeah and you could just hear it's like feet in there just all night just so we'd always close the curtain and i seen it was fucking open and so like i went in there i'm like what the fuck and i'm like and she's like what i'm like did you open the shower curtain she's like no i'm like well that's weird and i just didn't say anything else i just like walked out of a room i'm like and then she's like did he open it and she like pointed behind you're like oh i would have fucked i would have punched my mom oh my god why would you have punched your mom i don't know because she's scaring me
Starting point is 00:59:13 shut up mom shut up there's no one behind me so i i guess i ignored it and went back to my bedroom. And then we have, when we bought the house, it came with these fans that my, like my light in my room was biased. You could turn the switch or you could use my remote and like turn my ceiling fan light on and I can turn my fan up and down for my remote. Our living room fan was the same concept but had a heater in it.
Starting point is 00:59:48 So you could turn the heater on. Well, anytime we're gone, anything, we come home, the ceiling fan is fucking running, the light's on, and the heater's on. Even in the middle of the summer. Nobody has no
Starting point is 01:00:04 reason to turn it on. And the remote's just. Even in the middle of the summer. Nobody has no reason to turn it on. And the remote's just sitting on a side table and it's just always on. Shit happens all the time. That's fucking weird. Or we'd just be sitting there watching a movie and the light would just go Damn.
Starting point is 01:00:21 But I'm still a skeptic. We even fucked around with ouija boards in high school fuck what is anything weird happened when you did those uh yeah tell me some of the weird things that happened with that so there's this place called rob cemetery it's a cemetery was built by this guy his daughter died so he built like a big ass fucking like essentially tomb for her and she was like buried but before people started dicking around like this was like years ago like this is like old old old old ass cemetery like probably like i don't even know how old like is it getting to the point where like some of some of the gravestones are, like, you can't even read what's on them anymore?
Starting point is 01:01:07 One of the trees looks like it has a baby's face coming out of it. That's fucking terrifying. It's like a pie. Was there, like, a little kid buried by it, too? I don't know. Probably. There's a cedar tree that looks like it has a baby's face coming out of the bark. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:01:24 But. I was ewing at the cedar but not i'm just so they used to hold church in her like essentially tomb yeah mausoleum yeah and the cemeteries across the gravel road her like tomb mausoleum whatever is the only thing on this side of the road okay so they used to hold church in it but they closed it because people were coming in and like defacing it pretty much like breaking like the pews and like trying to like break the concrete because they thought she was buried under like they thought she was trying to uncover her carcass they were trying to see because they i don't know and so the whole city of lexington has a creepy ass backstory behind it really it was like there was a whole it's called the plum creek massacre happened there oh shit like with pioneers and indians damn but they so yeah it's like this small ass cemetery that nobody gets buried in anymore and just her
Starting point is 01:02:43 thing so we're like dude we got this ouija board it's kind of like a joke like ha let's go fuck around with it and then we got like the wild idea we're like yeah let's let's go fucking do it in a cemetery why not yeah and we're trying to contact spirits but i don't trust the ouija board because everybody's fucking touching it yeah it's it's hard it's one of those things where it's like it only takes one person to fuck it up to now i don't know if what happened actually happened yeah exactly and so we were playing it and then it started to move which i don't know if any of my friends are moving it or maybe it's moving on its own i don't know that's why i'm a skeptic.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Cause so you were just in the cemetery or did you go into the mausoleum or whatever? No, they had like big gates, but we played it right outside of it. Ooh. Do you remember some of the questions you're asking it? No, you don't remember.
Starting point is 01:03:39 We were drunk. Oh, but so we like drove down this road and it was like a little like irrigation canal i don't know if you know what that is like well i would kind of assume you know what that is it was like no it feeds the fields like so their pumps like go into this canal oh okay so it pumps off like a big like water treatment center okay so it's like blow by a ditch yeah it's just a big ass ditch that they can pump from yeah okay for the irrigation system so we were driving after this whole thing we're like holy shit like it's actually fucking moving so we all like fucking ran back to
Starting point is 01:04:19 the vehicle and we would we fucking threw it in a crick that that ditch like you bore yeah because i'm like i threw it out the window because i'm like whether it was doing it whether it was not this is just i don't need this this is just stupid like we're gonna get in trouble either way like if we're fucking with the ghost or if we're fucking trespassing doing it yeah no way there's no good outcome from yeah so i was like and this kid in the back was like fucking drenched in tears like just fucking bawling his eyes out and he's like fucking take me home and we're like dude like and his mom would have whooped our asses if we were out that late like he was like fucking strict as fuck he's like i'm gonna call my mom myself anyways so
Starting point is 01:05:12 he's flipping the fuck out i'm like dude you need to chill the fuck out oh i was like you need to just mellow fuck out like we'll be fine so we all went back to his kid's house he's still fucking creeped out after i threw the fucking thing out and i know it went in the ditch because i heard water go as it as i don't don't even tell me what i think you're about to tell me oh it's going there you threw the ouija board a year and a half later into the ditch year and a half later we're this cemetery was like when we fucked people people like hey can we come hang out with you we're like yeah we'd be like hey have you guys ever been to rob cemetery and they're like no this is like small town shit like yeah
Starting point is 01:05:57 it's your main attraction and we're like we'd always be like, all right, dude, you guys got to come check out this crazy ass grave. And so we'd all get out and then they would like walk ahead of us. And then we'd jump back in the car and fucking leave them. And then we'd come back. Just scare the shit out of them. Yeah. But so we were going back out there to do some random shit. Like during the day, we were just like cruising around.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And I was like, dude. Because, you know, you watch all these movies with a ouija board like somehow making its way back yeah or like some crazy shit yeah it could be like they tried throwing it away and then it's back on their coffee table the next day yeah it could be a complete coincidence we went back a year and a half later which the raskets super windy and ouija board is not fucking it's like cardboard isn't it yeah just like a board game material it's like compressed wood like a super thin piece of compressed wood okay it was the one we got and we went back and it was just chilling on a rock it's chilling on a rock like a big ass boulder it was just chilling on a boulder well but maybe
Starting point is 01:07:04 someone found it and put it there yeah like that's what i mean it's still there that's what i'm saying the same one yeah same exact one the only thing we didn't find was the little dial thing whatever they're called the glass whatever i don't know what they're called i've never played with a ouija board my my one friend and i in school were talking about doing it and our teacher was like here's the thing i understand the fascination but it's an unnecessary all you're doing is like welcoming potentially demonic spirits into your life you're just giving them a gate a pathway to get to you
Starting point is 01:07:48 why would you want that it's like there could be nothing happen or there could be something horrible that happens from it and why would you yeah what do you have to gain from inviting that into your life yeah it's like a risk that it's like like i mean we were being stupid but it's like i don't know i mean you're being dumb kids but yeah but anyways before we go the middle school and how that was haunted okay okay okay so right before my siblings were going is this the middle school you went to yes so in lex my siblings went middle school started high school we moved i moved back to start my middle school at lex but But shortly they were remodeling the school. And it has on the one side, this, our school had like three floors on it.
