Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 20: Blind Beer Tasting
Episode Date: December 11, 2023In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast, the boys put their beer-tasting skills to the test by seeing if they can identify different beer flavors while blindfolded! SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass F...ollow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
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the thing i remember oh hello hello miller how are you doing i can i can taste the hops or the
whatever i could taste the whatever the wheat the wheat
welcome to the do you know anyone Who's a Fan of All This podcast.
That's Cam, I'm Jake, and we are...
The All This Lovers. No, I'm just kidding. Grass Daddies, baby.
We are fans of all this. We should probably explain, shouldn't we?
We got to now.
Okay, so...
Okay. we got to now okay so okay so okay um the winter time is a hard time out on the golf course
um for us boys yeah it makes me want to fold my hands and put them out on the table
that's how hard it is um so we like to split and sell wood i'm pretty sure we've talked about this on the pod before
um we like to split and sell wood and uh the other day we were taking wood to this guy
and um we're in his garage helping him unload and you know we're in there for a while because
it's a full truck load so we're talking to him for a while, you know, making small talk the whole time we're unloading.
And he goes, do you guys know anyone who's a fan of all of this?
And I'm like, what?
Like, at first when I heard him say it, I thought all of this was like a sports team, a city.
I'm like, huh? I was like, all of this? And this and he's like yeah all this presley and i was like oh you mean elvis um i was yeah he's kind of a funny guy he was another okay he's a
amazing dude but then he was just like, what size of shirt you wear?
Hold on.
Hold on.
Let me get to it.
Let me get to it.
You're skipping to the good part.
Really nice guy.
You know, I hate to make fun of this whole situation, but I'm just explaining.
So he was like, do you know anyone who's a fan of all this?
He's got a bunch of Elvis memorabilia he's trying to sell.
I'm just like, well, maybe if you had some vinyls.
But he's like, no, it's all just like memorabilia.
So I'm like, is there like a fake sideburn and jacket in there?
Like, what is it?
And then he's just like, yeah, I got this truck bed cover that I never, I got rid of my truck.
And so I don't use that anymore.
And I'm like, well, yeah, I've been kind of looking for a truck but like you just let me know a price you know I'm kind
of trying to dismiss him and be like maybe next time you know I'm not interested right now is
basically um and I fucked up by looking up and I saw there was a North Star jacket which is a
high school here in Lincoln and that kind of opened
a can of worms because he's like oh who do you know from there and my daughter went there and
I'm just like oh fuck I you know there's certain people that like you can tell they just want to
talk and not let you leave because like towards the end of it you like walked out the garage
like I was like I was talking to him I turned, and you weren't there anymore.
And I was, like, where did Cam go?
And you were out around the corner, like, I'm going to remove myself from this situation.
It was so awkward.
I don't know.
Because he likes not letting us leave, basically.
He was keeping us in his garage.
Like, I'm all for, like, I know, like, old dudes love talking, but I'm just, like.
You can tell, like, I have, like like one foot in the door of my pickup right i'm like i'm trying to like get into my truck and he's just like yeah so i you know like just keeps like keeps the
conversation going anyways back to the truck but truck bed but tunnel cover um but no but then he was like what size jacket do
you wear and i'm like well you know i'm a big guy i'm like well probably nothing that you have here
and he's like well and then he's like pulls down this black leather jacket and he's like what size
i'm like i don't know probably a 2x and he's like well this is a 2x and i'm just like oh he's like, what size? I'm like, I don't know, probably a 2X. And he's like, well, this is a 2X.
And I'm just like, oh.
He's like, well, lucky you.
I got a 2X right here.
And he's like, here, try it on.
And I'm like, no, no, that's okay.
And he's like, no, seriously, try it on.
And I was just like, I don't want to buy your wrinkled old leathery black jacket.
Oh, that's fucking funny.
I tried to dismiss it.
I tried to be funny because I was like, is it authentic Italian leather?
And I don't know.
He was just like, it's a really nice jacket.
Well, and then the whole tunnel cover situation, he was like, well, let's see if it fits your truck.
And we're like, okay.
And he's like, well, we can just try to install it right now and make
sure everything fits and i'm like motherfucker it's already like six o'clock at night i am hungry
i am ready to get the fuck and we had like something else we had to do we had to go pick
up some branches for our boss after this so i'm like uh i'm ready to get the fuck out of here well
the whole thing is that we came there to sell him firewood and
he's like i suppose i'd sell it for 200 and we're selling 150 of firewood so i i would be leaving
here spending money and i'm trying to make money here yeah and he's like takes the bracket and sets
it on the side of my pickup and he's like yeah i think that would fit we could
just try putting it on and seeing if it would fit and i'm just like not tonight like and you're like
you're like what did you used to do for a job he's like uh everything he's like every i used to do
everything i was a plumber i did plumbing and he's like i did did mechanical work. And we were both like, um.
You were a mechanic?
He's like, no, like mechanical work on cars.
And then we were just both like, oh.
Bless you.
But yeah, great dude, but just one of those dudes I'm like.
Nice guy.
Um, so I got to tell you something funny that happened to me. But just one of those dudes I'm like, eh. Nice guy.
So I got to tell you something funny that happened to me when I was going over to my parents today.
So I went over to my parents after work today to help them put up their Christmas lights, you know, to season.
And so I stopped at the gas station because I was like,
I'm going to get a little monster coffee.
Please tell me all of this was in there.
No, he wasn't in there.
Imagine he's just like, hey, you still want that? Oh, and also he was trying to sell his Husker,
like pictures of Memorial Stadium,
like this was the flyover for this game, picture of that,
and I'm just like, this is really cool, Pictures of like Memorial Stadium. Like this was the flyover for this game. Picture of that.
And I'm just like, this is really cool.
But again, I came here to make some money, not spend money.
Also, you're like the most inefficient garage sale ever.
Because you just wait for people to come over into your garage.
And then you try to sell them stuff.
But okay.
