Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 17: All in the numbers
Episode Date: November 13, 2023In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Kam and Jake actually talk about Grass, answering some of your turf questions about winterization. Jake talks about his lucky game of Keno and Kams talks a...bout his Uncle who might have been the next Rain Man?! SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
Discussion (0)
He was him he's literally him
That is the people you have to be worried about in life or the people that don't say anything quiet ones
That's why I don't give a shit about cam. I know he won't do shit
Well in us
Welcome to the yeah
Yeah Welcome to the yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah straight in and i don't know if you remembered but i completely forgot to say that's cam i'm
jake and we are oh get that corn out of there i'm cam that's jake and we are the grass daddies
yeah well we said it for this one already well no but i'm just making up for the last one okay
so we've said it twice maybe i'll go back and edit it in no i won't. Because I'm not doing that.
I've got a little bit of a headache.
Hair to the dog a little bit.
We had a little bit of a wild night last night.
Yeah, son.
Zane, if you're listening.
He got a little turnt up.
How you doing?
How you doing? Hopefully're um not watching this from
a hospital bed with an iv in your arm um our friend had a drink a half a bottle of whiskey
last night and um and like wasn't feeling too well um when he got back to your apartment
yeah it was wild night
but the grind don't stop.
What did you do?
I spilled all over myself.
This is getting off to a great start.
Let's see here.
We actually got a couple questions.
I remember them.
I mean, your phone is recording right now.
Yeah. So let's answer phone is recording right now. Yeah.
So let's answer those right off the top.
Because if those people that are asked those questions are expecting to hear.
Well, let's see.
The one guy from Florida.
I think he's from Florida.
I looked at his account.
He had FL in his bio
if you are from florida we're in let us know yeah hit dm grass studies podcast and i'll read back
out to you on instagram cam is now running the instagram page at grass studies podcast on
instagram um but yeah like what we're gonna say because I know you asked what to do for like
tips on winter overseeding yeah the question was tips on winter overseeding
as we're getting into winter months here it's gonna be different because
our winters here are by far a lot different than well there's in Florida well so we have
cool season grass and assuming if
you're from florida you have warm season grass so the the winter seeding regiment is going to be
completely different because um well for one it's a completely different kind of grass
that you use down there and so and to be quite frankly
honest as you like to say i don't know about warm season winter seeding we've never worked on warm
season grass but i mean everybody does winter overseeding different i think i think for me personally the way i think winter overseeding
should be done is say if you're airifying i think you go through make sure it's going to be cold
like we did some winter overseeding at the golf course and i feel like it's been a little too warm
for my liking because i feel like that seed's going to start to germinate and it's
going to get cold and shock it but i would say overseed if you timed plugged your holes sliced
whatever you're implementing to help get the seed in the ground do that make sure your weather's
going to align and be cold so that seed lays dormant in the ground
because if it starts to germinate and you get super cold it's gonna kill it and then
sand over it obviously give it some insulation and then yep um it's really uh it's a timing
game you got to look at your you got to look at your weather um you got
to try to gauge it because like cam said if the soil temps are still warm enough yet where that
grass is going to germinate when you get those shoots coming up and then you get a hard frost
it could kill it so you basically either want to put it down like this would be more of a fall seeding to get it to grow up enough to where it can withstand the cold and just be fine.
Or put it down and make sure it's cold enough that it will just stay dormant because grass will only germinate if soil temperatures are at a certain place and there's moisture um so if it's
too cold then it will just sit there in the ground and then once spring rolls around then it will
come up a cat one caveat to that is if you have like a cover um which we've done like for greens
and stuff it's actually pretty amazing we'll like we'll have a seat we'll have like just a green where
it's just sand and then you'll take a giant it's like kind of like a tarp a giant but it lets
moisture through um like perforated tarp kind of um over top of it and then you peel it back in
the spring and they'll just be a square of green little seedlings yeah which is pretty crazy so yeah you could and like you don't even
have to do that tarp uh i personally have used um straw like have you ever like the straw bales you
just roll out like a straw mat yeah straw mat and then staple it down and then pull all your staples
and basically you want to protect your seedlings from the harsh
winter elements aka harsh winds which would dry out your ground harsh cold um if you get a heavy
snow that's actually a good thing um because it acts exactly like that tarp does. Yeah, it acts as a blanket, insulates it. And I'll say this.
If there's snow projected in your forecast, it's not actually a bad idea to go out there and throw some seed down.
Because that snow will cover it.
And then as the snow melts, it will pull the seed down into the soil with it.
So that's one way you can do it another
thing is i want to add to this about so nebraska is very unpredictable and the only downside with
a tarp is fall in spring for us it can be cold hot like mornings bitter ass cold nights bitter ass cold and then during the day
that's what we're going through right now 70 we have it was 24 friday and 60 and then they got
during the day so like if you're going through that like weeks and weeks on end and say you tarp
it you gotta pull that tarp because then yeah you gotta let it get the sun on it too
well and if it's 70 degrees during the day that cook it yeah you're literally gonna bake the
ground so you gotta pull your tarp re-tarp you know it's all it's all timing all weather pretty much and then we had ben he's been guest on the show yeah asked for what to do you just what was
just what to do in the fall what to do to your lawn in the fall slash winter um well so do you
want to talk you can say a couple things and then I'll add a couple more things.
Just right off the top of your head what you think about.
I think for fall, fall aeration is great.
If you have that, if you can spread.
I know everybody's not going to have the time and money to do that,
but if you can put black dirt down like you want to do.
Pot ash.
Not pot ash.
I put gypsum down in my yard this fall after aerating.
What did we do?
What did we do the year before?
Then they come in like the big bags. Yeah's like a bale oh yeah um i have a
peat moss spreader peat moss that's what i meant not potash so i like to use peat moss from what
i'm or when i'm doing overseeding because peat moss is um it's basically like this very dry
it's really messy but it's this really dry, um,
But when you get it wet, it absorbs water really well and stays moist for a long time.
So, um, and if you have a peat moss spreader, which I have, it's like a cage that you put
all that in and then you walk over your lawn and it'll turn and it'll like throw out and
it's really dusty, but it will cover the seed and keep
it wet i actually while we're on this topic i got to think about this at work today well not today
but this week and because you see all these people you know they think leaves are like their
enemy like leaves are fucking terrible yeah and everybody picks them up but to me i was i got
thinking about that i'm like why wouldn't you just mulch them because then you mulch them they start
to degrade that's organic material for your ground so essentially if you guys are listening and you
guys have leaves and you really don't want to go unless you have like obviously an extreme amount. Yeah. But if you have like a decent amount, go ahead and mulch them up.
