Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 29: She Thinks my Ford is Sexy

Episode Date: February 13, 2024

In this Episode of the Grass Daddies podcast, the boys call their friend Spencer to hear about his ridiculous after-work "snack," talk about Jake Chipotle order, and discuss whether or not there is a ...correlation between what truck you drive and what brand of tractor you prefer. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sometimes, sometimes I've been definitely going, getting ready to get in the shower. I'm like, I'm going to call Jake, see what he's doing. And I'm like, think to myself, I'm like, oh, he's definitely wanking it. And then, and then I call you, I call you and you don't answer. I'm like, 100%, I know my fucking homie. Welcome to the My Arms Like My Reams, Baby Girl 22's podcast. That's Cam, I'm Jake, and we are... The Grass Daddies.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Welcome back. Thank you for... We've had kind of an interesting... I'm like resting my nose on this. We've had kind of an interesting series of uploads recently um like last week i had to upload two like back to back on monday and tuesday but we should be back on regular recording schedule we're recording on thursday again and this will be uploaded on monday possibly after the chiefs i won. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:05 We don't know yet. This was going to be dropping after the Super Bowl, but we don't know the outcome right now. But it's before you heard me. I thought about being like, what if we just recorded two different segments and we can just cut whichever one? We can just be like, congratulations to the, and then we do a whole five minutes on the Chief then we just we do a whole like five minutes
Starting point is 00:01:25 and then we do a five minutes on the 49ers we're like in their first part we're like all right come on cheese let's go and then we in their second part we're like fuck yeah 49ers let's go baby we just do we like what if we're just like yeah i've got ten thousand dollars on my homes to hit this and this and this so you know hopefully it hit you're um so yeah just keep an eye on that um because lena recorded with her friend last night and only nine minutes of her story got recorded on her podcast which is you don't pay for that plug i'm not doing that you're gonna give me five dollars if i plug it right now everyone out there go and subscribe to does the cat die on spotify and apple podcast it's a true crime podcast with my girlfriend Lena and her best friend Julia. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:28 so she was recording a story last night and it only recorded nine minutes and I'm like, sucks, doesn't it? Because we have malfunctions and shit on our podcast. She's like, now I know how you feel and I'm like, feels like the fucking end of the world. Yeah, it sucks. Especially
Starting point is 00:02:44 if you're giving an hour-long story and none of it gets recorded and can be used. Yeah, and we also have the video element. Yeah. That typically likes to fuck up. And at one point, I was about ready to give up on it because trying to get it over to Jake so he can edit it and post it was a pain in the ass. It's still been being a pain in the ass. Oh, yeah. It's still a pain in the ass, but...
Starting point is 00:03:10 Oh, which... Did I already ask you if you could watch that? Yeah. Okay. Are we still going? Okay, we've got three minutes down. We're good. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Today's going to be a good day, ladies and gentlemen. I need to put up like a sign up here or something that says clap because i always forget to clap at the end i always clap at the beginning but i always forget to clap at the end yeah i have to find it's kind it's a lot harder to for those of you that don't know the reason why you clap is because we're doing audio and video and we're trying to line up. To make sure they're in sync. Yeah they usually never see the clap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:49 But what I'm talking about is the clap. Not the sexual disease. The need to line up your video and audio. So is that why they use the directories? Yep. It's called a slate. That they stick in front of the camera. It's called a slate.
Starting point is 00:04:06 But then at the end, like at the beginning, there's a nice sharp line in the audio that I can line up with each other. But then at the end, I'm like... So like either I have to turn up the video audio and like it's like... Like it's like an echo because it's like they're off by a little bit but it's hard to tell which one is but usually i just find a part where you are loud and i just line that or sometimes i use our dap because that kind of claps a little bit um but that's normally what i use um anything else i wanted to talk about real quick? No. So yeah, let's just dive right into this.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Favorite sex position. No, I'm just kidding. I feel like I've done that joke before. It's got to be the upside down helicopter. It's got to be. Upside down helicopter? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who's the propeller?
Starting point is 00:05:03 You? My loved one. She's the propeller. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah and you're the helicopter your mom listens to this podcast hey what can i say uh ping should we before we start um diving in headlong into some riveting conversation should we see what the mini fridge has to offer this year? Yeah, let's see what the... Were you listening to us? Your mind's not going to pick that up. That's okay. They can hear the secret, but...
Starting point is 00:05:36 Some Smirnoff Ice Smash. Screwdrivers. Oh, yeah. 8%. 8%. So this is what a pint is? A pint is... No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's probably serving. It says pint, 7.5 fluid ounces. Yeah, so it's probably saying a serving. And then it says the total ounces there. Did you ever see the... Man, they had some fucking good cracks. Did you see the... Do you remember the video where the guy was arguing about...