So I was at the gas station getting a little coffee a little after work uh caffeine and i had a bunch of ones in my wallet because i just got
back from the strip club and um just kidding and um it was like six something and i handed him
seven ones and he's like sitting there
counting it out and i'm kind of sitting there waiting and i look behind me out the window
and there is just a hurt a stampede you might say of just high schoolers coming because school just
let out from southwest yeah like it looked like a zombie apocalypse like it was just a wave of
people just coming like across
the parking lot swerving around the gas pumps and i just turned back and i just go like how do you
guys like working next to a high school and the one guy that was counting up my money was like
well it actually hasn't been that bad this year but and as he was like talking
i look up to the guy behind him and he just goes he was just no words straight
face just shaking his head he's like fuck no words i'm like are they just like like what are
they just like do they hang out in here because i imagine they're like a lot of loitering taking
place and he's just like well there's a few of he's like well there's a few ideas i proposed
but no one really liked it and i'm like what i'm like what ideas what do you what are you talking
about what do you mean what do like to get rid of the high school or like were you in i think
you're the high school has more uh like Were you planning on installing an electric fence around the property?
What do you mean?
I had some ideas that I proposed, but no one really liked them.
I should have sat there and been like, well, what ideas did you have?
He's just like, kill them all.
Well, it started with locking the door, but then they're like, that wouldn't really work for letting other customers in.
Then I talked about
just having a sniper on the roof just picking off kids as they come into the parking lot
no full auto in the building yeah they they didn't really go for the whole murdering kids thing so
um yeah that was my little funny story happened to me after work i thought you'd like to hear it I had some ideas that I
proposed but I should have been
like what
do you have in mind
I looked at the guy behind him he's just like
the only word he says the whole time
um believe
it or not I actually do have hair um this is my first hatless episode
i'm being brave i think so episode yeah i think you have well you can i haven't you can see my
lovely box my lady homes my lovely lady is that what they're called? Yeah. Yeah.
So if I keep doing like this the whole time.
It's a nervous tick.
I mean, it is a little bit.
But I keep, I'm brushing my hair over that doesn't need brushed over because I just got it cut.
Speaking of which, so Jake at work, he has this like, I call it his thinking hat. Because every time we're having a conversation and he has to think, he's like, he's like.
Well, you just go.
You just go.
Like, I take my hat off and brush my hair and then put my hat back on.
Well, we could, you know, just, you know.
I don't even, I don't think about that.
I didn't know I did that.
I've just called it your thinking hat the whole time to yourself.
Yeah. Me and Spencer both.
Oh really?
He'll be like,
Jake's doing his thinking hat.
I thought I was like,
is there like a helmet I put on?
I can't remember her thinking hat.
You're just like,
I'm just like,
hold on.
I put on a hard hat i'm just like okay
now i'm starting it no the hard hat actually doesn't let good information in oh um no actually
it traps good information in it doesn't let anything escape so it really helps you know
bottle everything up in here maybe we should in here. Maybe we should just show up
to that gas station with
a hard hat and be like, hey, maybe
they'll take this as a good solution.
He's like, what's that for?
They walk through the door and you just headbutt them.
You here to buy anything?
You here to buy anything? No.
I got a way to do this so um in the last episode um we unfortunately did not have any video element because cam had way too much um Porn? Granny pornography downloaded on his...
What can I say?
I'm kidding.
It was dwarf porn.
What can I say?
It was actually no arms, no legs.
Nugget porn.
It was actually grandma dwarf nugget porn.
It's a trifecta.
What can I say?
What can I say?
If you guys haven't watched it, you should try it.
It's pretty untasteful
but it gets the job done yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so in the last episode we revealed our
magic mini fridge but now that we actually have a video element now we going to do a true unveiling because we thought about cutting out
that whole spiel about it because we didn't actually have a visual element.
But now that we actually do, now we're going to make it a little more
pizzazzy again.
So we got this little tarp on it here, a little rag, multi-use rag here a little shop towel just kidding
um i don't know i don't know um so without further ado should we unveil the magic mini
i thought we could do it together oh okay, okay. Wait, straight up? Straight up and over? Or towards me or towards you?
Let's just go.
Straight up?
Over the laptops.
Onto the ground.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present, we present to you the Magic Mini Fridge.
Whoa, look at that thing.
Holy macaroni.
You can hear the screams of the family lost from it.
For it?
For it.
From it.
In it.
Amongst it.
Last episode, guys, was almost a complete shamble of a mess.
We got done with the episode, and we realized my mic light wasn't on and we're like
oh fuck i wonder how long we didn't plug the computer in and we're like oh fuck i wonder how
much of my audio we lost and then we're like well at least we'll have we can just use the audio from
the phone for mine and we get up to the phone and my phone recorded 12 minutes.
12 minutes.
I was like, fuck.
I was so mad.
It was, in last week's episode, most of it got out to you.
You said an hour and 10 minutes recorded.
Or an hour and 12.
Yeah, it was like an hour and 10 of yours recorded.
So the last like 10 minutes is only coming from this.
I tried going in and every time you spoke, turning it as high as I could, but it was making not that much of a difference.
And it would have been so much editing just going like.
So you did get the whole episode up.
The whole episode.
I didn't know if you just cut it at an hour or whatever. up. The whole episode is up. I didn't know if you just cut it at an hour or whatever.
Nope, the whole episode is up.
So for those of you, it's still got a few views.
Thank you to those people who still watched it and are bearing with us.
Yeah, if it sounded like dick at the end, now you know why.
It was literally, we were so pissed.
We contemplated recording another episode that night, but we already recorded late, and it was late. It was like 9 o'clock when we got done recording another episode that night but we already recorded late and it was
late yeah it was like nine o'clock when we got done recording that episode yeah and the girls
were both upstairs waiting for us to do something and we're just yeah we contemplated yeah just
going going again right then and i was just like fuck because we had it was i thought a pretty good
episode there's some funny stories we fucking drank four locos yeah got smacked yeah so i was like we can't just go right now well and and
another thing we had one of my friends coming over to drink with us so and at that point and
waiting at that point it was already so late that that he already waited for us for that episode.
Like, finishing that episode.
I'm like, I don't want to fucking make him wait for another hour.
It's going to be 1030 by that point.
That's when normal human beings go to bed.
So, that whole thing was a shamble.
So, if it does sound a little patchy.
Our apologies.
I was going to say, fuck you guys.
Try to do better next time. They gonna say i'm not mad i'm just
disappointed i can hear them right now um yeah thank you i did tell you to i did tell them to
give you shit in the comments but nobody did so people must like you you're that they just don't
give a fuck yeah yeah so um as we discussed in the last episode, the magic mini fridge, you plug it in and every so often drinks will appear in it.
So I'm hoping I'm really thirsty right now and I'm hoping there's something good in there.
So, Cam, if you would please open the mini fridge and let's see what's in there.
