Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 14: Halloween Hangout
Episode Date: October 30, 2023In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast the boys get cozy by the fire and get nostolgic talking about some of their favorite Halloween memories! Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiesp...odcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
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he's like i'm not going home and he's like uh you want to re-intract your statement i'm like yep
i sure do i'll go home right now you say re-intract your statement i don't know Welcome to the Pertineer Podcast.
That's Cozy Cam, I'm Cozy Jake, and we are...
The Grass Daddies.
Oh, I thought you were going to say the Cozy Grass Daddies.
The Cozy Grass Daddies.
In lieu of the frozen tundra that is fixing to sweep over us, knocking on our door coming this weekend, we decided to fire up the fireplace.
It's kind of hidden way back here against the wall.
Ooh, it's hot. It's burning hot. We got some Osage orange on this.
I was just going to say, we got some Osage, some Mulberry loaded up in there.
I know it's kind of far away from the camera, so it's kind of hard to see it in a lot of podcasts.
We have the logs burned down, but it's been back here the whole time.
You just can't see it. This is such a hot fire, I might have to scoot down by the end of the pod.
I almost just burned my hand.
That Osage, man, it gets snap crackling and popping.
That's when you know it's heating up in here.
It do be getting that.
Okay, we had to cut because I was noticing that Cam's audio lines were spiking like a
motherfucker, and as if he wasn't loud enough, I wanted to make sure that they were set properly.
Dude, the last time you were just telling me that I was way too quiet because I leaned
all the way back here sit back
here and you tell stories like this and i'm just like i'm watching i'm watching you in i movie
while i'm editing and i'm just like oh my fucking god like i because if i just blare the audio up
it's gonna be poor quality yeah because yours is louder than mine but um i'm still doing sober
october but i've got me a nice little cocktail
here loaded up just some liquid iv look at that little liquid iv on the rock piss water what
no i fucking love liquid iv cam is apparently doing uh bender to december because my
birthday's in december but he's like i gotta try to he's like i've decided for bender till
december i have to try to get a decent buzz every night and i'm like oh my god what was what was it
you were saying where you were like we calculate you were like i bet i could drink 30 what was it 30 beers and uh no no no no we oh okay it was um you were like i bet we could
drink a thousand beers how fast do you think we could drink a thousand or something like that and
we determined we would have to drink six beers every day we're like i'm not doing that oh we
were talking about this is how the story went we We were talking because we, Jake bought his can crusher in his garage.
And last winter, let me tell you.
We filled it.
We did Sober December, and it was still a lot of beer.
We drink.
Hold on, the fire's going out.
We need to stoke the flames.
While he's stoking the flames over there.
So, we did Sober December,
and we...
Ignore the buffering fire.
Okay, go.
We, uh...
It was still...
Which Jake held his own in it, but...
I feel like we...
Well, we damn near covered your whole entire fucking basement ceiling.
Like, by the projector.
And with beer boxes covered, but jake held his own but i would like to think that i helped out with it quite a bit
we drank a fuck ton last well basically okay so at the golf course we when winter time rolls around it's basically a hundred it's basically like full go or real slow because in
the summer we get crazy overtime hours but in the winter when the sun isn't up as long we don't get
we like rarely get 40 hours a week so because of that and because we cut down so many trees in the wintertime we have a lot of like firewood um available so basically all we did all last winter was
drink beer and split wood like we would get done with work and we'd come home
and split wood and drink like lincoln stars games and split and drink like four beers every day.
but no,
what I was saying was our neighbor and Jake and me,
the flame was what I,
I wanted to start a challenge this winter and add one more body in there
but we can all do it separately, whether we help each other or whether we don't. This winter. And add one more body in there. Because. But.
We can all do it separately.
Whether we help each other.
Or whether we don't.
This winter.
Right once.
Us at the golf course.
We quit working weekends.
I consider that winter time.
Other than.
Unless we're pushing snow.
Which we might be doing this weekend.
Like. Right once we we quit working weekends i consider
that our slow season so once that day hits it'll be after october you got to start cutting your
tabs like where it says 30 rack 24 pack you know what i what I mean? Oh, that's what it was.
You said, I want to get to 30 tabs.
Isn't that what you said?
No, I said I want to see if we can drink a thousand beers.
Drink a thousand beers this winter.
Between three of us.
Which we calculated was like over three months or something.
So then we...
Basically, we came down to a ridiculous
number where you'd have to drink an obscene amount of beer every day it was i think you'd
have to get drunk every day and i said no for i'm not doing that um Ben was telling me he's like, it's so amazing watching Cam just fumble his way through a thought.
And then he'll be sitting there and you'll say a joke and it'll just go right over his head.
Dude, but we were talking about this literally like yesterday.
That we got like, sometimes I think we think that our podcast is so limited.
So we're like, we got to have all this planned out.
And so we just like.
You don't plan anything out.
Well, like we think of stories that we have to say or whatever.
And then we're like...
Yeah, and it's like I shit myself.
And then one of us, I'm over here like...
I'm waiting to tell my story.
Jake, shut the fuck up.
Jake, shut the fuck up.
Yeah, I'm kind of the same way because...
I think we've got to master that side of it first.
And then it'll be a great A-pilot.
We've gotten a little...
We've got a fucking fire in the background.
It's cozy down here.
It's fall.
It's getting chilly out.
We're sitting by the fire.
As you can see, I've got my little fall flannel on.
Cam looks like a hick.
But, you know, we keep it real out here.
We keep it real out here, you know?
Jake's drinking liquid IV and I'm drinking some Yellow Jacket.