Starting point is 00:06:22 You love alcohol the guy was arguing about two 12 ounce cans that are 5% equal 10% no but I think we talked about that though this guy had a silo this is a silo not a tall boy
Starting point is 00:06:43 a silo a tall boy. A silo. A tall boy is only 16 ounces. This is 24 ounces. And so two 12-ounce beers makes 24. With me so far? So he had two twisted teas, which are 5%. And then the one guy had a silo of Twisted Tea and the guy was trying to argue
Starting point is 00:07:08 that they weren't the same. He was trying to argue that he had 10% alcohol because he had two. Well, that's not how that works, pal. Nope. Not at all how that works. Because you're
Starting point is 00:07:24 dialing your amount down. So 8% goes off however much fluid ounce your container is. The way I think about it is I just look at the whole thing, and I just go like 8% of what's inside this can is alcohol. Which is quite a bit. How much is a four-loko again? Well, but it's all mixed around so if you take a swig eight percent of whatever is in your mouth is alcohol yeah it's always eight percent no matter
Starting point is 00:07:54 what the volume of liquid is true so if you double the volume of liquid you're just increasing you're increasing you're doubling the amount of alcohol increasing, you're doubling the amount of alcohol, but you're also doubling the amount of non-alcohol. So it's the same. These are fucking delicious. Yeah. All you can think about is just like, yeah, this is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's like I'm drinking. I don't care what's in it. It's like I'm drinking a glass of Tang. This could be motor oil. Like, your alcohol consumption lately has been, you're like, I need to relax. Because last weekend we did a back-to-backer, Friday night and Saturday night. And you're like, I need to slow down.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I've been having like six beers a night. I'm just like, yeah. You're like, my anxiety's been really high lately. I'm like, because you consume poison every day. Well, now I went and got stuff for Irish Carbons, and I take two Irish Carbons every night. That's your nightly ritual? Yeah, right before dinner. I take two Irish Carbons.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You know, a common drink that most average American men just consume regularly in their household it's essentially a party trick of a drink and you're just casually doing it the other day they sounded good it's so funny now that you're 21 um now that you can drink for the first time in your life yeah all the stuff that you're just like well i can just buy that and make it. So you're like, I don't, you know, I can, whatever sounds good, I can just have it. Yeah. It gets me in trouble. Like, we were on Wednesday, yesterday, we were having a meeting with our bosses in the office. Kane was like, yeah, I was at the liquor store last night.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And I'm like, nobody really said anything, but I was just in my head. I was just thinking like, you know, just casually going to a liquor store on a tuesday night day to get stuff to make irish car bombs did you say the words irish car bomb when we were talking to them too uh no i care no i was talking about how a guy i was these two guys came in and I don't, they must work. Just keep in mind that one of our bosses is in his seventies and Cam talks to him like he's me. So it's just disconcerting sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Well, fuck it. Uh, there was these two guys. I don't know. I don't know if they're like work shifts, like if they don't work like normal hours. And so like nighttimes, like their their day they're nocturnal yeah if i don't know what they work or maybe they'd have to work the next day but they're coming in they're like man i'm trying to get me something that's gonna get me fucked up and they're just talking and they're like standing right in the middle of the island like excuse me and then yeah i went and picked up some Guinness. And the guy just voluntarily walked up and grabbed Red Stripe, which is like a Jamaican beer.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I've never had that. And everybody says it's terrible. Did you get some? No. You said that was the first beer you've ever tried. Yeah, I've had one. When you turn 21 at midnight yeah uh see i kind of like this lore that we're creating that you haven't had a single drop
Starting point is 00:11:13 of alcohol until the moment i i haven't see and i was just born with the fucking steel liver i have a extremely high tolerance right off the bat. These might get me fucked up. Good. So I've been portion controlling myself lately. Portion control. That's what I've been saying. I'll be eating a meal and Cam will be like, what are you? And I'll be like, portion control.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Which is code word for not cutting out certain things from my diet. Just cutting down on the amounts of things in my diet the example i used was on a normal night where i would have two giant bowls of spaghetti i'm only gonna have one giant bowl of spaghetti because that's good enough um consequently the past week i've been fucking just starving constantly because my body's still getting used to my lesser intake of things you're more strong than i am i essentially have an empty stomach right now but um it's for a good cause i've been eating an extreme amount dude all right well lena is just sitting over here. I have to get her because Jake already knows.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Today at lunch. Or they need to know. Yeah, they need to know. We have an audience. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Today at lunch, I walk in to Casey's. I grab a slice of pizza, a quarter pounder hamburger, cheeseburger, a bag of chips, and Twix. Not Twix. Reese's St's sticks i ate all of that and then
Starting point is 00:12:50 word was kind of a throat whistle me and jake are driving back out after i just finished eating all that and i'm like dude i'm fucking starving like i could have probably ate all that again i was so fucking hungry the so so our company will bring us lunch on fridays and like my whole portion control thing kind of started last week and were you gone that day no and i was there um so we were eating and i was like normally i would get up and go get more food right now but i'm satisfied and i'm leaving it at that because I'm doing portion control. Spencer was like, what? He couldn't even believe. He didn't understand the concept of just stopping eating.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Not because you're full. Just because. Because our friend has a tapeworm. Not actually. Well, maybe. But he... This kid fucking can put down some fucking food. He is known for his excessive consumption.
Starting point is 00:13:54 One meal he has been recorded to eat. And this is valid information because his girlfriend has told us. He came home and ate 50 pizza rolls. A pizza. Wait, no. was it a pizza okay um i don't know two peanut butter and 50 no okay he ate pizza in roll form then pizza in flat form it was no it was then he had a hot pot it was it was a hundred pizza rolls what a hundred pizza rolls. What? 100 pizza rolls, two PB&Js. Then he took a nap, woke up. We're calling him. Yes, call him.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He's not feeling well. He's had a rough week this week. He's currently sitting on a bag of peas. This might lighten his day a little bit, make his rough week a little better. But, yeah, dude, this this kid i don't know um all this to say i was saying portion control this portion control that and then that night i got a burrito bigger than a twisted it's like this hello hey so you're live on the pod right now and um we were just talking about your, first of all, my portion control. And we were talking about your tapeworm and the one meal this summer that you had where you went home and ate enough food to feed an entire village.