And then the weather will degrade them.
It'll go into your soil.
And that's natural ingredients for your grass to be healthier.
So basically and pretty much all of our tips are going to be for our specific type of grass in our specific area of climate.
So we live in Nebraska and specifically Eastern Nebraska has really heavy clay soil. If you go
further out West, it's a lot more sandy. Um, but Eastern Nebraska has, um, very hard clay soils
and really the, the only way you can loosen up your hard clay soil is to integrate
organic matter like he was talking about with like leaves um or grass clippings or you know
like um peat moss yeah also um peat moss black dirt yeah basically just
not stuff that's natural like compost type of stuff.
So like when you aerate and you have these holes in your ground, like you said, if you mulch your leaves, then there's little pieces of organic matter going down into your soil and that will help.
It will add nutrients to your soil because, you know, leaves, they grow from trees and they contain a little bit of nitrogen in them. So you're going to get, it'd be very trace amount. And same thing
with like mowing and not bagging it. You're recycling some nitrogen back into the ground
for your grass. But like you said, if you have like a ton, a ton of leaves, you can't just like
run your mower over it because then you're gonna
have so much leaves in your lawn that you can actually suffocate great suffocate your grass
and kind of beat it down if you have way too many leaves well and that's what i think a lot of people
take turf they're like oh my god you guys mow grass there's so much more you got to it's science there is because organic matter
is great for the ground too much is terrible we lose greens we lose spots in our greens all the
time because of too much thatch too much you know shit yeah if you have, like you said, thatch, which is, for those of you that don't know, is like a layer of organic matter, a.k.a. like dead grass, essentially.
Just like clippings and it's really, it's spongy.
In terms of talking about playability on grass for like a golf green it makes it spongy not firm so
your ball is going to roll slower but in terms of your yard it's going to not let water get down
into the soil which is where you want it to go you want it to go down into the root zone
specifically not just sit on top and also like if you fertilize you're not you might be wasting
some product because if it's not getting all down in there and uh another thing i would like to say
i got two things a lot of people think like they see people putting sand in their yard
that is something you guys need to look at your soil because with us and where we live
if you go out there and you put sand in your yard one time what makes concrete dirt and sand yeah
well not dirt clay clay and sand makes concrete yeah so if you're just adding sand once you if
you want to do sand and you want to take your yard and try to
you know form it into your sandy clay loams and that stuff you need to you'd have to do some
serious tilling first of all and mix it all in yeah i don't even know if doing even if you were
to just aerate and backfill all the holes with sand you'd still just have you know things of
sand it wouldn't like
spread out into the soil and that's what i'm trying to say like if you're going to aerate
and try to start and implement implementing sand into your ground you are going to have to aerate
it's usually twice a year you're gonna have to aerate four five times maybe i don't sand it
do all that work it's way too much work so just
because i know a lot of people think and you see and people don't really explain that
side of it so people are like look everybody's aerating their yard with sand well most of these
guys have and the reason why some people do it is because water passes through sand very easily so
you think oh i'm just to put some sand on top.
And that will help water penetrate down to my yard.
Because if it mixes with that top layer, like you said, it will feel like a parking lot.
The other thing is, with bins going to bins.
Well, we're still on bins question.
But I started to get off of that.
If we live in Nebraska, it it's really really difficult to tell
what kind of winter season we're gonna have so don't try to bank on the winter season if
if you got like we've had in the past couple weeks it's super nice run your water get moisture down
in there and then once this frost comes you you're going to have moisture in the ground.
Because then if we get another season like we had two years ago,
where we had no moisture and it's too cold to run your irrigation,
then, you know, you have no moisture in your ground.
That was one thing I was going to say, too, is just because your grass is brown
doesn't mean I can stop taking care of it i mean
to a point yeah you don't have to mow it um but it's good to in the winter if it's like even if
it's up in like the 40s and 50s it's good to every couple weeks put some water down because
if that plant dries out too much like if there's no snow, then it's called desiccation.
The grass is going to die from lack of moisture.
And that's what we had really bad a couple years ago.
We lost a lot of grass on greens because we didn't tarp them all.
Which is, it's tough when you're working with a lot of
delicate grass on a golf course and you're just hoping to have enough moisture because
you you have to blow out your irrigation system because if it freezes it'll break
so you're kind of hoping that you get the right amount of snow maybe some late rainfall to to to get your moisture
levels high enough that to survive the winter well and i know we've kind of hit both sides of this
going back to when we were talking about tarping your greens that is a really expensive process
tarps are really expensive and tedious tedious work you know you gotta if it gets hot like i said you
gotta go pull all your tarps if it's windy don't do it super hard to put them on at our golf course
we don't do it because our boss particularly doesn't like to clean up but an easier and
cheaper alternative if you need to kind of if you're worried about getting a not a low moisture
winter but you need something to help insulate it do heavy layer of sand on top of your green
the spring cleanup yeah it's gonna you're gonna have to clean them off
show off some cutting units but yeah you're it's gonna give your ground a little bit more
insulate more insulation it's gonna have if that doesn't have anything on it to get scientific it will protect the crown of the plant from the harsh
winter elements and your grass will survive and be thriving in fact the next the next spring um
so yeah continue don't it's not like a daily watering, but like, if you can, um,
Ben, specifically in your case, I know you have a, you live in like a HOA where there's
a big sprinkler system, but I think you, I think I remember you have a spigot.
I can't remember, but you could hook a hose up to your spigot and just even if it's
just like a hand thing you know if it's decently nice or like if you notice it looks like your
grass is getting really really dry you can put some water down to just keep your moisture up
well and if you're not in the industry and if you don't take like i know people take pride in their yard
they want their yard to look good why wouldn't you at your house you take pride in you know
your and a lot of people won't say this but i don't know if any of you guys listening
a lot of if you guys have water like if you guys are running water like you're hooking up heads and it's not
an underground sprinkler system the heads that you know have misters on them if it's cool out
and you're trying to get water to your plant it's not it's not helping really because most of that
you run it for a long time yeah unless you're running it for hours because that is just sitting up in your foliage
and it's not getting down to the root system.
So like your big droplet sizes that penetrate past the foliage
and get down to the soil is where you're going to get most of your effective watering, I think.
Moisture penetration. That's why when we hand water penetration golf
course turf if it's hot out we keep our nozzles up because we're not trying to penetrate we're
just trying to keep the leaf cool but um two more things i wanted to talk about for winterizing your lawn. Um,
one thing is more for fall. Um, if you have weeds in your yard,
the best time to kill weeds like dandelions is in the fall. Um, it doesn't make a lot of sense
to people and like homeowners specifically, they see dandelions come up in the spring and they want them killed.