Hey, keep it classy, you know what I'm saying?
No, but what we were saying was we both like to
say what we want to say
and we both kind of just wait until the other
person finishes talking so we're like
I want to say what I want to say now.
And I said that instead of
Grass Daddy's podcast, we should just call it
two guys talk to themselves while
another person is sitting across from them.
The other day we got in this argument at work about how I was telling this story about how I decided I wanted to hit my dad with a crescent wrench when I was a little kid.
And nobody believed me.
In this episode, we will put that story to rest.
Whether I call my dad at the end of this episode or i call him right now i
don't give a shit we're can you text him can you just text him no you gotta hear it come out okay
okay okay well i don't even know how it came up but you were just like we were talking about
crescent wrenches because we're they were working on that 14 inch main at work or whatever cam goes
yeah one time when i was little i walked into the
living room and my dad was taking a nap on the floor and i just hit him on the top of the head
with a crescent wrench and we're all just like yeah everyone okay call him up everyone was saying
no it didn't happen including myself i'm like you'm like, you didn't just smoke your dad with a crescent wrench on his head.
And then I was like, it kind of dawned on me for a second,
and I'm like, okay, let's take a step back here.
This is Cam we're talking about.
So I can't necessarily put it past him to do something like that.
Like, I definitely could see... I definitely could see Cam
smoking his dad with a Cressor wrench.
What are you doing?
Oh, well...
Did you tell him you were going to call him?
Hang on.
Hang on.
So, is it a good time?
Because you're on our podcast.
Because I was telling the guys at work the other day
a story about how I hit you on the head
with a fucking Cressor wrench when I was little kid and nobody believed me.
Put him on speaker.
So hang on.
Is this story true about me hitting you on the head with a crescent wrench?
Yeah, a 15-inch crescent wrench.
A 15-inch crescent wrench?
You heard it right from the source did your scalp start bleeding
You hit him on the forehead yeah
I grabbed another cup out of the drawer. I guess walked up behind him just fucking smack
I wonder what your motive was at the time.
You just thought, hmm, that person looks way too comfortable.
I need to wake him up now.
Well, anyways, so we got that put to rest.
I'll call you after the podcast.
All right, sorry for that.
We're back.
If you're wondering why the camera looks different,'s because um lena my girlfriend our producer has a canon like an actual camera that we've been trying to use and
we just got a brand new sd card to use it and for whatever reason it will like record for a little
bit and then stop recording so we picked up the recording on cam's phone yeah if you guys missed
anything in that last story, the story is true.
Fuck all of you guys.
Fuck all the doubters and the haters.
Okay, well, last episode we talked about spooky stories.
The episode before that, we did halloween candies now i think for this cozy fall flannel-y episode
i just want to go back in time to a simpler time when you were a kid and it's fall
and it's halloween don't you sometimes just like dude i think about it i'm like man
no truck payment no you don't have to worry about paying for your insurance.
No rent.
Dog to pay for.
You're not.
Oh, give me a break.
Paying for a wedding.
But I'm just talking about back when you were a kid.
The leaves are changing. You're going, oh, I'm about to go get when you were a kid, the leaves are changing.
You're going, oh, I'm about to go get a shit ton of free candy here soon.
I get to pick out what costume I'm going to pick.
So, I don't know.
I guess just like right off the rip, what do you think about when you just think about your childhood around Halloween time?
What's the first thing you think about?
Well, this is kind of a weird story. so we moved to elwood right and there was this girl in my grade didn't know her her name was jada we kind of became good friends hanging out
didn't know her but you knew her name like gotcha didn't know who she was i went to school with her we were in class we're same grade so we're from i went there to
finish my sixth grade year moved to like so my seventh grade year
come to find out she is like my third cousin we're actually related
to each other does this have something to do with halloween yes we we talked about it on the last
episode i like to stretch my stories out your stories are just fucking crazy yeah so you're losing audience she was my third cousin um and and you kissed
no uh oh she was my i thought that's where it was because normally when you're like come to
find out later she was my third cousin usually there's at least kissing involved sometimes more
go ahead and there was no hanky panky all right like we so then i was like man we already started
hanging out i'm like man that's kind of cool you're my fucking somehow related to me and so
all of us friends got together halloween night okay there it is there it is i was worried
grade i was like fuck it let's throw like we're like kind of all like fuck it let's throw a halloween party in sixth grade well like not like a party like fucking
rager like let's throw a halloween hangout we all sleep over halloween hangout have maybe that's
hey that's what we're gonna title this episode halloween hangout halloween hangout um heck yeah so we did all this shit we they took
their trampoline and they like ran like string like yarn all the way like different directions
on their trampolines their trampoline have the net so it was like a spider web spider web and we her mom cooked this food it was just i don't know
that was like one of the times i was like yeah this is kind of like this is a vibe yeah like
we're hanging out with our fucking friends you know just shooting the shit which and it was a
small town that we're all friends like Our whole grade was pretty much friends.
What was it like?
Because I haven't seen
the house you grew up at.
Were you in a neighborhood or were you
in the country?
Well, so
before we moved to
Elwood, we lived
in the country.
We had like
I don't know the exact amount of acres.
I want to say 14.
Something like that.
I don't even know
if it's that much. I might be
overshooting this. This would
be another thing to ask my father,
but he's in Kearney.
We don't need to worry about all those explicit details.
I just wanted to know.
We grew up in the country, and then we...
Cam is a little bust on this episode, if you can't tell.
We moved to Elwood, and then we moved into town, and...
I don't know.