What do we got in here
my my my we have quite the assortment in here what what that why are you looking at the camera like that what is that is that alcohol uh five different beer there's a little guy in there too i wonder if that
maybe there was you know what this is you know this is right here uh i this this is you for the
verse the guy she tells you not to worry about i i thought you were gonna go somewhere way worse
than that um you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about It's almost like there was like an issue
In the teleportation
There was supposed to be five silos
But for whatever reason
There wasn't a fifth silo
For this intended
Either that or they thought there was going to be a bunch of fucking rednecks
So well let's grab these out of here
You're going to kind of have to do it
Because I can't quite reach around here.
You know what?
Since we have such a good assortment, maybe we should, you know, we talked about doing this before.
Maybe we should do a taste test where we blindly taste them and see if we can tell what's what um it'd be great that would be a great idea
it'd be great if we just had some plastic cups made wait this one says bud that have that have
these labeled so that this one says bud light so that we could conduct this game that would be
that'd be fantastic um someone must be spying on this yeah it was kind of nice
that those were just right there um the magic mini fridge did not do this so i don't know what did
this part but the magic mini fridge did do this so somebody must be in communications with the
magic mini fridge and be snuck into my house and put this stuff on there. They just pulled a Houdini on her ass.
Magic mini fridge coming in clutch once again.
Thanks, magic mini fridge.
I'll go get a blindfold
because I forgot to before we started recording.
You know what we really should do?
Set up a P.O. box.
We'll work on that.
Maybe in the future.
I think it'd be dope as shit
if everybody sent us stickers.
Yeah, you guys should send us some stickers
or something to put on this
magic mini fridge
to make it our own.
It's still fresh out of tehuara mexico i think that's where it came from i can't remember um but yeah thank you to all of you guys
that are listening to our episodes ritually if you are it's pretty cool um if you guys want to
hear us talk about something i know we say this in a lot of episodes,
but go ahead and slide into our DMs on Instagram at grassdaddyspodcast.
I'm trying to be a little more active on that.
We've been doing lives.
We've been trying to go live, get some more interaction with you guys.
We have been doing lives at really awkward times.
Like the last time we did live
it was like 10 30 11 o'clock at night and then the other day we did one at like 1 30 in the afternoon
when most people are working but with that being said we will try to do a live when it's a little
bit more convenient and everybody's at home and can just get on their phone and watch two dipshits talk
what i was talking about how we've been trying to do lives and get more interaction with
the folks oh yeah but i told them we've been doing them at stupid at grass daddy's podcast
on instagram did you already say that yep okay but now it's in there twice so don't forget all right dm us all right yeah do that dms
after this episode drops dm us your favorite beer do it and or your top 10 and tell us if
you think you could do better than us then uh then what we're about to do so um who who wants to go first so rock paper scissors for who goes first do you got a coin
uh no let's play flip a card flip a card yeah because i really don't care who goes first i've
done this once before with some friends heads this is the top of my Sam's Club membership card. And this is tails.
Barcode side.
Heads or tails?
So who goes first?
You want to go best two out of three?
Or I'll go first. I don't know.
Am I deciding who goes first since I was wrong?
All right.
Let's do this.
Heads, you go first.
Tails, I go first.
Okay, you're going first.
I've done this once before with some friends.
We had four beers.
And I don't want to toot my own horn here, but I was 100% right.
But I'm really not very confident about this one and for all of you
guys that say oh my god guys you guys are so dumb you guys have all light beers and then you have a
bud heavy the bud heavy is in there for well the magic mini fridge teleported the bud heavy there
for a reason yeah it's to separate i'm guessing yeah i'm guessing it's there to try to throw our... Yeah, I'm guessing it's there to try to throw our taste buds off.
I don't know.
I don't know. Let's find out.
Let's crack these open.
All of these?
Good swaller.
Holy shit, we gotta finish every glass.
Well, you don't have to. It's just, you know,
if you want multiple tastes.
Well, we can't we got to finish
them tonight so yeah it's only like 10 beers fuck we could easily do that um i just so i just fuck
up poor miller light and bud light and fucking bud light and bud i think you're like I think what we should do wrong so I'm gonna I'm gonna take these plastic
cups and I'm gonna give them to cam I'm gonna mix them around I'm gonna mix them around and
I'm gonna give them to him going from left to right so you're gonna drink them going from left
to right dude and I'm gonna take the corresponding can what look at that fucking poor
cam's not listening but you guys should be listening um and then i'm gonna take the
corresponding cam can and i'm gonna put them right here at our other camera that we have set up that
this camera can't see um because we're we're making moves out here. And so this is going to be a very much visual video so that you can watch and play along and see as he's going across left to right.
Line it up with the corresponding can.
And let's try to get these about even.
I mean, I don't know if you're going to really be able to tell the weight difference.
Do you have more curse light because i mean if one of us drinks you know like the miller light
which one is this i filled the miller light up so full but all right so put your blindfold on
actually i want to do one more thing yeah go ahead we've been saying we want to get guests
on and we really contemplated having guests and then we broke down what it's going to take to make a good episode with guests and we just do not we don't have the resources right now yeah
right now we might be able to do something with just like a regular podcast where we can make it
work but like something like this with it has to have a video element it's going to be too hard we
would need to have we would need to buy more tripods with multiple camera angles using multiple people's phones and i don't i don't know
if you guys noticed but our 18 episode we got our white foldable table our towel
magic mini fridge baby dude Dude. All right.
All right.
Eyes closed.
Yeah, I'm going to have my thing down, and I'm going to also close my eyes.
You can cheat if you want, but...
Okay, if you fold it up like this, you can't see dick.
Okay, so I'm going to scramble these around, and I'm going to face the words towards me.
I'm going to scoot back.
To help me line up the cans.
All right, let me get a feel for my mic.
Okay, right here.
So I'm going to mix these around.
Mix these around.
Let's put this one.
That's going to be your first one.
First beer.
I'm going to go here.
That way.
You're going to go left to right.
So that's the order you're going to drink them in.
Let me...
Dude, I was so fucking confident coming into this.
Now that I have a blindfold on, I'm like...
Dude, I'm worried.
I think I'm going to get them all wrong.
I don't think I'm going to get any of these right.
I don't know.
Dude, I don't know.
As you guys well know, we really enjoy beer.
But, and I'm not, a lot of people out there are, I feel so dumb just talking to nothing, not making eye contact.
But a lot of people out there have their one beer and that's all they drink.
Me and Jake really, I have beers.
We mix it up quite a bit.