Starting point is 00:15:21 What exactly did you eat? Because Cam said you had 100 pizza rolls. No, I had 50 pizza rolls. Okay, okay. So, breakdown. You got home, and then what did you eat? Well, I got home, and I was hungry. So, I ate in a family-sized bag of Doritos. Before the pizza rolls?
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. An entire family-sized bag? Mm-hmm. So nutritious. And then I was like was like well that didn't help so then i looked in the freezer and i threw about 50 pizza rolls on the pan threw that in the oven then i was like well this is gonna take too long so then i warmed up a package of ramen. So you ate that while your pizza rolls were heating up? Yeah. I was hungry and it was going to take way too long. It was like 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Okay, so you ate your 50 pizza rolls. Yeah, and then Courtney got me... And that was your after work snack, correct? Yeah, and then Courtney got me... So a pack of ramen, 50 pizza rolls, a family-sized bag of Doritos. As a snack. Yeah, that's the snack.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Don't worry. That's when I got home from work and need something to eat. All right, continue. And then Courtney got home and made supper. Made supper. Yeah, so it was probably some sort of protein and a side. And did you not have i
Starting point is 00:16:47 swear you told me because that was when you were going through your phase of having two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before bed oh i probably had that afterwards that was a summer snack i've never met a guy that goes he told me one time he goes yeah i'm getting ready for bed courtney just made me my two peanut butter and jellies. Yeah, I'm sure. That was in the summer, so yeah, I probably had two PB&Js right before bed. That's so much food. Cam's nighttime ritual is two Irish car bombs.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Spencer's is two PB&Js. What should my nighttime ritual be? Recently, it's been stretching. Oh my god, why are you getting so healthy all of a sudden? What's wrong with... I'm going to have to hang up on you. This is not good content. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Recently I've just been... I don't like... You know what it is? You want me to say it? You really want me to lay it out there? What? I don't like when I'm just walking and I can feel my upper side touching my lower side. I think that's my body saying, all right, we've exceeded maximum capacity.
Starting point is 00:18:02 We need to start kicking some people out. I need to eat my after supper snack now. Nice little bowl of Captain Crunch. How are you feeling? You don't have to entail what's going on, but just how are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:18:21 All I said was that you're currently sitting on a bag of peas. Yeah. Yeah. Basically. Can you open your eye? Yeah. Well, I've been taking steroids and a shit ton of Benadryl. There you go.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It still looks like I got fire thrown in my face. Well, you're going to be at work tomorrow, right? Yeah. Free lunch. Free lunch tomorrow. Portion control lunch. Yeah, it's a portion control lunch.
Starting point is 00:18:54 If you're working with me and Jake, I'll make you just sit in the cart and I'll just do it all. Promise. Okay. I told Cam there will be no portion control on Sunday. There will actually be opposite of portion control. I told Cam there will be no portion control on Sunday. There will actually be opposite of portion control. I might just not eat all days Sunday to see how much food I can devour. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:19:14 On my dime. Except you provided the brisket. You provided the brisket. Spencer, there's no way you can make it. Dude, you get. I don't know if I can do it. You get miserable, like, after you've already ate your lunch and you just want a snack. You just look miserable.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You're gonna be walking around like a fucking zombie. I ate two cheeseburgers and a personal pan pizza and a bag of Doritos. I like how you just throw in, and a bag of Doritos. Spencer, you wanna hear what I had for lunch today? This is pretty good for me. You want to hear what I had for lunch? I had two Runzes. I had a mega slice of pizza from Casey's.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Talk in your mic. I had a mega slice of pizza from Casey's. I had a quarter pounder cheeseburger from Casey's. How do a mega slice of pizza from Casey's. I had a quarter pounder cheeseburger from Casey's. How do you know it was a quarter pounder? That's what it said on the fucking package. I had a bag of chips and then I had Reese's sticks
Starting point is 00:20:17 and a root beer. A root beer. And a root beer. I don't know how you pronounce that root beer root beer root beer and then i we finished lunch i clocked back in and we're driving back out and i'm like jake i am fucking starving and i was like i'm satisfied i had my chicken and rice and a clementine and then you just oh my god. Chicken and rice. Enough chicken and rice to cover the bottom of a Tupperware container
Starting point is 00:20:49 and a clementine. I'm not even satisfied. I just had a bowl of spaghetti with three homemade garlic breads and now I want my cereal. There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Okay, well, we'll see you tomorrow and get ready. Keep, you know, keep them boys iced down. We got a wild weekend ahead of us. Oh, yeah. Alright. Alright.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Love you. Love you. I'll go bye. Wow. Love you. Love you. Goodbye. Mwah. You don't know what you know. Wow. I think he just could yell that at the end there. Anyways. He didn't do the mwah. You know she gets mad at me when I don't do the mwah. She'll be like, you didn't sleep with the mwah.