If you wait until the fall, like, let's say you have like dandelion or clover, you know,
just con or, um, probably, yeah, just common broadleaf, um, weeds and you spray them in
the fall, then that plant is going to absorb that chemical.
And then the following spring when it
tries to wake up again it is already holding that chemical in it and it'll die yeah and um
the other thing i want to talk about is when to fertilize so say we haven't talked about fertilizing yet so um and this one kind of this
one kind of makes me nerd out a little bit on turf um so when you're when it starts getting
cold out your grass is still green but you've noticed you haven't really had to mow so your
soil temperatures are coming down your grass is not growing as much, but it's still green, it hasn't gone dormant.
Then you want to hit it with a high nitrogen fertilizer because the grass is still active, but it's not growing upwards.
And it'll take in all that nitrogen and it'll put it all into its roots, so the roots will plunge down deeper into the ground and the deeper your roots
are the better because then it's the moisture is going to be deeper down in your lawn because
everything up on top is going to dry out quicker with wind the sun and so the deeper you can get
your roots to grow the better your lawn is going to be because it's going to be able to withstand drought i feel like pretty much everything in turf the whole name of the game is just
being able to get your lawn to withstand like drought yeah you know what i mean like well
getting down there to keep drinking water when it's not rightly available
this is hard i feel like i'm i'm having trouble because like like you i want to like geek out
but it's like not everybody you know like understands it to that level yeah when i was
talking about your sprinkler system and you want to you know penetrate you
don't want to get too much because what's help going to help your grass survive in like drought
conditions is the roots being able to search for water but if you give them water right on the
surface all the time you're going to have a shitty root structure so that it all ties together your
fertilizing overseeding you know all that um the grass even even your grass mixtures you know everybody's
like yeah you know if you're like yeah i have a bluegrass yard or you know blue rye throw in some
finely fescue you know or most i guess most people probably around here have fescue probably in their
yard so a lot of you gotta it's weird because not everybody's gonna like
understand the knowledge but them different plants their roots get more aggressive they
behave differently yeah and so that's like all this is stuff that you have to look at but
i i mean the grass isn't the green stuff on top it's what's
below that's where your actual plant is the green stuff that comes up that's the leaf just like a
tree isn't the green leaves those are leaves yeah the tree is the the tree trunk and the bark
that's the plant yeah the the leaves are just the foliage the pretty part bark that's the plant yeah the leaves are just the foliage the pretty part
well that's the same thing for grass the roots what you are wanting to feed and water is down
below and you want it to go deep to find more nutrients and be able to survive on its own
without having to be constantly babysat and the way i've had a couple people like
over my time in turf whether it be members whether it be you know people wondering about their grass
the way i explained to them why their plant is slowing down it's still green it's still living
but you don't have to mow it it's it's it's, that plant is like, holy shit, it's getting cold.
So now it's, it's keeping its nutrients in.
It's like, it's like a fucking squirrel where a squirrel goes out and gets nuts and stores them for when it's going to be cold so they know where they're at.
So it's storing its nutrients.
It's not using its food to grow.
Yeah. cold so they know where they're at yeah so it's storing its nutrients and it's not yeah it's not
trying to just pump out all of its you know food and grow out so you have to mow it because then
when that winter season comes and the grass is like oh shit now i gotta go dormant it has nothing
yeah so it just i think that's the easiest way for the all around like anybody to understand that
yeah your grass is just pretty much reserving its food
bank yeah and what it needs to grow and then like that next year you got a brighter and more
beautiful lawn dude i've noticed that when i like um when i winterize like the first couple times
when i started to actually learn this stuff and did it my lawn in the spring was like oh my god it is growing so much and it's so green dude and
this is and then summer rolls around it's like oh fuck it's hot this is a heavy turf episode but
dude we've gone almost 30 minutes talking about believe it it or not, grass. But,
the grass daddy's podcast talks about grass.
tell your friends.
We had this old,
brother was,
and there was this old superintendent and he was telling us about,
he's retired now.
All he does is golf.
He was telling us about, he's like, yeah, you guys got it lucky.
And we're like, why?
And he's like, well, because back when I was doing this,
we didn't have fescue that fucking, it's like bent grass.
Like it creeps.
What is it called?
It's like.
Meaning it uses rhizomes that go underneath the ground.
Basically, it's like, here's your plant.
It takes a root and goes over, and then that root goes up and then makes a leaf.
So then your lawn can spread out.
Like, he's like.
Essentially, what I'm saying is their plants used to just be this seed turns into one plant yeah a bunch a bunch type like you plant seeds and then it's like and then that's it
yeah and it's and that's why it's called creeping bent grass is because it just it grows over and
starts filling in your spots which we're lucky because now you know back then you
used to have to oh i got a bare spot you're like if it's this big you're like all right i gotta go
seed that spot because nothing's gonna grow in there besides weeds which to be fair and you're
not wrong um bent grass uses stolons which are up on the surface oh it's the same thing but basically up top and it spreads out
versus rhizomes are underneath the ground and they come up but what he was saying was
that's kind of new technology because like fescue and rye grass are those bunch type hardy bunch
type grasses that is just one plant and then it's got vigorous roots um but that was it so you'd have to you know
kind of have to oversee to fill in the bare spots but now science has developed that same vigorous
grass type but will also spread out which is awesome well and i know you love farming and stuff and what my uh my family was my dad's side they owned cattle they didn't farm but my um
on my mom's side her stepfather uh helps farm a lot my grandpa bill and
he was telling me when i used to go right around the combine with
him he's like yeah the grass used to be like really no taller than a person and now it's the
same height as a fucking comp like it's like you can't see out of a combine because they have it's
just like grass they're doing technology they're trying to make it they're trying to make it
cheaper but it's more expensive but cheaper because they're trying to make it they're trying to make it cheaper but it's more expensive
but cheaper because they're trying to make it be able to withstand like disease and yeah all that
disease resistance yeah that's why that one episode i at the end i said always rotate your fungicides
what i meant by that is if you constantly use like the same product to fight
turf disease such as like
if you constantly use the same
product eventually
you're it's going to build up a
it's going to build up a tolerance and an
immunity and then it won't work anymore so you
have to use different stuff
to you know make it so that disease doesn't pop up.
Nerdy stuff here, guys.
Make sure your guys' coverage on your sprinklers is top notch.
Yeah, throw to throw, you know, make sure you're getting a nice rain curtain.