I have beers that I don't really like.
Well, and I was thinking about this before we started.
What's funny about normally the way you drink...
My eyes are super itchy.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Okay, there we go.
What's funny about like...
All of these are like...
You know, cheap beers that you're not buying to drink for the taste.
You're buying to drink for the effect that it gives you for the cost that you're paying.
And you just kind of like it just because you're drinking it.
But now we actually have to lock it in and taste the beer.
Normally we drink them just because of what it does.
Now we have to drink it
for what it tastes like. So I've got the cans lined up in the corresponding order that he's
going to be drinking them. So you can follow along as Cam drinks his first beer. Beer. Cheers, mate.
Go ahead. Give it a sniff if you want. Might smell like Sharpie a little bit. Give it a taste.
And you go ahead and tell me what you think it is.
And as you're going, if you want to retaste something or move something around,
you can move things around as much as you want.
I have to put – no, that would make absolutely no sense at all.
I would say guess what you think it is right now. I have to put, no, that would make absolutely no sense at all.
I would say guess what you think it is right now, and then as you're going and you want to change your guess,
once you lock in a final five beer guess, that will be you're locked in.
This one, Miller Lite or Coors Lite.
Okay. So this is Miller Lite slash Coors Lite. Okay. Okay.
So this is Miller Lite slash Coors for the first one.
He's drinking his second beverage.
That's Miller Lite.
This is Miller Lite.
Miller Lite.
Do you want to retaste the first one that you think is Miller slash Coors?
Yeah, give me that.
That might be Bud Light.
Miller Lite slash Coors.
Second one.
Can we set this one to the side?
I'm not for sure on that one yet.
Not for sure on that one. Okay. So second one. Second one he thinks is Miller Lite. Can we set this one to the side? I'm not for sure on that one yet. Not for sure on that one.
So second one, second one, he thinks is Miller light here.
I'm going to, yeah, I'm going to hand them to you.
So this is the third one.
That's the third one.
Second one.
He locked in his Miller or so he thinks second, third one, third, third one.
He thinks his bush light.
Okay. That there you go. That's Bush Light. Third one. Third one he thinks is Bush Light. Okay.
There you go.
That's number four.
Dude, I swear to God if I miss Bud Heavy.
Number four.
Going into the turn.
Honestly, I don't want to be the Debbie Downer dick that says this,
but you must have been a lucky motherfucker.
This fourth beer, you'll see when you drink this, your fourth beer.
It's going to taste like all the other ones.
It tastes like all the other ones mixed.
And I think I was pretty lucky, to be honest.
it's tough when,
when you're tasting something blind and you have to just use your taste.
I'm going to go.
That is bud heavy for right now.
So for right now,
he's putting that one as bud heavy.
So where I'm stuck guys,
I'm going to try to,
I want to try to put this in your eyes because you guys can't obviously see
what I'm thinking,
but I don't know if you guys drink miller light but i think to me miller light has a heavy taste
but is a light beer you get what i'm saying like it has the same like i don't know what it is if
it's the hops or the barley it's got more taste yeah it's it's got a stronger flavor than like bush light
bud light and coors light because if you drink those a lot it essentially tastes like water
you don't the one that you guessed is bush light you you guessed pretty quick that's a can
yeah that that's your last one that's number five the swallow talking your mic what are you thinking
as you're drinking your fifth beer what are you thinking he is he is locked in you are using every taste bud on your tongue to try to decide
what you're drinking here or are you worried do you have an idea
god i would this okay what are you thinking i think this one's budweiser i really do you think
that one's bud do you want to drink the previous one because you thought the previous one was bud
yeah okay so here's the previous one number four there you go don't don't just grab it. I couldn't feel. I can't see.
So to recap, the first one you said was.
Okay, this one's Bud.
The last one you think is Budweiser.
I think this one has to be Bud. It's smoother at the end.
It's got that rich, heavy beer taste.
It's smooth, though.
I've noticed with, like, Bush Light Coors Light, especially, right at the end, your very last, like, taste as you swallow it has a little bit of, like, a bite, like a spice.
You know, like, I don't know if you guys have ever had Natural Light, but it's spicy.
It feels spicy.
We should have gotten Addy Light.
Oh, I'd 100.
Addy Light I'd be able to pick out of a fucking lineup.
Well, now we have another video idea.
So now that you think the fifth one is butt heavy, what do you think that one is?
Let's start over.
I'm starting over.
Okay. This one's butt heavy butt heavy okay set that one right there
yeah i want to run back through them okay so the very beginning you said you thought was either
miller or coors correct okay yep feed me the first one that's the first one okay you haven't you haven't guessed the bud light at all yet
that's bud light just so you're aware i'm going bud light okay you budweiser you're going light
you're going bud light for the first one budweiser for the last the second one
the second one you thought was Miller Lite.
You want to taste that again?
That's Miller.
The third one you thought was Bush Lite.
Would you like to try it?
You want to drink it again?
Oh, that's my mic stand.
Yep, that's bush light.
And then you think it goes Coors, Bud Heavy.
Are you good with that?
Yep, that's my final.
All right.
Take off the blindfold.
Three, two, one.
You were so nearly dialed.
You were on it off the blindfold. You were so nearly dialed.
You were on it with the Bud.
And then you switched it once you tried the Coors.
So you switched the Coors and Bud.
But you got the other ones.
That's pretty good. That one had a smoother taste.
Can I try it?
I want to try it without the blindfold.
And see.
So now that you know you're drinking coors light um you said it you thought it had a smooth finish
and now that's bud
you can yeah that's my bad because so these are all right yeah you got the first three right
i kind of led you to that bud light one i was because you hadn't said bud light at all yet
and i and i just kind of wanted to help you remember that you could guess it at some point
but you were but you were pretty sure about the miller light and bush light so okay i'm gonna
give you i'm gonna because you're my bro i'm gonna give you an advice don't go off initial taste
okay you gotta go off the end am i just drinking right out of these should we top them off a little
bit yeah so if you want more let's top them off a little bit make sure they're the same level um you did pretty good i mean you you did you were perfect except you just switched the last
two i should have just stuck my gut well but i i but you thought the first one might have been
coors so you might have switched Coors Light and Bud Light around.
But, alright, I'm going to put the blindfold on. Wait, but I had Bud Last. Bud was my
fifth, right? No. Right when I tasted Bud Light, it was my last one.
No. Oh. Bud Light was the first
one you drank. The very first, okay. Yeah.