Starting point is 00:21:36 She calls you back. She doesn't always call me, but she'll just text me and be like, you didn't do the mwah. Well, that's weird. Because who do you really love here because every time i call you and i tell you i love you and we go you never forget it then lena i i usually never i usually never forget it with her um oh my god sometimes i call him and you can just tell he's annoyed with me for the day because then i'll just be like all right bye and then he just doesn't say anything just saying stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Well, it's usually when we just got done working together for eight hours straight and then like ten minutes after I get home you call me and I'm like, what? You're just like, I was just seeing what you were doing. I'm like, nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I'm not doing a thing. Nothing, nothing, nothing! Or sometimes you manage to call me. me no I'm not going to say that fuck it sometimes you always manage to you always manage to call me when I'm in the middle of a wank I don't know if you've got some kind of sixth sense where you're just like,
Starting point is 00:22:48 you're like looking at the clock and you're like, no, dude, dude, I bet Jake's got his dick in his hand right now. I'm FaceTiming him. Sometimes. I don't know if it's because you're trying to get a peek or what. Sometimes. Sometimes I've been definitely going,
Starting point is 00:23:00 getting ready to get in the shower. I'm like, I'm going to call Jake, see what he's doing. And I like think to myself, I'm like, oh, he's definitely wanking it and then and then i call you i call you and you don't answer i'm like 100 i know my fucking homie next time you get that intuition don't because i just i don't even like to see your name pop up on my phone when i'm picking like You're just like, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:23:30 When I'm sorting the mail with myself, I don't even want to think. I don't even want to see your name. I'm 100% going to dial it in to, like, right when you're just, like, It just pops up with my fucking, with my contact photo. And you're just like... Especially since now, I've changed your contact photo to be you with your fucking barrel out crushing a ham's can
Starting point is 00:23:53 in my garage. Oh my god, that'd be the ultimate boner kill. Anyways, I was going to say when Spencer's on the phone, but we had him on the phone, so I didn't want to interrupt. This guy is all of a sudden. Are we still recording up there? This guy has all of a sudden went all healthy on us.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And this is the guy. Yeah, you're working on your portion control. This is the guy. Like I said, it's not like I'm only eating kale chips. No, no, no. I'm just trying to lessen my food intake. Yeah. Instead of eating half a tub of ice cream, you eat a quarter of a tub of ice cream.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But this is also... Anytime I eat something, I'm not going to change my diet, but anytime I eat something, I'm just lessening. This guy walks into Chipotle, and this is his order. Can I get a double raparito, double rice, double black beans... I don't get double black beans. Don't gaslight me. Black beans. Don't burrito light me. Black beans. Double rice. Double black beans. I don't get double black beans. Don't gaslight me. Black beans. Don't burrito light me.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Okay, black beans. Double chicken. Sometimes. Queso. Sometimes. Double sour cream. Extra cheese. I don't get extra cheese.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I say medium salsa, cheese, and extra sour cream. Okay. And this fucking burrito comes out looking like this i'll if i remember i'll put the picture and it's about yay fucking big around this is like the last time this this most recent time this last friday my burrito was so big they had to put it sideways in the bag they couldn't just drop it in from the top onto the bottom because it was too long so they just laid the bag sideways i don't honestly honestly props to you because he comes to work with like enough rice and chicken literally like it would might fill that pint right there that's that's his meal every day portion control but yet he still can just absolutely devour a fucking three pound
Starting point is 00:25:46 five pound burrito portion control so um anyways now um as you were i always like it it it almost makes my day when the um when the cash register sees it and goes that's a big burrito because i'm like i know it's a big burrito because they see burritos come through here all fucking day. Yeah. And I bet they don't say shit because they're not just going to say, that's a big burrito
Starting point is 00:26:10 every time they see one. But when they see one that's really big and it makes them verbally say, that's a big burrito, you know it's a big fucking burrito. And it's kind of a euphemism for something. I'm just kidding. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Anyways. And sometimes, if it's really bad, I just love watching different people make it their own different ways. Because I don't really care how it comes out. Even if it's a pile of mush, I'll just eat it with a fork. It's all going to the same place and turn it into the same thing but like sometimes when it's really like sometimes i'll feel bad like if it's like a little girl that's like this tall and you can tell it's like
Starting point is 00:26:55 she's just trying to and butter but her hands are like yeah you can't even fit around the burrito if she like grabbed it with both hands sometimes i feel kind of bad and sometimes i'll i don't know if this is me being a dick or just like dude you're such a dad but sometimes when they're getting ready to wrap it i'll be like good luck one time so crazy i shit you not we were at work we went to chipotle for lunch and my gal wrapped my burrito about like this can it was like a textbook perfect burrito jake comes in behind me and his turns out like a double wrapped burrito fucking ball it's not even it's not a burrito it's a ball you know what when we used to do this in high school we used to when it whenever it was burrito day yeah the the the thing on the schedule on the lunch menu on the calendar would say build a burrito day yeah and corbin and i would always say um we would always like
Starting point is 00:27:51 wrap it up and it would kind of be like a ball and we called it a diaper so we started calling it build a diaper day but that's what it's like it's like a diaper it's just a ball and i was just like i was like man i just don't know how she got that far off because mine was double wrapped i i just don't get i don't get double rice but i get double chicken and black beans and then i used to get lettuce and cheese and all that shit but i wasn't like that much less than yours but she mine was perfect burrito and yours is just like a fucking volleyball. So, I mean, I don't know. Everyone's got their different ways of doing it.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I don't know. You know, every fast food establishment has like a code for how things are supposed to be done. Yeah. So, when you get double wrapped, they lay them not on top of each other, but they offset them. Yeah. And I feel like what's typically supposed to happen is you put all the ingredients in, you fold the sides in and wrap it up. But sometimes people go like this, they'll go like this, and they'll like kind of mix it together. I don't know if they're supposed to or if it's like personal preference thing.