I told you I'm such a fucking kid.
Whenever I see sprinklers, I like stop and watch them because I just like watching them
but it's not
me being like a kid
that likes watching trucks
even though I like watching tractors
and stuff but there's a satisfaction
element to watching a nice
stream of water
especially since grass is like my whole life
it's like I'm watching the thing that's helping
the thing that gives me a job.
I think run.
So it's satisfying for me to watch and it makes me happy,
I guess,
to a point to see it running.
We were talking about this the other day when Gabe was like,
have you welded before?
I was like,
a little bit.
And then when I was cutting T posts,
I was like,
I like this shit. Like like and I was like telling
him I'm like and then I was like after that I was like thinking to myself I'm like I really just
pretty much like everything like I like farming I like yeah turf I like you know welding like
blue collar type stuff like and I just like I just want to be able to do, like, all of it.
Like, if I could essentially do all of it.
Well, I mean, honestly, dude, working at the golf course kind of is a good way.
People think it's just maintaining grass.
There's so much.
Like, the amount of stuff I've learned working at this golf course is crazy.
I mean, the amount of stuff we've done here.
Because a lot of times you're kind of out
on your own i mean i jokingly say this but like you are like a grass farmer and if you know
anything about farmers they're kind of out on their own and they got to improvise a lot
and you end up teaching yourself a lot of skills and you end up getting taught a lot of skills
because there's very important work that needs done and
sometimes your bosses need you to step up and do it like so like for for your example like
using using a torch to cut stuff or using a welder running a chainsaw running a tractor
electricity wiring stuff yeah like all of our sprinkler heads have individual
wires going to them so whenever you work on one you have to wire them yeah and it was like like
you said the other day it was like how you said i am smart in that aspect i I think it was because growing up everybody did
so much.
I don't know. Growing up as
a country kid, whatever you want to say.
We like...
A blue collar boy.
We learned a little
bit of everything.
You learned a lot of
hands on skills. Yeah. we learned a little bit of everything you learned a lot of skill like hands-on skills yeah type of
stuff like a little bit of it that's what when everybody asked me something i'm like i know
a lot about i know a little bit about a lot of things and not a lot about one thing yeah you're
like i need to study my math homework your uncle's like
fuck that i need you to help me build this shed yeah another thing we've did we put a wall up
a couple years ago so we learned how to like frame a wall and put drywall and insulation up
wire the outlets in like the amount of stuff we've learned here like we've learned a lot of very
useful skills which is awesome so like you said you like doing it because there's a lot of stuff
to do yeah and it might not be the same for everybody. Some people, I know some people are like, we had kids that somehow, some way they knew they were fucking welders coming out of the womb.
I have a kid that I went to high school with that does offshore welding now.
Like they came out with a mask on.
I think so, dude.
They were dropping dimes as they were coming out the womb.
This kid is...
Like the mom got split.
Like, you know when the holes become one hole?
Because they're such a big baby.
He's like, I can patch that up.
I'll grind out.
Yeah, let me put a bead down.
I got you, mom.
But, like, this fucking kid was just like never welded before comes into welding class and it's
like he's just good at it yeah like he's fucking good it's like dad or grandpa welders they weren't
so i was gonna say i feel like sometimes when you're just like i think that like somehow his
restaurant goes through your blood somehow like you just have the skills this like his family owned a restaurant. It just goes through your blood somehow. Like you just have the skills.
His kid's family owned a restaurant and he came and was in welding and just picked up the welder and just was fucking.
I was like, dude, it looks like you've been doing this for 30 years.
And now he's a lot of hand-eye coordination too.
Now he's a fucking offshore welder and making what people.
Those guys make crazy money.
Yeah, but their life...
Those people out in the water welding?
Their lifespan's only supposed to be like 40 years.
Fuck it.
Let me get my bank and I'm out.
I'm just kidding.
He literally has everything going for him.
He's making...
I don't even want to know.
He has a six-figure house, and he's my age.
And he also has a baby mama that just stays at home.
That's great.
God, what was I going to say?
I can't remember.
Hey, it's 17 episodes oh oh i was gonna um okay yes 17th episode that i was gonna talk about um i may be weird in this aspect
but and i always say i hate to say this but i always say like my ocd i hate to throw that
term around i feel like to throw that term around.
I feel like people throw the term like OCD around a lot.
OCD because this bothers me.
No, no.
Like when it's a real, it's an actual real, you know, disorder.
Sometimes it's worse in some people.
And that's like ADHD for me.
Like I have ADHD and people are like, oh my God, I think I have ADHD because holy shit, I couldn't focus.
It's like, no, no, you guys you guys don't understand what adhd is like i don't have a full full-blown
obsessive compulsive disorder which is what ocd stands for but there's certain things where i'm
like i will like throughout my daily life act a certain way based on a lot of times it's like on numbers
like i oh i have numbers that i like like 11 7 1 and 7 because those are my grandpa's numbers
my dad's favorite number was three my brother's favorite number was three my favorite number is
three so like if you're getting gas do you always go to the pump three or do you not care when you
pull up for gas that's something i see i always go to the pump three? Or do you not care when you pull up for gas? That's something I...
See, I always go to pump 11.
And if 11's not available, I'll try to get seven.
And if, like, all my numbers that I normally like, like 11 and seven, or, like, I'll go to one,
I'll think about, like, okay, well, three is significant because my mom likes that number, or you like that number.
Or I'll be like, okay, nine is open. I'll i'll go to that one that was trace's number in high school so i don't know if i like ocd in that respect um well and a lot of people say they're ocd because
they like cleaning that's not necessary people who just like to be cleanly like there was a kid that had he was clean diagnosed well i i feel weird
saying diagnosed like when you say diagnosed it's like you're being diagnosed with something that's
fucking like deadly but he was like i have it's a mental disorder i literally have ocd and he's
like i am the messiest fucking person like i don I don't know where. Some people with OCD might be like super like want everything clean.
Certain things trigger their obsessive compulsive disorder.
I feel like people are like, I'm OCD because I like everything clean.
It's like.
That's not.
You guys are like.
Again, we're getting psychological again.