And then you ran it back okay i i knew it was a risky play
running it back because i already had so many flavors yeah but i just could not leave it because
i was like i was so uncertain little did you know i have other cans and i just keep putting a new one
every single you're just like ipa i'm like what the fuck you know what would have been funny is
if i just put all of them the same beer and then just
told you that they were five different ones
so you're just like, that one has a pretty good
finish. Or if you're just like
these taste the same.
So you're going to give them to me. I'm going to
go this way, this way.
And then you're going to put
them that way, that way.
Got it?
Okay. Let me know when you're
Bravo 6 going dark okay i'm
gonna i'm just gonna close my eyes anyways so i'm not even tempted okay
um all right mix me around baby
long ass warms where's my mic how y'all doing tonight
shouts out to all you loyal listeners out there.
You know, I really appreciate it.
I see the numbers.
You know, I upload the episodes and I see the numbers of people watching.
Every once in a while, I'll get a comment.
And, you know, we appreciate that.
And we want you guys to comment more because we want to engage with you guys.
And, yeah.
Was that enough banter?
Do I need to banter a little bit more,
okay, so, um, as Cam, as Cam talked about before, we, um, we went live a couple times, um, feel free to, oh, I just scared myself with my mic, um, feel free to come, uh, say hi if you ever see us
going live, uh, we're just trying to engage with you guys more and uh make this a more enjoyable experience for every party involved um
so um like i said i've done this once before um i believe we did bud light
coors light miller light and bush light we didn't have a fifth one and i was four for four but i'm really not very confident with
this one all right because like you said i drink them i don't drink them for the flavor necessarily
more the effect and the cheapness of the beverage so i'm drinking first one i'm starting here
and so it should be that far one. Yep. Number one.
Smells like beer.
You dirty dog.
Giving me bush light first, you dirty dog. That water.
Maybe not. maybe not oh
well Jake's over here
it's so watery
I'm gonna say
I'm gonna say bush light for now
that's a tentative
I keep scaring myself with my mind that's a tentative god i keep scaring myself with my
okay here let me set him up over here that's a tentative bush light so i can hand him back to
you oh that's the can yep so right here number two i am not confident at all so he's got
bush light in first you got bush light and first here tastes like the last one dude i'm telling you
that's bush light um okay that's 100 bush slide it to me slide it over okay that was i wasn't drinking i was
just drinking water okay so i'm not sure about the first one yet okay number three
oh hello
hello Oh. Hello. Hello.
How you doing?
Hey, little mama, let me whisper in your ear.
Smells like Sharpie a little bit. I am that one might be I'm going to say Coors for now
I'm so
I'm doing so bad
I know I'm doing horrible
give me number four
here's your fourth That one had a little bit more zing to it
A little more bite
Ow fuck
That one's a little bit more
I'm saying bud heavy Okay Ow, fuck. That one's a little bit more heavy.
I'm saying bud heavy.
Number five.
God, I feel so bad at this.
They all taste like beer.
That one has a different flavor.
The thing I remember.
Oh. Hello. Hello Millerer how are you doing i can i can taste the hops or the
whatever i could taste the whatever the wheat the wheat
okay i think that's miller. Give me the first one again.
The first one?
The very first one I did.
That was a tentative Bush Lite, but then I think the second one I had was Bush Lite.
I'm going to change my mind.
I think that one's Coors Lite.
The very first one? Yep. that one's Coors Light. The very first one?
That one's Coors Light.
The second one, I think, is Bush Light.
Let me have the third one.
Number three.
I put them in a weird order so I could remember how you rated them.
Just keep them in a weird order so I could remember how you rated them. Just keep them in the same order.
But I set them up in the same order, so I'm going to get confused.
I think
I think it goes
give me
give me number two again
you want this one still
uh yeah
leave it there for now
I'm setting them up in the order that you are rating them. I think it goes Coors Light, Bud Light, Bush Light, Bud Heavy, Miller Light.
That's my order.
Okay, you said... Coors Light.
Bush Light.
Bud Light.
Bud Heavy.
That's my order.
You want me to rotate them around?
Bud Heavy was first?
Yeah, and you said it tastes like Coors Light.
You thought it tasted like Coors Light, too.
You got those ones mixed around.
Oh, my God.
Okay, so I got Miller right.
Miller has a very distinct taste.
If you guys can see this, I want to show you guys the colors. Miller has a very distinct taste if you guys can see this i want to show you guys the colors miller has a very distinct taste you can tell the difference you're an asshole for putting
bud light bud heavy next to bud light you cocks did you see what i did so i went bud then i went
probably the lightest beer we have here i think Bud Light's the lightest right I would say Bush Light is
well anyways
I just went light
I think Bush Light is the
and then I put this one at the end to try to throw you off with Bud Heavy
see initially
initially I thought number 4
was Bud Heavy
so we both we both,
we both switched Coors Light and Bud Light or Bud Heavy,
which wonder what that says.
And then,
and then I,
and then I switched Bud Light and Bush Light,
but I initially said Bush Light was third.
I think that just says guys,
if you not real heavy drinkers and you want to drink more beer than you do want to get fucked up,
Bud Heavy is a really heavy beer.
It's 5%.
So I got one right.
I did not hold up to my past experience.
It is difficult.
They all taste like beer.
I mean, they're all pretty similar.
I mean, it's not.
These aren't craft beers that have very distinct tastes.
These are all light beers except for Budweiser.
But, you know, I thought it.
So that whole thing.
Play me through it.
What taste were you going off of?
Because mine was the last taste and then the zing at the end.
I'm mainly going for the, like, did you see when I drank Miller?
I was like, I drank it, and then after I had swallowed it and went, I was like, oh.
Yeah, you can like.
You can taste the difference in, like, the, you know, barley or whatever is in there.
It has a little bit more bitter.
It leaves a taste in your mouth longer.
And like Bush Light and Bud Light are nearly flavorless in comparison to the other ones.
Miller Light?
Really, either of the other ones. A Miller Lite? Really, really either of the other ones.
I think what I discovered and what I discovered in the last one too,
the last time I did this,
was that Coors Light has a lot more flavor than you realize
until you drink it blind in comparison to the other ones.
Because you think Coors Light, you know, people always say like, oh, Coors Light is just like water.
It's really not.
Bush Light and Bud Light are water.
Bud Light tastes literally like water.
Coors Light has, I mean, we both switched it with Bud Heavy, which is supposed to be the heaviest of all these out here.