Starting point is 00:29:05 But sometimes they'll like, they'll like turn it sideways and they'll like, and then they'll like roll it so it's like shorter it's like no no no utilize the length of the burrito well template that's laid before you so that there's not as much spillage because when they like make it they like clump it all together in the middle yeah and roll it the fat way yeah it like something happens where it just makes it way more honestly i can't ever say that i've had them mix mine together well because you see them kind of kneaded around yeah maybe it's because i'm just getting so well it's sometimes it actually kind of pisses me off sometimes because i'll go through like i'll i pay a chipotle's not cheap especially pay, Chipotle's not cheap, especially for double everything.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It's not cheap. And then I'll eat my burrito, and I'll get, like, you know, halfway, three-quarters of the way done with it, and there's no meat left. And it's all lettuce and all, like, just sour cream, and I'm like, this isn't. You're talking about a rice pocket. Yeah. You get to that rice pocket where you're just taking a bite through the tortilla and it's just nothing but a mouthful of rice. And then you're just like, what am I supposed to do with this? That is why I get double sour cream and sometimes queso.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Because if I'm getting that double rice, I'm increasing the chances that I'm going to get a rice pocket. Yeah. So I at least want the rice to have something on it like sour cream or queso. Dude. So it's flavored. Okay. Have you tried the corn? I never get the corn.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Dude. I've figured out that that is my. Because you know how their meat has a little bit of spice? Yeah. Well, you'll catch that corn with it, and it's like a little sweet. It's good. It's good shit. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:30:49 All right, all right, all right, all right. We're not getting Chipotle after this, but we are probably... That's up to Lena. Hacienda. Lena, you down for Mexican? We're getting Mexican. Okay. I don't care where we go.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You know why? Me, Tierra, whatever. Because I love Mexican food. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I figured out. I think I've kind of broken it down why I think I love Mexican food. I think it has to do with what I like in my food texture. I love a good crunch.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Like, if I'm having hot dogs, I like putting pickles in there sometimes so it gets a little bit crunch in there. Yeah. My favorite thing, I've said, I think my favorite thing is Frito Pie. Because it's like just taco meat and Fritos. It's essentially like nachos. Yeah. Because of the crunch of the tortilla chips or corn and you like to put and you like put fritos in your chili i love putting fritos in my chili i think it's
Starting point is 00:31:50 because i like my favorite texture of food might be crunchy well and see which there's usually a lot of crunchy things associated with mexican food like hard shell tacos chips chips and queso chips and beans so i i love mexican food but my yeah by the way um it's a little late to say this we should put a disclaimer at the beginning of this episode don't listen to this podcast first thing in the morning are you guys gonna fucking hate it because we're just talking about food, and by lunchtime, they're going to be just fucking... If you're sitting on a mower right now listening to this podcast, somewhere on a golf course,
Starting point is 00:32:32 get Chipotle for lunch. Get a double wrap burrito, double brown rice, black beans, double chicken, queso, medium salsa, cheese, and extra sour cream. Alright. The Jake Killam order. This is a good... The JK special.
Starting point is 00:32:47 JK. Just kidding, special. But this is a good segment, okay? What is... So, I'm assuming it's Mexican. I should have asked this before, but what is your go-to... She's actually really nice. What is your go-to, like... I don't know how to say it, food?
Starting point is 00:33:11 My go-to food? Like, because I'll say mine first. Mexican food is probably my second. My first is Cajun food. I love Cajun food. Yeah, you were just talking about that. Anything with Cajun seasoning anything like i'll go to wing stop which that's i live in nebraska okay that's probably dirt that's probably
Starting point is 00:33:31 no no but i usually get cajun dry rubs and i cook cajun food all the time at home but it makes some pretty good cajun chicken alfredo which is just chicken Alfredo with Cajun seasoning. Yeah. But it's good, though. Like, dude, I need to go to, like, Louisiana, and I just need to be a week there. Should we take a couple trips to New Orleans? New Orleans? Yeah, sure. New Orleans. I had a couple guys at Midland on the football team from New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Oh, my fucking God. And that's how they talk. They're a little annoying. I want to go to a crawfish boil. Because they're from New Orleans? Because they're from New Orleans? Like, they... Just their personality.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Cajun corn? But that's how they said they're like Nolans. Nolans? But like... Okay, so I see a new thing on our TV show. Which I think it's a – Bailey, this is a Cajun thing, right? Boiled peanuts?
Starting point is 00:34:29 No, it's Southern. Bold. Well, Southern. Louisiana is in Southern. Bold penis. Okay, boiled peanuts. I want to try that. I also –
Starting point is 00:34:38 I've never had peanuts in Coke. Peanuts in Coke? That's a Southern thing too. You take a glass bottle of coke you put um peanuts down in the coke i think they float they probably float and kind of sit in the neck of the bottle as you're drinking you so it's like sweet and savory i guess i don't know it's a southern thing i've never done it well dude what were you gonna say't know. Like, I just want to go to, I want to go to like a legit, like, Cajun, Cajun fucking, where you can barely understand them
Starting point is 00:35:13 because they're like, they're like Louisiana accent, just so deep. And yeah, boudin balls. They're fucking, They are fucking delicious. I didn't think I would like them. Oh my god, I think I love everything Cajun. Lena and I were talking about going on a couples trip. And we were talking about... We were talking about going to New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And I was like, get some jambalaya. Dude, all their food is just... I don't know what it is. I love spicy foods. But I feel like Cajun food is just I don't know what it is I love spicy foods but I feel like Cajun food is spicy but there's so many other flavors in there that just
Starting point is 00:35:52 I don't know but anyways back to you my mom and sister went down to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering with our church and they brought back some Bengay Bengay. Bengay. Bengay is like what you put on
Starting point is 00:36:11 sore muscles. Whenever I hear someone say Bengay, it makes me think of the Bengay mix. So I think that's why I was going to mix up, but they brought back Bengay mix, which they're basically like fried donuts. They made them homemade one time. I am so down.