Which is fine um because
um like in class when we learned about ocd that we watched videos about people like
they would throw their garbage bag into the trash can and they didn't like the way the lid closed
so they would open the lid grab the bag out close it and do it again
and they would do it over and over again until they were good like content yeah content with it
or like if they opened the door sometimes they wouldn't like the way it clicked so they would
do it over and over again until it was right before they would walk through that kind of stuff
it i feel like sometimes it can get intermixed with like people
who are like superstitious um like with my numbers it's not necessarily superstition
i just like it and find it satisfying and i just it just makes me feel content i'm kind of there
i'm kind of there with you though like um there's like certain things in my life that i'm not i'm not a superstitious person i'll walk
under a fucking ladder yeah i don't like i know tom at work is very super superstitious yeah yeah
but tell him that story tell him that story it might have been when we were framing hey tom
shout out to if you're listening to this uh we did tell you about our podcast i don't know if you're listening we told our boss
our our head boss about the podcast and he thought it was funny and i showed him a little clip and
he's like i bet he's like do i want to watch this are you guys going to talk a bunch of shit on us
and i was like no cam and i have definitely made it a point to ourselves where we're not going to
talk shit on our bosses at work.
And then the very next episode, we talked the most about our bosses.
We didn't talk shit, but we mentioned them.
Which was kind of funny.
I mean, and he is Irish.
So I think Irish people are.
I'm not trying to claim something I don't know.
Probably a certain higher percentage than his dog.
Yeah, I think it was when we were... No.
It was when we were building his...
Taking his garage door.
So our shop used to be hitting bays.
So their office now...
Here comes the story.
Here it goes.
Suck my dick.
I'm trying to
explain what was going on really quick maggie if you're listening right now i'm i'm sorry cool i'm
gonna not bullying me we were just we just came from my parents and my sister was like you're so
mean to cam on the podcast i'm like that's part of the shtick is that he's weird or funny and then i
kind of poke fun at him or give him shit and And she's like, yeah, well, some people aren't going to find that funny.
And I'm just like, anyways.
He's literally my fucking brother.
So I was like, you know what?
I was like, this is like having a little brother who's annoying and makes you mad.
So that's kind of how I treat him sometimes.
Anyways, we were framing framing we were framing a wall
and i had the ladder up and his dog walked under the ladder and he's like come here come here remy
like made the dog walk back under the ladder physically made his dog walk back underneath
the ladder because does that undo it you walk back through i don't
know um and then i think i think he was so ty a kid that used to work there he does have some
horseshoes he has like three horseshoes on like his window so in his office too
so which and three is a lucky number isn't it i three three is like a biblical number i don't
know i think seven but you always see like three sevens.
I don't know.
Either way.
So then I think this kid Ty was just fucking driving him fucking bonkers.
Because Ty was like, oh my god, he's superstitious and I'm not.
So I don't really give a fuck.
And he just keeps walking back and forth under the ladder.
So I think Tom was like, Tom was sitting there at his desk and was like, you need to walk back under that.
You need to walk back under that.
But he was like, serious?
And yeah, like, he was not like, you should walk back under that.
He's like, you need to walk back under that.
Well, maybe he was, he might have been afraid like his, like the ceiling would collapse in or something.
And Ty's like, no, no, no.
Like you're creating a vortex of bad
luck right now no no i'm fine and i was just like but yeah like i mean if i'm gonna pick a number
i'm gonna pick three i'm gonna pick yeah like the things that like you said they're something that
means they're personal significant like if i'm playing keno i'm picking like three are you just
trying to lead me into the story because i was gonna go there yeah so if i'm playing keno i'm
picking like three six twenty because that's my lucky number the day me and my fiance got
started dating and the year we started dating oh
so those are significant because that's when you started yeah so those are like i thought you were
like these are my numbers i'm gonna specifically ask her to be my girlfriend on this day
no so those are like i gotta say something stupid we started dating in January. So it was 1-6-2020.
I'm such a.
I kind of hate myself for this.
But at the same time, I don't really care.
My ex-girlfriend, I asked her to be my girlfriend, like, on New.
Like, right when the clock hit midnight on New Year's.
Because I was like, that'll be easy to remember the anniversary.
You're such a fucking cock i remember when we
were laying in bed and i was like looking at my phone and i was like looking at her and then right
when it hit midnight i was like you want to be my girlfriend and she was like so i was like that'll
be easy to remember because just the start of the year is the start of our anniversary and for lena
fucking car lena i did it on her birthday So now I always remember that our anniversary is on her birthday.
Hey, guys out there, if you're thinking about dating a girl.
You fucking dick.
Okay, but here's the thing.
When you're in the, there's this new thing called the talking stage.
Where you're essentially.
Bless you.
Where you're essentially dating someone, but you haven't officially asked them to be your girlfriend yet.
So we're not technically dating yet thing.
Because normally I feel like back in the day,
it's like,
I like this person.
You want to be my girlfriend?
You know,
you like are basically hanging out and you are dating,
but you haven't made it official.
It's kind of fucking stupid,
but guys,
my men out there take this to your advantage and do what
i did because now you can pick a significant date to make it easier to remember your anniversary
which is what i did for my past two girlfriends because you know i have a shit memory sometimes
and so it's like now i'll never forget what the date is because, and I'll never forget when it's coming up because we're planning to go out to eat with her for her birthday.
And she does, because she's nice, she doesn't expect me to get her two presents.
So I can just get her like an anniversary slash birthday present.
So, hey, listen, you, you think I'm just a dumb ass over here?
You think I'm just a big, dumb turf over here?
I've got shit figured out.
This is good. This is good.
Actually, let's get
in your keynote story so we're not jumping
12 different subjects here.
Let's get in your keynote story. So you were leading me in.
Yeah, I was trying to like...
I didn't want to be like,
Jake, tell everybody, tell
all of our listeners, all of our 3D listeners
that listened to one minute of the episode.
Guys, get that average watch time up.
Put us on before you go to bed.
You don't actually have to listen to us.
We just need that screen on.
I'm very thankful for people that do take their time out of their day.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm sure there's people scrolling through and they're like, these guys are idiots.
I'm honest there's people scrolling through and they're like, these guys are idiots. I'm honest to fucking God. You guys that – Ben, the guy from Florida that slid up on our Instagram, I was like, holy fuck.
This dude like actually –
Ask the question.
Shouts out to you guy from Florida.
If you're from – hit us up on –
DM us, seriously. Yeah, DM us. Let us know If you're from... Hit us up on... DM us, seriously.
Yeah, DM us.
Let us know where you're from so we can figure that whole situation out.
It's not like where our DMs are getting flooded, okay?
I completely forgot this episode.
I did want to write it down so I could, like, add our listener to, like, show whoever did the question.
I could put them in the show so they feel like a part of the show i could probably i could probably edit them in okay this is the 17th
episode which in and of itself is kind of crazy to me 17 episodes that's like 17 weeks that we've
been going strong so shouts out to us the number 17 is significant to me because my grandpa was born on July, which is the seventh month, 17th.