And then.
But does that say something about Bud Heavy?
Because Bud Heavy is making a smooth, heavy beer.
Because a light beer is supposed to be smooth.
Well, I suppose that could either be props or a jab for Budweiser.
Because, you know, it could be either props because, like, it tastes like you're drinking a light beer and you're getting more of the effects.
AKA higher alcohol percentage.
Or you can be like, well, I'm getting this beer because I'm wanting it to have more oomph and taste to it, but it just tastes like a
light beer.
You know?
That was, I mean, that was, that was our taste buds.
I mean.
I think, I think it's more of a props to Coors than it is a jab to Bud.
I think it shows that Coors actually has a lot more flavor than people realize.
Because you drink that Coors Light.
Well, we better get to drinking, dog.
We're at 50 minutes here.
You drink that Coors Light, and you're like,
there's actually a little bit of something something in here.
It's not just water like the other ones.
Well, the other ones as in...
Taste Bud now that you know it's Bud, though.
Now that I know...
Now that you know it's Bud, it's like...
Now that I'm expecting it and ready for it,
it does feel a little bit heavy.
It does feel like it's got more zing than Coors.
But I don't know.
There's something that happens when the blindfold goes down and you're relying on nothing but your smell and your taste.
Well, you can't hear this.
This doesn't make a sound.
Yeah, it does.
It's full when you're going, ooh.
But eyes feel taste and fucking hearing.
Those are your senses.
And you're eliminating, well, smelling, too.
You have five senses, right?
So you only have three.
Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands.
But you're eliminating.
You're going down to two of your senses.
Because you have all the same cups, so you can't feel a difference.
But you're also trying to compare them to the flavors of the other ones.
At the same time.
Let me give Bud Light another taste.
Now I know it's Bud Light.
Yeah, I want to drink Bud Light and Bush Light next to each other.
Oh, you can 100% help.
You don't like Bud Light, do you?
I don't mind Bud Light.
I'll drink Bud Light.
That initial taste.
Yeah, Bud Light's...
Bud Light's...
This has a bite.
This has a...
Bud Light's taste hits you right up front.
That has a bite right when you taste it. Bud Light's just tastes you right up front. That has a bite right when you taste it.
Bud Light's just tastes like water going in.
I think Bud Light's taste is right up front.
Like, if you were to look at it at a waveform, Bud Light's is and then down.
Bush Light, I feel like, is like low, up low up down miller lights is like nothing nothing
nothing and when the taste hits and bud well bud heavy's just kind of uh it's kind of just
like a middle yeah it just smooth all the way to hit all the way through. The hit all the way through. It's not...
Miller Lite is like... We need to throw
an anti-strike beer.
Then you go,
oh, there it is.
Now that you've tasted
all of these...
Once you get some air in there.
Now that we've done all these
and you were one,
one for five,
and what was I?
Three for five.
Three for five.
50%, pretty much 75 whatever
next time we're gonna throw in a natty light and i promise i am making you this promise
we throw in a natty light you won't miss it
you won't miss the thing is i drink a lot of all of these i I know, but I'm saying this. So what does it say if I can't taste it?
Natty Light is like a Miller Lite.
It has that taste that just...
That you'll just know 100%.
Well, they say it's a homeless man's beer.
Should we do like a cheap of the cheap?
Like Ham's, Key Keystone Natty Light.
Ham's Keystone Natty Light.
There's another.
PBR is cheap.
Yes, it is.
It is cheap.
Oh, I just went and bought a 12 pack for $8. It's cheap. It. Uh. I just went and bought a 12-pack for $8.
It's cheap.
It was like $8.99 for a 12-pack.
You know what the...
I don't know if any of you guys know, but PBR used to be like the white trash beer.
That's what it was labeled as.
Well, it used to be good.
It used to be seen as real good.
And then it became the white trash beer and now my uncle was telling me and and they kind of go to
like upper like ritzier bars in omaha and they have pbr on draft
like is it just like for the meme of it basically well not meme no they say that's like a high
quality beer in omaha like like it's making a comeback kind of like you like you're
i i don't know you're richer people
it's like you know like ipas like we don't drink ipas yeah no, no. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like an IPA is more of like a...
I feel like that's like a rich person's.
Like, oh, have you had the...
I'm just like, no.
I'm just drinking because I want to drink six.
But they've said that PBR is like up there with like that shit.
And I'm like, you got to be fucking crazy.
Well... And I don't know i don't i don't want to be that guy that hates on people that drink craft beers but when people were just like oh i i don't drink bush
light i i only drink craft beers because i love the flavor. It's like, dude.
It's the same thing.
I'm not drinking because I love the taste of beer.
I'm drinking because I can drink six beers for $4.
That's why I'm drinking it.
If any of you guys are out there, I'm sorry.
I'm going to flame the shit out of you.
If you're one of those people, you've never had a good fucking whiskey it's like have any of us because it's all depends
on taste all of this stuff is all of this stuff is an acquired taste the first time you ever drink
it if you're like that's good you're fucking lying yeah the first time you ever drink it if you're like that's good you're fucking lying yeah the
first time you ever drank a beer you're like this tastes like shit why does everyone drink beer
the first time i tasted beer i was like grimacing hella hard i was like because the first time you
drink it it tastes like shit yeah it's terrible and then you drink a bunch of and then you drink
mics when you're you know coming on coming into it yeah until you force yourself to drink a bunch
of beer and then you eventually start to like it i was kind of you learn to like it right off the
bat i just kind of drink beer because all of my friends have already had that acquired taste so
we just get whatever is cheapest and we just get the shit well yeah so basically you force you
force yourself to drink beer yeah and then eventually you just start liking it like
now i like beer do i like the taste of it i mean i guess i like the taste of it yeah i mean yeah i
guess i do at first you're like it's like black coffee it's like black coffee black coffee some
people hate fucking black coffee well i fucking love fucking love, love black coffee. Well, the first time I ever had coffee, I'm like, this tastes like a fucking skunk's cooch.
The afterbirth of mother skunk.
One time my mom was in Grand Island with my grandpa when he was still alive, obviously.
And they went into a Starbucks.
And he loudly just goes,
what is that smell?
And he's like, it smells like a skunk.
And my mom was like, that's the coffee, Dad.
He loudly was like, what is that stench?
Because, I mean, like, coffee is very bitter.
Like we said, it's an acquired taste.
A lot of people, I like it, but not a lot of people.