Elwood is a small town that wasn't really living in the town. I just wanted to know, if, Elwood is, like, a small town that wasn't, like, really, like, living in the town.
I just wanted to know, like, if you lived in the country, what was it like trick-or-treating for you?
If there wasn't a lot of houses.
Or if it was just the small town vibe.
Because we talked about, like, oh, you know someone who's got...
Gives out the full-size candy bars.
Like, I imagine you knew, like, everyone's name at every house.
And they'd be like, Cam, I can't wait to see what costume we're in this year like are you stopping by well every so when we were
living in the country we had some dope ass fucking neighbors like we'd go over there all the time and
eat cookies and fucking tea drink like green tea with them but when we were living in the country
we'd driving to drive into town and like to and see all of our friends, our family friends.
And we'd just go drive from house to house and trick-or-treat.
But when we lived in town, at that time, I was old enough that my parents kind of trusted me on my own,
which you guys are fucking psychopaths for trusting me on my own.
Sorry, I almost just spit up my liquid IV for the idea of you being out on your own
we um we just ride our bikes around so you go into town to trick-or-treat yeah
well like and then i'm i'm i didn't really classify specify but we switched i switched
over in the middle of that story to like when we were living
in hellwood we'd ride our bikes from like house to house trick-or-treat yeah get all of our candy
go back and um i'll i'll keep that story you tell you okay i i'm just trying to i'm not even
really telling stories i'm just conversating about oh it doesn't need to be i'm just trying to I'm not even really telling stories I'm just conversating about
It doesn't need to be
This is a
This is a chill
This is a chill
This is a chill Halloween hangout episode
We're sitting here by the fireplace
We're nice and cozy
We're sipping on our little drinks here
And we're just here to
Have a good time and just hang out so I had a guy that is it my turn to talk I
had a I had a guy that lived a couple houses down from me that like went all
out for Halloween like he decorated his front yard and shit and i was that kid that if there was like a neighbor
working on a project i would just like kind of stand there what are you working on yeah and like
just help him out as much as i can like he had like caution tape all the way around his yard
he had a giant blow-up spider that was in the middle of the yard and i'm pretty sure he had
like a fake mannequin like legs or
whatever that he had underneath the spider so it looked like anyways spider was like eating somebody
yeah so i loved like helping him set up for halloween and like in their garage they like put
garbage bags over their entire garage so it was like black in there and they had like a like a
fog machine i think they had one of those like twirling bats
on the ceiling or whatever and i remember um the funny thing about me when i was a kid
is i was always like fascinated with like scary movies and stuff like if there was like a
like an old jason movie or like an old um like jeepers creepers or something was on tv it would like scare the
daylights out of me but i would still watch it like i would sit there with a pillow and like
barely be watching it because it was scaring me and i knew i was gonna be scarred for the next
few days like scared of everything but i still really wanted to watch it yeah and so that's
kind of the vibe i had so like I loved
helping him set up for it but then when it was like nighttime like the whole thing kind of scared
me at the same time like I was really scared to like kind of go in and they're like it's just us
Jake like I went in and I got the candy and stuff and he like I think he was dressed as like a
vampire or something and he like came out of a coffin that was in the driveway anyways i i wish i could remember their names but i can't in elwood we had this
when we were trick-or-treating because after i left elwood i was out of the age of
you don't go trick-or-treating anymore you just dick around but did you guys have that one house that between your friends
you're like you stay away from that house stay away from it yeah i think it's not like
no we didn't have that it was just it was just this little old lady in that wood that we painted
this like i think. Like you called her
a witch or something like that? Like, between
all of our heads, we painted this
fucking picture that
that house is haunted. You don't want to
That's the house you don't go up to
to get candy.
So you'd all, like, dare each other to go up to the
door and stuff like that? Yeah. That's fun.
And she's just like the sweetest old
fucking lady. Probably. She's like,
no one ever comes
and gets candy from me.
And you're like,
that's because you're
a fucking witch.
Get away from me.
We all fucking had that, dude.
I'd love to have you
for dinner.
I bet you would, bitch.
But, uh,
my most, like,
rememberable story. That's a word
Take another sip
Get it figured out
Are you driving home?
I can't drive unless I'm fucked up
Yeah yeah yeah
I'll bail you out tonight
But uh
Spit it out
Go ahead
I always
I always hung out with
Kids older than me
All through
I always hung out with kids older than me
All through fucking elementary everything
So all of my friends at this time
Were like pushing They were in middle school
middle school yeah elwood didn't really have a fucking middle school my friend group like my
neighborhood friend group it was all kind of hodgepodge like we were all in different grades
like there was a kid that was younger than me there was another kid that was like a grade older
than me there was another kid that was like two grades older than me well we kind of go around and my parents try to tell me you don't want to necessarily make your
only friend group people that are older than you and i started to realize that my senior year of
high school because i walked in my senior year of high school i'm like oh my god i have no fucking friends here like there's nobody here in high school but this is the first time that hanging out with older
people got me in trouble because i was in elementary school and they're like halloween
night they're like it's fucking two o'clock in the morning we were like let's ding dong ditch and I'm like
and you were how old?
I was in 5th grade
5th grade at 2am
and so
we're in ding dong ditch's
and they all fucking ranked I didn't know what So, we went and ding-donged at his house.
And they all fucking ranged.
I didn't know what.
I was so young, I was like,
just lay this off of him for now.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now.
You're like, I thought now we get candy.
And they're like, no, no, that was like three hours ago.
We gotta go.
So, they all started running.
Well, Elwood, I don't know.