Starting point is 00:36:30 We're going to start a GoFundMe, guys. Subscribe to our Patreon. We'll vlog it. We'll vlog the whole thing. Go like our GoFundMe. We can't even get people to fucking comment on our fucking Instagram post, and that's free.
Starting point is 00:36:46 That shit's free. I think it's because we're playing checkers. We need to play chess. We're playing checkers. We need... No, I'm serious. We need to take the algorithm and bend it over a fucking rain barrel
Starting point is 00:37:04 and show it who's boss well that's what we need to fuck the algorithm and dude we i've i've literally thought about that on our instagram post i've seen like all these people posting stuff and they're popular like within like a month but they're just like sucking the algorithms dick they're like okay yeah that's what the algorithm is i don't i don't know if i want to do that it really doesn't help when like the average attention span of a person is like one nanosecond as you're not listening to me and looking at my hat i can see your eyes you're looking at my ass i didn't i never realized it says nothing runs like a deer hey you know he drives a four nothing he drives a ford he's a case guy that doesn't mean anything he's a case guy we'll
Starting point is 00:37:50 get to that in a second it doesn't help that there's content on instagram and shit that's like i'm here's a good example there's someone on on instagram and it's like day seven of posting hellcat videos so for every one follower or for every one dollar that gets donated to me i'm using it to buy a whole cat yeah yeah i see that day four he's at like 4 000 out of 73 000 or something like that it's like there is no content here somebody donates it's it's yeah somebody donate donating a dollar until i can own a hellcat and it's like yeah and people have actually donated money to that and i'm like are you guys fucking stupid he's not gonna get to 73 000 dollars he maybe he'll get to ten
Starting point is 00:38:45 thousand and now that guy just has ten thousand dollars exactly there's no content there it's like taking a grain of sand and filling a jar for every follower i get let's see how let's see if we can fill the jar you know it's like a collection guys style guys all right i'm gonna start a new one and we're doing a long form content that requires people to actually sit and listen. So that's probably why we're not gaining that much traction. That's why we need to fuck the algorithm. I'm just going to post a video. Fuck the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'm going to post a video, and then I'm going to go live. And I'm going to follow that video, and it's going to be drinking a beer on live for every follower, every like that I get. And then everybody's going to be like, yeah, I want to see this guy get absolutely fucking hammered. Well, thank you. But then everyone that likes it is like, I just want to see this guy die. Well, people would believe in stupid shit like that.
Starting point is 00:39:39 You're like, win-win. You think I'm actually going to drink a beer for every fucking like? I saw one i saw one the guy the guy what um did drinking one milliliter of milk for every follower i get and he got up into the hundred thousands and it was like okay today i have to drink seven liters but he's obviously not gonna sit and drink seven liters of milk so he's like i'm just gonna see how fast i can drink one liter and all the comments and then he's getting more traction because all the comments are like you're not doing it you're
Starting point is 00:40:09 not doing it but it's like you're just engaging on his profile even more well okay for instance this is where social media has come to bailey bailey always i know we're not supposed to get dramatic on this podcast no but it's. Me and you don't really... Honestly, we're not doing this podcast to tend to everybody. If this blows up, then it blows up. If it doesn't, it doesn't. We're still going to record it. But Bailey, always, every night, she's like,
Starting point is 00:40:41 will you just watch TikToks with me while I'm going to bed? So she makes me lay there and watch TikToks. And there's a guy that has like 700 people watching him. And he is fucking hammered. He's not even saying anything. He's just like leaning up against a fucking counter, like swaying in front of his phone. And then he's sitting on the counter. He's just sitting there like this, his head's like head like this i'm like why is 700 people watching this there are live streams of people sleeping
Starting point is 00:41:10 yeah what what is that someone's sleeping dude it's literally a person you're watching someone breathe well and then there's like then they do like the super loud like ear rapey things to like wake them up or whatever if you donate this much oh so people are trying to wake them up yeah but it's like they probably have their phone muted like well and then like you see some of them go oh like obviously faking it dude you i can tell you exactly what happened they just slept all day. They're laying there with their eyes closed. The sound comes on. They're like, oh!
Starting point is 00:41:48 And now you guys just gave them $500 in a fucking night. They're in Australia, so it's actually noon. Yeah. And they're just like... You guys just gave them $500 to scare the shit out of them for fucking two hours. Oh, my God. This has been a Cam Rants segment.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Thank you for listening. No, this is an Us Rants segment. Thank you for listening. No, this is an Us Rants section. It is kind of an Us Ranting. I told you this once. I can't remember if I said it on here. I always say that. So, and I got to preface this really quick. Whenever I was binge listening to two bears,
Starting point is 00:42:25 um, Bert, there was probably two or three different times where he would like tell the same story to Tom. I'm like, dude, you've already told that story three times. The fuck's wrong with you idiot.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And it didn't dawn on me until we started this podcast where I'll have a story that I'll think of that I want to tell you and I can't remember if I told it to you and so I don't remember if I've said it on the pod or not because if it's a funny story odds are I've told it to lots of people in my life so I can't remember who all I've told it to I can't remember if I've said it on here especially since we're at like this will be our 29th episode yeah our 29th episode well um so I apologize for if I'm saying this a lot but or if I've said this before I said this to you once and I stand by this I told you well first of all we've always said we do this for us we enjoy
Starting point is 00:43:27 doing this podcast it's fun for us to sit here and bullshit and drink i might this podcast might us might make two people laugh that listen to it but we made two people laugh yeah like i said and this is where i was going with this even even if I know that only one, one person is consistently listening to this, watching this, enjoying this, is entertained by this, is using this video or audio as an escape from their life where they can come here for an hour and enjoy the free entertainment i will keep doing it if knowing that only one person yeah if one person is listening to this and enjoying it i'll continue to record edit upload once a week. Yeah. This is for you, listener.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah, if you guys are actually listening to us, you don't have to do anything, but we'd like to interact with whoever's constantly listening. I would only be upset if I saw we had zero views, but we always get at least like five. Our last video had like five. I mean, my brother always says... With an average listen of like eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:44:54 But that means one person might have listened for one second and one person might have listened to the whole thing. Anyways, I drive a Ford F-150. He's a case guy. Should we do a poll? Should we do a poll?