Even people that like coffee don't just drink black coffee.
Bailey, she has to have her Starbucks coffee.
And, I mean, I can go. But it's like 50 50 well coffee how she makes it but like i try to drink her
starbucks black because like sometimes she'll make me like a pot she'll make a cup pot of
black coffee with starbucks grounds yeah like starbucks like signature grounds or whatever
the fuck yeah yeah well i'm a big fan of black Rifle Coffee Company. Mm-hmm.
But she doesn't like that, so she just makes a pot of whatever,
and I'm kind of like, I can drink whatever.
But fucking I hate that shit.
I'll still drink it.
I'll still drink it, but I fucking hate it.
I'll go get a fancy drink at Starbucks any day, their fucking oreo cookie crumble frappe or whatever
because that shit just tastes like sugar but but i'm talking black coffee like folgers folgers is
probably up there for me top tier yeah but like like we were saying like with a whiskey
like i remember one christmas like they busted out the whiskey and they're like, this is some good stuff.
I can't remember.
I don't even know what it was.
I'm just saying people around our age, there's no way that you know a good whiskey from a bad whiskey.
My grandfather literally said, oh, this is a good whiskey or oh this is a bad whiskey
and when he tells me oh this is a good whiskey and this is a bad whiskey you can taste the
difference like i don't know if i've ever had a good whiskey because like drinking it on the rocks
it's just like you got to take really really really small sips. Otherwise, it just tastes like you're drinking nail polish.
Well, that might upset some people that are just like, oh, my God, I love Jack Daniels.
I could drink that shit on the ice on the rocks any day.
Well, it's it's I don't it's so much alcohol.
There's such an alcohol content that it's such a strong taste.
One, I'm not trying to be your father because obviously we have no control.
And I really don't give a shit what you do.
But drinking hard alcohol at our age, if you just drink straight hard alcohol, that's fucking terrible for you.
Dude, your fucking liver will be shot.
There's a lot of people you can see that their face just gets like super
red and like it's like you can see all like the blood veins and shit in it oh yeah and that's
from like drinking alcohol hard liquor that's from drinking hard liquor yeah all the time i talked
about um in the one episode with ben where i said the drunkest I've ever been. We may have to revisit that because I forgot of another time that I think.
I think we should revisit it too because I got some good drunk stories.
That I think was actually the drunkest I've ever been.
Maybe we'll do an episode just called like tis the season to get fucked up or something like that.
We'll just tell the drunkest we've ever been stories.
But I was telling the story about when I had a bunch of shots of just, like, tequila.
Like, brown.
I don't know what kind of tequila, but it was brown.
So, I don't know if it was Jose Cuervo or...
I just...
I feel like that's more kind of golden.
I previously went to Mexico.
So, they probably had what is classified as good tequila down there.
I don't know if any of you guys know.
Or not.
But Colas Azul, it comes in the big, like, blue and white, like, fine china bottle, and it has a bell on top.
I want to get a bottle just for the bottle.
I took a shot of that and almost fucking puked.
It's fucking terrible.
Because it tastes nasty.
And it's supposed to be the highest grade.
Well, maybe not the highest grade, but it's supposed to be super high quality.
Even in Mexico, they charged me $12.
I'm on a...
For a shot?
All-inclusive resort.
And it still was $12.
Oh, my God.
A bottle of Colas Azul was like $182. And god a bottle of colossal is like 182 dollars
and you thought american and you thought it was going to be like you just tasted jesus tears
yeah and so then bailey's dad bought a bottle of mescal mescal is like something similar like i've
heard of that but it's smoked okay that almost made me fucking puke because they put, they put like, okay, you know how you usually take salt?
Salt in your lime?
Well, they put pepper on it.
Oh, like tahini or some shit?
Well, so it's tahini and then they take like smoked peppercorns, like actual peppercorns and put it on there i took my shot
sounds like i bet it had such a strong flavor i bit my line talking to your mic talking to your
mic there was so there was a guy we were talking to down there and he was like explaining to us
mezcal because i've never heard of mezcal and he said every single well most of your families in
mexico they have a shot of mezcal or tequila before dinner yeah it's because when you taste
it it opens up all your taste buds yeah and he was like you gotta swish it around and i think
that's what killed me with tequila yeah i don't mind tequila but he's like you gotta swish it around. And I think that's what killed me with tequila. I don't mind tequila,
but he's like, you gotta swish it around.
And swishing it around was way too much
sitting in my fucking mouth.
It's like,
it's like you,
you wanna taste it,
but you don't wanna,
the flavor is different than tasting it.
You know what I mean?
It's like you get the taste as you're drinking it,
but you don't want to get the actual flavor of it
because the actual flavor of it is probably not very good.
So where I was going with that,
mezcal is just like a smoked tequila.
It's like how you have a smoked whiskey.
Like smoky flavor.
It's smoked tequila.
Well, sometimes I take a literal piece of wood and smoke and burn it with a torch and put your glass over it.
Yeah, so it gets all smoky.
And then pour it in.
Well, and you talked about that in the one episode where you came back, because I played the clip of you going...
Well, so then...
As you swallowed it.
Chase Azul has like different bottles.
Like they have a black bottle.
That sounds like the 1800 tequila bottle.
Because 1800 is blue and white, isn't it?
No, but this is like a, you know what fine china looks like?
This is like, yeah, like it's white, but it's like a tall ass bottle and it has literally
a silver bell on top.
I want it for just the bottle.
How much was it?
Because the bottle looks sick as fuck. How much is it for just the bottle how much bottle looks sick as
fuck how much is it for how big is the bottle 750 so that's so that's not that much but it's
so skinny it's like stretched out it's probably like this tall oh my god so it's probably like
this big around um yeah well so the bottom's like this big, but then it goes up and it looks fancy.
But Spencer, our avid listener, friend, colleague, whatever.
Whatever the fuck he is, I don't know.
He was telling me 17, 1840 or 1740 or something like that 1800 not 1800 tequila it's 17 or 18 something it's a different number it's something 40 tequila he said and gavin preached for this because
he said spencer told him to try it and he said he didn't even need a lime and salt to take it
like you just drink it yeah another thing i would like say, Hispanics, we think we can drink a lot of alcohol.
Hispanics can drink a lot of alcohol.
I went to a quince one time, and this girl's uncle was just taking a bottle of Patron and just like.