So he loves the numbers 7, 1, and 7.
A lot of times when he's betting on horses, he'll do an exacta bet, which is you're betting on two specific horses to run in specific places. So he would always do a one,
one exacta,
meaning he's betting that the seven horse or the one horse is going to run
first or second.
Cause he would box it.
So either way it would count.
and he has since passed away.
He was a farmer,
great role model for me.
Um, so the stories Jake tells me in the shit that, And he has since passed away. He was a farmer. Great role model for me. So.
The stories Jake tells me and the shit that Jake says came out of his mouth.
I'm like, this is somebody.
I kind of wanted to do like a.
That I will meet someday.
I kind of wanted to do like a grandpa like themed episode.
Maybe on episode 77.
I don't know.
Or 71, I guess. um maybe on episode 77 i don't know um or 71 i guess so the number seven and one um have
become more significant to me because obviously i miss him and i think about him a lot so
we were playing keno we were at a bar my grandpa liked to bet on horses he liked to socialize and
drink beer so that was his kind
of setting anyways this was when you were kind of like i don't know like down on money yeah i didn't
know if i should no yeah that's fine i like this is like one of the moments that you're like i
probably shouldn't spend money but like something in the world is telling you to like
Well, I don't know if anything
in the world was telling me to spend money.
Keno is fucking dangerous.
Gambling is dangerous.
Not just Keno. Gambling is dangerous.
And that's why
it's fun.
I don't want to intervene
on your conversation, but ADHD
is a motherfucker because you will find something you like and you get addicted to that shit and you play that shit.
Yeah, I mean.
That's why I don't carry cash in my wallet when we're going out to the first supper.
Or I don't like to carry small bills if I am carrying cash.
Because we go to dinner, I'm going to play fucking Keno and then I'm going to lose my ass because I fucking suck at Keno.
So, 7-1 and 1-7 are my grandpa's numbers.
We were at a bar.
Yes, and I did talk about this before.
When wintertime rolls around, we're getting less hours.
I got lots of bills, man, um i'm not like a fucking cash cow
over here so i have neither i know i know i was kind of and i think i was was kind of telling you
about it like you know i can't be spending a lot it's i it's not like i can't survive or live
there's just i can't afford it's like certain like i can't buy a new xbox i think what you're trying
to say is certain leisures are off limits to me yeah like it's not like you can go out to eat like
every single night like i feel like this night that we went out was kind of like a i'm on a
budget we haven't hung like i don't think we've done that for a while yeah the last time like me you late bailey and lena hung out was
the last couple times have been just for the podcast yeah so i think it was a good like
opportunity for us to get out yeah so we took him to this place called the garage bar
um which the first time we went the the food was really good. They had good burgers.
Um, but for whatever reason, this time the food kind of sucked.
It's all right.
What did you have?
I had.
Did you get the French dip?
No, no.
Anyways, think about that while I'm telling the story.
So, um, we're playing keno do i need to explain what keno is for people that don't know okay so i think most people know most
people should know what keno is but basically there's one three numbers one through 80 numbers
and there's a giant thing it's kind of like bingo that here he goes on a story.
I'm explaining the concept of the game.
I'm not just,
I woke up and I wanted to wear my black socks because black is my favorite number.
did I say black's my favorite number?
Um, how's that hair? the dog going over there delicious
we might just have to get turned the fuck up again tonight
so there's a bunch
of different ways you can play it but basically
you pick numbers
and then random numbers 1 through 80
random numbers are
drawn and you know if you get a certain amount of your numbers picked obviously it's a good thing And then random numbers 1 through 80, random numbers are drawn.
And, you know, if you get a certain amount of your numbers picked, obviously it's a good thing.
So, I picked the numbers.
Let's see.
I picked 4. I did 7, 17, 77, and 71.
Oh, those were your first 4, and then it went to pick three.
Well, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I did pick four, and I picked 17, 77, 7, and 71.
I thought we were doing pick threes.
You did pick three.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So Cam did pick three.
I did pick four.
I was going to do, normally I just play regular Keno,
which is I'm picking four numbers,
and if you hit a certain amount of those numbers,
it's a certain payout, and it's a dollar bet per game,
and I had a five, so I went up there,
and I bet $5 to play five games, $1 a game,
doing pick four with seven seventeen seventy seven seventy one
then you had a 10 because well i put i i went up there and bet for you yeah because i didn't have
any cash so he bet for me i was gonna i put your i put your pick three in yeah and i put my pick
four in and she goes we're doing a special on quarter mania which is a quarter bet per game
um and there's different payouts and stuff um they were doing a special at quarter mania which is a quarter bet per game um and there's different
payouts and stuff um they were doing a special at the time and she's like do you want me to switch
your ticket to quarter mania because you'll win more money and i was like sure who wouldn't say
yes to that yeah anyways shout out to the girl at the garage bar that she was cool and she looked
at my ticket she's like those are the numbers i always pick which is kind of weird but kind of funny and so she put my ticket in the first game i hit all four numbers
shouts out to you grandpa 7 17 71 and 77 the first game out of five was just up there in
heaven with his little keno wheel just they're about to drop like an 80, and he's like,
and he grabbed a 17.
But this is the real kicker.
So I wanted to play regular, but since she switched it to quarter,
I was intending to do $1 bets per game, which is what I did.
But since she switched it to quarter mania, it put it into the machine as if I was doing a quarter bet per game.
But since I put a dollar, the bet was quadrupled because there's four quarters and a dollar for those that don't know.
So I played five games for $5, but each bet was quadrupled.
So since I hit it the first, I hit all four numbers.
It was like a $50 payout or something.
It was like a 40.
I don't know.
I won like 200 some dollars before we even got our food.
And so I was sitting there super giddy the whole time.
And then so I got a chicken fried steak and I was like, you know what?
Wait, hang on.
So then he was scrolling through Facebook.
Oh, yeah, this was crazy. And then Facebook was like, hey, they've seen something on Facebook.
And it was like, hey, are you the guy that just hit the quarter mania quad?
Can I say what it is? Because I remember. Okay, yeah, are you the guy that just hit the quarter mania quad? Can I say what it is?
Because I remember.
Yeah, go ahead.
He was like, I was looking up because this was the first game.
So I had to sit through four more games.
And I was like, how much money did I just win?
Because I think it was a pretty good amount.