Starting point is 00:45:11 We should. I don't know if I ever told you this. I don't know if I ever told you this. And this is kind of embarrassing. I don't know how someone can be simultaneously a dad and simultaneously two years old. But before I bought my truck, I've always liked tractors. That sounds so stupid even saying it. I like tractors.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I like tractors. Dude, fuck it. I'd go buy a fucking tractor at Orson's right now and play with the motherfucker. I like watching tractor videos on YouTube, whether it's farming videos or tractor pull videos or... Anyways. And at one point, I used to drive a Mustang,
Starting point is 00:45:57 which, for those of you that don't know, I'm a rather tall person. And I like doing dad-type things, a.k.a. hauling wooding wood doing projects mowing his lawn taking care of his lawn he's a grass daddy so of course aerating his motherfucking lawn so having a mustang um doesn't really suit me well can't really haul much in a mustang so i'm like i really want a truck i'm finally've, I have enough money right now where I think I could afford one, at least a down payment and start making payments. Um,
Starting point is 00:46:31 I want a truck before I decided on what truck I wanted. I swear to you, I looked up what is the Ford equivalent or what is the John Deere equivalent of a truck? I know. I know. I'm sorry. I looked up, like, what's the John Deere version? What did it say? I was like, what's the John Deere version of?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Nothing. The internet didn't know what the fuck I was even asking it. The internet had no idea. What's the John Deere version of a truck it's a they're too it's a it's its own brand we can get we can get a hot poll we can get a hot poll on this podcast i hope all right hey text your co-worker you know what co-worker i'm talking about ford or her husband farms because i know he drives he is a john Deere guy. What truck does he drive? What kind of?
Starting point is 00:47:27 He does? So, I think my Eli, our neighbor. Okay, okay. But, but, this is where arguments started because you have Case versus John Deere and you have Ford versus Chevy. So, look, can I just? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Go ahead. So, we were at work, and I asked Cam and Spencer, the guy we were just on the phone with, I said, do you know if there's, like, because you guys are a little more country than me. And I said, do you know if, like, there's a preference between guys that use John Deere or Case IH? So it's basically if you're in the Midwest, it's basically Case IH or John Deere. Essentially one or the other. Likewise with driving trucks, it's usually Ford or Chevy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 You know, GMC, that's technically chevy dodge ram it's just ram now it's only it's its own thing um but i asked you guys is there a correlation that you know of between guys that use john deere and use like fords because i like john deere and i drive a ford and spencer like, I never really thought about it. But now that you mention it, all the guys that I know that use John Deere tractors all drive Chevys. I'm like, no. I was like, I bought the wrong truck, god damn it. Well, and the same think of off the top of my head, that, well, not really use, but are driving.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Well, three. Three now. Are you and Eli. Eli drives a Ford. He's a Ford guy. But John Deere. You're a Ford guy, but John Deere. But.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And I'm not, I don't know if I should say his name, but Bailey's coworkers husband is a Ford family and a John Deere family. And he's a legit farmer. So that's the thing. I'm not a farmer. No, I just,
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm not a farmer. I'm not a farmer either, but I prefer, which I've been around. My dad would help with harvest and that shit. But Cozad, where I'm from, is made up of fucking, made up of farmers. It's just like any brand. You can like a brand.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Which I think there's a lot of guys out there that are like okay whatever one of my good family friends he buys whatever truck he likes it's he's not a ford or a chevy guy well yeah and just whatever truck he buy whatever truck he likes and it's in his price range he's gonna buy it i don't necessarily consider myself a ford guy either is a thing uh because i like john deere no no no because the truck i wanted was an eco boost which is a ford because it's fast and it has a lot of horsepower but but when spencer said that for a split second my heart sank and i'm like fuck i bought the wrong truck because my grandpa he had john deere tractors and he always drove chevys or a gm it might be of like slim a slim group of people but millennial farmer there's a youtuber yeah who is very much exclusively john deere like he pokes
Starting point is 00:51:01 fun at people who use case in his videos and And he also has made fun of Ford in his videos because he drives Chevy. Okay. A very, very good family friend of ours, huge John Deere. They all drive Chevys or GMCs. I bought the wrong truck, man. But from where I'm from, a lot of people drive John Deere in Chevys, which it could just be, I don't know, whatever. It could be a coincidence. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I mean, tractors and fucking pickups are a big difference. Right. But, like. Right. Right, right, right. But, like, where Dodge stands, I don't know. Dodge transmissions blow So
Starting point is 00:51:45 They ram They blow and they blow Dodge the father ram the daughter Um Maybe I'll just take my truck And paint it John Deere green Paint the rims yellow That'd be fucking hilarious
Starting point is 00:52:02 Get yellow leather seats Lena would you ride around in my truck If I painted it John Deere green and yellow rims yellow. That'd be fucking hilarious. Get yellow leather seats. Dude, I'm... Lena, would you ride around in my truck if I painted it John Deere green and yellow rims? We'll get back to you on that. We're just going to go get a couple rattle cans. This is going to be a fucking live stream. A Grass Daddy's live stream painting Jake's pickup like a John Deere.