Starting point is 01:08:52 It had an elevator in it. But this, we never got to take, we couldn't take the elevator as the students because they didn't. You know, middle school students or something. Yeah. And yeah, they probably didn't want kids fucking with it and yeah getting stuck in there or something yeah so on the very end of our school it's kind of like you said it's like a big ass l essentially like it goes all the way down and then it's the big ass cafeteria and then the gym okay so it's kind of like a U, actually. Like, you can, like...
Starting point is 01:09:26 Okay. But at the very end of this L, it's just a big-ass staircase all the way up to the very top floor. And then there was, halfway down, there used to be an old staircase that they converted to, like, classrooms. Okay. way down there used to be an old staircase that they converted to like classrooms okay but this girl was there and she was trying to put the flag out and she fell down all the flights of stairs when they were remodeling it there was no stairs there and died and they so it was while they were remodeling it yeah so it wasn't long before you got there. Like, it was, like, shortly before my siblings were there. So it's, like, a pretty fresh, like, it's not like, back in 1945, this time. It was, like, in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah, 90s, 80s. Not 80s, 90s, probably. 90s. But, yeah, she fell down the flights of stairs. And, like, even the teachers say like it wasn't so fresh that like the body was still there no like didn't someone die here they're like yeah she's right there um but i i want to say they even had like a hole all the way to like the like basement like there was a gap between all the stairs all like that you could that they like knocked out to
Starting point is 01:10:45 like add the staircase or do something with it i can't remember the actual story but i want to say all the way down like the broiler room damn and she like was trying to put the american flag out like like on the banister or something or what i i don't know i don't know. I don't know. But she fell. Anyway, she fell all the way down. And, like, even, like, all the teachers and, like, the principal and everybody that's ever worked in that school or even, like, students, like, my siblings' grade have told me that they've heard shit. Like, the teachers, some of the teachers don't stay there that late. Because they're, like, here, like, a little girl don't stay there that late because they're like here like and there's this little girl running or laughing they that kind of shit they would
Starting point is 01:11:29 like hear like lockers opening and like and uh they've had we you could like choose to get a locker or not. And so they had like pods for classes, like grades. So like, this is your pod and there's like two little like locker rooms off the side. So you could bring a padlock if you wanted one, or you could just like have the locker to put your shit in for the day and then go home. And people have had had their padlocks unlocked.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And shit. I don't know if I believe it, but there's one, my speech. I took speech. She was super weird. You took speech? Yeah. Well, you failed.
Starting point is 01:12:22 I did. I'm just kidding. I had to like to like yeah it was fucking stupid i had to write all these things and talk about it and i never fucking talked about it because i didn't want to stand up in front of the class because i was awkward but um she gets her she would get there like super fucking early like the only car in a fucking parking lot i'm like everybody else has heard something so uh what's doing here yeah where you're you creepy bitch oh man all right i think that's gonna do it unless you had something else i mean you you did a majority of the talking this hey good job jay you kept your fucking big fat mouth shut this episode and let cam actually speak for
Starting point is 01:13:05 once um well my stories are so long yeah your story starts with well so the car that i drove was a well and and the tires i got um and you're like how does this lead to you running somebody over uh it doesn't i was just talking about how i was going over to my friend's house and then i actually got another car and that is the car that all right follow us on social media um still need to still need to get bailey to post our candy tier list um if you haven't if you didn't listen to that episode, go back and listen to this controversial episode where we ranked candies. Audio only on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Leave a comment. Oh, I do have something i wanted to say you can leave a comment on apple podcast if you leave a review if you leave a review you can put what your review is and if i see it i'll say it or shout it out or whatever so obviously leave a five-star review and then you know say something ask a question you guys have questions like why the fuck is Cam so weird? Yeah, I would also like to know. I don't even know. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Until next time, don't play with Ouija boards. But if you do, always say goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I'll be back again and again and again and again and again and again. Hi, welcome back to the Grass Daddy's Podcast. I'm Jake. This is... Why did you find that so funny?

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