If you guys know Elwood, it's a fucking small-ass town.
It's not even a city.
It's not even a town.
It's literally a village. If it's not a city, a village.
They consider themselves a village.
What is the classification of town, village, and city?
I don't know, but they're like town hall or whatever
you'd call it where you like take your bills and stuff it's literally you go to the village of
elwood like it's a bill what yeah that's kind of so it's small as fuck they do have a courthouse
um well the house we decided to tink dong ditch was right across from the courthouse oh smart so the guy came out and he was like
screaming and i was like i was petrified i was like this is the first time i've ever done this
uh can we get in trouble for this which uh yeah you kind of can yeah disturbing the peace
trespassing um so i just like he had this willbarrow tipped up on like the side of his
house being in fifth grade and hooking up with your third cousin i mean you name it
i um i wrapped up in a ball like laid in this wheelbarrow and i was like please don't find me
pretend i'm a scarecrow so they're like he went inside. And then all of my older friends, they were hiding in the courthouse yard.
Like the big ass yard.
And they ran back across and they're like, let's do it again.
And I'm like, okay, now I understand.
When you knock on the door, you fucking run.
No one decided to explain that to me last time.
So I was just hanging out by this motherfucker's house like...
Well, you kind of
want to see them come out and discover
that no one's there. But typically you do
that from like across the street.
So, little did we know,
second time, he called
the cops. We ran
through the courthouse.
Well, there was a cop sitting in the back of the courthouse.
And this is... At 2 a.m.? Oh, like in his squad car? Well, there was a cop sitting in the back of the courthouse. And this is...
At 2 a.m.?
Oh, like in his squad car?
Well, this is a small...
So, this is a small town.
So, there's only one cop literally on duty.
For like the town.
And we ran through there.
And then we get to my friend's house.
And he... This cop comes behind us and turns on his lights.
And we're like, fuck.
Like, we're scared.
These two other kids have run off.
One kid jumps in the dumpster.
One kid runs all the way down the alley.
And the cop goes, hey, what are you guys doing?
We're like, we're just playing tag.
Trick or treat.
And he's like, well, you guys need to go home.
And I'm like, I'm hanging out with people ordering me so I can act cool.
I'm like, it's only my third day out.
I was like, I'm going home.
No, I'm not going home.
Like, I'm not going home. Like, I'm not going home.
And he's like, you want to re-intract your statement?
I'm like, yep, I sure do.
I'll go home right now.
Did you say re-intract your statement?
I don't know.
You want to re-intract your statement?
You want to re-tract your statement? You won't re-tract your statement.
Well, that was a riveting story about Halloween, question mark?
Yeah, it was Halloween.
Well, actually, it was the day after Halloween.
So it wasn't a story about Halloween at all?
I'm just kidding.
You're on a roll.
You've got a decent buzz going.
There's no limits on this podcast. What you
get is what you get. I mean, look.
What you get is what you get around here.
I was just gonna...
Yeah, yeah.
I was just gonna...
I was just gonna wonder, like,
would you dress up as this kid?
I wasn't really...
I didn't think we were gonna be getting in trouble with the law
I thought we were going to just talk about like costumes
do you remember some of your costumes
you used to dress up as?
the only costume I remember is dressing up as a
Pittsburgh Steeler
Pittsburgh Steeler?
I had a helmet
I wish we had a picture of that
I got go ahead yeah go
ahead yeah man up bro actually that wasn't never mind that wasn't Halloween
I don't have this is supposed to be a Halloween hangout. Come on, bro.
I don't remember any Halloween outfits.
I remember dressing up as Pittsburgh Steelers and...
But not for Halloween.
And a Power Ranger.
Power Ranger, now we're talking.
That was when...
Did you like the Power Rangers when you were younger?
Oh, damn.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Have you seen my favorite movie somewhere have you seen like the my
favorite like the movie have you seen the movie i don't know i i had there was one power rangers
movie i saw i wish i knew what it was but it was a long time ago like seen as like them parachuting
in i don't know we're gonna fucking watch it okay we can watch it in the spirit of halloween we'll watch power rangers
i remember when i was a kid i i did like the power rangers a little bit i think i was probably just
growing out of power ranger age because i know my little cousin my cousin that was a couple years
younger he really liked him so i think i was just barely too old for them. But I really liked the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man.
So I know as a kid I had a Spider-Man costume.
Which we were just talking to Game about as a kid.
Yeah, I had a Spider-Man costume.
And I got it for Halloween.
But I also probably wore it for times that weren't Halloween time.
Oh, I had one of those costumes where it was a knight on a horse,
but the person's legs are the horse's legs.
You know what those costumes are?
And then there's fake legs that are riding the horse,
so it looks like you're a little knight riding a horse.
I had one of those.
That's pretty cool. it was actually pretty cool i think i had like a little shield and i had like an actual like
little plastic mask that would like fold down like a knight's helmet over my face i mean pretty sick
man my parents were more like we'll make your costume.
Because it's like,
it's for one night.
They're not going to like...
It is kind of ridiculous,
the idea of like,
spending a lot of money
on some of these costumes
that are like,
you can only wear this
for a couple hours.
Well, and I know like,
for me living in the big city,
just recently moved down here, other stuff is more expensive.
But, like, you can find cheap costumes around here.
Like, from where I'm, like, where I grew up from, it was, like, Walmart.
That's your only thing.
So your costumes are more expensive because, like, we're going to have so many people coming through here to buy costumes.
That's like, how can we capitalize on this?
Yeah, exactly.