Starting point is 00:52:21 We'd take your fucking... Maybe if I get to a point where I'm going to buy a new truck. We take your Ford fucking emblem off and we just put it to a John Deere emblem. I'm pretty sure that would be illegal. No, it's not. It's not? To just change the logo on a vehicle? No.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Really? Because they sell a rough... Really? because they sell a rough they sell a rough country package so I could just put like a Lamborghini badge on my pickup there's a guy there's a guy that always is by our work that has a Ford
Starting point is 00:53:00 like F250 and he has it badass and he has Carhartt edition on it and he has Carhartt emblems on it what's the Carhartt version of I feel like all farmers use Carhartt that's got to be unanimous across all brands Carhartt just superior I think but John Deere is... Carhartt is the John Deere version of cold leather gear. Or just clothing. Yeah. Whereas guys who drive Case are...
Starting point is 00:53:37 Can't even think of it. Oh, um... It has a bear on it, it is duluth no no no no not duluth hams no hammons no anyways um i don't know i honestly Honestly, Carhartt shit is expensive, but it is 100% worth it. It's durable. I have worn, I have a Husker, like, Nebraska work hoodie that used to be my dad's that got passed down to me, and I wear it all the time to work because it just, but I have a Carhartt work hoodie, and you can tell a difference between wearing just... I'm trying to think what the brand is, but just a hoodie versus a Carhartt hoodie.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Old... I can't think of it. Old Trapper. No, I'm just kidding. Not Old Trapper. Why do I feel like it starts with an H? Why do I feel like there's an H in it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Anyways. But it's like Hunting Gear. Like, Carhartt is like the sitcom Hunting Gear. Okay. What about Mossy Oak? Well, Mossy Oak has become... They have their brand, but Mossy Oak is starting to sell their camo, their version of camo. Mossy Oak camo?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, it's like a, like a branded camo. Because I have like, um, pants, they're not Mossy Oak brand, but they're mossy oak camo so you could have a mossy oak camo sitka pant uh no sitka is their their own version their own thing they wouldn't pay a company this is too much this is a bunch of bullshit yeah like i have my boots i have lacrosse boots this is literally gonna bother me keep talking i have lacrosse boots which are like really expensive they cost me like 350 dollars and they're like waterproof boots but they're mossy oak camo so um um but not cool not carhartt it's some with the bear they have a bear on them is it b it's b e h r i think look that up look that up dickies dickies yeah that's one that's one dickies dickies but aren't my socks Dickies?
Starting point is 00:56:25 Those socks I got. I wear Dickie socks. Dickies are quality socks. They're nice. I love my Dickie socks. Bailey got them for Christmas. I love my Dickies. I go through socks like I fucking go through fucking paper plates.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Have a chocolate lab that chews on fucking everything. That rips holes. I had a hole in my fucking sock today that the entire, like, top of my sock, my foot was open. But the toes and bottom were closed. Yeah, he just rips holes and stuff. Um. I think that about does it. Yeah. I can't think of anything else to drunkenly ramble about.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Are you drunk? I've got a buzz. I have a decent buzz, too. Well, good thing we're going to go drink about two margaritas. Nope. Yep. Nope. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Portion control. One margarita. Portion control. One margarita. Okay. Well, we're going to drink about 4,000 calories in beer this weekend, so. Yep. Thank you guys for watching and listening.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Thank you guys for watching and listening. Grame. Subscribe if you're not. Like and comment. If you have a question, Cam posted a poll on our Instagram, which will be gone by the time this uploads. But you should do a post. You should just do a post on our instagram which will be gone by the time uh this uploads but dude you should do a post you should just do a post on our instagram and comment comment a question and we'll do it in a future podcast episode um which if you're not subscribed if you guys are
Starting point is 00:57:56 listening if you guys are listening i'm i'm posting this stuff because we want to interact with you guys we need to fuck the algorithm guys yeah like it's the more you we can we can sit here and drunk and ramble about whatever we want but the most i die the thing that's going to be the most intriguing thing for you guys is if you guys are in the podcast we will we'll tag you hey or if you don't want us to tag you, we won't. But the more this podcast grows... Hey, Joe Blow commented, what do you guys drink for liquor? I don't know. The more... The more...
Starting point is 00:58:32 The more... Out of peace. I don't know why. The more this podcast grows, the more quality content you're going to get. Because we'll have more resources to do so. Money. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Go follow us on Instagram at Our audio only is on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. And code grass at for 15% off of anything in their store. It's starting to warm up, guys. About a month ago, they just released their putters. You, I'm looking right at you. I know you need a new hat and a new golf glove because you ripped it. You ripped a hole right in this finger right here.
Starting point is 00:59:18 There's a hole in it, and you hate having your little fingertips stick out of that hole in your glove. It's annoying. You need a new one. Use codeGRASS and get 15% off. Thank you guys for listening. And if you guys own a company or you're trying to start up a company, hit us up.
Starting point is 00:59:35 We'll shout you out to our nine listeners. No, that's if we get, like, a code or free shit. We're not just going to shout you out for free. Fuck. No. Thank you guys for watching until next time. Nothing runs like a deer. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:59:54 All right. That reminds me. I'll be back again. And again. And again. And again. And again. and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. I love Mexican food!

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