And they just were polishing off bottles and i was like
dude one thing that i oh my god the one thing i wish i really could do i still um julio keep
drinking fuckhead julio um every once in a while they'll have like fiestas
oh my god i would kill to be well i'm not gonna go unless i'm invited
i would kill to be invited to a real hispanic party dude the food oh my god he would bring
all the time at work he would bring like authentic mexican food that like
their family made or you know he got from his brother-in-law or you know oh my god it was so
good and like you said they can drink so essentially really good food can drink that's like a recipe for a party uh like i want to party with like a real
group of you know dude anybody that says i i love mexican food that's my line
well no i'm not saying like i i honest to god could eat mexican food probably every day
and be fine with it because they make so many different meals and they all taste different
yeah and they're all just so good hey what
but i doubt anyone will get that reference people that are like hey i got this good mexican food restaurant
i'm like do you well lexington where i came from was my place of origin where i went to school at
we like white people were technically like the minorities there and there were so many
like so many cool hispanics yeah they would be
i would go into a class they wouldn't know me and i'd like talk to them for like 30 minutes
they're like hey we're having a cookout you want to come and i'm like oh well i just i would sell
my kidney to go to a fucking real fiesta well i really fucked up in high school and i felt so
awkward i didn't i didn't really go to many because i felt
so awkward because for some reason i decided to take french when i went to a mostly hispanic school
which was stupid but i was like yeah french would be kind of cool to learn
so i didn't go to very many of them but
i would get like i would see like my my friends, like my Hispanic friends and stuff,
their Snapchats.
And they just got like fucking tables like this,
just set up of like fucking Carney Asada.
Oh my God.
You're going to.
And dude,
it's fucking crazy.
There's this one kid I went to school with,
became pretty good friends and they like, clubs all the time.
And at these clubs, they literally just have girls walking around with bottles of tequila.
Like, bottle service girls.
They know how to party, man.
Walking around, like, this is in Mexico.
They have bottle service girls.
And they're just standing there, and these girls are just fucking not even pouring them a shot.
Just dumping the bottles in their mouth.
I'm going to.
And when they go like this, they're done.
And I'm like, I would be fucking hammered.
I'm going to.
I'm going to hit up Julio and be like, hey.
I want to go.
Be like.
Mi amigo.
Hey, maybe. be like hey uh mi amigo yo hey maybe uh fiesta invitation for me you know he'll get the gist um julio if you none of you know um was a former co-worker of mine and uh the guy that would bring me authentic Mexican cuisine.
I need to hit him up and be like, hey, next time you have a fiesta.
I was actually just telling our boss the other day about I had a babysitter that was Hispanic, and she would make us our lunch, do whatever.
Usually it was like something that.
Like dino nuggets or mac and cheese.
For some reason, this lady made the best spaghetti.
I don't give a fuck.
Do you think you make good spaghetti?
Me saying they might sound kind of racist, but they can cook.
Hispanics can fucking cook, and they can cook anything, and they can cook anything and they can cook anything well.
But she made spaghetti and it had probably the best flavor.
I swear to God it was her Parmesan cheese.
Her Parmesan cheese on top of there.
I don't know what she bought.
I don't really care, but it was the shit.
So she would like lay us down for a nap.
We'd go to bed, whatever.
Take her nap.
And she would always send my family home with, like, 9x13 pants. Dude, that's the thing, too.
They're always sending people home with food.
They're like, hey, you.
Like, they'll make sure, like, their guests.
They have nothing.
No such thing as fucking leftovers.
And if they do, they cook way too fucking much.
Like, their guests will always, he will like julio at work he
would always like give me food like make sure i ate like gave me more food yeah like they love
oh my god they love cooking i'm just gonna dude i've never all you mexicans out there i love you
um if you don't have a mexican friend get one. If you like food and you like to party, get some Mexican friends.
Well, don't just become friends with them.
Well, don't just walk up to a Mexican or a Hispanic.
Hey, I really like your guys.
Hey, you want to be friends?
No, become actual friends with them.
Hey, don't just walk up to a Hispanic and be like, can I have a tamale?
Dude, have you had like a home cooked?
I've been wanting to try it.
Yes, they're so good.
They're so good.
I've been wanting to try like making tamales.
I made some birria, which is what they call it.
It's so.
If you.
I made it and it was so fucking good jake if you see if you let's say
let's say you have a hispanic co-worker and you see them come to lunch and they have like a little
styrofoam thing and they plop that down on the thing oh it might as well be i don't even know
dude there might as well just be gold underneath there there might as well be
a treasure map leading straight to that styrofoam because uh whatever is underneath that is gonna be
so good honest to god the best mexican food is like the dives like we had this place in lex
shout out to this place i if you guys are ever in Lex, swinging through Lex, go to Britos y Tortas.
It's went through like four different owners.
Every single owner in there has been fucking immaculate.
The first owners, they give you a burrito on your plate.
I shit you not.
This, as big as round as my fucking hands in like this fucking long.
And it was so good if it's called like el comida which is
eat or food el comer which is to eat the eat it's gonna have some good shit okay i i have one
question for you since we're on this topic have you there's a place i guess downtown that's kind
of in the hood we thought about going to it but it was after
dark and there's just a shit ton of cars parked there and it kind of looks kind of sketchy which
i'm assuming the people inside are probably very nice but bailey was like i don't i don't want to
what's it called i don't know what it's called it's just it's just south of this Capitol building. And it's like, there's like a little like shopping mall.
And it's kind of like, it's like, so.
South of the Capitol.
So it's like this.
So there's buildings here.
Like these are like shops, right?
And then it goes like this.
And then.
This is so helpful.
I don't know. It's building that looks looks like a big l
but on each side there's different buildings okay i don't know we'll go to it sometime yeah i guess
it must be so good dude i love a no-name mexican place so good i'm down to get jumped over some
good-ass mexican food i might walk into a dark alley for a tamale.
If I'm, like, walking through, like, a dark alley, and I'm just like, they're like, hey, what's up, homes?
And I'm just like, oh, no hable espanol.
And they're just like, carne asada?
I'm just like, what's up?
I'm like, what's good, man?
I'm like, you know what?
Thank you guys for watching. Yeah. What's up? I'm like, what's good, man? You know what? Uh,
thank you guys for watching.
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We'll dump money into this fucking thing. I don't care if I
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but we're only halfway up. Thank you,
Dr. Disrespect.
Alright, thank you guys for watching.
Until next time.
Taste your beers.
Don't just drink your...
Until next time, don't just drink your beers.
Taste your beers.
Peace out.