Instead of like, here you have 30 stores that you can go buy a fucking Halloween costume.
Once the Hobby Lobby closed down, you know that Spirit Halloween is just kicking in the door.
Dude, I'm so excited for this fucking weekend.
Oh yeah, we're doing a Halloween party This weekend
I'm going as Paul Bunyan
I've been trying to implement
Tall people into my costumes
Like a couple years ago I was the green giant
This year I'm going to be Paul Bunyan
You know what motherfucker
I got a bone to pick with you
You had a Halloween party.
I just started working at this goddamn golf course.
And he goes, you're not invited.
That was when you didn't like me.
I personally told you you're not invited.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
You were talking to a guy that used to previously work there
about if he was coming to the party
and you're like yeah you're not invited
I doubt I said you're not invited
he did we'll recap on this
we'll re-entract
your statement
I remember when you told me you weren't invited
because you said
your girlfriend was going as a sexy pea a vegetable she wasn't a vegetable um i went as
the green giant the vegetable yeah she wasn't just a puddle of urine i was the green giant she was a pea
this year i'm being paul bunyan and she's gonna be babe the blue ox because paul bunyan has a
blue ox named babe and uh it's gonna be pretty cool and cam is going as hugh hefner i'm going
as a sailor oh and uh my he keeps going I have this pipe and I gotta get some leaf tobacco so I can smoke it.
And I'm like, you're the most impulsive person.
My fiance is going as a mermaid.
Oh, okay.
Have you ever seen a mermaid pussy?
I'm about to.
They're pretty crazy.
They're pretty crazy.
Here, I'll look up a picture.
Keep talking.
If you've ever seen the movie The Lighthouse, you'll know what one looks like.
I was listening to a podcast and they were just like...
Don't make me laugh.
I might puke myself.
They were like, if you didn't know if a mermaid had a vagina
or not this movie shows you
it's there
it's just like you spread those little fins
and uh
so yeah we're gonna have a pool day
we're both
kind of nervous about it because we're in a really small
yeah and you're like I'm inviting 20 people okay we're both kind of nervous about it because we're in a really small apartment. Yeah.
And you're like,
I'm inviting,
20 people.
We're going to pack the fuck out of our apartment.
That's not what I thought was going to come up.
So moving on,
it just,
a girl,
did you dress up?
I'm cutting you off there.
did you,
did you ever like dress up in costumes for school?
Did your school allow Halloween costumes?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Do you remember what you did for that?
One time I went as a hippie.
You remember.
See, you just got to stir some of these memories loose a little bit.
And then that was for homecoming, but...
So it wasn't Halloween?
No, that was...
We dressed up as Salt-N-Pepa.
What? Okay.
I think I went to, um...
I think it was, like,
seventh grade?
I dressed up as Batman and there was a kid that was dressed up
as the Joker and I was like
we have to fight because
in the movie we're
and you're wearing the other side
of the costume that I'm wearing
and that kid's dead what were you gonna say talk in your
mic please I don't know this is the most out of sorts podcast we've had yeah
you're like dude I chugged two seltzers before i came
here and then i shot them a beer and then i drank two more beers you're like i've got a good buzz
going nothing in this podcast has went our way the camera stopped recording our fire somehow buffering. Cam showed up. Um. Fuck you.
You can suck my tiny chode.
Um. Won't be doing that.
What else is there?
Oh I got a good Halloween memory.
I got a good Halloween memory.
I remember one time
it was Halloween
and people were
starting to trick or treat. I hadn't gone out yet keep it
to yourself um I can see you get Nancy over there drink your beer sip on your bottle um
I'm this story is gonna sound like a cam story starting off
so the way our houses our front door has our front door has... Our front door has...
The first door is all glass.
That's all the preparation I needed.
I don't need to establish what year the house was built in.
In 1977, this house was built by General Custard.
So there was this kid that walked up to the door.
And I was standing, looking through the glass at him and he was like trying to scare me and he had like a just a white skull mask
and i remember going that's not very scary and then he had one of those little like squeezy
things so he squeezed it and then a bunch of blood came pouring down his face like fake blood like
have you ever seen those where it's like a little it's like a heart and you squeeze it and it has a
tube yeah like that yeah but it was like a skull face from what i remember and i was like that's
not scary and then a bunch of blood came down i was like ah like i literally freaked out and i
like ran into the living room because he was coming up to the door. I'm telling you when I was a little kid I was like I liked scary stuff, but I hated being scared
Anytime I watch a scary movie they'd always go it's yeah, I do and then I'd freak the fuck out
well, it doesn't help when they were a lot one you but I
Remember I thought of a story.
I did think of a story.
I thought of it earlier, and then I forgot because I have ADHD, if you guys don't know.
You do?
But one time I was like, dude, you know what I'm going to do?
Me and my friend were like, let's make a haunted house in our basement only for my parents to walk through.
That's awesome.
That sounds like something I would do, too. Because we always have to make it about ourselves, right?
And our basement was just one of those basements where the door just looks like the floor, but you just pick it up by a handle.
Like a hatch.
And it's literally smaller than this room we are currently filming our podcast in.
And that's what you made your haunted house in?
We hung up a sheet.
You walked around the sheet.
There was just cobwebs and fake neon spiders that you could buy in a bag of fucking...
A scary sheet.
And then we had like a...
It's got pee stains on it because it's Cam's sheet.
We had a skull sitting on our fucking water heater.
And we're like, woo!
That's scary shit.
That's a scary...
That's a real skull. And I remember after that, that's scary shit. That's a scary. That's a real skull.