And I was looking up because I wasn't sure if it was quadruple or not since it was a dollar
bet per game I just wasn't sure what exactly I bet because she said can I switch your bet over
so I wasn't actually sure what I was getting yeah I mean I don't there is so many different like
ways you can play yeah like columns or boxes or top level or a bottom level only pick this pick
that yeah basically it like i said it
just boils down to picking randomly one through 80 and if you get a lot of your numbers picked
it's a good thing i mean that's pick three numbers throw in a dollar you might get lucky
you might not yeah um that's why i always do three because three is easier once again three is one of my lucky number um so i
was looking up online about keno and somehow i found this facebook post by big red keno
which is like the main place we're going through that's what they had so and it was it was something
like it was like a promo ad post type of thing.
It was like, are you the person that won $1,000 betting $5 on Quartermania?
And I was like, what?
Because I bet $5 on Quartermania and I hit all four numbers.
Am I about to get $1,000?
I ended up winning $220, which means that they put $ dollars for one game which i did one dollar
per game for five games yeah but that person must have bet five dollars on a quartermania game
meaning the bet was times 20 that's insane your bet was literally four dollar their bet was four
dollars more than your bet and they they won $1,000.
Yeah, they won quadruple the amount.
I would shit myself.
If I won $1,000 at a bar where I thought I was just going to go eat,
I would shit myself.
Yeah, I mean, and what was funny to me was I was sitting there eating my steak,
and I just kind of put my fork and knife down, and I was like, you know what's fucked up about America?
Not necessarily fucked up about America.
But I just said, you know what's funny?
I just worked my ass off for eight hours today, probably in an irrigation hole, covered in mud, probably cold.
Got mud under my fucking fingernails.
My back hurts.
And I just won more money sitting here for five minutes
eating a fucking chicken fried steak.
Yeah, than you made all fucking day.
Now, it's not like that's a real form of income,
sitting there and betting on Keno all day.
But it's just funny to think about it and the fact that, like,
I just won more money doing that doing nothing than i did working a full
day's work busting my ass today it's just funny i mean you think about the people that like win
the lottery and it's like they did nothing and now they are set for life and everyone they know
is set for life dude it's crazy the way life works like some people are more lucky than others
especially in keno my brother is the luckiest the luckiest motherfucker i know in keno
every single time he plays he wins whether it be a small amount or a lot. I don't – he just wins.
And I'm just like –
He's like that.
He's him.
I just don't understand it.
What does he normally play?
Do you know what he normally plays?
Does he play regular or does he have like certain numbers he picks?
I think he plays pick four.
He does his birthday, his anniversary with his wife my dad's
year no my dad's month and my grandpa's year
i want to say that's right i don't know if you listen to this episode
he'll call me and be like you're a fucking idiot
I wonder if there's a way you could look up
and I'm sure it probably would all be
random but I wonder
if there's a way you could look up like what
keynote numbers are picked more often
but I don't it's gotta still be random
it has to be on average over the whole
lifespan I bet if you look it's all 1 in 8 it's all about what be random. It has to be. On average, over the whole lifespan, I bet you if you look, it's all one in eight.
It's all about what numbers are hot that night.
Because that night we were there.
I don't know, dude.
That night we were there.
It's supposed to be random.
I know, but I'm saying.
But the moment you bet on those numbers that you think are hot, none of them will hit.
Exactly, because that's exactly what I did.
I went for, I strived for my regular numbers.
And I said, well, none of these numbers have
gotten fucking picked at all.
Jake's numbers, two of his numbers.
Two of them hit in the previous game.
So you put 77 and 17.
Seven, 17, 77 and.
77 and 17.
77 and 17 hit.
A lot.
All the games we were there, I feel like.
I don't know about all the games, but they were hitting a lot.
They were like, it was a lot of games.
And I'm like.
I remember whenever we went out to work or went out to eat with our guys from work,
we were looking at the Keno screen and Darius was like, pick 26 because that number hits every game.
I was like, huh?
And I think when we were there, it hit every game.
I was like, what?
So I don't know.
I don't know.
I wish there was like a chart.
But if there is, I bet it wouldn't be public information.
I actually don't know.
They were waiting down that seven ball that night.
They had some little lead BBs in that seven ball.
It was dropping down.
Since we're talking about people that bring us luck or are lucky,
in this last section of this episode,
My Uncle Vern.
Uncle Vern!
What's a good name for an uncle?
He was my grandma's brother so i don't really know how all that he's your great uncle yeah he's your great uncle we called him uncle verne yeah yeah
you call him uncle he came to every holiday and this motherfucker would just sit there
he was a man of very few words yeah didn't talk to anybody
some people have said enough he would come over he lived in like in a
i don't know if it was necessarily assisted living but like or did he live in like an
apartment where it's like you're basically on your own but there's still people around where if you need help yeah okay so yeah yeah he worked at walmart for the longest time
he would come over to my grandparents house wash his laundry and hang out there for a little bit
he would always drink a glass of wine
this motherfucker was the one guy you do not want to play cards against.
He said nothing.
Well, like what cards?
Like poker?
Or just...
Dude, I think literally anything.
Where you would need to bluff?
Especially because we play...
Just like a card game where you would need to bluff or not divulge physical information.
He wouldn't do it at...
I don't know if he'd do it at casinos.
Because I don't think he ever really went to casinos because he was just so quiet.
He wasn't really a people person.
This motherfucker would run so our my family's like routine is we play
why can't i fucking pitch yes we play pitch every holiday and we have three different tables we have
one and like the do you call it the varsity table in the jv table because that's what we do
no we have when we have too many games going we say you're at the jity table and the JV table? Because that's what we do. No, we have...
When we have too many games going, we say, you're at the JV table.
It's the losers table.
Oh, okay.
The second table and then the first table.
And the first table is like, you're winners.
And everybody would be so fucking pissed.
Because when my Uncle Vern, he sadly passed away too, but...
Rip Uncle Vern.
But he would just fucking run that shit.
Would you play for money?
I don't...
Or was it more just like bragging rights?
It depends on what group you get.
Some groups would be like, yeah, let's play for money.
Yeah. I'm still salty about
the last time we played. Dude, we should play Rummy
after this. Rummy?
Yeah, we haven't played Rummy in a while.
I don't care.
Anyways, finish your story.
Maggie, I'm sorry.
Cam, if you would like to finish your story.
I don't know.
I'm not trying to sound like a dick,
but this is how quiet he was.
Like a stone cold killer.
I seen him every single holiday, which I was young enough that I wasn't really asking questions.
But like, I just found out that he was working at Walmart like a year before he passed away or like six months before he passed away.