And I remember after that, I charged my parents.
You charge the money to enter your haunted house.
And they gave me four dollars.
And then I went.
So we lived right behind the grocery store.
So I walked across the grocery store, got me some chewy chips.
And sat on the couch.
Hey, scary movie.
And popped in some bitches.
Oh, man. It's called capitalism. up to hoy and sat on the couch and watched a scary movie and popped in some bitches oh man
it's called capitalism i love i just love the whole vibe of fall just like when it starts
getting chilly outside and you're like i mean scary movies are good year round but there's just
they hit different when it's fall and it starts getting dark and you're like i'm gonna
light a couple candles watch a scary movie and like in past years leonard and i have tried to
like a couple years ago we almost watched them uh we were doing like our 31 days of halloween
and we almost watched a scary movie every every day of october Speaking of scary movies,
there is going to be a bonus episode dropping
because Ben, who was previously featured on the podcast,
and I are doing a little thing here
where we each gave each other a list of movies.
This was his idea.
I already talked to Cam about this.
I got it cleared with my co-host.
It's going to be a bonus episode,
so it's not going to inhibit our schedule. I'm not gonna um re-intract you know anything anyways ben's not replacing me
i'm unreplaced don't worry he's definitely i mean you're definitely one of a kind um we're watching
each other's we made a list of movies and we we're gonna rank them, and guess what the other person ranks them, it's gonna be a fun episode, nice little fall Halloween style episode, but, um, I remember
one time when I got done with trick-or-treating, I, like, came home, and, like, my dad was watching
an old Friday the 13th movie on the TV, and I was like, oh, um, because I don't, I mean, I don't
know if I was necessarily, I feel like if my parents came down
and saw me watching a scary movie they'd probably tell me to change it or something probably because
i just didn't want to deal with me being scared for the next few days yeah but i remember it felt
like i was like having special clearance like it felt like since it's halloween and my dad's
watching it i can watch it too or something
I don't remember what felt so special about it
but it just felt weird
and I liked it
good memory good core Halloween
hangout memory
my parents were
kind of strict about that
because when I was younger my ADHD
with my brain
never stopped working my dreams were
super vivid oh really like so you've pretty much your whole life had crazy dreams yeah so like a
nightmare was like a nightmare times 10 like like a everything night terror yeah like it would be
like amplified to like my own house, me running through my own house.
I'd get, like, terrified of my own house.
I remember it was getting closer to Halloween.
My dad and brother were watching a scary movie, and...
Do you remember what movie?
It was...
Doesn't matter.
I can't remember for sure, but um i remember we had a terrible thunderstorm
that night oh spoopy it was such bad thunder um we didn't in our house in the country we didn't
have a dishwasher so my dad washed the dishes and he would sit them on like a drying rack for the night and then in the morning
you put them away well we had a um baking sheet and we put pizza on it and we that's what we had
while we're watching our movie well it was leaning on the drying rack and we had such bad thunder that it shook our house enough that the baking sheet
fell off and right as i was waking up from my nightmare that fell off the counter went bang
right on the ground oh my god and so just yeah i kept my dad up the rest of the night because just shut her crying well i was
like i don't know that's like as a kid you don't find that real like you know like you don't know
the powers of like that shit like how powerful thunder is that it can make a fucking pan fall
off the ground like you're as far as you knew it was like a monster did it yeah exactly like your mind just jumps to the worst conclusion possible yeah and just like
but uh yeah so we my brother and siblings they always loved to watch scary movies and then
they'd be babysitting me because i was young enough i
couldn't do anything by myself and then they just loved to terrify me they'd always be right behind
you and then i'd freak the fuck out and then i'd have terrifying dreams that's mean
how you feeling over there you see you seem like you're sobering up a little bit. Or not.
You are?
Yeah, because I have to pee.
Well, you can hold it for ten more minutes.
I guess we've got to go a little bit longer since we had to cut.
We left the mics recording.
Do kids trick-or-treat at your apartment?
I don't know. Last year, we got a really small bag of candy just in case kids did. Honestly. I don't know. Last year, we got a really small bag of candy just in case people, like, kids did.
So I'm like...
I don't know.
If you guys know,
you probably know there's that one house
that doesn't fucking hand out candy.
That shit just, like...
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Well, they're just kind of like a Scrooge.
They probably just don't like the holiday,
or they just... Or they don't like talking to people.
Like, fuck you.
How do you not like a little kid having the time of their life?
Dressed as a dinosaur.
How can you not see a little kid dressed as a T-Rex and think that's not the cutest thing ever?
Like, this is the time of their fucking life.
You know what?
People that live in my apartment, you need to fucking take your kids.
Well, and it's like, the only thing that sucks is we have door codes.
So I wish they would do something in our apartment of like, hey, you know, put this stopper in your door.
So like kids at our apartment can like roam around our apartment and get fucking candy. candy well your actual building and i feel like honestly that might be the fucking place to do it
as a kid is living in an apartment because like you don't have to walk from house to house to
house you just have to walk 10 steps and you're already at another door if they're doing it that
is and within your building there's a hundred yeah you know there's at least a hundred apartments in there.
That's easy access to candy if they did it.
Well, and...
If everyone was participating and willing.
Well, and I don't know how...
I mean, I've seen a couple kids.
But it's like...
And I've told Bailey this.
I'm like, dude, holidays, we're going to fucking go all out.
Because that is one thing that your kids growing up will not forget.
That is a memory.
It's like the, it's, holidays I feel like are like the one thing that breaks up the monotony of life.
You know, you're doing your 9 to 5 job or whatever.
It's basically, it's basically just a routine.
Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed.
You know, there's some free time
and stuff in between there but the one thing that really breaks up the monotony of life is these
little islands throughout the year where it's this is a special day this day out of the year is
special for this reason and then you can puts you in a different mindset you know it takes you out of the takes you out of the monotonous schedule and then you
get to be like today's halloween like you get a dress up and or you get a handout candy it's
it's fun it's fun for everyone and it's just i think adults and kids this is a message for you
people that are scrooges on fucking Halloween.
Go fuck yourself.
You heard it here.
You guys...
This is a dream that literally kids are...
Like, this is something that kids are gonna remember.
I remember
in Elwood, there was a night
where it was like the day before
Halloween or two days before Halloween.
They would have trick-or-treat at the care home
All these cute ass. Oh my god. I'm gonna cry outside their door of their room with their little bucket of candy
I'm gonna cry and you would see all these little kids
Walking down the hallway and what are you supposed to be all these old people just giving them fucking candy. And we have 40-year-olds and 30-year-olds out here.
And even fucking 19, 20-year-olds.
However you all are to be old enough to fucking have your own house or apartment.
Not handing out fucking candy on Halloween.
Go fuck yourself.
Okay, okay.
Hey, it's okay.
Settle down. Have a Snickers.
Oh my gosh.
That was the one thing. If some old lady gave me a Snickers, I'd
fuck it.
You got any Twix in there,
motherfucker? What are you supposed to be?
I'm a Fortnite character.
What's that?
Can you explain what you are um one time there's this
kid that walked up to the door at my parents house i think this was like not that long ago
like i was living with them too old to trick-or-treat i was just hanging out maybe helping
them hand out candy kind of thing this kid walks up to to the door, doesn't say trick or cheat, just says,
Can I use your restroom?
My mom's like, yeah, it's right in here.
And so I think the mom or dad that was down on the sidewalk is just like,
where are they going?
Because I don't think the kid let their parents know they had to go.
So as far as their parents saw they had to go. Oh.
So as far as their parents saw, they just walked up to the door and then just walked right into the house.
Just walked right into my parents' house and they're just like, what the? In this parent's head, this is like a fucking Halloween nightmare of their kid just getting abducted while they're fucking trying to go get them.
Well, it's not like they're already there.
It's not like you can hide.
Last couple years, I think last year we had a few people come trick-or-treat.
I think the year before that, there was almost like none.
I don't know why, because I live at a house in a neighborhood.
Do you think it's a thing of like parents just you think parents are getting over it we'll just have a
drone fly some candy to the house you'll be fine i don't know like we didn't in our apartment
we even have little kids like in our building it's like you know you can just send your kids
fucking they're within the confines of the building.
Through our building.
Last year, I even went and bought a little bag of candy.
Because I'm like, we're not going to get an extreme amount.
But like, what if there's that one adorable ass kid that comes to our apartment and is like, trick or treat.
And I don't have any fucking candy.
I'm going to feel like a piece of shit.
I just got a genius idea.
We are going to do reverse trick-or-treating where we get candy and we go door-to-door
and we hand out candy to kids at their door.
So we go door-to-door and we'll say, are you taking your kid out trick-or-treating?
And they're like, no, not tonight.
I'll be like, bring them here front and center.
I've got some candy for them.
But if they don't answer, then that's a success because that means they took their kid
out trick-or-treating so anyone see there we go we're gonna be the anti-trigger or the reverse
trick-or-treaters yeah we're gonna be the treater triggers treater triggers welcome to trick or treat tricker that might be a better name for the episode treat or trickers treat or trick no that's dumb
uh i have this fantasy i'm becoming such a dad dude i have this fantasy where i have the bowl
of candy and then i have a cooler of beer and i I hand out the kid's candy and I give a beer to the dad.
So the dad can sip on a beer while he's taking his kid around trick-or-treating.
That's my idea of I've pulled it off as a man.
That makes me feel warm and cozy.
Hey, don't get your hand too close.
That Osage is hot I burned my finger
We might have to pee on this one
To put it out
It might still be going
By the time the podcast is up
Probably not
Did you open the chimney?
We might be smoking them out upstairs
No that's alright
Did I ever tell you that?
Uh uh
One time
Trace and I were hanging out um at his parents house
in the basement that was where he hung out when he was living there and they have a they have a
fireplace in the basement and it was like a cold probably a fall night so we're keeping with the
theme here um where we're like let's start a fire in the fireplace.
And so we did.
Because I'm not a pyro like you where I see a lighter and I'm just like, this is why I exist.
But I liked making fires and stuff like this.
Like we have here in this real fireplace.
So we were starting a fire in the fireplace.
And he didn't get the chimney opened because
there was like a little like thing or slide or something you have to do to get it to open.
And so there's just smoke filling the basement and then the smoke alarms start going off.
It's like fucking midnight.
And his dad comes downstairs just in his boxers and he's like, what is going on?
And he just like goes and opens the chimney and we're just like
sorry most awkward thing ever dad just comes down and we're just trying to have a fire while
we're playing video games like why do we need to have a fire while we're fucking have a blanket
it was for the ambiance there's nothing nothing like a roaring, crackling fire.
Dude, like you said, fall might be one of my favorite times of the year.
It is.
Dude, fall is easily my easy...
Because, and hey, this is going to come full, full circle.
Fall is the best time of year because it is the best time of year.