Like he was kind of mysterious or like what do you mean
yeah like dude he was super quiet he would come to all of our holidays all we knew was clean house
all we knew he was our uncle vert that's what we knew him as he was my wait like you don't even
know he was actually part of the family or no i know i know now that he's my he's just some
drifter that's my grandma's brother just a card shark drifter that would clean the house.
And he was always just super quiet.
He would sit there and he would drink a beer.
But on holidays, he would drink wine with my grandma.
That's all I drank.
So like he sketched you out?
I'm confused on what you're trying to get at here.
He was just like somebody that was just fucking
quiet and ridiculously good at cards so he was an enigma to you well like a miss like a mystery
but you know how they say what are the autistic people yeah are really good at like certain shit yeah because they can like focus in yeah i i don't know if he was like
had autism yeah i'm not just you know just on the spectrum guys i'm not trying to be a dick
like on the spectrum yeah this motherfucker could count cards noane. So he was like Rain Man.
Like fucking Rain Man.
Uncle Vern, you dog.
One time, my brother literally asked him how he was doing it.
I'm just counting.
He didn't say anything.
He's like, this is out.
And then just started writing down on a paper the exact order the cards were fucking coming out.
Dude, that kind of just gave me chills
i'm not gonna lie like that's kind of creepy dude rain man but uncle verne never gambled
that was something my grandma said he never gambled he never went to a casino here's the
thing this motherfucker could have made millions if you get caught at a casino counting cards you're getting
your legs broken i don't think they could catch him he was like so but what is like he just like
but he knows if he wins but he knows if he's just like cashing like i bet 35 grand on this one game
but you know what motherfucker i know what card you're gonna well he he'd be smart enough to know like there's a certain amount you can bet well like i was just listening to a
podcast or watching a clip of a podcast um is it the guy that has gotten kicked out of every
casino in america no it was so it was when david blaine was on joe rogan's podcast and he was
talking about this kid that learned how to cheat at throwing dice
and um basically he travels around and makes a bunch of money but he makes just enough to not
be detectable because if you make too much then people are gonna be able to figure out that you're
cheating but if you make a certain amount you can obviously be fucking rich, but make enough that it's not really detectable.
And dude, I don't.
It's kind of sketchy.
Maybe Uncle Vern was like that.
Dude, that shit.
He was him.
He's literally him.
That is the people you have to be worried about in life are the people that don't say anything.
Quiet ones. That's why I don't give a shit about Cam.
I know he won't do shit.
Well, in us, I'm going to be completely honest,
us growing up was like...
We were like...
When I was super young, I'm like...
What's this guy's story? And even your parents were like...
I was like...
I was kind of like...
Whose brother is he?
I didn't really want to talk to him because he's just like quiet.
So I just wanted to like leave him to his business.
And then once I started getting old enough, because.
He's like, do you watch football?
And he's like, the Huskers are going to win by 12 today.
I would sit there when it's like our family routine, like especially on Christmas because it's too cold.
Thanksgiving, we usually shoot blue rocks. But christmas routine clay pigeons same difference um we usually shoot trap
we skate shoot we go skeet skeet well okay um so i would always sit there and when you're young
you know and i wanted to learn how to be part of the family routine.
So I would sit there with my brother or my dad,
and I would just watch them, and they'd be like, this card?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's kind of how I learned.
I would watch my dad.
And then, like, you know, I have a funny story with this card,
and they're like, no, you're a fucking idiot.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I was standing behind my dad one time while he was playing
and he was kind of trying to teach me.
He would say, I would hold on to this card
and blah, blah, blah, you know,
and I could use this card with this.
And I was a fucking idiot kid and I was like,
you mean like that Jack?
Like I had said out loud one of the cards he had,
which is fucking obviously a no-no
because of the other guys.
We might need to get, we might need to end this.
We're both kind of getting a little buzz.
You got anything else you wanted to add or should we end it?
Watch out for the quiet people in life.
They might be the next motherfucking Rain Man.
They might be him.
They might run your fucking pockets.
They might run your fucking pockets. They might run your pockets.
He's doing the outro here.
Just give him a minute. Remember, your winter, not your winter, your fall aerification, your fall fertilization, your winter overseeding.
We're past fall now.
Everybody, go to the Grass Studies podcast on Instagram.
It's in our bio.
We have a promo code.
Get 15% off of anything on their website.
If someone DMs us a product they want, we'll buy it for you.
I'm just trying to get a DM.
I'm trying to get more engagement,
Cam. We got like a minute
of average listen time. We need some engagement.
Nobody's listening this late.
DM us a product
you want and we'll
look at it.
Thank you guys for watching.
Grass Studies Podcast on Instagram.
Audio only on Spotify and Apple Music.
Podcast, not Apple Music, Apple Podcast.
Like Cam said, Shanky Golf, Code Grass.
Code Grass.
Thanks for the questions.
Send us more questions.
Yeah, that is my one goal is to get our listeners involved
i feel like if our listeners are involved this is a community guys we're we're trying to sculpt
a family here are are a massive amount of listeners yeah you guys got to get involved you
know i know a lot of you guys we had i don't know if i told you that we had a lot of people show up on the poll
for veterans versus rookies.
Let's go.
We posted a poll where we posted,
veterans versus rookies and shovels,
You know,
it's not a,
it's not a serious thing.
we're trying to get you guys to,
you know,
engage on the podcast.
We're posting these funny polls and stuff.
We'll look out for those. We'll talk about that one on the next one.'re posting these funny polls and stuff. So look out for those.
We'll talk about that one on the next one.
I'll get the numbers and say what people...
Okay. We're running numbers.
I'm sorry. This is
all new. I'm taking
over the podcast
I'm going to be able to post a lot
more stuff.
Look at him him he's just
trying his best our previous social media manager she's a cosmetologist she's got two different
instagram accounts she runs plus ours she has a lot of shit going on i'm gonna try to get i need
to get a haircut you know shit out soon and so you guys can get more involved in it that's my one goal is to make that happen for
our guests to be able or our listeners not our guests to be more involved in our podcast
so i will get that out there i will try i will start actually writing things down i'm actually
hoping to get a computer. Oh, shit.
Sometime soon.
So then we can just have it, you know, pulled up here.
Let's go.
You want to go do karate in the garage?
All right.
Speak of best friends.
All right.
Thank you guys for watching.
Until next time, be careful gambling.
But if you are going to gamble, especially with numbers, use a number that's significant to you.
Bet your whole bank account.
Don't do that.
Bet a number that's significant to you.
Maybe it's a deceased loved one.
But peace out, boys.
I'll be back again and again and again and again and again and again. Boom!
That's how you record a podcast.
You jerked your fucking computer off.
You almost jerked my gert.