Well, college football halloween downtime from work
downtime from work it starts getting colder and that means it's better for cool season grass
this is the grass studies podcast after all yeah but at the but for us once you get to fall you could give a
fuck less about grass and you're kind of tired of grass because you just went
through a whole summer yeah babysitting grass yeah so dude I don't I love this
time of year because I love that too and first cold enough day that first chilly day where you can put a hoodie on
slide your ass in
it's gonna be so cozy i'm so nice and well it's so cozy this is my bag baby
that ain't mine i'm glad you uhed up a little At the beginning of this podcast
I don't think you really realized
But you were rambling a lot
And I was like I really wanted this to be like
A fall themed episode and you're just talking
About when you were running around
As a kid doing random shit
And I'm like when is it my turn to talk
No I was like
I had a few bruise before i came i haven't
eaten i'm gonna go home and you haven't eaten yet smash some street tacos and you
i had at least six beverages bed
four while i was here yeah but you had a couple before you came i had to use that new shotgunning tool i had three
at home is it technically kraken or is it no it's the same it's the same shape but it's the same
it's like the same concept it's just a shotgunning tool is there anything else is there anything else
halloween wise we want to talk i think i talked about all the things i want to talk about as we're recording this it is thursday october 26th so tuesday is halloween i'll be home i'll have some candy i've
been wanting to um i think that's the main reason why i'm like my main drive is to get a house one
so i can take care of my grass grass too because i don't know it's
just so much enjoyable like i want to decorate like exactly i don't like i put christmas lights
up i'm not planning on having kids for a long time but i want to make like i know there's people out
there that can't decorate for christmas and they can't they can't afford to decorate for halloween
but i want that one little kid to walk down the street trick-or-treating be like oh my god There's people out there that can't decorate for Christmas, and they can't afford to decorate for Halloween.
But I want that one little kid to walk down the street trick-or-treating and be like, oh, my God, that fucking house is cool as shit,
and I'm going to be that motherfucker handing out full-size candy bars.
Oh, my God.
So that kid comes back every year, and it stays the same every year,
and it becomes a routine for them, and they're like,
and then they bring their kids, and it just just i feel like it's so fucking cool like i'm a little
bit worried about when i become an actual dad and i start telling actual dad jokes and shit
i'm totally gonna be the guy that like has the bowl of little candies and then the full-size
candy bars for like if kids have a good costume
you know or if they go trick-or-treat and i'm like what what is the thing you have to like
trick-or-treat smell my feet give me something good to eat if you don't i don't care i'll pull
down your underwear i'll pull down your underwear yeah yeah. Why is that the saying?
That's sexual assault.
Why is that the saying?
I don't know, because it's great in 1970s.
But I'm totally going to, like, if they ring the doorbell,
and, like, I open the door and they don't say trick-or-treat,
I'll be like, oh, no candy for you.
Just fucking slam that screen door.
Or if I'm just like, tell me a joke.
If it makes me laugh i'll give you
some candy like one guy or i'll just completely profile them and be like i i like you i don't
like you you get a full-size candy bar you don't no i'm just kidding um i'm excited though i'll definitely get a bowl of candy hand them out anyone i mean
if anybody if you guys live in an apartment his address it no um if you go to his apartment
and anybody that's listening if you guys have kids take them trick-or-treating yeah take them
trick-or-treating or treat or tricking no thator-treating. Or treat-or-tricking. No, that would be it.
I can tell you what, even if you guys live in an apartment,
it might cross your mind that, hey,
everybody that lives in apartments, young kids,
I'm fucking young.
But guess what? That still
makes me fucking
feel happy to see some little
kid in their fucking costume
going trick-or-treating.
I don't give a fuck if I get one trick-or-treater by the end of the night, I'll hand them the whole bowl oftreating. I don't give a fuck if I get
one trick-or-treater by the end of the night, I'll hand them the whole
bowl of fucking candy. I don't give a shit.
True. I always
kind of look forward to, like,
I like when kids show up
That didn't come out right.
That didn't come out right.
We got him.
Don't mark us.
What I meant to say was, it warms my heart when kids come by and you can hand out candy to them.
But I also get excited if there's not very many kids.
Because then I'm selfishly thinking, now all this candy is for me.
If we don't get that many people.
Lena's like, are you going to turn the light on? And I'm just like, in a minute, many people like lena's like are you gonna turn the
light on and i'm just like in a minute in a minute it's like 10 o'clock at night i'm like
turn it on for one minute i'm like oh we didn't have any people this year and i guess i have to
eat all this candy now every time she goes to the bathroom i just take like a handful and shove it
in my pocket i'm just like yeah you just missed a bunch of kids came running by i just go outside and i'm just on the doorbell like whoa whoa there's 10 of them all at once
and she just runs out like wait let me see them i want to see their costume like oh they're already
gone she runs out with a line of toilet hang on i missed the first three groups mom look she's a
mummy all right that's so dumb um well i don't know if you guys know but there's
two things in this world that are innocent innocent and that's little kids and old people
and those are two things that make me happy is little kids and old people so
that sounds terrible i take back everything i Parents, bring your kids fucking trick-or-treating.
Let them make memories that will last a lifetime.
Before we end it, we have something we want to plug.
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We will have ambassadors for them
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I became an ambassador for them
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what the number is for sure i never really cared about that i don't think i want you guys to know
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no we're gonna use it for you know for doing like our episode we did with the
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I'm running out of
I'm just kidding
I'm not running out of ideas
I could go on forever
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and be perfectly fine
we both like to talk
thank you guys
for watching
until next time
happy Halloween
happy Halloween happy Halloween
stay golden pony boy
I'll be back again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again